#still need fo figure out how I’m tagging my personal stuff
ferperss · 6 months
Loved reading your lore so thank you for the tag!! @sportsthoughts
I spent waaaay too much time writing this but once I started I felt like I couldn’t stop lmao, so I’m applauding anyone that gets through it!
The story of how I ended up where I am today is a long and winding road lmao. But I think I should start by prefacing with the fact that hockey has been a part of my life since I was born essentially. There are pictures of me on a pair of skates at around age 2 when my dad first tried to teach me! Then I played consistently from age 6 to 14 but quit when they wanted me to leave the “girls” team and play with the women because I was intimidated haha. Besides playing myself I’ve also spent many hours with my dad on the couch watching Sweden play in any and all kinds of tournaments, worlds, Olympics you name it, and since he never really rooted for any other team in Sweden or outside of it I just kind of slowly fell into that same thing. I knew there was a hockey league overseas that a lot of our own players were shipped off to but I never really had any interest in rooting for a team that wasn’t team Sweden at the time.
In the winter of 2014, I was at the ripe age of 15 and I did not play hockey anymore nor did I care about any teams really, but two of my best friends at the time became OBSESSED with this one junior player and kept talking about him. This man was none other than Thee Mr Willy Nylander himself. This led to the three of us obsessing over him and we watched him play in the world juniors over our winter break. It got to the point of us picking fights with people on twitter that said he was a bad player and really anyone that said anything negative about our Swedish players hahaha. We had a group chat named after him and everything. We eventually lost interest and forgot about him but this story is important because it comes back later.
Flash forward to May 2023! Before I entered my hockey era again I had an eight month long absolutely crushing obsession with the TV show 9-1-1 that was airing on Fox at the time (ABC now thank god, I still keep track) that came to a screeching halt when the season 6 finale aired and I hated it. I swore up and down that I was never ever going to watch that show again and now that the one thing I had been so fixated on for so long was gone I did not know what to do with myself. Which sounds so dramatic but honestly sometimes I don’t know who I am if I have nothing to obsess over. So naturally I needed entertainment and as I looked up through the haze of firefighters and network drama I found that the 2023 IIHF World Championship in Tampere and Riga was on! And I had no choice! There was hockey to be watched and I sure did watch it. Now, it did not go too well for the Swedish team last year, which is okay. But one thing that happened was the constant debate on wether Willy Nylander was going to join in. His brother was there and his teammate Timothy Liljegren also joined in. But there was no word on Willy himself. And it was all they talked about. He obviously did not end up joining but all the talk had made me nostalgic. And naturally I had to revisit the old object of obsession and see how he was doing over the Atlantic and turns out he was doing quite well indeed. And because I am a sucker for team dynamics and narratives (who could ever believe I studied film for five years) I desperately clung onto the Toronto Maple Leafs like my life depended on it. What I didn’t know was that these were also transformative times, and once I’d gotten into the team and the organization, I was bewildered when Kyle Dubas all of a sudden was going to another team??? How could that be?? The Penguins?? And that’s when I found my way to the Pittsburgh Penguins, the power of Dubas’ cardigans and Sidney Crosby’s fat ass gripped me and now I split my time between my equally cursed teams like they’re my divorced parents. And here we are.
Naturally there are a lot of nuances left out of here, I’ve covered the key points but I think that there are probably so many reasons that it was the perfect time for me to get into hockey again and here we are almost a year later and there’s no going back now!! I’m stuck here forever. And I would not have it any other way <3
This is the end of ramblings and I’ll say if there’s anything I love more than hockey, it’s being dramatic, and also I didn’t spell check this at all so if it’s not perfect I’m sorry (I’d love to blame it on English not being my first language but it’s the only subject I’ve always had straight A’s in so it’s not really applicable it’s just me being lazy)
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darkicedragon · 2 years
Onto Steven Universe: Future. I thought I was starting completely new, but turns out I’ve watched more than I realised, haha. I guess I’m pretty certain I didn’t watch the ending of it though, but we’ll find out. XD
Up to episode 11.
Ep1 Yessss, a new intro finally! :D
Oooooh, he’s healing the gems with....the Diamonds’ tears, I guess? And he drives!
This is just ‘what everyone’s doing now’ montage, huh. I wouldn’t have thought Lars would have stayed on Earth though.
Oooooh, yesssss, teaching the gems how to be a person!
Yeah, it’d make sense Jasper didn’t want to join with everyone.
Daaang, Steven’s angry.
Awww, Jasper just wanted to fight someone! She was super happy doing that!
ep2 Integrated gemmms, yesss.
Yeah, okay, Smilie really needed as much help as he could get. 8′)
......Yeah, fine, it’s all the jobs they were made to do and are comfortable with.
l;skdfjldkfj They just want to hear screams, oh my god, ahahahah.
They’re so adorable!!
The zoo people are back! And hate Greg, ahahaha, awww.
Oooooh, boy the third Rose Quartz.
The reaction to the ‘Rose’ Rose quartz are just great, aaahaha.
Yeah, understandable where the picture ended up. 8′)
Pink’s previous Pearl, and healing the gem! :D
But the gem’s not damaged though... Ah, yeah.
Refurbishment doesn’t sound good...
Recent!Pearl, no, don’t take other people’s stuff. >8(
Ouuuch, that crack...
‘I was just standing in the wrong place.’ Ouch. 8(
Thaaat’s a temper, Steven.
‘How did you stop hurting?’ ‘I didn’t.’ Ouuuuuuch.
Attacking with the ribbon though! Wasn’t expecting that. Nice. :D
Ep5. Garnet episode when. :(
Ooooh, pranking! Not very good, but they’re trying their best!
A fusion! :D
I mean, everyone’s tried to kill Steven at this point anyway.
Bluebird is still fake though.
Yeeeep, ahahah.
I did expect he could survive the fall, but yeah, wasn’t expecting the haircut, damn.
The ice swords are cool.
lj;sldkfjasdf Oh my god, the Alexandrite fusion was just so quick and squashed them, ahaha.
Ep6 Playing with Onion, awww.
Oh! Rainbow! :D
Ooooh, noooo, don’t gieve Union the umbrella...
Awww, Onion’s so happy. 8′) And. So destructive.
Ep7 That’s a super precise alarm time, Steven.
Whoooof, Steven is just so uncommunicative with the others.
Pearl transformation! :D
OH, OKAY, this is just all the fusion cameos, ahaha.
Yessss, Sapphire!
Updated tag. :D At least he’s sort of relaxing now.
Ep8 Lapis episode finally!
Adorable plants!
:o More Lapises.
‘Terraforming is what we like’ Yeeeah, fair.
Wow, Lapis is so green now. 
Yeeah, the twins are going to make a weapon ins - yep.
Lapis and Steven dancing together is cute though. And awww, Lapis’ song.
‘Like Pearls’ Whoof.
The twins work really well together, and learn super fast too. I was kinda hoping they’d fuse, but at least one of them decided to go the Homeschool.
Ep9 Sadddiiieee! :D Is dating! :o
Yeeah, everyone’s leaving. 8′)
Awwww, the Off Colours graduated together. 8′)
Steven is so out of the loop now, dang. Too busy with running the Homeschool?
Awww, Sadie’s song was sweet. She’s less angry now. :)
That was way too understanding from everyone after they nearly died. It felt a little rushed.
Just. Give the Homeschool to Amythst.
Ep10 No safety rails on the greenhouse. D: Not that it matters to anyone who goes up there, but what if they’re fully human. DD:
Ooooooh boy. Steven still isn’t letting go of everyone...
Welp, there goes/comes the cactus.
The pot’s too small for them n - oh NO it can speak. 8′))))
Noooo! Don’t hide the cactus!
Steven, I think you could figure out what happened with the SMASHED WINDOW NEXT TO THE DOOR.
Shouldn’t the cactus die with too much water?
Ooooh noooo, a hug. XDDD
-- Hmmm, typing out the reaction to the episodes, it does feel pretty bitty and monster/issue of the week, rather than something overarching. Or just a very gentle epilogue, and the overarching issue is Steven’s anger and finding a place for himself that isn’t connected to his mum.
But I guess I’ll find out, pfft.
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hailing-stars · 4 years
@febuwhump day 14 
meddling kids
“Ned, you’re a genius,” says Peter. “We’ll just play some cupid, get them together for real, and they’ll be so distracted we can go back to movie days at the Tower.”
“Because that plan doesn’t have the potential to turn into a big, fucking disaster,” says MJ.
“It’ll be fine,” says Peter. “It’ll be good. It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Even they deserve to be happy.”
Peter attempts to meddle in Sam and Bucky’s relationship, and Flash meddles in Peter’s and MJ’s. 
Rain hits the windows of Avengers Tower, and Peter pulls MJ a little bit closer. His eyes are glued to the TV screen, where it’s also raining, and where the two leads in the cheesy, rom-com Ned had switched on argue in the midst of the downpour. It isn’t long before the argument turns to kissing.
“That’s so romantic,” says Peter. That’s really what he’d rather be doing. Kissing MJ in the rain.
“Dude,” says Flash, shoving a fist full of popcorn in his mouth, from where he sat on the floor. “You’re such a sap.”
Peter scrunches up his face. “I’m not a sap.”
“Kind of are,” says Ned.
Peter turns to MJ for help, and their faces are so close, their noses almost brush up against each other. Forget the rain. He’d rather be kissing her now, in the common room, on the Avengers favorite couch.
“You’re totally a sap,” she tells him. “But you’re my sap.”  
“You two are disgusting,” says Flash. “Just get a room and let Ned and I finish watching this in peace.”
Peter doesn’t think that sounds like such a bad idea, and he’s about to say so when he’s startled into sitting up straight.
He turns his head and sees Sam and Bucky entering the common area.
“Oh,” says Peter. He and MJ scoot to opposite ends of the couch, as if it mattered and they hadn’t already been seen. “Um, hey Sam. Bucky.”
“What is this?” asks Sam, gesturing to the common room. “What have we told you about using the Tower as your own personal clubhouse for you and your school friends?”
“That I’m definitely welcomed to do it?”
“Well that’s one interpretation of hell no,” says Bucky.
Peter could strange both of them right there on the spot. They’re the annoying big brothers he never wanted, and he hates how they only ever agree with each other when it disadvantages him in some way.
“Take your Scooby Squad and scram,” says Sam.
“We’re not the Scooby Squad,” says Flash. He doesn’t take his eyes off the screen, and his hand stays in the bowl of popcorn. “We’re the FlashMob, don’t forget it.”
“We’re not the FlashMob,” says Ned. “We’re the FOS gang.”
“FOS?” questions Bucky.
“Friends of Spider-Man,” answers Ned.
“Meddling kids seems more appropriate,” says Sam. “Parker. Get them out.”
“If we’re the Scooby Squad you’re the grumpy old men,” says Peter, with a sigh. He stands, snatches the bowl of popcorn from Flash, and orders Friday to switch off the movie.
Peter, MJ, Ned and Flash file out the room, listening to Sam and Bucky as their bickering turns towards each other. Apparently Bucky’s chosen spot on the couch was where Sam sits, apparently the throw pillow Sam claims actually belongs to Bucky, and so on.
“I swear,” says Peter. “They bicker more than Mr. Stark and Gerald.”
“Gerald?” asks MJ.
“He’s going through a phase.”
“Well it’s obvious why they bicker,” MJ tells them.
All three stare at her.
“..It is?” asks Ned.
“Come on, guys,” says MJ. “It’s classic. They’re in love.”
All eyes turn back to the couch. They’re both sitting at opposite ends and they both take turns telling Friday to switch the channel on the TV. Doesn’t seem like a very productive war. Peter develops whiplash from just standing off in the background, watching the TV screen flip back and forth between Jaws and some old timey black and white film.
“I bet they just kicked us out so they could be alone together,” she continues.
“Enemies to lovers?” asks Ned, still staring at them, with a tilted head.
“I’d ship it,” says Flash.
“Wish they’d get a room, or an apartment,” says Ned. “So we could get back to our movie day.”
“Ned, you’re a genius,” says Peter. “We’ll just play some cupid, get them together for real, and they’ll be so distracted we can go back to movie days at the Tower.”
“Because that plan doesn’t have the potential to turn into a big, fucking disaster,” says MJ.
“It’ll be fine,” says Peter. “It’ll be good. It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Even they deserve to be happy.”
MJ kisses him on the cheek, and links his arm with hers as they march off towards the elevators.
“You really are such a sap,” she tells him, a fondness in her tone that causes Peter to realize he doesn’t actually mind being a romantic so much, not when MJ was the one saying it.
Peter leads Bucky down the season aisles at Target, and figures he’s really on his last shot of this cupid business.
He hasn’t exactly been subtle over the last couple of days. Bucky’s already wondering why Peter had insisted on him tagging along on his trip to Target with him.
They pass by heart shaped boxes of candy, and Peter digs through the bin of cute stuffed animals until he finds a unicorn. When he squeezes it, it’s teeth turn pointy and it’s eyes turn mean. It’s perfect.
“For MJ?” asks Bucky.
“No way, man,” says Peter. He turns his attention to the chocolate boxes with cartoon characters printed on the front, and grabs the one with “I got her presents months ago. This stuff is for Morgan.”
“How’s Stark handling Valentine's Day as a father, anyway?”
“He loves it,” says Peter. “He’s a little bit obsessed, actually. He wants Morgan to pass out the best Valentine's cards in her class, so he stayed up all night designing them online and he’s having candy delivered for some fancy chocolate shop in Germany.”
“I don’t think kids really care about fancy chocolate,” says Bucky, and Peter watches as he eyes the boxes of chocolate. His eyes go back and forth between two different brands.
