#stiles fans really are deranged
booker-le-livre · 2 years
lmfao sis literally EVERYONE is mocking Posey for being desperate and unemployed and still begging for more Teen Wolf movies because he wants to keep playing geriatric wolf lol. And everyone is rightfully mocking/shitting on Posey and Jeff for their shitty excuse of a Teen Wolf revival and for treating Arden like garbage. The only relevant things about the TW Movie are Derek and Eli Hale. No one gives a shit about Scott, Posey or Jeff and you can die mad about it 🙃
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Lmao, sis, who hurt you?😭 Imagine being so fired up because someone doesn’t like Meningitis Stilinski that you’re actually dragging Posey for rightfully being the MC of the franchise revolving around his character? Literally the only valid thing you said was that they did Arden dirty. Anyway, I give the movie 10/10 solely for being DOB/Meningitis-free💅🏽
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initiumseries · 1 year
What are your favorite teen dramas? I apologize if you’ve been asked this before! I tried looking through your search, but I didn’t see a similar post. Please ignore this if you’ve been asked before! :)
Haha no worries. If I was asked this it was a looong time ago so it's all good.
I am...I guess I am on the more elderly side of this site so my fave teen dramas really sort of speak to a specific time LOL. But anyway here we go, in no particular order:
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BTVS -If you've taken even a cursory look at my blog, I think this goes without saying. This is my absolute favourite teen drama. I will die on this hill lol.
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Smallville - God this show was so chaotic for like 2 to 3ish seasons, and I loved every minute of it because it's campy and fun and something you just don't get from a teen show now. And honestly...Clark is fucking hot.
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OG Gossip Girl - this show falls ALL the way off after they go to college, but the drama, the spectacle...I loved every bit of it and Leighton really elevated Blair's character. As someone who read the books I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't hate the huge departure the show made. Also EVERYONE had chemistry with who they were meant to. Ridiculous.
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OG Roswell - you get Max and Liz within 3 feet of each other? A LOT. That show was DRAMATIC.
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Teen Wolf - I've spoken about teen wolf a lot. But Stiles and Scott are great and Scott and Alison have my heart. Again, another show on air too long, but the beginning seasons were gold.
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So I hesitate to say this is a favourite teen show because I think TVD has too many problems to overlook, but Stelena holds up. So honourable mention lol.
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So Weird - I loved this show as a kid. I think this was the first show I ever wrote (very bad) fan fiction about.
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I LOVE Misfits (until the main cast falls apart). It's completely deranged and fresh and I will never not die of laughter on a rewatch.
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Honourable mention to some Canadian content. Big Wolf on Campus isn't really a drama, but Brandon Quinn is hot, was hot when I was a kid, and the show was funny. I tuned in pretty regularly.
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ash-mcj · 2 years
hi!!! question - do u think Dylan is gonna surprise us and make an appearance in the teen wolf movie? it just feels insane to me that they’d make it without him??? and also dying to know your thoughts and opinions that they announced a character as “Derek’s son” ?? It’s all very wild to me and idk how to feel I need you to tell me how to feel
[I'm going to state some of my opinions because they were directly asked of me. I'm not interested in arguing with people, so if you don't agree with things that I say in this post, just keep scrolling.]
Heyy!! Hopefully my feelings on these things will help you figure out your own lmao ♥
First things first, I don't think DOB will be in the movie. As much as he has said in interviews that he loves the show, he's also expressed a lot of negatives about how it was run. I don't really think he wants to return - regardless of his excuse of liking where the show ended. He's mentioned that the show "has his heart", but I think he means that he has a nostalgic feeling about it because it was where he started as an actor, more so than his love of Teen Wolf as a series. And since he was likely being pressured to do it by fans, I'm glad that he's not forcing himself into a situation he's not excited about.
That being said, I don't think the movie would be stupid enough to pretend he doesn't exist. I'm sure there will be mentions of him - along with maybe an email, text, or phone call where the audience can't hear the other side, so they just pretend Stiles is on the phone.
