#steve harrington x succubus!reader
pervertedreams · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝 - 𝐬.𝐡
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summary: being the saint that you are, you go to comfort steve when he’s grieving the current lost of his best friend. you need to feed, and he needs to let off some steam. i’m sure you can find a way to satisfy both cravings.
cw: jennifer’s body au, succubus!reader, jock!steve, mentions of death, blood and gore, sexual themes, this is tommy incase you forgot
note: i’ve been wanting to do a jennifer’s body au for ages, i might make this multiple parts but for now i wanna do the forest scene with reader and steve. this can be read alone but i recommend watching the movie it’s definitely entertaining enjoy !
minors go! (not proof read lol)
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ever since the recent fire in devils kettle, everyone’s been out of sorts, including you. seemingly you kept it together better than the rest, it’s not that you didn’t care. you just had your mind set on other things. your sandbox best friend nancy was definitely worried about you. after leaving the incident with the local band that played at the bar, she realized you seemed.. different. she couldn’t put her finger on it quite yet, she was on edge just like everyone else and you weren’t making it any better. but nancy’s concern for your well-being was the least of your problems. you were hungry.
the teacher was giving the class a lecture about the events that took place last night, your snarky comments and eye rolling did nothing but piss others off, finding it offensive that you didn’t take the situation as serious, considering it happened last night. nancy stares you down as you reapply your cotton candy lip gloss, your eyes evert to her stare. “want some? you could use it.” your smart comment was executed so sweetly if she didn’t know any better she’d think you were being genuine. she rolls her eyes bushing away your hand, a glimpse of her blackened finger nails makes you cringe.
“god nance, you need a mani bad. you should get this lady i know to buff those beasts.” your give a light hearted chuckle as you lean back in your seat. “people died y/n.”
you give her a blank stare, eyes slowly blinking over her features as you apply another swipe of gloss, bringing your lips together to rub it in. “anybody that we know?”
before she gets the chance to answer, the smell of tears, and sound of a soft sob catches you attention. you watch as the teacher hands said student a box of tissues. it’s steve harrington. you never paid any attention to him before, but the more you watch his saddened heart weaken, the hungrier you got. you wish you could taste the salt of his tears off his cheeks, and fuck all his fears away. maybe you could.
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it’s way after school when you meet steve after practice, he’s still in some of his uniform. his cheeks are still puffy, eyes still slightly red. you can tell that he’s been crying all day, he still sorta looks teary eyed. you give him a fake pout by the time you reach him. “i heard about tommy.”
his rose tinted lips form a line as he gives you a small nod. you stare at him for a little, manicured nails playing with the silver heart on your necklace. “y’know i was there when it burned down.” you can’t help the smile that creeps on your face when his hopeful eyes finally make contact with your evil ones. “yeah?”
“mhm.” you nod, “so i was probably the last person he talked too.. like ever.” his face is pleading for you to continue, the more he speaks to you he can’t fight this strange feeling. almost like he’s gravitating towards you?
“yeah he like— told me we’d be a banging couple. it’s weird.” the sentence dies on your lips, when you suddenly realize how much of his pale neck is exposed. “he said banging?” didn’t sound like a word tommy would use? maybe he spoke differently around you, but it seemed out of character. he figures that’s not important right now and decides to push it off. he’s getting ready to ask you another question, but the sudden touch of your hand overtop of his makes him nearly jump out his skin. you were freezing cold, it’s was sort of chilly though, and you were wearing a tiny hoodie and mini skirt.
you bring his heavy hand up towards your chest, watching as his heart beat slowly quickens. it’s clearly not his first time being around a girl, having sex with a girl, and especially not touching a girls tits. but something about you was so intimidating, your energy was strong, and more sensual that usual.
“feel my heart steve, i think it’s broken.” your plead immediately makes steve’s demeanor soften, feeling a sense of ‘connection’ with you. “mine too.” his voice is quavering, tone wobbly and shaken. you could already feel the matching thump of your heart and pussy. little did he know it was all part of your plan as you lead him hand in hand, into the deep woods behind you.
“come with me, just for a little while. it’s what tommy would’ve wanted.” his face scrunches in confusion, but he doesn’t have much time to fully comprehend before you’re pulling at his arm.
the kissing is hot and heavy, it’s rushed and sloppy. the two of you are desperate to get to completely different things. teeth clinking into one another’s with desperation, his hands are latched to your lower hips in an attempt to ground himself. you’re pace was quicker for him to comprehend, considering the fact he’d thought you’d be a bit slower, maybe more intimate? but the way you’ve already stripped him from his jacket tells him you aren’t here to waste any time. you place your hands on his neck when you place another messy kiss to his lips. you can feel the thickness of his vains, can feel the way his fresh blood courses through his body. he groans against your lips when you dig your nails in a little too deep in his neck.
he whines pulling back to look at you, hand coming up to his now bruised neck, he can already feel his skin throbbing. “shit y/n, what was that for?” when he places his hands back in your waist, your skin is suddenly super warm unlike before.
you pout in annoyance, this situation taking way longer than you wanted. “m’sorry stevie, you’re just so sexy and-“
“wait— why are you so warm?” he feels a shift, he can’t explain it. it feels almost eerie. the forest is more quiet the usual, he doesn’t even hear the rustling of leaves. he’s snapped out of his wondering thoughts when you place your finger over his lips, “you ask a lot of questions steve.” the bubbly tone in your voice dropped dramatically. eyes low and almost.. lifeless? your tone now hasty, and impatient.
the creaking and snap of a branch makes him jump, the sight of an unknown animal scurrying away makes him pull away from you yet again, grumbling your name. you like the taste of fear on his lips, it’s gonna make this way more enjoyable for you. but right now, his fear is pissing you off. you can physically feel yourself getting weaker, and you need to quicken the paste. you ignore his string of incoherent moans when you finally zip his jeans down and palm him through his boxers. you grin feeling the heaviness against the palm of your hand, “at least you’re hard.”
his eyes snap back to you, brows knitted together and the lines on his forehead deepen. “of course i’m hard, but i’m freaked out too.” you innocently tilt your head to the side before finally pulling him out of his boxers. the cool air from the outside hit straight against his warm length, making him groan. you give his shaft a snug squeeze, looking up at him through your dark lashes. surprisingly his eye contact doesn't break when you start tugging at his cock, the lewd sound of you spitting on it makes him jerk towards you. you dramatically gasp. "jeez stevie, you're so impatient." he's giving you a stupid grin, prepared to respond with a smart remark but he pauses.
the sight of a fox throws him off, then he fixes his eyes on a deer, then a racoon and a few rabbits. before he knows it the two of you are surrounded by wild animals, its fucking creepy. "y/n."
you sigh, bringing the jerking of his dick to a halt. you look around, finally realizing why he made you stop. you shrug giving steve a huffed giggle, "they're waiting." he gawks at you slowly zipping down your yellow and white striped hoodie, soon revealing you had absolutely nothing under it. the sight of your bare chest makes him temporarily forget why he's scared in the first place. you're smiling menacingly at him, lips redder than before. your eyes never leave his when your hoodie falls on the dirt and leaves beneath you.
"ookay?" his words are unsure and dragged, again pushing his questions to the back of his mind when you pull him in for another heated kiss. you waste no time stripping him from his shirt, kissing down his body and back to the previous spot you were at before.
your hands are placed back on his shaft, finally wrapping your warm lips around his tip. he was thick, making it harder than usual to take him down your throat completely, eyes teary when you pull off him with a pop. "do you take steroids like the rest of the jocks? jesus christ, steve." the way you spew your words are sharp, but he ignored your insult, placing his hand on your cheek. "baby if you slowed down, it'd be easier to take." he flinches when you slap his hand off you.
you take him in again without warning, his head falling back on his shoulders, his breath is quickening, heart thumping. you can feel your saliva froth around the ring of your lips, spit seeping through and dribbling on the ground. steve is already hazy, already close to cumming. you're disgusted, its barely been five minutes since you put your mouth on him. you abruptly pull off of him yet again, his head snaps towards you, confusion written on his face.
"do you miss tommy?"
he freezes at his now, dead friends name. he nearly forgot why he was here with you in the first place, so caught up in his lust and fear. you watch how his face contorts as he searches for his words. “of course i do.”
your stare lingers, lips twitching in that same evil smile from earlier. “well you’re gonna see your buddy real soon.”
he’s eyeing you again, blinking over your face to study your features. why the fuck are you bringing that up now? doesn’t seem like the right time if he’s honest, kind of makes this whole situation more awkward that what it already is. “what you mean like in heaven someday?” he shrugs.
slowly nodding your head with a sinister smile, “nope.” your pushing him against the tree behind him, he never realized how strong you were. abnormally strong. you’re walking towards him fast, suddenly an awful sent runs through his nose. his heart is racing with sweaty palms, he’s getting ready to defend himself. that is until he’s sees your face.
your mouth grows wide, the sound of a cracking jaw makes his body jump. your mouth nearly engulfs your face, almost fang like teeth sprouting. your skin is pulling at itself, beads of blood spilling on the corners of your mouth. he shouts in complete terror, he tries backing up to run away but quickly remembers he’s pressed against the tree behind him. but it’s too late.
the last thing he sees is your hair covered breast, and hears a loud squawk coming from the pit of your throat. 
finally, finally you get to feed. felt like you’ve been eating forever when you finally sink your teeth into his chest. ripping him from limb to limb, the warmth of his blood coating your throat deliciously. this is just what you needed, and steve harrington tastes just as good as you thought he would.
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Thinking about thoughts
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May contain Dubcon, age gap, dark characters, somnophilia, stepcest
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ sucking steve and Billy's cocks when they've just finished their basketball practice they suffocate you in their balls
"God you're fucking disgusting bet you're getting off on this arent you?"
"Billy be nice shes too dumb to care about a little bit of sweat"
♡ eddie would bite your boobs </3 would probably make your nipples bleed then flick them through your shirt
♡ I love the whole "stuck in the washing machine" porn plot <3 maybe you hosted a small get together at your house (Nancy, robin, eddie, steve, Jonathan, billy, argyle) and you quickly decide that you need to grab something from your room. Its stored at the back of your bed so you have no other choice but to crawl underneath to get it, unfortunately your bed frame decides to fall just as you were pulling out leaving you stuck with your back arched. Thankfully your friends hear your yells and come to help you but not before they have some fun with you first, you're covered in cum and spit by the end. Your cunt all puffy swollen and sore but your night doesnt end there because they soon find out that they cant Lift the bed :((( meaning they have to call for help, big strong hopper shows up and stretches you out even more but eventually pulls you out from beneath the crushed bed.
♡ billy would 110% fuck you then take pictures of you just to show to his teammates (who tried to flirt with you) that you were his
♡ •whoever• helping there favourite cheerleader stretch, pressing your legs to you chest as they repeatedly hit that special spot that makes you feel all gooey inside
♡ rockstar! eddie fucking you on stage 👁👁
♡ billy/eddie making you cry just so they can wipe your tears and jerk off with them. They're being so mean to you, tears are streaming down your cheeks and dripping onto their cock
♡ mrs wheeler had a bad date night and comes home wine drunk, you're having a sleepover with nancy (whose already asleep) you stumble into the kitchen for a glass of water when you hear her enter. You're not sure how you ended up with her red lipstick smudged between your thighs or your swollen, juice soaked lips but you're not complaining especially when she invites you over the next day
♡ robin really likes your boobs. Almost in a obsessive kinda way. Theyre always so sore and bruised from how much she sucks on them, there are small crescent moon shaped cuts from where she squeezes them aswell as finger shaped marks. Shes always so sorry when you whine in pain as struggle to put your bra on choosing to just pull your shirt on without the wired piece of fabric, her apologies are insincere as she cant help but gawk at your chest and your hardened nipples. It's a win her book
♡ steve x bimbo! reader who loves skating !! He always sees you in your mini skirts and roller skates but can never seem to get the opportunity to talk to you that is until you come into family video looking for some elvis movie for your grandma, despite his charm and flattery you're too dumb to understand his flirting and brush him off he assumed  you were playing hard to get and Almost like clock work youd come in every week to return and rent a new movie then indirectly reject him. Steve had gotten tired of the schedule you had both fallen into when he decided to ask you directly
"Are you not interested in me or something? Am I getting the wrong signals? Because everytime i try to flirt with you, you just ignore it.  Arr you ju- just not into men? Or-"
"Oh my god! I didnt know you were flirting with me silly! like I dont think you ever said something in a flirty way. And by the way as much as I love women I also totally love men maybe not as much but that's not important. You know if I had known you were flirting I would've soo gone out with you I mean-"
He coudlnt believe his ears, you didnt know he was flirting with you? He used the most obvious pick up lines
"W-wait what do you mean you didnt know I was flirting with you?"
"Well it's not like you asked me to bend over so how was I supposed to know?"
"...I dont think that's flirting"
You felt so bad for him :((( you couldnt believe how dumb you were for not realising sooner </3 luckily for Steve his break was soon which gave you a chance to make up for it, although the storage room was not the ideal place for you to be on your knees you couldnt find a thought to care.
♡ eddie would bite your pussy. Nobody else will say it but he would be devouring your cunt then bite you
♡ breeding kink! With dark! Steve!!! Hed fuck you anytime he gets the chance, bent over the sink? Boom cock in you, in the shower? Boom filled, when you sleep? BOOM BOOM BOOM COCK
♡ sucking on man titties 👁👁
♡ hehe flayed billy making you eat ice before you suck him off because he likes the cold
♡ hopper cucking Phil!! Fucks his pretty lil wife right in front of him, hes tied up with a cock ring !!!! Hopper threatens to knock you up and claim you !!!
