#steve and el are siblings
estrellami-1 · 8 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 50 | Part 51 | Part 52
El decides to help, so Steve gets the ingredients out, measures them into a bowl, and lets her mix them together as he gets out the waffle iron. “Y’want any, Eds?” Steve asks. “Al? Rob?”
“Only if it’s easy,” Eddie says. “I’m good with just your toast if you want waffles instead.”
Robin gasps. “Don’t you dare take the toast from me.”
Eddie blinks. “Waffles are bread too, though-?”
“Not the same,” Steve and Robin say at the same time. Steve chuckles. “Robbie gets the toast, Eddie gets waffles. Alli?”
“Sure, I’ll take a waffle or two,” she agrees, grinning at him.
Steve nods, mentally calculates, sighs, and gets the flour back out. “I think we might need a bigger bowl, Ellie.”
“Oh,” she says, and stops stirring, looking at him with wide eyes. “Where are they?”
He smiles and ruffles her hair. “Nah, I’ve got it. Go ahead and keep mixing for me, ‘kay?”
“M’kay,” she agrees easily.
“Steve,” Eddie says suddenly, teasingly. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Steve looks at the ingredients spread out on the counter and frowns. “What?”
“Chocolate chips.”
Steve sighs, hangs his head, and trudges to the pantry to grab the bag. He opens it and throws one at Eddie. “For being annoying,” he says, winking at Eddie before turning away, snickering when Eddie yelps indignantly.
El giggles, watching them, and Steve wants to bottle the sound so he can always come right back to this moment. This is my memory, he suddenly realizes, then turns to his friends and sisters. “It can help if you have a happy memory to go hide in,” he says quietly. “If Vecna comes after you. He’s pain and wrong and bad. And if none of that exists in your happy memory, then you’ll know the second he’s in your head.”
El looks up at him curiously. “What’s your happy memory?”
“Right now,” he murmurs, pulling her into a hug and ruffling her hair. “I had a different one, before, and you can have more than one, but… yeah. This is it.”
El’s quiet for a moment before she responds. “Me too, I think.”
Steve pulls her into a proper hug and kisses the top of her head. “This is it,” he murmurs. “We’re ending it today. Remember, Ellie, we’ve got you. You’re not alone, you have all of us to help. Okay?”
“Okay,” she says, then buries her face in his chest. “‘M still scared, though.”
“Y’wanna know something?” He whispers, stroking her hair. “Me too. I’m kinda really scared. But I know we can do it.”
“Okay,” she agrees, then pulls back to look at him. “Can I have chocolate chips in my waffles?”
He laughs and ruffles her hair. “‘Course you can, Ellie. I’ll make you an extra-chocolatey one, even.”
Eddie leans forward with a leer. “Do I get an extra chocolatey one?”
Steve look him over for a second, then turns back to the batter. “You’ll get something later.”
It’s silent for a second before Eddie squeaks out, “Oh.”
El looks at him, then looks quizzically at Steve. “What does he get later? Why is he so red?”
Steve chuckles. “If you remember this when I get back to my time, I’ll tell you. Deal?”
“Deal,” she nods, then looks at the chocolate chips. “Do we add those in now?”
Steve looks at the batter and hums. “I’d say so,” he says, turning the waffle iron on. “As many as you want.”
He can’t help but think through their plan as he waits for the waffles to cook. “Max is still in California, right?” He asks Robin quietly. “We’ll have to make sure the boys make friends with her.”
Robin hums. “Won’t they anyways? They find out about her because of her high score at the arcade, right?”
Steve grins at her. “Don’t let them fool you. They were enemies at first.”
Robin gasps and leans forward like it’s important gossip. Steve thinks this is part of the reason she’s his soulmate. “Talk. Now.”
He shrugs. “Not much to tell, I think.” He takes a cooked waffle out of the iron and pours more batter in. “Max kinda hated them at first. Bitchy California attitude, y’know? And they’re weirdos who decided to follow her around.”
Robin snorts. “Definitely your kids.”
He gently pops her leg with a towel. “Shuddup. I’m pretty sure the friendship only happened ‘cause of freaky Upside Down stuff, but now you can’t imagine the Party without her, right?”
Robin chews her lip. “Yeah. Y’know what I think I’m gonna miss a little? Scoops Troop.”
Steve grins crookedly at her. “You’re the only person I’d get back in that uniform for, Robbie.”
“Aww,” she says, pretending to swoon while holding her heart.
“Uniform?” Eddie interjects.
Steve groans. “I should’ve never said anything. In a couple of years there’s a mall built, called Starcourt. I told you about the Russians, right? That’s the mall they were under. And in that mall was a nautical-themed ice cream shop.”
“Complete with costumes,” Robin chimes in. “Absolutely obscene.”
“It was terrible,” Steve agreed. “We measured, right? Your shorts were longer than mine?”
Robin laughs. “I forgot we did that!”
“And, uh.” Eddie pauses. “You wouldn’t happen to have that uniform still, would you?”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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hbyrde36 · 6 months
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Life is a Game on AO3
Life is a Game on Tumblr
Rating: E | WC: 73,419
For years Eddie has been playing D&D with his cousin Dustin and his friends. It’s a crazy home brew campaign of his own design that plays fast and loose with the lore, weaving in heavily embellished events from their real lives. They play themselves, filling out a full cast of NPC’s with the likenesses of friends, family, and strangers. It’s been a wild ride. The game is set in Hawkins, but not quite their Hawkins. This manifestation of their hometown is swimming in dark secrets, including a shady government agency, evil scientists, and another dimension full of dangerous creatures hiding on the other side of reality. They’ve just wrapped their most recent session before Spring break 1986. It was a bittersweet end to an epic part of the story. A blast to play through, but they didn’t beat the bad guy, and the party has been left in ruins. Eddie’s character is dead, one of their favorite NPC’s is in a coma, and the world has literally split apart at the seams. Honestly, Eddie’s not sure how they come back from this. - In 1983 Steve Harrington joined the search for a missing boy and found something he never bargained for. In 1984 Steve Harrington disappeared.
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imfinereallyy · 5 months
El being wholesome with Steve. El being wholesome with Steve. The weird sibling duo we didn’t know we needed. I need more of it. I might do it….no I’ve done enough of them…
Okay, okay. But just picture this:
The kids trying to embarrass Steve all the time with photos and stories to Eddie, but El ruins it every.single.time. because she is so unbelievably wholesome when it comes to Steve.
Here is everyone pulling out scoops photos (which Eddie actually loves thank you very much) and sharing stories about his failed dates. Dustin tells Eddie specifically about the time he was teaching Lucas basketball and Lucas threw the ball too hard at the backboard and hit Steve in the face.
So they are all poking fun at Steve in his and Robin’s apartment (because in every universe these platonic soulmates live together) and there is just El who randomly chimes in:
“Steve took me to this thing called a ren faire once. It was very fun. We both looked really pretty.”
Eddie absolutely melts at the story and gushes over the photos she has.
And everyone gets quiet every time, because no one wants to criticize El, but one time Max gently goes, “You know that’s like….nice right? We’re making fun of him.”
Everyone one expects her to being embarrassed or confused but instead she simple says.
“I know. I don’t like it. Steve’s nice.”
And she embarrasses everyone, except Robin and Eddie who are the only ones Steve never gets upset with when they make fun of him. They all mumble out apologies, and Steve turns to Dustin and goes:
“This is why she gets a special section in the freezer. All different flavors of eggos.”
El’s eyes get wide. “Even the blueberry ones?”
Steve gives her hair a tousle, “Especially the blueberry ones.”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Eddie would LOVE the idea that he and El look alike. A prank idea ensues. He had to get her a wig because her hair hadn't grown back yet, but she agreed to the prank and put on Eddie's clothes, wearing his rings and sitting on his throne. Everyone filtered in for DnD that night while Eddie hid behind the chair. Eddie soon started talking, El's hand folded against her lips so it would like she was the one talking. No one noticed until Steve walked in to watch his boyfriend play.
"Hey, El," Steve said casually. "What are you doing on Eddie's throne?"
Everyone's head snapped to her, and they realized then that it was actually El. Eddie shrieked and jumped out from behind the throne.
"Steve! I was doing something! Gah!" Eddie yelled and proceeded to stomp his feet. "I was going to see how long it would take them to notice!"
"You were going to do the entire thing like that?" He asked.
"Maybe you should have told me!"
Then they proceeded to fight in front of everyone, letting everyone know that they were, in fact, dating. Meanwhile, El was giggling on the throne and moving her arms around like Eddie.
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Porcelain Steve - Part 2
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
There's commotion from the house, loud enough for Eddie and Robin to hear it outside. Both turn towards the house, Robin halfway to standing up already, and the door is pushed open, El falling through it to get outside.
Someone calls El's name from inside, but she doesn't even turn around. She marches across the lawn to Eddie and Robin. "They are too loud and angry in there. Take me somewhere else."
Joyce makes it out the door next and with a raise of her hand behind her, one finger up, she stops everyone in the doorway. She descends the steps of the porch and Eddie is in awe about how much power she wields because no one follows after. Not even Dustin, who is the absolute worst at following orders.
"Whatever you need," Eddie answers El. He doesn't think she's blinked since exiting the house.
"We can go to Steve's," Robin offers. She's standing now and roots in a pocket of her jeans before pulling out a keychain with three keys on it. "Maybe it'll help being around all his stuff?"
"We can take my van," Eddie offers.
"That would be great," Joyce says, reaching out and grabbing one of El's hands in her own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Come on, let's get some shoes on."
"Thank you," El says, shooting Eddie a smile before her eyes drop down to look at Steve. A frown returns to her face before she turns and heads back into the house with Joyce.
Robin turns to Eddie, offering a hand to him. She's probably offering to pull him up, but he holds Steve out to her instead. He doesn't understand why she looks surprised at that, but she takes Steve, cradles him close to herself like he had done earlier.
Eddie climbs into his van, starting it and reaching over to turn the dial on the radio down so it's not blasting at the loud volume he keeps it on. Robin hovers with the passenger door open. "You getting in, Buckley?"
"Yeah, eventually. Just thinking if I should crawl in the back. Let Joyce and El have the seats?"
"Oh. Yeah. Probably."
She's absently petting Steve's hair, eyes slightly misty. He watches as she blinks away the tears before letting out a big sigh. "I just want to pass Steve off to whoever will be wearing a seatbelt. I've seen how you drive, Munson."
Eddie catches the teasing tone in her voice and laughs. "Fair. I'll take corners about 3 miles per hour slower than I normally do."
Robin laughs. "That's probably still ten above the speed limit."
"You should not speed," El's voice makes both Robin and Eddie jump. She's standing just behind Robin, and a quick look around shows Joyce on the porch, a worried look on her face but she makes no move to step off the porch.
"Is your mom coming?" Eddie asks. A complicated set of expressions crosses El's face and he's worried he might have asked the wrong thing somehow but then El answers.
"No. Just me. I will sit in the center," She slides past Robin and crawls up onto the bench seat of Eddie's van, scoots across the seat until she butts up against Eddie, and searches for the seatbelt before securing it.
"Here," Robin holds Steve out to El, who takes him, before Robin pulls herself into the van, shutting the door and buckling herself in.
Eddie doesn't go immediately because he's a bit busy watching El look at Steve. She's holding him like she's not sure how. She wraps one hand around an arm and his waist and uses the other to poke a porcelain cheek, right over the two moles just below his cheek bone. He can see the creases of a frown on her face.
"Are you okay, El?" Robin asks, which is good because he was about to, and he thinks his voice will come out more watery.
