#anti Dylan O’Brien
booker-le-livre · 2 years
lmfao sis literally EVERYONE is mocking Posey for being desperate and unemployed and still begging for more Teen Wolf movies because he wants to keep playing geriatric wolf lol. And everyone is rightfully mocking/shitting on Posey and Jeff for their shitty excuse of a Teen Wolf revival and for treating Arden like garbage. The only relevant things about the TW Movie are Derek and Eli Hale. No one gives a shit about Scott, Posey or Jeff and you can die mad about it 🙃
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Lmao, sis, who hurt you?😭 Imagine being so fired up because someone doesn’t like Meningitis Stilinski that you’re actually dragging Posey for rightfully being the MC of the franchise revolving around his character? Literally the only valid thing you said was that they did Arden dirty. Anyway, I give the movie 10/10 solely for being DOB/Meningitis-free💅🏽
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ateotd-izzy · 10 months
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anti-hero | joel dawson x fem!reader
“i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning”
after everything that had happened to you over the last 7 years in the literal apocalypse, you’ve developed some serious issues with trust.
“it’s me, hi, i’m the problem, it’s me”
and maybe a few insecurities too. but that could just be your fault.
“at tea time everybody agrees”
so when you and your boyfriend joel go out to the surface to find his ex-girlfriend aimee, the only person left from his old life, you start feeling like, well, a problem.
“i’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror”
warnings: insecure reader?? idk none really
“it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
you followed behind joel as he walked ahead, looking down at the map your colony had given the two of you.
he was so dead-set on going to find aimee and her colony that you only went with him because you knew there was a chance that if you didn’t, you would never see him again.
but there he was, happy and oblivious as he walked down the overgrown street.
what if he didn’t want you there? what if he just wanted to go alone to get away from you? what if he wanted to leave you behind? what if he still liked aimee? what if-
you looked up to see joel staring back at you expectantly. he had stopped walking and was now looking back at you.
“i asked if you’re okay.” he repeated, taking a few steps over to you. “are you?”
“yeah, joel, i’m fine.” you smile at him and he smiles back.
“you sure?” he asked, pushing a bit of hair away from your eyes.
“yes, i’m sure.”
“good.” he pecked your lips before taking your hand in his. “come on.”
he seemed like he still loved you, but what if he was just pretending because you were there and he didn’t want to hurt your feelings? what if he’s just a really good actor?
you tried to push those thoughts from your head. at least for the time being.
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the more your trip had gone on, the worse you felt.
you had major anxiety over the entire situation, and you felt horrible because the closer you got to the beach meant the closer you were to aimee.
and you could not stop thinking about how either of you could die at any moment, even with the help of two strangers you had met.
joel seemed over the moon the closer you got to the beach and he would keep on talking about aimee as you walked.
“you know, she actually got me these pencils.” joel told you as he drew the large frog-like creature the two of you had encountered just a few days earlier into his book.
the dog you had found, boy, was curled up by your leg as you ate.
clyde and minnow, the two strangers who had been helping the two of you survive for the last day or so, were sat on the opposite side of the fire.
“yeah, you mentioned that already, kid.” clyde mumbled, his mouth full of the beans he was eating. “i think your girlfriend’s getting sick of it.”
your head shot up, scaring boy for a moment, while joel’s turned to look at you.
“i’m fine. i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you shrugged it off, even if it were true.
you didn’t need joel to know about your worries or insecurities when it came to aimee.
he just seemed so excited and you felt like maybe you were the one thing that was stopping him from feeling happy.
so instead you focused on the dog in your lap, stroking and playing with boy until your small group had to leave.
as clyde and minnow led, boy running circles around the young girl, joel fell back to walk beside you.
“what’s going on with you?” he asked softly. “you okay?”
you nodded and joel gave you a look.
“i’m fine.” you insisted.
“you know you can talk to me… right?”
his words sounded genuine, and his facial expression was easily readable. he looked concerned.
“yeah, of course.” you put on a smile. “don’t worry, joel.”
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you were no longer with clyde and minnow when you and joel reached the old broken down motel you decided to stay at for the night.
it was storming outside as you, your boyfriend, and your dog ran for shelter.
joel had been extra happy since he had killed one of the monsters and saved boy.
“wow.” joel breathed out, looking at the rain, and you tore your eyes away from him to look out at the sky.
rain was something you had missed from the outside world.
