#stella kidd one shot
deanstead · 2 years
she's alright, i guess
Pairing: Stellaride x SeverideDaughter!Reader
Requested: yes, by anon
Summary: Y/N hasn’t been very welcoming towards having Stella in their lives, but when she’s faced with a situation, Stella proves to Y/N that she’s in her corner.
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Word Count: 2.2K+
Tags/Warnings: Dad!Kelly, mentions of attempted assault, single parent, victim shaming
A/N: This is a different kind of request/fic from what I've written for OC so far but I was pretty intrigued by it so I decided to give it a go. Not opening requests for daughter fics at the moment still because I’m not sure how this turned out yet so let me know what you guys think!
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You looked up from where you’d been playing with the food on your plate, only to catch Stella smile at your father who was sitting next to you.
Resisting the urge to make a face, you turned to look at him. “Can I be excused?”
Kelly gave a small sigh and turned to look at you, looking like he wanted to say something and then deciding against it, merely nodding. “Yeah, go on.”
You gave his girlfriend a last withering look before you took your plate back into the kitchen.
Kelly suppressed an audible sigh before he looked back at Stella. “Sorry.”
Stella smiled and shook her head. “She just needs some time.”
You rolled your eyes and headed back to your room, plopping yourself down on your bed and staring up at your ceiling.
It wasn’t really that you didn’t like Stella. Hell, you’d been okay with her before you found out she was dating your father.
As far as daughters went, you were sure that you were at least three times more protective over your father than your classmates were about their own parents.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you only ever had Kelly growing up. You’d overheard countless discussions about people telling him that it was hard being a single parent especially with his job but whatever anyone said, and however Kelly had felt from the first time he’d found out he’d had a daughter and come to get you, Kelly had stuck it out with you.
Over the years, especially once you were older, you’d seen many girlfriends come and go - some didn’t want commitment, some ran the moment they found out about you, some just… didn’t make it. It didn’t matter that Kelly had seemed fine with everything. You were not, so all that had done was make you even more protective over him.
So when you’d found out about Stella, you’d felt your hackles raise.
Logically, you knew Stella had done nothing to deserve this but your 15 year old brain couldn’t seem to override the emotion with logic.
You lay there for a while more until there was a knock on your door and Kelly poked his head in.
“Hey kiddo. Can we talk?”
You sat up but didn’t give him an answer because you knew very well what he wanted to talk about and you weren’t sure you wanted to hear it.
Kelly came in anyway, pulling out the chair at your desk and sitting across from you.
“Will you give Stella a break?”
You looked up with a look of protest and Kelly held up a hand.
“I know.” Kelly said in a low voice, giving you a small smile to show you he wasn’t mad. “Just lighten up a little and give her a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”
You didn’t say anything but Kelly let out a chuckle as you pursed your lips. “Go easy.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before patting your hair affectionately and leaving the room.
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You pulled your jacket tighter around you, glancing behind you.
You hadn’t meant to let it get so late but you’d gotten a little too immersed in your notes and lost track of time. Other than the wind blowing against your back and making you shiver, you hadn’t realized how quiet the road from your friend’s house was.
You kind of regretted not calling Kelly to come and get you, but you also didn’t relish the idea of waiting here so you’d forged on, telling yourself you’d walked this street thousands of times.
But now, you were pretty sure someone was following you, hearing the echoing footsteps behind you.
Damn it.
Your hands that were jammed into your pockets closed around your phone but you were also worried things would escalate so you picked up your pace instead.
You heard the footsteps behind you match the increase in your speed and just as you thought you should break into a run, you were yanked backwards and unable to maintain your balance, you tumbled onto the concrete pavement, feeling the concrete scrape against your skin.
Your head snapped upwards, feeling your heart fall straight into your gut when you looked back into the face of the man that now towered over you.
It was a stranger, not a face you remembered seeing, but his lips ticked upwards in a smile that flipped your stomach over and your gut feeling as well as every nerve in your body was screaming at you to get up and run.
You scrambled to your feet, slowly moving backwards as he now stepped towards you. His movements had slowed, like a predator that had just cornered his prey.
He took another step towards you and with well chosen timing, you brought your knee up swiftly, just like how Kelly had taught you.
Winded, the man bent over but not before letting out a growl.
You didn’t stick around long enough to find out what he had to say, your legs already moving before your brain realized you were running.
The wind blowing against you was painful but you didn’t dare stop because you weren’t sure if he was on your heels.
You turned the corner, sparing a glance back and collided straight into someone.
“Sorry.” You panted, glancing up.
“Y/N?” Stella looked surprised to see you before her expression switched to one of concern. “What’s wrong?”
Stella glanced up at the empty street behind you and then looked back at you. “You okay?”
You really didn’t have the energy for anything else. You just really needed an adult. You glanced up at her without talking and Stella reached for your hand.
When you didn’t pull away, Stella squeezed. “Do you want me to take you home?”
You shook your head quickly. “No. Wait. I just… I don’t want Dad to see me like this.”
Stella studied you for just a second more before she nodded. “My apartment’s just around the corner. Why don’t you come and have something at my place and we can talk? If you want to.”
You hesitated for just a second but you were still kind of spooked so you nodded, letting her lead you back down from where she came from, not even realizing your hand was still in hers.
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Stella wasn’t exaggerating when she said her apartment was around the corner.
Within five minutes, you were seated on Stella’s couch, a cup of hot tea in your hands while you found yourself telling her what happened.
It was weird - you’d expected Stella to maybe pat your shoulders a little to reassure you that things would be fine before trying to convince you to call Kelly so he could come and get you. She wouldn't be the first girlfriend to hand you back over to your father as soon as she could.