Eli Hale!! Let me tell you, I am ecstatic.
Looking at the timeline and his appearance, I think the most believable mother would be Paige. He definitely looks like her and that would be a very interesting twist. Maybe a Peter situation, where Talia took memories of a baby? But I would also be very bothered, if they reused the same storyline twice in the show, so... Also, I like this idea because I've had a WIP in the works for months about teenage Paige having a baby and Sterek raising it, so this would play into my worldbuilding quite a bit haha.
The other option would be Kate, which also intrigues me. A hunter-trained werewolf, breaking free of his deranged mother's lifetime of brainwashing when he finds his father's old 'pack'? Give me that!! I would love a storyline like that and it would actually be something that would make sense for why Derek wouldn't know. He would've left to New York before Kate started showing. This could also open up the possibility for getting more information on the Argents. Maybe Eli was raised primarily by Kate's mom or some other relative, with Kate in and out of his life? I think there would be a lot of room to play around with this idea and I'm here for it. Shit, if Eli isn't Kate's, then I might need to start a new WIP.
I know people are all upset about the idea of Eli and who his mom might be, but I really don't see why. Derek is not a real person - he's a character - and it literally doesn't matter how often his past comes back to haunt him. If he's Kate's kid, then there's a lot Jeff Davis can play around with - and fanfic writers, too!
As far as I'm concerned, this movie will do three things:
revive old fandom members, along with bringing in new ones
provide and inspire new content to play around with for edits, moodboards, art, fanfic, etc.
build the Teen Wolf universe
There are no downsides to this movie. We gained a new Hale character to play with! We're getting inspiration for our content creators! We're getting to step back into Beacon Hills! And if it's horrible? Who cares?? Just pretend it didn't happen, like most of this fandom pretends seasons 4-6 didn't exist.
Why stress about a fictional movie, when you could be excited for this new Teen Wolf content?? I'm so ready for it. I'm ready to need to rewrite the whole thing and probably double my WIPs while trying to fix the dumpster fire that the movie will undoubtedly be. You bet your ass I'm getting Paramount+ as soon as the movie comes out.
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
Maladaptive Daydreaming vs. Unreliable Narrator: FIGHT!
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Since the far-fetched theory of “Scott was an unreliable narrator of Teen Wolf who twisted what happened to make himself look good” is still making its way through the fandom, I’d thought I’d talk about how accepting this theory as true requires its adherents to pretend certain scenes never happened and how that becomes a cover for a racist re-interpretation of the show.
It was prompted by a notorious pro-Hale member of the fandom arguing that the canon scene of Scott figuring out that Derek was kidnapped at the beginning of season four had to be twisted by Scott because Peter would have to have noticed that Derek was missing first, would be the one who told Lydia or Stiles, and would be looking for Derek himself.   There’s an amazing amount of speculation to wade through there with not a single supporting scene to back the fan’s interpretation up, but I have to admit that if you believe that a major television production would go to such lengths as to create an entire narrative sequence which is completely false and yet never reveal to the audience what really happened in any way … and why would the production do that? … you could perhaps, if you strain yourself, see it.
But there is an earlier scene which serves to point out the incredible incapacity of the ‘Scott the Unreliable Narrator’ theory, and that’s the scene at the end of Season 3B.  In it, Derek is attacked in his loft by the Calaveras and by Kate, and in his terror, he retreats into what I’ve heard some people call a maladaptive daydream, where he talks with Stiles in a locker room, only for him to realize it’s not real when Stiles has six fingers on one hand.
If we apply this particular fandom theory, the scene is being told to the audience by Scott and thus passed through the filter of his perceptions.   The concept presents several interesting questions that will probably go unaddressed by the proponents of this theory.
