#still don't know what he got her i'm thinking concert tickets for something she can go to with chirrut and/or baze?
ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
Sneak for TWTaS's final chapter (!!!!)
“Full disclosure, this is a weird gift. You’re hard to get gifts for. So I panicked and got you a coffee mug, which is… arguably worse, but –“
“You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Yeah, I know. But you got me something for Christmas. And I wanted to. So –“ She pushes a mug with a lopsided bow around it into his hands, with a nervous, apprehensive look on her face.
It’s black, or very nearly black, in the dim light of the kitchen lamp, and dotted with tiny stars. He smiles, turning the cup around in his hands, and feels instantly transported to a (freezing cold) November night, side by side on a blanket in the middle of nowhere, staring up into the cloudless sky.
It might be his favourite memory.
“It has stars on it,” he says, brilliantly, and she smiles.
“Uh-huh. It shows constellations when you put hot coffee in it. So you can learn them, for next time.”
He puts the cup down on the table and tugs at her hand, pulling her closer, and smiles down at her. “I liked learning them from you, though.”
“God, you’re such a sap,” she mutters, puts her arms around him and rolls her eyes at him for good measure. But he doesn’t miss the faint blush on her cheeks, and he knows she relished in it – she likes teaching, generally, and the stars and constellations, all those names her father taught her as a child, are clearly something she treasures, despite everything.
“It’ll be a refresher, then.” She winds out of his arms, curls up on her rickety chair and pours coffee for them both.
“And this is a weird gift?” he asks, still smiling softly down at the mug.
“No, that’s the normal part. Look in the bag.”
He picks up the small satchel on his plate with a frown and shakes out a simple, coin-sized pendant. It’s an unremarkable thing, not much to look at, really, just a brown-grey speckled splinter of stone enclosed in clear resin.
He takes a moment to inspect it, trying to decode its relevance, before ceding defeat and asking, eyes still on the stone: “What… what is that?”
Jyn truly blushes, this time. “It’s a piece of – of metro tile. They’re… they’re doing renovations on Line 2.” She shrugs uncomfortably and rearranges the pieces of toast on her plate. “A friend of a friend of one of Saw’s old guys knows the contractors, they grabbed a piece for me. Ermita station, I think he said. Like I said, it’s – this guy probably thought I was insane for asking, but –”
“I remember them,” he says softly, turning the pendant in his fingers, watching the flecks of brown shimmering in the light. “The tiles.”
“I wanted… It was the only way I could think of to get you something from the city. Food would’ve just gone bad and –“ She shrugs helplessly. “I guess it was this or one of those stupid tourist t-shirts. Like I said, it’s – it’s weird, I know, but I… I thought it’d be like, a piece of home, right? I know you don’t have much.“
This is an understatement. He has a novel with the pages cut out, some pictures, a list of names, an army knife, a gun, a passport, and the shoes that he wore the day he left. Everything else he owns, he bought in the States.
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silent-stories · 10 months
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: After moving to Hawkings for a fresh start, you meet a boy with kind, brown eyes who will quickly become a friend and maybe something more. The only problem is: you took something that belongs to him by accident and now you don't know what to do.
A/N: Yes, there will be more parts. No, i don't know when. I hope this start doesn't suck.
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You kind of hated how you had thought moving there was a good idea. Of course, your aunt had told you that she would welcome you with open arms if you ever decided to go and live with her but she had never told you that the people there seemed to look all the same and that everyone would have stared at you in a weird way, being the only crazy person who moved there after years of no new arrivals.
Hawkins was a small midwestern town located in Roane County in the state of Indiana and it wasn't hard to tell that it wasn't a very busy or interesting place even though you were driving down the main street for the first time, heading towards the house where you were supposed to live for quite some time, if everything would have gone as it should and your aunt hadn't decided to get rid of you after a few days, like you had basically done with your parents.
You looked first on the left and then the right side of the road, while the music was still playing loudly in the vehicle, trying to figure out which way you were supposed to go, then you remembered that you had a map of the city somewhere in your pickup.
You glanced at the back seats, where there were several suitcases and a few bags full of things that you would probably never need and which were just taking up a lot of space in your car already always full of various junk.
You noticed a lamp peeking out from a bag and wondered for the second time that morning what the hell was going on in your mind.
"C'mon, where are you?" You talked to yourself, searching through the sea of ​​objects scattered on the dashboard: a concert ticket, some polaroids containing memories of a life you were leaving behind (which had fallen from the ceiling of the car where you kept at least fifty of them fixed with tacks), a horror book by an unknown writer (the school library had crossed it out because it was considered inappropriate for kids), a shoe whose match had been lost while you were packing your bags, a half-empty green spray can and no trace of the city map.
The car behind you honked: you had not moved for at least two minutes.
"I'm trying to figure out where I need to go! I'm sorry!" You shouted through the rolled down window before the car passed you and a man gave you the middle finger.
"Rude." You commented, sighing and thinking about what to do.
Did continuing to wander around the city until you found the right path make sense?
You were about to restart the pickup when you saw a boy who couldn't have been older than fourteen and a taller, blond boy wearing a green and white jacket talking to each other as they walked along the sidewalk.
You grabbed your leather jacket and got out of the car, hoping no one would complain about the inappropriate place you were leaving it. Your driving teacher was probably right when she told you you sucked at parking.
"I'll be right back Casper." You said to the thing in the passenger seat. Nobody responded.
You reached the two boys just as the blond guy took the hat off the younger one, laughing.
You didn't immediately understand what was happening.
"Sorry, do you know where I can find-"
"Hey! Give it back!" The younger one tried to grab the hat while the other laughed, raising his arm straight up so he couldn't reach it.
"Give what back?" The blond laughed.
You cleared your throat. The two turned to you suddenly.
"What do you want?" The older one asked in an annoyed tone, looking you up and down.
"I wanted to know where Piney Wood Lane was but now I don't wanna talk with you anymore. Give the hat back."
He snorted as if I had come to ruin the party. "You can never have fun with you weirdos around."
You caught it before it landed in a puddle as the blonde dropped it to the ground.
He pointed to the kid saying something like "I'm not fucking done with you" before walking away.
"What a nice guy!" You yelled after him as he turned the corner.
"As always." The younger commented.
"Is everyone like this around here? I just moved but people like him make me want to go back to where I came from." You handed the hat back to him with a half smile.
You hated people like that guy, you had never understood how anyone could take pleasure in making someone else suffer.
"Not all. Most but not all, some of my friends are really cool. Thanks for that." He put the hat back on his head, covering his short curls, on his face a grateful expression even if you didn't do much.
You found yourself wondering what these "cool friends" of his were like.
"Good to know." You sighed ironically.
“I'm Dustin, by the way.” Dustin smiled at you.
You said your name and shook his hand, you thought that you had known that kid for about five minutes and you would already do anything to protect him.
Dustin looked at the car parked behind you. “Your car is so cool!” He commented in amazement, pointing with his finger at the drawings standing out against the black background, on the side of it.
"Thanks, it's a mess but it represents me, I think."
“Wait, what is that thing sitting in the passenger seat?”
"Oh, that's Casper!"
"It's a-"
"A skeleton, yes. My biology teacher let me borrow it from his class."
Dustin looked at you questioningly.
"Okay, I stole it. But he's a great travel companion, and never complains about the music I choose."
Dustin laughed. "I swear, you would love my friends."
"And I really would like to get to know them but now, could you help me find Piney Wood Lane? I lost the map in the middle of all the shit in my car."
"Sure I can, I know that street!" The boy nodded, hoping that you could become one of his "cool friends".
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That afternoon, what had become your room was already full of stuff scattered around and suitcases that you didn't feel like unpacking everywhere. The posters you would soon hang were on the desk but you had decided to leave Casper in the car for a while longer. You had put most of your clothes in the closet and packed a bag full of spray cans with the intention of going out and finding a nice wall to do your first mural in the new town.
That time you didn't have any of your friends to make sure the cops didn't come but you figured that for your first few days there, you could manage on your own.
You grabbed a book in case you found a quiet place to read: you felt safer when you went out taking a book with you, even if you weren't sure you'd find a place or time to read.
“Are you going to explore the town?” Your aunt asked with a smile as you came out of your room with your bag over your shoulder.
You couldn't help but be grateful to her, she had said she would treat you like a daughter and give you a room of your own and that was exactly what she had done. You hadn't seen her in years and you didn't know each other very well but for the moment you seemed to get along well and your relationship seemed more peaceful than the one you'd had with many people in your old hometown.
Maybe this was really a new beginning for you.
"Yeah, something like that." You tried to sound convincing.
"Okay, don't get in trouble on your first day here."
You smiled.
"Oh, I would never do that."
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You jumped off the trash can you were standing on, in the alley you had chosen for your mural.
You turned the spray can in your paint-stained hands, observing the work on the wall in front of you: you liked dragons in fantasy stories, you thought it might be nice to experiment with something like that.
"Yeah, you don’t look that bad." You said to the creature painted on the wall, before noticing that the sun was starting to set and it was probably time to go home.
You put the spray cans back in your bag and threw the empty ones into the bins you climbed onto.
Then, you heard a noise.
"Please don't be a cop." You muttered to yourself, placing your bag over your shoulder and walking out of the alley.
The footsteps got closer.
"Please don't be a cop." You repeated, keeping your gaze down as you rounded the corner, hoping to escape, that way, from whoever was coming in your direction.
Of course, luck wasn't on your side, as always: you collided with the person who was coming in your direction and if they hadn't grabbed you by the arm you would have surely ended up on the ground like the rest of your stuff.
Your book, your bag, and several spray cans scattered across the ground, some rolling away from you.
"Shit." You said through your teeth, looking up to look into the eyes of the person you had collided with.
A gentle and slightly worried gaze met yours, his chocolate brown eyes watching you as if to make sure you were okay. His expression was completely different from the way the boy who was bothering Dustin had looked at you that morning.
His messy, curly hair was brown like his eyes and his slight smile was reassuring.
"Are you good?" He asked, letting go of your arm after making sure you wouldn't fall.
"Oh, thank god you're not a cop!"
“And neither are you, good for both of us.” He chuckled before helping you pick up what you had dropped. You did the same, so quickly that you didn't even realize you had put something in the bag that didn't belong to you.
"I'm fine." You grabbed the spray can he was holding out to you, your fingers grazed his, adorned with chunky silver rings, and the action made you feel a weird sensation that you couldn't identify and that only lasted a few seconds in your stomach, “thank you.”
"It's a pleasure. It's always nice to help pretty girls break the law." He chuckled.
"I wasn't breaking any laws." You rolled your eyes, aware that you both knew you were lying, almost without realizing that he had called you pretty.
"Then why did you hope I wasn't a cop?"
"Maybe I just think they're not nice."
"Well, believe me, I've been arrested several times and I can guarantee you that most of them aren't."
You raised your eyebrows. "You've been arrested several times? What the hell did you do?"
"You really don't wanna know."
“Okay mystery man,” You rolled your eyes, the boy laughed at the nickname and you immediately liked the sound of it, then you held out your hand, introducing yourself.
He shook it and you felt that feeling in your stomach again but decided to ignore it, “Eddie.”
"Okay Eddie, are you good at giving an unbiased opinion on a mural done in an alley while standing on garbage bins?" You asked and without even waiting for an answer you started pushing him towards the dragon on the wall.
Usually you didn't need random strangers' opinions on your street art but this time you felt like you wanted to spend more time with that metal singer looking guy with the sweetest eyes you'd ever seen. And also, he wasn't a stranger anymore, he was Eddie.
“Oh sure, I was born for that.” He stated confidently.
Your laughter echoed down the alley as you reached the mural.
"There we go. Now you are an accessory to the crime."
"Well, in reality.... I didn't do anything. I'm just an innocent witness."
"You have paint on your hands."
"I don't-" He looked at his palms and realized you had stained one of his hands with green paint when you held it. "Oh, fuck you."
You laughed. "So? What do you think?"
“I think it's worthy of being on the cover of a metal album, it's amazing, really.”
"Well, thanks. For now it will stay on the wall of a dark alley."
"Really, that's so fucking cool. You should do this as a job or something like that."
"Well, I'm still in high school and I'm looking for someone who needs a babysitter to earn some money so... not yet, I guess."
"Well then I guess we'll meet there."
“Are you still in high school?”
Eddie sighed, as if expecting a joke on that.
"Hey, we don't judge people here. What do you expect from a girl who's spending her Sunday afternoon with a stranger chatting in front of some garbage cans?"
"I expect her to be cool as hell. And well-" He paused, as if thinking about it carefully, "I think she is."
You couldn't help but laugh again.
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When you got home you still had a stupid smile on your face. You liked Eddie, you liked the way he made you feel like you didn't have to pretend to be someone else around him, you liked the way he called you "pretty" five more times that afternoon, you liked the way his eyes lit up when he talked about music, you liked the way he kindly asked you if he could walk you home since the sky was getting dark and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you, you liked the sound of his laughter and the way he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks when you told him that your opinion on Hawkings had become better after you met him.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Your aunt asked you when you entered the house.
"I met a boy."
She smirked.
"Don't look at me with that face, I just met him. He was just being nice."
"Mh-mh sure." She laughed as you rolled your eyes and walked into your room, leaving your bag on the bed.
When you unzipped it, something inside caught your attention: a small, brown leather-covered notebook you'd never seen before.
Your first thought was how the hell did he end up in there, then you remembered your clash with Eddie a few hours earlier. Was it possible that you had taken it without realizing it?
You got under the covers with the notebook in your hands. It was small but the pages were so many and so thin that someone could have started writing in it years before and still not filled it all.
You knew you shouldn't have done it, it might have contained private things, but you couldn't resist.
You opened it.
As soon as you did, a black and white photo of a girl with dark hair and a sun dress fell off the first page.
She was smiling and she was really pretty, you wondered who she could be. In the background you could see a garden and the sun shining in the sky.
It was wrinkled as if someone had held it in their hands for a long time.