But the emotions on Stella’s face as you told her were new to you - looks of concern, before outrage and then… if you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was upset.
You fell quiet after a while and Stella scooted a little closer to you.
“Alright, Y/N, listen.” Stella said and you looked up at her. “We have to report this.”
You looked back down again, your index fingers twirling together even though you were still holding the mug.
“I’ll come with you.” Stella paused. “If you’ll let me.”
You looked up again and nodded quietly. "You… You’d do that?”
You registered a look of surprise on Stella’s face before she next spoke. “Of course, Y/N.”
“Can we not call my dad yet?”
There was a small silence and you held back a sigh. You knew what would happen if your father found out about this. Other than the fact that you hated making him worry and that you knew things might get blown up out of proportion with practically everyone getting involved, it was kind of awkward talking to him about some stuff.
Stella glanced at you. “How about we take things one step at a time?”
You bit your lip and Stella nodded encouragingly at you. “Let’s go to the district and then when you’re ready, we can call Kelly alright?”
You nodded quietly, taking another sip of tea before Stella smiled. “Ready?”
You got up and Stella grabbed an extra coat off her coat hanger, draping it around your shoulders.
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Stella had been told to wait outside while you gave your statement to the uniformed police officer sitting across from you but you were regretting this with each question the officer asked you.
“What were you doing out so late?”
“Is this what you normally wear to school?
You were done with the insinuations in his voice and tone. You were 15, not an idiot. You knew exactly where this was going and you’d been around your father’s friends long enough to pick some stuff up.
You stood all of a sudden, the nails digging into your palms in an effort not to let the angry tears out. “I’m not answering any more questions.”
“What do you…”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence, opening the door and stalking out.
As promised, Stella was right outside, glancing up as you walked out, reading the expression on your face instantly.
“You okay?”
You pulled Stella’s jacket tighter around yourself. “I just want to go home.”
Stella frowned, glancing up at the officer that was now outside the room as well. “You still have to answer a few questions. You can’t just…”
You didn’t move and Stella looked back down at you. “Y/N?”
“He hasn’t asked me a single question about what happened.” You said in a low voice, focusing only on Stella now. “No questions about how the man looked, what street this took place on, how he sounded.”
Stella frowned. Those were enough for her to put together a few pieces of the puzzle.
“Those are necessary questions. We need to know if…”
“Kidd. Y/N.”
You glanced up at a familiar face and Stella patted your back. “Told you I got you.” She whispered in a low voice so only you could hear.
Stella nodded with a smile at Hailey.
Telling the officer she’d take over, Hailey led you back into the room and smiled encouragingly at you.
“Stella called me. Will you tell me what happened?”
It was easier than you’d expected to talk to Hailey but even as you told her what happen, you found yourself internally steeling yourself for a lecture of some sort and you suddenly just really wished Kelly was here.
But Hailey offered no lecture or talking-to. Instead, she treated you like an adult, taking down the information you offered, her questions only revolving around important information she obviously needed, before she closed the book.
“Thank you, Y/N. Here.” Hailey handed you a small bottle and a small device. “Pepper spray and a small panic button.”
You looked up a little surprised and Hailey smiled. “If nothing, maybe it’ll help you feel safer.”
You nodded, keeping the things she handed you and Hailey came around and squeezed your shoulder before taking you out of the room again where Stella was waiting.
“Dad must be worried, I…”
Stella shook her head with a smile. “I told him you’re with me so he wouldn’t. I can call him if you’re ready.”
You felt involuntary tears well up in your eyes before you nodded. "Can you? I... I think I really need him."
Kelly was here in record time, running up the steps of the district as if he’d been waiting nearby in the first place but you didn’t care. The rush of relief and safety when you saw him made you wonder why you hadn’t gone to him immediately anyway.
You didn’t say anything, merely shooting off your seat to dive into your father’s arms like you were a child once again.
“You okay? Let me see.” Kelly pulled away just a little to look at you but other than remnants of the startled look in your eyes and new tears ready to spill over, you weren’t really hurt.
Kelly gently pulled you back into his arms and exhaled. “Thank god.”
He was never one for long verbal communications of how much he loved you but you didn’t really need him to tell you. This was even more apparent now as you were huddled in your father’s arms in the middle of a police district.
“You must be starving.” Kelly said after a while, looking down at you to wipe a stray tear off your face. “Why don’t we go get something to eat, hmm?”
You gave a small crooked smile and Kelly looked up, meeting Stella’s eyes.
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” Kelly said with a small apologetic smile at Stella. “Thank you.”
Stella nodded, but you interrupted them. “You’re not coming to eat with us?”
Kelly raised his eyebrows.
“Thought I’d give you two some private time.” Stella said, although she seemed to be weighing the look in your eyes now.
You shrugged. “You can come eat with us, too.”
Kelly glanced between his girlfriend and daughter. “Did something happen?”
You shrugged, lowering your voice. “She’s alright I guess.”
Kelly chuckled, swinging an arm around your shoulders as he led you out of the district. Stella fell into step on your other side and you smiled up at her. “Thank you.” You whispered, fully aware your father could hear you.
Stella smiled. “Thank you, too.”
Kelly just smiled at both his girls as the three of you walked down the empty streets. Together.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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kim-ruzek · 7 months
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I love this trio so damn much <3
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Reminder that my requests are open and you can request via a prompt from my prompt list or whatever you want to request !
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sylkiddsey · 9 months
Prompt: “I could’ve helped.”
Set in season 12
She’s frozen.
