tabbytabbytabby · 5 years
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Disney Movie Night Aesthetic for @sterekweek2019 Day 4: Movie Night
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thedaughterofkings · 5 years
Nobody puts Stiles in a corner
Written for @sterekweek2019​ Days Four and Five: Movie Night and Scene Stealer - I think you can guess which movie I went with!^^
Movie pack nights are Lydia’s idea.
“If we are supposed to grow together as a pack, we need to include group bonding experience that do not have literal death and destruction stakes,” she’d said and amongst all suggestions, watching a movie together had seemed the safest bet. Of course, they’d then all promptly almost come to blows over Lydia’s choice of movie - The Notebook, what else, but once that had been settled, it had been a surprisingly fun experience for all. At first they rotated not just film choice rights, but also hosting duties, but once Derek’s loft boasted the biggest screen of them all, movie nights always ended up there. 
The TV had, inexplicably, been a gift from Stiles.
He’d just turned up one day with it, rambling about something or other that Derek couldn’t follow in his wildest dreams and when he left, Derek had a brand new, huge flat screen TV. That alone probably wouldn’t have made him take note - Stiles had calmed down significantly, but sometimes he just did things and you had to learn to roll with it. But then Lydia had seen the TV and heard it came from Stiles, and she’d had such a knowing look on her face that it drove Derek crazy because he had no clue what said TV had told her. And even more infuriatingly, apparently Stiles could read Lydia’s face as well as Lydia could read Derek’s brand new TV, because he blushed bright red all the way up to the tips of his ears and then quickly disappeared with an absurd excuse to avoid Lydia’s knowing face.
The Sheriff had done his part to complete Derek’s eternal confusion. When Derek had come to him to repay him for the TV - because the poor guy’s credit card did not have to pay for Derek’s TV, no matter what Stiles might have reasoned, he had refused the money, claiming that Stiles had all paid for it himself.
“Let him, son, it’s better for all involved if you don’t fight him on this,” the Sheriff had said, sounding both resigned and a little bit proud. “He wanted to gift this to you, and he’d not want to see his gift rejected. Take him out to see one of his Marvel movies some day; he’d like that, I think.”
And then he’d patted Derek’s shoulder and walked away, leaving Derek standing there, gaping after him.
That almost sounded like the Sheriff telling him to take his son out on a date, but surely that can’t have been right. Derek must have misunderstood something, somewhere. Laura did always tell him that he was no good at human-ing. 
Derek still took Stiles to see a film. Well, he took the entire pack, so even if he sat next to Stiles and paid for his jumbo popcorn, it still didn’t make it a date. Not really.
Either way, the TV stayed, and with it, the pack. Movie nights happen at Derek’s now, and he even finds himself looking forward to them now, has fun coming up with new snacks and drinks, matching his choice of film when it’s his turn. (Ever since no one turned up to Lydia’s third showing of The Notebook, the grand reveal of what film they’ll watch has been moved to immediately before they start the film. They have also since forbidden reruns - no repeating films seemed the safest decision.)
Often Stiles joins him a little earlier than the rest, helping with the preparation of food or rearranging the sofas until he’s satisfied with all the viewing angles. Or rather, he makes Derek rearrange them, shouting orders from atop the couch table. If he didn’t know better, Derek would almost say that Stiles does it to ogle Derek’s muscles, because when they are done, Derek at least can’t tell how the sofa arrangement differs from how it was before he had to move them around.
Stiles always comes over early when it’s Derek’s choice of film, though. He likes to guess at what they are watching, just from what Derek is preparing. And usually he’s quite good at it, too, but to Derek’s surprise, he seems stumped this week.
“Watermelons?” Stiles asks, lifting one skeptically and promptly almost dropping it on his foot. “What are those for then?”
“Well, for carrying,” Derek jokes but only gets a blank look in reply. “You know, ‘I carried a watermelon’?” he tries again, but Stiles still doesn’t seem to recognise the line. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner?” 
Stiles frowns and asks: “Since when do you have a child? Derek, these are the kind of things I, we need to know! For pack reasons!”
He smells genuinely upset and Derek does not gets what happening right now.