Then, you read the first lines of the first page of the notebook. The writing was messy but legible, some words had been crossed out and rewritten probably due to some grammatical error or unclear thoughts.
"I realized that I almost don't remember her anymore and that's the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to forget her."
You couldn't help but wonder how you could feel the pain in those words simply by reading them in an old, crumpled notebook.
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Tags: @jacklesbrainworms @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon @flawiette @needylilgal022 @bubsonnobx @yujyujj @findmeincorneliastreet @kennedy-brooke @witchwolflea
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maltesejjong · 4 months
after being ia for so long, and losing the passwords to my original tumblr and wattpad accts, i am happy to say i am BACK, even if you don’t know who i am lmao. For now, imma be doing reposts of my old tumblr and wattpad posts before i start new content. Enjoy!
꒰ঌ(⃔ ⌯' '⌯)⃕໒꒱
What’s Really Going On?
Summary: you and you boyfriend Minho have been together for a while now. Years, as a matter of fact. There’s no reason for there to be secrets, especially when it comes to your body. But after missing an appointment you had been anticipating and tension from an argument nights prior still brewing, the truth comes spilling out
WARNINGS: dom!minho, afab!reader, oral sex (both receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it please y’all don’t be stupid), use of traffic light system, fingering (reader receiving), swearing, mentions of pregnancy complications, i think that’s it? Please lmk if i missed anything
Wc: 5971
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5:30 pm
You sigh and pocket your phone. Fifteen minutes. He's fifteen minutes late.
Of course, he's been late before, but never like this.
Fifteen minutes, you normally let slide. You just can't imagine that he'd be late when today is so important.
"Y/n! Babe!"
You turn at the sound of your name, and somewhere in you, even though it's not fair, you think eighteen minutes.
Nevertheless, you pocket your frustration and smile the smile only he can draw from you.
He comes up to you, putting his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. "I'm so sorry, baby. Traffic was horrible," he explains.
You understand, of course. It's a random Wednesday, but a major band is in town, and 500 lucky people in the area got free tickets.
But that isn't why today is so important to you.
"Why didn't you leave sooner?" You ask, slightly miffed that he ignored your suggestion to stay the night with you, so you would both be on time.
Minho doesn't answer, but you're sure you know what he's thinking. "Babe," you say, holding his arm to make him look at you, " I'm not mad, okay? It was just a bit...much." You bite down in the apology trying to jump from your lips, knowing it could just do more damage.
"What?" He looks slightly confused, as if he forgot the argument you two got in a few days ago. "Oh," he says as the memory resurfaces, "I know. I'm just thinking. Nothing bad, y/n. Just work stuff."
You arrive your appointment with ten minutes to spare, feeling thankful for the cop that had created a barricaded lane for people not going to the concert, making it easier to navigate the traffic-choked streets of your usually quiet city.
"Wait here," you whisper to Minho. "Hi," you say as you approach the lady behind the desk, "I have an appointment with Mia Loffe."
The secretary, who you've never seen a day in your life at Mia's, types something on her keyboard. "Of course... Let me see... Okay, what's your name, dear?"
You swallow the reaction trying to escape at being called "dear" by someone so young. "Y/n Bang."
"Bang... Bang..." she mumbles to herself, searching what must be a busy schedule. You know Mia's been slammed with work, but she made sure there there was at least an hour for you to come in.
You even booked an appointment, something you never do with Mia, just in case.
"Okay, um, Ms.Bang?" Dread fills your stomach. "It says here that some things had to be rescheduled, but Ms. Loffe has maybe ten minutes, if you'd like to pop back there real quick."
"I, uh... No, that's alright," you say, knowing that Mia is probably getting ready for her next appointment. You don't hold it against her for not letting you know that between last night and today, there was a shift in schedule. "Can I leave a message with you? I don't want to call her while she's working. Will you please just tell Mia to call me when she's not busy?"
The secretary scratches the note onto a pieces of paper and sticks it onto her computer. "Of course. Is there anything else I can do?"
"No," you say, trying to fight the sinking feeling in your chest. "No, thank you though. Have a nice day."
"You, too, Ms. Bang."
You round the corner to see Minho scrolling through his phone. "C'mon," you say quietly.
Minho looks up at you. "Hey." He stands up. "Did Mia kick you out or something?"
You don't answer, except to say "There was a change in schedale, so i'm comine back another You don't answer, except to say "There was a change in schedule, so I'm coming back another day." You can't help but feel annoyed at your boyfriend for his lateness. Mia had even said to make sure you were there at least thirty minutes beforehand, just in case. This, you feel, is largely Minho's fault.
Minho picks up that you don't really want to talk, and doesn't pry as you drive back to your place together.
"Babe," Minho says softly once he's closed your front door, "What's wrong?"
You keep your back to him, trying to contain your feelings. "Nothing, Minho. I'm just a little tired," you lie.
"Why don't you change, and we can watch a movie?" He suggests. "I'll order takeout later, okay?"
You agree, and go change into one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts. When you come back to the living room, you see that your boyfriend's hands have not been idle. He set up a little nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, just the way you like it when you watch movies together, snuggled in close and pressed against one another.
"Is this okay?" He asks when he hears you behind him. "I wasn't sure how much you wanted snuggles, but..." he trails off as he turns and takes in your outfit. No matter how often Minho has seen you wear something of his, it gives him a rush every time.
Clearing his throat, he says "What do you want to watch?" Your ongoing agreement is that you get authority over movie snacks, and he gets authority over what food gets ordered. You both always pick what the other likes most, though, and you switch off who gets to pick the movie.
"I don't really care," you say dismissively. "You can choose. I just want muddy buddies and popcorn."
He smiles warmly, hiding his concern behind deep chocolate eyes. "Choi's alright?"
You nod, as he knew you would. "Don't forget the crab ran-goons and crispy beef," you say, putting a bag of popcorn into the microwave and nuking it.
"Oh, and egg rolls."
"Babe, I got it," he teases. "You act like I haven't known you for twelve years."
"And loved me just as long," you say to yourself, remembering the day your older brother, Chan, came home with his newfound friend, someone named Lee Minho. It wasn't the fact the he was Korean. No, Chan had lots of Korean friends, and you had you fair share. It wasn't his name. It wasn't his age or complexion.
It was his eyes. The way his nose crinkles when he smiles. It was how he acts like the mom of the group, even to the guys older than him, reminding someone to put on sunscreen, or, more often than not, cooking for everyone.
Later, it was also the way he started to look at you, like you weren't "Chan's kid sister" but a girl worth his attention, even though you're three years younger than him. It started as getting more "older brother" attention than the others. Then, you learned what flirting is. It became shy touches and bold smiles. Inside jokes and feeling jumpy if Chan was there when you were together. It became hidden kisses and climbing onto one another's rooftop in the middle of the night to watch the stars and talk. It became Chan walking in the room right when your lips touched Minho's, blouse slightly unbuttoned.
The microwave beeps, bringing you out if your trip down memory lane. Carefully picking the hot bag up by a corner, and reaching for the bowl you had put on the counter. You sigh as the smell of butter and salt taunts your stomach. You hear sounds from the TV as Minho skims past different movies.
Minho glances over his shoulder at you while you shake some ttekboki into a bowl. You can feel the worry and questions rolling off him. It took years for you to recognize the care, hidden beneath such a brash and forceful facade. He always plays his emotions close to vest, but knows how and when to pull back. That hasn't changed, except now, he has a heart that's completely open to you.
"What did you choose?" you ask, coming into the living room.
He's standing in front of the TV, arms crossed, remote pointed at the screen. "Action movie?"
"Okay," you say, setting the snacks onto the ottoman.
You lose yourself in the movie, and eventually, you don't even notice what's going on in the plot, because, as always, you re more tuned in to the Minho show. Every point where your bodies touch, his warmth, this feeling of security. You smile as his lips touch your neck for what must be the tenth time.
"I'm gonna put the order in," he says, his words warming your skin.
"Okay," you mumble, somewhat sleepily. "I'm taking a bathroom break."
He nods, his phone to his ear.
When you come back, you decide to get some water. You go to the kitchen and reach into the dish rack to get a glass. You aren't really paying attention, and nick your finger on the knife you washed this morning, after cutting an avocado. In your preoccupation with your appointment with Mia, you had left the knife pointing upwards.
"Shit," you yelp, waving your hand.
Minho comes into the kitchen. "What happened?"
"Nothing. Just cut my finger," you say, sucking on the cut, blood staining your tongue.
He gently pulls your finger away and examines the cut. "It's not deep," he says, sounding relieved. "Here." He turns the knob on the sink, and water starts flowing from the faucet.
You gingerly put your finger under the water, hissing at how cold it is. Minho stands behind you, his chest touching your back as he massages your hand under the chilly water.
"You gotta be more careful, y/n," he says with a slight laugh.
You ignore his words, and instead focus on the feeling of his fingers kneading your hand, his breath on your skin. Your pulse quickens predictably. As it always does with him.
"Thanks, babe," you say, gently pulling away, trying to calm yourself, but not entirely sure you want to.
Minho opens the medicine cabinet, searching for a band-aid. "Food'll be here in about half an hour. Maybe 45 minutes," he says, his back to you.
Something in you says "fuck it" and you go over, hugging him from behind.
You feel his muscles jump, but his voice is steady as he says "Hey, pretty girl. What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you say, your cheek pressed against his back. You know you should talk to him about the appointment with Mia, but you don't want to. Not yet. You have other things on your mind.
You stand on your tiptoes and press your lips to the back of Minho's neck. He brings his arms down, abandoning his search for a bandage. "Babe?"
"Minho," you say quietly, in the same tone you use every time you're feeling a little naughty.
You can hear him swallow. "Y/n?" He turns to face you and you look into each other's eyes.
After a moment, you lean forward and kiss him, keeping your lips closed. You know he finds this as both an annoyance and a turn-on.
When you pull away, you see confusion in your boyfriend's gaze as he tries to decide which route to take. You know that he's going to wait to see what you do first.
Looking him dead in the eye, you say "Stop being such a gentleman." The code word you use to let him know what mood you're in.
You know he's decided to go with it, that he wants this too, when he says "I've never known a lady who doesn't wait for the man to make the first move."
He kisses you, hard. No playing around, no lead-up. You know this is going to get rough. Just how you like it.
He's still leaning against the counter, and you wrap your arms around his neck, feeling his tongue meet yours. You make some vague noise at the back of your throat as he somehow manages to kiss you even deeper. His hands grip the hem of his hoodie that you're wearing, and he pulls it over your head.
"Thought so," he murmurs against your mouth.
You aren't wearing a shirt. Somehow, no matter what, he always knows. One of the Minho mysteries you have yet to figure out.
Not wanting to waste any time, you yank his shirt over his head. He laughs, tousle-haired and swollen-lipped. You trail your fingers over his lean torso, one of the many results from years of dance. You love that he's a dancer, that he couldn't give less of a shit about stereotypes. It's sexy as hell.
You lean into him, forcing him to practically bend backwards, kissing him as roughly as you possibly can. He slips a hand into your waistband, his fingers teasing. You bunch his hair into your fists, knowing he won't go any further.
Not after the other day.
Not unless you tell him to.
His touch is like fire, burning into your skin. You moan slightly against his lips as his fingers slowly move to your clit, waiting to see if you'll stop him.
You don't.
What you do do is drag your fingers down his chest to his jeans, and start to unbutton them. Something you've done so many times that you could do it with one finger and your eyes closed.
There's a nervousness zapping your spine and bubbling in your stomach that hasn't been there in a while, making you fumble.
Thinking that your slip is due to him, Minho starts to pull back, but you grab his wrist with your other hand, leaning back to look in his eyes.
"Don't stop," you say.
He swallows, seeming to feel the same nervousness.
He nods and places his lips on yours, kissing his way down your jaw and to your neck, his lips gentle while his fingers are anything but, making your walls clench like crazy.
"Damn, y/n," he mutters.
"Minho... the couch. Please," you say in a strained voice.
He gathers you up and moves into the living room, a short transition in the small apartment.
You lay on your back, biting his neck, his lips, his tongue, as he works a second finger into you. Your hips lift off the couch.
You look at him, seeing the question in his eyes.
You nod slowly, feeling your stomach jump. You watch him pull his fingers out, covered in your juices. He pulls your shorts down your legs, followed by your panties. He runs the same fingers that were just inside you up your ankle, your leg, to the inside of your thigh.
Minho makes eye contact with you again and you nod firmly. Yes. The green light.
He kisses the inside of your thigh, working his way to your entrance. When he gets there, you re clenching so hard around nothing it hurts. You ball your fists, trying not to make the noises so desperately trying to escape.
You wait, anticipation racking your body until he pushes your legs a little farther apart. Then he gets to work.
Finally, you can't take it anymore. "God, Minho," you moan.
"That's it, baby. Let it go. Sing for me, I want to hear that angelic voice if yours."
It feels so good. Perhaps too good. You can barely believe that you picked an argument with him over this.
You arch your back as his tongue enters your body and he makes some noise when your walls tighten even more. He pulls back and says "Relax, y/n."
"I'm trying," you mutter through clenched teeth.
As if to help, Minho starts rubbing your thigh. "No, babe, that doesn't—-" you cut yourself off, trying to get a grip. "Minho- I can't- agh-"
"Just let go, babe"
That's exactly what you're trying not to do. It's what you got so upset about on Sunday. The way you just lost control, how he encouraged it. He was a little confused, because you used to love it, the rush, the feeling, and now, he said, you're acting like it's your first time all over again. He was hurt because you called him greedy. You regret it, and you know he's going to make sure to make you such a mess and so needy that you really regret it.
One strong suck is all it takes to make you come.
You moan, grabbing at the couch as he pulls away, a devilish smirk on his face. He comes back with his fingers, shoving three fingers into your pussy, his thumb stroking your clit.
"Minho, I can't... You're gonna make me- uh!" You exclaim, coming all over his fingers.
"You know you want me," he hisses, but not maliciously. You shake your head, trembling. "Don't you?"
Again, you shake your head.
"Are you sure?"
