#splitter family
tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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Wednesday was both Mata and Adam's day off. While the latter spend his morning studying, as usual, Mata went to the town's arcade. It was a funky joint, located in the old walls of a castle. Mata didn't meet anybody interesting, except for a man in a topper that clearly cheated at playing cards.
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When she was back home, Mata convinced Dr. Splitter to go out with her for some hours. They went on a walk and arrived at the old abandoned factory.
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Both of them were curious and so they went inside, where nobody but the two of them were.
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One thing let to another and so they didn't use the old photo booth to take any pictures.
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Back at home, Mata was a little worried, when she noticed that Dr. Splitter felt comfortable enough around her now, to walk around in his underwear. Mata: Adam, I hope we can agree on, that Steve must not know about this, right? Adam: O-of course Mata. Everything went so fast between us, I don't think he would understand. I-I'll give you two the space you need. That was good to know. Mata got into the shower and when she took out the trash later, she found a cute ginger cat by the can.
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Mata: Aww, aren't you just the cutest lil thing?
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Mata and Steve weren't the only animal lovers in the household. But while their affection mostly focused on stray cats, Adam had a specific idea of the pet they should get.
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
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my boot vs my younger brothers
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lilgynt · 3 days
i don’t think it is but maybe the getting extremely high and drinking everyday is why i feel so awful all the time. probably not i can’t even see how that’s could be connected
#personal#my buddy asked me if i need an intervention one i will lie to you jot that down#two probably not i have my normal about of edibles and most likely a hard cider and a half before i pass right the fuck out#also i’m functioning i have my job i have hobbies i still go out bam.#also this is harm reduction places my brains been at we don’t want me totally aware#with that tho the weed and hard cider probably isn’t helping my brain issues#especially the issues are BAD dissociation#anyway it’s varies day to day but ever since i was like let’s have the latest breakdown about my family and i just kinda gave up#the days have been foggy in my mind#first while after every interaction just ended up weird and i couldn’t follow it too well#everyone sounded muted or underwater?#things still feel foggy but interactions are back to normal#i’m just heavily out of my body and not completely there mentally a lot lately#and sometimes it’s nothing like feels like nothing and i’m just gone#other times i feel sick and confused#had a call with my mom and brother the other day i was phoning that in so bad and i couldn’t feel anything#and i’m leaning heavy into spacing out but that’s warring with me being present in reality and that. hurts my head?#it’s not hurting but it hurts me it feels like my brain is splittering#like i’m losing my mind but also im fine and it’s okay#anyway even if my friends had an intervention i’d be like guys given the issues i’m dealing with im not gonna stress about weed and some#hard ciders i’m gonna be so real with you.#i feel loose i feel like oil on water
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butcherlarry · 5 months
Weekly Fic Recs 63
This week's list! Mostly Superbat and Batfam, with a wild Batlantern thrown in :)
Mini-Birds by Ktkat9 - Superbat & Batfam, complete. The batboys get deaged. Shenanigans ensue when Bruce and Clark have to go around the manor to find them :)
Rail-Splitter, Brain-Splitter by motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the Settle Our Bones series . Dick gets a killer migraine. The family is there to help.
For Some Desperate Glory by chasingfigments - Batfam, wip. Bruce is kidnapped by one of Gotham's newest rouges, Red Hood.
grasp his heart (once and for all) by liodain - Superbat, complete. Bruce doesn't believe in soulmates, and Clark is confused why he has two, Bruce Wayne and Batman. A retelling of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat & Batfam, wip. More of mer Bruce! And it's MerMay! The perfect fic to read during this month :)
Bedrock by crucifixinhell - Batlantern, wip. Bruce and Hal accidentally get a telepathic bond from a telepath and they can't be very far from each other.
Star Tied by Imagine_sleeping - Superbat, wip. An update to the soulmates/Krypton survives fic!
Like a Hinge, Like a Wing by Ultrageekatlarge - Batfam, complete. A different way that Tim joins the batfam. Tim is being slowly poisoned by his uncle (real, not made up), and goes to Batman and Robin to help him (it helps that they are his next door neighbors).
Happy reading!
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ghost-runner · 2 years
“Useless” and “Troubled” until the End: Pt. 2
Sully Family x Fourth Child Male Reader
Summary: After being grounded a second time, you disobey Jake’s for the third time to secret sneak out and secretly help out on the raid against a train carrying supplies for the RDA assault forces. This ends up with you getting badly injured from a missile blast and things finally hit the breaking point at home. A familiar antagonist also shows up, looking a lot more blue and bloodthirsty than ever before.
Warning: Violence, blood, injuries, cursing, family arguments, a tiny bout of child neglect, abduction, kidnapping, etc.
Note: Once again, I’m not going to try to use Na’vi language as I don’t have any idea what the translations are to English.
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I laid back in my hammock, not giving a care to the world as I vaguely listened to Dad tell everyone what was going on today with some sort of raid going down.
Jake: Alright, everyone please listen up. We have something big that will be taking place today. Neteyam, Lo’ak, you’re on lookout and watch duty to ensure everything is going accordingly to plan. Your mother and I will be leading the attack on the train from below.
Neteyam: Awesome! We get be on the battlefield!
Lo’ak: Ddddaaadddd, come on, give us a more exciting role.
Jake: Lo’ak, this is not up for debate. You’re on lookout duty and that’s final. -Dad then turns to Kiri and I while I have my back to him to notify that I’m ignoring him- Kiri, I need you and Y/N to watch Tuk while the rest of us are gone, okay?
Kiri: Of course, Dad.
Jake: Y/N, is that clear?
I ignore him as I try to fall asleep.
Jake: Is that clear, soldier!?!
I roll over in my hammock to face him and giving him a hard glare as Dad gets a bit angry at me for my blatant disrespect.
Jake: Y/N! Answer me!
Y/N: Yes sir…understood. -I give Dad a mocking salute as I turn back over, once again putting my back to him-
Dad sighs heavily at this and walks out of the Hometree to his Ikran, knowing the reasons why I’ve been more difficult as of late. I know Mom is looking at me worriedly as I’ve gotten into a lot more arguments with Dad over the last few days with me trying to prove myself, but I just shrug it off. I feel someone come up behind me and gently hug me from behind. I tense my back at this and roll over once again to see Mom is the one hugging me so I hug her back as she picks me up out of my hammock like she used to when I was a little kid. She puts me on back on my feet after a few seconds as Kiri and Tuk join the hug and the three help me feel a lot better. Mom then pulls away and kisses me on the forehead as my ears flatten against my head. She then walks out of the Hometree to her Ikran while I look to see Neteyam and Lo’ak giving me looks of understanding from where I stand at with our old man as I nod to them silently before the two leave for their Ikrans. Kiri lets me go from the hug and rubs my head with the height difference between the two of us with her being taller than me. She loves to tease me for being shorter than the normal Na’vi.
Kiri: You know I’m always here for you, little brother.
Y/N: I know, sis. Thanks.
I head back to my hammock and climb back into it before I get comfy as I close my eyes when I feel a weight on my chest. I open them back up to see Tuk climbed onto me and cuddled up to me which led me to smile. I rub her head and get comfy with Tuk on me and I fall asleep for about 30 minutes.
- 30 minutes later -
I woke up to sounds of ships careening down to the surface of Pandora and rolled over to see that RDA drop ships are coming into Pandora’s surface. I look around to see Kiri and Tuk not in the Hometree. I’m already know what Kiri is doing with Tuk to keep her distracted from everything going on, most likely by taking her on a nature walk and leaving me in the tree alone so I can have a bit of space. I smile at the opportunity that has opened for me and I quickly grab my knife, my bow which I named “Skull Splitter” from which I had hand-carved and designed myself, and a quiver full of barb tipped arrows I had made. I then run out of the Hometree before I whistle long and loudly for Ro’nea. I get a running start for myself before I run towards the edge of one of the long branches from the tree and jump off, leaving me in free fall as I see a blur of white and Ro’nea is with me as she gets under me, I then connect my queue to Ro’nea’s queue and we become one. I rub her head in gratitude for her quickness of getting here and I guide her to where I know the raid is taking place.
