#still keeps her unique textures but now she looks fluffy and has pretty eyes :)
kinghlaaluhelseth · 2 years
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i made a patch to get better foxes working with sweet roll so she doesn't have exorcism eyes and she's so adorable. i might upload the esp to nexus later since some ppl struggled with her eyes not working too.
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Writing A Blind of Visually Impaired Character: Mannerisms
This post is part of a multi-step guide to writing blind characters, and it’s master post to all parts is linked here: https://mimzy-writing-online.tumblr.com/post/185122795699/writing-a-blind-or-visually-impaired-character
All posts on writing blind characters will be tagged #blindcharacter for you to search on my blog for.
Follow this blog for more writing advice
Disclaimer: I am a very real visually impaired person who has been living with my disability for two years and these are little things I specifically do, little mannerisms that developed because of my blindness
Part Five: Blindisms or Mannerisms that Breathe Life into Your Characters
Biological Things
-My eyes get tired so easily, and when I say tired I mean they start aching and my vision gets even worse as the day progresses. The muscles start to ache and I’ll press or pinch the area around my eyes because of the pain
-Eye strain will cause headaches. When I get eyestrain I have to take off my glasses, stop looking at screens, and just relax for a while in bed until my eyes feel a little better.
-Weather has a huge impact on how I see, and any light sensitive person with a fair amount of remaining vision will probably have the same problem. Light sensitive people will find sunny days much harder, but overcast days can be a little difficult too because the sun tends to diffuse all across the sky through the clouds and the entire sky is bright
-Snow. This isn’t a me thing because I don’t live in this climate and never have to deal with it, but snow days are incredibly disorientating to people with vision issues. It covers any ground land marks you might use to know where you are (sidewalk versus grass versus street)
-Rain puddles are difficult to see and obnoxious to walk through, and your cane just sloshes through them (my mom usually warns me in advance and tells me how to avoid them)
Hobbies and Interests
-We’re actually not bared from many hobbies and activities. There are some very athletic blind people out there who play sports. Molly Burke used to rock climb and teach at a rock climbing gym when she was younger, she also learned to surf at one point. She’s gone bungee jumping and sky diving. There are lots of athletic blind people out there.
-Martial arts is very possible for blind people and certain organizations for the blind teach self defense classes. So, in case any of you were mad at me for saying you shouldn’t write Daredevil, my point is that you shouldn’t give your blind character unrealistic super senses. Your blind character can still kick some ass when needed.
-I play video games. It’s not impossible, although it is very hard for me. I still love it. I personally play Overwatch on PC and I’ve been playing Sims for years
-Reading is something a lot of blind people enjoy, and it’s sometimes described as the blind person’s version of TV, a way for them to see in their minds eyes what they can’t see with TV. So for this reason I have and will continue to tell you to keep your blind readers in mind and not traumatize, kill, assault, or victimize your blind characters for plot.
-We read in different ways. Some only read through audio books, some read through screen readers, some read on their tablets or laptops because they can enlarge font, some read printed books with magnifiers. It all heavily depends on how much sight your character has left and where they like to get their reading material. For example, if you read fanfiction a lot you will probably have to rely on screen readers on your laptops to read to you, but if you like reading published books then you will rely more on audio books.
-We do watch TV and movies, even if we can’t see the screen at all. Some movies and tv shows come with audio description for the blind, and they describe visual details on screen. You have access to lots of examples of this, because Netflix does have audio description for a lot of their shows and movies. Check audio description on your favorite Netflix Original and minimize your browser window to the background to experience movie going the blind way
-We can cook, and sometimes amazingly. Christine Hà is a blind chef who won the third season of master chef and she is amazing. She published her own cookbook too. Some schools for the blind will offer cooking classes as part of their rehabilitation services
-Art. I recommend hopping on google and checking out some blind artists out there. I’m sure you’ll be surprised by a few. There are painters, sculptors, pottery makers, photographers, and many more. My second blind character is learning to draw in school and will over time develop his own cartoonish style of drawing.
-Music. Yeah, I know I said I didn’t want to see the blind music prodigy again, but that’s because I wanted to see you guys come up with your own stories and your own unique characters. There are some wonderful blind musicians and your blind character deciding to learn to play an instrument for the first time during the course of your story would actually be pretty cool.
Theatre. It would be really cool to see some acting blind characters. Doctor Who had Ellie Wallwork, a blind actress play a blind character on their eleventh season. She was amazing and I really loved that episode, it was my favorite in the whole season. (I also adore Jodie Whittaker)
There are so many more hobbies that you can have, even with vision loss. Some might require you to adjust how you do that hobby, but with the right accommodations you can do just about anything really. (Except drive. Please don’t drive.)
Little Enjoyable Things
-Interesting textures. The less your characters see, the more obsessed they get with interesting textures. Hard ceramic mugs with decorative bumps, soft and fluffy blankets, crochet blankets and pillows, tile lines and patterns, any raised surface like slightly raised letters on a book cover, rocks with interesting but not too sharp textures. The more vision loss you have, the more you rely on your hands and your hands become a way of seeing for you.
-I have bought bumpy mugs and soft blankets and textured pillows for exactly this reason. My fingers touched them and just enjoyed the hell out of it.
-Your hands becoming a way for you to see makes you want to touch everything (except faces) Shopping in stores is especially bad because I’m touching everything even though I have quite a bit of sight left.
-There are favorite outfits, purely because what you’re wearing has the comfiest texture
-Soothing sounds and music. I’m not big into ASMR but some people might be. I like quiet background music
-Sometimes I tap my cane on pavement or other hard surfaces just to hear the way it sounds. I can’t echo-locate, most people can’t, but it’s a weird form of sensory
-Loud environments where sounds seem to come from all directions is overwhelming and not enjoyable
Cane Safety Things
-Bring your cane everywhere
-Have a backup cane when travelling long distance in case something goes wrong
-Don’t ever touch my cane. I mean it, don’t! My cane is an extra limb, it is part of my body and I get incredibly nervous when people touch it, especially if I don’t know them well. I only trust a few people to hold my cane with them for even a minute (my mom, maybe my best friend if I’m trying to put on a sweater and can’t hold it the whole time)
-Cane height: your character’s cane should be as tall as their shoulder, at least, or maybe a few inches taller to their chin.
-Because of this I like to lean forward and rest my chin on my cane when I’m bored and waiting for something (like a line)
-In general I just fidget with my cane so much
-You can actually get custom canes. I have a cane with a royal purple tip instead of red. You can get a cane that’s entirely pink or blue or black or whatever. You can add reflective tape to make you more visible.