“They don't,” says Peter. “But they do if you bribe the chocolate makers into molding the chocolate into the replicas of famous Avengers.”
Bucky doesn’t respond. All his focus is on the candies.
“What kind of chocolate do you think Sam likes?” asks Peter.
Bucky snaps his head around and narrows his eyes at him. “Why would you ask that?”
Peter shrugs. “I dunno. Maybe we should get him some. It’d be nice.”
Bucky stares at him, and Peter shuffles his feet around, dying to come out with his suggestion that he and Sam should just go out already. That they’ll be a lot happier together, way less grumpy.
“How do you know?” asks Bucky.
“How what?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
“I don’t have to play dumb,” says Peter. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Come on,” says Bucky. “What’s the deal with you crawling around on the ceiling hanging mistletoe above wherever Sam and I are standing? Or that night you made us dinner and set the table with candles and rose petals?”
“I was just being nice. Who doesn’t like roses?”
“I know you know about me and Sam,” says Bucky. “So quit harassing us, and keep your mouth shut about it.”
“Wait…. You and Sam… are already together?” asks Peter, with a gasp of disbelief. “I was trying to set you up!”
“You didn’t know?” asks Bucky. “We thought you knew and were being an asshole about it.”
“Holy shit,” says Peter. He shifts Morgan’s presents to one hand, and pulls his phone out of his pocket with the other. “I gotta tell MJ.”
Bucky swipes his phone. “You can’t tell anybody. We’re keeping it a secret for now.”
“Fine, fine,” says Peter. “Secret safe with me.”
“No secret is safe with you, Parker,” Bucky tells him, before marching past him, and to the next aisle where he continues looking for Sam’s present.
Peter frowns. He’s got no clue why people think he’s incapable of keeping things secret.
Peter manages to keep Sam and Bucky’s relationship to himself, until the day of the Midtown High Valentine’s day dance. And it’s not exactly Peter’s fault. He isn’t exactly to see the two of them in his school’s gym, with linked arms, wearing identical grins.
“You two cannot be here,” whispers Peter. His eyes darted around the gym, at all his classmates, somehow forgetting no connection could realistically be made between Peter Parker and two Avengers.
“Sure we can,” says Bucky. “We’re chaperones.”
“And I’m Captain America. I can go anywhere.”
“I hate you both,” says Peter.
Sam claps him on the shoulder. “Consider this revenge.”
“For what?!?”
“For being annoying,” says Bucky.
“And young,” adds Sam. “And for torturing us with mistletoes.”
“Oh, look,” says MJ, emerging from the crowd of students on the dance floor. “I was right. Who’s surprised?”
“Yeah, congratulations,” says Sam. “Now take your irritatingly observant selves over to the refreshment table, get yourselves some Scooby snacks and leave us to our chaperoning.”
Peter doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s ready to put so much distance between himself and the old, grumpy chaperones. He and MJ are crossing the dance floor when they’re favorite song starts to play, but it’s something else that grabs Peter’s attention.
It’s Flash, standing on the bleachers, holding a lighter up to the smoke alarm.
“THIS IS FOR YOU PENIS PARRKKKERRRR,” he yells across the gym, just as the smoke alarm blares to life.
He’s confused, until sprinklers on the ceiling turn on, and water begins to rain down on the entire student body, soaking dresses and suits and splashing into the probably already spiked punch bowl.
“I guess you were right about something too,” says MJ, with a small smile. They’re standing in the middle of the dance floor, while most others run and duck for cover under chairs or in the hallway, while Bucky and Sam chase Flash around the gym. “This is kind of romantic.”
“I can start an argument with you,” says Peter. He hooks his arm around her waist and pulls her closer. “If you want it to be like the movies.”
“Nah,” she tells him. “We can skip that part.”
She brushes his soaked hair out of his face, and they kiss. It’s every bit as romantic as it is in the movies.
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op-peccatori · 5 years
to know him (is to love him) | MLQC Victor (M)
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor/Reader
Rating: 18+/Explicit/NSFW
Word Count: 2900
Summary: It was something that had only come up in the occasional daydream, a delicious reversal of your roles. You couldn’t have ever imagined that it was something he’d been thinking of too.
A/N: NO, I don’t know where this came from either. it came to me in a seductive whisper at 3 AM I feel the need to let you know this isn’t something I’ve tried personally and it’s really more of an exercise in writing so, if you read it, hope you enjoy. and maybe laugh a little. 
I need to stop exposing myself like this. (warnings/tags under the cut)
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Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content, language, soft dom!MC, anal (male receiving), pegging, oral sex, slightly ooc Victor? idk I think the guy would loosen up with something else up his ass, i’ll...edit this later
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With a slight tilt of your head, you observe the still figure on the bed.
Silken strands of ebony hang over eyes that stare back at you intensely, belying the relaxed state of his body. Victor lounges on his stomach, the same position you’d left him in while you went to finish your report; you saunter over to the foot of the bed, admiring the muscular legs spread in a v-position. 
Your attention is immediately recaptured by the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, the beautiful jewel nestled between thick asscheeks littered with marks–some lipstick stains, some sucked lovingly into his skin. The deep blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears down to his chest is adorable, the way his hips press into the bed at your reappearance incredibly tempting. 
“Look at you,” you murmur appreciatively, pulling your hair back in a tight ponytail. You have vivid memories of the first time you had ventured into the backdoor territory, your tongue circling his puckered hole; the memory of the way Victor’s strong thighs had trembled and his fingers had tightened in your hair never fails to make your mouth water. “You doing alright, babe?” 
You climb onto the bed, sitting on folded knees between his spread legs, your fingers working their way up his legs with a gentle massage. 
“Mm, I’m fine,” he mumbles, his words casual but his tone containing the slightest hitch as your hands come to rest on his ass, squeezing the supple flesh gently. He grinds down into the mattress, desperate for the friction. “Are you done with your report?”
“Yes, all done. We can finally focus on you,” you coo, running a finger over the jewelled head before patting his thigh. “I’m going to need you on your back, you think you could do that for me?” 
“Yeah, give me a sec.” Victor moves carefully, shifting his weight to his elbows and knees as he turns onto his back, keeping his knees folded and feet flat on the bed; he leaves enough space between his legs for you to crawl forward, rubbing his inner thighs soothingly, your eyes focusing on his stuff member before drifting up his body.
“Are you comfortable?” 
“Yes,” he hesitates, studying your fond little smile as you continue to watch him. He scoffs lightly. “Are you going to sit there all night?”
“If you want me to,” you tease lightly, and he glares before curling a hand around yours, tugging you forward until you manoeuvre your limbs around his and straddle his stomach, keeping your weight on your knees. Victor looks gorgeous like this, sprawled on his back with the soft dim lighting in the room and the moonlight painting his pale skin, his hair adorably tousled. 
“You look beautiful, baby,” you whisper as his questing fingers slip beneath the hem of your short silk robe, brushing over soft skin to cup a breast, rolling a nipple between nimble fingers. He doesn’t say a word but the slight curl of his lips says it all. 
You can’t help the way you smile in response to his, eyes half-lidded as you lean in, brushing your lips against his, light as the first fragile snowflake to reach the ground. 
His lips part and you dive in, mouth settling firmly over his as your tongue slips in to brush against his. Your fingers brush his bangs away from his face and his fingers dig into your breast. He moans when your lips close around his tongue, sucking lightly, his hips bucking involuntarily beneath you. 
You pull away panting, watching his face twist with disapproval, full brows knitting together. His legs straighten out a bit and he tries to push you back, and you don’t have to look back to know how strained and flushed his erection is, the needy demand in his eyes and touch tipping you off.  
“Y/n,” he mutters, eyelashes fluttering as your lips trace a hot path along his neck, his head tilting to the side automatically. “Y/n...”
“Yes?” You pull back to look at him questioningly, as if you don’t know what he needs, what he’s been waiting for all day. 
He scowls you at you. You squint at him as if not understanding what he’s trying to say. “Fuck, y/n, I’m going to–“ 
“Tell me what you want,” you murmur pleasantly, cutting him off as you lean in, the tips of your noses nearly brushing. His bottom lip quivers, you feel his warm breath on your lips, but no words come out and you decide to help him out. “Do you want me to suck your cock? Is that it, baby?” 
Victor, glare wavering just the slightest bit, gives a small nod and you smile faintly–before your fingers come up to rest on his throat. He freezes, mostly in surprise, but you don’t increase the pressure, just digging in your nails lightly. 
“Say it.” The words are clipped, contrasting with your benign expression. His throat bobs under your touch as he swallows. You can almost see him weigh his options, the way he considers just flipping you over and fucking you senseless; but you’ve talked about this, and he knows you won’t mind but neither of you likes derailing from the agenda. 
“I need you–I need your mouth, your hands, anything. Please suck my dick.” He would never beg, but you’re nonetheless quite delighted with the beseeching note in his voice. 
“Anything for you,” you croon, planting a quick kiss on his cheek as he huffs before shuffling back and onto his thighs, reaching for his neglected cock. It brushes your thigh as you move, and it’s surprisingly difficult to steer yourself away from the thought of just-
Okay. No. Bad y/n.
You start with slow pumps, ducking your head to bring your mouth to it, giving soft kitten licks around the tip, the slightly salty taste of his wetness a familiar one. His breathing stutters as his hands grabbing fistfuls of the bedspread, keeping himself still as you work him diligently. 
It’s nice that he’s being so obedient, but would that remain so in the face of obstacles? You should test him, right? Victor loves his tests, after all. 
You take in as much of his length into your mouth as you can, continuing the motions of your hand as your tongue undulates along it. You take in his soft groan before letting him slip out of your mouth. And then, just as he raises his head to look at you, a protest on the tip of his tongue, you dip the tip of your tongue into the wet slit at the head of his cock–just the slightest bit, and thrilled shivers erupt all over your skin as he slams his head back into the pillow, a helplessly loud groan almost resembling a growl erupting from his mouth.
How lovely.
“Fuck, y/n, please–“ 
At that, you take him in your mouth once more, working it in tandem with your hand as you increase your pace with one goal in mind. Just when you know he’s close, his thighs tensing and his hips beginning to snap into your mouth, your fingers sneak down to fondle his balls carefully. 
Victor comes with a loud curse, a helpless groan of your name; warm, thick liquid fills your mouth and you swallow as much as you can, allowing the rest to dribble down your chin and over your fingers and his skin. You swallow forcefully as you lock eyes with him, savouring the flash of desire in his eyes. 
Victor’s breathing evens out slowly as you clean him up, his limbs relaxed and unmoving, and you start to wonder if he’s dozed off until you look up and catch him watching you. 
Going by the look on his face alone, sleeping seems to be the last thing on his mind. 
“Are you sure you want to do this tonight?” You reach for his hand, bringing it up to brush your lips over his knuckles, relishing in his slightly flustered expression. 
You have to wonder why Victor’s so surprised. You did, after all, learn from the best.
He takes a moment to think about it, eyes darting to the harness resting harmlessly on a chair in the corner of the room. “Yes, I’m sure.” 
“Not too tired?” 
You study him for another moment before nodding. “I’ll get us ready, then. Safe word?”
You share a smile at that, chuckling softly as you climb off the bed and reach for the strappy gear. Silently thanking YouTube as you clip it on, feeling like you’re about to raid a tomb, you reach for the chosen dildo and pivot, only to freeze in place. 
Victor seems to have taken it upon himself to get into one of the positions you’d researched, staying on his back and pulling his knees up until they’re closer to his chest, and the visual goes straight to your groin; you swear that you feel your cunt tremble from this sight alone, of this powerful man spread on his back for you, and it takes you a moment to realize he’s saying something. 
“Y/n?” he repeats, looking annoyed when you jump and look at him, before it shifts into something more self-conscious. “I think this should work.”
“Y-yeah...” You amble back over to the bed in a slight daze, grabbing the lube off the side table, sliding onto the bed deftly. Your mouth trembles and dries up: Victor, with his knees up, plugged for nearly an hour now, ready for you to fuck him.
“...Is everything okay?” he peers at you curiously, flushing slightly when you run your fingers over the backs of his thighs. His, now mostly flaccid, cock rests on his stomach, and you decide it to leave it alone for now. 
“Just wondering how I got so lucky,” you admit easily, a sly smile forming on your lips when he scoffs, but the pleased tilt of his mouth gives him away. “Did I mention you’re gorgeous?” 
“Yes, you did.” He averts his eyes but you don’t miss his slight smirk, prompting your own as you reach for the plug. His expression falters as you twist it in place, a soft sound leaving his throat. 
“I’m gonna pull this out now, okay?” 
“Mm.” He shifts as you pull the toy out, pouring the cool lube over your fingers; you circle the flexing hole, eyes darting between your hand and his face. A long finger slides in, followed by a second, and his eyelids flutter as you slide them in and out, marvelling at the way his walls clamp down on them.
“Feels okay?” 
“Yeah,” his mouth parts silently as you angle your wrist, brushing over where you’ve, in the past few weeks, come to know his prostate is. “Ah-feels good.”  You’re glad his eyes are closed; he misses your pleased grin. 
“Y/n,” he opens his eyes, waiting until you look away from the lovely sight of your fingers entering him and meet them, giving you a firm nod. “I’m ready.” 
You can’t help but remember saying those exact words to him, more than a year ago, the night you had sex with him for the first time. The way he grins lets you know he’s remembering the same thing, and you shake your head lightly as you pull your fingers out. 
Well, then, you should aim to be just as good as he was. A lofty goal, but you’ve been in a relationship with arguably the most enterprising man in the city for over a year–and you’re no stranger to ambition.
