#stop board camera dubai
smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 85- BTS in Dubai
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Words: 3,000+
‘Visiting a magical country Dubai for summer package’
Bangtan’s next summer package was in Dubai. They got settled in at the Palazzo Versace Hotel and went on to start their day off by experiencing a desert.
‘Going to Safari Desert in Dubai. Driving across the golden desert on a four-wheel drive vehicle’
Jennie drove in the car with Suga, Jungkook, and Jimin. She sat with Suga in the back while Jungkook and Jimin sat in front of them. Their car ride was much quieter than the other car that had the rest of the members in it. Jimin and Jungkook listened to their music separately while Suga shared an earbud with Jennie. She listened to his playlist and once The Don by Nas played, Suga let out a low chuckle as she danced in her seat.
Arriving at the desert, Jennie soaked it all in. Dubai was beautiful and the sun felt great against her skin.
“I love this. Like, look at this scenery! And we get to take photos here? Couldn’t get any better,” she smiled as the camera filmed her snapping photos. J-Hope was happily yelling about Bangtan arriving in the background. “I need to send these to my parents. They’ll love this,”
’Everyone is speechless because of its beautiful scenery’
Once the photoshoot began, the members were given sandboards to ride down the dune. Jennie balanced perfectly on her board and slid down the sand while the photographer snapped away. 
“How do you do that!?” Suga called out.
“Practice makes perfect!” she answered with a grin.
With her selfie stick, she walked around, enjoying the view. “I think I have gotten much better at skating thanks to Kevin. So shoutout to my friend,” she said. “I’ll make sure to visit you and attend one of your basketball games at your college,“
“Ennie! Try running up the sand dune!” Jimin suggested.
When she watched him slip down and fall, she laughed. Soon after Suga and Jin rolled down the sand.
“I would roll down there but I don’t want to get my hair filled with sand,” she said when asked by V if she wanted to join him with Jungkook.
“Jennie, watch this!” Jungkook shouted out and jumped down the sand dune, rolling over. He then smoothly stopped and posed.
She applauded him while shouting, “Ten out of ten, Kookie!”
“Wow, awesome!” V praised. “Jungkook, that was so cool,”
BTS spent a few hours in the area, playing around, and even had a few sand fights.
“Jin. Back up. Back up, right now.” she warned, taking steps back as he walked over to her with a handful of sand after chasing Jimin. She shrieked and jumped out of the direction he threw the sand and began running away. “Not cool! I am not getting sand in my damn hair!"
“Get her!” Jimin shouted, running after her
After they finished their photoshoot in the desert, Bangtan went to the Dubai Desert Bedouin camp to experience their traditional culture. Performers were dancing around and Jennie was mesmerized. She loved how they danced. The way their bodies moved. V was even invited to dance with them. A fun first night.
“Hey! I’m Jennie and I am happily in Dubai!” she waved to the camera after being seated for a solo interview.
‘What did you do today?’
“We went to the desert and it was breathtaking. You have got to check it out. Dubai is beautiful. And the sunset looked so romantic.” she smiled, thinking about her and Jungkook briefly walking around to check out the sunset.
‘What was most impressive?’
“When we went out to dinner to watch the performers. I loved it. It made me want to learn more about their dances,"
‘BTS Picture Day’
Jennie sat with Suga at the table to work as they wrote their daily diary. She wrote about her day in the desert and made a sunset drawing with the members watching it.
“I always put off writing diaries when I was in school,“ Suga said.
"Really? Part of me wanted to invest in a journal to write out my thoughts but then it turned into lyrics so I just started writing songs about my feelings,”
“That’s good. I’m still waiting for you to work on your project,”
“Eventually,” she grinned.
The next day the members were given a mission to buy a gift for their secret friend. They chose a bag that had a member’s name on it along with money to buy a gift. Jennie had gotten a unique bag with the most money because the paper said to buy a gift for All members. Several ideas went through on head on how she wanted to go about it. She could buy something for each of them or perhaps see if she could find something that could benefit all of them.
For shopping, the group went over to a traditional market to buy gifts. Some split into teams while Jennie went by herself. A large bodyguard accompanied her to make sure she was safe. He was nice and she offered him some of the food she bought when she got hungry.
“I thought it would just be one member I had to buy a gift for but today I am buying something for all of us,” she said on her camera with a selfie stick. “I have no idea what to buy y’all. I want it to be different. Something for all of us to share as a gift,”
She walked around and noticed a shop with tons of artwork and portraits. She was amazed by how realistic the drawings looked.
“Maybe...” she walked in. “Hi, how are you?”
“I am well, how are you?” the man stood up, speaking English to her.
"I’m doing great. Your drawings are beautiful. How much is one?”
They discussed the pricing and she showed the owner the photo she wanted to be drawn. 
“I have this picture on my phone. It’s with me and my brothers. I wanted to get it drawn in a big portrait that can be hung in our dorm,”
“I like this picture. I can do this,”
After a few hours, of watching him draw it, Jennie looked at the big portrait and smiled happily. “This is so breathtaking! Look at this, wow. They’ll love it, thank you so much,”
‘Bastakiah. A historical site in Burj Dubai region’
’60 buildings built in mid-9th century have been in operation until 1970s. Some are operating as cultural facilities’
Jennie and Rapmon were paired up for a photo shoot. They posed against the wall for a few shots and then Rapmon was seated down reading a book. She sat next to him and presented him with a lollipop while she had one in her mouth. After he smiled and took it, she wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in for a side hug as they grinned for the camera.
After the photos were done, Bangtan returned to the hotel to open up their gifts. They sat on the floor in a semi-circle and Jen was in between V and Rapmon.
“My bag had two people in it. So I bought two gifts. For my first person, she-oh no,“ Jimin covered his face, laughing at his mistake.
"Ahhhhh~!” Bangtan shouted and laughed as he gave it away.
“So, you got Jennie!” V laughed.
“Jimin gives great gifts so I’m looking forward to what he got me,” she laughed.
“I noticed that you have lots of accessories hanging around so I thought this item would help tremendously,” he announced and presented her with a large white jewelry box. “It also has your birthstones on it. Topaz and Citrine. So, Ennie, I hope you like it,”
Loud cheers surrounded her as she looked at the box with a huge smile. It was beautiful.
“Oh wow, thank you!” she happily accepted it and opened it. “Oh yeah, this is great. Thank you so much, Jimin. Come here,” she set it down and went over to hug him.
“Wow, I would love something like this. Very cute box,” Namjoon complimented.
“I think Jimin had to buy mine. He chose Jennie and me,” J-Hope said confidently.
He was so sure that Jimin was the one that chose him after Jennie. It just had to be him. 
“He keeps saying that he’s absolutely positive that Jimin is his secret friend,” Namjoon said.
“Explain yourself why you think that,” Jimin said.
“It is?” J-Hope looked at him and watched as he laughed. “See? He can’t act,”
‘Why is J-Hope so sure?’
“The second person I have is someone who likes collecting small things like figures,” Jimin announced.
He took out the present to show the shiny ornaments and presented it to Jin. The camera panned over J-Hope’s facial expression as he looked embarrassed that he was wrong. Everyone laughed as Jimin showed off his items to Jin.
“J-Hope kept saying that it was him, so I wasn’t expecting this at all,” Jin stated and went to hug Jimin. “It feels much better to receive something when you least expect it. Thanks, Jimin,”
“I’ll go next and then Jin. Okay, this is very special to me,” Jennie began.
“Munchkin. Look at me. This is for me, right? You picked me?” J-Hope asked as the members laughed.
“You’ll see,” she responded, leaving everyone in suspense. “Okay, this is very special to me because this is regarding the day we got our first win for I Need U and how proud you all were of me for just always working my hardest in this group. There are days I go back to this picture and I’m like wow we are thriving and I’m cherishing every moment. So, this is for all of us. My bag was all of you and I thought the perfect gift for us was a portrait of my favorite photo we took after our first win,” she revealed the large drawing as they all looked at it in awe.
“Wow~!” they shouted gleefully and applauded. They raved about how realistic it looked and thanked her for giving them something like this.
"It looks so real!” they rambled on.
“Where did you go?” Suga asked after taking the drawing to get a better look. “The artist drew my smile perfectly,”
“I was wandering around and came across this art shop. I’m glad I did. We can hang it up in the dorm. I hope you guys like it,”
"This is beautiful. Let’s hang this up in the dorm when we return to Korea. The living room is what I’m thinking,” Rapmon said.
