#steve has a crush and nearly gets everyone killed
lexirosewrites · 18 hours
Due to trauma Steve presented very late. And when he did present,it was in april of '85, as a duel dynamic. Alpha and Omega. It's extremely rare,and messes with his hormone levels in such a way he is constantly going into pre heat/rut, and feels sick nearly all the time. Not only is it debilitating, he's so nervous about anyone finding out, its very taboo rare thing to happen., and he's terrified his parents will find out he's not just an alpha and will kick him out. Only people who (know until he tells Robin on the mall bathroom floor) are his doctors and himself, He no longer sleeps with anyone until he can sort things out. During the summer of 85 his doctor has come up with a plan of action, they believe a bitching will solve his issues,cornering him into being an omega should help fix things a bit. They think the process may need to be stretched out so it'll stick. He'd still have his alpha cock and his hormones should balance out and he'd feel exponentially better, though he'd still have to take medication for the rest of his life to prevent himself from becoming duel again, and possibly help him from being infertile, because that's also up in the air much to Steve's dismay. Trouble is he doesn't know any alpha he could trust to help him, it's such a HUGE daunting favor and he wishes he already had a mate to help him. He would ask Nancy but the history and the fact that she's with Jonathan is definitely not a good idea…and Robin can't help with the sexual aspect of it of course, though being around her makes him feel a bit better,and calms him a bit, but she's not the alpha he needs.
After the events of season three Steve gets worse and Keith, who didn't want to hire Steve to begin with, keeps threatening to fire him, because he keeps needing to take off work just to to rest. So he starts bringing in doctors notes to get him off his back and then rumors finally start flying. His parents even hear about Steve hiding some big illness and are horrified when he tells him the true reason, and want him to become a full alpha instead, which isn't possible for him. An attempt could kill him while becoming a full omega, while still dangerous, is the more sensible decision. They make it clear to him that they will not support him in that. All the drama makes him feel even worse and it goes on for months, he's even confronted with the whole FRIENDS DON'T LIE spiel and tells them "I'll eventually be okay, don't worry." He cant really tell them what needs to be done but that's all he can say.
85 ends and Steve still does not have an alpha that can help him, until he meets and befriends Eddie,during the nightmare that is the events of season four. They become friends and are there for one another during the healing process after the bat attacks and even as they get better from those injuries, Steve just keeps getting sicker,and his body feels alight when Eddie is around. He wants to ask Eddie, but he also doesn't want this new special friendship to implode because it's such a HUGE ask, that's one hell of a favor to ask from a friend (and crush!!!). During a particularly bad round of illness Eddie swings by to check on Steve and Steve finally tells him whats gotten him so sick, And Eddie immediately, without hesitation, volunteers himself. Tells him "I'll do it Steve. You take care of everyone so well, let me take care of you. Let help you."
eddie wants to take care of him 🥺😭💕
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solarmorrigan · 4 months
69 + 27 for steddie :)
I got really stuck on this one for a bit, but it ended up being one of my favorites. Thank you for the prompt!
From the Fanfiction Trope Mash-Up list: 69. Flirting Under Fire + 27. Sick/Injured Fic
cw: canon-typical violence, mentions of injury
It’s a little bit like date night, really.
Like, in a twisted sort of way.
They get some time away from everyone else, they’re doing something together, they get to appreciate each other’s skills and competency – so what if the activity in question is patrolling Hawkins’ cracked and monster-infested streets? Times are tough, they take what they can get.
In any case, Steve has found he very much appreciates the chance to watch Eddie snipe demobats out of the sky, or take demodogs out with a well-aimed shot to what could dubiously be called the head (curly-haired brunets with guns; apparently Steve has a very specific type. Go figure). Eddie, in turn, has made no secret of how he enjoys seeing the power and strength in Steve’s swings when he takes on all manner of beasts with his trusty nailbat (Mark 2. Nailbat Mark 1 had unfortunately splintered some time ago, may it rest in peace).
And if they decide to go to bed immediately after showering off the muck and ash once they’ve gotten home, it’s because they’re tired from patrol. Obviously.
It’s possible, though, that they’ve gotten a little too complacent. They’ve had a string of easy patrols, picking off single demobeasts or taking out small groups with the ease that comes with practice. There haven’t been any surprises or mishaps, almost like the monsters have fallen into an easy pattern of their own.
Or maybe thinking like that is where Steve slips up.
Eddie whistles as Steve follows through on a swing that crushes the ribcage of the final demodog in the small pack, effectively taking it out of commission.
“Nice form, Harrington.”
“Right,” Steve drawls, turning a warm smile on Eddie that takes any of the sting out of his teasing, “because you know so much about baseball.”
Eddie’s smile turns wolfish. “Who’s talking about baseball?”
Steve snorts, shaking his head, still smiling. He’s never had someone lay it on so thick with him – he’s never had the blatant flirting and the silly nicknames and the entirely unsubtle once-over glances, and he kind of loves it. He loves Eddie, really, but even in the midst of a mini apocalypse, it’s probably too soon to go around declaring that.
Instead, he glances around at the monsters strewn on the ground, and then at his watch. It’s nearly midnight; they’ve been out for hours, and this is the only encounter they’ve had.
“Think we’re done for the night?” he asks
To his credit, Eddie does a quick check of the area before stepping in close to Steve. “I’m nowhere near done with you for the night, sweetheart,” he purrs, and a shiver runs down Steve’s spine.
“No?” he asks, gaze flicking down to see the way Eddie’s lips curl into a smirk.
“Nope. Let’s go home and I can show you what else I have in mind.”
Steve is so distracted by the idea, by the thoughts Eddie’s words conjure up, by Eddie himself, that he almost misses it – the movement right in the periphery of his vision.
Almost, but not quite.
As it is, he barely has time to bark out, “MOVE,” at Eddie and give him a hard shove, getting him out of harm’s way. He doesn’t have time to follow.
The pain of the demodog’s claws raking across his side is so sharp that it burns cold, and the force behind the blow winds Steve and knocks his bat from his hands. He can see it drawing back for another swing—it’s the one he thought he’d killed first with a solid blow to its gaping maw—but he can’t move, can’t force his body to cooperate, and he’s about to die–
The sharp report of Eddie’s shotgun rings out, and the demodog jerks. Its head is gone, black ooze splattered all over everything (probably up to and including Steve’s wound, Steve realizes with a shivery sort of distaste), and then Eddie is at Steve’s side.
“Shit, shit, baby, sit down, you look like you’re about to–” Even as Eddie’s saying it, Steve’s legs start to shake hard enough that they practically go out from under him, and Eddie just manages to catch him before his knees hit the pavement.
Looking back on it later, Steve really only remembers snatches of what happens next: using Steve’s jacket as a compress (it’s ruined anyway), Eddie speaking frantically into the walkie to call for a pickup, Eddie talking to him low and soothing until Hopper’s truck pulls up, Hopper’s many varied and colorful swears as he helps bundle Steve into the back. Steve definitely remembers that he passes out sometime around when they dump the heavy-duty, Upside Down-grade disinfectant over the slashes in his side, and he’s grateful he does.
Eddie is there, sitting by the bed when Steve wakes up, looking like he’s aged about ten years in the grey light of what could either be dawn or dusk.
“Hey,” Steve rasps, aiming a tiny smile at Eddie.
“Steve, what the fuck,” Eddie demands, and it only makes Steve’s smile grow.
It isn’t exactly the first thing he’d wanted to hear, but it’s a very Eddie thing to say all the same.
“Wasn’t gonna–” Steve breaks off with a hiss as he tries to sit up a little further against the headboard, and Eddie darts forward to help support him, to rearrange the pillows and get him a little more upright. “Wasn’t going to let anything happen to you.”
Actually, fuck ‘too soon.’ Fuck waiting.
“I love you,” Steve says, and Eddie falls silent.
Steve doesn’t regret saying it—he could never, he’s pretty sure—but Eddie is quiet just long enough for Steve to get nervous before he’s pressing forward and kissing Steve, hard and full and insistent.
“I love you, too,” Eddie murmurs, the words almost lost inside Steve’s mouth, like he can’t even wait long enough to get them out before taking another kiss. “Never do that again.”
Steve kisses back, matching the passion as well as he can with what little energy he has, and makes no such promise.
He loves Eddie, after all. He could never lie to him.
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steviestits · 1 month
Webs of Desire - Part 1.1
Click here to go to the fic's masterpost.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: T Summary: Eddie has a problem. No, it's not that his whole body can light itself aflame or that he has to fight supervillains as a member of the superhero team, the Fantastic Four. His real problem is Steve Harrington, the horrible photographer that keeps helping the Daily Bugle ruin the reputation of his best friend and crush, Spider-Man. To make matters worse, Spider-Man doesn't even care that Steve is taking unsolicited pictures of him and is content to let the man continue to profit off him! That's why Eddie takes it upon himself to make certain that Steve Harrington's life is a living nightmare until he does the right thing and leaves Spider-Man alone. (Steve is Spider-Man, and Eddie is an idiot but also the Human Torch.)
Huffing while crossing his arms over his chest, Eddie leaned against the far wall of the Fantastic Four’s lab. He glanced around at all the shiny and new lab equipment done up in the team’s colors of blue and white with their logo plastered on every beaker and pipette that could fit it, feeling that maybe they were trying a little too hard. Ever since they got blasted with cosmic radiation and became the Fantastic Four, incessant branding, forced color schemes, and matching spandex (that gave Eddie worse wedgies than the ones he got from the bullies at school) had taken over his life.
Don’t get him wrong. Eddie loved being the Human Torch, getting the chance to save people was amazing, but he hated everything that came with it. Since they decided not to hide their secret identities in order to fund their research, the Fantastic Four was always in the eyes of the public. There was a certain image that they all needed to maintain and were always going to charity events, fundraisers, or doing interviews to promote the projects they were working on since not everyone could be as rich as Iron Man, after all.
Today was one of the days that they were doing an interview, which normally didn’t mind as he loved being able to put on the charm for the reporters, except this one was with the Daily Bugle. Not only that, the photographer that was coming to take the photos was none other than Steve Harrington, the sleazeball who stalked Spider-Man and stole shots of the web crawler in action. It wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t for the fact that the Daily Bugle couldn’t write a single nice thing about the other superhero and was the reason why half the city didn’t trust him.
“Stop sulking,” Nancy chided as she passed. “We all hate doing these interviews, but a puff piece or two isn’t going to kill us.”
“This isn’t just any puff piece,” Eddie said with a disgusted snort. “This is a puff piece for the Bugle. Who knows if it’ll stay a puff piece after Murray Bauman finishes with it.”
“He has a point,” Hopper interjected. “Murray has his own agenda, whatever that is.”
Hopper then came lumbering into the central lab, his rocky body nearly knocking over several workstations in the process despite the fact that they’d tried to design the space with him in mind. The man had come along as their science officer and had honestly gotten the worst of powers out of all of them. While him, Nancy, and Jonathan could return to their original appearances, Hopper was stuck in his mutated form and had been labeled “The Thing” by none other than Bauman himself.
“Murray still has a large reader base, so we have to play nice,” Jonathan said.
Then Jonathan appeared to Eddie’s left, lowering his invisibility. It used to make them jump when he’d pop up out of nowhere, but they all had gotten used to it by now. They’d gotten used to a lot since they all needed special clothes that would conform to their needs. Like Jonathan needed clothes that would vanish with him, and Eddie needed ones that were fireproof. That’s where most of their budget went when they first found out about their powers, making certain they wouldn’t have to walk around in the nude due to material restraints.
Eddie wanted to make another attempt at complaining when the buzzer sounded signaling that the reporters had passed through security and were now on their way up to the lab. It didn’t take long for the elevator to reach their floor as not just the lab but everything in the Fantastic Four building was state of the art. The doors opened with a cheery ping, though what Eddie felt when the occupants walked out wasn’t anywhere close to that jovial energy.
A woman with short, dirty blonde hair stepped out of the elevator first. She wore a brown plaid waistcoat over a solid gray button-down paired with matching suspenders over all of that. Pinned to her breast pocket was a press badge that declared she was Robin Buckley, reporter for the Daily Bugle, while an awkward picture of her next to the text.
Then, in all his pompous glory, Steve Harrington strode out behind her. He wore a baggy, yellow sweater, which he’d tucked into a pair of loose, blue chino pants, and wire-framed glasses that made him appear clever. His light brown hair was styled into a wave that looked effortlessly natural even though it probably took him hours to maintain. Around his neck was a bulky digital camera and under that he had a lanyard with his press badge on it.
The rest of the Fantastic Four moved forward to greet the two reporters while Eddie remained in the back, so he could glare at Steve from a distance. Spider-Man was a close, personal friend of Eddie’s, and if they thought that he was going to be cordial to the asshole smearing his reputation then his teammates were severely underestimating Eddie’s ability to hold a grudge. He was going to make certain that Steve had an absolutely miserable time while he was here.
Seeing that they were making small talk, Eddie glanced around and noticed a pen lying on a nearby desk. He picked it up then started to casually flip it into the air as he waited for the perfect opportunity to lob it at Steve’s head then if Steve said anything, Eddie could just callously say that his hand slipped. Steve probably get so pissed that his perfectly styled look was ruined that he’d storm out and vow never to step foot in the Fantastic Four’s lab again.
Eddie smirked to himself before he tossed the pen at Steve. However, to Eddie’s dismay, Steve reached up without even looking and casually plucked the speeding pen from the air. He didn’t even seem to have realized he’d done it, because Steve looked down at his hand mystified before he glanced around to find its source of origin. When his eyes landed on Eddie, he raised an eyebrow curiously, silently questioning what had happened.
The smirked faded, and Eddie instead let out a nervous laugh as he said, “Would you believe my hand slipped?”
Masterpost ~ Part 1.2 (Coming Soon-ish)
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call-me-eds · 2 years
Steve x Reader Fluff
Almost everyone can tell that Max has a crush on Steve. When he cancels a driving lesson to take you on a date, you think that you can take out 2 birds with one stone.
It was adorable for everyone that wasn’t you and Max. You felt guilt over the whole situation and like most things: it infuriated her. How did she let her guard down and let this happen? It was against everything she had ever known, and probably the laws of nature.
Her stupid crush on Steve Harrington.
It was scientific knowledge that boys mentally developed later than girls, so it was like he was becoming a man right as she was entering womanhood. With those transitions came the growth of the brain and the body, making emotions rage.
“I don’t understand why you can’t teach me, it’s not like I haven’t driven your car,” she said upon finding out Eddie would be taking her driving over the weekend, changing the original plan. Going in circles around the abandoned mall parking lot with Steve had been the thing she was looking forward to most all week.
“I told you, Max, I have a date with Y/N that isn’t going to get pushed just because you want to give me whiplash,” he scoffed. “Eddie’s probably a better teacher than me, anyway.” It was true, Eddie knew the ins and outs of every car Max had ever heard of and more, but he was like a lame older brother to Max. What fifteen year old girl wanted to hang out with their older brother when they could be with the boy next door?
Okay, geographically Eddie was also the boy next store, but whatever, semantics.
“I don’t want to drive that big van around, everyone will think I’m even more of a loser than they already do,” she frowned, the trademark scowl appearing on her face.
“Hate to break it to you, Kid, but it’s your only option.” Kid. It stung worse than when her and El practiced using eyelash curlers earlier in the week.
There was nothing harmful about the crush, per say, it was just that no one could believe that Max of all people had succumbed to the Harrington charm. Her friends were oblivious, Lucas most of all, but the older teens in her life couldn’t keep the stupid smiles off of their faces anytime she inquired about Steve or they saw a blush appear on her face when he was near. Nancy learned not to ask about it when she nearly got her head taken off a few weeks ago after she pointed out the fit of Steve’s jeans, hoping to get the younger girl to talk to her.
You were laying on Steve’s bed while he folded laundry and relayed the conversation to you, laughing a little.
“Munson is in for it big time when she gets her little hands on the wheel,” he was thrilled that this responsibility was going to somewhere else, even if it was just one lesson.
“You called her ‘Kid’?” you asked. He shrugged and turned to start hanging up his jeans.
