#still needs modge podge and some eyes
madisockz · 3 months
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Hello! I wanted to share my process of how I made my Easter Pony! She is my second ever custom and she made all the trouble I had with the first one seem like a walk in the park in comparison ಥ_ಥ Let's begin!
DISCLAIMER: Custom ponies like this one are not to be played with by children nor made by children. This pony was made with the use of nail polish remover (acetone) which is toxic. You need to wash your hands throughly after use and use in a well ventilated area. This pony was also made with sharp tools such as an xacto knife, sewing pins, rehairing needles, and an awl.
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First, the concept art! Trial and error caused her to look a little different than the concept art but I still love the end result!
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I wanted to start with a white base to give myself a clean canvas for dyeing so I got this G3 Breezie off Ebay for only $3. I decided to first remove her mane and tail which requires removing the head. If you know anything about G3 pony customzing, you know their heads are difficult to get back on once they come off. Even when you run them under warm/hot water. So to get it back on for dyeing, I tried trimming a little excess of vinyl off the neck ring with my xacto knife. It slipped and got me right under my nail! Bad omen for what's to come!
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After getting her prepped (removing her mane and tail, cleaning her, using acetone (nail polish remover) to remove her cutie mark) she was ready for a dye bath! I used Rit DyeMore as regular Rit Dye won't dye the vinyl material that ponies are made of. This was my first ever time dyeing anything that wasn't fabric so I was thrilled when she came out this warm rich brown! So pretty!
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I read online that dyed ponies will leach dye onto other ponies if they touch, so I wanted to try and prevent this as much as possible with some matte sealer. Lesson #1: Even though she was dry, the matte sealer reactivated the dye! The smallest touch left a print! :(
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I pushed forward! And tripped immediately after! I thought, "Surely matte Modge Podge will seal her just that much more" and to my dismay, the Modge Podge kept every brush stroke I made when it dried!! She looked like a leather hand bag! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ I learned later you can buy matte Modge Podge spray online but all I had was the type you brush on to your surface.
Thankfully, with the help of sixteen cotton balls and a q-tip with acetone, I managed to remove all the sealer but she was no longer that nice rich brown. Oh well I still loved her!
And whoever said the paint will protect the eyes from the dye has clearly never dyed a dark pony! Her eyes were so brown after this lol
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Painting, adding of polymer clay easter themed confetti, and adding her 3D chocolate bunny cutie mark went great! It was all going well until the eyes.
I had never fully painted pony eyes before so the first attempt was pretty bad. Not even my multiple attempts at glitter and using clear nail polish as a cheap gloss on the eyes could save them.
It was so bad that I almost didn't take any pictures but when I went to seal her head, this weird white powder covered half of her face?? I had never seen this before and it freaked me out thinking I just ruined her. I managed to get it off with a cotton ball and some acetone but her paint was fully damaged.
Turns out this was caused because I didn't shake the can of sealer well enough. I needed a break....
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While I took a break for a few days, I decided to watch tutorials on how to paint doll eyes and learned that it's actually pretty common to use high quality watercolor pencils; either Faber Castell or Derwent (which is what I ended up buying).
When I came back, I made the hard decision of removing all the paint and decorations from the head and starting over. Hours of work gone but it was so worth it! 🩷 Removing the paint with acetone ended up making her head lighter than her body so I had to redye her head lol. This time I mixed Derwent pencils with acrylic paints for her eyes.
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Time for the hair! I've never done curls before and my original plan was to buy curly hair online but it's so hard to find in the color and curl size I wanted.
So my second idea was to buy small curlers to use on regular nylon doll hair bought from ShimmerLocks on Etsy. But when I tested them out on poor Flower Bouquet it looked so bad ಥ_ಥ
I discovered a Youtube channel you may know called Dollightful where in one of her Stock Box videos she used yarn that she unraveled to make super cute tight wavy hair for a doll. It was a perfect solution! It looks so good but omg it was tedious haha! I used it for her tail too; sectioning off the colors hoping they'd stay separated (they didn't lol).
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She's nearly complete! Time for small decorations! I tried so many different ears from air dry clay to stealing some from bunny decorations I bought at the store and nothing was working! But I had one last idea...
I gave these old Littlest Pet Shop costume bunny ears some use with a flat top sewing pin and some glue so now my pony has bunny ears! Yay!
I forgot it in the concept art, but I originally wanted to add flowers to her mane but I couldn't figure out how to do that without glue which I didn't want to do, too permanent, so I opted for some beads I had on hand. I didn't have any light blue so I made some with the use of acetone (nail polish remover in my case) and boom! Light blue beads! Then I washed them off so the acetone wouldn't damage anything :)
I used a gold topped sewing pin, a butterfly charm, a felt flower and two faux flowers to create a cute hair accessory!
Finally I sewed a hair tie to a puffball to give her a removable cottontail if I ever wanted to take it off.
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And DONE! She looks so good after so much time and effort! I worked on this girly for two weeks I think? She actually had a partner I designed but I've run out of time to make her :') Maybe next year? 👀 🩷🩷
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cresneta · 9 months
On the off chance anyone is looking for ideas on how to spruce up the Yor cosplay they bought online I thought I'd post about some the modifications to the ones I wore to a con not too long ago. Mind you, this isn't about to turn into a cosplay account and I'm not planning on posting a full picture of me in either costume.
For the battle dress, as many of fondly refer to it as, I personally didn't care for the charm that it came with and ended up replacing it with a pendent that I found on Etsy. For this, you just need the pendent, a pair of scissors, and a needle and thread. You may also be able to find something at your local craft store that is closer to what she actually wears or possibly 3D orint something if rusts your thing.
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This cosplay came with black stockings that are meant to be worn with shoes of a similar material. I used several coats of red acrylic paint on the bottom of the shoes that I wore for this and sealed it witg several coats of Modge Podge to help it last longer. If you do this, I recommend taking a bit more care witg tge masking tape that I did. For this part you just need red acrylic paint, a brush, masking tape, something to protect the surface you're working on, and some Modge Podge or other sealant. I propped the shoes up like that by putting drinking glasses inside them.
It's a small enough detail that I bet most people saw me missed, but I personally enjoyed having it. Here's what the soles of the shoes look like before and after walking around all day at a con:
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The only thing I modified on the red outfit was the headband as I didn't care for the buttons that it came with and the ribbon that was used to tie it in place wasn't as close to being screen accurate as I'd like. While this still isn't perfect, I am happier with it than how it was originally. That being said, it is easier to put on with the ribbon than the elastic cord so that particular modification may not be worth it. If you're looking online for this sort of button, it's called a shank button.
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As you can probably guess from the photos, for these modifications you just need a needle, thread, scissors, and an elastic cord that can be found in the jewelry section of your local craft store.
Just thought I'd make this post in case it helps anyone. It's really not hard to buy a Yor cosplay online, at least if you're in the US, and they're actually not that expensive. I wouldn't call them cheap either - they do cost more and are better quality than the sorts of costumes you can buy at th supermarket in the US during spooky season, but it's not as much more as you might expect.
Also, if you opt to get red contacts be sure to be careful about where you get them from and do talk to an eye doctor first. I've seen some horror stories out there about people seriously damaging their eyes by using bad contacts. I used Gothika lens which are FDA approved and have just a slightly different base curve than I'm used to.
(Also, I recommend picking up fashion tape to help things like the black stockings stay in place as well as the bandau for the red outfit if you've had similarly bad luck with finding one that fits)
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chipper-pessimist · 2 years
Cosplay Update!
I apologize that it took me so long to post an update on my The Girl from the Other Side / とつくにの少女 cosplay!
At this point, I have finished sewing Sensei’s vest and cravat; the mask is mostly done (I just need to style the feather trim I used); and I am about half-way through sewing the jacket?  I also have made the base for his tail, but it needs to finish drying before I can cover it in black suede.  I’m waiting to try this cosplay on until I’m closer to finishing (in part because I’m incredibly apprehensive about how it will look -- especially given the fact that I am 5′4″/162 cm tall and not lanky...).
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The locket was also a fun challenge -- I don’t think I’ve had to put so much detail in so small of an illustration!  I had originally hoped to more closely emulate Nagabe’s drawing style, but the more details I added, the more of my own style came through.  Hopefully it still captures the spirit.  
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If anyone is curious about how I made the mask, you can find more WIP pictures and explanations under the cut.
After using tinfoil, plaster wrap, and questionable life choices to make a basic mold of my head, I sculpted the main shape of the mask with Model Magic and used it as a foundation over which I laid plaster wrap.  I ended up merging Nagabe’s design with some reference pictures I found of sheep skulls and ended up with this:
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Once that had dried, I cut out holes for the eyes and sculpted horns and ears out of Model Magic -- I thought that it would be light enough to keep this mask wearable, but strong enough to maintain its structural integrity (although I added armature wire into the longer horns for greater stability).  The large horns were originally textured by imprinting them with a bamboo sushi rolling mat.
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Once the horns and ears had fully dried, I glued them to the mask with Elmer’s Craft Glue and used plaster wrap to more securely tie them in.  I also added eyelids, and did a quick test to make sure the mesh “follow-me” eyes fit:
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After everything had ostensibly dried, I covered the plaster with papier-mâché to smooth out the surface and to strengthen the mask.
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It’s at this point, as the papier-mâché on the inside of the mask was drying, that I realized the large horns weren’t strong enough.  Both of them started to break near the base; I originally tried fixing them with toothpicks and glue, but that was not enough.  I ended up coating both of them in papier-mâché clay (a mix of paper pulp, drywall joint compound, and flour), which meant that I needed to redo the texture on them -- this time by adding details to the clay with a butter knife.  Even after this dried, one of the horns continued to break.  I eventually had to wrap the bottom third of each horn in plaster wrap, then papier-mâché over them entirely...which meant I had to retexture them again by adding small rolled-up pieces of plaster wrap.
After much frustration, the mask was finally ready to paint.  The original black acrylic paint I used was too glossy, so I recoated it with a matte acrylic...which was too light and dull, so I added a layer of matte Modge Podge.  To add more texture to the horns, I used an undercoat of grey paint, then used a fan brush to roughly go over it in black, letting some of the original grey shine through in streaks.
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Finally, it was time to add the finishing touches!  I attached black suede to the backs of the ears, glued in the buckram mesh eyes, and chose to use feather trim to make the hair/floof/whatever you want to call it.  I used a little more Model Magic to make supports onto which I glued the feather trim -- without it, the feathers lay too flat and weren’t floofy enough.
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I ended up using E6000 to attach the trim -- since the feathers were sewn into polyester ribbon, I wasn’t sure if it would adhere to craft glue.
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The last steps in making the mask were to smooth out where the trim and suede were attached -- I covered visible lines with papier-mâché, then painted and sealed it once it had dried.  I still wasn’t happy with how stark the hairline was, so I glued individual feathers to the top of the mask to soften it.
All that’s left now is to style the feathers.
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mcufox123 · 3 years
Soul Mates
Summary: What happens when there are actual soul mates in the world? Is Wanda yours?
A/N: ok this story gave me such chills and I’m really proud of it. Please enjoy!
Warnings: Injuries, implications of smut
Soul mates, they exist. You are born with a mark on your skin. If you date someone, the mark will go away when you both fall in love with each other, and they touch your skin. Like you could be in a relationship and touch each other but the mark will go away only when you both love each other. It drove most of your relationships. So many times, you wanted to find your soul mate, but it never worked out. Your mark always confused you. It was two hands together on your stomach. What would you and your soul mate be doing? Where would your mark be on them?
After a while you gave up on ever trying to find them. You didn’t care anymore. You focused on work. You had been an undercover agent for Tony Stark, investigating different targets before the avengers would go and save the day. You lived with Earth’s mightiest heroes, who at home they were far more different than anyone would expect.
Bruce was a geek, Natasha was like the mother hen, Steve was a wood worker, Tony a family man, Bucky and Sam would play video games, and Wanda loved sitcoms. Don’t get me wrong, they of course trained and ate healthy and did mission recon, but other than that they were normal people.
When you first started living there it was weird for you to see everyone in sweatpants, but you quickly got used to it. You spent time with almost everyone, mostly Wanda though. You two quickly entered a relationship a few short months after you started living there. You even moved into her room. A couple months into your relationship you knew you loved her, but you would never dare say it. You always remembered the conversation you had with her about soul mates.
“Do you believe in the whole soul mates mark?” you asked the closed off girl in your arms.
“I believe they do. I never want to know who mine is though. I lost too many people Y/N. I don’t think I could know that and be ok if I ever lost them.” She answered while playing with your hands.
