n8thegr8-stickanime · 2 years
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desperish · 5 months
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elemental blast scroll, final prop design for anathema rpg! Some previous designs: Fortune Shrine - More Scrolls - Stickanimal
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nzn43 · 1 year
Spoilers for AvA season 2 EP 1
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I love the StickAnims Force We got note(Flipnote), (I don't know what u call the stick figure animation where it's a floating head), Sketch and Nodes(for Stick nodes)
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midgetmoth · 2 months
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Cotton Blossom is her OG name and is used with other stickanimals. Petal is the name her owner gave her. Underneath her bandana is a small 5-petal flower pattern on her chest that is pink (same pink as other parts of her fur. I was just too lazy to color pick) and looks like this:
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Blossoms fall with the season, but all they do is fall with them. Follow the petals into the valleys of colors, lingering where trees are most in bloom. Oh, the scents and creatures who flourish, a wonderous place to play.
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stickkitty · 1 year
My Stickfigure OCs
This is a list of all my OCs (Original Characters) that are stickfigures! They all live in the AvA/AvM universe. This may change a bunch over time.
"Petal" Cotton Blossom: ( She/It) She is my Sticksona that you see on my profile! She has an anthro (standing) form as well.
Petal goes by the her true name, "Cotton Blossom" with other stickanimals. She is Purple's cat. Can secretly become anthro, but does not do it around other sentient beings (or tries not to, at least). [Birthday: November 6]
Cyber Strike: (She/It) Cotton Blossom's sister. It is fierce and antisocial. It lives in the forest. It has many scars.
Lavender Cloud: (They/It/She) They are Cotton Blossom's brother. They live in the city as a stray cat.
Aka-x: (He/They/It) A white mouse who lives in the city. It knows Lavender Cloud.
Jade (Aka Green #782): (She/He/It/They) Jade is a jade-green Interstick from sticksfight.com. He is currently training to become a fighter to help his website. Jade never explored outside of sticksfight.com, at least not yet. He a sticksona of mine, but not my main one. He is inspired by my favorite color: Jade Green! [Creationday: September 30]
Olive: (Xe/She/They) My truesona-sticksona. That means no lore and her personality and info matches to irl me! Based off the townsticks from The Box. I call the species “Accestel” which is a combination of “accessory” and “pastel.” She is also a hybrid with another made-up species called Kitearx.
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enetarch-physics · 4 months
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vividotg · 3 years
Stykz Stick Figure Animation Maker Di Exagear Windows Emulator
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mistofinah · 4 years
Free runner [2012] Another old *incomplete Animation✍🏿 Newgrounds and stickpage birthed me 😅 #art #artist #sketchbook #anime #ink #follow #blackart #parkour #animation #eztoon #adobeflash #artshelps #freerunning #stick #stickanimation #blackanimation #blackanimator https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4NYDqJz40/?igshid=y6ywd3jtsc3a
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 years
Why aren't you badly drawn. Unfollowing
(Did you get this one before)
hxjehf yes i’ve gotten several like this before and thank you
feel like using this as a way to say that i’ve found out i can just make custom brushes in medibang that look practically identical to the ms paint brushes so like. i might start doing that? idk. might take away the charm
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n8thegr8-stickanime · 2 years
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back to art
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aquillis-main · 3 years
n8thegr8-stickanime replied to this post:
Have yall... seen the game?
I have played the game, actually! I enjoyed it because I didn’t bother to see it as a Sonic or Nights clone. I saw it as it’s own separate entity unrelated to anything Yuji Naka and Naoto Oshima worked on in the past, and that was what led to my conclusion about how people were taking the game.
Again, I’m not saying the game itself isn’t flawed, no siree. I’m just saying that I feel people wanted a Sonic/Nights game, and got upset when it wasn’t either, but it trying to be it’s own thing. That’s what I feel most of the reviews is about -- people being disappointed that Yuji Naka and Naoto Oshima didn’t make something similar to Sonic/Nights.
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nzn43 · 1 year
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
Did you know that G.U.N. is also a pun for 軍 (gun), which translates to “army”
We don’t deserve these games
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thetoastervision · 4 years
Black Equinox
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Part 1
Hillburg was covered in darkness, further punctuating the lights bedazzling the streets and buildings like artificial stars. In between bouts of silence over the white noise of engine hums, the nightly police sirens sang like birds after the screeching bats that were the street racers’ tires. The walled city was less mundane than expected, but that gave the Lebbene family little discomfort from within their soundproof home.
The father, Andrew Lebbene, had other things to trouble his sleep. Namely, his job upstate that was resembling a pair of golden handcuffs more and more with each passing month, no thanks to the recent global events. For some time now, places all over the world have been besieged by an obscure enemy, only to completely vanish from maps soon after. Andrew didn’t know what was going on, but the thought of this foe breaching the city walls and threatening those he loved kept him restless in the dark… but motivated. If he could just build the right weapon, maybe the war would be won. Nestling into his wife Lavender’s embrace, he smiled softly and imagined a less disturbing peaceful field of tall golden grass just under a gray sky with scarlet clouds. An odd setting for a dream for sure, but Andrew just blamed it on the sleeping pills.
That was before he looked up and saw it- the black sun.
Andrew now remembers this dream from last year, before the terrors. As expected, a hatted tall and dark figure was watching him from about a chain away. Andrew starts to ask the stranger’s identity, but he found his throat to be too dry for to speak. A buzz echoes through the realm as the shadowy man approaches, increasing in volume and force with each step. Holding his throat in fearful confusion, Andrew attempts to flee the phantom, though only to freeze to the hat man’s red eyes.
The man shot awake with a gasp, and heavy breaths after. His hand remained on his throat until he spotted the source of the noise on his nightstand, his ringing work phone. Andrew groaned chagrined as he picked it up and read the caller ID. Only one person he knew would have the nerve to call him this early. “Good morning, Director,” Andrew greets with facetious merriment.
“Took you long enough to answer, Lebbene,” a gruff voice would respond. “It’s been three rings already.”
Andrew rubbed his eyes. “Apologies, Director...”
“Don’t give me that yet. Where is my weapon?” ‘Don’t give me that,’ he says. ‘My weapon.’ Andrew grimaced, daring not to express his annoyance in any other way. Ever since the scares, his employer’s gotten even pushier.
“I needed one more day sir, to… to work out the hang-ups.”
“I’ve got another hang-up in mind if you don’t have your project presented up here at six hundred stat.”
“But sir, it’s-”
“I didn’t sacrifice my good night’s sleep to waste time on chit-chat Lebbene. Take another day out of your check.” And with that, the director hung up. Andrew sighed, before sliding out of the bed into his slippers and walking out the room. A frigid breeze pestered him on his way to his station, but that weighed less than the task of securing his pay under three hours.
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duhragonball · 4 years
n8thegr8-stickanime replied to your photo “Real quick.  Is there anything on my back?” “Not unless you count...”
The way you wrote vegeta's lines was too natural lol
Thank you.   See, this guy knows what’s up.
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vividotg · 3 years
Pivot Animator 4.2 figure animation maker di exagear windows emulator | Android
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