#steve x eddie x yn henderson
maackiimoo · 2 years
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The party fighting in the Upside Down
Eddie: "We're gonna die!"
Steve: "Think positive!"
Eddie: "We're gonna die quickly!"
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Let Me Call You Sweetheart (2 Part Series)
Part 1
Synopsis: You and the rest of Unholy Angel, set your sights on winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands, but first Mr Harrington (your Boss) has pulled some strings so that you get to be some of the first to ride a promotional simulator for Dustin Henderson's Epic Game series The Curse of Hawkins. Your home life isn't great, your friends are your everything, but seeing a beautiful guitar in a second hand store, pulls on the thread causing your unravelling.
Warnings for the entire story: Darkfic, out of character Eddie Munson, alternative universe, present day,  Death, abuse not in heavy detail but are touched on (emotional, mental and physical, harassment, violence, torture, imprisonment, coersion, unrequited love, drugs, alcohol, illness, blood, gore, food disorder, mental illness, vampirism, hypnotism, weirdness, the upside down, bats, monsters
Jukebox Hero
Plug in Baby
I Only Wanna Be With You
All Nightmare Long
Cold Sweat
Wasted Youth
Coming Undone
Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
People = Shit
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Part 2
Summary: Second part of Let Me Call You Sweetheart Series
After the infamous carnage that happened at battle of the bands you are forced to rehabilitate, but it's not just your mind set that is changing, so are your feelings towards one Vampiric Eddie Munson
Stacked Actors
Next To You
The Killing Moon
I Wanna Be Sedated
Breaking The Chains
You've Got Another Thing Coming
Everlong -Final Part with bonus Eddie POV
AO3 Link
Eddie Munson Fanfiction Masterlist
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bagsybaggins · 1 year
Chapter 8: Strange Feelings
[Previous Chapter]
YN opened her eyes, looking up at her ceiling, a sense of something wrong tinting the air. She inhaled softly, turning her head towards her nightstand and looking at the clock. Groaning at the time, she rolled out of her bed and rubbed her eyes. She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of Dustin and Mom fawning over Dustin's costume. 
Opening her eyes she looked up, turning to the end of her bed. She frowned, her fingers curling into her blanket before she shook her head. Standing up from her bed, she yawned as she walked towards her door, opening it and hearing Mom ask to see Dustin's 'pearls.' As she turned towards the living room, she paused as she felt a shiver crawl up her spine. She looked to her left, towards the basement door, an feeling in her brain pulling her towards the door.
"Dare-Bear! Why aren't you ready for school?" Her Mom said, breaking Dare out of her staring match with the door.
"Sorry Mom, woke up late."
"No, Nancy-"
Nancy leaned against her locker as she looked at me. "Come on Dare, you can't just not go."
I look at her from the corner of my eyes and raise my brow. She sighs while rolling her eyes.
"I mean you could, but I want you to be there Dare. So you can stop me from doing anything stupid."
I pause for a moment, my hand still on my notebook before I sigh. "I'll think about it, okay?"
She smiled and opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupt her. 
"I mean it, Nance." I close my locker, turning to her with my books in my arms. "I'll think about it, but you know how I feel about parties. If I don't go, you can't be mad at me. It always ends up the same way, with a bunch of drunk people and stupid mistakes."
She stares at me, her smile drifting slowly, and then she nods. "Alright, that's fine. Just give it some thought, and call me when you decide okay?"
I smile and nod my head. "Will do Nance. I'll see you later."
I brush past her and head to my next class, knowing that if I turned to look, she would be watching me with a frown. 
I knew she wasn't mad, but she wasn't happy either. If Barb was here, she would've gone and I would be either at home or with Dustin trick or treating. That's how it always went. And I didn't want to change that.
I sigh heavily as I turn into my next class, my eyes drifting close as I try to calm down my brain. Stopping it from frying with overthinking. From trying to think about what could happen if I went, what could go wrong. About what could happen if I didn't go.
"Shit!" I exclaim as I run into somebody, my nose hurting from hitting their chest.
As I rub my nose, I open my eyes and look at who I had run into.
The new guy, Billy I think his name was, smirked down at me. My eyebrows furrow as I look at him in confusion, before I shake it off.
"Sorry, didn't see you there," I mutter, taking my hand off my nose.
"Course you didn't see me there, you had your eyes closed." He said, crossing his arms and leaning in closer to me.
I raise my right brow before smiling thinly and nodding my head. "Yep, you're right. My bad."
I try to brush past him but he puts his hand on my left shoulder, stopping me. I turn to him and he smiles down at me.
"Sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Billy Hargrove, and you are?" He asks.
I stare up at him, my nerves buzzing underneath my skin before I sigh. "I'm YN, YN Henderson. You're Max's brother, right?"
He raises his brow before nodding his head, snapping his finger, and pointing at me. "That's right, you're the one who had called out her name our first day here. In the parking lot, right?"
Nodding my head I smile. "Yeah, that's right. She's awesome, kicked my ass at a few of the arcade games."
He pauses for a moment, his smile frozen on his face as he looks down at me. Then he laughs and his smile stretched wider, leaning in towards me. 
"She's always been good things like that. Say, are you going to the party tonight?"
I hesitate to answer as the bell rings, and I chuckle awkwardly. "I'm not a fan of parties actually. But, if I'm there, I guess you'll see me."
And I push past him with a smile. "It was nice talking to you!" And I head towards my seat, him watching me before he left the classroom.
Dare sighed as she sat down at the normal table for lunch taking off her hat, crossing her arms on the table, and resting her forehead against them. She closed her eyes, breathing in for a moment and letting herself relax.
"Hey, Dare-Bear."
She huffed as she felt Eddie sit down beside her. "I thought I told you to not call me that."
His laughter caused her to look up and glare at him.
"Just because you tell me to not do it, Sweetheart doesn't mean that I'm not gonna keep doing it." He grins as he leans his head on his hand, looking down at her.
She rolls her eyes, turning her head so she faced him, but didn't lift her head from her arms. "True enough, Edward."
Eddie visibly pulled back, his face scrunched up in a frown of disgust. "Don't call me that, ever again."
She cracked open her eyes, lifting her brow. He sighed and nodded his head. "Fine, no more Dare-Bear."
She smiled.
"But I'm keeping Sweetheart then!" He exclaimed, lifting his index finger as if to make a point.
She sighed and lifted her head. "Fine, I'll allow it."
Eddie grinned before leaning his head back on his hand. "So what's up with the long face Sweets?"
Dare paused, glancing at him before sighing and resting her chin on her hand. "Nancy wants me to come to the party tonight."
Eddie raised his brow, nodding his head. "And I take it that you don't want to?"
Dare huffed before shrugging, leaning back and her hands dropping to her lap. "No, not really. But, I don't want to go trick or treating this year either." She turned to him. "But I also want to make sure Nancy doesn't do anything stupid, like puke in the bushes."
Eddie cringed, agreeing with her with a nod of his head. "Right, right. So what do you plan on doing?"
Dare hesitated before slouching over in her spot. "I guess I'm going to the party. Not like I have anything better to do, you know?"
He shrugged. "I mean, you could always hang out with me."
Dare smiled and grabbed her hat, putting it back on. "True, but how about you come along! We can just hang out there, making sure to disappear so we don't have to get involved with whatever happens."
Eddie paused, his lips thinning as he looks away from her. Dare laughs as she nudges his shoulder with her own.
"Come on Eddie! Who knows, it might not be a shitshow!" She smiles widely as she pokes his side. "Don't leave me to the wolves Eds!"
He groaned, throwing his head back and brushing her hand away. "Fine, FINE! I'll go."
Dare let out a cheerful whoop, her arm slinging around Eddie's neck. "YES!"
Eddie laughed, hugging her back briefly before pulling away, his ears a bright red beneath his hair. 
"Yeah yeah, don't act so excited. I doubt you'll even notice me, I tend to blend into the background." He coughed as he looked back at her.
Dare smiled and shook her head. "Guess I'll just have to go and find you, now won't I."
He grins at her, nodding his head. "Guess you will."
"No, Dare. You look great like this!" Nancy exclaimed as she put on some eyeliner on me.
I glare up at her before brushing her hand away, looking over at the mirror. I pause before nodding my head and shrugging. "Alright, you're not wrong."
She grinned at me as I stood up and walked to the door. "Steve driving us?" I ask, turning to her as I put on my hat.
"Yes he is, but don't wear the hat-"
I stick out my tongue and turn back around. "Not happening Nance, either the hat stays or you go with Steve without me."
She huffs as she crosses her arms, her brow raised at me. I cross my arms, mimicking her. And soon enough, she folds and rolls her eyes. 
"Fine, you can wear your hat." She looks back at the mirror, fixing her little ribbon. "You do know that this is a costume party, right?"
I hum as I look down at my attire, shrugging quickly. "I'm dressed as Sarah Connor, or at least I tried to dress as her. So I'd say I got my costume as close as I could to the real thing." I look back at her, raising my brow. "And you are?"
She looks at me, but before she could say anything, there was a knock on the door.
"Nancy! Steve's here!" Mrs. Wheeler said through the door, and I sigh.
"Coming!" Nancy called out before giving me a look. "Just try to enjoy tonight, alright?"
I look at her as I nibble on my bottom lip, before nodding. "Alright, I'll try. Just don't do any stupid shit, alright?"
She smiles at me, nodding her head as she hooks her arm around mine. "Of course not."
Dare sighs heavily as she finally escapes the heat of the dance floor, going into the backyard that wasn't as crowded as it was inside. She blows a strand of hair out of her face, adjusting her grey jacket so it was rolled up to her elbows. She pulled at the collar of the peach and white tie-dyed shirt, grimacing at the scratching of the tag in the back.
She paused for a moment, looking over the crowd of people in the backyard, drunkenly dancing to the music. She didn't exactly know how long she had been separate from Nancy, but she knew that Steve would keep her safe. Dare frowned again, not seeing any good familiar faces that she had wanted to see. 
Towards the edge of the fence, Eddie stood with his arms crossed. He couldn't believe he was there, but he knew why he was. He sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time before he finally noticed the person he had been searching for. Only, she hadn't noticed him.
He took a moment to focus on her, standing on his toes and moving around people to catch a clearer look at her. He smiled when he realized what she had worn as her costume. He glanced down at himself, the warmth creeping onto his face as he remember what he had decided to wear. And they were matching.
He had gone as, in his own style, Kyle Reese. From the Terminator movie, they had gone to see together almost three days ago. And she was Sarah Connor, but wearing the same hat that she always wore. 
He grinned a little wider as he watched her flip off someone who had obviously bumped into her, her frow visible from there. The feeling in his stomach fluttered again as she crossed her arms, leaning back against the house. He inhaled sharply as her gaze drifted over where he was.
But the butterfly in his stomach started to sink, as her attention was caught by someone else. Billy had approached her, smiling as he recognized her. And she returned it, though not as widely as he had.
"YN, you're here. I'm glad you could make it." Billy said as he leaned his right arm on the house. "I guess you arrived a little late, you weren't there when I was announced the keg king."
Dare laughed and shook her head, her smile thinning. "No, must have just missed it."
Her eyes drifted over the sea of people in the backyard, before Billy leaned in closer and blocked her vision.
"What's on your mind? Can't stand the sight of me?" He laughed, his smile faltering just ever so slightly. 
Dare's eyes widened before she shook her head rapidly. "Oh no! I was just, worried. I couldn't find my friend, and I just wanted to-"
Billy chuckled and nodded. "To look after them, right?"
Dare paused before smiling softly. "Yeah, it's what I do."
Dare flushed a soft pink as Billy leaned in more, a smirk drifting across his lips. "So would you take care of me too?" His hand pushed her cap up from her face.
Her brows twitched downward at his words, confused she asked, "What-"
But before she could finish her sentence, Billy kissed her.
Eddie felt his heart drop to his stomach, hell to his feet. He knew that some part of him wanted to scream, to pull her away from him. But he didn't. He couldn't. His fingers clenched tightly into a fist, his eyes narrowing as he glares at the two. But then he remembers.
She wasn't his. 
Eddie exhaled and turned away from them, walking back towards the gate to leave. He paused for a moment, looking back at the two, before walking out.
Dare leaned back, her eyes wide and her cheeks a bright red as she parted from the sudden kiss.
"Why'd you do that?" She asked softly, her voice in disbelief. 
Billy smiled as he leaned back toward her, his hand cupping her cheek, and his thumb touching her bottom lip. "Because you're adorable."
Dare blinked at him before reaching up and pulling her cap down, stepping out of his reach. "I should go check on my friend."
He laughed as she scrambled towards the door, not missing the redness of her cheeks.
"I'll find you later YN." He called after her, causing her to pause and look back at him. "You still need to take care of me, right?"
Her throat tightened and she looked away from him, trying to blend into the crowd as she tried to go back inside. But as she looked towards the fence, she stared at the back of someone who was walking away. She felt like she knew them, but she couldn't put her finger on it. But she recognized the coat from the movie. Someone had been her Kyle, and she didn't get to meet them.
"I don't understand Steve! What the hell happened?" Dare yelled as she followed him to his car.
"What do you want me to say, Dare?" He said as he turned around, looking at her with his eyes slightly red. "She told me she wasn't in love with me. Said that it was bullshit, that I was bullshit."
Dare gaped at him before frowning heavily. "What else happened Steve?" 
Steve shook his head with a scoff, his arms hitting his sides. "Nothing else happened-"
Dare glared at him, her finger poking into his chest as she pointed her finger at him. "I know Nancy, Steve! What set her off, what else happened?"
He paused for a moment before sighing, looking down at the ground. "Barbra's parents, they're selling the house because they need money to try and find Barbra."
