#still doesn't make it okay and i would never do it despite how obsessively loving i am for him. i would never wanna be a burden on him
cringe so hard when idols (you know who i'm specifically talking abt by now but it applies to all) interact with fans out in public and they're (the fans) always trying to touch and grab them when they're up close oh it gives me such second hand embarrassment and then when they follow them around i get heartburn like just tell them to fuck off 😭😭😭
#so many videos of him at mark's concert where he was clearly not having it and being annoyed LMAOOO they were all filming him instead of#paying attention to the concert they paid to see and he was like pointing at the stage teeling them to turn tf around i would have kms#and ppl afterwards just trying to grab at his hands oooooooohhhh god i wanna turtle shell about it so bad stop touching him freak!!!#having to be polite and even loving about people invading your personal space and privacy near constantly is insane#i'm surprised he hasn't broke and punched someone yet bc i would be clawing ppl's eyes out... but ik they're trained for it#still doesn't make it okay and i would never do it despite how obsessively loving i am for him. i would never wanna be a burden on him#and ik he talks abt ppl calling him & texting him on kkt in vlives and has this half-angry warning tone in his voice that just. makes me sad#having to tell people not to call you like you're actually friends... fuuuuuck man and you depend on these people to live. for your paycheck#and they feel completely entitled to your existence... i would never wanna make the person i love feel like that#i'm so happy my only interaction w him was making him smile and laugh like that in itself is a blessing even if i never get to see him again#but i hope i do at least get to touch or talk to him at some point... idk how bc he's prob not popular enough to tour america but like.#plsssss come back and see me i just wanna look in your big brown eyes again#ahem. anyways. just had to rant abt that
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transmascaraa · 4 months
hi! is it ok to req a lyney, gaming, and/or bennett scenario where reader likes to kiss key areas on their body? e.i. lyney's teardrop makeup, the x scar on bennett's shoulder, gaming's little neck mole, etc.
it doesn't have to be all of them btw! just ideas stemmed from my brainrot
— 🧷anon
multiple characters headcannons!
kissing key areas on their bodies... how do they react?
characters: bennett, gaming, lyney x gn!reader
author's note: HELP I LOVE THIS REQUEST TOO MUCH I SHOULD BE CONCERNED IT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEAAA i tried my best please i'll be obsessed with this one i just know it
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๑ Bennett
-he would be a bit surprised bffr
-you would kiss his scar while telling him that it's okay to be clumsy that it's no big deal etc that you'll love him nonetheless
-he would be blushing and just thanking you a billion times(he still hasn't said it enough)
-and you'd just kiss him which would only make him blush more
-he's a blushing mess
-he doesn't know how to return the favor
-so yk
-he returns the favor by giving you a little kiss on your lips
-hoping that it was enough(for him it wasn't)
-but if he didn't accept it, you would continue kissing the scar and even tickling him until he accepted it and thought he had thanked you enough.
-in reality, he just doesn't want you to leave him because of his unluckiness.
✷ Gaming
-he's a total sweetheart help
-you'd kiss that mole on his neck and he would be a tomato already there
-off topic for a second but i love that he has a mole because i have moles all over my body and just one on him means sm to me for some reason(i'm not okay) so idk wether to feel proud or not about them
-anyways back to gaming
-he would blush and after you looked back up at him he would hide his face in your neck
-hiding that adorable blushing face of his
-you just tell him that it's cute and continue doing it until he's more than just a blushing mess.
-he wants to return the favor so he showers you with kisses.
-be ready for him being extra cure for the nextt few days.
-and if course, clingy as fuck.
✯ Lyney
-bro will be flabbergasted.
-he's the flitry one, he's the rizzler, he's the more dominant one!
-so when you catch him off guard like that after a show as a sign of praise...
-he is as red as his pyro vision.
-he's so embarrassed that he doesn't even hide his face, just stand there frozen(even tho he's tehnically burning on the unside)
-he doesn't understand how you make him feel so hot, but loves it so much despite not telling you so
-and when you'd pull back from his cheek, where his signature teardrop makeup mark is...
-he's looking at you. just looking.
-red as fuck.
-he's adorable.
-so in order to get at least a bit of lyney back, you'll have to drag him with you.
-for the rest of the day, he'll be completely flabbergasted. and tonight, he'll keep his hand on where the mark is, not daring to wipe it off.
-(he was looking at himself in the mirror and just graced his fingers over the mark gently, admiring it.)
-for the next few days, he's more than clingy.
-and for the rest of your guys' lives, he'll never miss a day when he doesn't draw that mark on his cheek.
-and if you kiss it ever again, the cycle restarts itself...
i have an obsession okay
but the others were precious i swear i love them all(favorite vision is anemo why tf do i like short pyro men)
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entername322 · 7 months
Irene (Red Velvet) x Male Reader
Length: 12860 words
Next part
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Cool, calm, and collected, that's the three main thing Irene always remind herself to keep.
Navigating through the idol life she has to keep herself from losing hold of her emotions.
Keep a facade, use a mask, make sure nobody sees what she feel or think. These are the main thing she always try to do when it comes to interacting with other people off camera.
She hates men, it's not because they've done something to her. It's just that she find all the men that have tried to flirt or make a move on her has been thoroughly pathetic and frankly, disgusting.
After years of navigating through the idol's life she's been very adept at hiding her feelings.
The nickname ice queen doesn't particularly mind her by any means. However she would also be lying if she said that the nickname doesn't hurt her sometimes.
She does have feelings, she just finds that showing it off would be a bad idea.
That being said, the name has done nothing but skyrocket her popularity, and help her build an image for herself.
Her cold expression and attitude has help her deter some people from coming on to her.
Although that just means the people that do came on to her is the stupidest or the most arrogant of the bunch.
"Unnie come on, Yun is a great guy"  
That didn't stop her own friends and member to try and hook her up with someone though.
"Seung-ah, I'm thankful, I really do, but I'm really not looking for anyone right now"
Her own member, Wendy has tried to hook her up with some people recently. Irene hates this, she despise people who try to do that for her.
Wendy however, is her own member, so her motherly and loving side for her and the hatred for such actions leave Irene in turmoil on how to escapes this situation.
"Come on, one dinner, if things goes bad then I'll swear I'll never pester you about this ever again"
Irene's mind raced quickly, on one hand she's afraid accepting it would enables her other member to do the same. On the other an unpleasant night for a life time, well, a few months or year of peace isn't so bad.
She concluded that if others try to do the same she'll just bring up this incident. After all, if Wendy, one of the best at judging characters and the most sociable of them all, can't find someone who could match her taste, who else would?
Despite the consent she has gave her, on the night of the dinner, she felt a little regret.
This is gonna be a bad dinner
Of course, she tried to keep an open mind. She wouldn't want to ruin her own friends effort with prejudice.
She did her research, looking at the man online. His social media, his occupation, okay maybe it's a little to creepy, but she can't help herself.
On paper, everything is fine, he's an accountant to a big law firm. Late 20s, been in a few relationships. He keeps his exes photo on his Instagram, and seeing his recent post he seems to still hangout with them.
Most of the pictures is group photo so it most probably means that he still hangout with the circle of friends without any issue.
Looks wise, he's average. Irene doesn't have a high standard by any means, she just hangout with some of the most beautiful idols around her work. Compared to them, he's average, which means he's pretty good looking for the general public.
So what's the red flag? Irene doesn't know herself, it's just, she doesn't have any interest in him.
Most of the thing she find about him just leave an 'oh' in her mind. Not bad 'oh' or a good 'oh' just 'oh'.
Nevertheless, she went to the dinner, a reservation at the 2 Michelin star restaurant. She enjoys this kinds of food, not that she's materialistic, she just have a taste for expensive things. Okay she might be a little materialistic, a bit more than what she would admit.
"Hello, I'm David, it's nice to meet you"
The man was waiting for her at the reserved table already.
Quite and secluded place at the corner of the room, away from the windows that the paparazzi could use.
This is a two Michelin star restaurant, even the worst seat is better than the one in most places.
"Hello, Seung talk alot about you"
Give a little smile, shake his hand, sit at your seat. Don't try to be hostile or too friendly. Observe him.
"I must say, I'm a big fan of your work, it's very surprising that Wendy would offer me this opportunity"
A genuine smile, no signs of nervousness. Irene, doesn't have any strong feeling about that confidence, but it does leave some impression for her to note.
"Well, Seung is, very social, she likes introducing her friends to each other"
Perhaps that trait of her have left Irene in some awkward and uncomfortable situation. Of course Irene would never say this out loud.
"So, should we order?"
Chatty, this man is chatty. It does bring a little relive for Irene. She prefers someone who would take over the conversation and alleviate some burden from her.
It also means he might slip up and say more than what he meant, which is perfect for her since she's observing him.
"..... And it was pretty funny actually. How about you? Did Wendy ever brought you to an awkward situation like that?"
He was talking about how Seung once tried to hook him up with a distant cousins of him.
"Not really, although I'm not really good at meeting new people"
"Well, I used to as well, but being dragged into a lot of social gatherings I've been.... Forced to adapt. There's this one time...."
The dinner was fine, things has been going well, Irene was surprised herself that he was pretty charming.
"Sorry if I talk alot, I tend to do it if I was nervous"
"It's fine, sorry if I didn't talk much either"
"Of course, it's my pleasure to, you know, have a chance to sit here with you-"
His phone buzzed.
"Sorry, just a moment"
Picking it up, he opened his newly received text. It was a nude picture of a woman.
Irene saw it and raised her eyebrow, how does she saw it? Well, the little painting behind him gave a little reflection.
Not a noticeable one, but her eyes is one of a hawk, never missing any small detail.
He answered the text, something Irene can't see, before looking back at her.
"Sorry, work stuff"
Hmmm, off putting, but since she doesn't see his response she wouldn't mind putting the benefit of the doubt, slightly.
"It's fine, you were talking about your first year at the law firm you're currently working on?"
The conversation continues smoothly, almost like the little hiccup from before never happened.
In fact, Irene was throughly surprised that things went well.
"So, that was a nice dinner"
"Yes, it was"
"It's been nice talking with you Irene"
"Me too"
The two gather up their thing and ready to leave. As they walk out, David did the sinful and unforgivable act in Irene's book. He put his hand on her shoulder, almost leading her.
"How about we continue our talk at my place, it was fun, and the night is still young"
Confident, so much so he thinks that he could bring me to his place after the first date? On a blind date on top of that?
"Sorry, I have an early schedule"
Irene smiled again, unlike the others one she gave ro him during the dinner, this one is an annoyed smile. Not that he would notice it.
"Oh come on, you're a senior already, just break the rule a little bit"
"I'm, really sorry, it's an important meeting"
"Come on, not even a kiss?"
The next day Irene came to work in a bad mood.
"So, how does it go?"
Wendy said the moment she saw her leader.
"Morning Seung"
"Come on, spill, I told you he's great"
"He was, until he tried to talk me into spending time in his place"
"He did?"
"Things are fine until the end of the dinner"
"Oh shit, sorry unnie, he's not Korean, things are, different in the-"
"Seung, I don't, I don't like the vibe he gave me at the end"
Wendy frowned, from disappointment, although she's not sure it was directed to Irene or David.
"I'll.... Okay, I understand"
"Sorry Seung, he seems like a great guy, but he's too aggressive for me"
"Yeah, I get it"
"Anyway, what's the plan for today?"
"Well, beside the photoshoot at noon me and Seulgi-unnie is going to meet some of the trainee that we have. There's some promising people our produce said"
Checking in on the trainee is something a lot of the idols do in SM. Even Irene has done it a few time before.
"Can I come with you?"
"Sure, come on"
The two of them went to meet up with Seulgi at their designated dressing room.
"Unnie is coming too?"
Irene nodded.
"Well let's go, I'm gonna be the dance instructor for today"
The group of three went to the trainee practice room.
As soon as they got in the rowdy buch of kids got quiet. Entranced by the three women.
"Morning everyone, I'm Seulgi from Red Velvet, today I'll be your dance instructor"
Seulgi's word cause a wave of panic between the trainees face.
"Don't be nervous, I'll try my best to help you all. As you may have know these are my members, Irene and Wendy, they will be watching us today. Don't panic, they are simply watching us"
Irene's eyes scanned the room,watching and observing the expression. None seems to stand out for her, until she saw you.
You, were not by any means an outstanding person. Not the most handsome, not the prettiest or the cutest. You do standout a little due too your absurd height, not that it shown when you sit down.
Was she looking at me? No, come on now man, don't get your hopes up, that's Irene.
But she did in fact, looking at you. Long enough for her to get into a trace, short enough to where nobody's watching pick on it.
Irene was, stunned, she wasn't sure why. Her eyes was just locked in place as she saw you.
Thankfully Wendy nudges her, waking her up from her daze. Wendy pulled her to the side, a nice place so they can watch the trainees.
"Okay, come on, stand up, let's start"
Irene's eyes is locked to you, watching your every movement.
That's the first thing she thinks about the first time she saw you stood up.
Her heart was racing, what are you doing to her? You didn't say anything, you didn't even acknowledge her more than you should.
Yet, somehow, you caught her attention.
She was too entranced to hear the instructions Seulgi is giving.
She did realised it when you started dancing along the others. Your movement was stiff, not unsalvageable. Your expression is one of full focus, something that does nothing but daze her even more.
"That's great, now, let's do individual test"
While others are panicking you were looking straight at Seulgi with contemplative gaze.
You looked away for a second, to gaze on Irene. Just a second, but it's enough to cause Irene's heart to skip a beat.
"Now, let's go, who want to start first?"
One particular trainee seems excited and enthusiastic, he raised his hand.
The others moved back, now facing Irene and Wendy, watching one by one getting called out to do a dance routine.
Wendy was cheering and giving words of encouragement every now and then to each participant. Seulgi gave a polite yet stern comments.
Irene was, well, she's busy watching you.
Enough for you to feel a little uncomfortable.
"What's up blue?"
"I don't know, I'm just nervous, that's Irene bro"
"Fuck I knew, I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of my favourite idol"
"What about me man, I was in the zone before and I still look like a dancing stickman"
"You'll do fine man, just, be confident"
"Yeah, you too bro. Do you, do you feel like Irene is watching at us?"
Your friend took a quick glance to Irene, however she was watching the trainee that's dancing right now.
"Nah man, but I know what you mean, she's definitely watching all of us"
That's, not what you mean at all. You look back at Irene, seemingly busy watching the one being tested right now.
Was it just your imagination?