How would Scott know the contents of Derek’s maladaptive daydream?  If, as they like to conclude, Scott reinterprets his relationship with Derek to be far more positive than it was, why would Derek confide in Scott about his moment of psychological weakness in the face of enemies?   After all, they argue that Derek does not like Scott, does not trust Scott, and does not see Scott as his alpha. What would Derek’s motivation be then?  An alternative would be that Derek didn’t have this daydream -- what a blow for Sterek shippers -- and that Scott is the author of this sequence, cleverly imposing it on Derek to show his weakness.   What cunning!   Scott’s motivation remains ... obscure.
If Scott is an unreliable narrator who is twisting the story to make himself look good, why would he present the dream in this fashion? This scene sets up Derek’s relationship to a member of Scott’s pack. They often present Scott as being an Evil Moron Tyrant, constantly self-absorbed and making everything about himself, so why wouldn’t he make this about himself as well?   If he was going to turn around the next episode and steal the credit for noticing Derek was missing, why not claim that he was so important to Derek that Derek would turn to him in his dream?  
If the narration of this dream was not twisted by Scott at all, revealing that Derek looks to Stiles for emotional insight, what other scenes in the show are presented without Scott’s manipulation?  There would be no reason, by the proposed interpretation of how the show is biased, for a distrustful Derek to tell Scott about this for Scott to twist.  Unless they want to make the argument that this scene and only this scene was not tainted by Scott’s bias, conscious or unconscious, what other scenes fall under this category?  If the goal of the production was to throw doubt on every single part of Scott’s story, why wouldn’t they make it clear what parts of the story were free of his point of view?   I know that meta specialists (if you can call them that) have tried to point toward examples of t-shirt colors and the presence of mirrors, but none of these serve as consistent indicators.  What’s the payoff for the production to do this in the long run, especially if they never staged a reveal?
The proponents of this theory argue against every single aspect of Scott’s hero’s journey, presenting him as the primary villain instead of the lead protagonist by claiming – without a shred of external evidence and no internal evidence that is not the subbest of subtext – that none of the scenes presenting Scott in a positive light are true but all of the scenes presenting Scott’s flaws should be taken as honest depictions.  They ignore the inconsistencies of its application and the conclusions implied by their arguments.   If Scott and Deaton (and only Scott and Deaton -- this isn’t applied to Isaac or Lydia or Liam or even  frickin’ Chris Argent) are the oppressors of the Hales and Stiles, if all examples of Scott’s virtue are manufactured and Deaton’s benevolence false, then that implies that the Hales and the Stilinskis and the entire cast were victims of a Latino teenager’s and a black veterinarian’s malicious behavior.  Yet, the powerful and noble born wolves of the Hale Clan did nothing.   And yet, the amazingly intelligent and resolute Stilinski family did nothing.  No one did anything!  
Or, even worse, an alternative implication is that characters tried to do something against the vile tyrannical reign of the Tree Alpha, and they failed.   That Derek’s noble purpose faltered; that Peter’s ruthless efficiency was helpless; that super-mega-genius Spark Stiles was stymied.  Perhaps they were too distracted gazing into each other’s eyes.
Now, anyone who understands how stories work would realize that while it is entirely possible to have the villains win and still be a satisfying story, it has to be done a certain way.   There has to be an awareness of the consequences of the defeat of the protagonist.   Think about the ending of The Empire Strikes Back.   But Teen Wolf … doesn’t have that.   If, as these people believe, the walk off at the end of The Wolves of War was the triumph of a deluded monster, it was amazingly bad storytelling.  It would be like if in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, if John Walker had managed to remain Captain America due to the manipulations of a congressional subcommittee.   Possible, but the audience would have burned Marvel to the ground.
In the end, there has to be a motivation behind this elaborate and easily disprovable fandom theory. It’s not hard to imagine the utility of having a means by which you can simply dismiss every single positive action by a character by claiming that the audience is being lied to. It would certainly free parts of the fandom to create any sort of alternative history that they wanted, and many have taken advantage of this to promote a narrative of denied white male character supremacy.  They have decided that the Hales and their fandom self-insert are not only victims of a deranged, selfish Latino teenager, but of the very people who created all of them.  