She’s actually physically stuck in front of the tv in the common room. Stella or Violet is behind her, bracing her shoulders.
She can’t move. She can’t think. Her heart is free falling in her damn chest. The tv is broadcasting a breaking news story about a recent shooting.
A shooting in Portland at a firehouse. The firehouse Matt works at. The station her fiancé went to this morning for one of his last shifts.
The one where the reporter has announced multiple injuries on site. The one a gang member walked into and fired shots.
The voice is muffled by her internal panic but then Severide is kneeling next to her. He looks worried but also confident. “I’m sure he’s okay. He probably wasn’t involved.”
It’s the probably that is tearing her soul. She can’t help but think about the last firehouse shooting at 51. She witnessed him take a bullet, but it was different then. They were friends. They hadn’t fallen in love yet.
Now, she’s the most in love with him (and anyone) she’s ever been. Now he’s the man she’s marrying and building a family with.
She’s white knuckling her phone, willing for Matt to call her back. The second Kidd flagged her down when she got back, Sylvie called him. She called him once, twice, three times and a few dozen after that.
He won’t answer.
“I…this isn’t real,” she whispers, tears filming her eyes. She looks at Severide, then behind her at Stella and the rest of 51. “Right? Tell me this isn’t happening.”
Obviously, no one can.
She doesn’t know if he’s okay. She doesn’t even know if he’s alive. Her head is spinning, and her heart physically hurts.
Mouch places a hand on her back from his spot beside her on the couch. His reading glasses are perched on the edge of his nose as he scrolls on an iPad. “I’m going to find you flight, okay? Just in case.”
Oh god, this isn’t happening. She’s going to pass out.
Severide squeezes her knee. “Boden is making calls. He’ll find something out. It’s going to be fine.”
She appreciates his comfort, but he doesn’t know that. Her voice shakes when she speaks. “Severide, I can’t…”
Lose him.
He nods. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
She’s about to point out the facts but then her phone vibrates in her hand. She almost breaks her neck checking the ID.
She springs from the couch and instantly answers, pushing her way past 51 towards the kitchen. “Matt.”
She hopes it is him and not someone calling from his phone to deliver the worst news possible.
“Hey, I’m okay.”
The sound of his voice breaks her resolve. She lets out a sob and covers her mouth. Her relief, however, worries all of 51. Severide looks panicked from her reaction.
She gives them all a thumbs up to communicate he’s fine. All of 51 looks relieved too.
She’s probably going to be a wreck over this phone, so she wants privacy. She exits the common room and heads towards the locker area.
“Oh my god,” she cries. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he assures. “I’m sorry. I just got my phone. I would’ve called you sooner.”
She’s just glad he’s calling now. She sits on the floor against her locker. “I’m just so relieved you’re alive. I…I can’t even imagine what I would do if…”
“Hey, don’t go there,” he whispers. “I’m perfectly okay.” He pauses for a second. “Well, more or less.”
Now that she thinks about it, she has heard a lot of voices in the background. It doesn’t sound like he’s home.
“Are you in the hospital?”
He hesitates which gives away the answer.
“Baby, what happened? How bad is it? How could you not lead with that? What hospital?”
He chuckles. “It’s nothing. It’s just a graze.”
What does that mean? What kind of graze?
“Did you get shot?!”
“No, not technically,” he says. “I was grazed by a bullet. I’m fine.”
She’s equally terrified and furious. Matt downplays his injuries. She has no idea what he’d define as a graze.
“You’re not fine. You were shot. Where? Has a doctor seen you yet? Have they disinfected the wound?”
“Honey.” His voice is full of fondness. “I’m okay. A bullet grazed my arm. I barely lost any blood and I needed only a few stitches. Now I’m just waiting for discharge papers. I swear to you, miss paramedic, I’m fine.”
She has a hard time believing that but she’s going to try for her own sanity. “Okay. Okay, you’re fine. How is everyone else?”
He sighs. “Everyone is going to make it. The guy who fired the gun definitely isn’t though. We’re all okay for the most part.”
That’s a relief. She’s gotten to know the people he worked with while in Portland. She likes everyone there.
“I wish I could’ve been there,” she whispers, shutting her eyes. A tear rolls down her cheek.
“I don’t. Sylvie, I don’t want you anywhere near that. I’m just glad you’re safe in Chicago,” he replies. “Plus, there isn’t anything you could’ve done.”
She’d argue that.
“I could’ve helped. I’m a paramedic and you’re, you know, my man. I could’ve taken care of you.”
He laughs. “Your man, huh?”
Sylvie grins. “Yes.” She glances down at her engagement ring and blinks back tears. “I just…I really thought I lost you, Matt.”
“Hey, that’s never going to happen,” he replies. “Do you really think I’d let a little bullet get in the way of making you my wife after all these years?”
She smiles because she knows he’s right. He’d fight like hell to come home to her but that doesn’t mean terrible things can’t happen.
“I love you so much,” she says. “And if you were here right now, I’d kill you for doing this to me and Severide.”
“Well good thing I’m in Portland then. I know what you’re capable of and it’s scary as hell.”
He’s such a dork.
“Hey, I love you so much too, baby,” Matt says. “And I’m genuinely sorry I scared you. I’ll make it up to you when I’m back in Chicago.”
She’ll hold him to that.
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alittlextrathatway · 9 months
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sylvie Brett/Matthew Casey
Characters: Sylvie Brett, Matthew Casey, Violet Mikami, Ben Darden, Griffin Darden, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Stella Kidd
Additional Tags: One Shot, Detour Series, Found Family, Team as Family, Slice of Life, True Love, Friendship/Love, Supportive Matt Casey, Boss Babe Sylvie Brett
Series: Part 7 of Detour
Her last two days off were spent house hunting.