“you know, i haven’t felt the rain in seven years.” joel said to boy and you just kept watching the storm. “pretty cool. pretty cool.”
joel then wrapped his arms around your body and sat his chin on your shoulder. he pressed a short kiss to your neck, and you didn’t move.
your attention was entirely focused on the rain. you had forgotten how much you had loved it.
back when you were a teenager, you used to sit by your window whenever it would storm and just watch the rain, soft music playing from your headphones.
it was your favorite weather.
“how’re you doing?” joel asked quietly and you turned your head a little.
“i’m fine.” you responded, ignoring the few tears that had pricked in your eyes due to all the emotions you had been feeling.
“hello.” a sudden robotic voice spoke from behind you and joel spun around, letting his arms fall from your waist.
joel started walking inside, towards the voice, and you sat down, watching the rain fall.
you could hear some kind of electronic whirring, but didn’t turn your head.
“holy shit. you’re alive.” joel’s voice came from behind you. “i mean… you’re on.”
“i have 51 minutes of power left. what is your name?”
“uh, i’m joel. my name is joel.”
after he introduced himself, you turned your head. boy came and curled himself up on your lap, letting you pet him.
you didn’t listen to what was going on behind you until joel called your name.
“y/n, you gotta come in here.” he chuckled. “it’s… it’s a real mav1s.”
you stood up, being careful not to hurt boy as you did so, and walked inside, sitting beside joel on the springy mattress.
“mav1s, this is my girlfriend, y/n.” joel introduced with a smile.
“hello, y/n.”
“hi.” you mumbled.
“joel, besides conversing with me, for which i am eternally grateful, may i ask what you are doing outside of your colony?”
“yeah, um…”
“did you steal food?” the mav1s’s eyes narrowed.
“no. no, i didn’t steal any food.” joel responded and you couldn’t help but snicker at his tone.
joel looked at you, noticing the fact that he hadn’t heard you laugh in quite a while.
he then looked back at the mav1s. “y/n and i are actually… on a quest. to find a girl. um, an old friend of mine, actually.”
“how lovely! what is her name?”
“uh, aimee. with one i and two e’s.”
you kissed joel’s cheek and walked outside again. you sat on the ground, right on the edge of the concrete so the rain would fall against your head.
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you hadn’t realized just how long you had zoned out for until you heard joel bringing mav1s outside and sitting her on the couch.
“i, uh, i need to pee.” joel picked up his crossbow and started walking away. “i’ll be back.”
was he leaving? oh, my god, was he ditching you?
“is something troubling you, y/n?” mav1s asked as you watched joel walk inside. “you can tell me anything, as i am an empathetic listener.”
you stood up as the rain slowed down and sat beside the mav1s on the old couch.
“also, my memory banks will be permanently erased in 14 minutes.”
you sat quietly for a moment before looking at the robot.
“did joel talk to you about aimee much?”
“only for a moment. he talked to her on his radio. why do you ask?”
“do you think he… likes her?” you asked.
“yes, i do think he likes his friend, as he-”
“no, no. no, mav1s, i meant, like… do you think he has, like, romantic feelings for her?”
“what makes you ask that?”
“before everything that happened, and before he met me in our colony, joel and aimee were together. aimee was his girlfriend before i was.” you sighed and leaned back in your seat. “i just… do you think he’s gonna leave me for her?”
“while he was talking to aimee on his radio, joel spoke very fondly of you.”
“am i crazy to be totally freaking out that joel’s gonna leave me forever?”
“what?” joel asked as he approached you again. you hadn’t even noticed him appear.
you went quiet. “nothing. it doesn’t matter.”
he sat himself beside you. “y/n, i’m never gonna leave you. why would you even think that?”
you looked down at your lap and shrugged. he crouched in front of you to meet your eyes.
you sighed at the confused look on his face. joel was always so clueless.
“aimee.” you answered.
“do you still have feelings for her?”
joel was silent for a moment, staring into your eyes. worry took over your features as you searched his face for some kind of answer to your question.
then a smile grew on joel’s face, which turned into a chuckle.
“what?” you asked and joel shook his head.
“nothing, you’re just funny.”
“joel, i’m being serious. why are you coming all this way for her? do you still have feelings for her?” you stared down at him and he rested his hands on your shoulders.
“y/n, i only have feelings for you. i swear.” his smile had softened as he spoke. “aimee’s someone from my past. yes, i dated her when i was 17, but that’s different now. i only want you. not aimee, not anybody.”
“then why..?”
“she’s my friend, and it’s been like 7 years. i just wanted to see what it’s like out here, and i haven’t seen anyone i knew before all this in over half a decade.”
joel frowned and put a hand on your cheek.