“That’s fair, I guess. What would you do if you found them though?” you asked her. You were nervous because you wanted Wanda to be your soul mate and you kept waiting for her to touch your mark, but she never did.
“I’m not sure. Maybe put them in a bubble only I could reach and never let them go.” She said in an amusing voice and you knew the conversation was coming to a close.
“I’m sure that would not go over well.” You chuckled. There were a few moments of silence, she was just drawing random shapes on your shoulder, head against your chest.
“Don’t wait for me Y/N. If you want to find your soul mate, go find them.” She said with hurt in her voice. You could tell she didn’t want you to go.
“I’m right here Wanda, don’t worry.” You reassured her before you both were silent again. Eventually you both fell asleep.
That happened only a couple weeks before the mission you were about to go on. Tony had found an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. facility that was now operating with Hydra. You had “applied” for a job there and quickly made your way up the ranks. It was now time for you to report to their office to help them continue following Hydra’s plan. You walked out to the car you would be driving in for the mission. Wanda followed you out.
“Please be careful out there, Y/N. Take care of you. No one else matters. Just you. Come back to me quickly.” Wanda said walking next to you.
“I always do babe. I promise, I’ll be back, as fast as I can.” You wanted to add that you loved her but knew now wasn’t the time. Your soul mate’s conversation still lingering in your head. You leaned in a gave her one last kiss before getting in the car to drive to your mission.
The drive to the mission wasn’t too bad, only like 4 hours which is short compared to other cross-country ones that you have done. Just like you planned you fit right in with the agents. You put on this very charismatic façade gaining their trust in a week’s time.
“I think it’s time you met the boss kid.” Agent Gerald said to you as he led you down a series of hallways. You tried to mentally track your path so you would be able to show your friends but there were more hallways than you could’ve imagined. A tactic they must have used to catch fake agents like yourself.
Once arriving to a big room, you met Frank the head honcho. He was a small man, nothing you would’ve expected from someone leading such a complicated organization. He looked up and smiled.
“So, this is agent Reilly? I’ve heard great things about you.” He said referring to your undercover name. He reached out to shake your hand.
“You must be Frank. I’ve heard some scary things about you.” You said testing the waters of the old man, hoping he would see it as a friendly interaction. Which thank goodness he did. He pulled you into his side while pointing at you and looking at Gerald. “I like this one, she’ll be just the person I need for the job.”
Frank had a plan. This made you nervous, what would he have you be doing? You had to get the team here right away. After the pleasantries of meeting Frank, you were excused until tomorrow when he would let you know what you would be doing.
You however couldn’t wait that long and as soon as you got to your hotel room you called the team.
“Tony, I need you guys here ASAP. I know who the head guy is. Its Frank Randone, Fury’s old partner. I met him today I know where he’s hiding, he has a mission for me which he’s going to give me tomorrow.” You rambled on quickly.
“Ok, we’ll be there in an hour and we’ll devise a plan when we get there. Just be careful and stay put.” He told you in a fatherly way. You rolled your eyes even though you knew he couldn’t see it.
Not even an hour later you heard a knock on the door. You opened it to see your modge podge family. They all looked kind of out of it as they piled in your room. You knew it was because they got called here so quickly on such short notice.
The plan was that you would go into the facility tomorrow and go see Frank for your mission. You would have the tracker com in your ear so the team could both track your movement and hear you and what you heard at the same time. After you received the mission, you would leave the facility to meet your friends and help them defeat Frank.
After the mission was planned everybody left besides Wanda. You were exhausted from the day you just had and anxious about the following day. Wanda changed into some sweatpants and grabbed your sweatshirt before crawling into bed. She rubbed your back as you sat on the edge of the bed a million thoughts running through your head. She sat up and hugged you from behind.
“Come cuddle with me please, this week has been too long without you.” She whispered in your ear. You turned back to look at her in the eyes. You saw her looking at you with so much emotion. You leaned in to kiss her which quickly got heated.
If it had been a chaste kiss, it was almost as if she was going to say those three little words, she didn’t though, instead you had a heated night. You both fell asleep in the comfort of each other’s arms.
The next morning you peeled yourself from Wanda’s arms to get ready for the day. You were too nervous to eat or do much, but you had to get the com ready and online and dressed. Wanda was still sleeping when you were about to leave so you walked over to kiss her forehead. Before you could pull away you felt a hand come up to your neck and hold you there. You looked down to see emerald eyes staring back at you.
“Be careful, please. I need you to come back to me.” She said. Your only answer was a chaste kiss before pulling away.
“I promise.” And with that you walked out of the room and drove to the facility.
Once you got there you were immediately taken to Frank. You were grateful that you didn’t have to remember the hallways with the tracking com. Once you arrived at the room you instantly felt a sense of panic though.
“Agent Reilly just in time! I brought your mission in for you to complete it right now, so I know you are worthy of the position I am about to offer and that you are loyal to this organization.” He said with a creepy grin before he continued. “The world is lost, the only people who seem to have it all together are the avengers. That can’t be, we need them to be in array as well. I have captured the founder and his right-hand man, or women I should say. They will be here any minute.” He walked towards you holding a gun. You suddenly were very nervous; you had an idea of who it would be.
“This man and I go way back, we used to be partners if you could believe that. It was easy getting him surprisingly enough and lucky for me she was there too. What I need you to do is kill them. First Maria, then Fury. Then we will talk about this new position I have for you.” You needed to get out of this. Suddenly the door opened, and Fury and Maria were dragged in. The looked awful, defeated even, one thing that you never saw on either of their faces. Then they looked up and saw you and you saw hope on their faces. You, however, were shaking. You had to think quickly of what you had to do.
There were four men there and Frank. Each had a gun, and a knife attached to their belts. You had a gun you also had the team who would hopefully be on their way by now, but you had no way of knowing for sure. You eyed up the four guys, you could take them. You could do this. You just had to get Fury and Maria out of here alive.
Fury eyed you knowing that you had just calculated your plan in the span of 20 seconds, and he visibly relaxed as did Maria. They trusted you. You could do this.
You walked over and grabbed the gun from Frank, “You got it boss.” You said before turning your back on him to walk towards Maria. You held the gun at her head, then eyed Frank who gave you a subtle nod.
Before you could shoot Maria, you pulled your gun up and expertly shot three of the men before the 4th one lunged at you. You dodged him and grabbed him by the arm causing him to turn around. You shot him in the back before turning to look at Frank. He eyed you nervously.
“Who are you?” he asked in a shaky voice. You smirked. “I’m your worst enemy.” You said before turning to shoot him. He fell back, you don’t even check to see if he’s out before you turn around to help Fury and Maria out of the restraints. Right as your finishing helping Maria, you hear an alarm blare. You turn to see Frank with his phone in his hand smiling. Before you have time to process you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You whip your head around to see a guard standing there. You shoot him then turn back and shoot Frank in the head.
“Y/N,” Fury said as he rushed towards you. You then collapsed on the ground, looking down to see a knife protruding from your stomach. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You heard lots of commotion coming from the hallway. You knew the team was there. Fury knew not to touch the blade inside you and instead picked you up carefully. He started carrying you out of the building and to the quinjet outside. He put you on the ground and tried to stop the bleeding. He took the com out of your ear to talk to the team.
“This is Fury, Y/N is down. Stab wound in her abdomen. We’re on the quinjet but we have to get her out of here, and fast.” You didn’t get to hear the response but not even two minutes later a red head appeared in your vision cupping your cheek.
“Stay with me you hear me. You’re not allowed to leave remember. You have to be with me.” Wanda said. You reached up to grab her cheek. “I'm not going any-any-anywhere. Re-re-remember.” You choked out with difficulty. You saw tears running down her face.
Fury reached around Wanda to look at the wound. “We need to take that knife out; an infection has already started spreading. If we want her to make it, it has to come out. I will remove it. Wanda, you need to apply pressure as I extract it.” He said looking up at Wanda who just nodded. Wanda put her hands on the spot she would never dare touch before.  The knife was directly in the center of your soul mate mark. You realized in that moment that she was your soul mate. You started to cry, now scared about what the outcome of this day would be. You had to make it, you had to be ok for her.
It must have registered in her brain as you simply put your hands over hers. Covering her mark on the back of her hands. You heard her cry harder as both of your marks started to fade away.
“I love you Y/N. You can’t leave me now. I said it. I’ve said what I’ve tried to run away from. We both know now, and now, you can’t leave me.” Wanda said crying harder holding her hands on your stomach. It was so hard for you to process her feelings. The pain slowly started to leave your body as you began to feel numb.
“I love you too Wanda,” breath, “always have,” breath,” always will.” You tried to get out. Suddenly you couldn’t hear anything. You saw Wanda start to sob and scream at you. You saw the rest of the team ran onto the quin jet. Steve immediately took over for Wanda, while Nat and Clint tried to pull her away from you. You saw her fighting her way back to you then everything went black.
Steve held his hands there. Tony used his Iron man suit to freeze the wound until they were able to get you home. You were fighting for your life the whole way back to the compound. Wanda fought everyone so hard to stay by your side. She held your hand rubbing endless circles on the back of your hand. She talked to you the whole way.
“Well, we know now, we’re soulmates. When you wake up from this don’t expect me to ever let you out of my sight again. The first thing that’s going to happen is I'm going to talk to Tony. You need a suit. I know I'm not stopping you from going on missions but you need a suit so you can be ok when I'm not there. The next thing is we are moving out of the compound. It’s a target. I need you safe and I need you all to myself. Maybe we could build a house right next door or down the block because I know you won’t want to be too far from the team. Also, we are getting married. There is absolutely no point in prolonging that. I want you to be mine for forever, officially. For all this to happen you need to stay with me. You need to be ok. Because I love you.” Wanda rambled on. She continued to talk about your life together.
When you arrive at the compound they immediately moved you to the medical bay. Wanda is frozen on the jet. Everyone slowly makes their way off the jet exhausted from the day. Wanda slowly walks off and instead of going with Nat to the medical bay, she goes to your room and puts on one of your sweatshirts. She crawls under the covers and puts on your favorite sitcom. She doesn’t watch though, she’s too numb, a million thoughts running through her head. She doesn’t want you gone; she needs you. After about a half hour she lets out a blood curdling scream as it finally hits her that you might be gone. Clint goes in and just holds her, being her fatherly figure that he is.
They operate on your stomach and everything goes smoothly, but you lost a lot of blood. Now it is up to you to wake up. In the in between life and death you are at peace. You are in your dream house with your childhood dog, and you feel a sense of calm. No responsibilities are on your shoulders, no timeline of missions, no scars from past missions litter your body. In the in between you are just you and you can do anything you want.
Every day you do whatever you want. Some days its running by a lake, some days you are on the beach. The only sad part is nobody is here to share it with you. One day you are cooking up some breakfast when there is a knock on your door. You are startled by the intrusion of your peace. You wipe your hands and go to the door to see a young man with white hair.
“Hi,” you say unsure of your own voice.
“Y/N, I’m Pietro, Wanda’s Brother.” You stand there in shock. You’re not sure what to do so you reach out and give him a hug, happy that you finally are able to meet him.
“Oh my gosh, HI! It’s so nice to meet you! Wanda has told me so much about you!” You say enthusiastically. You then step aside and welcome him into your home.
You take him to the kitchen where you both share a meal, and you get to know him better. He tells you all about young Wanda and their life growing up. You tell him all about your relationship with Wanda and that you both learnt that you were soulmates.
“She really loves you ya know? She tried to push it away for so long. Do you know how long you have been here for?” He asks you suddenly. You’re thrown by the question because you have now lost track of time.
“No, I’m not really sure. The last thing I remember is telling Wanda that I loved her. Then I was just here.” You tell him honestly.
“It’s been 3 months. You’re not dead, your body is trying to figure out what it wants to do. For that to happen you need to know what you want to do. Can I show you something?” He asks as you try processing this conversation.
“S-s-s-sure.” You say nervously, still trying to wrap you head around the fact that it’s been 3 months. He stands up and escorts you to a mirror. He pulls a nob out and places it on the mirror. Your eyebrows furrow and he notices.
“You only get one of these when you’re completely committed to this world.” He says as a sad smile crosses his face. You know he wasn’t supposed to die, but he sacrificed himself to save Clint, a heroic action. He starts turning the nob and you see yourself on a hospital bed. Next to you is Wanda, she looks so broken, a shell of a person who she was. You gasp and put your hand on the mirror to try to touch her. You can’t though and the tears start to roll down your face.