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(This is the bow.)
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(These are the arrows.)
- 1 hour later -
As Ro’nea and I reach the location of the raid, I begin to quietly think to myself. I know that I’m not supposed to be out here after being double grounded by Dad, but I really don’t care anymore. I have to be independent as I know I can only rely on myself in times like this. Everyone else just expects me to be in the background or to be useless and that I should be okay with with. I already get bullied enough as it is by boys in the clan that are my age because of this while they all have hunted something with it being some sort of achievement. Nobody ever notices the bullying or disrespect I get from my fellow clan members so I’ve learned to just keep my grievances to myself. It doesn’t matter as I doubt anyone would even believe me should I tell someone anyway as one of the son of Toruk Makto,
I shake my head to clear my mind as I start to fly higher than most of the Na’vi involved in the raid on Ro’nea so I don’t get spotted by Mom or Dad, the same goes for any other Na’vi involved in the raid. This is because of a different scar of my face that goes from the left side of my forehead to the middle point of my neck that was a result of a terrible fall I took when I was five years old. Due to this scar on my face in addition to the one from Ro’nea’s crash, I’ve become a very recognizable person so many of my clan know how to notice me out of a crowd, but they fail to notice most of the time due to me also being shorter than most other Na’vi. I also know that I stick out quite a bit obviously since Ro’nea is completely white, but we’ve managed to stay under the radar for now. I look down to my companion and scratch Ro’nea on her neck as she lets out a screech of content at the scratch. I smile at her antics and let out a small thank you to Eywa for allowing me to bond with Ro’nea as she is one of the only friends I’ve had in a long time besides my siblings. I briefly catch my brothers as they are on watch duty as they also fail to notice me partaking in the raid. I look off to see that there are RDA ships incoming as the train blew off its track for the explosive detonation. I grab my bow and ready an arrow before letting go of it as it soared into the glass windshield of one of the ships and went straight through the glass. The arrow ended up impaling itself into the pilot’s chest, hitting the heart and killed the pilot immediately which led to the ship losing control before crashing into the cliff side.
Y/N: Fuck you.
I watch as I saw both Dad and Mom take out a few other ships while I smile at their teamwork. I just wish I could have possibly learned from them instead of needing to teach myself. I then saw both of my parents look over in my direction as they looked at Ro’nea with surprised looks. I can only assume it’s because they’ve never seen a fully white Ikran before, but then again, fully white Ikrans are very rare to find, and it’s considered very sacred as it’s seen to be the very image of Eywa itself. Not only that, white Ikrans are also bigger than most regular Ikrans of different colors. From what I know, if you bond with one, it’s a very special honor amongst Na’vi to have that bond and that anyone who has a white Ikran will be highly respected by the clan. Well, I know that to be absolute bullshit since I’m bonded with one. (I’m making up the white Ikran bond thing for the sake of the story). I’m just happy that they are too far away to see that their son is the one that is bonded with the white Ikran. I keep my head down to make sure it stays that way. More ships begin coming and I continue to launch arrow after arrow at each ship using my bow while riding Ro’nea. I took down three more ships with precise shots to either the pilot’s head, killing them instantly or hitting them in the chest with an instant kill heart shot.
Y/N: All of you RDA sons of bitches can go rot in hell.
I have Ro’nea stop for a moment so I can collect my barrens when I see my two brothers heading down to the train when I knew they were not supposed to be. I roll my eyes and signal for Ro’nea to let me off near where my brothers are. Once on the ground, I get off of Ro’nea’s saddle and leave my weapons attached to the harness I made for her. I detach my queue from hers and tell her to hide herself somewhere safe nearby in case I need her as I don’t want to risk her getting hurt. Ro’nea looks at me, understanding what I’m telling her to do and she flies off to hide just like I taught her. I turn around and then run to where my stupid brothers are at.
Lo’ak and Neteyam are off of their Ikrans and we’re currently opening up a crate filled with weapons as Lo’ak grabbed one of the assault rifles that were in said crate.
Neteyam: Don’t tell me you’re going to try using that thing.
Lo’sk: Come on, bro. It can’t be that hard.
Lo’ak aims the weapons into the air jokingly, but the two Sullys freeze and feel their blood go cold when they hear a voice they know all too well.
Y/N: What the hell are you two idiots doing down here?! I thought dad told you to stay in the air on watch duty!
The two eldest Sully boys turned around quickly to see their youngest brother running towards them with a grim look on his face. They have shock written all over their faces as they look at their brother in confusion with him being here at the raid.
Neteyam: Y/N?!? What the hell are you doing here!?
Y/N: Trying to show Dad I can handle myself and that I’m actually capable of being useful besides babysitting and being a healer.
Lo’ak: Bro. Dad will kill you if he finds out that you’re here!
Y/N: I honestly don’t care anymore. It’s always the same with him! I can never do anything the two of you can!
Neteyam: That’s because you’re unprepared, Y/N!
Y/N pushed his brothers behind some cover as the rocket struck close to where the three Sully boys were at. Neteyam and Lo’ak only had minor bruises from their little brother pushing them out of the impact zone of the rocket, but Y/n took the brunt of the blast and couldn’t be seen by either of the oldest brothers. Jake had only now seen his oldest sons looking around for the third Sully son, but he was completely unaware to what they were doing or the fact of Y/N being there. Jake fly down on his Ikran and dismounted from it to run to where his boys are at. Jake reached his two oldest boys and was totally pissed at the two of them.
Lo’ak: Sir, we know. But there’s bigger trouble than that right now!
Jake: What is bigger than you two disobeying my orders?!
Neteyam: Y/N is here and he’s possibly hurt!
Jake froze and felt his heart completely stop at what his oldest child had just said to him.
Jake: Y/N is what!?!
Lo’ak: Y/N is possibly hurt as he pushed us out of the way from the rocket exploding! We need to find him!
Jake: You two get back into your Ikrans and get airborne. I’ll find your brother.
Neteyam and Lo’ak: Yes sir.
The two brothers run back to where they had their Ikrans at and started getting airborne while Jake searched through the wreckage for his youngest boy. He couldn’t find anything and started to worry about what might’ve happened to Y/N. Only then did Jake saw something out of the corner of his eye where he saw a few bodies belonging to the deceased Na’vi they sadly perished during the train raid. Jake shallowed down hard to keep a lump that was building in his throat from bursting out and letting him assume the worst possible fate that his son could have had. Jake ran over to the bodies and began to check each one. The first two bodies were of female Na’vi so Jake ruled them out immediately and the next two bodies were of male Na’vi, however, Jake didn’t see the scar that he knew only his son would have on the side of his face. When he reached the final body, he noticed that the Na’vi was not dead and the person was still breathing and had a pulse. He turned the person over onto his back and Jake instantly saw the scar on the Na’vi’s face, immediately telling him it’s his son. He checked Y/N for any injuries and saw that Y/N had some metal shrapnel in his left leg that will need to be removed later and a large gash in his left arm. He picked his son up and quickly got him onto his Ikran before taking off. Neytiri saw Jake on the ground and watched as she then saw Jake pick up an unconscious Na’vi and taking them to his Ikran and taking off. She went over and looked in horror at the realization that it was her youngest son that was injured. She gave Jake a look saying “Let me take him, you continue leading the attack.” Jake let his mate take their son before he went back to leading the attack. Neytiri started to make her way back to their home when Neteyam and Lo’ak fly over to their mom and tell her to let them take their brother home. She gives them their unconscious brother before she returned to the fight. The boys took their little brother home.
