#stevie was right!!!
imasimpcentral · 10 months
I need to plague the world with my AU where Zeke is a wizard and Stevie's older brother and they both try to fight against the wizarding rules of getting rid of their powers (because holy shit that's fucked up). Zeke ends up letting Stevie control most of the rebellion because Zeke realizes he's in love with Justin but he doesn't know Justin is a wizard so he has to come to the realization that he will have to go through this rebellion or try to win the family wizard competition or lose his powers entirely. (Stevie being a terrible sister never tells Zeke that Justin is a wizard because she wants to give Zeke a reason to be a part of the rebellion) I don't know there's probably more but that's my ramble about them.
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woman-respecter · 1 month
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people in real life: hey man, how’s it going?
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artiststarme · 1 year
The first (and only) tattoo that Steve ever gets is a small letter “E” on the inside of his right wrist. Whenever anyone asks what it stands for, he just shrugs his shoulders.
“It obviously stands for “everyone”. It’s an E, what else would it mean?”
He says this so many times, the Party believes him. As ridiculous as E for everyone sounds, Steve can be very convincing when he wants to be and they all believe him eventually.
But when an “S” shows up on Eddie’s wrist a few weeks later, the reasoning behind the E doesn’t sound so believable anymore. Especially when the Party finds out that Steve and Eddie have been dating in secret for months without letting anyone but Robin know.
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after my post about steve being just as obsessed with eddie as he is with him, i had to write something for it. with a little extra transfem!stevie flavour bc i have a serious problem
also on ao3 here
Robin has had enough. She’s spent all this time telling Stevie she’d always be there for her, but this is where she draws the line.
Stevie’s staring at Eddie Munson again.
Robin looked up from her shitty cafeteria food when she heard a dreamy sigh come from her best friend. Stevie had that look on her face again, the hopelessly besotted one that made Robin sure cartoony little love hearts would start popping up next to her head. Robin followed her eyeline and, yep, there was Eddie Munson, super-senior leader of the dungeons and dragons club, sticking carrot sticks up his nose to the uproarious laughter of his group of nerd friends. Robin shook her head in appalled fascination.
“Stevie. Babes. Why.”
Stevie turned towards her, tilting her head in confusion. “Huh? Why what?”
Robin waved a hand towards Eddie’s table. “Your obsession with Eddie Munson. It baffles me.”
“Wh- I mean-” Stevie flushed, looking back across the cafeteria with a shy little smile. “Just look at him, Robs.”
“Yeah, I’m looking. He’s trying to sneeze out a carrot stick he got stuck in his nose.”
Stevie giggled. “I know, he’s so funny!”
Shaking her head, Robin placed a delicate hand on her friend’s arm. “You don’t have to do this, y’know. I know pickings have been slim since you came out, but like. You’re still a catch! You have options!”
Stevie frowns. Robin hadn’t wanted to say it, but she knew Stevie had taken her ‘fall from grace’ after she transitioned pretty hard. She’d gone from King of Hawkins High to near social untouchable, and the whiplash had her privately confessing to Robin that sometimes she felt unlovable, like no one would ever want her again. It was ridiculous, but Robin understood that insecurity. She combatted it by complimenting Stevie whenever she could. And now by trying to dissuade her best friend from falling ass over tits in love with the first weirdo to be nice to her post-transition.
“It’s not that. He’s just so…” Stevie waved her hands around vaguely, searching for a word to accurately describe the apparent wonder that was Eddie Munson. Across the cafeteria, Eddie finally got the carrot stick out of his nose. He threw it towards the bin a foot away and missed, spectacularly. “He’s himself. It’s nice.”
“He’s himself.”
“Yeah! Like, he’s passionate about everything he does, and he’s not afraid of being judged for anything. It’s nice! Most people aren’t like that.”
“Most people are definitely not like Eddie Munson.”
Stevie rolled her eyes at her friend’s flat tone. “Plus, he’s super hot. And you can’t say anything about that one- you’re too gay to be an accurate judge.”
Robin groaned. “Steph, he dresses like an 80s vampire.”
“He has a distinct style!”
“It’s distinct alright- hey!”
