#stefan slavatore
halfmoonshines · 5 months
do... do we still want tvd fics?
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
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Part 5
Little Slavatore sister x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore
Summary: Klaus takes you from your house to trade you for the white oak stakes from your brothers and their friends
Warnings: vervain use on child vampire/kinda torcher (don't know how to word it), swearing I think-idk
A/n: I wrote this series a while ago and just started realizing how cheesy it got, so don't mind my older writing 😅
“What did you do Niklaus?” Elijah said, rage laced in his voice.
He turned around, facing his younger brother, fury written on his face. Klaus just looked back and smirked, knowing what he’s talking about.
“I have no idea what your talking about, brother” Klaus said before Elijah went over to him and held him up against the wall. 
“Oh now brother, those Salvatore brothers have a little secret that apparently they will tell you and not me. The obvious more dangerous and good looking one of us” Klaus smirked before getting out of Elijah’s hold.
“Please do not tell me you kidnapped their little sister” Elijah said, eyes widened.
“But the thing is I did and they are probably going to want her back so in favor they’ll give us the white oak stake back and then we’ll give her back to them” Klaus said and poured himself a drink. 
“Seriously Niklaus? Show me where she is” Elijah said, jaw clenched.
"If you must know, she is currently in the basement in that room we had no idea to do with. Well also I fixed that problem" Klaus answered, annoyed and followed his brother as he started to go to the room.
When they walked in you were no where in sight, the ropes that Klaus had you tied up by were on the ground in the middle of the room next to chair that was toppled over.
"It seems that she is not here" Elijah stated, glaring at Klaus.
"She was here fifteen minutes ago, I don't know where she went!" Klaus tempered.
Meanwhile as Klaus and Elijah were searching the house you were in the vents crawling around. You reached a room and saw a pretty girl inside with blond hair and is on her phone while sitting on her bed. You tried to push the grate off but this one was more sturdier then the one in the basement.
While you made the noise the girl looked up and saw you tiny fingers through the slits of the grate. She got up off her bed and moved over a chair, she stood up on it and took the grate down, seeing you.
"Who are you?" She asked, concerned.
"Not 'upossed to tell st'anger name" you mumbled to her.
"Okay, well my name is Rebekah."
She lifted you up a bit from underneath your armpits and carried you back down to the ground and placed you onto her bed.
"Okay, then can you tell me how you got here then?" Rebekah asked.
“Woke up in rwoom wif rope ‘round me and I climb frough dat” You explained and pointed to the vent. 
At that point, Kol came into the room and picked you up, speeding off downstairs where Klaus and Elijah were. Rebekah followed and saw how Klaus grabbed you out of Kol’s arms immediately, pushing you over to the side. 
While Klaus did so, he grabbed your wrist really hard, hurting you. A bruise starting to appear. 
“What did you do Nik? You hurt her, look there’s already a bruise that’s starting to show up from where you so forcefully grabbed her” Rebekah explained, starting to get mad. 
“Now, now sister calm down, she is just a bargaining chip to get the white oak stake back - the only thing that can kill us” Klaus said pointing over to you.
You were backed up against the corner of the wall and a book case, crying your eyes out, scared of them. 
“Who is this again?” Kol asked confused as to why his two brothers were looking for a little girl. 
“Nikaus got one of his hybrids to kidnap y/n over there who is Damon and Stefan’s little sister. If I remember correctly she got turned at four, also how did you know about her?" Elijah explained and then asked the hybrid.
"Well I simply just asked for one of my hybrids to look for anything valuable that the Salvatore brothers and everyone else would want back" Klaus said and started to go over to where you are crying.
Before he could grab you to tie you up again Rebekah got over to you first, picking you up into her arms. "Look, I know we want the stake back but she's just a terrified little girl!" She started to rub little circles on your back to sooth you a tiny bit.
"Evidently I don't care if she's scared or not, I'll be right back to get new chains" Klaus then left the room.
While so, you were staring at Elijah and Kol with a scared look in your eyes and tears streaks on your face. "So are we going to torture-"
"KOL!" Elijah stared at him wide eyed and got him to leave the room, glaring at him.
"Lijah, we can't let him chain her up like some animal again!" She looked at him with anger written on her face.
"Oh but weren't you happy yesterday when I said that we'll be able to get the stake with having a bit of fun with someone first" Klaus reappeared with chains in his grip, not allowing Elijah to answer Rebekah.