Once you’re sure the dildo is dripping with enough lube, you shuffle forward, guiding the tip to his entrance. You’re oddly nervous, even though you’ve spent weeks prepping for this, but Victor’s gaze is clear of any worry; his eyes, luminous and fervent, meet yours steadily. You reach for his hand, the one resting beside him, and lace your fingers through his tightly. 
You push the head of the toy through, a part of you wishing you could actually feel it, and stop there. 
“Keep going.” 
“Keep going, y/n,” he gasps, “please.” 
You start moving at once, at his breathless demand, much to your chagrin–old habits do die hard. He groans deeply, chest heaving, hand squeezing yours. You still once you bottom out, your breath stuck in your chest as you watch him squirm, his jaw clenching as he adjusts.
“Okay?” you whisper, your walls squeezing almost despondently around nothing as you watch his cock get stiffer, as he opens eyes glazed over with arousal.
“Yeah,” Victor pushes his hips up lightly, “I’m good. Are you?” 
You try not to laugh, because he’s so sweet even when he’s the one with a five-inch dildo up his ass. “Perfect.” 
“Then move,” he commands, and you bite back a yes sir as you slide out halfway, before sliding back in. “Oh, fuck.” 
“I love you,” he groans, and this time you do giggle as you start thrusting slowly. “Babygirl, ah, keep going.” 
It feels surreal to be on the receiving end of these words, to be the one fucking him, but you enjoy it immensely, even though the movement feels a bit strange. Perhaps you should’ve listened to Victor and opted for one of those dual dildos. But you’d wanted the first time to be about him, to focus on his pleasure and not let your own be a distraction. Your pace is steady, nearly a grind and he rocks his hips into yours. 
“Harder. I’m not made of glass-“ His choked gasp as you cut him off with a hard snap of your hips sends satisfaction rushing through your veins. No wonder he does it so often, you would love to see that again. 
It takes a few tries to angle it right, to have the toy brushing his prostate, but you’re rewarded by him writhing beneath you, your name falling from his lips in a curse and a prayer in turns. His cock, flushed and erect, bounces enticingly as you drill into him. You hope you’re not rushing when you reach for it, giving it a few quick pumps and Victor cracks. You let go of his cock in slight fear as he shouts, but his other hand finds yours and guides it back to his straining erection. 
“Please, fuck–I’m so close, baby, so close–“ he pants, his hips lifting to meet yours as you pick up your faltering pace. There’s a strange sort of desperation welling in you, a need to see him come, and your hand wraps around his cock firmly as you lift your interlocked hands to place them on his folded knee, his other leg having fallen to the side. 
With his lips parted, deep groans rumbling from his chest, stormy eyes shut tight–Victor looks ethereal as he comes, like a wild god falling apart beneath you. His seed spills over his chest, and he’s shaking, his hand lax in your grip, and you take a moment to breathe before sliding out as gently as you can. 
He hisses as you do so, looking up at you tiredly as you help him turn to his side, unclipping the harness hurriedly as you move over to his side, wiping impatiently at the sweat dripping down your cheeks. 
Your lips brush his temple as you stroke his damp hair gently, drawing a tiny hum from his throat as he presses his face into your stomach. Unsure if you should wake him up if he’s dozed off, you’re relieved when he stirs, tilting his head up and smiling as you kiss him softly. 
“Mm.” He moves as if to scoot closer, before pausing and staring down at his chest. 
“Right, here–“ 
Reaching for a small towel and handing him a glass of water as you clean him up, admittedly hovering as he takes small sips; you’re gifted with an eye-roll from him. 
“Calm down.” 
“How does a bath sound?” you ask instead. He considers you for a moment, taking in your nervous expression and wringing hands. He stretches, muscles rippling beneath his skin–and winces. You take that as a yes, scrambling off the bed.
“Only if you join me,” he calls after you as you run to the bathroom. He looks surprised when, after turning the water on, you run to the door of the bedroom. “What are you doing?” 
“Getting you a snack!” you answer over your shoulder, hurrying to the kitchen and grabbing the prepped bowl of fruit. You’re back at his side in record time, place the bowl on the bed as he lounges on his side, head propped up on a palm. 
“I’m fine, y/n,” he sighs, accepting the strawberry with a long-suffering look. 
“I know, but-”
“But nothing,” he pops another slice into his mouth. You settle behind him and he leans back into your arms, something sly in the curve of his smile. You pepper every inch of skin you can reach with soft kisses, resisting the urge to hold him tighter. “Although I could get used to this.”
Your mind flashes back to his face when you first slid into him, the way he’d moaned shamelessly as you thrust into him, the way he fell to pieces when he came. And then you take in the way he’s sunk into your embrace, nibbling contentedly on the snack he ‘didn’t need.’ 
“Yeah. Me too.”
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nastybuckybarnes · 5 years
Wicked Games  -  Four
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Soulmate AU
Summary: Everyone in the world has a soulmate. And until they meet that soulmate, everyone in the world stops aging at 25. Wrongfully accused of a horrendous crime and on the run, you happen to bump into the man who’s been avoiding you for the past seventy-five years.
Warnings: Language, Fluff? Rape and Abuse mentions
Word Count: 2.1K
A/n: I’m really tired rn and idk how good this chapter is. I just wanna write the spicy stuff lmao
MASTERLIST 1  2   3 Series Masterlist
“Eat.” You startle awake as a bowl of mush is tossed into your lap.
“Why?” You ask, not understanding why this cop hasn’t turned you in yet.
“Because if you don’t you’ll die,” he says matter-of-factly. You roll your eyes and struggle into a seated position in the bathtub. “It’ll kinda be hard to eat with my hands stuck behind my fucking back,” you snap, not bothering to try and stay on his good side.
“Jesus Christ,” he murmurs, leaning down and carefully uncuffing one of your wrists only to cuff it again in front of you. “Now eat. Then we talk.” You roll your eyes but scoop some of the mush up on your fingers and carefully bring it to your mouth, tasting it with the tip of your tongue then shovelling it into your mouth.
Bucky watches you with a disgusted look on his face as you scarf down the food.
“Why did you kill Rumlow?” He asks after a minute of you eating. You look up at him then back down to the bowl of food. “You’re not legally allowed to question me until I have a lawyer present,” you inform. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his thick chest. “I’m not in uniform. I’m asking you as the man who saved your life. Maybe the only man interested in actual justice and not revenge. If you’d tell me why you killed him this would all be so much easier.” You chew slowly then shake your head.
“I’ve learned not to trust cops,” is how you reply. It’s more than enough to clue Bucky in.
“C’mon. Get up. You’re gonna take a shower and get changed and then you’re gonna give me the reasons as to why you’ve been on the run this whole time. If you listen and you’re good, I’ll be able to help you. Got it?” You nod slowly, allowing him to carefully pull you to your feet.
“I’m gonna let you out of your cuffs and lock the door. Just know that I’ll be waiting outside with my taser and pepper spray, should you get any ideas about escaping. You’re stuck here with me. Towels are in the cabinet and there’s body wash in the shower somewhere. I do advise cleaning all this blood up first though.” he nods to the sticky substance coating the floor and walls of the bathtub. You nod and let him help you out of the tub.
“You have twenty minutes. There are no windows in here and only one door that I can lock from the outside. You have no way of getting out so don’t even try.” You slump your shoulders but nod again, rubbing your raw wrists after h takes the cuffs off.
“Twenty minutes start now.”
He leaves the bathroom and locks the door. After standing there for three minutes, you turn the water on as hot as it goes and let it wash away the blood dirtying the tub. Once the tub is clean you strip off your clothes and grab a facecloth from the closet. It takes a moment to find your courage, but you’re glad you do because the hot water feels absolutely incredible on your aching skin.
The pressure is perfect and cleans the mud, blood, and grime of the past few days right off of your skin.
You enjoy the warmth for a moment then get down to business; ignoring the pain in your wrists as you begin washing your body with the mahogany body wash.
You feel clean and refreshed, your hair finger-combed and washed with an expensive looking shampoo that smells like lilac.
Once you're finished you step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a fluffy white towel, looking around the room and pondering what to do next. You know you can’t escape, so there’s no point in trying.
Something inside of you is telling you to trust this cop. That he’s not like the others and he'll actually help you. He won’t be like Rumlow.
The still-prominent bruises and cuts all over your body remind you of just how awful Brock was, and you shudder.
“Are you decent?” He asks through the door, snapping you out of your haze. “I... you didn’t give me any clean clothes,” you say softly, afraid that he’ll take advantage of your vulnerable state.
“I know.” The door opens and you scream as he walks in, terrified and cowering in the corner. “Please don't! I-I’ll do anything! Please don't!” He freezes in his tracks, curses twice, then tosses a bundle of something at your feet and dashes out of the bathroom, locking the door behind himself.
You wait for a moment, tears streaming down your cheeks as your heart races, then end down and inspect the pile of stuff. He’s given you a t-shirt, a pair of boxers with the tags still on, and a pair of sweatpants that look three sizes too fucking gigantic.
Nevertheless, you put the clothes on then sit on the floor across from the toilet, your eyes focused on the door as you hear the lock click.
“(Y/n)... I... fuck. I won’t touch you, okay? Not... not like that. I won’t take advantage of you or anything. I promise. Okay?” You wipe your cheeks and watch as the door slowly opens. Bucky looks at you, all curled up in a ball on the floor, and his heart breaks.
“He touched you, didn’t he?” You don’t look up at him, nodding your head yes.
“(Y/n) I’m going to be very blunt with you now, you have to answer me truthfully because this will change the entire case. Did Brock Rumlow sexually assault you?” You nod once more, biting back a sob.
“Fucking Hell...” He trails off and scratches the nape of his neck. “I always knew he was a bad guy, but I never thought...” he looks at you then takes a deep breath. “Do you have any cuts or bruises from him?” You glare up at him and shake your head, not liking where this is going.
“I’ll stay right here. I just... I need to see them. It will make everything a lot easier for you.” You take a deep breath and carefully pull the shirt off, feeling embarrassed at being shirtless in front of this stranger. But some strange part of you is telling you that this is fine.
He sucks in a sharp breath when he sees your torso.
Your ribs are darkened, stained with bruises from either cracks or full breaks to the bones. You have multiple deep cuts that look like they’ve been stitched together by a three-year-old, and other fading bruises that cover the rest of your body. Around your neck are still very prominent bruises in the shape of fingers, indicating that you’ve been choked, and he can see similar bruises on your hips.
“C-can I put it back on now?” You ask, your voice wavering. He nods and looks away as you pull the shirt back on.
“Jesus. Come out here. I’m gonna make you some tea and you’re gonna start talking, understand?” You nod your head yes and follow him out of the bathroom, fighting tears the whole way as you realize you’ll have to relive everything that awful man did to you.
Bucky’s quiet as he boils the kettle, mulling over everything he’s just found out.
You most likely killed Rumlow in self-defence, called the cops to tell them that, then hung up because you remembered that they probably won’t take your side over their dead buddy’s anyway.
He slides a steaming mug over to you and you stir in a spoonful of honey. “Thank you, officer.” He shakes his head at you. “James. My name is James.” You nod and keep your eyes down. “So he hurt you, huh?” You don’t answer, taking a sip of the hot beverage and trying to block out the painful memories.
“Well... this changes things. I’m almost thinking we should hand this case over to a different police department because ours is too personally attached to the case. But Pierce would never accept that. Fuck, this is a mess, isn’t it?” You nod, not looking up from the speckled grey countertop.
“Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you. Relax. You’re safe here with me, I promise. Hell, this is the safest you’ll probably ever be. Nobody will hurt you here.” You nod skeptically and take another sip of tea, letting the liquid burn your tongue and throat on the way down.
“What’s gonna happen to me?” You can’t stop the words from slipping out, but he doesn’t seem to hate the question. “You’ll stay here for a little while. Get better while I see who at the station is open minded. Then... I don’t know.” You nod, biting your bottom lip.
“Do you know why he did that stuff to you?” He asks softly, wanting to figure out why on earth Rumlow would want to harm someone who looks so delicate and fragile. You look up into his eyes for a split second, displaying that you have information that he needs and wants, then look back down to your tea.
“I don’t expect you to tell me everything right away, but you will need to come clean and confess at some point. Okay?” you nod, understanding that much. “Good. Now I-” knocking on the door cuts him off and you snap your head up. “Buck? It’s me, Steve. Open up.” Your heart drops as you recognize the voice of one of the cops who chased you through Walmart.
“Go up the stairs into the first room on the right. It’s a guest bedroom that nobody ever goes in. Hurry!” You discard your tea and run as fast and as quietly as you can up the stairs and into the room, closing the door halfway and sitting on the floor, one hand covering your mouth as you try to slow your heart rate.
“Hey Steve,” James’ muffled voice says from downstairs.
“Thought I’d see how you were doing. You were pretty heated at work the other day and pretty distracted yesterday. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” That’s the second man, Steve.
“I’m... tired. Confused. Frustrated. I just want this case to solve itself. I mean, it doesn’t make sense for her to just kill him, there must’ve been a reason. And there was clearly a fight between the two fo them. What if she was the victim but got the upper hand somehow? What if he's been abusing her this whole time and she finally had enough?”
Steve whistles, “you’ve been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?” You hear James sigh. “Yeah. I’ve had to. I don’t want to send an innocent person to jail, Steve. There’s just so much we’re missing from the story and I want to have it all figured out already.” You hear them moving around below you.
“I’m sure we will, Bucky. But it’s gonna take time and patience. But we'll figure this out. I promise.”
You hear someone sigh again. “I just... what if she’s hurt? What if Rumlow... what if it’s him who’s the bad guy in all of this and she’s just.... innocent?” You hold your breath as you wait for Steve’s response.
“Then we’d better find her and help her.”
The door gets slowly pushed open and you watch as James walks in. He sits down across from you on the floor and stares at you.