Stevie had apparently had enough of Robin’s bitching, reaching over and trapping her in a loving sisterly headlock. They scrapped for a couple minutes, nearly knocking both their lunches off the cafeteria table, before being interrupted with a light cough.
Both girls looked up, Stevie immediately blushing a gentle pink as Eddie Munson appeared before them. He seemed nervous, fiddling with his rings and chewing on his lip. Robin watched the two stare at each other, and oh god. Eddie was down just as bad as Stevie was. He giggled a little manically at Stevie’s attention, pulling a lock of hair in front of his face and hiding behind it.
“Hi, Eddie,” Stevie said in a little breathless tone that had Robin about five seconds away from face-palming. She considered pulling out her phone and recording this conversation, just so that next time Dustin implied Stevie was some kind of goddess of romance Robin could show him the dumb little face she made as she stared at Eddie Munson’s chapped lips. “What’s up?”
Eddie smiled, shuffling his feet a little. “Um, so, my band is playing this Thursday- oh! Wait, I got you something-” He rummaged around in his bag for a second, cursing under his breath, before he finally pulled out a slightly crumpled looking sunflower and presented it to Stevie with a flourish. “A sunflower! Just reminded me of you- because you’re so sunny. Also it kind of matches that sweater you like.”
Stevie’s grin was blinding. She took the flower like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Oh my god! This is- Eddie this is beautiful!”
Eddie grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet a little bit, as if Stevie’s acceptance of his gift had filled him with so much happiness he was in danger of floating away. It was, unfortunately, the cutest thing Robin had ever seen. 
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl,” he said, and the cringiness of the line had Robin taking back every positive thing she’d ever thought about him. Stevie seemed to enjoy it though, if the pleased blush that spread over her face was any indication. “But I wanted to ask you- totally cool if not, I know it’s not really your style- but I’ve been practising some new songs for y- I’ve been practising some new songs. So, yeah, if you wanted-”
“Eddie,” Stevie interrupted, smiling up at him and placing a gentle hand on his arm. Eddie turned bright red. “Thursday, right? It sounds fun, I’d love to come watch you play.”
“Really? Great! I can pick you up at seven?”
Stevie nodded happily, bringing the sunflower to her face and turning back to Eddie with another besotted grin. “Seven sounds perfect! I’ll see you then! Just let me- I’m gonna go put this in my locker so it doesn’t get squished, but- yeah, I’m really looking forward to it!”
Stevie stood up, grabbing her bag, and hurrying out of the cafeteria. When she reached the door, she turned back and gave Eddie a happy little wave, which he returned with a sort of dazed look on his face. As soon as she was out of the door, he did a weird little jump/fist-bump combination with a loud whoop that had everyone in the immediate vicinity looking over at him.
Robin cleared her throat pointedly.
Eddie looked at her with a sort of deer-in-headlights expression that honestly she appreciated. Let him be scared of her. “So,” she said. “You’re taking my best friend out.”
Eddie blushed a bit, smiling despite his apparent survival instinct. “Yeah,” he said, dreamily. “God, she’s so out of my league.”
“She is.”
“She’s just so… wow.”
“One time I saw her bodily lift that curly-haired kid she babysits out of the way of a car. Like fully carry him a foot off the ground for five steps. And then yell at him for like ten minutes for being a dumbass. What a woman.”
“Oh, shit,” he said, looking down at Robin with a panicked look on his face. “You’re like, her sister basically, right? Was I supposed to get your permission to ask her out? Wait, no, that’s marriage. Later, then.”
“Okay, that’s enough of this,” Robin said, throwing her hands up and stalking out of the cafeteria, leaving a befuddled looking Eddie behind her.
They were just as bad as each other. Robin had a feeling she’d be cringing at those two at their wedding.
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jaarijani · 6 months
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bojere balloon fail twinning 🩷
first clip by @funzige-gedachten second clip by me
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ladsofsorrow24 · 4 months
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matchbet-allofthetime · 3 months
I need so badly to make an MK au where Lord Raiden was a teen in the sixties and Lord Fujin was a teen in the late sixties/early-mid seventies
And they just encompass their decades as people
And Liu Kang would be so reminiscent of the 80s glam rock and hair bands and all
And then you'd have Kung Lao, who, even though him and Liu are similar ages, he'd be like a solid mix of 80s/90s
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pxlatedlife · 2 months
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Alright Boroughsburg, lets try this one more time...