-Some people prefer long canes that don’t fold, some people prefer folding canes. It’s really a personal decision. I’ve heard long canes are better for tactile feedback because the vibrations when they hit an object or tap the ground are more accurate. I like folding canes because I like storing it away when I don’t need it right away (in class, sitting at a booth in a restaurant, in my backpack) My preference for folding canes goes back to my paranoia of people touching it when I’m not paying attention
-Long canes that don’t fold are not easy to fit into cars and you need to get creative.
Guide Dog Things / Animal Things
-I will include a more serious list about guide dogs in my Part Four about tools and things blind people use to survive (canes, guide dogs, accessibility tools, braille) but for now this is more of a fun list
-I can’t say this from personal experience because I have never had a guide dog, but I’ve had pets and let me tell you, everyone loves spoiling their pets with gifts and hugs and pets
-Soft animals are so fun to pet
-Please tell me when there’s a cat nearby, even if I can’t pet it. I love cats? Wild bunnies too? (I’m super allergic to bunnies, I should never pet them, but I love their existence, they’re so cute)
-Some blind people are not dog people and will not get a guide dog for this reason. They are still valid. People who aren’t dog people are still valid, regardless of ability or disability.
General Safety Things
-Depending on the orientation and mobility skills of your character, they may not feel super comfortable walking out alone, and this comes down to how much training they have, how independent they are, and if they’re generally and anxious person or a self-assured person. Some blind people are great at inner city travel and can do so confidently, others feel less confident (I’m personally not great at crossing busy streets by myself and parking lots are scary to me)
-They may not like bars or nightclubs- this comes down to who your character is. Bars and nightclubs are loud, it’s hard to talk, they’re crowded so using a cane or guide dog isn’t easy or sometimes possible. They’re also poorly lit and if your character has some remaining vision but is night blind, this is especially bad. Because of how preyed upon women are, especially disabled women, your character probably won’t feel safe in a bar or nightclub because they know creeps might target them because they can’t see
-Being blind, you develop this awareness that there are predators out there in the world who see your blindness as something to exploit, that will make you easy to assault or abuse.
NOTE: please don’t use this as an excuse to write a rape as part of your plot. The general consensus of readers has come to the conclusion that using rape as something to further your plot is a terrible thing to do, it is cheap and unoriginal plot development and that you shouldn’t do it. You especially shouldn’t put your blind characters through something traumatic like this. Seriously guys, blind people are coming to your stories because they want to see themselves represented. Seeing themselves victimized will only hurt them. DON’T hurt your readers like that
-Because of this awareness of how vulnerable you can be, you learn to walk in groups and avoid places where predators frequent (bars and nightclubs)
God, this thing is getting long and there are so many other little blindisms that I’ve probably not thought of yet. I will probably make more posts in the future about blindness, including little stories or things I experience.
Follow this blog for more writing advice (and posts about experiencing the blind life)
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The Interview, Ch. 2
Weeks after Kamino Ward, he still wasn’t used to being recognized in this form. It didn’t happen nearly as often of course, but often enough that he missed the anonymity. The fervor was dying down as the public accepted their new reality, but Toshinori was still frequently stopped for autographs and pictures. He was always happy to oblige, despite being baffled by the attention he received as a civilian.
Nearly every interaction ended with gratitude on behalf of the requester, and never a simple “thanks for the picture” either - some forwent requests altogether and just wanted to shake his hand, recognize his efforts. He smiled through it all, but had a different response inwardly:
 I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more. I’m sorry I can no longer protect you.
No one has stopped him today; he wonders if it’s the scarf that the lower half of his face is buried in has kept him from being recognized. Perhaps Aizawa has the right idea after all.
It’s a chilly afternoon and it makes his bones ache, particularly his recently broken-and-healed-yet-again arm. He keeps hand warmers in all his coat pockets these days. Toshinori shuffles along the sidewalk, slouched and in no real hurry. There’s no class today and, for the moment, his schedule is open. The day is pleasant despite the nippy air, so he opted to enjoy the sunshine with a meandering walk to nowhere in particular.
He wanders about idly, taking turns at random, eyes roving the window displays. He finds himself not far from a new cafe he’d heard some of his students talking about not long ago. Someone - Shiozaki maybe? - had been excited about it; the place was being opened by a few friends. He makes his way to the crosswalk and waits for the light to change.
The bell over the door jingles pleasantly as he enters and pulls the scarf away from his face. The young man behind the register can’t be much older than twenty. He greets Toshinori happily.
“Welcome! What can I get youuu-”
His eyes go wide in recognition as Toshinori approaches the counter, looking at the chalkboard menu. He gives an easy smile to the startstruck cashier before ordering a green tea and a biscuit. The boy manages to punch the buttons and stammer the order back to him with minimal awkwardness and hands him a number placard. He takes it with a cheery thank you! and turns to find a table.
The building is small, but the layout is open enough that even he has some legroom. The tile is a textured white over which an assortment of round and square tables have been arranged. Installed at the windows is a bar-like area with stools overlooking the street, while two long benches with powder blue cushions align the walls. Near the front are three students who look to be on a study date, and at the back left -
His long legs carry him over the tile in a few strides. She doesn’t notice him draw close, absently munching on a sugar cookie and swiping the crumbs away from the pages of the book lying open on the table. He lays a hand idly on the back of the chair across from her, watching a moment. She’s propped up on her elbow, knuckles pressed against her cheek, oblivious to the man barely a table-length away. Toshinori clears his throat.
“Is this seat taken?”
She starts and nearly drops the cookie, crumbs scattering over the pages. Wide eyes rake over his form as she tilts her head up to meet his face and he scratches the back of his neck and laughs.
“Sorry! I don’t mean to make a habit of startling you.”
He watches her expression change from surprise to embarrassment as she finally recognizes him, setting the cookie down on a napkin.
“I, uh, you… what are you doing here?”
The flush of pink on her cheeks turns a few shades darker and she nervously tucks back the strands of hair that have fallen from her messy ponytail.
“Uh, not that you can’t be here or anything. I wasn’t expecting - I mean, I guess I was really into my book?”
It sounds more like a question than an explanation and it makes him laugh as he scrapes the chair over the tile floor and sits.
“I know I’m not much to look at these days, but seven feet of person is still a lot of overlook,” he doesn’t bother to hide the amusement in his voice. For some reason, that seems to snap her out of her frazzled state.
“That’s not true!”
“Pardon?” He slots the number placard into the display.
“You may not be made of muscle anymore, but you’re still very distinctive! And you have a wonderful smile as ever!”
It’s his turn to blush and he scratches his cheek with a nervous chuckle.
“Do I? I’m pretty sure most people are unnerved by the skeletal visage.”
“Well, maybe at first,” she nibbles at the sugar cookie. “But it’s pretty endearing once you get used to it.”