“Steve’s gonna be seeing who at the station is open-minded, and from there we’ll decide what to do. If things are really rough, we might send you to a different. police station to confess. But until then you’re gonna be staying here with me. I’m the only one who knows you’re here and I’d like to keep it that way.”
You stare at him as he stands up and offers you his hand, hesitating for a moment before putting your hand in his and letting him pull you to your feet.
The feeling of his skin against yours sends a spark of electricity racing down your spine, a shiver of pleasure following right after it.
His eyes widen for the briefest of moments and you swear you see genuine fear in them, your own eyes widening as warmth spreads from where your hands are touching.
He drops your hand quickly then motions for you to follow him out of the room, leading you back downstairs to the kitchen to grab a snack and finish your tea.
@smolbeanbucky @wildefire @inumorph @impalatobakerstreet @nanna022 @mummy-woves-you @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001 @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs @swoonhui
@fallenangelfangirl @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @maladaptive-ninja-returns @cliffordasparagus @april-14-blog @potteritis
Wicked Games:
@lilypalmer1987 @bisexualfangirlsblog @i-am-always-famished @clarysthing @starkxpotts @e-wolf-98 @i-run-on-green-tea @nerd-without-a-cause @jamesbuckybarnes13 @theonelittleone @bradfordsgreekgod @littledeadrottinghood @ashlebetty @izhetbean @mu-mu-rs @bruisedfaye @bisoueffleurer @itsphinee @spnsquirrel @my-suga-kookies
@chuuulip @nerd-without-a-cause @natashasnight
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serceleste · 5 years
tagged by @rain-sleet-snow !
Author Name: celeste9
Fandoms You Write For: I’ve written for quite a few over the years but right now mostly Star Wars, and then MCU.
Where You Post: These days, just AO3, and sometimes snippets or short random stuff on Tumblr.
Most Popular One-Shot:  By far it’s No More Secrets, and it continues to boggle my mind how often it still shows up in my daily kudos emails, 5 years later! It’s a Merlin/Arthur (BBC Merlin) kidnapping leads to magic reveal fic I wrote for a gift exchange after I had already begun falling out of love with the ship, and it’s one of those things where I’m absolutely thrilled people loved it so much but it’s not one of my own personal favorites, so.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: In a Palace by the Lake, what I think of as the secret Prince Finn fic, lol. Not that surprising it was popular, it’s mutual pining where Finn’s a Force-sensitive prince and Poe is the idiot in love with him, ha. It was posted fall 2016, so it missed the true heyday of stormpilot frenzy but was still early enough that it was a genuine fandom juggernaut at the time.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Oh, damn, I don’t know. I judge everything I write but it’s nice to realize that there are stories I genuinely love, even if I always think they could have been improved. So I could name a number of fics here, but the first one I always think of is This Is the Road to Ruin (We Started at the End), my Finn/Poe/Rey/Kylo Ren First Order AU. It remains the longest and most ambitious thing I’ve ever written, and I’m honestly still really proud of it.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: All of them!
How Do You Choose Your Titles: I keep a list of song lyrics and poetry I can dip into, and when that fails usually something fairly generic from the fic itself.
Do You Outline: Nope, who has time for that?? I fly by the seat of my pants!! And it probably shows, lol. In seriousness, I write as stuff comes to me and then go back and fill in the blanks where needed, and I do put forethought into where I’m trying to go, but just in my head, never in a structured outlining way.
Complete: 541 fics on AO3, plus IDK how many drabbles and 3 sentence fics and other assorted tiny things I never posted there, and there’s a handful of cringey things I never bothered moving over from ffnet.
In-Progress: lol, this will take a while!
- Poe/Rey pwp
- Finn/Poe/Rey touch starvation
- time travel Poe/Rey + Kylo/Ben
- canon AU where Muran shows up alive, Finn/Poe + Poe/Muran
- canon AU Poe/Kare/Iolo where Iolo doesn’t join the Resistance with them
- SW/MCU fusion Bucky/Finn/Poe/Rey
- Poe/Luke where Poe went to Ahch-To
- dark Rey/Poe where Rey gains control of the FO and defeats the Resistance, capturing Poe in the process
- Finn/Kylo redemption fic involving hugs
- Finn/Poe undercover fake married
- Poe/Jess friends with benefits
- Finn/Poe leaning into the age difference
- Poe/Kylo where Poe goes undercover to the FO to try to turn Kylo back to the light
- sequel to the Prince Finn fic
- Poe/Leia through the events of the Poe comic up to the end of TFA
- sort of a Leia & Luke epistolary fic, letters she never sent him while he was missing
- Finn/Poe/Rey stranded on a planet with Luke
- vague possible follow up to the darkjedistormpilot First Order AU where they find the Resistance
- that Inside Llewyn Davis Llewyn/OMC fic I started once
- I have tons of little snippets of stuff that may or may not ever get turned into actual fics, Rey/Jess, Rey/Poe, Finn/Poe, Poe/Hux, Poe/Ben(Kylo), Finn/Poe/Rey, Poe/Leia, Poe/Jess...
- I have a lot of partially finished fics from old fandoms and/or fandoms I still write for but are just so old that I’ve forgotten where I was going with them, and it feels sad to admit they’re never going to be finished, especially the ones that had a lot of words!
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
- I still want to write the “5 times Finn wouldn’t let Poe blow something up + 1 time he did” fic
- I have a bit of something I cut from another fic I always meant to recycle into a developing relationship Rey/Jess fic
- still want to turn a snippet into a “5 times Poe and Lando had a one night stand + that time they realized five one night stands might be a relationship” fic
- always meant to write my Poe/Black One fic
- sometimes I think about the Finn/Rey figure skater/hockey player AU I wanted to write while I was in the middle of an exchange
- the dream I had where Bucky was rescuing tied-up bearded Steve wearing the stealth Cap uniform really wants to be a fic
- I never wrote the Leia/Holdo/Poe fic of my dreams
- I’m always thinking about crossovers
- ...I have a lot of ideas, okay
Do You Accept Prompts: I do, but I’ll be honest, if you prompt me at the moment I’m not going to write it, I’m lucky if I churn out a couple hundred words on the weekend and I still have likely unattainable goals of finishing some ST related WIPs before Ep IX comes out.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: tbh right now I’m excited whenever any words at all get produced, it’s a low bar
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Family Found Part 47: Resigning
After last week’s contract catastrophe, it’s time for another round. People make the last of their plans for WrestleMania 35.
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence, angst
Word Count: 4765
Note: Oh my goodness. Some of the stuff in this chapter I wrote three months ago. It’s such a weird (sentimental/hesitant) feeling to finally see them in place. Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and series with comments, reblogs, or even anon messages. Enjoy!
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 46: At the Worst
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The show was almost complete. In each hall, there were bustles of activity. You looked through the papers on your clipboard and smirked. Knowing your crew, the last few spots would fill themselves. The pen clicked in your hand as you were about to make a note when the lights flickered. Odd, you thought, observing the ceiling. When you looked back down at your work, you saw something move. You jumped back with a gasp as Dr. M stepped into view in front of you.
“Miss Ambrose.”
You stuttered through a breath. “Dr. M. Is there something I can help you with?”
He chuckled and circled to your other side. “Not really. Instead, I have a diagnosis to share with you.”
The pen clicked again, and you slid it out of the way. Crossing your hands over one another, you gulped. “Oh? Are any of my superstars in danger?”
“Yes, of course,” he tutted. “All of them. And you have put them there. You are blind, miss Ambrose.” He stepped closer, making you take a step back. “It has led us to here, Monday Night Raw in ruin and wrestlers ready to rip each other limb from limb. Because you couldn’t see past the fault that you built yourself, in a flip of things, the only title being talked about is the Universal. The one your cousin is fighting for on Sunday. The Intercontinental, the women’s championship and tag titles, and AOP’s tag titles are an afterthought. You should never have become manager.”
Your back hit a wall as he stepped forward again. There was nowhere to go with his arm to one side and a steel trellis to the other.
“Too young and inexperienced. That’s my diagnosis. Hunter and Stephanie knew a puppet when they saw one. And in turn, you have played and pulled the heartstrings of the athletes of this company to direct them to your whim. To the whim of the ghost of the Authority. Because of it, you almost lost the one person you were trying to protect. You might lose him still.”
He grinned, knowing he’d won. “You can’t refuse the medicine when it’s the truth.”
Panting, you shoved him away. He lunged forward to say more but was speared out of sight. Through your fingers, you saw Roman beating him into the floor. Dr. M eventually worked his way free. He ran off, giving you a smug glance over Roman’s shoulder.
The Big Dog turned to you. “Are you okay?”
You couldn’t answer. Not at first. “Why are you protecting me? I don’t really deserve it.”
Roman tightened his wrist guard. “If I’ve learned anything about working with an Ambrose… miscommunication isn’t a sin. It means that he needed someone to watch his back for people wanting to kick him when he’s down. I’m just extending the favor.” He sighed, lightly placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you to sit on a crate. “I see what you were trying to do. I don’t approve… but I see it. I see you. Protecting your family in the only way you thought you could. Dean’ll be fine on Sunday. He’ll have Seth. Either one of ‘em could kick Lesnar’s ass by himself. Between the two of them, Lesnar doesn’t stand a chance.”
“I’m not so sure,” you muttered. “I still haven’t seen what the rewritten contract look likes. He could still lose everything. And I-”
Just then, Dean and Seth walked up. You cousin plopped down next to you, missing how fake your smile was. “So… when I asked about a match last week, you said something along the lines of ‘who and how many?’ Is that still on the table?”
“Yep,” Roman answered for you. “You guys up for a tag match versus Dr. Wyatt and his protégés, Authors of Pain?” He grinned as Dean and Seth agreed. He turned his attention to you. “We just hadn’t figured out when.”
You had to chuckle. Give the guys a match and all was right with the world. WrestleMania wasn’t until Sunday, and the contract to be signed wasn’t a bubble of worry. “Give me time to alert your opponents, it’s tonight.”
“Great!” Dean slung his arm over your shoulders and beamed up at Seth. “My favorite time for a match.” He bumped his head against yours.
There would be a couple of matches before theirs, though. Up first was the tag-team battle royal to find out the first opponents of whoever won the titles at WrestleMania.
“I don’t know what Dr. M was talking about,” Renee said, watching the teams as the bell rang, “look at this match Y/N set up.” She nodded as Michael Cole rattled off the team names: Ascension, B-Team, Gable and Roode, Heavy Machinery, Lucha House Party (with Kalisto on the floor), Slater and Rhyno, Titus World Wide, and one more. “Do Tyler Breeze and Dana Brooke have a name for their team yet?”
“If they did, Cole would have said it,” Corey suggested.
As teams were eliminated (by one member getting thrown over the top rope to the floor) the competition was whittled down to a surprising few. Lince Dorado dodged and tossed out Tucker Knight, eliminating Heavy machinery and bringing it down to his team against Slater and Rhyno, and the team of Breeze and Brooke. Dana matched the luchador flip for flip, cartwheeling him into a corner. With Slater’s help, they threw him over. Breeze drop-kicked Rhyno, guffawing that it hadn’t made the man budge. It took Dana knocking Slater to the canvas and helping Breeze to do the same to Rhyno to give them enough edge to eliminate them both.
They jumped and cheered. Come even as soon as the Monday after WrestleMania, Tyler Breeze and Dana Brooke were going to have a tag title chance.
Drew McIntyre waited impatiently for his opponent. On social media, he’d called out Elias to meet him in the ring like a man. When Baron Corbin’s music hit instead, Drew gripped the top rope like it was the last strand of is sanity.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Drew,” Baron drawled, “but no one has seen heads or guitar of your WrestleMania opponent.” He grinned. “The way I see it, you can’t go into WrestleMania without a match. Blindly or otherwise. The Intercontinental deserves to be represented.”
“Get to the point,” Drew growled without a mic. He stood to his full height.
Taking big clomping steps, Baron made his way down the ramp. “I can solve both problems. How about this? We have a match tonight since Elias hasn’t shown up. When I beat you, I get to replace him in Sunday’s match. You get to defend your title. I get to take it from you. And nobody has to listen to that awful guitar. Everybody’s happy.” He stopped at the bottom, giving Drew a shrug.
Drew nodded, motioning for the referee to ring the bell. The match was on. With everything in place, the lone wolf was set on adding another title to his wall. And Drew was suffering the consequences of the drive. Baron sucker punched him, instantly regretting it as Drew turned to face him like nothing had happened. The match switched. Maybe not having a match at WrestleMania wasn’t such a bad idea. More secure. But he didn’t doubt Elias would show up then; he wouldn’t miss his greatest concert.
Maybe if Drew hadn’t been thinking about Sunday so early, he would have heard the swell from the crowd before the guitar cracked over his back. The match disqualified, Elias beat a hasty retreat. Baron followed him as far as the ropes, kicking Baron to the side.
“I hope you bring that guitar on Sunday,” he shouted. “You’re going to need it. Sanctioned or not, our match just became a no disqualification match. And you’re going to be stuck in the ring with me!”
Elias simply grinned. “Why not make it an extreme rules match? Go all the way for the grandest stage of them all?”
Finally, it was time for the match Roman technically set up. He and Dean and Seth marched down to the ring, ready for battle. Dr. M flanked by Akam and Rezar took his own sweet time getting to the ring. You groaned, watching a backstage screen. There was a schedule to keep!
The match went quickly though. Frequent tags. Flash pairings of opponents. But a pattern emerged. Dr. M wasn’t using most of his attention on Roman like you thought he would. It was still there, but mostly he wanted to fight Dean. He pinned your cousin to a ring post from the floor while the ref was occupied with the other four.
“She’s going to lose you. And be all alone again. Just like when you abandoned her the first time.”