Dare's eyes widen as she takes a step back, her shoulders slacking. "Oh."
Steve nodded, not looking up from the ground. "Yeah."
She put her hands on her hip looking back at the house that was still lively, before looking back at Steve. His eyes were red, and his sniffling made her sigh.
"You should head home Steve-" He looked up at her, his eyes darting back to the house for a moment.
"No, I need to take-"
Dare shook her head, putting her hand on his shoulder. "No, Steve. You need to go home, wait until tomorrow when she's sober okay. Then you can talk to her. I saw Jonathan in there, and I'm sure he'd be fine with taking her home. But right now, you need space okay."
Steve frowned heavily, opening his mouth to argue before Dare covered his mouth with her hand. 
"Go home." She glared at him lightly, waiting for him to nod his head.
"Fine, I'll go." He sighed as he pushed her hand away. "Do you need a ride?"
Dare paused, frowning in thought before sighing. "I should get back, or maybe try to find Dustin and them."
Steven nodded his head, sniffing one more time as he wiped the corner of his eyes. "Then, umm, hop in."
I sighed softly as I looked out the window as we drove by the many trick-or-treaters. I glanced at Steve from the corner of my eyes, frowning when I see him wipe at his eyes again. I bite the inside of my cheek, before mentally kicking myself. 
"You can drop me off here. They're over there." I say, lying through my teeth.
He turns to me before looking ahead and nodding. "Alright." He said softly. 
I huff and smile as he pulls to the curb. "Thanks, Steve. And, give her time. I'm sure everything will work out eventually." I grin lightly as I open the door and step out.
He nods his head, not looking at me. "Thanks, Dare. You're really nice."
I shrug. "It's only for my friends. Have a good night Steve."
I shut the door after hearing him repeat it back, waving at him as I walk in the opposite direction. He pulled away from the curb, driving off towards his home before I groan and turn around and head towards my house.
I walk through the sea of trick-or-treaters, laughing to myself at some of the silly costumes. Most of them were heading home, their bags full or because of their own curfews. And I knew that the boys were on their way home too. And as I turn the block, not too far from my house, I notice something strange.
I frown as I continue walking down the street, my hands shoved into the pockets of my jacket. As I get close to the edge of my street, the blue figure turned toward me. Hesitating to step forward, I glance around at the nearby trick-or-treaters, noticing how they didn't spare the figure a glance. Swallowing thickly, I push the growing fear down, taking another step towards the figure. 
As I decide to ignore it, pretending that it wasn't there, I feel the fear bubble as it turns and follows me after I had passed it. I didn't look at it, nor did I hear its steps. But I could feel it following me, somehow I did. Turning my head ever so slightly, I try to get a look at it from the corner of my eyes, but a car passes by and the figure is gone.
My nerves are buzzing beneath my skin, and I couldn't ignore the feeling anymore. I turn down my street and run towards my house, ignoring my lungs as I feel them constrict. My feet thumping against the ground, and my heart pounding in my ears doesn't block out the feeling that it was still following me. Watching me.
As I turn to the front door, my hand on the handle, I look back. But there was nothing. I heaved and wheezed as I shuffle into my pants for my inhaler, my eyes glancing around for the blue figure. And even as I manage to calm my asthma down, the figure was gone. And the feeling had faded away.
I sigh heavily, placing my inhaler back in my pocket and opening the door. Relief floods through me as I walk into my house, my eyes drifting to my mother who had fallen asleep on the couch. I smile as I walk toward her, grabbing the remote from the side table and turning the tv off. 
"Taking care of your Mom as always." I hear a voice say, one I hadn't heard in a long time. 
I let the remote fall from my hands as I turn my head towards the sound of the voice. My eyes widen in panic and horror as the blue figure steps out of the kitchen doorway, and into view. 
My father smiles at me, his body a strange see-through blue. Like from Star Wars. His eyes drift to mine, and his smile falters for a moment. His brows furrow as he takes a step closer and points to himself.
"Can you see me, Dare-Bear?" He asks, and I inhale deeply.
And then I turn around and head straight out the door. I ignore him calling my name, jumping down the steps, and grabbing my bike.
"Dare- YN wait! We need to talk if you can see me-"
"I am not talking to a figment of my imagination Dad!" I pause as I look at him, before shaking my head. "This isn't okay."
He calls out for me as I peddle down the street, with only one destination in mind. To the one person who I knew I could count on. Hopper.
I had seen his car speed down the street from the road I was about to turn on. And I failed to get him to stop. And after chasing him, for what seemed to be hours, I caught up to him. His car was left on a trail deep in the woods, I could see the cabin not too far from the car. And after I stopped and used the rest of my inhaler, I decided to take my time with actually getting to the door.
"Why is he all the way out here?" I mutter to myself, huffing as I drop my bike next to his car.
As I walk towards the house, I notice a small flash near the ground. I frown before moving my head back and seeing it again.
"Is that a wire, or a spider web?" I ask, before kneeling and putting my hand out.
My eyes widen as I feel the thick wire against my fingertips, and I launch myself backward. I sit on my butt, staring at it in confusion before inhaling deeply. 
"It's probably nothing." I stand up, stepping over the trip wire carefully, and then walk to the house. 
As I walk onto the wooden porch, I hear footsteps on the other side of the wall. I quietly kneel, trying to creep to the door, feeling like something was off. Maybe my gut was just going haywire, but something wasn't right.
Kneeling in front of the door, I listen in on what was going on inside. The tv was playing in another room, but heavy footsteps were moving around in the living room. I frown heavily before I reach into my pocket and get the bobby pins from it. I swallow down the lump in my throat, slide the pins into the door, and slowly try to pick it. I could feel the cold October breeze against the back of my neck and against my cheeks as I heard the audible click, and how it went silent on the inside.
I quickly turn the handle and push the door open, climbing to my feet before raising my hands. 
"WHOA WHOA HOP! IT'S ME!" I yell as I was met with the barrel of the gun. "It's just me Hop, don't shoot."
He stares at me in disbelief, before lowing the gun and putting the safety on. "Jesus Christ Kid. You almost got yourself killed! Why the hell are you here? Did you follow me?"
I slowly drop my hands to my side and shake my head, before nodding. "Yeah, I followed you. But for a good reason! I needed to talk to you about something! I saw-"
"No, Kid you need to go home. You can tell me tomorrow-" And he tried to push me out the door before the door opened behind him. 
We froze as I looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with someone else who I thought was dead, or gone. But she wasn't blue like he was.
"Hopper, what the fuck?" I say slowly, turning to him in disbelief.
I cover my eyes as I try to digest what he had just told me. How he had been hiding her for months. How she had been with him for months and didn't tell us shit.
"Look, Kid. I understand that you're upset-"
I scoff and shake my head, lifting my hands from my face. "No Hop, I'm not upset. I'm angry and confused. Because I don't know what is going on with me, and now you’re adding this-"
"Whoa whoa whoa. Hey, what do you mean you don't know what's going on with you? What's going on with you?" He asked as he kneeled down in front of me, with Eleven to my right.
I fiddle with my fingers before I look at him again. 
"It's crazy Hop. I think I might be going crazy." I whisper, my voice breaking as I feel my emotions starting to boil over.
He frowns and shakes his head. "You're not crazy, why would you think you're crazy Kid?" 
I exhale deeply before sniffing slightly. "I saw Dad."
He paused, his face frozen in confusion and disbelief before he frowned again. 'What do you mean, you saw your Dad?"
I inhale deeply as I cross my arms and lean back against the couch. "I was on my way home, from the party. And I saw him, on my street. I didn't recognize him because I didn't get close to him. I felt like I was being watched, so I ran home. And when I walked in, he was in the kitchen so I didn't notice him." I pause as I look back at Hopper. "But then he said, 'Taking care of your Mom as always.' And I just froze."
Hopper rubbed his hand over his mouth, nodding his head. 
"And then, we made eye contact. And he asked me if I could see him. And I just ran, Hop. I just ran away, because I was scared. I was remembering that night when I had- had found his body. And I just kept remembering that he was dead, and gone. He's gone-" I blink as my eyes begin to sting and tear up, and Hopper quickly brings me into his arms. 
"He's dead, so why am I seeing him, Hop? I shouldn't- I can't." I sob as he comforts me, his hand on my back as he tries to calm me. I could feel El's hand on my shoulder as he patted my back.
"It's alright Kid. Calm down, it's alright. You're safe. Just calm down, take deep breaths." He inhales, and I struggle to copy him. "In and out Kid."
I close my eyes and focus on breathing in slowly, hearing him count down from three. And then we exhale before he nods his head. And we just breathe for a minute or two.
"Better?" He asks, and I nod my head pulling back and wiping my cheeks. 
"Yeah. Thanks." I whisper before he nods his head.
"What did he look like exactly Kid? Can you tell me if anything was off about him?" Hopper questioned, no doubt wanting to figure out what was happening. 
I nod my head. "He was blue and see-through. Like a Star Wars ghost. And he," I paused as I frowned, trying to remember how he looked. "He looked like the way he did before he died. No bullet wound, no blood. He looked normal."
Hopper sighed while nodding his head, standing up. He rubbed his chin in thought before I stood up.
"Hopper is there a chance-"
He shakes his head. "I don't know Kid. But if you see him again. Tell me, alright? I want you to call me."
I slowly nod my head before crossing my arms. "Can I stay here with El? Just for tonight?"
He stares at me before nodding his head with a huff. "Fine, alright. But be sure to not tell anyone, alright? We can't have them learning that she's still alive."
Looking down at El, I nod my head. "Alright, will do Hop."
Dare yawned as she opened her eyes, the new day arriving, and a feeling of dread settling into her stomach. As she sat up on the makeshift bed on the floor beside El, she looked over at the girl who was sleeping peacefully. She sighed and slowly got to her feet and opened the door. Hopper was already awake, and he turned to her as she walked out, shutting the door behind her.
"Morning Kid."
She smiled thinly before nodding. "Morning Hop."
He looked at her as he popped some Eggos into the toaster before he place some on a plate in front of her. With a frown, she shook her head and pushed the plate an inch away from her. 
"No thanks, Hop. I'm not hungry." She muttered before clearing her throat. "Can you take me home? I need to get ready for school, and check on Dustin."
Hopper stared at her for a moment before nodding with a sigh. "Alright Kid."
I inhaled deeply as I stepped out of Hopper's car, waving him goodbye before he stopped me.
"Remember what we talked about."
I nod my head before turning back towards the front door. As I push my keys in, Mom swings the door open and pulls me into a hug.
"Oh, Dare-Bear! I was so worried about you! I almost called the Wheelers to see if you were staying at Nancy's!" She exclaimed loudly in my ear and I force a thin smile onto my face.
"I did Mom, just didn't feel good so I headed home," I say as I pull back from her hug, my eyes drifting towards the figure I had seen the night before.
"You ready to talk?" He asked gently, his arms crossed as he looked at me.
I sigh and push past Mom. "I think I'll stay home today Mom. I'm not feeling well still."
"Oh alright- Would you like me to make some soup?"
I shake my head. "No, I just want to rest Mom."
I walk into the hall, looking back at Dad before Dustin opens his door.
"Dare! You won't believe what I found-"
I close my eyes as I open my door. "Not now Dustin, please."
And I close the door behind me before collapsing on my bed and closing my eyes. 
I inhale deeply and open my eyes, noticing Dad standing in front of the door.
"Alright," I say as I sit up, crossing my legs and turning to him. "What the hell is going on Dad?"
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wtfcookiejar · 2 years
I Promise Always (11)
Robin was worried sick. Y/N had been missing for 2 days now. She stared at the phone in the video store while stocking the shelves. She kept dropping everything she tried putting away so she eventually went behind the counter. Dustin was on the floor doing some kind of homework that was beyond her comprehension.
Steve started to stock what Robin dropped and sighed,"What do you think happening?"
"Isn't it weird that Eddie also disappears every time y/n does something?" Dustin called from the floor.
Robin looked back at Dustin's hair full of curls and her mouth made a singular O shape.
"She's not like that Dustin. She hardly looks at Eddie anyway."
"Bullshit," Robin retorts," She looks at him a lot."
"Eddie's always looking at her. " Dustin leans his head back and looks at Robin trying to fill in the blanks.
"Has anyone called?" Steve sounded reasonable though he was worried too.
"I forgot to get her number..." Robin murmurs sheepishly.
Steve flicks her forehead gently," You got my number and Dustin's. Even...." His fingers are quick as he picks up the desk phone and dials some numbers gently.
Robin and Dustin look at him confused.
"Hello Mr. Munson, Is Eddie avail- No. No. there's nothing wrong I was just wondering if he's Okay? Right. Okay, I'll let him know when I see him."
Robin and Dustin both straighten up trying to hear the other side of the phone.
"He's not at home," Steve says gently hanging the phone up and looking at his friends.
"That settles that." Dustin closes his book and gets up from the floor. He randomly starts shoving things in his bag.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks to cross his arms instinctively.
"Im going to go get Mike and Lucas and we're going to search for Eddie. We have a D&D session c coming up and I'm getting sick of our Dungeon Master Going missing." Dustin set his face in a hard line like he was angry.
"Can't you wait?" Robin asks quietly thinking perhaps that she should have Steve drive her to Y/N place.
"Nope. But I will Check Y/N place." Dustin reasoned and Steve put both hands on his shoulders.
"Do you know how to check on a girl?" Steve sounds so sincere.
"Dude I've kept a Girlfriend longer than you." Dustin hisses and pushes out the door.
"He does have-" Robin is smiling
"Do not Finish that sentence, Buckley." Steve interrupts and they both watch Dustin wheel away.