Thankfully, his order arrives at that moment, so he doesn’t have a chance to be flustered. The boy still has stars in his eyes as he sets the saucers down and asks if he can do anything else. Toshinori offers his best All Might grin and a thumbs-up.
“Not at all, young Kenta!”
The boy, Kenta, looks ready to faint at the thought of All Might knowing his name.
“I – uh… how?”
“Your nametag,” Toshinori nods at the square of plastic clipped to his apron. “Are you the only employee today?”
“Oh, no, Kazu’s in the back and Tomoyo is on break right now.”
“I see. And you three started this place yourself?”
Kenta immediately brightened, losing some of his nervous edge.
“Yeah! Tomoyo can manipulate any hot liquid, and Kazu can make bread rise. We’ve wanted to open a cafe since middle school!”
“And you stuck with it all this time!” Toshinori pats the young man on the arm. “You three are doing great!”
“Thank you sir!” Kenta is beaming with pride.
“What about you?” his companion interjects. “Do you use your Quirk in the business?” She sounds genuinely interested.
Kenta’s shoulders sag a little. “No, I – I’m Quirkless.”
Toshinori frowns, opening his mouth to reassure the boy, but she responds before he can.
“Me too! High five, man!”
He perks up again, and the two slap hands with a kindred spirit. She finishes off her cookie.
“You guys are doing a great job; I hope this place takes off for you. I can always use a place to kick back with some sweets.” She holds up the crinkled wrapper for emphasis.
“Thank you; both of you,” Kenta offers a little bow. “But I need to get back behind the counter. Please come again!” He wanders back to the register as the bell over the door jingles and two more customers walk in.
Toshinori turns back towards his surprise companion.
“You’re Quirkless?”
“Hm?” She’s sipping at her drink. “Oh, yeah. It didn’t really come up last time we met I guess.”
“You’re remarkably blasé about it. It doesn’t bother you?”
She cocks an eyebrow.
“Should it?”
“No, of course not,” he raises his palms defensively. “Just, it is something that bothers a lot of Quirkless people. It’s good that you’re so...” he takes a moment to search for the right word. “Accepting of yourself.”
She puts her drink down.
“Yeah, well, it didn’t come easy. It did bother me once, but I’m okay now.”
He takes a bite of his biscuit; it’s delightfully fluffy and buttery.
“Good. That’s good.”
“What about you? Does it bother you, not having a Quirk anymore?”
He pauses, tea halfway to his lips, before finishing the movement to give himself a moment. The tea is just the slightest bit sweet.
“No, not as such,” the porcelain clinks against the saucer. “I don’t like how it ended, and it does bother me that I can’t help people the way I used to.”
He studies the pattern of the wood grain, painted white. “But!” he lifts a finger. “There are still other ways I can help.”
She knits her fingers together and rests her chin on them with a smile.
“Like what?”
He smiles. “Even without a Quirk, I still occupy a unique place in society. I will always be famous. And were I to, say, walk into a small business recently started by some high school graduates...” He lets the sentence hang, and she giggles.
“So, you didn’t just happen to wander in for something warm to drink then?” She leans back against the bench.
“Well, I didn’t intentionally come here; I just happened to be nearby and I’d heard of this place from one of my students.” He takes another drink. “I do try to seek out places like this though, when I have some time. I have a lot more of that these days.”
“That’s… really sweet.” She idly sweeps a few crumbs into a small pile with a finger. “It’s really wonderful of you to do things like that. I mean, you could spend the rest of your life doing anything now, but you’re still helping people.”
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly; despite everything, Toshinori has never really gotten used to the praise.
“Yeah, well, it’s like you said the first time we met. Heroism was never just a job to me.”
She hums, poking her straw at the bottom of her cup around the ice chips to get at the last of her drink.
“Did you ever find an answer to my question?”
He chuckles lightly.
“It’s never far from my mind lately.”
Which is true – Toshinori has been turning the question over in his mind for nearly two weeks now. What does he want to say? He stares into his tea, contemplating, momentarily unaware of the girl watching him from across the table.
“Uh, I didn’t mean you had to answer right away or anything. I mean, I don’t even work at the office anymore, so...”
That gets his attention.
“You don’t?”
She shrugs lightly, flipping a lock of hair over her shoulder.
“Well, journalism is more concerned with getting the story out quickly, you know? I didn’t really come back with anything printable we could run.”
His eyes widen.
“You were fired?”
“I mean, I guess?” She gestures into the empty air. “I walked out when he started screaming obscenities and just never went back.”
Toshinori feels his shoulders slouching more than they already are.
“I’m so sorry -” he doesn’t get a chance to do more than start an apology before she cuts him off.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like the place was anything special.” She leans on her elbow with a grin.
“I’m much happier at the bookstore down the street right now anyway. It’s part-time so I can focus a little more on freelancing.”
It eases his conscience, but only a little. Still, he offers a smile in return.
“That’s good then. What sort of freelancing do you do?”
“Writing mostly. A bit of editing. Articles, correcting student essays. That sort of thing.”
‘So you haven’t left the field, just that particular place.”
‘Yeah. I mean, I write a lot anyway, so I may as well get paid for it. I have a little following for some of my creative stuff, so that’s pretty neat. Some friends of mine are in this one actually,” she thumbs at the pages of her book.
“Really? Can I see?” He holds a hand out for the book and she passes it over.
He flips idly through the pages. It’s a short story collection, interspersed with illustrations.
“I helped edit a couple of the stories, so it’s cool to see them in print like this.”
“It is! Do you have anything of your own published?”
She looks a little embarrassed. “No, not yet. Maybe one day. I mean, it’s a goal of mine, but I’m not actively pursuing it or anything. I’m happy blogging and editing for now.”
He hands the book back.
“Do you have a website? I’d love to read some of your work!”
“I – uh… really?”
Toshinori flashes a signature thumbs-up.
"Really! I've been catching up on my reading now that I have some more time on my hands."
"Ah, well, okay. Hang on," she rummages around in the bag that's been sitting beside her before finding a pen and grabbing a napkin and scrawling a name.
"This is where I post most of my stuff," she hands it over shyly. "There's some actual work posted there, but it's also kinda my daily blog or whatever, so you might have to search a little."
"That's not a problem," he folds the napkin into his breast pocket. "I'm looking forward to browsing around!"
She blushes and scratches the back of her head.
"Thanks," she stands from the table with a stretch. "Sorry to run, but I need to get back to the bookstore. It was nice seeing you again."
"And you as well," he offers with a nod, leaning back into his chair. "I'll see you around?"
"I hope so!" Her grin is infectious. "Thanks for chatting with me."
"Of course."
She half-turns to the door and hesitates a moment, like she has something else to say. It's barely noticeable, but Toshinori has been watching for those instants for a long time.
"Was there something else?"
She hesitates again. "Well..." Her fingers nervously twist at a lock of hair before she makes up her mind.