Amidst all the houses they viewed, they found one they both agreed was perfect. It had 5 bedrooms and three and a half baths. It was close to Matt’s new house and yet still not an unreasonable commute to 51. On days when Matt would have meetings at the Academy or HQ, those buildings were close as well. To top it all off, the school district it was in was one of the best in the county. Not an immediate concern for Julia, but certainly something they needed to think about.
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crimsonizedangel · 2 months
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Late Night
AN: I’m starting to write some one shots on characters from the one Chicago franchise. If anyone wants to request any character for me to write about you can. This is also posted on my Wattpad and I decided to start this thing with Matt Casey.
Rated: NSFW please read at your own risk.
I was a firefighter and had been working at firehouse 51 for a few years now. I have had the biggest crush on my captain Matt Casey since I started. However he's always been in a relationship first he was married to Gabby and then he had a series of girlfriends and flings ever since the divorce. Plus he was my superior and I didn't think he had the same type of feelings towards me.
"Brenna," I heard my name being called and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Brenna Howard we have a call we have to go." It was Stella getting my attention and I started running after her to gear up.
We pulled up to a car crash with a mini van flipped over. Casey and Severide started giving out orders and I grabbed a halligan and followed Otis to the minivan.
"Hey ma'am how are you doing? I'm Brenna and I'm with the CFD we're going to get you out of here." I told her. It helped that her window was already broken.
"I have a toddler in the backseat. Please help her. Her name's Sara and she's 2." The mom told us.
" ok we will help her but you need to stay still." I informed her and crawled back out from the little divot the front of the car was in.
"Hey cap the mom has a gash on her forehead and has her leg pinned. She told us she has a toddler in the backseat." I relayed all the information to Casey.
"Ok Otis and Hermann get a c collar and jaws to get the mom out. Howard and Kidd help me get the baby out. Mouch be ready in case of a fire."We nodded and went to work. Because of how crushed the van was Casey was having a hard time trying to get through to the backseat.
"Casey why don't I try?" I suggested and he turned to look at me. " I'm smaller and more flexible so I might be able to get in easier." He raised a brow at the flexible comment but gestured for me to give it a try.
I wiggled my way through the broken back window and under the backseat to get to the car seat. "Hi Sara I'm Brenna and I'm here to help you." I gently told the girl. I got her unclipped and out of the car seat. Because of the tight space I help her to me as I got turned around and wiggled my way back out where Casey and Stella were waiting. Stella grabbed the little girl and brought her over to the paramedics as Casey helped me back up to my feet.
"Well I guess you were right you are smaller and more flexible." Casey told me and the way he said the last word made my heart almost beat out of my chest. I had to remind myself to pull it together and that there was still a job to do.
Otis and Hermann were able to get the mom out and Sylvie was checking her over. Squad had gotten the driver out of the pickup truck so now it was just cleanup.
It didn't take long and we were back at the firehouse. It was our shifts turn for the overnight call and we were surprisingly busy so when we were all back at the house for awhile everyone else had fallen asleep in the bunk room except me. I snuck down to the kitchen planning on getting a snack when I ran into Casey.
"You couldn't sleep either?" He asked.
"No, everyone else is and I didn't want to wake them" I told him.
He swallowed looking like he was trying to decide what to say next. "Brenna I have been wanting to tell you this for a while now and I figured now is as good a time as any to shoot my shot." He started and he looked up from the floor to meet my eyes "I like you and I have liked you since you started but the timing never felt right to tell you."
I smiled at his words "oh god Matt I like you too."
"Are you sure you're not just saying that to make me not sound so dumb?" He asked.
I shook my head still smiling and walked up to him and kissed him.  "Does that answer your question?" I asked.
He grinned back at me and instead of saying anything he kissed me back. This kiss was more heated and desperate. "Since everyone is asleep we might be able to sneak back into my quarters together." He offered. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand letting him lead the way.
We snuck into his quarters as quietly and quickly as we could making sure not to wake anyone up. Once inside and the door was shut he was back to kissing me. He moved his hands down my sides and to the hem of my shirt lifting it up. I broke the kiss so he could remove it along with his own shirt.
My hands slid over the muscles of his torso as he began kissing my neck and and working on removing my bra. As soon as it was off he moved one of his hands to tease my nipples. I moved my hands down to undo his pants and slide them down and it wasn't long before both of us were naked and he laid me down on the bed.
Matt began kissing down my body and stopped when he got to my pussy where he began licking and sucking my clit and licking up and down my folds. I had to fight back the moans so we didn't risk waking anyone else up. I felt him moan against me when I started running my fingers through his hair and holding him against me only letting go so he could insert his fingers into me and he curled them up hitting just the right spots. I could no longer fight the moans and grabbed his pillow so I could use it to muffle my screams as I came on his face and fingers.
"Brenna you taste so sweet." He said as he moved the pillow off my face and I saw him licking his fingers clean. I pulled him down into a kiss where I was able to taste myself on his lips. He positioned himself between my legs and entered me as the kiss muffled both of our moans.
"Oh my god you are so tight." He whispered in my ear.
I moaned into his "you feel so good in me."
We were trying to make it quick in case a call came and both of us were so horny to begin with that it didn't take long before I came again and he pulled out coming on my stomach.
"Brenna you are like a vice grip when you come. You squeeze me so tight." He whispered to me as he reached over grabbing some Kleenex to clean us up.
We both got dressed before laying back in the bed for a bit only for Casey to get a text. We both looked at it when we saw it was from Severide.