Eddie was sitting asleep against her bedroom wall. He had woken up late in the night to find her sleeping on his chest and he couldn't help but think of the last letter he had stowed away. He laid they're trying to imagine the hurt of her rejection when she woke up, but all he could think about was kissing her and holding her. That's when he got a boner, crawled out of bed, and sat on the wall looking at her as she slept. She'd murmured his name occasionally or Japanese he didn't understand.
So when sunlight streamed into the window and her dad came in to check on her and found him on the floor looking at his letter he smiled.
"She's not up?" he asked taking a seat beside him.
"No... That normal?" he asked tucking the letter into his jacket again. Not sure why he couldn't just read it.
"Sometimes it takes two days for her body to catch up and fully relax. " Her father reasoned offering Eddie a glass of bourbon.
This seemed like an honor taking a bourbon with her dad felt like he was the patient boyfriend. Eddie was confused but he still took it and sipped carefully watching her.
"You sell weed?" Her father asked nonchalantly like he knew.
"Don't tell Wayne please." He sputtered," I promise I won't let her near any of that." Eddie was suddenly feeling less worthy of the glass of bourbon in his hands
"Long as you don't tell her I smoke it, and you never let her touch it." There was a collected smile on his face,"you're the perfect guy for her."
"How do you know that?" Eddie's eyes grew wide and he took another slow swig of bourbon.
"I assume you read the letters? "
"Guilty as charged." Eddie swallowed hard.
"Then you know the last person she trusted died taking her to the hospital. He was in full drag, some assholes followed him from the hospital and beat him to death." Her father breathed setting his glass on top of his knee carefully.
"So she wouldn't tell anybody after that. She's scared. I get it but I don't get what that has to do with me being her perfect match." Eddie whispered looking at the bourbon as it swirled in his hands.
"Because you know what it's like not to trust people. You know what cruelty happens and you'd knock heads around if you had to keep her safe." Her dad chuckled
Eddie stared for a second at her father. He was the opposite of Wayne he was lean and muscular and he had resources Eddie didn't
"I don't have money like you do." Eddie reasoned softly," she deserves flowers and jewelry...."
" She doesn't want that. She wants someone to count on. Someone who isn't afraid of doing what's right when things go wrong. " Her father smiled as he finished his bourbon. "I believe you can do that."
The doorbell rang and her father got up ruffling Eddie's hair as he went.
A few quiet minutes passed as Eddie looked at the glass of bourbon and the ice cube. Then he heard a side sound and downed the rest of it in one gulp.
Dustin and Will walked into her doorway and Eddie stood quickly shuffling them out the door before they could really look.
"You idiots. What are you doing here? "Eddie pushed the door of her room closed and stood in the hall with the two boys half terrified they had seen her hooked up to the big printer.
" Im gunna radio Lucas and Mike. " Will smiled and went toward the stairs.
Eddie grabbed the boy and his walkie-talkie and pulled them in front of him.
"Neither of you is doing anything." Eddie's voice was harsh, and both the younger boys looked at him confused.
"Are you afraid we're gonna tell someone you got la-" Eddie popped the side of Dustin's head lightly.
"I am not getting laid you, weirdo." Eddie hissed.
"What are you doing here then?" Will asked the most potent question.
Eddie wanted to just scream but he also didn't want to wake or disturb the household so he hung his head and then looked up the two boys who seemed eager for his answer.
" I am just checking on her. "
Dustin scoffed," you are wearing the same clothes you wore 2 days ago. I'm not stupid."
Eddie wanted to throttle the kid but instead, he grimaced and shook his head." No, you're not. She ended up at my house and got a cold so I brought her home and figured I should explain how she ended up at home. "
" uh-Huh. " Dustin crossed his arms looking at him like he could just smell the lie
"Steve and Robin are looking for you guys. " Will stated calmly holding out the walkie-talkie
Eddie sighed and took it," You guys are brats."
"Eddie here.-over."
Steves's voice crackled to life on the tiny device.," Your uncle said You need to clean up the dishes in the sink. Where the hell are you and have you seen y/n?"
Eddie looked at the two boys and rolled his eyes," I'm coming to the video store -over"
"BRING DUSTIN AND WILL." Steve's voice was loud enough that he had to cover the incoming receiver.
Eddie looked at the two boys in front of him and asked," What do I need to do to keep you guys quiet?"
Will smiled and Dustin hooked his arm around Will," FINISH THE CAMPAIN." They said in tandom and Eddie nodded defeated.
"Alright. You guys put your stuff in the van I'll be down there in two minutes."
Y/n was laying in silence her eyes slits she could hear the printer but her head hurt. So did her muscles. When she heard the door open she didn't think a thing of it instead she closed her eyes and felt a gentle kiss on her forehead and someone making sure that the covers had her covered up just enough not to make her hot. She could smell the cigarettes but she couldn't place what else was hidden behind the smell. But a thought of Eddie crossed her mind and she smiled. Content to go back to sleep.
@whatareyouhidingpeter- Sorry it took so long I hope you keep reading and believing in me.
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theburnoutgiftedkid · 2 years
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Hey y’all, I decided on a whim that I’m gonna start writing again (my old account and all my work got deleted 🥲) so I’ll just introduce myself
My name is Kia (she/her/maybe they idk I’m in the middle of a crisis) I’m 18, Queer (also a crisis idk what I am just not totally straight) and yeah I kinda forgot how to do this but here are my rules:
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathon Byers
Robin Buckley
Dustin Henderson (Platonic Only)
Max Mayfield (Platonic Only)
Perhaps Chrissy Cunningham
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Loki Laufeyson (I do not think I spelled that correctly pls let me know lol thanks)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark (Platonic Only)
Clint Barton (Platonic Only)
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Literally just ask for someone and I can see how well I can do it
My Rules
What I will write:
Fem or GN reader
Basically any kind of trope just run it by me
Platonic, just friends, siblings, father/mother x child Reader
Almost any AU, again just run it by me
I can try to write character x character but I don’t think I’m very good at it sorry lol
There’s probably more but I can’t remember off the top of my head
What I won’t write:
Male Reader - I don’t feel confident enough to write for male readers, I’m working on it so maybe in the future, but for now I’m sorry
CNC or Non-Con
DDLG - I just don’t feel like I understand it enough to properly and respectfully include it
Autistic Reader - again, same reasoning as ddlg
Okay yeah that’s it, feel free to send in requests if you so please
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The entire group knowing Eddie has a small huge crush on Y/n but Y/n is completely oblivious. Just Eddie being head over heels, completely infatuated with her and her having absolutely no idea. The group loves to make fun of him for it when she’s not around (or sometimes when she is around, much to his annoyance).
Request by anon ❤
Warnings; none, fluff. Confessions.
Eddie Munson x Henderson! reader
Eddie was in love and everyone knew it. Everyone except the object of his affection who was none other than Henderson's sister.
Yn was everything he had ever wanted and more, she was kind, funny, beautiful on the inside and out and most importantly she never judged him, she accepted him for who he was and was the sweetest friend he had ever had.
She also tended to be protective of her friends and family and since Eddie had met her that included him as well.
Henderson, the little butthead used any opportunity to tease Eddie about his crush.
"Dude. My sister? really? You could have fallen for anyone but you pick my sister?" Eddie glares at the little shrimp.
"Yeah, and what's your point dude? Your sister is amazing, do you know she helped me paint the miniature figures for D&D and was genuinely interested In my campaign for Hellfire?".
Dustin groans and Mike laughs along with Lucas.
"Ha! Now you know how I felt when I had Jonathan and Steve mooning over Nancy".
At this point, yn comes in and Eddie gets a dreamy look on his face.
"Shut up!" he hisses to Lucas and Jeff who keep chuckling and he immediately motions for Gareth to move.
"Saved you a seat princess?" He smiles warmly and Dustin mimes gagging but quietens immediately when Eddie glares at him.
All of Hellfire knew how he felt about Yn and always teased him and they weren't the only ones...
The warmth that spread through him the moment that yn slipped her hand into his was something he had never felt before.
All he knew is he wanted to hold onto it forever.
"Eddie! look they have the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie out and remember how you promised you would watch Splash with me?" she bats her eyes at him and he melts unaware of how Robin and Steve are watching the two of them and smirking.
He would do anything to see his best girl smile so he agrees to watch whatever she wants.
Gareth said he was whipped but he didn't really care. He knew from the moment he met yn that she was special, that she was his dream.
If he was lucky enough to be with her one day he would treat her like a princess.
Steve comes up to him clapping his hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"Dude, could you be more obvious?" Eddie blushes.
"Do you think she knows how I feel?" Steve shakes his head.
"Nah, she would have said something man, you gotta play it cool, stop being so obvious and just ask her how she feels."
Eddie sighs.
"Yeah, like she would want to go out with Hawkins's resident freak"
Robin rolls her eyes.
"You are so dense Eddie, that girl is in love with you. How you don't see it is beyond me"
He turns to find yn smiling shyly at him and decides to risk it and tell her how he feels. Hopefully she feels the same.
Eddie was nervous which wasn't like him, he was always so confident so when they went back to his trailer yn was a little worried.
She couldn't remember Eddie ever being nervous which didn't help what she wass about to tell him.
The truth was she was in love... Very much so with the man himself.
"Uh, princess we are great friends right?" he begins with this and she isn't sure where he is going. Does he mean only friends and they could never be anything more?
"Of course," she tells him smiling and taking his hand.
Her stomach sinks. Is he about to tell her that he likes someone? Maybe Chrissy or somebody like that? Of course, he was her friend and she would be happy that he was happy but at the same time, it would still be hard.
"The truth is ( she braces herself for whatever he is going to say, gearing herself up so much that she misses what he says the first time.
"You what?" he blushes and repeats himself.
"I've fallen for you and I get it if you don't feel the same way. You're it for me sweetheart and I just want you to know that" she kisses him then and there complete giddiness overwhelming her.
"Eddie, I've fallen for you too, I've been trying to tell you for weeks" a bright grin appears on his features and he smiles.
"So you wanna be my girl princess?" She nods happily and his lips meet hers, both of them abuzz with giddiness.
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Say it back steve Harrington x Fem!henderson reader
Warnings-cute,kissing,swearing,mentions of Vecnas curse,mentions of blood and injury,if there’s anymore tell me
You’ve been making weapons and stuff to go in the upside down to kill vecna to stop him from mindflaying max
You was stood sharpening stuff and Steve came behind you and kissed your cheek
“I’m bored of making stuff yn” Steve whined
“Well we have to help max” you chuckled at how clingy Steve gets when he’s bored
Steve just kept hold of you while you was looking at Eddie and Dustin making the shields happy your brother has another older best friend so he dosent tag along with you and Steve to every date
“I’m gonna marry you one day you know” Steve whisperd
“I know but would Dustin really let you” you chuckled
“Yeah he will” Steve kissed your nose
You giggled trying to push him away while you finished sharpening stuff
“HENDERSON” Steve shouted
You and Dustin turned your head
“Little henderson” Steve chuckled at your face when he shouted it because he never calls you henderson
“Can I marry your sister” Steve asked
Dustin stood thumbs up smiling and Steve jogged too you
“Love you yn Hailey henderson” Steve whisperd
“I know” you smiled
“Say it back” steve stares at you
You stayed quite trying not to laugh steve walked behind you and tackled you on the ground so his hands are on either side of your shoulders with his long legs on yours
“I said say it back now” steve kisses you
You laughed and said it back before putting your hand in Steve’s hair and kissing him
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
This gave me Steddie or Steddie x Yn vibes
oh 100%
steddie: i feel that eddie would call steve that and steve would hate it but actually love it
steddie x yn: they’d both call her that and she’d love it
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loove-persevering · 2 years
Promise (Steve Harrington x Reader)
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Description: Reader is helping Dustin and Eddie with the bats when things go south. Eddie makes the reader promise to admit her feelings for Steve if they make it out alive.
Warnings: SPOILERS SEASON 4, Character Death, Broken bones, Gore, Mentions of death.
‘’Promise me you’re not going to do something to get yourself killed?’’ Steve asks you. You were both sitting outside the RV, you were wrapping the wire around the spear you were going to use against the bats in the upside down.
You rolled your eyes at his assumption, ‘’I’m don’t plan on dying anytime soon Steve,’’ You set down the spear on your lap looking at him, ‘’You better not either.’’ You say threatening him. ‘’Then who is going to drive me around?’’ You say earning a hint of a smile from him. ‘’I’m thinking of making you drive me to Yosemite next.’’
‘’Yosemite huh?’’ He asks, sounding amused, ‘’I’ve always wanted to go on a roadtrip like that, take all my kids with me when I have them.’’ He tells you.
‘’Kids as in plural?’’ You ask him. ‘’You already have like six,’’ You say gesturing out in the field to Dustin and Eddie who were wrestling, Dustin was in a headlock making you laugh.
‘’And I want six of my own too,’’ He says and you widen your eyes at him making him laugh, ‘’I could change my mind but at least two, no three.’’ He sounded very sure of his answer.
‘’A big family sounds nice,’’ You tell him.
‘’You think so? Doesn’t scare you away when I say that?’’ He asks fiddling with his hands.
‘’No not at all, plus it makes sense you’re an only child. Figures you’d want a big family.’’ You tell him.
He looked at you like he was shocked, he let out a sigh before he spoke. ‘’I never really thought of that, but it makes sense.’’
‘’I always do Harrington,’’ You say, taking your hand pushing on his arm gently. You glance up noticing Nancy and Robin talking, she was sawing her gun down it seemed like her conversation with Jason made her a little on edge. ‘’So you and Nancy?’’ You ask Steve.