"I know you're used to this sort of thing but I still feel weird asking, it just seems rude to ask a stranger, but... could I have a picture?"
He has to laugh. "We aren't strangers! We've met twice now, haven't we?" He stands as well, offering an arm. "I don't mind!"
The blush on her cheeks spreads as she ducks under his arm and pulls out her phone. He leans over to better fit in the frame while she lifts the camera and smiles.
"Planning to post that on your blog?" It's meant to be a joke, but she blushes again.
"I mean, if you're okay with it?"
He laughs again, louder this time.
"You don't have to ask me for permission! My face is already plastered all over, what's one more?"
She puts the phone back in her bag. "It's still polite to ask."
"That's very kind of you," he reseats himself and lifts his cup. "It's not necessary, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness."
"You're welcome," she shifts the bag on to her shoulder and offers a small half-wave. "Bye."
"Goodbye," he waves back and returns to his tea, contemplating the possibility of another biscuit. Maybe a half-dozen. Maybe a couple dozen - his students would love that. He waves once more as she passes by the window and finishes his drink before heading back to the counter to get a treat for his kids.
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awildhanmonster · 6 years
Character Ramblings for Wyrd!
At Wyrd’s behest, I’m trying to write down a little master post of some recent characters she bullied— I mean enabled— me to create.  This is for our casual Loserverse world— i.e. the fast-and-loose All The Myths Are True low fantasy trope where a bunch of well intentioned idiots try to get by in an apartment complex for largely mythical creatures.  I’ve accidentally made up a lot of new side characters in the past month and it’s getting hard to keep track of them, so here we go!
I’m listing these three together on their own because they are an active “couple” (… trio? I’m not sure what the right polyamory term is) who all live together in a more rural part of the county on some acreage generationally owned and tended by Nora’s family line.  Their personal plot is pretty manageable (just a few acres) and a small portion of the entire property.  They have a little flock of maybe 2 dozen combined sheep and goats, some chickens, and possibly an alpaca.  The land is woodsy and picturesque with an old country house they share.  
Nell J. Harriet, aka Nell: approximately 32 years old, born intersex, happily nonbinary (pronouns are ‘they’).  The tallest of the bunch at around 6’ even, with a pale wiry frame and knobby, angular corners all over.  Jet black hair with a striking chunk of white smack dab at the front of the widow’s peak like the trail of a dog’s blaze, one solid brown eye, one split tweaky blue/brown mess.  Shifted form is a black and white border collie with (surprise!) heterochromia and a chunky white blaze cutting through the forehead right at the widow’s peak.  
Despite being born to a mother with a long family history of (gene-recessive) shifters cropping up every generation, Nell was still a surprise to everyone involved, given that their father had presumably been human.  Their mother— who I’ll call Meryl for now— comes from a fairly mundane lineage of canine shifter (while being a non-shifter Rr carrier herself) which typically manifests in early childhood and has a certain period of semi-conscious malleability during the formative years in which things like coat color, length, ear set, and other minor (external) features can be changed through great effort and trial/error before eventually “settling” into a constant, unique physical identity with time.  They heal several times faster than average humans, scar less, and tend to show greater physical resilience, taking a few seconds to painlessly and more-or-less fluidly change shape, but lack any kind of “burst healing” mechanic or unusual magical attributes.
Everyone else in the family before Nell had turned out some kind of pleasantly functional “mutt” shape in the end, but Nell erupted onto the scene as a full blown black-and-white border collie looking thing from day 1 of the change as a bouncy toddler.  Meryl could only guess that the father (long since vanished from their lives with no hard feelings, the affair was brief) was a similar, incidentally compatible shapeshifter himself, but that’s about as well as anyone can guess since he’s not around to ask.  
Nell, for their part, is exactly the kind of plucky, sunshiny, high-energy velcro person you would expect from a border collie on two legs.  They struggled in early childhood with some rough ADHD and OCD type tendencies, but managed to get through public schooling with the help of family support/tutoring, and wound up not pursuing college in favor of trying out a more rural living, instead.  They met Leonora while bouncing around odd jobs a couple years after high school and the rest is history.  They’re much happier now with a largely outdoor existence and animals to tend to, burning off the excess energy that plagued them for years without a direction prior to homesteading.  They’re one of those types who thrives with an outlet for physical and mental stimulation but loses their mind for lack of it.  As one would expect from any good BC.  The farming life is an ideal fit.  
Leonora Basso: aka Nora, but only if you’re close to her.  Approximately 34-ish, a shameless bohemian woman from a long line of shifters almost functionally identical to Raiker/Nicky’s species, with the exception of taking on the form of giant (thanks, conservation of mass) white maremma type guardian dogs instead of akbash.  Built square, stocky, and a little short (probably around 5’4’’), with olive/bronze-y skin, brown eyes, and a giant fluffy mess of fluffy, platinum white-blond hair the exact color and texture of maremma fur.  
She’s chill, with admirable patience for things that warrant it and a long fuse for small annoyances, though she’s also the only member of the three to ever knock someone’s teeth out, so take that with a grain of salt.  Like any good guardian dog, she’s placid until you start messing with her flock— literally or metaphorically.  Then she’ll be the one to quietly walk across the bar and slam your head into the table.  She met Nell during a trip to the inner city by complete happenstance when the two hit it off over conversation, during which she invited them to come visit her farm over a public touring weekend, and within weeks wound up dating.  Their relationship was exclusive up until Barnes came along  and none of them are quite sure how it happened, but they’ve never been in a better place.  
Chancellor Barneston Augustine-Kingslay, aka Barnes: and ONLY Barnes, okay.  Repeat his full name N E V E R or he’ll just, seriously, die.  Of embarrassment.  The youngest of the bunch at around 27-28 or so, Barnes was adopted by his (human) parents as a (human, presumably) infant, and had a perfectly normal (human, presumably) childhood until one day when his mother came in and found that her napping four year old was suddenly a napping 40 pound maine coon cat— or at least, what LOOKED a whole lot like one.  Needless to say, the following week was a scramble of buying every “Help!  My Child is a Shapeshifter, What Do I Do!” parenting book off Amazon and learning how to cope with a toddler who could suddenly vault over double stacked safety gates unaided, but they learned how to adapt, and life continued on happily for the little family anyway.  He’s an average sort, and arguably handsome to some: about 5’8’’, not especially pale or tan, hazel eyed, and sporting what looks like perpetually dark-ticked mouse brown hair, cut short.  He performed well enough in public school with a mostly human peer group who went largely unaware of his “talents” and even went on to earn a bachelor’s in business/finances/something akin, which seemed like the thing to do.  He wouldn’t describe himself as unhappy in his accomplishments; by every metric he was doing fine in life, and could easily figure out a career in some white collar job that paid his bills well enough.