“i guess i just got excited. i forgot to ask if you were even okay with all this.”
a smile tugged on your lips. “it’s fine, joel.”
“i love you, okay?” he told you, his voice honest. “i love you.”
“i love you too.” you whispered out and leant forward to wrap your arms around his neck.
he hugged you tight and pulled you to your feet.
as he held you, he slowly rocked the two of you back and forth.
music slowly started to play, coming from mav1s, and joel smiled before spinning you around.
it was raining more, and joel pulled you out from under the shelter and into the rain.
his hair stuck to his face as he smiled, leaning forward and pecking you on the lips.
“you’re the only one for me, okay? don’t you ever doubt that for a second.” he mumbled into your ear as the two of you danced. “you’re my girl.”
you smiled and lifted your hand from his shoulder to push his hair from his eyes.
the two of you danced in the rain until mav1s’ power ran out and the music abruptly stopped.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: how has this been in my drafts since june…
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exposewolf13257 · 2 years
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This asshole Sick in the head saying Im carrying the Teenwolf franchise like TF no!! The Movie was absolutely Not Anything but good… Its nothing like the Show, You saying this Franchise making DOB doesn’t exist and saying I carry the movie When You absolutely done nothing but Posts nudes on Onlyfans. Jealousy is what Posey is thinking because He wants to be better but your not posey
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
Ppl adding Arden cho to their anti post as a way of white feminism/performative internet activism so they don’t seem too bitter over that stiles wasn’t in it/still was never confirmed bi/sterek being brought up
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astarlessaint · 2 years
I definitely called it back when the movie was first announced, I knew without a doubt that jeff d**** would find a way to do derek hale so dirty.
(that coupled with the fact that brosey was the main party interested in getting this trash fest made and we all know the jealousy is real)
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deadlyflames · 2 years
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Teen Swanfire Moodboards
I went a little nuts making swanfire aesthetics for no reason. I hope you guys like
I had a random thought when I saw a post comparing MJR to Dylan O’Brien in American Assassin, and they look so similar! And if you’ve seen Britt Robertson in Life Unexpected you can tell she’d be a fantastic teen Emma.
It’s funny to think about, because back when Tallahassee first came out in 2012, Dylan and Britt would have been 21 and 22, so they would have been a more appropriate choice to portray teens.
Dylan Schmid and Abby Ross would have been way too young. JM and MJR were amazing in that episode and their chemistry was great but they were both in their mid 30s.
I know they wanted to have MJR in that episode so we recognized him from the pilot, plus they got away with Lana portraying her younger self in The Stable Boy. I just can’t help but think if they had gotten two young actors like Britt and Dylan to play teen Neal and Emma, we could have avoided all those anti posts that rage about the swanfire age difference (when MJR and JM were only two years apart and that wanted poster had a fake birthdate).
Anyway, I’m done venting. Here’s some comparisons
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corrodxdcoffin · 2 years
https://russianspacegeckosexparty.tumblr.com/post/621031888022274048/racists-have-been-claiming-for-years-that-scott#notes LMFAO who are you trying to convince, Antis? Cishet white boy Scott McCall is literally the blandest, flattest, weakest, most irrelevant fictional character ever (there’s a reason everyone eclipsed him without even trying and Tyler Whiny Posey is the only one out of the whole Teen Wolf cast whose favorite character is Scott, ya know? Oops!) Then again, you Scott McCall delusional squad cesspit bunch know Scott isn’t actually anything special, which is why 99% of your wankfics and so-called “metas” is a case of Fanon!Scott where he has Derek’s, or Stiles’, or Lydia’s personality and traits, or is a Spark!Druid!Void!BAMF or whatever lol anyway @russianspacegeckosexparty why don’t you go back begging for some pedophilic Papa Hale/child!Scott content? We know that’s all you and your @liliaeth @princeescaluswords @brydeswhale buddies ever do in your little cesspit corner of fandom – besides harassing Sterek and Steter shippers on the internet and whining about how Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Hoechlin overshadowed Posey’s talentless ass without even trying, that is
I have no idea why someone submitted this to me a few months ago, but I agree with most if the rant. Tyler isn't white, though, so Scott isn't either.
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spidergxys · 2 years
Looking to add THREE faceclaims to make original characters that hold the SPIDER-MAN mantle (not Peter or Miles) and could use some help choosing. Would greatly appreciate if you could REPLY with your top choices (or other suggestions) you’d like to see used in an alternative Spidey-like hero/anti-hero (any age). Choices under the READ MORE due to post length.