“I don’t have a child, for goodness’ sake, Stiles! Not a baby, ‘Baby’! What Johnny says, you know!”
“Who is Johnny?” Stiles asks, scent less sour with turmoil, but still tangy with suspicion. 
“Johnny, the dancer, you know, Johnny and Baby! The watermelon, the corner, the mambo?” Derek lists, but none of that sparks any recognition in Stiles and Derek suddenly realises: “Oh my god you have no idea what I’m talking about, do you? Have you really never seen it?”
“Wait, this is for the film tonight? What are we watching? Who are Johnny and why is his baby a watermelon?” Stiles demands and Derek just grins. Stiles has never seen Dirty Dancing. Derek is going to milk this to every last drop. Usually Stiles knows what film Derek has chosen within a few minutes, if not seconds, and then typically teases Derek about them mercilessly until the rest of the pack arrives. So Derek is going to enjoy having the upper hand for once. 
Dirty Dancing had been Laura’s favourite film and she watched it at least twice a year, or whenever she needed a pick me up. She’d gone through both a phase where she’d wanted to be Baby and one where she’d decided she’d rather be Johnny, which is why Derek knows that lift from both positions, because of course loving Dirty Dancing means knowing all the steps and who better qualifies as a dancing partner than your helpless younger brother. 
After Laura’s death, Derek couldn’t stand any reminders for a long while, but now he finally feels ready to watch it again. He thought about watching it alone, but in the end decided it would be better to start a new tradition, with his new pack. They’d probably tease him for the choice a little bit, especially Stiles, but they’d be gentle about it, having learned by now each other’s scars and tender places. What he didn’t factor in was the possibility that Stiles would not know the movie.
It adds an unexpected element of hilarity to the otherwise very bittersweet experience.
Stiles gets increasingly antsy when Derek won’t reveal what their movie of the night will be before the others get there and offers increasingly outlandish suggestions, starting with Ice Age and culminating in some obscure British TV film. Derek doesn’t even know how he found that one and yet still hasn’t thought of Dirty Dancing. 
Watching the film with Stiles - and the rest of the pack of course - is an experience.
Derek doesn’t know what he’d expected, but it hadn’t been Stiles absolutely loving the film. 
Stiles clocks Robbie immediately, absolutely adores Penny, heckles Lisa, teases “Broody McBroodster Sexy Hips” Johnny and identifies very strongly with Baby. Derek guesses it makes a strange sort of sense - an adored, almost larger than life father, more intelligent than they are supposed to be, plus a marked challenge to coordinate all of their limbs. ‘And then there’s the strong bond to the broody hottie with a heart of gold,’ his inner Laura says but Derek resolutely ignores her.
When Baby carries her watermelon, Stiles flails and smacks a hand on Derek’s knee. It remains there for the rest of the film and Derek finds that his attention keeps drifting back to it. Stiles taps his fingers in time with the beat of the songs, digs his fingernails into Derek’s thigh during Baby’s and Johnny’s performance at the rival resort and then sighs in disappointment when the final lift doesn’t work. 
He is very pissed when Dr Houseman mistakenly assumes that Johnny got Penny “in trouble”, going on a rant about preconceived opinions and premature condemnations that ends with him muttering something about ‘and he was only ever questioned, never charged with anything.” Derek studiously avoids Lydia’s gaze. She is far too often of one opinion with his inner Laura. In the corner of his eye he sees Erica whispering something to Isaac who snorts loudly and is promptly shushed by Stiles who is totally engrossed in the drama on screen.
When Johnny gives his “Nobody puts Baby in the corner” line, Stiles gasps and then turns to Derek, grinning slightly maniacally: “I dare you to say that to my dad!”
Derek simply rolls his eyes and ignores Boyd’s knowing look from behind Stiles.
The final dance is without a doubt Stiles’ favourite. It helps that everyone else is finally focusing on the film again, too, and cheering Johnny and Baby on along with the people on screen. When Baby prepares for the final lift, Stiles grabs Derek’s hand and squeezes it hard until she’s up in the air. Then he whoops and does a strange sort of wiggle dance of celebration that ends with him pressed tightly against Derek who loses track of anything else that happens besides the sensation of Stiles’ thigh pressed against his and how his shoulder keeps bumping into Derek’s and how much easier it would be to just put his arm around Stiles and draw him in and hold him still that way.