“I didn’t abandon her!”
“Yes, you did. You didn’t fight hard enough. How can you fight hard enough on Sunday with your brother’s career on the line? You’re going to have to choose, Dean. Seth or Y/N. And I can bet which one it won’t be.”
“You son of a-“
That caught Seth’s attention, and he left Roman to knock Akam out of the ring and almost pin Rezar. By the time your team was reunified, Dr. M was back in his corner, reaching for a tag like nothing had happened. He circled inside the ring with Roman, muttering other worst case scenarios. “Hard to protect your family, isn’t it Roman? Hard to see the infection of power from the inside. It’s almost like you’ve lost your edge, if you ever had it. What will you do if you lose both of them on Sunday? With Seth and Dean gone, I doubt there’ll be any fight left.”
He caught a Superman punch for his troubles. And then a three count.
Backstage, you listened to a techie, the blood rushing from your face. You hurried towards the ring.
Akam and Rezar helped Dr. M escape the ring. He laughed. Dean looked conflicted. Roman looked defeated. And Seth looked angry to the point of unstable.
He was gone by the time you made it to the stage. You froze in your steps as Triple H’s music followed you. The hand that landed on your shoulder was uniquely heavy. And you resented it already. Hunter followed you into the ring, tossing you a mic from his jacket pocket. The guys went for some as well, trying to catch their breaths.
Seth gained control of his heaving first. “Of course you would come out here right after a match. It’s your way,” he said, looking at Hunter.
“If you guys know what’s good for you, you’ll leave this ring. And you can resign the contract backstage.”
Roman shook his head. “We’re not leaving. And we’re especially not leaving you out here with her.” Seth and Dean nodded. Their stances shifted. Ready for another fight.
You were half a step away from being frantic. “Dean, you need to get out of the ring. Now.”
“Why? Do I ruin his perfectly crafted plans by being here? In the place I earned?” Dean smiled at Hunter and stepped to him, pushing you behind him. “Didn’t train this one as well as you did the last one, did ya? She’s got too good a heart. Guess that’s what happens when you take the best of us and try to twist them to your plans, Trips. You fail. You’ll always fail. And Vince’s command over this company will always overshadow yours. You’ll never be good enough for him.” He twisted as Hunter punched him in the jaw.
It took Roman and Seth to keep you from rushing forward.
Your cousin waved you away. “Don’t worry. He’s hit me harder than that. Just a warning shot. Or evidence that the Game is going soft.”
Panic made your voice crack. “Please. Dean. If I can only help one of your tonight, it’s going to be you. Sorry, guys.” Seth sent you a sympathetic nod. “You don’t have much time.”
Hunter chuckled. “You never had time. And now, because of what you chose, you’ll never have it.”
He’d ripped your heart from your chest. And it was all your fault. You sucked in a breath. The music that followed knocked it back out.
The Beast had arrived.
He marched down the ramp with Paul Heyman in tow. At the bottom, he paused just long enough to give the booing audience a smug smile. As they entered the ring, Hunter went to the other side and called for the contract. Seeing the leather folder made you sick to your stomach.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.” He smirked while all of you except Brock, even Hunter, cringed to hear him speak. “And I am the advocate for the Beast Incarnate, the former Universal Champion, the destroyer of each man standing opposite here, Brock Lesnar!” He gave you a little wave. “And the bane of Y/N Ambrose’s existence. Not the most important accolade, but a fun one, none the less.”
You stuck your arm out to keep Dean from taking Heyman out right then.
Tapping the folder with a pen, Hunter moved to stand between everyone. “Since the events of last week, the contract has changed, returning to Y/N’s original plan. Only the competitor pinned will have to leave WWE. For good. Now, we really need to make sure we all sign on the proper lines this time. I’d hate to have to cancel this match because of a technicality. Especially since some of you,” he looked pointedly at Dean, “went through so much to get here.”
“Heh, and some so little,” Roman chuckled, nodding at Lesnar.
“Roman, this does not concern you.” Hunter flipped open the folder and passed the pen to Lesnar. Once he had signed, he passed the folder to Dean, hesitating with the pen. It was snatched out of his hand. Dean made a point of making sure Hunter could see where he was signing, and Seth did the same. Then he turned to you. “You should do the honors of signing as witness. It was your idea after all.”
Again, the pen was snatched out of his hand. But you hesitated to sign. Putting pen to paper felt like hammering a nail into a coffin. By signing that sheet of paper, you possibly condemned Dean in one way or the other at WrestleMania. Possibly. You hung onto that word as you handed the folder back to Hunter. “Satisfied?” You held your breath while he checked it.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, he nodded. Hunter led you out of the ring, with Heyman sitting on the ropes so you could get through. It wasn’t until you were on the floor that you realized that only the three of you had left. You turned. Brock was staring down Roman, Seth, and Dean. Hunter caught hold of your shoulder again before you could take a step.
“Let it happen,” he warned.
So you had to watch. Roman acted first, immediately jumping with a Superman punch. Brock took it, then caught Roman and flipped him with a suplex. Quickly, he knocked Dean out of the way and did the same to Seth. He returned to Dean when he was finally on his feet. Together, they tried to stand up to rally a combined attack, but Lesnar didn’t give them that chance. He took turns attacking them individually until each man was unable to move. Lesnar turned from Seth’s body. Before he could step towards his next target, you wretched yourself away from Hunter and slid into the ring. The Beast paused when you suddenly appeared before him, blocking his path to Dean.
On the canvas, Dean tried to get up. His arms gave out.
You flinched as Lesnar laughed. He poked at your shoulder. Over your head, he saw Dean growl. “You’ve got some balls, little girl. But you’ll know better than to stand in my way after Sunday. After I rip apart your family.” He snorted. But he left, jerking his head to make Paul Heyman follow. Hunter smirked at you and followed them. But not before motioning to the carnage around you.
If you were to ever get one wish, it would have been to end that moment like the end of Summer Slam. The Shield standing tall and behind you. Instead, time ticked on and the show had to go on.
Backstage, Curt Hawkins was bouncing on his toes. His friend and former teammate, Zack Ryder, watched from his bench seat. “What are you doing?”
“Warming up my muscles.”
Zack slowly nodded. “Okay. What for? Neither of us has a match tonight.”
“Just because we don’t have a match doesn’t mean we can’t make something of tonight. Getting the blood pumping in my body is going to help me think while we plan for the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.”
Jumping to his feet, Zack did his best to catch his bouncing friend. “Wait. Hold up. You’re entering the battle royal? Since whe-“
Curt stopped jumping long enough to catch Zack’s shoulders. “We both are. If we work together, we have better odds of making it to the final two. I can promise you now, I won’t eliminate you until then… if you promise the same to me?” He held out his hand.
Zack looked at the outstretched hand, tilting his head to do so. With a sigh that morphed into a smile, he took it. “Deal. Until then, what do we do?” He yelped as Curt abruptly made him sit down. Enraptured, he listened as the first bits of a jangled plan was laid out.
The stage lit up in flashing purple, then in bright neon as Sasha Banks and Bayley entered the arena. They hurried to the stage, excited to make their announcement. Sasha spoke into her mic first.
“Another week as champions, and I still can’t believe it.” She stroked at the white and gold around her waist. The lump in her throat was too much, so she nodded at Bayley.
She wasn’t doing my better in checking her emotions, and her voice cracked. “It’s bee a long hard road. Not just for us, but for the women’s division. Last week we said that the Riott Squad accomplished what they set out to do. They defended the titles often and well, and they brought them to the forefront of the company. This may be only our second week holding these championships, but we don’t want them not to be defended on the grandest stage of them all.”
Now that the conversation was back to business, Sasha had control of her voice again. She nudged shoulders with her partner. “At the moment, we don’t have just one team that stands out above everyone else. So, if we could please have all of the women’s tag teams come out here, we have a proposition for you.”
It didn’t take long for the groups to file out. Alexa Bliss came out too to stand with Mickie James and Alicia Fox. Nia Jax and Tamina dominated one side of the stage. The Riott Squad commanded the other. As for the tea of Natalya Hart and Rhonda Rousey… they stood on opposite sides of the stage. Something all the woman noticed and averted their eyes from.
“It would be easy to give all the teams a chance at these titles,” Sasha smirked. “But we have to admit, that doesn’t really give a lot of a chance to Bayley and I. We don’t have to be the ones pinned, we don’t even have to be in the ring. And that’s not right. So instead, we’re going to leave it up to you.”
“Next week,” Bayley said, “we don’t really care you come to the decision, but only one team is going to face us at WrestleMania. Only one team is going to get their moment.”
Sasha cocked her head. “And nothing is official until that bell rings. Best of luck to you all. We’ll be ready for whoever steps up.” She unhooked her belt, with Bayley mirroring her. They held the championships up, showing them off to a whole stage full of possible opponents.
Corey did not approve as the women filed out of the arena. “That’s just like Sasha. So manipulative. And she’s sunk Bayley with her.”
“I think it’s smart,” Renee offered. “The Boss n’ Hug Connection can focus on retaining their titles, while everyone else will have to watch their backs until it’s time to enter the arena. Or even the ring. I guess getting attacked last minute on the stage is still possible too.”
“But that’s still not till next week.” Michael Cole did his best to pull them to the present match. “This week, Ruby Riott will be defending her time at WrestleMania. If she beats Alexa Bliss tonight, she can relax and back up her squad. If she loses, she will have to face Little Miss Bliss for the Raw Women’s Championship.”
The women came out one by one; first Alexa, then Ruby. As the match started, it was obvious that Ruby’s plan was to toy with Alexa as much as she could. She tested her height and her patience. Two things that bothered Alexa, but only one that she could control. Ruby snickered as Alexa huffed. Then she winced, doubling in pain as Miss Bliss hurdled into her attack.
It was getting close to end the show and both women were exhausted. Alexa was stumbling around on wobbly feet. Ruby was still smugly smiling, but it was drawn and overly forced. It was time for the plan. She knocked Alexa down to the canvas, hard. The referee counted to two while the bottom woman was trying to get her breath back. Then Ruby pulled Alexa up. Ending the count. Alexa’s head bounced off the canvas as Ruby let her go. Confused, both the official and Alexa twisted to watch Ruby leave the ring.
The referee began to count to ten.
Ruby continued up the ramp, walking backward. She gave Alexa a little wave as the count ended, also ending the match. While the championship couldn’t be won by count-out, ruby ensured her WrestleMania moment with one. And she ensured that neither woman was leaving the ring until she couldn’t kick out, or until she admitted being the lesser woman and submitting. Realizing this, Alexa growled. Brilliant strategy, but she hated that she hadn’t thought to use it first.
Part 48: WrestleMania
Series Masterlist 
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @hallemichelles @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @southsidebucky @tinyelfperson @chwehansol98
WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @crossfitjesusismysavior @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirlfics @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @scuzmunkie @cait-kae @ramsaypants @sony-undead18 @brianaraydean @st4yingstrong @dopeybubbles @crystallizeme @jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering 
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maybegrammy · 6 years
Average| Chapter 1
Summary: Mediocrity is the goal...maybe.
Pairing: Female OC x ???
Word Count: around 1k
Warnings: some curse words?? maybe?
You looked up toward the voice only to find your co-worker staring at you with a hopeful look on his face.
The headache that had been building all day had finally reached its peak thanks to your co-workers’ loud and cheerful voice. The man in question: Kim Namjoon. He’s nice, minds his own business, and not to mention kind of gorgeous. Though, you’d rather die than voice that last part. 
The one problem with Mr. Gorgeous is his incessant need to call out and rope you into covering his shifts. While the influx of money is good, a girl can only take so much. It’s difficult when you have an inability to decline the requests. A curse that adults loved you for as a child. Now? They’re annoyed that you have no backbone.
This is why, despite being an angel sent from God himself, your head throbbed at the sudden presence Namjoon.
You prayed he would tell you about the latest book he read but alas your fears were confirmed.
“Sorry to ask but do you think you can cover my shift tomorrow?” He scratched the back of his head as he awaited your answer.
You sat in silence trying to find the boldness to tell him no but your mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and you heard yourself agree all while your brain was screaming at you.
His smiled which made his eyes crinkle, and for a moment you were glad you said yes if it meant you could see his face light up like that. However your brief episode of joy ended after he thanked you and went back to sweeping the store floor.
“Why did I do that?” You whisper to yourself.
“Do what?”
Heart racing, you spun around to see Park Jimin, a fellow co-worker and apparently extremely quiet walker.
“Damn dude, warn a girl next time” You exclaimed hand over your heart. He chuckled as he apologized.
“Sorry, I can’t help that you have the heart of an 80 year old.” He continued,”So what were you just whispering to yourself?”
You sighed as you debated on whether or not to tell him. Eventually you gave in and told him your predicament.
He pursed his lips before answering. “Why didn’t you just say no? Namjoon’s a nice guy, he’s understand.”
“I know! I just feel like I’m being rude if I say no.”
“You should work on that,”
Yeah, no shit.
You turned to your vacant register almost wishing a customer would walk in.
The drive home was short and uneventful.
As you returned to your apartment you did nothing but think of ways to get out of Namjoon’s shift the next day. At the rate you were going only certain death would stop you from going in the next day. At that thought, you silently prayed that a violent case of the stomach flu would visit you during the night but as you woke up the next morning, puke free, you realized your dream of staying in would never come to be.
You stayed in bed on your phone for about 2 hours before the need to use the bathroom overcame the want to stay comfortable. Tossing the blankets to the side, you slowly get out bed to prepare yourself for the day ahead.
Going to the bathroom you trip over some clothes cursing yourself for not having done laundry but also knowing that it probably wouldn’t get done for another week.
