#still gonna be on a art hiatus kinda
dethkomic · 2 years
Thanks for making the music tutorial! Do you have pointers for making comics and especially when it comes to keeping with it? It's like every time I start, I never finish or I get two pages in and don't continue. Any advice for that? Sorry this isn't totally an art question.
On here and my main I've been getting a lot of asks about comic production and design and art and writing and... boy howdy, so much great stuff I wish I could sit down with each and every one of you guys and talk your ears off about. Never think you have to ask me about one thing or another on here. I love getting asks like these!
So, again, maybe this is owed a longer explanation when I find the time to do so, but I can absolutely give a few pointers right now:
#1 - Do your best to write your ending first. Everyone's going to tell you this, and it's crucial when it comes to a lot of storytelling outlets, be they prose or comics, or as I'm finding out -- even stuff like songs. Write with the knowledge that your ending is there, and you will write confidently. Write without an ending, and you risk not knowing how it all comes together and getting discouraged for feeling way over your head. And that last part is absolutely me, even though I'm getting better at open-ended things... it still happens. Often. Doing this also helps you to figure out what happens along the way, what you can leave out, and the all-important thing that is pacing. Oh! And don't think you have to have every single minute detail of your story figured out. A pretty good feeling for how things wrap up is better than none at all.
#2 - Throw interesting things into your comic at all times. And I don't just mean major plot points. Those are awesome and if you can manage it, do it. But if even if the simple act of including something you really enjoy drawing (I do this a lot with animals and vehicles) gets you to open up your drawing pad and start making a new page of comic art, then the day is won! And about that bit with the major plot points...
#3 - Don't save your good ideas for later. If you have a good idea for your story, use it as soon as possible. Don't hoard the good stuff if you can easily throw it in, sooner. You'll keep your interest (and probably your audience's!) by revealing interesting bits of your story, your characters, your interactions and more, by telling them the moment inspiration hits. And you'll think of other cool things to fill in when "later" comes. I promise.
#4 - Don't sweat the art, sweat the story. If I drew dethkomic with the same kind of mania I draw a lot of my other stuff, we'd be here all year waiting for a new update. Especially when it's a hobby/fancomic/just for fun kinda thing. Whole-assing your art is great, but panels fly by the reader's line of sight so quickly, they'll barely notice a fair amount of half-assing if your story's good. And a half-assed story with all its imperfections is better than a story never told. Certainly go ahead and save your best arting for the important panels, but if you only managed to draw three fingers on a character in the background of an establishing shot, nobody's gonna care.
#5 - Just do it. This is the hardest one on the list. Sometimes, you just gotta say "My people want to see this!" enough times in your head that it gets you into your work. Don't worry if anyone is or isn't reading/will give you likes. Don't worry if you think you've taken too long a hiatus for whatever reason. Don't worry if you think it's pointless. Finishing a comic is a great effort and not for the faint of heart. Don't downplay the difficulty of doing any labor of love, really. Shit's hard. But it's fun. And give yourself a break because you're allowed to fail at updates and change your drawing style and re-do chapter 2 fifteen different times. It's okay. You're making comics! And that's awesome!
And I'll be your number one fan if you do end up making one. Please let me know. You know why?
Because dethkomic loves you! Thanks for the ask!
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flower-of-assiah · 2 years
How are you handeling the hiatus?
I'm so curious about what will happen in the future.
I, for myself have so many questions, maybe they'll inspire you, too:
What is with the war going on? Will it be the last? The final? (Pls dint be i need more of aonoex)
Shiemi, my baby, are you okay? Will the other's come for her? Will she come to the war?
Will there anything happen in Koneko's story? I mean Bon hat his, Shima's soy story is on-going, but will anything happen to Koneko?
Yukio's and Rin's full ancestory? I didn't quite get it. Aren't they also son's of Azazel? (Because technically Satan used a clone of his).
Will there be a point in the story where Izumo's sister remembers everything?
Who shot Mephisto?
What even is Jeremiah's deal and the whole "kidnapping" Shiemi thing?
hey! :D I'm handling the hiatus okay, sometimes it's harder than others, has been weird not having new aoex chapters to read each month that's for sure tbh been spending a lot of the hiatus drawing and just chilling in my RinShi server to keep company, feel we've done good still enjoying the series as much as possible even with lack of new story progression plus Kato's new art she posts often on twitter has definitely helped as well! ooooh! all good questions! I'll share some of my thoughts regarding them if that's alright!
1) What is with the war going on? Will it be the last? The final? (Pls don't be I need more of aonoex)
tbh the war feels kinda like that battle in the middle of a story that'll be a fake-out! it has that "vibe" of what you might get during the last battle, but usually this type you got all the good guys thinking they'll win, just for things to go wrong and need to make a technical retreat
at the moment they think things are switching in their favor, but anything could happen (plus have a lot of unanswered questions I feel more arcs are needed to happen before the end!)
2) Shiemi, my baby, are you okay? Will the other's come for her? Will she come to the war?
gosh I'm always wondering the same! because Kato has it sent up so many ways! part of why I'm worried for her is that little flashback to Jeremiah when she was a child looked hella traumatizing (and setting up the fact Shiemi was likely mentally abused by him growing up, which subconsciously also explains a lot of her self doubt she's always had and feeling like she wasn't good enough) I think Jeremiah is gonna be her big bad villain in her story, and she's likely to go through a lot emotionally/mentally because of it, we are likely in for a feels train for her ;o; this actually goes with my thoughts on the other thing you said!: I think Shiemi is gonna join them in the fight/war but I also think when things start falling apart (my theory) she'll be big in helping in retreating, she's done huge barriers before (which the forest she made DID actually hold Demon!Rin at bay!) so in a similar scenario with Satan I see that helping for injured people to get out of there, I don't think that would be all she'd do ofc and Kato can always prove me wrong, but that's the fun of theories! I do think they will go to help her! not sure when/what would finally happen so they can, but I especially feel Rin and Izumo will be big in Shiemi's arc, as they both I feel are the closest with her (Yukio is too, but I think he's also recovering from a lot/still has his guilt he might struggle with from their last interaction so he's kinda complicated for me to think on as much) Rin I've noticed has a tendency to worry about overstepping where he thinks he shouldn't, so while he was upset when Shiemi quit cram school and could tell this wasn't like her/not what she wanted, and she wasn't telling them what's going on, he wanted to respect Shiemi's space even though he's been worried too, it took til the Christmas party for him to express truly how he felt and he was worried/upset at her seeming to give up her dreams out of the blue we did get to see him after she said she was okay and all that him start trying a new approach with bringing up how he kept a secret and how it affected everyone, and if she wanted to she can trust him which is good! but I have a feeling come more of her arc he’ll have to take stronger initiative in the situation and follow his gut and be a bit less apprehensive about overstepping and speak his heart if it can help
and Izumo well you can see how much everything has been affecting her ;o; ever since Shiemi was taken by the Uzai she’s been worried, heck even before that like Rin when Shiemi quit cram school! I think both in particular will be pivotal to whatever happens in her arc, especially potentially regarding destiny/responsibly and also choosing your own dreams and those you care about and not having to give up one for the other.
3) Will there anything happen in Koneko's story? I mean Bon hat his, Shima's soy story is on-going, but will anything happen to Koneko?
gosh I hope so, I keep hoping he has more of an arc but I’m not sure what Kato’s planning, but hey we’ve seen her delve into more background on each character in ways we’d never expect so anything is possible!
4) Yukio's and Rin's full ancestry? I didn't quite get it. Aren't they also son's of Azazel? (Because technically Satan used a clone of his).
Rin and Yukio’s ancestry is such a complex thing it seems lol but I think yeah they are kinda related! physically you can see the resemblance between Goro (the clone Satan possessed) but also genetically obviously Satan’s and Yuri’s sons too! so I think that makes them definitely related to Azazel too! also being as Goro and Shiro were clones/brothers Shiro is legit related by blood to them their uncle (though regardless of the crazy family tree Shiro will always be their true father)
4) Will there be a point in the story where Izumo's sister remembers everything?
I hope so, I have no idea if Kato will explore that more again since Izumo’s arc ended, but I would love to see anything regarding her and her sister getting the chance to reconnect
5) Who shot Mephisto?
I always forget about that lol my guess? probably someone from the illuminati since they were trying so hard to push Yukio to join their side
6) What even is Jeremiah's deal and the whole "kidnapping" Shiemi thing?
that part we are yet to find out, whatever his goal is it dos not give me a good vibe, especially with Shiemi whenever she sees him mentioning he makes her uneasy to be around and scares her, and that flashback in chapter 131 leaves me believing her uneasiness isn’t wrong, and in fact will be given more reasons he’s scary 
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I look forward to what’s to come and finding out Shiemi’s whole story! 
thanks again for the message! sorry this got so long though lol
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salty-stories · 3 years
Mini Update!
Hey y’all!