"I...," El looks up to Robin, then back down to Steve, "I do not know."
It hits Eddie like a freight truck just how young El is. He has to put the van in gear and drive to give his mind something to focus on or he's going to do something stupid, like bear hug El and ugly cry into her grown out buzzcut.
"Hey, that's okay," Robin says, "it's okay to not know how you're doing. This is a complicated situation."
"I barely know Steve," El says, which surprises Eddie. They all seem close, so much so that Eddie still feels like an intruder at times. Still, there is a tone to her voice that seems off to Eddie. "We do not have a reason to hang out. Not like everyone else. Lucas plays basketball with him. Dustin and Max claim him as their brother. Even Erica-"
El stops talking abruptly. Eddie glances towards her but she's staring down at Steve, so Eddie flicks his eyes to Robin, who is already looking at him and making an 'I don't' know' gesture with her hands before Eddie returns his eyes to the road.
"Mike does not care for Steve much," El continues suddenly, the tone still there and Eddie feels like he knows it, "I spent so much time with Mike that I think I did not care for Steve, either. Not on purpose. But- but in a way that you do not care about a thing because it is not important in your life?"
No one says anything else, because what can they say? Shortly after, Eddie pulls into the driveway of the Harrington residence behind Steve's Bimmer. "Alright ladies. Once more unto the breach!"
They crawl from the van and Robin unlocks the door. El and Eddie step through first. El moves into the house, clutching at Steve like he's her favorite stuffed toy. Robin freezes in the doorway, looks like she's not even breathing.
"Buckley?" Eddie is whispering and he doesn't know why.
"Sorry, sorry," Robin exhales a shaking breath. "It's just- Nancy and I- sorry. Uh, El, do you need us to do anything?"
She glides past Eddie to catch up to El and he is left to close the door. He wonders if, maybe, Robin should have also stayed at the Byers-Hopper home. It had been her and Nancy that had come to check in on Steve just this morning. It wasn't unusual to not hear from Steve sometimes (everyone needed their time to just be alone) but today must have marked Too Many Days for Robin because she'd called Nancy for a ride, and they'd found this. A locked house, Steve's car still here, and resting against the pillows of Steve's bed had been the porcelain replica. Nothing out of place, no ransom notes, nothing to make it seem like nefarious going ons had been taking place. Just the Harrington house, devoid of a flesh and blood Steve Harrington.
Coming back must be surreal.
"Eddie, you okay?"
"Oh, uh, yeah," Eddie startles a little. He'd been lost in his own head for a moment there.
"Can El have your bandana? She needs something to use as a blindfold."
"Yeah," Eddie moves through the house, to the living room where El has sat herself on the floor in front of the TV. Steve is lain in her lap, a mirror of the image Eddie must have made on the front lawn. He pulls the bandana from his pocket, folding it diagonally before offering it out to El.
She takes it, eyes flicking up to Eddie's. She looks sad. "Can you make the TV staticky?"
"On it."
Robin closes all the blinds and curtains, making the house a bit darker and Eddie gets the TV on, white noise filling the room.
They sit in that white noise for what feels like an eternity but when Eddie checks his watch, is actually about 22 minutes, before El suddenly yanks the makeshift blind fold off with a frustrated huff.
"It is not working!" She shouts.
Eddie looks to Robin, but she looks just as lost about all this as Eddie feels. Well. Eddie's always been good with kids. He'll make the attempt. "El, you said earlier you didn't know if you were okay. Maybe figuring that out will help? It can't be easy to get into the right headspace with other thoughts floating around. "
She looks down at Steve, then back to Eddie. Her eyes are wet. "I am scared."
Eddie nods, "me too. This is scary."
"I am scared I will not find him," she says, then drops her voice to a whisper to continue, "but I am more scared that I will."
He really wishes Joyce would have come with. Or Hopper, Jonathan, Will, anyone who actually knows El. He thinks she need a kind of comfort he and Robin cannot provide. "Well, El, what's the part that's really scary?"
She's quiet for a long time. "Steve has never needed saving before. Not by me. What if I can't?"
"Oh El, it's not on you to save him," Robin says, sliding off the couch to be on the floor with them. She must have more information than Eddie about why El would say that, which makes since, because Robin was part of the conversation when they'd decided to have El try and reach out to Steve. "It's not fair that it's only you that can do this, but we didn't ask expecting you to fix it. That's not the pressure we meant to put on you. All we want is a confirmation. And if you can't, that's okay, too. That'll be okay."
El frowns, bottom lip quivering before she reaches down and picks up Steve, shoving him into Eddie's arms before she launches herself at Robin, arms around her neck and burying her face into Robin's neck. Robin looks startled, eyes wide going to Eddie. He pulls Steve to his neck, in an imitation of the position El is in, then hugs him with one arm and uses his other hand to pet at Steve's hair, trying to make meaningful eyes contact with Robin. She gets with the program, hugging El and petting the back of her head.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You want us to call Joyce or Hopper over?" Robin soothes, her body now gently rocking with El in her lap.
There's a muffled, quiet 'no' from El but that's it. She doesn't say anything else, or move, for a couple minutes.
El pulls back finally, away from Robin to sit up straight. "Okay. I am ready again. Please hand me Steve."
He does, belatedly realizing he was still cuddling and petting Steve. Oh. He really hopes that if Steve is the doll, that he doesn't have any sort of touch receptors going on. That'll be embarrassing.
Steve settled in her lap again, blindfold back on, El tries again.
It takes about two minutes before Eddie watches a bit of blood trickle out of her nose. He shoots a worried look to Robin before lifting a hand, intent on reaching out to El, but before he fully extends his arm, Robin stops him with a shake of her head.
Another eternity passes before El gasps and pulls the blindfold off.
"What happened? Did you find him?" Robin asks.
El looks from Robin to Eddie, then down to Steve, then back up to Eddie, a small smile on her face. "Yeah. He wants me to tell you 'thank you, for taking the time to explain because Dustin never does.' He said you would know what he was talking about?"
"Holy shit." He and Robin say it at the same time. Robin scrabbles over the couch, rather than around it, and dashes out of sight. Eddie doesn't think he could make his legs work if he wanted to. Steve can hear them. (Ha Dustin!)
El deposits Steve into Eddie's arms. "It is him. He does not know what happened, either. He can hear and see. He appreciates that you did not let the sun blind him."
"El, you are the most amazing person I've ever met," Eddie says and watches the grin grow on El's face. "Alright. Well, the first step to a solution is knowing and now we know."
Robin pops back into view behind the couch, "everyone is on their way here now. I tried to tell Will we'd go back to them, 'cause y'know, less people and cars to worry about but I guess they want the base of operations to be here. How mad do you think Steve would be if I got copies of my key made for everyone?"
"I can ask him," El offers.
"Nah," Eddie grins, "it's always better to ask forgiveness than permission. And you'll forgive us, won't you, Stevie?"
Steve, of course, does not answer, but it does settle something inside Eddie knowing that he hears the question.
Steve's a doll. They know that for sure. Now, they can find a solution.
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tartarusknight · 6 months
I don't think I could write a fic where Steve doesn't end up choosing a career path (minus teacher) that has him working with his hands. Cook, hair stylist, artist, woodworker, mechanic, etc. School is hard and sure I think if he really tried he could get a degree but honestly, school isn't for anyone. Let him have a career he doesn't have to go to school for. Let him struggle like some people do. It normal and to me, it feels right.
Another bonus point if you let him have this with El. The girl is brilliant and badass but you can see how she struggles. Let her do art or cook with Steve. Let them be buddies and find a hobby that makes them feel smart in a different way than the rest of the party. Let them show off and be partners when Els older. Let Steve be an older brother for her and find another sister in her.
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smithsibsceo · 1 year
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i love you platonic soulmates
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Billy, having a nerf gun war with the kids, when he's backed into a corner by Max and El, both holding their guns up at him with sinister smirks.
"Any last words, blondie?"
With his hands held up in surrender, Billy sighs, "tell Steve I love him. And he better not remarry!"
Before the words are even fully out, the two girls are pelting him with nerf bullets, cackling at his dramatic display of falling over the couch, a hand clutching his chest.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 118
Part 1 Part 117
Winter break passes better than summer had for Will. Mom’s loosened his leash enough that he can go to the arcade unsupervised, or hang out at Dustin’s house, or sequester himself in Mike’s stuffy basement and run a campaign like the good old days.
El closed the gate, and everyone’s convinced the Upside-Down is gone. Only Steve, Eddie, and Will can feel their connection stretch the miles between their abodes and know the truth: it’s not over.
Things will never be the same again.
Will doesn’t mention it. This little slice of normalcy is far too precious to jeopardize with the truth.
The holiday’s in the Byers house have always been low-key, but it’s been worse since last year. They don’t even put up lights anymore. No one’s told him why, and he hasn’t asked.
Still, when he asks his Mom, she gladly agrees to host their extended family. They’d done it at the Munson’s last year, hemmed into a space far too small for that many bodies.
It’s Eddie who suggests a secret santa exchange. Everyone huddles in Will’s living room, pulling names from one of Wayne’s baseball caps, groaning when Carol draws the last slip and it’s her own name. They crumple the pieces and try again.
Will stares down at El’s name and sneaks furtive looks up at her. She wasn’t around last Chrismtas, still holed up in Chief Hopper’s cabin pretending not to exist. But, her leash has been loosened as well, so here she is, beaming down at her own drawn name and bouncing on her toes with excitement.
Has she ever celebrated a holiday before? Has she ever even gotten a present?
It’s a lot of pressure. He feels it pushing down on him, but then Steve throws his arm around Will’s shoulders and initiates their usual tug, tug, tug ritual, and it all eases off. Like, Steve, even unknowingly, will always take the weight off Will’s shoulders and carry it himself.
He stares down at the piece of paper and starts to plan.
It takes the entire allotted two weeks to finish. He stares down at the finished project. Will she like it? Is he skipping over some boundary he doesn’t even know is there?
It doesn’t matter: he’s out of time, so he rolls the paper up and pushes it carefully into one of Jonathan’s old poster tubes, and rushes into the living room to wrap it.
Everyone gathers, sitting on couches and chairs and the carpet. Dustin crouches in the corner where they’d all piled their presents, squinting at small handwriting and passing around a variety of parcels.
They go in a circle, gift after gift. Will opens his own, beaming down at a trio of hand-painted figures from Lucas.
When Jonathan opens his, he stares down at it, mouth opening and closing, no sounds coming out. Will leans over to peer around the half-unwrapped gift to see what’s robbed him of speech.
It’s a cassette player, still in the original box, and it must be nice based on the way Jonathan’s staring at it like it’s the holy grail.
“I put a tape in it for you to listen to,” Steve says. His cheeks are pink, and he’s twiddling the ring on his pinkie. “You said I owed you one.”
Jonathan reaches out to pry the box open, staring in like he’ll find the answers to the meaning of life rather than a cassette player. “I was kidding,” Jonathan replies, but he’s smiling down at it now as he pulls it out of the box and pops the deck to look at what’s inside.
“You don’t even want to know what Stevie here had to do to get Johnny boy's name from the draw,” Eddie says, smiling from where he’s sitting on the rug. Steve elbows him in the ribs, but he just keeps talking. “And then he had to do it all over again when Perky Perkins screwed all his hard work and drew her own name.”
Carol gasps, rounding on Steve and kicking out at him ruthlessly close to his crotch. “You told him?” she shrieks.
