#still shaking off that rust
sutekh94 · 3 months
That one Murder Drones theory about Thad becoming Uzi's Mom
I dunno how much I believe in this theory myself, but if this happens in either episode 7 or 8... O_O
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
alright y’all, who wants a jimin drabble tonight 👀
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vrieseasees · 1 year
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still cant believe the power of anime is what got me to draw again
I stopped wanting to cleanly sketch Reigen and its what he deserves 
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bamboorocket · 9 months
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My three parts of the Round Robin I recently took part in! The sketch I lined was originally by @mikanashii, and the one I colored was originally by @feliciadraws.
If I've learned anything from this collaboration, it's that I'm definitely the oddball out of the three of us. I feel like you can pretty much sum up each one of my contributions as "and then there's how Bamboo sees things!"
Lineart is still my enemy. Don't judge me.
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ragsy · 8 months
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grand old boar
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masquenoire · 10 days
"Roman, have you found someone else to entertain you? Have you grown tired of me?" (Matt)
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It had been some time since Matt had last graced Roman's office with his presence. The window had been left unlocked since his last visit, the very same window the vigilante opted to use for his risqué ventures. Matt wasn't known as Daredevil for nothing; sneaking into Gotham's most vicious crime boss's private office was a feat only the bravest - or reckless - would dare attempt, yet Matt had done so not once, not even twice but a handful of times now. Each time the black-clad vigilante swore it would be the last time, that the next time they crossed paths, Matt would drag Roman to the courts himself so the criminal mastermind would at last face justice. Justice he couldn't bribe or threaten his way out of as Matt feared nothing, yet every mortal men had his weakness and the devil knew how to tempt every one of them. Weeks of being cooped up inside had taken their toll on Roman. Organizing drug rings, turf wars and illegal armament deals took time and patience Roman didn't always have, leaving him little to no time to focus on more pleasurable ventures of his own. He'd almost forgotten how shitty the air outside smelled, he'd been cooped up inside for that long. But that was how it went, didn't it? Roman wasn't built in a day and Gotham wasn't taken over in one either. Vices were a bitch to deal with and power, so intoxicating yet surprisingly fragile, needed constant supervision lest years of careful work got flushed down the drain in an instant. The sound of Matt's voice carrying over to his ears was more welcome than Roman had expected. Days of focusing on little else but securing the eastern half of Gotham's drug supplies was wearing on his focus and the vigilante was a devil in his own right in providing some much-needed distraction from his dark work. Had he found somebody else to entertain him? Had he fuck. Only little miss paperwork had his attention all this week and Roman was in sore need of being reminded as to the pleasures only carnal sin could give.
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"How could you say such a thing? Ti ho pensato ogni giorno, I thought about you every day, wondering when you might slip through that window again..." The weight of the paper in his hand disgusted him and Roman immediately cast it aside out of sight and out of mind, his every thought now preoccupied by the very physical presence of the vigilante standing in his midst. Matt couldn't be ignored, not here not now and Roman wondered glumly if at last their game had come to an end. He'd waited for the man's return, albeit impatiently to see what his adversary might do now word had gotten around that Roman had been real busy at work securing his foothold on this troubled city. Hands moved, not to grab at Sodom and Gomorrah waiting in their holsters but instead two clean glasses and a bottle of whiskey. Years of heavy drinking taught Roman to pour without needing to watch, dark eyes growing darker with unbidden desire as he fixed Matt with a hungry look mere sustenance couldn't appease. "And to ask if I've grown tired of you, why, you wound my heart. There hasn't been entertainment like you in far too long, not since you last visited. Come, enjoy a drink and tell me how you've been. I'd hate to think that my favourite vigilante hasn't been getting enough action that he's starting to feel neglected. Mea Culpa, I have been a busy man..." It was as they said, the devil made work for idle thumbs and in this case he'd come calling, though as to how tonight's visit might go, Roman rather wanted their little game to continue. It had been far too long since he'd gotten his hands dirty and Matt had stopped by at a most opportune time.
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queerbrujas · 9 months
i cannot believe a) chonces gave me enough inspiration to write creatively again after months and months and b) the process of writing actually gave me ideas for an original story
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atdusk · 16 days
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v. tiny starter call ?
