#steve saga oc
shadow-genesis-yay · 5 months
hey lookie at my silly little robot Steve oc <3
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hes a lil silly <3
assistant steve's enemy fr (i make em frienemies but its def like copper seeing assistant as a friend whos just sarcastic, while assistant sees him as annoying high-tech)
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smilingberryy · 8 months
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Some more conceptSome more concept art of characters in Prismatic Spectral!! First up Ereka, the fighting mother of the group and the two kids Lime Steve and East!! And some fun draft dialog that may or may not be in the final product, these are later events I like to plan ahead whenever I get an idea.
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otter-pop-supreme · 3 months
Two pride things I was working on (:
A gay redraw of the oldest thing tss oc draws I had(they are all in love ve now teehee)
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(to be renamed)
And some characters/ocs from a book I'm writing
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Happy Pride lol be queer, commit arson
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lunaroserites · 6 months
It's Okay, We're Okay
Pairing: Established Bucky x Fem!Reader
Characters: Avengers Cast
Summery: Snippets into an OC's life that I love, that sorta follows the cannon events of the Infinity SAGA. She is enhanced and maybe a little OP, but whatever lol
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, implied sex, kissing, flirting, marriage, character death. Sorta cannon compliant. Cannon is a suggestion. No use of YN and very little/no body description
Word Court: 6048
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
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“How about a semi stable 100 year old man,” Bucky said with a bright smile as he hugged Steve, his tone lighter than it had been in months. You couldn’t help but smile as you walked up toward the two. 
“And how about his semi stable almost 100 year old wife?” You mused, Steve looked at you for a moment before his eyes flicked to Bucky’s face. You held your hand up and a beautiful vibranium ring sat on your ring finger, Bucky held up his vibranium arm and flexed his fingers, the matching ring visibly different from the rest of his arm. Steve’s face broke out into an even bigger smile. 
“Congrats you guys,” he pulled you both in a one armed hug each. Bucky’s arm crept around your waist in the hug and you held Steve’s arm tightly. 
Natasha ran up to you and wrapped you in a tight hug, “congratulations!” You smiled at her and touched her forehead with yours. 
“What are we facing,” you asked, looking back to Steve. He delved into what we were about to face. “Well at least it will be easy,” you said sarcastically, leaning to Bucky’s side for some comfort. He held you tightly into his side for a brief moment. 
“I’ll give you two a moment,” Steve turned to speak with T’Challa and the rest of the crew. 
Bucky placed his hand on your cheek and leaned his forehead into yours, his metal hand holding your waist gently. You mirrored him, holding the back of his head and reaching up on your tiptoes to meet him halfway, your other hand splayed open on his chest. He stared contentedly into your eyes for a few moments, pouring all his love and affection into that look. 
“I love you,” you said softly and pressed a soft kiss to his plush lips. 
“I love you doll,” he whispered back after you pulled back. You took a couple deep breaths together and parted from one another. You rolled your shoulders and stretched your arms out, tilting your head side to side a couple times to warm up. 
“It’s okay.” 
“We’re okay,” he finished. 
“Looks like we have a battle to face,” you as you rejoined Steve and the rest of the crew. You cracked your knuckles, pulled your hood up, and unsheath your daggers.“Phantom out,” you faded into the shadows leaving a wave of calm behind as you flitted through the shadows toward the upcoming battle. “You better watch his ass Steve, he’s not as spry as he once was,” you teased into the ear piece. 
“You weren’t thinking that last night when you screamed my name, Honey” Bucky quipped back, you blushed. 
“Let’s keep the comms clean you two,” Steve said trying to sound stern, but you could pick the amusement out in his tone. 
“Oh don’t be a bitch,” you groaned as one of the weird alien creatures dodged your daggers. You screeched when one clipped your shoulder, it picked your scent up even though you were hidden in the shadows. One swift movement and the creature was dead with the blade of your dagger embedded in its skull. Pulling it out and shaking it off you heard Bucky curse on the comms and you were immediately heading toward him. 
You ran and dodged everyone and everything on the way to Bucky’s side. Still immersed in the shadows, you climbed up on Bucky’s back, he barely registered your weight as you perched on his shoulder as he picked up a small raccoon and spun around creating a circle of bullets hitting everything surrounding them. 
“How much for the arm?” It asked. 
“Not for sale,” you answered, reappearing, sitting on Bucky's shoulder with one leg crossed over the other and a smirk on your face. The raccoon looked perplexed as he looked you up and down for a moment before shaking his head. 
“I’ll get that arm,” you snorted at the racoon's declaration.
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“Doll? Steve?” Bucky called, you turned around, Steve following suit and you watched in horror as Bucky’s legs started disappearing.