He walked over, dropping the chains on the couch and brought up a chair. "Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way which one do you pick sister?" Klaus inched closer to the both of you.
You whimpered, shutting your eyes hoping that this isn't real and just another one of your nightmares. Rebekah turned so that you were blocked from Klaus's view almost entirely.
"The hard way it is then" Klaus glared and picked up his pace towards you guys. Elijah sped in front of him, flipping him over onto the ground when he held up an arm about to throw the first punch.
Rebekah was about to run away with you before Elijah came crashing into her, knocked out by Klaus's doing. Before she had time to react she dropped you and Klaus pulled out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it through Rebekahs heart. She paled and vains started showing all the way up until they stopped at her forehead. Klaus then pulled out another dagger and wasted no time to stab it in Elijah's heart aswell. Rebekah laid limply beside Elijah and you screamed, scared trying to get up but Klaus got to you before you and the chance to. He dragged you over to the chair he pulled out, sitting you down even though you were trying anything to get out of his grasp.
He pulled out a syringe and stuck the needle into your arm, injecting vervain into your system making you pass out. Klaus quickly chained you to the chair and took his siblings down to the basement, locking them in there until he got the stake back. He couldn't waste his chances, even though they were daggered.
You woke up to see Klaus in front of you reading a really old, torn up book. Once he realized you were awake he put the book to the side and walked over to where you were chained to the chair. You tried pulling at the chains but it didn't work, you also noticed some dried blood on your arm.
"Now that your awake, before I offer bargain you for it do you know anything about a white oak stake?" Klaus asked you, looking deep into your eyes to make sure your not going to lie to him.
"N-no. What dat?" You asked him and tears started to stream down your face again.
"I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you know anything about the white oak stake and where it is?" He compelled you this time.
"N-no! What is white o-oak s'ake?" You shrieked out and this time he didn't talk back to you.
Instead he got back up from crouching down in front of you and flipped over a table, mad at your answer. Soon enough he left the room and came back with a grey duffle bag in hand. He sat it down on one of the couches and pulled out a pair of gloves, putting them on. After he pulled two jars, one of them having the same verevain like the ones in the syringes and the other filled with the plant, some of them a bit off colored from being in the jar for some time. He opened the one with the plants and pulled one out, closing the jar lid afterwards.
Slowly inching the plant toward your cheek, you quivered with fear. Finally he pressed the vervain against your face and you screamed, painfully as it was burning your skin. He kept that up until most of your face has burn marks. Once he removed the plant from your face he placed it onto a napkin beside him. He reached over to the other jar which was way bigger than the other one and opened it up. He stuck one of his gloved hands inside and pulled it back out, setting the jar on the coffee table. Then brought the gloved hand shakes with vervain to his other hand to make sure he had enough on both.
While he was doing so Klaus was wondering where Kol was since he would've heard your screaming, probably wanting to help him with this. In the end he just suspects that he left the house after Elijah told him to leave the room earlier.
Klaus brought his hands over to you and wrapped them around your arms, making you scream even louder than the last, each time he did so. Doing the same thing over and over until the jar was empty and at some points of your arms were bleeding. They eventually healed but there's was a bunch if dried blood littered on your arms and your face now.
As it was later now, and you were at a very thin line of passing out from the torture and sleepiness, Klaus stopped and put everything back into the duffle. He came back into the room with something hidden behind his back.
"Now when you got here, you had this in your arms, I am going to give this back to you, because it would be a waste of space in the garbage bin. Maybe tomorrow you'll be more cooperative and I might make a deal with your brothers to give you back to them" he said and placed the teddy bear on your lap.
Whe he was out of sight, you smiled seeing your teddy bear was alright. You probably shouldn't be happy but its the most you've been in the past hours.
It has been like 6-7 hours since then and everyone is asleep except for you. Your quietly trying to break free from the chains. By that your wiggling your wrist from the hold, since they were really small and eve though the chains were tied tight, they couldnt be that close or else they would've just snapped in half while Klaus was tying them.
You finally got one written free from the chains and shortly after you got the other free. It took a bit of time to undo the chains wrapped around your stomach and ankles but you manged eventually.
You got off the chair and picked up your teddy bear since it fell onto the ground. Now your quietly and slowly looking around for an exit out of this place.
While you were looking for an exit your brothers and everyone else is still awake, worried about you. It's five thirty am now.
All of them are still at the boarding house, thinking of ways to get you back. No one could sleep, they tried and nothing worked. Even though mostly all of them just met you they care about you a lot.