You decided to put on some mascara after washing your face, hoping it would make you seem more awake. You then put on your work uniform and tied up your hair before making your way toward your purse.
Without a glance back, you shut your front door and headed off to your own personal Purgatory.  
5 hours into Namjoon’s shift and you want to shove your head through a wall.
When it isn’t agonizingly slow, customers storm in seemingly determined to rub you the wrong way.
If I get one more rude customer…
As your angry thoughts stewed in your mind, you notice Jimin fixing a display of toilet paper some kids decided to over 5 minutes prior. You walked over to help before another customer could stroll in.
You silently stacked the rolls and watched Jimin stand with his hands on his back and pained expression on his face.
“I shouldn’t be having this much pain at my age. This job is aging me, I swear.” He ran his hands through his hair as he stared at you, It was little moments like this where you remembered just how handsome Park Jimin was, even in the God-awful orange uniform.
You chuckled at his comment as you both move toward the the office near the back of the store. Your supervisor was dealing with a customer and you desperately needed a break, even it was a 30 second water break.
“I’m done. I quit,” You say as you bring the cup to your lips. Head leaning against the wall, you sigh and watch as Jimin sits on one of the plastic chairs waiting out the last 5 minutes of his shift.
His head rolls to look at you as his posture relaxes slightly. “No you don’t,” he smiles,”you’d miss me too much”
“Pssh. Don’t flatter yourself.”
He opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by your supervisor walking through the door.
“Where the hell have you been? Customers are waiting to be rung up and I really don’t want to deal with anymore complaints.”
With wide eyes, you threw a fake smile at Jimin and walked past your supervisor before she could start to lecture about the importance of staying at the register.
There was a man waiting and you cursed your supervisor for making such a big deal about one person.
“Hi, sorry about that.” You placed your hands on the counter as you reach your only customer. On first glance, you notice how striking the man is. After being so used to Namjoon’s light brown hair and Jimin’s blonde locks, you were a little surprised to see this guy’s bright blue mop. However, on second glance, you notice that he didn’t have anything on the small conveyor belt or in his hands.
This prompted your first question.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
The blue-haired man licked his lips before answering.
“Yeah, um, is Kim Namjoon here?”
“No, I’m sorry he’s not,” Your head tilted as you could hear your customer service voice slowly take over.
He sighed in frustration and tilted his head back. Trying to get on with your day while still seeming polite, you asked,” Is there anything else I can help you with?”
He simply replied ‘no thank you’ and told you to have a nice day. You offered your own pleasantries as you admired his face a second more before he turned and walked out of the store.
Once your shift was over, you texted Namjoon letting him know that someone was looking for him. When he asked who, you realized you had never asked the man for his name but figured that the description of blue hair would suffice as explanation.
Namjoon: OH! I know him, he’s a friend of mine. He managed to find me earlier :) Thanks for letting me know! See you at work!
Sighing as you read over the text you wondered how you ended up with this awful job and how you ended up being so weak for the man named Kim Namjoon.
Notes: wow okay so i hope if anyone reads this that they at least liked it a little bit! i know it’s short and boring right now but i hope to produce more chapters, longer chapters, in the future. believe it or not this isn’t my first time putting some of my stuff out on the internet but it is my first time fo BTS stuff! feel free to tell me what you think and if you have any criticisms let me know! help me out! lol thank you!
Tagged: @spiicyari
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so-langelo · 7 years
Do You Think About Me?
Anon: “Nico as a famous youtuber and will as his biggest fan? uwu”
Ya’ll I live for these tropes...
Hope you guys like it
Ari xxx
Will is not obsessed with Nico di Angelo.
He is just very very committed. Okay, so maybe when Nico posts his daily vlogs, he drops everything just to watch Nico go through his day. So what, if everytime Nico posts a cover of a song, Will almosts faints. 
No, Will was not obsessed. 
He was in love. 
He’s in love with someone he’s never met, but it feels like they’ve known each other for years. He’s in love with someone who doesn’t even know he exists. 
It’s quite pathetic, but sometimes you can’t help who you fall in love with. 
Will was in the middle fo writing an essay when his phone buzzed. 
New from Nico di Angelo
all star - smash mouth (cover) *i lost a fucking bet*
A huge smiled split Will’s face, and he tapped the video. 
Nico’s face appeared holding his ukulele, with a murderous look on his face. “I lost a bet to Leo, now I have to post this. I deeply apologize for ruining your eyedrums, guys. Blame my so-called friends.” 
He glared off camera, where a plethora of giggles were heard. “Here we go with the ‘song of the century.’ Hope I don’t cause any beeding ears.”
He started strumming. “Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me...”
Even though he was singing that horrific song, Nico made it sound angelic. 
By the end of video, Nico finished the song and looked into the camera. “I apologize for my sins to you all. I need to get better friends. Well that’s it fro today guys! Bye!” He grinned at the camera and waved, and the video ended. 
Will sighed, putting down his phone and trying to write an essay that was due the next day. He failed; his thoughts always going to Nico. 
He remembers when he stumbles on Nico, a couple years ago , when he had a relitaviely small fanbase. Nico sang a cover of Can’t Help Fallin’ In Love by Elvis Presley, and Will was enchanted from the first chord. 
Nico’s suscbriber count grew and grew from that to a whopping 3.6 million. It was amazing how Nico got more famous by the day, but he was still that awkward person, unsure on how to act in front of the camera. 
Will remembers being closeted and being so afraid to come out as bisexual. He couldn’t talk to anyone about it, afraid that they’ll judge or hate him. Then, Nico posted his coming out video, where he told the entire world that he was gay. Will was in awe of how brave he was. How he didn’t care and how he just wanted to be himself and love who he wanted. It was inspiring. Nico gave him the courage to come out to his mom and his friends, and all he got in return was love and support. 
Will would do anything just to meet him. Just to say hi and just tell him how important he was to Will; to tell him how much he’s helped Will. 
Yet, Will knew he had no chance. If they did ever meet, Will was just another fan. 
It was quite pathetic, because in a crowd of millions of others, what made Will any different?
Will was suffering. 
Will didn’t know what kind of spirit possesed him when he said yes to covering Lou Ellen’s night shift at the coffee shop.
Why was the coffee shop open until 2 am? What kind of idiot wants to get coffee at fucking midnight?
When the bell chimed, alreting Will of a customer, he turned to face the said idiot. 
Who he saw knocked the win out of Will. 
In all his glory, there stood Nico di Angelo, clad in dark ripped jeans and an oversized gray hoodie.
Will felt like he short circuted. Was he dreaming? This can’t be real life. He had to be on TV right now, on a prank show. Will can’t be this lucky.
Will didn’t realize he was staring until Nico coughed awkwardly. 
Heat rose to Will’s cheeks, and he suddenly forgot how to speak. “U-um. H- hi?”
“Hi. Can I get a large caramel macchiato, please?”, Nico’s cheeks were pink, probably from the cold winter air. 
“Y-yeah. Of course.” Will’s heart felt like it was about to burst. This had to be a dream. 
Will’s hands shook as he made Nico’s coffee. He almost dropped it handing it to Nico when his voice interupted him. “What’s your name?”
“W-Will. Solace.”, Will blushed, meeting the round chocloate eyes. 
Nico sent him a smile that warmed Will to the core. “I’m Nico, but I think you already knew that.”
“Yeah. I mean, it’s nice to meet you. I look up to you a lot.” A deep blush overtook Nico’s olive skin.
He scratched the back of his neck. “You do? I’m just a guy that posts videos on youtube. I’m nothing special.”
“Well, you inspired me to be me, and have the courage to come out, so thank you for that. You’re so so brave and special. More special than you could ever know. I’ve always wanted to meet you and tell you that, but I’m a college student I couldn’t really afford meet and greets and stuff. And you’re very special, Nico. More special than you could ever know. Crap, I’m rambling, aren’t I. Sorry. when I’m nerovus I ramble and- i’m just gonna stop.” Will looked down, thinking he just embarassed himself in front of Nico di Angelo. 
Nico looked at him with wide eyes. A small smile appeared on his face. “You are something else, Will Solace.” 
Nico invited Will to sit with him at one of the tables, and Will had to pinch himself to keep from passing out. (It’s a miracle he hasn’t already.)
They talked and talked for what seemed like hours. Will got to know a side of Nico that was hidden from the camera, and he felt like he fell in love all over again with every word. 
As the clock chimed at two, surprising Will at how fast time flew, he tried to hide his dissapointment. 
“That’s the signal for us to go, isn’t it?”, Nico graced him with a sad smile. 
“Thank you for this. I loved it.”, Will flashed him a grin.
Nico waited for him to close the shop down, before walking out with Will. “I don’t usualy do this with fans, but there’s something about you, Will.” Nico looked up at him, biting his lips. 
Nico handed him a napkin, all balled up. “Bye, and use that wisely!” The dark haired boy waved at him and waved away.
Will waved to Nico’s retreating figure. He uncrumple the tissue and in large slanted handwriting were a series of numbers that could only be one thing. 
Nico’s phone number. 
As Will smiled dumbly at the pice of tissue, he thought to himself. 
Maybe he wasn’t that pathetic after all. 
5 Months Later...
It was around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, when all of Nico di Angelo’s ,now, 4 million suscribers got a notification about a new video.
New from Nico di Angelo
Boyfriend Tag (w/ my amazing boyfriend Will Solace)
It was #1 on Trending for three days, and to say the least, Nico di Angelo and his boyfriend, Will Solace, broke the internet.
Comments are the little lights of my life so ty to al those who leave them below. Thank you I appreciate them all so much and just I love you guys
Thank yououoouuu :3
Ari xxx
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peter-pan-hoe · 7 years
Another World Entirely Epilogue pt 1/?
So yeah I’m thinkin either a short epilogue of like 2-3 parts or maybe even a mini series that will continue after all the stuff.
Warning: idk probably swearing i don’t remember, kinda stress, yeah...
Word Count: 1.597
GIFs not mine. 
           13 Months after The Heroes came to -and left- Neverland.
   “What’s wrong?” I heard Peter ask from the doorway.
I didn’t answer I just threw the object of my frustrations against the wall.
My shoe.
He chuckled and picked it up, coming to crouch beside where I sat on the floor.
Tumblr media
   “Now what did the shoe ever do to you?” he cocked his eyebrow and examined my shoe in his hands.
   “It’s just shitty because I can’t think up decent shoes!” I tossed the other shoe out the window with a huff.
He dropped the first shoe and took hold of my hands, pulling my up to my feet as he stood.
   “Considering your magical abilities saved the island - and me - I think you can figure out how to conjure up decent shoes,” he laughed.
   “It’s not just the shoes,” I confessed.
   “What do you mean?” he guided me to the porch outside the tree house.
   “I don’t know,” I wasn’t sure if I should tell him my worries.
It wasn’t anything bad really. 
I was just panicking about what consequences I'd brought about since saving Peter.
   "love, you've been distant for a while," he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on the top of my head.
   "I'm sorry," I mumbled into hsi chest. "I've just had a lot on my mind,"
I sighed and pulled back so i could look up at him.
   "I've been worried that I messed up the timeline too badly," I explained. "I've learned from seeing others fuck it up that fate has a way of turning things badly,"
   "You've seen others fuck up timelines?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise and confusion. "How?"
   "Not personally," I chuckled halfheartedly. "Remember what I told you when we first met, about Tv and the Internet?"
   "Yeah," he looked down as he recalled the conversation from my first night here. "That's how you knew everything about me,"
   "Well there are stories of a guy that can run faster than anything, so fast he can run back in time and mess things up. And his issues are what have tought me these things," I said seriously.
I couldn't believe I was giving Peter Pan lessons on time travel do's and don't's based on what I'd seen in the Flash.
My life has certainly changed since coming here.
   "Okay so what do you want to do?" his question surprised me.
I hadn't thoguht about how I could remedy my stress.
   "I don't know," I said, thinking hard. "Maybe we could go to Storybrooke?"
   "Where's that?" he asked.
   "It's where the Heroes live," I told him, stepping away and picking up my stupid fucking shoe.
   "You know where they live?" he leaned back against the wall.
I gave him a knowing look.
   "Right," he laughed. "Tv and the Internet. You know everything,"
I was sitting with felix by the fire that evening when he'd clearly noticed I wasn't paying attention to whatever he was saying to me.
   "Hey," he nudged me with his elbow. "Where's your head at?"
   "Just thinking fo stuff," I mumbled through a mouthfull of bread and meat.
   "Yeah no shit," he chuckled. "What's the stuff you're thinkin' about?"
   "Just all the stuff I messed up to save the island," I sighed.
   "What's got you so worried?" he asked.
   "There are just some key events that started a chain of other key events and I'm worried I stopped some or all of those key events from happening," I finished my sentence and took a deep breath.
   "You just said 'key events' like 40 times," he laughed softly. "Why don't you go see if you messed up the timeline? Go to wherever the kid is and see if everything's okay?"
   "I suggested that to Peter," I smiled at how in sync I was with my best friend.
   "Then I guess that's the plan you should go with," he turned to me with a smirk.
But I still had an obstical to move past before I could do that.
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I'd said goodnight to the boys and headed up to the tree house where Peter was in his usual spot on the windowsill looking out over the forest.
   "I think we should go to Storybrooke," he said to me as I walked in.
   "But I can't," I said firmly. "I've had the island's healing water. I can't leave,"
   "You can if you leave a piece of yourself behind and vow to return," he smiled truimphantly.
   "A piece of myself?" I said thoughtfully. "You mean like a finger or toe? Because Ineed all of those,"
   "No stupid," he laughed and jumped down from the window to face me properly. "Leave behind your shadow,"
Having mentally prepared for a trip out of Neverland, and physically prepared by having Peter instruct his shadow gently rip off my shadow without killing me like Greg, (it still really fucking hurt though,) we set out to travel to Storybrooke via a magic bean.