They don’t know, nor do they care to speculate, what Jeff Davis’s and MTV’s purpose would be for creating a show whose truth is composed entirely of inconsistent subtext.  They can’t explain why this would happen, and they certainly can’t explain why they would go to elaborate lengths to transform the narrative into something that doesn’t match anything on the screen.
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demonlandline · 3 years
Hey :) I'm your Sterek Secret Santa and based on what you filled out in the sign up form, and the content on your blog, I have a few ideas rattling around. Is there anything specific you'd like? Any preferences not already covered on your form? A particular headcanon that you'd die to see content for? A weirdly specific kink? How can I best make it personal for *you*?
I'm so excited to create something for you! 😊
Hellloooooooo!! omg exciting times, I'm so curious to find out who you are.
I thought I wasn't gonna be able to think of anything specific but then I thought of a bunch of things and this ended up pretty long so idk, hope the following rambles are helpful lmao
I guess things that I get excited about are just... anything wacky and surreal, like feel free to get abstract with whatever you're doing I eat that shit up.
I'm a big fan of angst, because I have a lot of feelings and a lot of them are bad ones so seeing my favourite characters also having A Bad Time™️ makes me feel better I guess??
Dark/edgy things are also very much my jam, body mods, punk AUs, horror and monsters etc.
Kink wise, almost literally up for anything as long as the participants are super into it. I really enjoy Stiles and Derek just communicating really openly and trusting each other and being comfortable enough with each other to do weird shit to each other's bodies. Also, I'm a bit specifically weak for BAMF Stiles with top energy so do with that what you will.
I guess my main point is if you have an idea and you're like "nah, that's too strange" please do the strange thing, don't hold back, be deranged, drag me to hell.
Other than that, I very much want you to make something you're excited about and enjoy making and if you love it I'll love it too <3 <3 <3
P.s. if this is too vague or unhelpful or you hate all these ideas feel free to send me another anon and I can ramble some more
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 years
Morally gray characters don’t really exist. What Sterek and Steter shippers mean when they say morally gray characters are amoral characters – characters who don’t understand or are completely unconcerned with right and wrong.
You could argue that, for example, Stiles Stilinski is an amoral character. He’s unconcerned with the moral dimensions of many of his actions as long as it protects the people and relationships he values. I think this is most clearly shown by the joke in Illuminated (3x16) where Scott asks Stiles if copying the sheriff’s station’s key cards is worse than stealing them, and his befuddled reply is “It’s smarter.”
I would argue that Derek Hale is a very moral character, even when he’s fucking up big time in Season 2. He’s not abusing those kids for personal pleasure. He’s doing it to salvage his family’s legacy, which he considers the right thing to do and resisting predatory Argents, which is also the right thing to do. He’s still wrong – so wrong that he’s a villain – but when he shouts “I can’t let her live!” he means it, and he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the right thing to do.
I think it’s pretty obvious that Peter Hale is an immoral character. He’s completely motivated by self interest, rage, and greed, but he understands that what he is doing is wrong. If killing his niece was the right thing to do, why did he try to pass it off as an accident or madness? He knows that Scott didn’t take anything from the Hales, that he’s simply jealous and greedy, but he tries to cover it up by nattering on about his family’s legacy. Peter’s different from Stiles in that he has chosen to do the wrong thing to get what he wants.
It’s why I always laugh at Left Hand stories. For all his verbal bullshit, Peter’s actions always and only benefited himself. Killing Laura damaged his family forever. Biting Scott and ravaging Lydia served no one but himself. Where was the Left Hand when they were trying to rescue Erica and Boyd (”You think I really care?”) or when Derek tried to kill Deucalion in the abandoned mall? (It’s always telling that for all his blandly-moral self-righteousness, Scott helps Derek in that fight, while Peter is nowhere to be seen). He argues constantly that Derek should take their familial relationship into account and vanishes when it’s not in his interest to be familial.