He looked a little uncomfortable when you asked, ‘’What about us?’’ He asks and you give him an annoyed look, he knew what you were asking. ‘’I don’t know what's going on I’m just as confused as you.’’ He explains. ‘’I think apart of it is because Jonathan is halfway across the country.’’
You look down at the ground unsure of what to say, ‘’What if it’s not that?’’ He looks over to you, ‘’Would you do that again?’’ You ask him, it was practically eating you alive to know.
‘’I feel like a lot of things got left unresolved with us,’’ Is all he answers, ‘’Would it be wrong if I did?’’ He ask you.
‘’I mean it’s your love life Steve,’’ You point out. ‘’Why do you care what I think anyway?’’
Steve looked at you, his face looked like he was confused, ‘’I always care what you think Y/N,’’ He tells you.
You stand up and Steve looked to you as you did, ‘’Who knows what happens when we go in upside down Steve, you almost died earlier.’’ You say scrunching your face up at the thought, seeing Steve on the floor, those bats gnawing at his skin would forever be etched in your brain. ‘’Now is not the time to hold in emotions, if you care about someone you tell them.’’ You see Steve visually take a deep breath, he patted his hands on his jeans standing up next to you. You watched his eyes on Nancy as he took a hand patting your back walking over to her, Robin slowly made her way over to you.
‘’You okay?’’ She asks.
You watched Nancy smile at something Steve said and you shake your head turning to Robin. ‘’Never better,’’ You say, offering her a fake smile.
If only you could take your own advice.
Steve was the first to go into the upside down, then Nancy followed of course. Then Robin and finally it was your turn, you grabbed onto the sheets pulling yourself up and finally felt yourself free falling, landing on your back knocking the wind out of you. Steve reached out a hand helping you up, as soon as you were on your feet you pulled your hand from his and he seemed distressed. ‘’You okay?’’ He says his hand is touching the side of your arm.
‘’We are currently upside down, how do you think I’m doing?’’ You say the sarcasm dripping from your voice.
‘’Right,’’ Steve says, a moment later a pile of weapons falls down landing on the mattress. You and Steve both turn looking down at it, you bend down grabbing as many as you could, taking yours and strapping it behind your back.
It was moments before you all split up, just as you walked out of the RV behind Dustin and Eddie that Steve stopped you. ‘’Hey listen, if things start to go south, I mean at all you abort.’’ His voice was serious, you glanced at Dustin knowing you had to do what you could to protect him, that if anything happened to him Steve would never forgive himself.
You hear snapping breaking you out of your thoughts, Steve looked at you, ‘’You hear me Y/N? No hero shit.’’ He emphasizes.
You walk closer to Steve staring him straight in the eye, ‘’Now do we look like heros to you?’’ You ask him to gesture to Dustin then Eddie.
‘’We are not heroes,’’ Eddie emphasized behind you, laughing.
You reach forward laying a hand on Steve's shoulder, ‘’Don’t worry Steve, you can be the hero.’’ You tell him. He gave a sort of half hearted grin but he still looked nervous as Hell.
His eyes lingered on your for a moment before he pulled away your hand dropping back to your side. Just as he turned around Eddie stepped out from behind you, ‘’Hey Steve?’’ He calls out. Steve turns around to look at him, ‘’Make him pay.’’
Steve nods, turning back around taking off with Nancy and Robin. ‘’We should go,’’ You tell both Eddie and Dustin. You all began walking off in the opposite direction, a few seconds had passed and you glanced back to look at Steve for more time, he had happened to be looking too. You shift your weapon on your back, turn around and walk backwards, you look at Steve and give him a salute from afar but it was too far for you to see his response back.
‘’Humor me Y/N,’’ Eddie tells you. ‘’How long have you been pining over Harrington?’’ He asks.
‘’What?’’ You ask him to turn around, noticing both Eddie and Dustin with an amused smile on their faces.
‘’At least since last year,’’ Dustin chimes in.
‘’Dustin!’’ You yell at him. ‘’You don’t know that!’’ You tell him.
‘’Do you not remember when you were on drugs last year?’’ He asks you to refer to the Russian Base underneath the mall. You had worked there with Steve and Robin last year and got wrapped into everything.
‘’Drugs?’’ Eddie says amused. ‘’You don’t take me for that kind of girl.’’ He smirks.
‘’I’m not!’’ You glare at Dustin, ‘’He left out key information, which was that I was unknowingly drugged by Russian Soldiers!’’ You say and Eddie's face looked bewildered.
‘’What?’’ Eddie says his voice seemed confused and amused at the same time.
‘’She totally confessed to being in love with Steve last year when she was on drugs,’’ He tells you.
‘’Why have you never told me this?’’ You ask him.
Dustin Shrugs his shoulders, ‘’Never came up,’’ He says simply.
You sigh and Eddie laughs, ‘’Is it really that obvious?’’ You ask tilting your head.
‘’Kind of I mean you practically lost it when he got pulled in the water,’’ He says. ‘’Why haven’t you said anything to him?’’
‘’Just never the right time, last year after the mall was just too much. And finally when things were calming down this happens.’’ You admit. ‘’And now Nancy is back and Steve has a soft spot when it comes to her, and I don’t know if I want to compete with Nancy.’’
‘’She was his first love,’’ Dustin chimes in.
‘’Thanks,’’ You pause. ‘’For that reminder Dustin,’’ He holds his hands up in defense.
‘’You should tell him,’’ Eddie says.
‘’If we make it out of here I just might,’’ You admit to him seeing the RV in the distance. ‘’Emphasis on the if,’’ You felt the nerves in your stomach getting worse by the minute and it was only going to get worse from here.
‘’Promise?’’ He says.
‘’Promise you’ll say something,’’ He says.
You look at him amused that he cared so much, ‘’Promise,’’ You say scrunching your eyebrows not questioning him as to why he cared.
When you got to the RV everything had seemed to speed up, you were waiting for the phase three signal from Robin. Dustin was supposed to tell you when Eddie was and Dustin were on top of the RV getting the Amp set up to broadcast the sound, you were down on the ground putting up more metal to help shield you when the bats came. Plus eventually you’d end up here anyway, that was the plan when the bats got closed you all were to use the RV as a way to shield yourself knowing they would come after you.
You hear Dustin from up above you, ‘’Copy, Initiating Phase three!’’ Dustin yells. Only a moment later you heard Eddie beginning to shred on the guitar, as the song went on you felt your heart practically pouding out of your chest. A flash of red lightning is what caught your attention seeing the silhouette of the bats getting closer.
‘’Dustin!’’ You yell, you could see him glance down at you from the top. You point with your finger at the bats showing him your plan was working, he looked through the binoculars and yelled to Eddie. You ran back to the inside of the cage surrounding the van your hand against the metal ready to close it when they finally came down. And the thirty seconds quickly turned into ten and Dustin and Eddie came barreling in as you slammed the cage shut just as the bats hit causing you to jump. ‘’Inside! Inside!’’ You scream at them following behind as they ran in the RV slamming the door shut.
You were all panting, your hands rested on your knees as you were bent over trying to catch your breath, ‘’Dude!’’ Dustin calls out gaining your attention, ‘’Most metal ever!’’ He says and Eddie and him begin jumping upside down, you look at them both laughing.
‘’That was pretty amazing Eddie,’’ You tell him.
‘’Best concert I’ll ever go to,’’ He laughs as you tell him. Dustin and Eddie look to one another and begin yelling, jumping up and down shaking the van even more than it already was from the bats outside.
It didn’t take long after that for you all to figure out you were surrounded, the screeching was getting louder meaning more and more were around you. They were banging up against the metal, all three of you stood back to back with your weapon in your hand as you all just waited for them to break through.
That was when it got quiet.
‘’Hey dipshits!’’ Dustin screams.
You took a deep breath as he yelled, ‘’Dustin!’’ You whispered.
‘’Give up that easy huh?’’ Dustin screams even lounder.
Both you and Eddie shush him, ‘’Is that really necessary?’’ Eddie asks.
The clattering from above you stopped any conversation. You looked up hearing the metal above you being scraped, ‘’Eddie they can’t get in right?’’ You ask him warily, all of you followed the sound above ending up under a vent. ‘’Eddie?’’ You ask him after no response
You screamed when the bats broke through the vent, the panic rising in your chest. You lifted your weapon moving in close with Dustin taking turns stabbing the bats trying to get in. “Die! Die, Die!” Dustin screams everytime he stabs them.
“Eddie!” You yell. “Eddie help!” You yell in a panic.
A second later you feel Eddie pushing you back slightly, “Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” He yells the shield he made earlier in his hand. He runs directly at the vent slamming it over top of him stopping the bats. Dustin falls back leaning against something a deep breath falls from his lips.
“Holy shit, Holy shit,” Eddie keeps repeating.
You felt yourself relax but it was only for a short moment, until Dustin spoke. “Are there other vents?”
The look on Eddie’s face told you there was, “shit, shit, shit!” He kept muttering. Everyone moves with him running to the back of the RV where Eddie’s bedroom was and as soon as he swung the door open the bats came flying toward you ready to attack. “Shit!” He screams along with you and Dustin pushing you both back behind the door slamming it shut. Immediately after he shut the door the wood began to break, you knew it wouldn’t hold long.
‘’Shit, shit, shit,’’ You mutter, also hearing similar words from both Dustin and Eddie. ‘’What do we do?’’ You yell over the bats pounding into the door, ‘’That’s not gonna hold long!’’ You yell at them.
‘’Let’s go! Let’s go!’’ Eddie screams.
You turn to Dusin who already had his hands on the sheets, you help him by holding his foot in your hand giving him something to push off as he climbs through the gate. ‘’Eddie, go!’’ You yell at him as Dustin goes through the gate.
You were the oldest making sure everyone got through before you was important, ‘’You first!’’ He tells you.
‘’Eddie, go!’’ You yell trying to plead with him.
‘’We don’t have time to argue go!’’ He yells at you holding his hand out for your foot. He was right there was no time to argue the door was breaking further by the second. You lift your leg putting your foot in his hand and he helps give you a push up at you grab onto the sheet pulling up as fast as you could. You landed on your back, Dustin held his hand out pulling you up so Eddie had a place to land.
You finally got to your feet looking down at the gate seeing Eddie starting to climb, he was about halfway up when he paused. ‘’Eddie! Come on!’’ You scream down at him, Dustin doing the same next to you. ‘’Come on!’’ You yell at him.
Eddie seemed to have some sort of realization on his face as he looked up at both you and Dusitn. ‘’Eddie climb!’’ You yell at him. You got down on your knees peering down at him as he glanced back at the door.
Eddie let go of the sheet a moment later and you and Dustin screamed, ‘’Eddie what the Hell?’’ You yell down at him. He picked up his spear and cut the sheet and it dropped into Dustin's hand.‘’Eddie! No! What are you doing?’’
He picked up the mattress and began flipping it out of the way, no doubt so you and Dustin couldn’t follow in pursuit. ‘’No! No! Eddie!’’ Dustin was screaming next to you.
‘’What are you doing Eddie?’’
‘’I’m buying more time,’’ Is all he says. Grabbing his shield and the spear, he ran off after that.
You watched Dustin next to you with his hands on his head in distress, ‘’Oh god,’’ He says to himself.
You looked around panicked and unsure of what to do, you couldn’t let Eddie go alone. Think, think, think. ‘’Dustin, I am going to get him and bring his ass back here.’’ You tell him. You grab the chair laying a few feet away, putting it just under the gate.
‘’Y/N let me go!’’ Dustin yells at you as you brace yourself for a run. You were a few feet down the hallway you knew a running start would help you.
‘’No,’’ You tell him sternly. ‘’You stay here, do not follow me Dustin, and when you can radio Steve.’’ You instruct him. You took a deep breath ignoring the rest of Dustin's pleads to get you to stay and him to go.
You took off running and as soon as your feet got to the chair you jumped, you went through the gate and landed on your arm. You screamed in pain when you landed, ‘’Y/N? Y/N? What happened?’’ You can hear Dustin yelling.
When you finally got over the immediate wave of pain you pushed yourself up with your opposite hand looking down you could see your hand was visible disformed at the wrist, you had broken it. ‘’I’m fine Dustin,’’ You call up to him though your voice says otherwise. ‘’Radio Steve when you can!’’ You tell him through your tears, the pain was terrible, but you had no time to wait around Eddie was in trouble.
After that you walked out of the RV, Eddie couldn’t be too far ahead from you. You looked around the area when you got outside noticing the bike was missing that had been there previously. ‘’Dammit,’’ You mutter to yourself. You heard a loud noise come from inside the RV one similar to when you had come down. When you peered in the door you saw Dustin laying on the ground his face grimaced in pain as he held his leg.
‘’Dustin!’’ You yell running toward him. ‘’I told you to stay!’’ He must’ve landed on it. ‘’Are you okay?’’ You ask him.
‘’I landed on it.’’ He tells you through the tears in his eyes.
‘’Can you walk?’’
He nods his head, you reach down grabbing his hand with your good arm helping him off the floor but he puts no pressure on his leg. ‘’Go ahead without me,’’ He tells you. You reach over grabbing what looked like a broom handing it to him so he could use it to help walk.
You didn’t wait another second; you practically ran out the door glancing around for the bats in the sky. The red lightning illuminated the bats and you saw they were swarming in a circle which couldn’t be good at all. You looked back Dustin was only a few feet behind you hobbling toward you, you quickened your pace running over toward the bats not giving yourself long enough to debate if it was a good or bad idea.
When you finally got there all of the bats had dropped from the sky as if some invisible force had killed them. You saw Eddie laying on the floor, all the bats surrounded him. You ran as fast as you could landing on your knees in front of him. The blood was coming from his mouth, you knew that was not a good sign.
