#steve dore
tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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As it was their moving day, Steve was allowed to stay at home from school so he could spend the whole morning playing his favorite video game. Dr. Splitter's engine was really great, not to compare to the run-down they owned when they still lived with Dad.
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Mata: Oh, I see you're pursuing your creative streak, Dr. Splitter. It's so important to train all the fields a Sim could gain skills in. Adam: Oh, you-you think so, Mrs. Dore? I don-don't know, I-I'm still a beginner in the creative field. Um.. wou-would you... I mean... don't you mind talking to me as... as lightly dressed as... Mata: *laughs* Ah, Dr. Splitter, I don't mind at all. And a man of your standing shouldn't mind too. I'm positive, I've seen enough women like me. Adam didn't know what to say. He never had seen a woman like Mata. A distant memory of taking baths with his mother came to his mind, she was the only woman he'd ever seen in less than a lab coat. They chit-chatted for some more and suddenly Mata pulled him into a tender hug. Mata: Thank you again for letting us stay with you, Adam. He had never heard his name be spoken like this.
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Mata sprung away from Dr. Splitter when she heard the door open. Steve: Mom! Can you believe it?! I made a new high score! Without all the lag I'm really great at SSX3!
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Around lunch time, some neighbors came over to meet the new inhabitants of Emerald Heighs. Claire Voyante was the leader of a girls group home, April DeShong a local housewife and Rocky Stone the co-founder of a local interest group. They had a nice day and Steve could show off his SSX3 skills.
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Steven knew that his mother wanted him to go to college as soon as he was old enough but Steven didn't know if he really wanted to go. Being new in town was hard enough, wouldn't it be even harder to leave right away again and start over AGAIN?
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Circa Survive: Juturna 10th Anniversary Tour
Circa Survive w/ RX Bandits, Citizen Showbox, Seattle, WA 11.08.15
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“The look on your faces as you come tumbling over the barricade and into another grown man’s arms,” Anthony Green observed of the multitudes of fans crowd surfing toward the stage, “is like the first time your mother held you, so safe.” For their sold out show at Seattle’s Showbox, Circa Survive had the crowd in the palm of their post-hardcore hands from the moment they stepped on stage, which was exactly when the crowd surfing started. On tour celebrating the tenth anniversary of their 2005 debut album Juturna, the band was the epitome of on point.
They played their notable album, in its entirety, each emotionally heavy song building on the one before, the energy palpable in the room, the band clearly relishing in their delivery. Their stage set up was dark, heavy with smoke machines, towers of spinning lights, practically blinding, silhouetting the band from behind. Green delivered his vocals with characteristic attack, stalking the stage and leaning out over the crowd, practically scooping them up in his arms. During “Act Appalled” he held the mic out to one audience member to provide a vocal assist, and several other times allowed the crowd to sing choruses for him, which they clearly knew all the words to.
This was the kind of sold out show where the Showbox bar crowd was actually pretty sparse, everyone wanting their spot on the floor, as the mosh pit spat out happy youth and sweaty 30-somethings alike. Like a conductor, Green led the band through their masterful playing, while he stuck the mic in his mouth, looking like a magical cross between Faith No More’s Mike Patton and Thrice’s Dustin Kensrue. At one point, someone backstage unleashed a swarm of glow-stick-lit balloons – or were they beach balls – over the crowd, adding an even more celebratory effect to the room.
Considering that they’ve released four other albums, each growing with expertise and emotional power, CS’s delivery of their debut was unsurprisingly better than it probably was 10 years ago, the payoff being that they seem to really still enjoy playing it to a crowd clearly appreciative.
Openers RX Bandits and Citizen were an interesting mix to the night. RX Bandits’ sound is some kind of reggae-punk mashup that apparently falls into the netherworld of ska… a word I honestly hadn’t heard in a while. Labels are labels, and the crowd seemed polite, but the mood felt a bit off for being stuck between two heavier, scream-laden groups. Citizen’s brand of pop-punk had the crowd in the air from the get-go, impressive for an opening slot on a Monday night.
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formosusiniquis · 8 months
the bells, the joy (together in darkness)
Robin Buckley & Steve Harringto WC: 11963 | T | Tags/Themes: hivemind, Post S3, Scoops Troop Friendship, Nonbinary Steve and Robin, Blink and you miss it Steddie and Buckingham pre-slash AKA It's the Stobin Hivemind fic y'all! thank you very very very much to @spectrum-spectre for beta-ing this for me!!
Steve has never done LSD before. Which is the kind of statement his father would call ‘qualifying’ and ‘implies other kinds of wrongdoing, Stephan.’ Like the time he’d said he hadn’t smoked anything other than cigarettes that weekend. Apparently the ‘that weekend’ was a qualifier that got his very small pot stash flushed, and forced him into a second transaction with Eddie Munson in as many weeks.
Yeah okay maybe there were worse things, as far as punishments go.
Qualifying or not though, Steve has never done LSD. Not after the weekend he spent reading the supposedly true diary of a supposedly real teen that had been left on his bed. Like mother, like son, his father had sneered when he'd caught Steve curled up with it, like the whole plan to keep him from becoming pot-addled and destined for the gutter, or whatever, hadn’t relied on his gossipy nature.
It was mostly stupid, the book, but Steve figured it didn’t hurt to stick to weed. The stuff about that he knew for sure was totally fake.