♡ argyle jerking off infront of you <3<3 you're getting high in the back of his van and he cant help but get turned on by the look of you, you've always been close and in the drug induced haze you cant help but let him stroke himself especially when he asks so nicely
♡ nancy has so many toys its insane, shes also very adamant about using them on you
♡ eddie in panties!!!! Eddie in panties!! MY PRETTY BOY!!! dont think this means hes going to be submissive for you if anything he gets meaner maybe he makes you wear them after he gets all his cum smeared on the inside
♡ stepdad hopper fingering you under the table at dinner !!! His thick fingers sliding against your gummy walls, he sucks off your juices playing it off as him enjoying his food
♡ billy pulls your pussy apart just to spit on it before eating, sometimes smacks your clit too just so see it swell up, likes forcing his fingers into you so he can feel how you try to push him out. Hes probably tattooed his name on to your mound
♡ eddie pretends to pray before spitting on your clit, he uses his pointer finger to move his salvia around maybe nibbles at it too. He just likes watching your hips jerk towards him, gets him worked up to know that only he can please you
♡ steve kisses your clit but not just a simple peck this man makes out with your clit !!! He sucks and swirls his tongue around it practically forces his faces as close as he can get. He loves tasting you, he loves knowing that you juices linger on him
♡ argyle loves stretching your pussy apart to watch your hole clench around nothing. He thinks your cunt is the prettiest thing hes ever seen and could spend forever looking at it. He eats you out slowly trying to prolong leaving his space between you thighs, his lips are swollen by the end and his face is covered in your juices
♡ Jonathan kisses your clit before going down on you, his mouth is all over you and hes constantly lapping up the juices that spill out of you. His fingers are buried inside of you and are moving from your hole to his mouth
♡ hopper is mean and spits on you aswell as spanks your poor cunt. He fingers you so expertly that you feel like you're in heaven, his mouth never leaves your clit and you're all sensitive the next morning from his moustache. He prolongs your orgasms until your screaming and crying for release
♡ nancy is also mean </3 she gets you on the floor and presses her foot into you covered pussy, she makes it seem like such a hassle to eat you out but her actions contradict as shes always pulling down you panties to press you against her mouth
♡ 001 is the worst of the worst that man loves watching you wither in whatever pain mixed pleasure he gives you, hes so mean and always bites and pinches your clit. You rarely get to cum when he goes down on you, only granting you permission when you're wrapped around his cock
♡ robin is in awe everytime she gets to taste you, shes constantly looking up at you as you whine and moan. Shes spent hours training herself to know your weak spots, she makes you cum so many times that you can barely keep your eyes open. She loves looking at your fucked out face and wet thighs
♡ chrissy is so sweet!! When the rest of the cheerleaders have left the locker room and have gone home you're both left alone. You're feeling bad about not perfecting a move and she has to make sure you're feeling good. She takes her time with you making sure you feel loved, she has you sat on a bench with her kneeling on the ground. Shes suffocating herself between your thighs and she wouldnt have it any other way
♡ innocent(?) Reader wants to know if cocks can get hickeys, luckily her boyfriend/bestfriend is willing to help in her experiment
♡ mean girl! Bimbo! Reader calls dark! Eddie's friendgroup "a bunch of virgin incels" he corners her and forces her into the hellfire room. He then shows her how much of a "virgin incel" he is
♡ prince! Steve,  banished! Eddie, rival! Prince! Billy, royal painter! Jonathan (no cameras so hes a painter now) royal cook! Argyle, king! hopper, princess! Nancy, royal advisor! Robin x maid! Reader (maybe not all at once but the thoughts are there)
♡ mechanic! Scumbag! Eddie who always says theres something wrong with bimbo! Readers car just so he can see her, he always gets under the car when youre wearing your infamous mini skirts. Hes so nice to you and you get him lunch when hes been working so hard <3<3 his only desired payment is your tight warm hole <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 001 getting obsessed with Billy's girlfriend after he possesses him <3<3 hunts you down after billy is killed, traps you in the creel house to be his housewife
♡ hopper breed me challenge, want to be his dumb personal fleshlight whose only good for being his house wife
♡ argyle hate fucking dominos worker! Reader
♡ perv! eddie has a set of dice that has been blessed by your pussy, thinking innocent! reader wanted to know how to play dnd and goes to eddie only for him to get carried away and just stuffing you with dice. Probably got bored and somehow convinced you to get on his lap, he held your down as he rubbed your clit as he forced the 20 sided die inside of you. He keeps a die on him at all times tucked away in his jeans, it's his good luck charm the rest get stored next to his bedside table where he kisses them goodbye before hellfire
♡ mrs wheeler boobs in my mouth please !!!!!! Got a vibrator pressed against eachother, she calls me her little baby and I just AEAKSBWON
♡ being Jonathan's girlfriend and coming to meet his parents only to be face first in Joyce's pussy with hoppers fat cock in your womb <3<3<3
♡ innocent(?)! Stalker! Reader takes pictures of herself naked, posed on her teddy pair, in her cotton panties, in the shower, fingers deep in her cunt just so she can give them to her favourite people. Thankfully shes always wore long skirts and baggy cardigans so nobody can trace back whose body it is
♡ I'm still not a furry but I 170% believe that eddie needs a bunny girlfriend (aka me)
♡ vampire eddie chasing down nymph! Fairy! reader to have his way with her
♡ bear! Hopper fucking bunny! Reader over fallen tree maybe it's just regular hopper and his fairy/nymph! Fuck toy
♡ AAAAA dark! Eddie coming home after a bad day finding you sleeping on the couch, he needs relief and you're the perfect thing. He climbs on top of you fucking you awake with his pierced cock.
♡ billy cums on your pussy before the day starts just so your cunt gets nice and moisturized with his seed
♡ eddie walks around the trailer with his hand down his pants he says it's to keep them warm but hes really just touching himself
♡ picnic in the woods where I just get fucked dumb and fed fruit <3 taken back to a cabin where I'm all warm and naked near the fire <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 👁👁 Murray keeping nymph! Reader as a pet as much as he likes his strange horny creature he cant keep up with your stamina so calls for backup from his good ol friend hopper
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 10 months
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All works are 18+ minors and blank blogs will be blocked!!
The Pull - Steddie x Succubus!Reader masterlist (complete)
You’ve been alone for as long as you can remember, floating around for decades and moving from place to place, never letting anyone close. But that all changes when you decide to move to Hawkins Indiana. You were expecting a quiet life in a small town, but that all changed when you arrived and immediately sensed them.
All You Have To Do Is Ask - Steddie x Reader
Ever since your boyfriend Steve found out that you lost your virginity to your friend Eddie he can’t stop thinking about the two of you together, the fantasies of you and Eddie tangled together running through his mind on repeat. It starts off with just the two of you but when the fantasies start to evolve and Eddie is touching him too, he doesn’t know how much longer he can take it.
Steve Harrington:
American Idiot - King!Steve x GothFem!Reader
Steve Harrington had it all. Money, popularity, the perfect girlfriend. He had his whole life planned and laid out for him, and he accepted that. Working for his dad and marrying his collage sweetheart wouldn’t be so bad, right? That’s what he thought at least, until he got paired to do a project with you and you turned his world upside down.
Jones and Leia - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
You agree to match Steve’s Indiana Jones costume, but it’s definitely not what he was expecting.
Opposites Attract Masterlist - y2k!Steve Harrington x MallGoth!Reader (ongoing)
This is a series of one shots/blurbs about Steve and his goth girlfriend in the early 00s. This AU is a collaboration with @reidsbtch you can find the masterlist for her y2k!Eddie x Girli!Reader Here.
Spider Lilly (part 1) - Steve Harrington x Goth!Fem!Reader
You can’t stand Steve Harrington, you didn’t like him in highschool during his “King Steve” days and you don’t like him now. But even though you deny it, even to yourself, there’s always been something about him that made your heart beat speed up. When you’re stuck closing with him one night at Family Video… things finally boil over. (Soulmate AU)
Eddie Munson:
See You Again - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Your girlfriend surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band, Corroded Coffin for your birthday. You and her spent one magical night with the lead singer over a year ago before they made it big. Will he remember you? (He definitely will.)
Beer and Bunny’s - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Eddie can’t seem to get himself to make a move on the new bartender at the hideout he has a crush on, but one night you decide to take matters into your own hands and he sees something that he just can’t resist.
Being Weird Is Cool Masterlist - SingleDad!Eddie x SingleMom!Reader (Ongoing)
When your late aunt leaves you her house in Hawkins you see it as a chance at fresh start and move there with your son. You didn’t expect to meet a caring metal head with kind eyes and his spitfire daughter. You didn’t expect to fall in love. You didn’t expect to find a family.
Cat and Mouse - Perv!Eddie x Perv!FemReader
Eddie thinks you are innocent and oblivious to all the pervy things he does behind your back, but what he doesn’t know is that you’re fully aware. Not only that, but you like it, and you just might be a bit of a perv yourself.
You’ll Never Be A Burden - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
When you can’t get out of bed, answer your phone, or shake the feeling of hopelessness your boyfriend is there to reassure you that he will always be there for you no matter what.
Best Mates - FuckBoy!Alpha!Eddie Munson x Bestfriend!Omega!Reader
You’ve always been in love with your bestfriend, you never thought anything would ever come of it until you present as an omega and he spends your heat with you.
Licking his boots (blurb)
Halloween moodboard masterlist
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
In honor of pride month; I am compiling fics of gay, bi & pan Eddie Munson
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comment, or send an ask for yours or one of your favorites to be added
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boys on film (series) - pornstar!steddie x virgin fem reader
by: @corrodedcorpses
summary: Eddie and Steve have been your best friends for years. Although they've never done or said anything to make you feel bad, you can't help but feel inadequate to them when it comes to sexual experience. After they star in their first Threesome together, some weird emotions arise.
Now in technicolor (series) - soulmate!steddie x fem reader
by: @thorfemmes
“Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams"
The tutor (series)- queer!eddie munson x fem reader 18+
by: @brewsterispunkk
summary: reader has had a secret crush on Eddie Munson for months, only she has been too scared to tell him. When she’s forced to tutor him, she lets it slip that she feels like she’s missed out on the normal “high school experience.” Eddie aims to change that.
I’m in control (series) - pornstar!steddie x fem!reader 18+
by: @justmeinadaze
summary: You're just promoted to agent for the porn agency you work for. You worked really hard to get where you are and beg your boss to allow you to manage the 2 new up and coming pornstars they just signed.
seeing stars (series) - bi!eddie munson x fem!reader 18+
by: @boogiewrites
summary: A new girl with a mysterious air to her and a questionable past comes to Hawkins. After a chance encounter at a party, Eddie becomes a bit smitten with her. The problem is, she’s an unreadable brick wall when she’s sober. Despite her hesitation to letting men in her life, they become best friends. Will Eddie’s attentive persistence help him break down the walls she’s put up to protect herself from not getting hurt? Will Star learn she can be in love and be loved in return after her last relationship left her traumatized? Will her spiritual guidance help her see that Eddie really is the one for her? A story of strangers to best friends to lovers with a splash of witchiness and a lot of trauma healing.
The pull (short series) - steddie x succubus!fem reader 18+
by: @xxhellfiregirlxx
summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them.
Ready, steddie, go. (One shot) - steddie x fem reader 18+
By: @bettyfrommars
Trapped under ice (series) - hockey player!steddie x figure skater!fem reader 18+
by: @lofaewrites & @teddyseyeswinchester
summary: The one where the Ice Princess, The Wolf & The Monster celebrate in the only way they know how-by making it dirty.
Rockstar!eddieverse - bisexual rockstar!eddie munson x fem! reader
by: @enam3l
I want you both - steddie x reader 18+
by: @screammunson
summary: you can’t help yourself when you catch them, they can’t help themselves when they ask you to join
Heavy metal parking lot (one shot) - queer!eddie munson x fem reader 18+
by: me
summary: the last thing you ever expected was to hit it off with a cute guy at a Judas Priest concert, but stranger things have happened.
To be added…
I know I’m forgetting so many! :(
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fics on ao3
Lessons in anatomy (series) - bisexual!eddie munson x fem reader x slowburn steddie x fem reader 18+
by: LilithsLullaby
summary: When you agree to help Eddie Munson in study hall, you don’t anticipate those lessons to go beyond using textbooks to some real life practice in anatomy.
If it's just till St. Patrick's Day (series) - gay!Eddie Munson x trans fem! Steve Harrington 18+
by: RedLegumes
summary: Eddie Munson is positive he's gay. Sure girls are nice to look at, smell good, look like they taste lovely and sweet. But that's not his thing. Never been his thing. He likes hard, blaring, rough and tumble. He likes guys. But when one of those guys reveals he wanted to transition… Eddie has to do some thinking. He likes guys, but he really likes Harrington.
I Promise That You Won't Wanna Get Off (one shot) - steddie 18+
by: Kwills91
summary: Robin drags Steve to a bachelorette party having no idea he's going to be just as entertained by the gorgeous stripper as everyone else. Possibly even more so.
To be added…
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hippiegoth97 · 1 month
Be Kind, Rewind: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by Me :)
Master List
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
A/N: Hey, everybody! I've decided to start posting my Eddie Munson one-shots on here. This one is the first ever story I wrote, both for Eddie and fanfiction in general. It's been edited a couple of times, and may still be a bit rough compared to my current work. But I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Description: You work with Steve and Eddie in the video store while Robin is off at summer camp. You like Eddie a lot, but you've never pursued him out of fear. Lucky for you, he has other plans...
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: Smut, swearing, female reader, drug use, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, choking, praise/degradation
Word Count: 4k
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Divider by @strangergraphics-archive
Be Kind, Rewind
"Alright, for 3 rentals your total is $8.50." You say to the mother struggling to keep her child at bay at the register. He's squirming from her grasp, with a mysterious, sticky substance around his mouth. The woman lets him go in order to reach into her purse. He immediately runs around the corner, headed straight for the candy display. He almost rams directly into it before he's scooped up by your supervisor, Steve Harrington.
"Whoa there, little guy! Looks like you've had enough sugar today. Let's get you back to your mother." Steve walks over and plops the child down. He almost makes yet another run for it, but the transaction is through and the woman wraps her arm around her son to keep him close.
"Thank you, young man! He has just been a terror today. His father dropped him off this morning after letting him go ballistic on a Hershey bar."
"No problem at all, ma'am, have a good day!" Steve replies. And with that, the mother and son walk out the door.
"I see why you get labeled by your friends as 'the babysitter'. You're really good with kids. You'll be a great dad someday, I'm sure." You say with a semi-sarcastic tone. He fixes you with a glare.