‘’Eddie? Eddie?’’ You say taking your good hand touching his cheek, tapping it lightly, ‘’Hey come on you need to look at me,’’ You forced a smile at him with the tears forming in your eyes at his state. ‘’You’re okay, you’re okay.’’ You kept repeating.
A moment later Dustin dropped onto his hands carefully getting on the ground with you, he pulled Eddie’s head so it was resting on his leg, ‘’Oh god Eddie,’’ He said examining him, there was blood all over him.
‘’Dustin,’’ You say still trying to hold back your tears but he just kept his eyes on Eddie, ‘’Dustin I am gonna try and find something maybe we can stop the bleeding,’’ You tell him. He doesn’t seem to pay attention so you raise off the ground and start running back toward the RV once again, the sheet in there that could stop the bleeding right?
You ran as fast as you could to the RV still cradling your arm to your chest, you finally made your way back running inside. The sheet was already on the floor so you quickly picked it up running back out of the RV toward Eddie and Dustin, that was when the ground began to shake. You felt the ground shaking and immediately tripped but caught yourself. The loud noise behind you caught your attention and you watched as the gate that was once inside the RV had broken out and it just kept expanding straight ahead, luckily it was opposite of where Dustin was.
The ground shaking was making it hard to walk but you got back to Dustin as fast as you could, you noticed when he came into view that he stood above where Eddie had previously laid on his leg, Eddie laid on the ground shaking with the earth but he wasn’t moving. ‘’Dustin?’’ You yell out at him gaining his attention. When you got close enough you noticed the tears were streaming down his face, ‘’He didn’t-?’’ You couldn’t finish the sentence.
He shook his head before you could finish anyway, ‘’What do we do?’’ He asked and you could clearly hear how emotional he was.
‘’I don’t know-’’ You say glancing around, ‘’I don’t know!’’ You say. ‘’Did you radio Steve? We need to call Steve - Nancy, Nancy will know what to do.’’ You tell him feeling distressed.
‘’I did,’’ He tells you. ‘’No response, from him or anyone else.’’ He tells you.
And it seemed like someone, somewhere was looking out for you and Dustin because only a moment later you heard a voice sounding just a stressed as you felt coming through.
“Y/N! Dustin?” You hear coming from the radio, it was the sweetest sound you had ever heard.
‘’Y/N!’’ You hear your mom call from downstairs, ‘’Phone!’’
‘’Busy,’’ You yell, staring up at the ceiling, not busy at all in fact.
You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and you pull yourself up from the bed resting on your elbows anticipating her opening the door. She swings the door open a moment later, ‘’It’s Steve,’’ She pauses, ‘’Again.’’ You sigh. ‘’He really wants to talk to you honey, he’s probably just worried.’’
‘’Are you going to work?’’ You ask, noticing her scrub uniform.
‘’Yep, lots of shortages. Lots of people packed up and left, I don’t blame them if we had the money we would too.’’ She tells you. ‘’Do you need anything before I leave? Need any more medicine for your arm?’’ She asks and you glance down at the cast.
‘’I’m good,’’ You tell her. ‘’Love you,’’ You tell her before she leaves. Your mom worked as a nurse at the hospital when you finally got out of the upside down you went straight to her and she was pretty much able to help you get in to get your arm that same night although your injuries were nothing compared to some peoples.
A few hours later you were down in the kitchen making a frozen pizza, a little bit after the pizza went in the doorbell rang. You began walking toward the front door when the person decided to knock persistently, ‘’I’m coming!’’ You yell, shaking your head slightly annoyed.
When you pulled the door open Steve Harrington stood in front of you hands in his pockets. You looked at him in shock for a moment which gave him the perfect opportunity to slip in the house, ‘’Can I come in?’’ He asks, already walking through the door.
‘’Sure come on in,’’ You say sarcastically, shutting the door behind you. ‘’What are you doing here?’’ You ask him.
He puts one hand on his hip resting it there, ‘’Well you don’t return calls and it’s been three days.’’ He tells you. ‘’Why are you ignoring me?’’ He asks.
You sigh, ‘’I just needed some time to myself…a lot,’’ You say your eyes are focusing on a single spot on the floor, ‘’A lot happened.’’ You tell him.
‘’I know it did,’’ He says, stepping forward. ‘’Are you okay?’’ He asks.
You shrug your shoulders, ‘’I mean yeah,’’ You tell him but you can tell in your voice that you were about to break.
‘’Hey,’’ Steve says gently, pulling you into a hug, your hands wrapped around his torso as he rests his head on top of yours. ‘’You’re okay now,’’ He tells you.
‘’We just left him Steve,’’ You sob.
You could feel him pull you in closer if that was possible, ‘’We had to get out, and there was no way we could carry him out.’’ He says rubbing comforting circles on your back with his hand.
‘’His uncle-He-He is putting up missing flyers for him.’’ You try to get out your crying not letting you get out a sentence without having to take a deep breath. ‘’My mom she told me they’re all over the hospital.’’
Steve pulls back from you, ‘’Come on,’’ He says walking you to the couch sitting down with you, he still had his arm around you and you curled your body up so it rested on him. ‘’We did what we could, what we had to do.’’ He tries to tell you. ‘’And that doesn’t make what happened any easier but we have to think about what could've happened had we not gotten out when we did. Someone else could’ve been hurt, then what would we have done?’’ He asks you.
‘’It just feels wrong,’’ You tell him. You push yourself up looking at him, ‘’How is Dustin?’’ You ask, realizing you hadn’t talked to him since you got home.
‘’He’s rough,’’ He admits. ‘’But managing.’’
You didn’t say anything after that, you just both sat in silence. An hour or so later your head was in his lap and he was tracing circles on your shoulder as you stared up at the ceiling. ‘’Thanks for coming over,’’ You tell him.
He looks down at you, ‘’This is the only way I could talk to you,’’ He says and you smile sheepishly at him.
‘’Steve?’’ You ask. He hums in response, ‘’I don’t know what happened with you and Nancy and I made a promise I would do this, and I really want to keep it.’’ You start to ramble and Steve looks at you intently. ‘’And I'm just gonna come out and say it instead of beating around the bush-’’ You continue.
‘’Y/N,’’ Steve interrupted you, ‘’Just say it.’’
‘’I’m in love with you, and not in the way best friends love each other.’’ You say watching his eyes widen a bit looking at you as if he was shocked. ‘’And I have been for a while..’’ You pause, not really sure how he was feeling.
‘’You are?’’ He asks. ‘’Since when?’’ He asks.
‘’Since last year,’’ You tell him, ‘’When you got the job at scoops and I was training you I had a crush and we’ve hung out a lot more since and yeah,’’ You explain to him. ‘’And I just-,’’ You pause feeling emotional from the confession. ‘’I just had to tell you, I promised Eddie I would.’’
He glanced up when you mentioned Eddie his facial expressions looked shocked like he didn’t know what to say. “I just had to tell you and if you don’t feel the same-“ You began to say but your were cut short when you felt his hand come up to your cheek he was staring at you not saying a word.
“Steve?” You say breathless from his touch.
He doesn’t say anything instead he leans in his lips touching yours. He was slow with it and delicate, his hand gently resting on your cheek. “I never wanted to ruin anything,” He says when he pulls away. “Last year I realized I felt the same, and then now when we were upside down all I could think was is Y/N safe? That's when I knew.”
He paused for a moment, “And then I heard Dustin on the radio and he was begging us to come and I felt like I couldn’t breathe because he was so vague I thought something happened to you,” He tells you.
You reach your hand up putting it over the one that was on your cheek, “And then I saw you and your hand,” He glances down to the cast.
“I was fine,” You say, offering him a smile, “I was just waiting for you,” You admit. “You always keep me waiting, Harrington,” He smiles.
He leans in kissing you again, “No more waiting around, I’m right here.” He tells you.
Thanks for reading! apologies for any mistakes i’m on my phone writing! Let me know how you liked it!
I have like 5 other fics im working on rn so just wanted to post something but Request are open still!
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eddiexbnshd · 2 years
let me eat you out until you’re crying because you’re so overstimulated. but lets be honest, you love it, dont you baby? you love being my good little girl and giving your body to me, you love being my little slut, is that right angel? <3
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I’m right here (Steve Harrington) Part 1.
Summary: After being away from Hawkins for a little over seven years, you return to spend time with your brother Dustin but things happen that may change how you feel about Hawkins. 
Words: 1.8k
Prompts: No
Requested: No
Warnings or A/N: This will take place from season 3 to season 4 and I decided to not end things with season 4. I’m still working out kinks on how to write how they kill off Vecna and the Upside Down.
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 “Perfect form,” You heard him say when you were climing out of the pool.
You spotted him when you first got to the community pool, you weren’t too sure if he spotted you, but you didn’t care if he did or not.  0You rolled your eyes at the sound of his voice and didn’t turn to look at him.
“What? You’re not going to talk to me? You haven't seen me for a year and that's the way you treat me?
You turned around and looked at the women watching you before you looked at him. “How about you go and flirt with those middle aged women who are death glaring at me right now. Instead of worrying about a girl who dumped your sorry ass over a year ago, Billy,” You said walking away from him and towards your car. 
It's been years since you went to Hawkins, Indiana, and it's definitely changed. Half of downtown was shutting its doors. Thanks to the mall they built. You parked in your car in the busy parking lot and sighed. You really didn't want to deal with all these people now, but you promised your mother you'd get your little brother. It took you half an hour to find out where the ice cream parlor was, but you finally found it. "Are you allowed to be here?" The guy handed out the ice cream to a couple of girls who looked at each other and ran and laughed. 
The guy was pretty good looking to get even though he had a stupid sailor hat on but he was just plain good looking. What you found attractive about men is exactly what you found attractive about that guy.
The girl giggled and then turned around and looked at you. That's when you realize she was Billy's kid sister, Max. “Max”?
Her eyes went wide as she squealed when she saw you, ran up to you and hugged you with a death grip. “Yn! What are you doing here?” 
You stumbled back a bit at the sheer force this little girl has. “I’m picking up my brother. You guys moved to Hawkins?”
Max nodded her head. “Yeah. Billy is gonna go bat shit crazy when he sees you,”
“Yeah… we already ran into each other at the pool,”
“Who are you?” The girl that was with Max just abruptly said. 
“Oh. Yn, meet Eleven. El for short. El, believe it or not, Billy's former girlfriend,"
“You dated Billy?”
“Yeah, I was stupid,”
“Who's your brother?”
“Dustin Henderson,”
“Wait? Really? " Max's voice was full of confusion. "But you don't look like each other and you don't have the same surname."
“Yeah, different dads. Same mom,”
“We’re good friends with Dustin,”
“Have you seen him?”
“No. Not today," Max said looking at her watch. “It was really good seeing you  again but we gotta go,”
“Oh, okay. You too, Maxi,”
It was your favorite thing to call Max and at first she hated it, but she ended up enjoying it.
You watched them giggle again and left the ice cream store. You scanned the ice cream shop looking for the curly hair boy, but you didn’t see him. You sighed. “Do you need help with something?”
As you turned to look towards the source of that voice, you saw that it was the man behind the counter. You smiled at him and walked up to him and that when you took notice of his name tag. The name on his tag was Steve. It had to be the Steve Dustin wouldn't keep quiet about. "Ooh, you're Steve,"
“I-uh-yeah. How’d you know that?”
“Your name tag,”
He glanced down at his name tag. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I’m Steve, you?”
“Yn. Yeah, my brother told me a lot about you,”
“He did? What did he say? Wait. Who's your brother?”
“Henderson is your brother? You're Henderson’s sister? Wait, Henderson's got a sister?"
You silently laughed about how confused you made Steve. Before you even had a chance to say anything, he lifted a finger and opened the sliding window behind him. You could see a room which was probably storage room or break room or both "Do you have a sister?"
“Yeah, Yn. Why? Is she here?”
Dustin’s head popped up in the window and he smiled at you. “Hey sis. What are you doing here? This is Steve,”
“Mom asked me to pick you up and yeah I got that,”
"Well, we're in the middle of something, can you come back later?"
“No. Not really. I have other things to take care of. So whatever you’re doing needs to be hurried up or it can wait for another day,”
“I can drive him home-
"Hey, you know Russian?" Another head appeared in the glass cutting Steve. This time a woman. 
"I know bits of it, why?" Dustin,”
"What have you been up to?"
"What makes you think I did anything?"
"Because that's all you ever do,"
The girl walked away from the window and, in a few seconds, opened the door leading to the back. “Come in here,”
You watched her strangely, but you did as she asked. You wYou came in the room and saw Dustin's tape recorder on the table and a whiteboard with the Russian alphabet on it.s anyone care to explain what's going on?”
“So you know that radio that I built during summer camp to stay in contact with Suzie?”
“Well, yesterday. I took my friends and set it up. Anyway, I intercepted a secret Russian transmission,"
“DUSTIN! That's what I'm talking about when I say you're always up to no good.
“I know. I know. I didn’t mean to but it just happened,���
“Dustin. Well, I guess we’re already in the middle of it. Let me hear it,”
You don’t know how many times you had replayed the recording at this point. Yes, you know Russian but it wasn’t the entire alphabet that you knew. That was only a few sentences. After listening to it a few times, putting what you knew together and looking at the Russian alphabet You finally deciphered a bit. “Wait, that last part, just one more time,” 
“Okay,” Dustin said, rewinding the tape.
You let it play out until you heard what you were looking for. “That word. It’s pronounced “dly-nna-ya. Which is spelled D,”
 Before you could even say anything Dustin answered. “The chair. The chair-looking  thingy,”
“Yes. I know the first sentence,” You said. 