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Dylan O’Brien is still dating Rachael Lange. Even after her awful tweets (racist/homophobic/pedophilic/misogynistic) were exposed. They were just seen together again recently. His fans are staying quiet. They don’t want to ruin his reputation. It’s crazy lol.
Ooh, anon! I’ve only read a few posts about that but majorly yikes. Dylan had such a promising career coming out of Teen Wolf and going into the Maze Runner series. I know the accident really derailed things for him, understandably so, but he was always so outspoken against those issues. Definitely disappointing to see him with someone that has said truly disgusting things. If she felt so comfortable to tweet those things, I can’t imagine what type of person she actually is. 😬 This brings up a good point that fans will turn a blind eye when it benefits them. Antis accuse us of doing that too, of course. 🙄 But that’s an issue for another day.
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tunaa13 · 2 years
Just got Midnights Lavender Edition and here’s what I’ve found in the booklet so far!
On Lavender Haze Zoë Kravitz and Sam Dew are credited are back vocals as well.
Jack Antonoff is credited for background vocals on Lavender Haze, Anti-Hero, Snow on the Beach, You’re On Your Own Kid, Question…?, Bejeweled, Labyrinth, and Mastermind.
Dylan O’Brien plays the drums on Snow On The Beach!!!!
Jack’s sister Rachel Antonoff, Austin Swift, Dylan O’Brien and Jack are credited for “Crowd Applause” on Question…? lol
Mastermind is basically a Bleachers feature lmao I think everyone on the band plays on it
Taylor is the sole Packaging Creative Director of the album! Love to see it
There is apparently a kalimba on Bejeweled which I love to play so yay
I think it should be alarming a little that there is a William Bowery Music Publishing now under Universal. Whatever plans they have I am NOT ready
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bunnybetrayed · 1 year
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Is that DYLAN O’BRIEN? No, that’s EZRAH RYDER. The 26 year old BLOOD MOON WERERABBIT OMEGA MALE is a RIDER AGENT. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be HUMOROUS & PATIENT, but beware, they’re also known to be SECRETIVE & REBELLIOUS. Their friends also say that they’re into PET/SLAVE PLAY & DIRTY TALK but don’t you dare trying SCAT & GORE with them.
Name: Ezrah Ryder
Nickname(s): Ez, Bunny
Age: 26
Species: Wererabbit
Secondary Gender: Omega
Occupation: Rider Agent
Pack (born): Rabbit Mum, Tiger Daddy, Tiger Brother
Likes: tba
Dislikes: tba
Mate: tba
Height: 5’10
Weight: 150 pounds
Build: lean, fit
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Tail Shape: tba
Tattoos, scars: n/a
Kinks: Pet/Slave play, Dirty Talk, being owned, collars, forced orgasms
Anti-Kinks: Scat, Gore, Vore
Note: Bottom-ish.
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One of us and one of them.
The rules were simple. Special ones were chosen, raised and trained to be the perfect little soldiers in a war that had yet to be won. Their chances were .. good, very good indeed, but to risk success on the back of laziness was a risk the human race was not willing to take. Especially the more fortunate part of society who wanted the entire Supernatural race to go extinct. Waiting and watching wouldn’t cut it for them, so they invested ridiculous sums into an organization that existed solemnly to ensure the war was one-sided, in their favor. 
The Chosen. 
It was that, really. The humans didn’t want The Others around them, they didn’t want them in positions of power, or influence - or to exist in the world they claimed theirs, but they did very much agree to exploiting their abilities. Fae and Witches were used for their blood and magical abilities, vampires for their regenerative abilities and …others… they had their own uses for humans. Bears were stronger than the norm, felines faster. But what mattered the most was not the animal side of beasts. It was the moon. 
A were’s moon changed everything. The Chosen had facilities for the non-Humans they used, most of them weren’t tortured, but held captive against their will nonetheless. And then there were those like Ezrah. Born into this life. Born in a cage. His mother had been one of the first they found back in the day. She.. was not the ideal species for their plans, but until they found a better specimen - she would do, they thought. And it was still a 50/50 chance, right? 
Well, Ezrah got the short end of the stick. He didn’t inherit his father’s long legs, or his incomparable speed… no. Ezrah took after his mother. It was a risk, they said. But the majority came out fine, they said. Someone tell that to him, because when he was barely a year old and instead of growing a long, slender tail … he grew… a scut. Well shit. It was clear he was one of the disposable kind, those they set aside for emergencies, but they didn’t end his life at least. He was raised with the others, he was trained with the others, but those like him were held in different rooms than those who didn’t. His mother, which he didn’t know at the time - was not the only one. Neither was his father. They were on a mission and nothing would stop them. 