V wrapped his arms around Jennie as she fell back and laughed. Rapmon got on top for the hug and so did the other members. A chorus of thank yous and compliments on the gift made her heart soar. Buying that for them was the best decision ever.
“God, y'all heavy! What are you eating!?” she joked while they got off of her, one by one.
After they all got situated again, it was Jin’s turn to reveal who he had.
“Wait Jin. Look at me. Did you get me?” J-Hope asked and watched as he let out a laugh. “He did!” 
‘No, he did not’
“You’re mighty confident there,” Jen chuckled.
“J-Hope, what if he didn’t?” Namjoon laughed.
“I know he did. I am very confident in my prediction this time,” J-Hope declared.
“I picked this because he has a lot of things on his desk but there’s nothing pretty,” Jin revealed and took the lamp out of the bag. He plugged it in the showed them how it looked and they all complimented it on how fancy it appeared. “The person with a messy desk is Jungkook,”
“Wow, awesome!” Jungkook took the lamp out of his hands. “Jin hyung, I’m so touched!”
“Glad you like it,”
“Thanks, Jin,” he high fived him.
“It’s awkward,” J-Hope scratched the side of his neck and laughed that he still had not been chosen individually. “Whoever bought my present must feel awkward now. Who bought mine?”
Jungkook took out the gift he bought. “Well, this person really likes clothes. He likes accessories, too,“
“It’s V,” J-Hope assumed.
‘How can he not know?’
“He likes something fancy but something simple, too. Here’s a bracelet first,” Jungkook revealed the present out of the bag and then the shirt and bag.
‘Gotta be J-Hope this time,’ Jennie thought as she giggled at him being oblivious to the hints.
“But I think this is the big hint. See? It’s green.” Namjoon pointed out as realization hit Hobi like a truck and he laughed with Jungkook who smacked his chest.
“Wow, I had no idea,” he said as the members playfully made fun of how bad his guesses were.
Next up was Hobi to revealed the gift he bought as he explained that it was a Dubai fragrance. 
“I hope he remembers what we did today whenever he smells this fragrance. Suga!”
“I knew it!” he grinned and received it. “We went to the fragrance store together. I said I like how it smells and he bought it,”
After spraying some for everyone to smell, Suga grabbed his gift to present. “I bought this for him because he’s into accessories these days. When I first saw this, I thought it goes really well with what he usually wears. It’s a ring,”
He took it out of the bag and presented the silver ring. Once they saw how big it was everyone knew it was for Rapmon as he let out a laugh.
“I wasn’t sure which size to get,” Suga said but it fit perfectly on Rapmon and he was satisfied with the ring.
After thanking Suga for the gift, he grabbed the present he bought. “When I was getting his present, I knew I was going to get him and it really happened. V was born in December, right? The birthstone for December is turquoise,”
After explaining, he revealed the necklaces and bracelets with turquoise in them as everyone looked at them in amazement. Rapmon then explained that wearing his birthstone would bring good luck.
“You’re starting a drama, too. I wish you good luck and success,” Rapmon applauded him.
Lastly was V who had Jimin as he thought this gift would be useful for him. He revealed golden playing cards that excited all of them while Jimin had his eyes closed.
“Jimin has been playing this game a lot,” V said.
“It’s one-card,” Suga laughed.
“Oh, I know what it is. I think it’s a golden deck of playing cards,” he figured out. “Someone was trying to sell them to me,”
After being given the cards, Jimin shuffled them and Bangtan was impressed with how he shuffled them with ease. After enjoying their gifts, the members spent their last day at the hotel taking photos and writing in their diaries. 
On their last day, they spent time in the pool area to play some games.
‘BTS having fun in the water at a swimming pool in Dubai’
‘Playing three games in two teams. The winning team will get 1,500 AED!’
‘Which team will win?’
The teams were divided by older vs younger members and the first game was the relay swimming. The rules were simple. Swim to the other side and choose an item.
First up was Suga vs Jungkook as they ran in the pool.
“Wow! Min Suga! Go Min Suga!” Rapmon cheered.
“Come on, Jungkook! You got this!” Jennie shouted as he managed to pass the halfway point first.
Jungkook picked up a watermelon ball while Suga picked up a tube to swim back to their teams. Jungkook made it to his team first and V ran into the water. Suga slowly made it back to his team as Jennie laughed.
“I tried my best, I tried my best,” Suga said out of breath.
“Oh my gosh. It was smart for us to get the ball instead. The tube is slowing the other team down,” she said next to Jimin as Rap Monster accelerated slowly.
As the game progressed J-Hope caught up with V and started playing around, trying to stop each other from going.
“V!” Jennie laughed when he suddenly threw the ball, allowing J-Hope to make it to his team first.
J-Hope gave the tube to Jin and he quickly swam forward while V was still far behind, trying to swim back with the ball.
“V~! Get over here! We’re losing!” Jimin wailed.
Loud cheers from the older team got louder as Jin progressed. Once V gave the ball to Jennie, Jin progressed to the half waypoint.
Now, this was pressure.
Jen ran in and swam as fast as she could but sadly, the older guys won and celebrated. Once she made it back, Jimin and Jungkook looked displeased that they lost all because V had messed up and Jennie didn’t swim fast enough to catch up.
“Sorry,” she frowned.
“I don’t even know what to say,” Jimin said, mostly to V who was the main reason for the defeat.
“Guys, it’s fine~! We’ll get them next time,” she reassured. “You tried your best V, don’t even worry about it,”
However, Jungkook and Jimin didn’t listen and decided to punish V by giving him a smack on the butt and kicked him into the pool.
‘2nd game. Calvary Battle’
‘One person from each team wears a hat. Whoever takes off their opponent’s hat or pushes them into the water wins.’
It was decided that Jungkook was going to go up against Jin. Jennie aided Jimin and V to lift him up while Jin’s teammates did the same.
“Go!” a staff member shouted.
Jin attacked first but Jungkook swiftly leaned back to avoid it. It was a back and forth battle up until Jungkook pushed Jin back to make him fall into the water.
“Woohoo! Victory!” Jennie cheered.
“Yay! We won!” V happily said.
‘3rd game. Taboo’
‘Explain words using the body in 60 seconds. Whoever gets more correct answers will win’
The younger team went first and J-Hope revealed the first word to V.
“Contacts!” Jungkook said.
“Eyelashes!” Jimin shouted
“It’s mascara!” Jen answered which immediately got a smile from V.
‘Statue of Liberty’
V posed just like the statue and Jungkook answered it correctly.
‘Free Fall’
This was a difficult one because the team thought he was trying to explain hula hoop with the way he was swinging his hips.
“I...I have no clue, man,” Jen shrugged, looking confused.
“What is he doing? He’s really bad,” the older team pointed out.
“Next one!” V said
“How do I do this?” he pondered
“Stairs!” Jimin answered as they watched V walk down.
But nothing he was doing was getting through their heads.
“A mountain God!” Jungkook randomly answered. “Elevat...escalator!”
Then V showed off his teeth, making them assume it was a vampire. Jungkook answered Dracula and got it correct.
“Poop! Urgent poop!” Jimin answered as they watched V look uncomfortable.
"You got gas?” Jen wondered.
“Constipation!” Jungkook said and got it correct.
Once the older team went, Jennie and the rest of the boys laughed at how extra J-Hope was to try to show off the word with his body. And she was blown away at how easily her opponents were getting everything right. They were good at this game, yelling out answers.
In the end, the younger team got 5 points while the older team got 6 and won the tournament and prize.
“I’m not going to team up with V again,” Jungkook announced.
“Hey, come on...” V grinned sheepishly.
“We almost won,” Jimin added as he walked away with Jungkook.
“Stop being mean. I’ll be teaming up with you, again. It’s all good. At least we had fun,” Jennie smiled and ruffled V’s hair, making him feel better about himself.
Off camera, Jennie spotted an open volleyball court and suggested, “Hey, can we play another game?”
“What game?” V asked.
“Volleyball. We can be on different teams,”
“I want Jennie on my team!” Jimin announced and grabbed a hold of her.
The Golden Maknae made a facial expression of protest. “No, she’s going to be on my team,” he reached out for her, pulling her away from Jimin. He held her close into his arms while playfully glaring at him.