“She hasn’t eaten much Y/N. She hasn’t showered unless Clint makes her. She has spent every day for the past three months in this hospital room next to you, waiting for you to wake up. She needs you Y/N, way more than she ever needed me. You make her happy even if she was too stupid to admit it. She loves you so much. I understand if you choose to stay here and wait for her, to be at peace and get the relaxation you need, but please just do something. Don’t stay in this in between because it will kill her.” The tears are coming faster now as you take everything in. He gives he a side hug and you turn into his body so he could hold you while you cry.
Pietro stays the rest of the day and does whatever you want to do. You both go for a walk, you take a boat out on the lake, you go to the beach and just stare at the ocean. You wish that everything could be easy, but it can’t. You have to make a decision.
After dinner Pietro says that it’s time for him to leave and you escort him to the door.
“It was really nice being able to mee you Y/N. If you do go back, tell my sister hi. Tell her I miss her, but I am so proud of the person she has become. Tell her I am ok and that she’ll see me again someday. And you, if you return take care of her, love her, and give her everything you possibly can.” You nod at him and reach for a hug which he gladly returns. “I’m happy its you, Y/N.” he said before he turns around to leave.
After he leaves, you stay up and write. You write all of your feelings on a page. You write all the reasons you want to stay and all the reasons you want to go back. Eventually you fall asleep on the couch a pen in your hand.
When you wake up the light is bright. It takes you a few minutes for you to realize where you are. You’re in the hospital bed, a warm presence is on your arm. You look down to see Wanda slouched over asleep next to you. You smile, you’re back. You remember your time away so vividly; you look up and silently thank Pietro. You lean over and place a soft kiss on the top of the red head. It takes her a minute to stir. She looks up at you and just stares in disbelief. Her hand reaches up to cup your cheek making sure your really there. You just reach up and touch her hand.
That’s enough for her to attack you in a hug and sob. You hold her whispering reassuring words into her hair. “I’m here. Don’t worry I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Remember I’ll always come back.” She just cried harder.
After she finally calms down, she smashes her lips on yours, putting in all the emotions she has, and you are fast to reciprocate it. When you pull back your foreheads are touching.
“So, when are we getting married?” you ask a smile spreading on your lips.
“As soon as you get out of this hospital bed,” she says while smiling back at you.
“And the house?” you ask repeating all of the promises she made to you.
“Steve already started construction on the edge of the compound property.” She says while planting kisses all over your face.
“And the suit?” you ask, she freezes.
“Not happening anytime soon. We are taking a long vacation you and me, there are a lot of things we need to catch up on and I'm not going to share you just yet.” This causes you to chuckle and agree.
“He’s proud of you, ya know?” you tell her, she freezes and gives you a questioning look. “Pietro, I met him, he’s proud of you, he loves you, and he’s ok. He said you will see him one day don’t worry.” You say as you bring your hand up to her cheek in a comforting way. You see tears roll down her cheeks and you’re quick to wipe them away.
She snuggles closer to you “thank you y/n for telling me. And for coming back to me. I love you.” She says as she lays her head on your chest. You wrap your arms around her and in a few minutes, you hear that she is sleeping. You see such relief on her features, and she looks so calm. “I love you too, always have and always will.” You say as you lay a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
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bionerd2point0 · 3 years
Congratulations on the milestone! *throws confetti* What about JayTim AOB flowershop AU for the promptathon? Seems like the language of flowers (or at least scents) would be really important in a universe like that. :D
Thank you darling!!!! You know, I got so excited about the flower language thing (I used a little bit in another thing) that I totally forgot I could have incorporated scents too!! 😅 Anywho, I hope you enjoy this bit of fluff!!
The bell on the front door jingles as it opens, and Tim quickly tucks away his phone and pastes his ‘how may I help you’ smile over eyes deadened by boredom. He then quickly perks up, because it’s that alpha again. The one with arms, and tattoos, and thighs that could crush his skull. Tim is so very down for some skull crushing, thanks for asking. At least if it’s done by those thighs. Though this guy’s probably more likely to do it by breaking Tim’s face with his fist. Alphas don’t usually take kindly to being hit on by other alphas outside of queer groups, after all.
“Hi there! How can I help you?” Tim grins up at the alpha. The guy’s been stopping in at least once a week for a while now, and Tim’s low-key jealous of the omega he has to be courting. He’s never seen anyone put as much thought into a bouquet of flowers as this dude.
The alpha grunts, squinting at the flowers they have on display and not quite looking at Tim. “What flowers do you use to ask someone on a date?”
“Peonies, buttercups, alstroemeria… it really depends on what exactly you want to say.” Tim’s been answering questions like these ever since the guy started showing up, and it’s definitely had him refreshing his flower language. This is the first time the alpha has specifically been looking for a date, though. Usually he just asks which flowers express interest. Things must be going well with that omega, and Tim doesn’t want to admit why it makes him feel so bitter.
They spend a good ten minutes figuring out the right balance of blooms, eventually settling on a small bouquet with a peony, three buttercups, some carnations, a purple hydrangea, and a few blue cornflowers to break up the various pinks and reds. Tim works in some greenery for accents and by the time he’s finished he’s kinda mad about how good it looks. Some random omega isn’t going to be able to appreciate this masterpiece—not to the full depth of its meaning (attraction, admiration, romance, hope, I want to know you). It’s just not fair.
Tim still pastes on a smile and rings the alpha up, watching him leave the store with the flowers before letting himself frown. If he hadn’t been burned so badly in the past, if he thought he had a chance in hell, he’d give the alpha a buttercup and some purple hydrangeas. Ask him his name. Ask him out. But Tim knows better, so he watches him walk away.
It takes Jason three tries to work up the courage to walk into the flower shop. He has the bouquet in hand, and that’s the real motivating factor. The modge-podge of botanicals currently dying on his countertop were nowhere near as expensive as this bouquet, and it’d be a shame to let it go to waste.
Tim—a name which he only knows because Tim wears a name tag, not because Jason was brave enough to ask—is standing at the counter when he walks in, and looks surprised to see Jason again so soon. Then he spots the bouquet and his face does something complicated before settling on something like sympathy.
“Oh no, did they not like it?”
Jason can’t find the words to respond, so he thrusts the bouquet out at Tim and says, “For you.”
Tim’s eyes are wide and shocked, clearly not having expected this, but he accepts the flowers automatically.
Reaching into his pocket, Jason pulls out the second part of his gift, which is arguably the more daring of the two. “And this.”
It’s a handkerchief soaked in Jason’s scent. He’d spent far too long rubbing it against his neck last night, but if Tim doesn’t like his scent then this is over before it can even begin.
Tim accepts the handkerchief as well, automatically bringing it up to his face to inhale slowly, eyes fluttering closed. Jason’s lower lip is practically chewed raw by the time he lowers the cloth.
“What’s your name?” Tim asks.
A slow smile spreads across Tim’s face, giving Jason just an inkling of hope.
“Well, Jason. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tim rubs at his wrist, then holds out his hand.
Jason grips his hand carefully, lifting it up until he can catch the scent coming off Tim’s wrist, hoping beyond all hope he’s reading these signals right ~~he’s never done this before and it terrifies him.~~
Tim’s scent is odd. Kind of spicy and kind of bitter with an undercurrent of something sweet—although that could just be all the flowers he works with. It’s not bad, though, and it doesn’t make his hair stand on end with the need to ‘defend his territory’ or some shit, so that’s really what counts.
He lowers Tim’s hand, slowly letting go. “Nice to meet you, too.”
Tim’s lips quirk, then he turns and starts plucking flowers out of pots behind him before handing Jason a handful of flowers. It takes him a moment to realize that he’s holding buttercups and a purple hydrangea and one of Jason’s cornflowers. Oh. Oh.
“So, Jason, would you like to go on a date with me? There’s a really good Sicilian place around the corner, and I get off in an hour.”
Jason swallows. It, it worked? Tim said yes? No. Jason didn’t even get to ask, Tim is asking him on a date. “Uh, yes?” He hadn’t planned on getting this far, and now he’s not sure what to do.
“Awesome.” Tim grins at him. “So, six thirty at Rocco’s?”
Jason nods, hardly able to believe his ears. “See you then?”
“See you then,” Tim agrees, beaming at him as Jason hesitantly leaves the store. He can’t just hang around for the next hour, and he should probably go grab his jacket, and holy shit he has a date!
Tim can’t resist doing a happy dance once Jason’s out of sight. He has a date!
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Lol here have this I have no idea what I'm doing with this. Hope yall can't tell.
You clenched your teeth, watching as the Avatar waltz through to the sitting room on his own accord. No servant attendant as he stared Zuko down.  
The Avatar looked...different from what you remembered or what had been described to you.  He had filled out some, broad muscles swept in golden colors with a heavily beaded wooden necklace with the air symbol carved into it. As if the world needed a reminder that he was the last air bender. You fight to roll your eyes as the roam over his bald head, blue tattoo vibrant in the cast of the afternoon son while his beard was as dark as rich upturned Earth. 
"So what do I owe the pleasure of having the honored Avatar as my guest?" Zuko's voice comes out gruff, golden eyes narrowed onto the bald man. 
The Avatar returns the glare, his brown eyes reminding you of frozen Earth in the darkest winter. 
The tension between the two is tangiable enough that you can taste it.  The fresh breeze being summoned and the wood starting to char beneath Zuko's feet. The Firelord begins to shift his weight for an offensive attack putting you on edge. 
The Avatar mirrors the action and both set off a powerful blast of Fire and Air. Just as you're about to move to counter attack the two men burst into a fit of laughter. 
"It's been too long, Zuko!" They step into a tight hug separating in time for tea.
"Way too long Aang." Zuko sits on one of the many cushions that lie around the room, broad hand gesturing for the Avatar to follow suit. The young servant sets the tea on the low table between them, Zuko observes the set up with a harsh glare. 
"Why are there only three cups?" A tone above a bite causing your stomach to twist. Your teeth sink into your tongue to keep your temper in check, agitated that the man never seems satisfied.
"Uh, your Highness forgive me. I am still new and I assumed you'd serve yourself and your two guests." Her voice trembles as she presses her forehead to the ground, hard enough you were sure the wooden grains would dimple her forehead. On the verge of snapping you step towards the tea more than ready to douse his arrogant flames. Nostrils flaring as you watch him berate her but then your heart catches in your chest when you hear him speak. 
"Daiyu..." His voice is soft as he touches her forearm, "You must always remember your own cup, tea was made to be enjoyed in company." 
The girl looks up, bewildered. 
"Y...your fierceness I…" She clutches at the green silk ribbon that adorns her wrist. Crackling and smoothing the fabric as she tries to refute without really refusing. It's obvious she's a fresh servant from the Earth kingdom. You had noticed that majority of Zuko's helping hands were a modge podge of former refugees from all across the lands. 
"It is fine. You may have my cup." He pours her tea first, earning a blush as he presents it to her. 
And with a smile no less. 
Your heart summersolts in your chest, thumping with questions and anger, all unnoticed to the small party. 
It is true you had observed the Firelord over the last six months, most of it arguments and fights between the two of you.  You thought you had him pegged as a bitter Prince with daddy issues and an absentee mother. 
But you were starting to question if you had observed closely enough. When she does not take the tea his molten eyes flash an emotion you've never see before. 
"You may take it with you back to the kitchen if you think it is against etiquette." He leaves the nature of their relationship unspoken and finally she bows deeply before reaching for the tea. 
"Thank you Firelord Zuko." She bows again with tea in hand before exiting the room, softly shutting the sliding door behind her. 
Aang chuckles as deft hands pour the other two cups. The Avatar holds onto his tea with a smile, looking after where the young woman stood.  
"They still aren't used to a kind Firelord are they?" He takes a small sip as Zuko offers you your tea. You glare at the light green liquid, staring down your own reflection before he half growls in frustration. 
"At least sit." He gestures to a pillow beside him to which you plop down on ungracefully after a moment or two. Brown eyes watch you with undying curiosity while golden ones bore holes into your skin. 
"I want them to feel more like employees than servants." He address Aang's previous question, "How is Katara?" 
A dip in his tone that has your brows furrowed as Aang's voice carries throughout the room. 
"Happy and busy as ever especially with two kids." He smiles hard enough he is forced to close his eyes, "And you and Mai?" 
A small silence before Zuko chooses to speak the truth. 
"We...have chosen separate paths." 
"Ah I'm…." A heated hand stops the avatar from speaking. It is clear that Zuko does not want his old friend's pity but it is left unspoken. Instead he shifts their focus back on Aang. 