"Yeah, whatever. Stop slacking and take these returns in the back to rewind. Eddie is no help, he's probably lighting up in there right now."
"Yes sir!" You salute, which earns you a middle finger from Steve. "I'll whip that freak into shape for you too. Fuck knows I hate pulling more than my fair share of the weight." But that isn't exactly true. You’ve always had a thing for Eddie, ever since you were in school with him. You had talked a few times over the years, but soon enough you were swept up in your own interests. He was running the Hellfire Club, and you were too focused on your studies to have any free time for fun. You found yourself staring at him at lunch though, and he'd always looked right back with a smirk on his handsome face. But you never did anything more. It seemed like you both were worlds apart, even though it was just the opposite end of the cafeteria. But in this job you were lucky enough to get, you are in close proximity to Eddie almost every day.
You still stare sometimes, and you are far from subtle. Neither of you go any further than looks or the occasional teasing remark or small conversation. You wish you had the courage to make a move, but despite his perceived interest in you, you’re afraid he’ll reject you if he knows your true feelings. Sure, he plays around and makes somewhat off-color remarks. But those don’t mean anything, right? Eddie does that with everybody. You're not special to him, right? You spend far too much time trying to convince yourself he doesn't mean anything by what he says around you, thinking it would be crazy for him to like you that way, or at all. It's just a game for him, you always tell yourself. It has to be. You sigh, trying to shake these thoughts away and focus on your task.
You grab the stack of returns, and walk from behind the counter to the back room. Before you open the door marked 'Employees Only', you notice the smell of weed and even see smoke peeking out the bottom of the door. You sigh, rolling your eyes at Eddie's usual antics and pushing the door open, struggling to keep hold on the videotapes. As you walk inside, you ram right into Eddie's chest, causing the tapes to crash onto the floor. "Shit." You mutter, and scramble to pick them back up.
"Oh, shit. Sorry Y/N. Lemme help." Eddie kneels down to gather some tapes. He also picks up the blunt he dropped in your collision, quickly putting it out and into his pocket.
"It's the least you can do, Munson. You know, it wouldn't kill you to do some actual work for once. But I see you have more important things to do." You're not really angry, you're more embarrassed for looking clumsy in front of him. You stand, putting yourself above him.
"Yeah, yeah, save it. I hear enough of that from Harrington already. I know you're not that much of a stickler for rules anyways. You sure do like to pretend though." He looks at you from the floor, reaching up to give you the last tape. A devilish smirk plays on his lips. He really enjoys teasing you, pushing your buttons. It's like he gets off on seeing your face scrunch in quick protest.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Once again, your face goes into that grumpy scrunch he finds so adorable. You cross your arms, acting annoyed.
"It means, Y/N, that you act like the perfect citizen. Good grades, never late, hardworking, blah blah blah." He stands now. Putting that final tape on the table next to the rewinding machine. "But we both know about the looks you liked to steal in the cafeteria at lunch. Those same looks you still like to take now. You are no innocent girl, Y/N."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You lie, cheeks turning bright red. He takes note of your reaction, and presses further. He steps closer to you slowly with each word, eyes staring into yours, until his mouth is just centimeters away.
"Oh, come on, princess." You shiver at the nickname, which he also takes note of. "It's not polite to lie. I get it, you've lived a sheltered life. You feel like you can't waste any time on an asshole like me. Too many reasons not to. You have a bright future waiting for you, right?" He moves his head past yours to speak right into your ear, his hair brushing against your cheek. You freeze, how close he is to you sets your skin aflame. He then speaks quietly, "You wanna know what I think, darling? I think you don't like being a goody-goody at all. I think you're just waiting. Waiting for the right reason to come along for you to break all the rules." He pulls back to look in your eyes, still smirking.
You just stare back in shock, but you're also extremely turned on. You've always wanted to pursue something with Eddie. But he’s right. You don't have time. At least, you think you don't. After the summer, you’re off to college, the first in your family to make it out of this town. But what about before that? The summer has just begun, surely you've earned some fun after years of pounding knowledge into your brain. You’ve earned this, deserve it, even. And Eddie seems more than willing to give it to you.
"You're right." You say simply. His grin somehow gets even wider. You contemplate what to say next, not wanting to give in to him so easily. You're smarter than that. You keep your expression stern, playing a game."You are an asshole." His face falls, and it hurts to see him look like that. You immediately regret that decision.
"Sorry." He turns away from you, grabbing a tape to rewind in the machine. "I guess I read you all wrong. I won't do that again." His tone is soft, sad. He's disappointed, and it's now that you realize he truly likes you. You never really thought about it that way, he always comes off so smug. You just wanted to toy with him the way he seems to do so with you. You have to fix this and fast, otherwise you've blown your chance.
"Oh jesus fucking christ, Eddie! If I would've known you liked me back like that, I wouldn't have said that. I was just messing around, teasing you back. You just act so damn smug all the time, I didn't want to give you the satisfaction so easily." You walk to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tenses for a moment, and then relaxes, sighing. He turns to you again, a smaller smile this time.
"You sneaky little shit. I ought to punish you for that." His hand comes up to hold yours. His ringed fingers rub gently over yours, the cool metal making you shiver again. He chuckles at your reaction.
"So do it then." You look into his eyes, you're the one smirking now. He just stares at you a moment, seemingly genuinely shocked to hear you say something like that. Then he once again starts grinning like an idiot.
"As you wish, princess." He says as he pulls you into him, smashing his lips onto yours. You kiss him back, biting his lip after a moment. He grunts slightly, letting you slip your tongue in his mouth. He guides you backwards until you're against the wall. His lips move to your neck. He licks a long stripe from your collar bone to below your jaw, making you moan. In response, he starts sucking and biting your neck, being spurred on further by any whimpers or whines you let out.
"Oh, Eddie." You moan out, causing him to stop a moment to look at you.
"I like when you say my name, darling." He resumes his work on your neck, on the other side this time. He also brings his hands up to grab your breasts. You are loving this, but you want more.
You push him away for a moment, and he looks at you, confused. "I just want to take this off." You say as you start to lift your top over your head. Eddie assists you, and strips himself of his own. You take a moment to look at his toned chest, his tattoos, and it makes you melt.
"Like what you see, princess?" You blush as he's caught you staring again. You snap out of your trance and pull him back to you, lips colliding again. You run your hands along his arms, up and down his chest. In turn he grabs your breasts again, massaging them gently. He reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor. He breaks away to lean down to your breasts. He kisses them sloppily and takes one of your nipples in his mouth.
"Eddie!" You gasp, your hands going into his hair. He nips on your sensitive bud, making you whine, and then he moves onto the other one. Your hands travel down to his jeans, you can feel how hard he is for you. You palm him through the material, and his breath hitches slightly.
"Eager, are we?" He asks, slightly muffled against your chest. He lifts his head up, eyes meeting yours again. He takes a moment to look deep into them. He brings his right hand gently to your face, the thumb brushing across your cheek. His gaze makes you feel so exposed, nevermind the fact that you’re completely topless. This moment seems to last hours, but you could also stay like this forever. "I've always liked you, you know." He says finally.
"I can see that." You say jokingly, Eddie rolls his eyes. "I've always liked you, too. I wish we would've done this so much sooner." You look down, feeling even more exposed somehow. He lifts your chin to regain eye contact.
"Hey now, darling. Don't hide that pretty face from me. And technically speaking, we haven't started much of anything yet." His smile is light and kind this time. "And we don't have to rush into anything if you don't want to." He tries to search your face for an answer, as your mouth is stuck in place. "I'm gonna need you to use your words, Y/N. What do you want?"
You can't help but struggle to get the words out. "I want you, Eddie. All of you. Please?" You don't mean for that last part to sound so desperate, you know it just feeds his ego. But you can't help it. You've tasted Eddie and you want more.
"Then all of me you will get, dollface." He kisses you again, softer this time, slower. He moves you again, to the counter next to the rewinding machine, lifting you onto it. His tongue roams down your jaw, neck, chest, his body lowering with it. He's on his knees now,  his hands making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans. You lift yourself slightly so he can pull them down, along with your panties. "Well damn, princess. So wet for me already?" He gazes with wonder at your glistening pussy. You blush a bit at his words, almost reaching your hands up to hide your face. Eddie stops you, holding your wrists. "Don't try to hide from me, darling. Be a good girl for me." You felt yourself become wetter from his words, good girl. "You like when I call you that?" He looks up at you for confirmation.
"Yes, Eddie." You say, your voice is a little shaky.
"I'll keep that in mind." With that, he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
"Oh, fuck, Eddie!" You cry out. Your hips buck slightly, but Eddie holds them down.
"I love hearing those beautiful noises from you, baby. But I don't think either of us want to get caught fucking on the job by Harrington, do we? Just try to stay quiet for me, okay?" You nod in agreement, biting your index finger to suppress your moans as Eddie resumes his work on your dripping cunt. He licks your entrance, occasionally inserting his tongue, moaning at how sweet you taste. You've had this done to you before, but that’s nothing compared to Eddie. He starts sucking on your clit, bringing you closer to the edge. His middle finger going inside you, pumping in and out at an agonizing pace. You moan and whine for him, and he's eating up every moment of it. He moans against your clit, the vibrations pushing you closer and closer. You're seeing stars when he puts in a second finger, curving and pumping them in and out expertly.
"Oh fuck, oh, Eddie!" You feel the knot inside you snap, and you release onto his face and fingers. You do your best to hold the scream back, your hand clasped tightly over your mouth. Your hips buck violently and your legs shake as you ride out your high. Eddie slides his fingers out of you, bringing them to his lips as he stands up. You watch as he shoves them fully into his mouth, sucking them clean. He keeps his eyes on yours the whole time, and you can't help but feel soaking wet for him again.
"Mmm, you taste delicious, Y/N. And you were such a good girl for me." He says as his fingers leave his mouth with a pop. He kisses you once again, and you taste yourself on his bruised lips. You take this as your signal to stroke Eddie's cock through his pants to give him a turn. He groans slightly, moving to your neck to suck harshly on your flesh. You’re sure to have marks before he’s done with you. You start fiddling with his belt, and he stops. He moves your hands and helps you out, undoing the belt and zipper clumsily. He pulls his jeans and boxers down, his cock springing free, hitting his stomach. Out of instinct, you slide off the counter and onto your knees. You grab the base of him, and take his head into your mouth. He groans again, and it’s quickly becoming your favorite sound.
"Mmm." You moan as you swirl your tongue around the head, your hand stroking the rest of him. You take him as deep as you can, surprising yourself when you fit him all the way in. He mutters curses under his breath as you bob your head on him, licking swirls around his length the whole time.
"Fuck, Y/N" He rasps. "Such a good girl for me." His praises make you more and more wet every time he utters them. You could hear them a million times, and be left wanting to hear them a million more. You can feel his balls tightening, he's so close to cumming. "Y/N, sweetheart. Stop or I'll cum." He says quietly. You remove yourself from him, standing up again. "You are a goddess at that, baby. But I have a feeling we'll both enjoy something else even more." He lifts you back onto the counter, slowly rubbing his cock against your clit and folds. You both moan quietly at this action, and he lays you down while kissing you. He pulls away, preparing to position himself. "Are you ready, darling?" He asks, seeming genuinely nervous about your answer. He truly wants to please you, but only if you let him.
"Yes, Eddie. Please, just fuck me already." Again, you sound so desperate, which you are. But you can't help but love the smirk he gives you in response.
"Anything for you, princess." And with that, he pushes into you, causing you both to groan at the sensation. He gives you a moment to adjust to his size, trying to keep himself together, despite how perfect you feel around his dick. You kiss him passionately to signal him to start moving. And when he does, he starts real slow. Carefully pumping in and out of you, teasing almost. He's in no rush, he just wants you to feel comfortable.
"As amazing as you feel right now, Eddie, I need you to go faster." You look in his eyes, practically begging him to make you unable to walk for a week.
"Your wish is my command, Y/N." He begins to snap his hips, plunging into you at a punishing pace. He hits your g-spot easily and expertly. You moan his name over and over, feeling the knot rapidly forming again. He moans too, your name and the phrase 'good girl' falling from his lips. "Is it okay if I try something?" He asks while thrusting at almost inhuman speed.
"Yes, Eddie. Do whatever you want to me. I want it all." You beg, and he brings his ringed hand to your throat. He wraps around it gently, squeezing ever so slightly, gauging your reaction. You moan loudly in response, looking at him with lust and hunger in your eyes. He smiles at you, loving how willingly you submit to him. He loosens his grip on you, moving to stroke your breasts instead. You stop him, bringing his hand back up to your throat. "More, please. It's so fucking hot." You say to him, almost whining for him to continue choking you.
"I knew you were a kinky little freak, princess. I fuckin’ love it." He puts pressure on your throat again, making you feel lightheaded. The knot is threatening to snap any second now. You can tell he’s close, too.
"I'm so close, Eddie. Fuck me harder." You can't believe the things coming out of your mouth, begging him to have any way with you he desired.
"I’m right there with you, sweetheart. I'll give you anything you want. You're such a good girl. Cum for me." He says with a groan, his thrusts becoming sloppy. Despite this, he tries to keep up the pace to bring you down with him. 
“Oh, fuck! Eddie!” You scream as your orgasm rips through you, the world around you exploding. Your walls clamp down onto him, and your thighs tremble outside of your control. 
“Shit.” Eddie grunts when his own high overtakes him. His load spills into you, his hips bucking wildly against you in his final thrusts. He collapses onto you a moment later, panting heavily. You both lie here for a moment, trying to catch your breath. Eddie plants some grateful kisses on your throat as you come down from your highs. When he finally pulls out of you, he looks down to see your mixed release oozing from your cunt. “Jesus christ.” He mutters, his softened cock twitching at the sight. He’s unable to resist the temptation, and kneels down to clean you up with his tongue.
"Fuck!" You're still sparking from your last orgasm, and his cleanup efforts swiftly cause you to cum yet again, screaming his name and tangling your hands in his hair. The stars subside and Eddie stands upright to kiss your lips.