“No way. I said she’s on my team first,”
“You only want her because Jennie decimates everyone in volleyball during the Idol Star Athletic Championships,”
“Okay, but it’s unfair if you and her are on the same team! It’ll be OP!”
“V, help?” she pleaded as she was in the middle of this tug of war.
V did help get her out of it as they watched Jimin and Jungkook bicker.
“OP? What is OP?” Namjoon asked.
“Over Powered. Overpowering. You know. Like in video games,” Jen explained.
After some serious protest, the teams were split up so that JenKook could face each other. Jen had Jimin, J-Hope, and Namjoon while Jungkook had V, Suga, and Jin.
“Okay babe, be prepared to lose,” she stuck her tongue out at Jungkook, initiating his competitive side.
“We’ll see about that,” he answered.
The game started great, a back and forth battle. Even though Jungkook said he wouldn’t team up with V because he made their team lose, V was doing a great job keeping the ball up in the air. 
Jennie spiked the ball but Jungkook managed to block it. “Darn it!“
"Move faster, honey,” he teased her.
“Shut it!”
As the game progressed, she watched as Jin prepared to hit the ball over the net. She dashed forward and jumped high in the air while throwing her hands up. The ball smacked against her palm and managed to stay on his side, winning a point for her team.
Their game had a lot of close calls along with Jimin and Jin bickering. But in the end, Jen’s team won thanks to Namjoon’s unexpected spike.
“Yes!” she ran and jumped on his back, giving him multiple kisses on his cheek. “We did it!”
In the evening, the group went to the Dubai Mall and watched the largest fountain show during dinner. They took tons of photos and videos of the sight and then went to stand around to get a better view.
With the cameras away from them, Jungkook stood behind Jen and kissed her cheek as they watched the show.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
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Ask and thou shalt receive ✨❤️ hope you enjoy it!
Our Story - Max Fewtrell
gender neutral first person pov // 912 words // quadrant core being chaotic; just fluff
“Wait, Max, are you lying in bed?”
“Yeah? What of it?”
“Lazy sod!”
“Oi! It’s Sunday afternoon, I’m allowed to be lazy!”
The bickering continued next to me. Max was, in fact, lying on his bed with his phone stretched out in front of him, watching his friends faces on the screen. It was always nice when they did social calls - I got a good giggle out of whatever stories the core Quadrant members had to share.
Even though they didn’t know I existed.
My boyfriend looked over from his spot, to see me smiling as I lay next to him and I watched his eyes turn to hearts in front of me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one.
“Max! What are you looking at?” Ria’s voice was heard.
“Lies! He’s gone all gooey.” Niran. “Who’s with you?”
“No one, it’s just me.” Max tried to defend himself.
Even though I couldn’t see them, I could imagine the faces of everyone on the call as more chaos ensued.
I couldn’t stop myself: I laughed.
“Oh my god there is something with you!” Lando nearly yelled.
It became impossible to hear anyone clearly for a few seconds as they all spoke over each other. Max’s face scrunched up at all the voices, clearly regretting his life choices.
“Hello random person!”
“Is it someone we know?”
“Let’s see them then!”
Gently, I patted Max’s leg to get his attention and he moved closer.
“It’s ok, you can tell them,” I whispered in his ear.
“Are you sure?” He whispered back.
I nodded, to which Max smiled and got back in front of the camera.
“Ok, ok! All of you shut up!”
The silence came thick and fast.
“I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
~ It had started just like any other day. The sun baked the streets and made buildings glitter as it hit windows far above my head. I had planned my day ahead of time and knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.
And then everything went sideways when I saw him. He was standing by himself on the pavement, a confused expression on his face and a map in his hand. Normally, I would leave tourists to their own devices – there were plenty of places to get help if one needed it. But there was something about him; maybe it was the spark of kindness that I saw in his eyes as he moved out of an elderly man’s way.
“Excuse me?”
He turned, looking as bewildered as I felt by this interaction.
“Do you need some help?” I asked, and watched his entire body relax.
“Yeah. Yes, please. I’m so lost.” He said in a British accent and smiled, almost nervously.
On the map, he pointed out where he was wanted to go and much to his luck, I was going the same way.
“We can walk together,” I suggested. “Make sure that you don’t get lost again.”
“I would very much appreciate that.”
And so, we walked. He told me his name was Max and then I told him mine. He explained to me about how he had wanted to be a normal tourist for the day, get out onto the streets and experience Dubai for himself. And how with that experience had come with getting lost within the first five minutes of leaving his hotel.
Although I felt bad, I was also amused. Max seemed so genuine in his efforts and the way he spoke about things. It didn’t hurt either that he was kind of cute.
- “When’s your flight landing?”
“It should be 4pm UK time.”
The airport was grand and it seemed that the stream of people moving about never seemed to end. But soon enough I would be in the air and on my way to England, and this would be a memory.
“Ok, send me a message when you land,” Max’s voice was soft through the phone.
“Yes, Max. You’ve already asked me to do that.”
“Sorry, I just want to make sure that I’m there.” He paused. “I’ve really missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. But we’ll see each other soon.”
I looked up and saw the sign change, showing that it was time to board.
“Max, I have to go, we’re boarding.”
“Fly safe, please.”
I laughed a little at that. “I’m not the one flying the plane.”
“I know but… just… Be safe, I love you.”
~ Max finished telling our story and waited with baited breath.
“You’ve been in a relationship for a year and we didn’t know about it!?” Lando finally said.
“Can we meet them?” Steve.
Max seemed hesitant. Despite having told them the whole story, a year of keeping everything on the downlow was about to officially end. I could see that Max didn’t want to give it up just yet.
“Max,” I said quietly. “Give me the phone.”
Slowly, Max passed the phone over as I sat up properly.
“Hello, everyone.”
Yet again that afternoon, chaos erupted as everyone on the call tried to be the first to say ‘hello’ or ask questions.
The smile was on my face without even thinking. I felt Max slip his arm around my shoulders and pull me closer.
“It’s nice to finally meet you all,” I said, though I doubted they could even hear me.
And so I started the next chapter of my story with Max.
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Desert Safari With Quad Biking in Dubai: An Unforgettable Adventure
Desert Safari With Quad Biking Dubai - A city synonymous with luxury, innovation, and adventure, offers a myriad of experiences for thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike. Among the most exhilarating of these is the desert safari, particularly when it includes quad biking. This blend of adrenaline and awe-inspiring landscapes makes for a must-do activity for any visitor. Here’s everything you need to know about embarking on a desert safari with quad biking in Dubai.
The Allure of the Desert Safari
A desert safari is a journey into the heart of Dubai’s vast and enchanting desert. It's an opportunity to escape the bustling city and immerse yourself in the serene, golden dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The safari typically includes a variety of activities, but quad biking stands out for those who crave an extra dose of adventure.
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What to Expect
1. Pick-up and Arrival: Most desert safaris begin with a convenient pick-up from your hotel. You’ll then be driven to the desert in a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle. The journey itself is a delight, offering glimpses of the city's skyline gradually giving way to endless sands.
2. Safety Briefing and Gear Up: Upon arrival at the desert camp, you’ll receive a safety briefing from experienced instructors. They’ll provide you with all the necessary gear, including helmets and gloves, ensuring your safety throughout the adventure.
3. Quad Biking Thrill: Once geared up, it’s time to hop on your quad bike. These powerful, all-terrain vehicles are designed to tackle the rugged desert landscape. After a quick introduction to the controls, you’ll set off on an exhilarating ride. Feel the rush as you navigate through the dunes, experiencing the thrill of climbing steep hills and descending rapidly.
4. Photo Opportunities: The desert provides a stunning backdrop for photographs. There will be plenty of opportunities to stop and capture the beauty of the dunes, especially during the golden hour when the sun sets, casting a magical glow over the landscape.
5. Additional Activities: Many safari packages offer a range of other activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sand boarding, and falconry displays. These add a cultural and traditional touch to your adventure, giving you a well-rounded experience.
6. Evening Entertainment: As night falls, the desert camp comes alive with cultural performances. Enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner under the stars while watching traditional dance shows, including belly dancing and Tanoura performances.