Except now, he wishes he maybe knew a little bit more about what LSD was supposed to feel like. So he knows how to portion out blame for his current state. It’s currently 50% Upside-Down-Shit and 40% Russian-LSD-Shit and 10% Concussion-Shit, but if he’s being fair he’s blamed the Upside Down for about half of everything that’s gone wrong in his life since 1983. He’s willing to acknowledge that maybe the blame breakdown should be readjusted for this one.
“Hey Robin?” Trauma changes people, makes you want to stay close to the people who are changed the same way you are. Robin had shown up at Steve’s house the Monday after everything, trumpet case and duffle bag in hand. Apparently, she had walked from the school where she was supposed to be catching the bus to Band Camp, like she does every year. Apparently, when you undergo traumas heretofore unexperienced by any teen ever, Russian torture and flesh monsters, it’s okay to skip Summer Intensive to move in with your new best friend without telling your parents. Apparently, if you’re the kid that the Band Person, Director, wants to keep happy because in addition to the billion and seven languages you can play any instrument with a mouthpiece -- except trombone, slide positions, Steve had pretended he knew what that meant -- then you can just leave school to deal with your ‘mall fire smoke inhalation’ at your ‘aunt’s house’ instead. Apparently this is fine and Steve doesn’t need to worry about any angry former hippies beating down his dore because ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them.’
So he can call out for Robin, without raising his voice because he knows she’s there. Somewhere in the house, the weight of it changed now that someone else is in it with him. He can call out even though he’s pretty sure she’s holed up in his Mom’s library on the ground floor, because he can feel her in the back of his brain and he knows she’ll hear him.
Drifting in an unfocused middle distance, he can imagine Robin. Curled up, she knows she’s been called for but isn’t in any hurry to comply, Steve will wait. He's fine with waiting, at least for the five minutes it will take for her to finish her chapter. He can see her, slotting her bookmark in place and sitting up straight for the first time in hours. She stretches, uncurls from the window seat that Steve also favors, gently sets the book down before letting a foot dangle and brush the floor to actually stand. And she leaves the library. She starts to feel closer, her presence looming stronger in his brain and Steve aware of himself in his own body. Then he hears her feet on the stairs.
“What is it, Dingus, did you know your Mom has a whole collection of French books? I’m in the middle of a bunch of lesbian short stories.”
“Yeah, she speaks it, not sure why.” He answers absently, “Have you ever done LSD?”
“I’ve had half a pot brownie and gotten way too high before.”
That’s not really the same thing, Steve thinks.
“I know it’s not really the same thing, Dingus, I was using it as a framework.” She flops facedown on the bed beside him, wiggling into what he’s started thinking of as her side. A lucky coincidence that she prefers to be tucked in on the side closest to the wall. Probably because she’s never seen anything burst out of one.
“Okay don’t think that, cause now I’m never going to be able to sleep again, I don’t think you’ve got enough space for us to pull your bed into the center of your room.”
He can see the way she imagines it. His bed, an island in the center of the room floating in a sea of plaid. Something about it is even more unnerving than if it stayed up against the wall.
“Not a good look.” He doubts anything will come from the walls again anyway, the Upside Down has proven to be surprisingly adaptive; it doesn't seem to attack in the same way twice. It makes it harder to be prepared, but he’s less worried about not being able to protect Robin in the middle of the night.
“Savior complex. Your mom has psychology books down there too. What does she even do?”
“Reads mostly. Do you think there’s anything down there about LSD?” He doesn’t think this is normal.
“Nice leap, Steve, I don’t think there are many drugs that link your brain with your coworker.” She says coworker, but he feels friend. Even that concept isn’t enough to describe the depth of warmth and affection that he feels wash over him as she thinks.
He lets the silence hang for a second, thinking but not sure what yet. His thoughts are slower to arrive and more jumbled in these early days post-concussion. His right hand curls, his fingers flex. First and third finger tap, then one and two, then none, one and two, and two, and none.
Robin’s knee jostles the bed as her leg bounces just a little.
“I think something else happened to us.”
“Wondered how long I’d have to tap your fingers for you before you got there with me.”
Read the rest on AO3
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pluck-heartstrings · 4 months
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Tfw your princess is it a different Castle and falls in love with the jester there
(ignore dore the other stuff this is the last page of my notebook and I didn't want to leave my room to get another one)
Haha but I'm picturing the other castle having a dinosaur in it for no particular reason <3 <3 Everyone just kind of accepts that it's there as a separate animatronic like "Oh that's just Steve. He plays the harmonica and he's really getting good at it."
And it's another swing and a miss for Sun, his Princess running away to be with a different jester. Sorry man, them's the breaks.
This is so funny, I love it all <3 <3
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kd-bzh · 3 months
🟠 Minimal Tech Beats 002 🟠 All Tracks By Bosphorus Underground Recordings Alberto Rizzo, Steve Kid, PRT Stacho, Alessandro Grops, Aiho, Luigi Peretti, Angelo Dore, Dgtalsystem, DoubKore, Mason Bach, Lorenzo D'amario, Ende, Lucent, Mark Dekoda, Morgan J, Patrik Soderbom, Tony Kairom, Waveback Luke & Zareh Kan
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Casual Dots — Sanguine Truth (Ixor Stix)
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Sanguine Truth by The Casual Dots
Although it has its origins in heavyweight indie outfits like Bikini Kill, Slant 6, Autoclave and Thurston Moore's band among others, there's an invitingly informal quality to the Casual Dot's Sanguine Truth that speaks more to its appeal than any gestures toward supergroup status.  