I, yet, live and breathe! Sorry about the semi-but not really-hiatus, I’m still on break from working on IF and being active on the blog. Although, I’ve been good about popping in and refreshing the queue and reblogging what new if stuff happens across my dash(there’s so many good new wips out there and I’m starting to lose track of them all, gotta make spreadsheet lol)
August has been a bit of a break month for me. I’ve been traveling, working on academic projects, and settling into life in a new place. So writing has been….pretty much nonexistent but that’s okay! I’ve decided I’m not gonna punish myself for not producing every free moment and take things slow for now.
That said! I have used this break to sit back and work on Stygian’s plot. I finally have the central conflict all planned out and I’m so excited to introduce the game’s kinda-villain. Although, I announced Stygian back in February, progress on the demo is a bit stalled. I’ve roughly coded her ui and written the prologue and a portion of the first chapter, but I want to release a good chunk of narrative with the initial demo. So, all of that will have to wait until the LaF update, etc.
Also! Some last bit of Stygian news: I just got the line-art for the ro portraits I commissioned a while ago and the urge to yeet them into the void is so strong! I like can’t stop looking at them, ahhhhhh can not wait to share them when they’re finished👀👀
Also, Also! Been just consuming a bunch of IF lately(including VNs, which I missed playing) Here’s some I’ve really enjoyed:
Attollo by @attollogame​ - Finally caught up the new update and AMES!!! Your mind, I swear!!!! If you love horror, intricate worlds, and pitch-perfect characterization, then you gotta read Attollo!!
Body Count by @bodycountgame​ - No one should be surprised as I’m the president of Nell’s fan club and I reiterate, YOUR MIND NELL!!! Playing Chapter 2 after being disappointed by this year’s Love Island was everything!! 
Boyfriend Dungeon - Disk Horse aside(please be kind to yourself and read the content warnings, if not the one in the game but the ones online by other players before diving in<3), this was so much fun! I really enjoyed the wielding your partner and trusting in one another aspect, a la Pacific Rim. The combat isn’t super grindy like other roguelikes and the music and graphic are very cute! I really rec it, if you’re okay with the st*lk*ng plot device
Celestia by @jelpiparade​ - A REGENCY FANTASY VN!!! That’s really all that needs to be said but I’ll go on^^ I’m in love with everything the dev’s have made but this one’s art style and setting really blew me away. If the idea of people representing celestial bodies and regency conventions without the bigotry appeals to you, then I really rec this!
Crosshollow Foundations by @townofcrosshollow​ - The UI!! The Prose!! Loved it! Super excited to read more!! I also really rec that y’all check out; 13 Laurel Rd and Angel in the Aspens
The Eight Years Revolution by @eight-years-revolution​ - Also finally caught up on 8yr and (I’m sounding like a parrot but!) your mind, Oscar!!! Also the game looks so amazing, especially on mobile!! 
Tailor Tales by @celiannac​ - I recently stumbled on this game after playing it and not really feeling it a few years ago and found myself really enjoying it now! Its got a fashion design mini game component to the traditional visual novel narrative that can feel repetitive but I found it really fun(brought me back to those younger days playing dress up barbie games online) and there’s a few different routes and ros to choose from. As always be sure to read the content warnings before playing as some routes deal with heavy themes! I will say that I really appreciated how detailed and thorough each route’s content warnings are; you can even see additional warnings related to content which made me feel safe and trust the narrative!
A Tale of Crowns by @ataleofcrowns​  - You don’t need me to tell you how amazing Chapter 7 was but I’m gonna do it anyway^^ I can’t even begin to imagine the branching going on behind the scenes but I loved seeing where all our choices lead and the description of ceremony was beautiful!! I lost my old saves but it was honestly worth playing multiple times, absolutely loved it!!
September is around the corner and I’m gonna get back to work! Don’t know how writing if and doing school at the same time is gonna go but we’re gonna do our best! Hope everyone is staying happy and healthy!!!<3
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pekoeboo · 2 years
update: hiatus
hey y'all, so.... I decided that the journal is gonna be going on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time. the lack of engagement overall (and the shift of interests amongst the friends who have been contributing to the story) has made it difficult for me to get those creative juices flowing enough to really continue with this project, even though I still care about the story I want to tell with it. I've actually been taking a break from writing it for a few months now, but the most recent entry I just posted is the last one that I finished, so now I'm all caught up to where I left off.
hopefully at some point the inspiration will return to me so I can share more about these characters and what's going on. but as of now, I don't have the drive to continue with this project and have moved onto other things for the time being.
on top of that, I'm also planning on taking a break from sharing art in general - I gotta get back to drawing for myself. the last time I took a break from this blog, I felt so much happier with my art, so I'm kinda thinking I should do the same thing again.
I hope you all understand, and I hope you still enjoy what I've shared on this blog up until this point… even if it doesn't get updated again for some time.
so yeah! that's all I had to say, hope y'all have a good one. ✌
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Greetings! It’s me mun grace hi!
So uhhhh…. I’ve been kinda dead… about that
A!AU kinda just? Decided to take a back seat and my pecking cringe as 2018 Pokémon oc comic decided to take the wheel after being dead for three years
BUT it didn’t really happen out of nowhere? It was a lot of factors: Pla coming out, me and my friend making fakemon for fun, and the submas hype and generally Pokémon fandom coming back all factored into my comic coming back and- oh boy I can’t continue that comic were it left off yikes
So me and said friend from earlier sat down in discord and over the month we’ve been rewriting/rebooting my old Pokémon comic! Now being kinda jokingly called Swapped-boot! It’s been VERY fun to write and think of ideas for!
And I wanted to share we made a blog for it! The story isn’t completely done yet BUT we are CLOSE we are gonna start work on it possibly in summer? And we will actually have a possible schedule for posting it perhaps? It will be fun!
But yeah I wanted to advertise that blog as we really want questions for it! To have some practice before hand!
But now here comes the question: what’s gonna happen to a!au? Well.. I’m not sure BUT I can say this: a!Au is not over! God no I’d never do that, It’s still constantly in my brain and stuff I love it way too much to abandon it! But just kinda think of it as taking a seat on the bench for a bit while swapped gets some time to shine again! It’ll come back it’s just letting it’s friend have a shot for some art time from me is all
So that was basically the update tldr: a!au will be on a little hiatus bc I’m making a Pokémon au comic rn!
☝️the blog!
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puyopreservation · 2 years
Update: 1 April 2022
(Links in the pinned post)
Hi. Hello there.
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Mod Mamono here, happy April Fools.
No jokes from us this year. But I am gonna use it to break my self-imposed formality rule we have on this blog and just talk casually for a bit. Talking about this blog for a bit, some actually important, some side notes, to horribly off topic from this blog and even Puyo Puyo and maybe recommend some video games.
I’ll make sure to get some important stuff out of the way first:
I’ve commissioned someone to translate the first chapter of Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon.
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(Of which you can find the untranslated version here.)
My intent is to set up a crowd fund to get it fully translated, so I thought I might as well pay for a chapter myself as a preview. I was gonna pitch into the crowd funder myself anyway.
The translator is still working on it, I got no preview for you.
Puyo Puyo Preservation Place and you.
Puyo Puyo Preservation Place shouldn’t be the only fan Puyo Puyo Archive out there. I just wanted my opinion out there.
Totally! Puyo Puyo Volumes 2-6 are still being cropped.
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(Of which you can find Volume 1 here)
Mod Frank, who’s in charge of cropping (partially because my right arm is REALLY over worked to the point of pain), is taking his time. Which is fine. We’re only a two person operation here. And Mod Frank carries everything with his passion as honestly speaking, my passion for this franchise has deflated.
I still have a lot of fondness for it. And it’s honestly kinda cool seeing I have had influence over the Puyo Puyo fandom because I rip books and scan them and buy stupid expensive CD-roms of which I can later find the art on the Puyo Nexus wiki. But I am looking for something I can really like a ton like I did Puyo Puyo for a while. (Probably Donkey Kong or Crash Bandicoot.)
Not gonna scan and rip stuff for a while.
Like 6 months or so. My room is really heat absorbent. I’ve said this several times now. And it usually starts around March.
It has been heating up. But as if life itself is pulling an April Fools joke. It’s snowing outside now. Which is a rarity this past decade.
We’re still looking for stuff.
We are always looking for stuff. The list is here.
The important stuff is over, irrelevant stuff incoming.
Just gonna talk about stuff I wanna talk about. Keep reading you’re okay with that.
An Ordinary Puyo Puyo High School AU
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We work on a fanfiction for fun. IT’S ITS TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSEY! We uploaded the first 3 chapters on April 1st 2020.
What if everyone went to a high school were magic is a rarity. It’s a bit of slice-of-life. You can read it there. People seem to like it.
On a hiatus to get our continuity straight.
I “designed” that logo myself. It’s bland on purpose. Even if the fic is not (I hope.)
Kremling video
With Mario Strikers Battle League announced I got reminded of an annoying claim regarding the Donkey Kong and Mario series which could’ve easily been disproven back in 2014 with Smash Bros. for 3DS. I wanted to make video I can just point to and go on with my day.