“Bucky?” You started running toward him, catching his hand in yours and his eyes bore into yours, you were falling to your knees as he disappeared more and more, dust clenched into your fist as his hand vanished. 
“I love…” and he was gone, the dull thunk of his gun hitting the ground filled your ears. 
“BUCKY!? BUCKY!” You screamed, an inhuman wail left your lips as your hands moved around the dust that scattered the ground where he fell. You didn’t register Steve’s arms wrap around you as he hauled you up and away from your husband’s body, dust. You kicked and wailed in his arms, sobs wrecking your body as you screamed for Bucky. 
“Hey, hey,” Steve’s voice was right in your ear as he gripped your arms to your sides, his other hand pulling your face into his neck. He was trying to sooth you, he maneuvered your body so you were being cradled into his chest, his big hand cupping the back of your head into his shoulder as you shook uncontrollably, sobs wrecking your throat.
“Bucky,” you sobbed, fisting Steve’s tactical suit. “Bucky…” your voice quieted as you cried into his shoulder as he held you tightly. 
“I know, I know,” he soothed, his hand rubbing up and down your back in circles like he did after he personally told you Bucky fell from that train. Another sod ripped though your trembling form. 
“Steve, I’m dreaming right? This is a nightmare right,” you pulled back and looked into his eyes, he had a far off look in them. That question mirrored the one you asked back then, and right now he wasn’t seeing Phantom, enhanced Avenger, he was seeing you, that tiny woman that held the heart of his best friend in her hands. Your voice was desperate, all you wanted to do was wake up in your bed cuddled up to your husband. But all you were met with were Steve’s saddened blue eyes. He shook his head and pulled you back into a tight hug. You sobbed again, all the strength in your body gone. 
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1 week later 
You sat and stared out the window of the compound, you barely moved from that spot since Steve placed you there a week ago. You barely ate, all food made your stomach turn uncomfortably, everything reminded you of him. Looking at your ring brought silent sobs up, as your tear ducts were long empty from all the tears you shed. 
The sound of a glass hitting the table made you jump, you turned your head to look at where the noise came from. 
“You look awful,” Rocket said. You scoffed and looked away from him. He had spent the last week drinking Tony’s expensive liquor, your heart clenched at the thought of Tony, you still had no clue if he was still alive or where he was. 
You had dark bags under your eyes and your hair was greasy, your clothes only changed because Natasha took it upon herself to get you changed a couple days ago. You felt incredibly numb, the world was devoid of all feeling and colour. You were spiraling and you couldn’t stop. 
You flinched when cold glass touched your bare arm, you looked over and Rocket was holding out a glass of amber liquor. You took it and shot it back, welcoming the burn it caused. 
“He was your husband?” Rocket asked, tears stung your eyes as you closed them and sniffled before nodding. 
“Ye… yes,” you choked out. He gave you a sad look, and placed his paw on your arm where he touched the glass a moment before. Pulling back he lifted the bottle and tilted it toward you. You held the glass out and he topped it up. 
“To the loved ones we lost,” he clinked the bottle to your glass and you both tipped the drink back. You finished yours in one go, the burn less than the last time. He refilled the cup. 
“Tony’s gonna be pissed,” you couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled out of your throat. You wanted to blame it on the booze, but you haven’t been able to get drunk since 1946. Maybe it was the fact Rocket was the first person to look at you with something other than pity in the last week or the shock was finally starting to wear off. Whatever it was, you appreciated it. 
1 week later
That’s how your nights went for the next week. Sharing a drink or two of Tony’s expensive liquor with Rocket. You barely saw Steve and the rest of the team as they were busy with relief efforts. Whenever Steve was in the compound he had trouble evenlooking at you, like it hurt his heart more to see you so distant. 
“Tell me about him,” Rocket said as he topped your glass up. He usually avoided personal questions, so this was unusual. You sucked in a sharp breath before pulling your knees up to your chest and looking at the ring on your finger. A fresh wave of tears welled up and you blinked a couple times, you took a couple shuddering breaths before shaking your head and looking out the window, your chin on your knees. 
“He was everything to me,” you started. “We met after Steve saved him from Hydra back in the 40s,” Rocket gave you a questioning look. “Did you look up anything about Steve?” He nodded, “I know there’s not as much on Bucky and I out there.” He nodded again. “He could make anyone feel at ease, he was so effortlessly happy despite everything that was happening. I had heard girls talk about falling in love and it sounded like horse shit,” you chuckled. “But then I met him, and I knew instantly what they were talking about. Everything just felt right.” 
“Bucky and I were almost married back then. But it was postponed for the mission he went on to bring in Zola, and then he didn’t come home.”  
You pressed your palm to your eyes, “I was inconsolable, I’m surprised Howard didn’t send me back to America,” that name confused him. “Howard Stark is my adoptive brother. My mom died giving birth to me, dad wasn’t around, his mom and mine were best friends. So the Starks raised me as their own. That’s Tony’s dad.” He nodded again, he just listened. It was nice. 