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Tips for a Great Experience
Dress Comfortably: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for the desert climate. Don’t forget sunglasses and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
Stay Hydrated: The desert heat can be intense, so ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Listen to Your Guide: Pay attention to the safety instructions and follow your guide’s advice to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Capture the Moments: Bring a good camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views and memorable moments.
Why Quad Biking in Dubai?
Quad biking in Dubai’s desertoffers a unique combination of adventure and natural beauty. The vast expanse of the desert, with its towering dunes and pristine sands, provides the perfect playground for thrill-seekers. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a novice, the experience is tailored to ensure you have a blast while staying safe.
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Conclusion - Desert Safari With Quad Biking in Dubai: An Unforgettable Adventure
Desert Safari With Quad Biking Dubai is more than just an adventure; it’s a journey into the heart of the emirate’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. It’s an experience that blends the thrill of explorationwith the serenity of the desert, making it an unforgettable part of your Dubai itinerary. So, gear up, rev your engine, and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime. UAE for desert safari, sightseeing tour, dhow cruise, mountain tour. Beautiful site for desert safari in Dubai, evening desert safari, overnight desert safari, dubai city tour and dinner cruises.
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indiatodubai · 1 year
Travel Tips for Visiting Dubai for The First Time
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Are you traveling to Dubai as a tourist for the very first time? Let’s explore some travel tips, so that you can get the most out of Dubai during your first time visit in here.
Getting Your Visa
Unless you hold a passport from a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country, you'll need to obtain a visa to enter Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Dubai visa for US Citizens has a validity of 30 days. You can apply for it online before coming. Be sure to have a printed copy of your visa approval letter before boarding your flight.
The visa process is straightforward but do give yourself enough time to complete the application to avoid last-minute delays. Double-check that your passport meets the validity requirements and that you have adequate blank pages available.
Booking Accommodations
When choosing where to stay, consider proximity to the metro system which makes it easy to explore different neighbourhoods and attractions. Staying somewhere along the Sheikh Zayed Road corridor puts you near many popular sites.
For your first visit, consider staying in Deira or Bur Dubai on the northern side of Dubai Creek. This area offers a fascinating glimpse into old Dubai before the mega-development began. The Al Fahidi Historical District is packed with traditional architecture, souks, and museums.
Packing Tips
What you pack for Dubai depends largely on when you visit. If visiting in summer, pack lightweight, light-coloured clothing along with hats, sunglasses, and high SPF sunscreen. For other months, bring some warmer items for the evenings, but shorts and T-shirts will likely suffice during daytime.
As a conservative Islamic society, Dubai has a dress code requiring shoulders and knees to be covered when exploring mosques and other religious sites. Avoid excessively tight, sheer, or revealing outfits.
Getting Around
Dubai has excellent public transportation including the Dubai Metro, which has stops near most attractions. Taxis are widely available and offer a comfortable way to travel between farther flung neighbourhoods and sites.
For crossing Dubai Creek, you can take an abra (traditional ferry) between Deira and Bur Dubai. If spending time on the beach, the Jumeirah Beach Residence and Dubai Marina areas are best accessed by car or taxi.
Exploring the Neighbourhoods
A great way to begin exploring Dubai is simply walking around the Al Fahidi Historical District to admire the traditional wind tower architecture. From there, stop by the Dubai Museum and Grand Mosque before taking an abra across Dubai Creek.
In Deira, wander through narrow lanes and covered souks bursting with gold, spices, electronics, and textiles. Don't miss the bustling Deira Spice and Gold Souks.
Cross back over the Creek to see the outdoor markets and boutiques of Bur Dubai. Stroll through textile and carpet souks before visiting the historic Al Bastakiya neighborhood. The Dubai Frame's glass observation decks provide excellent views.
Sheikh Zayed Road is Dubai's glittering skyscraper corridor. There's plenty of shopping at Dubai Mall and dining at The Beach JBR entertainment complex. Don't miss the iconic Burj Khalifa, and book tickets in advance to go up to At the Top observation deck.
Getting out on the water is recommended, whether by traditional wooden dhow boat or sleek modern yacht. Many companies offer sightseeing cruises or dinner cruises with live entertainment.
Visiting the Mosques in Dubai
To experience Islamic architecture and culture, devote time to visiting some of Dubai's ornate mosques. Non-Muslims can enter many mosques in Dubai but be sure to dress conservatively.
The Jumeirah Mosque is particularly welcoming to visitors. Free one-hour tours operate daily to share insight into Islamic traditions. Cameras are allowed.
The Iranian Mosque features intricate blue tilework and detailed arches reminiscent of ancient Persia.
Built in 1900, the Al Farooq Omar Bin Al Khattab Mosque is one of Dubai's oldest. The intricate carvings and decorations are worth seeing.
The Grand Mosque dwarfs them all and is a key landmark of Bur Dubai. Be sure to see this magnificent structure illuminated at night.
Heading to the Desert
No visit to the UAE is complete without experiencing the desert landscapes. Choose between a Desert Safari with dune bashing, camel rides and barbecue dinners or a serene overnight stay at a luxury desert camp.
Arrange an excursion through a reputable tour company for a smoother, safer experience. Morning tours work best in summer to avoid the punishing daytime heat.
Shopping and Dining
Shopping enthusiasts flock to Dubai for good reason. Enormous malls like Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates house every global brand imaginable. Seek out traditional Emirati handicrafts and souvenirs in the old souks and the Dubai Creek Park markets.
Foodies will find diverse culinary delights. Sample Emirati cuisine like harees (wheat porridge) or machboos (spiced rice). Dig into tender Persian kebabs or fresh Indian curries. Jumeirah Beach Road has a terrific selection of restaurants.
With this handy first-time visitor's guide, you'll be equipped for an amazing introduction to spectacular Dubai!
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Ensuring Student Safety
School bus cameras are primarily installed to ensure the safety of students during their bus rides. These cameras can capture various incidents, such as bullying, vandalism, or other disruptive behavior, which may go unnoticed by the driver. When parents know that these incidents can be recorded and reviewed, it encourages students to behave better and fosters a safer environment for all.
Deterrence of Inappropriate Behavior
Knowing that they are being monitored, students are less likely to engage in inappropriate or dangerous behavior on the school bus. This includes not only bullying but also activities like standing up, moving around the bus while it's in motion, or not wearing seat belts. The presence of cameras acts as a deterrent, leading to improved discipline and a more secure transportation environment.
Accountability for Drivers
In addition to monitoring student behavior, school bus cameras also hold drivers accountable for their actions. These cameras can help ensure that drivers are following safety protocols and driving responsibly. If a driver does not adhere to the rules, parents can rest assured knowing that there is a visual record of the incident that can be used for investigations and disciplinary actions.
Real-Time Access for Parents
One of the most significant advantages of school bus cameras is the ability for parents to access live video feeds from their children's bus routes. Many school districts have implemented apps or online platforms that allow parents to monitor their child's journey in real-time. This feature provides an added layer of security, as parents can ensure that their child has boarded the correct bus and arrived safely at their destination.
Peace of Mind for Parents
Parents often worry about their child's safety while they are away at school. School bus cameras help alleviate some of these concerns by providing parents with the ability to check in on their child during their commute. This peace of mind can improve the overall well-being of parents and students alike, knowing that they are connected even when physically separated.
Evidence in Case of Incidents
In unfortunate situations where an incident occurs on the bus or near the bus stop, the footage from school bus cameras can serve as valuable evidence. This evidence can be crucial for resolving disputes, ensuring justice is served, and holding accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing.
The implementation of cameras on school buses has transformed the way we approach student safety. These cameras not only promote better behavior among students but also empower parents to actively monitor their children's commute. As technology continues to advance, we can expect further improvements in school bus camera systems, making the journey to and from school even safer for our most precious passengers. In the end, it's a win-win situation that benefits both students and parents, ensuring that school bus rides are as safe and secure as possible.
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Mobile digital video recorders allow you to view live footage, store video data, and track vehicles using video management software or a web browser on any remote or local computer over a network. TEKTRON ‘S offers 3G mobile DVR, 4G mobile DVR in 4 and 8 channels to suit a wide variety of security needs for your vehicle. MDVR , Mobile digital video recording , school bus tracking , bus camera , live fleet tracking
Mobile DVR (3G, GPS, Wifi) operated with CMS (central monitoring software) is used to realize fleet management online and achieve a full range of vehicles and drivers monitoring function, such as real-time video and audio monitoring, GPS positioning, vehicle tracking, voice intercom, vehicle alarms, driving route record, etc mobile dvr Dubai .