— 6 Hours later —
I silently stare at the ceiling of my home as my mind wonders far out. I’m knocked out of thought when my grandmother, Mo’at and Kiri walk into the Hometree while carrying leaf wrap bandages and medicine. Grandma sits down next to me before she began to tell me what she’ll have to do with my leg. I silently nod to her and grab my knife from the table next to me. I put the blade of my knife into my mouth to bite down onto while my grandmother carefully starts to slowly pull the piece of metal out of my leg. I grunt in pain and bite down onto the blade as Grandma continues pulling the metal out slowly. My tail is swishing a lot and my ears are up at attention as I let out another grunt of pain and bit down harder on the blade before Grandma finally gets it out. Kiri than came over to me to put some medicine onto the wound and began wrapping it in the leaf bandages. I take my knife out of my mouth and carelessly throw it at the wall, embedding it into the bark of the tree next to my hammock. I then spit a little bit of blood into my hand and wipe it off onto the already bloodied bundle of leaves beneath me.
Kiri: You really shouldn’t have gone out there, little bro.
Y/N: Kiri, as much as I love you, please not now.
Kiri: I’m just saying….
Y/N: I know, I know. I’m already going to get the same talk down from Dad, the angry drill instructor.
I look outside to see the red evening sky and it fills me with a feeling of contentment. Like Kiri, I’ve always enjoyed nature and the little things in life that are around us, but nobody seems to notice. Kiri rubs my left arm that has a patch of bandage wrapped around the gash from earlier with understanding how I feel about nature and I’m happy that I can share that with my big sister.
Y/N: Grandma, Kiri, thank you both for patching me up.
Mo’at: Of course, little warrior. You’re just like your grandfather when he was a young man.
Y/N: I could never live up to Grandpa’s reputation. I can barely even prove myself to Dad, I’ll never be able to do anything right…. -I hug Grandma tightly-
Kiri frowns and joins the hug as she knows just how badly I want to be considered a “Proper” Sully.
Mo’at: Oh, little warrior. I know about how you feel, your father is a hard man. He’ll come around eventually, I promise. And I know that you can do anything that you’ll put your mind to, little warrior.
Kiri: Even if that doesn’t happen, Y/n. You still have Tuk, me, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Grandma, and Mom. You’re not alone.
Y/N; Thanks, Grandma, thanks, sis. I’m happy to know I can always rely on you.
Mo’at: I must go attend to the rest of the wounded, my grandchildren. Kiri, can I count on you to keep an eye on your brother while he heals?
Kiri: Of course, grandmother.
Mo’at nods to my big sister as she then gets up and walks out of our Hometree. I groan as I get up from the makeshift bench I was laying down on and go to the table to sit down while Kiri gently helps me up over to it. I look over to my hammock to see Tuk sleeping soundly in my hammock and I smile at the sight before I then hear the familiar sound of the flap of an Ikran’s wings and I got ready for the hell that is coming. I look to see Mom, Dad, and my brothers enter the home. I look at Dad and he is giving me the death stare right now to which I roll my eyes as I look away. My brothers are looking at me with sympathy looks on their faces as they know what hell I’m in for. Mom, however, has worry written all over her face at the shock from knowing what her youngest son did. Dad spoke up for everyone’s attention.
Jake: Everyone, head to bed. Y/N. I need to have words with you outside. Now.
I rolled my eyes and got up. Kiri tried to help, but I told her I would be fine. I painfully forced myself out the chair and limped out of the tree with Dad hot on my tail before I turn around to face him.
Jake: What. Did. I. Say. About. Disobeying. Direct. Orders. Soldier? Are you out of your goddamn mind, Y/N?!? Why did you even think that was a good idea?!?
Y/N: Sir— You know what, fuck that military shit. DAD. With all due respect from the love I have for you, can you yell at me tomorrow? -Jake clenched his jaw as stared down his son in worry- I feel like I’m about to fucking pass out and I don’t want that to be considered disrespectful.
Dad’s eyes looked over me could only sigh before agreeing to to what I said.
Jake: Alright, let’s head to bed then.
Dad goes into the home first before I just let out a loud sigh, walk into the home, silently grab my journal out of my pillow, and go back outside the Hometree to climb up to where my secluded sleep spot is. Before I climb, I see Jake giving me a look saying to not go up. I shake my head at him and carefully climb up to my sleep spot before I get comfy and start to write in my journal. After writing down about my feelings and what will might be in store for tomorrow, I close my journal and roll over to doze off to sleep.
- The next day around noon —
Y/N was currently sitting out on one of the branches outside of the home while he sharpens the blade of his knife without a care to the world. He can hear his parents talking/arguing about what to do in regards to him while the rest of his siblings are off hanging out with their good friend who is a human. They call him Spider as they never knew his actual name and he has grown to be a good friend of the Sully family.
Jake: Ney, we need do something about Y/N’s behavior!
Neytiri: I know. We need to show him how much we care about him. He feels practically useless because we’ve neglected to raise him the right way with training him and showing him how much we care for him.
Jake: I know. I know. It’s just that…..He’s more trouble than he’s worth….He is nothing, but a load of failure….I don’t want to say it….but……..
Y/N sighed as he knew his dad was right. He was nothing, but a failure to the Sully name. He stops sharpening the blade and gets up before he turns to watch his parents continue to argue.
Neytiri: Jake! How could you ever say something like that?!?
Jake: It slipped out……I didn’t mean it that way or for it to com—
Y/n, cutting off Jake: No, Dad, you’re right.
The two Na’vi parents turn to their son as he held his knife tightly in hand.
Y/N: I’m sorry I could never live up to your expectations and standards. I’m sorry for being a failure. And most importantly, I’m sorry for ever coming into your lives.
Y/n then turns around and let out a long and loud whistle before running into a jump from off the branch he was once sitting on. Neytiri and Jake look at each other horrified before they run to where their son jumped off of. They only got to the edge to see Y/N currently riding on his fully white Ikran, Ro’nea, as the two rose slowly to the point where he could stare silently back at his parents. Jake and Neytiri look at Y/N in absolute astonishment and amazement that the white Ikran they saw earlier was, in fact, their son’s Ikran and the fact that they even saw him in action yesterday with taking out several ships.
Neytiri: So it was you….
Jake: Y/N…..
Y/N: I need time alone. You can send Kiri, to find me. She will know where I will be. I don’t care if I get grounded for life for this.
Y/N signaled for Ro’nea to fly away from the Sully home. Neytiri and Jake watched their son fly away in dispose as tears went to their eyes. Neytiri broke down crying as Jake pulled her into a hug and shushed her.
Neytiri: How c-could he ever t-think we think he’s a failure??
Jake: This is my fault. I need to make things right. We first need to find where our boy went.
Jake then used his communicator to contact Neteyam and Lo’ak.
— Elsewhere on Pandora —
We currently see all the Sully siblings apart from Y/N running around with their good friend, Spider, who is the one Y/N picked up most of his profanity from. The five are all having fun as they explore the wilderness of the Pandora jungle when Neteyam and Lo’ak both get a call on their communicators from their father and both brothers immediately get worried about what’s going on. Neteyam answers the call.
Lo’ak and Neteyam: Dad, what’s the situation?/What’s the problem, Dad?
Jake: It’s Y/N. He’s run away to somewhere.
Neteyam and Lo’ak both look at each other with grim looks on their faces as they hear what the situation is.
Lo’ak: Where did he run off to?
Jake: It’s not so much “run off” as it is to actually flying away on his Ikran.