The reason they don’t like Scott’s ‘black-and-white world’ or ‘bland morality’ is not because they don’t think it’s effective, it’s because they wanted the white family on top, and Peter Hale provided them ammunition. Scott is moral, but he is hardly black and white. He doesn’t believe in killing people, but he makes exceptions all the time – in Party Guessed (Scott: Ugh, I get it. We can’t save Jackson.), in Fury, in Master Plan, in Frayed, in Lunar Ellipse, in the entirety of 3B, in Muted, and in Monstrous – and that’s not black-and-white morality. Scott expressed dismay when Stiles breaks the rules, but he doesn’t get angry with him.
Lies of Omission is an excellent case because not only did Stiles kill someone, but he killed a victim of the Doctors’ experiments. Scott had watched Tracy murder the people who loved her, and he had heard Corey’s description of Lucas’ change in personality. In addition, Stiles lied to him. He told Scott that he had gotten hurt by the hood of his jeep, when it had been Donovan. Why would you believe someone who lied to you – who’s lied to everyone he’s ever cared about?
Peter Hale (and parts of the fandom) paint Scott as self-righteous because they don’t want to recognize that the people in the show need someone like Scott McCall to fight for their right to life. Imagine if Scott decided that Peter was right, and that the true survivors live in Shades of Gray. What if he decided to protect only his pack and not to care about the rest of the supernaturals of Beacon Hills? What if he decided, after dying at Liam’s and Theo’s hands, that someone else could stop the Beast? That would be the immoral thing to do. That is what Peter would do, and did do.
What fiction writers try to do is paint amorality and immorality as a different kind of morality, and that’s a definist fallacy. They are not alternate versions of the same thing.
It’s most clearly seen in stories where Stiles excoriates Scott for not killing threats, even defeated threats such as Deucalion or Gerard, or for not executing those who hurt or killed their friends and allies, such as Theo or the twins, but Peter is standing next to Stiles whispering “Left Hand, Left Hand” in his ear like a deranged parrot. The inevitable malfunction there is so huge it can be seen from space.
If Scott McCall was going to abandon his moral stance on second chances and the possibilities of forgiveness, if he was going to become a “survivor and live in shades of gray,” if he was going to kill defeated threats and execute killers and villains, why not start with Peter Hale? If he’s no longer concerned with right and wrong, what’s Scott’s motivation for allowing that monster to take one more breath? He wouldn’t have any.
“Peter Hale and non Scott/Posey fans don’t like Scott McCall and paint him as a self-righteous coward because they don’t want to recognize that the people in the show need someone like Scott to fight for their right to life” Tyler Posey is that you?
“Stiles Stilinski is an amoral character. He’s unconcerned with the moral dimensions of many of his actions as long as it protects the people and relationships he values.”
That’s.... that’s literally what morally gray means. 
Morally grey characters do what’s right for the people they love, regardless of the consequences. They will do something Bad if it means getting a good outcome. They are the  literally definition of the ends justify the means. 
“I think this is most clearly shown by the joke in Illuminated (3x16) where Scott asks Stiles if copying the sheriff’s station’s key cards is worse than stealing them, and his befuddled reply is “It’s smarter.””
This is adorable. PEW is seriously taking things out of context here, isn’t he? I love how he neglects to mention that Stiles copies the key card for Scott. Because Scott wanted to break into the Sheriff’s station to impress the new girl he likes (shocker), and made Stiles is accomplice, because Stiles was the obvious in. That’s not a moral choice, PEW. No one was in danger. They weren’t protecting anybody. They weren’t even protecting Kira, when anybody who saw the picture of her would assume it was a damn Instagram filter!
Also, who the fuck uses “befuddled” anymore? You’re showing your age again, PEW.