"What is it?" replied Steve, opening the window.
You looked up at him. “The week is long,”
“Well, that’s thrilling,”
You chuckled. "I know, but at least it's better than what you came up with."
After a few hours, you had finally cracked all of what it said. You had ended up blowing off what you were originally gonna do to help Dustin and his friends do this. You do not even know why, because you had the feeling that it would explode in your face.
"The week is long", the silver cat feeds, "when blue meets yellow in the west",” Dustin said as Steve was locking up the ice cream shop after it had closed. “I mean, it- just it just can't be right,”
You shrugged. “It's right. Honestly, I think it's great news,”
Steve said, standing back up. “How is this great news?  I mean, so much for being American heroes. It's total nonsense,”
 “It's not nonsense. It's too specific. It's obviously a code,” 
“What do you mean, a code? Like a super secret spy code. That's a total stretch,”
Robin raised her hands. “I don't know, is it?”
“You're buying into this? Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were gonna say, "Fire the warhead at noon?”
“And if the translation is correct. I know that for sure, so "The silver cat feeds". Why 
would anyone talk like that unless they're trying to mask the meaning of their message?” 
“Why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?”
You turned to face your brother. “So I guess that confirms your suspicion,”
Dustin gave you a smile. “Evil Russians,”
“I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians. So how do we crack it?”
You were too busy listening to the conversion to realize that Steve wasn't here. “Wait. Where's Steve?” 
You all turned around and saw Steve messing around with some change in front of a mechanical horse that was meant for kids. “Hey Steve.  What are you doing?”
Steve looked up at you guys. “Uh, it's a quarter. I need- Do you have a quarter?”
You pulled a quarter out of your pocket and threw it at him. “Sure you're tall enough for that ride though?” 
The mechanical horse started going and playing that tune that every kid in Hawkins should know. Robin chuckled. “You need help getting up, little Stevie?”
Dustin laughed too. Steve was beginning to be frustrated. “Would you three just shut up and listen?”
You looked at it for a second before paying attention to the melody and this is where you realized what Steve was saying. “Oh fuck,”
Dustin must’ve too. “Holy shit,”
Steve bobbed his head. “The music,”
Robin was confused. “What am I listening to?”
Before you could speak, Dustin took out the tape player and played it. The mechanical horse was playing the same music that the tape was. “I don’t understand. It’s the exact same on the recording?”
‘Maybe they have horses like this in Russia,”
Steve is still staring at the horse. “Indiana Flyer? I don’t-I don’t think so. This code, it didn’t come from Russia, It came from here,”
“Yn, come back to Scoops tomorrow and help us finish cracking it,” Robin said. “If you’re not busy,”
I've already abandoned what I was going to do today to help you. So why not, see this through. I’ll come by with Dustin,”
You, Steve and Dustin all walked Robin to her car and Steve walked you and Dustin to your car. Dustin, without telling Steve goodbye, jumped into the passenger seat. You shook your head and laughed before you looked at Steve's face. “Thank you,”
“No thanks needed. A real gentleman will always escort a lady to the car,” 
You just smiled but you shook your head. "I mean, thank you for that, but that's not why I was thanking you,"
Steve raised an eyebrow at you. “What are you talking about?”
“Thanks for standing by for Dustin. Dustin told me that you helped him with many things and that you always made sure he was fine. I really appreciate it."
“Oh. There still isn't any need to apologize for that either. Dustin can be a dick, but he's a great kid."
You caught a glimpse of Dustin playing with your radio. You took a couple of steps towards Steve and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek before you got in your car and drove away. You drove to your house and parked your car in the driveway. “So that was the infamous Steve Harrington?”
“Cool, isn’t he?”
“I don’t know yet,”
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persieee-yoohoo · 2 years
The Witching Hour (Eddie Munson x Gen!Reader)
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AN: this is my first fanfic. it’ll be kinda slow at first, sorry about that!
Disclaimers/Warnings: Swearing? Steve Harrington serving looks in a wedding dress? Pre-S4 events?
Summary: A confrontation on Halloween night circa 1985 makes you finally acknowledge what it is about Eddie Munson that keeps you so enamored. Maybe it’s the disguise of your costume or the spiked punch that makes you brave, but neither of you are saying goodbye for the night without some sort of heated exchange. 
“I feel ridiculous. Do I look ridiculous?” Steve fidgeted in front of the floor-length mirror fastened to the back of your bedroom door, doing an awkward 360-turn to check all of his angles. The height of the mirror hadn’t been originally hung with the male’s towering height in mind, so Steve was contorting his body to make sure he saw both his done-up hair and his accentuated ass. “Won’t people think it’s weird I’m wearing a wedding dress? I mean, who’s really going to recognize me as Marion? At least you have the hat and the whip.”
The pair of you had decided to go to some big Halloween party in Hawkins, or at least Steve had begged and you had begrudgingly agreed with the understanding that you got to choose the costumes with absolutely no objections. Hence, the white wedding dress with puffy sleeves that matched Marion’s iconic Lost Ark outfit that Steve was surprisingly pulling off. 
“You’d look better if you stopped worrying too much. Really, you look great and you’ll be recognizable as long as we stick together. No running off this time Harrington, I mean it.” You gave him a final glance over, making sure nothing else needed to be teased or altered. Upon deciding that he was perfect, you nudged him with your hip and took his spot in front of your mirror. Your own costume was nearly just as perfect, except for the absence of your hat and whip. Both were staple accessories of Indiana Jones, but not ones you were going to adorn until you got to the party. 
“When is Robin coming to get her costume?” Your eyes focused on the discarded costume that was visible in the mirror’s reflection, waiting to be fitted and altered  just like Steve’s had before he came over. To complete the group’s look, you had come up with the idea of making Robin the big tumbling rock from the beginning scene of the 1981 film. Robin didn’t have any objects to the idea, especially since none of her band friends would be there to witness any foreseeable embarrassment and she was just accompanying you both to drink. 
“Oh-uh..” Steve, still focusing on his appearance in the sliver of mirror space he had left, gave a half-hearted reply to your inquiry. “We’re picking her up. She’s still at school or something for band.”
You should have known, especially since Robin had talked your ear off at lunch about Vickie. Maybe you would’ve remembered that obvious fact if you also hadn’t spent a chunk of lunch watching one of Eddie Munson’s animated spiels around the lunchroom. The walking on tables and exaggerated movements never ceased to capture your attention, and that day was no different. Robin would have been better off talking to a wall while you ate up the sight of the school’s freak with the rest of Hellfire club.
It’s not like you were into the super-senior, you just gave into the spectacle that he spent his days at the school performing. His actions always garnered the attention of others, and you didn’t put up much of an effort to ignore him. Eddie Munson was just someone that you liked to watch, secretly or obviously. Unbeknownst to you, however, Eddie knew of your observation and relished in the attention of your dazzling eyes. 
“Let’s go get our boulder then, shall we?”
"Ow! You pricked me, Y/N!” Robin yelped and jumped away from you as you both stood in the parking lot of Hawkins High. Since Robin hadn’t made it to your house for alterations, you brought your travel kit with you to make do. You figured you’d just make any adjustments once the three of you made it to the party, but Steve vetoed that immediately. He said it would’ve been “un-cool” to pull out a sewing kit at a high school party. 
You weren’t the most popular, really only getting mixed up with Steve’s reputation due to long-standing family friendships, but you listened to him anyways. After all, he was showing up in a wedding dress, so you could keep your sewing kit to yourself for a few hours. 
“Stop moving then! Rob, you’re worse than Steve. I’m almost done.” As you pulled Robin back to you , you huffed and went back in with the safety pins to shorten the straps holding up the paper mache boulder. “Steve, no one is here. You can get out of the car, you know?”
“No way! I know for a fact that Dustin’s stupid little group is meeting right now. I don’t need that butthead seeing me like this. He’d have a field day, Y/N.” Steve scoffed and stayed right where he was in the car. He kept the engine going, allowing some music to filter out of the open windows, and kept impatiently giving you reminders to get a move on. There was only so much of a grace period that arriving late actually seemed cool and not pretentious. 
With one last adjustment, you closed your travel kit and threw it through the back car window. You carefully got Robin out of the boulder costume so she could ride in the car comfortably and placed it on the seat next to her.  Rounding the car to make your way to the passenger side, you’re all nearly in the clear when the side doors to the school slam open with loud hoots and yells bellowing out.
“Shit! Y/N, get in the car! We—” “Steve! STEVE!” “Dammit.”
You were nearly convinced that Steve would leave you there for not being fast enough, and you thought you saw his hand hesitate over the gear shift, but he ultimately decided against that particular intrusive thought. Instead, Steve prepared himself for the Henderson Attack and you gave him an apologetic smile. You mouth a quick ‘sorry’ to him, but quickly move on from him to seek out a familiar face. 
Dustin rushed the car, slamming his hands down on the hood as if to further deter the glorified babysitter from leaving. It took everything in you to not laugh, and you nearly did when your eyes settled upon Eddie’s snickering form. The wild-haired dungeon master stayed a few feet back from the car. He was closer to his van than Steve’s car, but he still didn’t ditch the younger group members. 
You watched him, just like you did in the lunch room, and prayed he didn’t look back at you while you were in a silly Halloween costume. Eddie’s aesthetic of flashy rings and leather jackets trumped your knock-off Indiana Jones ten times over. Sure, he had just come from playing a heated fantasy game with a bunch of underclassman, but he still exuded an untouchable vibe. 
“Woah—Y/N! Is that a whip?” Dustin’s loud mouth and lack of filter dragged your focus back to the car, where your whip and hat were both set on display on top of the dashboard. Steve had to swat away Dustin’s hand from reaching in through his driver-side window and you quickly got in the car to take the accessories into the safety of your arms. “Where did you get a whip?”
“They’re vital to the costume.” You consider putting the hat on to give a better glimpse of who you’re impersonating, but think better of it when you feel the eyes of everyone, including Eddie, staring at you through Steve’s open window. The warmth of your blushing cheeks is not lost on you, or Steve, and you tap the watch on your wrist. “Time to go, Steve!”
You don’t really know what Steve said or did for Dustin to safely step away from the car, but you felt the car lurch forward as Steve promptly began driving. The brunet had asked you the same question when you first showed him the prop weapon, but you’d just been vague. You didn’t want to give your best friend the satisfaction of a vanilla answer, even if the truth was as simple as a cheap find from the shop. Giving him a non-answer kept him guessing, which was payback enough for all the stuff he’d put you through when he whined and groaned about his failed rendezvous. 
“Did any of us consider bringing a camera to immortalize the day Y/N L/N got Steve Harrington in a wedding dress?” As Robin spoke up from the backseat, you pivoted in the passenger seat to meet her stare. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out as your gaze landed on the lone figure that leaned against his clanky van. Eddie wasn’t joking around with the other members of Hellfire as they waited for their own rides, he was just looking after Steve’s car as it sped out of the parking lot. 
In a moment of complete stupidity, you raised your hand and waved. Whether Eddie saw your movements through the back window or not, you didn’t stick around to see. Instead, you turned back around in your seat to look straight ahead, completely missing the way the freak of Hawkins High had raised his hand to return the gesture. 
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hellfireseddie · 2 years
Yknow who are absolute God sends?
People who have a fic rec masterlist y'all have me on my knees with the finds you have.
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bagsybaggins · 1 year
Chapter 7: MadMax
[Previous Chapter]
YN groaned as she rubbed her eyes, leaning back in her chair as Eddie sat on her bed and wrote in his notebook.
"Should I add in the wrathful king to this game?" He blurted out, turning to her.
Instead of turning around, she leaned her head back and looked at him upside down. 
"What's his reason for being wrathful?" She asked, raising her brow.
He looked back at his notebook, flipping a few pages back before stopping. "His wife had been possessed and cursed. And she sacrificed her life to protect them all from dying."
YN hummed before nodding. "Yeah, sure. Maybe even add in her ghost. Like it's not her, but a twisted projection of her to manipulate the King even more."
Eddie grins and nods his head, grabbing his pencil and scratching it into his notebook.
A knock on her door interrupted the silence, and she turned towards it as it opened. 
"Dare-" Dustin paused as he saw Eddie on the bed, before shaking his head. "Do you have any money? We're hitting the arcade later on tonight and I don't have any quarters."
YN blinked before lifting her left arm and looking at her watch. She sighed when it read 5:24 pm. 
"I'll spare a little, but I'm going to head out later so I can't give you everything." She muttered before sitting up and opening her right drawer.
Dustin grinned and held out his hand as she gave him 3 dollars. "Who's that?" He whispered to her as she put her hand on the door.
"It's my friend, Eds. Now move it ya twerp." She closed the door in front of him before turning around. 
Eddie grinned up at her bed as he stuck his pencil behind his ear. "We're friends?"
She rolled her eyes as a smile crossed her lips, her hand pushing his shoulder. "Shut up Ed. You know we're friends. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."
He nodded his head in agreement before looking back at his notebook. "True, true."
She sighed and fell back into her chair, glancing at her unfinished homework with a frown.
"Wanna go to the arcade?" She blurted out as she looked back at Eddie who had the eraser of his pencil in between his teeth.
YN kicked the machine as she died, again. All her money was almost gone.
"Another loss for little miss geek." Eddie grinned from his place to her left. His eyes moved up from the game over the screen to look at her.
She glared at him shaking her head. "Shut up Ed, you know these games are just rigged to get your money."
He snickered as she brushed past him. "Sure, says another loser who can't play games well."
She whirled around, walking backward, and flipped him off. "I can too play! I just-"
"No, I'm just off my game." At Eddie's raised brow she scoffed. "Shut up."