It wasn't, Irene read your lips, realising you might caught up with her intense stare she looked away to make sure you didn't get suspicious.
She still watch you from the corner of your eyes. Not until you look away did she turned to continue watching her.
Suddenly, this becomes a cat and mouse game where both of you tried to look at each other without being noticed by the other.
You, failing miserably, there's like 6 times in 5 minutes where you were looking at her only to find her gaze at you back before you could look away.
Irene was cool, calm and collected, even in the event of stalking someone. Not a single time you realise that Irene was watching you. Even though she has watch you more than you watch her.
When your time is up, anxiety and fear take over you. Nervously you walked to the front.
"Let's go blue"
Your bro have your back thankfully.
"Don't be nervous"
Seulgi smiled to calm you down, doesn't help.
The music kicks in, and you start your dance.
While you were haphazardly dance, Irene was having a little joy in her heart. She now can watch you throughly without having to avert her gaze every now and then.
Your movement wasn't terrible, just bad. That doesn't seems to bother her the slightest. In fact, she find it cute.
Wait, hold on, cute?
Irene ws confused, how those those words come up at her mind. During her confusion you managed to finish your dance.
"Well, that was a good effort, but I can see you're still a little awkward at dancing. Is it perhaps due too your height that you are less flexible?"
Irene decided to put it at the back of her mind so that she can focus back on you.
"Y-y-yeah, it was, a bit hard for me to do those delicate move"
Your stuttering seems to sent a rush of alien feelings in Irene.
"It's okay, you memorize the dance already and you seems to know when you messed up yet you still have the clear mind to continue on with your moves. Do a little more flexibility training and you will fix it"
Seulgi's word of encouragement put a smile on your face. A smile Irene is not enjoying.
"Yeah, you did good, keep up the hard work"
Having two encouragement from your future possible senior put you in a good mood.
"Thank you for the instructions and the encouragement"
You bowed, again giving smile to Seulgi who returned it beautifully. Irene does not like your smile. You then glanced at Wendy and her. Irene loves that smile.
As you sat back, stunned by the newfound motivation. Irene is stunned, having your smile imprinted in her brain and memory.
"Hell yeah blue"
Your bro gave you a fistbump before getting ready for his turn.
You glanced back to Irene, this time she wasn't hiding her gaze.
Your eyes meet, at that moment, time seems to stop. Both for you and Irene.
Your mind raced at a few million miles an hour, your heart stopped alongside the time. Irene, is looking at you, with a..... Best described as longing look.
Holy fuck she's dangerous, how did I managed to stay focus during the dance? Gosh she's pretty, is she prettier then when you saw her on screen? I should look away now
Why am I not looking away?
Irene was having the similar thoughts. Enthralled by your gaze, your eyes seemingly to be a bottomless abyss that drawns her. Her breathing got heavy, her heart thumping faster than she ever felt before.
What are you doing to me?
Then, just like it never happens, you two both look away.
You stare blankly to the wall, trying to keep your brain from coming up with impossible imagination.
Irene was staring at the floor, trying to keep her heart from going wild and burst.
In your stuppor, your friend managed to finish his dance and got a compliment by Seulgi and sat back with you.
"Fuck I thought I was gonna faint"
Yeah, you too, you stood up and went to the exit. You need to wash your face.
Irene was in a panic as she saw you leave. A weird unknown panic.
She stood up, following you soon after.
While you were washing your face and try to clear your face, Irene was waiting outside the practice room.
Your steps and heavy and loud, it's given due to he fact of how tall you are. Despite your lean stature your body still weights enough to make some loud foot steps.
The moment Irene hears your footsteps she slowly walked to the bathroom. Trying to make it look like she's going to the bathroom as well.
You were stunned again the moment you walk out, seeing Irene walking to the bathroom from a distance away.
Awkwardly you walk back to your room, once you were close enough Irene took away her eyes from her phone and look at you.
With a nervous smile you bowed to her. However as you wanted to continue walking Irene stop, next to you, looking at you.
Subconsciously, you stopped as well, again, meeting your gaze with her.
Irene wasn't sure herself why she stopped. She even put her hand behind her, hiding her phone and her nervous finger that keep jolting around.
"Blue? Is that your name?"
Her mouth moves before her brain can think.
"Ehmmm, y-y-yes, that's what everyone call me"
Your attempt to smile only made you look like a grimacing in pain.
"Don't be so nervous"
Irene however find this cute, your nervousness is amusing to her.
"I'm sorry, it's just that....."
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that, I was a big fan of you and Red Velvet, so seeing you here feels..... Surreal"
The smile on Irene's face seems to grow even larger.
"Really? A big fan huh? So who's your bias then?"
Is she crazy? How could I say anyone else but her at this moment?
"Ehm, it's you"
Oh god, your nervousness, your shy smile, your blush, your words. It dragged Irene, deep into a dark place that she doesn't know she have in her heart.
Her voice raise a few octaves, not that you realized, you're busy trying not to faint out of embarrassment.
She loves it, she loves your demeanour.
Irene has met countless idols and fans that stammered and stunned the moment they see her. She have grown accustomed to it. Yet you, above thousands of encounters that she has, managed to leave such an impression to her mind, forever.
"That's good to hear, don't be so nervous, I'm not gonna bite"
She wants to, she really, really, really wants to do it, but it's not like she has lose control of herself.... yet.
"Oh sorry, I'm just, not good at handling my nervousness"
You reached to the back your neck. There was, a small, feeling, barely noticeable. A voice saying this nervousness is not just a simple nervousness.
You didn't realise it, it was barely noticeable in the first place. With the ice queen herself standing in front of you there could be a fire happening and you wouldn't even react to it.
Irene, was watching you, as you bring up your hand, the long sleeve of your sweater falls down.
Your exposed forearm made her eyes locked to it. Of course working out a little you have a decent body, but looking at your, somewhat impressive forearm, Irene was enamored.
"I'm sorry, thank you for spending your time to check in on us, it really means a lot"
You smiled again, and for Irene, it broke her heart to a million pieces before it brought itself back together and got inflated so big that it burst.
"It's fine, I'm sorry I didn't put in any comments. I.... Have a lot in my mind"
You, you were in her mind.
Irene tighten her grip on her phone, thankfully her slender and delicate fingers is not strong enough to break it.
"Oh, no, not at all, don't be sorry, it was more than enough to have you, spend some time to watch us. It was an honour for us"
You raised both your hand in front of you waving it to make sure it's okay. This cause Irene to watch both of your forearm. Remember that thing about self control? Yeah, it's slipping away slowly.
"Really? You mean it?"
Irene stepped forward causing you subconsciously stepped back.
Irene felt her heart thumping so loud it might cause her to be deaf.
"Then, do you mind if I watch you again so I can help guide you?"
Just like a black hole you keep pulling Irene to come closer. Unlike a black hole you stepped back again. This time your feet meets the wall.
"O-o-of course, if it w-w-won't bother you"
Not wanting to look like a weirdo you try to stand straight.
"Oh, really? Are you sure?"
Irene coming even closer doesn't help though.
While you were trying to keep your wits, Irene is trying to keep her self control.
Getting closer she smells the slight body odour you gave off from doing those dances. Your body heat seems to radiate to her, giving off warmth that she never felt before.
"Then let's exchange number, so I can give you a time and place for tutoring"
Your brain short circuit for a little. Along with your heart, and your lungs, and your, well, your whole organ.
This is Irene, of course you're having a full organ failure when she ask for your number.
You managed to squeak out.
"Your number, for tutoring"
Irene pulled out her phone from behind her before quickly opening her contact.
She then leaned forward while offering her phone to you.
Despite being a head taller, you felt like a little mouse in front of her.
You glanced at the phone, ready to take it, then something else caught your eyes.
She was wearing a loose sweater today, her little forward lean is enough for her to expose her clevage.
You, might stare longer than you should. It is mind boggling that she didn't say anything.
Irene didn't say anything, becuse she likes it.
That's right, Irene, one of the idol, maybe the number one idol who hate being sexualised, is enjoying your eyes.
He's checking me out? Oh yeah, the sweater is loose. Is he watching my clevage? Don't react Irene, don't let him realise that you realized his gaze.
"Of course"
Quickly you take her phone and put in your number. Double, no, triple, no, quad checking the number you put in is the right one before giving it back to her.
"Thank you"
Irene smiled happily, one for your number, two for your eyes that's showing your lustful desires.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks sunbaenim"
No, that's not quite right, she doesn't like that name you have for her.
"Don't be formal, call me Joohyun-noona"
Call me that, now.
"I, okay, thank you Noona"
Hmmmmm, Irene's heart has stopped yet again.
"Well go on, you should go back"
She doesn't have to tell you twice. You quickly scurry of the the practice door.
Irene watches your back, even from the back she can't help but be enticed by you.
I want you.
You can't believe it, you simply can't believe you just gave Irene your number. In fact, you can barely believe Irene is here watching you.
Take a deep breath. Calm down. Focus on the lesson.
"You seems happy unnie"
Nothing can escape Wendy, as soon as Irene walked back in, the little smile she had on her face has not escape Wendy.
"Oh? It's nothing"
Irene glances back at you, who is busy watching your fellow trainee performance.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I just found something interesting"
"You could say that"
Irene would love to stay here watching you the whole day. Unfortunately she has a schedule that she need to follow.
With a heavy heart, she followed her friends to say goodbye before leaving the place.
She has send you a text so that you would keep her number. She also knows that you can't use your phone until lunch.
That doesn't stop her from checking her phone every few seconds, hoping for you to answer her text.
When lunch come around Irene can't focus on her food. She keeps wondering what you were doing, and why you're not answering her.
Of course the answer is simple, you forgot.
Only until around the sun down when you finished your training for today did you saw she has sent you a message.
With a little hesitation you answered it.
Surprisingly for you, she read it instantly. Of course, Irene has been locked to her phone every since she sent you the text.
Despite all the anger that she have for you, there's still a glimmer of happiness seeing you answer.
She asked you what took you so long to answer.
You panicked, hurriedly saying sorry and told her it's been a long day and you were busy working out.
"Working out? Does he use the companies gym?"
"Companies gym? That's off limit for trainees, if only I can use it, I don't have to spend money for gym membership"
"I want to see him workout, I can give him an allowance to use it"
"She's giving allowance? But why?
"Why? What should I say here? Oh right, I just want to help him build up his flexibility"
"My flexibility? Is it so bad that she has to oversee me herself? Is she overseeing me?"
"Yes, of course I'm overseeing him, who else?"
"Whoa, that's, I don't know what to say"
Stunned by the message you took a minute to digest what she is offering you.
Unfortunately for Irene that minute is one minute too long.
"Why isn't he responding"
"Oh shit, what do I say? Thank you for the offer? I don't deserve it?"
"Why did he say that? Stop saying that, just take the offer and workout with me"
"Oh shit, did I piss her off? Sorry, I'll take it if she insist then"
"Good, I want to see him again, I need to ask his schedule"
"My schedule? I guess I can send her the screenshot for it"
"That's too restricting, ahhhh, I don't think I can just ask them to change it"
"What do you mean it's too restricting? Doesn't she went through this"
"I did, but I don't like it. Can he workout in the morning?"
"Morning? Like 5 AM? She wants to workout that early?"
"5 AM is too late, he starts at 8 AM. Can he starts at 4 AM?
"4 AM? Bruh that's like my unemployment schedule when I can just workout before sun rise and chill for the rest of the day"
"Too early? How do I convince him? Oh right, it's for his stamina"
"Ahhhh, she really want me to start at 4 AM? Fuck it, I don't get any more chances to do this"
"Good, I'll see him tomorrow morning, I wonder what I should wear tomorrow"
While Irene is filled with enthusiasm and struggle to find the best outfit for tomorrow you went to prepare 5 alarm to wake up early tomorrow.
The next day, you went to the company building, the security seems to have been informed for your arrival and send you up to the gym.
In the gym, there's nobody, except for Irene. Sitting there waiting for you.
Her ethereal beauty made you hold your breath, her gaze that's locked on to you made you feel uncomfortable, as if she's dissecting your whole body with her eyes.
Irene was struggling to keep herself from running to you. She held her breath, dug her nails into her palm, doing everything that she can to stop herself.
"Come here, don't be shy"
Too caught up in her beauty, you didn't realise her voice crack.
"Good morning Noona"
Irene love it when you call her that, the name, the tone, the deep raspy voice you have.
As you get close Irene felt the warmth that rejuvenate her yesterday, the warmth she never realised how much she enjoyed your presence.
"Good morning, so, let's start with a little briefing, how do you usually workout?"
You started of with some stuttering, but you did managed to smooth out your words and eloquently tell her the details for your workout.
Irene is happy, you didn't use much weight lifting at your workout, she prefer a lean body type in a person.
"Well, let's go, do a warmup, I'll follow you for now"
Do you feel nervous working out with Irene around? Yes, definitely yes.
"Come on now, go all the way"
It was when you do some stretching, opening your leg out in a split while trying to lower your body to reach forward as far as you can did Irene see an opening.
She went and put her hand on your shoulder. The touch cause a sudden thrill for both of you.
"Relax your back, take a deep breath"
Irene managed to keep her composure as you were panicking. You did managed to calm down and follow her instructions as she pushed you further.
Unfortunately for Irene, the move doesn't last forever and she reluctantly take off her hand off your shoulder. Feeling somewhat contempt for feeling up your back.
"Now, go start your workout routine"
She doesn't like your routine as much as before. That is simply because she doesn't find any more opportunities to touch you.
She craves it, she craves you. It's slowly driving her mad, the sight of you has become a full feast for her desires. The touch that she felt still lingers in her hand. Your warmth, it's comforting, so much so she can't help but get close to you during the whole workout, never letting herself further than one meter away from you.
As the workout progress your body start sweating up, your body odour is something you've been self conscious about. A source of insecurity that forces you to wash yourself multiple time a day.
For Irene, the smell is addicting, it was something she want to turn into a candle and light it up all around her house.
Needless to say she got more and more restless, she wants to touch you.
She wants to run her hand through your sweat stained t-shirt, she wants to dig her face to your neck and inhale your scent so it will imprint itself in her mind.
"That's enough, now we need to work on your flexibility"
She snapped, she can't hold it any longer.
"Go down on the mat"
As you sit down she walked behind you, putting both hand on your shoulder.
You felt, scared, intimidated. You wrote it off as a normal feeling, one of a junior when their senior is watching them very closely. If you were in the right mind you would've notice it was much more than that, it was the feeling when a prey felt when they have been caught in the hand of their predator.