“I guess so, yeah,” he nodded, not thinking that it was that big of a deal. She had called him much worse.
“Steve, that probably killed her,” you groaned.
You weren’t encouraging Steve to entertain her crush, and you didn’t love feeling like you were doing something wrong just by being with your boyfriend, but you knew how she felt. Nancy knew how she felt. Robin knew how she felt. No one could so easily forget the perils of being a young girl.
The wistful stares you saw from Max were so familiar, you felt like you were just trying to hide them yourself yesterday. They were honestly kind of hard to miss, her googly eyes. It was the same way she looked at Lucas when she thought no one was looking.
You couldn’t even blame her, because you looked at Steve the exact same way. That sly grin appeared on his face and your stomach fluttered. A corny joke left his lips and your eyes lit up. His hands brushed your own, and your heart rate doubled. He was infectious. If you didn’t stand a chance, how did she? 
“I think she’ll be okay,” he said, closing his closet door and flopping beside you on the bed. He picked up your hand and began playing with your fingers. The way he was gently touching you was making you forget all about what he said to Max. “Should I be worried that you’re not even a little jealous?”
“Jealous?” you asked.
“Mhmm,” he nodded, tugging you over so you were against his side. “I mean, I’m such a dreamboat I’ve got to fight the girls off.” He dropped your hand to toss his up in the air, as if to ask if there was anything he could do. You let your palm slide against his chest and resisted the urge to press your nose into him to smell his freshly cleaned shirt.
“Well, do you really think there’s anything for me to worry about?” you asked, settling for rubbing your cheek against his. He hummed when you dug your nails into his pecs, scratching lightly. Before he could answer, you started to press your lips up and down his neck, making him unable to speak for a moment. 
“No,” he laughed. “Nothing at all.” Steve brought his warm hand to your cheek so he could kiss you properly. The thump thump thump of his heartbeat increased as you let your touches roam across each other’s bodies. Just as suddenly as you started to rile him up, you snatched yourself away from him, pulling away with a pop and leaning up.
“I have the best idea,” you gasped. He nodded and chased after you, not at all processing your words, just focused on getting his lips back on yours. “We should make our date a double.”
“With who, Eddie and his right hand?” he sighed, flopping back down on the bed.
“No, Lucas and Max!” Steve swore he heard you wrong. Shouldn’t you be discouraging any romantic situations between Steve and her? “We can tag along for the driving lesson and then go to the drive-in.”
“I don’t know,” he frowned, thinking of all the ways this could go sour. He didn’t want to crush the poor girl's heart, he knew about her little infatuation. 
“Please?” you asked, leaning into his neck again and starting to make a mark on his ivory skin. “Just think about it.”
And that’s how Steve ended up with concealer on his neck in the passenger’s seat of his own car on Saturday night.
“Okay, you don’t have to slam on the brakes, just ease your foot down,” Steve instructed Max while you and Lucas were playing with a deck of cards in the backseat.
“Good thing we didn’t eat before the lesson,” Lucas mumbled, but Max whipped around and glared at him, letting him know that she heard him. 
“Sweetheart, do you have a scrunchie on you?” Steve asked you. You slipped the fabric off of your wrist and handed it to him, tuning out when he started to use it to explain the mechanics of brakes to Max. “Thank you,” he put it back in your hand, but kissed your knuckles before turning his attention back to his student.
You didn’t tell your boyfriend to lay off the affection tonight, but you assumed he would. Truthfully, this wasn’t even his usual date-night level of touchiness, he was toning it down. But the way Max’s eyes lingered on your fingers hinted that it wasn’t enough. You squeezed Steve’s shoulder, hoping to convey that to him, but he just turned around to face you again and give you a wink. Max rolled her eyes and with the way she was noticing everything, you weren’t going to try and give him a more obvious signal. 
After the driving lesson was done, you and Max both tried to convince Steve to let her stay behind the wheel to the drive-in but he shut that down. You took your spot in the front with Steve, reuniting Max with Lucas in the back. Only a moment of driving went by before Steve was moving his hand to your knee like there was a string connecting you two that had suddenly gotten a lot shorter. It was hard to remember the guests in the backseat. Just being with Steve, and especially when he was touching you, flooded your brainwaves.
Once you got to the movie, all priorities shifted to creating the coziest setup possible. Steve managed to fit four lawn chairs into his trunk so the younger couple didn’t have to fight to look between your heads. You also shuddered at the thought of them being back there, knowing the kinds of things you and Steve had gotten up to in those very seats while a movie played on the screen above. 
He took out all of the chairs and set up yours further away from the speaker, knowing you had sensitive ears. Max’s eyes were on him again, but she didn’t see your congnizance. When she turned her sights on Lucas to see his progress, you both saw him plop down in his chair while the last one was still leaning against the car. She rolled her eyes and went to grab it, but before she could Steve was opening it up and putting it next to yours.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, barely meeting his eyes.
“Of course,” he nodded, giving her that crooked smile that made the butterflies in your stomach do a dance. She wasn’t looking flushed or giddy like you were, though; she was angry, looking at Lucas and the way he was tapping his foot along to the preview music, completely carefree.
“Want to go get some popcorn?” you asked Steve. He nodded and caught the orders the teens threw at him. You grabbed his hand and rushed him away, trying to get out of earshot as soon as possible.
“We’re so stupid,” you huffed.
“Why, what happened?” he asked, leading you to the concession stand. 
“No,” you groaned. “It’s so obvious, I don’t know how we didn’t see it before.” 
“Baby, what the hell are you talking about?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder while you waited in line.
“This!” He jumped a bit at your exclamation, peeling himself off of you. “It’s not about you, Harrington, it’s about how you treat me.”
“I’m totally lost,” he shook his pretty little head.
“Anytime you touch me or say something sweet she looks right at Lucas, but he’s so caught up in himself because he’s 15. You’re the boyfriend blueprint and he’s not fitting the bill,” you explained.
“Okay, that is much less flattering, then. I’ll knock some sense into him as soon as we get back,” he assured you.
“No! That would be so embarrassing for them both. Just act normal, leave it to me,” you said. It was your turn to order and Steve got the food while you grabbed cups to fill with soda, you were a well-oiled machine. When you had everything and started strolling back to the car, Steve cleared his throat before speaking.
“The boyfriend blueprint, huh?” he smiled.
“That is seriously all you got from my brilliant discovery?” you asked, knocking his hip with your own. 
“Of course it is,” he laughed. “Do you really think that’s it, though? There’s not even a tiny bit that’s about me?” he pouted.
“Well, I am not a fair judge for that question, I’m biased,” you grinned. 
You often wondered how you got so lucky with Steve. He was incredibly kind, attentive, and selfless. Blueprint didn’t even do him justice, he was the inspiration and the muse.
“Remember, act normal,” you warned quietly as Max and Lucas took their treats from your hands. Steve’s level of instinct for being an amazing boyfriend sometimes took a backseat to his parental impulses. 
“Yes, Darling,” he said, making a show of kissing your cheek and pretending to pull out your chair as if you were sitting at a table. 
“Stop,” you laughed, making Max roll her eyes. Lucas was elbow deep in his popcorn, completely oblivious to the hole he was digging himself deeper and deeper in.
“Sinclair, help me with the speaker,” Steve said through gritted teeth. You should have known that telling him not to butt in wouldn’t do any good. The two boys began to fiddle with the dials on the rusted equipment, and you hoped Steve would keep his voice low.
“So, how do you think the lesson went?” you asked Max. “I just barely passed my driving test, I was horrible.”
“Am I doing something wrong?” she asked, completely ignoring your question. You knew she wasn’t talking about driving. “I mean, Steve is obsessed with you, and it’s disgusting, but is there something wrong with me?” her eyes fell from yours, suddenly very interested in her hands wringing themselves out.
“Of course not,” you shook your head, leaning closer towards her. “Boys just show emotion in different ways, sometimes,” you tried explaining without sounding patronizing.
“Lucas pointed out a hunk of food stuck in my teeth in front of the entire lunch table the other day,” she rolled her eyes, the anger returning and replacing her shyness.
“Oh, I wish Steve would do that. One time he let me walk around with my sweater on inside out for an entire day, even took pictures with me, all because he didn’t want to say something and make me feel bad,” you said.
“Really?” a small grin made its way to her face.
“Oh yeah, it was mortifying,” you laughed. “People just show love in their own way.”
There was no blame for Max wanting a bit more showmanship, grand gestures were on every screen you turned to: Rob Lowe breaking into Demi Moore’s apartment, Kevin Bacon throwing the big dance for Lori Singer, and now you were about to watch Patrick Swayze give up his job for Jennifer Grey. Max couldn’t even get a hand outstretched to hold her own.
“What should I do differently?” she sighed.
“Absolutely nothing,” you said sternly. “Do not change a thing.” She nodded and sat back in her chair, a different look on her young face when the boys finished the fake-task at hand  
“God, it’s cold,” Max shivered, rubbing the arms of the thin jacket she had on. You and Steve waited a beat, giving Lucas one more chance. 
“I told you to bring a jacket, you never listen,” he huffed, sitting back down. Steve opened his mouth to reprimand him, not caring who it embarrassed, but stopped out of curiosity to find out what Lucas was digging through his pockets for.
“These take like 10 minutes to warm up, I think, I just bought them,” he was reading the instructions of the handwarmers he had come up with. 
“You just bought them?” Max repeated.
“Yeah, like I said, you never listen,” he smiled.
“Where are my handwarmers?” you teased, turning to Steve. He immediately grabbed your hands and breathed some hot air onto them, rubbing them between his own. 
“Oh, they’re built right in to the superior boyfriend model,” he shrugged. “No accessories needed.”
“Wow, lucky me,” you smiled. No matter how much of an effect he had on you, when Steve saw your smile he felt like he could fly.
“No, I’m the lucky one,” he scooted his chair impossibly closer and lowered your entangled hands to his lap. “Look at how cute,” he whispered. You turned your head and saw Max and Lucas in a similar position, Lucas rearranging the blanket over their laps and Max snuggling into his side.
“Think we look like that?” you asked.
“God, no, we’re smoking hot,” he scoffed before leaning over and kissing you firmly on the mouth. Only a second went by before you felt popcorn landing in your hair from your co-dates.
“Gross,” Max sniffed, but you couldn’t miss the sparkle in her eyes.
“Okay, we thought you were cool now, so we invited you out with us, but if you’d rather hang in Wheeler’s basement-”
“No,” Max cut him off. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. And hands where I can see them,” Steve said, nodding to the blanket. Max blushed deeply and Lucas just laughed, pulling his arms out from under the blanket and tossing one around her shoulder.
Throughout the movie, they laughed and toyed with each other; it was almost more entertaining than the movie on the big screen in front of you.
“What did you say to him?” you asked Steve. 
“I told him that doing nice things turns girls on,” he whispered.
“No you didn’t,” you pinched his leg harshly from where your hand rested on his thigh, making him squeal. “Tell me.”
“Fine. I told him that he had to pay attention, and that you need to put in effort every day, or he might make her feel like she’s not important to him. And she’s the most important thing in his life,” he leaned in at the last few words, speaking so tenderly that it brought tears to your eyes.
“I have such a crush on you,” you sighed, kissing him with no regard for the public setting. 
“Good, because I am crazy in love with you.”
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slic3d--br3ad · 6 months
Arcane Order Eli has been on my mind for a few years. Eli is one of my favorite characters and has been since I joined the fandom sometime after season 2 aired; he's baby, yk? Bellroc and Skrael are sexy so full of potential that got crushed with the movie's release, which fuels my love for them. It's only natural I'd want to pair them up, which is challenging when Eli hasn't interacted with any of them in canon.
When it comes to Eli actually joining them, I've been stuck on what makes this twist of fate liable. The Arcane Order hates humanity, why would they accept this rando kid as one of them? Eli has probably the most sunny disposition of the cast, how on this green Earth would he get along with Bellroc and Skrael?
Now I'm at the point where I can post a concept that I agree with, though it surely needs some tweaks.
Eli's Side
• As we've seen at the ending of RotT, Toby isn't nearly as assertive against Steve's bullying and this continues for quite a bit even after becoming the Trollhunter. As a consequence, Steve doubles down on his bullying because no one has the nerve to humble him. Eli and Steve never become close enough to become the Creepslayerz and their relationship rots after they're paired together by Jim, who, missing the finer details of their friendship, assumes that they will become close eventually.
• Because they aren't friends, Eli doesn't bond with the Royals; he instead sees them as his bully's girlfriend/the girlfriend's brother, prompting him to keep them at arm's length for his own safety. Krel becomes the one to bond with Steve the most, though he vetos being called a Creepslayer lol.
• After being brought into the Guardians, his friendships don't seem to extend beyond talking at school. He obviously doesn't vibe with Steve, but Eli doesn't have a chance with the tight-knit Toby Trio. Douxie, Zoe, and Claire are the resident Wizards, and Eli obviously doesn't have magic(yet). Krel, being a tech genius, provides all the technological knowledge the group needs which makes his computer skills lackluster in comparison.
• Key events that previously led to Eli's discovery of the supernatural are disrupted; Jim already knows about Bular and the changelings using the museum, so there's no need to stake out Eli's house when he shows everyone the picture of the dead goblin. Toby can't keep a secret as cool as being able to form a suit of armor with a magical amulet (despite Jim's best effort lol) and manages to humble Steve sometime after Bular's defeat. Toby becomes Steve's go-to for reporting supernatural incidents, like the wild goblin in his garage. With no one believing him, Eli ultimately gives up on his conspiracy theories, instead opting for small self-improvement, like indulging in his love for scriptwriting or jogging at night.
• The supernatural worlds are gradually revealed to the public by Toby and Co., which leaves a bitter taste in Eli's mouth when he receives no credit for making his discoveries before them.
• All in all, Eli is left feeling unappreciated and isolated; Toby still entrusted a Troll Market key to him but Eli doesn't utilize it much and keeps his distance from their missions.
Arcane Order's Side
• Merlin, the only one aware of Jim's status as a time traveler, utilizes Jim's memories of the alternate universe to convince Morgana that she's on the wrong side of history so she deflects from the Order and kills her mind-broken brother to put him out of his misery. Whether time-travel shenanigans take place or not is in the air right now.
• Douxie levels up and KO's Bellroc and Skrael, the Guardians win, Merlin lives, the city remains under their protection, and the Arcane Order scurry away to plot for another 900 years...supposedly.
• Bellroc feels an odd connection to the town(actually the Heartstone below the town that they managed to briefly connect with in the movie) and risks their discovery to relocate their damaged ship behind the mountain and fix it up.
• Bellroc has generally been preoccupied with chasing Camelot around and has little time to indulge in hobbies; Skrael has slightly more freedom to chillax. As they hadn't quite written out the kinks in a wonky fixer-upper spell, Bellroc is drained after repairing the castle and comically tucks in for a week-long nap.
• Skrael takes it upon himself to explore their surroundings and perhaps find Nari in the town. Speaking of Nari, her magic signature is dulled with a device that Krel creates for her safety. Not even Merlin can track her while she wears the collar device so he decides that there's no need for her to flee while Douxie is around to keep his eye on her in the safety of Arcadia. Nari feels owned grateful for Merlin's wisdom and generosity and, while she has to keep a low profile and Merlin advises her against using her magic, she enjoys her time with the kiddos.
• The Arcane Order is now without a Champion and an Enforcer, while Nari shows no interest in returning to them; things 're tough for them at the moment.
• In hindsight, a mind-broken, undead king and a witch who worked for them on emotional impulse weren't the most ideal candidates to employ.
• What they really need is someone who's ready and willing to learn from them and fight for their cause with their own free will, but fat chance of that happening anytime soon lol.
Their story starts after the battle between the Arcane Order and the Guardians of Arcadia, which happened around the same time as it happened in Wizards. Obviously, Eli doesn't become the ambassador of Akiridian-5 and only has surface-level knowledge of the events.
Eli finds Skrael entirely by accident while running in the forest, still habitually accustomed to staying up late working on his conspiracy board; when Skrael tries to leave, he grabs onto them and is teleported to the castle. This wakes Bellroc, who's a little peeved at being disturbed two days into their nap and is like "!!????"