He regrets not paying attention when everyone suddenly starts rearranging his furniture. It all gets shoved aside, Stiles pulling Derek up by the hand when it’s time for their couch, and before Derek knows it, there’s a wide open space on the floor.
“What- ?” he finally manages to ask - or begin to ask, but before he can come up with a fully formed question, Stiles starts rearranging him. With just a few touches, Derek finds himself standing in the middle of the open space, still without a clue as to what’s going on here. 
“What?” he repeats himself, but Stiles is already backing away. The rest of the pack is sitting on the couches again - Erica and Jackson are even munching popcorn. Derek would really like to know where they kept that hidden while they were watching a movie. 
“Isaac said you wouldn’t be able to do it, but I know you can,” Stiles answers cryptically and gives Derek no chance to make any sense of his statement before he starts to run.
Derek stares at Stiles barrelling towards him at full speed and it’s only the endless practices with Laura that allow him to catch and lift Stiles as he throws himself bodily into a jump and at Derek. He has got his hands on Stiles’ waist and his arms stretched up high and for one long moment, Stiles flies, yelling excitedly, his voice mixing with the chorus of the pack’s exclamations and applause. Then he moves ever so slightly and Derek can feel his balance slipping. At least he manages to make sure Stiles’ fall is cushioned by his own body, though the idiot probably doesn’t deserve as much. 
There’s a brief moment of silence when Stiles doesn’t even seem to breath and Derek thinks he’s gotten hurt after all, but then Stiles sighs out a long breath and starts babbling:
“Dude, that was so amazing! Imagine how that’s going to look once we practice!”
“I know the steps to the whole dance,” Derek admits spontaneously, and it feels like he’s admitting to something more profound. Stiles looks at him with wide, hopeful eyes and then asks:
“Will you make sure no one puts me into the corner?”
They are definitely talking about something beyond the dance now, and even though Derek isn’t sure he’s quite understood the rules of this strange code language, he nevertheless promises: “I’ll even carry your watermelons for you.”
That makes Stiles laugh out loud and bury his face in Derek’s shoulder. Over his head, Derek can see the rest of the pack sneaking out of the loft, Scott giving him a thumb’s up and Erica making kissy faces at him. Lydia just smiles smugly as though this had all been engineered by her and then quietly closes the door behind them. 
When Derek focuses back on Stiles, he’s already looking at him, face unreadable but his head betraying his hopes and his scent his fears. The sour notes of it make Derek’s nose itch and he decides to finally listen to his inner Laura and dare to jump himself, trusting Stiles to catch and lift him.
“Come here, loverboy,” he says quietly and Stiles relaxes, a grin growing from the corner of his eyes, quickly spreading across his whole face, cheeks flushing lightly pink.
Then his mouth opens: “Baby, my sweet baby, you’re the one.”
And then Derek quickly curves his hand around Stiles’ head and draws him into a kiss before he keeps up that caterwauling he’d call singing. 
After all, Baby only lipsynced, too. 
All of my Sterekweek fics can be found here!
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nightlight9 · 5 years
Serek Week 2019 Day Four: Movie Night
Title: Stay
Summary: It’s so easy to fall together when things are so relaxed and going well. 
Rating: G
Stiles can probably quote this whole movie, which says less about his ability to memorize iconic movie lines and more to do with the fact that they’ve watched The Princess Bride so many times during pack movie nights that it’s a surprise that nobody is sick of it yet. Actually, as he watches Princess Buttercup throw herself down a hill after the Dread Pirate Roberts, Stiles decides that it’s not a surprise at all. It’s such a good movie, a classic for sure. Plus, as he glances around the living room at where everyone is sprawled out over the furniture and each other, Stiles knows that even if they hated The Princess Bride, no one would ever admit it. Because it’s Derek’s favorite movie, and if that means that every few months they all have to sit and watch it again together, then so be it. 
