#still deciding tail shapes hmmm
rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Raaayy, speaking of Spotify, I found *it* 👀👀, and may I just say it's looking great rn! 😊👌 Also may I just say that I absolutely adore the Fox Bride AU, but I HAVE to know how exactly did Kakashi propose?? Was it the forehead kiss? Was it leaving Naruto in charge of his home? Or did Naruto just go "hmmm this sexy man offers me a nice house and good food? ...He's mine now" 😂
yes! I’m working on it and hopefully it’ll be ready to post on here soon too!
I’m glad you’re liking Fox Bride!
Kakashi’s proposal was a mix of all of the above to be completely honest.
Because Naruto, exhausted and hurt and scared, hadn’t been expecting kindness when he’d first stumbled onto what was obviously some kind of claimed territory.
But he’s wounded and starving and exhausted so he’s ready to take what he can get right now and damn the consequences.  He curls up in the roots of one of the great trees and falls into a fitful sleep, intending to move on when he’s had some rest.
Only he wakes up and just ... doesn’t.
The territory he’s stumbled into is nice and there’s only a handful of scents he can pick up that seem like more than just wild animals or stray spirits passing by or through. And of those there’s only one that stands out as something other, something more.
It’s a rich scent, unlike anything he’s ever smelt before.  The notes of wolf and lunar blooming petals undercut with something sweet like the scent left after a lightning strike and something deliciously salty like blood.
Naruto likes it.
He likes the one it belongs to more.  Likes the way he doesn’t chase Naruto off and away like he’s well within his right to.  Likes the way he slips him larger and larger bits of food as time goes by, inviting Naruto closer and closer.  Likes the way he reads to Naruto and his pack of hellhounds on occasion.
Kakashi is a bit odd, Naruto learns quickly enough.  Odd but kind and strong in a way that makes Naruto’s tails, hidden away as they are, want to sway.
Kakashi is also, Naruto realizes, lonely.  He keeps a territory but has no real Pack.  Has a sprawling house where only he lives, existing in only one or two rooms and out on the engawa that looks out over a pond devoid of koi and a garden left to go wild.
It makes something in Naruto ache. Makes him curl closer to Kakashi at night when they go to sleep, makes him act even more foolish during the day just to make him huff out that soft laugh of his.
So Naruto likes Kakashi.  He doesn’t want him to be lonely anymore.  Naruto wants to make him not be lonely anymore.  Wants to have his own loneliness and hurt washed away by Kakashi in turn.  Wants them to not be lonely together.
Wants to feel those hands running through his fur and then across his skin with intent. Wants husky “good mornings” in his ears and meals eaten together and wants to answer all of the questions Kakashi might have for him and wants to twine his tails around Kakashi and never let go and and and
Naruto wants. Naruto intends to have. 
Because Naruto loves Kakashi and what Naruto loves he keeps.
But then the call comes for Kakashi to go to war, to leave the territory and Naruto behind.
Not that Naruto intends to stay behind of course. Danger or not there’s nothing here for him if Kakashi is gone.  No reason to stay when he could follow.
But then ...
“Take care of the place for me,” Kakashi tells Naruto, leaning down to press an unexpected kiss right between his eyes.  “Hopefully you’ll still be here when I get back.  It’d be nice to have someone to welcome me home again.”
And oh. Oh! This is more than Naruto had ever expected.  At least so soon and without a proper introduction or him even shedding his fur for Kakashi.  But then, perhaps, they’ve gotten to know each other in the ways that truly matter for Kakashi just as they have for Naruto.
Especially if this is his response to being forced away from Naruto for an extended time!
An invitation to stay within Kakashi’s chosen territory with a stated preference and wish for him to remain?  Arequest for Naruto to care for it, to nurture the heart of Kakashi’s home and to be there to welcome Kakashi back into it when he returns?  And then all of that sealed with a kiss?
Such a traditional and well thought out set of wedding vows!
Naruto hadn’t expected them to marry so quickly but he’s not complaining.  Not by far.  It’s almost enough to make him blush beneath his fur.
So, Naruto decides after he’s seen his new husband off to war and has sat at the territory lines until the sun has begun to set and Kakashi has been gone for hours now as tradition demands, that means Naruto has work to do.
Back within the safety of the house Naruto shifts, golden orange fur giving away to tan skin as he stretches his arms up above his head and flairs all nine of his tails out behind him.
If Kakashi wants someone to be here to welcome him home then Naruto is going to make sure he does just that.  And he’s going to do it with style.  He’s going to wrestle this house and this territory into shape and he’s going to do a damn good job of it.
He’s going to make sure his new husband has a home, and a bride, he’ll be proud to return to.
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hi! Saw your post about Sap and Tubbo and I’ve missed their dynamic sm so I wanted to send in a request! How about lee Tubbo and ler Sapnap? Maybe Sapnap wanted to see if Tubbo was just as ticklish as he was back then and uses one of his favorite tactics a bunch, raspberries?
Still the Same summary: sapnap wants to know if tubbo is still as ticklish as before, in his own sapnap way. a/n: sorry for the wait :( low motivation bc of personal stuff happening, but im doing a bit better so i wanted to get this out asap! hope u enjoy :D warnings: swearing, sapnap is Evil (/lh) w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
Everyone always says it’s easier to clear your thoughts from a high altitude. Why is that? No one knows, though no one is going to question it either. It’s always nice to enjoy the breeze from up above.
The only problem is, finding that high altitude and then having to climb up to it.
Tubbo closed his home door behind him, glancing around to find some sort of easy-access place he can sit for a while. As the boy walked around, he was quick to notice the gentle breeze that brushed against his cheeks and over his nose.
He sighed, enjoying the perfect weather present on this day, deciding to start walking down the path to town. As he walked, he chuckled as he recognized the spot he was standing at.
The day he and Sapnap had a playful bicker. It involved Tubbo making fun of the demon for miswording something, and a playful fight lasting afterward. The boy chuckled to himself, then his eyes widening.
Thinking about his old friend reminded him of the hill they used to hang out on. The perfect altitude to sit at, might he add. Now walking with intention, Tubbo smiled at the old memories that were unfolding in his brain.
“Here it is, it feels like it’s been years,” Tubbo spoke softly, arriving at the same hill he and Sapnap used to goof off on ages ago. He smiled contently, plopping down on the grass, and leaned against an oak tree that sat on the hill.
He let his head relax back, enjoying the nice breeze brush through his hair and the convenient shade the oak tree provided for him. The people were right, this is a good place to clear some thoughts up.
Meanwhile, a certain demon was also heading somewhere to relax for the day, wanting a break from all the serious ‘bullshit,’ as he would call it. Sapnap looked up at the tree that rested on his favorite hill and saw a figure under it.
He smiled to himself, recognizing a certain ram hybrid settled underneath the shade of the luscious tree. With a mischievous smirk, Sapnap tip-toed up the hill, avoiding any crinkly leaves or twigs along the way, motivated to startle his old friend.
Oh, how much Sapnap missed being so goofy and carefree. It was honestly a natural instinct to playfully mess with Tubbo, almost like how siblings always try to push each other's buttons. It’s safe to say he saw the boy as a little brother.
“Tubbo!” Sapnap squealed, whipping his head around the tree with a giddy smile. “Sap… Sapnap?! Where did you even come from?!” Tubbo gasped, holding his heart dramatically at the sudden scare.
“From down the hill, you goof.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t, why’re you smiling then?” Sapnap sniggered, earning an eye roll from the ram. “Because you’re annoying, and it’s making me smile because of how annoying you are.”
The demon snorted a laugh. Tubbo really was the sassy boy he always remembered.
The two settled underneath the tree together, just catching up. They really needed it, it was obvious on both sides that they both missed each other dearly.
They missed the playful bickering and fights they’d have over literally nothing, maybe a piece of bread if anything. Tubbo especially missed the warm feeling he got while around Sapnap. Was it the feeling of coziness inside of him, similar to the feeling of home you get when you’re around someone you’re genuinely fond of- or was it just that Sapnap is warm because he’s a literal fire demon? Probably both.
All was content and nice until Sapnap had to bring up a redacted memory, one Tubbo couldn’t think about without a wild blush spreading across his face.
“Hey Tubs, do you remember the tickle fights we used to have? Well, not exactly fights since you never put anything up- Ow!” Sapnap rubbed his shoulder where the boy flicked him, a grumpy but obviously flustered scowl painted on his face.
“Embarrassed, are we? C’mon, it’s not like you’re still that ticklish anymore!”
The embarrassed squeak that left Tubbo really just made all the dignity he had left drain away.
“...Or are you?” Sapnap continued, his curious glance turning into a dark grin. “Hey there- buddy, friend, mate- you d- don’t gotta… gotta do it… actually I think it’s getting late and I should be getting home!” Nervous giggles poured out of the boy, shuffling backward on the grass.
Sapnap just shook his head. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, Tubbo. Not until I get my answer!~”
Oh shit. A surprised squeal left Tubbo as he was wrestled onto the ground, though the boy was strong as well and fought back. “Oh, actually fighting back, are we?~ Now that’s a change!” Sapnap teased, making Tubbo’s body go limp.
‘Teasing makes him go all jelly, got it.’ Sapnap thought with a snicker, looking down at his friend.
“S- Sapnap… dohoHON’T- SAHAPNAP!” Tubbo barked out a laugh, trying to twist on his side away from the prodding fingers on the right side of his ribcage. “Nuh-uh, you aren’t going anywhere, mister!” Sapnap sniggered as he pushed the boy’s hips on the ground, drilling his thumbs into the bones in the process.
A loud shriek left Tubbo, failing to buck Sapnap off of him. He fell limp against the grass, knowing that he wasn’t gonna get out of the predicament anytime soon. Not that he exactly wanted to, though.
“Remember you can tell me to stop whenever you’d like me to, bud.” The demon’s face softened into a more reassuring look, slowing down his tickles. Tubbo nodded, opening his mouth to speak before being interrupted with another screech.
Sapnap’s fingers found the sides of his lower stomach, massaging his fingers into the soft skin. This seemed to be successful, Sapnap found.
“SAP-HEHEHEHAHA- F- FUHuhuck ohohoff!” He continued to squirm, stomping his hooves in the plush grass behind Sapnap. “D’awww, Tubbo!~ That wasn’t very nice, was it? Maybe I should remind you of my favorite tactic?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow, relishing in the immediate anticipatory high-pitched giggles that emitted from the smaller boy.
“Do you remember? I think you do, champ! I think you remember all the nibbles and raspberries I used to give to your cute lil’ tummy- and oh how bad they tickled!~ Are you excited? I think you areeee, I can hear your tail thumping on the grass!”
Note taken; Sapnap was still as evil as before.
“Y- Yohou’re so mehehean!” Tubbo whined, covering his bright red cheeks, his shirt riding up with his arms raising. “Uh oh, Tubbo… Look what I have here! A perfect snack right in front of me!~” The man cooed, dragging his dull claws over the ram’s belly before leaning down and blowing a big raspberry right beneath his belly button.
“SHIHIHIHIT! N- NOHOT THAHAT!” Tubbo shrieked, arching his back up. “Not this? Alright, your wish is my command, champ! Guess I have no choice but to do this instead…” He chuckled slowly before beginning to gently nibble on Tubbo’s lower belly, moving up the side to nibble near his waist.
Fuck Sapnap and his stupid stubble, and his even dumber fangs.
“SAAAAHAP- NONONONOHOHOHO!” Tubbo pleaded, weakly pushing at Sapnap’s head, but the damn thing didn’t budge even a centimeter. “No? Okay!~” He giggled, going back to plant another raspberry over the side of his belly.
Arching his back again, the ram dug his hooves in the grass to try to ease the sensations at least a little bit, but the ticklish stubble dragging around his tummy kept making him go limp. “F- FUHUCK YOHOU- Y- YOHOU’RE SO BAAAHAD!” Tubbo retaliated, yet again trying to twist away but his hips were only pushed back down onto the grass.
“I think you need a little manners lesson, don’tcha think, Tubso?~ N’awww, don’t pout at me, you know I’ll just have to do… this…” Sapnap huffed in a breath, Tubbo squealing in anticipation, but then silence.
Tubbo relaxed his muscles as the raspberry didn’t happen- never mind. It happened.
“FUHUHUCK- PLEEEHEHEHEASE!” Tubbo’s body went completely jelly, the tickling too much for him to fight back anymore. Sapnap looked up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You were so bold a few seconds ago, what happened? Hmmm?~ Cat got your tongue, Tubbo? Let’s fix that.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tubbo's waist so he couldn't buck away from his attack.
Raspberry after raspberry, Tubbo knew he couldn’t handle it anymore. “STOHOHAHAHAP! E- ENOHOUGH!” His voice was squeaky and tickled-out, taking deep breaths as he laid down completely limp on the soft grass.
“You alright there, Tubso?”
“Here, let me help.” Sapnap smiled, but it was softer this time- way different than the evil grins he was giving while tickling the life out of the poor boy. The demon laid the ram across his lap, gently carding his fingers through his plush hair.
“C- can yohou… keep gohoing? But- gehentle this t- tihime?” Tubbo stuttered out, Sapnap audibly cooing at the sweet boy. “Of course, it would be my pleasure- seeing how evil I was earlier.” He jested, earning an exaggerated noise of agreement from Tubbo.
He snickered, tracing his dull claws in random shapes over the boy’s belly, letting them graze up and down his sides and back down to circle around his hips. The affectionate light tickles were making the tickled-out boy sleepy, as he curled up in the warm demon’s lap and softly snored as sleep swept over him.
“Sleep well, bud. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ve missed you, y’know that?”
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binniesthighs · 4 years
can u do an enemy to lovers au with han jisung where they are in a hidden fwb relationship? thank u~ 🥺
I really look some creative liberties with this one HA but the product...hehe, I hope that you enjoy it love! I also kinda accidentally made it a period piece??? Like 50′s-60′s? Idk how this happened but the vibe and the music I was listening to while writing really put me in that mood haha
blue velvet | reader x jisung |
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x han jisung
Genre: smut n’ angst
Tags: stripper!jisung, stripper!reader, bi!jisung, enemies (competitors) to lovers, secret relationship, friends with benefits, explicit language, mentions of alcohol, degrading names, choking, spanking, v mild spit play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you slippity slap it friends), creampie, cum eating, scratching, oral (reader receiving) semi-public sex, hello yes this one is kinda filthy ooooops
Word count: 3.2k
Recommended listening: Blue Velvet by Bobby Vinton
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Fuck. It’s hot in here. Too fucking hot.
Reconnaissance. That’s what you were doing. It was fucking disgusting. Everyone in the room was just as fake as the pleather belts that held their guts in. You had never seen anything more embarrassing in your whole life. Desperation was sweating off the walls and sunk into your skin. It made you feel sick.
You scoffed and took a long sip from your drink.
“One more?” An attentive maître d' asked you--if he could even been called that in a place like this.
You covered your hand over your glass. You refused to pay for any more of that cheap tasting shit.
Next to you a rapt group of men in suits wagged their tails at the view. She wasn’t even very pretty.
Rolling your eyes, you scoped out the rest of the room, adorned in red velvet and gold nearly everywhere. What was this? A high school musical? Even those had more class than this place.
You checked your sliver wristwatch lined by dainty diamonds. You always did like gifts. Too bad rarely anyone would get anything in return.
The girls on the stage twirled around, giving the audience the best view that they could, tiger-prowling to those waving bills in their grabby hands. They were tanned and fashioned into strappy and lacy pieces that looked like they all must have shared them. Pathetic.
“You come here often?”
He swirled some clear looking liquid in his crystal glass, the little string of olives clinking the side.
“Are you speaking to me?”
“No, I’m talking to them.” He head nodded to the same group of greasy businessmen. “I haven’t seen you here before.”
“It’s my first time...and likely my last.”
“Huh. Tough critic.”
He didn’t look like the rest of them. Younger, reeking less of starved attention. He had golden blonde hair, and a silk white shirt unbuttoned far into a deep V. He was toned: the muscles on his arms were visible under the thin fabric and his abs made a show thanks to the abandonment of buttons. He wore dress pants perfectly fitted for his thighs. He was...attractive...but not your type.
“What’s not to like? Beautiful people, drinks to make you forget your mistakes? Not your scene?”
You rested your chin in your palm. “It’s my scene, but not this scene.”
“Suit yourself.” He took another swing, pivoting his body towards you, legs spread wide. “I think I know someone who can change you mind though.”
“In this place? Unlikely.”
“Come on...just stay a little bit longer and they’ll come out. They’re the last act of the night for a reason.” He signaled to the maître d' and whispered something into his ear. “Drinks on me. If you’ll stay?”
“Free drinks?” You put down your empty glass. “I suppose I can’t say no to that.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
It was thirty minutes till closing, and you had stayed much longer than you had liked. After all the drinks you had to pass the time, you were starting to feel a little buzz, but nothing much really phased you these days. You started to wonder if he had been pulling some kind of prank. Nothing you had seen was what he had hyped it up to be.
The lights dimmed behind you, making the room dark enough for the tiny white candles at the tables to provide the only light. Spotlights flashed on from behind you too, illuminating the U shaped stage. With the lights, the music faded into something much more sultry.
The first two girls stepped out, both of them wearing white sets that were nearly identical with sheer robes. Two others stepped out after them, this time wearing red and black. It was the same thing you had been seeing all night.
The spotlight tightened.
It was him.
He was wearing a button down and those same pants, everything seemed so tight on him, accentuating every curve of his body. Strangely, when he walked out, he was greeted with wolf-whistles and hoots. He winked back at his spectators, nearly falling out of their chairs to see him better. It was even stranger considering the audience was filled with men.
He walked around the girls on stage as if he was inspecting them, his eyes eating up every bit of their skin. He confidence was unparalleled. He would run his hands down their sides, digging his fingers into their hips. They circled around him until his body was covered with their hands, teasing the audience, just barely touching around his dick, which with his pants...there was little room for imagination.
Silent moans left his lips once they started undressing him giving him their full attention. The cheers grew even louder. Before long, he was nearly fully undressed swaying to the music. He wore nothing special, just some briefs, like any normal person would. It was...confusing.
He took turns “giving attention” to every girl, looking at them like he worshiped the ground the walked on. They would grind their bodies together, or he would pick them up in his arms, and they would wrap their long legs around him. He would pantomime fucking them from behind, screwing up his face as if he really was. Everyone went crazy for that.
It didn’t last for very long and the lights soon went all the way down, leaving the stage scattered with sweating bodies, panting as if they had just cum, entangling themselves all in eachother.
You were a bit unenthused, but it was different. There was something about him that was different.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Were the drinks enough for you?” His voice called to you just as you were about to leave. This time, he returned wearing the same silk shirt.
“I hope that I didn’t make you pay for too many.” You pouted with faux empathy.
“And the show?” He grinned a little.
“Interesting. Considering a place like this.”
He laughed a little. “I help with...the imagination.”  
“So they pretend that you’re them. I’ll admit, it’s smart.”
“You’d be surprised, somedays I get more male customers compared to most of the girls here.” He bit his lip as if recalling a memory. “They pay well too, pay for whatever they aren’t getting at home. Who am I do deny them that when it’s my job?
“You sleep with them?”
“The ones I like.”
“Sounds exhausting.”
“Can be. In a good way.” He let out a sharp laugh. “So. Did I prove you wrong?”
“Hmmm. I could do better.”
He popped his brows up. “You could?”
He was intriguing. You decided to give him a bite. “I dance at La Rose Rouge.”
“You dance at that overpriced, snotty ass place?” His words turned poisonous.  What’s it like dancing for a guy who’s got a stick so far up his ass--”
“--The price is right, and you get what you pay for there...especially if its me.”
“How am I not surprised?”
“I need to go, I’ve seen all I could here.” You bowed at him a little.
“Wait.” He grabbed at your arm. “I’ve still got one more thing to show you. Follow me.”
 ╚ ——————————————— ╝
Your insides were on fire as he fucked into you. Every time that he thrust into you, he was relentless and unforgiving. He was going so fast you could barely catch your breath. You were bent over some dusty old sofa in an equally dusty dressing room. You would kill him if he left bruises on your hips from how hard he was holding you.
“fuck. shit.” He panted, then reached one of his hands around to rub at your sensitive sex, slick with your excitement.
He was so fucking cocky, but he knew what the hell he was doing. He bent over your back, sucking into your skin, wrapping his arms around you to tweak your nipples. He was wrecking you from the inside out, devouring you like he had never tasted anything like you.
He kicked your legs open even farther. “Fucking moan for me, slut.”
You had barely let him hear more than a few gasps, he didn’t deserve it. You wanted him to moan for you.
“Who are you calling slut?” You said with venom.
You shoved off of him, and he looked devastated. He was cute. He even frowned regretfully like he had done something wrong.
The metal of your rings dug into his neck when you grabbed it, squeezing as hard as you could. Your hot breath snuck into his ear, “No, you fucking moan for me...slut.”
You attacked his lips, tracing the insides of his mouth with your tongue. He moaned right into you and grabbed handfuls of your ass with his two hands. Your teeth bit his lip and pulled. His dick trembled between the two of you and he rutted against your stomach to get some kind of relief.
He took one of his hands to your hair before resting his glossy brown eyes on you. “I’d do anything for you.” His voice quivered. “You ruin me.”
“Get on the floor.” You commanded him, and he did as he was told without a question, laying his bare body on the cold concrete.
The chill of the stone stung your knees, but that didn’t matter, you just wanted to see him unravel. You straddled down onto him, taking him in as you sunk down.
“oh shit,” slipped off your tongue without you having much control over it.
You rolled your core over him, back and forth, circling yourself and bouncing up and down as he rolled his eyes back, licking his lips while you did everything that you wanted. As you bounced he held on to your ass, digging his fingertips in. You had your eyes closed, so you didn’t see it when he rose is hand to slap you hard. It burned beautifully.
“—Jisung? Are you done yet? The rest of us are going out.” A female voice called, and rattled the locked door.
“FUCK OFF.” He groaned, and held onto your ass even tighter.
You let out a unamused tsk. “Jisung? That’s your real name?”
He didn’t say anything, but instead swiftly took you in his arms to lay you down. The chill of the floor startled you into wince, but it felt amazing compared to how hot you were. He entered you immediately again, then slung your legs over his shoulders. His blonde hair appeared to bounce a little with each thrust.
You knew exactly what you were doing when you dragged your nails down his arms, waterfalling pink, perfect, lines. His whole body seized at the sensation, sending him into a fury. He licked his hand from palm to fingers, not breaking your gaze as he used it to rub relentlessly at you.
You were on the edge.  
“Want my cum, you whore?”
You were close as well, and it clouded your senses--you felt yourself slipping into him after holding back for so long.
“ye-yes, I want it.”
He came in seconds, doubling over you when he did, panting like a dog, with you gasping just as hard from your own orgasm. He seemed to shake a little as he came down, nearly suffocating you with his body weight. You jiggled your hips just a little to get a rise out of him. You had guessed correctly, someone like him couldn’t take overstimulation.
“Fuck, wait, wait. I-I can’t take anymore.”
You laughed a little and stopped. “You’re no fun.”
“I thought I literally just proved to you that I’m loads of fun.”
“Mmm, I suppose.”
“You liked it?” He ran his hand through his sweaty roots.
“You made me cum, so...usually I have to fake it.”
You nodded.
“I’m honored.” He grinned a little pridefully.
You reached down to your hole to catch a few drops of his cum on your fingers, stretching it out a little and playing with it. He watched you as you did so, eyes wide. You stood to grab his jaw, sticking your fingers in his mouth which he eagerly sucked.
“Where have you been my whole life?” He looked up at you in wonder.
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that...Jisung.”
He watched you then as you dressed, careful not to forget your gorgeous silver wristwatch.
“I won’t be coming back, so don’t expect that this will happen again.”
“Wait--” He stopped you before you grabbed the door handle. “You didn’t tell me your name--”
“--That’s something you don’t need to know.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Darling, is there anything that I can get you?”
Your manager swept a caring hand to hold you by the small of your back.
“No, thank you though, love.” You shone brightly back to him.
“Just let me know? So far we’ve got a queue for you. Four gentlemen and three ladies. I expect that the tips tonight will be generous...it’s payday.”
You politely nodded. “Of course.”
“Have you been having a hard time with any of the new faces?”
You took a sip of your brandy. “Some of them have some mouth, but I’ll make them dignified. You can trust me.”
“I always do.” He gently kissed your cheek. “Ah, I forgot to mention, one of your customers brought you a gift. It’s in your dressing room; he wants you to wear it for your dance tonight.”
“I do love gifts.”
“Go get ready darling, you haven’t got much more time.”
Once you were in your dressing room, a medium sized white box waited for you on your vanity. There was no labels; no indication that it was from a luxurious brand. You opened it, and the shirt was wrapped in light pink tissue paper. It was too short to be a robe, but it was silk and white with buttons that looked more decorative rather than useful. You figured it must have been your customer’s: many of them got off to you wearing their clothes. It wasn’t your usual style, but you knew how to make anything work.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“And for our last act of the night: the wonderful, the illustrious...”
You walked out to the silent stage: meant only for you, the stage lights yellow, shrouding you in their brilliance. Your chest was bare, save for the silky shirt falling off your shoulders. They were cheering for you, throwing paper bills at you and calling your name, but you couldn’t hear them at all. You had never felt so whole in your life since being on the stage. It seemed like the rest of your days were just spent chasing some kind of feeling that merely resembled that.
Barefoot, you pranced along the stage, twirling like a ballerina even, letting the shirt billow up just so they could see your perky bottom. With all of their eyes on you, you felt like an absolute vision--like an ethereal being, desired, but impossibly attainable.
The jazz song played on by the live players, a muted trumpet and violins accompanied you. Your eyes swept across the blue velvet curtains of the booths, to every man and woman looking at you in awe. You let the shirt slip just a bit farther, revealing your back, winking. You never had to show them much. It was your charisma that they thirsted for--and that they could only get a small taste of.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Darlin’ you’re a catch, an absolute catch.” Your manager snuck up behind you taking your makeup off to hand you the ridiculously fat stack of bills. “You keep us afloat baby, you know that I can’t thank you enough.” He bowed.
“Stop flattering me.” You remarked with a smirk. “I know.”
Your manager left, then the curtain to your room screeched again. He slowly stepped into the light, applauding slightly.
“He’s right you know? Even I can’t get enough of you.”
It was him, cocky smile, swept blonde hair and all.
“You again? I’m surprised that you even made it in here at all. Considering who you are.”
“What? The competition? You didn’t tell them about me, did you?”
You patted some serums into your face. “Better leave soon before they rid you of that handsome face of yours.”
“You saying that I’m handsome?” He snarked.
“What are you doing here anyway?”
“Seeing you, I thought I made that clear? Isn’t that what you were doing when you came to my club?”
“Like what you saw?”
“I stand corrected.” He let up, advancing towards you at your vanity. “And you look just as stunning in my shirt as I thought you would.”
“Your...this is yours? How the hell did you mange that?”
“I have my ways.”
“I suppose you want it back then.”
“No...you can keep it...if you promise me one thing.”
“And what would that be?”
He reached out for your hands, which you tentatively took. He swept you up, pulling you into his chest with eyes dipped in lust.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He spoke onto your lips with heated breath.
You would’ve been lying if you had said his lips didn’t look appetizing.
“One more time.”
“Bold of you to assume that I’d want to fuck you again.”
“You haven’t been thinking of it too? My hands on your body...”He caressed your body down, “My lips on yours?” He pulled you in by the chin to carefully part your lips with his. “My dick filling you up?” He pulled you in closer to feel his pulsating dick. “You don’t think about it?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“That you want me. All you have to do is say it and I’m yours.”
“You’re looking to get killed if they know you’ve touched me.”
“I’d happily die for you.”
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that...Jisung.”
His lips fell to your neck where he pressed slow kisses onto it. “Just say it...”
The cool of his saliva on your skin met the air, tingling. You couldn’t believe you found yourself considering...
“I know you want to...”
“This won’t be a common occurrence.” You got out, suppressing your moans.
“Is that a yes?”
“And we’ll see about that.” He slyly grinned, meeting your lips once again.
He swept you up, and your legs naturally wrapped around him. He carried you out of the dressing room to the main hall, pulling you both into the nearest booth, drawing the blue velvet curtains behind him. His eyes devoured you, casting aside his silk shirt that loosely clung to you. You threw your weight onto the table, opening your legs for him, inviting him. He chuckled a little at the action.
“I can imagine you must’ve been thinking of this as well then.” He kissed down your stomach, removing what underwear you were barely wearing. He kissed and sucked at the skin in your inner thighs, kindling your excitement. Spit gathered on his tongue, which he let drip down to your sex which glistened for him.
Your core begged for that feeling once again, that feeling only he could give you: the one that made you feel alive, like you weren’t just chasing some impossibility.
He lapped at you slowly with his tongue, awakening your whole body.
“I fucking want you.”
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vintagedolan · 3 years
hiraeth: initial concept
*this is a concept train!! in short, that means you all send in asks and tell me what you wanna see! so feel free to send me in whatever you want to see happen (it would be awesome if you guys send them kinda in order of plot like not jumping way ahead or anything if you know what I mean hehe. anyways, hope you enjoy, and here is my askbox for concepts!! love yah!*
1: The Valley Isle
“What makes Hawaiian shaved ice Hawaiian? Isn’t it just ice and syrup?”
“Well, every morning we go out and collect water from the waterfall in our backyard, and then we freeze it into ice cubes shaped like the islands, and then we shave each one special into our various menu sizes.”
“No. Your total is $5.47.”
Koa looked up from the syrup station, reaching over and smacking Kahua’s arm.