"Okay, so the first thing we need to figure out is where Klaus took y/n....Elena have you heard anything from Elijah?" Stefan asked.
"No, but I have a feeling that Elijah found them but Klaus did something to him before he could contact back. Everything I call him it goes to voice-mail" Elena sighed.
"Well it's too late now to do anymore searching we can try in the morning, well when people are actually up and outside" Alaric said.
"That'll have to work I guess but you guys have school and you can't exactly get out of it since it would look too suspicious" Damon said, pointing towards everyone including Ric. Except for Katherine.
"Wait do you guys have a tracker on her?" Katherine asked.
"No" Stefan and Damon answered at the same time.
"Worth a shot" Katherine said and slumped back down on the couch again.
You found a way out and made no noise whatsoever. Now your running down a road and after 10 minutes at vampire speed you saw the Mystic Falls sign. You smiled and started to walk instead of run because you used a lot of energy and haven't had any food or blood in a very long time.
While you were walking you tried to see if you could spot anybody that you could feed from but there was absolutely no one anywhere. Yet you still kept walking, wanting to make your way back to your brothers and everyone else you grew to liking.
It has been almost an hour and your not close to town but you can't stand anymore. So you went to the closest hiding and shelter spot so no one could see you and fell asleep quickly with your teddy wrapped in both arms.
It's now light outside again and you woke up, hearing a lot of birds cawing and chirping. After sleeping you got more energy and stood up. You started to run at vampire speed again. When you stopped your finally at a place you semi remember from before, a bunch of houses but you knew where you were. Starting to walk normaly because people could see you, the high school came into view. You started to run at normal pace into the school grounds, hoping that you could find Stefan or someone you knew there.
Some of the teenagers were looking at your burn marks but didn't say anything about them, just staring. Some wondering what a little kid was doing there but didn't exactly really care as to why.
Finally you saw someone you knew and ran over to him. "Jer!" You called, arent able to pronounce his full name.
"y/n?!" He picked you up immediately and you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him.
The two friends he was talking to looked at him weirdly wondering how he knew you. But he just glared back at them, resulting to them walking away. By now it's lunch time.
"What happened to you?" Jeremy asked concerned, seeing burn marks throughout your arms and face.
You shook your head, scared to say anything about what happened. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything right now. How about we go find Stefan" He said.
"Stefy!" You nodded your head fast.
"Alright, let's go" he started to walk to the courtyard outside and saw everyone there except for Alaric. (Damon and Katherine obviously not there).
Caroline was the first to notice. "Jeremy! Where did you find her!?" She said, getting everyone to face towards the two of you.
"She came running up to me in the hallways" Jeremy answered quickly.
As soon as you saw Stefan you reached out grabby hands for him. He came over and got you into his arms hugging you tightly. "Stefy!" You exclaimed and started to cry again.
"Hey, hey its going to be okay, just calm down sweetie" Stefan said softly and started to lightly bounce you up and down, soothing you into sleep. He held you close to his chest with one hand on the back of your head and the other one supporting you. He kissed the top of your head. All the girls held back their awws at how soft Stefan is with you at this moment.
Once you fell asleep everyone started to talk in hushed tones. "Bonnie can you let Alaric know that we have y/n and are going back to my house with her, then meet us back at our cars" Stefan whispered.
Bonnie nodded and started to jog back into the school over to Alarics classroom to tell him. While she was doing so everyone else started to walk to their cars and got in, waiting for Bonnie which didn't take long. You were still in Stefan's arms while Elena was driving.
They then headed back to the boarding house to where Damon and Katherie are.