At his side, pressed close against him given the fact that they’re pretty much sharing a chair meant for only one person, Derek’s huff of laughter makes Stiles grin. He’s so soft now, pliant and warm curled against Stiles in the chair. Pulling his attention away from the screen, Stiles catalogues the gentle curve of his lips, the content expression on his face. They’ve come so far to get to this point, and Stiles is more than thankful. They all deserve peace after the near death experiences that they’ve experienced. Stiles wasn’t sure that any of them were going to make it out alive, but everyone has. And they’re stronger for it, both individually and as a group. 
At the epicenter, holding everything together, Derek is an immovable force. Despite the disastrous way that they came together, and his terrible first attempts at being a good leader, Derek has become the alpha that they needed. He’s the pillar of their group, keeping everyone safe and looking after them even when they don’t notice. He’s good at it too, taking care of everyone, and with his guidance they’ve all grown up and have learned to take care of themselves and each other. Stiles is so proud of the person that Derek’s become. He’s always tried to be good at looking out for everyone, but did a terrible job of executing his concern. Now though, he is a perfect alpha. Stiles knows without a doubt that Talia would be proud. 
Finally noticing that Stiles is staring, Derek turns and looks at him. He quirks one eyebrow up, a question and a challenge all at once. Stiles just shakes his head and smiles, turning back to look at the tv screen. He can tell that Derek is watching him, and it makes his smile grow, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he scoots himself a little closer to Derek and tunes back in to the movie. 
After a moment, Derek takes his arm off of the back of the chair and settles it across Stiles’ shoulders, tugging him against his side. It makes Stiles sigh in a content way, and they watch the rest of the movie like that, each of them ignoring the knowing looks everyone else keeps shooting them.
When the film credits start rolling, Scott gets up to stop the movie. It’s a slow trickle of movement after that, as everyone gets up and gathers their belongings to head back to their own homes. If they wanted, Derek would be more than alright with everyone staying the night. But they all have their own lives to get back to, and he doesn’t begrudge them for not lingering. 
Stiles stays though. He always does. Hell, he spends more time at Derek’s place than he does at his own, a fact that makes his father roll his eyes in exasperation and Scott clamp his mouth shut to keep from pressing. It’s just that Derek makes Stiles feel safe. Being around him, being in his space, it helps everything come into focus. And, on top of everything else, he genuinely enjoys Derek’s company. He likes being around Derek. He likes being able to stay.
In a familiar routine, Stiles helps Derek clean up the living room, putting snacks away in practical Tupperware containers and tucking them into the fridge. Then Stiles rinses the plates and glasses off, passing them to Derek to put in the dishwasher, and when that’s done Derek makes them both tea and they settle on the couch in the living room. They turn on old reruns of Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta, a guilty pleasure that both of them will deny until their dying day. Stiles tucks his feet in Derek’s lap, sprawling across the couch, and Derek rubs at his ankles absentmindedly as he watches Monte Durham compliment a bride’s first pick. 
It is domestic, perhaps sickeningly so. Even Scott and Allison aren’t nearly as bad. But it’s them, it’s Derek and Stiles, and Stiles likes to think that they’ve always been a little like this, even when they were enemies: too comfortable with each other, mindless to boundaries and personal space. Besides, it’s nice. He likes having this with Derek. Maybe it’s his hopeless heart talking, but he likes being close to him. 
They watch the show until Stiles’ eyes start to droop, and then Derek is patting at his ankle to get him to move his legs so that he can stand up. Carefully, Derek collects their mugs and takes them into the kitchen. 
Stiles stays sprawled out on the couch until Derek comes back. Normally he would get up and start making the trek up to his room, but something keeps him rooted in place. He keeps thinking about the movie, about how Westley and Buttercup found each other across time and so much distance. They overcame all of the obstacles, even death, to get back to one another. 
He thinks that Derek and him are a little like that too. Despite everything that they’ve gone through, from hating each other at first to each and every near death experience they fought back from, they have always been there for each others. And he knows that they always will be.
It’s that thought that makes him feel brave. 
“Hey, Derek?” He calls, voice calm. 
Getting up off of the couch, Stiles wanders into the kitchen. Derek has his back facing the doorway while he rinses out their mugs and puts them in the dishwasher. Then, without pausing, he starts getting the coffee machine ready so that all Stiles has to do when he wakes up is hit the button. 