"No. I don't want—"
"I can't hear you." He pushes his fingers even deeper.
You bite your lip, trying to pull him closer so you can kiss him, but he just raises an eyebrow in that way that drives you wild and pushes his fingers against your walls.
"One more chance, y/n. You know you want me, don't you?"
Yes," you gasp out. "I want... so bad..."
He smirks. "Who's the greedy one now?"
"Me," you pant. "Greedy bitch. I know. I'm such a dirty-"
"Keep going," he says.
"Dirty ho." Your clit aches painfully against his fingers as a fourth stretches it out. "So... such a- a slut,” you pant, somewhat hysteric.
"Mmm. You can do better than that."
You push him onto his back, yanking his jeans and boxers away.
"There you go," he says.
"In me," you beg. "Please?"
"Hmm.. I don't think you've said 'thank you' yet."
You start kneading around his dick. "Why should I?"
“I require payment," he says, his voice still so steady.
You cup your hand around his erection and start moving up and down. You take the tip of him in your mouth, tongue circling as you suck gently.
"Good girl."
You decide to show no mercy and suck as as you can, making him groan.
"Y/n. I can't-"
"To bad," you snap. "Try."
"God, you're so hot when you're fired up."
"Stops fighting."
"Oh, but then there'll be nothing left for you."
"There always is," you reply. "I’ll even be nice and help you," you say, right before he lets go and comes all over your hand and chin. "There's a good boy."
He pretends that he didn’t whine at the pet name. “Shall we call it even?" He asks, even though you know he's in no way finished.
"Oh, no," you say. "I'll let you choose."
"On your back," he orders. You comply. "And get the bra off. Stop acting like you're some innocent angel."
You drop your bra to the ground, right before he starts kissing your neck, his hands squeezing your breasts.
He moves to sit on your stomach, and you know what's coming. He holds his hand under your chin, and you spit into his palm, obliging. He uses your spit as a lubricant for his dick before he positions it between your tits, moving them back and forth, rubbing against him.
You feel him go hard almost instantly and smile inwardly. You knew he wasn't done yet. He's never down for the count that early on.
"Minho. Stop wasting time."
He raises his eyebrow again. "Who's in charge here?"
“Asshole,” you spit out. “I just fucking tolerate your orders.”
He hums in consideration. "What do you think?”
You stroke the tip of his dick, making him shudder. "Fuck me, Lee Minho. Show me what you've got."
The second you say it, you wish you could take it back.
"Challenge accepted."
This is going to be a long night.
You're leaning against the arm of the couch, watching your boyfriend enthusiastically eat a bucketful of shrimp lo mien the same way he had eaten you out not too long ago.
"You hungry?" He asks, using his chopsticks to gather the noodles into his mouth.
"Mmm. Maybe later. I'm just exhausted. Tired."
"But not tired of me, right?"
You flash him an amused look. "Unfortunately not." Your entire body is sore, your legs are weak as hell, and your clit is pounding with pain. You give him an appraising look. "You seemed to hold your own longer than usual."
Minho shrugs, mouth full of noodles. His hair is a tousled mess, his bare chest and neck covered in hickeys and teeth marks. You're sure that you're no different.
You tug the sleeves of his hoodie down over your hands and pick up your phone. "Oh, fuck," you say, realizing that you have a missed call.
"What's up?"
"Mia tried calling me earlier," you tell him. "But..."
"You were a bit busy," he supplies with a shrug. He twists away from you to grab another carton of lo mien, and you see that his back is bright red and covered in scratches. You reach out and trace a puffy red line, feeling him shiver under your touch.
"God, babe. Your fingers are freezing."
You trace another line, realizing that there are tiny beads of blood on his back. "Holy shit. Minho. Baby. Why don't you ever stop me?"
He shrugs, opening the lo mien. "I'm fine with it. I like it. You seem to like it. It also kinda kills the mood.
"But if it hurts—"
"It dushnt," he tells you, noodles hanging from his mouth like octopus tentacles.
"Still. What if I scratch too hard and actually cut you instead of just scraping the surface of your skin? Stop acting like 'the mood' is more important that your health."
He doesn't meet you eyes as he quietly says "Are we really going down this path again?"
You sigh and push your fingers into your hair.
"Maybe. Yes. I don't know!"
"Babe. I don't really know what you want me to say anymore. I told you not to worry about me."
"I'm not just worrying about you, Minho. I'm also thinking about me."
He twirls his chopsticks in the lo mien container. "Do you, y/n? Because you seem to have a tolerance the size of fucking Kilimanjaro. You never tell me to stop, even if, quite frankly, I'm exhausted and can't keep going. But I do. I do for you."
You feel your neck getting warm. "Well maybe it's your own fault for not telling me you need to stop."
"I do, though. I do, and you listen when I tell you I'm out. I'm more so a bit ticked off that you never tell me to stop. Do you remember what I said to you all that time ago? Did you even care? Because that was me, caring."
You close your eyes, remembering the color system that he devised for you, signals as to when to tell him to stop, if something he's doing hurts. "Yes, Minho. I remember. But I said that also goes for you! And you-"
"Use it when I really need to," he interjects.
"Well... well maybe I just don't really need to, then," you huff.
He cocks an eyebrow, and you tell yourself it's just an eyebrow, not a sexy move from your boyfriend. Definitely not something that turns you on.
The truth is, you've always been scared to use the light system. It's always green. Green means go. Even though you and Minho had had feelings for each other since you were in primary school- the last year, but still— that didn't stop him, who was three years older, from meeting other girls and going out with them, and you didn't try to stop him. You yourself went out on dates, kissed guys and did everything short of getting fucked for real. You wanted Minho to be the one to get your cherry. And he didn't disappoint.
Through it all, though, he had plenty of experience, experiences that you couldn't compete with unless it was oral. He told you green light means all good. Yellow is "I need a break" and red is stop. No questions asked. Whatever you're doing ends and you do something that doesn't involve sex. Red and yellow both mean "this hurts, I'm uncomfortable" of some degree.
Though you've definitely needed to, you've been worried about how Minho would react if you tell him to stop. It's one of the other reasons you argued with him on Sunday, but he doesn't know it. You made it seem like he just takes and takes, when really, it was that it hurt. You couldn't keep going, even though it hadn't even been 15 minutes when the pain kicked in. You were embarrassed. He was able to go on for God knows how long, and you weren't lasting anywhere near as close as him that day.
The look Minho gives you tells you that he's calling BS.
You look at him. "Minho?"
"Look." He's always down his container of noodles and shrimp. "I know that's not the case. Why don't you try telling me what's actually up."
A spark of frustration heats your chest. "What's up, Minho, is that, thanks to you being late, we missed our appointment with Mia!"
Minho leans forward, massaging his temples. Finally, he drops his hands, his elbows balancing on his knees, and he looks over at you. "Is that what this is all about? I'm not ignoring the fact that you're dodging my question, but why didn't you say something to me?"
"Because... because it's just-"
"Not worth it? Babe, clearly it is. You wouldn't even tell me why this appointment was so fucking important to you. So important that I had to be there, which I found odd, because you usually tell me you want to see Mia alone. Which is fine, because I know that's the only girl time you two get together, so I found it strange that you wanted me there."
You clench your fists, hidden from view by the long sleeves of your boyfriend's hoodie, trying not to explode.
"And," he continues, "you still haven't told me the full story as to why you were actually upset on Sunday. You just called me greedy and said you weren't in the mood anymore. So please, please, will you tell me what's wrong? What's been going on?"
"I..." you look into his amber eyes, trying to fight the truth.
Minho puts a hand on your knee. "Y/n. Baby. Please."
The words come spilling out. "It's not that you're greedy. It's not that I don't enjoy the sex anymore. It's that... it's that I'm scared," you blurt. His expression is startled, incredulous as you go on.
"I'm scared to tell you no. To tell you to stop, that something hurts. It makes me feel like shit, when something hurts and I start to feel tired by the fifteen minute mark when you haven't even gotten started. It's not every time. But that's what was happening on Sunday. Sometimes it makes me ashamed, how much I just... it's like I'm a different person when we have sex. Sometimes I don't recognize me. Like, I turn into a mess. You turn me on like that" —you snap your fingers— "and somehow, you get me to cum four times in less than half an hour. I needed to feel justified in my feelings of 'I can't anymore' and I was scared to flat out tell you to stop, so I told you that you were being greedy and it was a turn off. And I'm sorry, Minho. I'm so so sorry for calling you greedy and disgusting. The truth is, I feel greedy and disgusting, wanting so badly, wanting so much, when I can't go on, or when you need a break. Sometimes I feel annoyed that you need to stop." You bury your face in your hands. "God, I'm such an asshole." You try to prevent the tears prickling behind your eyes.
"Y/n. Look at me. Please." You lower your hands to see Minho. "I'm sorry. Babe, why haven't you said something? If it hurts, if I'm hurting you, then you should tell me. If you can't anymore, tell me. Yellow light. Red light. Doesn't matter. Don't feel ashamed, okay? To tell you the truth, sometimes I can tell you're tired, but I'm never sure whether or not I should slow down and stop because you never tell me to, and I worry about accidentally offending you. I don't want you to think I'm assuming you're weak."
"Anyone that can ride Lee Minho for even fifteen minutes cannot be weak," you joke.
"Point taken. As for being a totally different person during sex? Well, yeah, you're gonna act differently when you're fucking. Think about it: do you go around constantly calling yourself a dirty ho and greedy bitch when you're at work?"
You don't say anything.
"I mean, unless you're getting it on with a coworker. Then we might have some problems."
That gets a laugh from you. "God, no. No, Minho. I understand what you're saying. It just... I feel ashamed and dirty after the fact. Like 'was that really me'?"
He smiles gently. "Yes, and I get that. But you have to know that there's no reason to feel that way. I don't think any less of you. And, in case you don't remember, you aren't the only one yelling and moaning and talking dirty, okay? You also aren't the only one that gets turned on instantly and cums a billion times. Then again, I, personally, can't really help it."
You smile again, that special smile that you save for him.
"Now. What about this appointment with Mia?"
The smile drops from your face as a slight panic sets in. "What about it?"
"Baby, please don't shut down now. Keep this going, okay? Why were you so upset to miss a meeting with Mia?"
You bite your lip, contemplating. "I... I'm maybe... something came up, and she... she's had a few times dealing with this with other people and knows what to do and I wanted you there so we were on the same page."
"Okay," he says slowly.
You feel your hands start to shake. "I guess it has to do with why I was so punchy these past few weeks..."
"Oh. I though it was PMS."
You shake your head. "No. Maybe a little bit, but mainly no. The truth is.." you hesitate, trying how best to go about this. "I have a rare immunodeficiency."
Minho looks at you with disbelief. "What?"
"I... I have a rare immunodeficiency," you repeat shakily.
"What is it? How did you find out?"
"Well... I actually found out from... from us having sex."
Minho's eyes widen. "Have I somehow gotten you sick? What happened? Does this have to do with why it hurts you so much?"
"No, I'll explain in a second, and possibly." You look down at your hands. "Let me ask you this: you'd say we're usually pretty... careful, right?"
He nods. "If I remember correctly, told me to download that app that tracks your cycle so we both have a record of your ovulation schedule and know what days to avoid completely. And you regularly remind me to make sure I have condoms both here and at my place and you have some sort of birth control, but you stopped taking it because it was causing some sort of issue, so no more of y/n's birth control. Correct?"
You nod. "But we're only human, and even technology can't predict something that fluctuates like a woman's period. Because it does change."
Again, he nods. "True... Wait." He looks up at you, lips parted. "Are you..?"
You shake your head. "No, babe. I'm not pregnant. Not anymore."
You nod. "Yes. I've technically been pregnant five times in the past two years."
Your boyfriend stares, mouth agape.
"After the fourth time, I went to the doctors. Do you remember how I had that constant bout of sickness?"
"I remember."
"Well.." you squeeze your fingers, preparing yourself. "I was getting so sick because my body was thinking that each fetus was actually a virus. At the same time, my body was naturally like 'okay we've got a life force in here to grow and protect'. Essentially, my body was waging a two-sided war on itself. One side to protect the baby, the other trying to get rid of it."
"But why?" You can't help but be thankful for how calm he's staying.
"You're taking this remarkably well. Better than I thought you would, anyways." You hug your arms to your chest. "Explanation: my body isn't accepting your DNA."
"So, essentially, I'm making you sick. But only when you end up pregnant?"
He shakes his head. "God, y/n. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... I wasn't sure how," you say meekly. "I mean, I'd be like 'hey, babe, guess what? I'm pregnant. Surprise!' Just to be like 'Ha. Sike!I'm not pregnant anymore' within a month."
He sighs. "True. Holy fuck. Five times?"
You nod and laugh a little. "Yeah. Guess we know what that means."
He nods conspiratorially. "Yep. Probably should've listened to everyone being like 'be smart. Be safe. Always use protection', huh?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Is there a way to fix it?"
"Fertilization treatments," you say glumly. "I hear they're absolute hell."
"But it'll be worth it, right? I mean, you don't get sick and... I mean, if you don't want kids, that's fine, I just thought... I'm not saying I'm assuming anything. I mean, obviously it's your choice, I just thought..."
For the first time, you realize just how… nervous this news is making him. Your boyfriend, the always cool, calm and collected Lee Minho is a flustered and stuttering mess. It also hits you that he actually, really, truly wants kids. He wants kids... with you. Which must mean...
No. You can't get sidetracked. Whether or not he proposes is up to him. You'll always be ready to say yes.
Back to the task at hand.
"Minho. Babe, calm down. Of course it'll be worth it."
He starts shaking his head, almost frantically. "No, no, no. Don't make a decision based on me. Do it because you want to. Don't-"
You put your hand on his knee. "Hey. Deep breaths. Yes, I want the treatments."
His body sags in relief.
"I want to get this fixed. I can't have a family if my body is killing off our kids. I dare say you'd prefer it if your children actually made it out alive."
His eyes widen at your statement. You run it through your head, trying to catch your mistake.