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biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
New Recruit
Chronologically, this is part 16 Of The Dragon and The Fox Overwatch self insert fanfiction, though this is technically the beginning of season 2 so I will be calling it S2P1 and so forth, but…
Hello~ we’re BACK BABYYYYYYYY!!!!~~~~~ new adventures and new chaos waiting to unfold!!!!! And this is all of course @emile-hides ‘s fault, so you can thank him for the junkenstein revival of this series!!!
Oh also, link to part 1 here
“All-righty cyborgs and gentleman! This is your captain speaking!” Came the chipper, high voice from the cockpit of the shuttle that the two Shimada’s sat in, soft smiles plastered upon their faces as they indulged the whims of their pilot. “We are about to land at the Gibraltar base, the temperature is a lovely 21°C with delightful sunny weather!”
“You ready, Ibotei?” The elder asked, giving his brother’s hand a gentle, affirming squeeze.
“As I’ll ever be meeting government officals…” Zayne laughed nervously, leaning on his brother’s shoulder with a soft sigh as he looked up towards where Lena was staring back at them from the cockpit, having flicked on the autopilot landing.
“You’ll do great!” She affirmed. “I just know it! Captain Morrison really isnt that scary!”
“No kidding! That privledge went to commander Reyes.” Genji snarked. “Morrison is a big softie compared to him. Though I wonder, what exactly did you do to get a criminal record?”
“Oh you’ll both find out once we get inside! Morrison has the list!” Lena chirped innocently as the shuttle finished it’s landing sequence. “There are so many bright new faces for you to meet!”
With a quick flurry of taps along a keypad, the rear ramp of the shuttle hissed open to reveal a man in a deep navy colored uniform with short, well groomed hair as blonde as sunlight and calm, prideful eyes like the rolling waves the deepest ocean.
“Genji!” He greeted with a cheerful smile. “It’s been far too long! Glad to have you back with us, and you’re looking better than ever!”
“It’s good to see you too Jack.” Genji chuckled electronically as he approached the blonde man casually to geet his firm handshake. “It has certainly been a long time since we last met, and hopefully under better circumstances this time.”
“Well you seem perfectly healthy, so not quite a trip to Angela again, and more talkative this time!” The man- Jack- jabbed with a playful elbow nudge to the cyborg’s side before glancing over at the small man still hiding in the shadows of the shuttle’s cargo dock. “And that must be the brother you told us about? The one you’re vouching for?”
“Yes, though I wasn’t aware he had a record.” Genji chuckled softly, nodding his head in a gesture for his brother to join him. “I’m awefully curious of what such a record contains, though I have my suspicions on some things. Nonetheless, he is a good man, I know it. Besides, you were willing to take Cassidy on.”
Slowly, from the shadows Zayne walked, his gaze neevously angled at his feet as he joined his brother’s side, not sure what to make of the man before them.
“Well, Reyes technically took him on, but yes, I’m sure its no problem.” Jack chuckled before extending his hand to the youngest Shimada. “Hello, I’m commander Jack Morrison. Leader of the Overwatch.”
“I’m Zayne Shimada…” He mumbled, cautiously taking the hand offered which was returned with a firm shake. “You aren’t going to arrest me, are you?”
“Honestly? We should, if only for your mild acts of terrorism, but your brother is willing to vouch for you, and I’m willing to look past it so long as you are willing to make some agreements while we have you complete some paperwork but, we’ve had worse cases then yours as members.” Jack responded with a slight chuckle. “But its nice to finally put a face to the name! You’ll fit in just fine here, I’m sure of it.”
“If you say so.” Zayne chuckled awkwardly ad he was released from the handshake and Commander Morrison began to walk off towards the main building with a wave enticing the brothers to follow.
“So when were you gonna tell me you’re technically classified as a terrorist?” Genji jabbed as he skipped along after his brother with a shoulder bump.
“Mmmh, was hoping to wait about as long as you did in telling me you were still alive.” Zayne replied with a sly shrug and a smirk. “Possibly never.”
“Touchè.” Genji replied with an electronic hum. “How did it even happen anyways?”