He glances over his shoulder when Stiles remains silent. “What’s wrong?”
Stiles props his hip against Stiles and staring at Derek. “Nothing’s wrong.”
Raising his eyebrows, Derek dries off his hand and turns around, mirroring Stiles’ position by leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms. “Okay?”
Taking a deep breath, it’s so easy for him to say, “I’m in love with you.” The words make Derek freeze, his breath stuttering out in a harsh gasp. Stiles smiles. “I have been for a while.”
Two heartbeats pass, and neither of them moves. Then, ever so slowly, Derek stands up straight and walks toward Stiles. His expression is closed off, and he doesn’t say anything. Stiles doesn’t let that worry him. 
Coming to a stop in front of him , Derek watches him for a drawn out moment without doing anything else. Then, slowly, he reaches up and runs the back of his fingers across Stiles’ cheek. When he smiles, his eyes light up like beacons. “You love me?”
Without hesitating, Stiles says, “Yes.”
“Good.” Then, very carefully, he leans in, claiming Stiles’ lips in a kiss. It feels like taking a deep breath after being underwater, or finally sitting down after a long day on your feet. It feels like coming home.
Stiles wraps his arms around Derek’s neck, pulling his body closer and enjoying the fact that that’s something he gets to do. 
When Derek pulls back, he’s grinning. “I love you too, just so you know.”
Stiles can’s stop smiling. “Good.” He yawns and Derek laughs, rubbing their noses together. 
“Come on, let's go to bed.” Linking their fingers together, Derek leads Stiles upstairs. Instead of going their separate ways though, Derek pauses outside of his door. “Stay with me?” He actually sounds like he’s nervous Stiles will say no. 
Stiles just smiles, sleepy and dopy with affection. “As you wish.”
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josjournal · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Erica Reyes Additional Tags: Sterek Week 2019, sterekmovienight, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha Derek Hale, Alpha Derek, Getting Together, Scary Movies, Coach Derek Hale, Boys Kissing, Mutual Pining Series: Part 4 of Sterek Week 2019 Summary:
Erica wants to have a pack bonding night watching scary movies. Derek has other plans but won't tell anyone what they are, so Stiles follows him.
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madness-of-void · 5 years
Title: Rule #1 Rating: G Word Count: 852 Sterek Week Theme: Movie Night
Pack movie nights were a mandatory thing. It was just one measly night out of a week where everyone piled into the new Hale house, ate lots of food, and watched movies. Just a little fun. A little break from a hectic week. Pack bonding. They even changed who controlled the movie options every week! Who would want to miss something like that?!
Well...apparently everyone in the damn pack, it would seem.
Because only three weeks into this new tradition, and suddenly nobody was available. Not even Kira, who was so gung-ho about movie night!
What a disappointment...
Guess it would only be Derek and Stiles tonight.
“On the plus side...at least we won't have Scott and Jackson trying to maul each other over your brownies.”
Rest On A03
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acercrea · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd Additional Tags: Movie Night, Puppy Piles, Rebuilt Hale House, Alpha Derek, Lots of Snacks, getting together at the very end, sterekweek2019, sterekmovienight Series: Part 3 of Sterek Week 2019 Summary:
The pack has just finished rebuilding the Hale House and Stiles suggests a movie night to foster bonding in the new house. He somehow manages to get Derek to agree, so the pack settles in for the weirdest movie marathon ever. Stiles takes advantage of a sleep deprived Derek the next morning to have a conversation that might not otherwise have happened.
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Stiles is just trying to have a date night with his secret boyfriend.
The pack is determined to make the evening into pack movie night.
Who will win?
And whose side is Derek on here?
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sterekweek-2024 · 5 years
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Here is my submission for “Movie Night” check out my “mystery” submission because there is stuff in this fic that won’t make a ton of sense without that one.
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
Movie Night vs Date Night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2irxH
by Freshnonsense42
Stiles is just trying to have a date night with his secret boyfriend.
The pack is determined to make the evening into pack movie night.
Who will win?
And whose side is Derek on here?