"Now, let's start with the basic"
You have fail the basic, much to your dismay. Feeling the shame and embarassment rise in you, you grit your teeth and look up to her.
Only to find her faint smile while her eyes is filled with imagination and, hunger.
Irene is happy, you're terrible at this, so much so that she can spend alot of time teaching you for it.
"It's okay, we can still improve"
Her words of encouragement felt like pity for you.
"Now, it's my turn to workout, help me for a second"
Once again, anxiety fill you up.
"Come on, hold my leg"
She find a few manuvers where she could force you to held her close.
She felt fulfilled after feeling up all your body from before. Now she wants something else, she wants you to touch her.
Your big rough hand can be felt clearly through her tight thin outfits. She ejoy the gentleness you put on your touch.
She ejoy your meek expression as you held her.
She enjoys your shyness and attempt to look away from her only to fail and check her out every now and then.
Once she's satisfied she ended the training.
"That's was good, it is a productive first day. It's still 7 AM, why don't you get a shower so we can enjoy breakfast together"
Of course, that doesn't mean she's done with you.
You slipped off to the shower, taking a bath and clean up every inch your body.
Irene sneaked into the locker, she heard the shower noises so she ran to your gym bag. Taking out your t-shirt.
It's wet from your sweat, although it's not drenched like before since you had time to cool down as you help her stretch.
As she took out you t-shirt, the smell attacked her nose. Without thinking she stuffed it to her face, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scents.
"Oh god~~"
Moans escaped her lips as her pants is slowly developing wet spots. She doesn't wear panties, hoping that you would be brazen enough to get a feel of her ass.
Of course, you were to scared for your life to do so.
Then the shower stopped, Irene was woken up form her daze, she ran to the exit before escaping to her locker room.
She pull out a plastic bag from her gym bag, carefully putting your t-shirt in it before zipping it close. Your t-shirt will be out to good use for the next week or so.
You waited for her at the gym, she has make it clear that she wants to eat breakfast with you.
Not long Irene walks out, looking fresh and proper. She wore a white shirt along with a black pencil skirt. Awakening the teacher links you have in you.
"Come on, let's go"
Her smile is blinding you.
She took you to her office, seemingly already ordered a breakfast for two from the two take out box on her table.
"So, this was fun"
Irene is never been the one who started a conversation, however, it's been established that you, are different for her.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks for today noona"
You nervously look at her curious gaze.
"Of course, I have a question, why did your friends called you blue?"
"Well, it was during the audition, there was a little written test. Well not a test, there was just a few questions about me and my dreams and they want us to write it on paper. They gave me a pen, but then, it broke, somehow. Spraying blue ink all over myself and my hand. So, I finished the whole audition with a blue staint on my hand, face and shirt. The interviewer doesn't really think much of it, it was an error for their part. I don't mind it much either since they said it won't be a problem. The confidence u show even though I looked silly with the ink made them accept me. Some of the trainee was there as well, they called me blue man. I find it funny and just roll with the nickname"
Irene frowned for a second, noting to get to the bottom of this. Finding the person responsible to humiliate you like that.
"Where do you audition in?"
"Japan, Tokyo, I had a few Korean friends and have been, well somewhat talented in singing. So I just took the audition and got accepted"
Irene's warm smile and friendly demeanour distract you from finding out it was an interview by her.
Needless to say, you pass with flying colours. In her eyes, you went from an object of desires and lust to a perfect icon for her ideal type of men.
"Well, thank you again for today Noona, I'm not sure how to repay you"
You've grown accustomed to her presence, which is something Irene noticed and took joy in.
"It's okay, go work hard today okay? I'll see you tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? We're doing this again?"
"Hehehe, of course, we'll be doing this until you pass my standard"
"O-o-o-okay then, see you tomorrow?"
She smiled and nodded. As you walk out of the room, Irene is staring at your back.
Slowly she cursed you, making her feel this way. She's Irene, the queen of kpop, the one who have rejected many men, all of which is much more accomplished than you.
Yet now, somehow, she's in love with you.
That's right, she can no longer deny it, she loves you, and she wants you. Whatever she wants, she get it.
Irene doesn't hate men, she knows that now, she's helplessly in love with you.
This new routine has drained you slowly.
After the first week you felt like you want to die. You're probably dead actually, you just didn't realise it.
Every morning you will find Irene waiting for you in the gym. You could've sworn she keep picking the most revealing outfits she have.
Everyday, Irene is getting bolder and bolder. She would start to caress your back as you were doing your early stretching.
When she made you stretch your leg on the floor she would openly feel up your chest, disguising it as a way for her to keep her balance.
When you help her with her stretches she will keep suggesting for you to touch her even more, much to your dismay.
You kept your respectful, touch though, much to her dismay.
At day 4 or 5, you realized she's not wearing any panties. Her white tight yoga pants has show her perfect ass to you when she was facing away from you.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Irene, which excite her even more.
Unfortunately for her, you never do anything more than staring when you think she wasn't watching. She's always watching.
You did realised your shirt occasionally went missing, only to find it the next day.
Organized is not what you are, so you just wrote it off as your clumsiness or lack of attention to details, which is ironic.
The things you hate the most, is Irene keep buying you breakfast. Everytime you always insisted for her to let do that.
Everytime she will win the argument, a gentle smile, a little caress on your hand, and then you'll be a blushing mess, to shy to say anything else.
The new routine is perfect for Irene, she loves it, but slowly, she realised it's not enough.
Every night she would suffocate herself using your used gym outfits while masturbating.
The first time she did it was heavenly, the best orgasm she ever had.
Irene is not a pure girl, she has her own sexual needs. She knows how to keep it down though, never realising that her drive, is way too high for normal people.
All those years of controlling herself is out of the window now, because of you.
She have your pictures, she took photo of you time to time during the workout.
She has videos of you, masking it as a way to explain your form to you.
Every time she got the chance she would open this pictures and videos. Revering your body, your movement, all of you, is something she can't get enough for.
She wants more.
She needs more.
She needs you.
"Hey blue, you want to get some ramen"
Your friend invited you for a lunch.
"No bro, I'm poor"
The life of an unemployed, well, technically a college student.
"Come on, I'll pay"
You felt yourself cringe for a second before quickly hiding it.
"No, I can eat at the cafeteria, they have nice chicken"
Nobody like the cafeteria food, they felt, bland. Not that you care, they tasted better than the trash food that you used to eat.
"Ahhh, fine, we'll buy you something nice"
They quickly scurry off leaving you alone in the practice room. For a few moments you were contemplating should you go out and eat or should you continue practicing.
However, the choice was made for you, by a beautiful pale beauty walking in the empty practice room.
"Oh Noona, good afternoon"
You hurriedly stand up and bowed to her.
"I was looking for you, why didn't you go out to eat?"
She managed to hide her aggravation with the tone of curiousity.
"Oh, I was thinking to practicing a bit more. Beside I'm not hungry"
Irene looked at you, with the cold, angry eyes. Silently she started walking to you.
Her aura seems to grow so much so you felt your whole body shivering.
She didn't say anything until she got in front of you.
"You, are, eating, lunch"
She crossed her arm and the coldness in her eyes is gone, leaving nothing but anger.
"I, I'm really fine Noona, I don't nee-"
Your argument is sound and flawless, unfortunately she shut you up by grabbing your shirt and pulling you out.
"Okay, Noona, can you let me go now?"
Seeing no way out of this, you sighed and compromise with the current situation.
She stare at you for a second before letting go of your shirt. You sighed with relief but then she grabbed your hand. Interlocking her fingers with yours before she continue walking.
"Noona? I don't need to be held-"
Yet again, your argument was indisputable, but do you really want to finish it? Especially when Irene turned around, giving you a glare that could pierce your heart and slice it to a perfect 1 cm³ cube.
You shut your mouth, wisely. Irene continue walking in front of you, hiding her bright smile from your gaze.
Without caring she pulled you to the elevator and clicked the basement floor.
You felt nervous, what if someone sees you? Subconsciously your hand start to press on Irene's and your finger start caressing her hands.
Irene loves it, your grip was hard, so much so she felt bone being squeezed together. Your rough fingers also sends tickling sensation to her heart everytime they grind themselves again the back of he palm.
Then suddenly the door opened, and an employee walked in.
Your anxiety went through the roof, in an instant you squeezed Irene's hand even harder. The pain was intoxicating for Irene, she had to bite her inner cheek to remind herself not to squeal right there and then.
The employee looked at your intertwined fingers, then they looked at your nervous face, then to the glaring Irene.
They slowly stepped backward as the elevator door closes again. Much to Irene's joy her little paradise is kept pure.
The basement was empty, Irene immediately dragged you to her car, putting you on the passenger seat.
"Where are we going Noona?"
"Some place nice"
"I, I don't have much money Noona"
"It's okay, I'm paying"
You grimaced feeling uneasiness well up in your body.
"You, really don't have too Noona, you already payed for all our breakfast earlier. I can eat at the cafeteria, I promise I'm gonna eat"
Irene saw your face contorted for a second, something she will throughly research later in the day.
"No, I insist"
She turned on her car and start driving. You swallowed your uneasiness and tried to focus on something else.
Her perfume is nice.
Okay, not that one please.
The car is cool.
You, don't like cars.
Her fingers seems so hot.
Okay this not working at all.
Irene on the other hand, has embraced your presence. She is struggling to drive while her body keep screaming to throw herself on to you.
She wants to hold your hand, she wants to run her fingers through your fluffy hairs, she wants to taste your lips.
The 15 minute drive felt like an hour for both of you.
"Come here"
Irene once again held your hand to lead you to the reserved seat.
"You like French food?"
If I say no I feel like she still wouldn't let me go eat in the cafeteria.
"I never tried it"
"Good, this is the perfect place to start"
Lady, I can barely afford to buy water from this place, don't make my food palate become higher than my own financial capabilities.
"Why do you not like being treated?"
"You mean getting people to feed me out of pity?"
"Is that what you think I'm having? Pity?"
"I mean, no offense, I don't think I have much selling point to make you feel anything otherwise"
"That's not true, I like you"
"I.... thanks Noona, that's very kind of you"
"You don't get it"
"I like you, romantically"
So, remember that little organ called heart? Well it's a very important organ to help your body functions, and keep you alive. Well, you lost it, unfortunate.
You managed to squeak out after god knows how long.
"I like you"
"I want to go out with you"
"This is our first date"
"...... Yes?"
"Good, from now on we're going out"
"Uhmmmm...... Yes?"
Your timidness has grown Irene's interest in you, thankfully you kept quiet after this or else she would pounce you and start kissing you all over.
Everything else felt like a blur for you, things just went pass you, without even thinking you start eating the food.
The confusion you had overpowered the taste the food has given you.
"Be my boyfriend"
You stare at her in a catatonic state.
"Good, we're official from now on"
Do you even speak Korean? That language seems alien for your since you can't understand a single word coming out of Irene's mouth.
Irene left you to your demise, as she was enjoying the sight of a lost bunny right in front of her.
Even as you finished your lunch you didn't say anything. Not when Irene grabbed your hand and wrapped her arm around it. Not when Irene put her head on your shoulder as you got in the car. Not when Irene got to your company building and pulled you to her embrace and start playing with your hair.
"Baby, do you want to stay with me for the whole day?"
Her whispers in your ears woke you up. Her tone is so cute yet also, lustful. Her breath tickling your ear making sure you know how close she is to you right now.
"I-i-i-i need to go"
You stuttered trying to get off her hug.
"Ssssshhhhh, let's leave you a memory, for today's date"
She yanked your collar down, exposing your chest.
As you were frozen she leaned in, giving your peck a kiss, long enough to left her lipstick imprint on your chest.
"Aghhh, Noona don't do that"
Irene pulled herself back, leaving a thin trail of saliva between her lips and your chest.
You glanced down to see the red imprint on your chest was contrasting to your pale white skin.
As you tried to wipe it Irene grabbed your hand while glaring at you.
"Leave it"
"What? Noona, I can't just-"
"Leave it"
Her eyes is stern and firery, her grip is weak, but since her nail is sinking to your flesh you can only winced in pain.
You can only sighed in defeat, Irene nodded happily before pulling your hand. She watch the faint mark of her nails on your hand before gently caressing it.
"You're my boyfriend now, so I have to make sure you don't get preyed upon by others. Just do as I say okay baby? Then I won't hurt you"
Everything suddenly flood back to you, all those feelings in the back of your head all banded back together telling you it's too late.
You can't run.
"Okay Noona"
She smiled again before grabbing your chin.
"I've wanted to do this the moment I met you"
She leaned forward, your head screams to run, but your instincts screamed back that it would only lead to your death.
You leaned forward as well, taking her lips with yours.
The kiss was, pleasant for you, she seems to be more driven by lust making it one of the most aggressive kiss you've been in.
For Irene, the kiss was heavenly, she wants more, she wants your lips, your spit, it all taste like the sweetest nectar made for the gods.
Her whole body tensed up as she tried her best to stop herself from devouring you, yet your godly taste was just too enticing for her.
However, she's not a god, she got reminded of that by her own lungs screaming for air.
"Haaaa, Haaaa, I love you"
Between her panting she gaze into your eyes, her iris is dilated, in a shape of -it's impossible but you swear you see it- a heart.
Her lips is twisted to make the widest smile she has ever had in her life.
Her tongue slitehered out, licking her lips trying to take more of your taste.
She's drunk out of you.
"I, love you too"
If you can hear her organs you will go deaf from the squeak they just let out. Irene can't let go of you, unfortunately for her, she have to.
"I'm picking you up after your practice okay baby?"
Her gaze leave a chill in your spine, yet it also arroused you.
"Okay, babe"
This time, she let out a happy squeal while her hand is shaking.
"I love you"
She leaned in again to give you a peck on your lips.
Just a peck, she still have some self control so she knows if it's any longer than a peck then both of you won't be able to leave this car with your clothes on.
She escort you back to your training room, this time there's other people in the elevator.
You're happy you are off the hook from the hungry wolves that's holding you by the arm right now.
They gave you a weird and surprised look, but Irene doesn't mind, why would she? She have her eyes to one man, and one man only.
She escorted you to the front of your room.
"I want you to call me once you're done, and I want you to wait here until I pick you up"
Is she my mom or my girlfriend? Why the fuck am I asking this question about the Irene of Red Velvet.
"Okay.... Babe?"
She squealed again before kissing your cheek.
"Keep up your hard work"
You can't, how could you? You're having a relationship with Irene. God damnit you just made out with her in her own car 5 minutes ago.
