#sth tickles
Lee Sonic?
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
A discovery
fuck you @gingy-fluffnstuff, I gave them new drip fight me ✊🙂✊
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(also thanks for the drawing lol)
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unnamable-lee · 2 years
idk i was bored shvehe, i'm actually really proud of the fullbody lineart tho-
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gh0styyt0astyy · 2 years
Ghosty I just want Fleetway to wreck Ultra 👉👈
- Kory
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Hello! Well... I'm kind of nervous but in time I won't be scared anymore.
Well, I'll start writing tickle fanfics of my favorite fandoms. I will be open to requests, you can ask from other fandoms (I will try to find out and based on my research make the story or plot).
I hope you like my content. I am not good at writing but I will do my best
It should also be noted that I do not speak English, my true language is Spanish. So I will write in both Spanish and English so they can read.
-* If you make a request, do so with respect
-* I will not upload NSFW content
-* Do not write to the private, please have respect
-* If my story is to your liking, share it or reblogue it. It would make me very happy
☀️ Fandoms ☀️
🎶 Friday Night Funkin (FNF) 🎶
🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🐈
🗡️ Demon Slayer 🗡️
Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
❤️ Pucca ❤️
🌜FNAF : Segurity Breach 🌞
🌀 Sonic the Hedgehog 🌀
As I said before, if you want some fanfic from another fandom I will gladly do so.
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hugs-and-tickles · 8 months
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guess who has a new fav
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t4tmetalsonic · 11 months
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ok this was really funny
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
dearest CEO and authority on omega, i seek your guidance for a thing i'm maybe plotting: do you think, in a future far enough ahead where eggman is no longer a thing, omega would take pity on an abandoned metal sonic and find some way to repair him at least enough so he's functional again? or would he be completely apathetic, seeing as metal is/was just another of eggman's robots?
First of all THANK YOU for the acknowledgement. That alone has made my day.
Second of all, as you no doubt predicted, this post got LONG and I put way too many disclaimers in the beginning so here's the TL;DR: current Omega would nuke Metal from orbit, but this is not about being current, so I came up with a few fun ideas for your consideration.
Third of all, a general guideline for discussing Sonic characters in the far future is that literally everything is fair game as long as there's some acknowledgement in the writing of how the character has changed and at least an allusion to what might have caused it. See my strange future Metadow drabble I did a while back for reference- people were willing to accept that Shadow could get really helpless and depressed and that Metal (Neo, in this case) could get actually somewhat emotionally stable given enough time and distance from the Egghead himself. Shadow was really only a small divergence from his established character, while Neo was much larger leap. It was an interpretation inspired by the recent trans girl Metal Sonic movement here on tumblr, which would be difficult to parse without the context of that current fanon.
Now that I've spent all that time on that disclaimer, allow me to throw it all away. Omega doesn't really have any established character interpretations, canon or fanon. It's pretty much just me, the IDW canon, the Archie continuity, and a bare few snippets from the games that you're cherry-picking from. But this means that you get to have FUN. This is your sandbox now! You get to invent justifications for any kind of behavior you want Omega to have!! This is literally my favorite part of being a fandom creator- we get to come up with interesting ideas and convince other people to share our brainrot!!!
Okay okay okay okay okay, with THAT whole nonsense out of the way. . . to get to the part that you actually asked for:
I think it would really depend on just how far in the future we're talking for Omega, and any other people he currently has in his life. Fresh, current, canon Omega would never even think about restoring Metal Sonic in any capacity. If anything, current canon Omega would stomp him even flatter. But you knew this already. You're not asking about current canon Omega- you're here to suggest some hypothetical future character development for him. Allow me to throw out a few personal ideas:
If someone important to Omega took pity on Metal Sonic first (almost exclusively Shadow or Rouge, though there could be others depending on circumstance) then he might not immediately smash Metal for parts. He might even help with repairs a little. You probably knew this already too, though. Omega's look to Shadow while holding Metal at the end of Sonic Heroes probably suggested that idea enough.
But to get to the true vision of your ask, of Omega repairing Metal on his own. . . if said pitying person was somehow incapacitated and left their work to restore Metal unfinished, then I could see Omega completing the repairs. He'd be in denial about it the whole time. He'd probably hate himself for it. But he's got a thing about completing goals, you know, and I think he'd be compelled to do so for someone he was close to even if he's not onboard with the mission. This circumstance would be perfect to set up an enemies-to-friends situation. Omega only tolerating Metal out of love for the original person that cared about restoring him, but that could change over time.