"What of Sokka and Suki? And my best friend Toph?" The scowl is quickly replaced with a gentle smile that spreads across his lips, leaving you bewildered. You had figured he was all angst and rigid but you figured even coins had two sides. 
"They are well. We should camp. For old times sake."
"Maybe I'll chase you around for an hour or two." They share another hearty laugh before a flip is switched and Zuko returns to all of adjectives you're familiar with. 
Not...not smiles
And surely not kindness. 
A grin washes over your features as you realize his softness can last only so long, you bring the green tea to your lips. Refreshing satisfaction washes over your tongue.
"What really brings you here Aang?" His stature no longer vulnerable, his spine straight and those broad shoulders snapped back. Aang sighs, having wanted more of his friend than his ally today. 
"It is your sister. Azula." The tea cup in your hand threatens to snap from that name alone. Rage seeps into every fiber of your being, into your bones as you grit your teeth to keep from speaking. 
You needed to hear what was next. 
"She's finally been spotted." Steam escapes Zuko's nose for a long moment. When he opens his eyes again it is as if the brewing storm calmed. Head level and clear as he speaks. 
"It's time she came home." 
But you see the fresh steam billowing from the spout of the tea pot. A defiant smile forms on your lips as you watch the hairline crack in the ceramic form before your eyes. 
It's time you tested how well he could keep his temper under control with a guest. 
"Bring her home?" You ask, golden eyes snap to you. Your infernal voice one of the few things left on his Earth that got under his skin. 
"Surly you don't mean here." You set your tea down, heat radiates from his toned body all the way through his thick robes dancing along your exposed skin.  A shiver runs down your spine from the hint of a fight. 
"I think you mean a rehabilitation center. If you missed being called Zuzu so much. I would be more than happy to oblige." A purr leaves your plump lips as his eyebrow tics in tandem with his sharp jawline. 
Aang is left to watch the scene unfold with inquisitive eyes, not yet having the pleasure of meeting your acquaintance. 
"Uh Zuko who is this exactly?" You glare at the Avatar as the Firelord's heat slowly dies down.  
"My name is too difficult for your tongue. I hail from a much different land." You roll your eyes as you sink into the silky pillow. Another glare sent your way as his eyes seem to scream murder. 
"My uncle called her Lost Dragon. She answers to that or Jasmine. He tried to name her after his favorite tea." Amber pools soften at the the thought until he remembers who it's about, "Mostly I say you." 
"In that irritated tone too?" Aang chuckles and Zuko nods. 
"Well I must confess. This is very much…..you." He looks you over before holding eye contact with Zuko, "You may have found your FireLady." 
You snap up from your lying position ready to throw daggers his way but the tea pot explodes instead. Aang guides the boiling tea into his empty cup laughing as he's clearly struck a nerve. 
"I would never." His voice dips so low and so dark it almost stops Aang from relishing in his now rare moment of igniting Zuko's ire. 
The tone does not sit well with you causing you to send an icy glare his way.
"Whatever you say hotman." Fire erupts from Zuko's shoulders. 
"Don't call me that!" An infectious laugh rings out before Aang retorts. 
"Whatever you say hotman." He covers his mouth before he takes another sip of tea, "In all seriousness those sightings of your sister are rumors for now. But I wanted to tell you in person first." 
Aang sets down his cup and stands, looking Zuko in his eyes. He offers a smile that the firelord returns.
"Another day?" Aang asks. 
"Hopefully sooner rather than later. And for pleasure instead for business." 
They bow to one another fist in hand before the Avatar slips out of the door. 
Zuko turns to you stepping almost too quickly as he breathes life into a powerful blast that you dismiss with your own fire. 
You both stare one another down for countless minutes before Daiyu slides open the door  The hairs on the nape of her neck stand straight up as she feels the exuding power seeping from the two bodies in the room. She is not quick enough to slide it back shut like she wishes. Neither breaks eye contact even as she struggles to get her message out. 
"F..Firelord Zuko, your bath is ready." Another moment passes before he sighs heavily. Steam filling the room until neither can see the other. 
"Thank you Daiyu. I shall retire for now." A threat lingers in his voice as you hear him exit the room. 
You grit your teeth as your body carries you back out to the large tree in the garden where you've been sleeping. Refusing to sleep in the house of your enemy. You slam your knife into the bark of the tree above your head before you adjust your weight in the branch. Wondering why in the hell the man you respected so much, the man who understood the pain you went through, who apologized for his actions, sent you to watch over some arrogant over grown brat. 
"Destiny is a funny thing."  His voice echos in your head as you drift to sleep dreaming of the deep golden color of oolong tea.
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catsarma · 5 years
Susie Legion Mask Process
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Heres what I used:
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1. Metallic silver spray paint (or regular tube paint)
2. Acrylic craft paints
3. Matte modge podge (or your preferred sealant)
4. Paper fasteners (the short ones)
5. Utility blades & writing utensils
6. Craft wire (i got 16 and 18 gauge, they looked similar)
7. Craft foam
8. Scissors
9. (Not pictured) Elastic band
10. (Not pictured) Balloon
11. (Not pictured) Sandpaper
Ok! I started off by blowing up a regular balloon a biiit bigger than my head and paper mache-ing it all over, leaving the little tail hole exposed. I hung mine on a string to dry from a hook in my ceiling lol
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Then deflate the balloon and pull it out, and cut the thing in two equal halves. Put a half up to your face and trim it about where it reaches your ears, or whatever you like.
Note: I’d advise making sure you dont make the mask too shallow if you have a long nose like me or it might smush a bit during wear.
Evenly build up layers of paper mache until the mask is fairly stiff and holds its shape, trying to keep it fairly smooth. You may need to set it up to dry in a way that holds the shape you want. Then sand it and seal it.
I planned on cutting holes just around where my eyes were (below) bc the cracks were a bit wider there and I was gonna paint the rest of the cracks in. However, it looked dumb haha.
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So i cut the cracks out, leaving it connected abt an inch from the edge of the mask and at a little spot in the middle that would be at least partially covered by the sutures on top.
Then i marked where the sutures would go, stabbed a hole for em with an exacto blade, and put the fasteners in. Then i took the craft wire, stuck it under one of the end fasteners, and wove it around the others.
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You could glue this stuff into place, if you want (AFTER painting!), but i just spread the little ends on the inside of the mask and flattened them. i took em on and off a few times during the process.
i spray painted the fasteners and wire silver, then weathered them a little with some very watered down paint (black + brown). 
i took a blade and carefully cut a BUNCH of scratches into the surface, carving out a few deep ones. I painted the base mask an eggshell color (like three times until i got one i liked lol) and then weathered it the same way, making sure to get paint in the scratches i cut into it.
I added red + brown paint mixed for blood splatter and made it shiny with a bit of nail polish (a glossy finish would be better but eh)
it smushes my face still when i put it on, but i’m gonna try and get a cheap halloween mask once they’re out in stores so i can stick it in there and hopefully make it rest better.
with that in mind, i DEFINITELY DO recommend you build from a pre-made mask or one that fits comfortably on your face.
umm if you have any questions just let me know!!
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luidilovins · 5 years
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I changed his eyes!
Okay a few notes about this:
It took 8 tries to get the right eye off and i think i broke it somehow because now his eyes droop unless i hold them up (dunno how to fix that)
I had to keep him in the fridge for almost an hour for the gluestick to harden enough for the snap
I had to remove his skin again for the modge podge.
His beak chipped when i tried to move him around so he requires a touchup
Glitter is horrible and needs to die.
Mylar shreds come bent and frayed and not like...leftover cutout pieces like I thought (just get the mylar with shapes for the love of god)
Hot glue is horrible
I tried making hot glue eyes WHICH IS FINE if you don't want a detailed picture, because hot glue yellows and it gets foggy REALLY quickly and if you handle it at all its gonna get fingerprints. It's also flat and overall not the most plesant experience.
The eyechips I ordered never showed up in the mail so sadtime for me :(
What I DID tho was painstakingly scrape off the back of the eyechips he came with an exacto knife until they were clear and glued the paper to the back it was super easy and I wish I'd done it sooner.
I printed out a digital photo at my local walmart in a glossy so it could handle more of a beating and just...LOOK AT IT ITS LOVELY OKAY?
Hopefully the next time i get a few days off I'll put some matte sealant over the modge podge coat and make sure that glitter STAYS and then maybe clean the eye plastic so it shines nicely.
Im still looking for just the right lashes so they look fluttery.
Oh. Also! I love his First name but I need suggestions for a couple of middle names (as is furby tradition.) If you've got any suggestions plz tell me!
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zipp0flare · 5 years
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Update on Handsome Jackass! Almost had a catastrophic failure when MOST of his mask was coming off of my life cast without much problem. Except for his nose. It was literally cracking in almost every area around the nose and I had to CAREFULLY pry it off with a plastic clay... thing. Thankfully, it wasn’t anything horrific, still came off all on once piece, and only needed some reinforcement. Thankfully, I had almost an entire 16 oz package of paper clay left to cover up those cracks in whatever way I could.
Spent most of today applying layer after layer of modge podge, to reinforce, seal, and make the thing feel super nice. I then went through my mom’s abandoned craft supplies and tried to make an amalgamation out of several colors that was at least somewhat matcha. As I painted and applied more mp, though, I realized I had made a lot of mistakes during the crafting process, so I’m not sure how to feel about it, plus this is my first time doing cell shading lines.
I should have him mostly finished by tomorrow and he (hopefully) won’t be too much of a mess. I went back on the idea of having it as an actual mask, though, since it just looks... wrong on my face, plus I hate looking at the mess-ups that I’ve made, so I took two balls of clay that will eventually become his eyes once they harden up.
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celestialvinyl · 5 years
like real people do [ brian may ]
concept: Y/N is an Art exhibitor at the fictional London Museum of Art. When a certain tablet (on loan) in the Egyptian Section awakens everyone and everything inside -- Y/N finds themselves in a world they’d never expected. That includes staring at the Guitarist of Queen, who’s come alive, and wondering how exactly you can allow yourself to have feelings for a wax figurine.
word count: 4.6k
warnings: makybe a little swearing, inanimate figures coming to life and contemplating existence and all that jazz?
a/n: alrighty, so -- this is a little different. i guess i took the title a little too literally. as a part of @yourealegendfred ‘s writing challenge, i was inspired by the song “like real people do”, but i don’t know if this is the direction i should have gone in? but i have this thesis i could write about how night at the museum is a true american classic, and why it should me immortalized. but, this will have to do. it’s kind of a lot? i don’t think i explain it all well enough, but there are three movies to do that for you.
also, congrats on 3000 and more, amanda!
Being an Exhibitor in an art museum was possibly one of the weirdest jobs on your resume. When you got your degree, you hadn’t thought you would end up at one of the most mix-matched museums around. The London Museum of Art teetered on the edge of a cliff of prestige, always dangerously close to loosing that title. Thanks to a curator in the early 2000’s and a lot of funding, you were working in a museum with serious artwork and craftsmanship. And then there were the wax figurines.
As that curator had described it, they wanted to pay tribute to some of the best musicians that had impacted British contemporary music. You guessed the funders hadn’t thought that would involve wax figurines of Queen or the Beatles. Or Elton or Bowie.
But a job was a job, and you were happy to accept the offer they proposed when you sent your resume in. A steady job, surrounded by art and history — two things you adored. How could you not?.
Then, there was the offer. The Museum of Natural History in New York came as somewhat of a shock to you when it showed up on your desk. Reading over the brief, you couldn’t believe they wanted to offer up one of their most prized possessions. A pharaoh’s tablet and the pharaoh himself? It took everything in you not to slam the concept down on your curator’s desk. But she found it eventually, and quickly called up the institution to agree to their terms.
That’s how you ended up, months down the road, sneaking into the very museum you worked at.
The exhibit had been open for a little over a week, with soft opening and test audiences abound in the weeks prior. Overall, the “Art of Ancients” exhibit you had poured your blood and sweat into was being met with rave reviews. It felt nice to have something to add to your C/V and to call your own. But something had been missing; you’d never been alone with the exhibit. In all your time working on it, there’d always been someone else in the room to disrupt the concept of being alone with all the hard work you’d done. There was only one option to truly be alone.
You knew you weren’t supposed to be in the museum after hours, but the notion was too exciting. Plus, the lack of security in the museum made slipping in and out easier than it should have been. With a night guard who was asleep half the time, you were already sure you would be fine as you took the familiar path back to the exhibit.