“Lets just say back when I was working with Hanzo, we got into some… interesting situations and may have made friends with some Australians.”
“I’m sure they’ll debreif you on my list of crimes once we actually get in there, and those who I committed crimes with.” Zayne sighed as he caught up to the Commander. “Though do know, the buildings I destroyed were corporations who had it coming.”
“The fucking WHAT-“
“Quite the brother you’ve got there Genji!” Lena snickered as she blinked over to catch up with the boys. “This year’s going to be a lively one for sure!”
It was weird, walking through the halls of a military outpost freely, not having to sneak around camera blindspots, and strangest of all be escorted around like a guest by the head honcho! Zayne wasn’t sure if he liked it, though it was nice not to have to avoid guards like the plague for once.
Eventually, the group arrived at a small interrogation style office room, which wouldn’t be that strange if it werent for the enormous silverback gorilla sat at the other side of the desk, a pair of glasses sat newtly on his face and a bannana casually in hand. It felt like something almost out of a fever dream, and what happened next baffled the ninja even further.
“Genji!” The gorilla greeted with a toothy smile. “Good to see you again!”
“Ah Winston!” Genji responded cheerily without batting an eye. “Overwatch’s favorite monkey, how have you been?”
“Well- actually, and I hate to interrupt,” Zayne piped up, giving his brother a soft nudge. “Hes not a monkey, hes a Great ape. Very different groupings.”
“Okay nerd.” Genji sassed with a gentle smack to the back of his brother’s head.
“Oh I like this one.” The ape responded with a deep chuckle as he turned his attention over to Zayne before extending a hand to the young Shimada. “I’m Winston, a scientist here at the facility. I’m mostly here to hand you your paperwork and help walk you through it, though I admit I was also curious to meet the new recruit joining us! Oh and, Genji already informed me about your peanut allergy, and just know, I have a tendency to indulge in peanut butter from time to time, it goes very well with bannanas.”
“Well, thanks for the heads up.” Zayne chuckled softly. “Though, I’m still a bit amazed to be talking to well- a talking gorilla! How did that even..?”
“Well, I was born of brilliant minds and raised on the moon by humans! I could go into morefacinating details, but I’m afraid thats a subject for another time as its a terribly long explanation!” Winston laughed softly as he placed some paperwork in front of the young ninja. “Anyways, todays discussion is more about you and where you lay in regards to the team here at Overwatch, which, weclome welcome by the way! Its great to have you!”
“Thank you!” Zayne smiled softly, sitting down at the table. “I’m actually surprised how nice you guys all are! I was really expecting to be arrested almost immediately and locked away forever, at least until I called in some favors and busted out.”
“I’d have liked to see you try!” Winston chuckled. “But, no, no no. We’re quite the understanding group here, I mean, we’d need a bit of any talents we can get if we’re to take on the remnants of the omnic crisis! We cant really afford to be picky even if we wanted to!”
“Allright, well, this is going to be very boring!” Genji announced as he clapped his hands together. “I’m going to have Lena give me the rundown of your crimes if you’re alright being left with Winston?”
There was a subtle concern to his voice hidden amidst the playful tone as he rested his cybernetic hand on his brother’s shoulder, giving a hesitant squeeze to ask if he’d be alright. A squeeze that Zayne returned with a soft smile as he responded.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine, just meet back up with me in whatever place you guys call a mess hall around here?”
“Of course Ibotei, see you soon.”
It took a moment for Genji to remove his hand from his brother’s shoulder, ever the loyal shadow that had guarded the young ninja during his time at the Shambali monastary, now finally having to seperate so his brother could fill out tedious paperwork regarding many, many crimes he had comitted, though in his heart he knew he was in good hands. After all, these were the hands that had caught him when he fell from the Shimada clan entirely.
“Alright, lets begin!” Winston spoke, adjusting his glasses as Genji left the room.
Boy, were they in it for the long haul.