(I'm imagining a scene where a newly-repaired Metal learns about his abandonment and, defying Omega's expectations, gets downright pissed at Eggman for it- and this being enough for Omega to reconsider his views just a little bit.)
The other idea I'm imagining for this concept is a distant future, something like Silver's future, where, for whatever reason, Omega is alone.
(My personal character interpretation of Omega is that he hates being alone, even if he's not so fond of people. He's desperate for the attention of others, even if it's only to run screaming from him. It has to do with being isolated and ignored during his formative period; his deepest drive is to be acknowledged in any capacity.)
Perhaps he's been alone for a long time. Perhaps he's still grieving Shadow. Omega's had a lot of time to mull over stuff and get nostalgic about the "good ol' days". He stumbles across the broken corpse of Metal Sonic and is hit with an idea that he knows would've made his younger self want to blow up an entire city block. He doesn't waste vital parts on restoring Metal, but he keeps the blue corpse around and adds bits and pieces whenever it's convenient. Eventually, perhaps unexpectedly, the repair is finished. Metal could be reactivated. Omega hesitates. He eventually decides that in the worst case scenario, he could always blast the inferior robot to bits again should he prove annoying.
(Scene: Omega flips the switch. Metal Sonic awakens, expecting to see Eggman standing above him. . . only to find Omega. And Metal is distraught about this in a way he can't really understand about himself. Omega, surprisingly, sympathizes, recalling a long-lost desire to be the greatest Eggman robot only to be abandoned all the same.)
I could see this being the start of an almost mentor/mentee relationship between the two, much the same way that Dadow is usually spun, actually; a much older Omega begrudgingly taking care of a Metal Sonic who was deactivated during Sonic's time. The idea interests me- if I wrote it, one of the reoccurring thematic notes would be an exploration of the Omega of now versus the Omega of the past, from Metal's point of view. If you want to throw Silver in there, it could be a more literal comparison, too, which could be fun.
In conclusion: those are just two of the thousands of plausible ideas you could write for Omega and Metal. Honestly, interactions between these two fascinate me so much and I would adore seeing what you might come up for them, no matter which way you spin it.
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skz-addict · 3 months
Guysssssss, guysssssss*running around in the house* *screaming* *fainting* 😭😳🫠
He knows, my bf knows about my relationship with tickles- 😳😳
Sooooo little storytime..
Earlier this evening i went to his house (literally just climbed the stairs, we are living a floor away from each other) and this days we've been talking about how he wants to see my Tumblr 😳 and because i was being hesitant cause yk 😃 he got even more curious and suggested we could swipe phones and see each others Tumblr (*mentally screaming*). Sooo i went to his room and after some cuddles he sneakily took my phone, open Tumblr and run to the living room 😶‍🌫️. I was dead dead, I was dying inside. Like one part of me was excited and wanted to show him but the other was just really shy and embarrassed to do so..
But yeah- he ended up scrolling here and seeing all the tickle stuff 😃 Like I was sure he wouldn't judge me but i thought he might get confused on why i like it and what's up with that.
But instead he was sooo sweet 😭 I was hiding my face in his chest cause of embarrassment and he just caressed my hair and said "aw it has to do with tickling huh?, why you reacting this way?, i already know about this".
And okay tbh that last one is true he already knew about it cause i had sent him another day a list about some cute stuff i like that he does to me and i may or may not had put "tickling me" there too- But its just we never address it so i thought that he maybe didn't pay attention to it or forgot about it
Sooo yeah.. that happened.. and the cherry on top is that after that, after his scrolling and my embarrassing state he- he tickled me 🤭😳
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Happy National Tickle Day, buds! ^w^ This day also by pure coincidence is one of my OC's birthday too! She is a little gremlin with big history and yes, she is a tickle monster as well-
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I hope I will start to share more about my OCs again, especially after I get rid of the sudden new year's art block... Hope you have a good day/night! <3
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langdhon · 9 months
@evolvingheartisms: “ that's a hard no .” // Stiles
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So, fine, sending someone straight to hell for insulting him earlier is off the table. Unsurprising, still disappointing— so much reveal's Michael's sigh which only briefly lets his smug simper falter. He'd have loved to see him in action. Maybe another day. Contemplation renders Michael silent for a couple beats, though not motionless. Circling Mieczysław, hands loosely clasped together behind his black clad frame, he lets his gaze drift off.
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" But you consider punishing him, don't you? Because you should. " No matter what goodie-shoes assholes say openly, a vengeful beast lurks in everyone. He's convinced.. " I want details. "
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Ler Scourge?