“Back to Bucky, there was a celebration happening in the canteen on the camp after Steve saved the 107th, Peggy and I were the only women there who weren’t nurses. She had been speaking to Steve and Bucky, well more so flirting with Steve.” You giggled. 
“Steve made a comment ‘maybe she has a friend’ and I just so happened to need to speak with Steve right after Peggy, who was my best friend. So Steve made a comment after I left,” you chuckled thinking back. “Bucky asked me to dance that night and we ended up in his bunk, the rest is history really,” you chuckled. 
“He was so sweet, flirty and funny. I was smitten from the second he introduced himself when I was talking to Steve,” you said dreamily. “Howard was pissed, how dare his baby sister date, the horror,” a full laugh came out as you remembered the look of horror on Howard's face when he caught you sneaking out of the bunk house the next morning. Your laugh was light and airy, like sweet bells or chimes. Steve had been listening to you from the door as you recounted your time back then. A ghost of a smile on his face. 
“So what happened, how are you still here?” Rocket asked. 
“After Steve went into the ice,” you noticed Steve now, your eyes saddened for a moment. “Howard threw himself into trying to replicate the serum. I was his first test subject, it felt right. No one else could do it. I felt like I owed it to Steve and Bucky to try and make their legacies survive. Kinda stupid,” you chuckled again. “In ‘51 we heard whispers of the Winter Soldier, they sent me to investigate. No one else came back alive. I was captured by Cerberus, the human experimentation division of Hydra. They held me captive for 61 years, until someone fucked up and my location was compromised and Fury was able to pinpoint me. He sent Steve in and well, he was surprised to see a face from his past staring back at him when he defrosted me.” 
Rocket nodded, and looked over to Steve, “I never expected to see her staring back at me,” he said softly, taking a seat on the sofa. “I never expected her to be an enhanced.” 
“I had ended up back in Hydra's hands after the battle of New York in 2012. I had changed hands a few times during my 6 decades captured. Cerberus had gone rouge at some point and it was a constant battle to get me back between the two. Hydra got their hands on the staff and used it on me, to see what it could do,” it was hard to talk about what you went through. It sounded insane. “Steve was on a mission to see if he could find the staff when he found me in cryostasis.”
“Fury sent me on a mission to find the staff, but I’m pretty sure he was actually sending me to find her. When I confronted him about it he just shrugged,” Steve added, you nodded along with him, having been with Steve during that confrontation. 
 “Hydra was terrified of me because my abilities were quite strong. I can disappear into shadows, and manipulate emotions with some mild telepathy and telekinesis. I think it's just my control of shadows, but I don’t really know.” 
“I remember not believing my eyes, it was like seeing a ghost,” Steve murmured, you nodded. 
“Seeing Steve was shocking to me as well, last I knew he went down with a plane somewhere in the arctic,” you said back. Rocket listened intently. 
“I remember meeting Tony for the first time when you brought me back to the tower. I couldn’t believe it, Howard actually had a kid, a son,” you smiled. “He knew who I was. Apparently Howard talked about me a lot, and they had a picture of me in the house,” you looked down. Even though you were technically younger than him, you always felt like an aunt to him. “He called me auntie,” you chuckled, your eyes saddening again. “I miss them Steve,” you sighed and leaned back against the sofa. 
“How did you find Bucky?” Rocket asked. 
“He found us,” you laughed, and looked over at Steve. “HYDRA sent the Winter Soldier after us. It’s a long story.” You said quickly, “they wanted Cap gone and me back. I’ll never forget the emotions I felt that day in Washington when the Winter Soldier was revealed to be Bucky,” you shuddered thinking back to that fateful day that completely changed the trajectory of your life.
You three finished the bottle that night. 
1 week later 
You were finally up and about, trying to be useful when a ship touched down on the lawn of the compound.
“Tony!” You shouted, taking off in a sprint toward him as he walked down the ramp, a blue lady following him. You held on to him to keep him steady and he looked at you perplexed. 
“I lost the kid,” he said frantically. “I failed, I lost the kid,” he sounded so defeated. 
“We failed too, I lost Bucky,” he gave you a pained expression. “I’m sorry about the kid,” you said solemnly as you walked with him into the compound. Pepper hot on your heels. 
Steve asked him if he knew where Thanos might be, Tony gave him the most angry look you had ever seen. 
“Maybe we should let him rest,” you said softly, Tony already ripping into Steve and then he was given a sedative. 
The blue lady, Nebula as she introduced herself, had an idea on where to find Thanos, so you were traveling into space. Rocket had let you sit next to him, you two had grown very close in the last few weeks. 