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Inferno - Re-Review #49
Is this it’s first TV appearance? Yes, it is. The episode that never aired (in the UK) - even in the Series 2 re-runs, due to the Grenfell Tower fire. Now, it is finally being given its long awaited slot- Oh, no, hold fire.
We still can’t (or it’s been decided not to) air ‘Inferno’ in the UK because of the case being in court, being held off by the current situation. I do completely understand that - I’m not unsympathetic in anyway, but - for us fans - this is a gem of an episode that is being swept under the carpet, which is why I’m reviewing it in this series anyway, because it really does deserve it’s place in the lineup in my opinion. (And I’m a little OCD and on’t want it out of order too much so I’m doing it now not later. If they air it after ‘The Long Reach’ I’ll be annoyed)!
Anyhow, this is the first of two reviews for today and we get to start with a lovely tall tower. Now, when has that ever been a good idea? This episode bears similarities to ‘Towering Inferno’ and ‘City of Fire’ (TOS).
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This is another one of our ‘Joker’s’ Club - Current members;
Light-fingered Fred
Ms Baker
Langstrom Fischler
Francois Lemaire
Mr Yost
Professor Harold
Feel free to suggest others and I will add them to the Hall of Shame. (Ned is saved because he’s actually nice and he has the best intentions, he just can’t achieve them. I like Ned okay? He doesn’t deserve to be in this club).
Today anyhow, this show of stupidity is all in the interest of breaking a record - because one man can’t handle the fact that someone built a building taller than his. That would be Mr Yost - I think his place in the above hall is aptly given.
“This is the Crystal Spire! The World’s first StarScraper. I designed it to be the world’s tallest structure, then they built a bigger one in Dubai. Tonight, ’m going to raise the  entire building by seven record shattering metres. Trust me, the lifting process is 100% safe.”
Do you know what else they said that about? Moving The Empire State Building in TOS’ ‘Terror In New York City’. We all know how that one ended.
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It did look pretty for a moment there, before you know, all the fires burst out and everything.
“Your job is to make sure those electrojacks hold. If they fail, fire will be the lest of our problems.”
Yeah... we’d have another Empire State incident on our hands and no one wants that. Big Ben’s probably going to fall into the Thames one day as it already is, we don’t need the ‘grand’ Crystal Spire joining it.
“Please, please, save my building!”
“I think you mean save those people!”
I like her already. She can stay.
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Cue acting faces;
Put on your best shocked and worried expressions!
I think this lot nailed it.
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Bravely going where no firefighters have gone before! Putting out fires to save lives, and accidentally getting trapped beneath about eight tonnes of rubble. Not so hooray..
I wonder if Conrad’s brother is one of these firefighters? That would have been a nice touch. Slough isn’t London, but isn’t too far away. It’s not outside the realms of possibility.
“We can’t do this alone. International Rescue, come in. It’s McCready. That offer still good?”
“Absolutely Chief. We’re on our way.”
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Oh the annoying title cards are back interrupting the flow. Someone obviously ‘forgot’ to do an extra bit of animating... again.
Nice little throwback to ‘Move and You’re Dead’ here. Not that Alan’s won anything at this point.
“Make me look cool.”
“We haven’t got all day.”
“Oh, and really heroic.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“And make sure you show how totally good looking I am.”
I feel like this is what Virgil does when he starts painting - he just half listen and answers quickly and shortly.
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Alan is such a poser. Has he ever played Musical Statues do you think? The point is staying still. So I think not. In fairness though, he probably never had a normal styled birthday party.
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“Erherm... International Rescue, we have a situation. Virgil, Alan, we need you both in Thunderbird Two.”
“Alan, you can move now!”
John honestly looks very confused and amused.
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Cue everyone gasping over the arrival of Thunderbird Two. It is a pretty cool sigyht.
“That is one tall tower.”
“Crystal Spire. One thousand,one hundred and twenty five metres, ground to tip.It’s supposed to be some sort of architectural masterpiece.”
“It probably looks a lot better when it’s not on fire. Chief McCready, this International Rescue.”
“Meet me up on the 47th floor and be prepare for some heavy lifting.”
“I was made for heavy lifting.”
Boasting. He does kind of have rights though. He was made for heavy lifting.
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“No way in. But as dad always said. If you can’t find a door...”
“...Make one!”
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Cue badass leap to the other side.
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Cue near dangerous, deadly fall to the possible other side.
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This episode has it all and we’re halfway there!
“How’s it looking?”
“Remember that time you supercharged the barbecue?”
“My eyebrows have only just grown back.”
I should have guessed Virgil would have music on board, but really that sounded like something Gordon and Alan would listen to and it definitely made me life.
“Ooops, sorry, wrong playlist!”
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Cue secondary fire exploding through the building.
“Thunderbird Two, you okay up there?”
“Yeah. (Nothing a respray won’t fix).”
Goodness Alan, you are never going to be allowed to pilot Two again.
Speaking of pilots, are you okay there, Virgil, you know, just holding that lift above your head to stop it crushing you?
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“I’m sure Brains won’t mind too much.”
I think that means Brains is going to go crazy. Wait until he sees Thunderbird Two. Actually correction, wait until Virgil sees Thunderbird Two!
And here we have another of the best ever entrances to a rescue;
“We’re here to rescue you!”
“Uh, that’s usually my line.”
Still doesn’t top Scott and Ned though - in my opinion.
“What’s the evacuation plan?”
“Good question. Thunderbird Two, what’s the evacuation plan?”
“Well Thunderbird Two can’t get close enough. And we can’t really risk breaking the glass with so many people inside. Suppose a really big trampoline’s out the question?”
Yes, Alan, it is! Seriously, have you seen how much the prices have risen since Lockdown? I’m not forking out for one. I mean, I don’t really need or want one, I was just saying.
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Look at that face. This episode was literally just like Expressions of Virgil central.
“Everyone’s looking at me, Alan.”
“I don’t know, we could always... take off the top?”
“Take off the top of the building?!”
“Brilliant idea! Let’s do it.”
“Ok Alan, we’ll give it a try.”
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“Ditch the fire fighting module and come back for us.”
And show the camera how badly you’ve scratched up Virgil’s Thunderbird. Yeah, he’s gonna’ go bonkers.
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“How’s the view?”
Quite literally if you aren’t careful, Virgil.
We know logically they’ll catch each other, but these shots still get me. They’re pretty cool.
“Thanks Tracy.”
“Don’t mention it. We’re a team remember?”
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Now Virgil’s doing a Gordon, and doing a George of the Jungle impression!
“Ah! What did you do? What did you do to my Crystal Spire!”
Don’t you mean ‘what did you do?’ After all, it was Mr Yost who moved it, and lit it up, and set it on fire...
“Second tallest..?”
That man is obsessed. Let’s move on. He annoys me (although not as much as Fischler, it must be said).
“If you ever feel like a break from flying, there’s always a spot for you on my team.”
“Well, I do have some vacation time coming- Alan! What did you do to my ship?”
“Uh, it’s not as bad as it looks! All it needs is a spot of paint.”
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”Paint: that reminds me... Come on, Alan, we’ve gotta get back and finish your portrait.”
“Just promise you won’t make me look too short! Or hairy! Or give me goofy teeth!”
You’re giving him ideas, Alan.
“Virgil? Virge? Oh man!”
Yeah, already said way too much, and Virgil ignoring you is probably not boding well.
And there’s just about time for the finished painting (as the Grand MAX left it) to end this Review.
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P.S. Virgil definitely has more artistic talent than MAX, sorry MAX! Although in fairness to him, I’m not quite sure that’s the result he was aiming for.
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jkfortunekookies · 7 years
Jeon Jungkook : A SUMMARY PART 2
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Part 1
“ I don’t want to get married. No... I mean, I’m not ready for marriage. It’s something that is still very far away in my mind.” -JJK 2k14 (AHL behind the scene)
 Fan ask Jungkook when he wants to get married : Jungkook writes * in 100 years* on the post it
Every member pointed at him when they were asked who was the most likely to get married early : “ WHY ME *scandalized tone* ??!!!” - JJK 2k17 (amas red carpet)
“Go to sleep hyung” @jimin, when it really means “ Stop bothering me” (Bangtan bomb)
Puts a plastic wrapper inside his mouth and slowly spits it back like a 4 years old kid as the Stylist takes it away from his mouth as if she is one of his parents.