One of many beans Peter had been saving for a rainy day.
We each had one spare for a way home.
   "Alright boys," I shouted to the lost boys who had gathered around us to see us off. "Felix is in charge and he has been instructed to lock any badly behaved boys in the echo caves,"
There was bunch of groans and whispers from the boys and a chuckle from Peter by my side.
   "Okay bye everyone!" he yelled, not really being one for 'farewells,' and tossed one of his magic beans to the ground.
The boys stepped back as the portal appeared and Peter reached for my hand.
With a quick goodbye wave to the boys I jumped, Peter in tow, with a clear image of the road leading in and out of Storybrooke in my mind.
I wanted to scream but instead focused on getting us to the right place.
We landed with a thud in the tall grass that grows on the side of the road.
   "Are we in the right place?" Peter said nervously.
I looked up and down the empty road.
There, just on the far side of a spray painted red line, a sign that read:
“Leaving Storybrooke”
My hands flew to my mouth and I laughed.
   "We're here," I practically squeaked as I spun around taking in my surroundings. "Oh my gods I can'tbelive I'm actually here,"
   "You're so cute when you're excited," Peter laughing at me caused me to stop and run to him.
   "I'm so happy I woke up on Neverland that day," I grinned as I jumped into his waiting arms. "I'm so glad I met you,"
   "Okay okay," he chuckled and put me down. "We're here for a reason remember?"
   "Oh shit!" I suddenly panicked. "You're Peter Pan!"
   "Yes I know," he looked at me confused.
   "The heroes knwo who you are," I ran my hands through my hair as I thought of what to do. "You can't just go walking around the streets of Storybrooke looking like Mr Gold's teenage father who kidnapped Henry!"
   "'Mr Gold'?" Peter raised his eyebrow at the unfamiliar name.
   "That's Rumple's name here," I explained. "Cuz in the enchanted forest he was know for his ability to spin straw into gold,"
   "Weird," he mumbled. "Do you reckon we'll run into him?"
   "I don't know," I said thoughtfully. "But if we do we can't let him recognise you. We need to put a glamour spell over you so no one know's you're you,"
   "Okay but what about you?" he asked as he waved his hand with green shimmering mist following as he practiced his glamour spell.
   "No one knows me," I chuckled at him.
   "Hook does," he reminded me of the day Hook and his men came to Neverland and I was the one who greeted them.
   "He stank of liquor that day I doubt he remembers," I laughed at the memory of the day I met Captain Hook.
   "True enough," Peter shrugged then waved his hand gently in front of his face.
There was a soft shimmering around him but I didn't see any difference.
   "Nup, didn't work," I said bluntly.
   "Yes it did," he laughed gently before summoning up a mirror and looking at himself.
I moved behind him and looked over his shoulder at the strange face in the mirror.
He had the same coloured hair and eyes but his facial structure was different. His cheeks werent as angular and his lips not as plump. His ears also didn't stick out as much.
   "Ew," I grumbled at the new look.
   "What?" he looked at me over his shoulder before dissolving the mirror and turning to me fully. "I made it so you can see through it,"
   "I figured but you still look funny in the mirror," I shrugged.  "You also need differnt clothes,"
Using my own magic to summon up a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t shirt and a dark green flannel. "Put these on," 
He started taking off his clothes to change but I stopped him.
   "Alright kiddo," I shoved the clothes I'd summoned into his arms. "As much as I would love to see you take off your clothes right now, it's actually against the law to do that. It's called streaking to most but the autorities call it indecent exposure. Just do a quick change with magic,"
he shook his head with a confused laugh but did as I asked.
He stood before me and nervously tugged at the flannel.
   "You look fine sweetie," I took his hand and started walking. "Now let's get going,"
Tag List:
@dina3s @just-meh-and-me-dogs @xcastawayherosx @lexymeg
If you wanna be added to the tag list comment on this, or send me a message or ask!
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ookamitsu · 7 years
50 more interesting questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
tagged by @acrispyapple​ this was very long 
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? really spicy food, tho recently i’ve been getting better at handling spices. Also food that has cauliflower or cilantro
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? I’d love it if my fish tanks could magically clean themselves and feed the fish, that’d be great
3. Have you got any useless talents? is not being affected by the caffeine in coffee a talent? 
4. If you were really really good at one thing, what would it be? Probably drawing. I have soo many ideas but hardly any artistic talent lol. 
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking gdragon and top from bigbang
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? I wasn’t allowed to go outside really when I was younger so all I did was read books, watch tv, rewatch disney movies and harry potter movies over and over. 
7. What is something you’re proud of? eh, I don’t think i’ve done anything worth being proud about yet...ask me again when I have a career
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? I hate when people don’t have proper manners, it’s so annoying. 
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? oh a follower for sure. I am but a humble, shy sheep~ leading requires effort lol and it just isn’t interesting for me. Although, if i’m forced into a leadership position I’ll do well, it’s just that I do want to do it. 
10. What kind of student are/were you? a pretty good kiddo. Never gto into trouble, and besides my ap physics grade back in junior year I never had low grades. Had to stay in tip top shape academically in order to get anything I wanted and not be disowned by my mom lol. 
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? eh I don’t really think so but maybe
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion SPIDERS, they’re the devil’s animal haha. so that and most most insects ughhh 
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? hmmm...maybe the mc from kiss him, not me? She’s into weeb shit, I’m into weeb shit. She likes yaoi, I like yaoi lol but she is way more into it than I will ever be. Also she’s surrounded by hot guys, which I am not and that is the ultimate tragedy. 
kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? I’m still underage so i dunno. Ask me again in January when my bff turns 21, I’ll let you know. At parties I’m super awkward so I’ll either just stand around looking really awkward or follow my friends around. 
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? it’ll take a loooong while. I don’t trust guys (or most people). you can’t unlock my tragic backstory that easily if  you date me. 
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? one. I love having close bonds with people because then I won’t feel lonely. Also who needs that many friends. 
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? I like to have things clean for the most part. Though I might get really lazy and just throw things down and not put them away for a few hours lol. Also my desk can get pretty messy sometimes and becomes a sort of organized chaos, but I’ll always fix it anyway since the mess will eventually bother me. 
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy. Somewhere where the weather isn’t terribly hot or cold in their respective seasons and is overcast  most of the time. Or Loches, France. I freaking love that place it’s really nice.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? I’d love to have kids, at least 3. 
20. What was your favorite book as a child? I used to read the goosebumps and fear street series a lot. Also harry potter, a series of unfortunate events and the chronicles of narnia (Though fo some reason I couldn’t remember the books in that series at all but luckily @acrispyapple​ told me to reread it and now I have renewed love for it) 
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about yeah fidget spinners are pretty dumb and I see them wherever I go. 
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated learning how to type properly? I think a lot of people barely know how to type and it upsets me to no end. I hate when people finger peck at the keys, they’re so slow.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? hmm, maybe natsume takashi from natsume yuujinchou. Mostly becuase I really like him. Also being attached to him means I can cuddle nyanko-senesei. Or Nikkari Aoe from touken ranbu because I love him too. 
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? travel all over! 
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? I don’t like confrontation so I keep my mouth shut usually. 
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? hmm, not sure
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? *war flashbacks of being emo*
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? I admire people who can speak their minds without fear, of course they also have to have tact. Also the kind of people who are so good at leading that you’ll naturally want to follow them.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) people like to give me things with cats bc cat’s are God’s greatest gift to humanity. I appreciate money just a little more though lol. 
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? Yup. English, French, and Japanese. I really want to learn Korean, German and Spanish but I usually spend half of my free time on continuing japanese studies so we’ll see. 
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? Neither. I like the suburbs. Either that or smaller cities at least. 
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? sarada uchiha. When I first saw her at the end of naruto i kinda automaically hated her because I hate sakura. But ever since gaiden and the boruto movie I saw her personality and realized that I lover her haha. So whenever I see her in a boruto ep I’m pretty happy. 
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? nope, I get so uncomfortable. I’m happy enough to not be noticed. 
34. Favorite holiday? Christmas! I’m so obnoxious about it haha. I love singing Christmas songs and I’ll gladly sing along to the Christmas music that plays in stores and stuff. 
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? a bit of both. For the most part I’m go with the flow but for most important things that happens outside of home life having some kind of plan is logical and for the best .
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) the dragon age series and mass effect series. 
37. What hobbies do you have? reading, running this crap blog, doodling, studying, video games
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to make things clean themselves. 
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you I’m super lazy! I give off the impression that i would never ever be lazy which is just a lie lmao. That doesn’t mean I won’t do the work that I have to do. One can’t be remiss about those things you know, you’ll set yourself up for failure that way. I just hate wasting energy  
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out  I can’t work @cyniccat​‘s sewing machine properly for the life of me.
41. Worst injury you’ve had? I accidentally ripped the skin off of one of my toes with a door. 
42. Any morbid fascinations? idk
43. Describe your sense of humor eh idk, I like sarcasm since I have such rapier wit. I also love really lame jokes lol. but I usually find most things 
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? well I wouldn’t want to live in another era because they weren’t such fun times for poc’s. But If I could live in another place, I’d rather live in either Canada or France. Maybe Japan. 
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at I can’t summarize that well without rambling. 
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through school. Even though it made my cry and my workload stressed me out I met my best friends there and more importantly I got an education. 
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) I don’t want a tattoo ever, so the ugly one but like what’s so offensive about it??
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? for a pessimist i’m pretty optimistic 
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? “you fight good”. uh i’m not sure. I don’t take compliments well so even if it was the most flattering thing I probably wouldn’t believe whoever said it and just awkwardly laugh and say thanks. 
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you hmm people who don’t know me think I like talking irl. I’m more of a listener. 
i’m only tagging two people bc I like to see them suffer with me but this is open to anyone who wants to do it
@krazy19kat @dicksoutforzarkon
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colesterstrudel · 8 years
Dean Ambrose/OC: Your baby isn’t so much a baby anymore, and she has some news to tell you. FLUFFFF. Sequel to Late Night Chat and Meet the Roster.
I wrote this for my lovely anon who’s been so helpful and lovely and nice and I love them a lot and they love my cute lil domestic Dean series so….Here we go. It’s a lil bit different than the other two lmao anyways, here it is.
Y’ALL I DEADASS FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE LMAO AIGHT SO HERE: @lavitabella87 @screamersdontdance @omgmissmillie @everybodyfinnfreeze @shadow-of-wonder @laochbaineann @justtookawaii @sarrahcha @twiistedbliiss @hotspurmadridista @niazha16 @happelu970 @officialbroski10-blog @crowleysqueenofhell @lilmisscrisis @antigonemaia @imnoaingeal @littledeadrottinghood @imagineall-the-fandoms @fuckyeahbulletclub @hiitsmecharlie @macfizzle @bizclizbaybay @oraclegazes @culturalrebel @welshwitch5 @wrasslesmut @actualamyautopsy @blondekel77 @meaganottiz02 @karaboomhower @valeonmars @squirrel666 @livingthestrongstyle @damnbuvky @dmm-wts @caramara3 @abbie03d @roserae527 @superrezzy00
“Mom, when's dad coming home?” Jennifer asked, sitting across from me on the couch.
I lowered the book I was reading, looking at our daughter. She was 17, nearing 18, and had grown so fast. It was crazy to think that it felt like just yesterday I found Dean talking to her in her crib, that we took her around to meet the roster. She grew too fast.
“He should be home tonight. That's what he told me,” I replied. At 47, Dean was still going strong in the ring. I joked about how we'd have to bury him with a ring. But I loved that he was still doing what he loved, that he was doing what meant so much to him. “What's up?”
“Oh, nothing. I just um, had something to tell you guys. And I want to tell you together,” she explained, not meeting my gaze.
“Can I get a hint of what it is?” I asked, eyes narrowed at her.
“Um, I don't think so,” Jennifer said, shaking her head. “I need you two together.”
“Jennifer, are you pregnant?” I gasped, worry in my head. “Because we can handle it but I need to know.”
“God, mom. No, I'm not pregnant!” Her eyes rolled so far back in her head I was sure they would pop out. “Is that all you could think of?”
“Well, you're an adorable teenage girl, my baby,” I defended. “I don't know what's happening in your life.”
“Okay well I'm almost an adult. And you know I would tell you if there was something going on with anyone in my life.”
“Or your dad,” I cut in, smiling. She could never deny the fact she had a favorite parent. It had been Dean since she was born. And to this day, it remains the same.
“Exactly. So no. I'm not pregnant. I just have something I need to tell you and dad,” Jennifer explained, standing up from her place on the couch. “So just uh, let me know when he gets here, please?”
I nodded as she left, knowing full well that she would know Dean was home long before I would be able to call her attention to it. She always knew.
I heard a car door slam in the garage and I looked up from the coffee maker, ready to call for Jennifer. I didn’t have to, however, as she came tearing down the stairs and through the kitchen to the garage door. She ripped it open, yelling, “Dad!” as she did.
That had been the routine for as long as I could remember. Jennifer was always the first to greet Dean when he came home, always. It was impossible to beat her to the door. I knew when I told him all those years ago that he would be her favorite, I was right.
“Hey!” he greeted, ruffling her hair with one hand as they came into the kitchen.
“Did you have a good time?” Jennifer asked, sitting at the table.
Dean dropped his bag right inside the door and walked over to give me a quick kiss in greeting. “I did,” he answered with a nod of his head.
“Good, so you’re in a good mood?” Jennifer’s hands were shaking slightly when I looked over at her, her eyes wide and nervous.
“I am,” Dean replied slowly. “Why?”