"You're such a good girl for me, darling. Let's get you dressed before Harrington busts us in here." He helps you to your feet, but you stumble as your legs feel like jelly. "Take it easy. I'll help you." He gathers your clothing and gently helps you put everything back on. Only then does he start dressing himself again. You almost whine at the loss of looking at his naked body, but you keep the lust at bay for now.
"So, what does this mean, Eddie?" You feel stupid for asking, this could just be a one-time thing for him. Another notch in the bedpost for the famous Eddie Munson. You pick at your fingers, looking down at the floor.
"What do you want it to mean?" He lifts your chin with his finger, wanting you to meet his eyes.
"Well, I'd like to do this more often with you. And maybe more...if you want." You feel so naked and vulnerable again, even though you're now fully clothed.
"What? Like a date? You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks, his hand moving to your cheek again. You can't help but feel like he thinks it's a joke. He's hard to read when he smirks like that all the time.
"Yes. If you want to." You reply, trembling slightly. You can’t help being so nervous. Maybe this was all a mistake. He just said things you wanted to hear to get in your pants, and now he's toying with you again. He uses his hands to try to calm you down, rubbing your shoulders gently. He looks into your eyes with sincere care and affection, making your heart melt.
"You need to stop overthinking in there." He taps on your temple with his finger. He smiles calmly. "Of course we can do that. I'd love that more than anything." You smile at his words, throwing your arms around him. Your lips meet again, soft and tender. You can't believe it, you just fucked the baddest guy in town and you get to be his girlfriend. You feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and Eddie feels like he won the lottery. You keep kissing for a while, not wanting to stop living in this moment.
"Alright, guys. I don't know how much pot you've smoked, but if all those tapes aren't rewound by now I'm gonna-" Steve barges in the door, and his jaw drops at the sight of you kissing and groping each other. "Oh, for fuck's sake, you guys! I mean, I saw you two hooking up coming from a mile away. Shit, a blind man could do that. But why must it be here? Where I have to see you?” Steve scolds, continuing on his rant. “And goddammit, it reeks of sex in here! I'll need to get more air freshener. Not like I don't use enough covering Eddie's weed smell. Congrats on being cute and disgusting at the same time. Dammit! Do I need to babysit you, too? Just get yourselves together and get those tapes rewound!" He storms out, but you can still hear him muttering things to himself on the other side of the door.
You and Eddie look at each other, mouths open in shock. And then you burst out laughing, Eddie falling to the floor in a fit of cackling. And all you can think is that this is going to be the best summer of your life.
The end.
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Poly!Fruity Five X Reader (Steve Harrington X Eddie Munson X Robin Buckley X Nancy Wheeler X Jonathan Byers) idea’s for you!
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Fruity Five X Captain Marvel!Reader
Fruity Five X Wednesday!Reader (inspired by the Jenna Ortega version)
Fruity Five X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Fruity Five X Harley Quinn!Reader
Fruity Five X Daki!Reader
Fruity Five X Ghostface!Reader
Fruity Five X Ahmanet!Reader
Fruity Five X Enchantress!Reader
Fruity Five X Maleficent!Reader
Fruity Five X Scarlet Witch!Reader
Fruity Five X Egyptian Goddess!Reader
Fruity Five X Angel!Goddess!Reader
Fruity Five X Ashnikko!Reader
Fruity Five X Female!Ghostrider!Reader (instead of normal fire it’s dark blue instead)
Fruity Five X Yandere!Reader
Fruity Five X Pyrokinesis!Reader (you can make manipulate and control purple fire)
Fruity Five X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Fruity Five X Chororkinesis!Reader
Fruity Five X Electrokinesis!Reader
Fruity Five X Cryokinesis!Reader
Fruity Five X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Fruity Five X Werewolf!Reader
Fruity Five X Siren!Reader
Fruity Five X Mermaid!Reader
Fruity Five X Demon!Reader
Fruity Five X Succubus!Reader
Fruity Five X Zombie!Reader
Fruity Five X Escape Lab!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but dark blue not red)
Fruity Five X Amethyst Witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but purple)
Fruity Five X Jennifer Check!Reader
Fruity Five X Emerald Witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but green)
Fruity Five X Golden Witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but golden)
Fruity Five X Rose Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but maroon pink)
Fruity Five X Echinda!Reader (your half-human half-snake)
Fruity Five X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last Airbender)
Fruity Five X Mute!Reader
Fruity Five X Tourette’s!Reader
Fruity Five X Russian!Reader (you don’t speak English but you understand it, you only speak Russian)
Fruity Five X British!Reader
Fruity Five X Nezuko!Reader
Fruity Five X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: vengeance)
Fruity Five X Female!Alastor!Reader (your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise to blend in.)
Fruity Five X Female!Transformer!Reader
Fruity Five X Female!Ink Bendy!Reader
(A/N: Hello! Hope you loved this post if you did make sure to go see my other posts it’s recommended!, Hope this was inspiring for you and if you want more inspiration go see my other posts YOUR WELCOME!! :)
(A/N: Hi also made versions of y/n you can use with these ideas that’s why I said: “.make sure to go see to go see my other posts it’s recommended!.” I made y/n au’s profiles so you can get inspiration for what y/n might look like in the X readers YOUR WELCOME! :)
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Read Into Me-Chapter 1: Wuthering Heights
Steve Harrington x Shy! Reader
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Word Count: 2,849
Date Posted: 04/27/2020
Warnings: Swearing
Author’s Note: We starting something newww friends! If you liked or commented on my post about this series, you’re on the tag list! If you want off lemme know, it’s seriously no big deal. I’ve been working on this one for awhile, so if you liked it, please flash me a reblog or a reply! Criticism is always appreciated!
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap @wolfish-willow @scoopsohboi @herre-gud-nej @aclockworkballerina @maddie1504 @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary @banjino-the-hole @buckysarge @wildcvltre @stanleyyelnatsiii @t0rment0 @10blurredsmoke10 @unusuallchildd @n3wtscaseofniffler5 @alwaysstressedout @peterparxour @linksispink1995 @asharpknife @alex--awesome--22 @baebee35 @marvelismylifffe @lilmissperfectlyimperfect
Flowers poked up between the sidewalk cracks, little white and yellow daisies blooming skyward, their heads turning to bask in the sun. Spring was bursting all over Hawkins, making the town reborn in pastels and Easter bonnets. Babies crawled around in the parks in white outfits, their mothers not worried about grass stains and cooing over their precious bundles of joy.
You crushed the daisies under your boots on your walk to school. You made a point to. They were begging to be crushed, stamped out by your heavy black soles. You didn’t like spring, you hated babies in their grass stained diapers and drool covered cheeks. You couldn’t place why you hated the season, it wasn’t as if you hated the cold or the rain which plagued March and early April, you adored the sound of rain on the Plexiglas roof of your family’s sunroom, thunder in the distance and swirling grey clouds swarming the sky. Then again, that wasn’t what spring wanted to be. Spring wanted to be beautiful bursts of colour and birds singing from their nests, babies crying into life and everything turning green.
Your hatred might have sprung from all that green, your mother had insisted on you taking up an artistic skill, supposedly because it made young women more worldly and affable, and sat you in art classes where you painted bouquets of flowers and bowls of fruit for hours every week. You didn’t hate art; it had become a release for you, a place to vent your emotions and makes something from your mind’s spinning thoughts. You’d filled sketchbooks and canvases with images of aliens and stars and snails. You liked to doodle snails and hourglasses on the margins of your homework. But your favourite thing was to draw your classmates. You were a quiet person, a sensitive soul according to your grandmother, and so often time’s people would ignore you flat out or discount your presence. This didn’t bother you so much, it gave you the chance to look at them without anyone asking any questions, to sketch out their image in charcoal and graphite, covering your hands in black and grey smudges. Your hands were constantly stained black, up the side of your hand to the tip of your pinkie, which meant that your jeans and shirts and sweater cuffs were smudged and stained.
You were sat on the football field’s bleachers one cool April morning, your best friend Samantha Cameron sat next to you, thin headset around the back of her head. She was unable to pull the headset around her black spiked hair, purposefully ghastly pale with black lips. You could hear the muffled sound of Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees playing at top volume as her head bounced to the beat, her black high tops kicking at the seat below you. You had your sketchpad out, trying to capture the stiff movement of her hair with the graphite piece clutched in your hand.
Samantha turned to look at you with a smile “You get it right yet?” she asked. She could see the annoyance in your face as you rubbed at the drawing, trying to smudge the stray hairs trying to escape the harsh gelling she’d done that morning. Just like your drawing, you suspecting that she’d been unable to get it to do exactly as she wanted.
“It’s getting there, it’s not moving right yet…” you muttered, pulling your lip into your teeth, chewing hard on the skin.
“You have like, four of me as is, I think you’ll survive if it isn’t perfect.” Samantha chuckled, pulling her headset down around her neck, twisting her long strand of pearls around her index finger.
“And I like this one best, your hair is moving so interestingly today…” you swiped at the page, pulling the eraser gum out of the coils and rubbing out the mistake you’d made, adding more shake to the tips of the centre point.
“Besides,” you chuckled “I’m not gonna have the time to get any good sketches of you with post-its in your hair this year.” Usually, you and Samantha would try to take one class together a year, but she had to switch her English class to first semester so she could snag a gym credit to train for potential college reps. She wanted to be a Wellesley girl and get a scholarship for soccer and she needed to be a top performance to get one.
You sighed, turning away from her. “I still hate that Mr. Lawrence insists on group work…” you muttered. You understood her decision, but you felt a bit nervous about being on your own. You’d gone to school with the same kids for your whole life, but being on your own with no one to depend on socially for a whole semester scared you.
Samantha wrapped an arm around your shoulders “You’ll be fine, you know that he usually assigns partners anyway.” She said, rubbing your bare skin gently.
“I know I just really don’t want to get stuck with some nitwit.” You replied. On cue, the bell blared from the outdoor speakers and you closed up your notebook, sliding your graphite and eraser gum into the coils and shoving it into your backpack, stringing it around your shoulders.
Mr. Lawrence’s hair had gone white long before he’d begun to show to process of aging on his face. His only wrinkles were from tension on his forehead and around his mouth.  His white hair was a sort of burst of smoke around his head, always puffed up around his head and never fully settled into a style. You smiled when you walked into his classroom, taking a seat in the far back corner. You’d already gotten a sketch of his puffy cloud hair, so you left your notebook closed.  The rest of the class trickled in, clumped in their little groups and chattering loudly, taking up the seats around you. Nobody paid much attention to you, which didn’t bother you as much as it used to. It still left a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You wished that you had your headset, so you could block out the sound from your peers.
You hoped that the seat next to you would stay empty, that people would avoid you and let you sit quietly. It hadn’t before the break, but the room had been set up in little table groups of four. Now, the room was set up in three rows, two desks pushed next to each other all the way down. Mr. Lawrence had already had to yell twice for people to not move the desks, a sign of little cliques forming. Vicki Clarke had tried to pull the desk next to you over to turn the end of the middle row into a fire hazard, causing Mr. Lawrence to yell out for a third time. Vicki rolled her eyes, but released the desk, taking the desk next to the free one, leaving a clear space between her and you. You didn’t mind; Vicki always smelt like artificial apples, from the cheap body spray she slathered herself in at her locker and the scent gave you a headache.
Tina Martins practically ran to Vicki as the bell rang out, immediately calling to Vicki “Move that desk over!”
Mr. Lawrence rolled his eyes “Miss Martins we are not moving any desks in this room. Take a seat.” He announced. Tina’s shoulders sunk, but she obeyed without an argument, taking the seat to Vicki’s right. Then, the reason for all the commotion walked in, late slip in hand.
Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington was still something to talk about, even after being horrifically dumped by Nancy Wheeler, he was still a hot object around the school, especially for girls burned by the newest small town hottie Billy Hargrove. Vicki and Tina were two primed recent burn victims, Tina having tried and tragically failed to get Billy’s attention at her own house party and Vicki being the first ‘hump and dump’ victim of the notorious man whore. Steve’s sad boy behaviour had attracted the attention of many bleeding hearts throughout the school, letting themselves get their hearts drained by his succubus heartache. And here he was, puffed up like a robin, his bright red member’s only jacket mimicking the red breast on the bird, his hair perfectly coiffed and glinting in the florescent lights. Heartbreak had done his ego good, teaching him that girls were a dime a dozen if you were hot and sad. The concept of preying on vulnerable girls made you sick to your stomach.
Steve handed his late slip off to Mr. Lawrence and he stamped it with the date punch he kept on his desk. “Welcome Mr. Harrington, please take a seat so we can begin.” He said, his rectangular glasses sliding off his nose as he spoke.
Suddenly, the energy in the room changed. It was then that you realized the class was mostly girls and every single girl in the room was staring at Steve. It was obvious to you in an instant: they wanted Steve to sit next to them and they were all out of luck, sat next to friends or other girls desperate for the same attention. The bargaining began, girls whispering to the person next to them to move, sliding cool erasers or lipsticks over onto the other desk, peace offerings they hoped someone would take. Mr. Lawrence’s classroom had fallen to jailhouse rules and you sat wondering when the first person would pull their shank. No one moved as Steve made his way to the back of the class. Then, another thing became clear-you were the only person with a free desk next to them. Vicki waved shyly to Steve as he took the seat and you tried to disappear. The whole room’s eyes were now on you and unlike Steve you absolutely hated it. You wanted to disappear. Now, you were enemy number one to every girl in the room.
“Alright, let’s begin then, yes?” Mr. Lawrence clapped once and commenced the lesson “Welcome to your last two months of English! I’m passing around the breakdown for your final assignment and copies of our last reading for the course, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.” The class groaned. You’d been hoping for a lighter, more modern read, something at least from that century. But you knew that Mr. Lawrence loved a classic and had to follow the suggested readings for your grade dictating by the state. You took your tattered copy and wordlessly handed the pile off to Steve, who didn’t notice that it had landed on his desk until Vicki pointed it out with a giggle.