Will has no idea what they’re on about but he laughs along with everyone else, watching all three of them descend into an all-out wrestling match like the children they’re not.
It doesn’t stop until they get dangerously close to knocking over the TV, and Mom claps to get their attention. They all settle back in to finish opening presents.
Because Will’s life has always been an unlucky one, El goes last. His anxiety ratchets up with every minute that passes, reaching an all-time-high as she finally starts peeling the paper away.
Unlike the rest of them, she picks the tape off the foil, peeling it away, careful not to rip the paper at all. She folds it all nicely, and hands it to Chief Hopper for safe-keeping.
She then stares down at the cardboard tube, brow furrowed until Mike tells her she has to open the other end. El flips the tube on its head, pulls off the top, and pulls out the rolled up paper inside.
With that same characteristic care, she unrolls it, only to gasp at what she finds. Will watches her face, digging his fingernails into his thighs.
“What is it?” Chief Hopper asks, leaning over her shoulder to ger a peek. He looks down at it with an expressionless face before smiling and patting her shoulder.
El nods, not looking away from the page in front of her.
Will has limited supplies, but he’d used all the best colored pencils he owns, and had Jonathan buy him a big piece of paper from Melvald’s.
On one edge of the page stands El. She looks fierce the way she has every time he’s seen her use her powers, hand raised and a huge beam of white light cutting across the darkness.
Within that beam, he’s painted all the people in this room. First, Chief Hopper in his police uniform, standing beside Mom, gun raised and pointed toward the darkness. Then, Mike, Lucas, and Dusin, dressed as their D&D characters holding a variety of weapons. Will, Steve, and Eddie stand farther along the page, back to back to back as they cover each other’s weak bits. Then Jonathan and Nancy, Nancy with a gun, and Jonathan slightly behind her, all ready to face whatever comes out of the darkness. And at the farthest corner, Barb stands with a baseball bat covered in nails, Carol standing slightly behind her, pointing into the darkness like she’s clueing Barb in on a monster’s location.
The whole thing ended up a little messy. Nancy’s hands look wonky, and there’s something wrong with Steve’s nose, but El’s beaming down at it like it’s the Mona Lisa.
“Be careful with it until we can get a frame for it,” Chief Hopper says, hand still clasping onto her shoulder.
She looks up at him, smiling even wider as she asks, “I can put it in my room?”
“Of course, kid.”
El stares down at the page for a few seconds more before rolling it back up with slow movements, making it small enough that it slides perfectly into its roll. She puts it on Chief Hopper’s lap, staring down at it for a second like she can’t bear to look away.
She then barrels across the room, colliding with Will so hard that they both end up on the carpet. “Thank you, Will,” El says, clutching onto him hard.
He pats her back awkwardly, looking around the room for help and finding none. “You’re welcome.”
“It is the best present I have ever gotten.”
That makes Will a little sad, but all he says is, “Merry Christmas.” He waits uncomfortably for her to get off him so he can sit back up.
It’s not long until everyone starts trickling out, Carol and Barbara herding Max and Lucas along with them to drop off, and Nancy snagging Mike and Dustin after sharing a kiss with Jonathan that Eddie makes barfing noises at.
Chief Hopper shepherds El into his truck, and Wayne follows them out, off to work the night shift.
Only Eddie and Steve stay. They all pile into Will’s room. His bed’s not big enough for the three of them, so they curl around each other on the floor, blankets haphazardly piled atop them.
It doesn’t take Will long to fall asleep, comfortable with Steve and Eddie at his back, the comforting sounds of his Mom cleaning up in the other room.
Part 119
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wheelercurse · 2 years
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The Wheelers + Forced Conformity (aka the reason why they are Vecna’s target) 
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
steve harrington has powers
and they will be revealed in s5
steve’s power reveal has been hinted at from the very beginning, and now we’re in the final season, all our waiting will have paid off, and his status as an escaped child from the lab will play a key role in defeating the upside down and vecna for good.
first things first, let’s think about two factors that define steve as a character. ask any fan, no matter how casual, about steve, and they’ll know these two things; he gets into fights every single season and his hair is a key part of his character.
steve’s hair plays a role in his character arc.
as steve grows fully into himself as a character, his hair changes with him, becoming longer, wilder, less neat and styled. his hair represents his growth within his current arc.
who else is a character with an arc that can be well represented by their current hairstyle? eleven.
as el’s hair grows, we watch her figure out who she is as a person, learn to style it, grow and even lose it. this is no coincidence.
steve’s hair growth is directly tied to his status as a lab child. his rejection of the abuse he faced growing up can be seen in the care and attention he directs towards his hair. as he becomes a more fully developed character, who is learning and changing as he interacts with more environments, his hair changes with him.
not to mention that steve using women’s hairspray and stying products for his hair clearly show that he was raised outside of the bounds of normal gender roles. he has no issue with using woman’s shampoo and condition because he wasn’t taught to. his ideas of masculinity don’t revolve around social expectations, much like el.
steve’s fights are the biggest indicator of steve’s abilities.
or rather, should i say the aftermath of those fights.
we watch steve get obliterated in a fight scene every single season, and yet not five minutes later, he’s walking it off! he has zero repercussions of these fights. no headaches. no scars. no lingering wounds.
he routinely throws himself back into the fray. no matter how badly wounded.
this is NOT an accident, nor was it a choice made so that the duffers could beat up their favourite punching bag and still use him as a key player in fights. it’s obviously there as a hint to the audience as to the true nature of steve’s ability.
now, it’s fairly obvious where i’m going with this: steve has accelerated healing as a result of the experiments performed on him by hawkins lab.
now, you might just say, “so what? he healed from battling humans.”
but it’s so much more than that.
steve fought and was eaten by upside down creatures.
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no other character has survived that. no other character carries wounds and scars from surviving a run in with a demo-creature.
bar one.
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coincidence? of course not.
steve is the only character that wears a wristwatch in near every single scene he’s in.
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not only is his watch constantly on, it’s takes a prominent place in key scenes. the duffers want you to look at it.
why else would they refuse to show his wrist in every single scene? they don’t want us to see what’s underneath. so what could the duffers be hiding under there? his number.
and the number, god it’s so obvious. STEVEN. SEVEN.
i mean, it’s staring us right in the face!!!
steve’s past
now, this point is so obvious, everyone can see it: we’ve never even met steve’s parents.
the only teenage character from prior to s3 whose parents we haven’t met. we don’t even know their names.
in fact, tommy and carol even seem used to the fact that steve’s parents aren’t home. implying that they’re never there. because they don’t exist.
we’ve seen his house! and yet… empty. the room is blank. there’s nothing in there to even suggest it is steve’s house. he has no personal effects.
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every single other character has identifying objects in their room. but not steve. why would the duffers do this? because they’re hinting to the audience that steve doesn’t belong there.
there’s not even any reference of steve prior to the beginning of s1. jonathan? we see flashbacks. nancy? we get mention of her playing dnd years before. all the party have pictures. we watch max’s childhood memories play out.
and yet. the closest we get to characters remembering steve in their own past, is steve from the year 1983. naturally, that isn’t the year that steve escaped the lab, but it does bring up interesting questions about steve living on the edge of hawkins population. he may have been the most popular boy around, but it seems no one truly knew him.
steve didn’t go the college.
and it’s not because he didn’t get in.
steve was getting c’s in classes nancy found difficult.
steve was in at least two different sports (basketball and swimming), he was a lifeguard and co-captain of the swimming team. that takes work and dedication, and it looks good when applying to college.
to be in all these sports, steve had to have been getting above a certain grade level. certainly high enough to get into college.
the duffers know that steve could’ve gotten into college, so why would they make it so obvious that steve is lying?
because steve didn’t apply in the first place. because as an escapee from the lab, he doesn’t even exist in the real world. he has no birth certificate, no records from being a child. attending some high school in the middle of nowhere would’ve been easy, but attending college? drawing attention to himself? steve couldn’t risk it. he knew he’d be found.
el and steve are purposefully paralleled to hint towards steve’s past and secret abilities. there’s a reason the duffers have never allowed prolonged interactions between el and steve, because they want to drag out the reveal as long as they can. there is so much more, but god, it would take forever.
we still don’t even know the full extent of steve’s abilities (i personally believe that steve has some variation of a charisma ability. i mean. every single character that’s disliked him has spent a very short amount of one on one time with him and immediately come around.) and we likely won’t until s5 finally comes out. and then the world will know…
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estrellami-1 · 7 months
If I Should Stay
I’m late! I’m sorry! Life happened. Next update will happen as if this wasn’t late, so it’ll be on the 15th. 😊
Part 1 | . . . | Part 63 | Part 64 | Part 65
Days pass. El gets stronger. Everyone gathers, once again, for one last mission.
“Anyone wants out,” Steve says seriously, “you have it. This isn’t like last time. We’re not fighting bats. These are grown men who are smart, mean, and will not hesitate to kill you.”
“Papa is a bad man,” El adds. “He has bad men helping him. I don’t want them to hurt anyone else.”
“Kid,” Hopper starts, looking at Steve, “I think this is a job for the government-”
“The government knows,” Steve returns, turning back to everyone else, focusing on Nancy. “If we have to retreat, Nancy, I want you to get everything you can on them. I’d rather not call him unless we absolutely have to, but there’s a man who can help. You’re a great journalist and i know you can get this place torn to the ground if need be.”
“Meaning, if we can’t,” Eddie adds, and Steve nods at him.
Nancy looks between them. “Oh,” she says, brows furrowed. Suddenly she looks at Steve, eyes narrowed. “Him? Really?”
Steve frowns, confused. “What- Nance, what’re you-”
“Don’t Nance me,” she bites back, eyes sharp. “Not when you dumped me for-”
“And that’s enough,” Alli cuts in, tone sharp and eyes sharper. “You’ve officially overstayed your welcome, Miss Priss, I’ll consider letting you back in if you apologize.”
“Oh, stop it,” Nancy begins, but is stopped by Robin, who stands in front of her with her arms crossed.
“Out.” She says, low. Dangerous. “I’ve been through this shit twice. You don’t want to know what I’m capable of.”
Nancy looks at the two of them, looks from Wayne to Hopper to Joyce, then storms out when no one seems sympathetic. Jonathan follows her.
Steve sinks into his seat with an exhale. “I didn’t think- I mean, I knew she didn’t know, but I didn’t think it would- she would-”
El clambers onto the couch next to him. “Do you want me to help?”
He slowly turns to her, brows furrowing again. “Help?”
“Yeah. I can make her trip on the sidewalk. Or make a bird poop on her.”
“Do that one,” Mike says, “it would be funny.”
Steve pulls El into a hug with a sigh. “Thanks, Ellie, but that’s alright. It’s not nice to get back at people who are reacting out of anger.”
“Why’s she angry at you? You didn’t do anything.”
Steve sighs. “I kind of did-”
Robin raises a brow at him. “You broke up with her about a week before she would’ve, Steve, this is not on you. You told me about the conversation behind the school. If she couldn’t say it then, she couldn’t say it now. Simple as that.”
Steve sighs and tilts his head so his cheek is resting on top of El’s head. “I dunno, Robbie.”
“Well I know,” Allison says. “And you can tell me I’m wrong, but that would just make you wrong.”
Steve smiles. It’s a slow, small thing, but it’s there. “Sounds like a waste of time.”
“It would be,” she agrees, moving to press a kiss to his forehead.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve sees Dustin frowning, looking from Steve, to Wayne, to Eddie. Finally, the lightbulb comes on. “Your boy!”
Steve groans, leaning his head back on the couch. “I knew it wasn’t gonna last forever, but could we not have one day alone?” He laments.