*rolls on the desert’s sand and lands perfectly like a ninja* (Dubai)
“ These noonas really know how to pose for the cameras.They could be idols just like us!” (Bon voyage s2 ,Hawaii)
“ It felt so weird to travel without the staff” 
* Dances to girl groups songs and does it better than them*
Impersonates Jessie : “ BIG BOOTAY!” (YamanTV)
*Stares at the result board rather competitively during ISAC 2015*
*touches the wrong exit door by accident and the alarm starts running* : “ Oh no *wide eyes* I-I thought we could use that exit door . Guess I was wrong...”  
 “ Let me introduce you to my new friend. *zooms his camera on the lizard on the wall* Hi there, my friend *giggles* +  *Finds another lizard * : “ Oh Oh Oh! There’s another friend right there!!” 
*sleeps in pikachu onesies and daffy duck pajamas (isn’t he PRECIOUS?!)*
*wrestles down every other male idol* (ISAC 2015)
*sticks close like a puppy to his new friends from seventeen* (ISAC 2017)
*runs faster than a rocket*
*Picks up jimin in his arms as if it was a feather he picked up from the ground*
* jams to Blackpink and knows all the lyrics to Whistle,Playing with fire and Boombayah*
“ I’m an expensive man *smirk*” -JJK 2k16
*eats banana kick during almost every fansign*
*Eyes widen when fans bring him food during the fansigns*
When a fan brought him an endless supply of gifts and every time she handed him one , he bowed and thanked her (for every gift) : “ Thank you *bows*, Thank you *bows*, Thank you *bows*, Thank you *bows + giggles*” (Fansign 2013)
“ I wish we could turn the salt water in the ocean into beer. It would be much better” 
“ I forgot my earphones in the room so I can’t listen to music, I’m not legal so I can’t drink...*sighs as he lays down in the boat* aren’t I really pitiful right now? *fakes a cry* ” (Bon Voyage s2)
*takes pictures with his classmates and writes them a few cheerful messages to encourage them during finals* 
* Arrived late in class during a final exam and took the test in 10 minutes after exiting the room* + *His teacher caught up with him*: “ Jungkook, seems like you chose randomly...”
*picks up three chairs at the same time*
  “ The game is called : Let’s try beating jungkook” his hyungs said and he scoffed in disbelief  “ Why would you call that game like that? What am I, a monster or something *offended laugh* ?” (BTS Countdown Live “Burning Live”)
*drank chocolate milk instead of alcohol because he still wasn’t legal at the time*
*When yoongi forbid Jungkook to drink in the states at their after party in their hotel, and Jungkook still took a sip of the champagne while turning off the vlive*
“*reads comments*  Jungkook hyung is so freaking handsome? *Gasps+ perverted face activated* Thank you~~~” - JJK 2k17
“ Then I arrived,the one and only ‘miracle boy’ who saved this group. Seven agencies fought to recruit me. You could say that without me, BTS wouldn’t be BTS *smirk*” (BTS Countdown 2017)
“ It’s hella trophies and it’s hella thick!”
“ I’m just really sensitive to smells, so I like collecting candles, perfumes and other stuff *awkward face*” (YamanTV)
When a fan asked him to draw her friend because she(the friend) couldn’t be there and he drew a girl with bangs and the fan asked him why he drew her with bangs : “ I don’t know... aren’t girls cuter with bangs ? Cute girls always have bangs, don’t they? *pauses in confusion* I don’t even know *existential crisis* What do YOU think? *blinks*”
 That time when a young army showed up and asked him to draw her and he said : “ Won’t oppa ruin your cute face ?” 
How every time a fan ask him to draw them , he ends up adding bunny ears somewhere in his drawing : “ You look like a bunny!”
His pick up line that never fails : “ Want to grab a cup of milk with me?” (Japan)
*attaches key chains with pictures of his face on his earrings*
When BTS talked about a picture of jimin in their kitchen and Jungkook went like  : “ I get scared every time I get myself a drink at night because of that picture.”
“ Microwaves are scary! What if they explode?!” 
His little crush on IU and how he always claps whenever he sees her
Set of clothes with cute army patterns : “ I love sets. Especially when there’s a jacket included”
*impersonates Jimin’s hairflips to annoy him, but the latter loves it*
*that time he cringed his face and sighed because he was on a diet and the donuts looked too yummy*
*How he kept eating food nonstop while saying ; “ I’m full”*
*The way he puckers his lips as if he’s about to kiss any living thing next to him*
*when he accidentally boops his adorable round nose against every existing camera and looks slightly startled*
*the way he scrunches his nose and claps like a seal when he’s laughing*
*His high pitched laugh when he’s dying of laughter*
*opens his eye wide enough to be jungshook during the Flinch challenge with james corden*
*jaw drops while reacting to Jin’s kiss with the statue in their blood sweat and tears mv*
His self love is something admirable : “ Whoahhh Jungkookie, you look good!” - Jungkook @jungkook in mic drop mv 
“ I watched our mv 6 times because I looked so good in it *smirks*”-  JJK 2k17 @spring day mv
How impenetrable he is :  *What if a pretty girl approached you at school, what would you do?* and he answered : “ I’d walk away”
*His movie suggestions are all romantic stories : Kimi no nawa, Love Rosie, etc*
*He literally jumps like a bunny when he’s excited*
* How he impersonates his members and often get hit for being a little brat, but we all know he does it because he wants to get their attention*
*how he’s an agyeo bomb when you don’t expect it. He’s a natural*
Part 3? Maybe ....? :D
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Desert Safari With Quad Biking in Dubai: An Unforgettable Adventure
Desert Safari With Quad Biking Dubai - A city synonymous with luxury, innovation, and adventure, offers a myriad of experiences for thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike. Among the most exhilarating of these is the desert safari, particularly when it includes quad biking. This blend of adrenaline and awe-inspiring landscapes makes for a must-do activity for any visitor. Here’s everything you need to know about embarking on a desert safari with quad biking in Dubai.
The Allure of the Desert Safari
A desert safari is a journey into the heart of Dubai’s vast and enchanting desert. It's an opportunity to escape the bustling city and immerse yourself in the serene, golden dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The safari typically includes a variety of activities, but quad biking stands out for those who crave an extra dose of adventure.
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What to Expect
1. Pick-up and Arrival: Most desert safaris begin with a convenient pick-up from your hotel. You’ll then be driven to the desert in a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle. The journey itself is a delight, offering glimpses of the city's skyline gradually giving way to endless sands.
2. Safety Briefing and Gear Up: Upon arrival at the desert camp, you’ll receive a safety briefing from experienced instructors. They’ll provide you with all the necessary gear, including helmets and gloves, ensuring your safety throughout the adventure.
3. Quad Biking Thrill: Once geared up, it’s time to hop on your quad bike. These powerful, all-terrain vehicles are designed to tackle the rugged desert landscape. After a quick introduction to the controls, you’ll set off on an exhilarating ride. Feel the rush as you navigate through the dunes, experiencing the thrill of climbing steep hills and descending rapidly.
4. Photo Opportunities: The desert provides a stunning backdrop for photographs. There will be plenty of opportunities to stop and capture the beauty of the dunes, especially during the golden hour when the sun sets, casting a magical glow over the landscape.
5. Additional Activities: Many safari packages offer a range of other activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sand boarding, and falconry displays. These add a cultural and traditional touch to your adventure, giving you a well-rounded experience.
6. Evening Entertainment: As night falls, the desert camp comes alive with cultural performances. Enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner under the stars while watching traditional dance shows, including belly dancing and Tanoura performances.
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Tips for a Great Experience
Dress Comfortably: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for the desert climate. Don’t forget sunglasses and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
Stay Hydrated: The desert heat can be intense, so ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Listen to Your Guide: Pay attention to the safety instructions and follow your guide’s advice to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Capture the Moments: Bring a good camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views and memorable moments.
Why Quad Biking in Dubai?
Quad biking in Dubai’s desertoffers a unique combination of adventure and natural beauty. The vast expanse of the desert, with its towering dunes and pristine sands, provides the perfect playground for thrill-seekers. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a novice, the experience is tailored to ensure you have a blast while staying safe.
