#still a little sad ingo didn't make it to the finals
bellafragolina · 15 days
Congrats on emptying your inbox!! If I may request, we've seen the s/o with Hanahaki, but what about Emmet and Ingo, separate please. It's another case of miscommunication, Emmet says nothing because you're in a relationship, a bad one that you're about to end, and Ingo says nothing because he thinks you're in a relationship, you aren't. With a happy ending please ;-;
so it's the boys spitting flowers?? i gotcha!
White hyacinth. Emmet twirls the flower between his fingers, scowling at the soft petals, speckled in blood. Of course, symbols of regret, that would be the flower chosen to encase his lungs and strangle him. Guess he is regretful, since he's let you run off into the arms of his worst enemy.
Sure, Emmet had no clue your boyfriend even existed before he became your boyfriend, but that didn't mean Emmet couldn't absolutely despise the guy. He does, very much so, and doesn't really try to hide it either. Emmet isn't good at lying, especially to you, so sadly. . . he's pushed you away a bit with his rivalry (one-sided rivalry at that).
And thus the flowers.
Emmet crushes the hyacinth in his palm, throwing it off into the living room. Not being able to breathe that well prevents him from going to work. He can't breathe because he can't confess his love to you. He can't do that because you're in a relationship. With a guy he hates. One he knows doesn't treat you half as good as Emmet would, if you were together.
The whole situation is a circle jerk of frustrating. And devastating. The white hyacinths make more sense now, because if there is one thing Emmet's feeling right now, it's a whole lot of regret.
A buzz gently knocks Emmet from his head. Begrudgingly, he checks the message, only to shockingly find your name displayed.
Coming over.
Plain and simple, a cut to the chase, but nerve-wracking all the same. Emmet rushes to tidy up and not look like he's dying, hands shaking as he paces and wonders what's happening. Did you want to hang out? Or was this some sort of intervention? Were you going to tell him you didn't want to be friends anymore?
That would kill him before any damn flower.
Emmet frets and worries, but still rushes to hug you when you throw open his front door. Your arms easily slide around his waist, soothing the worries and the flowers that make his chest feel so tight. Everything almost feels normal again, but then you pull away.
There are bags under you eyes, lines on your face that make you look far older than you are. The sight of them crushes Emmet's heart, but before he can even say anything, ask if you're alright, what's going on-
"I'm breaking up with him."
There's a self-assuredness to your voice that makes it seem so final, so simple. You're breaking up with your boyfriend, plain and simple. It's everything Emmet's been hoping to hear and then some, but he can't find it in him to be happy. Not when you look so tired.
"I. . ." Emmet swallows, struggling for the words to say. Would anything make this better? "I'm sorry."
You just shrug, and give him a sad little smile that cracks his already crushed heart. "Eh. It's whatever. He's a real son of a bitch, anyway." Your smile grows into more of a wry smirk. "But you already knew that, huh?"
Emmet ducks his head, almost ashamed, if not for the amusement that dances through your tired eyes.
"I need to listen to you more often." You say, chuckling. Emmet chuckles too, then it's quiet. Too quiet. You clear your throat to break it. "Do you. . . wanna hang out?"
"Yes." Emmet says immediately. He does. So badly. He missed you a lot. "I missed you. A lot."
That has you laughing, louder now. "Yeah?" Your smile is warm, as warm as the hand you curl around his. "I missed you too, big guy." You tug on his arm, so Emmet leans down, giddily accept the kiss to his cheek. "Come on. I've got a lot to make up to you."
"You do not have to." Emmet says, already dragging you out the door. He feels like he can breathe again. "But since you are offering, you will date me, and we will call it even."
You laugh, and the sound is perfect, especially when his own laughter, free and unhindered, joins in.
Ingo decides if there's one flower he doesn't like, it's tulips. Damned, horrid tulips. They fall out of his mouth, bell-shaped and yellow, stained with his sin of loving someone he can not have. He knows their meaning, knows how the spell out how hopeless he is, hopelessly in love, unrequited love.
But why is he to blame for that? How could he not fall in love? Everything he ever wanted fell into his lap, a perfect gift from those above, and what? Ingo wasn't supposed to see it? Wasn't supposed to grow close, to finally feel understood and like he could have the future he always dreamed of?
What did he do to deserve it all being snatched away from beneath his very feet, leaving him to stumble along where he thought he had a solid foundation.
Well, it isn't your fault either. You are everything, everything he ever wanted in a partner and then some. Days are lighter, easier, something to look forward to just because you're a part of it. Even a simple text from you could make his day amazing.
But you don't feel the same. No, instead there's another person, someone bolder, with less hang ups, someone not as hopeless as Ingo, who was able to ask you out. They didn't worry about anything, not like Ingo.
And now he has to bask in the consequences of being a hopeless, cowardly romantic.
At least you still hang out with him. At least Ingo still gets your presence in his life, not at all hindered by this partner of yours. You don't talk about them at all, perhaps to be kind to a man you no is drowning in a love you don't return.