Finding Thanos wasn’t as satisfying as you had hoped. He had destroyed the stones and there was no way to bring your loved ones back. Before Thor killed him you had jumped on his back and dug your fingers into his temples and made him relieve everything, every mistake, every failure and twisted his mind painfully, “this is for taking him from me again,” you ground out, tears pouring from your eyes and your head was pounding. Then Thor killed him, and it was unsatisfying. 
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Time skip
Tony left the compound, telling Steve it was his. Pepper went with him. You were devastated. It took two years for you and Tony to get back on proper speaking terms. He held a lot of resentment towards you and Bucky, well for you still loving Bucky after he killed Howard and Marie. 
“I did horrible things to Tony,” you shouted. “Do you blame me?” He shook his head, fire in his eyes. 
“That’s different, it wasn’t you,” he bit back. 
“How? It wasn’t him either,” You snapped. 
“You didn’t kill my mom,” he said. 
“Tony. I know nothing will ever change that. But please, I’m begging you. Please try and understand it wasn’t Bucky either,” you said sadly, reaching out to touch his cheek. “Please. Bucky loved Howard, he wouldn’t have killed him or Marie if he was in control of his mind,” you said tenderly. Tony’s cheek connected with your palm and you rubbed your thumb over his cheek bone. “Please Tony, for me. I’m not asking for you to be friends or even forgive him. I’m asking for you to forgive me, to let me back in. You’re my only family left,” you said softly. 
He nodded a moment later, “okay,” he pulled you into a hug. “I missed you, I’m sorry you lost Barnes,” he said softly. You let out a breath of relief and hugged him back just as hard. “I’m sorry you lost the kid,” you felt him nod. 
You semi retired over the next few years, only helping out sometimes, you tried to live a semi normal life. You spent a lot of time with Tony and Pepper, enjoying getting to be an actual auntie to Morgan. She was like Tony’s mini me, and it made your heart ache you never got to know Tony as a boy.  Tony even broke down after some time and told you about Howard, how he was, you were baffled, as the man he described was nothing like the brother you grew up with. 
“If I were around, I would have kicked his ass,” you said one night while sharing a drink with Tony.
“Seeing how you are with Morgan, it would have been nice to have you around growing up,” he replied. “Dad talked about you a lot, he said I reminded him of you, you were just as impulsive and hard headed as I was apparently.” That made you throw your head back and laugh.  
“You remind me of Howard actually, I’m sorry you never really got to see that side of him,” your voice tapered off as you looked down at the liquor in your cup.
“I gotta ask, you and Barnes, did you,” he took a deep breath, “did you guys ever plan on having kids, white picket fence, a dog.” You knew it was still hard for him to bring up Bucky, it was a wound that would likely never heal.
You thought for a moment, rolling the ring around on your finger that you vowed to never remove, thinking back to when you and Bucky met and were young, full of hopes and dreams for a future stolen from you. “Yes, maybe a brownstone in Brooklyn though, or an acreage in upstate. A couple kids and a dog or two. The American Dream.” 
“I meant now, after you guys found one another again,” Tony said softly. 
“Oh, if you really look at it, we only have had a handful of months together that were semi peaceful, so we never really talked about it again,” you said sadly. You watched him nod and he touched your hand. 
“You would be a great mom,” Tony squeezed your hand. Tears welled up in your eyes at his kind words. “For what it’s worth, I know the gone can’t appreciate it. But you can, the living can. I forgive him. It will always hurt and part of me will always be raw about it. But I forgive him.” The tears fell now, and you sniffled while pulling Tony into a tight hug, relief flooding your body. 
Steve respected that you wanted to try and live life semi-normally. He would only call you to participate in the field when something required your abilities and expertise. 
With the help of Tony you were able to claim the trust Howard had set up for you after you disappeared in 1951. He apparently had a gut feeling you were still alive. Out there somewhere. Tony also helped with getting your stake in Stark Industries legitimized. You rented an apartment in New York, so you could still visit the compound easily. Not really wanting to buy a house yet or build one, part of you still held out that maybe one day you would get Bucky back and you two could start that family you both dreamed about. 
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You were staring at Steve like he had ten heads just magically sprout out of his neck as you both stood in your living room. “Come again?” your heart pounded loudly and your palms were calmly, your brain going into overdrive as you clutched your hands in front of you.
“We might be able to get them back,” Steve said again, and your breath hitched, it was the most hopeful you heard him since before the blip. You stared at him in shock. 
“Don’t fuck with my heart Steve,” you voice cracked slightly. He shook his head. 
“I’m not I promise, we need to see if we can get Tony on board, I was hoping you would help,” Steve asked, almost begging. 
You stood next to Steve while Bruce tested the time machine van Scott brought to the compound. Both of you sighing when he came back as a baby, and then coming back himself in a soiled suit. 