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justjimedits · 5 years
https://sinenominea.tumblr.com/post/189617361289/another-attempt-to-get-me-to-shut-up ___________________________________________________ I kind of feel bad for sinenominea because they’re making such good points and PEW just ignores them in favor of what he keeps shouting for years  because he’s unwilling to stop calling Sterek fans racists. And he will keep continuing calling out the entire fandom instead of admitting to the fact that not all of us agree with the fanfiction he’s getting his hands on. I’ll highlight some of the posts which stand out to me since many good points are already made. PEW:  But fandom was fandom.  Instead of focusing on the positive message of a character who maintained their autonomy in the front of overwhelming pressure from selfish and often hostile actors, who overcame a debilitating biological condition to keep doing the things he always wanted to do, who pursued love in the face of prejudice, and who decided to stand up for those who couldn’t find the strength to stand up for themselves, they scorned Scott. This right here shows how hard it is to try and discuss anything with the Antis. Because Pew here confuses reality with fiction, Pew here talks about Tyler P and not Scott. And many of us here in the fandom aren’t talking about what’s going on behind the scenes of the show. I for one have no clue what happened, I have watched interviews with Tyler H but I’m not familiar with negative stories nor do I want to focus on Hearsay real life. I want to focus on what’s going on in the show Teen Wolf. Not the actors.  PEW:  Instead, they worship a good-looking white man who manipulated and hurt everyone around him because he let his life be consumed by six-year old trauma.   Would anyone really want Derek Hale’s life?   Living in burned-down homes and dirty train stations and bleak monastic industrial apartments in some sort of deranged self-punishment?  And when Derek finally decides to stop wallowing in his mistakes and take steps to heal, fandom suspected foul play and complained about his growth. Whoa, hold up. Is he seriously saying that Derek is supposed to be over a trauma most of us wouldn’t know how to handle without therapy and medication? After 6 years he should be okay with his ENTIRE family burned to death by a woman he thought he could trust because he was in love with her at sixteen when she was an adult? He’s supposed to be all normal and fine losing his home and having only his sister left, and then she gets killed off too? Not to mention the statutory rape and the sexual assault at the hands of Kate. He’s supposed to be without PTSD because it’s been 6 years? You just lost all my respect, PEW. Not that you had much to begin with.  Here you go claiming that Scott is a teen boy going through many traumatizing events he’s attempting to handle and that he’s only a teenaged boy at 16 so he’s excused from everything but in the same breath you say that 16 year old Derek’s to blame for his family’s death and you call him deranged for badly handling everything at 22? I’m disgusted by you. Like….wow.  PEW:  Fandom loves to magnify Stiles’ problems and diminish Scott’s. Not all of Fandom does that. And you’re doing the same thing, you know. You’re diminishing all the characters you hate in favor for Scott.  Brydeswhale:  There’s a social tendency to downplay abuse and to defend the abuser, especially if the abuser is an attractive white guy, and the target is a woman and/or person of colour. I think that, combined with racism, could help explain a lot about fandom’s reaction to these things. How about the tendency of you guys to refuse to acknowledge Derek’s abuse? The fact he was tortured, assaulted. How the show completely ignored Kate licking his stomach as sexual assault? Or how all the characters not once blinked at what Jennifer did to him, or the fact they were all there when Derek was deaged and they KNEW Derek was only 16 when he met Kate so they all knew the wrongness of it. And nobody acknowledged it. Male rape victims get ignored, it’s commonly known. But sure, you all keep saying it’s racism, call us female haters (LOL I AM FEMALE) and keep at it with your hatred of a fandom you’re clearly not part of anymore if you’re so eager to make it personal to your fellow fans whose only crime is to not like Scott as much as you do.