Thankfully for you, nobody notices the red lipstick mark on your chest.
"Blue you're zoning out a lot"
"Oh yeah, sorry, I, don't feel so good"
"Is it the kimchi again? That's it dude, you're not eating in the cafeteria again"
"No, I'm fine, I...... Got a text from an old friend....... He took me out for lunch today"
"Oh? Your friend take you out on a lunch is okay but we're not"
"Come on man, I haven't seen him in so long, and I payed for my lunch"
"That's the thing dude, we don't want you to, we know your situation so just let us help you okay?"
"I, listen I am grateful for your help, but, I don't like owning someone something"
"Just, take it as a debt, you can pay it back once you debuted"
"I, thanks, but, I think I have a way to get lunch from now on"
"Fine then, but if I see you in the cafeteria again I'm dragging you to the McDonalds"
You almost die. By that it means you almost forgot to call your..... Girlfriend....?
Your call didn't get picked up, because you saw Irene waiting for you by the elevator.
Stern pose, angry glare, crossed arm, she's furious.
"Come here"
She pulled you the elevator, her aura is enough to deter any of your fellow trainee to jump in with you.
"I, sorry Noona, I was just about to call you"
"Oh is that so? Do you want to wait until you walk home to call me?"
"No, I was just tired from today's practice. I'm still adjusting to the new sleep schedule remember? I feel tired"
"You can't be tired, we need to do our second date today"
"Yes, do you have a problem with that"
Irene is furious, she is holding herself from jumping you right now and you know it.
"I, just think we should rest for now"
"No, I'm having a second date with my boyfriend right now"
Her roar could probably be heard from outside of the elevator.
"Then, what if, we have a date, in my place"
Immediately you see her whole body relaxed. Her furious expression turned to one of happiness and relief.
"Okay, then, good"
More than good, I can go to his place. I was trying to take it slow and go there tomorrow but he jumped in to offered it for me himself. He really does love me. We are meant to be babe, we will be the greatest couple to ever live.
She can't contain herself and gave you a kiss again.
"I love you"
Her whispers is almost as deafening as her roar from earlier.
"I, love you too Noona"
Irene can't decide if she loves Noona or babe more, but again as long as it's from you she will love it either way.
She dragged you to the car, practically sprinting to it before she drive to your place. How does she know where you live?
"Come on, move"
She even knows your apartment number.
Fear is enveloping you as you slowly unlocked the door to your apartment.
She hops in the moment the door is opened, you walked behind her before locking the door behind you.
Suddenly as you turn Irene slam you to the door, she grabbed your collar and pulled you to make out with her.
His fragrant is so addicting, his taste is heavenly, what's a 3 Michelin star food compared to this. Even his little moan- Haaaa, he's moaning, oh my god, I'm getting wet. He's so perfect, and even more than perfect now, he's my boyfriend.
She practically dry humping your leg that's between hers right now.
You pulled away, making her frown deeply.
"We should, move to the bedroom"
Her eyes lights up again, she dragged you inside, holding you by your collar.
The destination is the bedroom, the pit stop is everywhere.
She pushed you to the wall and made out again.
She pushed you to your couch and dry hump your crotch while sucking on your tongue.
She draged you to the door only to jump up and kiss you again, as you held her by the thighs.
Finally she got to your bedroom, pushing you down before taking off your shirt.
"Noona, you're so.... Hot"
Fuck your mind, how can you say no to Irene. Fuck the logic, fuck the instinct, fuck survival, you want her.
You craved her, as much as she craves you. Within just a few minutes you've fallen with her, deep into the abyss.
She dives to her favourite meal, your mouth. Her hand is practically feeling up every inch of your torso and arms.
You let go of your primal instinct and grabbed her ass.
"Ahhhh, squeeze it babe"
That's your intent, giving some firm squeeze making her let out a moan. Raising your hand, you then drop a slap on her ass cheek.
"Aghhhh, again"
She stopped kissing you and held you by the back of the neck. Her head is digging deep into your neck while bitting it.
"You're. Such. A. Succubus"
With every word you deliver a hard slap to her cheeks.
"Baby, I'm cumming, I'm cumming"
She moans as her teeth is holding on to the skin on your neck.
"A slut"
You slapped both of her ass and grabbed it, hard.
Her screams was loud and the pitch was enough to make a dog deaf. You didn't care, you bite into her neck.
Her body that's squirming is going in to a full on seizure as she reached her climax.
"I love you, my slutty, beautiful Noona"
You whispered in her ears as she was fighting for her life in your embrace.
After what seems like hours she stopped spasming, her breath got heavy as she seems to lose her energy.
"Tired already?"
She sat on your lap before taking off her own outfits.
Her pink bra seems so cute enveloping her breast. Almost like an invitation for you to drown yourself in it.
An invitation, that you take.
Sitting up you used both of your hand to take it off and started bitting her already erect nipple.
Her moans and squeal sounds so defenseless, the polar opposite of the image she always gives off.
She put both hand around your head, hugging it and pushing you to dig deeper to her.
Her leg is locked to your stomach, hugging you like a baby koala hanging for it's life.
"Baby, I'm cumming"
Your hand grabbed her body, pushing her on to you. Your mouth is sucking on to her nipples greedily.
Her hand and leg tightened themselves on you as her climax came again.
This time, it's much shorter, but not less intense than before.
You can't help but to tease her.
She got off your lap before taking off your pants.
Your already erect member was mesmerising to her.
Your tip was leaking precum, using her hand Irene wipe it before licking it.
"You taste so good"
Her body shake before she took your member into her mouth.
Jesus her lips is so attractive. The way it wrap itself around your dick, the red, plump lips was a vacuum to your dick.
She can't take it all in, but that doesn't matter, because even with half inside you still feel her magic is working.
Then she took it our of her mouth before jerking it with both hands. Her mouth then travel down to kiss your balls and suck on it as well.
"Are you coming baby?"
Her high pitched whine push you even harder. She kissed your balls, and the bottom of your cock.
Your cock and balls was ridden with red lipstick smudge all over, something that arouse you even more.
She put your dick back to her mouth, this time, by the power of sheer will she managed to take all your member in her mouth and throat.
As her lips reaches the base she turned it in to leave another fine red imprint on it. She read your mind, she knows how to push you over.
"Noona I'm coming"
Hearing your moans she stopped giving you a deep throat, leaving only your tip in her mouth.
With the help of her saliva she used both of her hands to jerk you off.
Your cum sprayed into her mouth, undoubtedly turning all of it's inside to a white mess.
Her eyes rolled behind her eyes as she took a deep breath with her nose.
Then, as your climax ended she took the tip off her mouth.
She look at you with pride, then she opened her mouth and sticks out her tongue, showing your cum pooling inside her mouth.
Her lips is smudged all over, her mascara is runined with her tears, her mouth is practically over filled by your sperm.
A sight even the gods can only dream off, is right in front of you right now.
She closed her mouth back and then gulp it down. You can hear the sickening yet arrousing swallowing sound from her mouth. She opened her mouth back and sticks out her tongue to show nothing remains in her mouth.
Her eyes is filled with pride and happiness, almost, pure, a pure happiness of her own accomplishment.
You grab her by the thighs before picking her up and put her in the bed.
"Take it off baby, I can't wait for you anymore"
Pulling down her skirt you see her panties is practically drenched and even dripping some of her juices.
You pulled it down as well, giving you sights for the main course.
"Put it in baby, I want to feel you inside, make me yours, fill me up, pleaseeee"
She's whining and begging you like a spolied kid.
Any other time you would slow down and teased this ice queen, but not now, now, there's only one thing you wanted to do.
"OH MY GOD~~~~"
She screamed as her body convulsed yet again as you put the whole length of your member in.
You waited as she was orgasming. Wanting to remember this view for the rest of your life.
As it ended you realise there's a red stain coming out of her vagina.
"You're a virgin Noona?"
She nodded, without any shame.
"I'm waiting for you"
God she's a psycho, I love it. Wait, what?
You started thrusting, slow and hard, making her breat jiggle everytime you sink your dick deeper into her.
Moans and moans keep escaping her lips.
"Baby, I love you, I love you so much, baby faster"
She let out a high pitched whine as you continue thrusting into her.
"Oh god you're breaking me baby"
"Aghhhh, so deep, you're so deep inside me"
"Faster baby, break me apart, tear me into two GODDDDD........"
"I can't hold it anymore, please, faster"
"Baby, I'm cumming"
"You can't cum yet"
"Baby pleaseeee"
Oh god, the sight of Irene whining and begging in front of you is to hard for you to resist.
"I'm coming too"
You grunted and lay forward to be on top of her.
"Inside baby, fill me up, fill me up with your seeds"
She whisper before she kissed you again.
Your thrust is getting faster, her walls is getting tighter. Then, you felt your dick squirmed, she must've felt it too since her leg went to lock you in place.
"I'm cumming"
She screamed into your mouth as her body was sent into another seizure.
You're drained, your breath was heavy and slow. As you finished depositing sperm in her untouched womb you got off her and lay next to her.
"I, love you"
Tears starts to pour down her eyes, a joyful tears.
"I love you too, my ice cold Noona"
You kissed her again, and as you do, there's only one thing in her mind.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
You're fucked mate.
"Baby, hug me"
Irene whined as she envelopes her limbs around you.
"Okay, babe, let's, get in the right position to sleep first okay"
She grunted as you drag her so she can lay on the bed with you. Irene nuzzled up close to you, her nude body is pressing up against you, making you feel every inch of her perfect skin that has become sticky from her sweat.
"I love you, I love you so much baby"
Irene's small whimper is the devil's whisper that keep pulling you deeper and deeper into her.
"Okay, Noona"
Why would you say that?
"Say it back"
She spat as she pinched your neck.
"Awww, I love you to Noona, I told you earlier"
She doesn't seems satisfied.
"I want to hear it from you every moment in my day for the rest of my life"
Fuck, what do I do now? Why the fuck did I succumb to my own dick?
"O-o-o-okay Noona"
She smiled again, letting go of your neck.
"I like it when you stutter like that, you're so cute, my baby boy is so perfect"
She rubbed her face all over your cheek.
"Let's go to sleep Noona"
She squealed.
"I love you, good night baby"
"G-good night, Noona"
It's been a long day, you went through a lot. The moment you closed your eyes you feel your consciousness slowly sleep away.
The next morning you woke up with the heavy weight of someone on top of you.
"Morning babe"
You were still blinking your eyes trying to wake up when you felt Irene's lips pressing up against yours.
You pulled back, making her let out a growl.
"I-i-i-i need to w-w-w-wash my teeth"
Opening your eyes you see Irene is looking at you with dissatisfaction.
"I don't care, I want to kiss you"
She tried to kiss you again but you close your mouth making her face turned to anger.
"Noona please, let me wash my teeth first okay? You can kiss me all you want after"
She frowned but nodded anyway.
You stood up, trying to get out of bed, which is hard when Irene is clinging on to you.
"Noona, I can't move"
She just looked at you with a cute puppy eyes.
"I, love you?"
She smiled and kissed your cheek before letting you go.
"I love you too babe"
You went to your bathroom, with Irene following close behind you.
"Noona, I need, to take a shit"
She frowned yet again.
"Once you're done, I'm making out with you for an hour"
Was it an ultimatum? A promise? You decided to not think about it before you locked the bathroom door.
You went to wash your face.
"What the fuck just happened"
You were hoping that your reflection would answer you, thankfully it didn't.
You do your morning duty before washing your face yet again hoping you would wake up in this weird dream.
When you go out you see Irene is waiting for you in your couch.
Crossed leg, crossed arm, cold eyes, she returned to the old Noona you know. Although, it was only for a moment, she smiled to you, a warm yet sinister smile.
"Come here honey"
You, awkwardly sit next to her.
"I love you"
She grabbed your hand, both of them.
"I love you too Noona"
You tried your best to be earnest.
"I want you to be honest with me"
"Do you have any relationship before me?"
Her eyes turned cold and sinister, you felt her hand pressing up harder against yours.
"I.... Do"
A few bones in your hand might broke off from the sheer force of her ire.
Her growl made your body tremble.
"They're, just in the past"
She grabbed both of your head before pushing you to lay down on the couch.
"I don't care, I've waited so long for you and you can't even do the same? You're even a decade younger than me but you don't have any patience? For me?"
What? What is she talking about? What am I walking into right now?
"Noona, we just met, a week or so ago"
"I don't care, you should've waited for me"
Your face was wet, from her saliva and some tears. That's right, she's crying.
"I-i-i-i'm sorry Noona"
Good news, you felt her hand lower down from your face. Bad news, it's resting on your neck.
"You, fucking, cheater"
It tightened around your neck making let out a choked gasp.
You gurgled out.
"I hate you, I hate you so much"
Is this it? How you gonna die? Was it worth it for a night with Irene?
"Who's the bitch"
She suddenly let go of your neck and grabbed your head again.
She screamed at you as you were coughing hard.
"My ex?"
You managed to squeak out.
"Yes, the bitch who seduced my man"
How do I get out of this? Fuck it, let's flirt our way out.
"Baby, it's nobody important, I already forgot about them"
You slowly wrapped her arm around her.
"They're bitches who almost succeed in getting you from me"
She's still mad, but her body atleast responded to your touch.
"They didn't, and even if I met you while I'm still dating them I would still choose you. We were made for each other right?"
Your forced smile is enough to calm her down a little.
"I don't want you to ever meet them again"
You nodded, obviously.
"And I want you to marry me"
You didn't nod, obviously.
"Say yes"
Fuck how do I get out of this. Uhmmmm, think fast brain, think.
"I, want to be the one who proposed"
She looked at you with discontent.
"Then propose to me"
What now smart guy? You felt your leg started to shake nervously.
"I need to buy a ring"
She snorted.
"I don't need a ring, I need to hear you say it"
Go all out? Fuck it I don't want to die.
"I, want to buy it, for you. I want to make it, romantic"
She frowned, cutely this time.
"You don't need to do that"
She can blush?
"I have to, we only get to, well I only get to propose once right? And we get married once, so I want to put all my effort on it"
Oh my god, Irene is blushing, hard. She looked away from you shyly, a very cute view, if only she didn't try to strangle you to death earlier.
"You're such a flirt"
You were stunned by her words, but recover quickly.
"For you, I have too, because..... I love you, and only you, forever"
She dug her face to your chest before letting out a shy shriek.
She immediately attacked your mouth. Her hands is holding you from behind and work as your head pillow.
You felt your cheeks getting wet, her little moan and squeal also tells you, she's crying.