He just couldn’t shake a certain feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction about the idea, and wound up making a habit of weekend demos and classes to see what else was out there in the world: one of which happened to be a sheep shearing weekend out at the Basso Homestead.  On a whim, Barnes attended a demo headed by none other than Leonora while she was using a feisty ram (named Ramses) to walk visitors through the shearing process, Ramses was being fighty, Nell wasn’t around to help wrangle him, and Barnes, thinking he was capable, volunteered (despite Nora warning him repeatedly that rams were pretty feisty) to help hold him down.
… Needless to say he earned a spectacular nut shot via ram horns in the groin and wound up sitting out the rest of the day with an ice pack and a lot of sympathy, but it got him talking to Nora, and then Nell, and the three of them just gelled in a way that kept bringing them back together.  He’s realized in hindsight that he’s much happier in the suburbs than the big city, and enjoys putting his schooling to use by handling the home taxes and business numbers.  
(Fun fact: years later, when it Ramses got too big for his britches and was sent to the abattoir, they were given part of him by the Basso family and cooked a roast to celebrate the asshole sheep that brought them all together.  Ramses was delicious.)
Barnes, incidentally, still has no idea just WHAT kind of shifter he actually is thanks to being a doorstep baby/anonymous adoption acquisition by the foster folks— aside from a giant 100+ pound country cat, that is.  He’s observed that his shift is nearly as swift as Leonora’s, though there are queer persistences that he seems to have (pierced ears not healing instantly or trying to close after a change) that she lacks.  Coupled with the fact that he seems to be a magnet for comically mundane/irritating paranormal activity, he’s put in his research (mostly as a boredom hobby, not a necessary pursuit) but keeps drawing blanks on potential labels for his identity.  The TRUTH of the matter (which he’ll probably never know in canon) is that he’s actually a cait sith— born in the form of a cat, rather than a human, and bewitched by his mother to retain a human form as long as possible in the hopes that it would get him a better chance at finding loving parents.  His shifting has a much heavier magical component to it than his SOs, though he has no real sense for it, and it’ll probably just be a mystery the rest of his life.
Wow, yeah, this got super long!  I’ll make a separate post for the other losers I’ve made up lately, though these three are the most fleshed out so far.  
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 20+
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Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Let us take a look at your wedding hairstyle too-a lot of layers is what gets a lot of attention. Another bob-pixie bob is a mix of the two most popular hairstyles. Scarlett Johansson has been in the spotlight since she was nine and starred in her first film, North. Fast forward 25 years and she is now the world's highest-paid actress in 2020 (thanks to one of her most recent and regular roles as Black Widow in the Avengers series). She was considered one of Hollywood's sexiest leading ladies and tried to look at every conceivable beauty.
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Aside from her signature plump face, one of her most iconic beauty transformations cut all her hair while pregnant with her first child in 2021.
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts
And he's been thinking about cutting our hair many times. She knew how to work just centimetres of hair to look anything exquisitely edgy, sweet. We thought the best Scarlett Johansson short hair moments for all the short-haired girls out there complete.
Scarlett Johansson's Short Hairstyles
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Mark these pictures for days when you think you're bored with your short haircut-ScarJo will inspire you.
Scarlett Johansson's Haircuts
Scarlett Johansson uses short trim, dry texturing cream with side-swept front locks, textured layers, wavy locks and straight lines to increase volume. The flavour of the cut is the balance between a continuum and a movement that makes the hairstyle voguish. A short cut can also look feminine with a proper style.
Scarlett Johansson's Hairstyles
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, There's a textured side-sweeping fringe to accentuate your soft facial features and complement the image with elegant accessories. Mom's haircut. It's a plunge that tends to get plenty of new food.
Scarlett Johansson's Hair
However, we think it's safe to say that none of them have pulled off as well as a Scarlett Johansson. She was spotted and severely cropped sporting ' do around NYC, seamlessly proving that the notorious "mother cut" can be super.
Scarlett Johansson's Short Hair
We're so used to seeing ScarJo with his long, bombshell waves that his crop was a bit jarring. It's much shorter than the chin-length product that has swept Hollywood recently, but it's not quite fairy. Scarlett Johansson red hair Despite this, Scarlett managed to overcome this low-maintenance cut completely. In fact the Mane at the back is shaved, which will work when it's time to start growing, indicating he's firing into the back of his head. Scarlett Johansson blonde hair According to Anh Co Tran, who cut Coco Rocha's previous nymph, the best way to cut a shorter style is to keep the back short and trim only on the front and sides. That way, ' do will eventually become an asymmetrical bob. Scarlett Johansson brown hair Giving ScarJo something less to worry about when the little bundle of joy arrives . So, not only is mom Scarlett cut out to be thanks now, she is also easy to transition out of. We smell an incoming trend. Scarlett Johansson new haircut Scarlett Johansson to cut off her locks while leaving everyone long: at Comic-Con last Saturday, the star debuted a shockingly brief appearance. Not everyone should be surprised-this is the same beauty adventurer who rocked a mullet in. Scarlett Johansson natural hair 2020 (Johansson, for once, called it "crazy" but said he loved it). So why was it short again? And is it possible to pull off a bob if you're not blessed with Johansson's perfect bone structure? Oribe, the mane master behind the actress's cut, answers our burning questions. Scarlett Johansson black hair What was the inspiration for Johansson's haircut? The reunion of Brigitte Bardot and Christy Turlington. The line at the bottom is very"Christy" the exact type that bob Christy had in the early ' 90s but the texture is very. Is Scarlett Johansson short? Bardot with a face-framing softness. Why did Johansson decide to lop for so long? Her hair was really beautiful-long and gorgeous. But it was getting heavier. Scarlett Johansson Hairstyles, Haircuts You'll Love 2020 - 2021 Summer is here and Scarlett wanted something fresh that would provide more volume. We designed the haircut together, which is a pretty unique way of cutting hair. Scarlett Johansson lucy haircut I asked him how short he wanted to go and told him how long he needed to keep him. So today I suggest you check out the 30 best Scarlett Johansson short hair ideas. Scarlett Johansson Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors Let's start with the layered hairstyle. While the edges are cut short, there are too many layers on top. This hairstyle gives you an edgy look. Scarlett Johansson new hair Now, let's move on to the wavy bob hairdo. It's pretty simple, but it still looks great. Then we can move on to another bob hairdo. It is a short red bob hairstyle with waves. Scarlett Johansson hair short The red color really spices things up, but, after all, it's just a simple hairstyle. Yesil, Yesil, and then there's the really cute brown bob, because you look pretty with your short, green