“Dude. Do you want to get fired?” She kept her voice low so it didn’t travel past the window.
He just laughed and grabbed the banana syrup, finishing off the mound of ice and sticking a spoon in the side before passing it out the window to the woman who’d asked the question. 
“Yes. My master plan is to get in trouble, blame it on you, get it put on your permanent record so you lose all your future jobs and have to stay here with me forever.” 
“You act like you aren’t going to also be in LA in literally three months.”
“And you act like you aren’t leaving me here on this rock, alone, for three months,” Kahua countered, turning to switch out the withering ice block from the machine. 
Koa looked out over the rainbow of syrups, taking in the view.
Her and Kahua had been calling Maui a rock for years - since third grade, to be precise. She didn’t say it often, and especially not to any tourists who were coming to visit. To them, Maui was paradise. Tropical, perfect weather, perfect beaches. Koa could see it. She understood the allure. But when she thought of her paradise, it came in the shape of a bustling city, of opportunities and new faces and places. 
Kahua called it the haole’s dream. The white girl’s dream. Didn’t matter how many times he complained about being on the same island his whole life, he never really wanted to leave it. The fact that Koa wanted to was seen as borderline criminal by half her ohana, but she pushed their comments and insults aside.
There were only two opinions that she really cared about anyways. 
First was Nahele; her older brother. She didn’t have to ask him what he thought - he’d moved to Texas as soon as he could, started up a food truck in Austin, named it 808 GRINDZ and brought every hawaiian cooking method he knew along with him. He’d been making a life for himself ever since then, and he was ecstatic when Koa told him she was moving. The thought of having family on the mainland, even halfway across the country, was comforting enough.
But the most important one? That was Amosa. 
Amosa, who called her when he knew she’d be walking to her car after she clocked out.
“Hi Dad.”
“Kaikamahine, my girl. How was your shift?”
“Busy, but it was fine. They gave me a card for a free small everyday that you can have, but you gotta get the sugar free syrup when you use it.”
“Yeah yeah,” he laughed. Even over the phone, Koa could hear the waves in the background, and she knew where he was before he said it. “Come to the dock.”
“Did you book another tour?” She couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice.
“Come to the dock,” he said, his quiet way of saying no. “I’ll see you soon. Aloha wau iā 'oe.”
“Love you too.”
The drive to the boat dock was short, and the parking lot was busy as ever. Koa passed the bigger boats, with their names in fancy script screen printed on the side. Their buoys and extra snorkel gear, the bars nestled in the middle of the deck, an extra incentive for the tourists to book with them. Everyone loves a mai tai after all.
The Honu Nai sat at her spot on the dock, the farthest to the left. She had three years on any other snorkel boat out there. Her bow was worn, paint sanded off by the salt and sun over time and travel through the waves. But the little drawing of the smiling turtle still shone through on the side, despite the fact that Koa had painted it almost 10 years ago. 
Over the edge, Koa could see her father. He was cleaning, like usual, organizing all of the extra gear that he had on the boat. The kids section was scarce again, all the smaller sized wetsuits, snorkels and fins barely taking up a rack. Koa knew why - if there was ever a kid on his snorkel tour who couldn’t afford their own gear, he’d ‘lend’ it to them. Every kid deserves to see the underwater world, he would say. It changes you, shows you what life is really about.
Koa had been in the ocean since before she could walk. If she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, she was one of two places; either diving under a wave somewhere, or writing in her notebook. Or, one of her notebooks at least. 
“No book today?” He asked when she jumped aboard.
“Already packed them up.”
Amosa couldn’t think about the suitcases in her room without the tears starting to form. He blinked them away and looked out to the sea of blue. 
“Did you pack your snorkel gear?”
“Dad. You know I’m not going to see shit in the ocean in California,” she sighed, moving over to him and putting an arm around him. 
“I know, I know. They have sea lions I’ve heard. Maybe they’ll be friendly.”
“I’ve heard they stink.” She laid her head on his shoulder gently, closing her eyes when he kissed her head.
“Well. We have 5 hours until you have to get to the airport, and I say that’s just enough time for one more run, hmmm?”
Koa didn’t want to. She couldn’t think of many things worse than having salt all over her skin for a 6 hour plane ride. But the excitement in his eyes was irresistible, so she simply nodded and offered him a smile, letting go so he could get them on their way out to the reef. 
She sat on the bow as they headed out to sea, closed her eyes and soaked in the spray off the waves. Her dad laughed when they hit a particularly big one, cutting through the crest so much that it splashed up onto the deck. He used to do it on purpose when she was a little girl just to hear her giggle and have her running back to him. 
They made it to their favorite place quickly, and Koa didn’t hesitate to put her mask on and get to work. She took the line and dove over the side, tying it to the anchor hook under the water before coming back up. Amosa dropped the ladder for her on the back, but she didn’t need it. She was watching the reef. 
Moorish Idols. That’s what she wanted to see. They were second only to green sea turtles - honu in Hawaiian. But they were the most beautiful fish, with their delicate top fin that tapered off to a tail. She was always excited to find one and show the kids on tours. All she had to say was look for Gill from Finding Nemo and they were able to spot them. She floated for a while, watching the fish dart around, even spotting a small reef shark about 15 yards to the right before she decided to climb back in to see her dad. 
He passed her a towel and smiled at her as she sat down. All he could do was look at her for a moment, taking her in. His baby girl, on the boat she’d practically grown up in for the last time in a while.
He put on his brave face, and forced his biggest smile. “You ready to go out there?”
Koa sighed. 
“I don’t know how to tell.” 
“You’ll do great. You’re capable, and it won’t be long until you’re writing your own books instead of writing for these… whatever boys.”
“Dolan. Their names are Ethan and Grayson Dolan.” 
“Well, like I said. Soon it’ll be your stories out there instead of someone else’s, with your name instead of theirs.” He said it with such certainty that she couldn’t help but believe him. Maybe it was the salt water left over in her eyes, or the glare of the sun off the ocean, but she began to tear up. 
“Thanks for always supporting me dad. It means the world. I’m sorry I have to go so far away, I wish I could stay.” It was true - she just needed the money from the Dolan’s to get herself started, and then she’d come back, help her father.
Amosa smiled. 
“Kaikamahine, it’s just an ocean between us.” He reached out for her cheek. “And we know the ocean, don’t we.”
“She’s an old friend,” Koa said, her heart tight in her chest. 
“Exactly. Now c’mon, let’s get you home and on your way.”
Across the ocean and 3 hour time change, Grayson Dolan was pacing. 
“It’s gonna be fine.” Ethan said.
“Shut the fuck up Ethan,” Grayson said. 
That was the extent of most of their conversations over the last three days. Actually, that’s how all of them had been since Ethan had signed a deal with their agent for a ghostwritten book about their lives.
“It’ll get more people connected to us, the right people-”
“Has it ever fucking occurred to you that I’m tired of that shit? That I’m tired of people prying into my fucking life? What if I don’t wanna connect with anyone else, what if I just wanna be left the fuck alone? But no, now we’re gonna have some fucking stranger asking us a million fucking questions and digging for information in my own fucking house where I just wanna exist.”
Ethan didn’t have an answer for that. He’d fucked up, and he knew it. But he also knew that he signed a contract, and there was no backing out of it now. Grayson rubbed his hand over his eyes.
“When does the writer get here?”
“She flies in tonight.”
“Fucking fantasic. Can’t wait.” 
With that, Grayson walked back to his room, leaving his twin alone in the living room with his hands in his pockets.
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themurphyzone · 4 years
PatB Oneshot: Every Rose Has Thorns and Petals
Summary: Brain’s plan is simple: create a Valentine card with a message that the world should adore him as their new ruler. But he needs extra help in coming up with a catchy message to rein in the consumers for the outer cover. And who better to help than the expert of all things amour?
AN: I decided to see if I could write a good Suavo. Enjoy! Warning for terribly cheesy flirting. I don’t typically write this genre XD
This borrows from the HC that Pinky can still do the Suavo persona.
Written for Valentine's Day/Suavo Sunday. I regret everything.
AO3 Link
At last, a new plan came to fruition! With Valentine’s Day looming upon them with its chocolate-coated fangs and sickly sweet aroma, people would be flocking to grocery stores everywhere to purchase giant teddy bears they could barely carry around and heart-shaped boxes of gourmet chocolate. But most lucrative of all, they would buy Valentine cards with the most obnoxious lovestruck messages that were far cheesier than Pinky’s cheesecake.
Everything clicked into place. The slightly larger than average dimensions of a Valentine’s card. Various red and pink hues for the envelopes. Colorful images with hearts, roses, and Pinky on the front cover (for Pinky met all of the scientific criteria that triggered one’s protective instincts). And on the inside, an image of Brain standing on the world in royal regalia with a message declaring that all the world shall adore him as their new leader.
But there was a single, glaring flaw to his otherwise brilliant plan.
He could not come up with a ridiculous phrase for the outside cover. It had to be eye-catching, humorous, or corny enough to grab a customer’s attention. He stared at the smiling picture of Pinky for several minutes, then gave in.
Pinky was the expert in all things ridiculous after all.
“Life is the road I wanna keep going! Love is a river and I wanna keep going ooonnnn!” Pinky sang along to his playlist, leading a Barbie doll in a tender waltz.
And it was best to interrupt before Pinky’s playlist reached My Heart Will Go On. That sappy 90s love ballad was on there. He was not striking the King of the World pose until he was actually king of the world, but that assertion hadn’t gotten through Pinky’s cotton-stuffed head yet.
Brain grabbed the prototype card and pencil, marching up to the windowsill where Pinky and Barbie danced under the evening sky. The sun lowered, the moon rose, and the first twinkling stars poked out, signifying the beginning of another night.
The phone was propped against a wall, and Brain smacked the image of Anastasia and Dmitri dancing to stop the song as he passed by. Pinky continued to hum, dipping Barbie low enough that her blonde hair touched the windowsill. His eyes were half-lidded, tail swishing to an invisible beat. Though there was no music, his rhythm was steady and his feet never missed a step.
It was mesmerizing. Pinky danced with all the grace of a professional ballerina.
He pricked his finger on a sharp point of the prototype card, and the poke brought Brain back to reality. Right. No distractions.
“Hiya, Brain! Zort!”
Dear Archimedes there were otherworldly blue eyes right in front of his face.  
Startled, Brain leapt back and swung his pencil defensively. There was a muffled narf as the eraser end went into Pinky’s mouth. Once the initial shock passed, Pinky giggled and nibbled on the eraser, several rubbery shavings poking out between his teeth.  
Brain took a deep breath, trying to calm his too-fast heartbeat.
“Quit slobbering on my erasers, Pinky,” Brain snapped. He removed his pencil from Pinky’s mouth, wrinkling his nose at the saliva-coated eraser. He tossed it aside, and the pencil skittered across the counter and onto the floor.
“But they taste so good!” Pinky licked his lips. “Especially with a pinch of dryer lint. That way you get fluff and chewiness in one single fantastic bite!”
Sometimes he truly worried for the state of Pinky’s digestive tract. For now, it was best to change the topic entirely. “As much as I’d love to debate the intricacies of your exotic cuisine, I require some of your eccentric expertise for my latest plan,” Brain said, setting the prototype card on the counter.
Pinky’s tail and ears perked up. A predictable reaction, but reliable all the same.
While Pinky put Barbie away, Brain retrieved a new pencil. There were few writing utensils that weren’t chewed up by a bored employee or Pinky for fun, and it wouldn’t be long before Brain would have to acquire more.
“I gotta help Brain now, Barbie. Thanks for sharing a dance with me! Those ballroom dance classes are really paying off!” Pinky chirped, waving to the inanimate Barbie, who now sat in a pink plastic convertible next to a shirtless Ken doll. He peeked inside the card and clasped his hands together, holding them against his cheek dreamily. “Awww, Brain! This is gonna be so romantic!”
“The very atmosphere I intend to create with these mass-produced cards, Pinky,” Brain replied. “However, while I have all the elements of your typical Valentine card alongside an additional message that will aid us in our conquest, I haven’t worked out one essential component yet.”
He closed the card and tapped the empty speech bubble next to Pinky’s image.
Pinky tilted his head. “You haven’t figured out how to make single people buy your cards yet?”
Drat. He hadn’t considered those outliers.
“Then we’ll just have to infiltrate the postal service,” Brain said, mentally congratulating himself on correcting that error quickly. “But before we implement the plan, I need a Valentine phrase for this speech bubble. A saying that will entice the average infatuated consumer and hook them into purchasing my cards alone. And since you lean heavily toward the sentimental and saccharine…well, this is where I require your assistance.”
“The sentimental and the saccharine?” Pinky echoed. “I don’t think I’ve heard of that soap opera, Brain. What channel is it on?”
Brain opened his notebook and found an empty page, poised to jot down Pinky’s suggestions. “The real life channel. Don’t be concerned about missing it, Pinky. It’s on 24/7 all year long. But I digress. The sooner I find a phrase, the sooner we’ll have the world!”
Pinky tapped his foot in thought, the tip of his tongue poking out like he truly believed protruding tongues had the power to magically grant ideas. For all Brain knew, Pinky probably believed that.
Then Pinky snapped his fingers. “I got it! How ‘bout ‘be mine, valentine’?”
“Too cliché,” Brain muttered. A million Valentine cards would already have similar phrasing. They didn’t have time to seize control of a greeting card factory. “Not unique enough.”
Although the valentine bit wasn’t particularly directed toward him, his grip on the pencil slackened, the tip leaving a graphite smudge along the margins. He quickly turned the pencil around and erased it, hoping Pinky didn’t catch onto his brief moment of inattention.  
Fortunately, Pinky didn’t notice. “Alrighty then. Hmmm…you’re the sour cream to my cheese-slathered potato?”
“…I’ll save it for a last resort.”
Well, he asked for unique. But sour cream didn’t particularly invoke strong Valentine feelings. Idioms that involved sweet foods with enough sugar to induce diabetes in an elephant would be better, and he made a quick note to the side.
“I turtle-y adore you?” Pinky suggested, his blue eyes sparkling accordingly.
Brain felt a light blush settling over his cheeks, and he rubbed his fur to rid himself of the mortifying feeling. “Doesn’t match your picture. And no animal puns unless they involve mice.”
Pinky rubbed his chin, not one to be easily deterred. “There’s gotta be some good ones on the Internet.”
“Don’t trouble yourself, Pinky,” Brain sighed. He sat cross-legged on the counter, massaging his forehead to intercept any headaches before they began. “Figured we should’ve gone with the photobooth plan. It’s your fault for influencing my subconscious with your caterwauling over The Princess Bride’s movie adaptation.”
“Troz! I’ll have you know Princess Buttercup and Westley have great chemistry!” Pinky pouted.
Brain rolled his eyes. “Please. They’re about as compatible as two noble gases.”
Pinky went quiet after that. Whether he’d gone off into the imaginary world of talking cheeses or taken unusually great offense on the lead couple’s behalf, Brain wasn’t sure. But the silence obliged, and Brain took the opportunity to ponder their next course of action.
Take a risk and use one of Pinky’s earlier suggestions? Scrap the plan entirely and pull one from storage? Seek a second opinion?  
Then Pinky gasped, his tail pointing high in the air like an inverted exclamation point.
“Brain, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” Pinky asked, gripping Brain’s shoulders in excitement.
Brain leaned back, supporting himself on the palms of his hands. “We break out the Feldman disguises and ask Mr. Sultana for his opinion on what a hypothetical Valentine card should say?”
“I’m sure he’s got a bunch of good ones, but that’s not it,” Pinky said. “Actually, I oughta slip into something more…in-character. I’ll be right back!”
Pinky skipped away, humming as he went over to his dress-up box in the corner of their cage. He pulled a divider around himself so that all Brain could see was a shadowy silhouette rummaging through clothing and accessories.
Brain continued to ponder, though no feasible ideas were coming to him. He closed his eyes, shutting out all visual forms of distraction. He listened to Pinky dressing in the cage, but it was more white noise than a true hindrance.
Five minutes later, he still had nothing. But there was something…different.
A tantalizing scent. Not overly sharp, though just light enough that he couldn’t identify it with confidence. And he wanted to know more.
It wasn’t fruit or soap. Nor was it vanilla, like the scented candles Pinky loved so much.
Something smooth snaked its way under his nose, brushing the fur above his lips. The scent was closer now. His nose twitched.
Startled by the force of his sudden sneeze, Brain’s eyes flew open. He rubbed his nose to wipe off the lingering sensation, staring down at Pinky’s long tail, which sat unassumingly in his lap. The tip was wrapped around the stem of a small red rose.
The tail lifted, rubbing against the fur under Brain’s chin. Brain felt his cheeks heat up again, and he quickly batted the offending appendage away.
“Pinky, you’re not helping my state of-“ Brain began, ready to launch into a verbal tirade on how he needed to think and if Pinky wasn’t going to help then he could make like a mitotic cell and split…and then he saw a very familiar, perhaps all too-familiar, lavender tuxedo with an overstuffed dark purple…something underneath.
He couldn’t tell if it was a shirt, vest, or pincushion. A gold button glinted in the middle of Pinky’s chest.
Gulping, Brain knew the mysterious article of clothing was the least of his concerns. He forced himself to look up, gaze raking past the slender neck and toward half-lidded, coy blue eyes. A sophisticated mustache poked out from each side of Pinky’s muzzle. And he was genteel, charismatic…
Pinky’s ability to play a character to perfection never ceased to astound him. He still remembered? Brain had long destroyed the Personalitron and its blueprints, deeming them unnecessary and cumbersome.
“Pardonnez-moi, you with the giant head and marshmallow body are seeking the passionate advice of I, the great Pinky…Suavvvo-“ he drawled every syllable with that odd French accent, r’s rolling off his tongue like smooth butter “-for your…ah, Saint Valentine card, no?”  
Fu—choose your words wisely—I mean, dear name of a historical contributor to the scientific or mathematical field who I can’t identify properly at this time.
“I fail to see how playing dress-up is going to help with this conundrum, Pinky Suavo.” Brain stood up and crossed his arms. He wasn’t about to let the Suavo persona sway him. He was the Brain, and he bowed to no one.
Exert control over the situation. Yes. That’s what he needed.
Suavo plucked the rose from his tail between two practiced fingers, inhaling its scent deeply. Where did he even get that rose from? The lab wasn’t growing flora for any reason, nor did any scientist have the green thumb to care for anything so fragile.
“Oh, but love is always…how did you say, a conundrum, is it not?” he purred, and Brain scowled. But Suavo was unperturbed. “One may pluck the petals from a pretty flower and ask if one loves or loves not, yet how will one know if they ask the flower and not the lover? Oh, I do not know.”
His voice dipped into a lower, softer register, and a strange sensation traveled up Brain’s spine. Though the riddle seemed directed at him, he wasn’t in the mood to unravel any cryptic meanings.
Just like before, Suavo’s magnetism was…hypnotizing. Like he had no choice but to do what Pinky Suavo said. And wasn’t that ironic? He, the Brain, as the hapless follower instead of the commanding leader.
Suavo appeared oblivious to Brain’s internal dilemma. He simply set the rose back into his tail and twirled one curled end of the mustache around his finger, humming a dreamy, sentimental song to himself. He was waiting on Brain in the most irritating fashion possible.
But if he wanted this plan to work, he’d just have to tolerate Pinky’s attempt at resolving his predicament.
“Pinky Suavo,” Brain sighed, forcing all his pride back. Suavo turned to him, his eyes still in that odd half-lidded position. “Is that overstuffed pincushion actually giving you ideas for the card?”
“Of course, mon ami.” Suavo slicked his ears and fur tuft back with a smooth, graceful stroke of his hand. “For it is he, who is I, who is the connoisseur of…ammooooouuuur.”
Brain grabbed his notepad and pencil, his stomach doing odd backflips like butterflies had somehow burrowed their way into his flesh and laid eggs there. He was not paying attention to Suavo’s hand movements. No, the eye was just naturally drawn to movement. That’s how it worked.
Besides, he was looking at the same being who once managed to get all his fingers and tail tangled up in a complicated cat’s cradle.
Suavo clicked his tongue, deftly plucking the items out of Brain’s grip. “No, no, you silly mouse. You cannot experience amour through pen and paper alone. You must feel it, see it, hear it. For it is everywhere and anywhere you search…if only you would use those big ears of yours.”
Brain gritted his teeth and jumped for his supplies, but Suavo simply held them out of reach with one long arm. All Brain could manage was a tiny hop. It wasn’t getting him anywhere.
So he took a deep breath and forced himself to relax.
“I’m listening, Pinky Suavo,” Brain said, hoping he sounded at least a little cordial. “I believe the colloquial is, I’m all ears?”
A pleased smile flitted across Suavo’s face, his arm lowering.
Then Brain threw himself forward, digging his hands and feet into Suavo’s clothing and hauling himself towards the notepad and pencil. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard to grip. Suavo stumbled a bit, but he refused to yield. Brain grabbed a fabric fold on Suavo’s right shoulder. He was so close-
-and a red nose pushed into his own. Warm, mint-scented breath tickled the fur on his face.
“You know, it is more, ah, polite to take a mouse to dinner before you begin climbing him, is it not?” Suavo crooned.
Brain’s ears flopped against his back, a warm sensation sweeping through his body. His clammy paws lost their grip on Suavo’s clothing, and he would’ve fallen entirely if Suavo’s free arm hadn’t wrapped around his waist and secured him with a strong yet gentle grip.
In hindsight, perhaps his attempt at reclaiming his belongings was ill-thought out.
Perhaps it was for the best that the arm was covered by fabric, but at the same time, some irrational thought of wanting Pinky’s fur against his own wormed its way into his mind.  
Suavo set the notepad and pen down with care, dipping Brain in the process. Brain clutched the fabric tightly, but it was unnecessary. Suavo’s embrace was strong enough to prevent him from landing on his head. Then Suavo straightened up, once again plucking the rose from his tail and holding it next to Brain.  
“Oh, now this is…magnifique,” Suavo murmured, his eyes darting from the rose to Brain’s face. Though Brain tried to maintain eye contact to make his displeasure known, his resolve was quickly crumbling away. Surely it was the close proximity, the thumb stroking his fur, that was picking apart all rational thought and leaving some hormone-driven creature behind?
“What?” Brain asked, and he inwardly cringed. His voice wasn’t working properly. He’d meant to sound more demanding than that pathetic excuse of a question.
“Your eyes, mon ami, are just a few shades lighter this rose,” Suavo said. Brain stared at him in disbelief. Comparing eyes to flowers, or worse, gemstones, was just ridiculous.
And your comparison of Pinky’s aesthetically pleasing eyes to the wild blue yonder above isn’t?
Brain ignored the contemptuous voice. That was completely different. The sky was neither a flower nor a gemstone, and therefore it wasn’t off-limits. Besides, it was a thought for him and him alone. It’s not like anyone else was going to hear it.
“You are but a deer mouse in the headlights. Yet there is no need to hide under a thorny layer,” Suavo hummed, tilting his head curiously. Deliberately. How strange. Even the slightest movement was mesmerizing. His fingers traveled up the flower stem, until his hand rested underneath the petals, supporting the tiny rose in the palm of his hand. “A rosebush may scratch and prick, yet the great Pinky Suavo cannot be swayed. For there’s a pretty bloom hidden in the darkness, and he is who moi shall…shall…NARF!”
Shocked by the return of the nonsensical exclamation, Brain lost his hold on Pinky Suavo’s clothing. He fell onto the counter surface with a pained groan. The hard material wasn’t doing wonders for the bends in his tail.
Something fluttered against his nose, causing Brain to sneeze again. He removed the offending object, and found himself staring down at the rose he’d been teased with. If he ignored the heavy-handed rose imagery Suavo kept spouting, it was rather adequate for a specimen.
“Narf! Zort! Poit! Egad!” Pinky laughed uncontrollably between his usual tics, uttering them at such a fast rate that they started to blend together like a tongue twister. “Ooh, I haven’t—troz! Haven’t said narf in a long time! But it’s poit—it’s okay cause you needed my help!”
Brain sighed and pushed himself to a standing position, then placed the rose on his notepad so Pinky could reclaim it later.
Now that he thought about it, Pinky hadn’t said any of his favorite syllables in his Suavo persona. Of course, they’d been replaced by stupid love poetry and gratuitous French, but the narfs and poits and zorts were rather refreshing.
Odd. He never thought he’d actually miss Pinky’s…unique diction.
“Pinky, were you actively suppressing your usual speech patterns in your strange form of assistance?” Brain asked. He couldn’t help his curiosity.
“Zort! Oh Brain, I’m not nearly as good as suppressing things like you are!” Pinky’s chortles continued as Brain grabbed his wrist and led him straight to the water bottle in their cage. “Besides—narf! Besides, I had to stay in character!”
“Remind me to never have you play a villain for any future plans revolving around cinema,” Brain grumbled.
Pinky’s tail happily flicked against Brain’s own. Though the imbecile was just swishing it around mindlessly, the brief physical contact suddenly brought back that very odd, warm sensation.
Curse this heightened sensitivity! It’s only a principle of thermodynamics and heat transfer!  
“Brain, are you okay? Poit,” Pinky asked as Brain made him sit down in front of the water bottle. “You’re all woozy and whirlywindy. And white and red all over like a newspaper!”
“I’m f-fine,” Brain said. He was absolutely not relying on Pinky for balance. “Just drink, Pinky. And take off those silly clothes when you’re done.”
Pinky stared, not comprehending anything Brain said, but that was normal for him. Then he started to laugh, and only then did Brain realize he needed to watch his word choice, especially around a certain someone, because of course his fluff-filled mind would misconstrue it.
“Not like that!” Brain spat.
Pinky tipped onto his back, legs kicking upwards as his high-pitched laughter continued to assault Brain’s ears.
For the sake of his own sanity, he left Pinky to his own devices and stormed over to the nearest sink. He pushed on the tap for cold water until he’d created his own miniature waterfall, then hopped right in. He welcomed the cascade over his body.
As long as it pushed his homeostasis in the opposite direction, he was fine with resembling a drowned rat for now.
The plan failed before it ever took off. Brain had been so distracted that he’d failed to notice the lab was completely out of colored ink, rendering the copy machines completely useless.
He’d gone with the ‘you’re the sour cream to my potatoes’ message for the front cover, formatting it into the speech bubble in an elegant cursive font. Though it wasn’t conventional by any means, he simply considered it again since no other suggestions were forthcoming.
But at the same time, part of him wasn’t keen on allowing the masses to lay eyes on the Valentine card.
It seemed special. Unexplainably so.
“Brain?” Pinky called. His verbal tics had long gone back to their normal frequency. “Aren’t we taking over the world tonight?”
Brain shook his head, relieved that he finally had control over his body again. “Not tonight, Pinky. I’m afraid I’ve been prematurely thwarted by the lack of inventory in this lab.”
“Oh, you don’t have to be afraid, Brain,” Pinky said. Gone were Suavo’s clothing and mustache, and Pinky’s lean, muscular arms were on full display as he folded them across his chest. “I’ll protect you from Tory.”
It was an unnecessary gesture, but Brain couldn’t help but be touched by the admission all the same. Brain made a show of carefully placing the card into storage, just so he could distract himself momentarily.  
When he finished his task, he found Pinky holding an elegant paper rose, crafted meticulously with purple tissue paper. A light blush settled over Brain’s cheeks as he accepted the gift from Pinky, whose blue eyes shone brightly as Brain ran his fingers over the soft petals.
“Thank you, Pinky,” Brain said gratefully, and he resisted the urge to rush off immediately and place the paper rose with his globe keychain, another gift from his dearest friend.
“You’re welcome!” Pinky smiled, and Brain’s heart beat faster. Then Pinky’s gaze flicked to the TV screen, and Brain figured he was about to be roped into watching a cheesy love story unfold. “Brain, can we watch Beauty and the Beast please? With those special Valentine M&M’s and chocolate-coated popcorn? I saw a whole bunch in the kitchen! Narf!”  
Well…he could’ve suggested worse. At least this one was tolerable.
And it’s been a while since they’d watched a movie together.  
“Get everything set up, Pinky,” Brain ordered. “I’ll join you when I’m finished with my own tasks.”
Pinky saluted and scampered into the kitchen, grabbing the rose he’d held in his Suavo persona along the way. He sang at the top of his lungs, though he’d forgotten most of the actual words and replaced them with a series of narfs and portmanteaus. Once Pinky was sufficiently distracted, Brain moved his notepad and pen over to the TV, then laid the paper rose over it.
He heard the crinkle of a bag followed by the sound of M&M’s being poured into a bowl. Pinky would be back any minute.
Brain knocked his head against the side of a wall.
Calm yourself. Pinky believes pebbles are precious gifts. You’ll be fine. Probably.
Slowly, he approached the drawer where he’d kept his hidden present. Sifting through several sheets of paper covered with complex formulas he’d deliberately placed in there to ward off Pinky, he found the sunflower pen he’d carefully hidden towards the back.
It wasn’t exactly…traditional for a Valentine’s gift. Simple blue ink with a green body and tipped with a bright yellow sunflower.
But it was bright. And colorful. Like Pinky.
More importantly, it was practical.
Brain’s ears twitched, and he heard the whirring of the VCR as Pinky popped in the movie. Brain debated leaving the pen and presenting it after the movie, but he didn’t want to procrastinate either. Otherwise it would be impossible to enjoy their activity.
Well, he could just drop it in Pinky’s lap. And snatch up some popcorn so his actions wouldn’t be too conspicuous. He climbed out of the drawer, holding the pen behind his back.
A preview for The Little Mermaid began to play. Pinky was enraptured by the animated marine animals. He seemed so happy.
