#stone gen 1
siminspires · 7 months
Test of Time Challenge Gen 1
Stone Family Round 3
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A few more babies joined the family.
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Diamond grew up to a child.
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Amethyst proposed to Daisy and she moved in.
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 1 month
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Doing wlw ships nextt 🙏
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themissinghand · 1 year
Dr. Stone: You're Crazy Like Me, Dumbass
Summary: In which Senku has an older sister (who is just as crazy as him...in a good way of course).
Note: Not related/connected to my current Dr. Stone fic on Wattpad at all. This is just for fun!
Warning: Swearing and lots and lots of sibling energy
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"Did you know that some metals are soooo reactive that they can explode when they come in contact with water? Make sure you protect your manhood boy." 
The Kingdom of Science certainly did not expect a person to appear out of nowhere.
Especially hanging underside down from a tree.
"Who's that?!" Gen called out, his eyes already focused on the foreign woman. 
"An enemy?" Kohaku pulled out her sword whereas the Kinrou followed suit.
"Sister?" Senku whispered out, and everyone snapped their heads to see a dazed and disbelief expression on their leader's face.
"Yo!" The older responded with a cheeky grin, and a hand raised in the air.
She had her white hair tied up in a high ponytail, showcasing their family's signature green hair tips at the ends. A lone hair strip crossed her eyes and curved to her chin.
"Heh, isn't this the lil' shit? You grew!" She jumped down the tree and walked towards the group. 
"You guys know each other?" 
Senku rubbed his temples. 
"Yea. She's my older sister-" 
"Sister?!" The woman grinned as she stopped right in front of Senku, and they brofisted as if it was normal, then followed by a noogie. 
"O-Ouch! What the heck-" 
"It's been a while you lil' shit! I thought you would have died or buried ten feet under!" Senku pulled out of her grasp and deadpanned at her. 
"Ha, you wish. Where were you even? I tried looking for you and I couldn't-" 
"Oh I came here by skateboard-"
"Skateboard?! Did you just say SKATEBOARD?" Gen's screech was followed by dazed and confused villagers. She pointed to the huge skateboard made of wood?! How?
It doesn't even look like a normal skateboard, in fact, it could be deemed as a boat with wheels at this point.
"Yea, you see, I'm an engineer. So I make shit, attach shit, and fix shit."
She definitely got a crude mouth too; everyone thought at the same time. 
"Heh, as expected of the gorilla-" Senku was cut off by the pulling of his hair.
"Hey, shouldn't you be telling me what's going on? Since when did you have so many friends?" She scrutinized every single person around, and others shivered under her look.
"Oi! Stop that! I'll explain later, but we have a war to win!" Senku escaped and then gave her a evil smirk. 
"What'cha say we make an evil weapon? With you here..."
"Oh ho?" An evil aura burst forth from the two siblings. 
"Gen...we're so screwed." 
"Kohaku...we're fucked when he's already our last hope. And now, there's another one?" 
"You got an issue? Half and half?"
"Half and half-" Gen spluttered but swallowed his pride when he saw the toned muscles underneath her coat. 
"Not bad." Senku acknowledged with nod.
"Unlike you, I work out." She rolled her eyes in response.
"Anyway, where were you exactly?"
"In hell. But now that I'm here, looks like I've reach purgatory-OW!" Senku tased her on her sides, making her jump.
"You-" Before she could unleash her wraith, Senku stops her with a question.
"How did you find me?" Senku asks sternly, and the older sighed.
"Just exploring on my own and I decided that I should find you lil' shit. So I made myself some shit and before I know it, I spot a bunch of weirdos hoping around a big pot and a fucking leak-"
"Oh fuck you."
"Oops, can't hear you over your bushy hair."
Senku rolled his eyes.
"What? Where did you even get that from!?" 
"What? You just looked like one." She simply shrugged with a cheeky grin.
"That's not a sight you see every day. Senku's outmatched." Gen mentioned, while he watched the two siblings bicker.
Kohaku simply laughs and shakes her head.
"He deserves it."
"I'm ten billion percent gonna throw you to the wolves!" Senku almost but roars with steam going out of his head.
"And I'm ten billion percent going to hull your ass to Antarctica!" She mimicked with a girly voice, the complete opposite of her natural deep one. She then looked at Kohaku with a smile. 
"You there, you're the lil' shit's wife?" 
"W-What? No!" 