"I'm not sure who you're with in there but you aren't as quiet as you think you are."
"Well at least he doesn't know that it's me you're with and it's only Severide." I told him. "I should get back to my bunk in case someone wakes up or we get a call."
"Yeah you should." He agreed. "I hope you know I'm not trying to make this a one night stand. We do have to be careful about the house knowing but I do like you."
I smiled at him and gave him a kiss as I rolled over him to get off the bed to leave. "I like you too Matt Casey. You know we don't have to go public with anything right now and who said anything about this only happening one time." He grinned at me as I snuck back out of the room and to my own bunk.
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shewholovesall · 2 months
Talking to an Old Friend
Note before we begin: I don't know if Shay got buried or where she would be buried. I took creative license and said she was buried in Chicago. Here are my reasons, her parents were divorced and none lived in the town she was form St. Louis. So I figured she is buried in Chicago and I have headcanon that Kelly visits usually by himself on her birthday and anniversary of her death.
Anyway on with the Story: under the cut. I wrote it, it's long one shot and this was flowed out of me:
Kelly Severide was not a perfect person. He knew this about himself. He was moody and distant but he did have a big heart under his tough guy exterior. He saw what his mom went through, what his father put her and them through and didn’t want that for his life.
He had thought he had found a home in Renee Whaley but for reasons unknown to him and to her, she ended up cheating on him days before the wedding. Kelly Severide knows himself well and he’s never been a cheater. After Renee, did he sleep around sure. But it was never really going anywhere.
There are 4 people he did see it going somewhere past the physical stage and that was Renee Royce, Britanny Baker, Anna Turner, and now Stella Kidd.
Looking back now Kelly thought as he sat in his car upset with himself to let Renee manipulate him again, he realized Renee was another vice like his addiction. She made him not think about the consequences and she was beautiful.  She wanted him and he also knew she was moving after a few weeks of them being in their situation. Kelly hadn’t minded, it wasn’t like he was looking for a forever kind of thing. Kelly didn’t think he was cut out for forever or monogamy. Maybe that was his way of protecting himself after the first Renee.
Also, he had been in his struggle with addiction, and sometimes he thought maybe she was one of those things that he did where Shay called him out and said “I don’t know who this is Kelly but it isn’t you.”
That’s who he needed right now to talk through his feelings. He needed Shay. He hadn’t been to her grave in a while. He didn’t like going. He would go on her birthday and the anniversary of her death. Just to tell her about his life. He remembered how after he met Stella, he had wanted to tell Shay about her because even he was surprised how much this girl in a class took over his mind like that.
Kelly continued to drive to the cemetery before he got there, he stopped and got some flowers for Shay. He got to where Shay was laid to rest. The grass was maintained and there were flowers on other graves and some old ones on Shay’s but not the ones he put there. He realized that Dawson must come to put some down as well occasionally.
“Hey, Shay. I brought you some flowers even though you’d say what’s the point. They are just going to die and wilt Kelly.” He sat down in front of her grave. “I miss you so much Shay. I probably should come here more but it’s hard. I’d rather thnk of you somewhere fun. I hope it’s nice where you are. I like to think that you’ve been watching over me as cliché as that sounds. If you met Anna, I hope she’s okay too. She was my girlfriend for a little bit but she died of cancer. Her dying almost killed me like you dying almost killed me as well.” Kelly smiled a little bit “But this time I had someone to pull me out. Stella Kidd. Stella I think you would like her Shay. You both would probably gang up on me and I think I wold be okay with it if you were here with us. “
Kelly took a breath before he began again. “I don’t know what to do Shay. Stella and I were doing well and then she wanted to move out because of my past. The trugh this I didn’t want her to move out if anything I would have wanted us to move into one room but honelsty I also just want to be wherever she is. She’s staying at an apartment garage Hermann has. She gave me a key, she still has our..my apartment key to get in. But Renee showed up. She needed help with a case. And selfless kind Stella said if it was going to help I should help Renee. The case was about firefighters so they get workers compensation.”
Kelly rubbed his hand over his mouth, tears pooling in his eyes. “I met her kid, the kid that I thought was mine for like 4 months. We worked at Renee's house in the evening because she said she had meetings and wanted to be home to tuck her son into bed at night. So even though my instincts told me not to I went. He’s a sweet kid. Then she took me to the firehouse where he gave me a gift for helping him. His bed was broken, and he was going to have to sleep on the floor so since my toolbox was in my car I offered to fix his bed. Now after what happened today, I wonder if that was to entice me into something. Renee told me before I fixed his bed how bad she felt and that it was unforgivable what she did. Then in the same breath after I told her that I appreciate the apology says she wished things were different. Which is nice I guess but made me uncomfortable. I fixed her kid's bed then I went to be with Stella for the rest of the night.”
               I guess that brings me to today. Renee won her case and I congratulated her and then she kissed me. I pulled away immediately and asked her what she was doing. She said  she oulc stil feel something between us and how I acted around her kid. I mean the kid didn’t do anything wrong he was a pawn the first time around and now I feel like she was using him to get to me again.” Kelly rubbed his face and ran his hands through his hair. “I should have listened to my instincts and Stella’s instincts and told her to find someone else. After I stepped back from her kiss “I did tell her Shay, that I was not interested. That I had a girlfriend I very much cared about and that there was no reason for us to see each other again. How’d I let her do this Shay? How could she use her kid twice to manipulate me? That’s what I feel like. She manipulated me and I let her do it. I know I have to tell Stella about Renee kissing me but I 'm not sure how I told Stella it was weird seeing her but it was ancient history and for me, it is ancient history. But I don’t want to hurt Stella at all and I know that’s going to hurt her but I also know not telling her is going to not be good either..”