Setting your bag down in front of the glass cases, full of King Ahkmanrah’s most treasured possession, you peered at the tablet that seemed so sacred. The sun’s last beams of light were hitting it. You watched as they slowly faded away and left the dark night instead. A sense of serenity filled you, knowing you were truly allowed to relish in your work. It was a selfish process, but a process nonetheless. It wasn’t often you got to do this amount of work with a team behind you, working hard for something that the public would enjoy.
You figured you’d enjoy it now.  
Pulling out a notebook from your bag, you tried to stare at the exhibit and think of the little things that needed tweaking. There were a few plaques that looked as though they weren’t giving enough relevant information. And maybe a few of the pieces should be moved around more?
“What have you got there, sweetie?”
You froze. Shit, how had you been caught so quickly? Turning and expecting the guard, you wondered how he had found you already. You thought that they were slow—
It wasn’t the security guard.
Your eyes widened more than they should have; a scream was building up in your lungs. Which the other person seemed to notice. He quickly placed a hand over your mouth, just in time to reduce the effects that your scream had. But you couldn’t breathe, and before you knew it, you were passing out in Roger Taylor’s arms.
When light finally found you once more, your head throbbed and the cold of the tile below you was making your hairs stick up on ends. Or maybe that was the group of rockstars staring at you from above, hovering like predators. They made you want to scream one more time, and you weren't sure why. Was it the fright and shock? Or what is something more unnerving?
“Oh, she’s as pale as a ghost.” One voice murmured from above. You were still trying to get your bearings about you. Unsure of which voice you could hear, you just groaned.
“I have no clue why,” someone else shot back. You were pretty sure it was from your right this time, instead of your left like the last one. “Guess she doesn’t see a rockstar everyday.”
“Oi, shut up, will you? She’s trying to get herself together.”
“Ghurs?” You didn’t wholly have complete control of your mouth and something slipped out that would have normally elicited a blush from your cheeks. (Being well-spoken was something you tried to pride yourself on.) At the moment, you could see yourself making a fool of yourself. But who in front of, exactly? A security guard, right?
Your eyes blurred less, slightly. Just enough for you to find the bright blue of something shiny on your left and a shirtless (yet vested) figure on your right. And you knew both of those outfits in such detail that as your eyes blurred even less, you thought you just might faint again. Oh, right. This was why you had blacked out in the first place. How could you forget Paul McCartney and Roger Taylor flanking either side of you, staring as though you were some wounded animal? And of course, behind them were other celebrities (some of which seemed as though they hadn’t aged a day since their heyday.
As everything started to make sense once more, you had to look at the others around you and stop yourself before you screamed. Because this made no logical sense.
This had to be a prank, right?
But nobody knew you were coming?
Are these just a bunch of security guards in costume, or a part, or…?
They couldn’t be though. Just looking up at the two closest to you, you knew no one could replace either of their looks. It was odd, the two of them, staring down at you with manners that you would have fawned over in a different lifetime.
“Why don’t you let her breathe?” Another voice interjected, and the two above you turned to find the lanky figure of someone you swore had to be Brian May. He had his arms crossed over his chest and seemed exhausted. From what you weren’t sure, since he wasn’t the seventy-something old man that was just promoting a biopic about Queen. And it definitely wasn’t the actor. “She’s probably in for a shock.”
“Well, if she was trying to break in, she deserves it.” Another voice shot back. When you followed it, you found — wait. That wasn’t Elton, was it?
Brian let out a deep sigh. “No, haven’t you seen her picture around? She’s the exhibitor.”
You let your silence prevail over anything else. Just listening to these people (things?) bicker was enough for the moment. When you peered and found that the two who had flanked you earlier had moved closer to the group, you did relax slightly. But then George Harrison sat himself down right next to you, in his salmon coat and pirate hat, watching the small group quarrel. He turned, and gave you a pointless grin. “Breathe. You look like you might explode.”
His accent was spot on.
None of this made any sense.
“Wait,” you cut in on the conversation happening without you, but somehow being about you. “What is this? A prank? Did Julia tell you I was going to be here tonight?”
“Sorry, love. But who’s Julia?” Roger Taylor looked at you, a slight interest showcased in the tilt of an eyebrow. You shook your head and moved on. Alright, so maybe it wasn’t a prank brought on by that funny roommate of yours.
“Are you actors?”
A young George Michael filled in the answer on that one. “I don’t believe so. Most of us made our living in music. Bowie, didn’t you do some films?” As he turned his attention to the man, the other shrugged.
“So did Ringo.”
Freddie Mercury added, “I tried ballet, but they learned quickly I wasn’t the dancer they were looking for.”
And you swore you were going to break. This wasn’t funny anymore. You had to be going mad.
As twilight turned into an early dawn, there was still some time before the sun officially rose. You found yourself on the roof and watching the lights twinkle. There was so much swirling inside your head, but you couldn’t just abandon the place. The door clicked open behind you, and you turned to find a reserved Brian May leaning against the entry way. “Freds want to know if you’re all good?”
A scoff bubbled out of your mouth; you couldn’t stop it. “Yeah, sure. You find out that everything in the museum you work at comes alive at night, and you’re just supposed to be good.”
You tried to think back to the modge-podge group guiding you to the newest exhibit — the one you had put together — and showing you the tablet. You’d been introduced to the Pharaoh (the one who should have died hundreds of years ago) and his youthful glow didn’t escape you. He wanted to be called Ahk. As though he was cool and youthful. He was the one to explain everything to you — even if none of it seemed to make that much sense. The tablet you had thanked the Lord for was gifted with ancient powers that somehow brought everything to life.
It didn’t make much sense to you then. Brian had moved to try and explain a little further, but you gave the excuse that you needed a little air. (Was it an excuse if you really needed it?) You found yourself walking up and up flights of stairs, eventually granting you access to the roof. And even after all of the walking and time…
It still didn’t make sense.
Nor did it make much sense now, a few hours later, with Brian May standing just a little but away from you.
He actually chose to move himself a little closer, lifting himself from the position he was already in and taking a few steps closer to you and your ledge. Your feet dangled over the edge, and you felt like you were flying for a second. It was relaxing when nothing else was.
“It’s a lot, I know. But is there anything else you can really do?”
“Run for the hills?” You thought aloud. “Ask God what the hell is going on?”
He let out a little laugh. “Oh, no. This isn’t God. It’s something, just not Jesus and all that.” His eyes drifted down to the cigarette in your hand, your own eyes following his. As if silently asking, he lifted his eyes up and gave a pleading sort of look. You don’t know why you were so worried that he would melt from the heat, but he seemed to be alright as you gave the cig away. After a gentle drag and a hiss, he handed it back over. Guess it wasn’t for him. “John agrees.”
“Lennon or Deacon?”
A nod sufficed as ‘I should have known that’. Nevertheless, you peered out at the horizon in front of you, the moon beginning it’s descent for the evening. “I can’t believe there are legends downstairs, and I’m up here having a breather.” You flicked the cigerette off the building, watching it slowly fall down the tall building.
Brian jerked his head back towards the door. “You can head down if you want. We’ve still got a few hours before daylight.”
“What happens then?”
“We go back to being wax.” He stated, so innocently and truthful that you felt as though you should have known that already. Of course they do! Otherwise you wouldn’t have exhibits to stake your job on. “We wake up tomorrow night, do this all over again.” After a pause, he added as an afterthought, “As long as the tablet is still working.”
You couldn’t help but point out, “You seem to be taking this all remarkably well.”
“It was quite odd at first.” He admitted. “But Ahk managed to explain it well enough before anyone got hurt. Nobody is stupid enough to go outside. We all choose to keep each other company.”
“Yeah, how is it living with other legends?”
He chuckled, but there wasn’t much humor behind it. If there was, it wasn’t a generous humor. “They’re kind of wankers. McCartney is always fighting with John.”
“That’s kind of expected.” You sighed. “I did a paper on them once, for a music history class in uni.”
“Ever do one on Queen?”
“Nope.” You grinned like a sly cat. You could remember the stupid essay for the class, and how you had to write something on ‘musicians in turmoil and the art that came out of it’. “But one of my friends did on Hot Space. She got a C.”
“Well, that’s the absolute shit.”
“You should talk to her about it; she’s still upset!” You couldn’t help the laughter that came, starting in your stomach and bubbling up until it escaped. Brian couldn’t resist it either, because soon enough he was laughing along with you. You were pretty sure that your hand had slipped onto his shoulder a s a reason for support, the other tucked by your stomach.
As you settled down, you retracted your hand from it’s spot and looked back out to the skyline. The stars were gorgeous.
“Do you think you’ll come back?”
You had to look over to Brian to make sure that he had actually asked that. There was slight aprehension on his face as he waited for your answer.
“I dunno, probably. It’s not like I can just move on with my life now — knowing all of this.”
“I’m sure everyone would be happy if you came back.”
“What about you?” You joked.
“Of course.” He was so sincere, it hurt. You guess you didn’t know how lonely it had to be sometimes, trapped in a building with people you might not know personally. And to not be able to go outside without worry of being caught? That seemed like being damned. But then Brian smiled, so brightly, you thought that the sun was already rising. “I’d be happy to have you here any day.”
“You’re too kind. You live up to the legend.”
He opens his mouth say something, but chose instead to stay quiet. You linger for just a second, hoping he’ll say something instead of remaining sielnt. But he doesn’t. You choose to turn back towards the exit, instead. Your feet hit the concrete of the roof, and it doesn’t take long to head back to the door. Brian isn’t far behind you.  
You ended up returning the next night.
Brian seemed to be relaxing by the front of the lobby, a book in hand that you recognized from the Curator’s collection in her office. As his eyes scanned through the pages, you waited for him to notice. And just as he turned the page, his eyes caught your own and he smiled. “Glad to have you back, [Y/N].”
“It’s too interesting to pass up.” You shrugged. “You want to come with me? I’m gonna go see everyone else.”
He joined you without question, but only upon marking his page with the tiniest of marks (and doing his best to burn the page number into his brain). Brian found his spot besides you. “I’m glad you feel this excited. You are excited, right?”
“You could use that word, if you wanted.”
And so he guided you towards the people you considered legends.
As the nights passed, you found more and more reasons to return. There was so much to ask these people, to know them in depth and have a candid conversation with “legends” who had lived decades before you.
Then there was the rest of the art in the museum. John Lennon walked you through an exhibit of the more political pieces and he spoke with a passion you had only wished to have seen in another life. Freddie and Elton took you through the temporary exhibit on avant-garde fashion in the 1800’s. One night, Roger rushed off with you as you showed him your favorite exhibit. He listened in a sort of wonder as you spoke about one of your many passions, and Brian listened in from somewhere a little way’s back, before excusing himself when realizing just how rude he was being by eavesdropping.
You didn’t notice the slight glint of jealousy in his eyes when you returned with Roger sometime later.
The nights continued to pass, and the moon greeted you every evening with a promise of unbridled possibilities. You found discussions of spirituality with George enriching, chats with Bowie on the most minuscule matters of literature, and then there was Brian.
Finding a reason to spend time alone with Brian wasn’t difficult. He always wanted to show you something, or have you talk for long periods about different things you wad worked on throughout the museum. Some nights, you could barely get a word in with someone else without seeing a smile on Brian’s face and a promise of a new adventure. It wasn’t hard to agree.
He always waited, though. If you needed to talk with someone about a pressing matter, he would gently stand close to you and wait. As patient and gentle as waves crashing against the sand, he was a constant that made your heart soar sometimes. Just when you were really thinking about it. About him.
But then, as quickly as it started, it halted. He stopped waiting to greet you every evening, leaving you to search him out. Roger or Freddie would always know where he was, somewhere quiet and lonely. And there would be a book in his hands, oftentimes something more academic that he could dive into. You guess he had to live up to his doctoral title somehow. You would gently say hello, and he would give you a gentle smile in return. He’d ask how you were doing; how was the weather today? Did you get enough sleep?
And you’d reply to every small-talk question that left you feeling as though he was trying to separate the two of you. When he wouldn’t try and continue, you would give up and tell him you’d find him later. He didn’t seem to mind. You tried not to either — there was so much to do.
But after a few weeks, you grew tired of the cat and mouse game he was trying to play. And you made sure he knew it.
That night you rushed in with such purpose and point that Freddie almost looked a little scared when he spotted you. That fear seemed to double when you rushed out, “Where is he?”
He pointed at the poster to your left. “Out of This World: How The Stars Create Art”, an exhibit on natural art, nebulas, and galaxies was all the way at the other end of the museum. You thanked him curtly and almost ran to get there.