Maybe he should reconsider. Valentine items would be discounted next week. He could just hold off and give a belated…what was he thinking? Valentine’s was just another day to turn profit!
The paper rose was sitting right there. No…Valentine’s meant something to Pinky. Like Christmas.
“Goody, you’re back, Brain!” Pinky cheered, stuffing two pink M&M’s into his mouth. The large bowl beside him was overflowing with chocolate. “It’s not raining inside, but I love your parasol! Where’d you buy it?”
A parasol?
He glanced up at the sunflower. Oh. So there was a resemblance to a parasol, he supposed. If one viewed it at a certain angle, that is.
“It’s a pen. Not a parasol. Take it,” Brain said, holding out the sunflower pen.
Pinky didn’t take it.
Instead, he made a joyful noise and crushed Brain with a flying embrace. Brain dropped the pen in surprise as Pinky’s entire body curled around him, feet off the ground. Brain had to support all his weight, Pinky’s warm fur brushing against his own.
“I love it! Loveitloveitloveit! Thanks, Brain!” Pinky squealed, happy tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“You’re welcome, Pinky,” Brain murmured as Pinky nuzzled his cheek. “Now get off. I require my lungs. And heart. And my digestive system.”
Pinky didn’t get off until the Disney fanfare to herald the beginning of the movie began to play. Then he quieted down immediately, rolling the sunflower pen so that it rested across his lap.
“…happy Valentine’s Day,” Brain whispered, nibbling on a red M&M.
Pinky smiled back, teeth flecked with bits of chocolate. He shushed Brain, not wanting him to interrupt the opening narration.
As the enchanted rose appeared onscreen, Brain stroked the soft tissue paper of Pinky’s beautiful creation. Then he set it aside and reached for some popcorn.
His world was here. And there was nothing more he wanted.
Fun fact: the original name for this fic was going to be Suavo Valentino, but the current title was a last minute change cause somehow I just wrote a lot about roses.
Another change: The Princess Bride bit was originally a dig at High School Musical and how Disney Channel has bad romance in general, but since that was mid 2000s I changed it so this story could reasonably fit in the 90s.
Suavo’s lines...were interesting. I couldn’t stop laughing at how dumb some of them were though.
Brain’s got it bad here. Save him.
Are the roses corny? Yes. Do I care? Not really. Maybe. Possibly.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 8: Handy
words: 2218
There was only one more thing hawks wanted to do at the moment, get your talon back, he was smart to keep one of his feathers on the guy he smacked against the door. Hearing the conversation on how he keeps his little “trophies” in front of the people he “interrogated”.
“I was so worried when I heard the news that Nighthawks somehow found a way to break in.” His wife said, “And to hear you were actually hurt.”
“I'm fine, nothing to worry about.” He said
“But dad, you have a large bump on your head.” His kid said
“Nothing time and some ice won’t heal.” he said “thanks for dinner honey.”
He gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into his workroom and taking out your talon from a glass box before putting it back in and then going to the other trophies this man had collected, what a sicko. Three days had passed and it was about time Hawks got it back for you, then man was getting too comfy thinking that he was in the clear, sure Hawks moved quickly but he also knew when to wait for the right time to strike.
Hawks waited and waited till he saw all the lights go off in the house, all except for the office, Hawks feather finally floated out from under the guy's coat as he were none the wise and he didn’t even notice it undoing the window lock and slowly lifting it up, the man was so immersed in whatever he was writing down he didn't even notice hawks climbing in through the window with one of his primary feathers shaped out, hawks ave him a second and nope, man this guy instincts were awful, or Hawks was just that good at hiding his presents.
So it was really easy for hawks to over his mouth with his gloved hands and have his primary feather against the man throat only then did he notice
“Hi, guys.” Hawks said “How are you doing this fine night? Well, I guess you can't really talk, right now, now you are probably wondering why I am here, the answer is very very simple, even the score.”
Hawks had two of his feather an inch away from the guy's eyes
“Now look unless you want to go blind you will stay quiet and answer my questions okay.”
The guy just nodded and hawks uncovered his mouth
“Please, don't kill me, I was just doing my job.” He said
“Is that how you justify your actions, there is a lot to unpack there, now where did you put her talon?”
“On the second-highest shelf, third to the left.” He said as hawks used his feathers to lift it off and put it in his coat pocket “That's all you wanted right.”
“Hmm well, one more question, which hand did you hold to pilers to pull it out.” Hawks said, “And I don't know isn’t an answer.”
“I used, my left hand to hold them,” he said
“Good now place your left hand on your desk.” Hawks said
“Why are you planning to do it?”
“Just a taste of your own medicine.” Hawks said, “Look if you won’t put it down, maybe your wife would offer hers up.”
“What?” The man said
“Tell you what I'll let you decide, your wife's left hand, or yours.” Hawks said and the man was now sweating buckets
“I need my hands to provide for my family.” He said, “I can't lose them.”
“You know that was a rhetorical question, at least I don't feel as bad doing this.” Hawks said slicing the man's hand clean off, it took him a moment to process it seeing the numb he now had for a left hand and started screaming out in pain, Hawks saw him topple over to the floor before picking up the hand and leaving, he tossed it over his shoulder over who knows where, he sure was glad he locked the office door before he went, wouldn't want that kid of his seeing the blood sprayed all over the place.
Still, now he had one more place to go for the night, meeting up with his broker, someone who would do anything for you as long as you had the money w. Giran, the man who was not interested in anyone's plans, Hawks respected that part about him, not being tied down by just one person, the same man where he got his current gear. Hawks landed on the fire escape and walked down and into Girans' place.
“Well well if it isn't my favorite feathered friend.” He said taking in a long inhale of smoke “You got blood on your cheek.”
“Ah, it's not mine.” Hawks said, “Anyway I have a request for you.”
“Haha why else would you come and see me.” he said, taking out a pack of cigarettes “Want one.”
“I'm good.” Hawks said
“You're loose.” He said, “now you said you needed something different than usual, and I'm assuming it has to do with that woman you got from HPSC?”
“It does, they took out one of her talons, so I need a proteic so she will be able to wear it and use it again.” Hawks said removing the talon and placing it on the table
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Giran asked, “The root of the tail is intact so no way is she growing that back, also interesting this isn't regular Keratin.”
“I asked you to make it usable again, not analyze it.” Hawks said
“I know a guy, What will probably happen is he will put it in a fingerless glove that wraps around her wrist, a few never receptors and when she flexes her finger then this one will pop out.” Giran explained, “Still I'm surprised you went to him for help, whatever happened to you being a lone bird.”
“Can't just leave someone out to dry.” Hawks said taking out a wad of cash “And I only went to them on a one-time deal, they have their plan I have mine.”
“Hey, it lets me make money.” He said “Come back tomorrow ill have it ready for you. One more thing, they are planning something big tomorrow so watch the news.”
“I will.” Hawks said, “Oh one more thing, do you have any medical books laying around.”
“I'm sure I can come up with something, but why do you ask?”
“A housewarming gift.” Hawks said, “make sure they are interesting, none of that fluffy shit the gritter the better.”
“...noted,” Giran said, looking a bit perplexed at his request. With that said hawks left attaching his wings and head out back to his hideout to see you lunging in his twin-sized mattress reading a magazine he had laying around
“Hey I'm back.” he said as you put your hand up and waved at him “So, how are you doing?’
“Still healing, did you finish those errands?”
“Sure did.” Hawks said “I still need to grab some grub. Do you want anything?’
“Anything will do.” you said flipping the page “Also when I saw you had a magazine that said chick weekly I wasn't expecting it to have a bunch of baby bird photos.”
“Hey, we all have our hobbies.” Hawks said take the magazine out of your hand  "And be careful this is my only copy.”
“Why do they even make magazines like this?” you asked
“Same reason there are millions of magazines for heroes, money.” Hawks said
“Do you have some weird bird fetish?” you deadpanned
“NO!” HAwks said, “where would you even get that idea!”
“That was a joke.” you said “Got pretty defensive there.”
“Find something else to read here.” Hawks said tossing you a flyer about the HPSC “You are smart enough to know that having information on your enemy is key to defeating them.”
“I already read this.” you said,” Still the fact it says we strive for a healthy relationship between the public and heros' makes me wanna barf.”
“Tell me about it.” Hawks said scratching his head “You are only allowed to your quirk for good, and the only way to use your quirk to work under them in some way, so they must be good like they haven't been brainwashing kids.”
“My dad never let me watch those PSAs about them or any advertisements that had heroes,” you said
“Well, your dad is a smart man.” Hawks said, “I mean that as soon as a kid turns 15 they can go through life-threatening training so they can work under them, and that's what they expect of them.”
“Then there is the fact that your worth is based on how powerful your quirk is.” you said getting up and walking over “and if you don't have a strong quirk you are seen as worthless.”
“Haha, we could go all night saying how horrible they are.” HAwks said giving you two quick taps on the head before stepping out “I’ll be back with some grub.”
“Okay I'll stay here,” you said and waved him off, maybe there was a more personal reason why Hawks hated them, still if he wasn't going to tell you then that was his right, still you thought at least now you wouldn't be bored, but being cooped up in a small room, wasn't exactly who you thought life on the run with a dangerous villain would be.
When Hawks came back with the food you happily indulge in as he smacked the top of an old tv, to get a signal.
“There has been an attempted break-in at U.A, the alarm system went off but there no report of suspense activity-” The reporter was saying before a scruffy looking teacher pushed the camera out of the way
“Go home.”
“Hey you can't just touch property like that, hey what are-” and it was cut off
“Gross.” Hawks said, “You know I can’t Believe they have schools for this.”
“Seems a bit excessive.” you said “you know before heroes came into view it was just the cops, can you imagine if people viewed cops and law enforcement the way they view heroes now,” you said
“I can.” Hawks said spreading his wings out “I don't like them having kids fresh out of MIddle school do training.”
“Well technically they choose this school, but on the other hand it has been installed in them to be a hero from a young age, you have seen all the toys marketed towards them, HPSC is more like a moneymaker, is that why you hate them?”
“Part of the reason, yeah.” Hawks said stealing a bite from your plate “Another part is personal, and I'm assuming it's personal for you as well.”
You looked down at your thumb and sighed “It is now, however, there is another part but it's long been forgotten to me.”
“Aww come on you can tell me.” Hawks said
“Hmmm.” you tapped your chin “well I guess there is no harm in telling you, but my mother was actually a hero but died soon after I was born.”
“Huh like during birth?” Hawks asked, you shook your head
“No, you see she had been out of commission for a while, with the whole baby thing, they were against her having me in the first place, but my mom wanted a family, so they had me and they wanted my mom to make this big come back, but she was hasn't been active for so long she died in the long of duty.”
“I can't begin to imagine the pain of knowing that.” Hawks said
“Well I never knew her, and my dad did everything he could to make me happy growing up, he explained it to me in middle school.”
“Well, you know anything about her?” Hawks asked
“My dad showed me a photo and said I'm the spitting image of her, and i got her quirk but mixed with my dads,” you said
“What's your dads' quirk?”
“Oh he is able to eject a tungsten-like material from his wrist.” you said, “my moms' talons couldn't retreat back in like mine and could chip easier.”
“Wait a second...you are the daughter of the clawed hero?” Hawks said
“That was her code name, why do you ask?” you said
“Oh, I've done research on all the past heroes who died in the line of duty.” Hawks said, “Most of the time it's, they died for the greater good, or they gave their lives for others.”
“That's adding insult to injury to their families.” You said, “Hawks, have you ever killed a hero?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call them heroes, have I killed people who got their hero listens, yes.” Hawks said, “Caught them doing something illegal, when I brought it up they said I was the villain and they were going to capture me.”
“So what exactly is your end goal here?” you asked as you finished up your meal
“To end the HPSC and their crooked practices, like abducting people and ripping their nails off.” Hawks said, “They have a firm grip on the narrative of everything, I'll get it done.” “Well can't wait to see it, it should be interesting,” you said
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Summary: An intruder enters the territory of Chan and his pack, attacking people and causing havoc. Seemingly by chance he saves a victim that turns out to be his mate, but as fate would have it, he happens to be a wolf at the time. How will he protect her, come clean, and claim his mate?
Word count: 8.2k
Content warnings: slightly dark themes, a werewolf serial killer who is a vindictive asshole, impregnation kink, marking, minor descriptions of violence, sort of stalking, sort of possessive behavior. Some cursing.
Music: Come Out by Lenise Morales and War of Hearts by Ruelle
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“Come on, boy,” she said, patting her leg and holding out the leash. “Let’s go on a walk before it gets too late.” Chan hopped up off his round dog bed near the couch, wagging his tail as he came to her. He sat patiently, turning his head to let her reach the leather collar she had put on his neck. Jesus, his pack mates would be in hysterics if they saw him like this, he thought to himself. But he could have endured the embarrassment for her.
How had he ended up like this? Really, it was a mix of destiny and bad luck on  both of their parts. He honestly never thought he would meet his mate when he was in his wolf form and hurt on top of it. Fights weren’t something he got into that often and something he avoided when he could, but that night three months ago he had caught that piece of shit lone wolf stalking her.
Why the loner had picked her, he had no idea, but Chan had to be grateful in some ways. How long would it have been before he ran across her if not for that? Jesus, what if he had gotten there too late? He didn’t want to think about it.
That night he had been sent to track the interloper that had been causing havoc in their territory. He was the first of the pack to actually find him, which must have been luck since Minho was generally the best tracker and Changbin a close second. They had taken the two days before and barely missed catching him at the no-tell motel he had been staying at and at some restaurant where he had mauled some poor woman heading home after her shift. Changbin had been furious with himself for not tracking him fast enough and had been the one to find her bloodied and crying near the back door of the restaurant. He had shifted back to human and called 911, telling them he had been passing by when he heard her crying, a plausible enough story not to raise any suspicion. Besides as far as anyone involved knew, it was a rabid dog attack… a massive rabid dog.
Tracking was exhausting work and got shared amongst all the members of the pack. The third night had been his job and he had taken a neighborhood near the one he had been stalking, suspecting he had moved his hunting grounds but not that far. His hunch had been right, but it was pure luck that he had come across the scent of the intruder as he patrolled, just hoping to catch some hint, some clue.
That whiff had pulled him down an alley and into the strip mall parking lot of the craft store. For the life of him, he could not figure out why on earth he would pick this sort of place. The parking lot was half empty since most of the stores were already closed… except the big hobby shop. The sodium orange lights of the parking lot had flickered and buzzed, bothering his sensitive senses and it must have done the same for the lone wolf… so why on earth would he choose to hunt here.
Chan had spotted him, in human form, leaning casually on a planter half a dozen meters from the entrance to the store taking a drag on a hand rolled cigarette. He had let out an involuntary huffing sneeze, hating the smell as it drifted to him. That had given him away. Even if he hadn’t been able to sense that he was a fellow werewolf, no dog would have been wandering around alone in a parking lot here, like this, at this hour.
“I’m surprised you found me, rover,” the loner had chuckled, self-satisfied and amused. “I would have let you guys be, but you couldn’t just let me hunt a little.” Chan had growled as he watched him stand up, letting the shadows and flickering lights obscure his face as he pulled himself into a standing position. He had moved fast, charging at Chan and drawing a knife just before he got within an arm's length of him. Chan dodged but not fast enough, and the knife caught him in the ribs, grazing over a couple of them before he could dig his teeth into the man’s arm.
“Fuck,” the man yelled, punching Chan in the jaw to force him to let go. Stars sparkled in his vision and pain sliced through him as the knife slid along his collarbone and upper leg. He had gotten one last swipe in before retreating, leaving Chan bloodied and limping.
A safe place to shift was what he had needed, there surely would have been someplace nearby, a little alcove or alley between a couple of the shops, but before he could get very far, she had stepped out of the store, locking up and leaving for the night.  Chan froze. He had been slinking away, slowly trying to get out of view, but was still very clearly in view when she had stepped out. His pain had blinded him to other sensations at first, but even before she turned and saw him, it hit him like a freight train.
Mine the sensation said with a ferocity he had never felt before. Why he had to find his mate like this, he had no idea. He wasn’t particularly unlucky. He didn’t spend tons of time as a wolf either. His pack was pretty chill and was pretty careful to stay below the radar. Their territory was safe and they were known for not being overly territorial, letting people pass through without a problem so long as they left and didn’t make problems. So how he ran across her while he was shifted and injured was just stupidly bad luck.
She had gasped when she finally turned around and saw him, but who wouldn’t when they turned around to see a massive dog behind them limping and bleeding. A moment’s fear had shot through her at the sight until Chan had whimpered, flattening himself on the pavement to look as unthreatening as possible.
“Hey puppy,” she said softly, putting out her hand for him to sniff as she leaned down, slowly coming closer. “Can I take a look at you?”
Yes please, he thought, rolling gently onto his uninjured side.
“What on earth happened to you… boy?” She asked, catching sight of his belly. “I don’t suppose you are going to make this easy on me and would just get in my car if I brought it around?” She sighed and patted his head. Rubbing his head into her hand, he rolled back over and pulled himself up to stand again. “Maybe you can just come with me, hmmm?” Standing up, she started to move towards her car, keeping an eye on him as he slowly limped behind her. She opened the back door to her car and patted the seat, inviting him to hop in, which he did quite happily. “Well at least that was easy.” She observed, closing the door behind him as he laid down on the back seat. “Now we just have to go spend my whole paycheck at the emergency vets.”
Sorry, he said to her in his head. I’ll pay you back when I can. Pain pulsed through him as the city lights swished over him in the back seat. The emergency vet clinic was only a half an hour away but that was way longer than he would have ever wanted to have to lay bleeding in the backseat of a car. In fact, he really was sure he could have gone his whole damn life without knowing what that felt like.
He was tough, he was the alpha of the group, though he didn’t enforce a hard hierarchy like some did. They were more family than anything else. They looked out for each other, did their part, contributed in any way that they could. It worked well for them and everyone was pretty happy with the arrangement. It was just his job to be the final voice when decisions needed to be made or to speak for the group when dealing with outsiders.
“Can you get up, pup?” She asked when she opened the door in the parking lot of the vet’s office. Chan nodded, though it probably didn’t look like it, what with being a dog and all, and stood up on slightly shaky limbs. Thank god they were close, he thought to himself as he stepped out the door and onto the pavement.
“I need some help please,” she said as they stepped through the automatic sliding door of the clinic.
“Oh my god,” the woman behind the counter said when she caught sight of him, picking up the phone on the desk and hitting a couple of buttons. “Doctor West we need you in reception now please, and bring whoever is back there to help.” She hung up the phone and dashed out from behind the desk. “What on earth happened?”
“I don’t know,” she said looking down at Chan as she kept a hand on his head. “I was just coming out of work and found him like this in the parking lot. Maybe he got cut getting out of a yard or went through a window or something?”
The receptionist had shrugged, it seemed like as good an explanation as any. They had taken him back, stitched him up and scanned him for an ID chip, which, shocker, he didn’t have. With no one else seemingly accountable for him, she had decided to take him home, saying she would try and find his owners. For now, she would pay for the vet bills and she just had to hope whoever owned him would pay her back. Though honestly, given the shape he was in, she wasn’t holding out hope there was someone, or at least someone responsible.
That was how he had ended up here and stuck in his canine form way more than he was used to. The one upside was that he was with her. She had spent a couple of weeks hanging up posters with his picture, but eventually just decided to adopt him herself, leaving him in the weirdest bind he could imagine.
The first few days he had stayed just because everything hurt too much to do anything else. I’ll change back soon, he told himself, I just need the stitches to heal a little first. Then one evening when she came home he could smell him and cigarettes on her and his heart had clenched. The loner had been there for her? For his mate? At that moment, that realization he had a feeling he never would have thought possible. Thank god I was the one that got stabbed. That had settled it. He had to be there, he had to stay and protect her, at least until the intruder was caught.
Not long after that he had shifted when she was off at work, finally getting in touch with his pack. After the understandable chewing out he let Jisung give him since he had basically disappeared without a word for DAYS, he explained what had happened and told him to pick someone to shadow her while she was out or at work. Jisung agreed, letting out a low whistle at the story and the news that he had found his mate. Chan left the details to him and the others, still not feeling even 50% if he had to be honest. He trusted them and for now, he was stuck.
Now it had been three months and the loner was still on the loose and still in their territory. They had no idea why and he had only attacked one person since that night. Now and again, when she came home from work, he would smell him on her, and still other times, he would catch the smell of the loner when they walked through the neighborhood. But it was never enough, never that fresh, and he had no idea how he was flitting around so close yet so far.
Jisung had the brilliant idea of getting one of them hired to work with her at the craft store. Chan had to admit, it had been a good idea, it kept someone close, but it probably wouldn’t have been the solution he would have wanted. Smelling Changbin on her every night when she came home from work rankled him an unbelievable amount, despite the fact that he knew nothing was happening with them. But between smelling his pack mate and the loner on her, and being unable to do anything with her aside from pretending to be her pet was going to drive him mad.
How on earth was he supposed to tell her who he really was? Buck also couldn’t just disappear. And yes, she had named him after the dog in Call of the Wild which was both adorable and painful. She was attached to him...just the wrong him. He needed to come clean but, aside from breaking to her that werewolves existed at all, something that would most likely freak her out, saying, surprise (!) you know that dog you’ve been letting sleep in your bed and changing in front of… well, he’s actually a guy. Because, you know, that would go over really well.
So that was how he ended up on the end of her leash, heading out for a walk. If he didn’t have to do this as a dog and have to make a show of going to the bathroom on these walks, he would be far happier. It was nice being out with her, he just wanted to be able to do it as a person, maybe holding her hand, though he might have tolerated a collar and leash if she really liked it for some reason.
Chan walked ahead of her, scenting the air as they made their evening loop of the neighborhood. All seemed well and normal for the most part, at least for the first half of the walk. But as they made the turn that would head them back towards home the scent of the loner drifted across their path. Chan stopped, causing her to bump into him and make a little sound of surprise as she accidentally stepped on one of his back feet.
“What’s the matter, Buck?” She asked, looking in the direction he was looking. “Did you see something?” Unsurprisingly, he didn’t answer and, after pausing for a few seconds, she moved past him, trying to snap him into moving again. Chan stepped in front of her, preventing her from going as he tried to place where the scent was coming from. “Come on, boy, I want to go home.”
I know, he said mentally, willing for her to understand him. Trust me, me too. Suddenly he saw it, the shape of another of his kind skulking on the other side of a cinder block wall. It’s dark chestnut fur moved slightly in the breeze as the animal stayed stock still. In a split second, it dashed back behind the wall and Chan gave chase. He pulled his leash out of her hand, sending a mental apology to her, and immediately gave chase. He couldn’t let this just keep going on. She called out his name, well the name she had given him, as he disappeared behind the wall, giving chase.
Quick as a flash, he saw the tail disappear around the back of the house on the other side of the block wall. He skidded around the corner, keeping the scent trail of the intruder under his nose. The chase led him through alleys and back yards as they ran and dodged. Finally he saw him disappear over a high fence and Chan lept after him, feeling like he was finally gaining on him.
When he landed he heard a snap and knew immediately that he had made a mistake. A sharp pain shot through his front leg. It had all been a plan, been a trap to get him here, to get him trapped… and to leave her alone. He had never really felt as stupid as he did right now. He finally gathered the will to look down at his leg to see it clasped in a leg hold trap, cut and bleeding, but thankfully not broken, probably by sheer luck. He couldn’t run like this and he had to get back to her.
With a gulp, he changed back, needing the dexterity of human hands to get out of the contraption. It pinched harder, stinging his nerves as his leg turned into an arm, thickening in the vice like grip. It took him a moment to stop seeing stars and then another to figure out how to press down the sides of the trap to open it. When he was finally free, he looked around. He had to get out but running around naked and bleeding was a great way to get the cops called on him.
Making his way to the edge of the neighboring yard, he looked over the wall to see laundry hanging on a line outside. He hopped over the wall and took a t-shirt and some pants, promising to try to remember to bring them back when he could. Once he was dressed, he ran. He ran towards where he had left her; ran like his life depended on it. Ran because hers probably did. His feet barely touched the ground as he rushed back to where he had left her.
Suddenly he heard a scream rend the air and he felt his whole body go cold. So stupid, he berated himself as he willed his body to move faster. Turning the corner a couple of blocks from where he had left her alone, he saw her… and him. The loner had cornered her against a fence in the front yard of some house, a hand around her throat and a knife pressed against her ribs. Without a second thought, Chan rushed forward with a guttural growl. The loner heard him and turned. Momentarily distracted from her, he didn’t notice when she jerked herself down, loosening his grip enough on her neck to fall in the direction opposite the knife he held on her. With his attention torn between two people now, Chan had the upper hand and wrestled him away from her.
“Run,” Chan commanded her as he tackled the loner to the ground. They rolled and grappled like gladiators, vying for dominance, both ignoring her. Something that turned out to be a mistake on the part of the loner. Just as he rolled on top, pinning Chan by gripping his injured arm, she rushed toward them, picking up the dropped knife and driving it into his back. The loner let out a rage filled scream and rolled away from them both as he changed back into his wolf form. Running away as quickly as he could manage and disappearing into the neighborhood.
“Are you okay,” Chan asked, getting up and grasping her upper arms. Her face was a mask of shock, eyes wide and not really seeing anything. “Look at me. Tell me that you are okay.”
“I have to find my dog,” she said, her eyes flashing around them, yet she didn’t pull away. “I think he tried to chase that thing away. He ran off and I need to make sure he’s okay… he was already hurt and…”
“I’m okay,” Chan said to her, giving her a little shake to get her attention. “I’m Buck. You found me in a parking lot and saved me. It’s me.” Her eyes snapped to his face and she went white. “I was following him that night, trying to figure why he was here. That’s how I got hurt, but that’s how I found you.”
“You were looking for me, too?” She shrank back, her eyes searching for something in his face.
“No, but,” Chan sighed. He needed to come clean but this wasn’t the place. Not in the open, not in someone else’s yard. “Let’s go home. Please. Can we talk there?”
“Home?” She asked, looking at him suspiciously.
“Your home,” he corrected. “Just, let me explain. Give me a chance.”
She looked down at the arms that were holding her, finally noticing his cut arm. “You’re hurt.”
“It’s not that bad,” he let go of her arms, trying to hide his injury a little.
“Let me take care of it,” she offered timidly. “Then we can talk.” Chan let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. With a nod he led them both back to the house, keeping a gentle hand on her wrist as they walked. He needed the assurance that she was there, that she was safe.
She followed, letting him take the lead, slightly unsettled by how well he knew the way to her house. Part of her still didn’t believe him. But then again, she had just seen a man change into a dog or… wolf maybe, and she couldn’t explain that. She had never seen him before and yet he knew her dog, he knew where she lived, he had saved her. She wasn’t 100% sure, but something told her to trust him.
When they got to her house, she let them in and Chan pulled her inside, locking the door behind them before tucking her behind him as he scanned the room and tested the air inside the house for anything amiss. When he was satisfied that it was safe, he stepped further into the living room and headed towards the bathroom to care for his arm. He really knows where everything is, she thought as she watched him head there without hesitation. Stepping up to the sink he started running warm water, dipping his arm under the spigot to rinse it. He hissed as the water hit the wound, a tingling pain shooting outwards from it.
“Here,” she stepped up beside him, dampening her hands and lathering them so she could gently wash his wound. Chan sucked in a breath between his teeth at the sting. “Sorry,” she said softly.
“No, it’s okay,” he assured her. “I appreciate you helping me. I owe you my life twice over now.”
“Seems like both times it was because of me anyway so…” she didn’t meet his eyes, focusing on what her hands were doing.
“It’s not your fault,” Chan soothed. “We should have gotten him out of here long ago. He just… he keeps slipping away.”
“So what are you?” She asked as she patted his skin dry with a towel. 
“Werewolf,” he replied softly. “But I won’t hurt you.”
She nodded and pulled some gauze and tape out of the cabinet behind her. Kneeling down in front of him as he sat on the toilet, she spread some anti-infection cream over one of the wounds before putting gauze over it and taping it down. She did the same with the other side, then wrapped both with a sports wrap to keep it secure on his arm.
“What’s your name?” She asked, finally looking up at him.
“Chan,” he replied gently, reaching out to cup her cheek. “My name is Chan.”
“That fits better than Buck,” she gave him a nervous smile and laugh.
“God I love hearing my name on your lips,” he admitted. He leaned forward hesitantly, giving her a chance to pull away, taking her lips with a gentle firmness. She tasted like heaven, even better than he had dreamed those nights when he lay beside her in bed pretending to be her pet.
What am I doing, she asked herself, feeling a fuzzy, intoxication filling her brain as his lips pressed against hers. His tongue darted out against her bottom lip, begging her to open to him. Why did he taste so good, she wondered as she shivered under his touch. He was hardly the first guy she had kissed but he felt different and she didn’t understand it. She didn’t know him at all, despite the fact he seemed to have been living in her house for months.
“Love, I… I need,” Chan pulled back and stepped away from her. “We need to talk.”
“Sorry,” she leaned back, not meeting his eyes, wiping her lips to try and erase the distracting sensations.
“No, don’t apologize,” he soothed, reaching out to her. “I just need—” he broke off. “I need you to understand.”
“What do I need to understand?” she asked him, frustration coursing through her.
“You’re mine,” he said, taking her face in his hands. “I knew it the moment I saw you that you were supposed to be mine. I protect what’s mine. But I need you to choose me. I can wait. I can send someone else to stay here and protect you. Just… I need it to be your choice because once I have you. I’m not letting you go.”