Eli is not aware that they are the ones who caused a bunch of damage to the town recently. Seeing the majesty of their newly repaired castle is the tipping point Eli needs to finally geek out over something supernatural after restraining himself for months.
He fawns over the castle, strokes their egos a bit (which saves his life, because it's a smidge harder to kill someone who's being nice to them), and asks them if someone like him has any chance at learning magic.
Bellroc and Skrael are baffled at this twist of fate and while they certainly debate killing him, they drop it after Eli innocently tells them that he's a part-timer for the Guardians(and if they are lost wizards needing advice from the Great and All-Powerful Merlin then he can work something out blahblahblah).
Offing the guy would risk Merlin's suspicion and him striking them in a weakened state would be a major blow, like kicking a wasp's nest.
Sleepy Bellroc isn't really in their right mind but nonetheless has an idea and decides the best way to get rid of this human without homicide is by accepting his request to learn magic.
No, really.
Sleepy Bellroc plays along with his delusion of magical expertise and, after giving him a few dozen sheets that make up a single beginner's spell, makes him an offer: if he learns that spell within the week, less than five days at this point, entirely by himself, Bellroc will accept him as their apprentice. If he fails, however, he has to consent to a memory wipe of the past week and get lost. Eli accepts.
Skrael, in shock at Bellroc's supposed generosity, looks over this "beginner's spell" they gave to the boy. He quickly picks up on Bellroc's trickery and wishes Eli the best of luck before taking him back to the forest.
What Eli doesn't know is that the papers (translated to English for his convenience) are actually the directions for performing a combat spell that even young master wizards can have trouble with; about as far from the basics as a wizard can get. In other words, Eli will fail no matter how hard he tries and get his memory wiped and probably chucked off a small cliff to pass off his memory loss as an accident. Skrael can't wait to bear witness to the greatest prank ever.
Unfortunately, they severely underestimate Eli's reawakened enthusiasm for the supernatural and intense desire to belong in a group. Fueled on nothing but coffee, dreams, and that happy feeling of having passion for something new, he manages to awaken the magic inside him. Accident, or perhaps fate?
With a rough estimate from Douxie (who takes his secrecy at face value and innocently wants him to succeed) that a new spell on a beginner's level takes a few hours to around 3 days to learn, Eli manages to pull it off within 4 days, just hours before his deadline. All in all, Bellroc is pissed at his success but doesn't want to pull back on a promise. Skrael just thinks it's hysterical that Bellroc's trick completely backfired on them and is engaged in the progress of his companion's bizarre new apprentice.
Bellroc's method of "teaching", while unorthodox and not at all providing their desired result, has some basis in reality: not specifying to someone that a task is supposed to be "hard" can increase the likelihood that they can complete that task with little struggle. (Get Anyone To Do Anything! David J. Lieberman!) This doesn't work on everyone but it worked on Eli lol.
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syngrafaes09 · 2 years
Strange Nights | Vampire! Dr Strange x Y/n
Logline: After Y/N gets imprinted by a vampire Dr Strange, living under a fictive identity, they must unravel the cause behind her constant misadventures before their hopes are crushed forever.
Chapter 4 : Alpha and Omega
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James rummaged through his closet as he debated over what he should wear. He didn't want to be too overdressed or too underdressed. He finally decided on a nice pair of black jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt, which he never thought of wearing when Jade had brought it. 'I never wear these formal shirts, Jade,' he had told the boy.
What was wrong with me? he had been thinking last night. Every time his eyes were closed, she would appear. 'What makes you think so?' Steve had asked as  while they were patrolling over the mountains.
'I don't think...it may not be working. How did you know that Nat imprinted on you?'
'I didn't know. It was this sudden strange attraction. The way she behaved around me I guess. She became so over-protective. Buck, the process of imprinting is unique to everyone. It could be just an attraction, temptation, fascination, excitement, happiness; it just could be anything. You see Nat had experienced the memories she had with me when she imprinted whereas Jade had felt temptations and fascination towards Rachael.'
'Y/N didn't reciprocate. She keep turning down every time I ask her out. whenever she accepts, it's always a double date with Jade and Rachael. Why is it always me, who tries to make a conversation? Why can't she ever come here on her own? Why Steve? Why?'
'Maybe she feels safe around Rachael. She is always with her whenever she is out of that house.' Another growl was heard from behind. Clint was it? Turning around they saw another wolf approaching them. 'Maybe she isn't over the grief of losing her father? Or could be one who prefers to be alone.'
'But it had been four months ago. And when I ran, into Thor this afternoon after hunting-'
'Werewolves and vampires hunting together, doesn't sound possible to me." Clint interrupted Bucky.
'I had finished with the lunch. Thor was going to have his.'He growled. 'He said he had seen Y/N chilling out with her friends alone. So you see, she doesn't need Rachael around her. Nor is she antisocial.'
'Then it leaves us with only one possibility. She doesn't like you or your advances'. Clint bluntly remarked.
'You know how the alpha vampires imprint. The wizard hadn't imprinted on anyone yet,' Nat said joining them, 'but Tony and Thor have. It is kinda okay if you haven't imprinted like the rest of us.'
'Try one more time and then just give up.' Steve suggested in sad low growl.
'And then, you and Bucky can be together once again till the end of line." Clint joked and smacked his paw in his hind leg. 'It's a good thing that Dr. Cho helped you to regenerate that arm. I was tired of your metal arm. But I missed the chance of seeing a three legged wolf or a wolf with a metal limb.' Clint choked at his own jokes.
'But didn't Bruce say it was possible because the shape-shifting enabled certain genes or something?' Steve wondered.
'Leave those scientific stuffs to Stephen and Bruce. Only they, want to know the how and why behind everything,' Nat thought sniffing around, 'But tell me are the killings so horrible?'
'Yeah. Bruce couldn't watch it. We had to call Stephen,' Steve replied. 'Somebody gotta give that Stephen an award. The way he stands so much of blood yet not feel thirsty...'
When Steve handed him his cruiser car keys, Nat groaned from behind. "You are taking your date in a police car? Are you stupid? I know Steve is stupid but Bucky!"
"It's 9.4◦ outside. Please don't tell him to take his bike. Y/N would catch a cold!" Steve protested.
"Come on, she has been staying here for nearly two months. She is adapted to the environment. Besides she won't leave the house without her jacket, so car or bike won't be a problem." Nat argued.
And not far from here, Y/N searched through her closet for something that won't be too casual or too dressy. As she put on a blue mini dress and the black leggings, she thought of how to put forward the fact that she didn't want to be in any serious relationship with him, without hurting Bucky's feelings. She cursed him for being so persistent after repeated rejections to dates.
She wore little makeup, just a touch of eye shadow and mascara to accent her eyes. Perfume next, not too much. She brushed her raven hair, pinned it up, and looked in the mirror. She felt it was too much and she let it back down. Then slipping on a black overcoat, she skipped down the stairs.
When the doorbell rang, she got into her tan, low-heeled sandals and opened the door.
Bucky wasn't smiling when she opened the door, but soon enough laughed as he glanced over her. "Good evening," he chuckled. Y/N frowned at his sudden change of demeanor and glanced down to make sure her attire was perfect.
"What's wrong?"
"We match." He chuckled again.
"Oh," she said, stepping out and locking the door while he walked back to his bike.
It was an ordinary evening. Stephen sat across Paul, facing the large windows of the empty cafe. They often visited the cafe in the evening. Something humans did to refresh from their monotonous routine. He thought. He was taking a sip from his Americano when she arrived. He would have noticed her and then forgotten about it. But, he didn't.
Once her eyes met his hollowed ones, she froze in her place. She looked at him in disgust and amazement.
He gazed at her in shock and despair. He felt something twitch inside him. Something that was old and had been buried deep inside him. He felt dizzy. Venom dripped from his fangs, brimming his mouth. He wanted to dart off the closed space and leave her alive, but his muscles were frozen. But what was this? What was this strange feeling? She made him hungry. But this hunger was different. He didn't want to attack her as the predator would have attacked his prey. He was hungry to transform her. Transform her to his kind and make her his. His and only his. As he slowly began to realize what this was, his throat burned with thirst. A thirst that wouldn't drain her blood completely but just the right amount and then he could dig his fangs into her graceful neck and fill her with his venom.
As Bucky held the glass door open for her, a gentle autumn wind blew through the trees, fussing her dusky hair across her pastel face. But from there, it went like a tornado wind.
No. No... No, no... You can't do this to her. A voice from within forbade him.
Just do it. She is your mate. Another voice countenanced.
The inner battle of voices gradually subsided. He could feel bit by bit all his muscles relaxing. And, once he felt his body under his complete control; he didn't walk out of there as slowly as he should rather he bolted from his seat and rushed out of the cafe.
Bucky regretted with every fibre of his being for bringing Y/N to this cafe as his eyes fell on the vampire, who sat leisurely sipping from his cup. Putting up a fake smile, he walked towards the inevitable. Stomach acid crawled up his throat as he held the door open for Y/N to enter. One gentle breeze and his insides clenched. The wolf within him contemplated every possible way to save the human girl. In a heartbeat, he crouched beside her, ready to lunge forward if the vampire slightly shifted in their direction.
He held his guard for two very long minutes before slacking up. Relief flooded through his body after Stephen left them alive without putting up any fight.
"Something's wrong, aye?" The barista was bewildered on her return from the back kitchen to find one of the customers leaving in a rush while others were in disarray.
"No, nothing serious. My friend was taken aback when he saw this young lady, who happens to resemble one of our old friends who died years back." Paul explained as he pulled out some bills for the payment.
The woman at the counter took the justification without any further questions and turned her attention to the new customers.
Y/N let out an audible sigh. She felt frustrated as her conversation with Bucky never went in the direction she had been eagerly waiting for. The strange encounter with the doctor, about whom her friends were babbling throughout the last day of the weekend, further fuelled her annoyance. This wasn't the way she wished to meet the dashing Dr. Stephen Rochester. She felt a strange, unreasonable disappointment.
She turned away and took a deep breath, wondering how to say it.
"Bucky," she paused for a second.
"Spill it out Y/N."
"There is a reason why I came today. I need you to understand me?"
When she didn't speak out immediately; he felt a sinking in his stomach. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be in his favour.
She looked away again, surprised that she couldn't tell him just yet. "I don't know how to say it. I thought I did at first, but now I'm not so sure. . . ." He waited with forced patience. "You are a great friend Buck. But I can't further our friendship anything deeper and intimate."
She slouched down feeling the heavy burden off her heart while his heart was stung by her words.
"Why? Don't I deserve you?"
She shook her head.
"No. It's not like that. It isn't about whether you deserve me or not." She paused trying to find the right words. "You deserve me as much as any other man, as much as I deserve you. I do like you. You are a perfect partner. But, I don't want you the way you yearn for me."
"That doesn't make much of a difference. The result is just the same - I... lose you."
There was sadness in his voice when he responded and she knew he was right to feel that way.
"Y/N?" Matt called from the kitchen.
"Yeah, Uncle, it's me." She walked in to see him. He was chopping spring onions.
"You are cooking tonight?" Y/N asked in bewilderment. In the last two months never had she had never seen Matt step inside the kitchen to cook. "Yeah. With you girls gone, my inner chef has resurfaced."
"May I help?"
"Umm... chop the tomatoes, I'll drain and cook the spaghetti."
"Poor boy." He muttered leaning over the counter after learning why her date had ended so early. "Here I thought you wouldn't hurt a fly, but you have started breaking hearts."
They cracked up in laughter.
"Well, you think quite highly of me, Dad." Y/N bit her tongue as soon as the word slipped out.
Matt too seemed uncomfortable. He scratched the back of his neck and his head drooped down.
"I- I'm so- sorry." She bit her lips. "I must have got too comfortable... it just slipped." and rturned doing the the dishes.
"No... No, sweetie, don't apologise." His lid shuttered down and a smile tugged his lips as a tear escaped from his closed eyes. "You have no idea... how much I longed for your lips to call me dad. You know I had tried my best to forget and forgive what Jane and Charles did. Treated you, fairly, like my child. Treated you like Rachael. One day... just by mistake, it slipped mouth and she took you, my princess. She took you... She took you away. Far away from me."
He broke into tears. Y/N didn't care to dry her wet hands as she cupped his face. "Hey... Hey... Dad. Dad. I won't leave you again. I swear, I won't." She wrapped her arms around him. He gently engulfed Y/N in his arms and pressed a kiss through her hair. They held each other for what felt like forever.
The crack of the opening of the front door forced them out of the embrace.
"Y/N? Dad?" Rachael asked walking into the kitchen, "I have good news." She lifted her hands showing us her ring. It was a golden ring with a heart-shaped Peridot at its centre. Her cheeks were tightened and lips were stretched as far as they could.
"How was your evening?" she asked Y/N when she strove desperately to flee through the stairs. She murmured brief accounts of her evening and when she spoke about Dr. Rochester, Rachael's face had been struck with fear. She wasn't as upset about Bucky as she was about the doctor.
"Y/N just stay away from the Rochesters. Please. It's dangerous. They are ... most of us believe they are cannibals. So it's better you maintain your distance from them."
Y/N was deadpanned. She simply nodded in response and lumbered into her room.
After she turned off the lights and slumped into the sheets, her mind twirled around what Rachael has revealed. Was it true? Were they really cannibals? It somehow seemed a ridiculous idea. She let out a breath and glanced out of the window. Something was out ordinary tonight. She could feel it. Was the animal that killed those people here tonight, near our backyard? She  examined the surrounding woods carefully. A silhouette of a man or something stood there. It stood there motionless among trees. In a blink of an eye, it was gone.
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bees-arts01 · 2 years
I’m bored so imma write a thought abt the boathouse scene and more-
“Eddie had Steve against the wall, the broken bottle right at his neck. He thought Steve would at least try something to protect himself. But he just stayed there only flinching when the bottle pressed harder. Was this how far he’d go for the kids. He would allow himself to be on the edge of death if it showed Dustin’s, max’s and Robin’s innocence?” Eddie thought. He felt his gut sink a little as he saw Steve brace himself for death as if it’s happened before. No there’s no way- Well he would be eating those words later.
Eddie kept wondering what was so badass about him so he decided to ask Robin. He ran up to Robin calling her name. “Hey Robby I have a question for you!” Eddie called to her. “Sure! What’s up?” Robin answered pretty calmly, a twinge of worry in her voice. “Do you know by any chance why Dustin calls Steve a badass? Like I haven’t seen him do anything cool at all-“Eddie said worried Robin would take offence. “Well I remember Dustin once saying the Steve saves Lucas from Billy but nearly got killed by the bastard. Then he saved Mike from the vines in the tunnel and made sure Dustin didn’t get hurt when the Demodogs rampaged the tunnels. Then I think before that he went against 3 for 4 demodogs by himself because dart wasn’t taking the bait and then In Starcout you know how they said it was a fire?” Robin told Eddie. “Yeah? Why-“ Eddie said confused and also internally shocked about what happened. “It was actually Russians. When we were escaping this weird elevator by using some acid thingy he made sure we got out first and the door nearly crushed him. And when we got caught he made sure the kids escaped and tried to make me leave but they caught us. Then he made sure I didn’t get tortured at all. I don’t even know what happened but when we were thrown in the same room after a while he was unconscious for an hour. He could barely breathe. He was given more of the truth serum then I was and after we escaped and after everything ended he checked up on everyone and for some reason made them not take him to a hospital so he’s been there since the start and he’s a total badass.” Robin said he voice shaking recalling all of that. “Oh god. And he still does it?!” Eddie questions shocked. “Yeah sadly wish that dumbass would think of his own life too-“Robin said he voice quiet. Nobody should be able to go through that much and still only care about others. That’s when Eddie truly realised that Steve Harrington would do anything for anyone he just meets. He puts himself on the line of life and death for everyone. But has anyone done that for him? He would make sure when this was over he would be the first to take care of Steve. (I’m probably gonna make more parts but I doubt anyone will see this-)
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chaos-mybeloved · 3 years
S.H.I.E.L.D Business
Hello! I'm now fully on Summer vacation and I forgot how fun it is to write things without an academic purpose so I decided to try something new. I wanted to write my first ever fanfic but then didn't know where to start and this happened instead. I hope someone enjoys it! Its a reader insert, first time writing one of these. Also, I'm black so I had black reader in mind when writing but I didn't really describe anything in detail.