Escaping was not an option, the only way out was through the mission. Get approved, get a teammate, get out - which posed the main problem for Ezrah. He wouldn’t. Rabbits were no good out there in the fight against the enemy. Little did he know at the time that he was considered an enemy. 
It wasn’t until much later that the tides turned and Ezrah suddenly became interesting again. First, he was reborn in the month of october - a blood moon, which … given his heritage .. surprised everybody, himself included. Secondly, there was an incident. The leaders of the Chosen found themselves faced with an issue. Those they raised among their ranks were not always compliant and bound by duty. Some rebelled, some earlier and some later. The early ones could be shut down, but those who rebelled later? After years of training? An issue. 
One of his brothers who was gifted with his father’s feline traits wreaked havoc and took down an entire facility alone. He was sent away, as were the others of his kind. No risks were acceptable. The war had to be won. Left behind were only less fortunate souls like him. He didn’t know where they took his brothers and sisters, but he knew that his time .. was about to begin. 
He’d been taught the same everybody had, had been trained the same everybody had, so he was assigned a human partner and they were left loose on the outside world. Of course, no risks were acceptable, so Ezrah was tracked at all times in case he tried to run. He didn’t. He had no reason to. He was good at what he did, it was all he knew and he got to live his life almost freely the way he wanted to. So long as they completed the missions they were given. They called it missions, but it .. was assassinations, more so. 
Ezrah made two mistakes in his life. 
One. He rode for the Chosen for way too long before he realized it was wrong. 
Two. He fell in love with his human partner. 
One .. didn’t happen overnight. As years passed, doubts festered and grew over time, all that blood on his hands.. he’d never be able to wash his hands clean from sin. And two.. didn’t either. It was mutual for a time, too, which made his decision even more difficult. Their decision. It wasn’t his alone. Because he woke up one morning to find the tracker torn from his insides and a gun in his face. They had been found out, they’d been seen. It was either him or .. his partner. Well, safe to say he didn’t have a lot of options. Stay and die or leave. 
He didn’t feel like dying that day. 
After ten years on the road hunting so-called monsters, he heard rumors. They all did, the Chosen tried for years to find this mysterious safe haven the captured creatures wailed about, but so far .. no luck. With nothing left to lose, Ezrah figured he might as well try his luck. He set out to find New Haven, but .. he knew deep down that New Haven found him. His abilities would surely come in handy during the search of their kind lost in the human world outside the barrier. 
There was no one in this town better-suited for the job than him, so there was no doubt about him becoming a rider agent. None. 
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
Honestly Taylor’s squad gives me chill as well. Also I feel like she has her squad even now? Dylan o’Brien, Blake Lively (+ Ryan), Margaret Q., Jake A. And few other.
Btw. One of the best things that Dylan has ever made was dating that model who liked bunch of anti-Taylor Swift tweets. It was funny 😭 speaking of him he’s theoretically very attractive but he seems that annoying that he doesn’t attract me at all. Kinda like Taylor o.Oo
Remember I mentioned a classmate did a Hailey Bieber and got to go out with the guy she was stalking. Yeah, that was Dylan and I can never forgot that catchup where she just spilled how vapid and pretentious he was.
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
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midnights (dylan o’brien’s version) (izzy’s version) (from the drafts)
“meet me at midnight”
“midnights become my afternoons”
lavender haze; stuart twombly
maroon; thomas
anti-hero; joel dawson
snow on the beach; stiles stilinski
you’re on your own, kid; joel dawson
midnight rain; stiles stilinski
question…?; thomas
vigilante shit; mitch rapp
bejeweled; joel dawson
labyrinth; thomas
karma; stuart twombly
sweet nothing; thomas
mastermind; stiles stilinski
the great war; thomas
bigger than the whole sky; stiles stilinski
paris; stuart twombly
high infidelity; joel dawson
glitch; stiles stilinski
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve; thomas
dear reader; mitch rapp
hits different; stuart twombly
you’re losing me; stiles stilinski
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: i’ll post these whenever ig
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exposewolf13257 · 2 years
Well They kill The best man Derek Hale… Like Seriously Tyler Posey is just a bitch anyways
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noncanonfan · 4 years
White people can just get anyway with anything, huh?
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Dylan and Tyler aren’t doing the Teen Wolf movie.
Arden Cho isn’t doing the Teen Wolf movie.
Daniel Sharman isn’t doing the Teen Wolf movie.
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