"I love you, oh god I love you so much it hurts. Hold me tight babe, don't let me go, never let me go"
She pulled away showing her tearful face.
"Okay babe, I love you too"
She took of your shirt.
"I want you, I want you again inside me babe"
She whined as she took of her's as well.
"I, am tired"
She kisses your cheek.
"I know, I'll do all the work this time. Just lay there okay baby?"
She pulled down your pants before ditching her panties and start grinding her already wet pussy on your dick.
"Hold my hand baby"
She reached out to you. You pulled up your hand and she immediately took it, interlocking your fingers with each other.
With the support from your hand she continues her grinding until your dick became hard.
Without waiting any longer she put it inside her.
"Aghhhhh, baby"
Her hands squeezed yours as her leg was quivering.
"You're, so tight Noona"
You can't help but groan feeling her inner walls is squeezing your dick, ready to milk it until it ran dry.
"I'm the best right baby, I'm better than those bitches? I have the best pussy you ever tried?"
Her eyes is filled with madness and a crave for your praises.
"You're the best one Noona, nothing come close to you"
You let go of her hand and reached to grab her ass.
"Yeah baby, my pussy was molded for your cock, it's perfect, we're perfect, I love you, I love you so much"
Losing it's support she drop down to you and start to nibbling on your neck as her hips start to pick up the pace.
"I love you too Noona"
You moaned feeling her teeth is biting on to your collarbone.
"You're so big, I'm breaking baby, do you want to tear me into two?"
Fuck this succubus is insane
Your hand starts to spank her ass making her moan louder and louder.
"Break me baby, fill me up, I want to feel your cum inside again. Come on, fill me up baby, fill up your Noona with your cum"
Your hip started moving, matching her pace. Every thrust you send made her thighs and ass wiggle. Her moans and screams start to shake matching her body's trembles.
"I'm coming baby"
She moaned as she sinked her teeth to your chest.
"No Noona, you don't get to cum"
You have to do it, how can you pass up the opportunity to dominate Irene?
"Baby please"
She raised her head showing her teary eyes and begging expression.
"If you cum, I will hate you"
You see her face was riddled with shock and fear, those two expression was then mixed with arrousal and lust as you start thrusting her faster and faster.
"Baby pleaseeee"
Her tears ran down her cheek. You almost feel sorry, almost.
"You cum when I cum, understand?"
She bite her lower lips, her tears running down her face.
Thankfully her whines help pushed you over the edge.
"Cum with me babe"
Your dick start to twitch, then as she felt your cum tainted her inner walls she let out a deep guttural groan as her body went to another seizure.
You felt, tired, drained, you lay on your couch panting as Irene was having an orgasm.
Finally it passed and she dropped to your chest. You hear her sobbing as her tears wet your chest.
"I'm sorry baby"
You decided to caress her head, she let out her cries as she hugged you.
Do you feel sorry for her? Maybe
Do you regret doing it? Fuck no
Finally she stopped crying and raised her tear stained face and her red eyes is looking at you timidly.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry, I just can't.... Stop myself when you're.... Being so cute"
Her tears falling again as she start to kiss you.
Her hands is hugging your neck, her leg is resting quietly between yours.
The kiss was, actually you're not really sure, probably 30 minutes or more.
"I love you baby, I really do"
Finally she finished and just whimper weakly in your ears.
"Okay babe, fuck it's already 7, I need to go"
She shake her head and just lock you in place.
"You're free for the day baby, cuddle me"
Even though her voice sounds so weak and tired you know resisting her now will only make your suffering greater tomorrow.
"I, need to contact my trainer at least"
She shake her head again.
"I don't want you to talk to other woman"
Fucking hell lady.
She then raised her face, it looked tired, but her eyes have some cold fury in it.
"Did you have her number in your phone"
Oh shit, here we go again.
"Yeah, I nee-"
She slapped my chest, it felt weak, but the emotional damage, well it's also weak since you're not that into her yet.
"Delete it"
You felt nervous, trying to make some excuses in your head.
"Why are you hesitating? You want to cheat on me again?"
You winced as she say that, knowing full well, what's gonna come for you for the rest of this relationship.
"I need her contact in case something happened"
She shake her head again.
"No, I don't care, delete it. If you want to say something then tell your friend to relay your message to her"
"Baby please"
"No, I lose you before I'm not losing you again to some scrawny whore who's going to seduce you. No baby, I'm not losing you again, not when I already have you in my arms"
What now? What will your brilliant mind come up with?
"I need it for my career"
She snorted.
"You only need me, if you want to debut just say it and I'll make you debut"
Sugar mommy is a pretty rare thing to have, especially someone this hot.
"Baby, I, need to earn it"
She growled again.
"You, can let me ask her right? I'm just telling her I'm sick"
Her face contorted as she grabbed your chest.
"Fine, but I want to see your chat history. In fact, I want to see your phone and check every single girl you tried to cheat on me with"
Well this is it, it's your life now.
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Elliott propaganda:
“Just look at him. Pure hunk energy.”
“I will punch anyone who dislikes him. He’s like a fire emblem character in the modern day. He’s so flamboyant and handsome, he can play the piano and he’s best friends with the old fishing man!”
“dramatic writer man with sexy hair”
"Since I like elliott. I will state some reasons why I like him
Imagine if Mr. Darcy didn’t insult your family first time you met him, that’s Elliott. The man who’s basically the hallmark romance love interest. He’s a writer who moves to the small town in the country side to find inspiration for his writing. Then he finds the farmer.
He has a crab living in his pocket
He can play the piano (hopefully it isn’t the river flows in you however)
His fans sometimes hc him as a merman and that’s just a major plus IMO
He genre of the book he writes is dependent on what genre you say you like.
He also sends letters to you if you marry him
Okay and also some things I dislike
His liked gifts, the easiest one is pomegranates, which cost like 6000g to grow a tree if you don’t pick the fruit cave. I AM NOT GETTING SQUID INK IN YEAR ONE FOR YOU.
he might be British /j
The fact he has no kitchen but still likes food like lobster, like he is just a mystery. Lives in a cabin, with no kitchen, no washroom (okay no character has a washroom), but still likes the most fancy food out there and has luscious hair worthy of a L’Oréal ad.
Gifting him on rainy days when you don’t have two hearts"
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
"He is so caring!! Anyone who says he is boring or his 'route' was boring is a LIAR or didn't really understand his character! He is such a sweet person
Asra propaganda on this poll doesn't even do him any justice!! He makes friends wherever he travels to , likes knitting for his familiar snake , is a sweetheart, WILL take care of you even in the lowest point of your life"
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emilicious0 · 3 months
okay, so, im finding myself more and more attracted to Valentino. I mean im starting to simp 😵‍💫💀
so i'd love to see some gen sfw (and nsfw if you can but dont have to)
Maybe he started to like one of his workers or something (fem if possible but gn is fine)
He could like, work her with clients less and stuff, less videos, maybe less drugs 💀 anyway imma hop off now 😩
f!reader x valentino sfw and nsfw headcanons
TW: VALENTINO, abusive behavior, mdni
□ he really thinks he treats all of his workers good, which is kinda true (I strongly headcanon that v's may be a band of psychos, but they appreciate hard work and always offer good salaries)
□ you get a good amount of money and thats the reason you work so good as his assistant
□ he notices the hard work and slowly starts to treat you more like a friend (in his own way, like slapping your butt or whistling whenever you are passing by)
□ that behavior lasts for some time, until he sees you on your day off in a club with some other demon (who was your friend)
□ the two of you seem close and youre hugging each other, which made valentino see red
□ he was ready to jump inside and kill the bitch who dared to touch you, but vox called in asking him to be immeadiatly back in their tower for a meeting
□ after that valentino realises his feelings for you
□ the butt-slapping, cat-calling didnt stop and only became worse
□ he would call you nicknames now, the most used one is "baby"
□ you would get a lot more money than anyone else
□ also loves when you praise him
□ a drama queen, who loves when you take care of him (buying ice cream)
□ would try to trick you into making a deal with him (but he would eventually give up on that idea, since he wants you, to want him too)
□ actually tells you everyday how he loves you, or how beautiful you are, only to yell at you next moment for not loving him back
□ he would come to you drunk crying and you have to take him to bed and tuck him in
□ if you accept his feelings and you become a couple, he immediately fires you
□ becomes your sugar daddy, who asks for every second of your time in return
□ carries you around like a treasure, showing you off to everyone
□ gives you small gifts everyday, and not so small gifts too
□ he is the type to forget about the anniversary, but feel bad about it later
□ despite him being still physically active with his workers and vox, he is romantically absolutely yours
□ he has hard time listening for your problems, but he comforts you wrapping his wings around you and kissing you
□ he has hard times understanding a lot of things about your problems (hard for him to be there for you), but he tries to do it in his own way (physical affection)
□ valentino has his episodes when he bursts and shouts at you and everything, apologizing afterwards, but they will happen again
□ kinda enjoys scaring you, but with you it's never about physical abuse, more like teasing
□ sleeps more calmly next to you
□ doesn't allow you to leave him (it will crash him in every possible way if you do, resulting him to become obsessive and start stalking you)
□ has any possible kink in existence
□ inpatient, rough
□ loves edging, into degrading (loves to degrade and wants to degrade you)
□ public sex is his favorite one (as well as group one)
□ roleplays with you a lot of his crazy scenarios
□ makes you watch him fuck with others (doesn't let you do the same)
□ but your sessions with him are super private bc they are different
□ switch (hard dom/top, soft sub/bottom)
□ loves seeing you on your knees for him
□ seeing you cry is his favorite turn on
□ threesome with vox✌️
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buccini555 · 4 months
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭.𝟐
♡ What would it be like to have a secret relationship with one of the city's most dangerous gangsters? (NSFW Imagine at the end)
♡ Headcanons and Imagines .ᐟ .ᐟ
♡ 𝑭𝒕. Sanzu Haruchiyo
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 . 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 ♡ . 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨 . 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 . 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 . 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 . 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
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tw: stalker mention, toxic relationship, obsession, submission mention, mention of substance use (pills)
𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘇𝘂 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘆𝗼: He had been indirectly chasing you for a while like a true stalker, after the first time he saw you, Haruchiyo was never able to get you out of his head, ending up remaining obsessed with you and your attractive appearance, even so, he was not confident enough to come to you and show such an unhealthy feeling, yet, after a while, you ended up getting involved in an intense, euphoric and often toxic way.
Sanzu is extremely romantic, you have no shortage of flowers and gifts, he is the conquering type and would die for you, being totally submissive in secret, Haruchiyo likes to do your bidding, his way of showing love is usually with acts of service, sometimes he also ends up being needy and demanding a lot of your time and attention, Sanzu is affectionate and kind, he doesn't like to see you sad and despite being involved with serious matters, he maintains a loving behavior when he is with you, rarely showing signs aggressive or something like that.
You usually meet in hotels or at Haruchiyo's own house, these meetings happen every day after Bonten meetings and are usually very discreet, Sanzu prefers to keep you a secret for your safety, despite this fact, he doesn't mind showing up in public by your side, taking you to meetings outside of private places, he also sees no problem in admitting your relationship to people close to you.
Your relationship often ends up becoming troubled, Haruchiyo is jealous and possessive, he often ends up not knowing how to control these feelings and you end up fighting, but these are just some of Sanzu's "red flags", as previously mentioned, he is a stalker, in addition to often invading your privacy to stay aware of everything that is going on in your life, he keeps a collection of photos of you in every possible situation. Another fact that ends up making your relationship turbulent is the use of substances by Haruchiyo.
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"... Baby? Are you awake?" It was already exactly 3 am and Haruchiyo arrived home seeing that you ended up sleeping on the couch while waiting for him, checking that you weren't awake, he held you on your lap with the intention of taking you to bed.
"Mm... Haru?" You felt Sanzu's touch, ending up slowly waking up in his arms. "I'll put you in our bed, it's okay?" He said and then placed you under the sheets.
"I'm awake now, Haru." Still dazed and yawning, you exclaimed as soon as Haruchiyo placed you on the bed. "It's late, sorry for waking you up, my princess."
Unbuttoning the buttons on his social shirt, he turned to you looking you up and down while you were still actually waking up. "Hmm? Am I going to have to make you sleep again?" He finished taking off his shirt and lay down next to you, pulling you closer and ending up sealing your lips with a brief, intense kiss. "Hmrm..." You responded to his advance by nodding your head while he kissed you, making your entire body awaken at the same moment due to the desire to have him.
His hands slid down her body as that kiss continued with even more intensity, lifting the thin fabric of your Sanrio nightwear, he held her tightly around your waist, placing your body against his, then the kisses became more intense he reached your neck and chest while one of Haruchiyo's hands went down to your intimacy, making you let out a small moan.
"You belong to me, you're mine, right?" He stated in a few words as he put his hand down your shorts, realizing how wet your pussy was, his movements were slow and exactly precise, Sanzu knew exactly what he was doing as he muffled your moans with another kiss. "... I know my fingers won't be enough to satisfy you." With a smirk, he said. "I-I need you, r-right now." Panting, you responded, looking him up and down, realizing how excited he was for you at that moment. "Beg, beg for me honey." Haruchiyo held you steady and placed you on your back, raising your hips to his level. "P-please, Sanzu, I need you." Pressing your intimacy even more on his member, you did your bidding.
At that point, he no longer wanted to waste any more time, so he put his underwear aside. At first, the thrusts were slower, then they ended up becoming faster and more intense while he held her hair and marked her body with a few slaps. "C'mon babygirl, cum for me right now." He says while fucking you intensely.
"You want more, don't you, little slut?" He questioned, increasing his rhythm, keeping you closer and closer to your peak. "M-more... Please, please. Mmm...mm" He continued with even more force, making your legs shake and your moans become uncontrollable, Haruchiyo wasn't too far from his peak, so he just decided go even faster. "Y-yes...y-yes, fuck!" Testing all the limits of your body as you dissolved in pleasure in front of the his eyes. "F-fuck, you're such a fuking slut." Pulling your hair and making you look at his face, he withdrew from inside you, pouring all that hot and viscous liquid down your back, getting up immediately to clean up all the mess he had made, after that, he got up, he just lay down next to you and pulled you to sleep on top of him.
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graceraindrops-blog · 4 months
How much of a terrible mom was Cordelia? A full explanation.
It's a shame that the first post of my blog is dedicated to a rather ''interesting'' take @yuikomorii showed me, but taking into account that I've done my research involving the mothers, I find it a perfect opportunity to make a full explanation of Cordelia's abusive behavior.