Word count: 1500 (ish)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female agent!reader
Warnings: There's some smut in there, not overly explicit but its there 18+ content
Agent Y/LN is one of SHIELD's best agents
She and her team are SHIELD's elite, even more so than the STRIKE team. She works directly with Fury and Agent Hill
Steve Rogers knows all of this. He's read her mission reports, watched her training footage, he even has every word in her SHIELD file memorized. He's a little obsessed
When Bucky turns up and with that the threat that Hydra might still exist within SHIELD, she is called into work with the Avengers; all of Fury's most trusted agents working together
Steve is more than excited to work with her, he's been dreaming of an opportunity like this since he's heard of her
However, things aren't working out quite in Steve's favour when it turns out that she has taken a liking to Bucky more than Steve. She laughs with him and brings him out of his shell better than even Steve has been able to since his return. Something about kindred spirits.
Steve shuts down a little, sinking into his pit of despair and self-loathing, so much so that he makes a bad call on a mission and nearly gets everyone killed
Y/LN takes over and gets the mission back on track, saving everyone's ass in the process
When they get back to the base she seeks Steve out to ask what has gotten into him. The conversation gets heated and Steve gets angry enough to tell her that she's the problem
She sees that Steve needs the release so she lets him when he reaches out and kisses her. She lets him stick his tongue in her mouth and taste everything she has to give
She lets him run his big, smooth hands from her face, down her neck and over her breasts to finally slip under the tank top she’s wearing. She feels him moan into her mouth and she swallows it down, knowing how bad he needs this. He almost got everyone killed because of how bad he needs this so she lets him
The first touch of skin to skin seems to break some of the restraint he had left because suddenly his hands aren't just exploring anymore, they're demanding. He grips the flesh on her tummy hard enough to bruise and she lets him do it simply flicking her own tongue over the roof of his mouth, giving back just as much as she's getting.
Her hands haven't left the confines of his hair. The golden strands slipping and sliding through her fingers like silk. She's in no rush to move any time soon, content to let Steve rush enough for the both of them. He seems to be in a fever now; his hands are hot and searing as they knead and squeeze every inch of skin they can reach.
When he finally makes his way back to her breasts, his finger immediately finds her nipples and pinch. The little sigh she lets out cracks him open even further. He wrenches his mouth away from hers and trails it down her jaw and neck instead. He bites and sucks and she knows he wants to leave marks, reminders that he was here, that he got to have this if even for a short time. The marks will stay for a while, she knows, and she lets him anyway.
When he starts mumbling incoherently into the junction between her neck and shoulder she knows he's too far gone to think about this anymore. She huffs internally thinking about how he's probably thought about this enough to fill a lifetime. She hopes her reality won't disappoint.
He bunches the material of her top up under her armpits and his mouth moves down to her fully exposed breasts. His sucking and biting continue there now too. His tongue feels just as hot as his hands did as it flicks over a nipple and then the other one as if he can't decide where to place his attention. His hands, however, seem to have an idea of their own. With his mouth now covering where his hands used to be, his hands move down, down, down, until he's teasing at the button of her tac pants.
He hesitates. He doesn't want to stop but somewhere in his desperation-filled brain, he can register that this might be too far. He was moving out of sheer desperation before but he finds that he needs the verbal confirmation that she wants this just as bad. Without removing his mouth, he opens his eyes and looks up into her own. The deep blue of his eyes has been swallowed almost entirely by black. He looks consumed and neither of them are even fully naked yet.
"Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me."
It's the most coherent thing he's said since he kissed her even if he did mumble it around her nipple. She looks down at him fully taking in his trembling fingers poised to strike the moment she says so. She's used to having power, she's even used to people giving up theirs to her but this feels different. This is almost intoxicating, and alarm bells start going off in her head because it feels just a little bit addicting too. It feels as if he stopped right now she might also, not fall apart, but definitely splinter somehow as if something is missing. Something will be missing. Goddamn you, Steve Rogers.
"Go on, soldier," she smirks down at him, "do your worst."
He nearly rips her pants straight down the middle with the force he uses to pry the button open. She chuckles but it quickly turns into a moan when he dives straight for her pussy. His fingers feel a lot bigger down there than they had on her chest. They're nimble though; artist fingers no matter how much of a soldier he is now. He rubs at her eager but slow, sensual. She's about to lose her damn mind.
She can't decide what she wants out of this. She knows his strength, he can give it to her hard and dirty if she asks but the pace he's set now is good. Slow and dirty and rough might be the way to go tonight. They don't really have the time but that all seems irrelevant as he slips one of those long fingers into her.
He's started mumbling nonsense into her skin again. He seems content with the work he's done on her breasts for now. The brown nipples are puffy and shiny with spit. Her entire chest really is covered in Steve's spit. It's a subtle claim but a claim nonetheless.
"What am I allowed to do?"
It takes her a second to register the question; his fingers haven’t stopped their slow attack on her pussy.
"Whatever you want, Captain," her breath rushes out of her as his thumb gently massages her clit. "You're the one who started it and I'm trusting you to finish it."
And finishes he does. She had caught him in an empty board room and so the large desk in the middle of the room will have to do. He removes his hand and her pants and then picks her up without any warning, almost in one complete motion. Before she even realizes what's happening she's on her back with her legs over his shoulders and a face in her pussy eating like it's his last meal.
She lets go after that. She doesn't keep track of her first orgasm of the night, nor the next one, nor the one after that leaves her clenching around the thick length of him. She doesn't keep track of the praises he whispers into her skin like prayers, words she realizes he's been saying the whole time. She doesn't actively process the feeling of his lips back on hers but she thinks she kisses him back. She must because he's moaning again, right into her mouth like the sound is only for her. It is only for her she realizes much, much later. When everything is over, when the heat has cooled between them and those dark blue eyes are no longer peering into her soul, and her body has stopped shaking with leftover pleasure that's when she realizes what just happened between them.
She drags herself off the table and back onto her two feet. It's a lot harder than she thought it would be. She slips back into her pants and top as Steve sits there watching her. She lets him do that too.
"What happens now." Million-dollar question Steve. She looks at him, really, really looks at him. The golden boy sitting at the edge of the desk naked as the day he was born. He's huge. All bulging biceps and tight abs. Tree trunk thighs and hulking frame. With all of that though he's still just a man. His shoulders are pulled up towards his ears, his arms are tucked against his torso, his head is ducked, and he's looking up at her through his golden lashes. He's huge but he seems so small.
She thinks she's going to ruin him. He's going to let her.
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bubblegumfrosting · 2 years
Trouble At The Gun Store
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Type: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Summary: While at the gun store getting supplies to defeat Vecna, Y/n runs into Jason and gets badly injured.
Warnings: Mention of weapons, Cursing, physical assault, choking, and blood
A/n: This has been an idea of mine for awhile, I hope you enjoy!!
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You could never betray Eddie, he is your closest friend and well you may have a tiny crush on him. So when Jason questioned if you had seen him recently you obviously lied.
You were in some red neck gun store along with the rest of the crew gathering supplies to attempt to kill Vecna.
In a secluded corner of the store you spotted machetes, and made your way over there.
“God, how is this legal?”, you muttered under your breath. Suddenly a hand griped your wrist and turned you around. Standing there was a guy you recognized from the Hawkins High School basketball team and Jason, who held onto your wrist tightly.
“Ow! Let me go! What the fuck!”, you yelled and Jason swiftly held his free hand over your mouth silencing you.
“Shut up! We wouldn’t want you getting into any trouble Ms. Y/l would we?”, he spit out coldly.
Tears started to form and drop down your face. He let go of your wrist than placed it onto your neck, his friend behind him started to look uncomfortable, “Hey man-“, he started to speak but Jason cut him off.
“Shove off, she’s the closet thing we got to the freak!”, he turned back to look at you, “You know where he is don’t you?”. You shook your head viscously and his grip on your neck tightened but you could still breathe.
“DON’T FUCKING LIE BITCH!”, the hand that was covering your mouth punched the lower half of your face causing your lip to split open. His grip kept tightening around your neck and you started to chock.
“I’ll let you breath when you start talking.”, You shook your head again. You could never give up Eddie, you’d would rather die. He was the reason you made it this far in life, he’s the only person who’s been there for you.
You started to see red and kept going in and out of consciousness. You definitely thought these were your last moments and cursed yourself for not confessing your feelings to Eddie sooner. Thankfully the other guy grabbed Jason off you, “Bro we have to leave before people see us, come on!”.
You slid down against the wall breathing heavily, “Fine, let’s go.”, and just like that he left you there beaten and bruised.
You gently touched your busted lip and winced, you could taste the iron from the blood in your mouth and nearly puked. You could tell there were marks on your neck from Jason strangling you.
You got up slowly and made your way towards the exit, you couldn’t see any of your friends in the store so you assumed they were already in the RV.
Using all the remaining strength in your body you opened the door of the RV and Steve was frantically speaking,
“Y/n, where were you? We have to go Jason is here!”, he spoke. His eyes changed when he saw the state you were in. You collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion and Steve ran to you.
“GUYS! HELP!”, everyone came to the front of the RV too see what was going on.
“Jesus! Y/n!”, Eddie pushed through the others and fell to the ground. He cupped your face and you leaned into his touch, “Wh-what happened.”, he turned to look at the others, “WHY ARE YOU JUST FUCKING STANDING THERE! GET A FIRST AID KIT OR SOME SHIT!”, he looked at you again with concern in his eyes. Steve got up from the ground and ran to the back of the RV.
“Oh my god, her neck.”, Max muttered solemnly, everyone looked at the hand prints that marked where Jason chocked you.
Due to your dazed state you leaned into Eddie’s body for support, “Everything is going to be okay sweetheart, I promsie.”, Eddie whispers as he cradled you in his arms. The rest of the group was in a circle around the two of you with fear displayed on their faces.
Steve returned to the front of the RV with a first aid kit in his hands. Eddie turned you around to face Steve as he held you in between his legs.
“This is going to sting.”, Steve said to you softly than looked up to Eddie looking for permission. Eddie nodded and held you tighter.
Steve cleaned the cut on your lip with rubbing alcohol, every time it hurt you squeezed Eddie’s hand and he’d whisper comforting words.
“Okay it’s done, I don’t know what to do about the um neck bruises.”, Steve said sadly and stood up.
“Do you think you can stand up for me angel.”, Eddie whispered. You nodded your head and started to stand, Steve guided you to a chair.
As you sat down everyone surrounded and Eddie kneeled in front of you, “Can you tell us what happened?”, he brushed matted hair out of your tear stained face.
“Jason an-and his um friend.”, you spoke softly because your throat stung with every word.
Eddie’s once soft expression turned red, “Jason did this to you?!”, he stood up and put his face in his hands, “I’m going to fucking kill him!”. He tried to leave but Steve grabbed him.
“You’re a wanted man Munson, you can’t just walk out in pure day light.”, Steve spoke and than got closer to Eddie’s ear to whisper, “Plus she needs you right now.”, Steve motion towards you.
Eddie’s eyes soften when he glances at you, “You’re right, sorry I just wasn’t think. She means so much to me, seeing her hurt like this it just-“, Eddie looks down and chokes up.
“I know the feeling.”, Steve places a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder and looks at Nancy who is speaking to you along with the others.
“Eddie and Y/n should go to the back of the RV. We can’t risk Jason seeing them.”, Nancy spoke up. Everyone dispersed from the scene and Steve got ready to drive.
Eddie guides you towards the back of the RV when it suddenly drove rapidly. You felt yourself fall backwards but Eddie caught you in his arms and brought you to his chest, “Can’t have you falling for me that easily Y/l.”, he said smugly.
“In your dreams Munson.”, you said hoarsely.
“Here sit down.”, he gently seated you onto a coach. Eddie looked down at you and frowned, he shrugged off his leather jacket and put it over your shoulders but kept his arm around you after.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. You’re the only person I wouldn’t run away from danger to protect.”, he said quietly.
You turned to look at him, the two of you were inches apart, “This isn’t your fault Eds.”, you glanced down at his lips than back up at his eyes.
He smirked and leaned in to kiss you. The kiss was soft but urgent, like it was waiting to happen for a long time.
You felt a sting on the bottom of your lip and pulled back, “Ow!”, you exclaimed.
“Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking about the cut. Are you alright?”, he cupped your face and you nod your head.
“Eddie..”, you started to tear up, “I thought I was going to die, I started seeing red but the only thing I thought about was how you’d never know how I felt.”, he looked at you curiously.
“And how do you feel?”, he asked putting his forehead against yours.
“I’m in love with you.”, you whispered as you felt his hot breath on your lips.
“I would never let you die Y/n, especially when I haven’t told you I’m in love with you as well.”, Eddie smiled and kissed you once more.
Once you pulled away he looked at you and kissed your forehead.
“Ay! What are you kids doing back there!”, you heard Steve yell from the front.
“None of your business Harrington!”, Eddie yelled back.
“Don’t make me turn this car around!”, everyone laughed and Steve started to go on some rant about how he has to take care of everyone.
“Does this mean you’re finally all mine Y/l?”, Eddie asked.
“I was always yours Munson.”, you kissed his cheek and he brought you into his arms and you both quickly fell fast asleep.
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strangerhottotties · 2 years
Hi. If you are accepting requests, could you write a Eddie one where you are Dustin cheerleader sister who also play D&D and have a secret crush on Eddie and no one knows besides your friend Chrissy (let's pretend that she still alive ans season 4 events never happened) and when Dustin and Mike needs someone to replace Lucas, your brother finds you talking to Chrissy and asks you to replace him and she knowing about your crush on Eddie,helps you find a excuse to miss the match to be on Hellfire as a favour to your brother. While Eddie is surprised to see that you are the person who will replace Lucas in the campaign since he didn't know you played D&D and soon after,asks you to talk to you where he assumes he has something for you and asks you on a date, much to Dustin's delight since he knows of your crush on his friend and his friend crush on you and wants his favorite people (after Steve) be together
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Warnings: TW: Dustin jokes once about killing himself. Reader threats to kill Dustin on several occasions. This is mostly flirting, fluff and pining. I hope you enjoy.
A/N: Thank you for the ask, sorry it's taken me a hot minute to actually reply to this. But I'm absolutely NOT going to rush any of my requests. Firstly, I love that you guys enjoy my writing enough to request anything, so I love requests! I just want to make sure I'm satisfied with the quality. Secondly, I'm really trying not to burn myself out. So, thank you for being patient with me, darling. MWAH! I totally adjusted the end just a little bit. So I'm sorry but most of it is true to the request.
The most horrifying thing Dustin had ever spoken was after the very first day of his freshman year nearly made you crash your car. Your tires had squealed when you hit the brakes. "DUDE! WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!" He'd shouted after getting yanked against his seatbelt. His other words like a black hole in your head.
I made a new friend today! He's a senior who's, like the coolest dude ever! He offered to let us join his D'n'D club, you should join too!
"You're friends with Eddie Munson?" You demand.
"Yeah, you know him?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah," you offer before focusing back on the road and proceed to drive again.
"I'm surprised you're not in Hellfire. It's a D'n'D club!"
"Uh, yeah, I'm okay," you offer meekly. Dustin's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"I don't get it, what's everyone got against Eddie?"
You take a deep breath. "Dustin, do you remember how when we were kids, we'd play the secret game?"
"Take it to the grave?"
"Yep," you reply. "Do you want to play?" You watch his eyes light up and he twists to stare at you. Always eager for juicy gossip.
"Yeah, yeah!" He leans forward eagerly. "What is it?" You bite your lip.
"Eddie Munson... is the guy I've got a crush on." His jaw drops wide open.
"EDDIE IS 'THE GUY'!?" He shrieks. "Eddie is the guy that sits in front of you in Mrs. O'Donnel's class? The one that you always say would never give you a second look?"
Dustin dropped it. To the grave meant something genuinely. But he hated being stuck in the middle. Especially when less than a week later he had almost an identical conversation with Eddie.