But if you were out of breath, then you didn’t know what air was when you spotted Brian. He was relaxed on the ground, and as your eyes followed his, you found the glass ceiling panes above. He looked on in awe, and you felt the same when looking towards him.
Then, he noticed you. And he frowned. And you spat out the only thing you could think to say.
“I don’t think everyone likes me.”
He shot up, using a hand to prop himself up as he stared on. Perplexed was an understatement. “They’re all happy to have someone new to talk to.”
“Are you?”
You couldn’t match his eyes.
Nevertheless, you could sense his bafflement. “Of course.” Brian had never looked more confused than he did in that moment, with his eyebrows scrunched up in an almost painful movement. A frown was etched over his lips and you regretted it the moment you fully took in his expression. But it didn’t make much sense. In fact, it made about as much sense as any of these people coming to life every night. Why had he left you be for so long? “Why would you ask that?”
You made the power move. You inched yourself closer to him, as though your body knew you had been away from your friend for too long. It helped that he seemed to invite you over, giving you some space when you plopped down next to him. “I dunno. You haven’t been around the last couple of weeks, at all. Freddie couldn’t even figure out where you were the other night. And when I do find you, you’re reading some book.” With a beat, you added, “You’re more interested in it than me.”
“That’s not true.” He returned. His hand landed over yours as a comfort, but it was cold to the touch. You didn’t want to pull away, though. “I wanted to give you a little space. You’ve got quite a few personalities to meet.”
“You could have helped me with them. Do you know how difficult it is to walk up to any of these people and just try to have a nice little discussion? You’re kind of my key to this kingdom.”
He seemed even more pained, the frown becoming more and more pronounced as you continued. “I’m sorry,” he started. “I didn’t want to make you seem like you were being stifled by my company.”
“You’re good company. I don’t think that could happen.”
The sentiment managed to get the frown away, just a little. “I’m glad to hear that.” He looked down at his hand over yours, but there was pain in his gaze and you couldn’t have that.
“Hey,” you gently nudged him. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”
He gave you a promising look in response. “Okay.”
As you settled back down to resume your stargazing, his arm gently guided you to lay on his chest. And he was soft and relaxing, so you couldn’t stop yourself. With your eyes fixed on the sky above, you couldn’t see his gentle looks towards you with eyes flickering between the two gorgeous views he found.
You felt a hand rake itself through your hair. Repetitious through the patterns, the feeling felt just as calming as the sight of the man doing it, and you almost thought you might fall asleep if this continued. But the best part was just being back around Brian.
You didn’t know how long you two stayed together until the alarm on your phone went off — reminding you the sun would rise soon. Brian helped you up, and the two of you chatted for a few minutes as you walked him out of the exhibit and towards his place. When you found the split in your paths, he lingered for just a moment longer than he should have. And there was that damn smile, making your heart soar. You were so close, but that soaring heart was replaced with the painful thought and memory of his cold hand. You remembered why his hand was cold.
You gave him a smile and a wave, letting him walk off.
“You should just kiss him,” a voice startled you. As you spun around, you found John watching the scene play out. Brian had already passed the last pillar of his hallway and left you to your own devices, but he didn’t seem to sense the other body as he left. How long had John been there? “Everyone sees it, [Y/N].” There was a smugness to his words, and you just wanted to punch him and that stupid smirk off his face. He did everything with good intention, but the smugness was a little too much for you at the moment.
“Well he doesn’t,” you shot back. For the life of you, you couldn’t seem to understand that man completely. Somewhere between avoidance and the moment you two had just shared, your head spun. Because he had to like you in some way? He even said he enjoyed your company. The fear that crept in when considering what he truly thought of you forced the next words out of your mouth before you could stop them. “And it’s not like I should anyways.”
Deaky’s eyebrow quirked. His amusement didn’t leave him as he asked, “Why’s that, again? Because he’s made of wax like the rest of us?”
You just continued to make word vomit as you replied. “You’re dead on it, Deacy. Hit the nail on the head.”
He rolled his eyes.
“But that doesn’t explain it. You’re just giving me some excuse.”
The fire was lit. He could see it in your eyes and how your hands curled into fists. He would be scared if he thought you would actually go into hurt him. “And how is that an excuse?” You spat. “I hate to break it to you, but you guys aren’t actually physically people. You can’t just walk out and live a normal life.”
Which was true. It was something that had hit you in a week prior when discovering you would have to go get books for Bowie. He couldn’t just walk out in the morning and grab something from the nearest bookstore or library. Going to clubs were out of the question for others. There was never going to be a sense of true normalcy between any of the people inside the building at night. Even more over, these men would never age. They’d never see another year, forever frozen and stuck in their prime. And what about you? You’d just continue to decay and live.
Yet, Deaky still continued to try. “I don’t want to sound like George—”
“Which one?”
“Either.” He shot back. One was as spiritual as they came and the other was a helpless romantic. Two very good people to have on his side. “But how would you consider any life normal? Explain me that judgement.”
“You don’t get it.” You shot back. “You literally can’t understand it.”
“Alright, fine.” He gave up. His hands went up in defeat and you found a sort of relaxation in the notion that this argument was over.  “But you can’t escape liking him — you know you do.”
“Yeah, and so what? I don’t act on all of my feelings. Real people don’t do that.”
As John made his way past you, a gentle hand rested itself on your shoulder and you found him staring somewhere deep in to your soul. It was a little unnerving.
“This is going to sound cliche, but just choose not to be a real person.”
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dollsworkshop · 5 years
How I made my first custom doll
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Hello guys, I am a first-time customizer and I just finished my first customized doll. I think as a beginner, I did a lot of advanced stuff because  I wanted this doll to be perfect. I made her as a gift for my professor, and I wanted to make sure that this doll was as perfect as possible. 
I was really hesitant about all of this because I wasn’t sure if I was talented enough to customize a doll. I mean, I’ve been perfecting my digital art for almost eight years, but I didn’t think that would reflect onto a completely different medium. However, I beat the odds and perfected her. 
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Luzvimindas is a cartoon character I developed for a movie idea I had about Filipino culture. This movie idea was very important to me. I shared it with my professor because she was a Filipina as well and she taught Filipino-American issues. I shared my script with her and she was estatic! 
Her appearance is derived from a serious of different cultures across the Philippines. Since she is the personification of the country, I wanted to make sure that her appearance was not affiliated with a specific tribe. Rather I designed her outfit based on a variety of different elements of tribes. 
For people curious about all the tribes of the Philippines, I suggest visiting this link from LinkedIn about the various types of indigenous Filipinos. 
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She has very strong Maranao influences as seen by her cropped-shoulder dress and long-talon nails. In the Philippines, there is a dance called “pangalay” that is performed by “jangaay” dancers. These dancers are women who adorn their hands with long finger jewelry and most of the performance derives from the playful motion of their arms and wrists. 
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I made her shirt cropped, because I wanted to show off her indigenous Filipino tattoos, reminiscent of the Visayan regions such as Cebu, the first island of the Philippines encounter by Ferdinand Magellan. That is also why their is a slit to show of her left on her sarong. 
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A lot of Filipinos, especially down south wore lots of gold. It was very common for Filipinos to wear gold accessories before it was seized under Spanish colonization. She has golden-hoop bracelets on her wrists and ankles. Her outfit has gold trimming, but I chose not to put that on the doll to prevent myself from making a mess with gold paint. 
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For her headdress, I was inspired by the Igorot tribe of Luzon, but also wanted it to match with the rest of her color scheme. I also added a gold Filipino star in the middle to make it painfully obvious she was Filipina. I also gave her basic disc earrings and a jewel necklace also similar to the star. 
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Luzvimindas was made using a combination of different materials. Her head mold came from a blue-dressed wonder woman I found at a discount on Mercari. The doll had a stain on its brown from the gel in the doll’s hair, so I removed that along with her factory paint with acetone. I had so much fun, wiping her clean, and removing the remaining hairs with a tweezer. 
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As for the rest of her, by the time this doll was completed, she was pretty much three dolls put together. When I bought her, I wanted Luzvimindas to kneel, because I thought that would be the most natural way of posing her without having to use a stand. Little did I know that her knees only bend at 90 degree angles. For a little while, I tried forcing her legs to pose at a kneel, but it wasn’t working. So I went back to Mercari and purchased Antiope’s legs from a friendly seller. 
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I had to go through the trouble of drilling out that plastic bit inside the doll’s hip and tying an elastic band back into the doll’s body. 
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It was pretty fun, and I was happy because she could finally kneel. But the problem know was that Queen Antiope and Wonder Woman 2018 dolls have different body-types. I did not know that the Wonder Woman movie dolls used a “fit-barbie” body type and that it was different from the kinds of bodies they used for the more higher-quality dolls for the movie’s release. 
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Because of the difference in size of the thighs, you could see inside the hip. Since this was a gift to my professor, I thought this was unacceptable. I didn’t have any epoxy sculpt. I was going to buy some, but then I realized how expensive that would probably be. I was doing a polymer clay project the previous year and had various materials I never used. I hade this black premo sculpey that was supposed to be hair for my figurine, but I never used it because it was so hard to knead. But since I didn’t want to spend so much money on epoxy, I struggled my way into forming the hips until they were similar enough to a fit barbie’s figure. 
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Since they don’t air dry, I picked up a method for baking polymer clay without using a baking-oven. I dumped the doll it boiling hot water for 3-4 minutes and it got the job done. However, it backfired and the left side of her body encaved into itself. I was wondering why this happened. 
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Apparently, if you boil a doll in hot water, you can get a nice corset figure. Unfortunately, this accident didn’t reap me any benefits and I had to dispose this body and buy a new doll from a WWE Diva of a similar skintone to Wonder Woman’s and place the legs on that new body. 
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This new body had articulated wrists, which was a MAJOR plus for me. I picked up the dye methods from people DollMotion to color change my doll so I didn’t have to deal with painting her. Unfortunately, it only made her joints brown, and I was left with a monster high doll. Oh well...
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I picked up a method from Hextian’s video for his Jessica Rabbit Vladonna doll and mixed modge podge with a reddish brown and yellowish orange to get her to become the correct color. 
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When it came time to reroot her it was a major mess. I never dealt with a rerooting tool nor fake hair before and I didn’t completely understand how rerooting worked. I stuffed my rerooting with thick strands of hair, and whenever I punched it into the existing holes, it would fall immediately out. 
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I got really frustrated and boiled wash the hank of hair, which resulted in it becoming incredibly frizzy and difficult to work with. I had to comb it several times in order for it to become even again. 
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After she dried, I made her a Filipino flag and placed her head back to her body. I thought it was really cute. 
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Unfortunately, the shoulders kept scudding, and it would constantly reveal her true skincolor by peeling off the paint. I couldn’t accept this, especially as a gift. I took my dremel tool and exacto knives and started shaving her shoulders. I was okay with this, because Luzvimindas isn’t a wrestler. 
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I had to remove all the paint and paint around her body, because it started to chip. Apparently my formula wasn’t strong enough for the entire body. In the end it still chipped only a bit, but not to a point that it was unacceptable. 
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This was when I started MSC’ing her and worked on her tattoos. I worked at one side at a time to create as much symmetry as possible. 
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In the end, I thought she was beautiful. 
Consequently, the MSC she took made it difficult to do her faceup. 
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At first, I thought I had the crappiest watercolor pencils in the world. 
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Then I had to remove her head from her body again, which actually created even more problems. I tried using a sharpie to draw her eyes, but I knew by looking at her that this was just unacceptable. 
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I wiped off her face entirely and placed it back onto her body to start working on her dress. I found these fabrics that were very close to the doll’s actual patterns, and used them to make her dress. I trried using a sewing machine, but it would constantly eat up the materials, so I had to do everything manually. I bought a pattern DGRequiem for an off-shoulder tunic and modified it slightly to fit the needs of the character. 
I made the sleeves look more like bells, and I extended the back fabric to fit her large muscle body. I then took an orange string and started tying it around her waist to conform it to the shape of her body. 
I wrapped cloth around her waist and secured it with an elastic to create her slit sarong. It is very difficult to take of and put on, because of the size of her hips versus the size of her waist. Fortunately, due to the elastics that connect her legs to her hips, I was able to pull her legs downward to give the sarong more room as it went up her legs. 
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I then wrapped her body in a zip-lock bag and used scrap fabric to protect her hair. I painted the face to match her skin and then MSC’d her again. This time it worked and for a while the watercolor pencils gave her a face. But after a while, they still weren’t opaque enough. 