Before I start, I would like to talk about why Cordelia acted the way she did (I AM NOT JUSTIFYING HER ACTIONS).
We know that Cordelia's father was neglectful towards her after the death of her mother which made her lack the ability to understand love.
Karlheinz manipulated Cordelia into marrying him and giving him children FORCEFULLY (because Cordelia did not want to have children). He also convinced Cordelia that it was okay for her to have many lovers and to have sexual relationships with FAMILY members
Cordelia's abusive behavior towards the triplets also comes over the fact of her jealousy and obsession with Karlheinz and surpassing Beatrix and Christa.
Getting this out of the way I will now start explaining why Cordelia was NOT a good mother despite her traumas.
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It's not strange to view Cordelia negatively if she's one of the antagonists of the franchise. NEVER did Diabolik lovers ever paint Cordelia as a good person and constantly tell us about how shitty she was towards her children and how much it affected them.
2. I'm not denying the fact that around those times parenting was more strict, however, you're forgetting that Cordelia didn't just slap, ground, or yell at her children, she put intense waves of pressure on Ayato, and drowned him, she sexually abused Laito, manipulated him and groomed him when he was a KID, forced Kanato to sing until he bled and made him watch her have intercourse with other men. This was the abuse the triplets went through until they finally had enough and attempted to kill Cordelia, which they succeeded.
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3. Yes, it's true that Beatrix wouldn't give the triplets much attention or love, she would probably neglect them due to not being her biological children and belonging to her rival, however, Beatrix WOULD NEVER do the messed up stuff Cordelia did. Yes, she was a terrible mother to Shu and Reiji, yet she would've never stepped down at Cordelia's level.
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4. A normal mother doesn't drown and threaten her child due to personal issues, A normal mother doesn't sexually abuse her child and grooms him to make him depend on her, and a normal mother doesn't force her child to watch her have sex with men and doesn't use his singing voice to get horny. If she was an affectionate mother ayato wouldn't have found the need to HIDE himself from her and the triplets wouldn't have considered killing her.
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5. I would also like to add, that no matter how badly influenced Cordelia was, and no matter how much childhood trauma she went through, that would never be a justification for the way she treated her children. This does not only apply to Cordelia, this applies to every character and to real people as well. It's a reason why they behave that way, but never a justification. Also, Cordelia doing the bare minimum and behaving like an actual mother for a few moments does not mean she cares about her children. I don't think this is explicitly told, but I believe in those particular scenes she's grooming Kanato to become dependent on her like she did with Laito and Ayato.
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6. ''She never spoke that way to her children'' I'm sorry but I have to laugh?? I would've understood if you were an anime only (not really) but taking into account that you do know about the games this is really really wrong lol. I don't why it's difficult to understand that Cordelia didn't love her children. Cordelia is such a bad mother that when she was resurrected in Ayato's DF route, she didn't even apologize to him or to his siblings, and yet he still forgave her! She even told Ayato to APOLOGIZE to her and continued to insult him
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(Credits to @dialovers-translations)
I understand (I think everyone in the fandom does) that Cordelia had her reasons to behave this way (childhood trauma and manipulation) but that doesn't excuse her actions. I don't agree with people hating on Cordelia and loving Karlheinz but I also don't agree with people defending Cordelia and saying she did nothing wrong when she did.
Cordelia isn't a black-and-white character and she's not a bad character either, she's very well-written for her purpose (an antagonist) but she's not a good person or mother. She never regretted what she did and if she was still alive during HDB she would've still been abusive to the triplets.
This is my problem with morally grey characters/Evil characters. They can't exist in media if people ignore their wrongdoings and actions and try to justify said actions. I'm not saying that they shouldn't exist but I'm tired of people painting them as good people or justifying their actions when their whole purpose as a character is to show that they're not good people and their actions are/were wrong.
To finish off the post I would like to say that I love Cordelia's character and I consider her to be one of the best-written characters in Diabolik Lovers. In my opinion, I would've liked to know more about her in further games but even if I feel this way about her I don't justify her actions and that's something we should all do. I'm glad the fandom no longer justifies the actions of the characters (with some obvious exceptions). And even if I like Cordelia as a character I don't shame others for not liking her, at the end of the day she was a horrible person lol.
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reotheworld · 1 year
all the world's a stage as you like it
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❝ the one and only you, you're my celebrity ❞
➜ how yandere!manager!alexis ness is with you
➜ fem!reader (idol!fem!reader)
sugar level: 20% & 100% | cw: knife, possessive and obsessive behavior, suggestive themes, cursing, controlling tendencies, let me know if i missed out on anything!
an: i was supposed to make this with kaiser but all my creativity budget went to ness-
• behind his sweet smiling facade is the most loyal, devoted and dedicated manager ever to work with you. he's not leaving his position anymore. why should he? he knows you like the back of your hand, even with his eyes closed, he knows what your curves and breast size are. • despite the gender cross of work, you'd think ness is the strict type of manager. the ones who'd scold you if you show up on set or studio late, not getting your lines or choreography correct, but actually he's the opposite! • has these little stars and hearts in his eyes as he watches you behind the scenes. he'd clap his hand happily at you when you've done a good job. • he makes it a point to get along with you. wanting to know the big and small details of your life. • never ever leaves your side. he follows you like a dog follows it's master. it's okay, he gave you the handle of the leash anyway. • highly speaks of you! every time you're brought up or at least someone mentions your name, all words of flowery praises and compliments roll out of his lips. • doesn't handle criticisms thrown at your way very well! if the director of the commercial or photographer you're working on tells you that you're not doing a good job, you can bet alexis is already cursing at them. saying that they're the ones not doing their job perfectly. • behind closed doors, he's already threatening them that if they talk down at you again, he wouldn't hesitate to slit the knife he's holding against they're neck. • you could just be standing there, wearing the ugliest clothes or your hair is not cooperating with you but alexis ness would still look at you like you're responsible for the sun, moon and stars in the sky. • ultimately hates fan signing! he doesn't see the point why you have to smile, hold hands and talk to your fans, especially the male ones. • he's the one who is clearing and leading you to the path of fame you oh so deserve. so please only smile, hold hands and talk to him. fans are only to admire you from afar. • as the event ends, he is quick to sanitize your hands with wet wipes and alcohol. • he's responsible for the fans' gifts not reaching you too. they're only good decorations when it comes to taking pictures. after that, he'll take them away to never be seen again! • absolutely loves it when you share your personal life to him! even when he doesn't ask for it, it feels as if you're letting him inside your heart. don't worry, he'll be the one to close and lock the door! • have a male idol or actor sending you a love call? alexis is already besides you, whispering manipulating negatives he made up to your ear. • "he's no good at all. i heard that he's actually responsible for tearing apart his female lead star's family." • the paparazzi complimenting your dress on the red carpet? thank alexis for that! he's always responsible for the dresses and other outfits in general you wear! • he knows what's good for you. listen to him. • one time, when a certain media outlet spread a rumour about you and alexis are dating, he did nothing at all to shut it down. in fact, he prompted the rumor to keep going! • reason for that? the fans found out his personal instagram and all the posts are nothing but with you and about you, captions that contain "fleeting" emotions and cryptic messages that one can interpret on their own. • the type to offer to put lotion on you and massage it across your skin when you're tired after a long day at work. • but honestly he's just looking for an excuse to be able to touch you! getting to stand by your side is one thing, but to be able to touch you in sensitive and sensual areas is another. • "i-is this okay...?" • "yes, y/n. does this side of you still hurt? come and let me massage it for you." • also the type to give you those types of hugs that lasts longer than intended. • doesn't care about his salary. money comes and goes, all he wants to do is to be by your side forever. • but you don't know all of that because in your eyes, alexis ness is the best and most caring manager you have!
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fire-lizard-ro · 11 months
SO UHHHHH- Beware the darker themes ahead. I know people were probably expecting more smut from me, but I find it hard to write smut for the Aeons??? Who even knows how that would actually work-
Anyways sorry for the lack of smut. OTL
I will feed y’all some good Geppie smut later!
GN reader
CW: mentions of death, permanent maiming, breaking bones, sadistic and obsessive tendencies, loss of self
Lemme know if I missed anything. T-T
I didn’t really get into it as much as I could have, so I don’t think it’s too bad. But still read that CW, please-
When it comes to the Aeons, I refuse to believe that they understand human conventions, morals, or ways of love. I think that with them, it's very easy for them to be a yandere??? Sorta?
Once they are interested in you, they won't immediately take you. They'll likely observe you, being interested in figuring out what it is that had them interested in you in the first place.
But slowly they become more convinced that you are someone they want to keep by their side.
Once they've decided that you should stay by their side, they'd likely kidnap you???
And I feel like as an Aeon who doesn't empathize with human emotions just has to keep you because you make them feel something truly novel- Is this that "love" that they always heard those humans talk about? That thing that they strive for yet the Aeons couldn't possibly hope to understand? So no matter how far you try to run, they'll find you.
With this particular Aeon, I can see their love being one that is harmful for humans no matter how sweetly they put it.
They don't understand why you don't want the protection of their path and the blessing of everlasting life they can give you. :((
At some point, they'll likely give you the curse of mara, turning you into something you aren't. It's all because they love you and can't bear to see your mortal form crumble to nothing over the years and your life come to an end. They just couldn't accept that. So one day they tell you sweetly to close your eyes because they have a gift for you. One that you can keep... forever.
They understands that it will hurt. Yes. They understand that you'll lose your humanity and really your sense of being- But that's okay! They can take care of you. They'll never let you feel pain or suffering after this moment. You'll just have to take this moment of pain to have an eternity with them. Okay? :))
Honestly I can't really see why any of the Aeons would keep a human or other mortal around when what they pursue is something that mortal minds cannot truly fathom. Like with Nanook....
They are literally seeking the destruction of all things. Those who follow the Path of Destruction even sacrifice their own health and bodies in order to gain power in battle. The Path of the Destruction is one that seeks the end of all things. But maybe there's a slim chance that despite seeking to destroy all creation, they would find you oddly charming. A cute little thing that they cannot seem to take their eyes away from. Somehow, to them, you are just as beautiful as the fiery destruction they seek to bring to the universe.
Obsessively watching you and doing whatever they please to you. Keeping you close at all times, trapped in their embrace as though their hands were a living cage. Again- No matter where you run, no matter where you hide… they’ll find you. Their love is also Very Harmful to Humans TM. Holds you far too tight without really realizing it. But if you try to pry their large fingers off or you squirm too much… they only squeeze harder. To the point that you feel your skin bruising, flesh becoming sore and your very bones creaking. If you actually manage to get away from them somehow, I’m not sure what will happen to you. Not to mention the fact that it will be very VERY hard to run once you’ve escaped. Aeons can probably traverse the universe at speeds unfathomable. And their piercing gazes leave no stone unturned. How could you hope to hide from such all-seeing eyes? How can you hide from an Aeon? Once they’ve caught you again… you probably aren’t getting away. They may break you a bit. Juuust a but. Enough to discourage a second escape attempt- And maybe even enough to make that second attempt impossible. You don’t really need to walk if they’re always holding you, right? Maybe if they… break your legs? Careful you don’t anger them any more than that- Paralysis from the waist down is also a dangerous, but possible option. You may be broken after that, but they’re the Aeon of Destruction. You’ll be beautiful to them even broken. :))
At some point, if this was you second attempt and you’re somehow able to get away without them breaking your legs- Or hell maybe they did but you are just stubborn enough to devise a way to run away again (though likely not on those twisted legs of yours). Point is- If this is not your first attempt at escape, it’s likely that word of what happened the first time has spread. I doubt there’d be a planet in the galaxy willing to harbor you when Nanook could easily raze their cities to the ground and destroy the very planet they live on.
Nanook is the Most Dangerous of the Aeons to catch the attention of. Because I think with them, the most realistic thing would be that you are always one wrong step away from becoming a beautifully broken thing. The grand and beautiful destruction this Aeon sought. For what greater love is there than making you an example of their reason for being, right? Right? :)))
Or maybe it’s because they cannot be bothered with you if you become too much of a hassle even if they fancy you. I’m not really sure how Aeons really work, soooo…. I’d honestly be careful around this one… Even though I’m sure most would be considering their intimidating stature and nature.
I wonder if Lan would find it fun to let you think you’d escaped them only to hunt you down. I mean. They are the Aeon of the Hunt. Yes that means more than just that, but. I can see it. Some sort of sadistic glee they have in the fear in your eyes, the pounding in your heart, and the panicked breaths you take when realizing they’ve found you again. But they’d never hurt you! No, no, no- They certainly wouldn’t… Right?
I don’t think there’d be any getting away from the Aeon of Nihility. 💀
I mean- Considering what happened in the Simulated Universe when meeting IX, I think you know why. I don’t know too much about them and no longer have many spoons for this so ye.
Maybe will write more about the Aeons later.
Sorry for any wack writing and typos it’s ass o’clock and it’s time for my eepy ass to go mimimimimimi- Might fix it eventually if I catch it.
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konigbabe · 2 years
John Price headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Author: @konigbabe
Pairing: John Price x f!reader
Warnings: domestic!Price; fluff; nsfw [smut] below the cut
A/N: A small bunch of relationship-related headcanons I came up with ever since my obsession over Capt. Price came to life. This is my own idea of how Price is in a relationship! NSFW under the cut.
masterlist • request • faq • taglist • AO3
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Okay, so you two definitely met either during one of his missions with TF 141 when you were assigned to help or at some pub near his place.
If you two met at the pub, he made the first move almost immediately after spotting you.
"And I thought the scotch was the only good thing about this place."
For the fun of it, you dodged his advances at first but at the end of the day, you agreed on a date.
If you two met on a mission, he didn't act on his attraction towards you until the mission was successfully and completely over. He was your captain and a professional after all.
You said the L word first despite him knowing he loved you since your first kiss.
He doesn't hurry anything. That's why it took him ages to ask you to move in with him.
He's not home too much and always getting called back to work but when he is at home, his days revolve mostly around you.
You love dancing with him even when he's just standing in the middle of your living room while you circle around him dancing to modern pop. He prefers 80s and 90s music - what he grew up on - but still lets you have a blast with to Lady Gaga or Beyonce.
He loves cooking you breakfast, especially because he wakes up before you and won't wait for you to cook for him.
He's a tea drinker while you love your cup of coffee.
You always wear his shirts at home - they are comfortable and warm and if he's not home, they are your reminder of him.