There’s no getting around the outsize influence Kathi Wilcox and Christina Billotte have had on the underground of the late-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Wilcox, as a member of Bikini Kill and later the Frumpies and Julie Ruin, seized the righteous fury of DIY hardcore's initial confrontations with mainstream authority and conformity and mapped it onto a post–second wave feminism in the form of the riot grrrl movement. Though currently subject to a necessary critical reevaluation, that movement's impact has been undeniable. Billotte, as a member of Autoclave and Slant 6, brought an exacting power and unflappable coolness to the DC scene that would arguably eclipse most of what was being made by Dischord's boys club during the same time. 
Thirty-plus years from those salad days (no pun intended), and nearly two decades since their first collaboration, Wilcox and Billotte, joined again by drummer Steve Dore, have created an album that speaks to the commitment and pure love of playing music that can turn a pair of aspiring punks into rock 'n' roll lifers.  
Sanguine Truth is rooted in the mathematic post-punk groove that came to define a certain sector of the indie underground circa 1993. And Billotte's powerfully cool vocals on tracks such as "The Frequency of Fear" and "Setting Sunrise" remind the listener of how formidable of a presence she has been in certain corridors of punk over the years. Yet tracks such as "Descending" and "High Speed Chase" weave in a playful surfy twang that recalls the early roots of rock 'n' roll far more than revolutions summer and/or girl style now. While the simple, interlocking, reverb-drenched guitars on the album-closing instrumental "Velvet Fields" deliver a melancholy, almost pastoral timelessness and one of the album's most delicate moments. It’s the soul revamp "You've Got to Live for Yourself," however, that offers the album's most whimsically nostalgic moment in the form of a "Ruler of My Heart" for rebel girls the years over. 
Give the origins of those involved here, including coproducer Guy Picciotto, it's understandable to want to project all sorts of importance and weight onto this album, but that would come at the expense of what is so special about Sanguine Truth. This isn't some total break from the past, and there's an unshakable urgency and grit here that comes from decades battling it out in the indie rock trenches. But there's also a familial warmth and a nonchalance that function almost like rewards for those involved. Relax and have fun with it, ya know? And if you the listener have hung in there long enough with these folks, or are even just discovering them now, you should have fun with it too. 
Nate Knaebel
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vrijheidscamperaars · 2 years
Gisteren was onze trip naar wellicht het bekendste plekje in Schotland, Loch Ness!
Na de tussenstop in Pitlochry was het nog een trip van 2,5 uur. Na kort overleg hadden we een plekje uitgezocht bij Loch Ness, Dores Beach.
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Dit was alvast een mooi welkom, gigantisch is het meer! Bijna 40KM lang en een paar honderd meter breed.
Na een korte wandeling over het strand kwamen we één van vele nagedachtenis bordjes tegen met daarop een prachtige en oh zo waarheidsgetrouwe tekst.
"The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them."
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Na deze prachtige tekst te hebben gelezen en een lekker wandeling gemaakt te hebben langs het prachtige meer gingen we een kijkje nemen bij een oud campertje wat daar langs het strand geparkeerd staat. Buiten staan mooie handgemaakte beeldjes uitgestald van een vriendelijk monster genaamd Nessie. We nemen een kijkje bij de beeldjes en al snel zien we een krantenknipsel met daarin een verhaal van een jongeman die in 1991 zijn huis, zijn vriendin en zijn baan heeft opgegeven om een levenslange zoektocht te starten naar het monster van Loch Ness. Er hangt zelfs een kaartje van het Guinness Book of World Records met de tekst, langste zoektocht naar het Loch Ness monster met de naam Steve Feltham.
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Kort hierna gaat de deur open van het campertje en daar staat hij dan, in levende lijve, Steve Feltham, de enige echte, meest toegewijde Nessiehunter ter wereld.
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Als je het hebt over een Free Soul, dan is dit er één van. Deze vriendelijke man verteld ons dat hij 32 jaar geleden is begonnen en hier nooit mee zal stoppen. Hij maakt de Nessie beeldjes met de hand met stenen van het strand om zijn leven te bekostigen. Met een houtkacheltje in zijn campertje aan het meer van Loch Ness.
Deze plek staat al heel mijn leven, zo lang als ik me kan herinneren op mijn verlanglijstje om te bezoeken en ik snap nu waarom. Wat zwemt hier rond? Ik begrijp Steve volkomen. Als je langs de rand van het meer staat en over het water kijkt, vraag je je af waar deze mythe vandaan komt. Het meer is zo groot en zo diep dat hier van alles kan leven onderwater wat wij nog nooit hebben gezien.
Toen wij aankwamen was het bewolkt en grijs, een erg mystiek sfeertje zoals te zien op de eerste foto. Wij werden echter blij verrast toen plotseling, uit het niets de zon achter de wolken verscheen en het water in onze richting prachtig verlicht werd.
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Ik zal deze dag nooit meer vergeten. Een levenslange droom is uitgekomen, ik heb aan het meer van Loch Ness gestaan, turend over het water op zoek naar een glimp van Nessie en heb dit alles met de liefde van mijn leven mogen delen ❤️.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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From rags to riches 75 dollar
Mike remembered having gorged himself earlier today, and how good that had felt, but he was already feeling hungry again. Apparently he was living undernourished for some time already.