Kelly touched the tombstone and whispered “I wish you were here to tell me what to do. Or give me a sign of what the right thing I should do is.” There was a breeze that rushed passed him and he felt like he could feel Shay there with him and then he saw a physical leaf go over his head and followed it and it landed on the street sign. But it covered the A on the sight that would say usually Stellar Avenue with the cross street of Halstead. It was like Shay was telling him to go to Stella. Kelly stared at the street sign and realized that he’s been thinking about Stella all the time for months now. All he wanted was Stella. Because Renee was ancient history but Stella. He wanted Stella to be his future and right now Stella was his everything.
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samrsgyi · 1 year
My master list
One Chicago:
Chicago fire:
Kelly severide
Stella kidd
Sylvie Brett
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Blake gallo
Chicago PD:
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Kim burgess
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Hank voight
Hailey Upton
Chicago Med:
10 Cloverfield lane:
(No frank that bitch is disgusting)
Cloverfield Paradox:
Ava Hamilton
Mina Jensen
Ernst Schmidt
Life (2017)
9-1-1 Lone star:
TK( Male!Reader or GN!Reader, he's gay people)
Carlos(Male!Reader or GN!Reader)
Station 19:
Demon slayer:
A/n- FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! For Chicago fire I will do Stellaride x reader any gender. It's gonna be poly remember I am taking requests. I could also do brettsey x reader. On Cloverfield poly relationship I could do Beth x Rob x reader. Jason x lily x reader
Hud x reader x Marlena. For demon slayer! (This one is not really poly but I'll give it a shot) Uzui x his wives and reader. Tankana x reader. ZenNezu x reader. AoIno x reader. I can make all these poly platonic or affectionate if only you guys want.
That's it. My hands hurt so bad.
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sarah-cam · 1 year
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hey everyone! since we're going into almost a month-long hiatus until new episodes return, i thought it might be fun to hold a little event now that tumblr has polls. i ran a similar event where the fandom voted on their favorite characters, ships, seasons, and overall show (those results are here!) but that was over 2 years ago now. we have some new characters and i thought it would be fun to see how things have changed!
i will be posting polls for each show on the following dates and they'll remain open until the next round. feel free to reblog them to share who you voted for and why, or just to spread the word! every poll will be tagged with the show, characters, and #ocfaves2023
ROUND 1 > April 8 ROUND 2 > April 12 ROUND 3 > April 19 ROUND 4 > April 26
note: all pairings were randomly generated to try and give every character a fair shot off the bat
Chicago PD > ROUND 1
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Trudy Platt vs. Vanessa Rojas Kim Burgess vs. Adam Ruzek Hailey Upton vs. Antonio Dawson Erin Lindsay vs. Alvin Olinsky Jay Halstead vs. Kevin Atwater Dante Torres vs. Hank Voight Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz vs. Sean Roman Nadia Decotis vs. Sheldon Jin
Chicago Fire > ROUND 1
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Matt Casey vs. Darren Ritter Leslie Shay vs. Brian "Otis" Zvonecek Joe Cruz vs. Emily Foster Blake Gallo vs. Randy "Mouch" McHolland Stella Kidd vs. Peter Mills Sylvie Brett vs. Wallace Boden Gabby Dawson vs. Violet Mikami Christopher Herrmann vs. Kelly Severide
Chicago Med > ROUND 1
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Sharon Goodwin vs. Daniel Charles April Sexton vs. Connor Rhodes Natalie Manning vs. Hannah Asher Ethan Choi vs. Will Halstead Sarah Reese vs. Maggie Lockwood Ava Bekker vs. Crockett Marcel Dean Archer vs. Noah Sexton Robin Charles vs. Vanessa Taylor
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Chicago Fire // X Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/81uES6v
by barneswinchester3
A collection of X Reader one-shots for Chicago Fire
Words: 120, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Fire
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett, Gabriela Dawson, Brian "Otis" Zvonecek, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Leslie Shay, Randy "Mouch" McHolland, Christopher Herrmann, Wallace Boden, Blake Gallo, Darren Ritter, Violet Mikami, Evan Hawkins, Peter Mills, Jimmy Borrelli, Stella Kidd, Firehouse 51 Crew Members (Chicago Fire)
Relationships: Firehouse 51 Crew Members (Chicago Fire) & You
Additional Tags: One Shot, Short One Shot, One Shot Collection, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, No Smut
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/81uES6v
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agentcable · 21 days
Chicago Fire Season 6 Ep. 12 "The F is For"
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Casey and Severide jump from a building into a river to avoid an explosion. After the call, a photographer comes to take pictures of a day at Firehouse. Casey finds the photographer taking photos of Dawson showering. Kidd starts looking for a new apartment, which upsets Severide. Dawson and Brett investigate a homeless camp where Gerald is assaulted. Hermann becomes a life coach after being seen as a kind bartender.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
After Casey and Severide are taken care of, one of the PR officials visits 51 with the photographer. He wants to do a "day in the life" pictorial. He gets along with everyone and takes great shots until Matt finds him in the bathroom taking pictures of Gabby in the shower. He's kicked out, and Boden calls the police. The newspapers blacklist the photographer. He follows 51 to another call and gets in the way. His anger puts him in danger and he gets hit by a car. Casey saves his life. Matt later questions whether he did the right thing by Boden. Boden says that saving a life is always a win.