“No, just- dude,” Dustin says, looking highly judgmental. “He’s way too cool for you.”
Steve sighs, fighting a smile. “Never change, Henderson.”
“Lies,” Eddie says dramatically, “lies and slander, I played guitar and he killed an evil wizard, kid, he’s the most badass of all paladins, are you kidding me?”
“Well,” Dustin gestures at Steve, “sure, but look at him!”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and grins. “I do.”
Dustin’s lip curls up. “Never mind. You two deserve each other.”
Steve and Eddie exchange a look. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Steve asks, but Dustin’s already turned to talk to Mike, Will and Lucas.
Wayne clears his throat. “Someone should go talk to her,” he says. “I’d do it, but I dunno if she’d listen t’me, on account of Eddie bein’ my kid and all.”
“I’ll go,” Joyce offers, already standing.
“Can you maybe threaten her a little bit?” Robin asks hopefully. “If she tells anyone-”
“I’ll talk to her,” Joyce says firmly. “And if she decides not to listen… well, El’s her own person, and no one can really stop her.” She winks at El, who giggles and grins back.
“Thank you, Joyce,” Steve says quietly. “Be nice to her, please. She’s just fifteen.”
“So are you,” Joyce reminds him, and closes the door behind her.
“So,” Will says, brows furrowed, “you and Nancy were dating? And then you broke up with her, because the first time around, she broke up with you?”
Steve chuckles. “Not exactly. We- the first time around, you and Barb were both missing, and she was pretty frantic about Barb. I tried to convince her to keep going with her life, mainly because that’s how I cope. The problem is, that’s not how she copes. We had a fight, and I tried to talk to her the next day and she couldn’t tell me she loved me. She never broke up with me, but later that week she cheated on me with Jo- uh, with- with a friend.”
Will sighs. “It was Jonathan, wasn’t it?”
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“The demon is back.” Eddie pokes into Steve’s side to wake him up.
“Babe, please go back to sleep.” Steve shoves his face into the pillow, making his voice muffled.
“Steeeeve.” Eddie whines, “It’s really there I swear this time. And I locked the door so I know it’s the demon again. Nothing else can get inside.”
“Eddie.” Steve squishes his face even deeper into the mattress. “You do this at least once a week. I love you; I do. But I never look because there is no demon. And every morning, you wake up fine. So please, go back to sleep.”
“What if I promise never to mention it again if it’s not really there? Will you look then?” This time Eddie’s voice wavers, his actual terror showing.
Steve sighs and shifts his head to look at Eddie, “This is really freaking you out, huh?” He says it kindly. Steve can tell this is serious to Eddie. So even if he doesn’t believe it, Eddie does. And what’s important to Eddie is important to Steve.
Eddie nods back furiously.
“Okay, I’ll look.” Steve shifts his head towards the other side, where the chair by the window sits. There, sitting in that corner is a dark shadowy figure. “Oh.”
“See! I told you! Demon! Oh god, it’s gonna get us.” Eddie throws his hands up. Even though he’s terrified, he’s accepted defeat.
“No.” Steve says calmly. “It’s just El.”
Eddie pauses his rant, “What?”
“It’s just El. In the corner. She does that sometimes, watches people she cares about until she falls asleep. To make sure they’re safe.” Steve looks at Eddie.
“The door was locked! How are you so calm about one of the kids just watching us at night?”
“Honey, she has mind powers. I don’t think a flimsy lock from Home Depot is going to stop her.” Steve deadpans before shrugging, “And it’s El. She could ask me to kill a man, and I probably wouldn’t even ask questions.”
“What if she asked you to kill me?”
“I’d be conflicted.”
“I want to be mad, but honestly I think I’d hand you the knife.” Eddie sighs, looking down at Steve.
Steve scoffs, “Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t stab you. I’d obviously sneak some kind of poison into your honeycombs. Way less messy.”
Eddie goes back to nearly shouting, “Why have you thought about this?!”
“Honestly, I have a lot of intrusive thoughts. I just don’t speak them out loud.”
Despite the fact they are actively talking about his murder, Eddie can’t help but get all gooey with Steve in their bed. “Is this why you don’t get mad when I think aloud? Another reason why you just get me. Adding that tally to the ‘why we are great together’ column.”
“Yes, we’re pretty amazing. Can we go back to sleep now?” Steve smiles.
“Yes—wait, no.” Eddie corrects himself, getting himself back on track. He loves this man, but he is a sneaky little minx. “Why did El never say anything? I mean, this is not the first time I accused her of being a demon. Hell, we’ve been talking for literally five minutes, and she still hasn’t said anything. Also, what if she walked in on us doing, ya know, adult stuff?” Eddie blushes at the end. He’s acting like he hasn’t been whispering way worse things in Steve’s ear every night.
“First off, she won’t walk in on that. Apparently Max taught her about happy screams a long time ago.”
“Yeaaa. Second, I’m pretty sure she’s asleep right now.”
Huh, now that Eddie thinks about it, he does hear soft little snores. Which is weird since neither he nor Steve snores, and they are both, ya know, awake.
“And I don’t think El speaking in a dark corner would have helped your fears. Like imagine just hear her soft “Hello” at 2 a.m.” Steve raises an eyebrow.
“I—okay I got nothing.”
“Fantastic can we go back to sleep now?”
Eddie gives one last shout, “You’re not going to stop her?”
“Are you going to tell her no? And make her worry?”
Eddie slinks down into the covers, “...no.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Eddie curves his body into Steve’s, seeking him out. Steve wraps his arms around Eddie, securing him to his chest. “Thank you for indulging me.”
Steve hums. “Anything for you baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Eddie kisses Steve lightly.
“I love you both as well.” El’s voice suddenly speaks into the silent room.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie screams.
Steve can’t help the giggles that come out of him. He tries to smother them into Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie can’t find it in himself to be mad.
some people seemed interested in more el + Steve sibling energy. And they are a sibling-like duo I love. So here’s a little something but more steddie involved. I think all three of their relationship would be very sweet. Both Eddie and Steve would protect el. I hope you enjoyed :)
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morganski-19 · 4 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 19: Nightmares
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 18
tw: minor descriptions of physical assault, PTSD panic attack, car crashes, and emetophobia (very minor description)
Present Day, June 1986
It’s been three weeks since the court ruled in Steve’s favor, and he still doesn’t quite believe it. Doesn’t believe it when his lawyer calls to tell him that the payment will be coming to him soon. Doesn’t believe it when that money gets transferred to him. When he pays his lawyer and it’s all over.
Steve doesn’t have to fight with them anymore. Have to think about them anymore. They have absolutely no power over him whatsoever.
He doesn’t know what to do with that really.
All his life, he’s been playing the part designed for him. Done what other people wanted, doing things for himself later. In secret. Now that most of it was out, the pressure gone, he doesn’t know what to do anymore.
Steve gets up to go to a job that he didn’t want in the first place. Really only got because his dad wanted him to get a part time job as punishment for not getting into college. Following Robin after the mall blew up. It was all just stops on a train that he was given the ticket to.
Now he switched trains on his own accord. Went in a different direction. One that he chose because he wanted it. Sounded like a life he wanted to live. Sounded like there were other passengers on the train that might get off at the same destination. Want to spend time with him as they traveled. Get to know him. Maybe even love him.
And that’s what happened. He still doesn’t know how, or why. What to do with it. But he’s learning to.
If anyone were to ask him what he was going to do with this life he has now, with the winnings, he wouldn’t know. He doesn’t know what he wants to do tomorrow let alone in the next five years. The picture he has in his head looks the same as it is now. Happy with everyone he loves around him, looking exactly the same.
But that’s not what’s going to happen.
The kids are going to grow up, change, go off to school. Julie will too, leaving his house empty again. Robin will eventually go to a school that can give her more than a community college can. People in the town will continue to outgrow it.
While Steve continues to stay in the same spot forever. Rooted in the same place that hurt him so much. The same place that helped him grow into someone he’s actually proud of. Showed him the life he could have if he was just brave enough to go and catch it.
Now that he has it, it’s all he’s ever wanted. He’s not ready to let it go quite yet.
“Do you think you could teach me how to drive?” Julie asks Steve over dinner.
Steve freezes in shock, head shooting up to look at her. “Yeah, sure, I guess.”
He’s known her less than a year but the question still makes him feel so old. Feeling like he watched her grow up as she went through so many changes. So many emotions. Slowly formed into the person she is now right in front of him.
“Cool.” Julie says, going back to her dinner.
Steve wonders how long she’s been wanting to learn how to drive. She’s been able to for over a year now, just never got around to it. With the nature of her mother’s accident, he wasn’t sure when she would want to ever learn. If she would want to.
“Is there a reason you wanted to learn?” He asks, trying to sound nonchalant.
Julie shrugs. “Just haven’t yet. And I’ve been thinking about maybe getting a part time job, saving to try and get a car of my own before I go to college. I know it’s still a year away, but cars are expensive and minimum wage is shit.”
College. Something he knew was coming but was hoping it could be a little farther away. He wonders if this is how every parent feels. Wishing their kid would just stay in one place for a little while longer and stop growing. Stop changing. So they don’t have to change with them.
He’s not a parent. Not yet, and not for a long while. But he can’t help but feel some sort of protective instinct over these kids that changed his life. Want to look out for them in every situation, make sure that nothing ever hurts them. He knows that’s not how life is supposed to go. Kids are supposed to make mistakes and learn from them. That’s the way it went for him, so it’s the way it will go for them.
He just didn’t want it to.
“I don’t know why you’re so worked up about this,” Robin comments while unboxing the newest releases. “We all knew this day would come someday.”
Steve sighs, leaning on the door of the stock room. “I just wanted that someday to take longer to actually get here. It’s like the last few years went by so fast and got so muddled in my mind that I forgot time kept moving.”
“I get that. But,” she places the last tape on the cart and turns to him, “just because the kids are getting older, doesn’t mean that they’re leaving.”
They are in a way, though. Even though he knows that won’t be permanent. That they won’t forget about him the way other people have, it still makes the anxiety trapped in his chest start to rise. The instinct to hold on tight and never let go so much stronger.
“This town is too small for them. We both know that. They are going to go do amazing things, while I’m still here doing the same mediocre things I always do.” He holds the door open for her as she rolls the cart through.
“Have you ever thought about doing other things?”
Steve pauses in front of the cart, making Robin run into him. “What?”
“You’re acting like you can’t do other things. If you hate what you’re doing right now, try something different. No one’s forcing you to do the same thing you were doing yesterday.”
She pivots the cart to move around him, leaving him with thoughts he’s honestly been scared to think about.
Steve’s made a routine for himself. Go to work, pick up the kids, drive them around, go home. Live a life that he enjoys and work a job that he kind of hates. Follow his best friend wherever she goes because he’ll love whatever it is.
Was it what he thought he’d be doing with his life, no. Is it something he wanted to do the rest of his life? He doesn’t want to answer that question. The rest of his life was uncertain for the longest time. Each year testing the strength of his body and his mind. Making it feel like tomorrow was some bright future he may never get to see.
It was easy to get so stuck in the present when the future seemed like it would never come. Now that it is, Steve is scared to figure out what it is. What it means for him.  
“Look,” Robin continues, knowing exactly how he’s feeling. “I’m not saying you have to pick what you want to do right now. Or tomorrow, or the day after that. I’m just saying that if you really hate doing this,” she waves towards the shelves, “then you can start thinking about what you would want to do instead. There is still so much time for you to figure it all out.”