And so the young man picked up everything that looked even remotely edible, from a dripping cone of strawberry ice cream a child hadn’t finished to an invitingly looking leaf.
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Mike: “What are you looking at, Lady? I’m going to eat this, whether you like it or not! Starting tomorrow you can call me Steve Dore!”
Old woman: “You are going to work at the harbour?”
Mike: “Yes! See, that makes me not a stranger. I’m entitled to take my pickings from the community garden!”
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One mouth full of stinging nettle later, Mike realized why the woman had REALLY been opposed to him eating that leaf. Some kind of outdoorsman he was...
According to the screenshot he is still energized as his primary emotion. What’s a couple of thousand small stings on the tongue!
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Magic - Pilot
Magic Fly - Space
Mamma Mia - ABBA
Mandy - Barry Manilow
Many Too Many - Genesis
Me And You And A Dog Named Boo - Lobo
Merry Xmas Everybody - Slade (Xmas)
Message In A Bottle - The Police
Mexican Girl - Smokie
Miss You - The Rolling Stones
Money - The Flying Lizards
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orcestra
Mull Of Kintyre - Wings
My Life - Billy Joel
My Sharona - The Knack
My Simple Heart - The Three Degrees
New York Groove - Ace Frehley
Nice And Slow - Jesse Green
Night Owl - Gerry Rafferty
Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues
Nights On Broadway - Candi Staton
Oh Susie - Secret Service
One Step Beyond - Madness
Oxygene Pt. 4 - Jean-Michel Jarre
Penny Lane - The Beatles
Pilot Of The Airwaves - Charlie Dore
Please Don't Go - KC & The Sunshine Band
Pop Muzik - M
Pretty Little Angel Eyes - Showaddywaddy
Promises - Eric Clapton
Reunited - Peaches & Herb
Ring My Bell - Anita Ward
Sacramento - Middle Of The Road
Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks
September - Earth, Wind & Fire
Shine A Little Love - Electric Light Orchestra
Sky High - Jigsaw
Soley Soley - Middle Of The Road
Some Girls - Racey 
Song For Guy - Elton John
Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees
Still The Same - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
Street Life - The Crusaders
Stumblin' in - Chris Norman, Suzi Quatro
Substitute - Clout
Sultans Of Swing - Dire Straits
Surfin' USA - Leif Garrett
Sunday Girl - Blondie
Sweet Talkin' Woman - Electric Light Orchestra
The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan - Marianne Faithfull
The Ballroom Blitz - Sweet
The Joker - Steve Miller Band
The Logical Song - Supertramp
The Man With The Child In His Eyes - Kate Bush
The Name Of The Game - ABBA
The Robots - Kraftwerk
The Same Old Song - Pussycat
The Things We Do For Love - 10cc
Them Heavy People - Kate Bush
Too Much Heaven - Bee Gees
Tragedy - Bee Gees
Trojan Horse - Luv'
Up The Junction - Squeeze
Venus - Shocking Blue
Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles
We Are Family - Sister Sledge
We Don't Talk Anymore - Cliff Richard
We Will Rock You - Queen
We've Got Tonight - Bob Seger
Weekend - Earth & Fire
What A Fool Believes - The Doobie Brothers
What Is Life - George Harrison
Whatever You Want - Status Quo
When - Showaddywaddy
When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman - Dr. Hook
With A Little Love - Wings
Wonderful Christmastime - Paul McCartney (Xmas)
Wuthering Hights - Kate Bush
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet - Bachman Turner Overdrive
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) - Sylvester
You Set My Heart On Fire - Tina Charles
You To Me Are Everything - The Real Thing
Young Hearts Run Free - Candi Staton
0 notes
lunar190 · 2 months
Título: Casamento e liberdade.
Contagem de palavras: 1k
1. Come back home – Sofia Carson
2. Heather – Conan Grey
3. Love me – Realestk
4. WFM – Realestek
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S/n = Isadora.
| Isadora Cooklin |
Meus olhos se encheram de lagrimas, ver Belly em um branco tão branco que pareciam nuvens, o cabelo em um coque bem feito acima da cabeça, deixando as bochechas e as sardas a mostra, me peguei agradecendo ela ter superado o bullying.
Assim que ela chegou ao altar eu olhei para Jeremiah que a olhava como se tivesse ganhado o maior premio do jogo, dele meus olhos foram para Steve, que tentava disfarçar as lagrimas nos olhos e mais na frente estava ele com os olhos nos noivos, esboçando uma felicidade estranha, como se agradecesse que os dois estivessem se casando, eu entendia perfeitamente aquela sensação.
Os olhos dele desfocaram do casal, e pararam em mim, enrubesci e ele sorriu, ele sempre soube oque os olhares dele faziam comigo, mas mesmo assim não deixei de olhar para ele.
Não sei quanto tempo nos olhamos, mas só paramos quando os aplausos ressoaram, olhei para as pessoas depois para Belly e Jeremiah que se beijavam, meus olhos viajaram de novo para Conrad, como se eu não pudesse evitar, ele sorriu, e eu também sentindo um alivio enorme.
_Os noivos vão para onde?_ Nicole me perguntou, eu a olhei tentando não deixar transparecer raiva.
_Para a casa de verão._ Respondi seca.