Neteyam: Wait, wait, wait, you mean Y/N actually bonded with an Ikran?
Jake: That’s right. Not only that, it’s a white Ikran. I think you know how special that bond is.
Neteyam knows just how special white Ikrans are to the Na’vi as they represent the Great Mother herself.
Neteyam: Where did he fly off to?
Jake: Neither me nor your mother knows where he went. He did say that Kiri should know where he’s going. Find him and bring him home. Please.
Jake then hangs up the call. Both brothers look at one another before they nod and go over to Kiri who heard then in the communicators with their father.
Kiri: Is something going on? I heard you two on the call with dad, but not what it was about.
Lo’ak: Y/N’s run away from home.
Kiri: What?!
Neteyam: The bigger issue is that he’s also bonded with an Ikran and that’s what he’s using to move right now.
Kiri: Wait, when did he bond with an Ikran?
Neteyam: Nobody has a clue. Dad said that you would know where he went, is that right?
Kiri: Yeah, he would join me in heading to a secret spot with a lake near where we are right now. He will most likely be there.
Spider then made his way over to the older Sully siblings.
Spider: Guys, what’s going on?
Kiri: Y/N has run away from home and Dad needs us to find him.
Spider: Shit. Any idea where he is?
At that exact moment, all of the Sully siblings and Spider saw a very distinctive white Ikran flying below them through the valley as they continue running along the branches that span across the valley. They try to spot who the rider is to see that it’s their runaway brother as they see the scars present on the Y/N’s face, identifying the rider as Y/N. The Na’vi teens and Spider then ran over to where they could try to shout to Y/N.
Kiri: Y/N!! Up here!!
Neteyam: Y/N! Where the hell are you going??
Lo’ak: Little bro! Stop!!
Spider: Hey, Y/N!! Up here, man!!!
Y/N paid no attention to his siblings nor to Spider as they shouted to the runaway boy. Kiri frowns at this while her brothers just shake their heads.
Kiri: We need to get to the lake before Y/N.
Neteyam: Agreed.
The three oldest Sullys and Spider went over to Tuk and told her they were going to go on a small adventurous journey to a hidden location, hiding the true meaning of why they were going to the hidden lake. Tuk beamed at this news and the five individuals began to quickly make their way to the hidden lake, hoping to reach it before Y/N.
Little did any of the teens know that a small group of Recombinant Na’vi led by a now Na’vi Miles Quaritch had just heard everything while they watched from a distance.
Quaritch: Well, well, well. It looks like the bastard and bitch knocked up. Walker! Mansk! Get on your banshees and follow that little flyer fuck! The rest of you, with me! We’ll use the rest of the little fucks as bait for the real prizes.
Quaritch then let out a a dark chuckle as the Recoms get onto their Ikrans and begin to secretly follow Y/N and the rest of his squad follow the Sullys and Spider.
— 20 minutes later —
I smile as I reach my secret spot away from home. It’s a small area that is surrounded by massive trees that hide the peaceful aura that surrounds this place.
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(This is what I had in mind for it or something like this at least with much taller trees like on Pandora.)
I got off of Ro’nea and sat down in the shallow water away from her. I close my eyes and just enjoy the peaceful nature and it’s sounds around me. The feeling of the lake water splashing against my body, the sounds of the Pandora wildlife like the sound of Sturmbeests drinking water from the lake a fair bit away from me, and the peaceful aura of nature that is the epitome of Eywa herself. I look over to check on Ro’nea and see her being herself.
She takes a bit of time to stretch her wings and then she looks at me with an uncertain look on her face, trying to ask if I’m okay. I shake my head while smiling and head back over to her, I then gave Ro’nea a hug with her wrapping her wings around me, basically returning said hug back to me. I’m glad that Eywa chose for Ro’nea to be my companion, for she and I are both one of a kind. However, I noticed something very strange when she let me down from hugging me, I saw a blue and teal Ikran with Na’vi decked out in military gear fly down into the brush, as if they were following me. I grab my bow, quiver of arrows, and my knife from Ro’nea’s harness and tell her to fly away so she doesn’t get hurt. She understood and immediately flew to a hiding spot both of us knew about that would allow her to hide unseen until I called for her again. I strap my quiver to my back, sling my bow onto the small catch I put onto the quiver to hold my bow to my back, and sheathed my knife into its sheath. I quietly make my way through the brush to see the two Ikrans from before, but with only one of the riders I saw from before. He was currently checking his gear so I used the opportunity to snuck up to the strange looking Na’vi while I grab one of my serrated arrows and break the bottom of it off, turning it into a small serrated blade and quickly put it to his throat.
Walker: What the fuck…..
Y/N: Surprise, asshole. Now listen carefully.
Walker: you really think you scare me, that’s hilarious.
Y/N: I really could not give a fuck what you think, asshat. Now, you’re gonna tell me how the hell you found me and what the fuck you are doing here.
The weird-looking Na’vi only laughed at me before I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head before everything went black.
Y/N fell to ground unconscious as he was pistol whipped over the back of the head by Mansk, saving his fellow Recom sister-in-arms.
Walker: Thanks, mate.
Mansk: Of course, my friend.
Walker: Let’s get this little bastard to the boss. He’s gonna have a field day.
Mansk: No shit.
What the Recoms didn’t know about what that the Sully children and Spider had watched the whole thing involving their brother. They quietly watched in horror as Mansk grabs Y/N by his braids and started dragging him away to meet up with Quaritch.
— 7 minutes earlier —
The Sully children along with Spider outside the general area of the hidden lake that Kiri led them to.
Lo’ak: So what exactly is this place, Kiri?
Kiri: It’s a location that Y/N has found when Dad let him go have a free day to himself. Y/N tried sneaking out one night on foot and Dad had me take my Ikran to follow him. I was amazed by the area that Y/N lead me to and he made me promise to never tell anybody about it, but I have regretfully broken that promise by bringing you guys here.
Kiri pushes some bushes aside to reveal the beautiful hidden lake. Everyone is in awe at how perfect everything is.
Tuk: This is pretty!
Spider: Holy…..
Neteyam: I now see why Y/n and you wanted to keep this place a secret.
Lo’ak: This place screams tranquillity…
Kiri: We need to find Y/N fast.
Tuk: There!
Tuk pointed over to where everyone saw the alone Na’vi boy getting hugged by his Ikran which surprises everyone, even Kiri as she has never seen anything like that. Everyone then sees the Recombinants flying on their Ikrans to a landing zone further into the tree brush and Y/N gets a grim look in his face. They see Y/N tell his Ikran to hide before she flies off with Y/N preparing himself.
Kiri: Who was that flying in? It doesn’t look like anyone we know.
Spider: They’re probably dipshits who stumbled upon this place.
Kiri: I don’t think so, Spider, they weren’t anyone from the clan at all. I’m worried about what they are doing here as apart from us and Y/N, nobody else knows about this location, not even Mom or Dad.
Lo’ak: We need to do something!
Neteyam hits Lo’ak upside the head.
Neteyam: No shit. Also, keep your voice down, you idiot. We need to figure out what those Na’vi are up to and figure out how we can get Y/N out of here so he’s not in danger.
Lo’ak: Heads up! Y/N’s on the move.
Everyone looked to see Y/N quickly make his way into the brush to find the Ikrans that landed over there. After continuing to follow Y/N, they watched the events unfold and saw the other Recom pistol whip Y/N over the back of the head before helping his fellow Recom up. He then dragged the now unconscious Y/N very roughly away by his braids.
Tuk: No….Noooo!
Kiri: Tuk. Come here.