Time is something Steve’s learning how to deal with. But Robin’s right. Maybe it’s finally the right moment to think about what he can do with it.
. . .
“That is so exciting,” El exclaims when Julie tells her that Steve is going to teach her how to drive. “You will be the first one of us to learn how to drive.”
“Well, that’s actually Max,” Lucas corrects. “She learned how to drive a while ago.”
“Yeah poorly,” Mike adds. “And only in a parking lot.”
Max rolls her eyes. “I drove in the street that one time.”
“And almost got us killed.”
“Scared Steve shitless.” Dustin laughs.
“Scared all of us shitless.”
“Not me,” Lucas defends. I wasn’t scared.”
Dustin snorts. “So that wasn’t your high-pitched scream then?”
Lucas kicks him under the table.
El turns to Max. “When did you drive?”
Max motions for El to get closer and whispers it into her ear. Just another reminder that Julie has no idea what they are talking about. Another inside joke that she’ll never understand. El takes a second to be shocked before bursting out into giggles.
When the bell rings, Max stops Julie before she can walk away. “Hey, could you help me bring my stuff to my next class. El has a test today so she can’t do it.”
Julie shrugs. “Yeah, sure.”
She picks up Max’s backpack and carries it in front of her. Following after Max as she yells at the groups of seniors who like to stand in the hallway and block everyone’s path.
“So, you and El have gotten pretty close, yeah?” Max asks way too casually than she should for such a loaded question. And in the middle of the hallway.
“I mean we’re friends, right,” Julie tries to play it cool. Especially since to El, this is all they are.
Max stops, turning her chair to Julie and giving her a look that tell her to cut the shit. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t really want to talk about this here.”
She barely wants to talk about it at all. The hatred for herself slowly turning into guilt that churns her stomach each time she looks at El. Knowing that she’s feeling something that she shouldn’t. Almost asking El for something that she can’t give. Wishing that this feeling could go away and they could just go back to being normal friends. Without all this complicated shit.
“That’s fair.” Max resumes rolling down the hallway, stopping in front of her classroom and reaching out to take the bag from Julie. “Your house after school then?”
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Julie wishes she would.
“El’s my best friend. Of course I’m not.”
The school day ends, and they go over to her house. She sits next to Max in her room like it’s some interrogation. Waiting for her to be the first to speak. Not wanting to share too much too fast.
“You know, El’s probably going to be pissed when she figures out that we hung out without her,” Max finally breaks the silence.
Julie huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, probably.”
The thing about actually having a crush, Julie realizes, is that it’s so special to have one. Like a little secret that she and only a few other people know. This special little feeling that, at the end of the day, brings her so much joy to have. Even though it’s terrifying. It’s a good terrifying.
“I was really happy when El became friends with you so fast,” Max continues. “I love the guys, but she needed someone else who knew how to take it down a notch. Someone calmer. Someone like you.”
Her lips can’t help but turn into a soft smile. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Max nods. “I think we all needed that too. Life has been crazy the last few years and it’s been nice to have someone to remind us that life doesn’t always have to be tied to that. Especially for El.”
“What do you mean?”
Max takes a deep breath, shifting the pillow behind her. “There’s a lot that I can’t tell you, and there’s stuff that I don’t even really know. None of us do. She wouldn’t tell us all of it. But you know how El is adopted right?”
Julie nods.
“I, uh, don’t know how much of this she wanted me to tell you. Just that she didn’t want to do it herself so bear with me here. Before she was adopted, El was in a really bad home. If that’s what you could even call it. And a lot of really terrible things happened there that none of us like to talk about. She escaped from there one night and eventually got adopted by Hopper.”
Julie remembers that night she stayed at the Byers after they got kicked out of the house. How she told El about the fourth of July when the mall burnt down, and she saw all those people walking to their death. The face El made after she said it. Looking determined as all hell and older than she needed to be. Like a switch in her mind flipped and she was a totally different person than Julie knew her to be.
How horrible her life must have been to take the joy out of her face so fast. To turn defense mode on in a way that made her look like a soldier.
“That’s terrible,” are the only words Julie can think to say.
Max nods, looking down at her hands. “Yeah, it is. This is the same place, same people, that are responsible for a lot of the bad things that happened in this town. They worked at the Hawkins lab.”
“Shit,” Julie sighs, leaning back against her wall.
“Yeah, shit.”
The room fills with silence.
“Why are you telling me all of this now?”
“Because I’ve never seen El open up to a person as fast as she has with you. It took a long time for her to open up to me, and sure there were other things in the way that stopped that, but I’m talking right as we became friends. We were close, but not you guys close.”
Julie can’t imagine Max and El being different from the way they are now. The soft interactions full of a trust that looked so natural. Like they had been friends for a lifetime, fully comfortable around one another.
“And I’m starting to notice, and please tell me if this is out of line, that you might be thinking about El differently than I think about El.”
Julie wonders if this is the time where it isn’t taken well. That someone tells her that this is the worst thing that she could do. Having a crush on a friend could break relationships. She didn’t want to break this one.
“I do,” she finally says to Max. Ready for the berating to start.
Instead, Max nods with resignation. “I think El does too.”
The room starts to buzz as Julie’s heart starts to pick up. “What?”
“She hasn’t, like, told me anything. And she’s probably going to hate me for telling you this at all. But I want to protect her and protect you too and this weird waiting period is really awkward for me, and I’d rather just get to the point where I’m third wheeling.”
“I’m sorry,” Julie interrupts her, still trying to wrap her head around the idea that there’s a possibility that El might like her back. “You think El likes me?”
Max raises her eyebrow. “Have you seen the way she’s been acting around you? Complimenting you every day, clipping your hair back, giggling at literally every joke you say. No offense but that’s a little excessive, your jokes aren’t always that funny.”
Moments start to replay in Julie’s mind. Having been so focused on the way she’s been acting, that she didn’t even notice the way El’s behavior around her changed. How she interacted with Julie just different enough from the rest of the group for it to be significant. For it to be special.
She remembers shrinking in on herself when she knew El was looking at her for longer than she should. Thinking that it was because Julie was making her feel uncomfortable. Never because she could have been doing the same thing Julie has been doing this whole time. Admiring in secret.
“I didn’t notice.”
Max groans. “Of course you didn’t. Neither of you did. It’s like Will and Mike not realizing that they’re into each other. Do you know how frustrating it is to know that your friends like each other but they’re too stupid to do anything about it.”
“Oh my god, you noticed the Will and Mike thing too, I thought that was just me.”
“Don’t try and change the subject. You like El, and I think El likes you. What are you going to do about it?”
Julie winces. “Is nothing an option?”
Max grabs Julie’s arm. “You are driving me crazy. Ask her out or some shit.”
“What if it doesn’t work out?” Julie says, full of fear. “What if I mess up and then I lose all of you guys. I already feel like an outsider sometimes when you guys start talking about the things I don’t know about. I’m the friend that everyone would be ok to lose if this doesn’t work out.”
A few beats pass before Max starts to speak. “Ok, one, you are not the friend that everyone would be ok to lose. You have integrated yourself into the group more than you think you have. Second, you are so focused on a relationship that you haven’t even started yet. Life’s too short to have regret for the steps you didn’t take. Believe me, I know.”
Max wraps her arms around her leg, shifting it to a better position. Inadvertently reminding Julie of the things that have happened the past few years. The events she was just a bystander to, never fully experiencing what happened. When they did, somehow. She still wished she kind of knew.
But maybe Max was right. Maybe Julie could take the risk. Ask El on a date. Hope that it would work out, and that she wouldn’t regret it later. What would she regret more? Asking, or forever wondering how it would have turned out had she not.
. . .
July 1987
The room is blurry as Steve comes into consciousness. The bright lights giving him a headache, and the taste of copper resting on is tongue. His one eye can’t open that well, almost swollen shut. His wrists burn against rope as he twists them. Trying to get them apart.
His good eye blinks, focusing on a pair of black boots in front of him. Raising his head, he meets the scowling face of the Russian officer. Hearing words spoken in a language he doesn’t understand to the other man in the room.
“Ah, he’s awake,” The Russian slurs in English. Stepping forward and looking down at Steve. Menacing.
“Let me go,” Steve begs. “I don’t know anything.”
The officer grabs his hair, pulling his head back to look at him. Steve’s tempted to spit in his face.
“I am only going to ask you this again. Who do you work for?”
Steve can’t help but let out a sad laugh. Knowing he won’t be awake for much longer. “I already told you. I work at Scoops.”
The ringing in his ears starts when his cheek burns. Vision blurring again. He straightens his head, panting to try and get the air back into his lungs. Only for it to leave as the officer hits him again. Always the right side of his head. It hurts so much it’s almost numb.
“No, no, no,” Steve pleads as the officer winds up again. Blood pooling in his mouth with the next collision. He spits on the group. “I work at Scoops,” he screams with as much breath he can muster.
The world goes dark again.
Steve wakes with a scream. The surroundings not matching that of his cell. A weight around his torso preventing him from getting up. He rips the blankets off of him, pulling the weight off and throwing it away. Cursing as his feet can’t kick off the sheets. Can’t get free.
Tears are streaming down his face as he struggles. His hands free. The rope burn stinging his skin. His torso itches like crazy. Like small little bites stabbing into his skin. He needs to find Robin. Needs to see if she’s ok.
“Steve,” a voice says to him. How do they know his same? Did he tell it to them? What are they going to do to him now.
He still struggles with the blanket, finally pulling his feet free. Attempting to get off the bed and search for anything as a weapon. This place isn’t the cell he was in before. They must have moved him when he was knocked out.
“Steve,” the voice says again. Sitting up on the bed and starting to move towards him.
Steve flinches from the touch, raising his fists. Ready to strike them first this time. His heart is beating in his ears, the constant ringing in his right only amplified. Adrenaline pumping through his veins.
He needs to get out of here.
A light clicks on. Illuminating the room he’s in. It doesn’t look like a cell. It looks like a bedroom. Have they constructed this just to give him a false sense of security?”
“It was just a dream, Steve.” The man gets out of the bed, taking a cautious step towards Steve. Hands outstretched to block any punches Steve might throw.
Steve wasn’t the threat here. He was just trying to protect himself.
“Can you tell me three things you notice about this room?” The man cautiously spins them around, clicking on another lamp in the room.
The bare walls reflect the light, the soft yellow so different from the blaring white. The walls a tan instead of white or grey. It looks so familiar, but Steve’s mind is so confused. The tears continue to stream down his face as he tries to figure out where he is.
“I work at Scoops,” Steve stutters.
“I know you do.” The man replies quickly. “I believe you.”
More tears. Steve’s hands lower. They know now. Does that mean he’s free to go?
“Tell me three things you see,” he repeats. So soft it makes Steve want to crumble.
“A bed,” he whispers. “A nightstand. A lamp.”
The man takes another step forward. Coming into more clarity. Brown curls fall onto his shoulders. He looks nothing like the Russians.
“Good. Anything else?”
“There’s a picture on the nightstand. The bed has blue sheets. There’s a poster on the wall.”
Eddie places a gentle hand on Steve’s shoulder, he flinches before leaning into it. Closing his eyes and trying to focus on the touch. Letting it ground him.
There’s a knock on the door. Steve’s eyes fly open again as he whips his head to look. Heartbeat increasing again.
“Take a seat, sweetheart, I’ll get it.”
Steve freezes, unable to move. He’s directed toward the bed, somehow, he sits down. Knuckles clenched into white.
“Are you guys ok,” he hears a soft voice say. “I heard screaming.”