I’ve been working on this video for about a month now. And I just happened to finish it on April 1st.
Robot Jones ReAnimated
I entered as a joke and I got accepted. Here’s my first clip: 
It’s in the Zelda CD-i style, you know the one. I finished it in 2 days.
My next clip is taking me way longer because way more characters, my hand hurts badly from the extensive mouse usage...
They’re still accepting applicants as of writing.
Controller Companion
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This is what I’ve been using while waiting for my arm to heal. So I can still mouse comfortably enough using a controller. Because while using a mouse hurts, controllers thankfully don’t.
I edited the final 1/4th of that Kremling video with a controller.
It’s keyboard function is functional but not very fast though. It’s still a useful tool for me at this moment.
Here’s the website: http://controllercompanion.com/
It’s on Steam and Itch.io.
Recommending Video Games
Mainly from the Nintendo Switch. (In alphabetical order.)
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
This is basically the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door sequel people have been wanting.
I’d say it’s a more smartly designed TTYD, the main three party members have great synergy. Though that also means less variety then TTYD offers with the Partners I wanna say.
The game can be as easy or hard as you wanna make it. Personally I like the basic hard mode. Makes winning feel amazing.
This might be one of my favorite games ever. Top 15 for sure.
It uh... Did take me a second playthrough to fully love this game though. So uh... keep that in mind.
Demon Turf
It’s a real damn good 3D Platformer in which you actually platform a ton. Not many 3D platformers can boast that.
Imagine Mario 64, but they actually had the time, money, and space to make 30 something levels instead of 15 which you have to do several objectives in.
It’s a really interesting artstyle too. It’s kinda like DOOM (1993) or more accurately DOOM 64 in that it’s 2D sprites in a 3D world. You’ll get used to it, the main characters look nice though I think the townspeople kinda look amateurish.
I’m still playing through this one, but I love it more each time I pick it up, this one’s a keeper.
Though piece of advice. When the game points you in the direction of the first world, just go there. Feel free to talk to the towns people in the main hub world, but don’t do any side content yet. My first impression was a little soured doing things above my skill level while I haven’t learned all the ropes yet or gained any upgrades.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
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(I can’t link anymore videos, I didn’t even know there was a limit. So have links to trailers instead.)
This is one of my, if not just outright, favorite games. And honestly, I don’t have much to say much about it. Besides that I’m miffed the Switch version changed the credits song. It would’ve been okay if it was just for Funky Mode, but it isn’t.
No shame in using Funky Mode, which is the easy mode, but if you liked the game enough, I suggest you try regular mode as well.
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This 3$ game gives you such bang for your buck.
You decent into the well trying to get to the bottom and gun boots to stave off the creatures that live down there.
It’s semi-roguelike. Power-ups, shops, gems and enemy formation are randomized each time.
Only recently finally beat all of it. I recommend it because it’s fun just to see how far you can get. The real Downwell was the seeing yourself get better along the way.
And if you don’t like it. You only spend 3$ on it.
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition & Guacamelee! 2 Complete
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(Trailer) (Trailer)
These two games are equal part Metroidvania (or Search-Action if you prefer >_>), beat’m up, 2D Platformer, and in love with Mexican Culture. And amazingly none of those are half-baked. 
Personally the 2D platforming impresses me most. The stunts you can pull off with the combat moves left me impressed on more then one occasion. And combine that with light/dark world swapping and yeesh.
I’m hard pressed to say which one I like more. Gameplay-wise I wanna say Guac 2 is better but I felt it was missing something. Just can’t put my finger on it.
These are some funny games, but beware of it’s reference humor and Mexican memes that are outdated now.
Oh! Seizure warning for Guacamelee Gold on Steam.
New Super Lucky's Tale
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This game has kinda become a comfort game for me. It’s a simple 3D platformer that doesn’t demand too much from you. Like if I’m in a 3D platformer mood but I’m not feeling up to it, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a good choice.
Don’t have much else to say about it.
Snake Pass
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Think like a Snake.
I think that what the tagline for this game was. You control a Snake and you gotta move like a Snake. It’s like a 3D platformer but instead of jumping you climb on poles like a snake would
This game justifies itself existing on that unuiqe idea alone.
And as icing on the cake the game’s music is scored by David Wise of Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and Tropical Freeze fame. If nothing else, search Sog-Gee's Realm on YouTube.
It’s a really, really good mood. Both the music and the game. Does take a while to get used to the controls though, so be prepared.
Streets of Rage 4
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This is the best beat’m up ever made and if they ever make anything better please point me into it’s direction.
I don’t have much to say besides maybe that, if this genre isn’t for you, this might not change your mind????
The TakeOver
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This game is discount Streets of Rage 4 to me. Meaning it’s still good, it’s just that I have Streets of Rage 4.
I love the classic Killer Instinct look of it~
And that’s all!
Hopefully your April Fools isn’t too annoying for you. Have a nice day.
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papers4me · 3 years
S3 E6 is when I knew the anime creators didn't understand Tohru or what Fruits Basket is really about. They just wanted it to be a "perfect girl saves cursed family" story. It ruined the anime for me and I will never watch it again. Tragically I think lots of manga fans don't care or notice how the changes damage Tohru's character. They just want to see the plot and cute scenes animated, but the details and subtlety of the main female character's arc are not considered as important. It's sad!
If we think of the following: why do ppl watch sth they know its story already? Among the reasons are:
To see it come to life! To feel the emotions they once felt reading but this time with the powerful tools of voice, colors, & music to maximize the experience. Books are good & everything & they provide depth & time that moving pictures can't, but visual imagery wins if it's coupled with epic screenplay/perfect adapted plot.
Ppl have different perspective, what one likes isnt necessary what others like. So, some fans might just want to see their novel come to life to see their own fave cute scenes & that's it. In their mind, the books are superior, so they accept beforehand, that they wont see the " story/plot" at its best, so they're excited for certain cute scenes that are related to certain feelings they experienced reading the books. Nothing is wrong with that.
Some are individual fans, so they're here for certain characters, if this character gets their "story" told properly, they're not bothered with how butchered the rest are. Again, nothing is wrong with that.
Some care for the story itself & while they accept that things are bound to change, reduced or cut, they're intelligent in picking up on what harms the overall plot & what doesn't. These fans get called " haters" if they criticize cuz they aren't " grateful". Granted some of them might be disrespectful in their criticism. but those who are respectful get drowned under the "ungrateful/ you dont understand it is tv/anime adaptation not faithful" accusation. Altho, furuba kinda dug its own grave with their " we are faithful to the original work" advertisement. Reading the manga now, nope. They aren't faithful at all in the third act/final arc, except for the ending. Tohru got axed. Akito, too.
I get your frustration with the final arc. You understood what was cut & felt disappointed, I'm discovering what was cut & feeling confused! XD. For all the reasons to cut content, furuba is one of those rare instances where they cut the real good & best part! They cut depth!. The thing is they are blatantly biased. Only certain characters get depth & others meet the ax. But I've never seen a show that cuts its own protagonist! But it's all comes to the anime's understanding of its protagonist: "perfect girl saves cursed family". Notice how the only tohru-cut content is when it is NOT abt "perfect girl saves cursed family". Once the story is abt tohru's own personal struggle & she's no longer saving anybody, it is CUT & the things they cant cut cuz they're part of the ending, the anime water it down: " tohru's se03, ep6" or alter it for cheap drama " tohru's se03, ep6". That is tohru's only focused ep in 3 seasons... she had focused ep in se01, ep5 but that ep only scratched tohru's surface.
-The argument that" C'mon, just be happy we got a reboot! we never thought such day would ever come" & " hey~ the manga isnt going anywhere" is true & wrong. The argument is true cuz:
Yes, be happy the reboot exists. Other anime wish for that.
Be happy 60% of the story (two thirds) is faithful. Other anime with great manga, get butchered anime endings or no endings.
Be happy, we have a finished manga with satisfying ending, other manga are unfinished for good, others are on hiatus, others have disappointing weird endings.
but still, The argument is wrong cuz:
you are allowed to express your own valid dissatisfaction & disappointment with respect. Actually, thats healthy!
Criticism is form of love. You only care cuz the cut/ruined part is 100 times better than uncut part & the comic fillery content in all 3 seasons! They cut the best part not the worst which is.. disappointing.
All forms of art are subject to personal taste & subjective perspective. Those who love everything abt it can gush & enjoy & those who don't can express that. If seeing one side bothers the other, simply block~ one button is all it takes~
Also, unfortunately, female protagonist are mostly way less complex & shallower than male protagonists.. so it is a shame seeing potential female depth cut in favor for the "perfect woman" imagery. That alone warrant valid criticism.
I love furuba se03. its the best part of the entire anime, but yeah~ i could see its " plot" issues from far away even before seeing a single manga panel. Reading the manga now makes me feel mixed feelings & i'm gonna express them, the good & the bad alike. It wont change how precious furuba is to me as a story, but it will be a good healthy outlet to express valid appointment.