green eyes. Scarlett Johansson bob haircut Let's take a look at the fairy cut - it's one of those curvy hairstyles that gives you an edgy look. Another neat wonderful hairstyle. Then another shortcut is hairstyle. A lot of layers and a shortcut on the side looks great. Scarlett Johansson natural hair color Side shaved hairstyle is also an option if you want to feel frustrated and at the same time. Another neat, edgy hairstyle is the blonde fairy. Of course, she has prom hair-suitable for any event there. Scarlett Johansson new hairstyle Spring hair hairstyle is one of the cutest blonde hairstyles. Scarlett Johansson has been considered one of Hollywood's most versatile actresses, so it makes sense that she can rock almost any kind of hairstyle. Scarlett Johansson hair 2020 - 2021 In this article, we collected some of the most iconic Scarlett Johansson short hairstyles. Who knows? You can only find yourself inspired. Scarlett is known for her voluminous, fluffy curls, whether dressed in a cropped cut or shoulder-length lob. Scarlett Johansson hair stylist She has naturally thick hair, but her voluminous locks can be attributed to her famous stylist and some expensive items. She is also known for changing her hair color quite often, returning to a rich brunette and black to a fiery red and platinum blonde. Scarlett Johansson hair color natural We can't say we have a favorite because it does everything Justice. Whether you want to emulate her hot red hairdo in the. Scarlett Johansson hair now Avengers or copy one of her gorgeous official updos she was spotted wearing on the red carpet, we have Scarlett Johansson's short haircuts and styles all the best. Scarlett Johansson short hair tutorial We've also added some pro tips to help replicate your favourite Scarlett Johansson hair. He once told his audience that he didn't like to thank God or Jesus in his award acceptance speeches. How do girls grow out an undercut? Scarlett Johansson has been dating above live a year ago with head writer Colin Jost. Saturday nights may 217 she began dating. They officially announce their relationship on the red carpet to make it the most Hollywood way possible. Did Scarlett Johansson cut her hair? She married Romain Dauriac in October 2021 and ended up with Ryan Renolds in 2020 and 2020 in 2021. Scarlett Johansson has always been a red carpet favourite since. What is an undercut pixie? Making her debut at the age of nine. And over the years, the actress has become known for her adventurous, yet playful style, and appetite for ever-changing beauty looks. Scarlett Johansson hair extensions From red to all shades of brunette and Blonde, The Golden Globe nominee has no signature style. Everyone The Lord. With her face in Dolce & Gabbana make-up, the Rough Night star knows how to take risks with gold smoky eyes and dark red lips. Best Scarlett Johansson Short Hair Here, take a look at Johansson's best beauty moments on the red carpet. Meet the most impressive Scarlett Johansson short hair ideas for cutting your hair short. Scarlett Johansson short hair rough night See why buying a fairy is always a good decision. Regardless of hair length, style or cut Scarlett Johansson is always about to show up with what turns out to be perfect. And when the actress managed to turn her enviable. How do you grow out a pixie undercut? Long mane into something sharper and shorter, she showed all women that pixies and bobs have an approach for everyone. Scarlett Johansson long hair Dive in to see how he does it. When it comes to gorgeous hair in Hollywood, a surprising Scarlett Johansson doesn't need to look any further. Best Scarlett Johansson Hairstyle images Scarlett's hair has gone through many transformations and hair colors over the years, and she's one of the few people who can actually successfully achieve very different looks. We invite you to check out our list of our favorite. Scarlett Johansson hair color Scarlett Johansson haircuts, hair colors and hairstyles. Here's a quick preview: Scarlett shows us enough volume in all the right places with this hairstyle. Scarlett Johansson hair This medium-length bob shapes its face around the cheekbone region, giving the impression of an oval face shape. Scarlett Johansson haircut 2020 oscars The slim curls around this look are gorgeous and easy to achieve. The tight curls around her bangs bring shape and life to this look to die for. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson is an American actress who got her start in theatre and small film roles. Does Scarlett Johansson have curly hair? She had always wanted a career in the Performing Arts and luckily had a very supportive family. Scarlett got her first starring role in the 1996 film Manny & Lo. Scarlett Johansson short hair avengers Let's face it: we're all in love with ScarJo - but it's the ever-changing hairstyles that keep us on our toes. As one of the most successful actresses of all time, she knows how to keep everyone's attention on screen and on the red carpet. How to get Scarlett Johansson hair Like most celebrities, he likes to play with his style, but he gets up a notch by taking a new hairstyle every time you see him. From long flowing locks and mid-length sledges to fringes and fairy cuts-she did it all. If you like Scarlett Johansson with short hair, in for a treat. Scarlett Johansson hairstyles 2020 - 2021 We will inspire you with pictures of our favorite styles so that your hairdresser can easily replicate the look you want. Scarlett Johansson is a hair icon for tousled bobs from fairy cuts. Over the years, he has rocked all sorts of styles and left plenty of inspiration for the rest of us to follow in his footsteps. Read the full article
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gothify1 · 5 years
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For us, the joy we get from walking into a gleaming black-and-white-lacquered Sephora store  is probably similar to how a 5-year-old feels walking into a Disneyland—magical, exciting, and pretty darn transportive. True, there are now countless beauty retailers popping up on every corner with unique angles and niche target audiences, but, in our humble opinion, Sephora will always have the X factor . First of all, there's the fact that out of Sephora's impressive selection of 13,000+ products, there's something for everyone—the fragrance fanatic, the clean skincare enthusiast, even the budget shopper . What's more, those "somethings" will undoubtedly be the best of the best thanks to Sephora's ultra-careful curation process and an amazing team of experts (from HQ to in-store) to help lead the way. Recently, we introduced you to Sephora's amazing beauty director, Myiesha Sewell , who in addition to divulging the very enticing contents of her Sephora shopping cart  also shared some intel on the biggest trends on her 2019 beauty radar. (After all, she knows what's coming down the product, brand, and trend pipeline way before we do—even as editors!) We also tapped Sephora Collection National Makeup Artist Helen Phillips  to weigh in as well. Inspired by the latest and greatest launches from the most in-demand beauty brands and the wishes and wants from their very own clientele (aka you, as Sephora shoppers!), they've created a master beauty trend report for 2019 and beyond. Here, every trend you need to know plus the products you'll need to take each trend for a test-drive. Keep scrolling! "Head-to-toe glow has been the standard on the red carpet for many years, and now the trend is easily achievable for an everyday look," says Sewell. "We definitely saw a resurgence with this trend in 2018 when Fenty Beauty's already-iconic Lava Body Luminizer launched, and the obsession hasn't died down—other brands like Huda Beauty and Patrick Ta are jumping into the trend with their newest product debuts. "A makeup artist secret is wearing all black and then jazzing up your look with a new lipstick or eye shadow," Sewell explains. "Now, we can accessorize