“Now, everyone turn to their desk mate. He or she will be your editor and writing partner for the final essay of the year!” your heart dropped. You were stuck with Steve. And he was an idiot. Every stupid thing you’d heard uttered from a classmate’s mouth had always been from his. He once asked who the US was fighting in World War two. He spent one class arguing with a teacher that Beth didn’t die in Little Women, not believing it even when the teacher sourced the exact page when Alcott revealed it. He once failed a health assignment because he mixed up the names for the parts of the male and female. Literally mixed them up, your seventh grade health teacher had provided them for the worksheets and told the class to cut the out and glue them on and he mixed up all the words into a pile. He was an idiot!
Tina’s hand shot up fast and Mr. Lawrence called on her. “Mr. Lawrence, can we be a threesome with Steve?” She asked loudly, smirking over at you. Vicki giggled at the word ‘threesome’, hands clutched over her mouth.
“But then what will Y/N do? She won’t have a partner.” Mr. Lawrence flashed you a small smile and you just about threw up. This was all too much for you, too much attention, too many people looking at you.
You raised your hand timidly “I’ll be fine if that’s what they want to do. I don’t mind working on my own…” you said, your eyes locked on the course breakdown.
“See, Y/N can handle herself.” Tina said. If you knew Tina to be anything other than mean and condescending, you would’ve taken that as a compliment.
“I want every student to have work edited and reviewed by a classmate before I look at it. I’m sorry, but I’m not making exceptions to the rule. If your desk mate wants to switch with Steve, then that’s another thing entirely, but you cannot be a group of three.” Mr. Lawrence laid down the law on that and moved on with the lesson. While Tina and Vicki attempt to convince one another to switch seats and let the other have Steve, neither would budge and Steve seemed utterly uninterested in their spat. To be fair, he didn’t seem interested in the lesson either. He had taken to drawing on the surface of his desk, scratching his initials into the wood.
“Now, for your first assignment back, I’d like you to write me a piece on your spring break. Nothing fancy, just one page typed. We’ll write the first draft today and exchange it with our partners to be edited and rewritten for Friday.” He announced “When you’re done, read chapters one through three of Wuthering Heights.”
With that, the semester had begun again and everyone went to work. Voices took over the room, people chattering around you. You felt a pair of eyes on you, but you flipped open your binder to a clean sheet of paper and began writing out your simple description of your break. You knew that Mr. Lawrence didn’t actually care about what you had done or had to say, only that you’d done the work and had proof of editing for it. This was a practise for the main event. Still, you could make a page out of art classes and driving to Carmel with Samantha to see some random band in the basement of a dive bar. You could even make it interesting for him. But, something still made your stomach churn. You didn’t want Harrington looking at your writing. You didn’t consider yourself the next Hemingway, but you could write an essay. What worried you wasn’t being told that you were wrong. It was letting him into your mind at all. You didn’t know Steve and he didn’t know you, what if he didn’t understand you? He wouldn’t understand you.
You looked up from your work to see Steve looking blankly at you. You met his eye, raising your brow at him. He looked away fast. You didn’t know what it was about, your hands came up to your face, wiping at your cheeks and mouth. Maybe there was something on your face. Maybe your hair looked silly. Maybe he was making fun of you. That had to be it. He was making fun of you. Vicki and Tina were always bugging you and Samantha, maybe he was joining in. It wasn’t your fault that Mr. Lawrence had forced you two to be partners. You pulled your body away from his, curling into yourself.
When the bell rang, you pulled your work into your bag, making a break for the door. You had your free period next and were desperate to finish your drawing of Samantha. You didn’t need to have her in front of you to catch the right details; you’d drawn her a million times.
You had barely made it into the hallway when Steve grabbed your arm, pulling you back with a cocky grin “Whoa, slow your roll there kiddo,” he chuckled. Your skin prickled under his hand and you wanted nothing more than to disappear. You stopped dead in your tracks, pulling away from his hand carefully.
“So, how’re we doing this?” he asked, his attention moving from you to the yelp of Tommy Hanson. You didn’t need to look to know that Carol Perkins was beating him with her bag again. That was a weekly occurrence.
“Write your stuff and hand it off to me in class. I’ll edit anything up till forty-eight hours before it’s due. I’ll give you my stuff when you give me yours.” You said quickly, crossing your arms tightly over your chest.
“Sounds cool,” Another cry from Tommy, this one more directed at Steve, drew his attention fully “Alright, I’m coming Hanson! See ya around.” He directed the farewell to you, bounding off towards the source of the sound. Even when his presence was gone, you still felt his fingertips on your arm.
Samantha threw her arm around your shoulders, rebooting your systems again. “Hey, what was that about?” she asked, leading you away from Mr. Lawrence’s classroom and towards the gym, her next destination.
“That was because you fucked me over.” You sighed. It was going to be a long month.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 5 months
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Steddie Masterlist
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The Pull - Steddie x Succubus!Reader Masterlist
You’ve been alone for as long as you can remember, floating around for decades and moving from place to place, never letting anyone close. But that all changes when you decide to move to Hawkins Indiana. You were expecting a quiet life in a small town, but that all changed when you arrived and immediately sensed them. (Completed)
All You Have To Do Is Ask - Steddie x Fem!Reader
Ever since your boyfriend Steve found out that you lost your virginity to your friend Eddie he can’t stop thinking about the two of you together, the fantasies of you and Eddie tangled together running through his mind on repeat. It starts off with just the two of you but when the fantasies start to evolve and Eddie is touching him too, he doesn’t know how much longer he can take it.
Steddie Making You Ride Your Pillow While They Watch(Blurb)
Divider used is by @saradika-graphics
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104 notes · View notes
xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader Part 4 (final part)
Summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: smut, dom/sub dynamics, choking, demon/human relationships, oral F&M! receiving, M/M/F threesome,the boys DP reader in this one, a lil bit of angst, some flufff. (Lmk if I missed any!)
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than the others also I’m not OBSESSED with this ending tbh, I played around with a few ideas, possibly turning her human or turning them into incubi, ultimately I felt like I was over complicating it so I decided to just end it here. I did leave it open ended so if I feel inspired to go back and add more to their story I can! But I hope you guys enjoyed!! Feedback is greatly appreciated.🖤
Eddie stretched and rolled over before opening his eyes, it was pitch black outside now and he hardly remembered falling asleep. He turned his head to the side and saw Steve, he looked so handsome… then it all came crashing down on him, you coming to the door, the red flash of your eyes, your magic fucking pussy and he wasn’t entirely sure it wasn’t some D&D lore fueled wet dream. But when he sat up and looked at Steve who was laying on his stomach he could see long nail marks down his back that he knew weren’t his.
He looked to the other side of the bed and it was empty, he hoped maybe you were in another room but he knew you weren’t. He grabbed his boyfriend's shoulder and shook him lightly “Steve… Steve.. she’s.. she’s gone” Steve groaned and peaked an eye at Eddie “Babe? What are you talking abou- oh.. yeah, for a second I thought that was a crazy dream” he sat up slowly, eyes adjusting to the dark room and looked over at the alarm clock on his nightstand, 6:00PM.
“Geez we slept for a long time.. she’s really gone?” He tried to hide his disappointment but it was apparent. “I hoped she would’ve at least said goodbye..”
Eddie sighed “yeah man, me too. She was.. wow, I’m still kind of trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it was real.” He got up from the bed and reached for his cigarettes on the nightstand, spying something on the ground “but you have scratches all over your back and THESE are on our bedroom floor, so..” he leaned down and picked them up and showed Steve, it was your black g-string.
“Also your neck is covered in hickies” Steve said now standing in front of his partner, running his fingers down his neck. “I’m going to go take a shower…” he sighed and kissed Eddie on the cheek before leaving the room.
When you got home you felt lost, you just sat on your couch in silence, staring at the wall for what felt like hours. You had only been here a little over a week so luckily there wasn’t much to pack since most of your things were still in boxes. You decided you would give yourself the evening to pack and collect yourself and leave in the morning. You should feel amazing and fulfilled but you don’t, you can’t even enjoy the high you normally feel from feeding. It’s like knowing you’ll never have it again makes you already hungry for more.
You finally stood from your couch with a sigh and started going through the motions of packing your clothes and the few belongings you had taken out of boxes. By the time you were done it was dark outside and you were the regular kind of hungry, while sexual energy fed the succubus side of you there was still a part of you that was human once so your physical body craves human food. You knew there was nothing in your kitchen to eat. You had planned to go grocery shopping tomorrow, which obviously wasn’t happening now. There was a Chinese restaurant around the corner, you decided you’d just walk over there for something and then come home and crash so you could get an early start.
“Can we go get food? Please?” Eddie looked at Steve with big sad eyes. “Yeah baby, we can get food.” He caressed his boyfriend’s cheek “you want Chinese?”
“You know the answer to that question is literally always yes.” He gave him a small smile “Steve? I’m sad. I know that we literally knew her for like three hours tops but I just.. I don’t know” he looked down at his hands and his shoulders sagged.
“No, I get it… Like we have always talked about maybe finding a girl to have as a fuck buddy or even maybe a girlfriend but she was.. I don’t think we will ever find one now, I honestly think pussy is fucking ruined for me now” he stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah man.. I think so too, maybe she put some kind of spell on us? And it’ll wear off?” Eddie knew that wasn’t true, you said you didn’t charm them and for whatever reason demon or not he believed that you were telling them the truth.
“Yeah.. maybe. Or the fact that she had a literal magic pussy” he snorted “Let’s go get some food. You want Golden Dynasty?”
“You mean the only Chinese food in town that doesn’t taste like shit? Yeah definitely.” He chuckled as he walked towards the door to put his shoes on while Steve went to call in the pick up order.
You tapped your long nails on the table you were sitting at while you waited for your food, cursing yourself for not calling it in, when you felt it. Or more so you felt them, and they were close and only coming closer. Did they find you somehow? No, there’s no way they could’ve.. was it just some sick twist of fate bringing them close to you again when you were trying to get away from them? You had no idea what you’d say if they saw you, if they’d even talk to you, or if they even cared that you left. Thinking that they didn’t care stung a bit, but it really was the best case scenario, at least you’d be the only one who was getting hurt by this.
You took a deep breath and tried to center yourself, just because they were close didn’t mean they were going to see you or even be in the same place as you. They couldn’t sense you like you could sense them so it would be fine. You needed to get a grip. You were on your third deep breath when you heard the bell on the door indicating that someone walked in. You felt your blood run cold, even though your back was to the door you knew it was them. Their scent was much stronger than it was a few minutes ago and you felt dizzy being this close to them again.
Maybe they wouldn’t see you, your back was to the door and they only knew you for a few hours which you hoped wasn’t enough time to memorize the back of your head. But you were wrong, the minute they walked in Eddie saw you, he did spend time memorizing the back of you when he was railing you from behind just earlier today.
“Steve…” he elbowed his boyfriend and tilted his head in your direction. It took him a moment but Steve’s eyes widened in realization. “Holy shit dude, this is like.. fate or something we have to talk to her”
Eddie bit the inside of his cheek, suddenly extremely nervous “Unless.. I mean.. she left without saying anything, what if she doesn’t want to talk to us?”
They really must have thought they were talking quieter than they were because you heard every word they were saying and it broke you even more. They were sad that you left, and hurt that you didn’t say goodbye. Fuck. Should you just rip off the bandaid and talk to them? Lie to them and tell them you’ll see them around then disappear? Tell them you decided Hawkins wasn’t for you and that you’re leaving? Neither of those options sounded good to you, from the beginning something about them made you want to spill your heart out to them and tell them all your truths. If you talked to them you’d tell them why you ran, why you were REALLY leaving.
So you did the only thing that felt logical in that moment and you got up and started walking to the door opposite of them without even grabbing your food first. You couldn’t face them and still leave, that’s why you left before they woke up. You’d stay, you’d watch them grow old and then you’d be all alone again in the blink of an eye.
Right as you were reaching for the door you felt a ringed hand on your wrist and when you turned you were met with the biggest sad brown puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen and you felt your heart constrict in your chest “Please wait? We just.. want to talk to you and then we’ll leave you alone forever if that’s what you want, I promise.” He had marks all over his neck from earlier and you felt yourself salivate at the sight.
Before you could answer, the woman behind the counter called your order “Do you wanna grab your food? And we can all sit and eat and talk?”
“Uh- I think we should talk about this somewhere private, my apartment is down the street, you guys can come eat there?” You said it before you even realized what you were saying. He gave you a soft look that melted your insides “Are you sure?”
Were you sure? No. Were you going to do it anyways? Apparently.
After you had all grabbed your food you lead them toward your apartment. Besides you giving the few directions there were to your house the walk was mostly silent. Not necessarily the bad kind of silent but there was definitely a tension in the air. Once you guys reached your door you unlocked it and invited them in.
They both noticed a few things immediately, everything you had was in boxes which wouldn’t have been that abnormal considering how short of a time you’ve been here but there were bags by the door too which made it seem like you were packing and not unpacking. “I’m sorry I don’t have a table, you guys can’t sit on the couch and use the coffee table if you’d like.” You walked into the small living room and sat down on the velvet chair you had by the couch to create some distance between you and them.
They got settled and you all started taking out your food when you realized all your dishes were packed away “all my dishes are in boxes too, I’m sorry you guys have to eat out of the take out boxes” you said awkwardly trying to fill the silence. Neither of them had said anything since you came inside.
“Are you leaving town?” Eddie asked, breaking the silence after a few seconds.
“Oh.. uh.. y-yeah I’m going to leave in the morning..” you couldn’t look at them so you just stared at the rice in the box you were holding. Steve still hadn’t said anything to you at all and it was making you even more nervous.
“Didn’t you just move here a week ago? Why are you leaving already? I’m sorry if we freaked you out or something we will totally stay away from you, you don’t have to LEAVE town” Eddie gave you the most apologetic look and this is why you couldn’t do this, you couldn’t pretend that they freaked you out in the way he means, you can’t hurt their feelings.
“I mean.. I was freaked out, yes, but not in the way you mean..” you bit your lip anxiously as you looked into his eyes, you felt like crying. You’ve never opened up to anyone, no one ever seemed worth it, but you know you’re about to tell them everything.
Steve finally looked up from his food “In what way do you mean then honey?” Honey. He wasn’t angry, thankfully, he looked just as confused as Eddie did and it chipped away at your walls even more.