As always love your addition<3
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stickmolus · 2 years
it's time, everybody. this is WAY overdue. the recap post is finished.
HERE'S WHAT TO EXPECT: the inbox is going to remain closed until i finish the asks i already had answers sketched out and planned for. updates are going to still be slow for a bit as i get back into the swing of things, but eventually the askbox will re-open. i'm sorry it's taken so long, but we're finally here!
the art style may look a bit different, including from what's in the recap. ive kinda been changing things up as i get a feel for what's easy for me to draw, and my main goal is to make sure stickmolus is easy to do while still looking good. it's still gonna be fully coloured and have wacky effect stuff, the lineart'll just look different.
uh.. here's hoping i can keep the momentum up for a bit before i need to go on hiatus again!
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karmautistic · 2 years
Also I think now is a good time to mention I’m going on an art hiatus... kinda. I’m still gonna make art, I’m just not going to be posting it... I havent been super confident in my art lately and I’ve. gotten into this continuous loop of feeling upset that people only seem to like my content when its TTS but not when its anything else...
so. sorry if u liked any of my art,,, IDK how long this is gonna last but it’s my turn on the creating for my ownself 
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ♡
Btw i dont care if youre proship
bro my phone yeeted the fuck outta my response, anyway uuuuhhhhh
i've been engaging in more media lately, can actually sorta kinda cook, i've been actually doing at least some stuff with some ocs which is great i never use my lil guys, i've been doing some introspection, and uh.... idk, breathing is nice?
i don't really have fav followers, let alone 10, plus i wouldn't be surprised if some of my "faves" are some ppl who left or where just, the most engaged with my content
i appreciate you tho owo uwu
anyway, i know this isn't really in your ask, but it feels sorta relevant, to me at least. i've kinda been thinking about, like, platforming, i guess? and how audiences see creators, and really just, how i go about making content. not super in depth, but like, worrying if my art style is too soft and squishy for me to get into darker/taboo topics, or if i'm some how pulling in the wrong crowd. i don't know any of you, i can take a guess, but at the end of the day, i'll never know why any of you people like my content, or what you're "here for". because i can only ever hope it's for me, and not just the stuff i make, which is probably a bad mindset to have as a creator on the internet, especially tumblr dot fuck off. not gonna bore ya with this shit, i'm still meditating on it, rollin it around in my head, yada yada, so yeah
uuuuhhhhhh there's gonna be some stuff posted in like, march, i think? end of feb sorta? i don't remember, it's scheduled bruno x mirabel art i did not too long ago, so again, to anyone who doesn't wanna see that stuff, blacklist the tag "tw ship"
imma also take the time here to say, yeah, no, i haven't really been doing the whole "break" thing i said i would, it's kinda hard not to sneak in here when i can just type in the password, so, imma key smash a new password, and try to not worry about this place for a bit
if i get like a call out post or somethin when i'm gone........................... idk, i'm not sure if i'd wanna hear about it, i've had quite a few, and though i know i can defend myself and whatnot, i'm getting really close to "why even bother" territory.
if ya want anything from me, fiction doesn't equal reality, but it can be a representation of reality, and sometimes reality is fucking gross and uncomfortable, and art can be a safe place/way to explore those ideas without.... idk, sleeping with my uncle? like, don't, don't sleep with you're uncle, like, i shouldn't have to hold your hand and say that, i expect you people to be intelligent enough to know the difference between non-existent characters and real people, but also like, if that kinda content/relationship triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, then yeah you have every right to unfollow, or even block me.
anyway, that's my final think thunks here, maybe they're a mess, i don't know, i don't care, i've been looming over this blog for too long already about this, and i should probably leave, so, mmmmmmmlater, maybe in like....................................................................... fuck it, i'm not putting a time frame on it, just know this is officially a hiatus until it's not
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spectrearia-archive · 2 years
havent finished or posted any art in over a month and honestly?? it's been kinda nice? ive been sketching every so often whenever the inspiration is there, but I think i just really need this big break from the pressure i put on myself to always be drawing.
been doing far more writing in the meantime, though. like, almost consistently. it's nothing that i'm ever gonna share of course (all private RP stuff tbh), but it's nice to just... not care about trying to impress strangers or whatever.
granted, i still have a lot of feelings and ideas for the AU stuff i was working on, but i just don't think i'll ever be able to keep up with it in a way that will make sense when it comes to the content i share. so like. as much as i would love to explain more about the ideas i have, part of me just kinda feels like it's ok not to?? it's hard for me to believe that many ppl care enough anyway... so why should i expend my nonexistent energy in that regard, you know?
anyway i'm not really sure what the point of this ramble is but i just felt like stating that this hiatus has helped a bit so far. not sure how long it'll last but i guess i'll just have to wait and see :0
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pekoeboo · 2 years
I think I'm gonna go on hiatus for a while. I mean I kind of already have been, to an extent? but I just haven't had the drive to work on anything, and I think I need a mental break in order to really remind myself that if I create, it should be for my own enjoyment and not out of obligation to "share" with anyone who follows my blog.
even tho I have a bunch of story ideas and character stuff that I still haven't been able to share with y'all, I can't let myself get stressed over the fact that I just Haven't Done That. kinda feel like I'm posting stuff to the void sometimes anyway? so it seems like it doesn't really matter much if I share story content or not, regardless. (most of the activity i see on this blog is of ppl still liking/reblogging my old d*nny ph*ntom stuff, so i guess that's really all that anyone wants anyway ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯)
so yeah. don't know when I'll post any more art, but as of now, I just kinda need to not worry about it. might still respond to asks if it pertains to story stuff tho, but that's not really? a common thing that happens so we'll see.
hopefully the artistic flow will come to me again at some point. but until then, take care y'all ;o;
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lovemybluebully · 3 years
Relaxation Interrupted
I recently just started drawing and writing again after a long hiatus so nice to be posting again! Hope to hear from some of you guys! :)
X-men Evolution-verse
*/M, F/M, Very slight M/F Tickling Pure family bonding FLUFF!! Summary: Logan is dragged to the beach and Kitty convinces him to allow her to bury him in the sand. Some cute fatherly Logan bonding with his girls. ^_^ Word Count: 5,035 (Way longer than I planned! lol)
Based on this picture I drew on my DeviantArt. ( https://www.deviantart.com/lovemybluebully/art/Relaxation-Interrupted-876785777 )
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"Absolutely not."
"Still no." "C'mon Mr. Logan! It'll be fun!"
"Ya may be surprised to hear that I have a lot o' doubts about that." Wolverine was sitting on a towel on the sand of the local beach and was currently being pestered by his reason for being there in the first place; Kitty Pryde.
Professor Xavier thought it would be beneficial for Logan to start accompanying the students on a one-on-one basis for some bonding activities to improve student and teacher relations. Kitty had chosen the beach as their destination despite Logan's minor detest for sand, but he agreed with her promising just how relaxing it would be for him. He really could stand some relaxation. Especially after his day with Ororo's nephew Evan, who had naturally picked the skate park for them to go to. Not even Logan's natural reflexes and balance could keep him from ending up on his ass several times that day. He had to hold himself back from smashing every skateboard there to pieces. At least there was really nothing he could think of that might go wrong at the beach. The worst for most people was getting a sunburn, but he had no reason to worry about that with his healing factor. Kitty had brought along her young pit bull puppy that Logan had thoughtfully renamed to Runt, and after hiking the trail down the cliff-side they got settled in. The beach she had chosen was more secluded than the other tourist beaches in the area and currently there was no one around them for half a mile. Their time there wasn't bad so far. The weather was in their favor and the sun was out, keeping the air at a comfortable 70F degrees. All Logan had been doing was just sitting there throwing a small piece of driftwood for the puppy to fetch as he kept a watchful eye on Kitty splashing around in the ocean water. Eventually though she had emerged, and after drying off with a towel her next big idea was for him to let her bury him in the sand. Of course Logan was quick to reject the idea. "But, like, you don't even have to do anything! You can just sit there and-!" "Fer the last time Half-pint, ya ain't coverin' me with a buncha sand!" He growled with slight annoyance at her persistence as Runt came running back to deposit the retrieved stick in his hand. Kitty frowned with a pout of her lips as she turned and hugged her knees to her chest, looking genuinely disappointed. Logan instantly felt regret. He cursed his inability to resist feeling bad for the teenage girl, not wanting her to be unhappy because of him. Being one of the younger students at the school inherently made him more protective of her; not to mention how she had helped him come to his senses back when he had that mind-control chip that was implanted in his head. He supposed he could humor her for just a little while. What's the worst that could happen? With a loud sigh he softened his voice before throwing the stick for Runt once more. "Alright fine. If it means that much to ya then go ahead."
"Really?! You mean it?!" Kitty instantly perked up with a big smile and threw her arms around him, "Thanks Mr. Logan! You won't regret it!"