She should have been afraid, she should have made him leave and run as far as she could as fast as she could. But something in her trusted him. No that wasn’t strong enough. Something said he was right, they were a part of each other.
“Okay,” she nodded as much as she could, still restricted by his hands on her face.
“What?” He asked, his eyes searching hers, trying to divine what she was saying.
“I understand,” Her hands came up to loosely grip his wrists, guiding his hands down from her face. She leaned forward, bringing her lips to his.
“Wait,” Chan took a step back, having to use all his willpower to do so. “You’re sure?” She nodded and his will broke. It had taken so much of him to pull away, to do the right thing. He hadn’t expected her to accept him and what he was. With a desperate hunger, he smashed his lips into hers as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom. He already knew the place well enough he didn’t have to take his lips from hers as he took them both to her room. He tossed her onto the bed and crawled in over her, pressing her into the mattress with his body. He was pure muscle as he pressed himself against her, she could feel it even through the odd mismatched clothing he was still wearing.
“Chan,” she breathed when he shifted to kiss along her cheek.
“Say it again,” he groaned, grinding himself against her. “Say my name.”
“Chan,” her hand tangled in his hair, holding him close. He pulled back, only long enough to strip off the shirt and to slip the borrowed jeans off his hips. He covered her still clothed body with his, drawing her arms around his neck. She moaned underneath him, parting her thighs to let him settle between them.
“I think I’m a little overdressed,” she pointed out.
“I can fix that,” he grinned, rolling them both over. With hurried hands he pulled off her shirt and unhooked her bra before sliding it off her arms and tossing it across the room. His pupils widened as he took in her bare breasts. They looked soft and inviting and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching out to cup them. She giggled and covered his hands with hers. Sliding backwards off him, she unfastened her jeans and stepped out of them.
“God, you’re beautiful,” Chan propped himself up on his elbows and took all of her in with his gaze. Her hands lifted to cover herself and he sat up, grabbing her wrists to stop her. “Don’t hide…” he blushed slightly as he admitted it, “You’re so beautiful.” He pulled her down to straddle him, running his hand over her waist and thighs.
She leaned down, bringing her lips to his as his hands wandered over her body. He had thought about this moment for months. Being so near her and having her not notice him, not see him had been killing him. So close, yet so far. Every night when she changed for bed, he had done his best not to stare as she stripped and put on her pajamas, only peeking a few times. Everytime she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled into his fur as she went to sleep. He had wanted to change, to confess, to throw himself on her.
Now he had her holding him as his human hands wandered over her soft curves and it was even better than he had dreamed. She smelled like heaven. Like the forest in summer and fields of wildflowers. He wanted to take her in every way possible. Kissing along the side of her neck, he buried his face in her shoulder, pressing her body against his tightly. He wanted to taste her, to feel her flesh in his mouth, to see if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.
He knew why. It wasn’t that he wanted to eat her. The bite would mark her as his to any other wolf that might cross her path. It would meld them together according to their customs and the rules of the pack. The mark would claim her as his alone and give her the protection of the pack.
Breathing deeply, he fought the urge. He needed to do this right. I’m not an animal, he reminded himself, rolling over and moving them both to the center of the bed. Her pleasure had to come first.
“Close your eyes,” he commanded softly. “I just want you to feel me.” She looked into his eyes for a second before nodding and closing her eyes as she laid on the bed beside him. Kissing her lips, he tasted her with a slow and lazy sense of leisure, reminding them both they had all night. He licked and nibbled at her lower lip, letting out an involuntary whine as he asked her to open to him. She parted her lips and let him in, still allowing him to set the pace, to guide her. His tongue thrust into her mouth with a hungry confidence. He devoured her like a sweet dessert, enjoying her taste with a slow deliberation. As he did, one hand played lightly over her chest and collarbone. His touch was as light a feather, teasing her with the contrast of sensations.
Leaving her lips, he slid himself down her body, dragging his lips and tongue over her neck to the center of her chest. He could hear her heart beating under her delicate rib cage, fluttering like a wounded bird. The sound stirred the animal inside him. Was she afraid? Her scent tickled his nose telling him that she was mostly aroused but underneath it was a faint sliver of fear. It wasn’t a fear of him, or at least not a real fear of him. It was the type of fear that makes a rollercoaster fun or that tickles your stomach when you stand near the precipice of a mountain and take in the wonder of the view. That frisson of a potential danger that was entirely unlikely, but not impossible. Looking up her body, he saw her bite her lip in anticipation of… something, of him.
He slid between her legs and moved lower on her body. He kissed and nipped at the flesh of her belly; so soft and vulnerable. The wolf in him loved that she trusted his teeth there. His wolf could have ripped that flesh with such ease and the fact that she trusted him like this made pleasure rippled through him. Moving lower, he settled himself between her thighs, lifting her legs to rest on his shoulders.
“Can I taste you?” He asked, nuzzling against her inner thigh.
“Yes,” she nodded, squeezing her eyes tightly as her hands fisted around the blanket beneath her.
“Show me what you like,” he instructed, licking a line up the slit of her body. “Let me know how to please you.” She nodded, her hands fidgeting with anticipation. “Baby girl, you can look at me now.”
Opening her eyes, she looked down the line of her body to see his hungry eyes fixed on her. Chan’s hand reached up to take hers as he held her hips down with the other, keeping eye contact as he made a testing thrust of his tongue into her. She gasped and squeezed his hand. Satisfaction settled in his chest and he threw himself into pleasing her as he read her body. He licked and nipped and sucked at her until she came apart underneath him with a strangled cry. She was beautiful and he had never felt as powerful as he did in that moment.
He needed to take her, to fill her with his seed until he was sure she would bare his child. An image of her, round with child, floated through his mind. Yes, the wolf inside him growled, take her. Chan slid up her body and positioned himself at her entrance as he pulled her into a kiss. She could taste herself on him as he stole her breath.
“Are you ready for me, baby girl?” He asked, brushing hair off her face.
“Yes,” she nodded, eyes hazy as she looked up at him. “Please, I want you in me.”
“I would give you anything you asked for,” He admitted, coaxing her thighs around his hips. “Have you… done this before?”
“Yeah,” she assured him. “Don’t worry.”
“Okay,” he nodded, a little relieved he wouldn’t have to hold back. Holding her face in his hands, he looked into her eyes as he curled his hips into hers with a slow deliberation. He watched as her face filled with wonder at the feel of his invasion. When he was finally seated fully inside her, he paused, taking a moment to enjoy the way her body stretched to accommodate him. It was like she was built to hold him.
“Can I move?” He asked softly, running the pad of his thumb over her cheek.
“God, yes, please,” she nodded, digging her nails into the skin and muscles of his back. Smiling down at her and keeping eye contact, he pulled himself half way out before thrusting back inside her. She sighed at the delicious friction. His body felt so good inside her, felt like it belonged, or perhaps that they were becoming a part of each other. Chan moved slowly, relishing this moment. She shivered, her hands grasping at his wide shoulders as he moved.
“Please,” she said again. “I need more.”
“Anything for you,” he soothed, placing a few kisses across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. He pulled his hips back and plunged inside her, going as deeply as he could. Setting a steady rhythm, Chan buried his face in her neck as he began to let go and lose himself in the feeling. She filled every sense of his. Her smell, her feel, and the taste of her skin under his lips. Even her pants and moans filled him as they teased his ears in the quiet of the room. Her limbs held him close, gripping him like he was the only thing keeping her from falling. 
Pleasure rose inside him and he knew there was only so long he would last like this. He wanted to feel her come around him, feel her body milk him as she came beneath his touch again. Her heels hooked around the back of his thighs as she arched against him. The slight change in angle let him brush the sensitive spot inside her, making her quiver and gasp.
“Harder, there,” she begged, a desperation growing inside her.
“Are you close,” he questioned, his face tucked in against her neck.
“So close,” she whimpered, her nails raking his spine.
“Cum for me, baby girl,” Chan panted. “I need to hear you cum.” She whined and moved restlessly against him as the warm pleasure pooled in her stomach. He put his lips to the thrumming pulse of her throat.
“Chan,” her voice was barely a whisper when the knot of delight finally snapped inside her. As her body gripped him, he bit the flesh where her neck and shoulders met marking her as his. The shock of pain melded with her orgasm sending a cascade of sensations through her. With a final thrust he came inside her, filling her body with his emissions. He stayed like that until he felt her move restlessly beneath him and only then, reluctantly pulled out and moved to curl up beside her on the bed.
Her hand went to the bite on her neck. It still stung slightly but not nearly as much as she thought it should. Chan splayed a hand over her stomach, rubbing it in small circles.
“Are… are you okay,” he asked, looking at her lovingly as he laid beside her.
“Yes,” she nodded, taking her hand from her neck. “I didn’t expect you to bite me.”
“Just this once,” he promised, pulling himself closer to her. “It marks you as mine, gives you the protection of my pack. You’ll carry a little of my scent now.”
“Oh,” she blushed and looked at him. “Am I supposed to feel different? I don’t feel any different.”
“No,” he chuckled and smiled at her. “It’s something only my kind would notice.” She nodded and laced her fingers with his where they laid on her stomach.
“Did you do it so that he, whoever he is, would know?” She questioned. “Was this all just to, I don’t know, put him off?”
“No, although I would be happy if it did,” He gave her an adoring look. “This was because you were meant to be mine. Meant to be the mother of my babies; to be by my side for as long as we live.”
“So you want children,” she laughed.
“I want to see you filled with my child,” he admitted, his eyes going to where his hand lay on her. “I want to see it grow inside you. I want to raise it with you, watch it grow into someone as beautiful as you are.”
“Someday,” she nodded. “But I’ve been on birth control, so I don’t think we could just yet.”
“The bond,” he explained. “When I claimed you with my mark, it sort of…” he paused, searching for the right wording. “It opens you to me.”
“Oh,” she blinked at him a few times, trying to process what he was saying. “Even if we just… this one time?”
“Maybe,” he furrowed his brow slightly. “If  you don’t want, at least not yet,” sitting up, he moved to help her walk to the bathroom. “We can try to clean you out, maybe prevent it.”
“No, it’s just a lot to adjust to,”  she explained. “A lot has sort of happened since this morning.”
“I know, baby girl,” he laid down again and pulled her into a spooning position against him. “Let’s go to sleep for now and figure out the rest in the morning.”
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Over the next few days neither of them left the house. She called in sick to work, not wanting to put either of them in danger by going out to a place he could so easily find and potentially corner her. Even with Changbin there, with so many people and such a big space, it would be possible to miss him, or at the very least, to not notice him until it was too late. Instead his pack mates came over to plan their next move. Chan spent most of his time planning with Minho and Changbin, setting patrol schedules and scout missions for everyone. Hyunjin was assigned the duty to investigate at the hotel and talk to the woman who had been mauled. Maybe it wasn’t a random coincidence that he had picked her, Felix had suggested after their second meeting. After all, if he was just looking to hurt people and just stir up trouble here, why target her? Sure it could have been a coincidence if he had just been foiled and chosen another target, but he hadn’t.
The suggestion had made Chan go cold. It made sense, but what had made him target her? There wasn’t something particularly special about her, except that she was his mate, but even he hadn’t known that yet. Was it possible the loner had some way of knowing even before Chan did? As far as they knew, it wasn’t possible to know but, still the thought lingered.
As the meeting was drawing to a close, Chan’s phone rang. Hyunjin was calling him from the hospital where he had gone to talk to the other victim.
“Chan?” There was a slight edge of panic to Hyunjin’s voice as he spoke.
“What’s the matter?” Chan asked the other boy, worried immediately by his tone.
“She’s… she’s my mate,” Hyunjin whispered into the phone.
“What?” Chan had a sudden sinking feeling in his chest. He stood up, needing to see his mate, to touch her and know that she was there and fine. He found her sitting at the table in the kitchen, snacking on something as she read.
“I’ve never met her before,” Hyunjin started to explain. “But I felt it the moment I walked into her room. She was just lying there, still sleeping, so hurt, and it just hit me. Her scent and just her presence; I know she’s mine.”
“How did he know?” Chan asked, pulling his own mate against him as he spoke.
“I don’t know, but this can’t be a coincidence,” Hyunjin insisted.
“I know,” Chan agreed.
“Look,” Hyunjin sighed. “I can’t leave her alone here. I have to stay for now.” Chan understood, letting him stay with the promise to send someone else to keep watch over her tomorrow so he could get some rest and come back to discuss what to do next.
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“I hate this,” Chan said, as he sat at the cafe a block away from the craft store.
“We can hear everything that is happening,” Jisung assured him. “She’ll be fine, but we need him to come out.”
“I know,” He shifted in his seat. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
They spent the afternoon waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Over an open line, Chan, Jisung, Changbin and Jeongin listened as she went about her day like everything was fine and normal. She helped customers, stocked shelves, and worked at the register, all while Chan was on the edge of his chair, waiting for something to happen. But, it seemed, it was all for nothing. The sun set and the store closed and seemingly all was well. She locked the front door and set about closing everything down by herself.
Chan relaxed a little, hearing her calm humming as she closed down the register and counted out the money in the back of the store. After the money was counted and locked in the safe, she just had to make one last pass through of the store to make sure no one had left something behind or left a mess and then she could head home. Over the radio, Changbin and Jeongin started joking around, getting playful after a tense day. Everyone was relaxing, at least until a loud crack broke over the mic followed by her surprised squeal. The jokes stopped and everyone froze.
“I know you all are out there,” the loner’s self-satisfied voice cut through the silence. “Don’t worry. I won’t make her suffer, but sadly, you will.”
Before the words were even finished coming out of the loner’s mouth, Chan was up, running as fast as he could to the store. He had to get in, he had to protect her. Jisung was on his heels as they ran across the street and into the strip mall parking lot.
“Why?” She asked, her voice slightly strained.
“Why should he have you when my mate was stolen from me?” He growled.
“What did they have to do with that?” She asked, keeping him busy for as long as possible. If he was explaining things, he wasn’t killing her.
“Nothing,” he admitted, dragging her towards the back door. “But neither did anyone in the last three territories I went through. This one was the first one that figured out it was me though.”
“What the hell is the matter with you,” she spat. “You think you can take something from others just because it happened to you?”
“Why should I be the only one who has to be alone?” He demanded, pushing her against the wall by her neck.
“The only one,” she scoffed, realizing this was probably not the ideal way to handle this, but she couldn’t help it. “You know most people don’t have some beacon to tell them who they are supposed to be with. Even those who do, people lose the people they love all the time. Car accidents, illness, crime, no one needs your help suffering, you selfish, shitty person.”
“What do you know,” he hissed back. 
“I know that your mate was lucky not to have had to spend a lifetime with someone who would do this,” she challenged. “No one deserves that.”
Shock and rage vied for dominance in his expression as he stared at her. He made a sound of pure rage and pulled back a hand to strike her. Never having been the sort to just lay down and give up, she kicked out catching the side of his knee. It didn’t really hurt him, but it was enough to unbalance him and make him catch himself, giving her the chance to break out of his grip. She knew she wouldn’t get far, he was faster and stronger, so she just tried to get as close as she could to where Chan and the others were. They would come, she had faith.
The loner came up, grabbing her from behind. “I’m glad, even if this is the last thing I do, I’m not just denying him his mate, but I’ll take his child, too.”
On the other side of the glass door, Chan felt half a second of numbing terror. He had to get inside, for both of them. Changbin picked up a part of a broken concrete curb stop and smashed it against the window, cracking the safety glass into a million little pieces, still stuck together by the coating, but weakened. He hit it again, opening a hole the size of a fist, and again, until the tear in the inner plastic layer got bigger. Impatiently, and perhaps a little recklessly, Chan covered his hand with his jacket sleeve and tore at the shattered glass. Finally the hole was big enough and he crawled through onto the display on the other side of the glass. He had to find her.
Their scuffling was audible and he found them quickly, rolling on the floor a few aisles into the store. She had curled into a ball, only moving to thwart his attempts to move her or drag her further to the back of the store. They all leapt on him, pulling him off her and dragging him away before they made sure he could never hurt another person. Chan stayed with her, trying to get her off the floor where she lay. He needed to hold her, make sure she was okay, make sure the loner hadn’t done anything to her that needed an ambulance.
She peeked out from under her arm, checking who it was before throwing herself into his arms. Relief coursed through her like she had never felt before. She breathed his name and threw her hands around his neck. Pulling her to his chest, he held her close for a moment before pulling her back to get a better look at her. Bruises were blooming on her neck and wrists, but that seemed to be the most serious injuries inflicted upon her.
“Baby girl,” he looked into her eyes, trying to find the words to express how sorry he was he hadn’t been there.
“I knew you would come,” she assured him.
“I will always come for you,” he promised, his hand dropping to her stomach. “For both of you. I will always protect my loves with everything I have.” Over the past few days he had been so preoccupied with their hunt and their planning that he hadn’t noticed the subtle change in her scent.
“How do you know,” she shook her head. “I don’t feel any different.”
“Nothing much, just a little change in your scent… hormones and all that,” He smiled and shrugged. It wasn’t really something a person could sense themselves. “Are you happy? I know this has been… too much.”
“I am,” she nodded. “I may not have chosen this way to meet you and fall into your world, but I don’t think I can imagine ending up anywhere else.”
“You’re mine,” he assured her. “And there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do just to see you smile.”
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earthnashes · 4 years
do you have headcanons about places of questionable existence like koholint island, termina or the realm of the ocean king?
No to Termina as I’ve answered in an ask a few... minutes? An hour ago? It was today and it was recent but yeh, no headcanons on Termina I’m afraid!
Now, the Realm of the Ocean King and Koholint island however... I got plans for both! I was gonna wait a bit until I thought more about the idea since I hadn’t sat down and brainstormed anything yet, but I may as well throw what I got off the top of my head thus far:
-The Realm of the Ocean King and Koholint Island will exist as both one kingdom and on the same plane of existence.
-My idea is that the Great Sea will exist in the same plane as the other kingdoms as vast expansive sea, in which legends say it is the sea of the gods and is never-ending. Those who try sailing it are either forced to turn back by an unseen, unknown force or, if they are too stubborn and try to continue on, will be lost to the sea forever. However, there are tales and legends which say that the sea does end, that it is stopped by a huge wall of water that leads into an ocean in the sky. This acts as a portal that will lead to the floating oceans of The Realm of the Ocean King (otherwise known as simply The Ocean Kingdom OR maybe even The Land of Dragons?)
-This kingdom is probably the most elusive and hardest to get to, so much so that many believe it to simply be a legend. In line of my thinking of this AU as if it were an actual Zelda game, I think this would lend very well to Tetra in my headcanon and her seemingly unattainable dream to sail and actually see the fabled oceanic kingdom in the sky. Like the main mission being Link and crew having to go to every kingdom and Tetra would be your way to this one, and so on. owo
-There will be at least 4 main races that inhabit The Ocean Kingdom. Still very much in development  and subject to tweaks and changes, but what I have thus far are:
Parella: A primarily aquatic race who have the unique ability to float in the air, due to the air-sacks they harbor. The often live in the shallower straits that connect the vast seas to smaller bodies of water within the realm’s islands.
Watarara: A race of peoples who largely inhabit the islands scattered throughout The Ocean Kingdom. The Watarara are human-like and greatly resemble Hylians, though their pointed ears are way shorter. A characteristic that completely separates them from Hylians, though, is their wings. The Watarara are unique in that, upon their backs, are elaborate, tattoo-like markings that are in the shape of stylized wings. These markings allow the Watarara to call forth a pair of wings of which they use to fly at will.
Kulu: A race of aquatic peoples who inhabit the deep dark depths of The Ocean Kingdom. They’re characterized by having the face and torso of a human, but the tail of a fish in place of legs. They are essentially mermaids, however they are much larger in size, typically reaching about the average size of a great white shark. The Kulu occasionally take trips to the plane Hyrule exists in to explore their oceans and see the strange inhabitants of the realm. Its through brief sightings of them that has started the legend of the “fishmen”, no relation to the Zora that is.
The forth race I’ve yet to decide because I really wanna flesh these out first, especially the Watarara. Trying to decide for sure if their wings can be called upon to make a reference to The Wind Waker’s version of Rito, or if they’re a permanent feature they can’t call forth and such. Hmmm....
But yeh! That’s what I have so far! owo
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cadenreigns · 4 years
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My Monster(s)
(This was an AU short story I wrote for a reddit 1-day writing contest for the star vs subreddit a long while back and later decided to add a twist ending to. While I went back and edited it a little bit, it was still something I wrote in like 2 hours so don’t expect a masterpiece. And since it’s longer than I remembered so it’s after the break)
“And that should be everything,” Dr. Backintosh said as she ticked off a few notes on her clipboard. “We’ll call you to set up a follow-up appointment once the results come in, but based on what we’ve gathered so far, I don’t foresee anything keeping us from moving on to the next phase.”
Meteora shifted in her hospital gown before feeling Mariposa squeeze her hand. The two exchanged a hopeful look before she returned her attention to the doctor. “So, you don’t think there will be any problem because of…what I am?”
The doctor looked up and gave a reassuring smile. “Ms. Butterfly, while your body may be more unique than others, you still have all the same organs and working parts we’re used to dealing with. I won’t say it’s impossible something won’t come up, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”
Meteora let out a sigh she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. “Good.”
“I guess all that’s left is to figure out a donor,” Mariposa mused aloud as they exited the doctor’s office and made their way to her car. Meteora immediately knew that she already had an idea, otherwise she wouldn’t have brought it up. It was, after all, the part of this situation that made her the most uncomfortable. More about it probably should have made her uncomfortable, like the very basic fact that 19 was a bit young to be doing what she was. But unlike Mari, quintessential college student that she was, who had every opportunity still ahead of her, Meteora only had one major decision of her own to make. And she had decided to make it before her weird half-breed biology could mess something up about it. Everything else, like where she could live and what job she’d have, had already been decided by the government or negotiated by her parents. And while being the monster representative would be a cushy job, she wasn’t sure that’s what she would have chosen for herself.
“I’m not going to like what you’re going to say next, am I,” Meteora said, knowing the answer.
Mari put on her most innocent smile, the smile that had convinced Meteora to do so many things over the years. So many things that often ended with them in trouble. “Well, there is one obvious way that would let me be a real aunt.”
Meteora stopped in place. “Please don’t tell me you’re insinuating what I think you are.”
Mari continued to smile. “And wouldn’t you know it, today’s the day I’m supposed to go check in on him. But my evening class starts soon, hmmm.” She cupped her chin in her hand and started to tap her upper lip, something she often did when presenting an idea as just thought up instead of meticulously planned. “Maybe you could go check on him for me, see how he’s doing, have a chat about life, the universe, and medical procedures. You know, stuff like that.”
Meteora’s tail had started to swing tersely back and forth at some point, and she made no attempt to stop it. “You know I don’t like him, Mari.”
“But you’ve got no real reason not to. Besides, he’s basically just me as a guy.”
“Does it even matter to you that I don’t want to go?”
“Your future matters more.”
Meteora crossed her arms and huffed. “Fine, I’ll do it. But you should know that sometimes I really hate you.”
“Which,” she began as her smile spread mischievously, “is of course why you end up doing everything I put in your head.���
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It took Meteora almost an hour to make her way to his ramshackle home at the edge of Echo Creek. Not because it was any significant distance away, if that was the case then he probably would have been outside the area her and her father’s kind were allowed to travel in, but because he had picked the most out-of-the-way spot imaginable to live. The roads that led there were little more than curvy dirt paths that were hell on her moped, each looking ready to collapse into one of the many riverbanks or ditches that lined the way, and took the most roundabout routes to get anywhere. Of course, this spot was chosen when “he” had been “them,” but he had stayed after everything…stayed for years, so she wasn’t going to give him any slack about it.
And then the trees parted and she was in the clearing, where the mountains were far enough away to be majestic instead of looming overhead. It was truly a beautiful sight…until you looked down and saw the home sitting in the center of the clearing, right at the end of the dirt road that had brought her there. Everyone called it his “house” to be polite, but it was little more than a gussied-up trailer as far as Meteora was concerned. The chicken coops off to one end while a messy garden and old minivan took up space on the other didn’t exactly improve the image it gave off. If you didn’t know he owned all the land around them you’d think it was a squatter’s camp.
The closer she got the more Meteora didn’t want to deal with this. And that feeling only grew stronger when she propped the moped on its kickstand and took her helmet off. She knew she could drive away now and just tell Mari that she had done it, that would satisfy the periodic visits she insisted on, but not the donor angle. That she couldn’t drive away from without getting an earful about later. So, after a long and drawn out sigh, Meteora stepped up to the front door and knocked.
At first there was no reply, so she knocked again. Second time was the charm evidently, as almost immediately she heard a call from inside, “I’m coming.”
A moment passed, with some rustling barely making its way through the door before she heard the lock slide in and the handle started to turn. “You know you don’t have to keep checking in on me, Mari. I can take care of myself…”
Marco Diaz trailed off when the door was fully open and he saw that it wasn’t Mari at his door, but her best friend. This man, who Meteora had known all her life and who was in surprising good shape considering that, by all accounts, he rarely actually left his so-called “house,” was the man who she despised more than anyone else in world. But Mari had made her promise not to let that come across as too obvious.
“Hey jerk-face.” Some promises were hard to keep.
“Meteora,” he replied, his brow raised in confusion.
She stepped past him and inside before he could get the chance collect his thoughts. “Mari’s got class tonight, so she sent me. You’re not doing anything stupid that would worry her, are you?”
Marco closed the door behind her and followed as she made her way down the length of the small home. Based on what Mari had told her about previous visits, she had expected more of a mess as she made her way through the small sitting area and kitchen, but the place was clean and tidy, almost sterile. The only thing even close to messy about it was a dish rag on the kitchen counter. She stopped when she came to the bedroom on the far side of the kitchen, it featured some un-fluffed pillows, not that Meteora ever bothered with that either.
“I don’t think so,” he finally replied. “You want a drink, or something?”
She shrugged. “Got any diet Pitt?”
“I see Mari’s taste for that junk finally wore off on you,” he said as he opened the fridge and reached inside. A second later he emerged with a pink can, though instead of handing it to her when she put out her hand he placed it on the kitchen table and then took a seat. “I’m surprised you bothered to come, even with Mari asking.”
“Yeah well, people don’t pick their families,” Meteora said, picking up the can without taking a seat of her own, then pulling the on the tab. It opened with the expected swoosh of bubbling liquid that was practically reassuring, even if it was generally the sign of something that wasn’t actually good for her. “I like it when she’s happy, she likes it when she knows you’re not dead because you live in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of chickens, so I guess I like knowing that too.”
Marco made what Meteora could only assume was an amused sound with his nose. “Even though you’d probably enjoy figuring out a way to set the chickens on me?”
It was Meteora’s turn to make an amused sound, which she followed by taking a huge gulp of her diet Pitt. “At this point I’m more likely to just not help when the chickens attack than actually sick them on you.”
“Well I appreciate you not hastening my demise yourself,” Marco answered back. “Anyway, I know you don’t like being here, so you can go and let Mari know that I’m in the same state I always am. Nothing to be worried or relieved about.”
“Right…” she said slowly, turning in place to survey the home again instead of looking at him. She couldn’t bring herself to really look at him and ask this question. It was bad enough she had to ask it at all, let alone of him. “Well there was one other thing I…Mari suggested I ask you…”
Meteora paused as her slow look around came back to the bedroom and something caught her eye that she hadn’t noticed before. A picture on the nightstand, one of a young woman taken over twelve years prior. Meteora had been around seven the last time she’d seen Star, and hadn’t really understood when she couldn’t anymore. No one had been able to explain it in a way she’d understood. Some had said she’d gotten sick, like so many had at the time, but everyone had cried, and then yelled. Marco had yelled most of all, and at practically everyone. And then, well then he stopped leaving this supposed “vacation home” they’d shared altogether. In fact, Meteora didn’t think anyone aside from Mariposa had seen him in person more than three of four times in the dozen years that had followed.
Trying to pull her attention back to the task at hand, she saw the home in a new light. The photo of Star was the only color in the whole place. Everything else was white or some shade of grey. And the place wasn’t just sterile, it was practically lifeless. That’s why Mari came here when no one else did, not because she was worried about him living so far out alone, but because she knew he wasn’t really living at all.
“Ask what?”
Meteora almost jumped when Marco prompted her to continue. And looking at him in that moment, with something besides the irrational anger that had plagued her thoughts of him all her life, she couldn’t bring herself to ask what she’d been sent here to. So she asked the question that had been asked of her so many times.
“Why…why do you think I’ve never liked you?”
Marco took a deep breath and looked out the window for a moment, as if considering something very carefully. But then the moment ended and she got her answer.
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Meteora pushed her third can of diet Pitt to the side to sit with the others as she ran though everything Marco had told her. It all seemed crazy when he’d said it, even crazier as she thought about each part, but none of it seemed wrong either.
“Because of an old king I was raised by an abusive robot…and then ran a boarding school?”
“From what I understand, yeah.”
“And then I had to live in a car because you, while crossdressing, riled my…students into kicking me out.”
“It wasn’t my idea to cross-dress, but basically.”
“Which led me to remember that I was half monster…which led me to try and take over Mewni…”
“Which led to all the soul draining and eventually the combination of magics that turned you back into a baby,” Marco said nonchalantly before taking a sip from the water bottle he had eventually pulled out for himself. “And you just never liked me after that. I guess some emotions just get too ingrained to fade.”
“But,” Meteora started as she put the pieces together. “If you hadn’t gotten me kicked out, which let me remember what I was, which led to the magic battle…then I wouldn’t have my family, or Mari, or any part of the life I have now.”
He shrugged. “Probably not.”