His bag had been jerked off his shoulder by some asshole on the football team. The papers went fly when his broken zipper split. Eddie was nearby and nearly got into a fist fight over it, which Dustin was definitely going to fill you in on later. When the jocks finally stomped off, Eddie squatted down to help him collect his papers.
"Damn, these are killer marks, Dustin!" Eddie congratulates him while patting his back.
"Oh yeah, huge nerd, ya know." Then Eddie's face sobers.
"Wait," he grunts as holds up a finger.
"Yeah, what's up."
"What's this?" He demands, pointing at Dustin's messy writing at the top. His full name. "Henderson? Are you related-"
"Yep. Yeah. Mhmm," the kid folds under the intensity of Eddie's gaze. "The cheer captain, valedictorian would in fact be my sister, yes." Eddie takes a deep breath to steady himself.
"The Queen of Cheer is your older sister?" Dustin wants to beat his head against the wall. It was the topic of conversation at the Hellfire meeting twenty minutes later. Dustin was drowned in the guys all drooling over you. Something he was used to, at this point. And then Gareth says something that has Eddie's eyes widening.
"Dustin, who would have the best chance at scoring a date with her." Dustin drops his jaw wide open to stare at Keith. Then he begins to laugh nervously.
"Definitely me," Lucas smugly answers, mostly joking.
"No way," Mike scoffs back, "not one of us has a chance. Especially not you!"
"Yep, no one. Definitely no one." Every head swivels at his poor lying. Mike stares at him in disbelief.
"No way!"
"What! I didn't-"
"Does she have a crush on someone!?" Mike demands, shoving Dustin.
"I TOOK IT TO THE GRAVE!" Uproar erupts among the table. Everyone sitting forward. Will, Mike and Lucas all groaning with frustration.
"What does that mean!?" Gareth demands.
"It means his sister swore him to secrecy and he won't peep."
"Believe me! I want to! It's so stupid but she told me last week! If you got to me before she almost crashed the car because I mentioned the guy, I could have told you!" Everyone is on the edge of their seats with this.
"C'mon, what can you tell us," Eddie presses with the most charm he can muster despite the situation.
"No way, no. I'm not allowed to talk to you guys about her. She forbids it!" Eddie stands and makes his way around to the kid.
"Talking to us about her? Dustin, do you have dirt on your sister?" Dustin remains quiet, wildly uncomfortable about being put on the spot. "Henderson," Eddie coos, "you're not corrupted into doing the bidding of your older sister are you?"
"Of course not! But there are lines I won't cross!"
"There's got to be a degree of loyalty to your friends. Aren't you loyal to Hellfire?"
"Yes! Yes! Of course, I am!"
"Then tell us something about your sister." Dustin squeezes his eyes shut as Eddie rests his weight across the back of his shoulders.
"The guy she likes," Dustin starts and everyone sits forward in eager curiousity, "he... he..." He desperately tries to recall some bit of information he can spare. "Look, can it be any information or..."
"You know what, sure, kid," Eddie offers, with a wet willie. Dustin shutters in disgust and wipes at his ear quickly.
"Fine, I tried to set her up with Steve Harrington multiple times... but she's always refused because she has a huge crush on someone else..." Eddie grins down at him proudly.
"There you go, was that so hard." Dustin sinks down in his seat and passes Lucas a miserable look. Feeling horrible for outing you like that.
"Don't let him get to you," Gareth grunts out, unimpressed with Eddie. "He just has a huge crush on her and never shuts up about her."
Eddie twists to fix his friend with a horrified look and then Dustin rolls his eyes and groans. "Henderson, you tell her, and I'll make every campaign Hell for the rest of the year."
"You've gotta be kidding me," Dustin grumbles to himself.
Your name being called is what drags you away from conversation with Chrissy. You glance up to see Dustin jogging across the parking lot for your car. "Hey," you offer him.
"Hey, Chrissy," your brother offers with a smile. She gives him a warm one back.
"Hey, Dustin."
"What are you up to? Don't you have class?"
"I gotta ask you a favor," Dustin replies.
"Lucas is bailing on D'n'D tonight for the game and it's the end of the campaign. Eddie's gonna drill us. We need another body for the party, please, please, please. You have to be there tonight. I can't find anyone else, and Eddie won't reschedule."
"Oh, oh, oh, you have to go!" Chrissy urges as dread sinks in your belly.
"Chris! We're supposed to be at the game tonight! How am I, cheer captain, going to skip our biggest game of the season!?"
"She'll do it!" Chrissy insists. "I'll cover for you at the game!" She squeezes your side and leans in to whisper. "Go get you some Munson." You flush deeply. "Okay, Okay, but Lucas is a ranger, right? I'm a mage, is that really a good idea."
"Please, Eddie is a tyrant as DM." You take a deep breath and sigh.
"I'll meet you after school, but you so owe me."
"YES! THANK YOU!" And with that he throws into a hug.
The drama room quiets as your shoes squeak to a stop. "You made it!" Dustin calls.
"What is this?" Eddie laughs like it's some big joke. You take a deep breath to steel yourself against the emotions that swell at the fact that Eddie Munson was speaking to you. You were in the same room as him, and he was acknowledging your existence like you imagined daily. Like you always willed him to turn around in class and give you a flirty smile. It never happened.
"I found a sub for Lucas."
"I'm missing the game for this," you reply to Eddie a lot smoother than you expect. Your voice even, steady. Eddie rises from his throne and move towards you, head tilting at you.
"Oh, and the Queen of Cheer knows about d'n'd?"
"You're looking at a level seventeen mage," you respond. Eddie's face flashes briefly with shock.
"There's no way."
"Want to see my score sheet?" You hold out your hand as Dustin digs through a folder he kept. "I haven't played in a while, but I know what I'm doing." Dustin passes you the sheet, grinning widely. When you look over at him, he winks and you want to strangle him.
Eddie hums quietly as he glances over the sheet. His eyes meet yours and your heart flutters in your chest. "Well, do you want me to play?" You demand, voice softening more than you mean it to.
Eddie steps into your space, a lazy smile crossing his lips. "If you want me to play with you," your eyes widen at his words and you can feel the warmth of your cheeks turn to burning, "you'll have to say 'please', princess." He's so close you can smell the smoke and his shampoo. It's hard not to take innuendo away from what he just said.
Why, oh why, did you have such a crippling crush on such a prick. You send a hard look down on to your brother, something promising a vicious response.
When you turn yourself back onto Eddie, he's patiently waiting. You take in another deep breath, inhaling the earthy smell of him before you fix him with your 'siren' eyes as Chrissy called them. Your half-lidded smile in response to Eddie has his breath hitching. Eddie was unaware of your competitiveness that would often draw out your feral side. Only you were consciously vicious.
You'd play his game. But you don't think he's prepared for it. You press yourself close, pressing your breasts into his chest. Your mouth hovers close to his ear.
"Oh, Eddie," you breathe for him, "won't you please let me play with you and your friends?"
"That's underhanded," he murmurs back.
"Thought you were supposed to bring the fire, or is the throne for show?" You taunt. He takes in the dark grin you're giving him. It's surprises you how easy it is to flirt with him. He gives you a breathy laugh. It might be nervousness but when he pins you with a dark gaze, you know it's just fueling something.
"Fine. You can join. But I'm gunnin' for you, sweetheart."
"I'm so scared. Now, aren't you going to pull out a chair for the queen?" Dustin high fives you below the table when a folding chair is tucked in for you.
"Thank you," he murmurs.
"My services aren't free, Dusty."
"Oh, I think you'll like my repayment."
The laughter and cheers fill the room still. If you hadn't rolled nat twenty with that last roll there wouldn't be so much thrill in the boys around you hooting and hollering. It was a fun campaign, certainly grueling, and it reminded you of when you'd gotten Dustin into it. Before you'd even moved to Hawkins. The hype was what you'd always loved about Cheer.
Somehow this was better though. Everyone shouting and laughing as they packed up their things. "Hey, Eddie," Dustin calls as Eddie is about to slip out the door. He says it at the same time as he grabs your wrist to stop you. "Come here a sec."
"What's up, little Henderson?" You frown in confusion as Dustin plucks the keys out of your hand.
"I'm gonna leave in a second," Dustin encourages as Eddie rakes his eyes over you quickly.
"Um... okay?" Eddie offers.
"And I know I said to the grave," your eyes widen and you snap fully towards him.
"Don't you dare."
"My sister has had a crush on you for like four years." Eddie's head swivels back to you.
"To the grave you're going."
"Shut up, if I have to spend one more lunch period with him staring at you across the cafeteria and talking about how pretty you are, I'm going to kill myself." You flush deeply and now you both watch each other quietly.
Dustin grins proudly. "Okay then, I'll be in the car." And with that, your brother skips out of the Drama room. Eddie and you evaluate each other quietly.
"So you enjoyed that little tease at first, didn't you?" Eddie grins, letting his bag slip from his shoulder to the floor. You flush.
"Take me on a date and I might tell you," you whisper quietly. Eddie grins at you, stepping back into his face.
"I didn't know you were a devil worshipping nerd before tonight, might have changed my opinion of you," he teases. You start to feel the bite of rejection until he suddenly walking you back onto the table. "How does Saturday sound?"
You lick your lips and nod at him, too emotionally fried to put up a fight like you did earlier. "Yeah, I'd like that." Now that your perched on the edge of the table he just gives you a cocky grin. The lingering silence making you nervous. "Are you gonna stand there and stare or are you going to kiss me?" You demand quietly.
Eddie gives you a mean little laugh and leans in really close. "Good girls wait until the end of a date." You flush and a pout of sorts settles across your face.
"I'm not as good as you think," you encourage. Eddie gives you a shaky breath and then explains it very gently. Butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"The only reason I have to say no is because I'm worried that...," he swallows and tucks hair behind one of your ears. "If I kiss you now, I don't know that I'll be able to stop. Dustin might be in your car for a while." It has you sucking a breath in and your gaze softens on him.
"Saturday then," you agree.
"Saturday," Eddie agrees with stunning smile. You reach forward, feeling emboldened by him. Eddie's breath stutters as you snatch his belt buckle and jerk him closer. You push up onto your toes, lips brushing his cheek. You grin when you lean back and see the pink tint of your lips left behind. He's none the wiser.
"See you," you offer him prior to slipping past him and you pause in the hall. His cheeks are red from the stunt you just pulled. You send him one last smile and slip out the door.
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garfaia · 2 years
You're okay, you're okay...
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Eddie Munson x Reader ᓚᘏᗢ The group goes looking for your boyfriend Eddie. When you find him, he’s in desperate need of comfort.
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“EDDIE ARE YOU THERE?!” Dustin yelled, ringing the doorbell over and over. You sighed, partially out of annoyance for your younger brother but also out of worry. 
After what had happened to Chrissy in Eddie’s trailer, everyone was out for his head, thinking he killed her. But you and your friends knew better. After everything that has happened in Hawkins, this was almost expected. The town seems to never be able to catch a break.
As soon as you saw the news about Chrissy’s death, you immediately got the group together to go look for him. You were worried out of your mind. The whole town was looking for Eddie, and you were determined to find him before anyone else did.
“Dustin, I don’t think he’s here,” you said wringing your hands nervously. You felt your stomach drop thinking about how he might feel. 
Watching someone get crushed right in front of him. You shivered. You had to find him, you had to. 
“Hey, guys…” you turned your head towards Max as she spoke. She stood on the edge of the patio, looking behind the corner of the house. You quickly made your way over to her to see what she found.
When you rounded the corner, you see a big shed. You feel the sliver of hope you had left grow bigger. The lights were on, he had to be there. 
You began walking. Desperate. Please be here, you thought. Please.
You reached your hand out to open the door but were stopped by Steve. “Let me go first,” he said “we don’t know if it's safe” you couldn’t help but feel offended. 
“He’s, my boyfriend. It’s safe” you said reaching out and pulling the door open. You were hit with the smell of dirt and mold as soon as you walked into the room.
There’s a boat laying in the middle of the room, with multiple boxes of stuff spread around. It was cluttered. You continued walking more into the room. Everyone else followed you.
“Eddie?” you tried. No answer. You began walking around looking for him. The others joined you. 
“What are you doing?” you heard Dusti ask. You turned around to see Steve poking the tarp-covered boat with an oar. 
“He might be in here” Steve defended and continued poking the boat. You sighed. “So take the tarp off,” you said.
“If you’re so brave, take the tarp off” you continued, folding your arms over your chest. Steve looked at you and rolled his eyes. 
“Hey, look over here,” Max said. You turned towards her and walked over. She was looking down at a table with a few candy wrappers and open beers. He had been here. “Someone was here,” Max said looking at the trash with her flashlight. 
“Maybe he heard us.” Robin said, “got spooked and ran” she joked. You looked at her. She shrugged and you sighed once more. “Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar” Dustin joked. You smiled at him.
He always knew that when you were worried, he could always crack a joke to calm you down. Even if it was just a little, it still worked. 
“I know you think you’re being funny,” Steve started, still poking the tarp with the oar. “But considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight-” 
He gets interrupted by someone flying up from under the tarp and pushing him towards the wall. It’s Eddie.
Everyone screams. Steve screams a string of waits, while Dustin and you yell at Eddie to stop. 
“Eddie! It’s us!” you yell with your hands out to show u don’t mean any harm. Eddie looks away from Steve and over to you. 
He has a frantic look in his eyes. He’s terrified. Your heart breaks. He has been through something incredibly traumatic, and he’s just scared. 
Eddie looks straight into your eyes, and you see something click inside him. He drops the broken glass bottle he held in his hands and steps away from Steve. He never takes his eyes away from you. 
You quickly make your way over to him and wrap your hands around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and tucks his head into your shoulder. You put one of your hands on the back of his head and hold him even closer. 
He holds onto you like you’re a breath of fresh air. You’ve never been so happy to be able to just hold him. 
“You’re okay,” you say into his hair, “you’re okay”. You pet his hair as you just hold him. Neither of you wanting to let go. And that’s okay. You don’t need to. Nothing is ever going to separate you and Eddie again, you promise.
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smolsized · 2 years
Ahhh so @sonneillonv asked me to elaborate on the Murringrove!Scream AU in the comments of that one post (which my notfis absolutely ate up and demolished so I didn’t get to see it until now— I’m so sorry😭😭)
And my elaboration was far too long to post in the comment section so it gets its own post (yay!)
• Given Eddie’s (not so favored) reputation around Hawkins it’s kind of a no-brainer that he’d have Steve helping him—it gives him a solid alibi when the police do come knocking (which they absolutely do because he’s of course always the prime suspect.)
• The timeline of this au would probably be somewhere between the summer of 1984 or 1985 since those years pretty much fit in with the golden age of serial killers timeline.
• And everyone has a motive, right? So what’s Eddie’s motive, you may ask? He definitely has more than one but I can only tell you one. He fucking hates Hawkins. That’s his motive—his hatred for the shitty small town he unfortunately calls home.
• But now this brings into question, what’s Steve’s motive? Why would he help Eddie do such horrendous things? Well, let’s just say he isn’t very fond of his King turned social outcast status governed by his fellow peers of Hawkins High. But his most dire motive, the main reason why he does what he does is the fact that he’s got a stupidly ridiculous crush on Eddie and a mountain of validation issues, so it’s no particular hardship keeping him out of prison and in his life.
• And Eddie definitely knows about Steve’s crush as well as validation issues and despite him totally reciprocating these feelings, he also uses them and plays them to his advantage to get what he wants.
• Eddie and Steve are more astute than they let on. They calculate their next moves precisely, and choose their victims with precision. They’re careful about fraternizing with one another in public, they even make it sort of like a game to act like they despise each other in front of others.
• Now where does Billy come in, you may be wondering. Well it’s simple, he gets Eddie’s attention.
• Billy is the one who dethroned Steve and took over the reigns as “King of Hawkins High” and even though Steve wasn’t particularly happy over it—he simply didn’t care all that much over it. After all, his motives lied solely in what or who Eddie wanted.
• And it isn’t until Eddie crosses paths with Billy himself (who most likely calls him a freak or something equally offensive at some point and certainly makes an impression) that he takes an interest in him and plants the idea in Steve’s mind—making Billy their next target.