Your heart beat spiked excitedly when you saw one of Tony’s sports cars fly up the compound's driveway, you squeezed Steve's hand, and he squeezed yours back. 
You didn’t time travel, there weren't enough suits or pym-practicals for you to go as well. You monitored the equipment while you waited for the team to come back. Losing Natasha was devastating, you comforted Clint after he got back. “I couldn’t save her,” he sounded broken and your heart shattered. 
You watched in horror as Bruce basically barbequed his arm to undo the snap. Everyone looked around at one another, trying to figure out if it worked or not. Your phone and Clint’s started ringing. You both walked over hesitantly, you grabbed yours. Sam’s face on the screen and you felt a sob get stuck in your throat. You and Clint shared a quick look before you both swiped to answer, placing the phone to your ear your breath hitched when you heard him. 
“Doll,” tears flooded your cheeks as you brought your hand to cover your mouth. 
“Bucky,” you choked out, “Buc…” a scream ripped through your throat as the compound collapsed around you, burying you and Clint. 
“Hello?” Clint groaned as he flashed his light around. 
“Help,” you coughed as rubble shifted on top of you. “Clint,” you called out. 
“Come on kid,” he said, holding your hand as he pulled you free. 
“I’m older than you Clint,” you laughed a dry laugh, rubbing the dirt off your face. He gave you a deadpan expression. “Sorry,” you raised your hand up in surrender. 
“Shit,” you looked down at the ground, the gauntlet was sitting in front of you two. Then you heard it, it was faint. Clint immediately sent a torch arrow through the tunnel, revealing creatures similar to the ones you fought in Wakanda. Clint quickly grabbed the gauntlet and you both ran for it. 
“God I hate those things,” you groaned as you ran alongside Clint. 
“You fought them before?” He asked. 
“In Wakanda before the blip,” he nodded as he  shot explosive arrows into the pipes. The explosion caused you both to fly forward and you fell on top of him. With a groan you rolled off him and quickly sprang up. More were coming, he looked up and shot a grapple up and offered you his hand. You shook your hand and sunk into the shadows and crawled up the wall in them as he cut one of the creatures down. As he landed from his grapple, you jammed your dagger into the floor and used your momentum to kick one of them back down the hole. 
He raised his blade over the hole and yelled before rolling over and lying down for a moment, you followed suit groaning with him. 
“Oh hey I know you,” Clint murmured as Nebula came and took the gauntlet. 
“Father, I have the stones,” your eyes snapped open and you looked at her. You sunk into the shadows before she could stop you. 
“You what?” Clint mumbled, he was shocked and more awake now. She placed her boot on his chest and pointed a gun at him. 
“Stop,” a new voice said. A lady whose skin was green entered with a gun pointed at Nebula came in. Nebula moved, her gun still pointed at Clint’s head as you skulked through the shadows to get behind her. 
“You’re betraying us?” other Nebula asked, as the other lady held her arm steady, the gun aimed at her. Another Nebula came in with her hands up and Clint jumped out from the middle of them. You sent a small pulse of calm toward him so he could still feel you there with him. 
“You don’t have to do this,” your Nebula says. 
“I am this,” the other retorts. 
“No you're not,” the green lady says, you stayed still and watched. Poised to strike when needed. 
“You’ve seen what we’ve become,” your Nebula says softly as she walks towards the other. 
“Nebula, listen to her,” the other lady urged. 
“You can change,” the green lady dropped her gun, you tensed. 
“He won’t let me,” the other Nebula said tearfully and aimed her gun at the green lady. You sprung forward and grabbed her arms from behind revealing yourself completely, as your Nebula shot her. You gasped and dropped to the ground and started hyperventilating, feeling all over your chest for damage. Clint was to your side in an instant checking you over. 
“Okay, breathe, breathe,” you took a sharp breath and stared into Clint’s eyes, yours wild and terrified. 
“It’s okay, we’re okay,” you repeat your mantra out loud. You scrambled up as Clint grabbed the gauntlet and you two ran. 
Wakanda 2023 Post Unsnap 
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Bucky woke up face down in the dirt, and he was very confused. Sam was to his side instantaneously and pulled him up. 
“What the hell happened?” Bucky shook his head and looked around. “Doll? Doll!” He shouted. “Where are you?” He called out, hoping for an answer he was met with silence. 
“I have no idea,” Sam looked bewildered, “I’m going to call her,” he said and dialed your number, he didn’t get an answer and Bucky’s stomach tied itself in knots as he heard it ring. When he heard her breath as she answered. 
“Doll?” He asked breathlessly, she didn’t answer for a couple beats but then her sweet voice crackled through the phone. 
“Bucky,” a breath of relief flooded him as he heard her voice. “Buc..” he heard her scream and the sound of falling rubble and then the line went dead. 