“So, I’ve been angry at you all my life, because you gave me my life.”
His mouth twisted a bit before replying with, “Well it’s not like I turned you back into a baby myself, but if that’s how you see it then just know that I don’t take it personally. In fact, it’s actually kind of nice having someone not like me for a different reason than the rest.”
Meteora’s chair squeaked across the linoleum floor as she pushed herself up. The empty cans shook as she walked around the table. And Marco just looked confused when she grabbed and pulled him up by the collar. He was still a few inches taller than her, so it was an awkward position once he was up, but no less awkward than when she wrapped both her arms around him in the next instant.
Silence permeated the next few moments. Shocked silence from Marco if she had to guess, while her own was confused. Part of her still felt the urge to knock his block off, but at the same time…well another part was seeing him in a whole new way.
“Thank you,” she finally said before pulling away from him.
“No problem?” he replied.
Now the silence between them was just awkward. Though that wasn’t surprising when Meteora remembered that the only physical contact the two had ever had before that hug had usually entailed her trying to hurt him in some way.
“I gotta get going. I’ll tell Mari you’re doing fine.”
“Sure, thanks,” he said slowly before glancing out the window. “It’s starting to get dark, be careful on the way back.”
Meteora’s tail twitched back and forth as she sat on the couch flipping through channels. She hadn’t slept well the night before and was going to be alone all day thanks to Mari’s new class schedule. Angie and Raphael usually would have been there to bother her in their good-natured way, but they were out of town. Which left her alone with nothing to do on a day that had a storm approaching and nothing worth watching on tv. So, when the phone rang, she didn’t even care that it was probably a telemarketer, at least it gave her something to do.
“Hello,” she answered.
“Ms. Butterfly, it’s Dr. Backintosh. Is this a good time?”
Meteora sat up straighter, ready to receive the news they’d been waiting for. “Well I’m on my own today, so I guess-”
“Actually,” the doctor interrupted, “it’s probably better we talk about this on our own first.”
In the distance Meteora heard the first boom of thunder.
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Meteora knocked on the door, though she could barely hear her knocks over the rain and thunder that plummeted from the sky above. She knocked again a few seconds later, barely any harder though. She didn’t have the energy for it. Finally, after she forced herself to knock a third time, the door opened.
“Meteora?” Marco practically bellowed.
She didn’t reply.
“Come on, get out of the rain,” he said before taking her by the arm and pulling her inside. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
She thought about it as she watched drops of water roll off her and start to puddle on his floor. Something had happened, though what actually mattered was what wasn’t going to happen. She didn’t say that though, just like she hadn’t said anything since hanging up the phone.
“I’ll get you a towel,” he said after a moment had passed without any reply. “I’ll be right back, okay.”
Meteora remained silent as he ran off towards the bedroom, continuing to watch the droplets join the puddle while listening to Marco frantically open and close drawers. A few seconds, maybe a minute, later he returned and the towel came down over her head. He hadn’t bothered to offer it to her, and wasn’t bothering to let her get around to actually drying herself either.
“I can’t believe you rode here in this weather,” he said while gently dabbing the towel across her face and long lilac hair. “And without even a jacket, you know it’ll be me Mariposa explodes at if you get sick.”
She still didn’t reply, just watched the droplets while he moved on to wiping off her arms.
“Ok, well whatever brought you here, you need to finish drying off first. And since I don’t think I can dry anymore myself without feeling like a creep, I’m going to push you into the bathroom. There’s some spare clothes in there, so will you please finish drying off and change?”
Meteora nodded meekly and let him lead her towards the back.
Sometime later Meteora found herself huddled at one end of his couch wearing an oversized ninja t-shirt and a pair of drawstring shorts that were loose even with the strings drawn all the way. Marco sat at the other end. They had been that way for a while, silent except for right when they’d sat down and he’d said to just ask and he’d do whatever she needed him to. She didn’t have any conscious plan to ask him for anything. She didn’t even have a conscious reason for being there, it had simply been where’d she decided to go. But suddenly, even surprising herself a bit, it started to come out.
“My life was planned out for me since Mewni became part of Earth,” she started. “Except for when I get to have a baby.”
“So I was going to do it,” she continued. “Invitro and all that, because it’s my choice and it’s what I want.”
“Well I guess that’s ni–”
“But because I’m half-monster they say they can’t.” Her eyes started to well. “That something about the way I am makes it too dangerous. That the only way I could ever be a mother would be…the natural way.” The tears were rolling now. “But I’ve never felt…that way about anyone. So what am I supposed to do? I’m too much of a freak to get what I wanted and I just…I just–”
Marco stood without warning. He made his way towards the kitchen, where Meteora could hear the fridge and some drawers open and then close in succession. He returned with a six-pack of bottles and pile of old-timey VHS tapes.
“Look Meteora,” he said as he put the bottles down on the small coffee table and started shuffling through the tapes, “the last time anything bad happened to me I pushed everyone that cared about me away. And well, that’s probably not going to help you right now. So instead of trying to make you feel better, we’re going to play a little game that used to help me forget about stuff.”
He slipped one of the tapes into the VHS below the tv and hit play. The tv roared to life with an off-color title screen that loudly stated, “Fist of the Fist!”
“This,” Marco said as he sat back down and started divvying up the bottles between them, “is an early Mackie Hand movie, before he even learned English. The rules of the game are simple, take a sip anytime someone acts like they were hit but obviously weren’t, anytime the dubbing is obviously off, and anytime someone shouts an attack name.”
Meteora looked at the bottle he handed her, and then at him. “And this is supposed to help me?”
“It’s supposed to make you feel less bad,” he replied. “Actual help can start tomorrow.”
The title screen faded and a man sitting at a bar came into focus. Another man approached him and put a hand on the first’s shoulder. Their eyes met and an American voice yelled, “Time to die, Mackie Hand!” while the man’s actual mouth calmly said something completely different.
Meteora almost laughed, then joined Marco in taking her first sip.
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phantom-wolf · 4 years
Day 6 prompt: mythology
A/N Before we begin just wanted to spew some mythology at you
I'm no expert but a Púca seems to be a shape shifting spirit that can take the form of a rabbit, goat, cat, dog and a horse. They usually have black fur with golden eyes. If they are to take the form of a human they're usually left with some animal feature (for example bunny ears). The mythology is sorta vague about whether they're good or bad (they can both help or hinder) but a common theme amongst them is misheviousness. They try to lure people onto their backs and then they give them a terifying ride throughout the whole area and then return them to where they found them.
Dryads are female but for the sake of the story male dryad's are very very rare and are often regarded as black sheep. They tend to be isolated from the other dryads.
The thunder of hooves silenced the songbirds that sat perched on branches above. Frantic puffs of breath escaped flaring nostrils as the stallion struggled to intake oxygen caused by the gallop he was currently partaking in. Branches like nimble fingers reached out, brushing the animals side pulling on his flank and ocassionally creating small incisions. His black fur glinted when struck correctly by the ocassional sunlight that broke through the canopy of the forest, enabled by the crimson liquid leaking freely out of the gashes on the others neck and shoulders. The horse's mane and tail bounced freely coinciding with the ferocity of his stride despite the roots and broken sticks set on the ground that slowed him. The incessent buzzing of insects as they tried to feast on his open wounds were an annoyance however more pressing concerns weighing on his mind so he did not take the time to stop. His ears swiveled back to the sound of furious shouts that had persisted the whole time and refused to dissipate encouraged by the crimsion trail left in the stallions wake. He felt himself jolt forwards before he even knew what happened. His body reacted before his mind could the cracking displaced bones and joints overshadowing the snap of the bones in his left leg. Beast was replaced by man who promptly passed out from the connection of his skull and the ground.
When he came too he blinked, slowly taking in his surroudings. It took him a moment to realize that everything was sideways. He lifted his head to take in his surrounds but the movement made him dizzy. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut taking a moment to rid himself of the dizzyness. He rested his head against the ground once more opting to not move. Instead he opened his eyes watching the sunlight cast shadows that flickered along the ground. He gave another groan his whole body aching from the impromptu shift. Oh how gravity hated him. Actually correction the universe hated him.
A soft thumping gradually moved closer. He recognized the sound as footsteps drawing nearer and yet he couldn't bring himself to look behind him. Was this how he died? Damn he thought he'd go out like a total badass not some sissy that just- a male voice interrupted his thoughts. It was a soft sound, yet distinct with a twinge of surprise. He couldn't describe it as unpleasant yet the stranger also seemed to be chastising him. Perhaps he had been observing for longer then expected and caught him moving around.
"Oh. You're awake earlier then anticipated. Here drink this it will help with the pain." A small crudely sculpted bowl was offered to him. Remembering how he got here in the first place he decided to not trust some persons supposed remedy. He took a moment to glance up at the stranger's arms, his eyes the only thing to move. The stranger's appendages where pale, his fingers slender and his hands lacked signs of manual labor. There were grooves along his arms some deeper then others, the skin around them discolored as if the skin around it had been flayed and healed, yet they were unmistakenly human. He had been alive long enough to know human cruelty extended to other humans. Especially to other humans.
"Who are you?" The shifter questioned. Instead of responding verbally the stranger moved to the front of him, crouching down so he could see all of him without moving his head. His eyes raked over the other from his feet to his head. Overall the male adorned a white oversized linen undershirt that hung loosely from his frame and looked to date back a few centuries. He wore no footwear soil impressing itself upon his bare feet and sported breeches that were quite tattered. His savior looked a little older than himself but still relatively young with eyes that reminded him of the greenery around him. Any other exposed skin was pale the sunlight illuminating his blond hair making him look ethereal. This image was shattered by the most horrid eyebrows he'd ever seen on a human being. "What is on your face?"
The man's face twisted into a scowl yet he looked away to presumably hide his features. "Either drink the bloody thing or suffer. I don't give a damn. Oh and like your the one to talk. You still have horse ears púca." he snapped.
He jolted at the sudden naming of his species, rolling onto his back with a grunt, hands flying to his ears to try to cover them. Shit, shit. He did his best to scramble away. "Don't come any closer." This earned him an eye roll from the other man.
"Firstly, your leg is splinted you're not going anywhere until its healed. Secondly, relax. I was just surprised at first. I haven't seen one of your kind in centuries." The stranger stated standing up and stretching himself out a bit.
"Centuries?" The blue eyed make asked tilting his head in curiosity but still eyeing the other cautiously. Perhaps he was wrong in his assumption about the other being human.
"You're not very bright are you?" The blond scoffed, crossing his arms. "I'm a Drus-" The other started to explain. Upon receiving a blank stare he huffed. "A male dryad. And you're in my forest. Have some respect."
He swallowed his indignation instead spewing the first question that came to mind. "What's your name?"
"Arthur." After a bout of silence the male spoke up once more. "You really are lacking in common courtesy aren't you? Who are you?"
"Name's Alfred."
It took a few weeks for his leg and his head to heal enough for him to be able to roam freely again. During this time the dryad and púca became well acquainted. Of course Alfred would return to civilization but he was sure to alert Arthur before he did so and always returned with new clothing for the other. More modern and better fitting. The wounds on his neck and back had closed and left some scars but he didn't mind. The trips to town would often wear the púca out so he'd take a few days to stay with the older entity.
"Arthur is too stuffy." Alfred started leaning against a nearby spruce. "How about Artos?"
"What century are you living in?" The dryad raised an impressively large eyebrow.
"Hmmm fine. No old derivative of your name. How about I call you Artie instead?"
A sharp glare was sent his way and an acorn bounced off his temple. "How about I use you as fertilizer instead?"
He let loose a loud boisterous laugh, rubbing the spot where the nut hit. He piped up again. "You went through a lot of trouble to help me just think of all that time wasted if you did turn me into fertilizer."
"Oh shut it".
With that the two of them faded into a comfortable silence. That was before the others hands and arms caught his attention. A question ate away at his admittedly little self control. "What's with the grooves on your arms?"
The other's expression soured, melancholy painting his features. "My skin bares the marks of my naivety. Where I let humans take and they took too much. Normally dryads protect their forest and I did. It is my body after all. I just- I just wanted friends and I thought they would provide that if I allowed them to take from me."
The younger gave a frown. Oh. "Well if it makes you feel better I'm trying to be a hero! I don't want to scare people and cause mischief! I want to help them!"
"Did you even listen to what I said? Going against your nature only gets you hurt. " Arthur huffed rolling his eyes.
Alfred snorted feeling his anger rise. Don't do it, you can't do it, yadayadayada. Everyone's told him that he couldn't. Now even the one person he regarded as a friend was telling him not to? "I'm not you though. I can do it! I have been doing it! And I don't blame them for leaving with your attitude".
He could see Arthur physically tense, could practically see all the walls he had chipped away at going right back up. Even through his frustration he could tell how badly he just messed up.
"Then leave" The green eyed male snapped standing and stalking away to the closest opening the forest had to offer. Before Alfred could open his mouth to say anything the human was replaced by a large oak, its age shown in the width of its trunk. It would've been impressive- if Alfred didn't have more to say.
"Art I'm sorry! I didn't mean it I swear!" He called walking over to the tree and placing a hand on it trying to let the other know he was there. "Come on back Arthur!"
He didn't receive a response from him. "I know you can hear me!" The environment was still seemingly hushed by the downturn of the dryad's mood. He stood for a solid ten minutes before impatience pricked his skin. "Fine I'll leave."
So he did. He left the forest grumbling while he did so. He may have purposely stomped on some mushrooms that had been growing on the way out. After doing so he felt immensely guilty so he vowed to return the next day and properly apologize.
He left at about ten in the morning, visiting a local bookshop and picking up a copy of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Hey supposedly the movie was good so he assumed the novel was alright. With the book tucked closely to his chest he made his way back into the woodland. He returned to the spot in which they inhabited previously only to find that Arthur wasn't there. He proceeded to search around until his patience gave way, plopping down. "Stupid Arthur" he murmured blue eyes flashing gold with his frustration. Yeah he had blue eyes. His eyes where only gold in animal form. Hah stupid humans. They were easy to fool.
A sudden realization hit him in the face, blinking before a wide grin spread tugged at his lips." Hey Arthur! If you'd stop ignoring me for five seconds and listen! I might leave ya but I'll always come back! Promise!"
He barely noticed a movement out of the corner of his eyes.
A cold voice responded to his words. "You'll come back? Why?"
He whipped around to face the other hope igniting like a flame in his eyes. "Because we're friends now and I look out for my friends!"
He missed the color that rose on the others cheeks and how the whole forest seemed to shutter. "Friends?" He murmured to himself pondering the word and if he wanted to accept this. "Fine. But you're going to have to actually prove that you'll keep your promise. Words are nasty things that lie and decieve. Let your actions speak for you".
And so he did.
Weeks turned into months that transitioned into years. Alfred always came back to the forest and eventually only left to grab supplies from nearby towns. During this time he'd gotten even closer to Arthur. He admired how gentle he could be. How when he'd come across a wounded animal he'd nurse it back to health similarly to how he did with him so many years ago. Sure he could be infuriatingly stubborn but passionate and guarded, weary of travelers and fearful of what they might do to his body.
Alfred wished to stop this fear. So one night he reached over and took the others hands in his own. "I'll protect you from them" he stated firmly meeting the others eyes when the other anxiousness shined through on his face.
"From who?" The other sputtered his face bright red as he was snapped from the feeling of humans moving through the forest. By now it wasn't hard to see that the two entities had developed particular feelings for one another. Although neither knew how to describe it or act on it. Alfred hadn't even realized he longed for the other until he saw a couple holding hands.
"From anyone who wants to hurt you. I can give up my dream of being others hero and instead I'll be yours."
"I can look out for myself, I've been doing it for centuries. The last thing I need is you getting hurt! You get all whiny when you feel restless"
Alfred let out a snort "Do not. Anyway I know you can look out for yourself. But you don't need to do it alone. Let me be with you Arthur".
"Fine. But don't you be getting hurt all the time."
He gave a grin and pulled the other in for a hug "You're the best Artie!"
The other only yelped and slowly relaxed into it before returning the hug and scolding him for using the name Artie. Although there was no real bite to his words. Arthur looked up to meet the others eyes grumbling to himself still on his tangent about being called Artie but the others dopey smile made him pause. He gave a sigh "you have a lot to make up for. And- I'm sorry about what I said as well."
"I know. I got you a book! Will you read it to me?"
"Of course dear."
While his head was in Arthur's lap the others fingers combing through his hair lulling him to the brink of sleep the dryad asked a question.
"How did you end up bleeding and running from humans all those years ago Alfred?"
"Well ya see I wanted to help someone and was gonna bring them to an area where they'd find the flowers they were looking for. Some young guy. Thought he was the shit. So he climbed on and I started to take him there. He called out to someone and then once I was like halfway there he realized he couldn't get off. He had some blade and tried to get me to put him down but I didn't want to! The area wasn't the nicest so eventually I brought him back. Whoever he called to must've recognized what I was and then there was a group of humans waiting for me! I let him go and I ran and then my darling Dryad saved me."
"Darling Dryad huh?"
"Yup!" He chirped quickly moving into catch the others lips. Which resulted in a loving exchange before the smaller male pulled away sputtering out an I love you.
Nestled underneath the roots of the oak, hidden by the shadows of the tree black fur could hardly made out. A small, steady expansion of the rabbits sides separated it from the stillness encompassing it. It stirred, its golden eyes illuminated by the darkness, ears twitching as it listened to seemingly some type of inaudible melody. Slowly his head lowered, resting on his paws once more before closing his eyes once again tucked safely in the arms of his dryad.
They say there's a small forest that's been untouched for centuries. People may wander amongst its trails imprinted by the game themselves. Almost all report the same thing. Some see a cat. Some a dog. Some see one lone goat that follows them and doesn't come any closer despite beckoning or promise of food. These animals prove impossible to capture. If one gets close enough they're able to note that the beasts have two golden eyes.
A/N- I hate this but its 11:50 pm and needs to be published.
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ash-trash · 3 years
💗💥☀️🌙🌺 for all your ACTIVE RP charr.
Oh my! To keep this from going overboard, I’m going to keep this to Charr that are participating in active guild or open RP! Let’s get started...
Sela Lunarstep:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Oh gosh, there’s so much to ramble about! Sela’s actually not my oldest EU character, she’s younger than Kurra by a smidge, but she’s definitely my favorite! She’s currently having a pretty rough go of it, but I really love thinking about her “private” life outside of Warband stuff - she gets into tussles, makes jewelry, all sorts of exciting things! :3c Sela’s name comes from, shocker, the Greek moon goddess Selene, while Lunarstep has changed a bit over the years. Originally, she was a shadowstep thief build, which is where the Lunarstep came from, but now it’s more of a... she’s always at the front of the pack, leading the charge, sort of deal. :p
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Sela is garbage at dealing with anything related to her own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, aha. She’s built up this huge facade of bravado that fixates on her being the perfect soldier and the best Legionnaire and so she has a huuuuge amount of trouble asking for (or accepting) help, or admitting that she can’t do something. Vulnerability is a big no-no and so naturally, although she does well with the more maternal relationships within her Warband, she really struggles with anything that veers towards the romantic. As far as hating to feel something, she hates to be embarrassed or humiliated, again related to her own pride and confidence.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
I’d say that she does a pretty good job of taking care of herself, but she absolutely puts others before herself. She prides herself on taking care of her warband and spoiling them and that often translates to making sure they get the lion’s share of the goodies while she scrimps. That said, she does have enough of an ego to feel that she “deserves” the good stuff, so she generally takes care of her own needs pretty well. Except sleep.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Hmmm, stuff that’s overlooked... well, her favourite colour would be purple, season would be fall (she likes the milder weather and really enjoys the autumn leaves), flavorwise she loves spicy things (honestly, just because she’s trying to show off and be tough) as well as deep rich flavours... More obscure stuff might be: Her favourite time of day is late night, favourite bunk is the bottom one, favourite horn is her upper right one, favourite instrument would be the flute (she tends to prefer her music in the higher ranges - piccolo’s up there too!), and favourite cheese would be a nice heady parmesan.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Sela’s pretty happy with her body as it is, but there’s definitely a few changes she’d make. As much as they’d get in the way, she kinda wants bigger horns, and definitely bigger teeth. She’d love to be even more flexible than she is, and she’d like some extra muscle and definition to her legs. Wings would be nice, but definitely not all the time. Shapeshifting, of course! That would come in so handy!
Graf Towercleave (Yes, he still counts >.> ):
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Ah, Graf, my old man... Graf is definitely one of those characters with the most fleshed-out backstories, especially in how it affects him nowadays, and all the traumas and memories that come with it. I don’t remember the inspiration for his first name, but the second part was because he was originally designed to be a WvW Firebrand in his off-time (which... never came to fruition, oops), so Towercleave. I’m really excited to see the next step in his journey, though it coincides with my own journey in such a way that I do find myself getting emotional about the good-byes... ;w;
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
I’d say that Graf doesn’t really do well with a lot of the “non-Charr” emotions/feelings: any sort of romance, faith, or selfishness. He’s learned to deal with them in others, to be sure, but they’re still fairly alien to him. I’d say that as far as things he experiences that he struggles with, it would be the trauma of his past - whether it’s something that he experienced in the Sieges, or in his time with the Vigil, he... doesn’t do well with being “scared”, or not in control.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
He does good at taking care of himself, though perhaps a bit more spartan than is strictly necessary, because that’s what he’s used to. He’s been a soldier his whole life, through and through, and he knows how important maintaining his equipment, including his body, is. He does a good job at keeping himself in shape and healthy, though perhaps to a detriment of not allowing himself many luxuries (except for warm baths, those are always welcome). Although he does consider others, he usually tends to leave them to their own devices, except when he decides they’re too young/naive/bullheaded to do it properly, such as a certain blue-haired warbandmate.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Favourite food would be some good old traditional charr chow. Grilled meat, lots of special sauce, no fancy frou-frou to mess with it. Maybe some cheese. As far as colours, although most of his life tends to be filled with red, he’ll admit to liking a nice deep dark navy blue the best. The sea has been a rare treat for him, and he enjoys it when he can. Favourite season would have to be winter. Although he doesn’t care for the snow and cold and slush, he likes the way it makes the world slow down. He likes that everyone hates it together, I suppose. Some more obscure ones... his favourite flavour of pie is strawberry, his favourite place was a small grove in what is now the Dragonbrand - nowadays, it’s probably the Hero’s Canton, because it has the most nice memories without bad ones to taint it.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Honestly, he’d mostly just... fix his current one. Make it less old, less achy, less stiff. Shapeshifting and the rest of it sounds like a lot of faff. He wishes he had a third set of ears so he could hear humans better. Maybe another pair of arms to hold more things.
Naphtha Seizetar:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
But I ramble about her so muuuuch, FINE. For any newcomers, Naphtha was originally a villain in a Lunar plot that met a gruesome end, but I loved the concept so much that I had to remake her (a sort of AU, what-if-her-life-turned-out-different) as a good girl. I’ve actually got a sort of spooky story in the works with her (and at the rate I’m going it might be spooky season before it’s ever finished) that’s going to give her a bit of development with her magic because right now the poor girl is a dummy and would rather play with pressure cookers.
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
A lot of them, probably. Naph is a sweetie but she doesn’t do well with a lot of “serious” things. She likes being left alone to her own devices and is still getting the hang of the much-more teamwork oriented Seize group. So I guess emotionally, uh, things like teamwork and codependence and responsibility, whatever emotions those are. As far as hates feeling, she really doesn’t like feeling like she’s wrong (ironically). She doesn’t like feeling like she’s being irrational, or that she’s not justified in what she’s doing.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
She does not. Naph is the kind of gal that would go weeks without showering, live off of corn chips and stale marshmallows she found under the couch, and develop a 12 coffee a day habit so she only has to sleep once a month. Naph does not take very good care of herself at all, and she takes care of others even less. She’s not necessarily inconsiderate, she just... as above, doesn’t do well with the whole teamwork thing and kind of figures that she can take care of herself, so everyone else can too. As far as pampering herself, she rarely goes above what’s “necessary” as far as self-care, but on the rare occasion that she did decide to treat herself, she’d get a lot of fancy soaps and oils and just... go to town on her fur and spend like a whole day grooming and scrubbing and getting the years of grime out of there until she’s as soft and fluffy as can be.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Favourite food would be mushroom anything. Probably her favorite ever is something she had in Lion’s Arch one time, some sort of pasta dish with mushrooms and squid ink - it was salty and savory and rich... Her favourite colour would be brown (well, she’d say black but as far as actual COLOURS), and her favourite season would be fall. She likes the spoopy season, and enjoys cronching the leaves. More uncommon things, her favourite shape is octagon, her favorite simple machine is the screw, and her favorite animal is the carrion devourer.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
She would absolutely go all out and give herself big ol’ bat wings and like 3 more sets of horns and huuuuge fangs and way bigger claws and a pointy tail and SPIKES and probably a third eye on her forehead... heck yeah.
Elda Throatchop:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Ahhh, Elda. I included her mostly because I wanted to talk about her and also she’s sort of gotten sucked into a few open-ish things lately so she totally counts >.> She’s another NPC-turned-character from Lunar’s Drizzlewood plot, this time a generic helper NPC that was supposed to get killed off but Lunar actually did well enough that she survived, and helped them through the final fight. Aesthetically, she’s actually based off of the Pokemon Obstagoon, which is where her last name comes from as well. Sort of. I’ve honestly had the idea for a Blood engineer in the back of my mind for years now and Elda is absolutely not that! She’s not at all what I would have made had I set out originally to make a Blood engineer, but I love her anyways and I’m really enjoying her.
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Elda hates feeling loneliness. She doesn’t mind being alone, and she can handle that just fine - she likes her private time to tinker or work on projects or test the latest whatever, and she probably does better on her own anyways, but she... needs to know that there’s people there for her if she wants/needs. She doesn’t like being isolated. As far as stuff that she doesn’t know how to deal with, probably regret? She’s so far operated on a kind of “live hard die young” sort of deal (and she almost did, dohohoho) and so when missed opportunities or regrets jump out at her, she’s not really sure what to do about it. It never spurs her to action so she’s kind of just left there staring at it like “so... what now?” and it kind of shuts down her whole mojo for a long time.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
Elda takes decent enough care of herself. Not exemplary (she’s not out here practicing yoga or getting enough fiber) but well enough! She eats regularly and gets enough sleep and bathes often, so she’s doing pretty good! Although she doesn’t regularly put anyone above herself, she would do it for certain people, like her friends or family. She values them and their role in her life enough that she’s willing to self-sacrifice to make them happy and keep them around. When she does want to treat herself, she tends to splurge a little on some shiny new tool or toy, often with the excuse that it’s for work and it’ll help her be more productive, but she knows that it’s just because it’s bigger and shinier and has an extra spanner or something.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Her favourite food would probably be things that are kind of finicky and interactive, so poultry wings, or artichoke, or shellfish. She’s not really picky about flavours, though of course she likes things meaty. Her favourite colour is obviously red, though she’ll admit to a fondness for pink as well. She never understood why humans attach so much meaning to it - pink’s cool. Her favourite season is definitely summer - she likes the clear skies, the bright weather... More random stuff! Her favourite Bop-It command is Twist It, her favourite style of soda pop (if such a thing exists in Tyria, I dunno) is Dr. Pepper, her favourite sport is wrestling, and her favorite piece of clothing is her belt buckle, which is made from the melted down remains of her first gun.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Elda’s pretty happy with how she is, but given her choices, she’d like to be quite a bit taller and a bit bulkier. She wishes her teeth were a bit pointier, and she always wished she could grow a longer mane - she wants to have a big spiky mohawk too. As nice as wings or shapeshifting would be, it seems like having too many things would just get in the way.
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twilights-800-cats · 4 years
<< Allegiances || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || From the Beginning >>
Chapter 2
With their breakfast finished, the group decided it was past time to get moving. Their Clans needed them – but Stormfur had wanted every cat to have some idea of where the Clans were going, so they were staring over the lake and memorizing the terrain as best as they could, in the hopes that it would make their leaders and Clans easier to convince.
Feathertail doubted that Leopardstar would listen easily – she was by far the most stubborn leader in the forest. Though, judging by Stoneheart’s earnest gaze raking over the pine forest, Feathertail guessed that Russetstar might need some extra convincing as well.
“I wish we had time to explore it all,” Stormfur breathed. “I’ll bet there’s so much here for every Clan to love.”
Feathertail found herself wishing that, too. The land here seemed so much bigger than the territories back in the forest – the Clans could flourish for generations in such a place, especially if all the prey was as fat as Mistyfoot’s vole earlier. This could really be a great home for them, if they could convince the Clans to leave the forest.
She glanced sidelong at Stormfur. Will he move to ThunderClan when we bring the Clans here? He was standing close to Mistyfoot, their pelts brushing. She pushed the thought away, feeling the yawning jaws of abandonment trying to secure themselves into her tail. Nothing is decided yet! He said so himself.
“If we had time, we could at least tell our leaders what to expect,” Stoneheart sighed. He was still looking over at the pine forest, his tail-tip twitching. “But time isn’t something we have right now.”
Crowpaw’s shoulders were stiff as he looked out over the moorland. “Are you sure this place is safe, Midnight?” he asked. “No offense, but… trust a badger to lead us into a badger’s den…”
Feathertail wanted to cuff the WindClan tom for a comment like that, but she had to agree that he was only voicing all their own worries. She looked over at the she-badger, who was sitting with Mistyfoot and Shadepaw.
Midnight lifted her snout, her berry-bright eyes flashing. “Forest not safe for your ancestors,” she countered, “when they came. Carved their homes then, carve your homes now.”