Logan smirked at how easy it was for her to change her mood and gave her a gentle hug back with one arm. "We'll see about that. Hopefully it ain't that hard to get off me after. Now if ya don't mind," he pulled his shirt off over his head, leaving him in just his swim trunks as he laid back on the towel, "I'm just gonna shut my eyes fer a few minutes an' catch some sun while yer doin' that." "Go right ahead! Like I said, you don't have to do anything. Just relax." "Sounds good to me." With the warmth of the sun penetrating all his exposed skin Logan found it easy to doze off rather quickly. Runt returned with the stick, but after finding Logan not responsive to him trying to thrust the stick into his hand the pup decided to just lay down beside him and start gnawing on the piece of wood. Meanwhile, Kitty got to work with the sand and began with his lower body, figuring that she'd be less likely to disturb his nap. It was about fifteen minutes later when Logan began to wake up, taking him a second to remember where he was. He opened his eyes and slowly sat up to find a large mound of sand covering his legs as Kitty continued to add more and more. "How's it goin' kid?"
She smiled when she heard his voice and saw he was awake again. "Pretty good. I actually had to start off with a lot of wet sand to get it going since the dry stuff was just sliding down and wouldn't stay in place. It doesn't feel too heavy on you I hope?"
Logan tried to move his legs a bit to test it, but found he couldn't budge them at all aside from his feet which the teen had left unburied and sticking out of the mound.
"Nah, it's fine. But if yer goal was to keep me from escapin' then I'd say ya succeeded," he wiggled his feet around, not too crazy about being restrained in any way, but he felt no threat from Kitty, and that little nap had relaxed him more than he thought it would. "It's only temporary. I'll dig you out when you're ready." Logan nodded as he discovered Runt asleep on the towel beside him, rubbing the dog's small body and waking him almost immediately. The puppy yipped excitedly as he licked at Logan's hand and then jumped to his paws to run down to the water to chase after the seagulls.
Kitty just smiled, knowing Logan had become very attached to the dog no matter how much he tried to appear otherwise. He was looking after Runt fondly before noticing he'd been caught by the pony-tailed girl as he tried to play it off. "Dumb mutt," he snorted and shook his head, breaking their eye contact to keep up his stoic demeanor. She tilted her head as it was her turn to look at him fondly. Others might find him to be hostile or unsociable or even just plain intimidating, which he was a lot of the time, but despite that she felt differently towards him. She knew firsthand of his dangerous animalistic side that he had trouble controlling, yet she still felt incredibly comfortable around him. She'd get homesick at times and found Logan always putting in the effort to be there for her in any way big or small. When she would feel like no one cared about any problems she was having he was the only one who was never too busy to listen and give her honest advice, even if sometimes it wasn't what she wanted to hear. He would never lie to her just for her sake and she appreciated that more than he knew.
She had grown pretty close to him and had taken the time to learn more about the side of him that he didn't show to many people. It took some digging as he was still pretty reserved when it came to showing emotions other than anger, but there were some things she had picked up. He may not show it in the traditional way, but he really did care about all of them. He was the crabby uncle and they were all his family. Logan finally looked back and found her staring at him strangely as he raised a brow.
"Uhhh...ya ok there Half-pint?"
She quickly snapped out of it and shook her head. "Sorry, I was just thinking. About how good you are to me. You'd really make a great dad," she smiled warmly as she thought she noticed a slight tinge of blush on Logan's cheeks as he just muttered and shrugged his shoulders. "Ah it ain't nothin' special. Don't even mention it," he tried to change the subject, "So uh, how's school goin'?" "It's not bad. I'm passing all my classes, and I've been cramming for my finals that are next week. It's nice to get a break from all that studying so thanks for coming here with me." "Any time kiddo. Sounds like ya needed a lil' getaway." "Yeah, I've had a lot on my mind lately," she looked to the side and fidgeted with her hands for a moment, "Hey Mr. Logan? You think I could talk to you about something?"
"Course ya can. Somethin' I can help ya with darlin'?"
"It's just...well Mr. Logan what I wanna know is-"
Logan cut her off. "How many times I gotta tell ya, ya don't gotta keep callin' me 'Mr', y'know? Think we're way past all the formalities. Just Logan'll do," he gave her a small smile for reassurance as she nodded. "Ok Logan. Anyways I was, like, just wondering, it might be stupid but...," she paused, biting her lip momentarily before the words just came tumbling out, "How do you know when a boy likes you?" She looked a little embarrassed for blurting it out like she did, but she was relieved to see no look of judgement on Wolverine's calm face. There never was no matter what she might say to him. "Boys, huh. Ya ain't old enough fer boys yet," his mouth quirked up slightly as Kitty just giggled. "In your mind I'd never be old enough," she shook her head, "But I'm 15 Logan, and boys are starting to notice me and well, I'm noticing them too. So like, what do I do? Should I start dressing different? Talking different? How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?" "Well first things first any boyfriend ya get is gonna need to have a private meetin' with me so I can beat...I mean, have a talk with 'em," he teased her as she laughed and playfully swatted his shoulder. "Stop it, I'm serious! Really though!" "Alright fine. Well I can't speak fer them, but you'd be surprised how much confidence can overcome any kinda physical attraction. It may sound corny, but just stay true to yerself an' those boys won't be able to resist. Any boy that likes ya purely fer yer physical attributes ain't worth yer time anyhow." "Well I don't think I'll have that problem anyways. I mean, I'm not as pretty as someone like Jean-"
"What're ya talkin' about darlin'? Yer beautiful. An' don't let no one ever tell ya otherwise. If they do then they'll have to answer to me," he unsheathed his claws momentarily with a smirk as Kitty just blushed, not one to take compliments that well. "You really mean that?" Logan opened his mouth to answer, but instead came out a snort that just as quickly developed into a goofy looking grin as the burly man surprisingly started to chuckle.
"Heh..Hehehe...Ehehehehee!" Kitty blushed with a frown this time, feeling self-conscious that Logan was now laughing at her as she regret opening up to him about this.
"Well you don't have to laugh at me. If this is all a joke to you then you can just-"
"No I-eheeheehehee! It's not-aahahah! Get away!"
"Get away? You want me to leave?" She was seriously confused by what he was trying to say, though he was struggling to speak clearly through his giggles. "No! N-Not you! Hehehahaa! My feet! Get 'im off! Ahahahahaahaa!" Logan leaned over the sand pile and tried to swat at something on the other side as Kitty finally realized that something else was going on. The teen peeked over the sand and her mind was eased when she found the source of Logan's sudden outburst. Runt had returned from playing down by the water and was now excitedly licking away at the soles of Logan's bare feet while his tail wagged with vigor. It was always a pleasant surprise to see that even with his normally tough exterior Wolverine had his soft side too. Even more surprising was the fact that he was actually a very ticklish guy. Kitty herself had gotten into a few tussles with him when he was in the right mood, usually getting Rogue to help her team up against the gruff mutant until they had him in tears. Currently the playful pup was tickling him greatly as his feet flailed around and his toes curled and flexed, unsuccessfully trying to evade the little tongue. "C'mon! Get that muhuhutt! Baahaahaha! He's ticklin' me!" Logan was laughing harder now as he tried to free his legs by leaning back on his hands and pulling with all his might to no avail. "Aww, he's just playing with you. Lets give him another minute," Kitty smiled, making no move to stop the happy puppy. She loved seeing Logan laugh like this. It was rare for him to do it on his own, but tickling him was always a guarantee. It was just one of the few natural reactions she got to see from him, and it was nice to see him not be so wound up tight all the time. He'd never admit it, but he was always in a much better mood after laughing his guts out. "Whahahat?! No! I caahaan't taahaake-heeheeheehahahah! Stoppit!" Logan howled as he again leaned over the sand mound and tried to shoo the puppy away, but Runt saw his laughter and the flailing of his hands as a positive reaction. In his mind Logan was enjoying this and encouraging him to continue as he'd jump back momentarily to playfully bark before leaping forward to attack his toes with more licks. "OK! OK! Seriously! Aahahahahah! No mohohore! Maahaahake 'im stahahahaap!" Logan fell back onto his elbows as he clawed at the sand in his attempts to pull himself loose, though starting to lose some of his strength from laughing so much. Kitty made some unenthusiastic calls to the puppy to try to get his attention. "Runt? Runt! Come here boy! Oh shoot Logan, he's just not listening to me," she giggled, showing that she really wasn't trying that hard. "Grab 'im!! Just graahahaab 'im!! Eeheeheeheehehe!! Pleeheeheeaase!!"
Kitty pretended to think it over as she listened to his laughter and hysterical giggles for another minute before finally deciding he'd had enough. "Alright, come here you," she smiled and scooped the puppy up as he stretched his tongue to take a few last laps at Logan's toes. She snuggled him close as he licked her chin before placing him back onto the sand and patting his backside. "Go on now. Go play," she shooed him off as he barked and ran back down towards the ocean. She then turned to check on her mentor who was now sitting back up and still a little out of breath, though luckily with his natural abilities he was able to recover fairly quick.