As she passed one of the games, she noticed the score in the right corner and gaped. She leaned in next to the player, not paying attention to who it was. 
"HOLY SHIT! You beat my little brother's High Score! He's gonna be pissed!" YN exclaimed, shocking the person who had been playing.
They jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to basically yell in their ear, causing their hand to jiggle. The game screen changed, reading 'Game over.' 
"Oh shit, my bad-" YN looked over at the red-haired girl with a grimace. "Didn't mean to make ya lose."
The girl shook her head, looking away from YN. "No, it's fine-"
YN dug into her pocket, pulling out her last few coins. "How about I give you this, as payment."
The girl shook her head as she moved the joystick to type in her name in the game. "No, it's cool. I would've died anyway."
Dare raised a brow at the girl, glancing at the name before grinning. "Mad Max huh. Well Max, how about I challenge you to that game right over there?"
Max turned towards where Dare was pointing, noticing the two-player shooting game. She turned to Dare and raised her brow.
Dare shrugged. "I think I wanna get to know the one who beat the shit out of my brother's high score. Plus you seem cool."
Max stared at her for a moment, before nodding her head. "Alright. I'll play."
Eddie spoke up from behind Dare. "You'll kick her ass, Max, she isn't too good at games."
Max looked up at him from over Dare's shoulder before Dare pushed him. "Shut up."
Max smiled lightly before heading over to the game, Dare, and Eddie following behind her. Dare glared at Eddie as he pushed his shoulder against hers, nearly making her tumble into an arcade machine. She rubbed her shoulder before throwing her shoulder into him, knocking him into another person. 
She laughed as she ran towards Max, who looked over at them with her brows raised.
"Ready?" Dare smiled as she stepped up beside her, pulling the money out of her pocket.
Max nodded her head, and Dare shoved the quarters into the machine. As the game started up, Eddie walked up behind them, glaring lightly at Dare, who smirked at him before turning back to the screen.
As criminal characters popped up on the screen, they pointed their guns at the screen and shot them. Max cursed as she missed one of them, casting a quick glance at Dare's side of the screen. Her eyes widened as she noticed how Dare hadn't missed any of them, how Dare's face was focused. 
A voice narrated 'Game Over' as Max's character died, due to her not focusing. Dare grinned as she twirled the gun in her hand, pausing to blow on the fake barrel. 
"How did you do that?" Eddie gasped as he noticed her high score.
Max looked over at her before her eyes widened at the High scoreboard. All of them said Dare.
"I'm a good shot, Ed."
Eddie gaped at her. "Dare, what the fuck."
"I feel like I was lead into a trap," Max said as she crossed her arms, a small grin on her face. 
YN laughed and shook her head. "Nah, just wanted to see if your skills were the real deal or not."
Max raised her brow in confusion. "And did you?"
YN grinned. "Yeah. I did. I'm impressed, Max."
Max nodded her head, looking at the ground. "Thanks, I guess."
YN nudged Max's shoulder, "Yeah, no problem. Wanna go again? Get your skills to grow?"
Max paused, looking at the clock before nodding her head. "Sure. I can play a game or two."
I grin to myself as I push past the boys, going up to the high school.
"Later Boys!" I yell.
"Bye Dare!" "Tell me if you find out who Max is!" 
I shake my head slightly pulling to a stop at the bike rack. I sigh as I kick the stand up, turning around and looking for Nancy. When I notice Steve's car a little further down the lot, I groan and adjust my bag on my shoulder. I walk over towards the car, making sure to flip off Carol and her two friends. As she rolls her eyes at me, I turn back to the car that I was approaching. 
I knock on the window, breaking them out of their lover's gaze. 
"Move it, Harrington! She's got Algebra for first class." I grin as Nancy glares at me. 
As she opened the door, the sound of tires screeching causes me to turn around. I watch as a car pulls into the parking lot, a familiar face in the passenger seat. I grin as the car parks, the driver getting out of the car. But I ignore them as Max steps out of the car. 
"Hey, Max!" 
Max turns to me, along with the driver, and I wave at her. She smiles thinly and nods her head at me, before throwing her skateboard down. I smile before looking over at Nancy who gave me a confused look. 
"What, I met her at the Arcade. She beat Dustin's score, I had to get to know her." 
Nancy shook her head as she shut the car door, smiling at me. "Of course, you manage to become friends with someone that you don't even know."
I chuckle and walk towards the school. "Of course Nance. It's my thing."
I glance over at the car, noticing the driver still looking at me. I raise a brow at him before he smirks and walks towards the school.
[Next Chapter]
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wtfcookiejar · 2 years
I Promise Always (Part 6)
Eddie was walking into the forest quietly. He had ditched Jason hours ago and it was time for him at least to follow through with what he felt was a mandatory drug deal at this time. He didn't know what Chrissy Cunningham really needed drugs for. But arrangements like these meant he could buy Uncle Wayne sandwich meat for another weak and maybe he could have a tape if he was lucky enough. Sometimes Old Eunice in the record store would let him take home something nice if he brought her better d&d stories and whatever old leather gear he could find at the thrift store.
Eddie couldn't help but finger the note in his pocket as he sat down on the Bench. He had Scratched out Chrissy's name, written YN L/N down, and drawn a little heart with spider webs. He'd also scratched out drugs and written hugs. Because he desperately wanted to hug Y/N. But Eddie knew she hated him... God, it made him want to cry but he didn't he just sat there looking at all the little folds and creases wondering how she had done it so fast.
"Excuse Me," Chrissy called hands behind her back still waiting at the tree just beyond the picnic table.
Eddie Couldn't help it he jumped ten feet in the air. " JESUS." he turned and sighed heavily. " You gave me a start their little lady."
"Why do you call me that?" Chrissy asked taking a seat as Eddie got reacquainted with the table setting his lunchbox in front of him and opening it.
" Because you are a lady. " Eddie reasoned rubbing his hands on his jeans and slipping his crumbled crane into his pocket. He looked at Chrissy had pretty red hair and grey eyes and a figure that left little for the imagination in her cheer uniform. Once upon a time, Eddie would have done anything to sit across from Chrissy. Now though he just wanted to do a deal and play some D&D.
" Well that's true but most people call me a girl still." Chrissy smashed a pearly smile that could have made almost anyone do anything.
Eddie smiled to put his stomach at ease and then his voice got smooth and sales-like," Now what does a Lady like you, possibly need my services for?"
"I have a headache.....The headache pills my mom gave me make me feel sick..." Chrissy seemed shy all of a sudden.
"Fork them over." Eddie made grabby hands as he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it with zero effort.
Chrissy handed over a little white bottle and Eddie read the outside," Your moms giving you like estrogen on crack... This isn't for headaches. No wonder your stomach hurts. You could get hella pregnant with this shit."
"LIKE how?" Chrissy tilted her head puzzled
" Don't you and Jason like fuck in every damned closet at school?" Eddie took a long drag of his cigarette before realizing her face was a deep shade of red," Wait for a second... You two haven't done it yet!"
"CAN YOU NOT BE SO GODDAMNED LOUD!" Chrissy whisper shouted and Eddie did his best to hold back a chuckle as he threw two blunts and a couple buds in a small sandwich bag for Chrissy. He finished his cigarette smiling.
"Alright, Stop taking this shit. One Puff at a time. Deep Inhales. Do Not have sex till this shits out of your system I say about 3 weeks... When you do use condoms and please get actual birth control- from a doctor, please. I was never here. I know nothing about this and that will be twenty bucks and one secret to keep. It's a hell of a deal. " Eddie singsong waving the baggie.
"Secret included?" Chrissy asked a twenty in her hand.
"Secret included and this will clear up any kind of pain. Like I said take it slow. One puff. When you need more you know how to find me. " Eddie held out his empty hand and the baggie
Chrissy folded the twenty into a triangle her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth before she handed it over," It's going to be a pleasure doing business with you. Your everything she said you were with just a little bit of edge. I like it. " With a skip of her green and white skirt, she was gone.
Eddie almost wanted to ask who but then he thought of the folded crane in his pocket and he sat there confused.
"Now I cannot promise that Steve won't flirt. But I can promise you, He will be on his best behavior, usually, we watch movies and then pick up Henderson from D&D and then we sit and listen to him talk about his campaign and his quote "perfect" girlfriend." Buckley was on a roll but she had already called steve to change the plans and told Dustin they would still pick him up after D&D.
"Hanii. You need to explain what you mean by "Henderson." is he a teacher? Why do you refer to him in his honorifics? I mean is he like someone cool is he like? WHAT IS A HENDERSON?" You wailed and robin smiled at her new nickname.
Just then Steve's car rolled in and he stood tall arms a flurry of pushing up his sleeves and then opening them wide and smiling this dopey smile as he leaned against his car," Ladies as you can see the chariot awaits and there is a MALL calling our name."
You took a step closer to Hanii and whispered slightly," He reminds me slightly of a game show ho-"
" RULE NUMBER 1 in this battleship we do not whisper."
Robin smiled as you quickly set down your bags and set yourself up in a standard military procedure. Robin followed suit but the things that flowed out of your mouth would have made any man of the military proud," Senior Student ON LOAN From Leuitant Staff OF Medical And Marrine Commander L/N. Mission: Go to MALL with Oni-chan. Report home By No later than 11. Your Battleship: 1983 BMW 733i - Automated drive -antitheft warning system -3.2 liter straight six cylinder output but your tires look like absolute horseshit SIR, meaning you need air or this battleship will sink." You gave a firm salute and kicked a tire that gave a small bump as if to say you were correct.
Robin saluted like a navy man and Steve looked like he was going to burst into flames of embarrassment.
"Robin I swear to god if you paid her to say any of these weird things you get to pay for the joint movie fees for two weeks." Steve pointed at Robin and you smiled.
"Oni-chan, your car tires need air. I don't think a marine Sargent would enjoy hearing about his daughter stuck on the side of the road, By the way, you live up to "The Hair" nickname but I have yet to understand the meaning behind it. It is a nice car. You clambered into the backseat as Robin sat in the front.
"Isn't She just PERFECT!" Robin squealed in joy drumming her fingers into the dash.
Steve was handsome but you weren't going to admit that flat out from his backseat. You sat prim and proper like your best friend had taught you. Your back straight eyes forward on the road. Steve did indeed stop for air. It was kinda funny watching him figure out how to fill the tires. Your dad had timed you and you could do it to any car in three minutes flat.
"What are you thinking wise OWl of mine eyes." Robin turned back to look at you.
"I won't lie he's cute."
"But.. He's Not Eddie?" Robin reasoned and you chuckled.
"Very true Hanii"
"What does that word mean even, you've been calling me that for hours," Robin whined rolling her eyes and leaning her seat back so it nestled into your lap comfortably.
"I get a secret or two." You challenged plucking stray hairs from her eyes.
"Since when do you let other girls touch you without becoming a quivering mess?" Steve said as he sat back down in the car and looked at the two of you cozy and smiling.
"She is no ordinary girl dear Dingus. She has charmed even the most terrifying of hearts. Take Chrissy Cunningham for instance. She eats out of this sweet girl's palm." Robin was practically purring as you rubbed her temples soothingly.
You booped Robin's nose chuckling," Don't say it like that Hanii."
"Alright, you two. Enough of this touchie touchie! We are off to our destination, and you Pretty thing. What is this Oni-Chan business? And Why does Chrissy Cunningham eat out of your palm?"
"Every girl allowed a secret or two. Chrissy is simple. I'm a shiny new thing. I have a use for her I can get her what she needs and in turn she... I don't have a clue what she does for me yet. I'll find a purpose I'm sure. " You mustered as you helped Robin righten her seat and you reached over and stole steves sunglasses and rolled down the window letting the warm sun touch your skin.
Steve didn't wanna admit it but the girl in his backseat was growing on him. She had kicked off her flats and her tiny manicured toes were so close to his elbow that he almost wanted to reach back and touch them. But he stood his ground in the front seat remembering that she had said Sargent, and he knew that meant her father. She was bold she took sunglasses and looked out the window and talked with Robin as if she owned the world.
Robin for once was a smiling peaceful creature. She was herself around another girl who didn't seem to mind if she babbled or got lost in a horror story about what happened at summer camp, which for the beautiful girl in the back seemed like a world that needed to be explored.
"Oni-Chan, can you tell me why it is so customary for Boys and Men here to touch girls and women?" her lips were this perfect pink shade and every word sounded perfectly English but completely foreign. Who used the word customary?
Robin was stifling a giggle. "Uh... Well, that's kinda normal here you know Public displays of affection. Guys don't want other guys kissing their girls... Ya know."
"So once you kiss you are to be married?" at this Steve himself lost it and so did Robin both of them laughed a loud rough careless fun laugh.
Her face was pink, and she almost seemed ashamed. They were in the parking lot of the mall. Robin realized their mistake and reached back to look at the girl who now ducked her head in shame. Robin smacked Steve and his stomach automatically filled with guilt.
"STEVE. Meeting outside the car now." Robin hissed and they piled out.
Steve was having a hard time not reaching back into the car and telling her he was sorry already. But the words that crawled out of Robin's lips were what made him stay," Look, She's spent most of her life in Japan. Things in America are different. She doesn't even know the difference between asshole and stupid she thought they meant the same thing till this afternoon."
"We're talking about words here right?" Steve clarified as he looked in the backseat to see her checking her makeup. Something he was used to dates doing.
"Yeah. So we gotta try to understand. Things like public affection, and candy even is new to her. We can teach her right?" Robin's wearing the puppy dog eyes that Steve falls for every time.
"Robin- I thought we talked about you know wayward-"
"She's not wayward dingus. She literally figured out I was into Viki with one glance. She's like a genius but she's not a wayward puppy. She just needs Friends. So common...Please."