“Well, I can’t wait!” Nightpaw purred.  The little tom’s tail was sticking straight up in the air, and his body was bristling with excitement. “A whole new land… and we found it, and we get to explore it! No cat will ever forget our names!”
Feathertail’s whiskers twitched, her heart filling up with admiration for the apprentice’s adventurous spirit. She nudged him back to the others, purring. “We’ll have plenty of time to explore when we bring the Clans here,” she insisted. Maybe ThunderClan and RiverClan will share a border again? “But right now I think we should get moving.”
“Agreed,” Stormfur mewed. He cast a mournful look back over the lake, as if he were sad to leave so soon. When he looked back at the others, those amber eyes were sharp with determination. “We need to head out.”
“We thank you for your help, Midnight,” Mistyfoot meowed. “Do you happen to know a quick--”
All the cats froze at the sound of rustling bushes. Stormfur and Mistyfoot, bristling, thrust themselves out front. Feathertail joined them, puffing out her chest fur to look twice her own size. Nightpaw and Crowpaw unsheathed their claws, while Shadepaw stepped protectively in front of Stoneheart, who looked somewhat amused by the idea.
The bristling fur and glinting claws were for nothing as a rumpled tabby shape stepped out of the brush. Purdy blinked at them with wide, owlish eyes. “What, y’all thought I was a fox’r somethin’?”
“Purdy!” Nightpaw’s fur flattened and the small tom burst out of their lines to press his muzzle into the old loner’s fur.
A sense of relief filled each of the Clan cats, and Feathertail felt a rush of affection for the old tabby. Purdy had guided them through a large, confusing Twolegplace days ago and had pointed them to the lake. The old tom was strange and lonely, but he meant no harm and knew the land well.
“Oh, youngin’!” Purdy purred. He licked Nightpaw between the ears, his tail flicking with what seemed like embarrassment. “I was gettin’ worried that y’all got lost…”
“We found the lake,” Crowpaw mewed, flicking at the water with his tail. “Thanks to you.”
“We found Midnight, too,” Shadepaw added, nodding to the badger.
Purdy’s old eyes only seemed to see the badger now, and he jumped in front of Nightpaw, bristling. “A b-badger?! Are y’all bee-brained?! Git away from it, ‘fore it--”
Midnight raised a paw. “I mean no harm,” she stated simply.
Purdy’s spine sagged, and a look of disbelief crossed his face. He looked down at Nightpaw helplessly, and sighed, “An’ I thought that StarClan’a yers was unbelievable… a badger that speaks cat? The heck’s this world comin’ to?”
“She has helped us figure out our purpose here,” Mistyfoot explained coolly. “We need to head back to our Clans as soon as possible.”
“Do you know a way?” Stormfur asked, tilting his head.
Purdy frowned. “Hmmm,” he grumbled. “I kin take y’all back through the neighborhood but I dunno if it’ll be quick…”
“The mountains,” rumbled Midnight. She lifted her paw to point at the horizon.
Feathertail blinked, following the badger’s gesture. Towards the sunrise were a range of tall mountains that the cats had avoided on their way here. Though Feathertail was somewhat confused about the route, she supposed crossing the peaks would make for a quicker trip… but they looked cold and lonely, and something about the place made her paws tremble.
She wasn’t the only one – Purdy was bristling at the suggestion, his eyes wide. “The mountains?!” he gasped. “Now I know y’all are bee-brained; ya don’ just go up those mountains! What ‘bout the--”
Midnight thrust her way into his speech: “Their choice,” she grunted. “Not yours. Twolegplace, or mountains… either way, return they must.”
The others were looking at the peaks, too… and at Stormfur. Feathertail knew that though the group had never formally nominated a leader, her littermate had taken the role as his own on the way here. Though he was a source of frustration, Stormfur was still a smart, noble cat, and Feathertail was proud that he had led them so far.
“It could be a more direct route,” Stoneheart meowed. He was examining the landscape with a sharp eye. “From here we can see that we wouldn’t have to cross the Twolegplace again. We’d save a day or two at least.”
Shadepaw’s shoulders were bristling, her eyes glinting oddly as she looked at the horizon. “I don’t know…” she murmured. “Something doesn’t feel right. I think I’d rather go through the Twolegplace – at least then we’d have Purdy to help us.”
“Me, too,” Crowpaw agreed, glancing at Shadepaw.
“Not me,” Nightpaw huffed. “I want to see what’s in the mountains!”
“Hawks, that’s what,” Crowpaw snapped back. “And they’ll pick you up ‘cuz you’re small as a rabbit!”
Nightpaw bristled.
“The danger is great, either way,” Midnight offered before Nightpaw could retort. “What say you, Clans?”
Feathertail trembled a little, looking at her brother. She would follow him anywhere, just as she always had. No matter what, we stay together, she told herself.
“What do you all think?” Stormfur asked, his amber eyes passing over the others. “Mountains, or the Twolegplace?”
Shadepaw and Crowpaw stepped back, both looking against the idea of the mountain path – but Stoneheart and Nightpaw were clearly for the idea, and when Mistyfoot padded up to their side it was clear they were outnumbered.
“Mountains it is, then,” Feathertail decided, smiling for Shadepaw and Crowpaw’s sakes. “I’m sure it’ll go fine; there’s nothing we can’t handle together!”
“Very well,” Stormfur mewed. He lifted his chin, amber eyes flashing determinedly. “We go through the mountains!”
Midnight’s eyes sparkled. “Destiny is in motion,” she rumbled, seeming satisfied. “There is little time, now.”
Purdy looked concerned, his tail-tip twitching. Feathertail felt for the old loner – he didn’t believe in StarClan, or anything, really; he didn’t know what it meant to believe in his ancestors. The Clan cats – and Midnight – must all look ridiculous to him. If he knew how real StarClan was, he wouldn’t worry so much…
The old loner sighed, and mewed, “Well… I don’ think I’ll be changin’ yer minds… Least I can do is point y’all in the right direction. Mostly a straight shot from what I’ve heard, but ya gotta know where’t look for the path… Y’all sure about this?”
Stormfur glanced over the others once more, his gaze confident. Each cat, even Shadepaw and Crowpaw, returned his steady gaze with a nod. When Feathertail affirmed her choice, Stormfur nodded at Purdy. “We are,” he confirmed.
Purdy grimaced. “Well… time’t move out, then,” he decided. Flicking his tail, he began to pad away, towards the mountains. “If’n we hurry, we kin make it to the base by sunset.”
Feathertail got to her paws, her heart thudding in her ears. Were the others just as nervous? She glanced back at Midnight. What lay in the mountains? Did the badger know? Feathertail wished that there was time to ask, but the Clans needed them.
Nightpaw looked back at the lake, his ice-blue eyes filled with determination. “We’ll be back!” he yowled at the waters. “And we’ll make this place our home!”
Feathertail smiled, the worries in her heart stilling for a moment. Whatever lay in the mountains, they could face it together.
They had to.
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perahn · 4 years
after challenging @jadesabre301 to do sad slave!verse Serannis, I had to balance the scales a little bit. Here’s a snippet from the only universe she hasn’t written yet - the one where the translators are students at Khem’s school in Arrabar.
10 gold pieces’ worth of components is quite a sizeable proportion of a first-year’s requisition allowance. Most of the students Serannis knows are pursuing other options, arguing the various merits of this spell and that, defending their choices as vigorously as they did when choosing their first cantrip.
(Jadesa had chosen prestidigitation then. She liked being able to instantly clean spilled ink, or warm her gloves, or make her vegetables taste like Chultan dark chocolate. Serannis found chocolate with the texture of broccoli all but inedible, but Jadesa still enchants her dinner every night.)
There was never any question for Serannis, though. He submitted his research proposal and his requisition form a week ago, and now his heart is hammering with sheer excitement as he sits in a classroom with a brazier blowing fragrant smoke in his eyes. There’s a teacher watching – there always is, when a student’s trying something new – but she might as well be in the Underdark for all the attention Serannis is paying to her.
He makes sure both books beside him are open to their correct pages, then takes a deep breath. He’s been practising the chant and the hand gestures for almost a month (you aren’t supposed to begin before you get permission, but he couldn’t wait), and he knows them by heart, could do either or both while trancing, but this – this is the first time he’s putting them together. This is the first time he’s united syllables and movement with will and fledgling magic.
This is the time that matters.
Serannis begins calling. Smoke and hands shape the path; will projects his words and meaning into the outer edges of the Feywild. Come, small spirit, he calls. I seek a friend, a companion, a help. A familiar. I will fulfill my part of that ancient contract if you choose to answer it. We will be bound, but I will release you if you ever want it. Please, come.
Serannis doesn’t know how long he calls. He is too focused on getting it right, on impressing his desire into the magic. The spell is supposed to take an hour, he remembers, but that kind of time doesn’t seem to mean anything while he casts.
Hello, he hears – a voice that tickles inside his mind, inhuman, insubstantial, and bright as a ray of sunlight. The spell falters for a moment as he grins with incredulous delight.
Whoops! it observes, merriment in the not-sound. I can’t hear you if you drop the passage, you know.
Carefully, Serannis feels contrition for his carelessness, and polite wondering about his visitor and whether they are interested in becoming a familiar.
There is a sensation like a soundless sneeze, which seems to be mildly scornful. It’s a long way to come if I wasn’t, the fey tells him. You’re not terribly bright, are you?
Sometimes he isn’t, Serannis feels, but he does try. And he’s very honoured to have attracted its attention.
I don’t think you’ll get very far without help. And at least you’re polite. Hmmm… His head feels like a jam jar with a moth in it, if the moth were frowning thoughtfully at the glass in between battering itself against the walls. It’s nice in here. I think I’ll stay.
He can’t quite believe it, it’s too good to be true, this is so exciting -
Yes, yes, it says, and Serannis can feel it preening even as it pretends to dismiss his enthusiasm. I know. Don’t get too excited, we’re not finished yet. You need to give me a name.
It’s a kind of anchor, he knows. “Penna,” he says, a new sound in the chant.
A ripple of light like sundazzle on water: a small fey laugh. A feather, am I? That’ll do. What form shall I take?
This part, truth be told, had taken Serannis longest of all. He had pored over his favourite books for weeks trying to decide. There were so many birds in Faerûn, so many magnificent and strange species that he would probably never get to see, not if he spent all the rest of his life seeking them out.
But he was learning magic. He could cheat a little.
Serannis holds up the second book. It’s open to the vivid illustration of a male Aglaiocerus coelstis in full breeding plumage – the violet-tailed sylph. The hummingbird is a small jewel of iridescent greens and blues, and less than four inches long… except for the tail, nearly as long again, shining in vivid purple.
Oh! the fey says. That’s almost as bright as home. I love it!
Then the hummingbird materialises in front of Serannis, the wings a blur as it darts from side to side, gleaming vibrant in the sunlight, its tail quivering. “You are stunning,” Serannis breathes. He has a familiar, and finally he has seen a violet-tailed sylph in person – and the book didn’t do it justice, it is so much brighter and so much more beautiful.
I can definitely get used to this, Penna says, and perches on Serannis’s finger when he holds it out. Clean up your summoning, and then you can go show me off as I deserve.
10 gold pieces’ worth of components is quite a sizeable proportion of a first-year’s requisition allowance. Nevertheless, Serannis scrounges it together repeatedly.  There are other species of hummingbird. There are wrens, finches, gulls, owls, corvids and swifts; there are the loveliest songbirds in the world. Penna seems to enjoy the changes of form as much as Serannis does. Jadesa laughs until she cries the first time a small blue penguin follows Serannis into the library.
Serannis has to swear off parrots, though. Penna is all too happy to repeat Brighthip’s vocabulary lessons at inconvenient moments.
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I Woke Up at 3 in the Morning with These Ideas. So, Here. Take It.
Here’s some short fic ideas I’ve had over who knows how long and wrote down. Don't know if I’ll make them cannon or not. Take them, I guess.
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- Late Night Hadrian and Vil Encounter - 
Vil Schoenheit was about ready to smack someone, because today was just not his day, apparently. 
First, some annoying paparazzi thought it would be a great idea to harass some Pomefiore students until they found Vil to get some exclusive photos, but one of them happened to be Dorji Medusa, a fellow third year Vil really couldn’t stand because of his disrespect towards Pomefiore’s traditions, who decided to take out his annoying experience with the paparazzi on Vil.
Then, Epel and Rook decided to disappear for the day. No matter how much Vil looked or tried to contact them, the two still decided not to show themselves. Which, while was really strange, Vil decided wasn’t that important compared to the annoying paparazzi.
And then. . . The dorm leader meeting happened.
You’d think it would be good that Malleus Draconia would finally show up to a dorm leader meeting especially since he wasn’t invited this time, but then, Leona, Leona fucking Kingscholar decided today would be the day to insult Malleus and cause the meeting to turn into a fight between the two. Vil was annoyed just thinking about that unpleasant meeting. Azul and Idia decided to leave while they could despite explicitly being told not to, and Kalim and Quentin stood around the room not doing anything like idiots trying to get themselves killed, but thankfully at least Riddle tried to help the situation. But, Gods, that took forever to calm down that fight. 
Vil rubbed his temples, as if trying to soothe the headache that was today. “Well, today was certainly unpleasant. But, nothing can be done about that. I have work to do.”
So, Vil started has homework for the day. It was easy enough, Alchemy and Potions homework was too easy for him today-
And then, there was a tap at the door, it seemed somewhat like a knock at a door, not it wasn’t quite one, that Vil couldn’t put his finger on why. The tap was loud, just enough to be heard by Vil which made Vil think it was someone he knew. The tap also seemed to try to be imitating a knock at the door, which somewhat scared him. 
Vil carefully assessed his situation before coming to the conclusion someone is playing a joke on him. Most likely Dorji, since he was really angry in their encounter earlier. 
“Dorji! I swear to the Gods if you’re taking your anger out on me by pranking me, I’m giving you cleaning duty for another month!” Vil threatened the person on the other side of the door to his room, but the person didn’t respond. 
Okay. so it wasn’t Dorji. Then who was it?
Vil sighed and got up from his desk currently filled with homework, and opened the door to his room. “If you have something to say, speak up.” Vil sighed as he opened the door into the dark and empty hallway, but there was no one there. 
That is, until he heard a quiet whine coming from below his vision. To which, he turned his head downwards to see a dog. A bloodhound with a crocodile’s tail, to be exact. Its’ yellow sclera seemed to glow in the darkness of the hallway, and it sat in front of Vil’s bedroom door almost menacingly as if it was waiting for Vil to do something. 
“Which one are you?” Vil asked in an upset tone of voice, annoyed he had to deal with one of Dorji’s dogs, though he also immediately regretted his choice of words and tone when the dog whimpered. But, it moved to make the shape of an ‘H’, as if he was trying to help. Which also temporarily showed the dog was hiding something.
“Ah, you’re Hadrian, is that right?” Vil asked, and the dog nodded at Vil’s question as if to answer it. “So, what do you want at this hour? It’s past curfew.”
To which, Hadrian stepped away from Vil’s vision for a moment and pulled out a plastic bag, and slowly pushed away the plastic, revealing a drink container with four drinks in it, which he seemed careful not to make any sort of mess on the drinks. 
Vil inspected the bag for a moment, and saw it appeared to be smoothies. Hand-pressed fruit smoothies, from what it smelled like. It wasn’t from his favorite shop of hand-pressed smoothies, but it certainly was better than nothing seeing as Vil’s day wasn’t so great. 
“Is. . . Is this for me?” Vil asked the dog, to which the dog nodded in response, and seemed to act out a quiet little skit with one person angrily yelling at another person, and making the latter person really sad, and then the dog circled the drinks. Luckily, Vil seemed to understand what Hadrian was trying to say. 
“Ah, you got those for me because you saw Dorji yelling at me?” Vil asked, which seemed to make the dog confused for a moment, than look like he was contemplating something, and then nodded at Vil’s answer.
Vil reached down to pet Hadrian. “Thank you.” Vil pet Hadrian for a bit, before stepping aside. “Can you come in for a moment?”
To which, the dog nodded and carefully stepped inside Vil’s room, making sure not to get fur anywhere that seemed like it couldn’t be cleaned up. Vil picked up the smoothies Hadrian had offered him, though Vil somewhat doubted the dog bought those smoothies with his own money, closed the door to his room and set the drinks on his vanity then moved to where the dog was and sat in front of it. 
“I feel bad for you.” Vil muttered, as he pet Hadrian once more. “Having to clean up after Dorji’s mistakes.”
This seemed to make Hadrian sad for a moment while he was being pet, but then he reached up one of his paws to Vil’s face before stopping, and put his paw on Vil’s leg, as if the comfort him. 
Vil laughed at that for a moment. “Ah, did Dorji tell you not to mess up my make up?”
The dog nodded in response. 
This seemed to make Vil laugh, as he looked like he was suppressing a laugh but came out as quiet giggles. “Of course he’d tell you something like that. Pffffft. What a werido, telling that kind of stuff to his dogs.”
With Vil’s face lighting up with laughter, Hadrian’s face lit up as well and his tailed started to move as well. After some time of the two smiling, Vil stopped to notice Hadrian’s happy face. 
Ah, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of Dorji’s dogs smile. They always have such a serious look on their face up until now.
After Vil stared at the bloodhound-crocodile-thingy for a solid few seconds until the dog let out a quiet whine which snapped Vil out of his thoughts. 
“Can I brush your fur?” Vil asked all of a sudden, despite realizing seconds later that the dog’s fur was super clean and shiny, so he might not need it.
Hadrian didn’t seem to mind though, and nodded his head cautiously. He then got up from his spot and walked towards Vil’s vanity, looking for something. Though, he didn’t go for the hairbrush Vil had sitting on the table at the time, and went for a smaller one that Vil admit he didn’t know he had and then brought it over to Vil, and sat down in front of the dorm leader. 
He really does know his way around a vanity. Maybe Dorji makes him find a brush a lot? Or Dorji hides his brushes in a similar spot? Well, whatever the case is, he certainly takes better care of these dogs then himself. How annoying.
The dorm leader thought to himself as he brushed the dog’s fur, which was surprisingly more than Vil expected on a dog like Hadrian. Though, the dog didn’t seem as relaxed as Vil had expected, but the dog still seemed to enjoy being brushed. 
“Your fur is cleaner than Dorji most days.” Vil commented, which seemed to catch the dog off guard. “Does he really take that much care of the two of you?”
Hadrian nodded at that, as he gestured to the vanity proudly as if he was trying to say something about it. 
“Ah, is Dorji’s vanity full of your things?” Vil asked, to which the dog nodded happily. “Really. I wished he’d learned to take care of himself.”
The dogs seemed embarrassed at that comment, but straighten himself after a bit. 
“There.” Vil said, as he finished up brushing the dog’s fur. After which, Hadrian turned to Vil and gave him a slight bow, as if to show respect or say thank you. 
“If you want to thank me,” Vil commented, a smirk developing on his face, “then go to bed, alright? I’ve let you slide for staying up past curfew this once for being kind to me, but I don’t know if I’ll do it again.”
The dog nodded at Vil’s request, and moved towards the door, which after Vil stood up opened for him. 
The dog looked back at Vil, as if confirming something until Vil simply waved at him to keep going forward. Which, the dog did, disappearing into the dark hallway. 
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- One of Masawa and Jamil’s Good Encounters -  
Jamil Viper really was rushing himself within the Scarabia dorm today, and most of Scarabia didn’t know why. 
Seeing as Kalim didn’t order a party that day, Jamil should’ve been much calmer then he currently was, but he’s not. At first, none of Jamil’s fellow dormmates pushed Jamil and why he was so stressed about, since, well, Jamil wasn’t the easiest to approach with how serious his face was. That is, until Masawa Naran poked into with Jamil’s life a little too hard. And by that, Scarabia’s local troublemaker that Jamil hated dealing with, found out Kalim was sick by breaking into Jamil’s room. 
Kalim Al-Asim, the dorm leader of Scarabia and the one person Jamil’s family is indebted to, was sick. 
And from what Masawa could see, Kalim must’ve gotten heat exhaustion is combination with something else. 
But, what was Kalim doing to get this bad? Kalim usually doesn’t-
“Masawa?” Jamil seemed to be confused, upon seeing Masawa bent down in front of Jamil’s bed where Kalim laid. “How did you get in here?”
“Hmmm? I thought I heard a something in here. I thought left your beatbox on again, so I went in. You left your door unlocked.” Masawa pointed to the door to Jamil’s room, as he turned to face his vice dorm leader. 
Now that Masawa actually looked at Jamil up close, Jamil wasn’t looking that much better than Kalim. If anything, he looked like he was in a similar boat.
Now that’s comedy! Jamil got himself overworked from something like this! Gods, he’s so stupid!
Jamil seemed confused for a moment, but then shook his head head. “That’s not important! Get out!”
“Why?” Masawa asked, as he closed Jamil’s curtains on the window, which defiantly made Jamil react, at least making Jamil relax a little as Masawa walked towards his main victim of teasing. “He’s not contagious. It’s heat sickness on top of most likely overwork, Jamil. Shouldn’t you know this?”
Jamil seemed a little shocked, like Masawa had nailed what was wrong with Kalim right on the head then his face changed to anger. “W-Why would you know something like that?”
“Jamil, we grew up in a similar area. The Kingdom of the Sun is an area in the Land of Hot Sands, it maybe bordering into other areas besides the Land of Hot Sands, but it’s still there.” Masawa poked Jamil’s cheek, causing Masawa’s hand to get thrown to the side with an angrier Jamil, before it hit Masawa like a rock what was happening. 
“Ah. I should’ve figured. When Kalim gets into this kinda stuff you tend to follow soon after.” Masawa said, as he tried to take what Jamil but Jamil was not having it, as he would not let go what he was holding which seemed to be a tea of some sort. For a few seconds, the two were in a staring match which went nowhere until Masawa flicked Jamil on the forehead, causing Jamil to get knocked back pretty far. 
“See? You’re not much better. Just-Eh?” Masawa then heard the clang of a tea pot falling and then saw a mess of tea on the floor. 
Jamil had passed out. 
Which caused Masawa to let out a sigh similar to what Jamil what would give him normally. “Annnnnnnnnnnnnd another one bites the dust.”
The sound of footsteps came closer to where Masawa was staring at Jamil’s unconscious body. “What happened-?!” 
Several Scarabia students came rushing over to see what the commotion was about to discover a disappointed Masawa and Jamil laying down on the ground. 
“Masawa! What happened?!” A third year seemed to speak for the confused group of students.
“Jamil passed out after he saw me here. This should be a case for Sherlock Homes!” Masawa said, but nobody seemed to get what Masawa was saying. Some of the group of students seemed just plain confused, some shook their heads at Masawa’s strangeness. 
“Jamil and Kalim got heat sickness.” Masawa stated, as if he remembered this situation was serious.
“The dorm leader and vice dorm leader got heat sickness?” A second year asked, which seemed to confuse them even more.
“Yas queen.” Masawa said, with a face so serious that it really seemed like the group of Scarabia student were missing something. But most Scarabia students just sighed at Masawa’s comment.  “Hilarious, I know right? Since they preach hydrate or diedrate.”
That this point, most of the people just seemed to be sighing at Masawa’s comments. “Moving on, we should let them rest, wait. . . what’s this tea?”
“Ah. That was mine.” Masawa sighed. “I was going to prank Jamil with some spiked tea and see if he’d get drunk!”
The dorm seemed confused again for a bit before Masawa spoke up. “Fine, fine. I don’t need your looks of judgment. I have an OnlyFans account for that. I’ll clean it up.”
At this point, most of the Scarabia seemed to have given up, and simply walked away from the scene. Some stood around the scene as Masawa cleaned up the tea for a bit, but then walked away, leaving just a passed out Jamil, a sleeping Kalim and a serious looking Masawa.
“Now, for the real work.” The only conscious member of Scarabia in the area said, as he picked up the vice dorm leader and set him down next to the sleeping dorm leader. After a few seconds of staring at the two though, he pulled down Jamil’s curtain at the top of his bed and situated it between the two childhood friends. 
“Just in case Jamil flips his shit.” The second year muttered, as he left the room. 
Masawa came back, with a big pitcher of cold tea, and a fan. Then, after placing the fan in the right place and taking off some of the excess leaders’ clothes, left saying, “No homo.” 
It took a bit for Kalim to wake up, but when he did, he felt better. Much, much better then he did. It took him a bit to figure out where he was after he got out of bed, but he eventually figured out he was in Jamil’s room after he’d passed out.
He also was cold. Really cold. 
So, Kalim decided to leave the room. When he opened the door, there was a huge different between the two rooms. Outside it was a temperature Kalim actually recognized and one that he was familiar with. Kalim took a deep breath of the other air, as if to help himself adjust. but then he smelled something. It seemed like someone was making something. Which confused Kalim, since he saw Jamil sleeping in the next room. So, Kalim went to investigate by himself.
And when he got the Scarabia’s kitchen, there was a bunch of people Kalim didn’t recognize, and they appeared to be chefs, but before the dorm leader could say anything someone shouted for him. 
“Dorm leader!” A first year waved as he walked to where Kalim was. 
“What’s going on?” Kalim asked, as the student approached him, looking relieved. 
“Hmmm?” The first year looked around, and then sighed at the sight of the chefs. “Ah. Masawa brought them in. He said he wanted something from home.”
“Eh?” the dorm leader seemed really confused at that statement, which the first year shrugged at. 
“I don’t know. He’s been acting weird since this afternoon.” the first year added, but gave an inhale of the kitchen’s scents and started to walked away. “Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. We’re getting free food.”   
“Do you you know where Masa went?” Kalim asked.
“Ah. I think he’s in the lounge. He said he needed to stay close to here.” The first answered, as he waved goodbye to his dorm leader. 
Kalim waved goodbye as well, and walked to Scarabia’s lounge area. He opened the door pretty fast which seemed to scare Masawa inside, who just seemed laying on some pillows. 
“Masa!” Kalim said, running over to him and tackling him into a hug. 
“Yeah Kalim? What’s up?” Masawa said, as he sat up from where he was taking Kalim with him. 
“Why’s there professional chefs here? Someone said you called for them.” Kalim said, trying to keep a enthusiastic curiosity despite his brain already going through what Masawa’s motive might be. 
“Ah, that?” Masawa said, as he pried Kalim off of him and Kalim moved to sit in front of him. “I wanted some spinach puffs. The ones Sam sells aren’t good.”  
“Spinach puffs?” 
“Ah. You don’t know?!” Masawa seemed genuinely surprised by Kalim lack of knowledge. “It’s a side dish that somebody I know makes a lot! It’s like. . . Hmmmmm. Like a quiche.”
“What’s a quiche?”
“Eh?!” Masawa definitely seemed caught off guard by that. “It’s like a pie, but instead of adding sweet ingredients like fruits or pure sugar, you add vegetables. It’s really good if you do it right. Ah, I guess Clover might be better at explaining it.”
“Trey?!” Kalim seemed happy at this prospect, as Masawa sighed. 
“Yeah.” Masawa ruffled his own hair. “I’ve seen him with some. I sure if you ask him, he’d be better at explaining.” 
Kalim seemed taken aback by Masawa’s comment. Like Masawa had acted out of character. 
Masawa seemed to understand this and sighed, flicking Kalim’s head in the process. “I maybe all knowing, but that doesn’t mean I’m great at describing them.”
Kalim moved his arms to hold his head that was in pain, but sat there staring at the Masawa who was currently sighing, and looked awfully similar to Jamil in that moment. “Ah, where you worried about Jamil and me?”
Masawa’s face of tiredness then immediately turned to his dorm leader in surprise and embarrassment. “N-No way! W-Why in Twisted Wonderland w-would I be worried a-about a b-busybody like h-him?!”
“You were worried!” Kalim seemed to take his tsundere actions as a sign of the fact being real. “Aaaaaahhhhh! Thank you Masa! Thank you very much!”
“I am not!”
“Are too!” Kalim’s pouty face appeared. 
“Am Not!” Masawa was blushing now. 
“Are too!”
“Prove it then!”
“You brought those chefs here because you didn’t want Jamil to cook in that state! And the room was cold and dark because you made it that way so we could feel better!” Kalim waited a few second, and after Masawa’s face got even redder than before, “Masa is such a kind person!”
“Okay, okay! So what if I was worried? Nobody’s that heartless!”
“Why on Twisted Wonderland are you yelling Masawa?” Another voice came into the lounge. When Kalim and Masawa turned to see Jamil coming towards the two second years with his usual tired face Scarabia normally saw from him. 
“Jamil! Masawa was the one who called in those chefs!” Kalim hugged Masawa once again, this time shaking him as well. “He really is nice!”
“I told you I just I wanted some spinach puffs!” Masawa snapped back. “The ones Sam has suck!”
 Jamil seemed surprised at the two playfully arguing, but then sighed again, this time happily as if to laugh at the two’s actions. “What am I going to do with you?”
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- One of Medusa family’s and Epel’s Encounters -
TW: Fighting and Blood. 
First Part Not Recommended for Vil Fans, as I Wrote That Part Around the Time I Made the Vil Memes, Which Even I Admit Are Kinda Mean to Vil Now.  
Second Part Starts At “Let’s get out of here,”
Vil and Epel’s ‘lesson’ is certainly loud today. Gods, do they know that some people are trying to doing something important here?! Dorji Medusa angrily thought to himself as he did his homework within his room, and from the look on Dorji’s face, was was about ready to smack somebody to get somebody to shut up. And as if the dog read the room, Claudius stood up. 
“Ah? You want to go out?” Dorji asked Claudius, as the dog walked towards his desk, immediately softening Dorji up. Dorji reached to pat the dog’s head, which Claudius accepted. “I’m sorry, I’m in the middle of a really complicated problem, I’ll finish up this problem and join you in a few minutes, alright?”