our skin—it's like customizable body jewelry, and brands are releasing unique colors and formulations to suit everyone's needs and skin tones." That said, as any beauty insider will tell you, skin prep is of utmost importance if you're going to be trying out the body glow trend. (In other words, ready yourself to exfoliate and hydrate the eff out of your skin.) Sewell specifically recommends the Josie Maran and Kopari picks included below for ultimate skin prep and has one last tip before trying out the trend for yourself—don't forget your face! "This trend is also about cohesion, so don't forget about your complexion," she warns. "Spray formulas like Patrick Ta's reflect so much light that it's a perfect pairing for a luminous body glow." "Since many of us have learned the basics of eye shadow, I think we're ready to turn it up a notch!" Sewell shares. "Our clients have asked to see more variety and vibrancy in their eye shadow palettes, and brands are listening. We've been seeing a lot of brightly colored shadows hitting the market from well-loved brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills, Jouer Cosmetics, and Violet Voss." According to Sewell, there's a misconception that bright colored eye shadow equates to a rainbow eye, but she says the most effortless way to wear a colorful eye shadow is to actually keep it simple. (No need for intimidation, folks!) "A single shade washed across the lids paired with fluttery lashes is stunning," she explains. "One of my signature looks is a matte powder blue or seafoam green eye shadow paired with a winged liner. I love using both Sephora Collection Colorful Eyeshadows and its Colorful Shadow Liner in Let It Snow. There are so many bright and fun colors to choose from, and they are so compact that you can easily take them on the go. I keep everything else on my face to a minimum and really let the color speak for itself. This trend is the true definition of minimum effort and maximum impact." "Lately, we've seen an interest in nude lips that mimic actual lip colors instead of the beige-nude we're used to thinking of," explains Sewell. "People are really craving that effortless look, and I always find that I get the most inquiries about my makeup when I'm wearing a sheer, simple lip color. Some of my favorite lipsticks right now are the Sephora Collection Rouge Laquer, the Sephora Collection Melting Lip Clicks, and the Yves Saint Laurent Volupté Tint-In-Balm. They all have amazing nude shades that are super hydrating." As Sewell explains, amping up your natural lip color instantly adds an extra dose of freshness and polish to your makeup aesthetic, while still only requiring minimal effort. (Ahem, a strategy that's music to our ears.) She recommends opting for sheerer formulas, which will involve less work and maintenance since your natural lip color will show through on its own. "Bare Minerals has also done a great job with their Gen Nude Buttercream Lip-gloss ($19)," adds Sewell. "The colors mimic naturally flushed lips, and the texture of the gloss can go from subtle to high-shine, and if I want even more gloss and volume, I love using the Dior Addict Lip Maximizer Plumping Gloss on top. As long as you stick to sheer, there's no secret formula that you must follow to find flattering shades—lip colors will adapt to you!" "This year's Camp Met Gala theme brought a lot of unique and artistic lash ideas that are over the top but so fun," shares Phillips. "That said, if you are reluctant to try on the lash trend for yourself, fear not—there are false lashes and tools for every eye shape and preference of drama." "The Sephora Collection False Lash Tool Kit has everything you need to apply the perfect lash—an applicator that helps you place the lashes, scissors to trim the lashes, glue, and a dual-sided tool that helps you apply the glue. I also like Surratt Beauty's Relevee Eyelash Curler because it gives an amazing curl to your own lashes, which will help them to blend flawlessly with the falsies. Below, I'm sharing the three recommended styles from natural to dramatic." According to Phillips, the Sephora Collection Luxe False Lashes are made of natural fiber, which gives them a natural-looking finish. Plus, they're less shiny than most, which instantly makes them look more believable. Since they aren't too shiny, they blend in with natural hair the best. She loves the style "Plume" for a natural fluffy fuller lash. For the ultimate finishing touch, Phillips recommends using a liquid liner to help hide the adhesion point of your falsies. "The Sephora Collection Hotline Brush Tip Liquid Liner is demi-matte, easy to use, and MEGA waterproof. It has a brush tip that allows for precision, and liner that won't skip or peel." Next up, a celebrity makeup artist says these are the best makeup trends to try for spring and summer.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 20+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/scarlett-johanssons-short-haircuts-and-hairstyles/ - Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Let us take a look at your wedding hairstyle too-a lot of layers is what gets a lot of attention. Another bob-pixie bob is a mix of the two most popular hairstyles. Scarlett Johansson has been in the spotlight since she was nine and starred in her first film, North. Fast forward 25 years and she is now the world's highest-paid actress in 2020 (thanks to one of her most recent and regular roles as Black Widow in the Avengers series). She was considered one of Hollywood's sexiest leading ladies and tried to look at every conceivable beauty. Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Aside from her signature plump face, one of her most iconic beauty transformations cut all her hair while pregnant with her first child in 2021. Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts And he's been thinking about cutting our hair many times. She knew how to work just centimetres of hair to look anything exquisitely edgy, sweet. We thought the best Scarlett Johansson short hair moments for all the short-haired girls out there complete. Scarlett Johansson's Short Hairstyles Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Mark these pictures for days when you think you're bored with your short haircut-ScarJo will inspire you. Scarlett Johansson's Haircuts Scarlett Johansson uses short trim, dry texturing cream with side-swept front locks, textured layers, wavy locks and straight lines to increase volume. The flavour of the cut is the balance between a continuum and a movement that makes the hairstyle voguish. A short cut can also look feminine with a proper style. Scarlett Johansson's Hairstyles Scarlett Johansson's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, There's a textured side-sweeping fringe to accentuate your soft facial features and complement the image with elegant accessories. Mom's haircut. It's a plunge that tends to get plenty of new food. Scarlett Johansson's Hair However, we think it's safe to say that none of them have pulled off as well as a Scarlett Johansson. She was spotted and severely cropped sporting ' do around NYC, seamlessly proving that the notorious "mother cut" can be super. Scarlett Johansson's Short Hair We're so used to seeing ScarJo with his long, bombshell waves that his crop was a bit jarring. It's much shorter than the chin-length product that has swept Hollywood recently, but it's not quite fairy. Scarlett Johansson red hair Despite this, Scarlett managed to overcome this low-maintenance cut completely. In fact the Mane at the back is shaved, which will work when it's time to start growing, indicating he's firing into the back of his head. Scarlett Johansson blonde hair According to Anh Co Tran, who cut Coco Rocha's previous nymph, the best way to cut a shorter style is to keep the back short and trim only on the front and sides. That way, ' do will eventually become an asymmetrical bob. Scarlett Johansson brown hair Giving ScarJo something