Sometimes, he lets you trim his beard in the morning - you still in his old shirt that you use as pjs, sitting on the bathroom counter with his calloused hands running up and down your thighs and his eyes fixated on your focused gaze as you ever-so-carefully slide the blade on his cheeks.
He's a silent observer - watching you dust, cook, read or do your favorite things, he will always be around, his eyes never leaving your figure as you move around the house.
Price isn't a big fan of PDA but he goes absolutely feral when someone hits on you outside. He wraps his arm around your waist or holds your hand or even gives you a kiss just to prove that you belong together.
Not a big fan of dates outside the house - he would rather cook you a romantic dinner and run a warm bath with rose petals and candles just so you two can spend the evening together, without the prying eyes of other people.
He always buys you candles even tho you never lit them (except for the dates).
He's absolutely a sucker for skinship even inside the house - his hands always on your waist, fingertips grazing your arms, casual kisses on temple/forehead/jawline/neck or literally anywhere he can reach, "thank yous" always followed by a peck on the lips.
The primal urge you give him whenever he sees you doing your evening yoga to relax your muscles before bed...
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...and you know what your yoga routine does to him so you use it as a weapon whenever you want to fuck.
Price is a switch but still remains a power bottom.
He's a pussy-pleaser and a gentleman inside and outside the bedroom - ladies always first (preferably multiple times).
He loves eating you out while you're sitting on a table or the edge of the bed.
He prefers deep penetration positions where he can see your face and touch you - his ultimate favorite is the cowgirl.
He secretly likes it when you take control from time to time, holding his hands above his head while sinking deep on his cock as he watches you take all of him, the feeling of proudness only adding to his pleasure as he snaps his hips upwards, getting a satisfying moan out of you.
He always, always makes sure to clean you out with his tongue afterward as you lay on the bed, completely submitted to his mercy.
Both of you are big on aftercare.
He's a gentle dominant lover most of the time but there are days, usually right after he comes home from work when the only thing he wants to do is spend the rest of the day balls deep inside you - you two don't even need to be fucking, he just wants your cunt to warm his cock, to feel the tight squeeze of you.
During those days, he sometimes goes totally primal in bed - sure, he makes sure you come before he's even inside you but after that? You feel like nothing but his own sex toy as he manhandles you into any position known to humankind and uses your body to chase his own desired high. And you taking it all makes him love you even more.
The first time he wrapped his fingers around your throat and the sound you made, it caused him to lose his rhythm as he watched your pupils grow and moans become louder than he ever heard.
He loves it when you deepthroat him but never forces you to do it.
He was the first person to make your legs shake during sex - you always believed it was only a myth until you met Price.
He might need some time recovering after each round but that man can go for HOURS - he's a captain for a reason after all.
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i love the good aquarium au! i want to see the fishes happy 🩷o🩷 How do the sirens interact with mc in this version? 🩷
Sans: He has to wait much longer than his bad AU counterpart to get to 'play' with her. This aquarium is very safety-focused, and unwilling to have anyone even near his open tank, let alone in it. Despite his obvious obsession and courting displays, Mc remains safely behind thick barriers and high out of his reach- the only chance he'll get is if he proves he can behave, and Mc herself is the one who approaches management about the subject of swimming with him.
Her presence clearly has benefits on him, so she spends a lot of time on his shifts, talking to him from up on the railings or entertaining him through the glass, sometimes just doing homework by the dappled blue light of his tank. He does occasionally attempt to pull her into the water, whether he's breaching and knocking the railing or grabbing a feeding pole and yanking it (in the hopes of yanking her in with it)... but he's always unsuccessful.
It gives them time to get to know one another more. Time for him to mellow, realise that just because she leaves when her shift is over doesn't mean she won't come back. Time, so that when they do finally make physical contact, it's a gentle and mutual experience that leaves him feeling like things in his world are going to be okay.
Red: Again, poor Red has to wait a lot longer in this AU to get to swim with his girlfriend. But not as long as Sans. Since Red's so well behaved with humans, his keepers interact with him a lot more closely (albeit while wearing plenty of hand and arm protection), giving him lots of chances to flirt with her close-up. He gets many more opportunities than Sans to show that he can behave with her; though 'behaving' still includes grabbing her butt if she lets her guard down too long.
... In this AU, the aquarium knows Red considers her his mate. Mc does too. After she was suddenly hired, the first thing management did was put her on a pretty intense and in-depth learning course. Now even if he's flirting like a siren she knows exactly what's going on. Initially, it made the aquarium cautious about letting her swim with him- but since he's never going to be released, it might be alright after all. It does make life easier when it comes to things like giving him medicine; he doesn't bite when it's his mate doing the medical checkup.
Skull: Mc ends up interacting physically with Skull a lot sooner than anyone intended. At first, there was obviously zero contact thanks to his kill, she'd only even THINK of interacting physically with Skull if she was completely confident he'd never hurt her. And that kind of confidence would only come from a long while working with him, perhaps years.
... Thing is. He's a clever boy, he wants Mc's affection. And he won't wait years. He makes a 'hobby' out of breaking security measures and pulling her into the tank- at first it's a terrifying incident, but as it happens over and over, it loses its shock value and becomes something of an in-joke at the aquarium. Especially since he never actually does anything... just pulls her in, cuddles her, then politely sets her back on the side of the tank like nothing happened. No matter what they do, Skull just finds increasingly more and more complicated and innovative ways to snatch her into his pool.
Eventually, they can clearly see he's not going to kill her- and they decide it's probably just easier for everyone if she interacts with him in person. He's going to grab her anyway, may as well let him do it before he finds a way to break every security measure they have.
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mncein · 10 months
hii!! can i request newjeans with with an extremely sweet, kind, romantic, and affectionate s/o?
okay, will do !! light blue theme ! and was so high i couldn't perfect placing the photos correctly ⬇️ 💀
new jeans masterlist | main masterlist
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"what is taking minji so long?" you mumble, either fidgeting with your fingers or checking your phone time to time. the sky was very blue and the day was nice, a perfect time to schedule a date.
chatting her a simple, "can we meet up?". panicked, she quickly typed, "we are not breaking up.". her answer is literally far from your expectations. laughing at her message, you type in your date details, where to meet up, what both of you are going to do, etc.
even if she's far from you, you knew she let out a large sigh of relief. chuckling at the thought, you took a shower to get ready for the date.
after what felt like 15 minutes, a pair of arms snake around your waist. you saw a sharp nose in your peripheral vision, a small smile forming almost immediately on your face. it was minji.
you turn back and hugged her tightly, oh minji, so lucky. even if she teases you, nearly everyday, you never got mad at her for as simple as that. she felt so loved that she doesn't want to never ever let go of this feeling. knowing the fact that you always keep photos of her, taking screenshots of her in the mv or their films. was the best feeling ever.
"hi baby girl." minji greets, purposely making her voice deep and intimidating, wanting to show dominance on the hug.
"i am no baby, bro." you mimic what she calls some of the new jeans members, she laughs with you, gripping on your clothes gently, not wanting to let go of you.
"how are they?" you ask, referring to the members, they became your friends almost instantly, it was nice to have them as your friends.
"hanni is currently obsessed with the bunny ears she bought. danielle, still beaming like the sun. haerin speaks about having a dog. hyein wears summer shades almost everyday. but they're all okay." she smiles and chuckles, ruffling your hair. she loved how you always ask how are her members doing, always so caring and kind.
"good to hear." you nuzzle into her chest, enjoying her warmth. you just want this moment to last longer...
"oh right, the date. where do you wanna go?" you ask.
the whole day is filled with nothing but sweet quality time together and a couple bonding. indeed a very fun day, deserved to be enjoyed to the fullest after a load of work paining the back. minji arriving back to the dorms, she plops down the sofa with the group.
"had fun today unnie?" hyein sweetly asks, all of them looking over to minji. and there is their unnie, staring into space with a large grin on her face.
"her face explains." hanni snorts.
"yeah, yeah... she was so beautiful..." minji continues to ramble about the day with you on her mind, living with no rent.
"i kinda wanna spend time with y/n-unnie now." haerin raises her eyebrows as her way of smiling while suggesting something. hyein and danielle nods.
"oh, you're not gonna regret it." minji replies with a smug grin, she plans the hangout with her members as if it was a family meeting.
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"hi, hanni, this is your girlfriend speaking."
"yes? why is my girlfriend calling?"
"i just want to let you know how much i am missing you the whole day and how much i love you, your cuddles, your warmth, your voice, the way your eyes look at me, and everything else about you. oh and as simple as your presence could make my whole day. that's all, bye."
hanni's eyes were widened, she was totally not expecting that kind of call from you. were you teasing her? oh, you would never do that to her, despite when she always does. hanni calmed down from her state of shock, looking over the mirror to check how red her face was.
"hanni, did you see my slippers? danielle said hyein was planning to throw them out the trash for some unknown reason- oh, what happened to you?" minji leans over hanni's door, checking on the smaller girl.
"oh- nothing. and why would you even ask if i know where it is?" hanni snaps, covering her face in embarrassment while minji chuckles.
"chill bro, just incase. what has gotten you all tomato-tomato?" minji asks.
"it's none of your business." hanni puts her phone down her bed, glaring at minji.
"it's y/n, i assume. what is the tea?" minji laughs.
"she told me some sweet things you don't need to know." hanni smiles at the thought, she always loved your attitude. and has no plan to stop loving it and you. she just wants to come over and cuddle with you, but she's gone to film jeans' zine with the others. always missing you day and night, not a single day without calling you for hours when she can. casually stealing glances on her phone if she had received any messages from you, so despite to talk to you.
and hanni didn't know she was rambling all that to minji the whole time. the other girl listening carefully like a good leader that cares for all of her members and a best friend them. hanni appreciates that fact, thanking minji for listening to her rambles before pushing the taller girl out of her room. at least she told someone about her thoughts.
"give me a break from thinking of you, y/n. just for a minute." she sang with a smile, she loves you, really.
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"so bored~" danielle hums while slacking on the couch, waiting for the other members to come join her by the living room. her eyes dart around, seeing if any of them are entering the room. she sighs as no one came to join her. then she just misses you so much.
"dani? are you there?" hanni leans over and waves her hand in front of danielle. snapping her out of her thoughts, she smiles.
"yes? why?" danielle answers, fixing her posture.
"you've been silent lately." minji adds.
"just been thinking..."
"about that someone?" hanni finishes for the girl, danielle blushes. how did they know? like she wasn't babbling about you during the ride back to the dorms. hanni chuckles.
"before you ask, of course we know, she's been close to us, remember?" hanni smiles, putting her hand over danielle's knee.
"mhm, you couldn't even last a day without talking about her." minji chuckles.
"besides, we support you. she matches a lot with your energy and you look really happy with her." danielle almost bursts into tears and tackled the two into a big hug.
"you have no idea how much your words made me happy." danielle replies, almost sobbing from her tears of joy. she didn't know you were coming over to spend time with her and with the girls, but she patiently waited and hoped that you'll drop by. and here you are, entering the living room.
"dani? they said you're here- oh! hi, hanni and minji-unnie!" the two got startled and turned to look at you, leaving danielle behind their back as she peeks to see you.
"hi, dani." you smiled at the girl.
the night was fun, spending time with the famous new jeans, and of course, your danielle marsh. hanni and minji observed you as you cling onto danielle while you guys are watching a movie, they saw you like another version of danielle. seeing you so happy to finally be with danielle and to spend time with her. kissing danielle time to time, saying how you missed her so bad and telling her how much you love her. it's enough to make her cry again, but you stopped her, saying that it's just you can't help but say i love you to the person you love the most.
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"hey, can we meet up? needing you asap." you said over the phone, you missed her a lot after a few days without meeting. she's been really busy with their comeback, asking her if everything goes as planned every now and then.
haerin lets out a pleased sigh, hearing your voice just now got rid of her exhaustion. with her members, her eyes remained on the movie playing on the tv, waiting for the next thing you will say.
"i know you're very tired, just open your door." this made haerin perk up, but at the same time, confused on what you just said.
"no time to explain, hurry, i feel like it's gonna rain." you spoke, keeping the phone onto your ear as you wait for haerin impatiently. she abruptly stood up, drawing the attention of the others, also discarding her phone on the sofa.
"where are you going?" minji asks, lifting her head up from her arm, her eyes following haerin.
"someone came to visit." hanni smiles, nodding at haerin to go, in which the girl rushed to the door.
opening the door, she was embraced with a tight hug, that familiar scent filling her nose as she smiles. and as soon as she hugged you back, the rain fell. resting her head on your shoulder, taking a deep inhale.
she loved this kind of moments, exhaling with content of your presence here with her. just the sensation of your warmth against her offers comfort.
"missed you so much." she whispers, just enough for you to hear and comprehend.
she meant what she said, missing every part of you. the care, the affection and the love you give her. loving the way you show your love for her, that alone can make her whole day up. the human version of the sun, lighting her whole world up.
"missed you too like crazy. i had to walk here so i didn't know what my eta is." you chuckled.
"took you long enough." haerin nuzzles further in your shoulder, wanting to get more warm due to the cold and rainy weather.
"not as long as you opened the door, so slow." she laughs when she felt you poke her sides, smiling then looking up at you.
"you said, a-s-a-p, baby." haerin giggles.
"you never asked for my eta." you reply.
"mhm, what's your eta?" she asks with the tone of the song.
"no need, i'm already here."
"forget about that, lets just stay like this, okay? just for a minute."
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opposite. you have to be there asap. she treats you well, but you have to treat her, extraordinarily. simple message, "come over", you have to get ready immediately and go there asap. telling her that the princess theme on their omg mv suits her well, you're not really complaining or anything but now she acts like a princess and you have to treat her that way.
"yes, yes. you'll be getting cuddles soon." you lift your phone on your eye level and fixed your beanie, almost like showing it off to her.
"are you on your wayyyy?" asked hyein, putting the camera of her phone close to her forehead, trying to act so cutely. you look over your phone, chuckling.
"i wanna borrow your hat sometimes, can i wear it on our date tomorrow?" hyein's eye sparkled, hoping for a yes.
"yes, you may. but a date, like, tomorrow?"
"mhm, you know you can't refuse me." hyein smiles smugly. it drops to a pout once you turned your camera off.
"why did you turn of your camera?" she asks, waiting a moment for your answer.
"hello-" the call ended.
"yes? wait- huh? i thought the call ended- ah!"
hyein turned over her bed, looking at you with wide eyes. since when did you get here?!