“Can you sit down? You too, mom,” Jennifer added, gesturing to the seats in front of her at the table.
Dean shot me a questioning glance and I shrugged in response. He let out a sigh, grabbing my hand and leading me to the table.
“What’s on your mind sweetie?” I asked her after we got situated.
“Well, I’ve been thinking,” she began, fiddling with her fingers. “And I want you guys to hear me out before you freak out, okay?”
“Are you pregnant?” Dean asked, shooting up out of his seat.
“Dad!” Jennifer huffed.
“No, honey. She’s not pregnant,” I assured him, grabbing his hand to pull him back down into his seat. “We promise to listen,” I told Jennifer.
She nodded, continuing with her story. “I’ve thought about it a lot. I didn’t want to make a decision halfheartedly. It was important for me to know exactly what this decision I’m making would be. And I’ve thought about it, I’ve been talking to Uncle Romana and Uncle Seth and….I want to be a wrestler.” Jennifer finally looked up at the two of us, her eyes wide with hope. I opened my mouth then closed it quickly, turning to Dean to get his opinion on things. Instead of answering Jennifer, he stood up from the table and walked away, leaving the two of us in the kitchen. Jennifer watched as he walked away, her eyes shining with unshed tears, before she turned back to me. “What-” she began, face falling.
“Let me talk to him, okay? Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure out what the matter is, okay?” I told her, reaching across to grab her hand.
“Okay,” she nodded, sniffling lightly. “But what do you think about it?”
“I think you’re my strong, perfect little girl and if this is what you want to do and you’re passionate about it, then go for it. You’ll never know until you try. And if it turns out that you don’t really want to do it as much as you thought, that’s okay, too. You don’t have to know what you’re gonna do with your life at 17.” Her face lit up at my answer and I smiled at her. “Now, let me go talk to your dad, alright? Don’t worry about it.”
Jennifer nodded and I grabbed Dean’s bag, heading to the stairs. I stood in the doorway, glancing back at Jennifer to see her picking at her fingers while she looked down at the table. Sighing, I started my ascent up the stairs, ready to get to the bottom of Dean’s problem.
“No!” he said as soon as I entered the room. “She’s not doing it.”
“Dean!” I reprimanded.
“She can’t do it!” He sat up on the bed, staring at me. “I won’t let her.”
“You don’t have to let her, Dean. It’s her life! And why the hell can’t she?” I asked, dropping his bag on the floor to cross my arms.
“She just can’t!” he yelled, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Well, I’m sorry, but that won’t cut it, Dean! Why can’t she?” I repeated, glaring at him.
“I...I don’t want her to get hurt,” he admitted finally. His voice was soft and he looked up at me, worry creasing his face. “She’s...She’s my little girl.”
“Dean,” I breathed, moving over to sit next to him.
He wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder as he continued. “I’ve spent so long protecting her, making sure she’s safe. And now she wants to go out there and wrestle. She’ll get hurt, especially when she’s bouncing around from one promotion to the next.”
“Dean, you have to explain this stuff to her,” I said, running my fingers through his messy hair. “You can’t just stomp away without a word. She was upset. You have to explain yourself.”
“I’ll do it tomorrow,” he sighed. “It’s late.”
I was used to waking up in the middle of the night on days that Dean returned to an empty bed. He got weirdly hungry when he came home, something that hasn’t changed for as long as I can remember. So when I rolled over and the bed was empty, I wasn’t worried. I knew he was down in the kitchen getting some food.
But when I heard hushed voices, I sat up. Jennifer and Dean were down in the kitchen. I was hoping Dean would explain to her why he got so upset about her wrestling earlier. And though I knew it was none of my business, I climbed out of bed to sneak down the stairs. I loved hearing Dean talk to Jennifer, have these nice conversations with her late at night. It’s happened since that first time, many moons ago, when I found him in the nursery. Since then, they tended to have these late night conversations about whatever was bothering the two of them. Like when Dean thought he was getting too old to wrestle, or the time Jennifer got her first boyfriend and she wasn’t sure how it would pan out. The two of them talked it out together, and I liked to catch all of these little moments I could, knowing Jennifer would be grown at any second, ready to move out and be her own person. And here she was, planning out her future.
“Why do you want to wrestle anyway?” I heard Dean ask as I sat down at the foot of the stairs, leaning against the wall.
“It’s been such a big part of my life since I was born, obviously,” Jennifer replied. I heard chairs scraping across the floor and figured the two of them were sitting at the table. “And I want to experience it firsthand. Why don’t you want me to do it?”
“You’re my only child, Jennifer, you’re my little girl. I don’t want you to get hurt. And that’s all that happens when you’re wrestling every night. You get hurt, over and over and over again. And the training is tough. You’re gonna get hurt and I...I wouldn’t be able to handle it,” Dean sighed.
“Dad, I’m not just some weak little girl, you know that right? You and mom made sure of that. I’m strong. I can handle this. I want to try,” Jennifer said, standing her ground.
I couldn’t help but smile at that. I could hear just how strong she was in her voice, I knew that she could handle it. And she knew it, too.
“It’s gonna be tough, to jump from promotion to promotion,” Dean warned her, obviously giving up on the argument.
“I know, and that’s where Uncle Roman and Uncle Seth came in.” I could hear the excitement in Jennifer’s voice, could picture the giant smile on her face. “You know how they help train the newbies at the Performance Center? Well, they pulled a few strings and told me I could try out for NXT.”
“They won’t take you unless you have the basic skills,” Dean explained.
“I know. And my try out isn’t for a while. So I was wondering if, maybe, you’d help train me?” Jennifer sounded just like she did as a child, her voice small and hopeful. I could tell Dean was moved by her request, his silence much louder than anticipated.
“You want me to train you?” he finally asked, voice thick with emotion.
“Alright, I’ll do it,” Dean agreed after a while. Jennifer squealed and I smiled before making my way up the stairs.
“So you’ll train her?” I asked as Dean crept into the room some time later.
“Well, it’s not like I can let my girl go in there without some skills,” he said, sliding into bed next to me. “And I won’t be wrestling forever. Think I’ll pass some of my moves onto her, let her make them her own. See how the Ambrose moves evolve.”
“She’s gonna love that, you know,” I told him, snuggling into his hold.
“I’ll love it, too,” was his reply as he pressed a kiss onto the crown of my head, allowing sleep to take its hold.
Ten months later, on the same day that Jennifer came home from her NXT try out, crying that she made it, Dean announced his retirement from WWE. “It’s not the time for the old Ambrose anymore. Now it’s time for the new Ambrose,” he said easily, shrugging when someone asked him about it. “It’s time for her to shine. And I’ll be there to watch her every step of the way.”
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
June 10, 2019
Woke up thinking about not-great things from my life again. And thinking that I am repeating my mother’s patterns despite myself. Hell of a way to wake up. Probably need to go to therapy. Probably need to address issues in my life.
Yesterday ended up interesting.
Got confused about when I was gonna get in. Thought it was an hour later than I thought. When it turned out I was right, I decided to get food before heading to the club. The bar was closed and there was nowhere else nearby. Went back to train station and asked the guy sitting there to take me. Never doing that again. First of all, he only took cash (I technically didn’t have enough). I didn’t have enough to give him a tip, which is bad. But in a way, I felt it made us even because I was forced to make conversation. Hoo-eee is this guy loyal to the local university. I expressed my support for not-that-school and he proceeded to talk about how horrible another school was. I tried to say all schools do these things, not that it’s right but that they’re common. It went eh. Another guy that listens to his own opinion exclusively. And it cost me $40! Technically $42+tip, but I only had 40 in cash. How much would it have been if I took the deliberately underpriced car sharing service? Grrrrrr. But yay for supporting the beleaguered taxi drivers. Also, the Jus sie case came up. Of course. So I pointed out that celebs and rich people get away with the same shit all the time. I really really wanted to say if it was a yt person, you’d be fine with it, but I kept it together.
Get to the club....and no one was there. Not even Bob. I called him and somehow he thought I was coming in at 1am, so he gave up on me and went home. He lives about 45min away, esp because he’s a hypermiler, but he drove back for me. I was ambivalent b/c I wanted to shoot, and give him his stupid gifts, but I felt guilty for making him drive. Anyway, while waiting I discovered I’d left one of his gifts on the train. IDIOT! I spent twenty-five minutes total on several phone calls to am-not-track, only to be told to fill out a form online. So fucking stupid b/c I figured it out within an hour so that would have been perfect timing for the train staff (I’m blanking on everything except conductor) to find it and tag it for me. Fucking terrible customer service AGAIN! I was gonna complain on social media but it felt like all I was doing was complaining about companies and so companies would stop taking me seriously.
And of course, i couldn’t fill out the form b/c there was no internet at the club. Civil War Bob got there in time for me to be in a rage. I gave him the gifts I had, and told him (not asked him) that I was getting him an emergency cell phone. Fuck that shit. Our incident could have been avoided if I’d called him before he left for the club, but I forgot about the time change, and then despite that, if he’d had a fucking cell phone. He could have called me or I could have called him. Aggravating.
He took me to shoot pistols. I missed shooting rifles, but I’d never shot anything except black powder pistols before. It was fun. It was loud. Real hand guns, at least before these modern plastic models, are not like portrayed on tv/movies. Harder to aim. And very, very loud. Still throw gun powder depending on the model. But I can say I shot a Colt and a Smith&Wesson - quality American brands. I forgot my safety goggles, and all CWB had was prescription sunglasses. Whew that was hard. I made a few good shots but mostly bad, and I’m not sure how much of that is me being out of practice shooting new to me weapons, and how much was prescription sunglasses. Oh, and it’s really nice to take forever to load or clean. I like pistols.
Oh, and I found out that some guns have serial numbers already. They’ve been having serial numbers. Like a car vin. Although now that I’m writing this, I feel like I did know that a while ago, b/c on tv they’d talk about filing off the number. Dummy. Anyway, the point is guns could be registered to owners like cars are. Not like permits for carrying or safety (although a safety permit would be nice) but for gun policy level safety. Although, as with other things on guns, the people who would follow it wouldn’t be the problems but they’d be mouthy about how it was infringing on their rights.
The one thing was he started making political comments, about how someone shot up a place or people and was theoretically sympathetic to IS IS so CWB thinks of IS IS as terr orists. Oh no. I was not gonna have that. You’re going to ignore all the white supremacists? And also fo x was probably lying, but I’m not sure b/c I don’t know who he was talking about. We only do well when we don’t acknowledge his ignorant views, so I decided to shut that shit down. I told him I think of Tr ump supporters that way (re: ter ror ism). Shut him the fuck up.
We had fun. He gave me a tshift he’s been hanging on to. It’s orange, which is fine. But he said I like to wear loud colors. Which is not true. I will wear them, like I had an orange hooded jacket for a few years, but that’s me trying to expand beyond my mostly black, and brown and green and red. Anyway.
I didn’t tell him I was staying overnight. 2 1/2 hours is pretty good for me hanging out with CWB. 4 1/2 is the limit.
At this point, it was 5-ish, and I’d only had 1/2 a coffee and a terrible blueberry muffin. i was starving. i asked him to drop me off at a location that seemed like i was  going to the bus station but was close enough to walk to the hotel. I passed restaurants. It was so hard not to just stop at one of them, but I was determined to address my longing for pizza from here.
Also, while I feel I only had to talk about school once, it was extremely uncomfortable. Why *do* we always ask people what they do, or if they’re in school? Social media says it’s so we can judge people and how much respect to give them.
Got to the hotel and was excited b/c my room unexpectedly had a jacuzzi. Which doesn’t work. There were hardly any working lamps, basically one plug for me to plug things in. Very few channels and most of them were terribly staticy. I went to the pool and there was a family monopolizing it. They’d have made room for me, but it would have curtailed them a bit, and not really given me room to do anything besides sit there, so I went to go to the hot tub. Which wasn’t working and looked yucky. This hotel actually kind of sucks. Because the coup d’grace? The internet is *atrocious*! So I couldn’t do online instead of real life. I ended up going to bed pretty early. Which I needed.
But I ordered my pizzas. I ordered two. I wonder what the front desk person thought of that. I ordered one from the place that I’d found is closest to real pizza but was expensive and didn’t deliver as far away as i lived before I moved. And I ordered one from my favorite local chain.
As I was afraid of, both were disappointing. They weren’t as good as I’d built them up to be in my memory. The one was about as good as I think it was the last time I’d gotten it several years ago. The thing is, when I ran away to this particular state, the pizza was really really decent, but it changed a few years after that.To be less good. Which was a reason I hardly ever ordered the expensive stuff. The chain one was good for itself, but there was too much dough. Not sure if the recipe changed or the location made a mistake or b/c it was a medium. But it tasted yummy. Really the issue is with pizza in general. To make good pizza, you need to do the whole dough tossing thing. It’s not just for show, or to make a lump of dough spread out. It does something with air bubbles or whatever. And no one does that anymore. Almost no one. Because making pizza properly takes too long.
So anyway, now I can let that go for a while. And I’m taking home at least 3 meals worth of pizza. Yay!
All in all, I think I spent significantly too much on this trip (and I’m not home yet). I won’t do this again. It’s only renting a car, and only a one day thing (so get up ungodly early in the morning). I’m nervous about taking the bus. I’ve never had a problem, but the company itself has a reputation. Anyway, $120 ish for transpo and hotel. $80 for taxis. $50 ish for pizza. Well, as I type it out, only the car/taxi nonsense was unexpectedly high. Still, I need to take the bus to the bus pickup. Grab coffee, etc.. take the bus back to my city...take the train or bus home. Then, I’ll know. And feel safe lol.
And the bus isn’t known for having good internet. Here’s crossing my fingers.
Boy, I’m gonna sleep well tonight.
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