• Eddie likes to do the killing, likes the thrill that wearing the mask gives him and so more often than not Steve is the one who makes the calls but you see, Billy is special. And so Eddie wants, for just this one time, them both to do it together.
• It’s risky and has the potential to blow their whole operation if the police discover there’s more than one killer on their hands—it would put them at a disadvantage, make the likelihood of getting caught higher. But Eddie is a bit self righteous and believes that Steve truly deserves this revenge, that they both do. And so it’s decided.
• They spend weeks planning it, nearly a month. They trail Billy at every chance they get, following him around and memorizing his schedule. It’s the longest they’ve ever spent on one person.
• They learn about the things Billy likes— working out, cars, heavy metal, rock, sex, and some of the things he doesn’t—caring for his younger sister, school, the arcade, etc. All of this is important in Eddie’s mind, because they’ll use it against him all the same.
• When the night comes and their opportunity finally presents itself, Eddie is hesitant. After nearly a month of stalking, watching, and silently observing from afar he finds that Billy Hargrove is particularly… interesting to him. That in the time spent learning about his victim he has gotten a little…obsessed with him. And he sees it reflected in Steve’s eyes too, the flicker of interest and curiosity. They don’t want to kill him anymore, no, no, he’s far too special for that. Killing him would would mean that it would all be over and so soon? No, Eddie can’t have that. He wants to draw this out, wants to stretch whatever this is thin and taut until there’s nothing left of it. He wants to break Billy Hargrove.
• Eddie and Steve devise a new plan that night, a plan to break Billy Hargrove.
bonus content !!!
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(ps, if you guys like my harringrove/murringrove edits you should check out my tiktok @alwaysharringrove 😉)
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So I found a Reddit post asking for headcanons about the BATTs…and I got a little out of control. Enjoy!
(Copied and pasted my comment here)
Oh my god here we go. Unleash the floodgates.
First of all, all three are Raine’s kids, as well as Eda’s stepkids. I will not be taking criticism. Katya and Derwin are also excellent older siblings to Luz, King, and especially Hunter. Katya also gets along very well with Emira and Amity.
Now, personal headcanons.
From left to right:
- probably between the ages of 17 and 19.
- is actually incredibly [powerful](https://whotfelsewantedtobelynnyx.tumblr.com/post/690689421571489792/her-yes-and-if-you-dont-recognize-that-you-may), but uses her powers to make food come to life
- used to get teased for carving her palisman into a bug
- was a former foster kid and ran away when her “caregivers” started pressuring her to join a coven
- lived as a wild witch for years before being forced to join the Bard Coven, which is how she met Raine
- became incredibly protective of Amber as soon as they were introduced
- developed a bit of a crush on Steve, who had to gently remind her that he was definitely too old for her
- now has some claustrophobia issues, as well as struggled with trusting Raine again after learning that they lied about being brainwashed and left her in prison (don’t worry, she forgave them eventually)
- has to put up with being the “cool older sister” (i.e. can’t go anywhere without Luz and King begging to come along. She takes it in stride.)
- has aspirations of branching out and becoming an author, but doesn’t have much confidence in her OC writing (no one’s projecting here…)
- was the son of fairly rich parents who didn’t particularly want a child, so they paid for him to board at St. Epiderm (where I’m guessing Raine taught). When everyone else went home for the holidays, he was one of the few who stayed behind.
- Met Raine when he was fairly young (around the ages of 10-11, now about 19-20) and grew up with them as a teacher. He eventually grew to think of them as a parental figure, and since his parents really didn’t care, he got permission to live with them full time. Legally, they had custody of him from the time he was in his mid teens until he became an adult*.
- is considered one of St. Epiderm’s most talented students studying the bard track. He won several awards and competitions. However, Raine refused to ever let their protégé enter the IFWOT (he didn’t learn why until years later, when he finally met Terra Snapdragon for the first time)
-is also a bit of a history buff and loves spending time with Lilith when he can. She promised to get him a job interning at the museum with her after the DOU.
- considers himself to be demiromantic and has a steady boyfriend. Refuses to give the girls any details, much to Katya’s annoyance.
- very protective over his parent and nearly got himself killed when they were captured during the DOU.
- Is lowkey scared of Hooty.
- was formerly a street kid (having run away from an abusive aunt and uncle) and lied about her age (13-14) to join the BATTs. Raine found out fairly quickly but let her stay out of a combination of protectiveness and attachment.
- Also considers Raine to be her parent and quickly became fairly clingy towards them. She and Derwin had some friction in the beginning because she was jealous of his relationship with Raine- similar to her reaction when she first met Eda. Raine was gentle and patient, however, and she grew to love Derwin as a sibling as well.
- has a tendency to push people away at first out of defensiveness, then becomes incredibly attached once she decides she can trust them.
- gets up to incredible chaos with King and Hooty.
- Is one of King’s favorite people because she “know(s) he’s a Titan, but doesn’t understand the big deal”.
- most definitely has unmanaged ADHD. Raine has been doing their best to manage a rebellion and give her a normal life at the same time, including helping her learn to cope with her disorder and forcing her to actually go to school.
- adores Eda and often curls up in her lap when she sits down for too long.
- BFFs with Eberwolf, distrusts Darius.
- thinks Steve is JUST THE COOLEST.
- is one of those “ew, kissing. Romance is gross.” teens.
- often acts more childish because she never really had the chance to be a child.
- EVERYONE is protective of Amber. Katya, Derwin, Eda, and especially Raine. She’s the baby of the family and anyone who hurts her will regret it.
- thinks the solution to everything is arson.
- was on the airship with Steve during the DOU because Raine wanted to protect her but knew she wouldn’t let them send her away. Steve had to stop her from charging in to save her family when sh*t hit the fan.
ok I’m done. Also, I have a whole Tumblr blog full of similar stuff if anyone’s interested, lol!
*I have no idea how old adult is in the Boiling Isles. I mean, Lilith joined the Emperor’s Coven when she was like…16? So?
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // epilogue
part five
word count: 6k (v worth it me thinks)
a/n: the final official part has arrived bffs </3 i will be doing an epilogue of just pure fluff do not fret <333 i hope u all enjoy this one !! made it xtra long for y’all <3 let me know what you guys think pls !! , i cried writing jt and the ending is my favorite thing ever eeek !!!
You were sitting on the couch next to Natasha, it was quiet as the news played on the tv in front of the two of you, news reporters talking about the aftermath of Thanos’ doing. 
23 days.
23 days since you had lost half the team, since you had lost half the universe. Since you had lost bucky.
Life was dull, you cried for hours on end at night, longing filling your chest. Sometimes you would dream of him, a smile on your face as you slept. Then you would wake up, reaching out next to you in hopes of your fingers being met with the cold vibranium of his arm. You were met with cold sheets, emptiness.
Steve missed him too, sometimes he would sit next to you when you were in tears, placing an arm around you and comforting you as best he could. Natasha and him took turns watching over you, making sure you stayed healthy.
The sound of low rumbling brought you out of the trance you were in, you furrowed your brows and looked at nat, she looked back at you equally as confused. As you went to get up things around you started shaking, steve came of the restroom concerned.
“what the hell is that?” You questioned, Rhodey and banner walking into the room together. The five of you ran out into the yard, looking up your eyes went wide. You recognized carol carrying the giant ship, you had met briefly when she came to earth after receiving Fury’s signal.
Your mouth flew open and tears filled your eyes as you saw tony, a smile on your face as Steve ran to tony, steadying him as the woman next to him handed him off.
The rest of you watched from afar as pepper ran up to tony, the two hugging. You felt your heart tug in your chest as the two soulmates embraced.
You were sat next to thor as while the others explained what happened, though you figured from the pain in their eyes they had suffered the consequences of thanos’ actions themselves.
“whats wrong with them?” Tony asked, looking at you and thor.
“oh he’s pissed, he thinks he failed, which he did-” the raccoon continued to talk but you zoned out.
“did barnes..?” Tony asked softly and steve nodded, his eyes softened, if he had the energy he would’ve gotten up and hugged you.
As they continued to talk you could see tony getting angrier at the captain, you hated it. You hated knowing that things would most likely never be the same between the two friends. You watched teary eyed as the two argued, the lump growing in your throat.
Thor placed his hand on you arm gently, reassuring you everything would be okay. You looked up and saw tony take out his arc reactor, shoving it into Steve’s hand.
“here, take this. You find him, and you put that on, you hide” tony spat, immediately falling to the ground. Steve was quick to catch him, holding him up.
Before you knew it he was passed out, steve carrying him quickly to a bed with steve and Rhodey hot on his heels.
You sat back down next to thor, he handed you some of whatever he was snacking on and you smiled at him softly. The two of you watching the rest of the team bicker and talk about where thanos was.
“-unfortunately they didn’t have you guys” carol replied to Rhodey, you looked at thor, nudging him and he nodded, getting up while he still chewed.
Thor walked up to carol, holding his hand out as Stormbreaker came to him, barely missing carol. The two stared at each other before thor nodded.
“I like this one” he turned to you and you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch” steve spoke, a determined look on his face as everyone moved to get ready.
“y/n are you not coming?” Steve spoke and you hesisted, looking around before shaking your head.
“I’m gonna stay here with tony and pepper, in case they need something” you replied, fiddling with the dog tags you still wore around your neck.
Steve knew that wasn’t the reason, but he didn’t push you, simply nodding his head, giving you a hug and then walking away.
You sat back on the couch after letting pepper know you would be there if they needed anything. You let your mind wander back to the flash on you and bucky at a picnic, the sun seemed so bright and you caught yourself smiling as you thought of bucky. Your eyes were closed as you seemingly looped the flash of your futures in your head.
“isn’t the sunset so beautiful james” you sighed contently, a small smile on your face as you looked at the pinks and reds. You turned to look at bucky, but he was gone. “Bucky?” Your heart raced, tears in your eyes as you looked around.
“y/n?” You whipped around quickly, mouth falling open as you saw bucky fading into dust.
“no!” You cried out, running to catch him.
Your eyes shot open and your heart raced in your chest. That can’t be right, that can’t happen. Bucky was your soulmate. Those visions were set in stone they had to happen, those were the rules, they can’t just change all of a sudden. Right?
You peeked into the room, checking in on tony and pepper.
“can i get some water actually?” Pepper asked and you nodded, quickly coming back with water and some snacks for her. “Thanks” you whispered and you smiled at her.
“they’ll bring him back, i know they will” pepper reassured you. You gaveher the best smile you could manage and replied, “i know.”
You held out hope for the time the others were out. Shaking away the thought of the flashes of your future changing. It’s just because I’m on edge, that’s it. You reasoned, your leg bouncing as you waited for them to return.
Everyone walked in, you ran up to them hopeful for good news, you looked at steve with a smile, hugging him and holding your hand in his. He felt his heart crush in his chest, this was the happiest you’d been since the decimation and it was going to be torn from you immediately.
“so? did you get the stones? when are we getting everyone back? Does someone need to snap or clap or what? did you guys kill him?” You rushed out, eyes shining in hope as you looked at everyone. Your stomach fell as you saw the look on their faces.
“he destroyed them” Natasha spoke cautiously, “there’s no more stones, we- there’s nothing we can do.”
“oh,” was all you managed to say, your hand going limp in Steve’s, you felt a new wave of pain coming up and you didn’t want to have another meltdown infront of them.
“y/n, please we’re here for you” steve spoke, trying to grasp your hand again after you pulled it out of his.
“I’m fine” you smiled, walking away quickly to your room. Steve sighed, going to follow you but Natasha stopped him, knowing you would want some space.
You laid on your bed, at first nothing happened, you just looked up at your ceiling, an emptiness in your chest. Then it all hit you.
Bucky was gone, there was nothing that could bring him back. The one person you were destined to was gone and you couldn’t do a single thing about it. The little time you had together wasn’t nearly enough to you. The two day trips to wakanda left you wanting more, but you could never get more time. You were always out of time.
For years you had been praying to finally touch your soulmate, to meet them and live a long happy life together. You knew you would never get that the moment you reached out to bucky and saw your future with him. You knew the road would be bumpy but you held out hope, both of you did. You tried to keep him within your grasp, you tried to hold him close to your heart for as long as you could despite knowing you were out of time. You thought of how he would embrace you, how he would keep you safe in his arms while you slept.
Now you slept in an empty bed, knowing there wouldn’t be a next visit to wakanda. Knowing your soulmate was gone and you didn’t get to say goodbye. Knowing you were back to where you started- Alone.
Five years.
It had been five years since the Decimation happened, everyone else called it the blip.
Gently, you set down the bag of groceries, finally closing your apartment door after your third trip up. You arranged everything quietly, 40s music softly playing from your speaker and the jingle of Buckys dog tags filling the apartment.
You never took them off. They were all you had of him, they were the only thing to keep you going. You would fiddle with them and hold them close to your chest. They brought you comfort. The same comfort bucky would give you, the comfort he had given you during your time in wakanda. The same you should’ve had right in this moment.
One more fight
The words rang in your ears, taunting you. Rage, sadness and pain all filled your chest, your heart aching as you finished putting everything away, shutting the music off and turning on the tv. You looked down at the dog tags that rested on your chest, tears welling in your eyes as you read over them.
The hot tears fell down your face and you held the dog tags tightly in your hands, mind going blank as you let yourself wallow in the pain for a moment.
Your phone rang and you wiped your tears away, sniffling as you saw Steve’s contact picture. You hesisted before answering.
“hi steve!” You spoke brightly, putting on your best act.
“hey y/n how are you?” Steve spoke smoothly and you wiped at your tears before replying.
“I’m doing good! Just got back from the grocery store” you wanted to hang up, to just watch reruns of your favorite show and forget about everything
“are you sure?” Steve spoke cautiously and you replied quicker than you intended, “course I’m sure!”
Then there was a knock on your door.
“great because I’m outside” steve replied happily, hanging up and waiting outside. Your stomach fell, you looked in the mirror, your eyes and nose were redándolo your cheeks flushed.
Quickly you ran to splash water on your face, taking in a shaky breath as you dried your face and moved to open the door, putting a smile on your face and greeting steve.
“if it isn’t my favorite captain” you smiled, steve looked at you warily, taking you into a hug after you let him in.
“you forget i have enhanced hearing y/n, i know you were sniffling right before opening the door” steve spoke bluntly and your shoulders fell. “y/n, you can’t keep shutting me out, Natasha is worried about you too” he spoke softly, taking your hand and leading you to your couch.
“i just miss him” you whispered and steve sighed, pulling you into him so your head rested on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you as you cried quietly.
“i know, i do too, we just have to learn to live without him, he would want you to start a life y/n, you don’t have to be alone” steve spoke. His presence was calming.
You and steve had been friends for so long, there was a reason he knew he could call you when SHIELD fell. You were the one to help him adjust to modern society, you were his first friend out of the ice.
“how about you go shower and change, and I’ll make some food for us okay? We can watch your show while we eat” steve smiled, he knew you hadn’t showered in three days from the way your hair was tangled and messily thrown into a ponytail.
“okay” you nodded, smiling softly as he helped you up, handing you some tissues before the two of you headed to do your own things.
You were grateful for steve, he had always been there to check up on you, constantly making sure you were okay. You had basically shut everyone else out, Natasha didn’t really reach out. You didn’t blame her.
You walked out of your room, the smell of pasta hitting your nose and your stomach growled, steve smiled as he set out the two plates.
“tried my best” he mumbled and you shook your head.
“thank you steve” you hugged him tightly and he returned it, letting go after a couple moments so the two of you could eat.
“i saw some whales the other day” you spoke up, “when i was coming up the bridge” steve smiled, glad to know you were leaving the apartment.
“fewer ships, cleaner water” he nodded, “might tell Nat, I’m sure she could use some good news” you nodded.
The two of you ate in silence, watching your favorite show as you did. Steve stayed for a bit longer before heading back to the compound. He hugged you tightly and you held onto him.
“promise you’ll reach out” steve pleaded and you nodded, “I’ll try” he smiled at your words, it was a start.