_Não sei se percebeu, mas oque mais tem em cousins são casas de verão._ Ela foi grosseira.
_Não tem mais de uma importante para eles._ Eu disse travando o maxilar.
_Vai saber._ Ela retrucou.
_Isa, vamos dançar?_ Conrad perguntou, antes que eu respondesse Nicole.
_Ok._ Eu disse me levantando.
_Ei, você veio comigo._ Ela protestou enquanto ele levantava.
_Não vim, não, alias minha acompanhante é Isadora._ Ele respondeu rispido.
_Mas eu ainda estou aqui._ Ela reclamou, eu olhei conrad, ele terminou de levantar e veio até mim.
_Eu sei, por isso estou te deixando com Steve e Shayla._ Ele terminou de se levantar e pegou na minha mão, ela fechou a cara e se calou.
Nós fomos até a pista que tocava uma lenta e começamos a dançar, eu queria conversar com ele, mas não ali, porque esperava ter uma conversa boa que me levasse a um beijo, pelo que pareceu ele também.
_Podemos sair daqui?_ Ele pediu e eu concordei com a cabeça.
Ele nos guiou até a praia, tinha algumas pessoas ali, poucas mas ainda tinha.
_Conrad!?_ Eu disse, como uma suplica, olhando para ele.
_Eu estou tão aliviado, tão feliz por sermos realmente livres agora._ Ele disse, eu me aproximei o suficiente para abraçar ele, mas não o fiz.
_Tem certeza que realmente quer isso? Eu não quero nada se for baseado em dúvidas, eu te quero por inteiro, não pelo meio, quero tudo as dores e as alegrias._ Eu disse olhando nos olhos dele.
_Eu quero, quero deixar você entrar... Totalmente._ Confessou.
_Conrad, eu não vou suportar outra vez ser abandonada, se você não fizer, não devolver na mesma intensidade que eu, não vou estar lá por quem não vai estar por mim._ Soltei quase que em um murmúrio.
_Eu sei, é não vou deixar que isso aconteça._ Murmurou de volta, me puxando para ele, abaixou a cabeça e encostou o nariz no meu.
Quando estávamos prestes a nos beijar.
_Isadora Conklin, voltou pra cousins?_ Escutei, e me virei para olhar.
_Não, não aqui, não agora, nunca mais, Eliot._ Falei assim que vi ele.
_Quem é esse?_ Conrad perguntou, parando ao meu lado.
_Sou o ex dessa putinha._ Eliot cuspiu, e eu não tive tempo nem de me defender quando Conrad foi pra cima e começou a dar socos no rosto dele.
_Não ouse falar assim dela, seu idiota._ Conrad falou sem parar.
Começei a me dessesperar quando vi Eliot no chão e sangue escorrendo do nariz dele.
_Conrad, Conrad, para, por favor pare._ Implorei, puxando ele de cima do Eliot.
Ele levantou meio desnorteado e puxou a camisa de Eliot que ainda estava no chão.
_Se eu te ouvir falando dela de novo desse jeito eu te mato, se eu te ver perto dela eu te mato._ Ele disse, soltou a camisa e Eliot bateu a cabeça na areia de novo.
_Sabe que ela não vai fazer nada do que um homem quer._ Eliot ainda teve a pachorra de dizer, Conrad virou e deixou ele jogado no chão.
_Vamos voltar pro hotel, ou você quer aproveitar a festa?_ Ele me perguntou.
_Vamos pro hotel._ Respondi rápido.
_Isa, como você pode ficar com aquele merda? Você esteve comigo e não é querendo me gabar, mas eu sou muito melhor._ Ele falou abrindo a porta do quarto.
_Bom ele era muito gentil até eu rejeitar ele._ Falei entrando.
_Rejeitou?_ Perguntou me segurando pela cintura.
_Sim, ele queria que eu cedesse._ Falei, ele colou as minhas costas no peito dele.
_É esse babaca foi seu namorado por quanto tempo?_ Perguntou, me abraçava.
_Por dois messes._ Respondi.
_Ele é o seu namoradinho do último verão?
_Tecnicamente o da primavera._ Me afastei dele para olhar no rosto dele.
_Ele sabe sobre a gente?_ Nos aproximou denovo.
_Sabe, depois dele me perturbar muito, Maya cuspiu na cara dele que eu tinha transado com você._ Contei é ele me olhou esperando mais alguma coisa.
_E como ele reagiu?
_Ficou uma fera, falou que eu não deveria ter traído ele, e que eu ia pagar caro, no final das contas ele falou pros colegas dele que eu tinha ficado comigo só pra tirar minha virgindade e me largar.
_Que dedo podre, sério ele é um otário._ Ele falou.
_Você não fez escolhas melhores que eu fiz, meu querido._ Retruquei.
_Mas as minhas más escolhas não me difamaram na faculdade.
_Mas não pior que chiclete._ Falei, ele chegou perto e me abraçou.
_Vamos esquecer esse assunto, temos coisas melhor pra fazer._ Me deu vários selinhos.
_Ok._ Eu disse antes de aprofundar para um beijo.
Vote, por favor.
Cara eu tô em um bloqueio tão grande que nem pov nutelinha tô conseguindo escrever direito.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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Our next step is with one of the more scientific areas of Emerald Heights, near the ominous oil field...