“Doll?” Bucky called frantically, “Doll!?” He screamed into the phone. 
“Barnes,” Sam said sternly. “Barnes,” he tried again. “Bucky!” He grabbed him by the shoulders and made him look at him. “We’ll get to her,” Sam promised, his own heart twisting. 
Golden circles opened up suddenly in front of them, Wanda and Groot joining them as they looked through the portals in bewilderment. “We’re Masters of the Mythic Arts, your team needs help facing Thanos.” 
Avengers Compound 2023
“Did anyone ever tell you, you talk too much,” you shouted as you reappeared next to Steve. He looked awful. You looked around you and your heart beat slowed as you took everything in. You couldn’t see Tony or Thor. Or anyone else for that matter, Clint sent you ahead to try and find Cap since you could move faster in the shadows than he could run. 
“Ca,” a muffled sound crackled through the comm in Steve’s ears, yours crackling to life as well. “Cap? It’s Sam.” The comm cleared, “on your left,” golden circles opened what looked like portals and T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye walked though. Sam flew out right after and your heart soared as you watched him fly above and circle back, landing in front of you and Steve.   
Bucky walked though one of the portals and you could have screamed for joy. Your stomach started somersaulting and your heart rate spiked. “Go,” Steve said softly. You took off toward Bucky, his arm opening to you almost instantly as you body slammed into him a moment later. His arm wrapped tightly around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck. He inhaled a deep breath through his nose that was buried into your hair. 
You pulled back and placed your hand on his cheeks and smiled brightly up at him, “Bucky,” you were crying. 
“Doll,” he whispered back. In his arm you turned toward Thanos again, Bucky’s arm secured around your waist as you faced the purple monster. You looked at one another once more before nodding at each other. 
“I love you,” you said softly. 
“I love you too,” he said back tenderly. 
“It’s okay.”
“We’re okay.”
“AVENGERS!” Steve shouted. “Assemble.” It was chaos the moment he finished. 
“Let’s do this. Phantom out,” you faded into the shadows instantly. 
You danced around slicing at anything that got to close, trying to track Clint to figure out where he had made it off too when you went ahead. 
You kept close to Bucky and stabbed a rogue creature that almost got Rocket. He whipped around and you half appeared smiling at him before throwing a knife and embedding into the skull of a creature that was too close to Bucky for your liking. 
“Hey Daisy,” Rocket chuckled. The nickname he coined for you a few years back stuck hard, and you didn’t hate it. Bucky looked over his shoulder with a questioning expression before shrugging and continuing what he was doing. You slipped back into the shadows and kept fighting. 
“Bucky the kid,” you shouted as you tried to dodge the oncoming fire. “I got you, protect him,” you watched as Bucky jumped forward and took a hit, your shadows protecting him. You scrambled forward and checked on him. The gun fire lulled for a moment and started firing in the sky. 
A missile like something started taking out the ship. You and Bucky watched in awe as it started to fall apart and fall into the lake. 
“You got something for me?” Carol asked. 
Peter handed her the gauntlet, “I don’t know how you’re gonna get it through all that.” 
“Don’t worry, she’s got help,” Okoye said as you all appeared around him. You emerged from the shadows for a moment and nodded to Wanda, smiling at her, she smiled back. 
Pepper was pulling Peter away from him, “Tony,” you ran forward and fell to your knees next to him and took his head in your hands. “Tony.” You felt tears slip down your cheeks as you let him go and crawled backwards, collapsing to the ground, Peter falling next to you, you pulled him into a hug. 
It was Bucky that pulled you up into his arms a short while later, you completely gave your strength over to him and went completely limp in his grasp. He looked down at you tenderly and nuzzled his nose into your hair softly. “It’s okay, we’re okay,” his voice was soothing and raw. 
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“I love you 3000,” you placed your hand over your mouth and stifled the sob that threatened to come out and leaned your head into Steve’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and hugged you to him. Your heart broke for Morgan, his little mini me.
While Pepper gathered the ceremonial ‘Tony Stark Has A Heart,’ bouquet, Morgan toddled over to you. You crouched down to her level and gave her a big hug. She pulled back and her little face full of tears, you whipped them gently and smiled at her. 
“It’s okay,” you said softly into her hair as you pulled her back into another hug. 
“We’re okay,” she caught you off guard by finishing the mantra you repeated regularly. It was a safety net for you, something that soothed your soul in the darkest of times. You couldn't count how many times you said it to her when she would fall and hurt herself or if she had a bad dream or if she missed her parents when you watched her.  
Too hear you say it brought some sense of calm to you and nodded at her. “We are,” you cupped her cheek and smiled at her. “Dad will always love you, and he’ll always be right here,” you touched her heart, “and right here,” you touched her temple. She smiled sadly at you. 