It hadn’t even been an hour when steve was calling you again, you rolled your eyes as you answered the phone.
“steve im not crying i swear” you joked, a small smile on your face.
“you have to get to the compound” he spoke in a serious tone and your stomach dropped, “scott Lang is here” you felt your heart race.
“wasn’t he- i thought he-” you cut yourself off, moving to get a jacket and your car keys, “I’m on my way.”
When you arrived you rushed towards the living room watching as Scott paced infront of steve and Natasha
As you set next to steve, scott began to ramble, talking about quantum physics and his time i. The quantum realm.
“wait, are you talking about a time machine?” You asked him, and he shook his head.
“no, of course not, it’s like a- yeah a time machine i know it’s crazy but there’s gotta be a way” scott mumbled.
“Scott, i get emails from a raccoon, nothing sounds crazy anymore” you smiled at natashas comment.
“so who do we talk about this?” Scott asked nervously, you and steve looked at each other for a second.
The four of you approached the cabin, your heart heavy as your eyes land on tony. You knew how much he wanted to just stay out of everything, he was happy for once, he was with his soulmate, he had a family.
“we know what it sounds like” Scott spoke as he finished explaining his plan.
You were quiet as tony and steve talked, Scott joining in when he mentioned his plan of a time heist.
“we can bring everyone back” Natasha reasoned and tony scoffed a little. “Or we could make things worse” he stated and you shifted. The four bickered for a while longer before you spoke up.
“Tony, we have to take a stand” his eyes landed on you and his gaze softened a bit.
“we did stand, and yet here we are” he spoke sharply.
“i know you got a lot on the line, a wife, a daughter, but i lost someone very importantly me, a lot of people did-” you zoned out as Scott spoke, your eyes resting on the lake and watching as the water moved slowly.
“Mommy told me to come and save you!” Morgan smiled as Tony picked her up. You smiled at the pair.
“good job, I’m saved” tony smiled at her, he turned to you guys before sighing, “i wish you’d come to ask for something else, i missed you guys” his eyes were soft and he spoke sincerely.
“I’m happy for you, i really am. But this is a second chance” steve pleaded and tony replied quickly, “i got my second chance right here.”
“Aunt y/n!” Morgan smiled as her eyes landed on you, wiggling out of her dads grasp as she ran to hug you.
“hi little stark” you smiled, picking her up with ease and carrying her on your hip.
Tony smiled at you as the steve and Natasha looked at you in confusion.
“i visit, I’m not a horrible person” you mumbled, you knew steve would have some choice words for you later.
“If you don’t talk shop, you can stay for lunch” tony spoke up, the others sighed, walking towards the car.
You set Morgan down, telling her to head inside. You gave Tony a hug, “I’ll visit soon, just haven’t been feeling the best” you mumbled and he rubbed your back.
“you always have a room here y/n” he smiled softly and you nodded, waving goodbye before going the other three in the car.
“we’re gonna need a big brain” steve spoke, Scott looked at him in disbelief.
“bigger than his?” Scott questioned and you rolled your eyes, knowing you would be seeing Bruce soon.
“can you drop me off at home actually?” you spoke up, steve looking at you for a moment before nodding, driving to your apartment building. You got out quickly and said goodbye, “let me know what you guys find” steve, Natasha and Scott nodded, wishing you goodnight.
The cold New York air nipped at your skin as you rushed up your stairs, holding your jacket tightly as you fumbled with your key and let yourself in, sighing when you closed the door.
You changed into your pajamas quickly, brushing your teeth before grabbing the notebook and your pen on your nightstand and sliding into bed. You flipped to the next empty page as you began to write.
hi james,
today was okay, steve came over and found me crying. he stayed and made dinner, he’s been taking care of me for a while now, i feel kinda guilty.
You continued to write into the journal, letting all your feelings pour out into the page. As you finished for the night you clicked you pen and set them on your nightstand. You had finished all the pages in the notebook already. With a sigh you got up from your bed, grabbing the small notebook and placing it on the floor as you reached for a container under your bed.
You reached for the lid and opened it, there were numerous other notes book, you placed the one you had just written in next to your last one, closing the lid and sliding it back under your bed.
For the past five years you’ve been writing to bucky, it helped you stay somewhat sane. If he ever came back you didn’t want him to feel left out, you wanted to make sure he felt like he didn’t miss those five years of your life. You wanted him to be there. Your hands fiddled with the dog tags as you laid on your side.
You needed him to be here with you.
The next morning you woke up to a call from steve, with fuzzy vision your answered the phone, bringing it to your ear.
“hello?” You mumbled and steve spoke quickly, your eyes widened as he spoke.
“tony found a way” was all you needed to hear to have you scrambling to get ready.
“be there in 30” you rushed out, a smile on your face. You felt hope blossoming in your chest, thoughts of the picnic with bucky flooded your mind as you got ready.
You were going to get him back. You were going to be together.
You ran into the compound as smiled at those around you, rocket looked at you in shock when you smiled at him.
“didn’t know she did that” he remarked and Scott looked at him equally as shocked.
“Steve! Tony!” You beamed, crashing into them and taking them into a group hug. You let out a sigh of happiness.
“Is it true? Can we actually get them back?” Your eyes shined and tony found his heart growing, it had been so long since you had been happy.
“we have a shot kid” he nodded, “Clint just tried it out and it worked,” your smile grew, throwing your arms around him as everyone gathered into the room
“well what are we waiting for? Let’s plan this heist!” You smiled, looking at everyone and steve nodded.
You listened as everyone spoke, sharing their knowledge on the stones. You sat next to Natasha who was taking notes, glancing over at them your gears turned, speaking up as they talked about Stephen Strange.
“he lived in New York?” You questioned and they nodded, Tony rolling his eyes at you, “are you paying attention?”
“if you pick the right year there’s three stones in New York” you replied quickly, everyone looking at you in surprise.
Not long after your realization there was finally a formulated plan. You were nervous, excited and hopeful. You were going to get everyone back, you were going to get bucky back.
“Six stones, three teams, one shot” you mumbled, everyone nodding as you looked at the plan you had come up with steve and tony.
“I’ll stay behind just in case, you all know what you’re doing and ive been out of the loop so” you trailed off and they nodded.
“you already did enough, i mean you came up with the whole plan” tony scoffed and you smiled at him.
“you guys got this” you encouraged them, natasha smiling at you. Without hesitating you pulled the three in for a hug, squeezing tightly before letting go.
“okay, go kick some ass” you smiled.
The team filed onto the time machine and you waited by the buttons, looking for steve signal.
“see you in a minute” natasha called out to you and you waved goodbye, pressing the buttons and holding your breath and they all shrunk and disappeared from your sight.
It was only a minute later when they all appeared, you smiled as you ran up to them, quickly doing a headcount. Your stomach fell when you saw Natasha was missing.
“Clint wheres nat” you asked quietly, voice shaking. He didn’t reply. You stumbled back, teary eyed as you walked out.
You looked at the lake, steve, Tony, thor, Clint and Bruce gathered around you.
“do we know if she had any family?” Tony asked and you scoffed.
“us” steve spoke up and Thor looked at them confused.
“you’re acting like she’s dead, why are we acting like she’s dead?” Thor spoke up, his voice growing louder and you winced as he continued, Clint soon jumping in and arguing with him. The two men shouted and you let your tears fall silently, steve noticed and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“she’s not coming back” Bruce mumbled quietly.
“we have to make it worth it” you spoke up, wiping your tears and standing up.
“we will” steve spoke, getting up after you did.
“the what are we waiting for” you looked at them with a small smile, squeezing Clint’s arm before walking past him and into the lab.
You waited anxiously for them to finish the gauntlet, jumping up when rocket walked in with it in hand.
“who’s gonna snap their freaking fingers?” Thor spoke up, immediately volunteering.
“no Thor, wait a second” you stopped him, everyone else protesting his actions.
“what we’re just waiting for the right opportunity?” He huffed and Scott spoke up.
“we should at least discuss it”
Thor nodded his head, speaking up again, “I’m the strongest avenger this is my responsibility, it’s my duty” you were quick to stop him.
“it’s not about that” you spoke gently. He furrowed his brows and turned to look at you angrily.
“stop it! Just let me!” You could see the tears in his eyes, “let me do something good, something right”
Tony explained to him the power the stones had, trying to reason for him to not do it. Thor argued right back before Bruce cut him off, explaining how it almost killed thanos when he snapped and how no one else could survive it.
“how do you know you will?” Steve asked cautiously.
“it’s mainly gamma, it’s like i was made for this” he whispered as everyone moved back you noticed Nebula was missing.
Bruce’s grunts of pain made you focus back onto him, “are you okay? talk to me!” You screamed, frantic as he yelled in pain.
“I’m okay!” He spoke fighting against the pain and snapping his fingers, you held your breath as he did so, your heartbeat thumping in your ears.
You looked out the window and saw two birds, a smile on your face as you realized it had worked. Clint had a smile on his face as he answered a call, “honey, honey!” He spoke.
You turned to tell the team it had worked, but before you could you were blasted away by missiles, the compound crumbling underground.
You groaned as you heard rocket calling out for her, you and Rhodey doing your best to free him. Finally he wiggled free, the three of you sighing before your eyes went wide. A flood of water washing over the three of you as you panicked.
Rhodey called for help and you heard Scott on the other end. You kept your head up high, trying to not drown, rocket clung onto you as Bruce tried to hold the structure up.
“see you on the other side” Rhodey spoke and you geared up shaking your head.
“Hang on! I’m coming!” Scott yelled and you tried your best to stay above water, Rhodey struggling next to you as rocket clung onto your back.
Before you knew it you were clinging onto Scott as he turned into giant man, Rocket continued to Clint onto you and Rhodey held on for fear life.
Scott placed you and rocket down, you spotted the wakandans next to you and ran towards them, smiling as you saw t’challa and shuri amongst them.
“shuri!” You cried out, hugging her tightly. She handed you a gun and some knives and you quickly strapped them to you. “How’d you know” you smiled and she shrugged.
“you people never seem prepared for battle” she teased and you smiled, standing next to her as you prepared to face thanos’ army.
Your eyes scanned the crowd for bucky, heart beating louder and louder and you couldn’t find him. You ran onto the battlefield with everyone, immediately shooting and fighting the aliens off.
You shot them as fast as you could, but they were quickly surrounding you, grunting as one of them tackled you,
Before you could even think of grabbing a knife it’s body fell limp and you pushed it off you, looking at the bullet wounds.
“hope you haven’t been fighting like that this whole time doll”
You felt your heart drop and your stomach flutter. Bucky.
You turned around quickly, a smile on your face as your eyes met his baby blue one. Your smile grew as you ran towards him, dropping your gun and throwing yourself onto him. He picking you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist, holding you tightly.
“you’re here, you’re back, you’re here” you spoke over and over, tears streaming down your cheeks as you buried your face into the crook of his neck.
“I’m here doll” he reassured you, holding onto you tightly and closing his eyes for a moment. The sound of an alien screaming made you snap out of your bubble.
You groaned as you picked up your gun, shooting it in the head before turning back to bucky, you smiled at him before crashing your lips onto his. He smiled into the kiss, leaning in for a second before the two of you pulled away.
“been waiting five years to do that” you spoke breathless and bucky smiled at you.
“after this you can kiss me all you want sweets” he spoke and you giggled, moving to press your backs against one another, shooting at the aliens.
You thought back to wakanda, how familiar it all was. But this time you would win. This time it was your last fight, you would win and you could go home with bucky. You could be with your soulmate.
You watched as the other tossed the gauntlet around, trying to keep it away from thanos.
“Bucky we have to go help them!” You called out and he nodded, the two of you running towards where steve, Thor and tony were, helping fend off the aliens attacking them.
You saw thanos get the gauntlet and you felt you blood run cold, you froze in your spot. Please, not again. You turned to bucky, dropping your weapon as you clung onto him tightly.
“not letting you go again” you mumbled, kissing him before letting go and grabbing a knife from your suit and running towards the titan.
You threw the knife at thanos with all you had, lodging it in his shoulder. He cried out in pain as it stabbed him, giving Tony the chance to attack him once more, pulling the gauntlet before Thanos punches him away.
“I am inevitable” thanos spoke, your blood ran cold as he snapped, flinching away when he did. When nothing happened you looked at him once more, a smile on your face as you saw the glove had no stones.
“And i” tony spoke, “am Iron man” he snapped his fingers, the white light blinding you before bucky pulled you into him, shielding you from the light.
As the two of you looked again you saw the aliens fading into dust. You held Buckys hand tightly, your knuckles white. You looked at him in excitement, wrapping your arms around his neck when you realized you had won.
You had won.
Turning quickly you ran to look for tony and steve, the smile falling from your face when you saw peter over Tony’s body.
You ran towards him, falling to your knees next to him.
“tony? no you can’t” you shook your head, tears welling in your eyes and he turned to look at you.
“hey kid, take care of my girls yeah?” He smiled and you shook your head, “you can take care of em you have to hold on a bit longer” you protested.
“always told you that you had one hell of a throw” he chuckled dryly, “‘ts what helped me get the stones” he smiled gently and you broke down into tears, “you have him now, you’ll be okay” he whispered.
Bucky pulled you aside, letting pepper speak to tony. You cried into Buckys chest, not knowing what would happen to you if you looked back.
It happened so fast.
You were in a black dress outside the cottage you had visited countless time. You didn’t imagine the next time you visited would be for Tony’s funeral.
Bucky held your hand, his thumb making small circles on the back of your hand to calm you down. You could help but lean into him, his presence relaxing you immediately.
You smiled fondly as you thought back to the time tony tried to talk you into breaking up with bucky one time after you came back from wakanda. You knew he was joking but he still felt a little bad, buying you dinner as compensation
As the service ended you followed bucky, steve and Sam to the time machine where Bruce waited.
You stood next to bucky as steve said goodbye to Sam, walking up to you guys next.
“Don’t do anything stupid ‘til i get back” steve spoke and bucky smiled.
“how can i? you’re taking all the stupid with you” the hugged tightly for a bit before pulling apart.
“gonna miss you buddy” bucky sighed and steve looked at him softly.
“it’s gonna be okay buck” he turned to you.
“bye steve” you let out softly, bottom lip quivering. He hugged you tightly, kissing your temple softly.
“you’re still gonna be my favorite best friend” he spoke softly and you smiled, letting out a soft chuckle before sniffling.
“you finally have him back y/n, you’re gonna be happy, i promise” you nodded and hugged him one more time, knowing it would be the last time.
As he stepped into the time machine you melted into Buckys side, he put an arm around you and kissed the top of your head.
Steve vanished as he went to return the stones, seconds later Bruce signaled to bring him back, but he didn’t appear.
“where is he?” Sam spoke, worry lacing his voice.
“I don’t know he blew right past his time stamp, he should be here” Bruce panicked and you and bucky looked around your eyes landing Onondaga older version of him sitting on a log.
You nudged bucky as you heard sam and Bruce arguing.
“sam” you called out, looking at him before back at steve. Sam walked towards you cautiously as you pointed at steve.
“go ahead” bucky spoke to the man, the two of you smiled at sam as he approached steve.
You and bucky smiled as steve handed sam the shield. A grin on your face as he put the shield on his arm.
“he’s gonna be a great captain america” bucky smiled fondly and you nodded. “Steve made the right choice” you added.
The two of you walked away hand in hand, getting into your car and heading back to your apartment. Bucky settled in quickly, sitting on your couch and pulling you down with him, a small squeal leaving your lips as your back crashed onto his chest.
“missed you so much buck” you mumbled, wiggling so that you could cuddle into him, leaving open mouthed kisses on his neck and onto his jawline.
“i missed you too doll” he whispered, kissing you softly, his hand moving to the back of your neck. He pulled away when he pinky felt the familiar chain of his dog tags, hooking it onto his pinky and pulling them out from under your shirt.
“you kept them?” He looked at you teary eyed and you nodded, heart racing.
“they were the only thing left of you, course i did” you smiled, taking them off and placing them onto him, fixing them so that they laid on his chest.
“that reminds me!” You smiled, getting off of him and running to your room, pulling the bin from under your bed and carrying it towards bucky.