"Well who gives a fuck. Anyway, explain this war to me. I'll help you guys out." 
"Really? That would be great!" 
"Yea, explain to me what's going on. And I also need names. I can't be calling ya lil' shit's gf can I?" 
"No thank you!" 
After a solid explanation of the current situation, Senku's sister tilted her head and yawned.
"So...we're going up against this dude who's like a bitchy communist dictator kid with Heracles's strength," She looked around at the group.
"And the mother fucker who's a huge hypocrite is reviving assholes of his liking in order to kill innocent children like y'all because he thinks technology is absolute shit."
Well that's one way to look at it. 
"Uh...translation please? What's a Heracles?" Chrome jumps in and asks while scratching his head.
"It's Tsukasa but stronger." Senku simply says, and Chrome and Kohaku accepts it without question.
Gen sighs.
"Senku...I'm pretty sure it's more than that..."
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matchalovertrait · 3 months
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Dulce was eliminated from the competition. Is this the end of the road for her?
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(1.) [Sofia] Good thing everyone is okay!
[Mia] Chefs, you guys have 5 minutes left on the clock! Please start plating soon.
(2.) [Alex] When I finished plating, I took a look at my dish and thought about it. I was not really happy with it. Is it missing something?
(3.) [Dulce] I did a taste test when the 5-minute mark hit... but some of the vegetables weren't cooked all the way. I didn't even try the goat yet. There was no time. I put the lid back on and hoped for the best.
(4.) [Andrea] 1 minute left!
[Rubiya] Oh no... I forgot the lemon juice in the jicama dip. I don't think I saw any in the fridge? Maybe I can cut up the limes instead and put them on the side? I see some at the pantry over there.
(5.) [Andrea] Chefs, your time is up. Please come to the judges' table.
(6.) N/A
(7.) [Mia] Chefs, you all look rather down. You don't seem as optimistic as you did in the last round. What's on your mind?
(8.) [Rubiya] Haha, I guess we all had some sort of hiccup.
[Dulce] Sorta, aha.
[Alex] Mhm.
(9.) [Sofia] We've all been there, guys. Even me! Before I made it big, a lot of people didn't believe in me. I know we have to judge your food, but just remember that we all believe in you guys. That's why you're here. Mia saw something in all of you.
(10.) [Alex] Thank you.
[Rubiya] We appreciate the reassurance.
[Dulce] Yeah, thanks.
(11.) [Rubiya] Alright! First, we have Chef Rubiya's appetizer.
[Rubiya] Chefs, I have made you chana masala goat tacos with a hatch green chile salsa and jicama dip.
(12.) [Carlo] The goat is really juicy and flavorful. Also, the jicama dip adds some nice freshness to the tacos.
(13.) [Mia] The only bad thing is that the tortillas got cold and soggy... that's not good, especially because tacos are so reliant on the tortillas.
(14.) [Sofia] But hey, you opting for the limes instead of the lemon juice worked out well for you. I know these tacos aren't exactly authentic, but I've eaten a lot of tacos in Del Sol Valley and many taco stands there have limes instead of lemons. It makes a big difference.
(15.) [Rubiya] Thank you, judges.
[Andrea] Next, we have Chef Alex's appetizer.
[Alex] Chefs, I made for you an egusi soup with cubed goat meat, spiralized jicama, and chana masala.
(16.) [Alex] ...but I did use pumpkin seeds instead of egusi seeds.
[Mia] That is a common substitution! Let me say, this soup is quite rich. Also, you have a git when it comes to plating.
(17.) [Carlo] I have to agree. The cubed goat and spiralized jicama are nice. That shows you have technique. I just think it needs something else to balance out the heartiness of the soup. You went a little too light on the vegetables.
(18.) [Sofia] Yeah, I found some of the flavors a bit overpowering, but at least the goat is cooked all the way. It's tender.
(19.) [Alex] Thank you, judges.
[Andrea] Finally, we have Chef Dulce's entree.
[Dulce] Judges, I made you all a tomato soup with chana masala and chopped hatch green chiles and jicama.
(20.) [Mia] You've done it again, Dulce. You know how to combine flavors perfectly. The cucumber, onion, and bell peppers make this dish so fulfilling.
(21.) [Sofia] Ohh, I wish I could enjoy this more thoroughly. I am not sure if the added red chiles were a good move. I can't really taste the rest of it.