“Luv you auntie,” she whispered before going back to her mom.   
As you followed Pepper out of the house, you joined Bucky’s side to watch her set Tony's heart adrift on the lake. He wrapped his arm around you and held you close. 
“I’m sorry you lost him,” Bucky said quietly as you watched on. You let out a deep shuddering sigh and nodded. 
“He forgave you after everything,” you murmured softly, your eyes sad. “I’m sad he never got to tell you himself.” Bucky kissed your temple gently and nodded against your head. 
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“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve said to Bucky with a smile. 
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” he murmured back and they hugged. 
He looked at you and smiled, “it’s okay,” he said softly. 
“We’re okay,” you finished. He pulled you into a hug tightly before letting go to bring the stones back. 
“I’m gonna miss you punk,” Bucky said softly. 
“It’s gonna be okay Buck,” Steve said as he stepped on the platform. 
Something screamed inside you that something was going to happen, you and Bucky stood side by side while Sam hammered on Bruce to figure out what happened. 
“Hey Sam,” Bucky called as you two looked toward a man sitting on a bench. You approached it first and looked at him, you swallowed hard. 
“Steve,” your voice cracked. He smiled up at you. 
“I’m so proud of you. Keep each other safe, and love hard,” you reached forward and wrapped him in a tight hug for a moment. You looked at his hand and noticed the ring.
“I’m glad you got to be happy, we’ll miss you. It’s okay,” you whispered as you stepped back. 
“We’re okay,” he nodded back. You walked away while wiping a tear from your eye and joined Bucky again while Sam went and spoke with him. 
“You don’t want to say anything,” you whispered to him, he wrapped his arm around you gently and pulled you close as he watched. 
“No,” Bucky said simply. You nodded and pressed your head into his shoulder. 
Feel free you send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list <3
If you want me to go more in depth into how she fits in the time line, let me know!
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tart-miano · 1 year
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re-entering the cirque du freak fandom in 2023 be like
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thebeingmerf · 2 months
Bed Rest Art Dump [Part 10]
This will probably be the last one of these for a bit. I’m back to posting more often, so I don’t need to store up my other art as much. I’ll still do smaller art dumps over time though ^^
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silvertws · 3 months
May I present to you, the protagonists of my Steve Saga stuff? Idk what to call that universe, maybe complementary or something since green-magenta yk.
Anyway green apprentice and artist violet (I will give them actual names I swear...) still debating on how the angst is gonna go...
(I have had written stuff about them for months now. I need to add more stuff to it. I love them so much.)
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randomdoodless · 2 months
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art dump! ocs, personas, and characters! void, rainbow, hypno, reverse, light, dark (steve saga) light, TFC, luis, toxin, assistant (ruined reality) psychic belongs to @rosaliesnotreal sugar and my persona belong to me
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shadiacvision · 1 month
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Rainbow Quest OCS!!
Solas is my friend's and Orine's mine : )
I think it's obvious in which one I put more effort in...
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alastyr-not-alastair · 6 months
*breaks through your window*
Have you ever wondered how steves are born? i mean like, we all have our headcanons and many of them are pretty similar but who wants to hear mine now
well if you're still reading you probably want to
So this one i'm making specific to my fanfic Sins of the Forefathers (i promise guys im still working on it, i jsut wrote the first chapter without making an outline and now i actually have to write a whole story) just because I think it’s silly, there’s no real reason and I don’t think that it’ll end up being some major plot point or anything so I can share without spoilers!
currently there are 2 big headcanons around, 1 of them being from a bit that states that steves reproduce using diamonds, and the other one being that the energy around the place can gather into one spot until theres so much that it creates a new steve
theres also... mpreg but i'd rather NOT
so naturally i combined them
To create a child you will need a diamond and at least 2 parents that are (preferably) of the same colour! the parents need to pour in a considerable amount of their energy into the diamond to create a new steve, while the diamond acts as a sort of vessel to hold onto their power. if this was tried WITHOUT the diamond, the energy would just dissipate into the air.
This ritual leaves the parents depleted of their own energy, which is why sometimes there will be more than 2 parents, just so that the load is lighter for them. Typically, the energy split isn't 100% even, so one parent may have put in a slightly larger amount of their own energy, this usually leads to the kid being closer to that parent in shade and power type/level.
When theres a third parent introduced for the sole reason of allowing the first 2 to not have to lose so much energy, they typically only gve a small amount of their own. Not enough to influence the child but enough that the parents wont be left EXHAUSTED afterwards. When theres a third parent because they also want to be a parent and have a kid, its once again a mostly even split between all of them
This all continues no matter how many parents you introduce into the mix
now the diamond! as the energy is put into the diamond, the core of it starts to become almost like a star, a core that is keeping the energy circulating and moving inside of it until it starts to create a living being. From then on, the diamond acts as an egg.
the kid inside will slowly use up the diamonds carbon from the inside out, as the energy poured into them combines with the energy that the diamond is absorbing from the general area as well. The diamond will slowly start to slightly change colour and go opaque.