Gabby and Brett's regular keeps showing up at the firehouse, so they go to the homeless camp where he lives. Sylvie confronts Hope about gossip she's spreading In Fowlerton. A woman has taken over a tent and is terrorizing the camp.
Herrmann is encouraged to become a life coach by one of Molly's patrons, but when his original client comes back blaming him for his breakup, he decides this isn't the right line of work for him. The $800 invoice was probably another reason.
Stella decides to move out, upsetting Kelly. She can't decide if she should move forward with Haz-Mat Zach when she's spending so much time with Severide. Kelly says he doesn't want her to leave, but doesn't say why.
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Thinking about maybe slowly starting to write short one shots on here for most of the one chicago characters.
I'm not entirely sure if I will but maybe I'll dabble at first. So if anybody wants something written feel free to send an ask with a prompt and any of these characters:
Will Halstead
Jay Halstead
Hailey Upton
Gabby Dawson
Leslie Shay
Matt Casey
Stella Kidd
Kelly Severide
tbh most of firehouse 51
Kim Burgess
Kevin Awater
and i'll see what goes on.
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severidescigar · 2 years
Quarantine Blues - Stellaride
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Kelly Severide & Stella Kidd
Note: The original plot was requested this is the slightly remastered version. (Repost)
As the number of confirmed COVID cases in Chicago were increasing by day, the mayor issued a citywide lockdown effect of immediately. First responders were still going to work, but once Sylvie cane down with flu like symptoms she decided to get tested just incase and to everyone’s surprise it came back positive for COVID, therefore everyone on the second shift at 51 was in mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks.
Four days in, Stella and Kelly were already bored beyond belief. For two people who were barely home most of the time and actually craved some lazy days, they quickly realized it was not as fun as they thought when they were forced upon them.
“I talked to Brett, her fever is going down and she said she’s finally able to eat properly.” Stella said as she cuddled next to Kelly on the couch. “That’s good…everyone else seems to be doing fine.” He informed her skipping restlessly through channels and letting out an irritated scoff as he couldn’t find anything watch worthy. All this down time was pretty hard on him as he found it unusual at this time of the day to just lay on the couch instead of working out or just being out and about.
“Easy tiger you still have at least one more week time to get annoyed.” Stella laughed at him as he got up and started to pace around. She was also getting bored but it was funny to watch Kelly getting all worked up, it was like watching a hyperenergetic 5 year old stuck into an apartment and not being allowed on the playground.
“We need to find something to do, or else we’ll lose our minds…Maybe we can go out for a run and nobody will know.” Kelly was an outdoor person, so he was pretty sure he has never spent this much time inside. “You know the whole point of being on lockdown is to stay inside…right?” Giving her a blank look, Kelly half joked "At this point I'm willing to go for a run in a mask and a full hazmat suit".
In the first four days in quarantine they managed to keep themselves busy enough not to get bored, but there was only so much they could do inside. Binge watched all seasons of Sons of Anarchy, reorganized every single closet or drawer in the apartment, attempted to work out, took naps throughout they day and randomly called each person from 51 just to find out everyone was equally as bored and out of ideas when it came to extracurricular activities.
“We should’ve quarantined at the cabin…at least there we could’ve gone hiking and fishing and not a single person would be in sight.” He continued and Stella watched him amused as an idea ran through her mind.
“Remember when you insisted on teaching me how to properly barbecue like a pro?” Kelly nodded waiting to see where she was going with this “what if we order some groceries and I teach you how to bake?” Giving Stella an unsure look at first he ultimately agreed as there was nothing else to do anyway, making her jump into his arms excitingly.
Later that day once the groceries arrived and everything was set, Stella pulled out of nowhere a baking apron for Kelly. “You have to be kidding me…how long have you been waiting to do this?” He laughed putting it on.
“Been waiting for the perfect moment for you to even take my idea into consideration.” Stella said and started explaining everything step by step. She couldn’t help but feel very entertained by how serious and concentrated Kelly was trying to mix all the ingredients together and him constantly asking whether he was doing it right. While their muffins were baking in the oven he kept checking on them but once it was time to decorate it was a whole another story.
“Stella, I’m kicking down doors and restoring boats for a living, I can’t do this!” Kelly was frustrated as his topping cream was everywhere but on the muffin. “You need to stop squeezing it out so hard!” She exclaimed as she took his hand into hers guiding him. “Let me show you…see it’s not that hard mister kicking down doors and restoring boats .”
“Admit it...you had way too much fun watching me struggle.” Kelly said as they were finally taking a bite out of their baked goods. “I mean let’s just say I’ve never seen you getting this worked up, even over a rescue before.” Stella said wrapping her arms around Kelly’s neck and he immediately picked her up placing her on a small portion of the counter that wasn’t covered in flour.
“At least we’ll be busy tomorrow cleaning up this mess.” Kelly said looking around their kitchen as Stella pulled him into a deep kiss.
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Fandom: Chicago Fire / One Chicago
Character/s: Kelly Severide x Stella Kidd, Severide!Reader
Warning/s: smoke inhalation, fire,
Word Count: 1,033
Request:  I was wondering if you could write an imagine where Stella and Severide have a daughter. Severide is the biological father and Stella has adopted the daughter. The daughter is 15 years old and is training to become a Paramedic. They all work at 51 still. There’s a call that comes through for ambo 61, truck 81, squad 3, engine 51 and battalion 25, maybe could you write the daughter into the skyscraper call in season 7 (the 3 part crossover) but the daughter has to be the one that makes the medical decision on what happens to Stella and what the decision is.
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You were training for this, you knew what to do. Well, in theory. In reality, the moment you’d seen her lying there, everything you knew went out of your head and blind panic set in. 