Eddie doesn’t open the door more than a small crack. “Yeah, we’re fine. I got this, you can go back to bed.”
The door shuts with a small click. Eddie returning to Steve. Sits next to him as the adrenaline fades. Leaving his body exhausted and his mind still searching for explanations.
“Can you tell me what year it is, Steve?”
He shakes his head.
“It’s July second, 1987. You survived them, Steve. Everyone did.”
A sob escapes his throat. His body collapsing into himself. Curling up as the energy releases. He’s wrapped into a hug and pulled further into the bed. Being protected while he falls apart.
Steve wakes up again a few hours later. Gets out of bed and into a routine. Takes a shower, gets dressed, makes himself breakfast. Goes through the motions of a normal morning.
The front door closes quietly. Eddie and Robin coming into the house. Sitting with Steve at the table.
“I took Julie to school, that’s why I wasn’t here,” Eddie explains. “I told Robin what happened.”
Robin looks down at the table, biting at her lip. “Tomorrow marks two year since-.”
Steve looks at his coffee. “Yeah, I know.”
“I can’t believe it’s been that long. It feels so close yet a lifetime away.”
“It was like I was back there. Even when I woke up.” Steve takes a deep breath. “I thought it was going to be better this year.”
Robin’s hand finds his, her fingers shaking. “Me too.”
They find themselves curled up on the couch for the rest of the day. Eddie there just to make sure they’re both ok. The house quiet except for the low volume on the tv. Lights off so they don’t flicker. Robin’s fingers pressed into Steve’s wrist to feel his pulse. His arm holding her close, proving that she’s there.
They made it out of there. They’re both alive. He wishes that their minds would stop trying to tell them otherwise.
. . .
Julie walks into a dark house. Steve and Robin asleep on the couch with Eddie awkwardly sitting next to them. Looking out of place. She wants to ask about what she heard last night. How she heard the screams from across the hall.
Eddie gets up when he notices her. Motions for her to meet him in Steve’s bedroom. Shuts the door gently behind them before turning on the light.
“You probably have a few questions about last night.”
Julie nods. “Is he ok?”
Eddie runs a hand down his face. “Physically, yeah, he’s fine. But other than that, he will be. This week is an anniversary of something for him. He was reminded of that last night.”
“The mall fire,” Julie fills in. “I know that they were there that night.”
“Do you know why?”
Julie shakes her head. No one would tell her more when she asked.
Eddie nods, crossing his arms and swaying on the balls of his feet. “I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you what happened. I don’t even know the full of it.”
She thought Steve told him everything. “It was bad, wasn’t it?”
“Yes. It’s the reason Steve can’t hear well in his right ear anymore. And the reason he gets really bad PTSD attacks. Like the one he had last night.”
“And that’s why,” she tilts her head to the door. Knowing that Steve and Robin tangled together in the living room.
“She was there too.” Eddie looks at the door. Pain painting his face. “A part of me wishes I knew what really happened to them so I could help. But they already relive this pain more than they should, they don’t need to do it again just to fill me in.”
Julie pauses before asking the question that’s been on her mind since the first time she heard screams through the walls. Wonders if there’s a part of her that really wants to know. Or if this is just morbid curiosity. But there were memories of her own that haunt her. Placing her back into moments of her life with things left unexplained.
She cares about these people. It hurts to know that they are in pain. And if she could help, know how to help them through the panic or PTSD attacks, she thinks it’s important enough to know.
“Do you think you could tell me what you know,” she asks softly. “Or at least what you do to help calm him down. I think it would be good for me to be prepared in case it happens and you or Robin aren’t here.”
Eddie presses his lips together. “I’ll do the second one, not the first. As much as he doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s not my story to tell.”
“That’s fair.”
Eddie tells her what he does to calm Steve down when it gets really bad. How with the panic attacks, it’s good to count with him while he breaths. And if he’s willing, grab his hands to help ground him. Tell him about what’s in the room. How it’s different than the pictures in his mind. More things kind of all based on that.
Julie takes it all in, making a mental list in her mind, hoping she doesn’t forget it. Hoping that if it ever happens, she won’t mess it up. Saddened by the fact that this is Steve’s reality.
. . .
A few days pass since Steve’s reality morphed with his nightmares. The date crossed out on his calendar far enough away that it’s finally starting to sink in. Steve made it out of there two years ago. Yet it still affects him like it was yesterday.
Just like back then, life moves on. He goes to work and comes home. Gets weird thinking of the future, and what that means for him. How each milestone will pass, the anniversary of dates coming and going. Affecting him in more ways than he realizes. Until he’s waking in a cold sweat and his body is transported back into his past selves. Some fucked up time travel.
His mind stays fixated on that night. How long it took for his brain to recognize Eddie’s face. To differentiate the safety of his home with the danger of his interrogation cell. How dangerous it could have been.
Eddie told him that Julie has asked about it. How he didn’t say anything, but did tell her ways to help him through an attack. It’s something he never thought of before. Out of all the possibilities that run through his mind, the thought of her being present for one of the attacks never crossed. He never thought she would be there for one of them.
But she almost was. If Eddie hadn’t been there, it would have been Steve opening the door. He didn’t want her to see him like that. He didn’t want the monsters in his head to meld her into something she wasn’t.
She wasn’t a part of this life, he wanted to keep it that way. But Steve has never really gotten what he wished for. It was time to tell her the parts he could.
No one wants to hear about the truth. They don’t want to know the dangers that rest beneath their feet. Blissfully ignorant and wanting to stay that way. Ignorance, however, can hurt sometimes. He didn’t want it to hurt her.
When Julie gets home from school, Steve asks her to sit in the kitchen. Takes the seat across from her and starts to lay out everything. How this conversation can’t leave the room, and she’s never to let anyone know that he told her this.
“This is about Starcourt, isn’t it?” She asks somewhere in the middle of his warnings. “Why all those people walked straight to their death.”
“How did you know about that?” Steve knew that people must have seen it, but it was kept out of the news.
Julie tells him about the night she went looking for her mom. How she got caught in the crowd of people walking toward the mall. Saw the names of people she knew flicker on the tv screen the next morning.
Steve tells her more than he should. About how Will going missing five years ago was a catalyst to so much more. How he got roped into everything. Skipping the bit in the middle for the most part, focusing on how Max came into it all. Then gets to the Russians.
Tells her the story of an innocent mystery turned terrifying nightmare. The interrogation that thankfully didn’t end in his death. Fireworks that crashed into the monster the size of a building and crashing a car into a possessed maniac. All of it ending in burning red, leaving the survivors to cope with their loss.
She’s taking it better than he thought she would. And he hasn’t even said everything yet. Just barely gets to spring break before Julie is pulling him into a hug. Until he realizes the wetness of his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” she chokes. “I am so sorry you had to live through that.”
He doesn’t finish telling her everything. It’s probably a good thing. The NDA’s aren’t as loose as the ones from a few years ago. And it’s better for her to process this and maybe learn the rest later. If she wants to. If he wants to explain it all again.
. . .
“Alright, now turn on the blinker and slowly hit the gas again,” Steve instructs as Julie sits at a stop sign. No one else around.
It’s been a few weeks since she’s started learning how to drive. Slowly easing into it in random parking lots while no one is there. Learning where all the signals were, and basic traffic laws. Most of it was review, but she didn’t mind the practice.
She pushes on the gas, jerking the car into motion. Pulling away from the parking lot and onto the street. For the first time. Julie is driving on the road.
“Ok, good. Just try not to hit the gas so hard next time.”
Steve’s been an ok teacher. Patient for the most part but gets frustrated when he can’t explain something properly. But he hasn’t gotten angry at her yet. Carefully corrects her but makes sure she knows that she’s doing ok. That she’s starting to get this right.
Julie pulses the gas. Learning how to keep the speed of the road. Overcorrecting when she gets too close to the yellow lines. The overcorrecting again when she gets close to tree line.
It’s scary driving something so large. So powerful. Hearing how the engine revs each time she pushes her foot down too hard. Feeling the pull of the seatbelt against her chest as she hits the breaks too fast.
But she’s getting it. Adjusting herself as she gets used to the feel of the petals beneath her feet. Loosens her body as she gets more comfortable gripping the steering wheel. As she gets used to the size of the car and the way it moves.
“Great. You’re doing really great, Julie. How about we turn here and-.”
A deer jumps in front of the car.
Julie slams on the breaks as she swerves close to the trees. The car coming mere inches from the trunk. Her arms shaking as they grip the wheel.
It all can happen so fast.
Steve unbuckles his seatbelt, turning towards her. “Julie, take a breath ok.”
One wrong move and the hood of the car would be curved around the tree. The airbag would be in her face.
“Just take a breath, we’re ok.”
What if her foot had slipped as she pushed down on the breaks? What if her hands fumbled the turn? Would the deer have contacted the car? Would she have killed it?
“You followed your instincts. We’re ok. That’s all that matters. We’re ok.”
Was this what it was like right before her mom’s crash? Did a deer just jump in front of the car? Her foot missing the break as she slammed into a tree. As it crashes just right to take her life. Was this mistake so easy to make that Julie almost made it too?
“Julie,” Steve touches her shoulder, comforting her. “It’s ok. Take all the time you need.”
Julie unbuckles her seatbelt and bolts out of the car. Runs to the wood as bile stings her tongue. Let’s the adrenaline out onto the dirt as she crashes. As the air escapes from her lungs.
Steve’s beside her rubbing her back. Saying something but it doesn’t register. Too stuck in her head to think of anything else.
“I’m sorry,” slips out of her mouth. Not sure of what else to say.
“Don’t be. It was just an accident, it happens all the time.”
Tears start to make their way out of her eyes. “But I didn’t see it. I could’ve. I could’ve crashed the car. Or worse and.” Sharp, shaky breaths interrupt her sentences.
Steve turns her to look at him. “Julie, hey. Look at me.” She does. “Take a deep breath, ok.”
He counts as she forces herself to breath in. She holds it, feeling the beat of her heart in her lungs. Releases it. Does it again.
“I didn’t see the deer either,” Steve admits once she calms down a little. “Something must have scared it, and it ran into the road. And you did a good job avoiding it.”
She doesn’t feel like it was a good job. “It all happened so fast.”
The tears continue to stream down her face. The feeling of the break pressed into the bottom of her foot. Throbbing. Her shoulder stinging from the pull of the seatbelt. The feeling of it all finally registering.
Her forehead hurts. Something is dripping down in between her eyes. She reaches up and swipes away blood. The buzz coming back to her veins.
“Fuck,” she mutters, eyes glued to her hand.
Steve gets up and comes back with a small first aid kit. Wiping away the blood with some napkins and pressing them against her forehead. Waiting for the bleeding to stop.
She doesn’t even remember her head hitting the steering wheel.
They sit in silence while Steve cleans the cut. Julie wincing when the alcohol wipe hits her broken skin. Steve finds a small piece of gauze and tapes it to her forehead. Packing up the first aid kit and returning to just sitting next to her.
“We’ll sit here as long as you want to, then I’ll drive us home,” he says.
Drive. Julie doesn’t know how she can sit in the car again. Knowing how easy it is for it all to fail.
“It all happened so fast,” she says again. Fixated on it.
“Yeah, yeah it did.” Steve’s trying to stay strong but she can see the shock in his actions too.
“Was it that fast when,” a lump forms in her throat. “When she? When my mom?”
Steve realizes what she’s talking about, starting to open and close his mouth. Trying to find something to say.
“I,” he starts. “I don’t know.”