But that's okay. Ingo will drown for you, if it means this simple happiness will stay.
Still, his body doesn't enjoy it. His lungs swell like they're going to burst, making it hard to breathe, hard to still be a Subway Boss to the people. He stays home some days, when the pain is at its worst, and just lies in bed, dreaming of a life he can't have.
And he wakes up to your hands in his hair, your tearful eyes peering at him from over the edge of the bed. It's a heartbreaking sight.
Ingo can barely croak out your name in concern.
You sniffle. "Emmet says you're dying." Ingo presses his lips into a thin line. He was sure Emmet didn't know, but maybe he did. He needs to apologize; this isn't something he should have to watch his twin go through. "Ingo. . ."
"I'll be okay." Ingo says, the quietest you've ever heard him. It doesn't help your tears, springing forth into full sobs that not even Ingo can soothe. "Shh, shh. . . It's alright."
"It's not!" You protest, shaking your head from the ghost of his clammy hands. "I love you and you're dying! In what world is that alright??"
Ingo just blinks up at you owlishly. ". . . what?"
"I love you." You tell him sternly. "I love you. I love you. I love you. Can you hear me now?" You press your mouth against his sweaty forehead, practically shouting it out to all of Nimbasa. "I LOVE YOU! So no, this is not alright-"
You're cut off by a hand on the back of your neck, bringing you down into the sloppy kiss of one ecstatic and delirious Ingo Trevithick.
You'll laugh about it later, Ingo is sure. You'll all laugh about how silly this all was, how silly you all were. But until then, Ingo will take the first full, deep breath he's had in ages, and sob into your mouth in utter relief.
Seems he isn't so hopeless after all.
ta-da! i did my best to follow your guidelines, so i hope you like them!
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artisticavie · 1 year
THE WHOLE PV IN ONE PIC LMAO + Comparing older concept sketches to newer ones/line art
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The first image is THE concept art for the entire current pv, made when the lyrics were done, and all that was left was to do the vocaloid tuning and then the final mix. Obviously, I made a lot of changes from that concept.
The portion where they're standing next to each other but facing opposite directions was replaced with them standing with a hand across their chest and an arm behind their back AND other entirely new poses for those lyrics. Many poses were adjusted to look better, but they still had the same overall idea as the concept art.
2nd and 3rd picture: For the beginning, when Ingo yells "all Aboard," the first version was too zoomed in . The pose was too stiff , he didn't really look like he was yelling either. So I made it more intense and gave him a more dynamic angle and made the pose better flowing so he wouldn't look too stiff. It's one of my favorite poses now, so I'm very glad I redrew it.
4th and 5th picture: I do love the emotion and poses from the first version, but I figured since Emmet didn't sound emotional, I'd give him a more subtle look of sadness. My art had improved drastically too, so I redrew both of them , I'm also glad i decided to do this because the other version makes em look like widdle baybees. Not a whole lot changed pose-wise so :]
6th and 7th picture: as you can read in the 6th picture (or maybr not my handwriting sucks) , it's the redone version for the "back when I lived Back when I knew" part, a completely new pose for that without Emmet. the two versions aren't all that different, i just adjusted the proportions, added more detail, cleaned it up, and removed the fire cus I didn't wanna draw fire, lol. There's nothing else I can really comment on except for how hard the hand and hat were to draw.
Last 2 pictures: I was mid- lining /redrawing the sketch in the first version, but you can see how I changed the proportions and angles on certain parts a little. The 2nd version is a lot more detailed and cleaned up,  and you can see how I changed the hat because the hats are so HARD to draw
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waywardstation · 2 years
Few thoughts on the Akari Phione AU
- Absolutely love it so incredibly much, feels like a classic "filler" cartoon episode down to both the tropes and the more lighthearted self contained vibe. Favorite kinda thing ever 💖
- Ingo worrying about Akari while she's trying to get his attention is both so sad but so hilarious simultaneously. We all know how devastated Ingo would be if something grave happened to Akari and Ingo didn't even know, and worrying/protective sorta "soft" angst bits like that is one of my biggest trope weaknesses. But also with Akari still right there still being Akari (to the best of her limited ability) makes it much more lighthearted and hilarious.
To loosely quote an old Game Grumps bit, just little Phione Akari shouting and stomping at Ingo all irritated trying to tell Ingo she's Akari, meanwhile Ingo just goes "quiet down I'm trying to find Akari!" (Shockingly, it doesn't help her quiet down lmao)
- Akari Phione squeaking is the same sound as that viral desert rainfrog clip. Specifically... a "very angry" rainfrog 😭💙
In regards to this post
THANK YOU FRIEND!! This is a very trope-y AU haha, it’s intended to feel like filler. Very simple premise that is self-contained to the issue!!
And yes! I’m still not quite sure what gets Ingo to finally understand that it’s her; without her pokedex, she can’t write anything. She can’t speak human language anymore either. Ingo would see her mannerisms and be reminded of Akari, but he’d only realize how obvious that was in hindsight once he finds out.