Dr. Adam Splitter has been living on Foundation property so he could monitor all his delicate experiments 24/7 for years, but now the Foundation has saddled him with an assistant! And she comes with a teen-age boy in tow. Can they adjust to life with the renowned reclusive scientist? Or will they all make each other Mad?
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He lives across from the Science Center so he can monitor experiments at all hours, and has done so for years; but you blow up one lab, one time, just once, and suddenly they're all over you threatening to cut off the grant money if you don't get a younger assistant. And technically the house belongs to the Foundation so the board can move in whoever they want.
Dr. Adam Splitter: male, elder, Sim Knowledge/Fortune (Max out 7 Skills) Virgo (10/0/8/7/0) Science career, OTH: Sports Traits: Neat, Brooding, Vehicle Enthusiast, Computer Whiz, Materialistic
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After her divorce, she'd been worried about making ends meet, but she's been so lucky! Not only does she get to work personally with the great Dr. Splitter, but she and her boy Steve get free housing! Okay, it's a little cramped; but she's far away from all the humiliating scenes of her marriage and that covers a multitude of sins. Steve's pouting, but he'll pull it together. He's a good boy, really.
Mata Dore: female, adult, Sim Knowledge/Family (Max out 7 Skills) Cancer (5/5/5/5/5) Science career, OTH: Sports Traits: Disciplined, Friendly, Match Enthusiast, Genius, Nurturing
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The divorce is a bummer, the move is a bummer, sharing a room with his mother and his house with a crabby senile dude (Assistant, yeah right, try babysitter, Mom doesn't know when she's being exploited) is a megabummer. On the bright side, though - that house out back is crawling with hot teenage girls! So maybe it won't be that bad.
Steve Dore: male, teenager, Sim Romance (Have 20 simultaneous Lovers) Saggitarius (0/10/10/10/0) Public School, OTH: Nature Traits: Adventurous, Childish, Angler, Commitment Issues
Challenges Rolled for: - round: Public woohoo: woohoo in the photo booth or change rooms. - season: Large pet adoption: Your sims have decided it's too quiet without the pitter-patter of furry paws and have decided to adopt a pet. Make a visit to the local pet shop, call the pet adoption agency, or make a pet in CAS. - week: Regular Week: Nothing Major Happens -> Mata will have a public woohoo and Adam will adopt a large dog.
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stylesurrender · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cape Robbin | Pink Belinda Booties.
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glenn7517 · 1 year
Hold it Wait for Me on the Sony Trinitron Color Television Model Number KV-27FS100, Land of the Giants from Glenn Edward Waters on Vimeo.
Hold it Wait for Me on the Sony Trinitron Color Television Model Number KV-27FS100, Made September 2002, Sony Trinitron TV. Land of the Giants, The Crash, Episode aired Sep 22, 1968, On June 12, 1983, a sub-orbital aircraft named the Spindrift flying from Los Angeles is pulled into a space warp which transports its crew and passengers into another dimension. The ship eventually lands on a planet where everything is 12 times larger than normal. In their first night on the planet they are attacked by a giant cat and two of their party, Captain Steve Burton and jet set heiress Valerie Scott, are captured by a pair of giant scientists but are eventually rescued by the rest of the castaways. Unfortunately, they soon realize that for the time being they are stuck on this strange world. The Cast: Gary Conway as Captain Steve Burton, Don Matheson as Mark Wilson, Stefan Arngrim as Barry Lockridge, Don Marshall as Dan Erickson, Deanna Lund as Valerie Scott, Heather Young as Betty Hamilton, Kurt Kasznar as Alexander B. Fitzhugh, Anne Dore as the Giant Female, Pat Michenaud as Giant Boy, Don Watters as the Giant Entomologist, Irwin Allen the producer #sonytrinitron #sonykv27fs100 #landofthegiants #irwinallen #garyconway
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mysterymirrors · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vans Black Slip-On Perf Leather Shoe - 5.5M/7W.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (July 19, 2023)
23:57 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 23:51 Phil Mison - Lula 23:47 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 23:43 Martin Böttcher - Old-shatterhand-melodie (Orbient Mix) 23:39 Daniel Steidtmann - Pigeon Lake 23:36 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 23:30 Massive Attack - Spying Glass 23:28 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 23:23 Rufus Du Sol - Next To Me 23:18 Solaris Navis - Blissful Memories 23:16 Cotone - Faded Glory 23:13 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 23:07 Schiller Feat. Mia Bergström - Playing With Madness 23:05 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 23:01 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 22:54 Hraach And Armen Miran - Krunk 22:51 Duboss - Losing My Religion 22:45 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 22:42 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 22:39 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 22:34 Chicane Feat. Bo Bruce - Still With Me 22:29 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 22:25 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 22:20 Massive Attack - Sly 22:13 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 22:10 Sans Souci - Nanda 22:03 Joris Voorn - Ringo 21:59 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 21:55 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 21:48 Richard Grey - Need Your Lovin (Murjd Remix) 21:40 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 21:35 Loui & Scibi Feat. Nuwella - Your Love (Ian Tosel Remix) 21:31 Dvine - Unknown Reality 21:24 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 21:21 Nora En Pure - Sphinx 21:18 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 21:16 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 21:12 Klingande & Krishane - Rebel Yell 21:09 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 21:07 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 21:02 Simioli, Provenzano, Scarlet - Ain't No Sunshine 20:59 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 20:55 Lstn - Floral Decor 20:49 Thomas Lemmer - Fatigué 20:46 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 20:44 Lost Frequencies & Zonderling - Crazy 20:41 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 20:37 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 20:32 Hotlane - On My Own 20:28 Moby - My Only Love 20:26 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 20:20 Schiller - Tiefblau 20:18 Paratone - Time After Time 20:12 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 