Then you realize: you just laid out a future of togetherness, marriage, and parenthood with Minho in those three sentences.
You try to backpedal, feeling like you've overstepped, even though you've talked about a future together many times. "I just meant, if you were me— I didn't mean—"
He cups your face in his hand. "I'd prefer it if my children made it out alive," he says softly, placing a hand on your abdomen.
You smile, relieved that you've finally told him. As Minho leans in to kiss you oh so softly, you close your eyes, envisioning your future.
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
The sound of our tied souls
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Genre: soulmate!au, rockstar!au, kinda enemies-to-lovers but not really, a bit of angst, fluff, happy ending
Word count: 3.3k
Pairing: rockstar!San x fem!reader (feat. reader's best friend x Mingi)
Warnings: swear words (quite a lot), time-skip, kind of a bad guy attitude—San's a bit of a jerk at the beginning but he has a character development :), soulmate rejection, mentions of some jealous fans, kinda slow-burn, one kiss, possible grammar mistakes
A/N: this oneshot is part of @sungbeam's soulmate collab, which i was so proud to be part of; thanks for the opportunity, love 🤍
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You got woken up by that annoying song again, your beauty sleep being thrown away for the rest of the night—cause it seemed like your soulmate had no sleeping schedule. You couldn't understand how he could listen to this all the time, you often wondered if his hearing was still intact—cause the loud growl of what seemed to be an electric guitar could surely manage to make you deaf by now. 
You have first discovered your soulmate bond after your 16th birthday, when you began hearing rock music everyday. Everyone was talking about how sweet their marks were: a tattoo with the letter of their significant other's name, a highlight in their hair matching their future partner's color, and the list could go on. You, on the other hand, had to struggle with listening to something you absolutely despised, without thinking that your soulmate returned the same feeling to your music choice. With a mischievous smile on your face, you made your way to your piano, starting to play one of your favorite songs. God, if only you knew how frustrated your soulmate got. 
"San, you messed up again! Can you fucking focus?" Hongjoong, the leader of their group, Guerrillas, shouted, watching as the culprit lowered his head. 
"I can't, Joong. I can't, because all I hear right now is Für Elise, and it messes my head up!" he shouted too, pulling his hair back in frustration.
The others looked at each other with confused looks; was there something they didn't know? Without actually meaning to, Mingi bursted into laughter, leading Wooyoung to chuckle as well. 
"Since when do you listen to classical music?" he asked San, smirking playfully. 
"I don't. That thing you call soulmate does." 
"You're hearing what your soulmate listens to?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, covering his mouth in shock. 
"Yeah. But you know I'm not into this shit of yours, so let's get back to practice. I'll try and focus." he simply said, taking his guitar again, the strap attached to it hugging his torso perfectly. 
Seonghwa shrugged and signaled the others to start playing, their practice session blooming once again. You could swear that he'd never played music that loud before; it felt like a competition between the two of you, and you smiled at the thought of having him so frustrated. You didn't know who he was nor how he looked, but you were ready to make his life a living hell, as much as he had started to turn yours into one.  
At one point, the music stopped and you managed to sleep a bit, but it was way too little for your liking. You woke up at the sound of your doorbell, your best friend standing behind the wooden door. 
"You won't believe what my boyfriend got me!" she said as soon as you opened the door, barging into your house like it was her own. 
"Do I wanna know?" you sighed, thinking that your best friend's excitement meant chaos. 
"He got me two tickets at his band's concert! We're gonna see the Guerrillas!" she jumped, pulling the two golden-like tickets from her pocket. 
She and Mingi—her soulmate, met a while ago, and since then, she was always talking about him and how much their music grew on her. She must have been so happy now, that her world had finally earned its colors. Her and Mingi's soulmate mark consisted of seeing the world in black and white, until the two of them met. You still remembered how fast they agreed on becoming a couple, and you still wondered how they made it work so well. You knew how proud she was of her boyfriend, mainly because it was the third time she was trying to convince you to go with her, thinking that it would be, somehow, her lucky chance. 
"There's no way I'm going to a rock concert." you protested, crossing your arms. 
"There's no way I'll leave you alone until you say yes." she smirked, shoving one of the tickets in your jacket. 
Nice try, you thought, before taking a moment to actually read the information on the ticket. How bad could it be, after all? Maybe, in this way, you could find more about your soulmate's favorite genre of music. You also thought it was maybe an occasion to meet Mingi's friends; you knew he was in the college's rock band, though you've never met them in this formula.
"Fine. I'm only doing it for Mingi's effort to get you these." you said coldly, side-eyeing your friend when she gave you a bear hug; it was gonna be a long week.
While the two were already making plans for the big day, the boys took a break from their intense practice session, starting to talk about whatever traveled their mind while drinking a can of energy drink. San was absent from their conversation, fidgeting with his calloused fingers, the effort of always trying to hit the right strings showing. The thought of having a soulmate was really burdening him, he didn't want to spend his energy searching for someone he didn't even want to meet. Little San would probably be disappointed, because all he has ever wished for was to grow up and meet his other half. Arts student San, though? He didn't need anything else as long as he had his guitar by his side; a capo and some sheet music could easily solve his problems. But he couldn't stand the thought of someone constantly hearing the feelings he tried expressing through music; it made him feel vulnerable, like he had no personal space anymore.
"San, do you agree with the outfits we've decided on?" Jongho asked, looking curiously at the way too quiet boy. 
"Huh… yeah, sure, sounds great." he replied, avoiding the way Yunho raised his eyebrow at his reply. 
"You didn't pay attention," he sighed, before adding some other words: "Something's definitely bothering you, so talk to us." 
"Is it because of your soulmate? Why don't you just search for her?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the way the elder tensed. "It should stop after you meet, right?" 
"Meeting her means that I have to be committed, and I don't want to commit to her." he spat, putting emphasis on not wanting to do so, and without bothering to spare his friends the slightest glance, he just took his things and left them speechless, in the middle of the studio. 
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The week passed fastly, the not-so-wanted (by a certain someone, 'cause the whole college actually went crazy for it) concert finally coming to life. The boys were backstage, trying to memorize their lines or chords for the last time. You and your friend would be late though; because she couldn't let you wear the clothes you would usually wear. 
"I can't believe you want to wear a coat to a rock concert," she sighed, slightly amused by your antics. "They cover songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sweet Child O' Mine and more, and they will most likely sing their own songs as well. This isn't Antonio Vivanti." 
You let out an offended scoff, grabbing the leather jacket she was trying to put on you and wearing it, despite the ick the weird material was giving you. "And it's Vivaldi, by the way. Pay respect!" 
"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, or else we will be late!" 
Luckily for her (‘cause you tried to lose as much time as you could), you arrived just when they settled on stage, greeting the ones who came to see them. You couldn't say you weren't a bit jealous whenever you saw the way her and Mingi looked at each other—because it did something to you. But you were scared of being rejected, pretty sure that the soulmate thing wasn't as easy as it seemed. 
Your thoughts were brushed off by the loud sound made by the mix of instruments, making you flinch, to your friend's amusement. Not being able to sneak outside because of her hand constantly holding yours, you decided that the least you could do was to pretend you were enjoying it. The others seemed to have fun too, even the boys, who really owned the stage—until something stole the show. San was taken aback by the way his in-ears worked—or so he thought. The same song they were performing was playing in a faded but bothering way in his ears, making him look at the others with a questionable look. He then made a few gestures to the staff, waiting for the song to stop so he could go and see what was wrong. Hongjoong looked at him worriedly while still focused on his bass, meanwhile Mingi almost messed up while playing the drums. 
"We will be back in a few minutes, wait for us, okay?" Jongho screamed, hoping to keep the audience busy for a bit, while the others went to see what was wrong with San; their mics weren't off, though. 
"There's nothing wrong with your in-ears, San. They work perfectly," the staff informed him, a few curse words leaving his mouth. 
"What if your soulmate is at the concert, San?" Yeosang asked innocently, almost like a joke—though the younger boy freezed in his place. 
The audience went crazy; some fangirls gasped and started to whisper several things about San's potential soulmate, meanwhile some of them had the same reaction as San. Some of them even started to run, looking suspiciously at every single girl they saw. "San has a soulmate?", "God, what did she do in her past life?", and so many other phrases that made you scoff. Who was this San and why was he so popular? The influence of his jealous fans spreaded through the whole venue, making the staff finally notice their mics and turn them off, though it was too late—the fuss was already created.
"I don't think that's the case—" Seonghwa tried to protest, but San stopped him. 
"I think that's exactly the case." San looked at them, before throwing his in-ears somewhere. "What should we do now? I don't want to perform anymore." 
"Then… let's wrap it up." Hongjoong sighed, before going back on stage. "Due to some unfortunate events, we need to stop here, darlings. Don't worry, we will come back soon!" He bowed and left the stage, leaving the fans high and dry. In other circumstances, nothing could have made him leave the stage that easily; he would have found a solution. But seeing how messed up his friend was, it made him want to try and understand him, he was going through a quite special phase, after all.
"I will go ask Mingi about what happened, do you want to come?" your friend asked, though your answer didn't even matter, she was already dragging you after her. 
She greeted her boyfriend and the others as if they knew each other since forever, asking them about what was wrong. 
"San hears whatever his soulmate is listening too, and he has only told us a few days ago," Mingi said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. 
Your eyes widened at what he said, but you decided to keep composure—maybe it was just a coincidence. 
"And she is into classical music, it's so frustrating. Why would she come to our concert?" San snapped, ignoring the guest his friend's soulmate brought. 
It all made sense to you then. You probably didn't realize the music coming from him because you tried to enjoy the new experience, but it made sense. The two-tone haired boy, the arrogant San everyone was talking about was standing in front of you—moreover, he was your soulmate; and he didn't seem too happy with the idea of being bonded to someone. 
"Who's the lady next to you?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the need to make you feel implied in the discussion. 
"She's Y/N, I dragged her here with me," your friend laughs awkwardly. "She's not a fan, but Mingi got me two tickets so I made use of them." 
"Oh! Do you happen to hear rock music sometimes?" Wooyoung asked, smirking playfully. 
"Uhm… no, sorry." you said, looking at San, who was already looking suspiciously at you. He was really arrogant, you wished to be able to reject him, but he seemed to do it first. 
"Even if she was, I told you guys I don't care. My soulmate can go search for another one." he said, before leaving them, once again. You were the next one to leave, not even caring about the possibility of giving your little secret away.
Even after a few days, you couldn't deny the emptiness you felt the moment you were indirectly rejected by your soulmate—it was definitely noticeable, somewhere in your heart. It was safe to say San didn't feel as good as he thought he would either, even when he rejected the one he was assigned to live his whole life with on purpose. He figured out it was you, because he stopped hearing the once annoying music; but he missed it. And the news about his soulmate was spread in the whole college as well, not helping at all; they were making even the outsiders interested in the tea going on. 
"I'm tired of this shit, guys. I won't come to practice today." 
Hongjoong looked at him once again, nodding, not knowing exactly how to comfort his friend in this situation, words long forgotten. San started to walk in the direction of where the studio was, his ears filling with the melodious sound of a piano playing. Like it was a habit of his, his legs guided him to the door, which he cracked open, just to reveal you playing the piano. Your fingers moved skillfully along the piano keys, Debussy's Clair de Lune resonating beautifully in the room. The sweet melody managed to comfort him somehow; he didn’t know if it was the calming nature of the song or the closure he was supposed to have with you, but he felt relaxed, listening peacefully until the painful silence started to bother him. He then took the matters into his own hands—in such a San way. 
"You’ve got some skills, soulmate," he said, his lips stretching into a little smile, though a little dimple made its appearance still. 
You got a bit surprised by his presence, but stopped what you were doing, to return a small smile and answer him. 
"Thank you. I guess you do too." 
"Was that Beethoven?" he asked curiously, sitting on the chair in front of the piano, next to you. 
"Claude Debussy, but A for effort," you said, smiling at his attempt. 
A wave of silence spread across the room, before you decided to break it: "We got off to a bad start, but we can still repair it. I'm Y/N," you said, sticking your hand out to him. 
He grabbed it, shaking it softly. "I'm San, nice to meet you again." He waited for another reaction of yours, but seeing that you didn't plan on saying anything else, he made the next step: "Let's be friends." 
You spent most of the day with him, sharing tips and talking about your opposite passions—though it was well known that opposites attract. Now, that you've gotten to know him a bit better, you could say he was more than just an arrogant guy. 
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One month passed since your first interaction with your soulmate, and you would have never expected that there would be more; yet here you were, watching as he excitedly got two tickets from his pocket. 
"You're invited to our concert tonight! My treat this time, for you and our friend." he winked, handing the same golden-like tickets to you. 
"I'll be there, Sannie." you smiled, giving him a side hug before running to your class. He smiled softly, not believing the effect love could have on him.
Furthermore, tonight's stage would be an important one for him; it could mean accomplishment or failure, but he was still willing to try. The boys found him smiling like an idiot—but they enjoyed it, they could tease him about how a certain someone made him change. He never failed to amaze them, but someone definitely brought the best in him. He watched as the boys looked at him, his freshly dyed hair glowing nicely into the dim lights. His hands were covered in a pair of fingerless mesh gloves, fingers full of rings, while his t-shirt was nicely tucked in his leather pants. Some chains were dangling on his neck and waist, and a fake lip ring laid on his lower lip, completing the rockstar look he opted for. 
"Where's San and what have you done with him?" Yeosang joked, entertaining the other seven boys in the room. 
"Shut up, Sang. Are you ready?" Seonghwa asked, taking his mic and retouching the last details for tonight's show. 
"Never been more ready." San smiled, taking his guitar and being the first one to get on stage. 
"Hello guys, thank you for coming today too!" Wooyoung exclaimed, getting ready to perform at his best. 
You and your friend were somewhere in the front row, singing along with the other fans who came to see the eight boys. You were bouncing with her, enjoying the genre you softly became addicted to, but it was surely an influence San had on you. You didn't know what happened to you, but you still had hope, that maybe something would change his mind. Suddenly, the culprit's voice was heard in the whole venue, catching your attention and making you stop whatever you were doing. 