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griefbuilt · 2 years
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✧.* { KOFI SIRIBOE & HE/HIS & CIS MAN& 27 } is that CHRISTIAN ‘CHRIS’ BAKER hanging around town ? I wonder if they want to know what the future holds, as for right now, they are a COLLEGE STUDENT ? i’ve heard they can be pretty WITHDRAWN. how typical for a DARKLIGHTER / HYBRID. i guess they must rely on their BENEVOLANT side shining through. rumor has it they’re trying to hide THAT HE WANTS TO AVENGE HIS DEATH : THE DEATH OF HIS PACK, but that’s probably just noise…
full name:  christian  matthew  baker
nicknames: chris  ,  chrissy  
age:  27
date of birth:  may  17th
place of birth:  virginia  beach  ,   virginia  
gender:  male 
pronouns: he  /  him  
sexuality: bisexual
father:  david  baker  
mother: diana  baker  
siblings: jasmine  baker  
significant other:  n  /  a  
morality:  neutral  good
positive traits: courageous  ,  compassionate  ,  gentle  ,  calm  ,  stoic  ,  dependable  
negative traits: taciturn  ,  withdrawn  ,  bitter  ,  self-isolating  ,  vindictive  ,  preoccupied  
abilities:  the  typical  skills  of  a  hybrid
language(s) spoken: english
drives/motivations:  avenging  his  pack  ;  killing  stefan  slavatore  ,  klaus  mikaelson  ,  and  jeremy  gilbert  ;  breaking  his  ties  to  cade  ;  keeping  his  little  sister  safe  
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mbtifandomsortings · 7 years
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Stefan Salvatore [ISFJ]
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How the heck did you come up with INTJ for Stefan from TVD?! I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just genuinely curious & kinda shocked cos he seems so INFP to me
Stefan Salvatroe: An INTJ Explanation
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What I saw as dominant Fi was very much dominant Ni looping with tertiary Fi. He is searching to solve Fi issues, but uses Ni to explain and excuse many things. It is why he sees from all sides and can’t really be mad at anyone. It isn’t out of kindness, but understanding other perspectives. But what indicates INTJ most is his inferior Se. We see this most when he feeds on humans. He goes full out Se, full out experiential. He has a hard time finding a balance between his Ni and Se. When he goes full vampire he unhealthy embraces his inferior to the extreme. But when he doesn’t he is grossed out by Se in himself and others. It is what fills his self hatred and why he hates the lifestyle of his brother. His brother’s Ne galavanting reminds him of his aversion to his own Se inclinations and he tries to force others with his Te to conform to his own forced lifestyle. 
Because of his suppression of Se, when Stefan is in classic conservative lifestyle mode he loops Ni-Fi, which can make him look like an INFP in a self searching journey. His Ni can make him seem like he is Fi dominant in understanding individuals. But it is important to note that he does this, but not in a personal Fi way. He does it in a distant Ni theoretical sense. He interacts with the world in a very skeptical Te way though. His decisions are reserved and almost over thought through. Constantly trying to fuse the world in his Ni singular narrative. Counter to INFP, Ne., which can cause the INFP to struggle with ever making a singular narrative. 
He also doesn’t have a huge aversion to Te. He is independent as an INTJ and can disregard Te parts of society, but he does use it and is comfortable with it. He does want to find his place within society and is okay with being normal, but his INTJ rarity and Ni dominance make him feel like that isn’t ever possible. It is why he is attracted to those who seem to fit in with society and others (Elena and Caroline). 
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ja18xx · 8 years
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oh my god the Vampire Diaries is endingggg tonightt!!! Its the series finalee!! i love this show soo muchh and its been an amazing ride. We went through many ships and brotps and villians and the heroes. I will always love The Vampire Diaries and never forget.
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brave-little-star · 10 years
let her go review
review of let her go this is my outlook on the new espiode of Vampire Darires.  in Point form. because im cool like that.  (be prepared for horrible missspelling im using WordPad to write and I have No Spell Check!) *when i saw Jo puking i instatnly Knew she was Pregnate *that flashback was a knife to the heart, i know the moment i saw scene i would be crying thru out this entire hour. my mom nicely mocked me for that. * " think i'll need you always" was the fine moment when i curled up into a ball and tears were pouring down my cheek ;'( *Damon trying to write Liz’s eulogy. was a good way to help Damon, Care, and sagway to Damons memories of his mother funeral. *20 minutes in i realised Care was goign to turn off her humanity and all i could think of was evil Care bear EVIL carebear! MWAH HAHA! * the scene where Damon is helping younger Stefans tie.... and it doesn't make sense to Me how Younger Stefan was to Damon in it. (those good makeup on Damon to make him look younger) But i thought Stefan was only 2 -3 years younger then Stefan??? Not ten ?? that scene confused me. *everyone has forgotten about Bonnie! like seriously! if i was bonnie when i came back i would go ape sh** on everyone! *the Moment Stefan went to his older brother that he kissed Care. and he didn't know how to react. i stopped my tears and yelped 'Are you kidding me!" *“She’s not the one. If she was, you wouldn’t have to ask,”  Damon is getting pretty wise in his old age *Stefan kindly. if you can kindly do this. "friendzoning" care. at the church. (i say it was a friendzone moment. you may dissagree with me if you want) *Kai being sick Im not sure if he was faking it or Not.. *the entire espiode i was in tears over Liz.. *Bonnie being puled from one prison to another was Odd..   *and im pretty sure im not the only one who once saw the picture of Stefan and Damon in that hell demision. was i the only one thinking Katrina was returning?   * I miss that crazy bitch Katrina (if im even spelling her name right! lol) *i think everyone was happy to see that this espiode didn't  surronded Elena. about her she was doing it Blah-blah -blah * tyler had One Job! be there for his old flame. but he had to get drunk over the fact his witch girlfriend broke up with him. seriously Ty * the three people who should have been at the funeral                                Enzo - there considered good friends, even if Enzo is trying to destroy Stefans life, Enzo is showned to care deeply for Care Shown when he killed Stefans girlfriend because Stefan made Care cry,. that is just one edvince of there odd relationship. Enzo should of been there. Klaus - do i even have to explain why i think Klaus hsould of been there for Care?? Jeremy -Liz took him in when his parents died.... you would think this deserved this Lying vampire hunter to come back fro the funeral. Tyler - techonly he was in Town. but he only made it to the wake. his Drunk butt. shouldn't of got drunk. Matt did the right thing. but seriously? if your just goign to get drunk and be a idoit why even return to town? you weren't much help for Care. *Damon speech Damn! bravo Damon *Damn Care can Sing! and Stefan looking at her in Awe. <3 my heart skipped a small beat *Matt deciding to become a cop makes sense. But giving Tyler a Gun? are you kidding me? sure lets give a unstabled, anger problem guy a gun. one shoot out and he's back to having to worry about Flea. because this makes sense! *when Care demanded she had the right to turn off her humanity i was channting "Go evil care go care!" lol *the engagment and the baby is odd *Care snapping Elena's neck. loved it! *oh stefan late as always to the ball.
and i Almost forgot the best hug i ever seen on the show, Bonnie reuturning to the living. she skipped her best friend, Boyfriend, the perfect she went to first was Damon! that speaks louder then words. and Damn that Hug! 
*when we learn that weird lady is Damons mom (and the moment we all saw that lady in the cave. we all knew it was the salvator brothers Mothers. dont lie you knew)   
*But i supspect that she acturally didn't die. Mama salvator turned into a Vampire and her husband and the founding families. (Or the local witches of Mystic falls) put her into that Hell prison. and everyone "pretended" that she was dead. 
*with Damon knowing his mom is in a hell prison..  even if she is worst then Kai! you know that Dumb Dumb is going to do something stupid like take her out. and save his mom. from there
here is three things i want from evil Care! -Care other getting caught making out with Enzo, andthey have a odd / strange relationship! -Care goes to new orleans and have a fun time with Klaus -and For even thinking Care could be just a friend. i want Stefan to be the one who catches Care and Enzo in the act as it were.         i dont think Care will be excatly Evil when it comes to her being without Humanity.. i See her more being.. A SLut? if that makes sense lol but here is my thoughts about the espiode. hope you loved. it as much as i did.
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swiftenteen13 · 10 years
In TVD now im shipping Stefan and his happiness and Caroline with her happiness so if being together makes them happy i ship that, Its just these characters are the only things that is making me keep up to date with The Vampire Diaries and i dont want them to end up sad
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katherinepierce1011 · 10 years
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I love games!! But which brother would you choose to play with. Remember no rules in my games. 💋
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waitwhat13 · 10 years
Where I'm at right now...
I'm in two minds, because if Stelena were to happen now, it would probably be ruined by Julie and terrible writing (and frankly, Stefan deserves better than s4,5,6 Elena)...but at the same time, I want Stefan to be happy and Stelena will always do that for him.
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lostgirlc · 10 years
Stefan leaves Enzo to die with Tripp
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marylouisefreeman · 10 years
I have an obsession.... With Vampire Diaries. Seriously It's getting out of hand I'm can't stop think about it, and every one I look at I wonder are they a vampire? And I can't stop watching, it's a problem.
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iamtessaxo · 10 years
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keyword-scallison · 10 years
Me after Stefan's death
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The writers after Stefan's death
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stelenafeels · 10 years
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Of all the comrades that e'er I had, they are sorry for my going away. And all the sweethearts that e'er I had, they would wish me one more day to stay. But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not... I'll gently rise and I'll softly call, "goodnight and joy be with you all."
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