"I didn't...sign up fer this." "You didn't have to! It's all included! Told you this place would be relaxing!" "Yeah....Bein' tickled outta my mind is reeeeaal relaxin'," he grunted sarcastically with a roll of his eyes as she continued to smile brightly at him. "But how do you feel now?"
Logan paused as he realized what she meant. He didn't want to prove her right, but he really did feel relaxed. However he decided he wouldn't oblige her and would just deny it like he normally would. "Feel like I need a long vacation from the lot o' ya," he mustered up a frown as Kitty just smiled knowingly. He didn't have to admit it. She could tell by his body posture and how his muscles weren't tensed up that this was about as relaxed as he could get. "Was that your plan all along? Buryin' me like this so ya could tickle me to death an' "relax" me?" He growled a little, but the way he did it indicated no hint of being angry with her as she just laughed. "Ok yeah, you got me," she rolled her eyes playfully, "Pffft! No, of course not! But I will say it is an added bonus." To add to her tease she promptly reached over and tickled his exposed stomach as he started to squirm and giggle again, but she was close enough that he was then able to give her a few well-placed squeezes on her side causing her to squeal and jump away from him.
He smirked, looking pleased with himself as she glared dangerously back at him. When it was just Kitty by herself trying to launch a tickle attack on him she could get in a few good shots, but he usually was able to turn the tables rather quickly with having his size and strength on his side. The silly girl was always wearing flip flops or some other flimsy shoes that were easily removed and his rough fingers could go to town on her soft soles, while she would screech and pound her small fists on his back. It was only when she was able to get reinforcements like Rogue and/or Boom Boom that he turned it down a little bit, not wanting to get too rough with them. The problem was that they knew that and with that weakness exposed it just enabled them to more easily get him subdued where they'd all pile on top of him and viciously tickle his ribs and his unbearably ticklish underarms until he cried "Uncle".
Logan always liked to gloat about the times he would best her though. "That'll teach ya to mess with me Pryde. Guess I win afterall." "Oh do you?" Her eyes darted mischievously to the side as she immediately rushed for his feet. Logan's own eyes widened, forgetting that he was still prisoner as he grabbed a hold of her arm briefly, but she easily phased out of his grip.
His next move was to rapidly start trying to unbury his legs from the sand trap, but the moment he felt her fingers digging into his soles he lost his momentum and fell back in a fit of hysterical laughter. "Naaaahahahahohohoo! K-Kihihihitty!! I was....j-just johohokin'!!" "Oh yeah? Well I'm not the one who's laughing!" She grinned, spidering her fingers all over his tender arches as his feet wiggled frantically to get away, "How's it feel Logan, hmm? Does this tickle?" She enjoyed taunting him from this side for it was usually him saying similar things to her while he'd tickle her feet. It wasn't often that she really got the chance to get him there because of how strong he was, not to mention his feet were his worst spot so he guarded them well. She was going to enjoy this as long as she could get away with. "Ye-Yehehehes!! Ohahahahaha!! Staahaap!!" He laid on his back and pounded his fist against the sand as Runt ran around them, barking excitedly and occasionally diving in to lick Logan's face, which in turn was making him laugh even more as he tried to shove the little dog away.
"Aww the big bad Wolverine has ticklish feet huh? Coochie coochie coo!" Her fingers wriggled their way right under his toes, knowing he'd hit the roof. "AHAHAhaha!! No!! C'mon!! Quihihit playin'!! Nohohot the tohohohoes!!" Logan reflexively thrashed like crazy with his arms wrapped around his stomach, laughing so hard he thought he was going to bust his gut open. "Declare me the winner and I may show mercy," she was enjoying her power trip as she continued tickling his toes while her other hand performed a devastating scribbling attack on his meaty soles. "Ahahahalright!! I sur-surrender!! Hahahhaaha!! Ya win!! Ya wiiiiin!!" Tears had began to creep out of his eyes, but Kitty had one last thing in mind. "Admit you like Runt! Tell him you love him!" She barely got the words out as he began yelling them at the top of his lungs. "I LOVE YA!! I LOVE YA RUNT!! BAAHAHAHAHAAH!!"
Kitty smiled big and finally stopped, knowing that once Logan started obeying demands that he really couldn't take anymore. Wolverine panted for breath and remained fairly motionless while Runt climbed all over him and covered his face with wet kisses.
He finally regained some sense as he grabbed a hold of the small dog and cradled him in his arm, slowly sitting back up. "Aww I knew you loved him!" Kitty laughed as Logan raised a brow at her, but then couldn't help smiling as Runt squirmed up from his hold and licked at his stubbled chin.
"Yeah fine, ya got me. Guess I do," he set the pup down and wiped the slobber off of his face with his hand, "Geez, well ya definitely ain't buryin' me all the way now like ya wanted. In fact I'm never lettin' anyone bury me again. I've been tortured a lot o' ways in my lifetime an' bein' tickled like that is by far the worst."
Thinking of the extremely painful tortures Logan had experienced with him even comparing it on the same level as tickling made Kitty giggle at how overdramatic he could be. "Heehee, not my fault you're so ticklish. But that's a good thing! Because it's always a great day when I get to see you smile." Before he knew it she had jumped on him to hug her arms around his neck; his heart softening a little from her words as he gently patted her back. There weren't many that could look past his prickly exterior and genuinely cared about his well-being. "Yeah yeah, don't rub it in," he couldn't help smiling at just how much affection she showed towards him, even if he did resist at times. It was his turn to make her smile now. "By the way what I was tryin' to tell ya darlin' before I got interrupted earlier, yeah I meant what I said."
"Meant what?" She pulled back to curiously look him in the eyes. "That yer beautiful. One o' the most beautiful girls I know inside an' out. I'd never lie to ya 'bout that."
The smile that came over her face was worth everything that had happened to him that day. "Thanks Logan. I won't forget that. Thank you for trusting me and always letting me see the sweet side of you," she squeezed him tighter for a few moments before finally letting him out of her embrace, "Well how about we get you out of this sand now, hm?" With his help she then got started working on unburying his legs from the sand. As they neared exposing his legs Kitty couldn't resist giving his foot a little tickle, laughing as Logan yelped and yanked his legs completely free. He glared playfully at the giggling girl. "So funny I forgot to laugh." "Well I can fix that. Give it here and I'll try again," she teased, reaching for his foot again as he hastily scrambled to stand up. "In yer dreams. Well I think I'm a little over this beach. Whaddya say we go do somethin' else?" Logan grunted as he bent down to pick up his tshirt and pulled it back on over his head, then dusting the sand off of his legs with the towel. "Sure," Kitty nodded as she got up and collected her things, including having to pick up Runt out of the hole he was digging in the sand, "I know Professor said it's the student's choice, but maybe we could, like, go do something that you want to do?"
Logan looked back at her surprised as they started walking across the sand, not expecting that he was going to get to choose for once.
"Somethin' I wanna do? Well I really could use a drink after all that torture ya put me through. I say we hit the bar. Yer 21 right?"
"I'm 15 you dork!" She grinned, knowing he knew damn well as she poked his ribs to make him chuckle. "Heh, yeah I know I know. Alright well how 'bout I take ya to the gun range? Ya ever shot a gun before? It's somethin' ya definitely should know how to do in case yer ever in that situation. I mean, I don't use 'em much myself, but I gotta practice my shot anyways fer once those boys start comin' to the school callin' on ya," he flinched with a wide smile and managed to brush her hand away as she tried to tickle him again. "Oooh you keep this up and later I'm going to get the girls together and we're just gonna destroy you," she was half-serious and that pushed Logan's cocky side back out. "Ya think I'm scared? Bring it on bub. I can take on an army o' ninjas single-handed, pretty sure a few teenage girls would be nothin'," he grinned proudly, flexing his muscles as she just laughed and shook her head. "You remember that. Remember you said that when we have you pinned down and you're begging for your life." "Ya got a wild imagination Pryde," Logan smirked with a roll of his eyes, trying not to show a hint of just how much that thought made him shiver. "Just picture it. And we're not just going to stick to the usual spots, oh no," she succeeded in pinching his side this time to make him squirm, "I mean it'd be a crime to not let the other girls experience the joy of seeing how you react to having your feet tickled. I'm sure Jean would be more than happy to help us out and hold you down for us. Oooh then we could all get your other bad spots too at the same time; your armpits, your belly, that one spot on your lower ribs. I'll bet it would almost kill you if we-" "Alright, cut that out! I get it. I won't kill yer boyfriends. Well....long as they don't give me a reason to," he cursed himself for breaking under the mental torture she was inflicting, but imagining all that was making his skin crawl.
"That's all I can ask of you," she laughed and patted his large bicep, "Can't promise we still won't go through with that idea, but we'll see how it goes." "Great," Logan groaned with a face-palm, but then let out a guffaw as Kitty reached into his armpit with wiggling fingers, "HAAH! Will ya stop ticklin' me?!" "Ok ok, I'll stop. Oh hey, before we go to that shooting place do you think we could get something to eat first? I'm starving!" She hugged her waist as Logan felt his own stomach growl and nodded. "Yeah, me too. You an' that mutt made me burn a lot o' calories by makin' me laugh so much. I'll let ya pick this one."