“Well… I-I’ve never been with the same person twice, ever. The one person I did love is the reason I am what I am so I’ve never let myself become attached to people in any way. I haven’t even had a true friend in a very very long time. But something about you two made me want to crawl back into your bed and fuck you all over again. But it’s not just that I thought about sticking around, about letting myself get to know you. I actually considered waking you up and going to breakfast with you, and that terrified me.”
It kind of all just came spilling out the minute you opened your mouth and when you were done you took a deep breath and looked up from your lap at them. They were both looking at you wide eyed, but you couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. Steve spoke first “Honey.. that sounds so lonely.. We want to know you too, we would be good to you, if you let us”
Eddie’s eyes were soft when he spoke “We really would baby, all that stuff you said about getting to know us and wanting to stick around we felt the same. When I woke up and knew you were gone my heart dropped, I even convinced myself you put a spell on us to rationalize why I wanted to be around you so bad”
“It’s not.. you guys don’t understand, yes I’m scared because of my past but it’s more complicated than that. I’m not like you.” You ran your fingers through your hair “I don’t age, if I stuck around I’d have to watch you guys grow old while I stayed the same.. If I let you get close to me I’ll have you for another 65 years tops and that’s not enough, not when I’ll be alone again forever after that.” Tears welled up in your eyes and you had to stop yourself from sobbing.
“I know you’re not supposed to ask a lady her age but, how old are you?” Eddie got up from the couch and crouched down in front of you, tilting his head so you were forced to look at him. You let out a small laugh “I don’t mind you asking, I’m one hundred and eleven.”
“Whoaa, we fucked a hot older lady babe” Steve stood up and shoved Eddie’s shoulder causing him to topple over “Dude! Not the time!!”
You started laughing, you couldn’t help it, they were just so cute. “I mean.. technically you did” you shrugged and gave Steve a little smile.
“Ugh! Don’t encourage him!” But he ended up laughing too, for the first time since you ran into them things seemed less tense. “So… you’re really leaving? There’s nothing we can say to change your mind?” Steve looked down at you with puppy dog eyes that were just as heart melting as Eddie’s and you felt another crack in your wall.
You bit your lip and looked between them for a moment “I just.. I don’t know, I’m really afraid of this” Eddie scooted closer to you and grabbed your hand “I know… we don’t really know you but from what I can tell you’ve spent your whole life running, alone. You don’t have to be alone you know? You can let people in” he squeezed your hand reassuringly. Steve put his hand on your thigh and you know it was meant to be comforting but his fingers were grazing the inside of your thigh dangerously close to the hem of your skirt and you immediately felt your insides get hotter your eyes flashed red and you involuntarily squeezed your thighs together, trapping Steve’s hand.
You looked up at him with wide eyes “I’m sorry, shit. I can’t help it, you guys make me so horny and you’re both touching me and being all sweet and Eddie’s neck is covered in hickies I gave him earlier, it’s making me feel like I can’t even think straight.” His grip on your thigh tightened and he groaned “fuuuuck, we are trying to talk to you pretty girl”
“Dude fuck that, we can talk later” Eddie said before he pulled you forward out of the chair to straddle his lap. “Come here baby, let us make you feel better, yeah?”
All you could do is nod dumbly, you felt Steve’s hand grab your jaw so he could turn your head to look at him “use your words” his tone and the feeling of his hand on your jaw made you whimper.
“Please please make me feel good, I need it, I need both your cocks, I need your cum I need you to make me yours.” That was definitely way more than you meant to say but you were past the point of caring. You turned your head slightly so you could suck Steve’s thumb into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it causing him to groan.
“Fuuuuck you are so fucking sexy, like I told you before baby, we will give you whatever you want, all you have to do is ask” Eddie said in between kisses down your neck, you looped your arms around his neck “take me to my bed please”
Eddie tossed you down on your bed and him and Steve just stood above you taking you in, your hair was slightly messy, the straps of your tank top falling off your shoulders making it obvious you weren’t wearing a bra, and your short skirt was sitting just above your ass showing off a sliver of your red lace panties. “Jesus fucking Christ you are so god damn sexy” Eddie bit his lip and palmed himself through his jeans.
You chuckled at his choice of words but were abruptly cut off by Steve grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge of the bed before he kneeled on the ground in front of you, looking up at you from between your legs. He groaned at the wet spot in your panties before shoving his face in your clothed cunt and licking directly where your juices had seeped into the lace. “Holy fuuuuck Steve oh my god” your fingers automatically grab onto his hair and your legs go to close around his head but he holds them open with his strong hands.
“God damn baby, you taste so fucking good..” he rips your panties down your legs and wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard. “Holy fuck Steve, oh my god”
Eddie takes off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in just his boxers before climbing next to you to pull your shirt over your head, he smirked to himself because he was right, no bra. He scoots so your head is in his lap, looking down at you “is Steve making you feel good princess?”
“Yeah fuck, he’s making me feel so good. I need m-more though, your fingers Stevie, use your fingers” he doesn’t respond verbally just circles his middle and pointer fingers around your entrance before pushing them inside you and curling them into your spongy wall with ease while he continues to suck on your clit. “Fuck, yeah that’s it, I’m gonna fucking cum”
Eddie grabs both your nipples and punches them, hard “you gonna cum for us? Gonna cum all over Steve’s tongue?” You don’t have time to respond before your orgasm hits you like a freight train and you let out a loud moan while rubbing your pussy against Steve’s mouth. He keeps sucking your clit until you stop twitching underneath him.
“I can’t believe how fucking sweet you taste baby girl” Steve’s voice is dripping with lust when he says it before leaning over you to give Eddie taste of you on his tongue, and holy fucking shit was this an amazing view. Steve was leaning over you kissing Eddie with his hands on either side of your head, his shirt was riding up revealing the bottom of his waist, a line of hair going down into his jeans that was directly in your face, his rock hard cock brushing your tit slightly.
You couldn’t help it, you leaned forward and licked a stripe across his pants line and let out a moan at the taste of his skin. Your tits pushed further into his cock when you leaned up causing him to groan and stand up to look down at you.
“I want both of you, together. Please. I want you to fill me” you sat up and pushed your skirt down your hips before grabbing Steve by the shoulders and pushing him down to sit on the edge of the bed next to Eddie. “But first, I’m going to swallow both of these big beautiful cocks.” You ripped Steve’s pants and boxers down his legs, his cock springing free all red tipped and dripping precum. You couldn’t resist, you grabbed him at the base and leaned forward and took him all the way down your throat. Without looking you used your other hand to shove Eddie’s boxers down and grab his cock. Circling the head with your thumb a few times, spreading the prescum before starting to jerk him off. They both let out the most beautiful breathy moans and groans and you felt like you could cum just like this.
“Holy shit baby, let Eddie feel your mouth. Does your throat do that thing your pussy does? Because it fucking feels like it” you pull off his cock with a pop before smirking at him “Yeah, my throat does the thing” and before he responds you turn towards Eddie’s cock and take it down your throat like you did Steve’s.
“Oh my goddd fuuuckkinnng shit what the fuck” Eddie has to lean back on his hands and throw his head back because he knows if he looks at you right now he’s going to cum on the spot. You shove him all the way down your throat, your nose touching the soft curly hair at the base of his cock and flex your throat a few times. “FUCK!” He pulls you off by your hair abruptly “you gotta stop or I’m going to cum holy shit” he pulls you up to your feet before pulling you into his lap to straddle him “what was that about taking us both?” He asked while moving your hair off your shoulder and biting into your neck before leaving soothing kisses over the teeth marks.
“Yeah I want it so bad, I wanna feel your cocks rub up against each other while you stuff my pussy” you almost sounded shy when you said it, which was very out of character for you but that just seems to be a recurring theme with these two.
Steve leans over and kisses your check “have you ever.. done that before?” You HAVE to snort at that “Steve… honey, I’ve done things you can’t even imagine with my kind and your kind and different combinations of the two. But I’ve never been nervous before… I didn’t care if those people liked me or not, I care if you guys do.”
“Wait? YOUR kind? You’ve fucked other hot demon chicks like you?” Eddie said with wide eyes
“I mean.. yeah, and guys too, it’s like a whole other kind of high being with someone like me. But can we talk about this later? I’m so fucking horny right now I’m going to explode if you aren’t inside me soon”
Eddie grabbed your waist and hauled you backwards toward the headboard, leaning against it. You slid back and forth a few times, running his thick cock through your dripping slit. “Don’t be nervous baby, we already like you..” he leaned in and gave you a sweet passionate kiss that you weren’t expecting “shit. you are so fucking wet I can’t wait to be inside of you.” You pushed him down on his back before taking his cock in your hand and sliding down on it “Jesus Christ princess you are so fucking unreal, this fucking pussy, these fucking tits, this sexy fucking stomach tattoo” he smacked a hand down on your ass before grabbing both cheeks and moving you up and down on his cock faster “this beautiful. Fucking. Ass” your eyes roll in the back of your head “oh goddd Eddie, you feel so fucking good.”
You turned around to see Steve, now completely naked stroking himself to the imagine of you riding his boyfriend. Still looking back at him you lean forward and grab one of your ass cheeks opening yourself up so he can see Eddie going in and out of you “come on Steve, I want you too” it came out breathy and broken because Eddie was fucking into you hard and fast like a man possessed. Steve practically drooled at the sight of it, your pussy looked so creamy around Eddie’s cock and he couldn’t wait to feel how wet you were, feel his cock rubbing up against Eddie’s inside you.
He came up behind you and pushed you down further by the small of your back, swatting your hand away to replace it with his. He grabbed his cock in his hand and rubbed it against your outer wall, coating his head in your juices. Eddie paused his thrusts so Steve could push himself in alongside him and holy fuck once he pushed the last few inches in you came immediately. Your walls pulsated around both of them causing them both to jerk forward and let out loud moans. “Holy shit. Did you just cum?” Eddie groaned “that’s so fucking hot, you’ve gotta stop squeezing like that though baby. Between that and the feeling of Steve’s cock next to mine I’m going to cum before I even get to move” Steve ignored Eddie, he didn’t care if he came right now he needed to fuck the shit out of you immediately. He started fucking into you at a brutal pace, you didn’t need time to adjust, your pussy stretching perfectly and snuggly around both of their hard cocks.
“Fuck yeah. You guys feel so fucking good, pretty fucking girl with her pretty fucking pussy letting us use her like this” Steve grabbed you by your throat and pulled your back against his chest, the new angle making it so when one of them wasn’t hitting your g-spot the other was. There was nothing in your head other than the way they felt inside you, the way Steve’s hand felt squeezing your throat, the bruising hold of Eddie’s ringed hands on your hips.
You felt drool start to drip down your chin and onto Eddie’s chest “Awww look at her Stevie, she’s all drooly and glassy eyed, our pretty little slut. All stuffed full and fucked out on our cocks. You just wanna be filled huh?”
You just let out a loud moan and started to nod, Eddie’s hand came down on your tit with a hard slap and he grabbed your jaw “what did we say about words? Good girls use their words” oh god you wanted to be a good girl for them so badly. “Yes, yes, I wanna be filled. I wanna be stuffed full. I want every part of me to be full of you.” You stick your tongue out and Eddie takes the hint, shoving two fingers in your mouth, you immediately start to suck and swirl your tongue around him. Steve lets go of your throat and pushes you down onto Eddie’s chest.
“You just wanna be filled all the way up huh honey? Every single part of you?” All you can do is whimper around Eddie’s fingers and hope that’s enough. Steve spreads your cheeks and lets spit fall from his mouth onto your asshole, it drips down onto your pussy, coating all of you. He takes his thumb and rubs it around your hole and slips it in before he starts slamming into you again. You’re drooling and whimpering at the feeling of being utterly filled with them. You can feel your orgasm getting closer and closer, subconsciously rocking your hips back into them.
“Oh fuck, I think she’s going to cum I can feel her getting tighter. You gonna be our good little slut and cum for us?” Steve brought the hand that wasn’t rubbing your ass around to your clit and started rubbing fast circles on it and that was it, you came harder than you ever have in your entire life. Eddie took his fingers out of your mouth so they could hear all the beautiful sounds you were making and that’s what did it for him. He came hard, painting your walls while he fucked into you hard and fast and that’s what sent Steve over the edge, his cum joining Eddie’s inside you making you buzz with energy and causing another sudden orgasm to crash over you. Your pulsating pussy squeezing their sensitive cocks.
When your body relaxed Steve slowly pulled out of you and plopped down on the bed on his back. You let yourself collapse into Eddie and none of you said anything for a few minutes, just the sounds of you all trying to catch your breath filled the room. After you rolled off of him onto your side Eddie was the first to speak, naturally “Soooo… our seductive elegance, what’s the verdict? You gonna stay with us?” Bold. Straight to the point. With a joke added on to make it seem less eager. You could respect that. You didn’t really think before you spoke “Yeah, I think I might” Steve sat up and looked down at you “MIGHT!? MIGHT!? Not good enough!!” He started tickling you “oh my GOD Steve do NOT tickle me what the fuck!!”
“I won’t stop until you say you ARE staying not MIGHT”
Steve stopped tickling you and cradled your face, looking deep into your eyes that had returned to your natural color and gave you a deep kiss “You are so beautiful, I wanna know everything there is to know about you”
“I wanna know everything about you too Stevie..” you let out a dreamy sigh and leaned into his touch.
“Oh my GOD you guys are being so cute it’s disgusting” Eddie scoffed jokingly
“Awww you feel left out cutie? If you wanted attention too all you had to do was say so. ” You turn to Eddie and give him a passionate kiss as well, resting your chin on his chest so you could look up at him “I am still curious about your tattoo though”
“Oh! Yeah I did say I would tell you about it didn’t I?” You flipped over on your back so they could see it more clearly “it’s not a tattoo actually, it’s my succubus mark, we all have them and they’re all unique to the individual. Most are variations of bat wings and hearts like mine, but there’s a few rarities.”
Steve ran his hand over it “God you are so sexy”
He leaned down and placed a small kiss over it, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies.
Eddie joined him in leaving little kisses on your waist, up your chest, your neck, kissing all over your cheeks before each of them placed a kiss on your lips and then each others.