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Conclusion - Desert Safari With Quad Biking in Dubai: An Unforgettable Adventure
Desert Safari With Quad Biking Dubai is more than just an adventure; it’s a journey into the heart of the emirate’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. It’s an experience that blends the thrill of explorationwith the serenity of the desert, making it an unforgettable part of your Dubai itinerary. So, gear up, rev your engine, and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime. UAE for desert safari, sightseeing tour, dhow cruise, mountain tour. Beautiful site for desert safari in Dubai, evening desert safari, overnight desert safari, dubai city tour and dinner cruises.
Call or whats app 24/7 on: 📞 00971 55 553 8395
E.mail: [email protected] Details: https://desertsafaridubaiadventures.com/
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School bus tracking is a system used to monitor the location and movement of school buses in real-time. It provides valuable information to parents, school administrators, and transportation staff to ensure the safety and efficiency of school bus operations. Here are some key aspects of school bus tracking systems:
GPS Technology: School buses are equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) devices that use satellite signals to determine their precise location. These devices transmit the location data to a centralized server or a web-based application.
Real-time Monitoring: Parents, school officials, and transportation staff can access the school bus tracking system through a website or mobile app. They can view the real-time location of the buses, their estimated arrival times, and other relevant information.
Geofencing: Geofencing is a feature that allows the creation of virtual boundaries or zones. School bus tracking systems can utilize geofencing to define specific areas such as school premises or bus stops. When a bus enters or exits these predefined zones, the system sends alerts or notifications to concerned parties.
Notifications and Alerts: Parents or guardians can receive notifications or alerts through SMS, email, or push notifications regarding the bus's location, estimated arrival time, delays, or any changes in the bus route. This feature helps keep parents informed and reassured about their children's safety.
Attendance Tracking: School bus tracking systems can integrate with student attendance management systems. This integration enables schools to keep track of student boarding and alighting from the bus, ensuring accurate attendance records.
Route Optimization: Some advanced tracking systems can optimize bus routes based on real-time traffic conditions, road closures, and other factors. This feature helps reduce travel time, fuel consumption, and emissions, making school transportation more efficient.
Emergency Management: In case of emergencies, such as accidents or breakdowns, the school bus tracking system can quickly alert the appropriate authorities. The system can also help identify the nearest emergency services, facilitating prompt assistance.
School bus tracking systems are designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of school transportation by providing real-time information to stakeholders. They help parents feel more secure about their children's whereabouts and ensure that school buses operate smoothly and on schedule.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Five Things You Should Know About Google Destinations Desktop | google destinations desktop
We about appointment ten accepted anniversary destinations you may be tempted to arch for this year.
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Google Flights on desktop web updated with Google Material Theme .. | google destinations desktop
Where are you activity on anniversary this summer? The acknowledgment is: apparently nowhere! With the accession of Covid-19, our vacation planning has been put on hold. To alter our anniversary fortnight of blow and relaxation, bout companies and day-tripper boards accept been hasty to actualize basic breaks. At the affection of enabling these adventures are technologies that acquiesce us to escape from the bonds of lockdown to addition allotment of the world. Some of this technology is tried, activated and almost cheap. But the means in which we about biking is rapidly accretion and improving.
Here are some places armchair travellers can about explore.
You won’t charge to asphyxiate yourself in beige balm to airing forth the iconic Art Deco sidewalks of Miami’s South Beach, or watch the apple go by while sipping on a Cuba Libre in Little Havana. ‘See Miami’ uses the latest webcam technology to accompany the artery activity of Florida’s best acclaimed beach in to your home.
“Over the accomplished two decades we accept gone from webcams that booty account to amend to alive alive in HD and now 4K, but the camera is the accessible part,” says Katherine Donoghue of ‘See Miami’ webcam providers EarthCam. “The ambush is befitting bags of cameras alive above platforms seamlessly. Creating reliable, able-bodied technology to address adumbration over continued periods of time in all kinds of environments is the challenge. Our cameras affection able ‘self-healing’ and analytic systems to accumulate them online and operating and we accept able-bodied basement on the backend in accumulator and datacentre technology.” Area abutting for basic travelling? “The approaching is higher-quality alive streaming, bend recording and AI-powered services,” she says.
‘See Miami’ webcams
A agriculture white rhinoceros, the alarm of a black-backed jackal, the coo of a Cape turtle dove, and a mother bobcat acquisition her cubs. The chirps, barks and roars of African wildlife are brought to the assurance of your daybed in ‘Safari for the Senses’ created by Thanda Safari, a clandestine bold reserve.
Thanda’s citizen wildlife columnist and complete recordist Christian Sperka extracted the complete from iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone Max videos supplemented by a Rode Video-Mic Me-L directional microphone. He was acquirements on the job, but the technology was not his better challenge. “The wind and the adversity in accepting abutting abundant to the animals for acceptable recordings are the bigger issue,” says Sperka, who afraid about the affiliated accident of advancing the wildlife he was recording as microphones accept far beneath ranges than camera lenses.
Listen to the carnival sounds [Warning: you adeptness charge to about-face the complete bottomward for the roars!]
If you go online at the aforementioned time as this Wiltshire wildlife allure would commonly open, you can booty a basic bout encountering tigers, cheetahs, wolves and the park’s acclaimed lions. The 30-minute adventure, anecdotal by wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, uses a admixture of audio commentary, video footage and still images.
“We’ve accumulated the absolute Carnival Esplanade audio annotation by Kate, which visitors use back active through the park, with video footage and photos to try and carbon the absolute drive-through experience,” says James Bailey, Longleat’s business director. “The bout additionally appearance bombinate footage and video which gives admirers different new perspectives into the esplanade and its animals.”
Longleat’s carnival shows that there’s a huge appetence for online biking experiences. The aboriginal chargeless bout was watched by a over bisected a actor bodies over a three-day period, with basic tourists travelling with from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, America, India and the United Arab Emirates. Many absitively to acquaintance the drive-through Esplanade as absolutely as possible. “Some absitively to watch it in their anchored cars,” says Bailey. “Others adapted their active apartment into mini carnival parks with beastly toys.”
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To accompany the tour, go to www.longleat.co.uk or any of Longleat’s amusing media channels at 10am on Saturdays
Thrill-seekers can creep with the adrenaline blitz of benumbed a roller coaster after any fear. On Efteling’s YouTube channel, there’s a accumulating of POV (point of view) videos filmed from the advanced carrying of the rides of this bogie account affair esplanade in Kaatsheuvel, south Holland, including baptize coaster De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman) and a 360-degree appearance of double-track lath racer coaster Joris en de Draak (George and the Dragon). For the brave, there’s the Baron 1898 dive coaster, which plunges 37.5m in to a mineshaft at 90kmh. There’s additionally a beneath nail-biting airing through of the recently-opened Fabula, the 4D blur adventitious created in accord with British flat animators Aardman.
POV footage has existed back the aboriginal cameras were army in aboriginal airplanes and cars with the purpose of giving admirers the faculty of what it was like to see things aboriginal hand, through the operator’s eyes. Dick Barrymore, an aboriginal activity filmmaker, experimented with blur cameras and adverse weights army to a helmet and apparent he could ski unencumbered while capturing affecting footage of backdrop and added skiers, in aboriginal wearable technology. Numerous companies accept developed acknowledged POV designs since, from laparoscopic video accessories acclimated central the anatomy during medical procedures, to aerial tech blur and agenda cameras army to jets. Still, wearable technology continues to face challenges of adherence and affection of image.
To feel the thrill, go to Efetling’s YouTube channel
Trek through the Galapagos and attestant the islands’ agitable activity up close. Google Earth Outreach teamed up with the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos National Esplanade to aftermath the online belvedere that allows visitors to apprentice about Darwin’s assignment on the islands in 1835 as if they were on an campaign themselves. His appointment was acute in the development of his access of evolution.
Image credit: c/o Lotus PR
Via 360-degree across-the-board images stitched calm and the first-person artery appearance mode, you’re taken on a modern-day mapping campaign as if you were the Victorian charlatan himself. The Galapagos are home to a ample cardinal of ancient species, including the acclaimed Giant Tortoise. You can additionally dive bottomward underwater to ascertain the islands’ abyssal life, such as the Abyssal Iguana begin boilerplate abroad in the world, through the Catlin Seaview Survey, a accurate analysis creating a baseline almanac of the world’s apricot reefs in high-resolution 360 amount across-the-board vision.