Smoking was falling everywhere and you’d almost missed her, but the sound of her alarm alerted you to her presence, unmoving in the floor near your feet. 
“Stella,” you gasped, coughing into your jumper as you knelt to the floor, feeling for where her head was and finding her masked still on. Hands still searching for the problem where your eyes could not you found her O2 monitor, squinting to see that it was out. 
Kelly was the only parent you’d ever known, and when he’d first introduced you to Stella, well, you hadn’t liked her, hadn’t wanted her, hadn’t needed her - Kelly was enough for you, so why weren’t you enough for him?
But now... “Stella!” You called out louder, shaking her a little to try and stir her as you removed her mask. Normally, you wouldn’t have done, but it wasn’t exactly helping her breath at the moment.
“Stella,” you tried again, not as loud but with more force, your fingers shakily going to her neck - was she even breathing?
Her pulse was there but faint, and fading fast. You looked around, alone, barely able to breath let alone see, and definitely not strong enough to lead her out of there.
“Mom...” you tried one final time, pleading as your voice broke and a tear slipped down your cheek, surprising yourself as the word slipped out. Legally, she’d been your mom for a few years now, but you’d never actually said it out loud until now, never realised you’d felt it on this level.
Think. You willed your foggy brain. You were only 15, you shouldn’t even be in this situation, but you’d wanted to go visit your friend, so you had, and now you were stuck in a burning building. 
The hall was bad, smoke was filling it too fast, neither of you would survive long if you stayed. Looking around you saw a door nearby, quickly checking you found it unlocked. You may not have been able to get her out, but you may just about be able to drag her in.
So you did, falling to the ground and coughing as you tried to catch your breath once you were both inside, the door locked and your jacket placed on the gap under the door. The room wasn’t smoke free, but it was much clearer.
Had she been looking for you up here? Your mind wandered unhelpfully, guilt setting in as you frantically searched for her radio. Why was she alone? Did she get separated? “May day, may day, firefighter down,” you managed to choke out, repeating the words you knew by heart by now. 
“Stella where the hell- wait, Y/N!?” Of course it had to be your father who answered. 
“No time to fully explain, I’m here with Stella, she’s barely breathing, her O2 ran out, we’re stuck,” you listed off breathlessly, unsure of how long you’d be safe in the room as you dragged Stella further in towards the window on the other side. 
“Are you okay? Where are you?” Kelly asked, worry straining his voice, even over the radio. 
“Umm, sixth floor, looking out onto the parking lot” you wracked your brain and shot a glance out of the window to get your bearings.
“We’re coming to get you,” your dad promised, followed by shouts to the rest of squad.
“What do I do about Stella? I’m scared,” you told him.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, frustrated and scared too, “I’m not there, I can’t make that decision.”
“You want me to?” You gasped, feeling the pressure of that request already. Except, it wasn’t a request, it was life or death.
“I don’t want you to, but you have the training, I believe in you,” he said sincerely, “I love you, we’ll get you both out.” He left the line, probably on his way to you already.
“Okay, deep breath Y/N, he’s right, you’re training for this,” you told yourself, leaning over Stella and checking her pulse again. The woman lying in front of you is literally training you for this. And she’s no longer breathing.
You quickly unzipped her coat, allowing for better access as you began to do CPR, exactly like you’d prepared for. You could do it, you had to, you weren’t going to let her die. 
It wasn’t long before your dad arrived, bursting in through the door with Cruz with fiery determination, though that may have been the wrong choice of words given the situation. 
“Dad!” You called out, watching as he ran towards you, giving you a quick once over before turning his attention to Stella, your arms unable to stop compressions. 
“We got her,” you dad promised, “we’re going to get you both out, you did good.” He squeezed your shoulders and gestured to Cruz, who lightly pulled you away from Stella as Kelly took over, your hands shaking as you managed to get to your feet.
“Is she-” Cruz dared begin to ask, offering you some of his oxygen.
“She’s breathing,” Kelly sighed with relief, picking her up. “Let’s get out of here.”
None of you needed to be told twice, you and Cruz leading the way while Kelly followed with Stella, your eyes glancing back to her all the way down, one question on your mind, had you done enough?
When you’d found out the answer was yes, you’d collapsed, the stress and fear of the day finally catching up to you, the impact hitting you hard as you sobbed, your dad catching you before you could actually hit the floor. 
“She’s going to be okay,” you repeated, willing yourself to believe it.
“She’s okay,” Kelly confirmed again, eventually pulling you up and wiping the tears from your cheeks. “Do you want to go see her?”
You nodded.
Despite all of it, despite everything that had happened today, one thing had become clearer to you than it ever had been before. You were going to be a paramedic.
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*At the firefighters picnic*
Stella : ooh come hereee *making grabby hands at Evan, sitting in Jay's hands*
Jay: There you go bud. *handing him to stella*
Stella : well bye bye.... we'll see you later *turns to Kelly* kelllyyyyy look how cute he issss *walks away cooing him*
Hailey : did we just witness the kidnapping of our son....
Jay :yup.
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otter-love-asl · 3 years
Dreams Do Come True
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Summary: When 51 is contacted by "Make a Wish" about helping a child, everyone pitches in. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. One-Shot
Characters: Blake Gallo, Darren Ritter, Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Stella Kidd, Violet
Relationships: 51 Family
Read on Fanfiction.net & AO3 Read more Awareness One-Shots Here
Children’s hospital Cancer Causes
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
American Childhood Cancer Organization
National Pediatric Cancer Foundation
World Health Organization
Four Diamonds
National Cancer Institute
American Cancer Society
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