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stileshale · 8 years
What are your thoughts on teen wolf? especially writing wise? I have stopped watching regularly around 3b and I wasn't too convinced by what I've seen here on tumblr about the rest of the episodes, in particular 6x10...
i will always have a special place in my heart for the characters i love that the show gave me. i still blog about teen wolf, i write fic, and i enjoyed s1-3a. saying that, i don’t particular enjoy what the show became, or look back on the experience i had as a fan with much nostalgia (i think we were v much used and abused as a fandom online, for sure). i love my part of fandom, though.
short answer about the writing... it was terrible because
1) there was a complete lack of planning and follow through
2) we love this idea/actor/theme for 30 seconds but oops now we don’t
3) they completely misused their social media as a way to a) explain away/correct plot holes in their own writing and b) encourage viewers to watch a show they implied to be many things that it turned out to... not be any of
long answer
as a disclaimer here, i watch a lot of tv, i watch stuff on cbs, abc, fox, cw, bbc, tbs, p much something from every network, and i’ve seen the highs and lows of writing through comedy, drama, medical, supernatural, and everything inbetween. i’m not a professional writer, i am only a consumer. i have, however, over the nearly 20 years of watching shows as a fangirl (where i’ve been into something i follow religiously, and then later became involved in online forums) honed my tastes and opinions. on average i watch 15 shows a week, last year it would have been 21 around february time, but i’ve cut six shows including 3 i started this fall and dropped because of writing issues similar to that of teen wolf, or it just got terrible, either way). i have totally tried to rationalise what teen wolf did and i just... can’t. 
to elongate
1. the whole “let’s throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” approach is terrible. the best thing about breaking bad was that everything was planned to the very minute details. lost only picked up again when they were given an end date and suddenly had to come up with a plausible endgame. every season teen wolf has started off with a new plan, a new theme, and then it’s fallen apart because they’ve quite clearly changed their minds about something and either dropped it completely (they’re especially bad about dropping characters and never speaking of them again, or even acknowledging they were there in the first place), or made up new stuff to fit their new plan (scott is the true alpha so he can move mountain ash, kate is a werejaguar
not to mention they’ve joked about not being able to keep up with their own timelines, unsure how old any of the characters are, forgetting the characters have school/work/should be in prison, introducing siblings, changing history, forgetting actual canon...
2. kinda leads on from 1. where they would introduce an idea or a character and then totally lose interest and instead of trying hard to give them depth or something to do or going somewhere with the concept, they’d just drop it? see, parrish as a hellhound, kira as a kitsune, even way back when with stiles as a spark, a cool idea for thirty seconds to fit in with the plot and then... whoops it never happened, what are you talking about there was never a whole season about japanese culture, that season was about stiles conquering his internal battle with his own psyche telling him he’s never going to be good enough because we always make his dad out to be a total dick to him (surprise, his dad’s called noah, which we know you’ll hate because we dragged it out like some sort of magical plot twist, and also HIS dad is a dick so it’s okay he’s always told stiles he’d rather have had scott as a son) WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT FOXES FOR? THERE WAS NO FOX. THERE WAS NO TREE TRUNK. BANSHEES? THE FUCK? LYDIA JUST SCREAMS EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE AND SOMETIMES HAS MAGIC POWERS. but then doesn’t. pfft it doesn’t actually matter.
 or worse conveniently fix it/disappear it. it was tiring to watch and be confused and wonder why they were treating you like an idiot as a viewer. like the show is on mtv sure, but at least awkward stuck to a clear timeline. awkward covered where characters vanished to. we never actually even got clarification on basics like... why did deaton never want to help derek in season one... even though he was the hale emissary? what did emissaries have to do with anything by the next episode as nothing ever happened with that whole theme... why did stiles have a magic spark... where did cora go... how did she come back and how did the alphas find her before derek... why did the alphas originally start a war with derek, kill off his pack but then decide they didn’t want derek and just wanted scott... why did scott let deucalion walk off into the sunset? WHY IS PETER STILL NOT IN PRISON FOR THE MURDER OF HIS NIECE? these questions are all like three seasons old but that’s all i have and they still bug me. i can’t believe the show has never covered any of these huge issues. it’s lazy. everyone likes consistency, nobody likes writing leaving this big wink like “you don’t really care about this do you???”