Wah srry this is late
Added a bonus hehe
+ extra bonus points bc u reminded me to finish doodle ideas I shared with a friend hehe/gen/vpos
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ticklishfrog · 1 year
Okay but has anyone written a Goncharov tickle fic yet??
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
pin this post. do it. i dare myself.
anyways hi. call me razzle. if you recognize me from somewhere, uh, no you don't. (i'm not using my real name for this lol.) this is my pinned lol. obv by the title. i have some rules i'll lay out, then put my fandom list out. you can always send prompts in unless they're closed, and i'm always down for a chat. everyone is welcome in this little corner of my world.
this is a tickle blog. don't like? don't follow. that simple. please don't sit there and harass me for something i like. *awkward thumbs up.*
everyone is welcome on my blog. it is mostly sfw with maybe a hint of nsfw? i will *ALWAYS* tag NSFW, and you always have the option to filter it out. i'm not going to sit here and try to stop all of you minors from looking at nsfw because i am not ur parent!!! simple. behave, and we'll be cool.
basic dni criteria. no homophobia (i'm gay), no transphobia (i'm trans too), and no racism will be tolerated on my page. if i find out that you are any of these things, lord help YOU. *points aggressively.* I FORGOT ABLEISM. don't be ableist or i will stuff you into a blender.
you're always welcome to shoot me a message. if i don't respond im probably busy! that's okay, i will get back to you as soon as possible.
treat me with respect and i will do the same. :)
time to show off my fandoms. it's a ... small list. right now.
fnf (i'll write for most of them.)
madness combat (nvm i'll write for everyone LOL. tricky has grown on me)
sonic the hedgehog (i literally became so obsessed with this fandom that my whole room is now decorated with stuff).
idk, those might be the only three for right now.
i think that's about it. if i remember something i'll put it here, but otherwise, i think i'm good to go.
enjoy your stay here, i suppose.
razz, out.
edit: i literallly just posted this and remembered something aHAHAH
my tags will be
"razz-speaks" - chatting.
"razz-writes" - any fics i write.
"razz-recommends" - fics/art from other people
"spicy-razz" - anything that has nsfw in it
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usodeshou · 2 years
That moment when you're lying in bed, sideways, lights off and looking at your phone, when you suddenly see something vaguely bug-shaped move through the small area on your mattress next to your face that's lit up by your phone screen and nearly jump out of your skin as you scramble to turn the bedside lamp back on. Only to find nothing there.
That growing feeling of unease as you check the mattress, the pillows, the floor, the shelves, the walls, heck, the ceiling, even if you didn't hear anything fly away, literally everywhere you can think of because you need to find whatever this was because otherwise that light is gonna stay on. Lying back down kinda creeps you out and you suddenly feel itchy all over and need to check you clothes and your hair to make sure nothing's on or in there. Your dog is sleepily looking at you like, c'mon, please turn the light off, I'm trying to sleep here! I'm sorry, honey, any minute now, I promise, I just gotta freak out a bit first because there's nothing here and did I just imagine it??
The overwhelming relief when you decide to once more lift your mattress to check underneath and see a thumbnail-sized spider running past you. Never before has the sighting of a spider been more welcomed. You lower the mattress, pray to the universe that little Spidey Gonzales won't disappear on you again, and go get your Spider Extraction Kit aka a small glass and a piece of thin but sturdy cardboard that you keep around for that exact purpose. You return to the bedroom and lift the mattress to find that the universe has answered your prayers and proceed to extract the little fella from your apartment and into the shrubbery outside.
You go back inside, lock the door, head back to bed, turn off the goddamn light and listen to your still-racing heart, waiting for the leftover high of the adrenaline rush to fade as you once again stare at your phone and hope that there won't be any more surprises like that tonight. And that what you saw really was that spider that you took outside. You still feel phantom-itchy for a bit longer.