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alxandergoth · 1 year
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today’s the big day 🤍💒
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teddybearsims · 3 months
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𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖'𝕤 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 - 𝟝:𝟙𝟛 𝔸𝕄 ⋆⁺𖤓₊⋆
[Stevie sits up slowly, the mixed scents of pizza, sweat, and weed only makes her more nauseous. The world spins endlessly, she can’t hold on.] ?: Look who’s finally awake. ?: I’ll just cut to the chase. We’re kicking you out of the band. [Stevie remains quiet. She’s worried she might throw up if she opens her mouth.] ?: It’s the third show you’ve missed because you were too fucking wasted to care. You’re a good bass player, but not good enough for us to put up with your shit. Get the fuck out once you can stand. [Somewhere deep and dark inside of her, she feels crushed. But on the surface, the parts of her she's revealed to the world, she remains a perfect picture of indifference.]
[Birds chirp, car doors slam, people rush by Stevie as she wanders through the early morning streets. She can’t stomach delving into the rush hour subway, and maybe the fresh air will do her some good. She walks on, aimless, the rising sun is no cure for the cold blood running through her veins.]
[Stevie pauses, realizing where exactly in the city she had wandered towards. The mouth of the beast, open and inviting, ready to tear her to pieces all over again. She didn’t even know the gig she was supposed to play last night was this close to his—] Stevie, mumbling: Don't be fucking weird.
[But her thoughts are intrusive, unavoidable. Detestable. It's so damn pathetic she can't stand it. She wonders how Jude is doing. Is he sleeping right now? Is he aware of how she feels? Does he still — But why the fuck should he care? For all she knows he's — moved on. The thought makes her feel sick again. She has no right to even be standing here.]
[Stevie gets ten steps away before turning back to stare at Jude's apartment building in utter distaste. She's been good, the meaning of that word muddied down to her own version of it.  Avoiding this place had been so easy, so why now? Why, when she could've just gone home?] Stevie: Shit, I need a drink.
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emeritusterzo · 1 year
every day i have to live with that fact that danhausen wore crop tops to the gym and stopped
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softpine · 1 year
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through the give and take, you’ve had to learn how to cross the coals and not get burned
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mimi-0007 · 1 year
Stevie Wonder
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hereforthefunnyguys · 4 months
Those ADHD + Autism memes that ppl make with Marik and whoever they want him with always piss me off a little - not a lot, just a little - because no matter what people always make him the adhd one when to be quite honest I cannot picture him as anything other than Autism. Is it just cause he doesn't fit the stereotypical image of it or ???
In the anime at least he seems to be doing a weird stim thing with ice cubes he has a glaringly obvious special interest in motorcycles and he has a thing about slimes (autism trait believe me on this one). Hes shit at hiding his emotions and lying and seems to have spotty-to-low empathy (sorry to associate autism symptoms with Depicted-As-Villainous Behavior but still its definitely a character trait of his that he has even when he's considered "good.") Even a lot of what yami marik does just looks like repressed urges. I do the exact same fucking tongue stim he does when I get excited I just. Just because a man has an ounce of self confidence in him does not mean he cannot be autistic guys. Blonde discrimination at work (<- half joking about this)
I realize this will not help because like half of these those memes are pairing him with Ryou or YB so they end up being the "autistic" one no matter what (though I never see that for TKB, ostensibly a very similar person to the two if not the same guy with different life events which makes me go. Hmmm.)
I also have similar feelings about Joey but thats another beast to slay entirely
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where's the crack au where stevies on real housewives as the wife of famous retired metal star eddie munson like. she'd fuck them up. going for that sweet down to earth insanely rich person persona but any time any of the other housewives tries to start shit with her she Shuts It Down
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good luck, babe! is chappell roan’s silver springs and the black dog is taylor swift’s.
“you’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling” and “even if I die screaming / and I hope you hear it” are to them what “you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you” are to stevie
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