"As you all know, one month ago, I met my soulmate at the concert we held in the same place. I'd like her to join me here, please, Y/N?" he smiled, gesturing for you to get on stage, next to them. 
You looked confusedly at your friend, who pushed you in the direction of the stage, playing their game. You got there, finding yourself in front of the crowd and waving awkwardly at them, not expecting to hear their loud screaming. 
"I know I was a bit of a douchebag at the beginning, and that was definitely not the way you wanted us to meet. I messed up, but I hope you can forgive me." 
The fans cheered up louder, while a big smile found its way to your face, making the boy's lips stretch into one as well. 
"I know I rejected you at the beginning, but let me try to fix things. I hope it's not too late," he laughed softly, before continuing: "Have you started your looking for another soulmate project yet?" 
You burst into laughter, nodding as no a few times. His cheeks got colored in a crimson red tone, and you could swear you've never seen anything cuter than a shy rockstar.
"Can I have the chance of being the lucky one, then?" he asked and watched as your expression changed, nervousness noticeable in his voice as well. 
"I thought you considered yourself unluck—" Wooyoung interrupted, but Jongho was fast to cover his mouth and prevent him from saying anything else. "You're screwing the moment, Woo." he said, mouth still pressed on his older friend's mouth. 
You laughed at their antics, taking the mic from San's hand. 
"As much as you've annoyed me, I still like you, Choi San. I always did, which is why I would actually love to give you this chance." 
As soon as you finished your romantic little speech, he cupped your face, pressing his lips on yours softly. The fans went crazy, cheering and jumping as the two of you sealed the promise of loving each other forever with a soft kiss. 
"With these being said, I'd like to announce the title of our next album, entitled The sound of our tied souls!" Yunho said, making the night of every single soul attending that concert, the stars shining even brighter above their heads.
You pressed your forehead on San's, admiring his beauty while your noses rubbed lovingly against each other's. The road you had to walk on to find your soulmate was a tough one, but looking back on it, you wouldn't want it another way; you were too excited for your future with your other half—the arrogant boy you started to love, the one destined to be eternally yours. 
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ablobwhowrites · 1 year
Can I send a Splatoon request (m/n) is a Octoling male idol and everyone is crazy yandere for him.anything about him will be gone in seconds, like (m/n) merch gone,concert tickets sold out etc..
Life is good, being apart of deep cut after marina and pearls final splatfest. M/n was the fourth member of the deep cut as he was friends with bigman and he was able to get m/n in the group plus shiver and frye loved having m/n around. Having a unique features made m/n stand out a lot like with his hair being similar to Marina's but just more short like her old hair style. Plus luckily everyone thought m/n wears some kind of eyeliner and many things about him being different than other octolings on the surface but shiver tells everyone that m/n is just a different species of octolings probably from another city away from here.
M/n sighed after the camera turned off for today as the director yelled "all right everyone where on commercial break!" Frye looked at m/n seeing him look down a bit "you okay m/n? Your not all happy like you are usually" frye said looking to him as shiver looked at frye then m/n as m/n quickly sat up straight "oh! Nothing, just thinking about things really. Just woke up on the wrong side of bed" he laughed a bit trying not to worry the three "well you can tell use anything if you need anything off your chest" big man said with the screen he holds turns off for now as m/n sat there in silence for a few seconds "no I'm good....just going to go to the bathroom" m/n said as he got off the stage and walked away to backstage into the hall, but not going it the bathroom but just leans on the wall and going in his phone.
Then when to splatagram (work with me here, I don't know many Splatoon canon apps) many post of some ads, inklings showing off food at restaurants or food trucks, but then m/n stops scrolling and sees a tag that caused m/n to raise his brow "fanclub? I didn't know I had a fan club....I thought shiver, frye and bigman or anyone else had fanclubs.." he said to himself as soon as he clicked the tag, a boat load of post ranging from inklings to octolings even others from far away not even in this city. It was terrifying to m/n seeing so many things about him and the merch that he didn't even know existed of him, plushies, shirts, pants, hats, figures and so much more "I never made these brand deals?! How is there so many! And how is there so much fan merch of me…" M/n then was panicking not from the people who loves him cause he just tried to make himself thing it's just everyone supporting him, even making himself think it was all just a phase everyone was going through a obsessive phase but the slim chance that dj Octavia could find this, he could get kidnapped like Callie that one time, he could be brainwashed, so many terrible thoughts run through his head thinking of so many things that could happen if he was found out, would he be sanitized? Just like all his friends to be his mindless killing machine if he's taken back? M/n screamed as he felt something touch his shoulder as he quickly turned to see who was it that spooked him so bad and it was just the jellyfish intern "mr.m/n, where about to come back on soon" the intern said as m/n's heart was still racing "right...right, tell them I'll be there just give me a bit to um...just get myself ready" m/n told the intern as they nodded and walked back to the studio to tell them which has m/n all alone again "your just paranoid, nothing bad can happen...dj Octavia won't know, even if he does marina is a long ways from here so she's safe and Octavia wouldn't do something that ambitious" m/n said to himself as he turned off his phone and walked back to the studio with his head held up high hoping this might be a good week or even a good year.
"sir! We found something you might like" a elite octoling said as she held what looked like a small keychain, it was shiny and had the picture of m/n on it, in pastel colors seeming happy with the other side having his 'friends' all with him and all looking happy, DJ Octavia was silent, he was taking in the details of this keychain pictures "m/n is on the surface...just how marina is" Dj Octavia said as he took the keychain onto his tentacle and examined it, the underground felt so empty without m/n around. The small splats of colors on the walls or just anything that was colorful he could put anywhere, the small city's of the octarian underground loved the small splats of colors, any kind it made the underground feel less gloomy but after DJ Octavia's defeat in inkoplis and that damned squid sisters music that Octavia hated so much, salt in this wound those agents gave him taking away power to the city and then now this, Octavia felt humiliated that the only octoling soldier that made the situation of the octarians being under ground feel a bit less gloomy and just less of a hell hole was on the surface cause of the now lazy inklings and the octoings that managed to get on the surface now having audacity to rub this in his face just saying to Octavia that m/n was theirs now, it made Octavia livid that his m/n and only his m/n is now on the surface, his tentacle gripped the keychain in his tentacle until a crack was formed on the sides and his grip loosened. His gaze goes back to the elite octoling soldier "bring m/n back here, no matter who you have to hurt, no matter what you have to do, bring m/n back here" Octavia said the soldier nodded and was about to go get some of the other octolings to get ready for this mission "wait, take this" Octavia handed the soldier a pair of glasses, the same ones callie had on when she was kidnapped here "it'll make it more simple but these ones will make sure m/n won't be able to fight back so easily" Octavia said as then he waved his tentacle to dismiss the soldier, the elite octoling walked out to tell her team the new mission now with the hypno glasses in hand...to be continued
(I hope this is good, I've been trying to work on my writing more)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 7 months
I still don't understand about love
Olivia Rodrigo x Male Reader.
Request - The reader has Asperger syndrome and when he has an attack Olivia's voice calms him down, so when Olivia goes to give a concert in his city the reader wants to attend even though the crowds make him nervous, the concert goes smoothly, the reader is very happy and goes to where the meet and greet is going to be, the reader is already nervous there but when Olivia approaches the reader they get along very well and connect, Olivia realizes that the reader is different and wants to know him more, so Olivia tells the reader that if he can wait for her, once they are alone they talk and begin to know each other.
I don't have Asperger's syndrome or know anyone personally who has it. I did my research to understand it better. But I hope it came out right in the story.
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Earlier in the day, you had an attack and to calm down you put on your headphones. You are on your phone and you go on YouTube, you type in Olivia Rodrigo and you start to watch her music video. Her voice starts to calm you down and you like everything about her. After watching that video, then you watch another video of her. Your mother knocks on the door and walks in, then you take off your headphones.
“Y/n, I got this for you. It's a late birthday gift” She said.
She gives you the envelope and you start to open it. You take out the tickets and you start to read it over and over.
“Is this a mistake?” You asked.
She smiled and she shook her head.
“No, it's not a mistake. I know how much you like her music and it calms you down. I bought the tickets and VIP passes months ago, but the post office took a long time to deliver them.
“I don't know what to say,” You said.
“The show is tomorrow. I know loud noises bother you, but I know you will have a good time” She said.
“Thank you,” You said.
She smiled then she left your bedroom, she went to cook dinner. You stare at the tickets for a while then you start to think about what to wear. Now, you start to think if she should sign your CD or poster or both.
The night of the concert your mom went with you. You slightly feel a panic attack but it starts to go away. With the VIP passes, you have to go in early to meet her. There is a line and everyone goes into the room to meet her. People that are ahead of you quickly went up to Olivia. Everyone is smiling and taking pictures with her. Olivia starts to sign posters and CDs then she takes more pictures with the fans. Slowly she starts to walk toward you but you don't stare at her eyes. You are starting to feel even more nervous, and you bite your bottom lip.
“Hi, I'm Olivia. Do you want me to sign your CD or poster?” Olivia said.
You don't say anything at first and she waits for you to say something. She thinks you are cute.
“After the show, I could meet with you again if that's okay,” Olivia said.
“Yes,” You said.
You look at her for two seconds then look away, then you look away.
“Okay, I will meet you after the show” Olivia smiled.
You and your mom go to watch the show. You are enjoying the show and you sing along to the song, in your head.
After the show, you did go backstage and you waited for her on the couch. She arrived ten minutes later and she started to smile at you. You look at her for a few seconds then you look away.
“You don't have to be nervous,” Olivia said.
You nod
“I have Asperger,” You said.
“I don't know what is it,” Olivia said.
“A lot of people don't know what it is,” You said.
You are avoiding her look but she is still smiling.
“I first saw you was in High School Musical: The Musical. I like listening to you sing” You said.
“Thank you for liking my music it means a lot to me” Olivia smiled.
You nod and you can't help to smile. Olivia asked for your phone number and you are freaking out but you don't show it.
This can't be real. Wow, Olivia Rodrigo wants my phone number.
“Why?” You asked.
“I want to get to know you, Y/n but only if you let me,” Olivia said.
“Okay,” You said.
She grabbed her cell phone and gave it to you. You type in your phone number and name. You are still freaking out about it and your heart starts to race. She sent you a text and you saved her phone number.
“You can text me anytime you want and it can be about anything. I have to go to another city in a little bit, but I hope we can get to know each other” Olivia said.
“Mhmm,” You said.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
2 Months Later… You always text Olivia about your day and text how you feel throughout the day etc. She does the samething with you, she told you about new projects she is doing. You know her favorite movies and favorite food. And she knows about your dislikes and how to calm you down when you have a panic attack.
Olivia has searched online what is Asperger's syndrome. She read many articles and watched videos about the topic. But you and Olivia got to know each other a lot through texting. Olivia caught feelings for you and she wants to tell you but not through texting.
Olivia- I had to do interviews today. Did you eat your lunch?
You- yes and no. They didn't cook the chicken correctly. I like your new album
Olivia - I'm happy that you like it ☺️😘
Olivia called you on FaceTime time and you answered the call…
“Y/n, in the past two months, I got to know you better. And I like you a lot and I want us to be more than friends. If you don't feel the same way, I understand” Olivia said.
You ended the call and you are processing what she said. Olivia is confused as to why you ended the call. You start to breathe a little too hard and you feel your heart racing.
“Did I hear that, right? She wants to be my girlfriend” You said to yourself.
You start to walk back and forth in your bedroom. Again, you started to talk to yourself.
“She likes me” You smiled.
You called Olivia and she answered the call.
“Sorry, I did that. I was in shock, that someone like you likes me” You said.
“Oh, that's why you hung up on me. Do you like me?” Olivia said.
“I like you a lot. But I don't understand about love or feelings in a relationship. I-I never had a girlfriend before. When I tell someone I have Asperger's syndrome, everything changes” You said.
“That doesn't change how I feel about you. I did my research on Asperger's syndrome, so I can understand better” Olivia said.
“I want to be your boyfriend,” You said.
“It’s official, we are boyfriend and girlfriend,” Olivia said.
“Yeah,” You smiled.
Olivia has a few days off, but she wants to spend time with you. You are home getting ready for your first date and your mom is happy for you. You are feeling nervous and you hope she won't change her mind, about being your girlfriend. Olivia went to pick you up and she is smiling at you.
“You look beautiful. I-I got flowers for you. They said girls like flowers and the flowers are fresh, my mom made sure” You said.
“Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful. I rented a private restaurant for us” Olivia said.
Olivia thought it would be a good idea, to have fewer people and paparazzi around you and her. She doesn't want you to feel overwhelmed and have a panic attack.
“I’m ready to leave,” You said.
“Let’s go” Olivia smiled.
Olivia took you to a small nice restaurant. She sits across from you and you admire her beauty. You are feeling emotions that you never felt before. It took you a while to figure out what you wanted to eat, but she didn't rush you to order. You like that she didn't rush you to order something fast or something you don't like to eat.
“Y/n, I'm going to Grammys this weekend. Do you want to go with me?” Olivia said.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes, I want to go with you. But it could be overwhelmed you and you might get a panic attack. But I will be there for you and I won't leave your side. I don't want to pressure you to go if you don't want to go” Olivia said.
“I will go with you, Olivia,” You said.
Your hand is on the table and she gently touches your hand. You like her touch, it's soft and it calms you down. You were feeling nervous but she made you feel stuff, that you never experienced but you liked it.
You and Olivia ordered the food. While waiting, she talks about the color dress she will wear for the Grammys. Then she asked about your new hobby.
After dinner, you went to see a movie with her. During the movie, you did something bold you held her hand. After a few seconds, you loved your hand away.
“We can hold hands” Olivia whispered.
You nod. Twenty seconds later, you hold her hand and she doesn't move her hand away. You can't believe that she is letting you hold her hand.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
The night of the Grammys… Olivia picked you up in a limousine and you can't stop staring at your girlfriend.