Tuk quietly burst into tears at the sight of what happened to her brother while Kiri pulled her into a hug as her own tears begin to fall. Spider was pissed off at what the Na’vi did to his best friend while Neteyam and Lo’ak were already thinking of the ways they would make the Recoms regret hurting their little brother.
Neteyam: Those bastards…..
Lo’ak: Those fuckers are going to pay.
Spider: Assholes! Both of them are dead!
It was only then that a loud gunshot was heard, luckily nobody was hit as the bullet hit one of the trees and everyone turned to see a bunch of Na’vi in military gear a few meters away from them that were carrying with guns and a now Na’vi Miles Quaritch holding his pistol with a still smoking barrel up into the air.
Quaritch: Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.
The Sully kids and Spider then ran in opposite directions with Lo’ak and Spider running North, Kiri and Tuk running to the West, and Neteyam running to the East.
Quaritch: Find them! We will not let these little bastards escape!
— 10 minutes later —
I felt myself coming to as I felt a massive pain from my head as I realized I was being dragged by my braids. I look around to see it’s the same two guys that were following me before I was knocked out. I look around my body to see if I still have any weapons and to my luck, I still had my knife in its hidden sheathe, I grab it and plunge it into the kneecap of the guy who was pulling me along by braids. He let out a scream of pain as he falls to his left knee in pain before I sock him across the jaw, knocking him out. I quickly grab the heavy revolver that was in his holster.
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(The gun)
I silently pray to Eywa that my self-taught gun training will pay off as I swiftly pull the hammer of the revolver back and shoot the second Na’vi that was with us in the shoulder, knocking her off her own feet and to the ground. I then run over and turn the revolver so I now am holding it by the barrel before pistol whipping the Na’vi that was wounded across the face, knocking her out. I pant as I let out shaky breaths before I saw my oldest brother running towards me.
Neteyam: Y/N!!!
He gave me tight hug as he saw the carnage I caused to the two Na’vi.
Neteyam: Fucking hell, bro. Remind me not to piss you off.
Y/N: That doesn’t matter right now. Neteyam, how in the fuck did you find me?
Neteyam: Kiri brought us here.
Y/N: Of course she did… who else is with you?
Neteyam: Tuk, Kiri, Lo’ak and Spider were with me, but we all got separated. We need to find them.
Y/N: No shit.
Neteyam got onto his communicator to call Lo’ak.
Neteyam: Lo’ak, are you and Spider play?
Lo’ak: No, not good, Spider was taken, bro. I found a place to hide at an uprooted tree, but I don’t know where Kiri or Tuk are at. Are you good?
Neteyam: Yeah, I found Y/N. Listen to me, okay? I need you to stay hidden, Y/N and I will look for our sisters. Understand?
Lo’ak: You got it, bro. Stay safe.
Neteyam: You do the same.
Neteyam gets off the call.
Neteyam: Listen, we need to find out sisters, we need to find Kiri and Tuk. I saw them running west, we need to get to them before anybody else does. Let’s go!
Y/N: Right behind you!
— 5 minutes later —
— Still Y/N’s POV
I follow closely behind Neteyam as we stop, seeing Kiri and Tuk, however, we were too late and they were tied up to trees with three hostiles around them.
Neteyam: Shit. We were too late.
Y/N: Not if I can help it. Nete. I need you to trust me, okay? When I start drawing the enemies away from Kiri and Tuk, I want you to take the chance and free them. Go find Lo’ak once you do.
Neteyam: What?!? Are you insane?!?
Y/N: There’s no other option. This is the only thing we can do right now.
I jump down from our vantage point and make my way to an opening where the three Na’vi Recoms can see me.
Y/N: Hey assholes! Over here!!!
I used the revolver I kept from earlier to fire a warning shot at the three hostiles before they started chasing after me with their pistols drawn. I lead them away from Kiri and Tuk so Neteyam can use the opening I’m creating to his advantage. I continue to drawn them further and further away towards a steep cliff overlooking the lake when I heard a loud gunshot and I am met to a sharp pain in my shoulder, causing me to be forced off-balance which sent me over the side of the cliff as I continued to run towards it and down to the water below. Luckily, I land on the shore, I look around for the revolver from before, but I soon found out that I lost it when I fell from the cliff. I now have another problem with my shoulder being in intense pain, I put my hand to my shoulder and only feel torn skin around a hole that wasn’t in my shoulder previously. I knew I had been shot. It was then when I felt myself being grabbed from behind by my braids again and I’m forced to turn around to face an evil looking Na’vi.
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(It’s Quaritch)
Quaritch: Well, it’s nice to meet the demon spawn of the man who stabbed me in the back. You’re a lot more trouble than your worth.
The Na’vi then got onto his radio.
Quaritch: Everyone, regroup on me. I want someone to bring that human boy back to the base. I have a special someone who I believe can get us what we want.
I was then being dragged away by my braids once again as I clutch my wounded shoulder in pain. I try to fight the feeling of passing out, but I fall unconscious due to the nasty mix of pain and tiredness.
Neteyam watched as his youngest brother drawed the enemy Na’vi away from the area, which allowed him to move to Kiri and Tuk and free them from their bindings.
Kiri: Thanks, but what in the hell is Y/N doing?!
Neteyam: Ssshhh, keep your voice down, I need you to regroup with Lo’ak, Spider was taken, but Lo’ak found a hiding spot that you can go to. Head to the tree that has been uprooted, that’s where he are hiding. I need to help Y/N.
Kiri: Got it. Tuk, I need you to stay close to me, okay.
Tuk; Okay, sis.
The two Sully girls quickly and quietly run to where the hiding spot is while Neteyam ran in the direction of where his brother ran. He caught up only to see Y/n get shot in the shoulder which made him tumble over the edge of cliff. Neteyam couldn’t believe his eyes and tears come to his eyes as he knew that his brother was in big trouble, but he could not do anything with so many enemies around the area. He turned around before retreating to where the rest of his siblings and their good friend are hiding at. They need to make a plan.
To be continued….
Thats Pt. 2 for you. I hope it was not too long and too wordy. Anyways, I wanted to say that I never expected people to actually my idea of “"Useless” and “Troubled” until the End.” I hope people enjoy reading Pt. 2 as much I enjoyed writing it.
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whoiwanttoday · 3 months
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Hey guys, here is some Hannah Dodd for the first time who is here 100% because of @thunderstormofoblivion who I will have to text to get her to even see this post cause she gave up on Tumblr but you know… I have been making pride posts and my heart swells with pride when I think about her. And I met her right here on tumblr originally. Anyway, Hannah Dodd is here as a representative for @thunderstormofoblivion because I wouldn't know she existed without her input. Hannah Dodd is on Bridgerton, a show I watched and enjoyed the first season of but have never really had an urge to go back to, just because it's not for me and I could not wait to shed Netflix once they allowed my family members to make their own accounts and keep their watch history. Thus no Bridgerton for me but I only watched it in the first place because @thunderstormofoblivion wanted me to. It's pretty, it's romantic, no knocks against it but I just don't really like TV shows very much, it's too much. Anyway, I think Hannah Dodd is exceptionally pretty, as does @thunderstormofoblivion and sometimes she reminds me a lot of Leighton Meester in her Gossip Girl days. I can't tell if this is because she actually kind of looks like her or because of how she is styled sometimes but I promise you saying someone looks like Blair Waldorf is about the highest compliment I can imagine. And all of this is being posted because of Pride, as I have said in previous days that it feels important to celebrate the really important queer people in my life and all cards on the table, there really isn't a more important queer person to me than @thunderstormofoblivion. She is wonderful. She is smart and funny and a good person and I enjoy talking to her and I think she could easily pull off a Blair Waldorf look and I love her with my whole heart. And she's here for pride because she's um… well, you know, I have made jokes the past couple days about people being as gay as thing X but it isn't working well for bi. She's as Bi as an HDMI splitter? It just doesn't work as well, I don't know why. She's as bi as a Queen song about wanting to ride your bicycle? I guess that's extremely accurate but as on the nose as a Queen song about wanting to ride your Bicycle. Look, I promise you she's really bi and likes Hannah Dodd but deep down wishes I had posted Hozier instead. Anyway, happy Pride everyone. Today I want to fuck Hannah Dodd.