THAT GAME GRUMPS QUOTE IS PERFECT. Akari is getting frustrated! To be fair, Ingo is preoccupied with trying to find Akari at the last place she said she’d be - the coastlands. While Akari is touched by how worried Ingo is, and how much effort he’s putting in to look for her, she can’t help but be a little irritated - she’s RIGHT HERE!
It might take a day or two for things to finally click!
AND YES! THE SQUEAKING FROG! She would sound like this haha, you’re right!!
Thanks for your thoughts OP!! ^^ love them!
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Ahh I see now... Ingo can experience Mind breaking torture As evident by your other Aus but if there was a guaranteed sad/bittersweet ending. no dice. Not even a one shot. fair enough. I'm glad I finally found the line to not cross.
[ Anonymous: Oh yeah I was being completely sincere if I didn't come off correctly. I greatly enjoy it when characters fundamentally don't get what they want by a great force and they have to deal with it and then eventually build out of the ashes of their Broken Heart. And to look back on the good memories and the good times with that person and have those fleeting moments be cherished because at the time you never thought they would end but they did.
Now that I think about it a lot of my favorite characters died so maybe I'm just used to it so it's just a common plot in my head but yeah it's probably a little bit too real to end that sad (in my brain Ingo barely remembers Emmet but he knows he's there so it doesn't hurt that much but it still hurts Mega Mega bad and I guess hurting Mega bad forever and that never going back up to relief is upsetting to think about which is why I made that weird comment about how it's good that I know what your angst mental line. No beloved character death and/or Emmett and Ingo not having a reunion/ not having the potential of having a reunion. is this correct? ]
yeah basically. to be more specific it's not even about not having a reunion or anything like that, bc i don't even always like the resolution part, but for me i think it's more that i lose interest if the characters don't have any hope. if they aren't struggling in the direction of anything in particular. the hurt's more fun if they still believe they can get out of it eventually, but if they're just terminally sad i can't really get into it. like, what's the point, yanno.
not dissing your own tastes! that's valid! just like, explaining my viewpoint if that makes sense
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monochrome-m0use · 2 years
howdy! im wondering how you figured out your kintypes? mainly zoroark since im questioning if i may be one (unovan) but any advice overall would be a great help!
have a nice day/night
- 🌌
Aaaa sorry I didn't see this sooner, I didn't expect anyone to send asks to this blog ! /pos
Saw this earlier today but just now able to get to it (in fact it unintentionally triggered a zoroark shift so hell yeah, plus that makes answering this a bit easier)
Soo please bear with me cause I'm not the best at explaining / wording stuff, plus my experience is a big all over the place cause uh,,, full disclosure: I repressed a lot of my kin experiences cause I thought I was just weird / faking it, and I used to pretend to KFF. it felt like a "safer" way to connect with that side of myself, at least a little bit, without disapproval.
Plus uhh general memory issues, that's a problem.
So I always kinda attached myself to zoroark - mostly thinking it was a cool pokemon. But tbh I was a bit,,, envious ? Jealous ? Of every zoroark. I dunno, it was kinda along the lines of "I wish I could use illusion powers, I could feel more comfortable with myself."
I dunno how I confirmed it - I think I added to my kin list cause it was like "Yeah that's me, I wanna be seen as that." This was back when I thought I was the unova variant. Once I finally accepted I was ACTUALLY kin, a lot got removed from that list, but zoroark I just,, couldn't. It still felt like me, not like I just related to zoroark, but I wanted to BE that.
Memories came after that, but they're still pretty vague. I could remember treading through a snowy environment, with those pine(?) trees strewn about. It wasn't flat surface either, there were raises in the ground (slopes? Is that what they're called?). I NEVER went into a snowy forest area before in this life.
I'm still playing legends arceus, and got to the part where ingo gets introduced, and so searched to figure out where I could catch a zorua,, annnd turns out the portion of the game they're in? EXACTLY what I can remember
So that was a major realization that I was hisuian instead.
Granted, I'm also questioning the unova variant myself! I also have some memory of hiding in a forest area next to a city. I dunno if it's a separate life, or part of my hisuian one (cause let's be real, how can a species "die out" if they're already spirits ?)
That's my experience but obviously yours would be different. I'd suggest looking into the media your kintype comes from in order to find something. I myself am planning on replaying black and white, since it's been a while. (And ofc finish up legends arceus).
Ofc there's meditation but I can't get myself to do that fjrrjejee. Mostly just uhhh feel it out ! It takes a bit to REALLY be sure, and it's not an issue if you turn out to be wrong. But honestly with a lotta my kins, I just get the feeling of "that's me" or "I want others to see me as this", and if that feeling persists I look into it.
And also memories help, but that's not a requirement. I had memories of only two kins (mickey / sad mouse and RXQ) before I kinfirmed with myself. The rest of my memories are just slowly coming back with the others.