“Y/n, you look very handsome,” Olivia said.
She kissed your cheek.
“You are beautiful and I like your smile,” You said.
She blushed and she smiled again. You follow Olivia to the limo and it's huge. On the way to the Grammys, she noticed that you were starting to have a small panic attack.
“Baby, it's okay I'm here,” Olivia said.
She moved closer toward you and you are breathing hard. The limo arrived at the Grammys but you are hesitating to get out of the limo. She gently touches your cheek and she starts to sing and it's helping you calm down.
“I love you, Y/n I really mean that” Olivia said.
“I-I… I don't know what love is” You said.
“I know. You don't have to say it back right now, say it when you are ready” Olivia said.
“I’m sorry I didn't mean to ruin your night” You said.
“You didn't ruin anything, I mean it. Can I kiss you?” Olivia said.
You don't say anything and she will be your first kiss. You lean and kiss her on the lips and she kissed you back, then she smiled.
“I have strong feelings for you, Olivia” You said.
“I feel the same way” Olivia said.
She kissed you again. She told her assistant to take you to the back door, to avoid the paparazzi. But Olivia had to take pictures and do short interviews, but you wait inside for her.
Since the night of the Grammys, you and Olivia are still going strong. When she has time off, she will go see you. But you and Olivia still text a lot when she is traveling for work. Olivia doesn't mention your name in the interviews, because she wants the relationship to be private. She doesn't want your mental health to become bad when paparazzi start following you everywhere.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Hello it's been over a month since the last part 😭 I've lost the groove. But uhh remember how I said Dia is a sponsor for the tour? He definitely ropes Belphie into attending some shows for promo pics. Belphie is going to attend the very first concert stop that night (there's maybe like four before the show in their city or something)
I'm thinking Lucifer is checking in on Mammon when I burst into the shop, running late but still making a stop for breakfast. Mammon slides my order towards me, waving his hand when I try to pay. Cue me glaring at him and stuffing a $20 bill in his tip jar BECAUSE HE CAN'T KEEP TRYING TO GIVE SOLOMON AND I FREE FOOD.
And he scoffs because I know I don't carry cash, BUT NOW I HAVE TO BC I GOTTA TO PAY HIM !! SIR !! YOU'LL GO OUT OF BUSINESS !! Lucifer is watching this all with a raised eyebrow. (He definitely makes his family pay. Luke is the only other one to get free stuff.)
anyway when I'm reaching for my drink he grabs my wrist impulsively because he notices I'm wearing new bracelets ??
"The hell are these?"
"I made them for my concert! Y'know, the one I keep talking about? Where I didn't come for a while because I had no money? It's in a couple days !!"
of course he knows about the concert. he knows about it, but Solomon and him kept forgetting the exact date. He also forgot to ask beg Lucifer to ask Dia for tickets.
"Why're ya making bracelets?" At the same time Lucifer asks "Concert? What concert?" because he did NOT know I was attending. He was actually planning to stop by after finishing checking on Mammon to present me with tickets.
"Fall Out Boy! My favorite band ever? The one I'm always playing in the shop? They're coming here! And I bought tickets so long ago and I'm so excited because it's my first concert and they're my favorite band ever and *wheezes for air* AND I GOT FLOOR SEATS TOO AND THEY'RE LIKE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE AND I CAN'T WAIT AND TO TRADE BRACELETS- ohmygod I'm even more late now okay bye guys!"
And Lucifer is kinda sitting there shocked. He doesn't know why he didn't expect me to buy tickets. Now he must recalculate.
"Hey Lucifer..." With the tone he used to use when he wanted to borrow money before starting the cafe. "I'm not bailing you out of bankruptcy for giving away food to your crushes." "C-CRUSHES? W-WHA? WHO SAID THAT, I AIN'T SAY NOTHIN LIKE THAT-" "Mammon." "Damn it, Lucifer, that ain't what I was gonna ask! I was gonna ask... Diavolo's sponsoring this thing, ain't he?" "And what of it if he is?" "...Ya think he has two extra tickets? I'll pay for 'em no problem. I just don't want her going alone, ya know?"
And Lucifer stares at him for a long time. So long Mammon is getting nervous, wringing a rag in his hands. And it clicks for Lucifer how he'll save this.
"Find out what seat she's purchased and let me know. I'll ask Diavolo and see what I can do. No promises, Mammon."
And Mammon practically beams while letting out a big breath. He nods enthusiastically and texts Solomon 'I need to find out what seat that ticket she bought is' to not forget, because he knows he'll be texting Solomon later anyway and will see the last message he sent, so he's sure to not forget. Foolproof plan.
"You need just two tickets, or three seats together?"
"...Three seats together. I said two tickets because she already has one, don't she? One for me, one for Solomon."
"Interesting. I'll let you know."
"Eh?! What is that supposed to mean?!"
okay uhh next part is gonna have beel and belphie i think at the cafe visiting mammon!! im happy to be writing this again. I did make bracelets when I attended this concert but I only made twenty the night before 😭 I had procrastinated so long and debated because I was too afraid of going up to people to hand them out. But I did get to trade !! I still have all the one's I got.
Um umm I had other things to say I'm forgetting. I looked up from my phone and panicked because I thought I missed my stop o(-( nah it was just construction making everything unrecognizable
have i named my mc before? i can't remember. i just keep avoiding using her name akwkwjd oops
- ✨
LOL but seriously, I have not heard her name and now I wish to know it! I know YOUR name of course, since I have stalked your blog a bit since you came off anon~ ah sorry if that's creepy~
But anyway!!
Lucifer to the rescue!!! What a guy, he's so nice in this story but still totally himself I love it~
Mammon giving away food to his crushes ;asldkfjdf and OF COURSE the only other one who gets free food is Luke that's so cuuuuuute!
I also LOVE the detail of Mammon texting Solomon something so that he'll remember it. It tells us so much about Mammon (ADHD lol), but it also speaks volumes about his relationship with Solomon at this point, too. Because if you know you're going to be texting someone that often, then they must be pretty important to you. And also you must feel comfortable with them if you're texting them little reminders for yourself. I just think this is a really cute detail~
Anyway, as always, I'm here for this sweet story!!
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thissmycomingofage · 27 days
I understand where you're coming from about Chappell, I really do, but cmon dude. She's been working so hard for 10 years and now she finally gets an opportunity to perform at the VMAs? Can you imagine turning something like that down? It's not her fault at all, it's her management, but it's a human error at the end of the day. She's human, she's bound to make mistakes. I understand how disappointed and upset you must feel not being able to see her but she can always come back to Paris another time, there's only one VMAs. No hard feelings, peace and love ❤🧡🤍💘💜 (Also be kind to Chappell please)
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Oh buddy I'm sorry but I'm not going to be nice to this one. And trust me I mean it when I say I'm sorry because you don't seem like you want to start anything, but I'm not okay. I'm not at all and I need to vent, and it's not gonna be structured.
I have been her fan for years, okay ? I was here before good luck babe, before TRAFOAMP. So don't come at me saying I don't know she was skyrocketed to fame. I do not put her on a pedestal, if anything I'd say it's people like you saying she is so right to do what she does and is taking the best decision for her career that glorify her every moves. She did something I think is shitty I criticize her.
Also fuck you man I didn't turn on her, the fuck?? I defended her like crazy when she put out her statement about her right to privacy, don't mix me with this bag. I criticize what is to be criticized, and yes, I'm especially passionate on this case because I'm involved, as every human being is more touched when he's literally touched!
"There will be other shows", yeah, now that she reached superstardom and there's no way to ever see her again for a reasonable price. Of course canceling shows in small venues is worth it for her, but devastating to me and people who were lucky to get those tickets. And what a stupid argument it is, and, sorry, that really makes me think you must be American, or at best British. Because those people are the only one who do not get how it's just not true to state "You can just go to another show" My city and my country don't get 5 shows a week! And I'm still way luckier than Asian or African concert enjoyers so I feel bad for complaining when I know some have it worse so how about you stop with your ""advices"""?
Once again she can cancel shows like she wants, but I do not have to agree with it. I very personally in my very humble opinion think it's shitty behavior to cancel shows your fans who always supported you were so excited to attend just to go to the...VMAs? Man who cares about the VMAs?? It's not the grammys! Who remembers what song or what artist got what prize at the vmas for real ???
"It's not her it's her management" STOP INFANTALIZING GROWN UP WOMEN. She CANCELLED shows. She cancelled events that were supposed to take place in less than a week and were planned for a year! She had WEEKS to plan this and waited last minute. She made her choice and in a very poor way. And I'm mad about it, yes. That is undisputably unfair to those who paid to see a show to have it cancelled for her to go promote her songs on American tv.
I fucking know she's not plotting against me, when the hell did I accuse her of that ? She did something that is for me a disgusting choice for an artist, but a good choice for a business woman. But I'm not one to praise business women, so she made an artistic decision that sucks.
I'm so tired of fandoms being so against the bare minimum of criticism now. I will always criticize my favorite artists' decisions. This is normal behavior. You all defending her every moves is not. I've never been mean to Chappell or any other artist I'm expressing a criticism toward. I'm expressing disappointment. And like anyone who feels wronged it hurts bloody hard when you see people (not concerned at all) saying you're whiny and mean. Chappell said it herself, she's not my friend, she's an artist whose music I like. And now she's an artist who made a move I'm highly dissapointed by. I treat her like I would any other people I don't know. You all are the weirdos saying she's a "poor lesbian" who needs to "teach us a lesson". Get her own message through your head and treat her like a human being. Human beings can be shitty and yesterday she was very shitty.
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
random thoughts and highlights about the gig at Tapiola Festivaali today 🖤
first fucking row 😭
so idk if it was that that made the show feel exceptionally good, and I find it difficult to rank the BC shows I've been to in any order of excellence, but I'd say this one would go pretty high on that list; their energy was unmatchable and, as always at BC gigs, I truly had the best fun I've ever had 🥺
(which is why I'm still a little dumbfounded and emptyheaded and will probably spend the entire tomorrow crying because I miss them so much and have no idea when I'm gonna see them again jdkdkfjkfkfkf can't they just drop some tour dates for next year soon or at least the "big show" they keep teasing us about so I can experience the serotonin boost of buying another BC concert ticket and have something to look forward to in my sad little life ahaha)
but yeah anyway I am so fucking horny for Aleksi y'all. Wanting him carnally was NOT on my bingo card for this year but here we are 🪦
like. He' just so confident and booby. You know? Cocky bastard. I'd let him *** inside.
@ss4nni caught his stick and we all got to hold and gawk at it. I may have even licked it a little (siis for real sillon kun mukamas nuolasin sitä ni mun kieli oikeesti koski sitä vahingossa lol sori Sanni 🙈)
(too Finnish didn’t understand: I pretended to lick it for the lols but accidentally licked it a little for real. Please pray for me to regain my sanity one of these days)
I definitely am may be a little delusional about a bunch of stuff but I feel like I made eye-contact with Olli one time and then another time when I was doing a little thigh exercise for Left Outside Alone (just pumping up and down instead of just squatting lol ain't just some random dudes gonna tell me what to do)
I waved at Aleksi one time when he came over because yes that's how desperate I was for an interaction with him and he mercifully acknowlwdged my efforts by looking at me and giving me the tiniest nod. So yeah I think I'll name our first-born son Tapio & y'all are invited to the christening 🥰
(unrelated to BC but Abreu performed before them and she winked at me because I'm hot stuff 😌)
got to witness many many many cute Olli/Allu moments (mostly touches) with my bare eyeballs, I feel so blessed and nourished I think I'll live on this for the rest of the year 💗 (she says, knowing very well she will indeed be sobbing her eyes off tomorrow and the whole next week most likely)
I think they all were genuinely impressed by the audience's energy (or at least the first row was fucking fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥) and I know they praise the audience at every show but I'm still gonna go ahead and take their every sweet word as a personal compliment <3
I loved seeing Niko so much? He's a tiny guy and loves crouching so it's not always easy to see him from farther away lol and he was wearing sunglasses the entire show (it was cloudy) but behind the glasses I like to believe he looked at me/us many many times Niko Niko Niko I love Niko 🥰
And Joel was so happy too 😭 happy Joel = happy me, automatically and every time, I need to know when I get to make him happy again by going to see their show, he deserves it and I deserve it 😭😭😭
So yeah, once again BC did what was said on the can: made me forget all about my pathetic little problems and I kinda need that in order to survive so if you need me I shall be refreshing their social media like a junkie asking random passers-by if they happen to have any speed on them, eyes red and visibly shaking because that's how bad I need my next fix
Many many thanks to everyone who hung out and came to say hi!! You all are some of the best people I know, I don't know how you tolerate me or if you even do lol but I'm always laughing so much when I'm with you and I'll miss you guys as much as I'll miss BC 💕💖💕💗💓💞💖
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dearlyanqels · 2 years
The Boyfriend Series — High School Sweethearts
five years after graduating, they met in the most random places, but they glad they met and caught up on past memories. maybe they still had a fling.
"can you two quiet down, and let me think" he said looking at the pack of ramen, they were filming their regular season of Bon Voyage: Seoul Edition. yoongi, as the main cook, was trying to calculate somethings for the week, yet the producers do provide them food, he still wanted to make sure they had plenty.
he was accompanied by taehyung and namjoon, the two who talk more aloud than he does which usually doesn't bother him, but now he is trying to ask himself questions. "hyung? do you think we have enough for this?" namjoom point at some snacks from the bakery "yeah, ask the other team if they would like some" he said, yoongi end up throwing both packs into his cart and travel down the aisles. a sudden name calling made him stop, he look over the person, and seen that same smile, beautiful locks of hair and those eyes. "yoongi?" you called, his breath shorten as you walk closer to him and the camera crew felt like they needed to intervene. "ma'am, we're filming something" one of the producers said.