"So that's why you don't freak out when she's all close to you!" Steve snapped his fingers and smiled and Robin just took it as this was her winning and to be honest. She'd won the minute she'd called to say she had a new friend and they needed to cancel movie night and could they go to the mall with her instead.
He didn't expect the pretty girl who had followed. She was still waiting in the backseat of the car and they both looked at each other for a strong minute. "SHIT. THE MALL." They both shouted. Both of them excitedly scrambled to the back of the car Steve on one side and robin on the other they piled in the backseat pushing Y/N in the middle they both started blathering.
"Alright, so here's like the major points-" Steve was talking fast pointing as if he were making a map.
"We can't skip the minor points Stevo." -Rubin rushed in to make sure the hand talking doesn't get too complicated and held his hands over Y/N form.
"MAJOR FIRST, What do we want to shop for? What are we hungry for? Do we have pooled money or our own?"
"I have $75.83" Y/n seemed puzzled as she showed them her money.
"Robin status report?" Steve asked looking excited because prospects are looking high for whatever is in the mall.
"$20.00 and a large button." Robin said as she searched her pockets and added the cash to a pile on Y/n's lap.
Steve reached for his wallet. He knew there would be at least a couple of fifties and a hundred in there from whatever his dad left him for the long weekend. What his mom had given as she headed for another conference. He didn't care he threw two fifties out onto y/n lap and smiled.
" What are we shopping for ladies? What are we hungry for ladies? "
Y/n smiled shyly," I only want three things. Music, The Hobbit, and What are these things you guys wear called?" She patted Robin's jeans affectionately.
"You want Jeans?" Robin asked and Steve couldn't help but smile.
"Now Rob, before you go preaching you always tell me. Women should be able to wear whatever they want. When they want to. " Steve chided and Y/n smiled
"Is that True Hanii." and robin rolled her eyes.
"FINE! But we have to stop at Eunice's and She Needs a dictionary pronto." Robin smiled reaching forward and grabbing her purse. Y/N stuffed all her money into a little coin purse which she handed to Robin who handled the red and black fabric with care. Then as if it was effortless she handed Steve his money and smiled this big gorgeous smile that almost begged for him to kiss her. But he swallowed it and instead reached for her hand and helped her step out of the car.
"Can we go slow? I get dizzy if I go too fast." She asked in a hushed whisper soft enough Robin couldn't hear her. That soft whisper was enough for Steve's hard candy outside to melt and he was putty in her hands.
"Of course Darling. This is all at your pace." Steve said as she linked elbows with him and Robin linked elbows with her and the three of them entered the mall together.
"You start spoiling her Steve and I will shave all that hair of yours. " Robin threatened and Y/n giggled like it was something they had promised each other hundreds of times. Steve defiantly could live with this threat if he got to hear that laugh a hundred thousand more times.
It was 4:45 and Wayne was on his way into the hospital. He wasn't sick. He was nowhere near sick. Instead, he wanted to talk to the new Doctor. The one who had taken his wife and Daughter to Japan and broken poor Eddie's last dream to a crumble. He remembered the words the boy had spoken a month later on his birthday when Wayne sat the only one there with Eddie who looked at the one present that Wayne could afford.
"I was gonna Murry her Uncle...." He had sniffled looking at the cake Wayne had burned the candles melting. Coconut frosting. Then just like that Eddie stopped crying and looked at the swings one last time sighing and blowing out the candles.
"What did you wish for Buddy?" Wayne asked as he cut a slice and put it in front of Little Eddie.
"That she would be happy..." His little lip stuck out a little as his face turned sour at coconut frosting," Can I help with the cake next time uncle Wayne?"
Then it was just like that Little Eddie opened his present. A D&D book bigger than his head with a set of dice and his own personal leather journal. The two spent hours reading the manual in bed that night and to this day Wayne never forgot those tiny fists scarfing down the rest of the cake for the week while he looked at the playground swings and read the D&D manual like a bible.
Inside the hospital, he waited in a chair but he didn't have to wait long. The Doctor saw Wayne and smiled with fondness," I'd know the Munson Tamer if I ever saw him. " They shook hands and then the doctor ushered him into his office quietly. "Taylor keep an eye on EKG 12 for me." Inside his office were x-rays and diahramao's that made Wayne's stomach turn but he kept his eyes on the good doctor.
"Long way for a Medic to come. " Wayne Marveled at the walls and the Doctor smiled.
"Burbon?" He asked reaching down to the cabinet to pour himself a glass.
" No, No, I gotta drive home. Besides. I wanna talk about your daughter quickly if I can. I know you left because you were a commander for the Marines, they took you over to Japan... Being a top medic. I understand you had a job to do for our country... But the day you left with that little girl...Eddie's heart broke... like shattered into tiny pieces at his feet. His Birthday was shortly after you left and he told me he wanted to Marry your little girl... When it was clear she wasn't gonna come back... the last little light went out in him. I'm not mad at your daughter. But That's my boy... Do you understand Doc? I don't wanna see him hurt none more." Wayne could feel his heart racing hard in his chest but the good doctor was smiling.
"I wouldn't trust my daughter with anyone else Mr. Munson. Did you know that Eddie drove her home one night after she had been walking in the dark? She was drunk... He tried to cover it up by drinking the last of the bourbon in her bottle and giving me one of yours... I knew that night he was the right man for my daughter. He would do anything to save her... I won't lay a hand on your boy. Fear not."
Wayne sighed and settled in his chair finally feeling like he could finally breathe," So we agree."
"These kids need each other. " The doctor chuckled and then the two men settled into a familiar silence one filled with different memories. and different people and different places.
The mall was like a huge Candystore. There were different shops that lit up in different colors. So far her favorite had been the book store. She had passed so many titles and Steve and Robin had both watched in wonder.
"She's so efficient. " He had remarked. She had pulled all she needed from the shelves within minutes and handed them to Steve.
"She's so eclectic I love it. " Robin had whispered to him as she checked out holding her red coin purse so delicately as she counted out the change for the cashier.
The three of them had naturally fallen into a rhythm together. Y/N had a designated list. Robin only wanted Food and Eunice's little corner store and so Steve was the Navigator and an Onlooker as Y/N pointed out dainty shops. She stopped and stared at one particular that he looked at till the girls had disappeared around the corner.
"Why on earth would a girl like her be worried about a thing like that?" Steve had wondered as he jogged after the girls. Who were giggling about some random lunchroom joke? Robin raised an eyebrow in question and he shook his head still confused.
"Food or Eunice's," Steve asked jumping ahead of the girls and walking backward in a smooth fashion. Looking at both their faces he waited.
"Eunice's" The singsonged, and Steve grabbed Robin around the neck walking again in time with them. Eunice's shop was in the darker corner of the world. But still, it remained a favorite of the Buckley and Harrington household. Buckley could always find something androgynous and Harrington could always find something chic.
Eunice knew both Robin and Steve so when the two came in with their new friend she was beyond delighted. "Where did you find this beautiful little Hen from Harrington?" Eunice was a tall woman, full-chested curls placed in the full fifties curls. She was a pinup girl through and through but you could see some of the edges of age coming through. Her hands had gotten smaller and there were wrinkles.
" I found her actually" Robin stood on her tiptoes pointing toward herself. Proud of actually having found a gem worth noticing.
"I believe we found each other?" Y/N whispered bowing slightly to the older woman.
"Exquisite. May I take measurements, Miss?" Eunice had a tape measure in hand and Steve felt the slightest need to step between the two of them. Protect Y/N, but her polite hand held him back and she proudly stepped forward.
"I have a feeling... " Robin and Steve could hear Miss Eunice now but she was speaking foreignly and quickly.
"Does it weird you out that somehow she knows just how to speak to anyone who walks in here?" Steve followed Robin to the records bin.
"God NO. Eunice is as old as Time. I'd be half afraid if she didn't know how to-"
"You two are complete idiots. She is an ABSOLUTE Treasure. You couldn't have brought her sooner? " Eunice was throwing skirts and corsets and sweaters on her arms. "Harrington. There's a brand new walkman and headphones third shelf on the left-hand side. Eddie will have to wait for a new pair. I will pick the music myself. Harrington, she will need assistance with payment, I am sending her home with her own collection of cassettes and three new outfits. If I hear one peep of complaint. I will call your Father and have your next order of Playboys shipped back to his office myself!" Eunice had never sounded so cheerful or dreadful in that particular moment to Steve that he'd have done anything to stop her from opening her mouth further.
"SHE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT JEANS EUNICE!" Robin called and there was a score of giggles as Robin watched Steve take things from a high shelf on the left-hand side that almost no one else could reach.
"I would pay to hear this conversation." Steve set the headphones and brand new cassette player on the counter and looked at the collection of records Robin had picked," Beautiful picks though I will say I am not a fan of this guy right here..." Steve pointed to a Zeppline album that looked a little to far fetched for both their taste.
"DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT ZEPPLIN ALBUM." Was the shout as they saw Eunice again shuffle past them this time holding onto jeans. It was only fifteen minutes later and their friend was back at the counter Eunice was throwing tapes together. It was a large pile. But for some reason Steve didn’t feel like fighting Eunice.
Instead y/n placed what was left her money on the counter and Eunice took it and another twenty from Steve.
“Both of you take good care of her. She’s a delicate flower.” Eunice called out as Robin finished up her purchase.
“Now we must eat!!!” Steve singsonged and Robbin smiled. Y/n didn’t carry a single thing in her hands because Steve carried it all. They exited the mall in a rush robin tugging at Y/n and saying she was scared of the dark while Y/n giggled and said Steve would get anything that hurt them. The truth was in that moment Steve loved both those girls. He loved how Y/n made Robin more Robin and how Y/n just seemed to blend all the pictures of the evening together. She was magic Eunice didn’t lie.
They drove the extra fifteen miles to go to McDonalds. Where Steve ordered nuggets, cheese burgers, and enough fries to satisfy their party of three and two more. One for Eddie and one for Henderson.
“French fries?” Y/n had exclaimed quietly as Steve handed her a big thing of fries and a Coke.
“Eat while hot best effect.” Robin grumbled before opening a burger and shoving it promptly into her face.
A few minutes of staring and blowing and Y/n was happily nibbling fries moaning in bliss,”I Still don’t understand what a Henderson is. The dictionary says nothing. Are they born? Are they created? Do they die?”
“What is she on about Robin, her mouths full.” Steve asked looking confused.
“HENDERSON.Is he ruler or fable?” Y/n put herself between the two of them a single fry sticking out the corner out of her mouth.
Robin snorted choking a bit on her burger,” He’s a freshman!”
“Jesus Christ. What did you tell her about Henderson that makes her believe he is a fable.” Steve was interested to say the least
“You swear on his mother often as if she is god. He has a magical girlfriend and he knows things even you can’t understand.” Y/n muttered stealing a nugget from robins lap.
“HES A VIRGIN WITH AN IQ OF OVER 160.” Steve shouted
“I’m a virgin.” Y/n reasoned as they pulled back into Hawkins,”Does this mean I am a fable too?”
Robin was laughing so hard she almost choked on a nugget she had been chewing.
“Can we not kill Robin? Steve plead hopelessly trying to pat her back as he drove,” you are mysterious that’s different.
"Lean forward hanii." Y/N sighed gently and Robin did exactly as she was told, Y/n fingers were swift as she tapped along Robins back in a strange cupping motion Steve couldn't focus on. The coughing stopped and Robin took a big drink smiling.
"Eunice might just be right about magic. " Robin clarified," but I don't know if mysterious covers all the wonder our new friend produces."
School always looked different at night. Steve and Robin were used to it but Y/N looked at it as though something was going to come out and scare her. She had the two sets of leftover fries in her lap keeping them warm between her thighs.
They waited chatting casually until Dustin came barrelling through the doors and toward the car. Eddie stood watching as others piled out of the double doors arms crossed smiling. Y/N swallowed when the backseat door opened and Dustin slid in his mouth moving a mile a minute.
"You guys will never believe what happened today. Eddie launched the most venomous campaign I have ever taken part in. I literally almost lost my character in the first 10 minutes -OH MY GOD STEVE THERES A GIRL IN THE BACKSEATTTTTT!!!!!" Dustin lept against his door like his very body was going to be put on fire.
"This is a Henderson?" Y/n asked a small wave of disappointment in her voice, "He's so...." Y/n Reached out and pulled at Dustin Cheek. "DOUGHY..."
Steve was laughing but Dustin wasn't amused.
" Get off me..." He huffed and then he snatched the fries and looked at her from the corner of his eyes," Hogging fries, doesn't even introduce herself... Anyone wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?"
"Dustin meet Y/N. She has come a long way to live in Hawkins. Eunice calls her a delicate flower. I think she's brilliant and Steve wants to kiss her silly." Robin turned around pointing to each of them as she diagnosed the issues in the car.
"ROBIN!" Steve said but both of them grew silent. Because Y/N had opened the back door. After Dustin had said," Eddie's fries."
She was quiet as she moved across the parking lot. Steve and Robin shared a look.
"Are we sure this is a good idea? I mean isn't she the one who thinks that Eddie's an ass?" Dustin was worried and for a minute steve was too but when the two shadows met. There was only silence. A bow and then Y/n was sitting behind steve once again.
"Well?" Dustin asked
" You are the worst fable I have ever encountered. " Y/n muttered and picked a Fry from Dustin's and chewed smiling.
The entire trip to Hendersons was spent with him explaining how he was indeed not a Fable but one whole human. Y/n and Robin giggled and Steve watched because for once he truly was mystified.
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i-will-duckyou-up · 2 years
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I forgot how much I loved writing. A little sneak peeky to what I’m writing.
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