Sorry for the ramble oops-
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ros-sauce · 2 years
how do you feel about sans winning the Tumblr sexymen showdown?
i could not be more glad. don't get me wrong, i love reigen, but sans is THE sexyman. he has history. the AUs. the shipping. reigen may be the internet sex symbol, but sans is such an integral part of tumblr culture (and web culture as a whole!!) that i cannot think of anyone more deserving of the #1 Tumblr Sexyman title. good for him
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I like to think the subway twins (at the Very least Ingo) after the beautiful ends of babyhood end and childhood turns to teenhood if it even takes that late they get that baby fever again (I recall Ingo not aiming for twins but did want multiple children it probably didn't take him too long to plead lovingly for another child when he was sure they were ready meanwhile Emmet blown away by the sheer attention twins need needs a little more time before any more babies)
Oh yeah, Ingo wants more kids, definitely. He just thinks his son is so lonely and watching him grow is making him miss when he used to depend on him so much. His son is like four and still clinging to his legs and crying while he thinks this. Ingo is very fatherly and loves watching his children get older, and he feels that having a sibling is an important experience. After all, he feels that a lot of his personality traits come from him being an older brother.
Emmet does understand twins are a lot of work. He wanted them for a while and his mother kept alerting him to how much work they are (especially as infants to around age five). He's very happy he had them, nonetheless. His girls become his world and when they finally get around five, he realises he may want another child. Ingo had another, and he has to keep up. That, and he's sad one of his girls is extremely independent.
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grismavessel · 3 years
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(the pictures above just to emphasize the writing below the cut)
(Writing is based around my Pokemon Legends AU and an oc)
Dear Dad, Day 78
Gris sat, glaring down at their journal. The quill shaking in their hands. If they didn't start now, there was no way they'd be able to finish it in the next day or two. Breathing in a sigh, they began to write.
"Dear Dad," They wrote. "Day 78 of living in the past." They had started this journal when they figured out it was ancient Sinnoh. Knowing they probably weren't ever going back, Gris decided to keep a log of all their days here in Hisui, on the off chance their father would find an archival book of their entries and if history were forgiving enough.
"It's been a blast so far! Today I got my tenth and final star for the galaxy team, practically making me an admin! Almost. Rei and Akari were a little jealous, I try not to make a show of it but I think they'll be okay," Gris sighed, already feeling the burning sensation begin under the bracelet, the pain throbbing already.
"The twins are doing well," Gris taking a quick glance at the two pokeballs resting on their dresser, one modern the other ancient. "Hisui, the Sinnoh one, evolved today! It's like orange and red with a hat instead of a hood!" They were proud of those two. Being able to raise an Alolan and Hisuian Variant was interesting to say the least, the two inseparable. Like actual siblings, born in different eras.
"I fell asleep last night at my work desk in the main hall again, Cyllene takes care of me though, thinking about it, you'd probably like her a lot. She's so serious with a heart of gold, reminds me of you," They could envision their father, nervously approaching the stern woman. Trying to chat and talk. Thinking back on it, the two couldn't be more different. They smirked through the pain, the sensation travelling up their arm but still they steadied their hand again.
"I met with Adaman and Irida again too, it seems like I'm making better friends in the past than I ever did in Alola," It was a sad truth. Modern-day wasn't as appealing anymore now that Gris made more roots here than in the future. "The people here really are something Dad. Adaman is always a stickler for time, Irida obsessed with having her hair just perfect." They chuckled, strained, the voices slowly returning in their head. Gris shook it away, trying to regain focus.
"Some of my friends are stranger than others, Volo's picked up an interest in collecting Unowns now," Gris grimaced, the sound they made torturing but it made Volo light up like a shooting star. "He's very nerdy," They added on.
"Some friends feel like they're better than a friend," They hastily wrote down, thinking back to Ingo. The two bonded over battling and coming from a more modern era. Neither really felt out of place in Hisui, not when they were together, talking and chatting like they've known one another for years. Gris sighed, returning to writing. "You might think Ingo's old, but he's quite younger than you in fact. I think I might throw him a surprise birthday party just to remind him, but I don't think there's a proper calendar here, or that he even remembers." Their handwriting was beginning to become sloppy. "I'm not sure when my birthday is either anymore, but really I don't care."
"I've had a blast so far. It's rough some days, where I miss you and our house and the warm sandy beaches," Their hand trembled, using the free one to brace it, holding it against the burning bracelet as the two began to scream.
"I hope you get to read these one day. That you'll know I was doing great, living my best life in the woods," Tears begin to spill from their eyes, the throbbing in the back of their skull unbarable. "I'll write more next week, remember, I love you." They quickly finished, letting the quill fall from their hand as it spasmed, tears falling and staining the parchment paper.
"Dammit," They cursed, running a hand into their white hair and gripping it tightly, clenching their teeth as the red veins began to emerge. Somewhere nearby Unowns were beginning to gather, the haunting screech flooding Gris's ears.