"no no, flim those two, ah --- its been so long" he said taking you in for a hug, it was warm and gentle, yoongi was always that gentle. "five years, wow you look, wow" you said adding a short chuckle, taking a step back to admire yoongi "don't bring up those years okay? anyways what are you doing here, instead of the obvious?" he ask as you two stroll down the aisles togther. "oh my sister's kids is having a birthday party tomorrow and coincidentally her boyfriend's is today as well, so we're buying 'adult' things" she said grabbing a stack of beef and some other meats. "oh yeah I forgot you had a sister" he said.
they walk along the to some ice cream, you study the ice cream, while he admire your face and scrunch nose when in thought. "oh yoongi hyung, I got you this" taehyung sing handing him a kids bracelet. "oh who's this?" he ask smirking as if namjoon told him to keep quiet but taehyung was always the nosy one of the group. "I'm ---, you must be taehyung. I remember you when you guys debut" you said grabbing a tub of ice cream.
"how'd you two know eachother?" taehyung wiggle his eyebrows, the two smiled "we- we um dated in high school" yoongi said gripping his cart. "oh really, so your the phantom of love. he always told us you were the one who encouraged him to try out" you've smiled at taehyung's little mirth voice and smile. "namjoon also ask if you're ready? he's got a cart full of things" taehyung ask "oh yeah, um --- nice meeting you again." yoongi turn, but taehyung was not done, not one bit "actually --- why don't you give me your number. I know yoongi hyung is a shy man, you probably know that as well." yoongi hiss at taehyung's comment but it was true he was a shy man when it comes to things like this.
in high school he was not the one to make the first move, it was you, he was confident but alone he was a shy guy. you practically push him to audition, you kiss him, you ask him out. you never push him past the limits though. "actaully --- next week we're having a concert, come, I'll save you some tickets" yoongi needed to be the confident. taehyung smirk and wiggled his eyebrows once more "oh yes of course I'll come, I been fighting for them" you chuckled.
"you'll get the best house seats, front row, I'll text you the details, flower" taehyung suck in his lips as he saw the two of you look at eachother. "you still remember?" you ask biting your bottom lip "of course, I'll see you there" before the camera crew came, the two parted ways after exchanging numbers.
"who was that?" your sister ask, she rub her belly and smirk "shut up, no he is not my future baby daddy, you remember my old boyfriend from high school? that's him" you watch your sister gasped and stutter which you nodded to "holy shit, you better keep him this time" she said nudging your shoulder.
"you better keep them this time yoongi hyung" taehyung said nudging his shoulder.
I will, this time. I promise
you both thought.
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep01 “Mac the Black” Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode: Marty is a liar, liar, pants on fire, Doc and Clara seriously need to work on keeping the DeLorean locked up, and I am nearly broken by the funniest scene this goofy cartoon has ever done.
Took about a month off from doing these reviews, but I'm back and ready to tackle season 2. I still don't know if Tumblr fixed the issue with the photo and gifsets getting messed up (and won't until I post this), so if the images are getting stacked again, it isn't my fault.
Let's jump right in.
Doc's season 2 opening broadcast begins on a deserted island, on which Doc has become stranded while attempting to sail to Jamaica.
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He was trying to follow the same route a pirate did in the 1600s—using only his sail and the wind to guide him. It did not go well. Doc lets us know that he forgot to bring along a compass. What a goofball.
His predicament reminds him of something, and he says, "You know, at one time, my son Verne wanted to be a pirate. Well, actually, what he really wanted was an earring. Or was it a tattoo? This one's a bit complicated, so I'll let Marty explain it." This then brings us right into the cartoon, where Marty takes over telling the story.
Hope you get off that island, Doc!
As we head into the cartoon portion of the episode, Marty tells us that the whole thing started when he lied to Jennifer about a concert. *sigh* If anyone was hoping that Season 2 Marty would be better than Season 1 Marty, I regret to inform you that we're not off to a great start. You see, Marty was supposed to get tickets for himself and Jen for the "Walk DMC" concert (ha! clever), but he didn't. In fact, we learn that Jennifer had asked him two months prior to get the tickets, but he forgot. So far, this is typical Marty behavior. He tries to smooth-talk a guy who works at the concert venue and explain his sad story. Because apparently, it wasn't just that he said he'd get the tickets. He told Jennifer he was "a friend of a friend of the drummer" and they could get front-row seats. He also told her they could join the band's after-show party and have pizza with them.
You lie?? You tell MULTIPLE LIES to Jennifer?? Jail for Marty.
The worker responds by tying a nearby garden hose to the railing to craft a large slingshot to put Marty in and catapult him away. And you know what? Good for him.
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After flying through an alleyway and crashing into several garbage cans, Marty lands in front of Jen wearing a look of shame on his face and a banana peel on his head.
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So sad. Poor little garbage-covered banana-head boy. Maybe don't tell lies; ever think about that?
Jennifer asks why Marty couldn't just remember to buy the tickets in the first place. Instead of owning up to his forgetfulness, Marty doubles down and lies even more, trying to convince Jen that the whole band got sick and had to go home. She is not happy with him. The jock from last season who Jen was tutoring (Kelp) comes by then and asks her if she's doing anything tonight. "Yes, I'm saying goodbye to Marty McFibber," Jen replies as she hops into Kelp's car.
Wonderful. 10/10 reponse, Jennifer.
We leave Marty running after the car as the scene transitions to Doc's house, where he's working on a machine that will help them all with the tedious process of canning all the tomatoes from their garden. As expected, it malfunctions immediately. Doc gets sucked into the machine, and IT CANS HIM.
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I need you all to understand how long I laughed at this scene.
Please. I—
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That is a whole entire man in that little glass jar. Look at him!! He is just sitting on the counter inside a container! Doc can be easily stored in a cupboard now!! Even though the quality is terrible, you can see the distress on his face. This machine seriously just sucked him up and smooshed his 6'1" frame into a jar!!
The series should have ended right then and there, with this being the last scene because I don't think there's anything that can possibly come close to this in terms of cartoony humor. It can only be downhill from here. I had actual tears in my eyes while trying to grab these screenshots.
After freeing himself from the jar, Doc discovers that the problem was due to a washer being missing from the machine. He soon finds it when Verne wanders in showing off his cool new earring (made using the washer and a piece of bubble gum).
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Verne explains that he wants an earring so that the cool kids will stop teasing him for always wearing his coonskin cap. Clara and Doc forbid him from piercing his ears, and Verne stalks off angrily. He puts on the TV and starts watching a pirate movie, which gives him the idea that he'd be able to get an earring if he was a pirate. Uh oh.
Verne sneaks out of the house to steal the time machine, which he does a lot, by the way. You'd think that Doc and Clara would have that thing securely locked up given their youngest child's tendency to just take off into the night like that.
As he's speeding off down the road, Verne runs into (and almost runs over) Marty, who is sadly walking down the road. Marty cheers up at seeing his little buddy and asks Verne to give him a ride to his car. No, "Hey, Verne, what are you doing out all on your own?" or "Whoa! You're eight-years-old; you shouldn't be driving!!" He just. Gets in the car and lets Verne continue to operate the vehicle.
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Verne is happy to give Marty a lift to his own car, except he has to run an errand first. The display panel has been set for the Caribbean in 1697, and Marty is pumped to go hang out at the beach. He makes zero attempts to talk Verne out of this.
After arriving and donning some time-period appropriate clothing, the boys head straight into town, where Marty immediately gets himself into trouble. He overhears a pretty girl named Maria talking about how she can't return home to Spain until she meets the man of her dreams she's been waiting for: Mac the Black. Marty decides it's a very good idea to pretend he's Mac the Black (on account of he and Jennifer had a fight, remember? So, I guess he's just decided to throw the whole relationship away and pursue a relationship with the first girl he meets in 1697.)
Well, it turns out that Mac the Black is a wanted man, so a bunch of guys with swords chase Marty all around for a while. He then meets a group of pirates who are honored to meet him and have traveled far to find him. They've got a whole crew and a ship, and they put him in command of it and carry him off.
Meanwhile, Verne comes across a flyer advertising a cabin boy job on pirate ship. "Low wages, bad food, free earring," the paper says, and Verne is thrilled. He ends up on the same ship Marty is on, though Marty is less than enthused about the situation. He wants to just get back home and suggests he and Verne sneak out using a smaller boat.
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Verne refuses to leave without his earring, though. Marty is soon informed that they're heading to "Smiling Skull Island" to meet up with some of his "old crew." After arriving, Marty's act swiftly falls apart when he's met by the REAL Mac the Black. After a series of truly ridiculous events, Marty and Verne are captured and forced to walk the plank. They're saved from their fate at the last minute when the Spanish army attacks.
We learn that Maria, who Marty had met earlier, is actually "Special Agent Señorita Maria Estrada of the Spanish Armada." She's been trying to capture Mac the Black—along with the stolen Spanish fleet's ship—and thanks Marty for his help.
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With all the peril finally behind them, Marty and Verne hop back into the DeLorean and head home. Marty has learned a very valuable lesson about telling lies, and we get a scene of him and Jennifer on her porch, where Jen is finishing reading an apology letter Marty has written to her.
"Oh, Marty, that's the sweetest letter you've ever written. The longest, but the sweetest," Jen says as we get a look at her entire porch filled with paper. Marty had a lot to apologize for.
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Also, I still don't understand why Jen's character design looks like that. That is NOT Jennifer.
We return to Real Doc, who is still stranded on the desert island. He spots a ship in the distance, but it turns out to be a pirate ship that's about to shoot a cannonball at him. This brings us to our experiment portion of the episode, where we learn how to make a "cannon" using a soda bottle, vinegar, baking soda, and a cork. Watching it in action made me have fond memories from my youth of dropping Mentos into bottles of diet soda and watching it explode in the backyard. Good times.
After the experiment, we go back to Doc for a moment. He announces that he's off to the store to buy the supplies to make a soda bottle cannon to fire back at the ship (this man has problems). The pirates fire at Doc but miss, and he sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries at them in a taunting manner. The episode ends there. Doc's just. He's stuck on that island, I guess.
This was a weird one. Not really that enjoyable on account of Marty being (as usual) terribly out of character. Unfortunately, this is just Who He Is in the world of the cartoon. Very sad. I also am disappointed that we only got a few seconds of Clara and Jules. But the scene of Doc in that glass jar was phenomenal. Five out of five stars.
Join me next time to see Doc run into an old enemy from college who tries to eliminate him, Jules, Verne, and Marty by luring them into an active volcano.
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tiikerikani · 10 months
I hate to be That Guy (who starts the queue)
(but somebody has to do it)
I'm trying to keep this brief because I need to sleep so I can do this again tomorrow.
2023.12.09 – Tavastia-klubi, Helsinki
It's cold. I decided to start hovering by the door at 5:15, though I'd already been standing around outside since 5. (Doors were at 6:30.) I can't feel my toes. Why am I like this???
Janne pops out and is going to the mall across the street (he returns later with a bag of food from the supermarket). He thanks me for the miniature and says it's "fabulous".
Senpai comes out carrying a backpack and says hi to me, then goes down the street the other way. I assume their hotel is over in that direction, as I saw three more band members exit carrying bags and going that way.
The space feels so small now, now that I've been to several newer and bigger clubs. I'm dead centre and I don't remember the barricade being so close to the stage in here. I can literally reach over and swipe a set list if I wanted to. When it's this close, being in the centre is no good for taking pictures of Senpai but that's okay today because I'm mostly trying to get more pictures to match my miniatures.
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Leo's got an invisible microphone, lol :P
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Senpai asks who's coming back tomorrow. A bunch of hands shoot up into the air. "IF ONLY WE COULD HAVE ACTUALLY GOTTEN TICKETS!" "YOU SHOULD DO A THIRD SHOW!!"
Yes my too-much-gesturing is 100% Senpai's fault
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Too many of them wearing sneakers today
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The Regular Groupies were talking to ... somebody who waves at me. "Hello!" she calls. It's her again!! "HOW DID YOU GET IN TO TAMPERE!??" I don't recall actually seeing her there last week but she'd have known because miniatures appeared there (and she's definitely Teemu's significant other, as the two of them left holding hands).
Janne says that "the set list is the same [tomorrow] but the atmosphere will be different". It won't be the first time I see them on a Sunday and yeah Sunday crowds are generally a bit more subdued.
I also asked him to suggest a song for me to learn next (with the caveat that I might not take it up). He named one of the old old songs; it's in the music book so I wouldn't have to work out the chords/melody. ("Have you learned all the songs from the book???" What, no :D ) He says it's fairly easy but still has interesting subtleties, and that he wrote it with Teemu so it's also, like, written on a piano and thus more playable on a piano.
"But if you want to do a new song..." he continues, "there's the one that we haven't performed yet? Don't remember the name, it goes like..." He's thinking of Jamesin takki and I think it's funny that I'm filling in the song title for him. "It'd be really challenging, I'd say it's the hardest song on the album. It has the modulation and it's in a difficult key...E-flat minor or something?" ("I'd transpose it, I'm lazy :D")
But oh no I know. It's the one that made me seriously reconsider my silly idea to learn the entire album on the piano, which I came up with before I listened to the whole thing.
Yeah I dunno about that song.
(Edit: I just checked my notes, it starts in F-sharp minor, which is much more reasonable. He was probably thinking of Ilman mua, which IS in E-flat minor and which, yes, I did transpose but could just as easily learn in the original key.)
I also think it's funny that they have to take all the equipment and the barricade and everything down just to put it all back up tomorrow. The equipment I understand, to keep it under lock and key, but I think the barricades come down so they can get the stuff out the door? Dunno.
I'm feeling lazy, here's the set list. (It is also on my arm as usual but I've had to come up with new symbols and I wasn't sure I'd remember what they meant by the time I got home.)
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[Concert write-up archive and master calendar]
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"Miku! Happy Birthday! How was it? Did you do anything great? Sorry, I got a little bit busy with work but... I did manage to get you something, from one idol to another, not to mention I'm guessing you're getting alot of cake. But still, let's see..."
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"First of all, four travel vouchers. You can invite friends and use it for a discount to wherever you like. I recommend say, maybe someplace like a tropical resort, or someplace in the West? Now the other thing I want to give you, is..."