20:04 Andre Rizo - Hang 19:57 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 19:50 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 19:47 Sam Feldt, Lucas & Steve Ft. Wulf - Summer On You 19:43 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 19:37 Aural Float - Still Here 19:34 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 19:31 Tomas Skyldeberg - Outside The Window 19:27 Light Of Aidan Feat. Note For A Child - Loving You 19:24 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 19:17 Armen Miran - Nani Jan 19:13 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 19:09 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 19:06 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 19:00 Depeche Mode - Sister Of The Night 18:58 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 18:55 Klangperlenspiel - Fraction Of Your Love 18:51 Discover. - Lost In Music 18:48 Purple Disco Machine - Hypnotized 18:42 Paji - Viola (Original Mix) 18:38 Audien - Blue 18:30 Kygo - Freeze 18:23 Cosmo Klein Feat. Ynot - When Doves Cry (Original Mix) 18:18 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 18:14 Glide - Y Môr 18:09 Kyau Vs. Albert - Velvet Morning 18:05 Viva La Panda & Finding Molly - Bring It On (La La La) 17:59 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 17:55 Blank & Jones With Coralie Clement - Days Go By 17:52 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 17:50 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 17:46 Melloton - Zombie 17:41 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 17:36 Leftfield - Melt 17:34 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 17:30 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 17:21 Underworld - 8 Ball 17:16 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 17:13 Filous - Let It Snow (Original Mix) 17:07 Afterlife - Breather 2000 17:03 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 16:58 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 16:55 Robin Schulz Feat. Graham Candy - 4 Life (Original Mix) 16:53 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 16:50 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 16:45 Axwell / Ingrosso - Something 16:42 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 16:35 Lexer - Forgive Me 16:31 Schiller - Free The Dragon 16:28 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 16:25 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You 16:19 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 16:10 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 16:03 Lemongrass - Feel Good 15:58 Lamb - Wonder 15:54 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 15:51 Italobrothers - Summer Air 15:49 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 15:42 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 15:37 Uttara Kuru - Neyuki 15:33 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 15:28 Puremusic - Unsaid (State Azure Remix) 15:24 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 15:21 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 15:16 Bent - I Love My Man 15:13 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 15:09 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 15:05 Andy Caldwell - Quiet Nights 15:02 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 14:58 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 14:53 Schiller - Rubinrot 14:50 Lizot - Daddy Cool 14:47 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 14:43 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 14:40 Tiësto & Ty Dolla $ign - The Business, Pt. Ii 14:33 Tom Novy & Milkwish - Dream Catcher (Extended Mix) 14:30 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 14:24 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 14:21 Arizona - Oceans Away (Sam Feldt Remix) 14:16 Passenger 10 - The Lonely Boy Who Wanted To Make Friends 14:14 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 14:07 Armen Miran - Precious Story 14:04 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 13:59 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 13:57 Troels Hammer - Azur 13:49 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 13:46 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 13:41 Agron - Love My Soul 13:39 Kamrad - Feel Alive 13:35 Nora En Pure - Roots 13:33 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 13:28 Kidsø - Fir 13:23 Alejandro De Pinedo - Cancer 13:19 Ambyion - Motion 13:14 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 13:10 Ilo - Soleil D'hiver 13:06 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 13:02 Avira & Kiko Franco Feat. Nathan Nicholson) - Ocean 12:59 Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody 12:55 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 12:49 Blank & Jones - Coh 12:45 Nightmares On Wax - You Wish 12:43 Vievie - Blue Island 12:39 Redlounge Orchestra - Reserver 12:36 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 12:33 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 12:29 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 12:22 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 12:18 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 12:14 Thievery Corporation - It Takes A Thief 12:09 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 12:06 Thomas Gold Feat. Bright Sparks - Seventeen 12:00 Vargo - The Moment 11:57 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 11:51 Hakan Kayis, Furkan Sarikas, Cinar Gedizlioglu - A Night In Alacati (Original Mix) 11:47 Lemongrass - Comme Toujours 11:44 Sanah - Invisible Dress (Maro Music X Skytech Remix) 11:40 The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya - Don't Let Me Down 11:35 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 11:28 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 11:24 Akmusique - Cafe Noir (Album Version) 11:17 Beyhude - Akasha 11:14 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 11:09 Naomi - Anybody Here? 11:06 Rosa Linn - Snap 10:59 Worakls - By The Brook 10:52 Claptone - No Eyes Feat. Jaw 10:49 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 10:46 Laniia - Fireflies 10:40 Fous De La Mer - Ocean 22°e 10:36 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 10:30 Massive Attack - Safe From Harm 10:28 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 10:25 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 10:20 Alex Sail Feat. Al I Bo - Symantec Clime 10:17 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 10:14 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 10:08 Groovecatcher - Angel Of Nature 09:59 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 09:57 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 09:53 Mr. Probz - Waves 09:48 Worakls - Caprice 09:46 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 09:42 Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben - Supergirl 09:39 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 09:31 Burudu - Sun Theory (Original Mix) 09:24 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 09:22 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 09:17 Jasmon - Sanpo Suru 09:14 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 09:08 Tebra - Suton 09:02 Aaron Mcclelland, Marianne - Lets Get Physical (Touch & Go Laidback Dub) 09:00 Cyrillic Feat. Lara - Zero Gravitation 08:57 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 08:51 Prodoxo - Bailanduna 08:48 Tiscore - Fire To Smoke 08:45 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 08:37 Stan Kolev, Yuji Ono - Try (Original Mix) 08:33 Blank & Jones - High Fly 08:27 Jan Blomqvist - Maybe Not (Rodriguez Jr. Extended) 08:24 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 08:22 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 08:18 Unclubbed, Zoe Durrant - Need To Feel Loved (Original Mix) 08:15 Loud Luxury Feat. Morgan St. Jean - Aftertaste 08:11 Lstn - Undecided 08:07 Five Seasons - In Your Town 08:05 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 08:01 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 07:59 Sans Souci Feat. Pearl Andersson - Sweet Harmony 07:52 Atb - No Fate 07:46 Tebra - Istok 07:42 Sylvering - The Sun Always Shines On Tv 07:39 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 07:36 Blank & Jones - Fall In Love 07:32 Tycho - Horizon 07:28 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 07:21 Orange & Tusnelda - Stay Asleep 07:19 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 07:14 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 07:09 Daniele Mastracci Feat. Allegra - Something Great 07:04 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 06:57 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 06:51 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 06:47 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 06:43 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 06:37 Coastline - Adriatic Sea (Milews Remix) 06:34 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 06:25 Worakls - Nocturne 06:22 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 06:16 Sans Souci - Venice 06:12 Robin Schulz & Marc Scibilia - Unforgettable 06:10 Minelli, Filatov & Karas Remi - Rampampam 06:06 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 06:01 Cantoma - Alive 05:58 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 05:56 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 05:50 Beanfield - Planetary Deadlock 05:43 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 05:40 Amely & Lvndscape - Losing My Mind 05:35 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 05:31 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 05:25 Van Bellen - Morning Awakening 05:22 Milkwish - From The Earth To The Moon 05:14 Blank & Jones - White Light 05:11 Robin Schulz - Sugar (Feat. Francesco Yates) 05:07 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 05:03 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 05:00 Robin Schulz Feat. James Blunt - Ok 04:54 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundfør - If You Want Me 04:51 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 04:48 Geeno Smith - Stand By Me (Radio Mix) 04:45 Mike Candys & Séb Mont - What's On Your Mind 04:41 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 04:36 2raumwohnung - 2 Von Millionen Von Sternen 04:33 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 04:30 Mike Posner - I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Seeb Remix) 04:22 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 04:18 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 04:14 Aphrodelics - Rollin On Chrome 04:09 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 04:05 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 04:02 Edx - Missing 03:59 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 03:53 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 03:50 Sal De Sol - Another Chance (Single Mix) 03:47 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 03:43 Sum Wave - Malin's Song 03:38 Ivan Jack - The Dock Of The Bay 03:35 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 03:27 Chris Coco & Captain Bliss - Harmonica Track (Deep Mix) 03:24 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 03:17 Consoul Trainin - Take Me To Infinity 03:14 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 03:06 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 03:01 Hazy J - Our Way 02:56 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 02:53 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 02:50 Mila - Herzlos 02:43 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 02:37 Rodg - Heights 02:32 D.a.x. Feat. Victoria Wilson James - Crash Landed 02:29 Nora Van Elken - Okinawa 02:26 Hagen Feetly - Not The One 02:21 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 02:18 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 02:15 Sting - Fragile 02:09 Christopher Von Deylen - Free 02:07 Trinix - Soweto 01:59 Gerrit Van Der Meer - Solaris 01:54 Röyksopp Feat. Astrid S - 02 Let's Get It Right 01:51 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 01:47 Lydmor - Money Towers 01:44 Sam Feldt Feat. Lateshift - The Riddle 01:42 Parov Stelar - Fire 01:37 Blank & Jones Feat. Cathy Battistessa - Happiness (Milchbar Terrace Mix) 01:30 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 01:25 Velvet Lounge Project - Dimelo Tu (Mix And Magix Remix) 01:22 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 01:18 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 01:10 Royksopp - Sordid Affair (Maceo Plex Mix) 01:06 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 01:03 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 00:59 Stone Van Brooken, Henri Pfr - Tarida (Original Mix) 00:57 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 00:53 Lstn - Sïstër 00:50 Syn Cole Feat. Caroline Pennell - Californication 00:42 Timboletti - Dhunche 00:40 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 00:36 Frank & Friedrich Feat. Duncan Woods - Coming Home 00:33 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 00:30 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Shine (Kygo Remix) 00:25 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 00:21 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 00:15 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 00:13 Reece Lemonius, Munich Monstrs - Miss You 00:09 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 00:04 Blank & Jones - Pure Shores
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kd-bzh · 10 months
Mix Techno Minimal - Minimal Tech Beats 002
Dj Set Minimal Techno
Alberto Rizzo, Steve Kid, PRT Stacho, Alessandro Grops, Aiho, Luigi Peretti, Angelo Dore, Dgtalsystem, DoubKore, Mason Bach, Lorenzo D'amario, Ende, Lucent, Mark Dekoda, Morgan J, Patrik Soderbom, Tony Kairom, Waveback Luke & Zareh Kan mixed by KD
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