You giggled “You guys are something else… I wanna keep you.” You whispered the last part like it was a secret just between the three of you. They both smiled at that, wrapping their arms around you cocooning you between them. You’d never felt so warm and safe, so whole. You know doubt will seep in, you know you’ll fixate on their mortality, you know it’s going to be hard not to just turn and run from them. Maybe one day you’ll tell them you could make them like you and that you guys could feed off each other for eternity if that’s what they wanted… or maybe you’d just enjoy your two beautiful human boys for the course of their mortal lifetime. But you know one thing is for sure, whatever happens, feeling like this will make it worth every second.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader part 3
Summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist
Warnings: This chapter contains SMUT. Rough sex, demon/human sex, dom/sub dynamics, spit kink, face fucking, choking, hair pulling, M/M/F threesome. If I missed any please lmk!
A/N: this chapter is much longer than the first two, and it gets a bit angsty at the end but I promise all will be well in part 4, which will be the final part! Also I’m totally creating my own succubus lore as I go, I hope no one minds that she’s not exactly lore accurate!
The minute his mouth was on yours you shoved your fingers into his mane of hair and kissed him back with fever. “Holy shit. You taste so fucking good, how do you literally taste like fruity pebbles?” He said as his mouth made its way from your lips down your neck.
You chuckled “is that what I taste like to you? That’s so cute. Remember what I said about my pheromones? More or less it’s the base of my powers, depending on how yours mix with mine it can change things about me. For instance, how I taste to you.” he paused his assault on your neck to give you a curious look “when you say ‘things’ what exactly do you mean by that?”
“Well-“ you were cut off by Steve suddenly turning you to face him “dude what the? Why did you do that!?” Steve didn’t answer, he just grabbed your hand and yanked you in towards him until you were flush against his chest before he kissed you so hard it made your head spin “you were being greedy” he said looking over your shoulder at Eddie who was still standing behind you both. “Also that pheromone thing is freaky because you taste exactly like those cherries you get in Shirley Temples to me. And you smell just as good” you felt Eddie come up behind you and shove his face into your neck “you do, you smell sooo sweet baby”
Baby? He’s calling you baby and they’re both touching you and kissing you and you feel like if they weren’t both holding onto you that you might faint. “Fuck-“ your voice almost sounded foreign to you when you spoke, never hearing yourself sound so submissive before “I need you I need you both, please fuck me” you saw Steve’s eyes roll in the back of his head and heard Eddie groan “oh my god, I can’t believe this is fucking real right now, we are gonna give you whatever you want sweets, don’t you worry”
Steve leaned down and grabbed you behind your knees before throwing you over his shoulder and walking towards what you assumed was their bedroom, Eddie shut the door behind him and Steve set you down gently on your feet in front of him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up into his gorgeous honey eyes “mmm.. you guys smell good too you know? I could sense you the minute I stepped foot in this town and I could smell you from a mile away.. I feel dizzy standing this close to you” your eyes shifted to a bright red again and you felt your teeth sharpen, you couldn’t take it anymore you ripped your top over your head and started on the zipper of your skirt.
They both just stood there for a second taking in the fact that not only were you not wearing a bra but the underwear you were wearing were basically nothing “holy fuuuuckkkk” Eddie said as he ran his hands down his face “you are unfuckingreal holy shit” he walked over and grabbed both your tits in his large calloused hands, they felt so good against your soft skin you let out a breathy moan “I love that you guys are appreciating my beauty and all but I really need you to fuck me now, I haven’t fed since I got into town and I need it. Now.” It came out WAY whinier than you intended it to but it still got the point across because the next thing you knew you were being pushed down onto your back on the bed and your thong was being ripped from your body.
“Holy shit. You’re so fucking wet.” Eddie said before he paused “woah this tattoo is so sick!” He was looking down at your mark, a heart with bat wings “it’s my- you know what? I’ll tell you about it later just fucking TOUCH me already” that’s all it took before he licked a long stripe up your pussy to your clit where he began to suck “Oh my godddd- holy shit your mouth feels so good” you grabbed onto his hair and tugged a little, gauging his reaction, when he groaned you did it again, harder. “Stevvie, come here” you beckoned to the other boy who was standing on the side of the bed watching his boyfriend absolutely devour your cunt.
“Take your shirt off, I wanna see you” when he pulled his shirt over his head you felt yourself salivate, you had seen them both shirtless from afar but it had nothing on this. He came over and situated himself beside you, giving you another head spinning kiss before he trailed his mouth down your neck and to your tits where he took an already hardened nipple into his mouth, making you moan even louder.
You took one of your hands that was in Eddie’s hair to grab one of Steve’s hands, guiding it to your neck and leaving it there hoping he would take the hint. He immediately understood and wrapped his hand around your neck, adding just the right amount of pressure.
He looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eye “oh? You like it rough? Is that what you’re telling me?”
You moaned “god yes, please, use me”
“You hear that Eds? She wants to be our little fuck doll” he moves his hand from your neck to your jaw squeezing your cheeks “open”
You stick out your tongue and he spits onto it, tapping your chin implying for you to close your mouth “swallow” you gulp before sticking you tongue out again, asking for more “please? you taste so good”
“I’ll give you something better to taste” he stands up and starts unbuckling his belt. Meanwhile Eddie paused his movements between your thighs to watch this interaction in awe for a moment before he moved into action “turn around, get on your hands and knees. Now.” You are barely sat all the way up before he’s moving you himself twisting you on your stomach and hiking your ass in the air by your hips “fuuuckk I’m going to fucking destroy this slutty little pussy” you whimpered at his words, your pussy clinching around nothing when you heard his belt buckle coming undone too.
You push yourself up on your hands to look and Steve and god does he look fucking delectable, he’s pulling his boxers down his toned thighs and when his cock springs free you actually fucking moan out loud because holy SHIT, he’s long and thick and so fucking hard. “God Steve, I need you in my mouth, I need you to cum down my throat.” You didn’t have to ask him twice, at this point he was so worked up he felt like he was going to bust the minute your tongue touched him.
Eddie got behind you in his knees, completely naked now and you felt a big ringed hand come down on your ass causing you to cry out “oh you like that baby?” He spanks you again, harder this time “are you a little pain slut? You wanna be smacked around?”
“God yes, please” you wiggled your ass against him, feeling his cock brush against your slick slit. He grabbed it in his hand and tapped it against your clit a few times. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel that he was big too. After a few more taps on your clit you felt the head of his cock against your tight hole. He pushed in a few inches before pulling out again.
You couldn’t take it, unexpectedly you slammed your hips all the way down against his, bottoming him out inside you.
“Fuuuuck oh my god you are so fucking tight holy shit” he started fucking into you hard and deep. Steve grabbed your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him. His cock was so close to your mouth, so hard, begging for attention without missing a beat you wrapped your hand around the base and shoved his cock all the way down your throat in one motion.
“Holyfuckingshit- oh my god” he was taken back for a moment, no one, not even Eddie had sucked his cock how you’re sucking it right now. You really are some kind of otherworldly sex being because your mouth is insane. Eddie is having similar thoughts about your pussy, it’s feels so fucking good it’s like he’s dreaming.
You moaned around Steve’s cock the vibrations causing him to lurch forward shoving his cock deeper down your throat. He pulled back for a moment half expecting you to gag, you looked up at him a string of spit still attached to his cock from your mouth “I want you to fuck my face Steve”
He growled at that, grabbing two fistfuls of your hair and shoving his cock all the way down your throat before he started fucking your face at a brutal pace “Good fucking girl letting me use that slutty little throat like this”
Eddie moved one of his hands from your hip to rub your clit and you felt yourself getting close to cumming. Steve saw your eyes roll back in your head and felt your moan vibrate around his cock “I think she’s gonna cum soon”
“Yeah I can feel her fucking squeezing my cock. You gonna cum for us baby? Cum all over my big cock? Do it.” That was all it took for your orgasm to come crashing down on you, Steve pulled you off his cock by your hair, grabbing your neck with his other hand “you look so fucking good when you cum holy shit. I was about to cum just looking at you and I really want to get a turn railing the shit out of that little pussy before I do.”
You could feel Eddie’s thrusts getting more erratic behind you “God Eddie please fill my pussy with your cum, I need it so so bad” he thrust hard and deep into you three more times before he was pushing his hips flush against yours and coming with a moan that sounded like the best song you’ve ever heard, the minute you felt his cum inside you, you could feel some of your energy returning. It wasn’t at the point where it was making you sick yet but you were cutting it close.
Eddie pulled out slowly and then sat back on his knees making a whistling noise “god damn baby, your pussy looks so good with my cum dripping out of it. Time to get you even more messy. On your back at the head of the bed, Steve, fuck her.” it wasn’t a question, it was an order. He sat down next to you at the head of the bed and pulled you into a rough kiss while you felt Steve situating himself between your legs, his cock in hand. He ran his cock through your slit that was slick with a mixture of yours and Eddie’s cum before slamming into you in one quick thrust.
He let out a stream of curses trying to regain his composure because you felt so good he really thought he was going to bust the minute he moved. “Steve, move, please, I need it” he pulled out slowly and then took a few slow thrusts in and out before he grabbed your thighs and pushed them towards your chest fucking into you hard and fast.
“Jesus Christ your pussy feels like fucking Heaven, I swear it’s like it was made for my cock” he grunted.
You laughed a bit at that in between moans “that’s because technically, it is. That’s one of the other things that my body changes-fuck” he started rubbing your clit in quick motions pushing you closer to the edge.
“You’re gonna cum aren’t you? You’re such a good girl with your little magic pussy squeezing my cock just right” the next few thrusts hit you right in your g-spot and sent you over the edge, you came so hard you felt like your soul left your body for a second. Steve wasn’t far behind you, cuming inside you deep before collapsing on top of you.
“Holy. Fuck. That was- wow” he chuckled and rolled off you to lay on the side opposite of Eddie.
“Yeah.. it really was. I feel so much better now, thank you guys” your smile was shaky and your eyes looked hazy when you looked over at both of them.
“Were you in pain before? Also did I hear you say your fucking pussy CHANGES SIZE?” Eddie said as he looked over at you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You chuckled “I wasn’t in pain yet, but I did feel pretty weak.. and yeah, it’s one of my powers it changes to perfectly fit the cock inside me. Cool right?”
“COOL!? More like.. hottest. Thing. EVER.” He kissed your cheek. “Little infernal princess” that made you blush, HARD. No one has ever called you a cute nickname before.
“That really was amazing but I am so tired I need a nap like yesterday” you looked over at Steve who was laying on his back with his arm over his eyes, you rolled towards him resting your head on his shoulder “yeah, when I gain energy I take a bit of yours.. sorry about that. You guys should rest, I’m going to use your shower if that’s okay?” You stood up and looked down at them “you guys are fucking beautiful”
Steve yawned and Eddie rolled over and laid his head on his shoulder where yours was a moment ago “the towels are in the cabinet under the sink sweetheart, wake us after, we can all go get some lunch or something” you caressed Steve’s hair and kissed Eddie’s temple before grabbing your clothes off the ground and heading to the bathroom.
Now that the hunger for them isn’t as strong reality came crashing down on you as you washed your body in the shower. You were feeling so many mixed emotions. Satisfied definitely being one of the main ones but anxiety being a close second. You’ve never felt this way, you’ve never clicked this way with anyone ever. Never felt vulnerable enough to submit in any way, never wanted to go back for more. Never before have your physical features stayed the way you were born when you were with someone. They wanted YOU, not the ideal fantasy of what a woman should be. They saw you and they liked what they saw.. You wanted to get out of this shower and go lay in between them and feel their body heat until they woke up and have them take you all over again. That was fucking terrifying to you, how would it ever work? They already belonged to each other. You would stay the same as they grew old.. the thought of loving them just to lose them sounded awful.
So you made a decision, the decision you would make with any other conquest. You put on your clothes and shoes, and quietly walked out of the door. You did award yourself a last peak at them before, cuddled together sleeping peacefully. They were so beautiful you felt your heart crack a little as you walked toward your car. You had to get out of Hawkins, you couldn’t stay here and stay away from them. You drove toward your home, where you would pack up everything and go somewhere else to start over, under the radar like you planned. You couldn’t let anything like this happen again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader
Summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist.
Warnings: Not very many for this chapter, sexual themes, language. But future chapters will have rough smut, dom/sub dynamics, M/M/F threesome, demon sex, and I’ll probably add more once I post the actual chapters.
Also this is my first fic not only in this fandom but in MANY years so please be nice to me, feedback would be amazing too I’d love to hear what people think. I hope you enjoy!🖤 (also shout out @bimbobaggins69 for helping me understand how to format my fic on here and giving me the confidence to do so🥺)
You watched them quietly, perched on a tree branch outside the window of the large house. They were both sprawled out on the bed, still naked after they had just been ravaging each other moments ago. The longer haired one with the tattoos on his chest who looked like he just walked out of an MTV music video ran his fingers through the hair of the other boy, who looked like some kind of Prince Charming in a fairy tale. They were an odd pair, you thought, that was part of what drew you to them. The stark contrast of light and dark, both ends of the spectrum. Over the time you had been watching them you’d noticed a few things about them, the tattooed boy was very dominant when they were intimate with each other he was very much in charge, but the few times when you braved watching them out in public you noticed that Prince Charming was much more level headed and in control of his partner. It seemed they balanced each other out well despite their physical differences.
That’s not truly what drew you to them though, when you first felt them you didn’t even know what they looked like yet. You had just arrived in Hawkins, a small town in Indiana, a fresh start. You had spent almost the entire last decade in New York, under your latest identity but the people around you changed, aged, and you didn't, so before they noticed you would move on, again and again for as long as you can remember you have existed this way. Indiana is a state you’ve yet to live in, and having spent the last ten years in busy New York you choose a quaint small town to settle and the moment you drove past the welcome to Hawkins sign you could sense them.