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I then used small tubes of oil acrylic to paint the rest of her face. I added fake eyelashes and glossed her eyes and lips with modge podge. 
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This was before I added her final accessories. I made her headdress by an orange ribbon I found at Walmart, tied it, and pinned it to her head. Then I hot glued feathers that I dusted with various pastels to match her artwork. The bracelets were made from rings made for ear piercings at Hobby Lobby. The rest of her jewelry came from a local 3D print shop. 
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I painted them gold. Hot glued the star to her headdress. I hot glued the pendant to her necklace chain also made from more jewelry. I hot glued a gem onto her pendant. I pierced a hole through the earrings, hot glued them with pins, and inserted them into her ears. 
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And that’s how I made Luzvimindas, my indigenous Filipina Baybalan and beholder of the Bayanihan Spirit. I hope you found this post helpful and that it inspires you to make your own custom doll for the first time. Thank you. 
- Dollpartshop
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numba99 · 5 years
Please can you do a reaction and rectification of georgies actions with the shoes he got. Like i understand my sweet boy was excited but..he needs guidance
LMFAO we all just roasting him for those shoes huh
“Babe what do you think of these?” Georgie held up a clunky pair of sneakers. You’ve seen that on about every instagram blogger, but they weren’t your style. Your mouth twisted, shaking your head.
“You need something more unique,” you told him. He didn’t need something everyone had. Georgie nodded, placing the shoe back on the wall. You both went separate directions on the wall, trying to find something nice for him. He’s been playing amazing lately and thought a new pair of shoes would be a good gift to himself. Problem was he had no idea what to get and this store had a near overwhelming amount of options 
“Okay I think I found a pair,” Georgie announced, revealing the shoe he had hidden behind his back. This pair was pretty clunky as well, but that’s not what offended you. They were covered in modge podge of colors and patterns they didn’t make sense at all.
You let out a laugh, thinking Alex was joking, but he pouted instead of laughing alone with you. “Aw babe,” you chuckled, rubbing his arm, “Maybe those are a little too unique.”
“I’m not very good at this,” he signed, sitting down at the bench.
“That’s why you have me,” You smiled, turning to the wall and pulling a nice pair of shoes you’d been eyeing off the wall. They were a little more sleek, but had some of the color he seemed to be looking for. “What about these? I think you’d look nice in them.”
“Yeah I like that, lemme see,” he replied. You handed him the shoe, watching him turn it over his hand, nodding in approval. He got a pair to try on and they looked amazing on him. “You’re officially my stylist,” He teased as he put them back in the box.
“Why don’t you try these on,” you said, nudging the pair he had brought over towards him.
“I thought you said...?”
“I know, but if you really like them you should try em out. I want you to pick based on what you like,” you told him. You didn’t want to make him feel like you were judging him or anything.
Georgie tried on the other pair and you could see they made him smile. Okay who cares if they’re a little ugly, right? He’s happy and he still looks good.
“Which ones do you think?” he turned to you.
“Both,” you replied firmly, “You earned it.” You squeezed his hand, making him smile. He excitedly collected his boxes, heading over to the cashier. “Just promise me something,” you said.
“What’s that?”
“You’ll only wear the ones I picked out when we go out together,” you said, nudging his side so he knew you were teasing.
Georgie laughed, “Deal.”
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aggresivelyfriendly · 6 years
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~Who Names The Colors~
Hi loveys!! I’m home! I was ready to be, though I’ll miss the beach and monkeys! Here is your new chapter! Usual warnings apply- These two seem to not be able to stop themselves from weaving themselves together despite the reasons not to! Like the 20 year age gap. 
Are they crazy? Am I? Are you? Come talk to me if they are!
I owe a lot of my sanity and creativity to @nocontrolforlouis, @dirtystyles, and @bleedinglove4h! Look at the pretty banners, the songs, and the lack of horrible mistakes, all them!
And did you all see that RESTED WROTE ME A GIFT FIC in the WNTC Universe- still buzzin! Search my blog or hers for Stirring the Pot! AHHH- I’ll have an extra it inspired on Thursday after posting to!
Jo was used to Harry giving her space for a couple days when she ran on him. It was a bit sad that they already had habits about it. She couldn't decide what was worse, that she was always running after they got close physically, or that she had gotten close enough to need to run again. Yesterday had been worse, because the closeness was physical to be sure, but it was more than sexual and crossed into affection and flirted with intimacy. Jo felt like this was the time that she needed space desperately.
Her feelings were gonna drown her, she could feel them welling up and painting had not helped. Because she wanted to see him, to talk to him, to stay by him. And her spaces, where Jo worked through her feelings, were haunted by him now. Her studio carried his essence and her memories and the things she wanted to paint were forms of mourning or longing for him.
All of her concerns, those most certainly still existed and were the undertow that made all that water dangerous.
Jo was still Harry's advisor, though she had checked her rosters and luckily when school started in  4 days time, he would not be in any of her classes to sit front and center and make her skin feel to tight on her bones and her heart a helium balloon trying to escape her rib cage.  That would be some kind of relief.
She was still 20 years older than him. That was not a fact that was going to change, though in some ways she was sure that he was light years ahead of her, certainly in his talent, and his heart. That boy was the most considerate person ever, asking her is she needed to get Zoe before their last round yesterday, though it would have left him with balls so blue they were fauvist. His singularity had her on her back, metaphorically. Was he just born that way?
Born that way when she was already bearing a son, she reminded herself.
Bearing a son, who was her main reason to not do this, to keep in mind that the biggest complication was a relationship more important than any she could make with Harry. No matter how many threads she and Harry tied together, Ethan was the going on of her and their bonds were blood and DNA. Blood was thicker than water no matter how liquid Harry made her feel. They could not get into this. It was to complicated and, she could not shake the feeling it was wrong, or crossed too many lines or was just to selfish. She had other people who depended on her and no matter how much Jo wanted to run away to or run into that golden valley Harry opened up inside her, she was not allowed to.
That's why him showing up on her doorstep threw her immediately onto her back foot. Her resolve was not strong enough against him, and he'd bulldozed through every other wall she had built up against him so far. The 16 hours since she could actually feel him rather than his phantom touches was not enough to do much more that throw up some paper mache and scrawl Ethan and Zoe and teacher and job all over them.
He was here though, so she was going to have to fake it until she made it she guessed. Maybe if she pretended that her fortifications against him were made of stacked stones and she only cared to look at him from the highest turret, he would leave her along in her paper castle and she could build it better for next time.
"Harry you can't keep just showing up here." Jo crossed her arms and stared him down. Or drank him in, she hoped her posture and put upon stare were believable.
"And you can't keep running from me," He emphasized. "And I've been just showing up at your house for 10 years now." Harry threw his hand like he was knocking away her excuses like flies.
"yeah Harry, when Ethan's home. people will talk." People would talk and they would be right
"Jo it's not out of the ordinary for me to be here. You're overthinking it. I can show up if you need me to and I needed to see what was wrong. I could just feel something was off with you, like a pit in my stomach." He placed his hand over the center of his butterfly and her eyes stuck there, like a stone in her tummy too.
"Nothing's wrong with me Harry, I'm busy. I have to get everything ready for Monday, and I needed to get Z0--"
"Did I make you late to get Zoe? I asked you if you needed to go before that last time." He smirked at her and it totally undermined his sweetness, that he was happy she stayed that last time.
"What are you doing, Harry? What are we doing? This whole village knows everything everybody is doing. Can't you just hear it? It'll get round to your mother, your mum Harry, who is my age!" She sighed. "and then Ethan will hear when he's home, down at the pub, how his best mate is fucking his mum? That can't happen, and that is what will happen if you keep this up. That's what's wrong Harry, with this, but that's all fine, right?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "It's obvious why are you leaving my house at all hours of the morning or coming at all hours of the morning or sleeping ove--."
"Oh you inviting me to sleep over? I didn't know we were at that stage but I'm thankful to see that you recognize what's going on here." Harry huffed at her when his joke fell flat.
"I recognize that you think there is more going on than is." He threw his hands out and she noticed his eyes were an entirely new shade of green, they looked like a tropical frog's back, beautiful but dangerous.
"No, Jo! stop! There is more going on than you're willing to look at and you kno--."
"Harry people are going to talk! And it's not worth anybody finding out. You can't just come over here whenever
"Not worth anybody finding out? Why the fuck do you care about anybody seeing us?"
"Because it's wrong!" She finally yelled in frustration and laced her arms together. But it felt nice to say the truth that had been festering in her mind for months, years at this point.
Harry's entire body shuddered for a moment. He looked at his feet for just a second, and then stared into the center of her. "This is not wrong Jo- we are not wrong, it's a couple years." He insisted.
He looked like she'd kicked him in the stomach, that's why this hurt to see she decided. He looked like he'd taken a blow. He approached her slowly, like a spooked horse, until she was inside her kitchen and he was too.
"20! It's 20 years!! I could be your mother!" That itched at her, saying it was a relief, like when you find that spot that keeps moving. It needed to be said out loud, so they couldn't ignore it anymore.
"You are very much not my mother!" He took her hands and even though she didn't want it to, Jo's body relaxed enough that she could feel it and she let him hold part of her. "Jo, does this feel wrong to you? Do we feel wrong, baby?" He said the word like it was made of glass and approached her like she was too.
"But I am your professor, your teacher!" She threw up another layer of paper on her walls.
"Come off it Jo! I'm teaching you Just as much- which is the way a relationship is supposed to be." He went for her waist then while he peeled her layers. So she threw up another.
She had to put up more defenses. "What relationship- we've fucked a few times!"
"Yeah Jo! you'd risk everything for a fuck- I must be damn good" he looked pissed again, furrowed brow and ran his hand through his hair before he assumed a haughty posture on the last word.
"Don't be smug , you little ass!" Her posture swelled on that wave of anger and she pointed her finger at him.
He rushed into her space, "I'm not little, I'm a man, and I'm yours- you know that right?" He took her finger then and ran a hand up to her elbow. The wave created inside her and crashed down.
Jo goes silent, can feel her anger uselessly lapping at the shores of her heart. She had to duck dive under that wave and couldn't find the energy. So she lets it wash over her.
Jo knows she should refute his assertion strongly, but, her whole body warmed and her heart beat faster, when he said it.
She belonged to a lot of people, she was Ethan's mum, and Zoe's too, she was a teacher, and then a mentor, and now a professor. She belonged to people, especially her kids, and she was raising them to release them to someone else. But Harry wanted to be hers, was offering himself, and it would be just for her. She wanted him to be hers. Which she knew, but was sure she should not have him. How selfish was it to take this, wholly for herself, despite the risks.
"Jo, C' mom," he gripped both elbows and pulled her a little closer, like half a hug, "I feel your moods and know your needs and we, we just work. I can feel that you want to touch me back right now, think you shouldn't. - you're in my mind all the time, and I know I'm on yours can't help but look at me every time I'm anywhere need you."
"That's just lust," she threw some modge podge on their sticky situation.
"Yeah Joe, the full hearts in your eyes, just sexual. Oh, and the risk, sounds like you. To risk the respect you've had to earn for an orgasm. And the job you love that gives you the chance to create and mold minds! And that you'd," he choked a little, "that you'd hurt your son, who we both love, just for a fuck! Sounds exactly like something you'd do! Totally a part of your character! Christ Jo, you forget I've watched you for years! Known you half my life."
That smarted. But she knew she was risking all of these things, and that she tortured herself over them, but she still didn't want to stay away from him. Didn't seem to be able to. Even though she'd known him since he was a boy. That always cropped up in her mind, like the weeds in a otherwise pleasant garden. It was unfair that they were so mismatched in age but well suited otherwise. How did she get out of this, show them both it couldn't work, but give them a chance to experience it so the need would go away. She let him hold her  a bit closer while he continued talking.
"Watched you bite your lip and worry and give advice, and stop yourself from giving advice. Watched you forgo sleep and stay up late doing school projects, cleaning clothes, cleaning floors, watched you take food off your plate and put it on his." His eyes bore down on her, and she remembered all those things mothers do, everyday, that nobody sees. But Harry did. "If I'm nothing but a way to get off, and you'd put Ethan at risk for that, I don't know you at all!" At that he wrapped her up in him, and put his nose to hers, "But I do, I know you!"
She was dumbfounded. Felt like she needed to say 'You're right, it's not worth it because the risks remain. And I can't risk Ethan" But it mattered so much that he knew her, saw her, chose her. Even if she should ask him to leave, maybe even transfer his advisorship, ask him not to come over to see Ethan, Jo couldn't and she could only get out his name.