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vanya-evergreen · 5 months
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I am over come with joy by how much people have been enjoying it! I was working on the next part when I noticed haha!
So in celebration I give you a small look into the next chapter 🥳
*it might change a bit in the final draft!*
“Welcome the 9 pm GBC News, we are currently following batman and robin while they pursue-” Click
You were hanging upside down on your coach, clicking through the local news channels trying to find the best view of the chase. Your laptop was discarded besides you. It’s open to an article about Dick Grayson ‘soaring through’ the annual charity ball on the chandler when he first was adopted into the Wayne family. There were multiple other browsers open, all on the Wayne Family and their lucrative businesses and charities, along with their scandals too.
You said you would do your research.
Your attention was taken away from this ‘research’ as a new alert about Batman and Robin chasing some nameless villain, who had kidnapped some poor boy, on founders island came up. No new station could find a good angle, you were annoyed.
“Damn you!” you toss the remote to the other side of the coach, quickly you flip yourself around and get off of the coach. You mumble about how they do it on purpose, they were trying to make you read their shit article. You had to wait for social media to do its thing of supplying you with clips of your favorite heroes (well not absolute favorites). Your apartment was nothing to overlook, always seems to have been updated without you knowing. It always had the latest tech, or trendiest look. You have been rich for 7 years now and still can't seem under it.
You walk over to the floor to ceiling windows, looking down you see people walking home or to a club, taxis and cars driving in opposite directions. Slowly the news faded to the back of your mind.
Nights in Gotham were always busy, especially near Old Gotham. It was rich with history and culture, and also money too. When you first woke up in this world you wanted to visit every place possible. You went to museums, office buildings, the GCDP nearby, and shops you had never even heard of. You used to stand out on the corner of the street watching the luxury cars pass by, while your ‘Assistant’, Val Miller, carried bags from the toy store you frequented, or the candy stores you couldn’t help but indulge in. Yo had never really had a childhood, but looking back you weren't as grown as you thought. You looked up at the neighboring building, the neon lights danced in your eyes. There was one that always caught your eye.
You went into that office building, or what you know as Wayne tower, once. You were dressed like a typical kid or preteen, you wouldn’t stop looking at all the expansive interior. The front desk workers thought it was the funniest thing that a kid was excited to be there. They gave you a small tour of the base floor level and let you answer some calls. It was great for you. You were just a kid when you came here, and even now you are just a kid. Everything was new and shiny to you.
This place is a far cry from your home near the east end of gotham. There was a high rate of villain bases and criminal activity in your area. While it wasn’t the safest environment for you as a child, it is what you knew. It’s where you learned to survive, how to live. So you tried your best to protect your small place of peace, your shabby second floor apartment. Full of splitters waiting to happen and ready to cause a concussion at any moment, it was far from ideal, but it had running water, gas, and occasional heat. You lived with your mother, she was a brilliant flash of light in the darkest corner of Gotham, but she wasn't alway there for you. While she wasn't the perfect mother, she did what she could with what she had for the both of you.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 151
TL;DR - Cale and LSH convo. Hunter info dump. CJG's status. Cale calls Alberu. Cale's group arrives at Evil Alliance.
Soos? LSH = talking to Cale CJS = awkwardly talking with CH
Character Status
CH & CJS = awkwardly talking with each other
HD = with Brain Demon and Demon Laws Brigade Captain
Fist King, Mok Hee = went with Embroidered Uniform Guard to get more elixirs from the emperor
Jegal Mi Ryeo and Splitter Saint = headed to Murim Alliance to take care of the purified Living Jiangshis
Raon = teaching his disciple Sima Pyeong
Hunter Info Dump Well, this came out of nowhere. LSH explained why he was missing in the past chapters. Basically, it's talk about hunters. To summarize:
Purple Blood hunter family are dragons.
Name of their world is Aitopu (It's the reverse spelling of "utopia")
GoD sent CJG there to investigate.
CJG became MIA after he headed there.
Jungwon allied with the worlds that had the Transparent Blood and Five Colored Blood.
I was really surprised to suddenly have this info dump... 😂But that's not all. We even have Alberu today!
Alberu, the Sullen Korean Melon Cale finally remembers that Alberu exists and calls him 🤣 It got strange afterwards because Alberu had a tired expression, but was smiling very brightly. Raon even said that he was not the sun but a sullen Korean melon...
Why was Alberu happy? Because the mining agreements were over, so Cale and the Roan Kingdom were very rich now.
Evil Alliance Finally And we are now at the Evil Alliance! We get introduced to 2 characters that were mentioned in the past: Halberd Demon (one of the Five Demons) and the head of the Iron Family Manor. I guess we'll find out more about them in the next chapters.
Ending Remarks Today's chapter was full of surprises. I never thought we'll see all the Soos, the Chois, and even Alberu today! It feels like the author gave me the best birthday gift ever! 😊Anyway, with Durst appearing in the scene, it looks like we'll be introduced to new Living Jiangshis again.
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sabrerine911 · 16 days
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"Old adventurer buddies reunite for a glorious mission"
Featuring Eldritch Knight Demescus and Samurai Karn Ravencoft Shimotora.
So, recently Ive been playing BG3 as Karn, doing a ranger beastmaster so the family wolf Bjorn can be part of it as well.
During my playtrough I made a new character from customizing a "Hireling" and had a fun idea to make a character from my setting out of that. (they are canonically not in the BG setting mind you)
So I present Demescus, a traditional fighter Adventurer that has done some gigs with Karn before. His expertise lies in magical anomalies, and unfortunately one day , he went to protect the tomb of a very powerful mage. During that mission he was fatally wounded with a "Soul Splitter Blade", and while that happened the mage's spirit went in to sow his wound with his essence, saving his life, but also turning him into an Undead Hybrid. With another entity inside of him. He still very alive, but the spirit of the old mage is basically a band aid that is keeping him form having his spirit shattered and dying horribly.
So he decided to continue his adventuring, with a voice in his head and his optimism.
During the years Karn and him have adventured again, they just vibe really well cause they are very wholesome bois.
And now Karn is on a mission to find Beth, since she has been missing quite a bit from Solikar, and he can feel it. So who better to help him find his dimension displaced wife than someone that is an expert at dealing with these magical anomalies!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Last Daily Blog September 19, 2023
Well, it was worth a try, but this didn't turn out like I hoped. For one, I couldn't keep up with a Daily blog or Weekly. My priority has always been on getting my writing done first, and since I've gone to a scheduled posting of once a week for my WIP, I haven't found the time. And since the goal of this was for more fandom interaction, I kind of failed there, too, so I lost the inclination.
I'm also going to stop posting my weekly WIP fic updates. My last post last Tuesday, and Reblog the next day got one Like. There could be a variety of reasons, but this is consistent. If I post a rec for someone else's fic or reblog something, I'll get a fair amount of Likes and Reblogs. If it is my own work....... So, since I have less than 200 followers, it's not a productive way to promote my own work. In other words, my fandom ego gets embarrassed. I do understand that I tend to write niche or on-the-edge Drarry fics. From politics to trans-female!Draco with Harry during the 2-year transition, and this one where we have bi-sexual!Harry (Draco's is in Azkaban for 30 years, and Harry has to marry to uphold the family bloodline). I get it. LOL
So, one last time: Chapter 15 of The Azkaban Letters is up. Next week Harry enters the Portrait Room to meet all of his ancestors.