"Groovy! Because I know of this great vegan place that you'll just...," she peeked a glance up at the disgusted look that had spread over Logan's face as she just started to laugh, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! There's actually a really good steak house around here that's to die for! And they have a nice big outdoor patio so Runt can join us!"
She held the pup up in her arms who blissfully barked at hearing his name as Logan grinned and put his arm around her shoulders. "That's my girl. Now yer talkin' my language. Get on up now," he nudged her towards the steps leading up the cliffside to leave the beach. "Pretty sure they serve alcohol too so you can still get that drink you wanted!"
"Perfect. I might need to get some to-go also," he chuckled as he envisioned Kitty making good on her threats later that evening of getting her girlfriends after him. Having a good buzz would make that experience a lot easier to stand. But that would have to wait until later for he needed to be completely sober for their next activity. A firearm was serious business, and he would need his full mental capacity to thoroughly explain and show his student how to safely load, handle and shoot a hand gun.
His report back to the Professor later would be one of success in forging a stronger bond with young Kitty Pryde. He'd leave the part out where he was repeatedly tickled mercilessly, though seeing how tranquil Logan seemed would trigger Xavier's curiosity into how he got in that state. Wolverine was pretty resistant to keeping the Professor out of his head when he didn't want him in there so the telepath was forced to snoop around inside Kitty's mind later to unveil the truth. He of course knew that Logan was ticklish with it being hard for things to stay a secret in the school, but he was unaware of just how much the laughter he produced would greatly ease his mindset. There weren't many things that could get Logan to just shut off and forget about anything that was troubling him so Charles was pleased to see that something so simple could achieve that for him. He was also happy that people like Kitty, someone that Logan trusted, were more than willing to help him with that. It might be a stretch, but Charles looked at it as being the best therapy he'd ever seen for Logan's mental health. He'd known the man for many, many years and seen him try so many methods to bring him out of his brooding nature when all along he just needed to have a good laugh every now and then.
He hoped Logan wouldn't resist it too much and would realize what a positive thing it was for him. He could really stand a break from the tortured thoughts that constantly plagued his mind all these years. Though Charles had a good feeling that Kitty and the others wouldn't give him much choice in the matter either way. EPILOGUE: (Just a little more! XD) Word Count: 1,391 Charles was getting ready to turn in for the night when he decided to take one last scan of any conscious minds in the mansion grounds to make sure there were no impending threats nearby. He quickly picked up on a conversation downstairs. Kitty was among Rogue, Tabitha and Jean and she was going over some kind of strategy, though hearing the words "attack" and "Logan" made Xavier curious and tune in a little more precise. As all the details of their plot emerged Charles couldn't help the smile that came over him, but he still felt a sense of duty to at least try to warn his old friend. He quickly tracked Logan's current whereabouts, finding the man in the kitchen grabbing a beer from his stash and oblivious to what was about to befall him.
"Logan? Logan can you hear me?"
Logan wasn't even startled, used to having Xavier telepathically contact him on a frequent basis. "Hey Chuck. What's goin' on? Ya want a beer too?" Logan smirked and raised his beer can as he took a big swig, "This here's a double IPA I picked up from the-" "They're coming Logan. Get out of there. Get out before it's too late."
Logan frowned, having detected no unfamiliar scents within miles of the school as he rolled his eyes while chugging the rest of his beer. "What're ya talkin' about? No one's comin', ya crazy old fool. Maybe ya should try gettin' some sleep an' then you'll quit bein' so damn paranoid." Charles could now only listen and watch through all the involved eyes of Logan's doom as the first of them walked into the kitchen. "Oh, Jean. Ya should be in yer room. It's kinda late an' I got a doozy of a combat trainin' session for y'all tomorrow so ya might wanna rest up an'-Woah! Hey! Hey Jean what is this?! Put me down right now!" "Sorry Logan, it's nothing personal." "Thanks Jean! We'll take it from here."
"He's all yours ladies." "Kitty?! Rogue?! T-Tabitha?! Now wait a minute girls holdin' me down like this ain't fair! It's bad enough without- Oh nonono, don't! Don't take my boots off! At least let me keep my- No, not the socks too! Look! I'll take it easy on ya on the trainin' tomorrow! I'll cancel it even! Just don't- Heeheheehee!"
"Oooh the tough old badger is sensitive there."
"Told you!"
"Well Ah'm definitely gonna go first!"
"Do the honors Rogue! And then Runt wants a turn again!"
"No wait! We can make a deal! Aw hell, yer not gonna get me there too, are ya?! But-But not all at the same time, right? Right?!?!" "Don't worry Logan. It won't be that bad. We're just gonna give yah your daily dose of giggles!" "But I already got it today! Ask Kitty!" "She meant from ALL of us ya dummy!" "Ok, now on my command ladies. One..."
"No no no wait! Hear me out!" "Two..."
"Please! Ya can't do this! This is inhumane!" "Three!"
"I tried to warn you Logan. I'm afraid you're on your own." Charles simply smiled with a sympathetic shake of his head as he continued to observe. Logan's mental defenses had been disabled with him being too preoccupied with dealing with the extreme tickling that Charles was able to sneak in and see just what was going on in his mind.
Yes, Logan had begged like crazy not to be tickled, but it really didn't bother him as much as he made out. His thoughts revealed that he was enjoying the bonding aspect of this with the girls; not minding having to suffer as long as they were having fun. This was a little more intense tickling than he was used to so his sensitive nerves were a bit overwhelmed trying to process it all, but his brain was still flooded with the feel good hormones, pushing all signs of any stress to the back of his mind. In a way Logan was glad that Jean was holding him down as he didn't have to combat the urge to fight against it on his own. He didn't have to concentrate on not lashing out and accidentally hurting one of the girls, which was always a fear he had. All he had to do was laugh. The pleading for them to stop was involuntary and he didn't really try to keep it in, knowing the girls loved hearing it as much as they did hearing him laugh so freely. Charles realized that Logan did indeed see the benefit in this for him, but also he saw the joy and amusement that it brought to the girls and that's what really pushed him to grin and bear it.
He watched as they finally let him go about six minutes later, which was about four minutes after Logan was already in tears from laughing. Jean lifted the exhausted man off the floor and gently placed him onto the nearby couch recliner to recover before bidding the others goodnight and heading up to her room.
Kitty, Rogue and Tabitha scrambled to get on the couch as they all piled on top to hug and cuddle him, still playfully teasing him. "Man, you're just too ticklish Wolvie."
"Yeah Ah think we almost killed 'im." "No way! He can take it, right Logan?"
"Piece o' cake. Barely felt a thing."
The three girls just laughed and snuggled against the older mutant as he put his arms around them and pulled them closer. "Love you Logan!" "Yeah, thanks for pulling that stick out of your butt for a little while, you pushover."
"Well that stick is goin' right back in first thing tomorrow. I'm still holdin' that trainin' session in the mornin' an' I expect all o' ya to show up ready to be serious an' pay attention. No foolin' around, alright?" "Are you suggesting we wouldn't be on our best behavior? You know we're your best students."
"Sure, I'll let ya think that if it helps ya sleep at night."
"Hehehehe, alright knohahahock it off! I know I'm lucky to have all o' ya!" "Don't you forget it." "Believe me, that's somethin' I ain't ever gonna forget."
The way he smiled at them showed pure devotion, which was something Charles hadn't seen from him in a long time. He loved those girls and they loved him back. He'd make sure nothing ever happened to them and would protect them with his life. Sleep was overtaking Logan now as he yawned and allowed his eyes to shut; his mind still swimming in the flood of endorphins and ensuring he would not be having any nightmares. Kitty and Rogue leaned in closer to his sides and Tabitha lay across his lap as they all closed their eyes as well; Logan unable to hold back his smile.
A small yip from the floor made Logan crack open one eye as he spied Runt trying to get up onto the couch with them, but was too small to reach the top. Being carefully not to move too much and disrupt the girls Logan slowly lowered his foot for the little puppy to climb onto and used it to lift him up. Runt gave his foot a soft lick in appreciation as Logan winced and had to try his hardest to not make any sudden movements. The pup then spun a few circles and made himself comfortable nestled between Logan's feet on the recliner as the man gave one last smile of satisfaction and began to drift back off to sleep. Those three girls and their dog were in the safest place they could ever be; in the loving embrace of one of the deadliest mutants alive. God forbid anyone who tried to disturb them. "Ya can get outta my head now Chuck. Show's over."
Charles was shocked and instantly released all the mind connections he had made, but he couldn't help letting out a relieved chuckle. It wasn't that he had been able to sneak into Logan's mind, he had been let in. Seeing this whole night play out had Xavier remember something he had seen in Kitty's mind from her beach outing with Logan earlier. "You'd really make a great dad," she had told him. Charles couldn't agree more.