Claudius seemed to understand Dorji’s words as he nodded. To which, Dorji walked to open the door to his room and opened it as wide as he could and put in a door stop, and then moved to pet Claudius once more. “Try to have fun. I’ll play tug of war with you when I’m done to make up for lost time, does that sound good?” 
To which, Claudius made a happy Yip! sound, but it was quiet, as if not to wake someone else in the room.  
Dorji nodded happily at that, and pet Claudius’s head once more and then Claudius turned to leave the room, leaving Dorji and a sleeping Hadrian behind. 
Claudius seemed to know exactly where to go to find the Pomefiore ballroom, as he navigated the hallways of Pomefiore so easily you’d think he was a student there. As he did so, the fighting between Vil and Epel got clearer and clearer to hear, and more people where seen outside their rooms, muttering things to themselves or to each other like, 
“Vil is being really harsh on Epel today.” 
“How scary.”
“Did something really bad happen to Vil? He never yells like this!”
“Aaaaaaaaah! Where is Vice Dorm Leader Rook when you need him?!”
“I’m really worried about Epel, but. . . Vil scares me like this.”
“I hope this ends soon.”
Claudius passed by these Pomefiore students with confidence, as if he knew what he was going to do. He walked confidently up to Pomefiore’s ballroom, and stood outside the door and then made a deep and low growling noise, the kind of growling that you know that something is ready to kill without even having to see the animal and strikes fear into anyone who hears it because it shakes a person to their very core because of their fight or flight instincts. 
And, it seemed to strike fear into the bystander Pomefiore students, as there was many shrieks of pure fear and panic heard by the dog, but not by the person he wanted it to be from. So, Claudius opened the door.
And in the center of the ballroom stood Vil Schoenheit, aggressively holding Epel Felmier by his hair, with both parties faces red and injured with the two still yelling at it each other insults each other and not seeming to know something else had stepped into the room. 
At that point, it seemed like Claudius had enough of the fighting and jumped at Vil, aiming for the arm holding Epel’s hair. Which he bite into hard enough to get Vil bleeding and scream in pain and thus causing Vil to let go of Epel, immediately causing Epel to step back to get away from Vil and Claudius. 
“Gah! That hurts so bad! What in the name of the Gods was that?!” Vil cried angrily until he noticed Claudius biting his arm, soiling his gym outfit and then his anger seemed to have changed people and got worse. “Copper! Copper! Get your disgusting mouth off me!” 
Which didn’t happen, as Claudius had decided to stick on Vil like a parasite. So, Vil and Claudius engaged in a battle of wills which went on for a while until Vil somehow managed to get Claudius off of him by hitting him, with Claudius then moving in front of a now terrified Epel once again growling the growl that was meant to terrify prey. This time, it seemed to get to Vil and Epel, as Epel now seemed scared out of his wits and was covering his head to protect himself and Vil now seemed pretty scared, and then another two people stepped into the ballroom. 
“Oh gods! King of Poison! Mister Cherry Apple!” Rook Hunt rushed into the room before Claudius growled his menacing growl once again, which defiantly seemed to catch Rook off guard as he also seemed scared before he put his hands up in a sign of surrender.  
While the other person, Dorji Medusa, rushed into the room past Claudius without any trouble and rushed over to the terrified Epel, who he then tried to comfort by speaking with him. 
“What happened?” Rook simply asked the dog. 
To which, Claudius barked a few times, a lot less scary than the growl he just gave, but still sounded pretty angry. But Rook seemed to understand what Claudius was trying to say, as he nodded at Claudius and simply said, “Let me take King of Poison. He’s hurt.” 
Which Claudius seemed to allow, as he let a bark that sounded approving but still suspicious. Which, Rook took as a yes, and walked slowly towards Vil, who now seemed in a form of shock. Rook simply carefully grabbed Vil and walked the dorm leader out of the room slowly which Vil didn’t give any protest to. After Rook and Vil left the room, Claudius seemed to soften. After Claudius carefully closed the door to the room he turned to Epel and Dorji, making sure to give Epel a good amount of space and then letting out a whine that sounded it was friendly and trying to apologize, while Dorji simply asked, “Are you alright, Epel?” 
“I fucking hate ‘em.” Epel said, plainly. “I wish I never came to this godsdamnned school.”
Which made Dorji silent for a moment, as if he was thinking to himself and then looked back at the door. “I don’t blame you.” 
And after that, the two humans sat in silence for a while, while Epel seemed to try to compose himself and Dorji thought to himself before Dorji stood up from where he once kneeled. 
“Let’s get out of here.” Dorji simply said, “Any place is better than here right now. I know a place.”
Epel lifted his head up from the ground, with a confused look on his face. “Eh?”
“I’d prefer not to hang around the place to hear Vil bitch about what happened or get caught in the crossfire of his temper. And from the look on your face, I don’t think you want to either. Come on, let’s leave.” Dorji then offered a hand to Epel.  
“But. . .” Epel seemed conflicted for a moment while he took Dorji’s hand and stood up. “What ‘bout Rook?”
“Rook can handle himself.” Dorji simply said as he started walking towards the room’s exit with Claudius in tow. “He wouldn’t be the Vice Dorm Leader if he wasn’t the best person to deal with Vil.”
Epel took that answer, as he didn’t say anything else and the two boys and the dog left the room and exited into the hallway to encounter some Pomefiore students still standing on in the hallway, looking less afraid then before but still scared. 
“Dorji! Where are you going?!” A worried second year appeared behind the two, moved past Epel and Claudius and grabbed Dorji’s sleeve.
“Wherever I fucking feel like. Gotta problem with that?” Dorji simply turned around with a look of disgust on his face. 
“N-No! Not a-at all!” The second year then let go of Dorji’s sleeve, making Dorji, Epel and Claudius stop. “But, s-shouldn’t you s-stay? D-Dorm Leader V-Vil and V-Vice Dorm L-Leader Rook w-will get a-angry if y-you don’t!”
Dorji let out a sigh, the kind of sigh like he was disappointed but not surprised the question was asked. “Those two can kiss my ass. I don’t care about their or anybody else’s fucking feelings right now. I need to cool my head for a while if don’t want me like this for the rest of the day. Ah, in fact, I’d suggest the whole dorm leave the dorm room before that prick decides to go on a rampage because I’m not here to take Vil’s issues.”
The second year seemed to understand what Dorji was really trying to say, nodded and then rushed off to somewhere. Leaving Dorji, Claudius, and Epel and soon after the three started moving again. 
“Dorji?” Epel spoke up as the group left Pomefiore’s mirror in the Hall of Mirrors, breaking the silence the two had. 
“Yeah?” Dorji said, leaving the Hall of Mirrors and heading towards the Main Building.
“Where we goin’?”
“An empty classroom I know hasn’t been used in a while.”
“Huh?” Epel came in front of Dorji to stop him. “But won’t we get inta’ trouble?”
To which, Dorji simply patted Epel on the head. “No. I know somebody who uses that classroom for studying with permission. I’ll just say I asked them for the room for a bit today.”
Epel simply nodded, and continued to where Dorji guided him, which was really deep into the school that Epel didn’t know the students could enter until they came upon a door, which was locked until Dorji pulled out a key, and entered. 
The room was definitely older than the classrooms Epel was used to being in, as this looked more like a normal high school’s classroom, with desks that look to be craved out of stone facing towards a big desk in the front of the room with a lamp on it and a chalkboard behind it, but the area surprisingly had no dust.
“’ow old is ‘his place?” Epel asked, as Dorji sat himself down at the big desk, turning on the lamp, which made the room light up as well. 
“If I said I knew, I’d be lying.” Dorji simply answered, as he moved for some space with the desks and pulled out a rope from one of his pockets in his extremely modified dorm uniform, which Claudius seemed to recognize and bark happily at. 
“Ah.” Epel said, as he looked around the room for a while, while Claudius and Dorji played a game of tug of war pretty intensely, after investigating the room and only finding a stash of pencils, pens, and stamps. 
“Dorji?” Epel looked towards the two played with each other.
“Yeah?” Dorji answered Epel’s call, despite being locked in a tug of war. 
“Who gave ya’ that key? And what’s it for?”
“I don’t know what this room is for exactly, but this whole area is meant for Ramshackle residents. A friend of mine gave me a copy of the key when where first years, I think it was because I told him I needed a place alone where Vil or Rook wouldn’t find me since I hated being at Pomefiore dorm then.” 
“Ramshackle? Isn’t the dorm with the Andalasian, the monster and magicless student who managed to get in?” 
“Mmmmhhmm.” Dorji nodded, which seemed to give Claudius the chance to take the rope for himself. “Aw. You got it this time. I guess I owe you some head rubs when we get back.”
“Wait, they can’t find us ‘ere?” Epel asked, seeming to have those words stick to him.  
Dorji shook his head. “No. This area is Ramshackle’s according to what my friend said. He says Rook or Vil comes into this area they’ll be kicked out because he hasn’t approved them coming into this area, and if they manage to they are trespassing and they can get into serious trouble with Ramshackle’s dorm leader and the ghosts of the school.”
“Why’s that?” 
“Ah. My friend said it has something to do with the area being Ramshackle’s area since the ghosts gave it to Ramshackle’s dorm leader to help them out.”
“Help out the ghosts?”
“I think he burns incense or gives offerings to the ghosts when he’s here, which calms the ghosts on the island down, since this is where they hang out most of the time.”
“Are we good ‘ere?! We didn’t bring offerins’!”
“You didn’t but that’s okay, I did.” Dorji said, pulling out a bunch of sticks out of one of his pockets, which then Epel realized was probably incense sticks and place it in a jar and used fire magic to light the sticks then turned to the other side of the room, which was empty. 
“Me and my junior Epel are going to stay in this area for a bit. Epel was hurt by Vil earlier today and he needs some space away from Vil and Rook for a while, I brought him here to have that space. Sorry this is on such short notice. Shit hit the fan at my dorm.”
After a few moments of silence a ghost came into the room. A really skinny ghost with really creepy eyes appeared into the room. 
“I see.” The ghost then moved towards the jar of incense and took it away, and then left leaving only the trace of a ‘thank you’ in the air.
After a few moments of silence between the two Pomefiore students, Dorji moved and sat on one of the desks. 
“Well, now we’re alone.” Dorji simply said, crossing one of his legs over the other. “Do you want to talk about the incident?”
Epel simply shook his head. “No.”
“Wanna play with Claudius then?” 
The dog, who had been proudly standing in that one spot he won his rope in, seemed to be listening now and turned towards Epel, as if he was giving Epel the chance to play with him. Epel stared at the dog for a moment and then nodded towards Dorji. Which, Dorji smiled at and nodded back.
“Well, you can play tug of war and see which of the two of you is stronger. I always lose to Claudius, but maybe you can beat him.” The third year gestured towards Claudius who then gave up a part of the rope, and crouched down in front of Epel and started wagging his tail.
Epel gained a smirk on his face, like he knew he was going to win this match and grabbed the rope laid out for him. “’lright. Be ‘eady, Claudius.” 
To which, the dog barked happily, and Epel started to pull and then Claudius started to pull. And for a while, the two where locked in a state of their competitive stares, as they each tried to take the rope for themselves. Claudius, using a shaking technique in combination with moving and using his strength that most dogs used, while Epel seemed to be going by pure psychical strength.
The match of tug of war went on for a while as Dorji tried to cheer on both sides, which only seemed to motivation the two sides more, that is, until Dorji said he’d give the winner a treat and then Claudius seemed to have completely lost his focus with Epel, and his face changed for pure focus to happiness, which Epel took advantage of and took the rope for himself.
Epel seemed super happy at this achievement. “I win! I fuckin’ won!” 
Dorji clapped at his dormmate’s achievement. “Good job.”
Claudius seemed kind of upset he lost, but he quickly changed that to look happy for Epel, barking happily as if to praise the first year.
“So I get something, right?” Epel said proudly, to which Dorji nodded. 
“Well, I think it’s been a while and Hadrian must be worried. I’ll take you to Sam’s shop and buy you what you want. What would you like?”
“Yakiniku.” Epel said, as the trio began to leave the room.
Dorji nodded at Epel’s request. “I’ll buy the best I can find.”
Epel seemed really happy about that as they left the area, and then a thought struck Epel like a rock. 
“Who’s your friend in the Ramshackle dorm?”
Dorji stopped for a second. “Hmmmmm? I guess I must’ve forgotten to say his name. His name is Quentin Nighy-Sallow. He’s the dorm leader of Ramshackle dorm.”
“Ah. Is he the one with the two black sections of hair?”
Dorji nodded. “Yeah, he used to have just brown hair though before he. . .” Dorji went silent for a moment, as he had remembered something bad. “He left halfway through last year.”
“Do you know why?” Epel asked. 
“From what the previous dorm leader told me when I asked, he left because his country’s diplomatic issues where getting hugely out of control and they needed him, since he was the main diplomat at the time.”
“Was it scary?”
“Was what scary?” Dorji asked, but from his tone he seemed to already know what the question was.
“Seeing him on live TV, about to be executed by his own people.” Epel said, but he seemed to immediately regret his words, as he covered his mouth soon after. 
Dorji was silent for a moment and then said, “Yeah. I remember how scared I was seeing him about to die. I felt so. . . Powerless, just watching. The look in his eyes told me he was so scared, but he was desperately trying to hold his head high, despite the people mocking him and telling him to use his magic and then it happened all at once, the Overblot, I mean.”
Epel got quiet for a moment as he uncovered his mouth. 
“But, enough about him. After all, this is supposed to be more about you than my personal life, after all, I’m getting you some food.” Dorji chuckled as the two got closer and closer to Sam’s shop.
“Can I ask you one more thing?” Epel asked, stopping at the steps of Sam’s shop.
“Yeah, what is it?” Dorji stopped too, even though he had one of his hands on the door. 
“Why are you and Vil on such bad terms?”
“Ah, that? Vil hasn’t said anything about it?” Dorji sighed, as if relived. 
“No. He only says how annoying you are to him.”
“Well, I suppose I should tell you then.” Dorji took a deep breath. “When I first came to this school, I didn’t know that much about what the teachers where teaching, since I didn’t get as much of an education as you guys did. Tartarus, I probably got because somebody I knew or owed me a favor pulled some serious strings and got me in. After all, I didn’t apply for this school. The acceptance latter just appeared at my shop one day. And because I didn’t know much, I figured I should study my ass off to catch up, but apparently I went overboard with what I needed to learn, and managed to get in the same leagues as the honor students. And at the time, I didn’t even think about anybody else’s opinion, so I disrespected lots of Pomefiore’s traditions, like that stupid dorm uniform we had to wear that I still hate so I refused, something the whole Pomefiore dorm had to do together like a big dinner or meetings which I refused to go to because I thought they where a waste of time. The dorm leader and vice dorm leader at the time didn’t really care I wasn’t participating since I wasn’t causing too many issues, so they eventually gave up on trying with me. But Vil for some reason didn’t give up. He kept yelling at me and scolding me for being so rude and disrespectful, and I simply told him to fuck off, as I said I came to this school to learn magic and not to deal with other people who decided to pry into my life like him. Ever since, we’ve fought over the dumbest of shit because we hate each other, sometimes the fights got psychical, which I always won back then and sometimes we fought with magic, which often had the two of us tied. I remember it got to be so bad the former dorm leader and vice dorm leader had to call the teachers to get involved, and we go into huge trouble with the principal. As he said that we where basically turning the whole school into a minefield, and even the fourth years, who weren’t on campus for that long, could feel it. So, he told us we had to stop fighting in Pomefiore’s dorm, or he’d expel the two of us on grounds of harassment and destruction of property, which Vil was not okay with so immediately had the two of us shape up. As you know, not much has changed since he both still hate each other, but I suppose it’s better than before. But I wouldn’t know, since I was too self-absorbed to notice the truth.” 
“Self-absorbed?” Epel didn’t sound surprised at Dorji’s comment, but he did seem really confused by it.
“Ask Rook or any other third year and they’ll tell you I wasn’t great to be around.”
“Even worse than now?”
Dorji seemed a little offended by that, but tried to make his statement clear. “Yeah, much worse.”
Epel stopped for a moment and simply nodded. 
“Then, shall we go in?” Dorji asked, opening the door to a now enthusiastic Sam, like he’s been waiting for those two to come in the whole time. 
“Yeah.” Epel said, as he walked in the door with Claudius, and Dorji closing the door behind them.
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- Quentin and Che’nya’s First Encounter -
I hate him. Magic, forgive me, but I hate him more than I hate anybody else in this dorm. Quentin Nighy-Sallow thought, as she walked out of Heartslabyul’s dorm into the night air to go home. He’s just. . . so demanding in thinking he’s above me that’s there’s no way in Twisted Wonderland he’s not racist.
And he keeps going on and on about his mom and thinking it’s okay to walk all over me like that using his mother’s stereotypes about me and then has the balls to ask me if he’s hurting me. 
Doesn’t he understand what he’s saying?! 
Can’t he take a hint or feel for another person?!
Quentin stopped walking after the second set of flower pots, and was struggling not to hold her anger in, even crouch down to try and contain it in some way. 
I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! And what the fuck is Trey doing, being a kiss-ass like that?! Gods! He’s not much better than Riddle! He’s enabling Riddle’s behavior! There’s no way he doesn’t understand that! 
Ỉ̙̞̬͉ͭͩ͢ ̧͕̦͚͈̭̳̈ͩ̿̂ͅͅh̡̲̲͔̘̤̤̘͆ȃ̘͕̩̦ͭ͡t̳̪̣̤͉̻ͪ͆ͧ͠ͅè͕̤̺͈̑̋́͡ ̟̼̥̯̟̝̥͉̾̋͡t̖̗͈̯̒̍́͟ẖ̖̒͢e̴̻͉͍͕̦̲ͪͫm̛̹͖͇̺͚̃!͑̄҉͔̮
“Ah. You’re the one Riddle’s been yelling at recently.” A voice Quentin hadn’t heard before snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked up from where she was crouched and clutching herself. 
And there was a floating cat beastman’s head with golden cartilage earrings in his cat ears floating not far from the lamppost with Heartslabyul’s logo. The beastman had purple hair and lavender highlights, like Vil did, with some of his hair was held back by black barrettes. He had golden eyes, that seemed to glow within the darkness of the night. 
Quentin stood up from where she once crouched. 
“Pardon me?” The girl said to the beastman, as kindly as she could which seemed to work. 
“I mean Riddle’s been yelling at you a lot, recently hasn’t he?” The cat beastman asked, as his body fully appeared, revealing the beastman was a student of Royal Sword Academy. 
Well, I have nothing to lose if I tell him. If I had to guess, they’re from the same hometown. Childhood friends, most likely.
“Yes.” Quentin said simply, trying to sound like she was going to sigh.
“Sorry about him. He doesn’t mean any harm to you. He’s just a momma’s boy.” the beastman apologized. 
“Do you know him? Riddle, I mean?” The Andalasian asked.
“Yes. He’s an old friend of mine.” The beastman said. “We used to play together a lot.”
“Ah.” Quentin said simply. “Can I ask you about someone else then?”
The half-cat beastman seemed happy at that, as he made a smile that Quentin noticed looked similar to Riddle’s and Trey’s smug smiles. 
They must’ve gotten that from him.
“What do you want me to tell ya, nah~?”
“Trey Clover.” Quentin simply stated, which seemed to really confuse the beastman. “The boy with glasses and green hair whose been around Riddle. He’s a friend of yours, isn’t he?”
The cat smiled at that, like Quentin knew how to get straight to the point. “Yes. He’s an old friend of mine, too.”
“Then tell me why he enables Riddle’s behavior like that.” Quentin said, showing her seriousness. 
She felt to some degree, Che’nya was like her. 
A Trickster. 
A Joker. 
And The Scariest One in the Room if He Gets Serious.
The beastman seemed to ponder with himself about something, and then looked back at Quentin. “If I had to give it an exact reason, it’s pity.”
“Yeah. Trey pities Riddle.”
Gods. I figured Trey was depressed for some reason but he pities a momma’s boy with an Electra complex like that? 
“Why’s that?”
“Riddle’s mother. She’s. . . hard on Riddle in many regards.”
“So she’s a tiger parent and Trey pities him for it?”
The beastman nodded at that. 
Pathetic. I thought Trey was smarter than that, but it seems not. 
Quentin let out a sigh. “So you’re here because you’re worried?”
The beastman nodded once again. “Yeah. Riddle’s never been the best at reading the room and often gets emotional.”
“Why though? He’s got Trey.”
“Yeah, but. . . Trey has his own problems. He practically runs the dorm, as you know.”
Quentin then nodded at that. 
“Ah, I have to go now because of Royal Sword’s security.” the beastman said, as he body disappeared into thing air. “But I hope we meet again. I like you, Ramshackle Dorm Leader.”
Quentin was about to let the beastman go without saying anything, but before the beastman’s head disappeared he looked shocked and said, “I forgot to say my name. I’m Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Alchemi.” Quentin said, giving him a mocking bow that Alchemi seemed to like. “I’m Quentin. Quentin Nighy-Sallow.” 
“I hope we meet again, Quentin.” Alchemi said, as his head fully disappeared into the night air, leaving Quentin by herself. 
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sweetmemories2606 · 5 years
Marry Christmas!!
Wrote this fluffy one shot for @jfangirld as part of the Fic Exchange.
Here's the info:
Title: Marry Christmas
Pairings: Lyredy/Gruvia/Jerza/AlBis
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2k
Hope everyone enjoys! 
                  December 24th, X796.
Fairy Tail's guild hall was blooming once guests arrived for the infamous Christmas Party that would be hosted there this year. On the left corner of the room, standing beside their appointed table, Gray and Juvia chatted with Meredy.
"Are you sure about this?" Meredy asked, nervous.
"Yes." Juvia offered a reassuring smile.
"He'll never see it coming." Gray chuckled and the 11 months old in his arms yawned.
"Looks like someone's getting tired." Meredy smiled at her nephew.
Silver started babbling while reaching for her. "...Mel." The adults chuckled before the ice mage carefully passed the baby to her.
Meredy held him tightly and Silver happily played with her hair; which she had left loose for the night. The adults kept chatting in the meantime, but he soon tried to catch their attention by calling Meredy's name.
"What is it, little one?" She gently asked, glancing down at him with a bright smile.
"...Mel." Silver called again and his arms tightened around her as he rested his head against her chest. "Aww I love you too, little one." She pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"You're so good with him." Juvia commented, smiling softly.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind spending a few days with you while Juvia and I go on our next mission." Gray suggested.
Meredy's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"
"Of course." Juvia replied before calling Silver's name. He glanced at his mother, sleepy. "What do you think, baby? Would you like to stay with auntie Mel and uncle Lyon?"
"Mel?" He yawned again.
"Wow, he really is tired tonight." Gray was surprised.
"I guess we'll finally get to sleep through the night." Juvia noted with relief.
"Hell yeah." The couple shared smiles before he draped an around her shoulder, bringing her close for a soft kiss.
Meredy shook her head. "You guys."
"Da-da?" Silver's call made them pull apart and glance at their son.
Juvia stepped away from her husband and approached Meredy, cooing at the baby. "Who's ready to sleep until tomorrow?"
"Da-da?" Silver glanced between his parents, eyelids closing.
"Good night, little one." Meredy pressed another kiss to the top of his head before giving him to Juvia.
As soon as he was in his mother's arms, Silver dropped his head against her shoulder, small arms loosely wrapped around her neck.
Coming to her side, Gray playfully rolled his eyes. "He's such a mamma's boy."
"Are you jealous, honey?" Juvia raised a brow.
Before he could reply, Meredy gasped; eyes widening. "He's here."
The couple followed her line of sight towards the ice mage who had just entered the guild hall and was looking around; probably searching for his girlfriend.
"It's go time." Gray smirked.
"Good luck." Juvia winked.
"Good luck with what?" Erza and Jellal joined them. The couple had disappeared at the beginning of the party and many had been wondering where they had been.
However, looking at them now, it didn't take the trio long to figure out. Their hair was a mess, their clothes dishevelled and they were still catching up on their breaths.
"I see you finally decided to join us." Meredy said, a playful smirk upon her lips.
"Everyone's been wondering where you two disappeared to." Juvia told them while rocking Silver from side to side.
"We were just..." They shared a look.
"Just?" Gray raised a brow.
"Mira...hmmm...she enlisted us to...search for the missing ornaments for the tree." Erza nervously replied. The explanation was believable, but still they knew it to be a lie.
"Sure you were." Gray smirked.
"Anyways..." Blushing, she turned to Meredy. "Are you doing it tonight, then?"
"Yes." Meredy smiled, nervous.
"I see." Jellal said, his expression neutral.
She glanced at her boyfriend again. He had just reached the counter and was asking Mirajane something. "Are you sure that I should do it, though?"
He was about to say something, but Erza tightened her hold on his arm and gave him a warning look. Then, turning to the younger girl, she offered a bright smile. "You should!"
"I swear to you; there's no way he'll say no." Gray reassured.
"And if he does..." Jellal's expression was scary.
"Nope." Meredy interrupted, shaking her head before taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going."
Watched by the group, she made her way towards Lyon and he turned around as if sensing her presence. Smiling brightly, he started approaching her as well.
They met halfway between the counter and the group. Unbeknown to either, there was a mistletoe right above them.
"Hey." Lyon greeted cheerfully.
"Hi." Meredy nervously said.
"Now you have to kiss." They turned to the 10 years old in surprise.
"Excuse me?" The ice mage was confused.
"Asuka..." Bisca called. She sat by the table in front of them; trying to keep a hold of her 3 years old daughter, Neve.
"Honey, you know that you can't just tell people to kiss." Alzack offered Lyon and Meredy an apologetic glance.
"But they're below the mistletoe." Asuka pointed out and the couple looked up.
"Oh. We are." Meredy noted.
"I guess this means we have no choice." Lyon playfully said, snaking an arm around her waist and bringing her close.
"I guess not." She giggled, promptly wrapping both arms around his neck.
Asuka cheered once they shared a passionate kiss and her parents couldn't help but to smile at her excitement.
"Can you imagine when she starts dating?" Bisca whispered in her husband's ear.
Alzack shuddered, smile faltering. "I'd rather not."
She chuckled at his reaction and Neve joined in. "Daddy's so overprotective, isn't he?"
He sighed, but the smile returned to his face. "I just don't want to think about how quickly she's growing up."
Bisca leaned her head against his shoulder, both watching Asuka ask the other couple to kiss again. "Me neither, darling."
While kissing him, Meredy remembered the reason why she had approached him in the first place. Thus she pulled away and he pouted. "Why so soon?"
"I need to ask you something." Nervousness returned and Lyon seemed to pick up on that.
"Meredy..." He frowned. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." Meredy informed while stepping away from him.
"Then why are you leaving?" He was confused once she took his hands in hers.
"I'm not." Taking a deep breath, she began. "I never thought of myself as a romantic, you know? I didn't even think about looking for someone to love because I thought it would only lead to pain."
"Meredy..." Lyon's frown deepened.
"After watching Jellal suffering so much because of love, I told myself I didn't want it. It wasn't worth it." Her expression softened once she looked into his eyes. "But you changed that. You made me want to fall in love."
He couldn't help but to smile, freeing one hand and lifting it to stroke her cheek. "I'm glad I changed your mind."
Meredy tried to hold back tears. "And I love you. So much."
"I love you too." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.
Cupping his face with both hands, she deepened it. His hands explored her back, finding the zipper of her teal dress. Lyon was tempted to unzip it but reminded himself that they were in a crowded room.
After they had to pull apart in order to breathe, her fingers played with the button of his blazer. "I know we agreed to take it slow...but right now I can't remember why."
"Me neither." He admitted.
Now knowing he felt the same, Meredy's confidence was renewed. "Which is why..." She pulled away again, leaving him confused. "I say we speed things up instead."
"What do you mean?" Lyon raised a brow.
Meredy stepped away until they were at a comfortable distance. Instead of answering, she knelt down, reaching into her cleavage for a small box wrapped in Christmas style paper.
"Meredy...what are you doing?" An amused smile pulled at his lips.
"I'm proposing to you." She answered with a smirk.
His eyes widened. "Huh?"
Opening the box, she revealed the pair of lotus-shaped earrings which Gray had created. "I asked Gray to create these because they represent a new beginning." Meredy explained. "That is exactly what you are to me and I have no doubts that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Lyon Vastia, will you marry me?"
Lyon was stunned, speechless. Then, after a few silent moments, he smiled playfully. "I'll have to think about it."
Knowing he was joking, she raised a brow. "Seriously? That's what you're going with?"
He loved teasing her. She'd always get this cute frown on her face. "Perhaps."
Meredy rolled her eyes and stood up. "Then I suppose I will leave you to 'think about it'." Putting the velvet box back into her cleavage, she turned around and began walking away.
Having barely taken two steps, he suddenly took her hand and spun her around. "Were you really going to just walk away?"
"What did you expect me to do?" She regretted sounding more hurt than intended.
"You're upset." Lyon noted, smile faltering. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you."
"It's fine." Meredy said, wrapping her arms around his neck again.
"But I think you know..." His expression softened once he brushed a stray hair away from her face. "That I've always wanted to marry you."
"You have?" She glanced up at him, surprised.
"From the moment you agreed to go on our first date..." He recalled with a nostalgic smile. "I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."
Her eyes showed doubt. "That can't be true...We barely knew each other then."
"I knew enough." Lyon remarked, tightening his hold on her. "That you were beautiful, brave, kind and strong. I knew I was lucky to have a chance with you."