You had never felt a pull like this before, so you immediately followed it, and what you found was two very attractive young men who were absolutely enthralled with each other, but each of them had something they desired, something they felt was missing… a woman. They wanted a woman to join them, you could feel their need and their want to share that with each other. Not that their sex life wasn’t phenomenal because it was, if it was just any two human males wanting to find a third you wouldn’t feel it this strongly but these two were passionate and they were extremely horny just from watching them you felt like you were gaining energy every time. But watching was getting old, you hadn’t fed since you arrived in town almost a week ago, no one could measure up, you needed them and you needed them soon.
The next day you sat in the small apartment you had charmed the property manager into giving you the keys for trying to come up with a plan. You had two options, you could either just burst into their house and tell them the truth about who and what you were (which you’ve never done you aren’t sure what it is about them that has you even considering it) OR you can run into them in public, stage a meeting and go through the motions of getting them into bed with you without telling them what you were and erasing yourself from their memories after.
Option one was sounding better and better… you never had a desire to be with the same person twice, no one ever having a long lasting effect on you, so why do these two boys who you have yet to even speak to have you reconsidering that? You needed to know.
So you made a decision, probably a stupid one, but a decision nonetheless. Getting dressed in a short skirt and a tight tank top, you slipped your shoes on and walked out the door. Before you could talk yourself out of it you got in your car and drove in the direction of the large house you’ve spent so much time outside of recently, determined to be on the inside this time.
“Babe, I’m telling you, I saw that girl again yesterday when we were walking out of the arcade with the kids! I don’t know how you haven’t noticed her ANY of the times? We have a hot stalker and you’re oblivious” Eddie said with a huff plopping down on the couch next to his boyfriend
Steve scoffs “Dude, babe, we do NOT have a stalker, let alone a hot one. It’s probably just a girl you haven’t seen before that has HAPPENED to be in the same place as us a few times”
“No Steve, I’m TELLING you, this girl was watching us, I looked over at her and she just kept staring right at me and didn’t even move or blink dude it was like she was a statue. The most gorgeous statue I’ve ever seen but still, a statue”
“Okay? So a pretty girl stared at you and now she’s stalking us??” Steve looked at his boyfriend with an amused smile on his face before laughing
Eddie rolled his eyes “I don’t know why you’re laughing at me, I already told you I also saw her at the store when we were grocery shopping in the parking lot, and I saw her outside the diner the next day. I’m NOT crazy dude she is REAL”
“Okay, fine, say she IS real, why would she be stalking US?” This makes Eddie think for a moment because why would she be stalking them? He’s not sure.. but he knows he really wants to find out next time he sees you. “Okay that’s a good point but still, I’m gonna try and talk to her next time I see her”
“Yeah okaaay Eds if she’s real I’m sure you’re really gonna chat her up with your lady killing skills” Steve snorted
“You know WHAT HARRI-“ He was cut off by the sound of the door bell “whose that? I didn’t think we were expecting anyone?”
“We weren’t, I’ll go see who it is” Steve said as he got up to walk to the door. When he opened it to say he was surprised would be an understatement, one of the prettiest girls he’s EVER seen, maybe the actual prettiest girl he’s ever seen is standing on his doorstep looking at him with the sweetest look he’s ever seen.
“H-hi, can I help you?” He asked, and before you could answer you heard loud footsteps come bounding into the entryway “Babe, who's at the door-“ he’s stopped in his tracks because standing there, living and breathing and very real was YOU, the girl who he keeps seeing everywhere, who has been haunting his dreams, standing on their doorstep.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader part 2
Summary:You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist
Chapter warnings: again not much for this chapter, sexual themes, language. But SMUT STARTS NEXT CHAPTER so there will be rough sex, demon sex, M/M/F threesome, dom/sub dynamics and I’ll add more once I actually post it!
Eddie froze when he saw you, he genuinely couldn’t believe his eyes, moments ago he was trying to convince Steve you even existed and now here you are standing on their doorstep. “Holy. Shit.” His jaw dropped “it’s YOU! You’re the girl!!” He pushed his boyfriend to the side so he could get closer to you “I’ve seen you around, I was convinced you were watching us but Stevie here thought I was crazy and now HERE YOU ARE at our door.”
For a second you forgot how to speak, you had walked up here so confident and ready to take what you wanted but the minute you saw them up close you felt like you could melt. You thought their energy was intense before but standing here now you feel like you’re going to pass out if one of them doesn’t touch you soon. Remembering what you came here for, you tried to shake your nerves and turn on your usual charm “Yeah, I’ve seen you, and I HAVE been watching you. Normally I wouldn’t admit that, but something about you makes me want to tell you the truth”
His boyfriend, which you now know is named Stevie, looked at you with a puzzled look on his face “You-? You’ve been watching us? WHY?” He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, you could tell he was going to be the harder one to crack.
“Well, I could lie to you, I could say my car broke down on the street, I could ask to use your phone and you would invite me inside” stepping closer to them until you’re standing half way in the door and looking at them through hooded eyes “I could act all innocent and make you want me the hard way like I always do. OR I could just be honest, what I’m really here for, is you. I WANT you, both.” You smirk at them and look at them through hooded eyes. Remembering who you are, you’re a powerful immortal being, who FEEDS on sex drive, you can talk to these two men like you do any other conquest. At least, you think you can, from the minute you saw them something about them made you want to submit to them and you’ve never felt that way with anyone in all your years.
The long haired one, whose name you still didn’t know shoved past his partner and got so close to you you could feel his breath on your face, god he smelled intoxicating “what? Are you some kind of succubus or something? Come to steeeal our virtue?” He said before he started cracking up laughing. You just stared at him, wide eyed and at a loss for words for the second time in the last few minutes.
Stevie rolls his eyes “You have been spending WAY too much time working on your new campaign Munson, you know those things don’t actually exist in the real world right?” He looked at you with an apologetic look on his face “excuse him, he’s obsessed with fantasy worlds, you’re obviously not some kind of sex demon” he chuckled and rubbed his neck awkwardly “but, I’m still not sure why you are actually here?”
Still stunned, you open and close your mouth to say something several times, looking between the two of them, unsure what you planned to do once you actually got to this point.
“I-uh, shit, well…I mean.. hesnotwrong” you blurted out before you could think better of it. The long haired one, who apparently was called Munson looked at you shocked “huh!? I was totally just talking out of my ass for the most part, making a joke you know? You’re telling me that you.. are an ACTUAL SUCCUBUS?”
“Dude. She’s obviously fucking with us, that shit doesn’t exist. Maybe she IS just some kind of crazy stalker that happens to be fucking gorgeous”
“Gorgeous? Aww you think I’m gorgeous Stevie??” You looked at him with your best fuck me eyes “I may be a bit creepy, I suppose, but I’m not lying to you. Despite popular belief it’s not always in a demon's best interest to tell lies.”
Munson looked between you and his boyfriend for a moment before looking at you and saying “Alright if you really are some kind of freaky sex demon, prove it then” you huffed and rolled your eyes “alright then, if you insist” you got so close to him your feet were touching and felt like you were breathing the same air as him “I’m going to touch you now” you said quickly before caressing his cheek, such a simple gesture that would normally be innocent but the minute your skin touched his he felt like an electrical current was going straight from his cheek to his cock, and he was instantly hard. When he looked into your eyes they weren’t the pretty natural color they had been when you first showed up, but glowing red, and when you smiled your teeth seemed sharper than they were before.
“WOAH, what the fuck” he looked at you completely stunned “holy shit, you aren’t fucking lying” meanwhile steve was just standing there absolutely stunned, it was his turn to be at a loss for words. “Steve, man, are you good?”
“Am I good!? How are you so calm right now!? There is a literal demon on our porch and you are acting like it’s fucking normal Eddie!!” Eddie, you thought, that must be his first name, it’s much cuter than munson, it suits him. “I think the reason he is so calm is because I touched him, my touch can be rather.. intoxicating.. if you will. I can touch you too, if it would make you feel more relaxed?”
“RELAXED!? So what? You’re gonna use your weird sex demon magic on me like you did Eddie and make me do your bidding? I’ll pass, I think you should go”
You should feel bad that you upset him, your feelings should be hurt that he told you to leave but just something about the way he was talking to you had you feeling your panties getting wetter.
“What I did to him wasn’t some kind of mind control if that’s what you’re thinking, yes I CAN do that if I really wanted to but something about you makes me want you to want me artificially. What I did to him was just a release of my pheromones they have a calming effect that makes you relax and access your deepest desires” you turned so you were now close to his face instead of Eddie’s “I want to give that to you, I want to give you whatever you want” you bit your lip so hard you felt one of your fangs break into it causing you to taste blood and you felt your eyes flashing red with want, you wanted them to grab you and just ravish you already.
Steve tried to reason with himself, tried to think of any real reason why he shouldn’t let this beautiful girl who is offering herself up to him and his boyfriend despite the fact that she’s a sex demon. “Fuck it. Do it.” He said with a hint of authority looking you dead in the eyes making you feel like you might melt “okay, this will feel really good I promise” you reached out and caressed his cheek the very same way you did Eddie’s and you saw an immediate change in his demeanor and maybe the tightness of his pants as well “whoa.. wow that does feel really nice”
You smirked and decided to push your luck leaning in and kissing his cheek “can I come in now? Please?”
“Good god, yes, get the fuck in here” Eddie said grabbing you by the arm to drag you inside, Steve had barely shut the door before eddie had you pinned against it, kissing you hard.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 10 months
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True form
(Steddie x Succubus!Reader)
Summary: You’re nervous to show your human boyfriends your true succubus form. But you learn pretty quickly you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Warnings: Nudity, sexual themes, some neck kissing, monster/human relationships. Nothing too crazy but if I missed any let me know!! Either way my blog is as always 18+MNDI
A/N: This is just a little Drabble about the characters from my fic The Pull, when I originally wrote that story I was a bit nervous to make her look as inhuman as I wanted to so I’ve been working on this blurb for a bit about her showing them her most true form. Just a cute lil slice of life moment. Wk: 896
“Hold up… so you’re telling me… you’ve been hiding something THAT sexy from us the entire time!?” Your boyfriend Eddie shoots up from where he was lounging on the couch to face you and you snort at his antics.
“I mean… I didn’t know how you would feel about it. There’s definitely been people who were into it but mostly I don’t really show that part of myself, I wasn’t hiding it exactly… I just didn’t mention it.”
“You really thought Eddie wouldn’t be into you having a full on demon thing going on? I thought you were getting to know us baby, but maybe I was wrong.” Your other boyfriend, Steve, who is sitting on the opposite end of the couch teases.
“It’s not that! It definitely crossed my mind because he’s a freak-“
“Hey! I take offense to that, you know!” Eddie huffed.
“You know I mean it in the best way baby…” you bit your lip and winked at him. “But what I was saying is… I’m self conscious about it and I didn’t know how YOU would feel about it Stevie so I just kind of kept it to myself.”
“Sweetheart, I think you’re the hottest fucking thing to ever walk this earth and nothing can change that, not even some horns and a tail.”
“AND wings…” you responded, still self conscious.
“I’ll still love you, WINGS and all. Also did you forget our boyfriend is a literal goblin?”
That made you snort out a laugh. Something you’ve learned about Steve is he always knew what to say to reassure you no matter how big or how small your anxieties were he was always able to comfort you through them with ease. Not that Eddie didn’t, he just had a very different approach, more of a “I’ll roll you a joint and you can smoke it while I give you head” kind of comfort. Which was great too, but sometimes you just needed Steve’s calm voice and soft touches.
“Okay then… I’ll show you.” You stood up and stripped yourself, before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. On your exhale three things happened, little black horns started growing out of the top of your head, the cutest little pointed black tail popped up behind you, and pretty little black wings that reminded Eddie of the bats he had tattooed on his arm grew from your back.
“Holy fuuuuuckkk” Eddie groaned. “You’ve been hiding this from me? God damn baby you look so sexy.” He shifted in his seat, adjusting himself. You could sense his arousal and it not only reassured you but made your mouth water.
“There’s… one more thing. If you want.” You bit your lip in looked into his eyes, yours now that pretty crimson color that almost seemed to glow. When you smiled at him expectantly he could see your fangs and he couldn’t imagine how it could get better than this.
But before he could respond Steve spoke up “There’s more? How could you get any sexier than you are right now? Because shit honey… I never thought I’d be as into this as I am but you’re killing me.”
Your pupils dilate instantly when you look over at him. His beautiful brown eyes blown wide, his prominent bulge in his tight jeans, his jaw clenched. You wanted to fucking sink your teeth into his neck and taste his blood. You’ve yet to do that, or even tell them that’s something you want, but god you know they’d taste so good.
“Okay Stevie, I’ll show you.” You took a deep breath and when you released it just like before you had changed. Your skin was now the same shade of red as your eyes, your wings outstretched proudly on your back, your tail slightly moving from side to side, that sexy little mark on your lower stomach, and those beautiful black horns sitting so pretty on your head. You were magnificent, otherworldly.
“Fucking shit, come here.” Eddie outstretched his hand for you to take as you approached him. “You are by far the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen. My little infernal princess.” He kissed the back of your hand, his lips plush and soft against your burning skin.
Steve reached for your other hand to gain your attention and fuck did he look good. His hair was a little disheveled from running his hand through it and the look in his eyes was fucking feral.
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t like this… Eddie’s right, you’re magnificent, ethereal even.” He kissed each individual one of your fingertips, bringing his lips to your palm and down your arm before pulling you down on the couch between him and your shared boyfriend, careful not to crush your wings or tail. Eddie rests his hand on your bare thigh, leaning his head down to kiss along your neck, collar bones, and shoulder. Steve does the same on the opposite side of you, both their hands inching closer to where you wanted them, their mouths moving down your chest. You had never felt more beautiful, content, and full of love. You wanted to bask in this feeling for the rest of your long life. You knew you couldn’t, but for right now you allowed your heart to feel full and just enjoy this moment with your boys, allowing them to worship you. Every part of you.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
Working on the final part of my Steddie x Succubus reader fic today😈
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
I was having a MOMENT with my Steddie x succubus reader fic where I couldn’t decide the ending but I think I’ve settled on something.. I’m going to be working on it today and hopefully I’ll have it posted by the end of tomorrow!!
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
Editing part 3 of my steddie x succubus reader fic rn… it’s ✨spicy✨
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‼️Here she issss‼️
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