A warm, cool golden glow came from the bracelet, fighting the red veins but causing Gris to cry out in agony, their eyes shifting as they began to fill with the darkened void. Two voices were fighting for control and influence. Each shouting, echoed in Gris's mind. One cold and calculated the other volatile and rampaging.
Gris knew this would happen today, waking up that morning feeling like they were a stranger in their own skin. They haven't told anyone this curse. Never bothered to write it down in case it was historically preserved. On the off chance their father were to ever look in a museum or an archival room and find out his only kid was suffering under some deity's control, he'd lose his fucking mind. Gris choked another sob down.
"Keep it together keep it together." They told themselves, falling back from their desk, thankful they were able to be alone in their cabin until how Rei and Akari were forced to bunk together. They weren't going to be able to work tomorrow, Gris already trying to think up excuses to tell Cyllene and Laventon through a shut door.
They thought of all the things that made Gris themselves. Each time the pain resurfaced it became increasingly harder to keep the image clear, to keep the voices from breaking out and doing whatever they wanted.
No one will ever know what Gris was willing to sit through, they vowed it so as long as they lived in Hisui.
(thanks for reading! if you have any questions about the au and story feel free to ask and check out the blog!!!)
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sunshine-vx · 2 years
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 8)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(This chapter's illustration by @moonlightalpha666 !)
(Read it on Ao3 here!)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
Chapter 8
Ingo adjusted his hat as he finished packing up his things from the Battlegrounds and preparing to leave back to the Pearl Clan to carry out his evening duties for Lady Sneasler. He was walking down the road towards the village's gates when he spotted Rei sitting alone at the bench in front of the Wallflower. He had a dish of potato mochi in front of him, but wasn't eating it, just using his chopsticks to poke and prod at the food. He had his cheek resting in his hand, which was propped up on the table. 
He was sad.
Ingo looked at the shadows cast by the buildings of the village.
He had time. 
Ingo approached the bench and sat on the seat opposite of Rei, "Greetings, Rei." He spoke as he sat down, "Is something on your mind?"
Rei's gaze snapped up towards Ingo, surprised. He hadn't seen Ingo until he had spoken to Rei. 
Rei smiled, but from the look in his eyes, Ingo could tell he still wasn't feeling all that well.
"Oh! Hi, Ingo…"
It took a moment for Rei to process Ingo's question, and once he did, he continued to poke at his food
"A little, I guess.." Rei admitted, "I don't know if anyone can do anything about it, anyways…"
"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," Ingo replied, "I know I don't have the closest bond to you, and you have every right to refuse my help, but I'm more than willing to help. Just keep that in mind."
Rei nodded, finally lifting a piece of food to his mouth. He, personally, had closer relations to the Pearl Clan than the Diamond Clan. When Akari had been banished from Jubilife Village, she had chosen the Diamond Clan to aid her, and as such, they became more reclusive than usual. The Pearl Clan, on the other hand, was there to comfort and help the panicking village; especially Rei and Laventon. Ingo, like the rest of the clan, was enraged at Captain Kamado's decision, yelling at him and making threats. He had to be dragged out of Kamado's office. 
Some of these bonds with the Pearl Clan had faded some after things returned to normal and Akari was deemed a hero and welcomed back into the village, but Rei still retained a closer bond with most of the wardens of the Pearl Clan, specifically Ingo and Lian, and Irida, the Pearl Clan Leader. 
Rei swallowed his food, shifting in his seat.
"Well…I do want to talk about it, but.." Rei said, "Can you promise me you won't tell anybody? Unless I say you can?"
Ingo hummed, thinking, "Well, if it puts you or anybody else in danger, I can't promise that," he answered, "but, I can make that promise otherwise. Are you or someone you know in danger?"
Rei shook his head, "No, not at all. I'm grateful for the concern, though."
Ingo smiled, "Then, I promise."
Rei also smiled, before kicking his legs,
"Well, it's just…you know how Akari is always busy doing Survey Corps work? She's super strong and has done a bunch of really cool things! And Professor Laventon is always busy with his work n all, studying Pokémon and documenting them..they're out right now, actually.."
Ingo nodded as Rei spoke. He had heard that Akari and Laventon had gone to the Cobalt Coastlands to investigate a "mysterious swimmer". Ingo hoped to learn more about it once the investigation was complete. 
Rei frowned, "They said it was too dangerous and I couldn't go…I mean, I do do Survey Corps work, it's just…I don't feel significant. I'm sure they could do everything they need to without me. I feel like nobody thinks I'm important…"
Ingo was shocked at Rei's words. He frowned, but he understood. Yet, he didn't want the boy talking about himself like that.
"Rei, that is not true at all." Ingo replied, "You may not be working as much as the others, but you are just as important. Important for what exactly, you may have to ask if you want a more specific answer, but you are important to everyone here, alright? Even if you're not as strong, or go on more dangerous missions, doesn't mean you're any less capable; I've seen your skill for myself. So don't say things like that, okay?"