Okay, enough about my personal issues. BTW I will continue reccing fics and watchout, @hd-fan-fair is coming up in October!
What I've Been Reading:
I'm thoroughly enjoying @oflights The Star Splitter. This is a Drarry Chapter fic that is updated regularly.
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
@oflights is such an amazing plotter. Currently, there are seven chapters posted (34.5K), and Draco is in so much trouble that I haven't a clue how it can get resolved. It's truly delicious reading about Draco taking care of 7-year-old Harry but knowing he shouldn't be.
The Star Splitter on AO3
more recs and then fandom resources under the cut
@squintclover is a new author for me. She's got a very sweet 2 chapter fic going on where the first chapter has been posted. Twirling Cords (like in the muggle movies). I liked it so much that I perused her other fics posted and found this amazing gem. For anyone who loves Matilda and Ms Honey, Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 (2K) is a must read.
A look at Harry Potter's life from the POV of his year 4 teacher, Miss Drew.
These are the last two lines of the opening scene:
We all go into teaching wanting to be Miss Honey. But none of us want to meet our Matilda.  Harry Potter is my Matilda. 
I don't tear up often, but in only 2K, I most certainly did.
Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 On AO3
Please give lots of love and comments to both fics!
Tumblr Resources:
How could I not do this section without mentioning thee amazing @sitp-recs. Reccer Extraordinaire! I'm guessing every one of my followers is a follower of Liv. Her pinned post is so nice and simple, but OMG there is so much under all of those links.
I was in complete awe this past Spring/Summer when she did the Rapid Fire Rec series. I mean come on, how did she do that? Someone gives her a prompt, and she turns around and gives 3 stories dealing with that prompt.
Liv doesn't do Fic Finds; she doesn't tolerate hate or neg comments. What she does is spread Drarry (fic and art) love in every way you can imagine. Tons of love and respect for @sitp-recs for all she does to keep Drarry and some of those rare pairs alive in hp fandom.
One last resource. I've had this on my list to post, but I couldn't track down the author. For those who write about Harry's childhood abuse, this is for you. If you know who compiled this list, please let me know, and I'll give the credit! It's well deserved.
HP Abuse
Okay, that's a wrap. It was fun!
As mentioned above, I'll still be doing recs and other commentary.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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As it was their moving day, Steve was allowed to stay at home from school so he could spend the whole morning playing his favorite video game. Dr. Splitter's engine was really great, not to compare to the run-down they owned when they still lived with Dad.
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Mata: Oh, I see you're pursuing your creative streak, Dr. Splitter. It's so important to train all the fields a Sim could gain skills in. Adam: Oh, you-you think so, Mrs. Dore? I don-don't know, I-I'm still a beginner in the creative field. Um.. wou-would you... I mean... don't you mind talking to me as... as lightly dressed as... Mata: *laughs* Ah, Dr. Splitter, I don't mind at all. And a man of your standing shouldn't mind too. I'm positive, I've seen enough women like me. Adam didn't know what to say. He never had seen a woman like Mata. A distant memory of taking baths with his mother came to his mind, she was the only woman he'd ever seen in less than a lab coat. They chit-chatted for some more and suddenly Mata pulled him into a tender hug. Mata: Thank you again for letting us stay with you, Adam. He had never heard his name be spoken like this.
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Mata sprung away from Dr. Splitter when she heard the door open. Steve: Mom! Can you believe it?! I made a new high score! Without all the lag I'm really great at SSX3!
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Around lunch time, some neighbors came over to meet the new inhabitants of Emerald Heighs. Claire Voyante was the leader of a girls group home, April DeShong a local housewife and Rocky Stone the co-founder of a local interest group. They had a nice day and Steve could show off his SSX3 skills.
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Steven knew that his mother wanted him to go to college as soon as he was old enough but Steven didn't know if he really wanted to go. Being new in town was hard enough, wouldn't it be even harder to leave right away again and start over AGAIN?
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youhideastar · 8 months
Recs for Your Weekend: WIPs!
I don’t usually read WIPs, because I’m the kind of person who gets really heartbroken if I get attached and then the fic is abandoned. But every so often an author I trust or a summary I just can’t resist tempts me to take a chance—and it works out! Here are my four favorite current WIPs, all of which are, to my knowledge, still updating. Full recs behind the cut!
The Star Splitter by @oflights (Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, time travel, kidfic)
true gold fears no fire by @defractum (CQL/MDZS, Wangxian, palace AU)
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by kizukatana (CQL/MDZS, Wangxian, modern cultivation AU)
being what I am | End OTW Racism by bunnxianluvsu (SVSSS, Bingqiu, modern AU)
The Star Splitter by @oflights (Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, time travel, kidfic)
I’ve recced this one before, and it hasn’t let me down since then. A time-traveling Draco happens upon 7-year-old Harry Potter at Privet Drive and can’t help rescuing him, royally fucking up the timeline and his own life in the future in the process. You might be leery of a fic where Draco ends up raising the kid version of the guy who—as an adult—he falls in love with – I worried about that, too, but the author somehow manages to keep that from being weird, which is pretty impressive. Buckle up for this one, because it’s a wild ride with lots of twists and cliffhangers!
true gold fears no fire by @defractum (CQL/MDZS, Wangxian, palace AU)
Many MDZS/CQL authors have attempted palace AUs (probably after watching Nirvana in Fire), but so far, this is the only one I’ve read that’s succeeded—and hot damn. It’s so good. In which LWJ, recently made Emperor of China and still mourning the man he knew as Wei Ying, makes an arranged marriage to one “Jiang Wuxian.” He consigns his new spouse to the Empress’s palace without bothering to look at his face—and Wei Ying, stir-crazy in said palace, then decides to sneak around the Forbidden City at night in disguise, where he is apprehended by Lan Wangji on the rooftops by moonlight. The perfect mix of plot, character, and romance, with a delicious dash of identity porn and a tasty conspiracy. I swooned and you will, too!
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by kizukatana (CQL/MDZS, Wangxian, modern cultivation AU)
This is a modern AU where WWX is kicked out of the Jiang Sect and stripped of (most of) his core after being blamed for Jiang Fengmian’s death on a group night hunt; he finds a home in Caiyi Town with Wen Qing and her family and starts supporting himself with a nighthunting YouTube channel, after not one but two meet-uglys with LWJ. 😂 The author’s summary references an event that, 140K in, still has not happened, so don’t rely too much on that – the story focuses a lot more on WWX building a new life with his channel and his inventions, and on his growing relationship with LWJ. The modern cultivation worldbuilding is great, and you’ll love the star turns by Wen-popo as WWX’s cutthroat business manager and NHS as the designer who supplies WWX with increasingly slutty (affectionate) cultivation outfits.
being what I am | End OTW Racism by bunnxianluvsu (SVSSS, Bingqiu, modern AU)
True confessions: I did not like SVSSS. *Hides behind a desk* But I’m still glad I read it, because so many great authors are doing such great stuff with the source material. This no-powers modern AU is pure comfort food… which is appropriate, since it’s about renowned chef Binghe expressing his love for Shen Yuan with food after they re-enter each other’s lives. So warm and tender – a perfect winter read.
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Live Grenade Take: C!SBI being a family (either biological or not) in canon just enriches the story and does not detract from anything. The cruelty they inflict upon each is far more flavorful with all 4 of them being a sort of family unit before the events of canon. It's the shattering of a family unit but instead of typical sadness and grieving. The shards and splitters actively start to shatter each other in retaliation. No way to stop or backtrack, only end Is the total annihilation of everyone until there's nothing, or just one stands.