“i- uh- when you were gone i wrote in these journals almost everyday, to kinda keep you up to date for when you got back” you smiled sheepishly and bucky felt his heart grow in his chest.
“you never lost faith?” He questioned, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. You shook your head.
“sometimes i wanted to” you mumbled, holding his hand in yours, “but you never took me on a picnic so i wasnt letting you go so easily” you pouted and he smiled, kissing you.
The two of you smiled into the kiss, giggling and he peppered kisses all over your face.
“I’m your forever y/n y/l/n” bucky whispered, his forehead resting against yours. You felt your heart rate speed up, your stomach full of butterflies. Closing your eyes as you relished the moment.
“and I’m yours forever bucky barnes” you kissed him softly before opening your eyes, the two of you pulling away a bit.
You reached out and caressed his cheek, you smiled at each other. You finally had your soulmate, and you had forever together.
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Record Shop Funk - Pt. 1 Like real people do
A.N. : Hey guys, so i had this idea yesterday, and i really hope you'll like it. <3
Words: 1,9k
Pairing: camboy!Steve x Reader, roommate!Bucky x reader, Stucky x reader (as the story goes)
Warnings: nothing yet :)
Summary: Who knew that having a secret crush, then a hearbreak will end in such a sweet thing..
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You and Bucky shared an apartment above the recordshop you both worked in. Your aunt was the owner of both, so it was a fairly good payment, and a fairly good apartment for a cheap price. It was a bright and big apartment with two bedrooms, so your decided to rent it out, all while searching for a helper to the shop downstairs. When Bucky came in applying for the job, you asked out of joke if he needs a place to live since you had seen around 5 people already and none of them felt right. His eyes lit up as he said he is in fact looking for a place. Since he was fitting for a job, and looked like a decent guy, you congratulated him on his new job, and asked if he wants to see the place today. You still had one and a half hour to close, but after it you would gladly show him the apartment.
He had nothing better to do, so he agreed to it, feeling happy about having a job he might actually like and a coworker he might actually will get along with.
-Do you drink coffee? I was thinking of getting one in the meantime. My friend works close by, and they make the best coffee in town. - He asked.
-I could go for one thank you - you smiled at him - iced cold-brew, no sugar, i'm sweet enough.. - you said with a smile.
He couldn't help but smile back at the joke. When he arrived at the café, he saw his friend Steve flirting with a girl whom he could visibly see trembling just cause he talked to her. Steve always had his way with girls, ever since the serum of course. After he broke up with Peggy, it was mostly just hookups, never finding a girl worth keeping around. Not as if they werent kind, pretty or good to him, it just never felt right. Bucky smiled at his friend, Steve immediately shifted his gaze from the girl, to a very happy Bucky.
-Did you get the job?
-Better.. I got the job, and she has a room for rent which i'll see tonight.
-Wow Bucky, i didn't know you were even better then i am.. sooo how does she look? - asked Steve with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. He wanted Bucky to get a girl since ages and hearing this, his mind immediately ventured there.
-5'7, ginger, green eyes, freckles, curvy just the right places. why?
-Nothing Buck.. nothing.. - Steve said smirking at his friend.. Bucky never realized when he liked a girl, so he never really acted on it. He last had a woman back in the 40's.
-Sooo i know you didn't come to have chat with me, one black coffee and.. ?
-ah, iced cold-brew, no sugar..
After paying for the coffee, he hurried back to the shop, hoping to get to know his coworker a little bit better.
You thanked him for the coffee, and when you tried to pay, he refused.
-Next round's mine then. - You smiled at him with your 1000 watt smile, which again he couldn't help but smile back at.
-So tell me about you Bucky, what do you do in your freetime?
-Nothing really, just reading, spending time with my friends, kind of thats it.. I have a boring life really. What about you?
-Well, i work here, then i go home and listen to music, cook, god i love to cook, thats a big pro for the apartment.. just saying. - you said with a playful wink. - besides that nothing much. Sometimes i go to a nearby bar with my friends maybe concerts and thats it.
-I like washing dishes if that helps with the application for the room. - he said with a shy laugh which made your heart skip a beat.
- It sure does.. Do you leave your stuff around?
-No i'm a tidy person.. thank you very much. - he said cockily (just for the sake of being funny really).
-Okay okay, if you like it you can have the room, just promise to tell if you bring up a girl so i can leave. The walls are kind of thin.
-It's okay, i don't really...
-Oh um i'm sorry, i didn't meant to intrude, it just something i would really like everyone to add to their rental contracts. - you chuckled embarassed.
-Noo no, it's okay, i'm not embarassed by it. I guess i don't want hook ups, if one day there's someone i'll tell in advance.
-yea me too, i promise. If you end up renting it anyway haha. on that note it's time to close so i can show the room in a min.
When you opened the door to the apartment Buckyquietly took in it all. It was really bright, white walls with paintings all over the walls, plants in every corner or shelf you can put one on, a comfy looking mustard couch, aztec-y rug under the coffeetable, and a wall fully shelved, filled with books and little trinkets, it looked like a home he never had a chance to have. The livingroom had an american kitchen on the side, island in the middle of the kitchen area, it was white, and blue which reminded him of greece, down the hallway you showed him the bathroom which of course had a lot of plants that liked the atmosphere of a bathroom, a shower in the corner and a bathtub under the window. You then showed the empty room he could rent out. It only had a shelf and a wardrobe, and a queen sized bed. No decorations, no signs of anybody ever living there. You then pointed to the room the opposit of what could possibly be Bucky's in the future, saying that is yours. You didn't show your room, he wasn't gonna go in there anyway, and showing your most private space on the first day didn't seem like a good idea either. You then invited him out to the balcony, watching the setting sun, smoking a cigarette.
-So thats about it, what do you think?
-I really like it, and i mean.. my workplace is pretty close so thats a plus, also you said something about cooking all the time.. sooo if it's alright with you i would love to rent it out.
-It's settled then roomie. I'll give you the keys, you can move in whenever you want to. Tomorrow we are closed, so maybe that would be ideal.
-Yea, then tomorrow it is then. I'll ask my friend to help, then we can maybe hang a bit if you're free.
-Sure, i have nothing planned, and it's good to know who i'll be living with. - you said with a smile.
Before closing the door, you said your goodbyes, and you realized what did you just do, after he wished you good night with a killer halfsmile that almost had your knees buckle. You just agreed to living together with possibly the most handsome man you've ever seen who is also your new coworker, so you will basically spend most of your time with him.. Guess we'll see how this goes you thought to yourself.
Morning came soon enough, you were sitting out on the balcony when you saw Bucky arrive with a very tall, just as handsome man, carrying boxes of books, and bags of clothing. Bucky looked up at the balcony, waving towards you, you waved back, then moved to open the front door before going back out to the balcony, resuming your coffee and smoke.
When they finished bringing all Bucky's stuff in, it was already midday, so you decided you'd order pizza for all of you, as in like a welcome present.
-Hey guys, i'm thinking of ordering pizza, what kind would you like?
-Oh (y/n) you don't have to. - said Bucky, earning a smirk from Steve as he looked back and forth between you two.
- Noo i insist, today won't be the day i'll start to slowly kill you with my cooking. - you said giggling a bit.
- Whatever's fine peach. - said Steve with a wink, that you decided was just out of friendlyness. You didn't veen knew his name, and he seemed like a lady's man anyways. Not really your type no matter how handsome and muscular he is.
- Steve, by the way, nice to meet you.
-(Y/n), likewise. - you shook his hand.
When the pizzas arrived you called them to the kitchen, listening to all their shared stories from their early years. They seemed like really close friends, and genuinely good people. You had a really great time. It was nearly 9 pm when Steve left, for saving a dame from dying cause of boredom he said. You and Bucky chuckled, then he let him out, closing the door, locking it for the night.
-I guess i have some packing to do, so.. good night (y/n).
-Good night Bucky, if you need anything just knock. - you said with a smile, and he couldn't help but smile back. He felt at peace. He had Steve, now he had a job, and a room to make a home of, and you as a new addition. You were so kind, so eager to help if he needed anything, he loved how the scent of raspberries and flowers lingered in the apartment mixed with coffee and cigarette smoke. It seemed to have a calming effect on him.
You heard a soft knock half an hour later. WHen you opened the door you saw a smiling Bucky, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
- Hey, um.. sorry. I forgot i didn't bring a blanket, could i borrow one until i get my own?
-Yea sure, i'll get one in a min. - You said, leaving the door open, letting him see a bit of "you" while you were searching for your spare blanket in your wardrobe. The room really was you. White, with mustardy curtains on the window, plants everywhere, books piled up here and there, a really comfy looking bed, pictures of you and your friends on the walls. And damn, your room smelled even more like you. If he wouldn't pay attention your scent would lure him into your room and never let him leave he thought.
-There you go. - you handed him the blanket smiling.
-Thank you very much.
Then he stood there for a moment drinking in the sight of you in front of him. You were wearing an oversized tshirt, that ended just around the middle of your thighs, hair in a messy bun, no makeup. He could swear he thought you were pretty before, but seeing you as you were made him fancy you even more.
With a small smile you told him goodnight again, then closed the door in his face.
You could hear his little laugh on the other side of the door, then his door closing. For the first time in months he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he didn't had a nightmare either. He was afraid he would, and then he would wake you up with his screaming, but looks like the blanket which smelled just like you calmed him enough.
After waking up because the rays of sunshine on his face, he smiled to himself guess i'll wait with getting my own blanket then...
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insomniumstella · 3 years
bucky x reader
summary: Bucky has experienced many heartbreaks in his life but this might just be the most painful
warnings: angst, some talk about blood, guns, knives, but not really
word count: 1,456
author’s note: got my heart broken and this is the outcome. ruelle’s the other side & war of heart songs fit this perfectly
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Bucky was a man of heartbreak. Throughout his life, he experienced many. Some were more gentle than others, but all of them hurt nonetheless. The heartbreak of getting rejected back in his teen years, or the heartbreak of having to see Steve getting beat up. The pain of losing a sister, and later on, the pain of losing himself. The crushing guilt of taking someone's life; it didn't matter if he wasn't in control when he killed all those people. The sin and sorrow didn't ease. Bucky didn't enjoy pain, but he was for sure familiar with it. An intimate feeling but never a pleasurable one. It always crept upon him when he least expected it too. Sometimes it was soft, so slight Bucky wondered if it was even there. Other times, well other times, the pain was excruciating and exhausting, an icy cold feeling that crept into his bones and froze him in place. Those times were the hardest. In those times, he felt utterly hopeless. And even though he promised himself he wouldn't let the pain consume him ever again, there's no way to stop your heart from breaking. That night, the night when Steve walked in with y/n's nearly lifeless body in his hands, proved that pain always finds a way. It's ruthless and unpredictable. 
"What happened?" Both Sam and Bucky jumped from their seats. Steve didn't have the energy to answer. His eyes were dull and tired and pleading for someone, anyone, to get the help y/n needed. Bucky saw the injuries on his best friend's body, but the deep, gushing red wounds on y/n made Steve's seem insignificant.
"Buck?" Bucky didn't realize he froze. Didn't realize pain bound him in his bones again. He didn't think much after that, not when her life depended on him. It took a split second for the soldier to take y/n's body from Steve and start running to the medical wing. Bucky has never run this fast in his entire life, not even when his life depended on it. Not even when people chased after him with guns and knives, ready to cut his heart out. No, this was the fastest Bucky has ever run. If Bucky ran fast enough, then maybe, just maybe, she'd get to live. He pressed her tighter to his chest.
"I need a doctor, please." Usually, Bucky remained calm. Usually, he only spoke when it was necessary. Over the years, words became a luxury Bucky didn't feel worthy of. He grew accustomed to staying silent and it's what he did most days. Some thought he was weird, a deadly outcast, a dangerous loner if you will. Others, oh, others didn't even try speaking to him. He was The Winter Soldier after all. What if he lost control? What if he tried to kill them? It was a title destined to burden him forever. Three simple words he could never get rid of, no matter how much or how hard he tried to run away from them. If one thing was for sure, it was that no one could ever hate him more than Bucky hated himself. He was a monster, right? Bucky accepted that the word monster was a name fit for a man like him until she came along.
"She'll survive, right?" He asked once again.
"Mister Barnes, I need you to remove your hand from the stretcher. We're taking her into the emergency surgery room now." Bucky took a shaky breath. y/n was a woman like nothing else. She'd yell snarky remarks at strangers if they looked at him for too long. Ask him the most ridiculous questions to get him to open up, and every once in a while, crack a smile because they were so stupid, he couldn't keep a neutral face. Lounge at him full speed during training when the only other person brave enough to do so was Steve; no, she gave her all every time. Never treated him as a broken man, but always sat outside his bedroom door to let him know she's there if he needs her. Accepted every touch he gave and didn't dare to ask for more, even though Bucky knew how much she loved it. y/n was extraordinary, so it came as no surprise that her love was extraordinary too. A special kind of love people hope to find in their lifetime.
"Please. I need to be in there." Bucky wasn't ready to let go. The world wasn't ready to lose a soul like y/n. Bucky wasn't ready to lose y/n. It was a mean, painful heartbreak to see her fighting for her life and, as much as Bucky hated to admit it, losing.
“Please. Just tell me she’s fine.” He broke down, voice hoarse and tired.
"Mister Barnes, let go." And so they wheeled her away, leaving Bucky utterly hopeless. He hated feeling hopeless. Hated feeling as if there wasn't anything he could do to help. But he wasn't a doctor, wasn't a nurse either, so the only thing he could do was wait.
"You're okay?" Sam sat down beside him. It was just the two of them in the waiting room.
  "I'm fine. How's Steve?"
  "He needs a couple of bandages, but he'll survive." Sam joked, but his smile quickly fell when he noticed Bucky's expression. "I'm sure y/n will too." The only thing Bucky could do was nod. He thought about the first time she came into his room to help with the nightmares. Sleepy-eyed, wearing an old t-shirt and boxers for a pajama, a pair of fluffy socks on her feet, another in her hand. Here, warm feet, warm thoughts, she said then. Bucky couldn't lose her. He didn't have the chance to admit he wears those damn socks to bed every night since then. He thought about his first birthday at the compound. It was 5 am, everyone else was sleeping, so it came as a surprise when he found y/n in the kitchen when he walked in. The smell of coffee in the room, flour all over her face, clothes, the counters, and a crooked smile on her face. I wasn't sure what to get you for your birthday, so I baked a cake. Sorry it’s kind of ugly!, she said then. It was a very messily decorated cake with too much salt added to it, but Bucky was sure she stayed up all night just to make it for him, so it was the best cake he ever had. Bucky couldn't lose her. He didn't have the chance to admit that the cake meant more to him than she'll ever know. He thought about the first time he joined her for her usual Friday movie night. She had managed to escape going to a fancy gala with the others, instead opting for sweatpants and a big hoodie to hide all bruises and cuts from their mission a couple of hours prior. Bucky was mad as hell at her for the decisions she made on the field that day. I'm alive! No need to worry, she said then, chuckling, but it was the first time he saw fear paint her features. She fell asleep halfway into the movie, her body so worn out it fell against his. Bucky fell asleep a couple of minutes after that, and they both had the pleasure of explaining why they were "cuddling" to their teammates the next morning. But it was the first time Bucky slept peacefully through the night, so he couldn't lose her. He didn't have the chance to admit he was mad because he cared, perhaps so much it scared him, about her. He thought about the first times they snuck out from the compound together for late-night walks. The first times they spent the nights in each other's rooms. The first times they cuddled on movie nights for real. He thought about the first time they kissed too. That time she didn't say much, afraid it was all an illusion, but her body spoke volumes. The feeling of her lips on his, and her trembling hands finding their way into his hair, the nervous but cute smile when they pulled away? Bucky won't ever forget that. So no, he can't lose her yet, because he didn't have the chance to admit he fell in love. Deeply, painfully in love with her. 
"Mister Barnes." Sam had already left him to go to sleep when the doctor approached him hours later. It took 4 coffees just for Bucky to stay awake but it didn't matter. All that mattered was her.
"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."
One sentence was enough to make the world underneath Bucky’s feet come crashing down. 
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