“That’s all I could think about.” She looks at him. “All I can think about is how I could almost have died just like her. One wrong move and I-. And we-.”
Steve grabs her arms, looking her dead in the eyes. “Hey,” he says softly. “It’s ok. Whatever could have happened, it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that we’re here, and we’re safe. You got shocked and followed your instincts. And because of that, we’re both ok.”
Ok normally doesn’t feel like this. But she tries, really tries to listen to his words.
“I know none of this is going to stop the what ifs in your mind. Believe me, I know. But those what ifs are not going to change what happened. It’s important to remember that.”
She knows he’s right. But it’s so hard to keep her mind on track. Letting it off rail to the ends of possibilities. Wondering if there was ever one where there was never an almost crash to begin with.
“Let’s go home. Get an icepack on that head and make sure it’s ok before you go to sleep. Ok?”
Slowly, Julie nods. “Ok.”
She gets in the car. Buckling the seat belt and tugging it to make sure it locked. Steve gets in the driver’s seat and readjusts it and the mirrors before slowly pulling away. The almost accident fading as she stares in the sideview mirror.
It was just an accident. It can happen to anyone. It just had to happen to her.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis,
@ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi,
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet,
@steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy,
@connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso,
@crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @melonmochi
33 notes · View notes
emblazons · 2 years
Okay listen I promise I'm gonna get out of my aggressive noticing of St*ncy / Mlvn parallels moment, but not before I talk about the fact that BOTH couples have a moment in the second episode of a season where they are knowingly and willfully trying to act like nothing is wrong between them as a couple or in general...
...only to have a spill in a public setting shatter the illusion of being "stupid teenagers" + lead to the girl running away from her partner?
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both of these moments lead to a huge fallout fight about a Wheeler not really being in love with their partner one episode later too.
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like??? you couldn't make this shit up if you tried lmao
326 notes · View notes
hbyrde36 · 10 months
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Chapter 11
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 ao3 link
Eddie had never had a morning after.
How could he, when he’d never experienced a night before? 
Until now, anyway. 
And while they hadn’t gone all the way, so to speak, it was still the most sex Eddie had ever had, because it was the only sex he’d ever had. So he figured it counted.
It might have been his first, but he didn’t think anything would ever top this morning after. Whether last night was a one time thing or the start of something more, he’d always remember the day he woke up in Steve Harrington’s arms.
They must have shifted positions in the night. Eddie now found himself playing the little spoon with Steve’s strong arms wrapped around his waist. Though his body itched to move, to yawn, to stretch, he held himself still, basking in the heat of Steve's chest pressed up against his back, not ready to give up the moment quite yet. 
With the press of a soft kiss to his bare shoulder Eddie discovered that Steve was awake too and that perhaps he hadn’t been doing as well a job pretending to be asleep as he thought. He smiled to himself as Steve’s lips continued to make trail upwards. He tilted his head back, exposing his neck in invitation which Steve gladly accepted. 
“Good Morning.” Steve whispered in his ear.
Eddie turned in the other boy’s hold. Suddenly he couldn’t go another minute without seeing Steve's face. He looked ethereal in the soft morning light that filtered in through the thin curtains that covered Eddie's window. His hair was sleep tousled and his face still had the impression of sheet lines in it but Eddie was absolutely sure he’d never seen someone so beautiful in his life. 
He settled back down on his pillow, happy now to be facing Steve. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Okay?” Steve said incredulously. He leaned in to capture Eddie’s lips once with his own, before moving on to pepper what felt like every square inch of his face with dozens of little tickling kisses. “I think that might have been the best night’s sleep I've ever had.”
Eddie giggled, high and unguarded before promptly hiding his face in the other boy's neck. Steve was being entirely too cute and his heart was full in a way he’d never felt before. 
Steve’s arms tightened around him, pulling the front of their bodies dangerously close together. They were both growing hard, there was no hiding it since neither of them had bothered to get dressed again after making a mess of themselves last night. Eddie groaned, unable to stop from bucking his hips forward, pressing himself into Steve's thigh chasing a bit of friction. Steve moved against him as well, a soft moan falling from his own lips. Just then, a door slammed loudly somewhere else in the house reminding both boys that they were not alone in the trailer. And not only was it morning, but uncle Wayne and the girls were definitely awake and only a room away.
Eddie groaned again but for a very different reason this time. Steve chuckled and they reluctantly moved away from each other in unison. 
Steve sat up on the edge of the bed, most of his lower half mercifully still concealed beneath the covers. “We should probably get dressed before anyone comes bursting in here huh?” He said, looking back at Eddie over his shoulder. 
“Unfortunately.” Eddie agreed through a deep sigh. He waited until Steve was busy rooting through the bag they’d brought back from his old house before getting up to cross the room. He quickly pulled a clean pair of boxers on and then the first jeans he could find. It didn’t matter that they’d laid together naked all night, somehow the idea of walking around in the daylight exposed made him a little self conscious. 
He felt better being at least mostly covered up, and went to the closet to pick out a shirt. He glanced at Steve and found that he was still rooting through the bag even though he was fully dressed now in his own jeans and a soft looking worn yellow sweater. 
“We can always go back. If there’s something you wanted that I missed or anything.” Eddie remarked, trying to sound casual about it as he shoved an old black sabbath t-shirt over his head. 
“No, it’s fine. It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to want your own things, Steve. What were you looking for?”
Steve sighed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. “My letterman jacket.”
Eddie bit his lip and quickly turned back to the closet, as much to hide his face as to retrieve what he was hiding in there under a box of junk.  
“See? I know it’s silly and I don't even...” Steve trailed off as Eddie stepped back from the closet and held the green and white jacket out to him.
He looked at the floor as he spoke, too embarrassed to meet Steve’s gaze. “I don’t even know why I took it, honestly. It was hanging there on the back of a chair in your room and I just, I don’t know. I couldn’t leave it there.”
Steve didn’t take the jacket, instead he tucked a finger under Eddie's chin, tilting his head up until their eyes met. 
“Hey, I’m glad you took it.” 
Eddie swallowed hard, nodding a little as Steve did finally take the jacket out of his hand. He instantly went searching in the pockets. It wasn’t until then that Eddie realized what he was looking for. Steve didn’t really care about the jacket, he just wanted what was in it. 
“Oh.” Eddie breathed, reaching for his wallet on the nightstand .He quickly retrieved the polaroid that he’d been carrying around with him and handed it over. “Is that what you’re looking for?”
“Yeah.” Steve said, smiling broadly. “Thank you. It’s… it’s the only picture I have of us together. It means a lot to me” He looked at the image for a long moment then handed it right back. “Actually, could you hold onto it for a little longer? Keep it safe for me?”
Eddie nodded again, a little dumbfounded and at a loss for words as he tucked it back into his wallet. 
Steve cleared his throat. “I, um, I’d like you to keep this too. If you want to.” He said, nervously offering the jacket back to him as well.
Eddie stilled, and couldn’t bring himself to look at the clothing item in question. His throat was suddenly dry, palms sweaty. It couldn’t mean…
“Are you asking me to go steady, Harrington?” Eddie joked, or tried to at least. He expected Steve to joke back or something but instead he looked Eddie right in the eyes, expression serious. 
“Oh.” Eddie said, voice barely audible at first. “Are you sure you want that? I mean… knowing what you do about me?”
“What? That you're brave, and sweet, and kind, and thoughtful, and… ”
“Steve.” Eddie grumbled. 
Steve knew damn well what he meant. Eddie was a mystery to everyone, including himself. He didn’t know where he came from or who his parents were. He had powers that he didn't understand, he might even be dangerous. He was kind of a mess. 
“I think I can overlook all that and see past it to your good qualities.”
Eddie couldn’t help but break out into a smile. “Such as?”
“Well, you’re pretty okay to look at.”
“Just okay?”
“Mhmm” Steve hummed, setting the jacket down on the bed before taking Eddie into his arms. They kissed, one, two, three times before Steve pulled back, suddenly looking nervous again.
“So, what do you think?”
Eddie marveled at how Steve could possibly think he would say anything other than a resounding yes. “I think you’ve made a big mistake here because you’re never getting rid of me now.”
“Sounds perfect.” Steve smiled and his whole face lit up with it like he’d just been given the greatest gift, as if he were the lucky one.
Eddie knew better. 
He huffed a laugh and shook his head at himself. “First boyfriend and I manage to bag Steve Harrington. Maybe there is something to all those Satan worshiping rumors.”
“How else do you explain it?” Eddie teased.
Steve rolled his eyes, then paused, face screwed up in thought.
“Am I really the first person you’ve dated?”
Eddie shuffled his feet and fought to retain eye contact. “You're sorta my first… everything, Steve.” He knew he could have just not said anything and he probably would have gotten away with it, but he didn’t want to start their relationship with any sort of lies between them, even if it was a little embarrassing to admit.
He squirmed, watching as realization dawned on Steve’s face. “So yesterday, the kissing, and then last night… that was?”
Steve slid his hands up and down Eddie’s arms eventually taking both of his hands and twining their fingers together. “Eds, why didn’t you say anything? I would have…”
The blush Eddie had been fighting off up till now rose up his face and neck. He rested his head on Steve's shoulder trying to hide it. “It's not really something you want to just blurt out in the moment. Besides, I wanted it. I wanted to take care of you.”
“Alright,” Steve murmured, kissing his hair.  “But next time–”
He was interrupted by the not nearly distant enough sound of a cabinet slamming and cups and plates being set out in the kitchen.
“If we ever get another moment alone–” Steve tried to continue, but as if the universe was intent on reminding them that their time for now was up, there came a rough knock on the bedroom door.
“Breakfast, boys.” Wayne called out.
“I think these are my favorite waffles so far.” El said around a mouthful of Eggo, butter, and syrup.
“So far?” Wayne asked, amused.
“She’s a bit of an aficionado.” Steve answered, grinning. “All that effort making them from scratch and I could have been buying frozen?”
Eleven giggled, nodding enthusiastically before turning her attention back to Max. The girls seemed to have become best friends overnight. It warmed Eddie’s heart to see, Steve must have noticed it too if the fond smiles he was sending their way were any indication. 
“So, what’s a guy gotta do to earn the homemade waffles, Harrington?” Eddie asked softly, lightly bumping his shoulder against the other boy’s.
Steve took his hand under the table and squeezed it. “I think we could work something out.” He said equally quiet.
Clearly the comment was meant for only his ears, and while the two girls were suitably distracted with each other (Max was explaining the basics of skateboarding to an enraptured Eleven), Wayne was peeking at them out of the corner of his eye.
Eddie wanted to kiss Steve right then and there at the table but he held back. Wayne might already be on to them and unless they cooled it Max and El wouldn’t be far behind. He squeezed back with the hand Steve was holding and reluctantly let it drop. 
When everyone was finished Wayne gathered their plates and set about washing them, refusing Steve’s offer of help. Eddie didn’t know who the old man was trying to impress, knowing full well that if it was just the two of them they’d have let the sticky plates sit in that sink all day. 
The phone rang, loud and shrill. Eddie jumped up automatically to answer it so his uncle wouldn't have to trail soapy water all over the place.
“Hey, kid.”
It was Hopper, and he sounded absolutely exhausted. Memories of last night came barreling to the forefront of Eddie’s mind. In his happy haze he’d almost forgotten about the lab and the fire, but before he could say anything the chief was talking again.
“Listen, tell Wayne I'm sorry but I won't be able to make our fishing trip this weekend.”
What the fuck? 