#it is almost 3am and I'm feeling so awake right now#I'm so glad it was a spider and not a bug or sth#but I want neither in my bed#there's silverfish-related trauma from having lived almost 20 years of my life in two different apartments#both of which where infested with the little buggers#the were fascinating at first but that fades fairly quickly once they're everywhere#in your books in your folders in your school materials in any type of box on the walls on the ceiling hidden behind glow-in-the-dark stars#just waiting to drop down on you during your sleep#things get reall fun once you start finding them under your pillow and under your mattress#when you're lying down and starting to drift off and you feel something tickle on your arm so you instinctively slap at the spot#only for your fingers to actually make contact with something and come away oily and gross#you cannot go to bed anymore without religiously checking everything in advance#unfortunately we must have brought them with us to the second apartment and they liked it there#imagine coming down into the kitchen at night and turning the lights on and seeing 30+ of these things in varying sizes all over the floor#when I moved into my current apartment I painstakingly checked and cleaned everything#every single book every item every goddamn piece of paper#to make sure there'd be no eggs stuck anywhere or any alive ones moving along with me#it took me forever to stop needing to check my mattress before going to bed#I still habitually check my books when I remove them from the shelf#there are a few around since my apartment is basement-adjacent on one side but it's the regular amount of seeing one once in a blue moon#they are the one type of creepy-crawler I kill on sight without any remorse#I will not risk them multiplying again because once they start it's literal hell and I'm not doing that again#20 fucking years.#so yeah I see something crawl past me in my bed I kinda freak out lol#just me rambling#holy fuck
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xo-cod · 7 months
omg more soft Simon pls😭💗 maybe sth with a highly sensitive reader sfw or nsfw whatever works for u... luv ur blog💖
thank you sm lovie :") this is sfw! sorry i got to this so late 😩🤍
dangerous love
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"don't make me say it. i can't say the words"
rolling your eyes, you sit on the lap of your beloved lieutenant. the usual firm and stoic ghost has been left at the door, here he's become so affectionate and clingy, the way you adored it. here, he's simon. his calloused hands are wandering, trying to memorise every part on your skin. even though every nook and cranny is burned into his memory, mapped out exactly where and how to caress your body to get you into a whimpering mess.
"i think that's a lie, i think you can say those words simon riley" accentuating his name elicits a small groan from his lips, how he adores it when you take charge and command him. it brings a side of him he doesn't usually feel safe to show others. but you're so different. so warm and comforting, it just naturally comes out, spilling everywhere before he can even comprehend
you're so close to him, your fingers running though his blonde soft hair scratching gently on his scalp. and he relishes in it, his eyes closing out of habit. he can't help but rock underneath you, hoping you'd forget and immerse yourself in pleasure only he can provide you
but tonight, you were on a mission. and certainly not one to settle for any less so you move back but he grumbles a little, his hold on your waist tightening so that you're back close to him. he can't help but breathe in your sweet smell, practically trembling underneath you. like you're simultaneously not enough but yet overriding his senses.
"iloveyou" he mumbles in your neck, breath tickling your chest. it makes you giggle softly, gently pushing him back. your hands lace with his bigger ones, shaking your head as you gaze down at your half sleepy man
"try again, sir" you whisper, your arms around his neck. his eyes darken with lust at the word, instantly thinking about how many ways he could have you. but you don't relent. he knows what you want and maybe it's the fact that he's so tired that all his walls are down or the fact that he's so in love with you, he can't help but give you what you want
simon leans his forehead against your own, the sweetest of smiles pulling on his lips. his hands come to hold yours, his thumb rubbing comforting circles around your knuckles. he breathes you in a little, not used to being so open and vulnerable about his feelings like this. not used to having someone care for him so deeply, not thinking that he could've ever received such a thing in this painful life.
"i love you, with everything in me. i never thought i could feel this way, that it was even bloody possible..." he breaks off, gently chuckling at the predicament he was in. how for years he swore of love, swore off from ever pursuing a relationship in this life. he didn't grow up with adoring parents that showed him what love meant, he couldn't possibly drag someone else deep down in the depths of his pain and misery of his past. the same thing he was running from.
how nobody could hold a candle to him but you managed to light a whole fire deep in his soul. the embers burning more bright and intense than he could've ever imagined. you truly tilted his world on its axis but he didn't care. for once in his life, he was reckless. and he loved it, for it landed him you.
"but there you were, you little minx. and i've fallen for you y/n l/n, more than you think. more than i even bloody know" his voice is soft as he nears the end of his confession, kissing the tip of your nose. there's really nothing more he could think of, he was a man of few words so action was always his number one thing. no words could do it justice. but he'd show you, again and again. so that even if you had a sliver of doubt all of was expelled, he'd make sure of that
"i love you too si..." you whisper, tenderly holding his stubbled face between your palms. your thumbs rub soft circles on the apples of his cheeks, giving into him. you couldn't help it, he was so addicting. your arms go behind his neck, pulling him towards you desperately. and he did the same, his arms tightening around your waist as if you'd disappear right before him. like he couldn't handle the fact that there could possibly be any sort of distance between you both, he pulls you with his strong arms close to his front.
as you got lost in the feeling of him, a surety had rose, lodged deep in his throat. his hands hold you as if you'll slip through his fingers, deepening the kiss as though your lips were the sweetest of drugs. that it'll be you always, for as long as you will let him. for as long as you'll have him
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