less to worry about when the little bundle of joy arrives . So, not only is mom Scarlett cut out to be thanks now, she is also easy to transition out of. We smell an incoming trend. Scarlett Johansson new haircut Scarlett Johansson to cut off her locks while leaving everyone long: at Comic-Con last Saturday, the star debuted a shockingly brief appearance. Not everyone should be surprised-this is the same beauty adventurer who rocked a mullet in. Scarlett Johansson natural hair 2020 (Johansson, for once, called it "crazy" but said he loved it). So why was it short again? And is it possible to pull off a bob if you're not blessed with Johansson's perfect bone structure? Oribe, the mane master behind the actress's cut, answers our burning questions. Scarlett Johansson black hair What was the inspiration for Johansson's haircut? The reunion of Brigitte Bardot and Christy Turlington. The line at the bottom is very"Christy" the exact type that bob Christy had in the early ' 90s but the texture is very. Is Scarlett Johansson short? Bardot with a face-framing softness. Why did Johansson decide to lop for so long? Her hair was really beautiful-long and gorgeous. But it was getting heavier. Scarlett Johansson Hairstyles, Haircuts You'll Love 2020 - 2021 Summer is here and Scarlett wanted something fresh that would provide more volume. We designed the haircut together, which is a pretty unique way of cutting hair. Scarlett Johansson lucy haircut I asked him how short he wanted to go and told him how long he needed to keep him. So today I suggest you check out the 30 best Scarlett Johansson short hair ideas. Scarlett Johansson Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors Let's start with the layered hairstyle. While the edges are cut short, there are too many layers on top. This hairstyle gives you an edgy look. Scarlett Johansson new hair Now, let's move on to the wavy bob hairdo. It's pretty simple, but it still looks great. Then we can move on to another bob hairdo. It is a short red bob hairstyle with waves. Scarlett Johansson hair short The red color really spices things up, but, after all, it's just a simple hairstyle. Yesil, Yesil, and then there's the really cute brown bob, because you look pretty with your short, green green eyes. Scarlett Johansson bob haircut Let's take a look at the fairy cut - it's one of those curvy hairstyles that gives you an edgy look. Another neat wonderful hairstyle. Then another shortcut is hairstyle. A lot of layers and a shortcut on the side looks great. Scarlett Johansson natural hair color Side shaved hairstyle is also an option if you want to feel frustrated and at the same time. Another neat, edgy hairstyle is the blonde fairy. Of course, she has prom hair-suitable for any event there. Scarlett Johansson new hairstyle Spring hair hairstyle is one of the cutest blonde hairstyles. Scarlett Johansson has been considered one of Hollywood's most versatile actresses, so it makes sense that she can rock almost any kind of hairstyle. Scarlett Johansson hair 2020 - 2021 In this article, we collected some of the most iconic Scarlett Johansson short hairstyles. Who knows? You can only find yourself inspired. Scarlett is known for her voluminous, fluffy curls, whether dressed in a cropped cut or shoulder-length lob. Scarlett Johansson hair stylist She has naturally thick hair, but her voluminous locks can be attributed to her famous stylist and some expensive items. She is also known for changing her hair color quite often, returning to a rich brunette and black to a fiery red and platinum blonde. Scarlett Johansson hair color natural We can't say we have a favorite because it does everything Justice. Whether you want to emulate her hot red hairdo in the. Scarlett Johansson hair now Avengers or copy one of her gorgeous official updos she was spotted wearing on the red carpet, we have Scarlett Johansson's short haircuts and styles all the best. Scarlett Johansson short hair tutorial We've also added some pro tips to help replicate your favourite Scarlett Johansson hair. He once told his audience that he didn't like to thank God or Jesus in his award acceptance speeches. How do girls grow out an undercut? Scarlett Johansson has been dating above live a year ago with head writer Colin Jost. Saturday nights may 217 she began dating. They officially announce their relationship on the red carpet to make it the most Hollywood way possible. Did Scarlett Johansson cut her hair? She married Romain Dauriac in October 2021 and ended up with Ryan Renolds in 2020 and 2020 in 2021. Scarlett Johansson has always been a red carpet favourite since. What is an undercut pixie? Making her debut at the age of nine. And over the years, the actress has become known for her adventurous, yet playful style, and appetite for ever-changing beauty looks. Scarlett Johansson hair extensions From red to all shades of brunette and Blonde, The Golden Globe nominee has no signature style. Everyone The Lord. With her face in Dolce & Gabbana make-up, the Rough Night star knows how to take risks with gold smoky eyes and dark red lips. Best Scarlett Johansson Short Hair Here, take a look at Johansson's best beauty moments on the red carpet. Meet the most impressive Scarlett Johansson short hair ideas for cutting your hair short. Scarlett Johansson short hair rough night See why buying a fairy is always a good decision. Regardless of hair length, style or cut Scarlett Johansson is always about to show up with what turns out to be perfect. And when the actress managed to turn her enviable. How do you grow out a pixie undercut? Long mane into something sharper and shorter, she showed all women that pixies and bobs have an approach for everyone. Scarlett Johansson long hair Dive in to see how he does it. When it comes to gorgeous hair in Hollywood, a surprising Scarlett Johansson doesn't need to look any further. Best Scarlett Johansson Hairstyle images Scarlett's hair has gone through many transformations and hair colors over the years, and she's one of the few people who can actually successfully achieve very different looks. We invite you to check out our list of our favorite. Scarlett Johansson hair color Scarlett Johansson haircuts, hair colors and hairstyles. Here's a quick preview: Scarlett shows us enough volume in all the right places with this hairstyle. Scarlett Johansson hair This medium-length bob shapes its face around the cheekbone region, giving the impression of an oval face shape. Scarlett Johansson haircut 2020 oscars The slim curls around this look are gorgeous and easy to achieve. The tight curls around her bangs bring shape and life to this look to die for. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson is an American actress who got her start in theatre and small film roles. Does Scarlett Johansson have curly hair? She had always wanted a career in the Performing Arts and luckily had a very supportive family. Scarlett got her first starring role in the 1996 film Manny & Lo. Scarlett Johansson short hair avengers Let's face it: we're all in love with ScarJo - but it's the ever-changing hairstyles that keep us on our toes. As one of the most successful actresses of all time, she knows how to keep everyone's attention on screen and on the red carpet. How to get Scarlett Johansson hair Like most celebrities, he likes to play with his style, but he gets up a notch by taking a new hairstyle every time you see him. From long flowing locks and mid-length sledges to fringes and fairy cuts-she did it all. If you like Scarlett Johansson with short hair, in for a treat. Scarlett Johansson hairstyles 2020 - 2021 We will inspire you with pictures of our favorite styles so that your hairdresser can easily replicate the look you want. Scarlett Johansson is a hair icon for tousled bobs from fairy cuts. Over the years, he has rocked all sorts of styles and left plenty of inspiration for the rest of us to follow in his footsteps.
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