She swore Harry lit up like a Christmas tree, like the one she let Ethan put the tinsel all over when he was wee even though she thought it was ugly because of his glee. So she buried his face in her neck, and he kept talking.
"Jo give it an actual shot if only for a minute just to try. Let yourself feel it, feel me, something for me." His voice opened like the dawn, "Let's go somewhere, like a real date. Give me a chance, give us a real one, without fetters, where we can feel what it is like to be a real couple and you can see it's not wrong or even weird! That it feels right! It feels so right to me."\
"People are gonna think I'm your mom!" There was that to, the vanity.
"No, they are gonna think I'm punching way above my weight." And he knew she was soft, could feel that her shoulders had come down, and he moved to press his lips to hers and held her close, "because I am. Know it."
So, she found herself in his car mid Saturday morning, after having rationalized herself to death that this was to appease the what ifs in both their heads. To prove all her fears right and then be able to move past the want. So she had agreed to the date that Harry planned and made arrangements.
Audrey had been happy to come sit with Zoe, overnight she winked when Jo told her she had a date. Jo did not tell her it was with the hot swim instructor who's two years seniority Audrey had declared a big gap. And she was ignoring that gap and it's weighty implications today. She was going to give Harry what he asked for and go on the date with an open mind and heart and just be with him. Just for a minute, an hour, a day, until somebody stared or she couldn't ignore his immaturity or they had radically different taste in music, and art, and well, she imagined everything with their generational gap. But she could just give him the day, she wanted to.
She drove to his apartment, and was charmed by his car immediately. It was an early 90's Volkswagen Eurovan. When he walked her to it she quipped, "I thought you couldn't get your amber waves lady to me? You absolute liar!" She hopped just a little bit up to get in the car.
Harry looked sheepish for just a moment until he caught her smile and a cheeky grin took over his face. "Well, she's big and heavy, and taking her back and forth would be a pain. The first time was legitimate, and she was just coming out. After that...." he smirked at her.
"After that what?" she slapped his hand as he set his phone into some cup he had in between the two seats.
"I might have noticed that you seemed to," he started the engine and side eyed her with an eyelash flutter, "really like my studio."
"God, am I that obvious?" She pulled her hand back and he caught it and held it, brought it to his lips.
"Not so much, and I didn't pick it up right away, but when you said my name, in that way only you ever have," he groaned, "and well, I could feel it after that, the way your eyes touched me, and I could see you shifting around on your stool, and I could just, the mood in there.... course I wanted to get you back there whenever possible."
Jo blushed and looked away, put her hands in her lap, then realized she didn't have a seat belt on. Before she could reach across herself, Harry caught her hands and reached across the console to get her attention. When she looked at him he was biting his lip and looked hesitant, but she could tell he wanted her attention, so she turned into him and gave him it and her eyes. She only had them for him it seemed. "H?"
"I don't think I need to say this, like, you seem to already be trying, but I just," And he leaned in and kissed her, and she pulled away to look around to make sure no students might be in their vicinity, though she wasn't even sure that many students lived in his complex.
Harry sighed, "Sorry, thought it'd make me braver. Forgot where we are. But there's not many students here, and well, I just want to be together, today, um, and not worry about it, see how it feels." He put his hands in his lap then, "and I wanted to ask you to be there with me, I know it's a bubble, but can we just live in it for a while?" His brow rose and his eyes were big and round and jade today.
"Yes, I can, I'm trying, but we need to get away to do that. You said you had a plan? Where are we going?" She leaned over and touched his chin, then spun a curl around her finger. She loved his look today, his hair down and curly and covered by a hat, and a see through velour shirt over his broad shoulders, and tight jeans, the ones with the ripped pocket and brown boots. He looked like such a bohemian art student and she was ineffably charmed. Jo was going to take this opportunity to be affectionate and touch him as much as she could.
"Nope, not telling," he made a lock and key sign at his fleshy pout and pretended to throw it away, but she wanted to open his mouth right then. He was so cute.
It only got worse while he drove them onto the motorway and she watched him shift the car and felt it in her stomach, deep. He handled the car like it was an extension of himself. His shifts were smooth and well timed. He didn't force it into gear, he guided it, but he was in control. There was some metaphor there she was trying to work out, but watching the flex of his forearm and dance of his mermaid and beat of his heart was making hers pound. She shifted in her seat and watched the road.
"Are we going to Liverpool?" She asked when she noticed the turns he was making and wondered if Harry knew she grew up nearby.
"Like I said, I'm not telling. Will you put on some music, there is this band I want you to hear, think you will like them. Called The Aces, downloaded them the other day." He handed her the phone and smirked when she took it carefully so as not to touch him.
Three songs in and she was wiggling a little in her chair to the beat and giggled when Harry shimmied his shoulders at her, and sang a little bit to her. "Making me feel like I could go crazy!"
And he reached across and took her hand and held it like he had in his studio. She figured this would be a chatty drive, but right now it was so nice to just hold his hand.
They started talking when he said, "Hey, baby, can you put on the playlist called colours?"
Jo nodded and thrilled at the baby, like every other time, but didn't admonish herself like usual. Her song, the one he had sang to her came on and they shared the lyrics together like a creed. Like today they would do the work and live the song. He smiled at her and said, "there's another song on there you need to hear."
"Oh yeah?" she flirted with him, like she was a much younger lady.
"Yeah, it's definitely one of ours, It's called 'Jenny Don't Be Hasty.'"
"Weird title!" Jo scanned for it.
"Spot on lyrics, though."
And once they started to play, she caught his cheeky joke. "You are not 18! Nearly 23!" she pushed his shoulder.
"See, you can even marry me!"
"Think we should finish our first date before we go there, idiot. Maybe get to know each other a bit better. Know a bit about marrying fast, not doing it again." She shrugged off the shame.
"So, let's do it." Harry took her hand where she had put it on her thigh.
"What?' She looked up from his phone.
"Get to know each other, like this." He looked so excited.
"Ok, shoot, I guess." She tried to look away, what would he ask? About her marriage? Her divorce? Her unfortunate single motherdom?
None of those, better, "When did you know you wanted to paint?"
"Um.....I don't think I ever really thought about it, I just was a painter, I guess." She sat back in her chair. "My mum had the nanny take me to all sorts of enrichment opportunities."
"That sounds nice." He smiled at her but he must have seen it wasn't. "I actually don't know much about your parents. Like, I don't think I've ever even heard much about them." He left that there and when she didn't respond he kept talking, "Unless you don't want to talk about it. We don't have to."
"Um, no, I guess, I liked classes and sport, well some of them, I was pretty good at tennis. And it's where I found art. Those were always my favorite. My mum insisted I learn piano. I like violin, but she wasn't really interested in my interests, ya know." He squeezed her hand. "Have you ever read 'Pride and prejudice?'"
He glanced at her quickly before putting his eyes back on the road. "Yeah, um when I was in year 8 maybe?" He furrowed his brow. "Why?"
"Do you remember that part where Darcy talks about what it takes to be considered an accomplished young lady to him, and it's like a very long list?" Harry nodded so she continued and tried to get to the point. "I think my mother was trying to give me a regency era pedigree or something, and it meant she didn't have to deal with me. She largely ignored me unless I was window dressing. I was, well, am, a huge disappointment. It looked very bad when I got pregnant young and out of wedlock. You'd have thought I was Lydia Bennett." She tried to joke, but her parents tolerance of her rather than love smarted no matter how old she got.
Harry didn't comment, or try to fix it, her. He just raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. And waited.
"But, art was on her list of things I should know, though she was not happy when I decided it was what I was gonna do. I was supposed to marry well, and a degree would help that. An art degree even, and she could explain my eccentricities away with it. But, it's all I ever wanted to do." She squeezed his hand back. "While I'm painting not much else matters, I'm the most me then, maybe?" She looked at him and he nodded while making a lane change.
"Yeah, think that's true, you look most comfortable with a brush in your hand." He was quiet a minute, the air stilled in the car though the blowers were still on. "You know it was you, right?"
He looked at her scrunched brow as long as he could while driving. "What was me?" She finally asked.
"That made me learn that about myself, that I was an artist." He didn't glance at her, but kept his eyes carefully on the road. Was he embarrassed? He had no need to be.
"I think you had it in you and would have found it." She leaned over the console and kissed his dimple, just like she had always wanted to, "but I'm really proud if I was some small part of that process for you!"
He looked at where she had just cleared the space between them a little, and glanced hastily back to the road, and kissed her quickly on the mouth. "When I first watched you, which I did for a long time before I got the courage to ask for my own brush, I was so amazed that you got to be in charge of all of it. Like, it's entirely yours, the things you draw, and what you don't define too, and the names of the colors. It opened up this yearning inside me." Jo stayed close to him while he talked, the console digging into her ribs, she felt like one of her beat ladies,trying to get somewhere undefined. Maybe the one whose foot steps turned back to gold after Harry left yesterday. "I would come home from Thursdays so excited I couldn't sleep, which is how I feel when I leave you now, not sure if it was about you or the art now." He pinched his lip and caught his eyes when they tried to see her, averted them to the road.
"It was the art then. Something changed with us a couple years ago." Jo leaned back in her chair and thought about that green t shirt. It wouldn't fit him now, it was really tight then, and he'd broadened further. Maybe it would fit her. "Don't you think?"
"Something changed with us, definitely, it changed my whole world." And he looked at her and she wanted him to keep looking at her like she was the missing piece in his big puzzle forever. He needed to drive and when he looked up he muttered "shit" and looked over his shoulder to begin lane changes.
Jo realized they were in Liverpool, by the waterfront and she hoped and also just knew that he had chosen to bring her to her favorites place in the world, without knowing it. "Are we going to the Tate Modern?" She could hear the hummingbirds in her voice.
"Yeah, they have an exhibit on Roy Lichtenstein I wanted to see and it felt, well, I'm not sure...." he parked the car and looked at her, "it felt very us. you maybe?"
Jo didn't even  look around. There was nobody here that knew them, she leaned over the console and caught his jaw with her hand and turned him to her and kissed him like she was allowed to. Once she drank from his lips all his wonders, she confessed, "This is my favorite place in the world, maybe." and Harry had gotten it in one.
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I merely love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and decorations all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg hunts and even get to decorate eggs any style we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunt and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating ideas anyone can build!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colors while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as simple as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating notion is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a way to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly looking this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glitters, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating ideas can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you simmer your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for running a little bit further and making the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating notions with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medicine dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating notion is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps required! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any style you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Look for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are truly only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Construct a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to attain with washi tape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favorite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combining. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating notions which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating ideas. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will make Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like detecting a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also devote Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber creatures. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only superstars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and particularly for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your abilities, then go right ahead and induce these pressed flowers Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: use sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may look luxurious but they’re really easy to stimulate!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to put the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating idea!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, find some baker’s twine and construct these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating notions should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these eggs decorating ideas, some adults will also be seduced to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments segment below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Project For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects appeared first on DIY Projects Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://dietguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I only love the pastel colourings and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any way we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the elation of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions everyone can attain!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colorings while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as combining different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a route to print the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly seem this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can stimulate your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for going a little bit further and building the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is merely ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps necessitated! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a baby aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any route you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Seem for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic outcomes? These DIY speckled eggs are genuinely only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Attain a bunny pattern, depict some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to build with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi tape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will attain Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like observing a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating notion, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles only go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute yellow beings. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating notions, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get it right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and induce these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel shades of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: employ sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to attain!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of your family or friends and turn them into these photo publish easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your images on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some timber too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and make these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your coloring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating ideas :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating notions, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter who you are or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Induce this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Project appeared first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating ideas? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I simply love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I recollect how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any route we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions anyone can stimulate!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colourings while stimulating these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a style to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly look this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating ideas, there’s always room for going a little bit further and attaining the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with scratching alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps involved! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a hole in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any way you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating ideas where our favorite Disney characters are included. Appear for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are actually simply that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating notion for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Stimulate a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you can stimulate with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will stimulate Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like finding a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realize there’s a fine line between tarts and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber animals. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric tape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to make your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as generating marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing skills, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try stimulating these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide displays how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating ideas. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and build these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They look so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional way, but this time: utilize sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to make!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t it be fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I simply want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space. But your hunting is likely to be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating ideas are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and stimulate these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating ideas, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Projects26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects seemed first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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