“What do you mean, what about the– “
Hopper cut him off, loudly interrupting before he could ask any questions. “Just tell your Uncle exactly what I said, okay? I gotta go.” He hung up without another word.
Eddie stared down at the receiver still sitting in his hand and had a terrible feeling he was missing something. 
“That the school calling to tell me you didn’t show up again today?” Wayne asked from across the room.
“No, it was Hopper.” He replied. “Since when do you fish?”
“Ah, shit.” Wayne cursed, dropping the dish he was holding rather forcefully into the soapy water and quickly drying his hands. “Ed, what did he say exactly?”
Eddie repeated what Hopper had said word for word. Wayne visibly paled. 
“Okay kids. You got 5 minutes. Pack what you can.”
“What?” Eddie squawked.
“Have you ever seen me go fishing? It's a code that me and Jim worked out a long time ago.” Wayne said.
Ok, well that made more sense Eddie supposed. “What does it mean?”
The older man sighed, raking a hand over his face. “In a nutshell it means we need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible… and we might not be coming back.”
It hit Eddie all over again, everything the man standing in front of him had done and continued to do to keep him safe. Wayne had known since day one that something like this might happen, and he’d been prepared to cut and run at a moment's notice with no questions asked and no concern for the fact that he’d be ruining his own future.
Steve tugged Eddie’s arm, spurring him into action. Right, no time to dwell on it now, he could be sappy later. 
They rushed to his room. 
“I got the girls covered, '' Wayne called to their backs. “Meet out front, quick as you can!”
Steve's bag was still packed and sitting open on the floor. He zipped it up and threw it over his shoulder then began to help Eddie with his own. He had an old army surplus bag stuffed under his bed. He pulled it out and they began to fill it with clothes until it seemed like enough. 
Eddie scanned around the room wondering what was worth it to take. He wasn’t even remotely prepared for this scenario. He spotted Steve’s letterman jacket still sitting on the bed and added it to the bag, along with his battered old copy of The Hobbit. He snatched photos right off the walls, a few of him and Wayne, Claudia and Dustin, the boys.
Lastly, he looked up to where his sweetheart hung on the wall in front of the mirror. He hated to leave his beloved electric guitar behind, but it seemed silly to take it when he had no idea where they were going or exactly what kind of trouble they were running from.
Steve watched him, sad eyes full of sympathy as he rested a hand on Eddie’s back. “What about that one?” He suggested, tilting his head towards the old acoustic guitar that sat collecting dust in the corner of the room. “It’s light and you can play it without an amp.”
He had a point but Eddie still felt like it wasn’t important enough. Wayne was already shouting at them to hurry. He hesitated, and Steve made the decision for him, slinging the guitar over his own back with the shoulder strap and linking their free hands together. 
Eddie took one last look around the room as they walked out, years of memories etched into the walls. He hoped that somehow Wayne was wrong and they would be able to come back here eventually, but he wouldn’t hold his breath. 
The trailer park was calm and quiet as they loaded what little everyone had collected into Wayne’s truck and Eddie’s van. Neither of the young girls had any belongings and Wayne himself only had a few small boxes and bags.
“Max, Ellie, you want to ride with me or with the boys?”
El turned to her brother before answering. “Is it okay if I go with Mr. Wayne?”
“Of course, sweetie. You two keep him company, I've got this one.” Steve said, winking at her and hooking a thumb in Eddie’s direction. 
El grinned and she and Max climbed into the passenger side of the truck. 
Wayne walked over as he threw the last bag in the bed of his truck. 
“Now, you boys follow me closely. Where we’re going ain't all that far but it’s in the middle of nowhere.”
They rode in silence. 
Both too scared of what this all meant to manage any kind of conversation but they kept each other’s hands in a desperate grip over the center console. It only got worse when Wayne pulled off the paved road and onto a dirt one, barely distinguishable from the unbeaten path around it. The way was bumpy and they had to go slow until eventually the trees grew too thick and they had to stop altogether. 
There was a small cabin sitting in a clearing not far off, Eddie figured they’d just walk the last few feet.
“Hopper’s cabin?” Eddie guessed out loud once they had all gotten out of the vehicles, though he already knew he was right.
His uncle didn’t question it, just nodded in agreement. “It’s been in his family for years. When you came along, Jim was the first to realize we needed an escape plan if there was ever a risk you’d been discovered. He wiped all record of this place from city hall and what-not as best as he could, and we stocked it up with supplies. I hoped it’d never be needed but I'm sure glad we have it now.”
The cabin was neat, clean, and a lot nicer than the one Eddie had imagined, though it wasn’t any bigger unfortunately. It would be a bit of a tight squeeze for the 5 of them, but not much worse than home had been really so he knew they would make it work.
Predictably, Wayne insisted that the rest of them should take the only two bedrooms.
Max and El set off right away to explore their new and hopefully temporary home.
Eddie knew it was pointless to argue with the older man but he felt like he’d cost his uncle so much already. It didn’t seem right letting him give up one of the only beds too. 
“Wayne, I think… “ He looked at Steve before continuing, hoping the other boy would be okay with what he was about to offer. He must have understood and nodded encouragingly. “You should take the other room. At your age you should really be sleeping in a bed and me and Steve will be alright out here.”
“I know you didn’t just say at my age.” His uncle said, arms crossing over his chest.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean, you should have a bed!”
Wayne looked at them in turn and sighed. “Boys, look, there's two of you and only one of me, and I don’t want to assume anything…” He trailed off, raking a hand over his suddenly red face.  “I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready, but I think it’d be best for everyone if you had a little privacy. I’d just like to point out that the walls here don’t look much thicker than the trailer’s, so, keep that in mind.”
Eddie felt all the blood drain from his face. “Oh my god.”
“I'm not sayin’ I heard anything! But–” Wayne tried to continue, throwing his hands up in surrender, but Eddie interrupted him mid sentence.
“Oh my god Wayne, please stop talking. We’ll take the room and whatever else you want if you just please, please stop talking.”
Eddie chanced a sideways look at Steve. He’d been purposely avoiding the other boy’s gaze for the entire exchange, but they hadn’t yet talked about how open they wanted to be about their new relationship, and he was desperate to see how Steve was taking all this. 
To Eddie’s shock he was watching the whole thing with barely concealed amusement. Clearly he was fine, at least with Wayne knowing about them. The whole thing was still completely mortifying, but he was relieved that Steve was taking it all in stride. Eddie was pretty sure he hadn’t come out to anyone yet really and he knew from personal experience how nerve wracking it could be to be seen, really seen, for the first time. 
Wayne huffed a laugh and wandered off in the direction of the kitchen. Eddie snatched up his own bag as well as Steve’s and began to haul them both towards the bedroom they’d be sharing. He expected Steve to follow him, thought he had actually, until he overheard hushed voices on the other side of the cabin. 
“Thank you for all this, for taking me and El in before and bringing us along now. I uh, I know how protective you are of Eddie and um, I just want you to know that this isn’t… I really care about him.”
“I can see that, son. Neither of you is very subtle, just uh, so you’re aware.” Wayne gave another breathy laugh. “I’m happy for the two of you and I want you to know I’ve got no problem with it. I've known about Eddie for a while and I love him just the same as I ever have. I support him. You too, Steve. He's got a good heart, and I'm glad he found someone who can see that and appreciate it.”
“Thank you.” Steve’s voice cracked on the short phrase and Eddie had to sneak a glance out the doorway to make sure he was okay. 
Wayne had his arms wrapped around Steve, whose shoulders were shaking slightly. The older man was rubbing his back and murmuring to him quietly. 
Eddie retreated back into the room and slowly began to unpack. He was so thankful for his uncle at that moment, for the sort of man he was, and the kindness he was showing Steve. He knew now what kind of people the Harrington's were. He wondered when Steve had last been hugged by a parental figure. It’d probably been a long time, well before he had disappeared and gotten locked up in that awful place. He had El, of course, and now he had Eddie too, but there was something different about having a trustworthy grownup in your corner. Someone who’d lived a bit. Who knew what life could throw at you and tried their best to keep you safe from it.
Eventually Steve came to find him and Eddie pretended not to notice the slight ring of red around his eyes. Steve smiled as he helped to put the last of their clothes into drawers. He seemed remarkably lighter, as if some long carried weight had been taken off his shoulders. 
After all the drama of going on the run, their afternoon at the cabin was remarkably boring. There was nothing much to do except worry about the others and wait for some kind of word from Hopper. Wayne seemed sure the man would show up at any time. There was a phone on the wall, Eddie had noticed, but when he checked the line he found only dead air. 
The girls had found a stack of old board games in a cupboard and were spending their time playing round after round of checkers.
Wayne busied himself in the kitchen, going over their supplies and throwing some kind of concoction together for dinner. 
Eddie and Steve sat together on the couch trying to enjoy each other's company while stuck in the hell of waiting for the next thing to go wrong. 
They all heard it when a car pulled up nearby, brakes squealing a little as it came to a stop. It occurred to Eddie as they all rushed outside that it might have been smarter to stay hidden until they knew if their visitor was friend or foe. But Wayne had been right in what he said earlier, they were out in the middle of fucking nowhere, the odds of someone just happening upon them there were slim to none.
Eddie never thought he’d see Hopper’s police SUV and feel such immense relief. He knew he probably owed the man an apology, several in fact. He’d always given the chief a hard time, he couldn’t help it. Hopper was ‘the man’, part of the system that Eddie had spent so much time and energy railing against, but he was coming to realize that under all his rough exterior the chief was actually a good guy, and way less concerned about the law than he could have been. 
The driver's side door of the SUV opened and slammed closed, the sound echoing twice after as the rear passenger doors opened and closed. He wasn’t alone. 
Chrissy and Robin raced through the trees, making it to the cabin before Hopper had made his way around the other side of his car. 
Steve and Eddie turned to each other. Matching looks of surprise on their faces. 
“Are you guys okay?” Robin asked when they got close enough to not have to shout.
Eddie went down the steps to meet the two girls, Steve following close behind.
“Yeah we’re all fine, what are you doing here?”
Chrissy threw herself at him abruptly, hugging him tight. “I’m so sorry it’s all my fault.”
Eddie tried to look at Robin over her shoulder, searching for any clue as to what the girl in his arms meant, but she was already busy talking a mile a minute to Steve. 
He pulled back so he could see Chrissy's face. “What do you mean, Chris?”
“This, you having to run away from home and hide here. I should have known better than to come to your house last night. I should have known he’d follow me.”
“Wait, I thought, the fire- “ Eddie began, looking up to lock eyes with Hopper as he finally caught up to the group. “I thought this had something to do with the lab?”
“We’ll get to that in a bit but that's not why I gave you the signal to run. Jason Carver has been running around town all morning telling anyone who will listen that he saw Steve Harrington with you last night. That you’re the one who kidnapped him and have been holding him captive ever since. He also said you brainwashed his girlfriend and took Billy Hargrove prisoner. He thinks the D&D club at school is a front for your devil worshiping cult, and unfortunately there's a lot of small minded people in this town that want to believe him.”
Chapter 12
Thanks forever to @penny00dreadful for being the best friend, cheerleader, and beta in the whole fucking world💜
Taglist: @newtstabber @goodolefashionedloverboi @adaed5 @buckleybarnes @soaringornithopter @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @bestwifehaver @5ammi90 @sofadofax @ellietheasexylibrarian @manda-panda-monium @hardboiledleggs @mentallyundone @epiclazershark @herebedragons404 @estrellami-1 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @the-s-is-silent @brbsoulnomming @goinsteddie @steddie-there @yeahhhh-suga
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