Rei nodded and looked down, almost seeming ashamed. He did feel better, but felt a little bad.
Ingo continued, noticing this, "But don't feel bad. Feelings like these are normal. Just try to think about what I said. If it really helps, you can offer to help more around the village or even in the clans."
Rei thought about that. Maybe that would work. He needed something to do, anyways.
Rei nodded, "Sure! I'd like to try that."
Ingo smiled, nodding as well, "Alright then, I'll get you something to do! In fact, I just had an idea."
Rei lifted his head, curious. "What is it?"
"If you'd like, you can come with me to help me with Lady Sneasler! My duties begin in just a small while. I've been a bit busier than usual with all this origin stuff, so a helping hand wouldn't hurt at all!" Ingo explained, "How does that sound?"
Rei jumped up, beaming, "Oh wow, that sounds awesome!" Then, he clasped his hands together in front of himself, a bit sheepish, "Are you sure I can help?"
"Of course!" Ingo said, "I insist. But first, eat your food; that's important."
Rei nodded, sitting down and eating his food, a bit quick, as he was clearly excited. 
Ingo smiled. He was glad he could help Rei out, and was curious to see how the boy would work with his Lord. 
After Rei finished his dish, he handed the plate to Beni, and jogged over to Ingo, grinning
"Is it time to go to Lady Sneasler's seat?" Rei asked
Ingo nodded, "It is indeed. I know you're excited, but stay by me and do what I say, okay? We must perform our safety checks, after all."
Rei nodded, "Yes sir!" There were rules in the Galaxy Team, too. Safety was indeed important. 
"Alright then, let us go!"
On their way up Mt. Coronet, there were a few Pokémon that tried to attack Ingo and Rei. Usually, Ingo would take care of this, but Rei excitedly asked Ingo if he could. Ingo was a bit hesitant, but complied, as long as Rei would accept help if he needed it, which Rei promised he would.
Rei and his Pokémon took out every enemy, showing quite the excitement and passion for battling. Rei and his team were quite strong.
As the sun was now barely visible on the horizon to set, Ingo and Rei finished making their way to Lady Sneasler's seat. 
Upon hearing human footsteps, Sneasler exited a cave that was near her seat. 
"Good evening, Lady Sneasler!" Ingo announced, "I have brought a guest who wishes to accompany me with my duties today. His name is Rei, you two have met before." Ingo glanced at Rei and nodded, telling him to walk up to Sneasler.
Rei approached Sneasler, the Pokémon taking a few steps forward. It leaned down and sniffed Rei for a few seconds, the boy seeming a bit intimidated, but eventually reaching out his hand and giving Sneasler a few pats on the head. Sneasler paused at the gesture, then pulling away and grinning, flicking her feather and making satisfied grumbling noises.
"See? She likes you!" Ingo commented 
Rei blinked, then smiled. He turned to Ingo
"Could I put the food in her bowl?" Rei asked.
Ingo nodded, reaching into his coat and pulling out a bag. He handed it to Rei, who cautiously approached Sneasler's seat by Ingo's side, the Noble watching them curiously.
Rei took the tie off of the back and opened it, holding it over Sneasler's bowl before pouring the contents in, Ingo simply pouring some water from a canister into another bowl.
The food was a mix of mushed up Hearty Grains and Beans, although it looked and smelt slightly different than usual.
"I taught Rei how to make your favorite food," Ingo explained to Sneasler, "he really wanted to help with that."
Sneasler seemed perplexed, but approached the bowl anyways. She sniffed the food, hesitant, before taking a bite. She then began purring, starting to eat her meal a bit faster now.
"Look, Rei, she loves it!" Ingo stated, "Bravo, you're doing great!"
Rei beamed. He felt..happy! He wondered what they would do next. 
"Here, I'll do the cleaning by myself. You can go look around if you'd like, but be careful not to get hurt or break anything." Ingo told Rei. Rei nodded, glad to explore a bit, and walked over to a clearing on the mountain where Ingo could still see him, and there he took out his team and had them practice some moves and battle techniques. 
After a while, Rei noticed that Ingo was speaking to Lady Sneasler. Rei couldn't hear what he was saying, but Sneasler seemed content with whatever was being discussed. Ingo glanced at something a few times, and looking that way, he spotted a den; that must be where Lady Sneasler sleeps.
Eventually, Ingo called Rei over to him. "Coming!" Rei called back, healing up his Pokémon and rewarding them before returning them to their Pokéballs.
"Rei, I had remembered that just a few days ago, a batch of Lady Sneasler's eggs hatched!" Ingo exclaimed, "She said she trusts you to go look at them, as long as I am there as well. Would you like to go see them?"
Rei's eyes lit up and he shook his hands, now in excited fists.
"Really?! Yes, I'd love to!" Rei turned to Lady Sneasler, "Thank you, Lady Sneasler! I promise, your babies will be safe with me!"