And just for fun, here are the crimes as follows:
Breaking an entering
Multiple speeding violations
Grand larceny
Grand theft auto
International terrorism
Murder-for hire
Conspiracy to commit murder
Acts of non-permitted Demolition
Criminal Anarchy
S2P2 here
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bronanlynch · 5 months
3, 9, and 30 for ao3 wrapped!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
the leonie/ingrid fic I wrote for the fe3h femslash exchange is probably one of the best things I've ever written. also it's some of the most personal writing abt gender that I've ever done which in retrospect feels wild to have written for an exchange but like. it's a snapshot of how I felt abt gender when I was like seventeen
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
already answered! I was very deep in my great ace attorney era this summer
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
so this year was kind of a mixed bag for me writing-wise. I did a lot of writing but relatively little finishing/posting fic, but I do think I've improved a lot in terms of like. what I can do with words, what kinds of stories I can tell, what kinds of ideas I can express. so the surprising thing is sometimes I'll look at something I've written that I had thought was maybe a little too ambitious and realize, wow I *did* make that come together after all
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cryo-lily · 1 year
They’re basically siblings your honor.
[based on an actual in-game interaction of my buddy turning in a mission on Hoth]
Taskar grinned at the other miraluka who had begun to thank him for handling the matter she asked of the smuggler. “I know you can’t see it, but I’m just that awesome.” Taskar couldn’t finish that statement without a shit-eatting grin.
Behind him Isadola was having a small discussion with Lana waiting for him to finish up. Isadola stopped mid sentence as her happy demeanor quickly faded upon hearing her friend’s statement. Her head slowly turned towards her friend with a death glare beginning to cross her face.
 Lana pinched the bridge of her nose hanging her head, “Oh no…” the Sith letting out a heavy sigh, knowing what was going to happen next. 
Bowdaar noticed Isadola slowly stalking towards Taskar as he crossed his arms “I will say you had an honorable death” taking a step back as the other miraluka approached with anger written across her face.
“What do you mean-” Was all the smuggler could get out before a fist flew into his face causing his vision to go black briefly. Taskar was still dazed, blinded by the bright sun shining down on the arctic tundra he now found himself laid out on with an angry Isadola standing over him.
“Seriously? You smug prick. After everything in our childhood you still make those jokes? I should-” Isadola clearly miffed, was cut off by her wife trying to drag her away from the stunned smuggler.
“Darling please control yourself. You should know he didn’t mean it like that.” Lana had to restrain the angry woman from possibly harming her friend more.
Taskar could only laugh as he spat out a little blood getting up to his feet, before turning back to the other jedi who watched all of it. “If you ever need our services again you know who to call!” before turning back to his friend. “Did being trained by the jedi make you lose your sense of humor, Issie?”
There was a long pause as Taskar could almost feel Isadola shooting death glares at him before she responded again “You’re lucky we still have stuff to do…” Isadola mumbled as Lana finally let her go, trusting that she wouldn’t do anything rash again.
“Yeah I love you too, you grumpy bitch” Taskar grinned briefly at his friend as he pulled out a datapad to check what mission they had to start heading to next. “Come on, you can work out your anger at me by killing some pirates.”
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kingspuppet · 2 years
I just want to say thanks for being so patient with me as I adjust to my new normal. It’s been really difficult to get myself to do things that are creative. With the loss of my best friend they just aren’t stimulating enough for my brain right now. But I hope to slowly ease back into writing on here again soon. So again, thank you. 💙
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princepokemon · 2 years
I am alive again, thanks for waiting
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lauradwrites · 2 years
It's another art installation from little ol' moi to all of you. My kid wanted Alex, so she got Alex. Not sure if I should color or not (but his eyes are colored blue with dry watercolor pencil).
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planeoftheeclectic · 3 months
palutena trap for WIP Wednesday please
(and welcome back!)
The Falcon turned to the annoying kid and scowled. "My name is Pit Pairisetty." Then he smirked.
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topazzey · 1 year
Interesting how prior to Elongated Muskrat's takeover of Twitter I had no strikes, suspensions, or other adverse actions against my account, and since he sunk $44bn on the thing I've had one temporary suspension and am now totally banned from the platform for no good reason. And by interesting, I mean pathetic.
For someone who crows about 'free speech' so much, Mr. Apartheid Baby sure likes to deplatform others for exercising that right if we say anything that even slightly offends right-wing snowflakes. If he's trying to destroy the platform, it's working.
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