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randomguy-online · 5 months
I've never liked the meta because anything they can provide. Rex could just make a build for because tech in fiction is already busted a watch that let you walk in the shoe of every sentient creature in the universe, ring that harness emotion and can let you make weapons from your mind, a telephone booth that allow you to transcend time and space. And now a gravity maniputing mace, which I'm trying to figure out a name for, but right now, I'm going for cosmic splitter
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Commission by and done by my guy on reddit u/theus019 here his Instagram
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butcherlarry · 9 months
Weekly Fic Rec 47
I'M BACK! I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday and a lovely New Year :) I think this might be my longest fic rec list yet! Enjoy everyone!
5 Times Tim Spends the Night at Wayne Manon + 1 Time He Comes Home by motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the Settle Our Bones series. Tim joins the batfam early. I'm pretty sure I've read this fic before, but I really enjoyed it. It was nice to read while I was on break.
Rail-Splitter, Brain-Splitter by motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the same series as above. Dick, Jason, and Tim go on an outing together and Dick gets a killer migraine. Hurt/Comfort ensues.
locked in, locked out by scarletazure - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets stuck in a dating simulator. Shenanigans ensue.
Reborn as a scum villain in a novel by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat, wip. Bruce dies and is transmigrated into the scum villain character in a novel. Shenanigans ensue.
Steady hands (ragged breathing) by loosingletters - Batfam, wip. Instead of growing up as rich heir to the Wayne family, he grows up as Bruce Kane, bastard child of Thomas Wayne, in the Narrows. Don't worry, he still becomes Batman :)
My Thanks to Ms. Monroe by loosingletters - Batfam, complete. Domestic abuse. Janet and Tim leave Jack. They go to Bruce for help.
everybody talks, everybody talks by fantalaimon - Superbat & Batfam, complete. Clark and Dick start a Bruce support group with other batfam and loved ones. Bruce finds out, feels ensue.
I saw dad kiss Santa Claus by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat & Batfam, complete. Clark dresses up as Santa and kisses Bruce. The kids catch them in the act.
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. Bruce gets kidnapped by an evil Superman, but is rescued by his Superman. I might have done a happy dance when I saw this fic update again :D :D :D
anything in your life more wonderful by januariat - Timkon, complete. A lovely, smutty Timkon fic :)))))
slow dancing in the dark by scarletazure - Superbat, complete. Omg, I loved this fic SO MUCH. I remember one of the updates happened when I was driving 10+ hours to my parents for the holidays. It was a nice little treat to read at the end of the day to decompress :) Anyway, Bruce and Clark get temporary amnesia, sleep together, get there memories back, but continue to sleep together as a "Friends with Benefits" thing. These fails when they both catch feelings for each other. Shenanigans ensue.
Sure on this shining night by mediant - Superfam, complete. Kara tries to recreate a Kryptonian dish for one of their holidays. It fails, but she gets some help from Martha, as well as some bonding time with Clark and Kon.
flash in the pan by shipyrds - Superbat, complete. Another fic where the whole "Friends with Benefits" thing fails miserably. Clark and Bruce get caught in there civilian personas making out at a gala. They try to do some damage control by fake dating and then an eventual break-up. Feelings ensue.
everybody says shipyrds - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets kidnapped by some aliens that say he's Superman's soulmate, and they want to use him as leverage to get Superman's help. The whole soulmate thing is news to Bruce. Shenanigans ensue.
Place we were made by loosingletters - Batfam, complete. An interesting take on Omegaverse! Omegas can claim territory, so Bruce (an omega) as Batman claims all of Gotham as his territory. Shenanigans ensue.
a diamond sky by TheResurrectionist - Pennywaynes, complete. Pennywaynes my B E L O V E D. From a room full of coral series. A look at Alfred, Thomas, and Martha's relationship in an omegaverse setting.
'Cause Heaven Only Knows by loosingletters, papered_king - Batfam, complete. NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JA-
glitter & silk by sparkycap - Batfam, complete. A newly adopted Jason meets some of Bruce's friends after a night out as "Brucie". A neat fic about Bruce being bisexual, hanging out with some lady friends (painting his nails! love!!), and comforting Jason.
So Sweet Saluteth Me by Lishalalalalala - Batfam, complete. A sleep deprived Jason hangs out with Dick and they go to a farmers market. The sleep deprivation is why Jason agrees with Dick to take lunch to Bruce. Yeah, sure :)
bitty batty baby vigilante crew by deargalileo - Batfam, complete. BABY TIM AND STEPH AS VIGILANTES!!!! This causes some minor (major) stress for Batman.
Half in Love by timeturners - Superbat, wip. Another identity porn fic! I'll always read them, you can't stop me!!!
incendiary by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. Fem Bruce tries to hide her feelings about Clark. This fails. Sexy shenanigans ensue.
Darkest Little Paradise by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, complete. It's New Years Eve! Bruce is lonely at a gala and Clark is alone in Metropolis, so they both need someone to kiss to bring in the New Years. Kissing happens, as well as other, lovely smutty things :)))))))))))))
i told you something safe by quidhitch - Superbat, complete. Batman and Superman get injured and pinned down in an explosion with Kryptonite. Clark almost dies. He deals with the realization that he almost dies and the emotions that come with it. Bruce helps.
hold on loosely by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. A 5+1 fic! Five times the batkids get sick and benched and the one time it happens to Bruce.
10 times they slept together, and one time SLEPT TOGETHER by JarJarBlink182 - Superbat, complete. A 10+1 fic! I think the title speaks for itself :)
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. THIS FIC!!!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't read it yet, PLEASE give it a read!! An identity porn fic where Clark becomes a fic writer to pay some bills. He writes for the ship Bruceman (Batman/Bruce). Bruce becomes a fan artist for the ship too. SO MUCH SHENANIGANS ENSUE.
The Brothers Wayne by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. Bruce Wayne and Wade Wilson (Deadpool) are brothers. NEED I SAY MORE????
Toes in the Sand by minnow_doodle_doo - Batfam, complete. Ngl, I was sobbing at the end of this fic, it was sooo gooood! A peak into the future, where Jason has kids and Bruce is a grandpa :)
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. What if Clark was a little more alien and Bruce (as well as Gotham) was a little more eldritch? The latest chapters have been A TREAT to read!!!
Patchwork Pod by KtKat9 - Superbat, wip. Mer Bruce fic! Connor is getting to know Clark and Mer Tim a bit more. Adorable sheep are involved :)
(Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. The latest chapter of this identity porn fic almost had me on the floor laughing, omg. Robin stole the whole chapter for me, he was so ADORABLE and SASSY!
Emergency Contract by Elegitre - Batfam, complete. Tim lists Bruce, his next door neighbor, as his emergency contact, not expecting him to ever be contacted. GUESS WHAT HAPPENS???? :)))))))
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse Superbat fic that I have been OBSESSED about. Jason finally meets Superman. Unfortunately, he was not aware yet that Clark is Superman.
Happy reading!
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
“Molly’s got her family now, they’ll take care of her.” Gideon sobs, cradling Fabian to his chest.
Because the death eaters are too cruel to simply kill them, no, not after the brothers had eluded them for years. Fabian lays limply in his brothers arms, blood seeping out of the slashes all over his body.
Gideon brushes a piece of hair out of his brothers eyes. “She’ll be okay, Fab. We did good.”
“And the kids?” Fabian manages to splitter out.
Gideon squeezes his eyes shut and nods. The pain in his own stomach doesn’t feel nearly as bad as the process of losing his younger brother.
Fabian smiled weakly. “I love you both.”
Gideon nods, willing his tears away. He doesn’t want to scare Fabian. “We love you too, bud.”
Gideons heart medically stops a minute after his brothers, but he took his last breath with him.
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