Sneasler simply made a mumbling noise as she ate and nodded.
Rei grinned and turned back to Ingo.
"Can we go now?"
Ingo answered, "Yes, we can, but you must follow my lead. Safety checks are important, especially for young ones; don't do anything unless I say you can, okay?"
Rei nodded excitedly.
Then, Ingo and Rei approached the den entrance and walked inside. There was a torch or two, but the sunlight was able to light the den up enough. 
And in a gently crafted straw and grass bed, there they were; Four whole, new-born Sneasels!
Rei gasped, shaking his fists again and giggling, "They're so cuuute!"
Ingo chuckled, "Indeed they are, and they're all thankfully quite healthy. Here, we can approach them, just stay by me."
Ingo and Rei carefully and quietly approached the bed, crouching down and observing the kits.
Then, Ingo noticed something. Some of the straw and grass had been misplaced on one side. Ingo frowned and began to carefully mend it as best he could.
"I suppose one of them slipped out, although all four are here now.." Ingo muttered. As he was busy mending the bed, Rei heard a soft click from what he assumed was Sneasler. He turned to the den entrance and saw the Lord, looking confused. She looked down at what seemed to be a baby Sneasel, except older, seemingly a toddler.
Rei grew a bit off-put.
"Uh, Ingo?" Rei tried to get Ingo's attention.
Ingo looked up at Rei, who pointed at Sneasler and the Sneasel.
"Does Lady Sneasler have an older kit? There's a somewhat bigger Sneasel talking to her."
Ingo spotted Sneasler and the Sneasel, raising an eyebrow.
"No, I don't believe that's her own kit.." Ingo replied, "but it could just be a lost kit passing by. We should attend to it."
Ingo and Rei stood up, beginning to approach the two Pokémon, when Ingo suddenly held out his arm in front of Rei, causing him to stop. Rei glanced at Ingo in confusion 
"Hold on just a second now, Rei. I need to make sure everything is in order.." Ingo stated as he looked at the young Sneasel, taking a few steps forward.
Gears clicked in Rei's head. So it wasn't Lady Sneasler's kit, and was likely a lost one…Rei narrowed his eyes at the Sneasel. It seemed annoyed by Ingo and Rei, and it turned to Rei for a moment.
Its eyes were yellow. Was that right? Rei swore Sneasels usually had red eyes.
"The Sneasel may be injured," Ingo commented as he approached the Sneasel, unable to see the Sneasel's eyes. Rei looked at the Pokémon again, and saw a bit of a deformed ankle. Ouch! Rei frowned, poor thing..but then, Rei swore he saw the shadow of the Sneasel move. Ingo must have seen it, too, as he stopped moving, confused. Then, just as Ingo's eyes began to widen, it hit Rei, too. Rei immediately snatched a Pokéball from his belt, launching it at the Sneasel, his Pikachu forming out of the Pokéball and in front of it.
"Lady Sneasler, back away!" Rei shouted, "That's no kit, it's a Zoroark!"
Sneasler hissed, backing away. The Sneasel then growled, transforming into its true form; a white and red fox with an enraged look. 
"Rei, wait, that is dangerous!" Ingo shouted as he took a Pokéball out of his coat, but before he could act further, Rei took a stand.
"Pikachu, use Fling!" Rei shouted. Pikachu took a berry it found on the floor and flung it at the Zoroark with great force. The Zoroark was actually caught off guard, stumbling back. Ingo was a tad impressed by Rei and his Pokémon's intuition and strength, but not exactly surprised.
But then, the Zoroark sneered, roaring at Rei and raising a claw.
"Gliscor, Night Slash!"
Rei snapped his attention over to Ingo, now accompanied by a Gliscor! The Gliscor's pincers darkened as it growled, then slashing the Zoroark, who cried out. It stumbled again, before shaking its head and fleeing out of the cave. Rei and Ingo ran out to follow it, and saw that it was truly fleeing; not a trick. But the Zoroark may return, Ingo thought..
Lady Sneasler approached the entrance of the den as well, surprised.
"Are you unharmed?" Ingo asked his Lord as he turned to her.
Sneasler moved her head, disgruntled, but made a clicking noise in the affirmative.
Ingo turned to Rei, "And are you okay?"
Rei was a bit shocked, but nodded, "I'm okay..are you?"
Ingo nodded, "Yes, I am..I will have to look over Lady Sneasler for tonight," Ingo explained, "I do not want that Zoroark returning and possibly causing more harm."
Rei's shoulders drooped, and he frowned.
"Gosh, I'm sorry, Ingo..you probably would've been able to take it out if I didn't interfere."
Ingo blinked, facing Rei.
"Rei, do not ever say things like that," Ingo spoke, "what you did was extremely brave and good."
But the Zoroark got away, and now Ingo had to watch over Sneasler all night!
"But it got away.." Rei spoke his thoughts, "and now you have to guard Lady Sneasler all night."