Words: 2499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Kira Yukimura, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Secret Relationship, Movie Night, Pack Bonding, Discussion of babies, horror movies referenced, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sterek Week 2019, sterekmovienight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2irxH
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ao3-sterek · 5 years
1st Ever Hale House Movie Marathon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36emZid
by acercrea
The pack has just finished rebuilding the Hale House and Stiles suggests a movie night to foster bonding in the new house. He somehow manages to get Derek to agree, so the pack settles in for the weirdest movie marathon ever. Stiles takes advantage of a sleep deprived Derek the next morning to have a conversation that might not otherwise have happened.
Words: 1752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Sterek Week 2019
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Movie Night, Puppy Piles, Rebuilt Hale House, Alpha Derek, Lots of Snacks, getting together at the very end, sterekweek2019, sterekmovienight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36emZid
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sterekweek-2024 · 5 years
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It’s midnight EST and you know what that means, Sterek Week has officially begun!!!
You can start posting as of NOW with Thursday’s theme, make sure all of your posts have the appropriate tags, sterekweek2018 and the appropriate day tag (listed below)
Friday October 25th- Sterekmystery Saturday October 26th- Stereklyrics5 Sunday October 27th- Sterekoutdoors Monday October 28th- Sterekmovienight Tuesday October 29th- Sterekscene5 Wendsday October 30th- Sterekcanon Thursday October 31st- SterekHalloween5
If you’re posting your work on AO3, make sure you use the SAME TAGS so that it can be collective (as some of the tags like meet-cute and Halloween are their own tags on AO3)
Make sure you also use TRIGGER WARNINGS if your peice contains any triggers and that you tag for mature content and put any visual mature content under a READ MORE
We’ll be reblogging all throughout this week by going through the tags but if you have any doubt or want to make sure your peice is included right away feel free to send the blog a message with the link!
If you have any questions please check out the announcement page here https://sterekweek2019.tumblr.com/post/186692500671/hey-hey-sterek-fans-today-is-the-day-that-we or feel free to send us a message!
With that all being said, let’s kick things off with a bang and start our week long celebration of one of the greatest pairings in history: Sterek <3
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
1st Ever Hale House Movie Marathon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36emZid
by acercrea
The pack has just finished rebuilding the Hale House and Stiles suggests a movie night to foster bonding in the new house. He somehow manages to get Derek to agree, so the pack settles in for the weirdest movie marathon ever. Stiles takes advantage of a sleep deprived Derek the next morning to have a conversation that might not otherwise have happened.
Words: 1752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Sterek Week 2019
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Movie Night, Puppy Piles, Rebuilt Hale House, Alpha Derek, Lots of Snacks, getting together at the very end, sterekweek2019, sterekmovienight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36emZid
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
Derek's Favorite Movie
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MVa9h8
by JoMouse
Erica wants to have a pack bonding night watching scary movies. Derek has other plans but won't tell anyone what they are, so Stiles follows him.
Words: 6888, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sterek Week 2019
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erica Reyes
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Sterek Week 2019, sterekmovienight, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha Derek Hale, Alpha Derek, Getting Together, Scary Movies, Coach Derek Hale, Boys Kissing, Mutual Pining
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MVa9h8
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ao3-sterek · 5 years
Derek's Favorite Movie
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MVa9h8
by JoMouse
Erica wants to have a pack bonding night watching scary movies. Derek has other plans but won't tell anyone what they are, so Stiles follows him.
Words: 6888, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sterek Week 2019
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erica Reyes
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Sterek Week 2019, sterekmovienight, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha Derek Hale, Alpha Derek, Getting Together, Scary Movies, Coach Derek Hale, Boys Kissing, Mutual Pining
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MVa9h8
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ao3-sterek · 5 years
Movie Night vs Date Night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2irxH
by Freshnonsense42
Stiles is just trying to have a date night with his secret boyfriend.
The pack is determined to make the evening into pack movie night.
Who will win?
And whose side is Derek on here?
Words: 2499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Kira Yukimura, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Secret Relationship, Movie Night, Pack Bonding, Discussion of babies, horror movies referenced, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sterek Week 2019, sterekmovienight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C2irxH
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