The closer that the diamond egg is to people, the faster it'll hatch simply due to it absorbing energy left in the air that people give off.
The core continues to eat away at the diamond from the inside as a steve forms in there. At this point of their lives they don't need to worry about any food or water or anything because of the fact that they're still only feeding off the energy in the universe.
Once enough energy has been absorbed, the diamond shell that's left over will start to crack and fracture. The cracks will be more like something is expanding out of it rather than just breaking out. The first crack will always be the loudest as it is when the most energy is let out. At that point the kid can come crawling out the diamond and BOOM! you have a child!
A couple thoughts more that i have that im not sure where to put in:
the steves are a carbon based race due to the fact that diamonds are entirely carbon
a new hatch will be like, the size of a large hand. They grow fast once they're out
the way they're made is quite literally like a new star, and that first crack is their supernova. they basically go through the life cycle of a star before they're even born
different colours can technically have children together but it doesn't always have the intended result. Most times the energy they pour in isnt compatible so it... makes the diamond blow up....
if they do manage to succeed, the kid will be one colour or the other, as the energy of the parent who poured less energy would slowly get converted into something the other parents is more compatible with
In the case of Rainbow Steve:
So he’s an unnatural abomination of a Steve, we all know that, right?
If you didn’t, you do now bc he’s canonically made of like 5 people
Rainbow Steve was in fact made the traditional egg way, but the outputs of the energy put into the diamond had to be made so precise it wouldn’t go one way or another. He would also then have been required to be put in an environment where all the outside energy would not influence what colour he turned out to be.
The way this was done was it was completed one person at a time. Each person first had to learn to manipulate their own energy into a spare vessel with a measuring tool in it, and once it was measured to be exactly 1/7th of the total energy they would all put in, they would have to carefully manipulate the energy in an environment where there’s no extra energy swirling around, and put that into the diamond
Rinse and repeat the process 7 times and you have a rainbow egg hopefully, which would then be carefully fed equal amounts of all energy in a sealed off room. Eventually Rainbow Steve would hatch from it and all the scientists would breath a collective sigh of relief
A pretty normal way to make him honestly, but the constant feeding of the egg exhausted the scientists pretty fast, so eventually they just made a filtering system that would store the energy they let off naturally and use that to give to the egg
Also all the scientists fell in love with each other during their time there, it’s canon I said so
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brainrot-stitch · 7 months
Gang gaanngg who/what fandom should I draw next :3
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Patroclus, 🍀
It has been many lifetimes since we have met once again. I thought, maybe, Briseis would’ve been my fate this time round. Though, now that I have gazed upon you, known you; I realise who you are.
In this lifetime we have been confused, my affluence in our first meeting being exchanged for your abuse and suffering. I would know it again, simply to comprehend your torture in our life before.
You do barely know or comprehend my soul in this life, how I would love you the same as I did before. Yet, I wait for your remembrance of our times in the ether, our energy and souls melding into one; for you to recognise my soul as your own.
I cannot say that I await you patiently; for I do not. I beg, plead, and pray for your return to me, knowing that in this life, we shall once again be separated by The Fates.
Oh, to know you once again, when I see our shared light in your eyes, without the prejudice of your forefathers, or the skepticism of your mind. Patroclus, I would once again give my soul for you, to await at the banks of the Styx for your preferment.
I shall forever be drawn to thee, my dearest friend. Though you have thirsted for the spoils of honourable life and death, I now hope to be enough to quench such thirst.
I love you. In perpetuity.
Achilles ✨
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smilingberryy · 10 months
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A doodle of Sunset and Ivy I did last night, I have yet to introduce these two and their story on Tumblr but a brief sum up:
Sunset Steve and Poison Ivy has been friends ever since they were little, through years of pain, betrayal, fear and more they still stick by each other in the end as they live their long lives in peace among others who hide from the dangers yet seek to repair their dying world.
This story is an AU of a Minecraft roleplay series of The Steve Saga with some elements of Rainbow Quest made by FavreMySabre, including my own touches on world building. A story I've had in the works for years now as well as designs that I personally am attached to and can't wait to start writing it all out :]!!
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what1is1going1on · 3 months
Give me disability headconons for disability pride month. Also, if you want shity characters getting hit by a tain, I will draw that too. 😎👍
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spookybugboy · 22 days
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Red steve oc
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ender-niffler · 9 months
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Almost forgot to post!! This is one of my SL/Rq ocs! Fallow!! :]
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