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roleplcyheaux · 4 years
oooh boy! i mean i can definitely try to think of some more! i think it should stated that most of my experience planning events comes from admining town rps so most of these ideas will probably be skewed that way but please feel free to try to make it fit for any group! 
THE ANTI-HOLIDAY EVENT: look, listen, the holidays are exhausting for everyone and there are a lot of people who pretty much despise the holiday season period. why not make an event for the haters? i’m thinking maybe a bar crawl! just imagine the chaosity that could ensue with a bunch of inebriated muses making their way from bar to bar singing whatever the opposite of christmas music is! or a karaoke competition at a popular spot downtown where the only rules are no holiday music or sad songs or it’s immediate disqualification! these could happen shortly before the holidays in character so that muses who are planning to celebrate the holidays with family can have a place to blow some steam and be surrounded by likeminded people before the upcoming festivities!
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL STARVING ARTISTS PLS: an art festival!!!! think about it a concert series with local musicians, a pop-up drive in movie marathon / outdoor movie marathon in the park, a craft fair! there are so many ways to center an event around something artistic that muses can enjoy that doesn’t necessarily have to be holiday related! this is also an easy way to incorporate muses who are artistic into plots too!!! people can have their muses doing something at the festival like either performing or selling their art or providing food and drinks! bonus points if this art festival is happening for a good cause, like maybe the local movie theatre is about to go under and this is the town’s last ditch effort to raise enough movie to save it!
A PLOT DROP OF SOME SORT: something admins can do instead of a standard christmas event is to do some sort of plot drop that characters ( and muns ) can use to push along plotlines or maybe shake things up and start new ones for their muses! i think one of the standard ones people tend to do is like a storm or some sort of natural disaster but it’s 2020 and we’re all kinda tired of irl natural disasters so maybe more out of the blue and leaning toward ridiculous but still have some stakes for people to decide how much or how little it’ll effect their muse??? like what if a wild animal gets loose in the town? or there is a group of high school trouble makers going around and breaking into homes a la bling ring style? or maybe it’s a series of mysterious graffiti showing up everywhere? you can have fun with it! 
HANUKKAH EVENT: i’ve already suggested this in my last one but i’ll suggest it again. do whatever you were going to do for a christmas event but center it around hanukkah instead! were you gonna have a christmas fundraiser ( ball / party / gala )? make it a hanukkah one instead! were you gonna do a christmas tree lighting? make it a menorah lighting instead! did you know that hanukkah is often known as the festival of lights? you could literally have an event centered around that concept alone! friendly reminder that hanukkah starts on the 10th this year and ends on the 18th! 
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE BABYYYYY: you know what i miss from 2012 rps??? random af unhinged au events that literally made no sense but were still so much fun! it’s the holidays and usually most groups tend to go on hiatus or like an extended break where activity doesn’t count around this time so people can be with their families but this year i think a lot more of us will be around so why not do something fun that only lasts the duration of said hiatus or little break ( or just a regular event worth of time if your group doesn’t do that!) i’m think TEN YEARS INTO THE FUTURE AU ( typically people pick older fcs for their current muses and rp what their lives in the future is looking like ), or a good ole fashion GENDER SWAP AU ( typically people pick fcs of a different or opposite gender for their muse ), or if you’re a normal non-spn group a SUPERNATURAL AU ( characters get to be mythical creatures ) or if you’re a spn a ( OPPOSITE AU where like human charries get to be supernatural and all the supernatural characters are human! ). listen ANY TYPE OF AU REALLY GOES THESE ARE JUST THE POPULAR ONES I REMEMBER FROM BACK IN THE DAY!
ASK YOUR MEMBERS: you can’t go wrong by asking what your members would like to see instead of the standard christmas event! i’ve never adminned a group where members don’t have opinions and ideas. i promise if you just asked them they would probably be able to give you far more creative ideas than little ole me and that are probably better suited for your groups since they are actually there and know what would work and what wouldn’t
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nothingsolutions · 2 years
EMMA Koo... a year later/ Conversations About Nothing
Emmas new Radiohead record blares on the floor
We’re in her room
Gone are the signatures and bright red walls
Her freshly painted room
Is a calming shade of white
Any comment on the white room? I feel clean
Y: ummmm the writing was holding onto peoples energy I no longer hold onto
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//Flips thru diff songs on the vinyl 
//Thom yorke sings
Is Lola still your alter egos name: yea but she’s on hiatus 
Where did she go? I have no idea she’s somewhere far far away 
On a plot of open space
Right amount of pillows on a bed: honestly 5 but I move all of them so I can fall asleep flat on my back
Lately I’ve been sitting like a shrimp
Dream social media: none at all. ever.
Not even? Everyone should just write books, make music and make art
Big creative project: ummmm large-scale: still my boyfriends a rockstar. small scale: Arya’s Christmas present
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thoughts on the travy patty: PR nightmare
Something 2 get into: reading books and Pilates 
//Emma messes with the tone and speed of the record
Most inspiring color: black
Y: its relatable but scary too
Skittles or em n m’s: neither
Top 4 designers: ooh hyein seo, takahiro miyashita, virgil (rip),.. I don’t even like anybody’s clothes.. oh Yohji duh
Fav song carried by its feature: animal by miike snow the mike ronson version wait no I change my answer completely palm olive by Freddie Gibbs, the pusha t. feat carried heavy.
(y/n q) Emma chamberlain: yes 
from a biz standpoint: big yes
Her new vlogs are so ominous she’s so lonely.
That humans though.
I still haven’t tried the charilie dude 
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Fav alt girl: pipilotti rist
Fav aphex song rt now: ageispolis
the superior gec: number 7
Most important part of an outfit: confidence
Popcorn: no butter
I want an eyebrow piercing: hell yea I’m kinda mad I don’t have one yet but the nose will suffice for now
Perfect perfume 4 a rainy beach day: California dream by Louis Vuitton or nightclubbing by Celine for the post beach dinner
//Proceeds to pull out nightclubbing and its intoxicating
//It smells like raw positive pessimist confluence spirit
Freestanding mirror: I need the biggest one possible 
Im James Corden and ur on carpool karaoke: we are singing fashion beats by the black eyed peas and there’s a song that came to mind but left instantly oh yea before I forget by slipknot
New yrs res ur not gonna keep: to ponder a tattoo a year before getting it
I got advice 
If you ever want a tattoo wait a year and if you still want it
get it
And to keep my room clean
halloween next yr: 3 outfit changes
//I have to wait…
Can’t have you dressing up like me for halloween
r u internet kid: sadly yes
Hello kitty hellcat? Postponed due to gas prices but u know what they gonna put v8s outa of productions in 5 years
We’ve reached the plug part of the interview: spirited gallery and my boyfriends a rockstar and sea moss (like from the sea) also alkaline water.. life changing
Its been a quiet year
And I think my answers reflect that
I also don’t have pink hair anymore
She will make a comeback in 3-4 years 
Once my hair heals
See you next year? See ya next year 
Au revoir!!
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asfarion · 3 years
about blog tag
tagged by @ammihan!!! thank u 💖 def follow this mf lads
1: Why did you choose your url? im a simp
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. @womboducker n @domesticsephiroth. formers me dead art blog, latters me hiatus-ridden sephiroth hellscape. prob gonna pick it back up later this year.
3: How long have you been on tumblr? like 2011 lmfao..............seen too much luv x
4: Do you have a queue tag? nah. ive never used the queue feature.
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place? i got locked out of me previous blog, which i made bc i got locked out of me first blog. the first one disappeared but me previous blogs still floatin around, carrying the cringe ghost of me 14 year old self. i came here initially tho for homestuck.
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp? i love goro majima
7: Why did you choose your header? its just me innit (canned bread)
8: What’s your post with the most notes? prob the acnl one abt the sand guardian
9: How many mutuals do you have? a good few!!!!!!! some r sadly deadblogs now but i still think abt them 💖
10: How many followers do you have? 316! most r also deadblogs tho lmfao
11: How many people do you follow? 456!!!!! hilariously most of them r also deadblogs
12: Have you ever made a shitpost? all me posts r shitposts luv
13: How often do you use tumblr each day? im here every single day either window shopping or regular posting
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? i dont Think ive ever fought anyone
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? kinda cringe. like if its a serious post ill delete everything that isnt necessary but that whole "u need to reblog this" just makes me think abt the Tumblr Rules, esp daddy karp lmfao......
16: Do you like tag games? SO MUCH i luv interaction n learnin abt ppl!!!!!!!!!
17: Do you like ask games? ya but i only send em on anon bc im a fuckin baby
18: Do you have a crush on a mutual? no i see me moots as like. lads doon the pub innit. i see yous n im like "oop, here comes trouble! guess theyll let anyone in here" n then buy em a drink while we have some banter. just lads innit.
taggin @mikechampa @bakuraryxu @wisteriapurple @rohanfxcker @xomnus @ygomarik @goth-gay n else who fancies a gan!!
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