(22.) [Carlo] They're both right. It's delicious, but the spice is too much. The hatch green chiles themselves were fine. The goat and some of the vegetables are kind of hard to chew too.
(23.) [Dulce] Thank you, judges.
[Andrea] Well done, chefs. Please go to the room next door so the judges can have a discussion. We'll see you in a bit.
(24.) [Rubiya] Guys! I served them cold and soggy tacos! I think it's over for me.
[Alex] I'm not feeling good either. I'm not exactly seeking Carlo's approval anymore, but he's still a judge...
(25.) [Dulce] Yeah, it was a brutal round for all of us, huh? I don't know what I was thinking.
[Rubiya] I thought it would get easier with each round, but I'm not so sure anymore.
(26.) [Andrea] Chefs, welcome back to the judges' table. Judges?
(27.) [Mia] This was a difficult decision to make.
[Carlo] Even for me. Everyone made a delicious dish.. but they all came with their major faults.
[Mia] And unfortunately, Dulce is being diced in this round.
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windslar · 9 months
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wake up sleepyheads. your house is on fire.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
Why Do the nidorans reach their final evo by moon stone? Seems rly random
Not all of the moonstone evos seem to have a ton of thought behind them (the Skitty line, for example). With the Nido line, they're very vaguely based on rabbits starting out and rabbits have connections to the moon in Japan (and China), so that might be the reason why.
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time-speculo · 2 years
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Doodle of some science fellas with @yaraneechan >:]
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lunarsimmer · 3 months
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: A sim with dark brown hair in braided pigtails and another sim with short wavy brown hair cooing over an infant sim with short, fuzzy brown hair being carried by the sim with short wavy brown hair.
Image 2: A sim with short wavy brown hair cradling an infant sim with short, fuzzy brown hair to their chest as another sim with dark brown hair in a pompadour style looks at them.
Image 3: A teen sim with long wavy brown hair sitting at a table with a bowl of cereal and empty glass in front of them.
Image 4: An elder sim with short grey hair and matching beard standing in the middle of a kitchen.
Image 5: A dark grey and light grey gradient banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with a swirly heart inside a house above it and the words gen 1 on the right with a swirly heart inside a house above it.
End Image Description]
Story and dialogue below cut:
But even with the grief, there’s still some happiness as Kristopher aged up into an infant and gets some snuggles from Gemma.
Gemma: Oh, he’s so precious, reminds me of Sonia when she was his age.
Hazel: *smiles* I know, I think Dad’s probably looking over him proudly.
Ashton, what are you doing?
Ashton: What, he’s my son, I can stretch my neck uncomfortably to coo at him too.
Sonia: Sometimes I think Hazel has interesting choice in men...also I sense a disturbance in the force.
You mean you sense a random Sim showing up in our house after we get home, why?!
Random Sim: I don’t know why I’m here.
That makes two of us.
Beginning / Previous / Next
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Redemption Round 1 (Group B, Match 6)
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lollitree · 1 year
The existence of mega Mewtwo annoys me lore wise
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geminipixels · 2 months
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Trading legacy tips and secrets with the Heiress.
As generation 1 comes to an end, Georgino spent the day before the twins aged up with his daughter Azura.
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siminspires · 2 years
Test of Time Challenge
Closeup of Amethyst Stone as a teenager.
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Jasper’s weird expression after a thunder, I didn’t notice Moon was actually shot but she was fine after cleaning up.
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Emerald grew up, all the way to an adult.
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Suddenly having to adult at five must be traumatic, she had a breakdown.
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These children are only two days/years apart, and Coral is the oldest.
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Jade also grew up, he looks good. (I’m not bothering much with their hairstyles since it’s supposed to be leaves anyway)
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Grape Fruit came to visit.
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Diamond grew into a toddler. It’s a little weird to see Jade help her, he sure is tall for a five year old.
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Having plantsims in the household feels so cheaty, as long as there is sunlight their motives are mostly static, they help around a lot too and don’t need beds.
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headphonemouse · 2 years
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siren-darkocean · 3 months
Angry Short Friend - Gen 2!Pohatu
Tall Sunshine Friend - Gen 2!Kopaka
I'm sorry but when I first saw this I immediately pictured those two
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glowfrogs · 1 year
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four punks and the art hoe they adopted
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honeyblssom · 5 months
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Preparing for Christmas / Kava / Lorelai’s birthday party hehehehe
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