again, with the big deaths, the characters they did kill off all had opportunities not to die, they could have had different endings, but each time their death was used to create man pain, probably one of the many reasons i’m not as big on male characters (they always need something to prop them up and make them more heroic and tragic in the long run), and that writing? erica, boyd, allison, was cruel and unnecessary. it did nothing for the show, and it lessened the writing. it actually made it worse when they tried to defend it, because they’d been going on about it for so long before hand as if it was a new and exciting toothpaste they’d all just gotten “now even whiter than before/now with even more death!!!”
the fact they hadn’t planned out a season without stiles (despite knowing dylan was out) and so instead of giving all of the other characters a chance to grow and learn and develop they literally wrote a whole season about stiles (after all of 3b, and from what i can tell most of s4 and s5 was about stiles). every character seemed to be focused on this missing person. the whole season was based around a character that wasn’t even on screen. and all because std fans were promised a big beautiful season of std??? gutted.
3. leading to point three! teasing your internet fanbase with ~thrilling and huge deaths to look forward to all season! using tumblr to answer questions about the plot holes/characters/encourage you to watch for the return of characters and not actually ever going through with it on screen. the teasing. the baiting. the flat out refusal to learn from your own viewership (when more than happy to use their gifs, use their images, their fanfics and their ideas) and then act as if the fanbase are the ungrateful ones. to try and join in with memes and tbt and a bunch of other infuriating actions that made even the actors uncomfortable. the tweets, the writers creating more drama even now, six seasons in, jeff saying “oh yeah if hoechlin had stayed on we’d have tortured derek some more with a fake julia (????? dick) haha i hope the internet doesn’t kill me for that one” as if we’re a bunch of deranged lunatics instead of just fans of a character that deserved better? like he knows what’s up. he’s a grown man. he knows they fucked up, in so many areas, and yet he’s just not willing to learn from it, or acknowledge it, he’s just always said “well if they don’t like it, they shouldn’t watch”... 
i guess we didn’t.
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oldsoulshipper · 8 years
I was tagged by @contentreading
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
nickname: naya
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5′5
last thing I googled: how enzymes function
favorite music artist: the beatles and david bowie
song stuck in my head: Lost by Heather Sommer
last movie I watched: fantastic beasts and where to find them
last tv show I watched: teen wolf
when did I create my blog?: I have no clue and I’m sorta lazy to check
what kinds of stuff do I post?: majority is of the ships I ship, harry potter, old music/bands, reblogging of book posts and inspirational quotes as well as things that I can relate to and make me smile/happy
do I have any other blogs: nope, just this one :)
do I get asks regularly: rarely, but I’m always open to answering any questions
why did I choose my url: I needed a name and this one just came to mind even though I’m not a moody person nor am I “mental”, hoping to come up with one that really suits me and this blog soon
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
pokemon team: never been a huge pokemon fan
favorite color: red, navy blue, swamp green, gray
average hours of sleep: 7 normally
lucky number: always 8
favorite characters: stiles stilinski, lydia martin, scott mccall, magnus bane, alec lightwood, hermione granger, ron weasley, riley matthews, etc.
how many blankets do I sleep with: 2
dream job: actress
following: 694
tagging: @aavrril @fuckyeahstilesandlydia @grrhatlet @the-feels-are-overflowing @mieczydiamartinski @whenrileymetlucas @d-deranged @hollvndroden @stydia-fanfiction @dammitdaddario @lucasluvsriley @aestheticintuition @allpotterheads @stiles-lydia @stilesbanshee @book-aholik @booksqouted @lydstilinsk @winterliley @just-your-average-bookworm
Thanks again for tagging me! have fun and feel free to message me!
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