"where is my welcome hug?" you open your arms out, waiting for her to embrace you. she watches you in disbelief, did you just teleport out of nowhere?
clingy or more clingy, it doesn't matter, as long as you're present she doesn't waste any time and jumps right in to your arms. especially when you're wearing comfy and warm clothes, and her clothes. she absolutely loves seeing you in them.
you daze off in her beauty, staring at her pretty face. thinking all of the sweetest things that could happen tomorrow on your date. but right now, you're planning to spend the night in her dorm, it'll be fine since you can just borrow her clothes.
cuddling with her all night, talking about her day, the funny things she and her unnies did, watch their funny moments created by their fans. a lot of sweet words heard every now and then, a simple moment like this will put hyein into a deep sleep in your arms.
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ps: took more longer than expected, again. i am so sorry bc i had to deal with my cousins 😭 dw i received all of your requests and working on it rn!
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sturn-wrld · 7 months
🏮we'll be ok
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pairing: chris x reader
summary: where chris reassures reader after they are getting hate for her being his public girlfriend
genre: fluff and a bit of angst
warnings: mention of abuse and sex as well as a bit suggestive at the end
a/n: i might make an smau version of this post, green are comments
you love being chris' girlfriend. you really do. but recently after you became his public girlfriend you have started to second guess if this is the best thing for you. it's not that you didn't love being able to show off your boyfriend or be showed off by your boyfriend, it is the hate.
even though a big chunk of his fans are actually supportive of your relationship, the mean twelve year olds are really mean.
"y/n is so ugly. how could anyone love her?"
"y/n better understand that I am chris' wife. NOT HER. she is a delusional bitch if she thinks otherwise."
"i think y/n must be abusing him or fuck really good because there is no other reason why chris would date that"
despite you knowing that the comments aren't true and that they are just jealous children, you still felt beat up by the fact that people would write these things about you.
now chris wasn't completely nieve to these comments either but he knew to ignore everything to not give them the attention that they wanted but he could tell you were hurt by the words being said.
as you sat in chris' bed sleeping away the data again, now scared of the outside world, chris walks over from his computer with a combined look of sadness and anger.
"hey baby, are you alright?" he stated trying to not push you to answer too much.
"i mean i don't have much option, i kind of have to be alright with the fact that my life is being torn to literal threads by some crappy twelve year olds because they are too obsessed with my boyfriend" you saying now turning towards your thoughtful boyfriend.
"mamas you can be not okay because of this. yes, it is uncontrollable what they are saying but ot doesn't change the fact that what they are doing is both ethically and factually wrong."
"i know but all of this has made me think, what if this relationship isn't great for the public eye or even me."
"what do you mean by not great for you?"
"i mean what if some of the comments are true. obviously not the 'i'm his girlfriend' ones but the ones about how ugly i am and that there is no reason why you should be dating me"
"baby don't say that. why do you think that"
"i mean well look at me and look at you. i don't benefit you in any way at all. you are clearly the better looking one in the relationship, i don't have a following online so i can't bring you more followers and im not even that good at sex"
"oh baby, i don't need any of that to be absolutely in love with you. you are smart, kind and you are most definitely the most beautiful person i know"
you suddenly felt a sense of security you had never felt before. "babe you don't need to lie" you pause for a moment looking at chris' genuine eyes and gorgeous lips smirking "you know yourself, i can't be the most beautiful person" you finish saying you both laughing at the sudden joke you pulled from nowhere.
"and i know the comments can be harsh sometimes," he continues "but as long as we have each other we'll be ok."
he now caresses your face with his two thumbs before placing his forehead on yours.
"plus i think you are pretty good at sex"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose
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666writingcafe · 1 month
Level One
Dedicated to @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf and @thunderlightning351
Content Warning: referencing human sacrifice, slightly(?) unhinged Barbatos
"Hello, MC." Barbatos' sudden appearance at my side causes me to curse. I know he has the ability to teleport anywhere he wants to, but a little warning would have been nice.
"Apologies, MC," he continues. "I was simply following my instructions. Did you have a nice time with your parents?"
"Y-yeah, I did," I respond, still a little spooked. "We went out to eat at a Chinese buffet."
"That sounds lovely." He wraps an arm around me and guides me to the couch, remaining glued at my side as we sit down. This isn't the first time we've sat next to each other, but he's never been quite this close before.
And then I take a proper look at him. I'm not dealing with Barbatos the butler, but rather the Barbatos that accompanied me to the Severa concert. The one that I told Asmo I found incredibly attractive in great detail.
The Avatar of Lust is playing dirty right from the start.
Barbatos' lips are moving, but I'm not registering a single word he's saying. The parts of my brain that aren't obsessing over his natural scent are short-circuiting due to him being so close to me. One hand rests on my thigh while the other one plays with my hair and gently brushes up and down my arm. It all makes me rather jittery. I'm surprised I'm able to remain still. I want to simultaneously bolt out of the room and--
"You're not listening to me." Barbatos' harsh tone forces me to pay attention.
"I'm sorry. I'm finding it incredibly hard to concentrate." My explanation makes him smirk.
"Am I making you nervous, MC?" I can only manage a nod. "Good. Now you know how I felt when the roles were reversed."
"That's not fair!" I exclaim, remembering the exact moment he's referencing. "You told me to seduce you!"
"And you did, much to Diavolo's joy. He wouldn't stop teasing me about it for weeks." He repositions himself so that he's able to lean in closer to me.
"Once upon a time, you would have been given as an offering." His voice is low and menacing. "Not to the gods, like so many people believed, but to us. We're able to be entertained by sacrificial lambs for a long time. Inevitably, though, they become dull and boring. It's not their fault; it's simply the result of being exposed to sin over long periods of time.
"But your soul is different, MC. Due to the angel blood that flows through your veins, it maintains its brightness despite it constantly being surrounded by sin. Some might even say it feeds off it, making it that much stronger. If it weren't for Diavolo's mission, we'd have so much fun with you." His smile is that of a predator. I should be shitting my pants right about now. That would be the appropriate reaction to having a demon look at me like I'm his next meal.
Instead, I wait with bated breath for his next move. Barbatos tilts his head to the side.
"Of course, that doesn't scare you." he asks. "You find the idea rather arousing, don't you?"
It's messed up, I know. I shouldn't be turned on by any of this, and yet...
"I told myself long ago that I would only use my powers to help Diavolo, but you've made me reconsider that decision many times." He's pretty much on top on me at this point, holding me in place with his body weight.
"Why?" I whisper. He brings his mouth right up to my ear.
"Because the idea of messing with time in order to play with you is incredibly tempting." He kisses the base of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
Do not succumb to temptation.
I grab his shoulders and squeeze them as hard as I can, making him pause on his trail down my neck and look up at me.
"I can't," I tell him, despite my body screaming at him to continue.
"Are you sure?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath, forcing myself to answer,
"Yes." I feel him get off me. Seconds later, he grabs my hand.
"It's okay, MC. You can open your eyes." Doing so makes him smile softly. "The first stage of your test is complete."
"Did I pass?"
"See for yourself." Looking down at the ring I slipped on earlier, I notice a mark that I'm pretty sure wasn't there before.
"From my understanding, a tally will appear for every stage you complete successfully," Barbatos explains.
"That makes sense." He walks out of the room, returning moments later with a note in his hand.
"When you are ready, this contains information about the next stage," he tells me, handing me the note. "Of course, you're allowed to take as much time as you need to recenter yourself. I can make you some tea if you'd like." I shake my head.
"I know this might sound crazy given what we just did, but would you mind holding me?" He chuckles.
"Not at all." He stretches out on the opposite end of the couch, and I snuggle up to him. He begins stroking my hair. After a few moments of calm, I gather up the courage to ask,
"Did you mean what you said about time, or was that part of the act?"
"I wasn't acting," he answers. "I merely displayed emotions that I normally keep suppressed. Everything I told you is one hundred percent true."
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Dating Stray Kids (hyung line + hyunjin)
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⩤ Chan ⩥
he would be such a good bf.
looking after you to the extreme when you're sick, cuddling you whenever he has the chance, kisses on your forehead.
he's happy when he's with you... most of the time.
it's very rare that he bring his problems to you as he thinks that he is being a burden.
there is nothing better for him than you.
if he's having a bad day, just one kiss from you makes it all better.
and the s e x.
immaculate is all I can say.
he would appreciate you and your body so much that his eyes are literal hearts when he touches you.
he is such a sucker for you.
⩤ Minho ⩥
everyone thinks he'd be such a grumpy person but when he's with you, he's the exact opposite.
you mean everything to this man and believe me when I say that he is obsessed with being near you.
whether that's cuddling, kissing, holding you for no reason, he loves it.
his kisses are so gentle but filled with so much love.
he isn't one for PDA but he won't say no to holding your hand or giving you small kisses on the top of your head.
the s e x with minho is like no other.
he can either be gentle or rough, however you want it.
usually he doms but on the rare occasion, he'll let you dom him.
⩤ Changbin ⩥
this man's muscles.
that's all I have to say.
he will show off how strong he is at any given moment.
from picking you up or simply opening a jar (ngl sometimes even he struggles with the jars)
he will never say no to you going crazy over his arms.
this man's thighs too ;)
despite all of this, he will literally hold onto you whenever you sit down.
it doesn't matter where you are or who can see (unless he's live obviously) he will cuddle you.
he's a sucker for your tits too.
whether he holds them, sucks on them or even lays his head on them and doses off.
if he can't sleep that is exactly what he will do.
he is such a sweetheart in bed too.
stopping before he moves on to ask if you're still okay and comfortable.
but can still fuck your brains out :)
⩤ Hyunjin ⩥
this man is so pretty.
and you make sure he knows that.
tbf he makes sure you know that.
he drives you up the fucking wall with how pretty he is.
hyunjin will never deny it either.
"my man is so pretty"
"I know"
he will be so lovey-dovey with you no matter where you are.
sat in a café? he'll kiss you.
waiting in a line? he'll give you a hug.
back hugs from hyunjin>>>>
it doesn't matter how busy either of you are, it is his daily routine to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.
^ love that btw.
now... I know most of the time he doesn't look like the type but-
this man.
will be a literal animal in bed.
like how will be pinning your hands above your head and will go from an angel to a devil in a heartbeat.
you love it tho <3
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ultrone · 1 year
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𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐍 : 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇
cw. mentions of blood, violence, and sex.
n/a. y'all can NOT convince me that she doesn't look like a cute little vampire ��🙌🏻 i’m obsessed
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༒ ⚰️༺ amber has been alive for centuries, ruthlessly killing hundreds of people left and right, both for sustenance and for her own twisted amusement. however, all of that came to an end when she crossed paths with you — the latter, at least.
༒ ⚰️༺ initially, it was merely a whim that led her to crave your blood, as it was one of the most delectable scents she had ever encountered. however, despite her strong desire to taste it, something held her back, and before she realized it, she had fallen deeply in love with you.
༒ ⚰️༺ and she's grateful that she didn't give in to her instincts and gut you out when she first laid eyes on you, because she couldn't be happier or more at peace than she is now. this is the happiest she has been in centuries.
༒ ⚰️༺ she def loves leaving hickeys on your neck, biting you softly as she does it. however, she is always cautious not to bite too hard, despite secretly wanting to do so.
༒ ⚰️༺ speaking of which… she has a tendency of nibbling on you, especially when you're kissing, but she'll even do it unexpectedly. it's a habit she has formed because it gives her comfort, and you must admit, you find it quite endearing.
༒ ⚰️༺ her super strength allows her to easily manhandle you, which you find very attractive as she makes it seem effortless, picking you up as if you were as light as a feather.
༒ ⚰️༺ you feel incredibly safe with amber, not only because of her enhanced abilities, but also because you know that she would do anything to protect you, even if it meant killing someone.
༒ ⚰️༺ and being a vampire definitely doesn't help her sadistic tendencies, cuz whenever someone flirts with you, they mysteriously disappear, never to be seen again.
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"babe, what did i tell you?" you ask her sternly.
"to stop eating people just because i’m jealous, i know," amber responds, rolling her eyes and slipping over her words like a spoiled little girl who had just been reprimanded.
at first, she seems dismissive of your concern, but then she turns on the puppy eyes and tries to explain herself. "but she was staring too hard at you, and i just had to do it," she says, attempting to justify her actions.
you can't help but laugh at her attempt to wriggle out of trouble. "okay, fine. just don't make a habit of it," you say, pulling her close for a forehead kiss.
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༒ ⚰️༺ history class is always so fun with her, she keeps muttering stuff like “that's not how it happened bffr 🙄”
༒ ⚰️༺ amber doesn’t need sleep, not at all. but she still lays down with you every night, holding you close as she caresses you gently.
༒ ⚰️༺ she loves to rest her head on your chest and listen to the sound of your heart beating. it soothes her and puts her in a meditative state, providing her with a sense of comfort that she cannot find elsewhere. the sound of your heartbeat is the closest thing she has to the tranquility that sleep can bring.
༒ ⚰️༺ but at times, the sound of your heartbeat makes her feel melancholic because it reminds her of her mortality. she knows that she won't be able to spend her entire life with you because she will outlive you, and the thought of losing you saddens her.
༒ ⚰️༺ similarly, you also have your concerns when it comes to amber. as a vampire, she is always at risk of being discovered, and the thought of something happening to her fills you with dread. these worries make you feel overprotective of her, always keeping a watchful eye on her and doing everything in your power to keep her safe. you know that amber is strong and capable, but you can't help but feel a sense of responsibility to protect her from any harm that may come her way.
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as you squeezed out a generous amount of sunscreen onto your palm, amber looked at you with amusement. "babe, i don't need sunscreen. it's not like in the movies, you can relax," she said, trying to reassure you.
"i know, but just in case," you replied with a stubborn expression, continuing to rub the sunscreen on her cheeks.
amber shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched you apply the sunscreen. she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, causing you to momentarily forget about the sunscreen. "you're so cute when you're being overprotective," she said as she chuckled softly and shook her head.
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༒ ⚰️༺ having trouble opening a can? no worries, just hand it over to amber and watch as she effortlessly uses her fangs to pop it open like a vampire version of a can opener.
༒ ⚰️༺ "no, y/n, i’m not turning into a bat to help you cheat on your exam."
༒ ⚰️༺ period sex 🫣 i had to say it I HAD TO I’M SORRY
༒ ⚰️༺ she can often be found cutely nuzzling her nose against your neck, taking in the sweet scent of your blood with every sniff.
༒ ⚰️༺ you once gave amber permission to try your blood, but she refused, afraid that she might become addicted to the sweet taste and find it difficult to resist in the future.
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