Meredy brought a hand to stroke his cheek, glancing at him with adoration. "I was lucky too. You're amazing, you know?"
An annoyed shout caught their attention."Will you two stop being so cheesy?" They glanced at Natsu, who stood a few feet away, rolling his eyes.
"Natsu..." Lucy stared at her boyfriend in disapproval.
"I can't believe you just interrupted this beautiful moment." Juvia glared at the two. Lyon and Meredy suddenly noticed that her, Gray, Jellal and Erza were now sitting on the table right in front of them which had been previously occupied by the Connell Family.
"I don't mind." Jellal shrugged, crossing his arms and glaring at a certain ice mage.
"The moment's being going on for too long anyway." Natsu argued. Soon a discussion began but Lyon ignored it as he leaned in to kiss his fiancée.
"Aww look at them." Juvia swooned, tightening her arms around Silver.
Gray smirked. "Remember when I proposed to you?"
Smiling blissfully, she nodded. "Of course. It was the best moment."
"It sure was." Chuckling, he draped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close.
Meanwhile, Erza was teasing her husband. "Don't look so grumpy."
"I'm not." Jellal protested, but kept his disapproving look.
"So, what does this mean?" Lucy asked once Lyon and Meredy had pulled apart.
The couple shared a look and he nodded reassuringly. Then, they turned back to the group; holding hands and looking happier than ever. "It means we're engaged."
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Dark and Unknown: Ch 3. Test of Will
Leere yawned as she rested against Bonegrinder. Morning came too early for her. “You awake?”
"No." Bonegrinder shifted his coils and buried further into the pile of blankets and pillows. "Go back to sleep."
“Hmmm. I need a shower. You know anywhere nearby with a water supply?”
"Showers do not exist in Omisha, you have the river." Bonegrinder kept his tail curled around her ankle. "And other creatures inhabit Omisha besides this old snake's kind. You are not going by yourself."
“Then come with me and get out of the pillows.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder grumbled. "It's warm, you are warm, he does not want to move."
Leere frowned, until a cheeky thought filled her. Taking off her clothing, she threw each piece of article on him until she was naked. “Well, I’m off. Your warm body is leaving you.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder simply plucked her up and plopped her on his coils again. "Stay. This old snake is tired and wants to sleep more." He cared not that her bra was hanging from one of his horns or that she had purposely hit him in the face with her thong.
Malik groaned as he saw Leere play around with Bonegrinder, turning away when she started to disrobe. “Princess... stop. Put something on and I’ll take you myself if the brat won’t.”
"Bonegrinder is not a brat, he is too old to be a brat." The Anagari objected with a loud grumble before rising from his pile of pillows. He stretched and yawned. Maybe while she bathed, he could refocus his magic and transfer into a source of energy so he would not feel so tired. "Fine, fine. He will accompany the princess."
“I will accompany too. Least you both waist time.”
Leere quickly covered herself with a towel, embarrassed Lord Killjoy here would be joining them. Perhaps he needed a bath as well. “I’m sure we’re faster than you, my lord.”
Malik frowned at her obvious sarcasm in his title. “Let’s just get a move on.”
Leading the princess and lord to the river, the Anagari motioned for the two to wait a moment. He chanted in Echidnan and a glowing circle expanded from his hands. He placed the circle in the water, and it covered a sizable portion of the river. He then slithered into the cool water and floated on the surface. "Do not swim outside the ring," Bonegrinder informed Leere and Malik. "He cannot guarantee your safety if you do."
Malik looked away as Leere threw her towel away and dove in. He simply stood guard and on watch. “Enjoy your bath.”
"Oooh, Bonegrinder thinks the big boy is too shy." The Anagari took this as a chance to tease Malik. "What do you think, tiny princess?"
“I think he enjoys stank he’s accumulated.” Leere smirked as she ran water through her hair.
“I had a shower yesterday. And I don’t need the Anagari falling for me.”
"Hmm, well, he does have a nice ass, but his personality is very disengaging." Bonegrinder told the princess as he curled himself into the shape of a tube float for her to hang on to his coils if she wished. "Tiny princess here has all the three 'b's. Beauty, boobs, and butt."
“Ha! Thank you.” Leere did so, kicking freely in the water. “Seriously. Why are you a stick in the mud?”
“I’m surprised you’re so care free. Especially around him.”
"Tiny princess is carefree around Bonegrinder because she knows that he will not eat her nor harm her." Bonegrinder stated the truth. "Tiny princess stumbled into his home as a child. She knows that while he is dangerous and ancient, he holds true to his word. He said he will not harm her, thus he means it."
“You have an attraction for monsters, don’t you Princess.”
“Good and bad.”
“From my point of view and the stories you share. Terrible...” He gave a long stare at Bonegrinder. “And tolerable.”
"Tolerable," Bonegrinder snorted in amusement. "He will take that as a compliment."
“I find your claws around the royalty disturbing at most, questionable at least.”
"It is for a good reason, he promises." Bonegrinder decided to attempt to explain. "If you or the pretty prince had found out about us Echidnans before, you or pretty prince would have assumed the worst. Monsters older than the land itself usually have a bad reputation. Humans have a bad reputation with us." The Anagari flicked his tail as if waving a finger to emphasize his point. "Since he took the opportunity to have an advantage over pretty prince, then it allowed time for him to learn our ways, to see how we view humans, and that Mother is interested in only peace. Else, he feared that pretty prince would have done something rash... like send his undead commander after innocents."
Malik had to admit, he could see that situation easily develop. “I wonder how much darkness in Ralnor came from his father, and how much from you.”
Leere frowned at that accusation. “Ralnor is a good man. Darkness isn’t inherently evil.”
“Is that what you tell yourself to feel justified?”
"Ah, that is where you are wrong," Bonegrinder told Malik. "He gave none of his darkness to the prince. Darkness was already there. He could sense within the pretty prince's mind the ever-raging bloodlust. Yet, this old snake knows how to contain that very well. So, he set prince pretty's sights elsewhere, gave him a task to focus upon. Besides," He smacked his lips. "Anyone who is unlucky enough to piss off the pretty prince means Bonegrinder gets an extra snack for the day." The Anagari carefully pulled Leere a little closer to the center of the circle by her ankle. "Besides, darkness is viewed as evil and corrupt, yet there are many who find solace in it. Just because there is an absence of light does not mean the dark is used for solely malicious purposes."
“I suppose that’s true. Ralnor enjoys his tortures and his games. He enjoys his little evils.”
“Excuse me?” Bonegrinder could feel Leere’s anger fester in her core. “Ralnor has done more good. He’s like me. He channels his darkness for better purposes.”
“Perhaps you’re right. You both possess disturbing qualities.”
Leere stopped kicking in the water, her gaze growing bitter and cold. “What nerve do you have to say that to me.”
“You certainly enjoyed trying to drag me to hell as a child. Or torturing those you deem worthy of wrath.”
“You were a bad man who killed my guardians right in front of me. Threw me into an asylum where I was raped. If Ralnor has any evil, perhaps he learned it from you. I remember how you’d beat my siblings in what you called ‘training’. Perhaps our disturbing qualities come from being forced to confront the evils around us. You’re a blunt killer Klinge.”
“Shame you can’t control this killer anymore like a puppet, witch.”
"Good Kaksa, have mercy..." Bonegrinder muttered to himself as the two hurled insults at one another. "You two are behaving like newly hatched spiderlings. Personally, this old snake does not care if you two do not like each other, but for the sake of impressing Mother, and earning her trust you two need to be cordial to each other in her presence." He then added, "Bonegrinder does not care if you argue in front of him, but it must not happen in front of Mother. Do you two understand?"
“Clear enough.” Malik turned his back on them, looking out at the country side.
Leere looked down, holding Bonegrinder’s coils tighter. “Understood.”
“I doubt that I’ll be in danger returning to the hut. You can enjoy the rest of your bath in peace.” Malik trotted off back towards the residence.
Once Malik was out of sight, Bonegrinder turned to Leere.
"He is harsh, and you have a silver tongue." The Anagari stated. "Are you going to be all right, tiny princess?"
“... I don’t know. He’s right in some ways. I’m attracted to monsters, and they’re attracted to me. I hope members of my family isn’t as insidious as he claims. Am I near a ledge of falling into evil?”
"..." Bonegrinder was not sure if he should be the one to tell Leere that there was a reason that Mother had a magical border protecting the mountain pass between Malus and Omisha. While humans were seen as the bad guys from a monster's point of view, the Mortuus were that of nightmares. Reanimating the dead was... tasteless, abominable, and a manipulation. How many times did peace try to be achieved and the Mortuus would dig up the corpses of their loved ones to use as a puppet? It was not just the necromancy which caused Mother to have a sour note against them, but... the use of... demons. Ancient demons of evil. "Darkness finds comfort in darkness, tiny princess."
“I suppose that’s why I love the Dragmires so.” She rested her head against his coals. “May you wash my back?”
"Never think darkness is bad, tiny princess, just remember that sometimes, evil things use the darkness to their advantage." Bonegrinder chuckled at her request. "If you wish it."
“I insist. You have... a good touch.”
"Very well." Bonegrinder circled his long body to where she could still hold onto his coils while he washed her back. He materialized a rag out of thin air, dropping from a portal. The Anagari was disturbingly good at the hardest magic of all; portals. He gently washed Leere's back, making sure to be careful around the scarred areas. "Have you ever thought about this old snake removing that tattoo for good for you, tiny princess?"
“Of it’s magic? Or the ink?”
"Both." Bonegrinder admitted. "It would not be easy to remove the magic, but the ink, perhaps so. Yet, he can still do both if you wish it."
“Oddly enough, I like the ink. Don’t you think it’s rather mysterious?”
"Bonegrinder is not fond of needles, tiny princess, so he looks at it, and thinks 'ouch'."
“Well, you have your pattern in your scales, do you not? Or think about White’s booty sac. It’s art of the body.”
"Patterns he was born with, tiny princess, not obtained by prick-prick-prick." Bonegrinder's finger tapped three times against her back to prove his point. "While tattoos are beautiful, he can do without one." He reached up under his eyes. "These were painful enough. He does not require more."
Leere lightly winced. “I can imagine so. Can’t exactly use those to woo.”
"If one wished to be a shaman, one had to get these." Bonegrinder recalled the day he received the tattoos and his scales actually flexed from the memory in defense. "These allow us to have clearer visions. Bonegrinder thinks that is a load of horseshit, but he had no say."
“What’s the point of a painful magical tattoo you don’t fully understand if you can’t use it to get laid.”
"Well, he supposes it makes him look prettier." Bonegrinder jested in good humor with a flip of hair. "If anything, he supposes that is adequate."
“See. That’s the spirit.” Leere swam out towards the shore. “You think Blue and White are a little too horny for me?”
"Hrm, trick question, tiny princess." Bonegrinder slithered onto the bank and squeezed the water out of his long hair. "Monsters and humans both enjoy sex, but monsters have higher sex drives. Humans, while they may not have as high sex drives as Echidnans, still can go for a bit. Well..." He snickered. "The females can."
“What. No drive left in you?” Leere bent over to pick her towel up, starting to dry her hair.
"Plenty of drive, tiny princess, but he has to be in the mood for it." Bonegrinder chuckled, knowing she was trying to tempt him. "Besides, we need to be ready for Mother's inquiries."
Leere quickly dried herself off, tying the towel around her breasts. “Well now that your best friend is looking her best, I say I’m ready.”
"Heh, the inquiries are not until the morning, tiny princess," Bonegrinder patted her head. "But he appreciates your enthusiasm. Come, he knows you are hungry. He will take you to get food."
Malik wrote in a small journal, detailing events of his journey in Omisha. He wondered how worried his wife and Zarazu were. No doubt they had their own fantasies about the country. No doubt Zarazu would be temperamental he didn’t tell her of his departure.
Bonegrinder had gathered lunch for Leere and Malik. It was a basket full of various, edible fruits and freshly killed rabbit meat. He managed to convince the Tlanuhwans to give him some bread and cheese for his guests after trading a few dead rabbits. Once he cooked the meat, he went to wake Leere from her after bath nap. The tiny princess sure did snore loud when she was in a deep slumber.
“I’m... Im up. I’m up.”
The Anagari kept poking her with his tail until she finally moved.
"Come, your breakfast will get cold."
Leere yawned, thankfully fresh from her morning bath. “What you make for us all?”
"He has already hunted. You have bread, cheese, fruit, and meat."
Both Malik and Leere took their seats, starting to eat. Each glance at one another was filled with awkward tension.
Swallowing her food, Leere tried small talk. “You happy having kids?”
“I am.”
“You like... being alive?”
He looked up at his food, stunned she’d even say that. “... Yes.”
"Bonegrinder is surprised that the bossy metal wife is not pregnant yet." The Anagari had an amused grin on his face. "As much as that one jumps on her. He can smell it."
“She nearly died delivering my daughter.”
Leere clenched her fork more tightly from the sheer cold wrath in his voice. It obviously upset him.
"A risk all women take to bring their child into this world." Bonegrinder made sure to place some of the wild fruit on Leere's plate as well as Malik's. Before he thought, he even blurted out. "Even his own wife---his own tribe, the women sometimes had difficulty delivering eggs. Still, he believed you wished for a large family. Do you to wish to try for more?"
“How about you speak to me about your own wife first?” Malik glared at Bonegrinder, knowing full well he wouldn’t.
"No use to speak of her, she is dead." Bonegrinder pulled the meat from over the fire so it would not burn. "She was not like this old snake. She could be killed. He cannot."
“I had a dead wife before Asakonigei. Her name was Cipher. You don’t honour the ones you loved?”
"Then you know it hurts to recall." Bonegrinder was not going to speak much more of it than this. "Each tribe has their ways of remembering loved ones or honoring them. This Anagari prefers to forget."
“I speak from experience. I too, at a time, tried to forget. It was cowardly.”
"Think what you wish." Bonegrinder cut the meat and offered equal portions to Leere and Malik.
“Leere... don’t you think Malus be left forgotten?”
“What makes you suddenly say that?” Leere glanced up from her food to stare at Malik.
“I’ve talked to some locals. They fear the place.”
"Who talked to you?" Bonegrinder was interested who had the balls to speak to Malik. "Let him guess..." He thought for a moment and then sniffed. "Kiume."
“Big spider? Yes.”
"Blue's and White's father." Bonegrinder gave a short explanation to Leere. "Kiume is a prominent leader in the Iktomi and Jisdvna Tribes."
“Oh! It’d be nice to meet his acquaintance. Assuming he wouldn’t want me to be betrothed to his daughters.”
"No, tiny princess, Kiume will not try to marry you off to Blue or White." Bonegrinder assured her with a laugh. "He will, however, probably suggest the best mushrooms for you to smoke."
Leere has to wave her hand at that. “No drugs. Please. My doctor says I should avoid them if I don’t want to slip into bad habits again.”
Malik was slightly impressed the Wild princess had limits. “Wise.”
"... then Bonegrinder will tell him to suggest the best aphrodisiacs." The Anagari had no filter. "For you and that pretty moo-moo girl."
“Sunshine what?” Leere looked up to him, confused.
"Your sunshine." Bonegrinder simply stated. His visions of the future sometimes came out with no reasoning. "Pretty, blonde sunshine." Then, while Malik and Leere were eating, he decided it was time to consume his own meal. He had caught a wild boar and knew that the two were uneasy about eating boar meat thanks to Ganondorf's influence. He consumed the whole boar in one gulp.
Malik rose an eyebrow. “You’re lucky I prefer a horse as a mount...”
"He eats horses too, but prefers boar." Bonegrinder licked the blood off his wide jaws. "More salty."
“That’s disgusting.” Malik frowned heavily, pushing his plate away and putting his helmet on. Leere didn’t have a counter to it. She’d seen acquaintances devoured alive in a similar manner.
"One must eat to live, and one cannot be too picky." Bonegrinder then nearly drooled. "But a prized hunt is a cow. Fatty, delicious, scrumptious cows..."
“Perhaps we should go and meet your mother before you talk of eating humans.”
"Oh, don't flatter yourself, you'd be all gristle." Bonegrinder jested as he waited for Leere and Malik to finish their breakfast before taking the leftovers back into the hut for later. "Are you two ready? Keep in mind, the questions might be insensitive, crude, or downright crass. Mother does not know any 'human' boundaries. Yet, she will know if you are lying."
“You’re rather forward too.” Leere patted his coil. “How bad can it be?”
"Mother is... well... Bonegrinder is forward, but he has learned some human boundaries." The Anagari tried to think of an example. "He would not ask you to repeat about..." He cleared his throat. "Past negative experiences at the hands of others... Mother has no such filter."
Malik nodded with understandment. “Very well. We’ll brace ourselves. Take us to her. We came to learn and establish a good relationship.”
"Please try to remember she is not being 'rude' on purpose. She simply does not know of human customs." Bonegrinder led the pair back to the temple. He had a touch of apprehension in his chest. What would Mother ask? How would she react? If Mother was anything, it was unpredictable. "Do you recall the rules from before?"
“Yes. Do not speak out of term. Be honest.”
"And bow." Bonegrinder could not emphasize that enough. "No arrogance."
“And bow.” Malik repeated.
Once inside the temple, Bonegrinder heard the overwhelming echo of whispers. Mother was never alone. Her most precious ones, her dangerous treasures, always surrounded her, ready and willing to serve. There was Mother, lounging on her throne, her huge body only accommodated by a section of it. The Anagari bowed and kept his gaze downward to the ground.
"Once more before me, Modoc... Leere... and Malik." Mother opened her arms with her palms upturned, in an inquiring motion. "Are you ready to answer my questions?"
Leere and Malik bowed once more, each answering the Queen of Monsters.
“I am.”
“I am.”
"I don't suppose there is a volunteer to go first?" Mother asked with a sly smile. "Know that some questions are simply for my curiosity and others concern my home and my children."
Leere raised her hand. “May I?”
Bonegrinder was actually surprised. He expected Leere to wish to go last. Still, he said nothing.
"Bold, little princess, yet, here is my first question." Mother asked point blank. "Are you wishing to seek an alliance with Mortuus?"
“No... I want to simply see others like me with my own eyes.”
"You do know that the Mortuus mingle with demons and bring hellish creatures forth for the sake of torment." Mother told the princess in a tone of warning. "Bonegrinder assures me you are doing no such black arts. This is your first and only warning. Here in Omisha, we will not tolerate such arts associating with the fiends of hell. Do you understand?"
“I understand.”
"We will tolerate your art of necromancy for now. However, do not disturb our dead." Mother instructed Leere. "The dead have passed over and do not need their rest disturbed." Then she asked her next inquiry. "Leere, from your memories, your early life was less than pleasant and even as you grew, there were hardships to overcome. I saw firsthand how horrid humans can be from your worst memory. Tell me, if those fiends can do that to you... then why do humans deserve an alliance with Omisha?"
“Because if you read my memories, you already know there are kind, tolerant, and passionate humans in this world. Humans worth protecting from the darkest of evils. Be it mankind, monster kind, or the truly demonic.”
"So... you still have faith in humankind, despite what happened to you?" Mother seemed intrigued. "All your pain, your suffering, your torment... is it worth a belief that humans still have some goodness?"
“Yes. Other humans gave me hope. And despite all the pain and hurt this world has given me, I will endure it all to protect the good and innocent.”
"Hrm... I guessed wrong on your answer. I am surprised yet curious to know how humans can cling so desperately to hope when there seems like there is none." Mother then rose from her throne, the multiple legs tapping against the stone ground. "One last question, Leere, and you are not going to like it."
“Then ask away.”
"The man standing beside of you is responsible for slaughtering your guardians..." Mother stole a glance at Malik. "Do you not think him worthy of my trust? You certainly don't trust him."
Malik started at Leere, certain of her answer. She stared long and hard back at him.
“I don’t like him. He’s a ruthless man. Always has been in my eyes. But I trust him with the protection of Hyrule’s interests. And I put my faith in Hyrule as a beacon of hope.”
Mother actually laughed, not of mocking, but of delight. "Oh, you humans are so confusing and yet so determined at the same time." Mother was satisfied with Leere's answer. "Very well, little princess. I accept your truthful answers. Yet, we still have to question the man who was once undead." She approached Malik, halting right in front of the man. "Firstly, I need clarification. Merely a matter of miscommunication. Kiume informed me that you do not like being called the Lorleidian queen's watchdog yet pretty blonde prince told me that was your title. Why?"
“Because a dog is less then a man. The prince views himself as a successor to his father, Ganon. He views those that are not his family as beneath him. I’ve come with terms that the boy most likely does not see me as family himself. But as Ganondorf once did when he too was blinded by his power, this prince is blind as sees me as a less then him. A tool. An attack dog. I am man. I have risen from the ashes of undeath. I refused to be mocked with a lesser title than a man.” He looked up at Mother, but still kept his knelt position. “The prince, for all his intelligence, lacks proper wisdom.”
"Ah... it is an insult." Mother understood now. "The pretty prince is very haughty, yet he is clever as well. One reason I did not eat him when Bonegrinder brought him to me was because of his silk tongue. He has a way with persuasion." She then decided to switch subjects. "Malik, your memories showed years worth of rage, sorrow, and despair. Yet, this started to change when you met the Lorleidian queen, who with her magic, managed to rid you of undead flesh to turn living once more." She bent down to look the Gerudo in the face. "The very man responsible for the loss of her home, the near genocide of her people, who had a part in killing the queen before her, and last but not least, thought her unworthy of the eldest prince so proceeded to ridicule her and beat her. Yet..." She paused. "The queen views you as a friend despite your callous actions toward her, and despite the losses she suffered. If I were in her place, I would have you strung up like a deer carcass, letting your insides spill to the outside, and watch you die slowly due to your crimes." The Mother then asked. "I wish to know... how did you persuade her not to kill you? Why does she not hate you for what you did? Even more..." She scoffed. "Why does your wife not hate you?"
Behind Malik’s helmet was doubt, his mind trying to find an answer. Finally, he gave it. “I truly don’t fully understand why myself. I’m a good commander, a good friend, a good husband, a good father, but I am not a good man.”
Leere glanced to Malik, shocked to hear him admit this.
“I’ve had centuries of slaughtering others. I’ve taken so many lives, ruining many more by effect. I might be forgiven, but my actions will never be forgotten. I don’t wish them to. If someone wishes me dead for my actions, they have the right to take their shot at me. They will fail, but they have my respect. Perhaps Zarazu and Asakongei found forgiveness in their hearts, where most would not. The kindest humans are not to be underestimated. They are not weak by default. Their strength comes from the size of their hearts.”
"To forgive is human they say. Yet, in Omisha, you rarely see such offenses being forgiven." Mother rubbed her chin as Malik spoke. "The Lorleidian queen and your wife must be strong women to overlook such a severe crime to offer you friendship and love. Maybe, there is an underlying reason, yet I cannot expect you to know their minds." She then presented her final question. "And my last inquiry for you, Malik, is not an easy one. Perhaps more so difficult than Leere's."
“Speak your thoughts.”
"You were married once before, to a..." Mother refreshed her memory. "Cipher. Yes. An Iron Knuckle. Strong and kind woman, and an excellent warrior. Soon-to-be mother." She clasped her claws together while gazing at Malik. "You swore to protect her. You failed. You swore to protect the Lorleidian queen. She was poisoned, yet lived at a cost." She then asked. "What makes you so sure that you can protect your kingdom when you could not even protect them?"
Malik practically snapped his neck up to her, finding it very hard to stay still. “My wife died in battle. While her death left a scar in my soul, I have come to terms with the honour in her death. That Zelda died, while I continued on. The snake who poisoned my friend I threw his frozen body down from a tower. I will protect my kingdom from any threat. I will annihilate any danger that comes to Hyrule. And if I fail, then I will avenge it at any price.”
Bonegrinder could sense Malik's anger and knew Mother could as well. He shot the lord a glance, warning him to control his temper. If Mother lashed out at Malik, Bonegrinder would not be able to stop her. While he was powerful in his magic, Mother was the first, the many, the most ancient and deadly Echidnan to ever live.
"A battle led by Ganondorf, if I'm not mistaken. While pregnant too, and yet you did not even try to change her mind when you knew there was danger. Knew how Ganondorf was." Mother ignored his ire, wanting to know more, to understand more. She repeated Cipher's exact words, her magic mimicking the woman's voice. "But what about Ganondorf? He's our king, he's your cousin, he needs us."
Bonegrinder knew right then what Mother was doing. She was testing him.
“You invoke my late wife?” Malik’s voice dropped to levels so livid, Leere and Bonegrinder were unsure if he’d snap and ruin this alliance. “Cipher and I helped Ganondorf temporally stop Teufel. We were a tribe, a family! The last Gerudo of Hyrule alive after the genocide of that abomination of life. We would not abandon Ganondorf without saying our goodbyes at the very least. When the armies of the goddess incarnate came, we fought with honour.”
Bonegrinder stiffened at Malik's voice. He whispered to Leere, not wanting her to get caught in the crossfire in case Malik did indeed lose his temper. "Get behind this old snake. And pray he retains his ire."
"What was more important to you then, Malik? Your wife and unborn child? Your loyalty to Ganondorf?" Mother remarked. "Strange how loyal you are to this cousin of yours, so much that you would willingly allow your lover to step into harm's way? Fighting with honor is one thing, but... dying at the hands of your sworn enemy is another. And yet, you fell right back into Zelda's grasp when Ganondorf married her for the sake of a treaty. It makes me wonder how far you are willing to go for the incarnation of Demise... even at the expense of your now living wife?" Her eyes blinked one by one, contemplating. "What would happen if someone forced your hand? Are you still willing to give up everything for a man who saw you as a weapon? Oh, how did the Lorleidian queen put it?" She used Zarazu's voice. "You are my tool to use as I please."
“If you are so wise, dear mother, then you would have the knowledge to know that Zarazu was the first to accept me as more than a tool. Your sweet little lie of the past does not work on me.” Malik took a few breaths to calm himself. “I am Ganondorf’s servant no longer. I am Zarazu’s servant no longer. I am Lord of Hyrule. I work with the Queen and King to serve my interests. Those interests are the betterment of all Hyrule. Now, may I have a question for you?”
"Hrm... most astonishing." Mother turned her attention to Bonegrinder. "You were correct to place your faith in this one, Modoc. It seems he can control his emotions, unlike previously thought. He is not easily tricked nor fooled, yet perhaps a touch manipulated by the pretty blonde prince." The enormous Echidnan seemed... pleased. "For a man with tales of horror surrounding him, it seems you truly have changed just like Modoc said." She then glanced at Leere. "Perhaps you are right. There are some good humans and change is possible."
However, she was not expecting a question for herself. Arching an eyebrow, the Mother decided she could amuse him. After all, she had just presented a barrage of inquires. "Very well. What is your question, Malik?"
“Is an alliance between Omisha and Hyrule so hard to believe in? Would it not bring about balance in our world?”
"It is not the idea of an alliance that is hard to believe in, Malik, it's the idea of having to believe in humans." Mother admitted honestly to the lord. "You two are prime examples of change, of hope for your kind. Yet, I am not foolish enough to believe all humans can do this, or are willing to accept us." She sighed, thinking with her eyes closed for only a moment. Finally, she spoke. "I will agree to an alliance on certain conditions. However, there is one issue that must be resolved right away before I will even consider it."
“Name your price.”
"We can deal with Al-Daida's slave market ourselves, we can handle skepticism, and we can protect ourselves if need be. However, this is one condition that must remain unchanged." Mother stated clearly and firmly. "We will never lower the barrier for our mountain pass from Omisha to Malus. Do not ask it of us."
“I did not intend to ask such a thing. But consider it done.”
Leere decided to speak up. “But we can still travel there, can we not?”
"There have been a few, not just yourselves, interested in traveling to Malus." Mother used an example. "The youngest of the Dragmire children wished to travel to Malus to find the lost sister tribe to the Gerudo. Yet, my children scared him away from the mountains. Now, the princess wishes to go to find others like her." She then sounded almost a touch... regretful. "Leere, while I understand your desire to seek out others like yourself, I cannot and will not risk my children by lowering the barrier for you to pass through. If you still wish to go, you will have to find another passageway."
“I understand.” Leere felt that travel to Malus might be impossible at this point.
"However, if you still wish to know of your people I will allow you and Malik access to our library." Mother motioned for one of her precious treasures to come forward. The Echidnan was an Anagari like Bonegrinder. "This is Uktena, who records our history. He will show you to the library. While you may read the books, do not remove them from the room. We will have copies made for you to take to Hyrule for the king and queen to read as well." She then stated. "We shall discuss the terms of the alliance with King Covarog and Queen Zarazu when the time is ready. I will decree that none of my children are allowed to harm humans from Hyrule unless in terms of self-defence. Note that I will hold the king and queen responsible for the actions of their people."
“Of course. You’re free to devour any who are foolish to bring harm. I assure you, with the death of the recent traitors to the crown, all of Hyrule has had a bloom of unity amongst the tribes.” Malik gave a bow of respect.
Leere was silent, but bowed as well. A library was a poor substitute for the experience of viewing the real people.
"Ta-ta, Leere and Malik. Do say your goodbyes before you leave." Mother reminded them. "Though enjoy the library as long as you wish."
Once the three of them were inside the library, Bonegrinder nearly melted into the floor. The whole situation was weighing on his mind and he was so relieved that Mother did not consume the princess or the lord. He tried to look at the bright side of the circumstance. An alliance was going to be formed, Malik passed his test without getting killed, Leere answered honestly, he did not get smacked across the room this time... yet, he still was concerned. Leere wished for passage into Malus. Mother would not allow it.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190050527306/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-2-sweet-mother
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190705569511/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-4-forbidden
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