And he's putting a bag in front of her. Something which he believes would fit her color scheme, really.
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"Ta dah! A Travel Bag! It's a nice bag for sure, but... the thing about this bag is that there's actually a secret compartment at the back, so you can store your clothes inside."
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"Say you think you're being followed, but you don't want to start any trouble in public. You get in the bathroom, quickly change out into different clothing, preferably with a cap, then walk out. Still, I hope you like it, and... well, happy birthday!"
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"Ah, Eri~ Thank you!! It was a birthday I could not forget-- really! I couldn't have asked for a better day after what this year had to offer. I'm probably going to share the cakes with a lot of people if there is a lot of cake. Can't become fatsune Chonku just yet or at all! Or was its Hatsune Thiccku? Ah, who cares~ Sharing cake with everyone is something I loved to do anyway. I know I have cake I'm going to share~"
Having an idol congratulating her birthday always was something that brightens her mood-- not that she wasn't in a good mood to begin with, even going so far as to joke around.
"Hearing a fellow idol remembering my birthday means a lot to me-- really! I hope you're doing well with your work and I hope you're taking your breaks when you feel like you need to. Better not push yourself and take good care of yourself, amirite?"
As for the gifts, what is there to say?
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"While I will pay one ticket for myself, that will allow me to bring my boyfriend and his sister along with the twins too! They had helped me bring a lot of my presents back to my own bedroom studio."
In a way that was a gift back to them for helping her out. She knew it would cost a lot and that it was heavy.
"Oh that bag seems very classy and a lot of stuff can get in! My Laptop, small peripherals and my headphones to help make music with-- and the hidden compartment, wow, you really did think of everything for a fellow idol!"
Miku couldn't help but give Eri a big ol' hug, prolly a tighter hug than she was used to giving, but a hug nontheless.
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"Oh-- right, you asked me if it was my last concert. Actually, that's kinda a lie? I've decided that I'm going independent actually! Of course I'll perform with my fellow colleagues, but this will allow me to get more freedom to do what I want, like music production! I always wanted to make my own music, even if it's part of my idol career, so the bag gift was definitely a surprisingly useful one so thank you very much Eri!"
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bunny-heels · 2 years
trying to find an old internet short film about a girl with a petty roommate and a crush on a boy in a band
so i made this post on reddit 3 months ago and even though apparently 400+ people saw it no one commented on it and i didnt even get a message about it so im trying on here. this is copy pasted from the reddit post:
"It was an animated short film about a girl who worked at an office job, with a petty girl roommate who had a big ego, and she had a crush on a boy who I believe was the lead singer of a small band.
The events I can remember them in is this.
The girl is at her office job when her crush comes in asking her if she could print out flyers for his band that are going to be preforming soon. She agrees and does so at her job, but she gets distracted(?) and flyers start copying at rapid speed and I think spreading all over town. The crush is grateful that she did it, so he gives her a free ticket to a concert they'll be doing at a bar.
She holds onto the ticket throughout a few scenes before there is a gust of wind and the ticket goes flying out of her hand, and there is a whole chase scene that happens, where in one part she gets stuck on a hand from a big city clock (not Big Ben, this is an American film).
This next part I just unlocked in my brain recently, although I don't know if this is a false memory. I think she was able to sneak into the bar where they were playing, but then either she got drunk and threw up on her crush, or there was a bar fight that lead to her having to go home. I'm leaning more towards her throwing up and going home out of embarrassment.
The film ends with her in bed sad (maybe also crying and/or hungover?) until she gets a message on her answering machine from her crush, where he's clearly drunk, still at the bar, talking to her about what's happening, and it ends with her smiling and sighing out of love.
There were two scenes I could remember with the roommate that I don't know where exactly they placed in the film, but I remember the order of when they appeared. The first scene being the main girl and her roommate arguing about laundry, and the next scene being the main girl trying to get into her apartment building as it's about to rain, but the roommate locks the building door behind her on purpose, and the main girl ends up melting into a puddle because it was acid rain.
This is all I can remember about the film. I don't remember who animated it or what it was called. All I can remember was that it must've been uploaded somewhere online between 2005 to 2009-2010. Here's an old drawing I did a couple years ago of what I remember the characters and art style to look like."
this is the drawing
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i like, literally have nowhere else to go about this other than here. if someone knows anything about internet short film history or something like that or if anyone else remembers this short film, please please PLEASE say something.
reblogs are really appreciated for this
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cassfcky · 2 years
My mom told me today I'm unlovable.
She cursed me, told me I'm never gonna have kids and I do they won't love me, that I'm gonna suffer for the rest of my life, that no one truly loves me, because I'm ungrateful for her having me alive and doing what she's supposed to do as a mother.
She said that she should've been a feminist, such as me, so she could've aborted me.
And I'm in no glass roof, I said somethings, such as "I'll love my kids" or "Why you stayed with my dad then if you had such a miserable life?" which she promptly answered with, love, that she loved him and I'd never know what it feels like.
She again told me to leave, this is my fifth time, she did when I was a teen, I don't exactly remember why, she did it a couple of time then, she told me again when I was 18 and again last month and again yesterday.
I don't know why, I never understood why things escalate this way, I don't remember why as a teen, but I remember that both 2018 and last month was over politics and I don't get why.
She told me I'm ungrateful and that she did everything for me such as, beating me as a kid, kicking me when I was 9, breaking my phone in front of the principle without listening to the full extent of the story, bc how could I ever be right, from that day forward not even the principle would call her if something went wrong cuz he know I wasn't safe.
When I was 9, she locked me in the bedroom after I left the shower and beat me, kicked me, bc I left a belt on the bed, I remember my grandmother hitting the door and screaming for her to stop.
When I was 14, I went to a concert for free, cuz she scammed a woman to get me tickets and in the day after I went to school and was sharing moments and feelings with my friends, I was too excited, committed a mistake while jumping and broke my phone(still worked though), when I got home she choked me to the point she cut my neck, to which I didn't feel, later that day, when I arrived in a prep course, my friends noticed the blood on my back and the cut on my neck.
She used to humiliate me, called me names, when I was 12 she called a whore, she called me a slut, bitch and all of the bad names you can think of, at any inconvenience, at any cost.
As a kid I didn't felt safe, I could never skip class.
When I turned 16, I got hit by a motorcycle, I knew I had class and I knew she was gonna be mad at me, so I just told everyone I was okay, told the driver it was my fault and that he should have a lovely day, went to school and another student that saw me, told the principle, who then called my parents, she got mad that I didn't let the driver take me to the hospital.
She told me ao many times that she wishes she didn't have a kid, that I didn't existed, that I'm a disgrace, that I disgust her, that my depression is just an excuse to be lazy, mind you in enrolei in to graduations at the same time, I managed to work throughout the whole year last year, been taking care of my sick cat and she just told me that my $600 was useless and I'm just a waste.
I'm writing this cuz I don't want to forget, many other things she did to me as a kid I forgot, my brain does that, I only don't forget if I keep dwelling into the past, which is painful, but I can't forget, when I do, I let my guard down near her, I trust her, I share my feelings with her and then she uses that to demoralize me, to humiliate me, to invalidate me.
The last time I shared was also the last time I told her I was in live with someone, someone I wanted to take things to the next level, all of my friends are gays and leabians, she's used to it, their parents were used to it, they knew about me and said someone and were happy to see me finding someone who cared about me, given that the last two relationships were bad, one was abusive with a delusional stalker and the other he just didn't care about me that much, so I felt free in a family new years party, my mom and those friends with their partners and their moms, well I felt free, I told her how I felt about said someone, she then supported me cuz my other bestfriend was there and she sees him as her own.
That was one of the most happy moments to me, cuz it was the first time in years that she just didn't told me I was confused or that it was just a phase, she told me she loved me for who I am and I was so happy, I went to the someone and we were cuddling in the pool, with all of my friends and their partners, also cuddling and their moms in the whereabouts, because they're a family, I felt home, I felt like "this is it, my mom loves me and respect me, I'm ready to be me".
Well of course she was lying, two days later when we went home, she told me o was disgusting, that I disrespected her, embarrassed her, disrespected the owner of the house(which is the mother of an openly lesbian and that also had her daughter in law living with them), that I disrespected my other aunt(the mother of my gay bestfriend whose been in a relationship with his boyfriend for 7 whole years) and his sister, that well, knew he was gay long long time ago and was hoping for me and said someone to get serious. She then proceeded to offend the girl, said so many horrible things that I can't describe, she humiliated me once more and I just gave up on everything.
I said that my only 2 previous relationships were bad, but I also forgot to mention how the first time she ever met them she told in their face how she didn't like them and how they were not enough, even the second one, whose only crime was being a coward, being afraid of breaking up so he wouldn't hurt my feelings, at least that my best guest.
But none of that is relevant to the story I guess.
Today she told me more things and once again she told me I'm not supposed to eat any of her food, told me that she'll break my door and all of my belongings when I'm not at home and honestly I don't know what to do.
I'm seriously numb, but I can feel the sorrow, I guess I'll never loose this feeling of wanting her approval, even though I know I don't need it, but I'm feeling shallow and hurt and empty and broken and disappointed and betrayed.
One of the things she told me is that I choose to be born as her daughter(religious beliefs) and maybe she is right, cuz despite of what she thinks, I still have my beliefs, but maybe she's right that I chose her, maybe I thought she would be a good mom, she would be loving and cherishing and caring and be my confort space, the one person I can go to, but she's not, she's quite the opposite, being runned over and not telling was the most ok thing that happened to me and I didn't tell her. cuz I know if I do tell her anything it'll vê my fault, there will be fingers pointing, words being shout at me and I can't take it anymore, I'm tired.
To be honest, the only thing keeping me alive is the responsibility I have over my cat and my love for her, she needs me, so I'll be here for her, but if I lose her, than I have nothing and with nothing I can finish things up and let her have the best life of all without me.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Snippets from a Aaron Carter interview before he passed:
The Oh Aaron album...that was the cheesiest album I ever did in my life. I couldn't stand that frickin album. It just wasn't me. I'm still performing 'I Want Candy' and 'Aaron's Party' and 'How I beat Shaq' and then I release another album called Another Earthquake, my fourth album [in 2002]. I was 14 at the time. It ended up being my least successful album, which was crazy to me because it was my favorite album I ever did as a child. Because I had 'Do You Remember,' 'When It Comes To You,' and 'To All The Girls' on there. I had some really great songs on there, and that's the direction I wanted to go. I wanted to be respected as an artist.
I don't want to be a nostalgia store. I did great when I was younger, I went through some family turmoil, everything shattered, but now I've learned how to produce, I went to school for it, mentored under DeadMau5, and Mark Batson and Scott Storch, I studied Bassnectar, so I'm really into - making music is my passion. So that's why the Love album, when I produced it, I was really proud of it. I have almost a billion streams on my last album.
So after Another Earthquake, we sued Lou Perlman [every group except one sued Perlman and ended up winning]. Right after my parents divorced I went back to living with my dad, and he brought me back to Lou Perlman to sign a shady deal with him when I was 17. 'Saturday Night' was the first song I ever produced, it went gold, but I'm a very instinctual person and before Perlman was incarcerated [for fraud] I told everyone I quit. We sued him for the masters so I now own the masters to my first album.
When I was younger Nick would make me drink [alcohol].
I didn't appreciate my whole family trying to - attempting to prosecute me in a malicious way...using the court system to harass me and you know, I found out in the transcripts that [my twin sister Angel and brother Nick filed restraining orders against me] with the restraining order from my sister and her husband - I found out that they were trying to get me Baker Acted and get a conservatorship over me. So they could sedate me for the rest of my life, allegedly. It was in the transcripts. Thats what they were going to do. I had to fight for my life. They didn't win.
I was dealing coke and ecstasy when I was fifteen, which is why I had a concealed weapon. Because my parents weren't giving me any money.
When my sister died [it was reported that she committed suicide], my brother Nick didn't come to the funeral..He was performing 2 hours away for a solo concert for 200 people. He thought that was more important. I was broke as a joke but I used my last bit of money to take a bus over there and tickets for my family to come to the funeral.
Nick told the press I had schizophrenia, which isn't true.
When I got on a live with Melissa Schumann [Nick Carter's alleged rape victim], that's when Nick filed a restraining order against me. The rape is past the statute of limitations, but hopefully Nick can arbitrate and pay everyone off, or whatever it is.
The fact of the matter is, when I speak, I don't get cease-and-desists or defamations of character or slander. You know why? Because I'm telling the truth. And there's circumstantial factual information that backs it up, so therefore if a lawsuit like that gets sent towards me, I will counter-sue and I will win.
Those interludes on Aaron's Party where it was supposed to be my brother and me...Nick never showed up. So the voice you hear is actually Wade Robson, he filled in for my brother.
I think Ginger [my dad's ex-wife] had something to do with both my sister Leslie and my dad's death. And I'm not gonna stop until I get to the bottom of it. After he died, she took all my dad's assets, everything that he left behind for me. He died on the same exact day that he got the divorce papers from Ginger. My father is also allergic to morphine, and Ginger's father was staying with my dad [while Ginger and my dad were divorcing] and I think he gave my father morphine..when my sister Leslie died and was found by the EMTs, she was found with whole Xanax pills lodged in her throat undissolved, and I was told later she got in a fight with Ginger, and that Ginger knocked her out in the shower and gave her a concussion.
I put my mom in rehab last year. When my dad died it hit her hard too. I just saw her plummeting, and drinking herself to death.
I got the Medusa tattooed on my face for a couple reasons. If you have bad intentions and you stare into the eyes of Medusa, as a man, you will instantly turn into stone. Because Medusa was a victim of rape.
When my girlfriend [Melanie] first told me she was pregnant, I didn't believe her, which is why I broke up with her for a few weeks, but then we got back together. She had a miscarriage. In March 2020 there was a domestic violence incident in which my girlfriend choked me, and she was arrested.
Michael Jackson did do some inappropriate things with me, I'll go into more detail in my book that I'm writing.
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