Ingo chuckled, "Well, that Zoroark looked pretty powerful, Rei- although the fidgety type, it seems. Even if I had dealt with it myself, it would have likely escaped anyways."
Ingo put a hand on Rei's shoulder, the young man looking up at the warden.
"You were observant enough to realize the Sneasel was a Zoroark, and you were able to act quickly and smartly enough to stop the Zoroark from hurting anybody." Ingo continued, "You may not have saved the world, but you stopped possible danger, and in a way that I believe only stronger trainers could."
Rei's eyes sparkled, "You..mean that?". Pikachu hopped near Rei's foot, chirping proudly, and Rei glanced at his Pokémon. He smiled.
"Yeah..yeah, you're right! I need to stop underestimating myself!" Rei announced, "I can do good things, even if I'm not sure what path I want to take…"
Ingo smiled, taking his hand off of Rei's shoulder.
"Being unsure about your path is quite normal for younger trainers," Ingo said "and you have lots of time to decide on your track! You are very capable, Rei, and I believe in that capability. In fact, I have something for you."
Ingo went to a place in the cave that had many bags and loose items. Rei was confused, before he saw Ingo pull out a smooth, white instrument.
"No way..you don't actually mean–"
Ingo approached Rei and reached out his hands, offering the flute to the boy.
"Yes, I've decided to gift you a Celestica Flute!" Ingo exclaimed, "Of course, it's not my own, but I had one laying around, and the idea to give it to you came to me. I believe you deserve one, especially after what you just did. You can use it if you ever need to call for help."
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Rei took the flute in his hands, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
"Why don't you give it a play?" Ingo said, "It's alright if you're not that good! It took me a while to get a hang of it as well."
Rei paused, then nodded, mimicking the gestures he'd seen other Celestica Flute players make many times. 
It wasn't the best, but the flute caught Lady Sneasler's attention! She stepped towards Rei, grinning and flicking her feather, making a strange, but friendly noise.
Ingo clapped, "Bravo, Rei, well done! Even Lady Sneasler approves of your performance."
Rei was nervous, but he beamed, "So I really get to have this?"
Ingo nodded, "Of course! Both the Lord and the Warden approve, after all."
Rei took a moment to study the flute, before glancing at Lady Sneasler, the kits, thankfully, undisturbed and unharmed, and then Ingo.
"Wow..thank you, all of you." Rei said, smiling, "I think I learned a thing or so here. I'm really grateful."
"Thank you, Rei! We are also grateful for your aid and company." Ingo replied. Sneasler hissed in a friendly manner, seemingly agreeing.
Rei smiled again, and Ingo tipped his hat, "I'm glad you learned something new." Ingo looked up, readjusting his hat, "Although I still have a bit of work to do, it is getting late. I do appreciate the help, though, you did excellent! I also saw a bit of your training, bravo! But how about you turn in for the night? I will lead you through Wayward Cave. In the meantime.."
Ingo took out a few Pokéballs and tossed them, multiple creatures forming; an Alakazam, Nosepass and Machamp. 
"You three, please watch over Lady Sneasler and her kin while I escort Rei through Wayward Cave."
The Pokémon made noises of contentment and understanding. Ingo nodded and turned to Rei. 
"Let's go."
As Ingo and Rei walked through Wayward Cave, Ingo spoke to Rei
"Perhaps you could make a small habit of visiting Lady Sneasler and I," Ingo suggested, "if that's the case though, you may want to familiarize yourself more with the path of Wayward Cave."
Rei nodded, studying the cave carefully.
Soon, they were at the entrance of the cave. Before Rei left, however, Ingo spoke to Rei
"Rei, before you go, I would like to ask you something."
"Oh? What is it?", Rei asked
"It's a surprise, so I can't give away too much, but what I will say, is that I'd have to talk to a few people about what you told me to get it to happen. They care about you, no doubt, but I don't want to go against your wishes." Ingo explained
Rei was surprised, and thought for a moment. "Hmm..I do love surprises, but who would you need to tell?"
"Commander Cyllene, Lady Zisu and Akari," Ingo replied. "That is all."
Oh, that's not bad at all, Rei thought. Commander Cyllene could be cold, but Rei knew she cared about everyone in the village, and genuinely takes people's feelings into account. Rei wasn't as close to Lady Zisu, but he knew that, even if she looked a bit intimidating, she was a kind and understanding individual. And of course, Akari was pretty much Rei's best friend. He could trust her with basically anything. 
Rei didn't mind this at all. Now he was just wondering what this surprise could be.
"Yeah, that's okay!" Rei confirmed, "Just make sure they don't tell anyone else, okay?"
Ingo nodded as he took a few steps back into the cave, "Of course, Rei. I'll be working on that surprise, so be ready! Stay safe on your way home!"
"Thank you, I will!" Rei responded.
Ingo waved to Rei as he left, Rei waving back. Ingo walked back through Wayward Cave as he returned to Lady Sneasler's seat, deep in thought. 
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
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