Dive bottomward and explore the Galapagos
Visit the Etihad Museum, accoutrement the history of the United Arab Emirates, aberrate through the adequate Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood or alike access through the comfortable doors of one of the city’s abundant hotels.
Dubai 360 (screenshot apparent above) is an online belvedere that offers across-the-board video and accurate agreeable of sites of absorption above the Emirati burghal accompaniment – the alone 360 city-wide basic bout in the world, with alone photographs, videos, and time-lapse panoramas. Creators Dubai Film, the aboriginal aggregation to put 8K resolution 360 videos on Youtube, acclimated the latest DSLR cameras and lenses, as able-bodied as custom fabricated rigs for all still photos, time-lapses and hyperlapses. “It was important to get the accomplished resolution possible, on boilerplate about 200-megapixel solutions, compared to Facebook’s 75 megapixels maximum, with panoramas up to 45 gigapixels,” says Michael Essey, ambassador at Dubai Film. “The bout has about 6,000 photos and dozens of 360 videos affiliated to over 32,000 hotspots. The 360 editors, with accordant coding and 360 bond capability, additionally comedy a huge role.
“The 360 VR solutions will anon become accepted accident as we abide to advance in the agenda age and we as a aggregation will either accept to acclimate or abandon into irrelevancy. Each day, new devices, new technologies and adapted software are accessible in the market. In the future, as VR goggles become added mainstream, we will eventually see Basic Reality (VR) admix with Augmented Reality (AR) for an added dimension.”
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Explore Dubai
We may be alive in isolation, but we’re befitting in blow through video conferencing platforms like Zoom, GoToMeeting and Ryver. We can additionally admit backgrounds images over the blooming awning of our laptops to beard and awning over our blowzy bedchamber offices, agreement ourselves anywhere in the world.
San Francisco Biking Association is alms seven chargeless backgrounds that can be uploaded to Zoom, including the West Bank city’s iconic celebrated cable cars and the Golden Gate Bridge. “Naturally, we ambition anybody could appointment San Francisco appropriate now, but until things change we appetite to accord bodies a way to attending like they’re accepting a about abundant time in our city,” says Joe D’Alessandro, president, San Francisco Biking Association.
Zoom’s basic accomplishments affection allows you to affectation any angel or video (including your own anniversary snaps) as a accomplishments during a meeting. It works best with a blooming awning and compatible lighting, to acquiesce Zoom to ascertain the aberration amid you and your accomplishments (if the affection is acclimated on an iPhone 8 and after models, instead of computer, no blooming awning is necessary).
Zoom backgrounds accept become a badly accepted way of travel: a contempo analysis showed that 57 per cent of users said the adeptness to change the accomplishments angel is their favourite aspect of Zoom. Times Square in New York is the best acclimated day-tripper allure accomplishments angel on Zoom, carefully followed by the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Upload the Zoom backgrounds
All you charge is a acute buzz to see the zookeepers agriculture Elvis the abyssal crocodile at the Australian Reptile Park, Sydney, or accept a adventitious to admix with marsupials at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane. Australian zoos and wildlife parks accept jumped at the adventitious to accompany online visitors abaft the scenes, creating a arrangement of alive alive into the cages, enclosures, fields and tanks area usually alone keepers are accustomed to tread. You can accompany the penguins for cafeteria at Sea Activity Sydney and try to bolt a glimpse of the snow bobcat cubs at Werribee Accessible Range Zoo (they absorb best of their time sleeping). BirdLife Australia Discovery Centre’s EagleCam has a alive beck of a citizen brace of Sydney’s white-bellied sea eagles. Citizens of the Abundant Barrier Reef, an organisation alive to bottle reefs worldwide, are alive real-time abstracts so you can clue the movements and area of tagged turtles, sharks and manta application off the Queensland coast.
Watch Australian wildlife online:
Australian Reptile Park
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Werribee Accessible Range Zoo
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SeaLife Sydney
Great Barrier Reef
Don’t aloof watch – take allotment in accurate bounded experiences, from hula dancing to ukulele performances, above the four islands of Oahu, Maui, Kauai and Hawaii. You can alike booty a ride on a baiter as if you were sailing it yourself.
‘Hawai’I VR’ is the world’s aboriginal immersive Basic Reality acquaintance that combines interactivity with accurate live-action footage. Application boring apprehension and customised adaptable headsets, armchair travellers baddest one of the four islands afresh float down, from a aboriginal being perspective, by paraglider to get a afterpiece look. These absent adventurers authority up the two Vive controllers in advanced of them as if they were the handles of a paraglider and ascendancy the acquaintance through a brace of august hands. As they access the island, the beheld acquaintance fades in to a 360 alive activity acquaintance area calm tourists can adore Hula in Hawaii, surfing in Oahu, sailing in Kauai, and wading through the waterfalls in Maui.
“Our abrupt from the Hawaii Tourism Authority was to carriage bodies to the Hawaiian Islands and advertise the different adventures in means they never imagined. We’ve created an acquaintance that allows our consumers to be allotment of the adventure,” say Framestore Pictures, leaders in the acreage of VR, who created the app. They additionally formed on addition far-off, if fantasy, acreage for Game of Thrones.
Download Hawaii VR: Let Hawaii Happen from the App Store.
This alien nation in the North Atlantic – center amid Iceland and Norway – can now be visited in absolute time through the eyes of a bounded islander. The bounded day-tripper board’s new Alien Tourism site, the aboriginal of its kind, allows those who can’t biking to analyze the Faroes’ asperous mountains, to see close-up its bottomward waterfalls and to atom the acceptable grass-roofed houses of this Nordic nation by interacting with a Faroese, who will act as their eyes, aerial and anatomy on a basic basic tour.
The Faroese adviser is able with a alive video camera, acceptance visitors not alone to see the angle from an on-the-spot perspective, but additionally to ascendancy area and how they analyze by application a joypad to turn, walk, run and alike jump. Aloof like a real-life computer game, the capital amateur will ascendancy the moves of the guide. They can accept to analyze on foot, horseback or by kayak. They can alike go up in a helicopter to calculation the 18 islands’ 80,000 sheep, bisected as abundant afresh as the animal population. The tours run alert daily, during which time any one company can ascendancy the bout for aloof one minute, although a bottomless cardinal can watch.
At the aforementioned time, Appointment Faroe Islands day-tripper lath aggregation are on Instagram and Facebook Alive to acknowledgment any questions. Guðrið Højgaard, administrator of Appointment Faroe Islands, says, “This new belvedere enables those in abreast to booty a airing above our agrarian landscapes, to achieve a faculty of abandon and to analyze above their own four walls.” The day-tripper lath already has a acceptability for avant-garde alien tourism: Google Sheep Appearance saw sheep allowance to map the island for Google Artery View.
Sign up for a Faroe Islands tour
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lesliepng · 7 years
It’s Japan!!!! Definitely one of the dream places that I’ve always wanted to visit and non of anybody had any bad comments about it after returning from their trip there. So yeah a day before my birthday, I flew to Japan!! 😛
This was also my first time taking the Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA) that provides so far the best service I’ve ever had onboard. Surprisingly the price for ANA this time was comparable with our local budget airline Airasia so ANA it is!
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Only if I can get this view from the plane!!!
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Nah this is the actual photo. Was just playing with a bit of photoshop on the previous photo 😛
So once we touched down, we took the Narita Express that took up to 90 minutes ride from Narita Airport to Shinjuku station. It would be great if you get a return tickets for the Narita Express cause it’s cheaper than buying separately. So it was a very chill experience along the way and by the time we landed it was almost 4pm in Japan time so sunset was just in time (sunset in Winter is earlier).
We checked into Ibis Hotel Shinjuku and it was already dark and we were soo soo hungry!!!
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The first night in Japan and I already fell in love! Look at the street and the lights!
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Not to mention it was colddddddddd.
The flow of my blog will be according to the timeline that I was in Japan so if you happen to see any place you’d like to visit or interested, please jot it down and feel free to ask me more about it!!!
Classic fact about the metro that everyone’s so so quiet and they stood so still in their own position. The fact that it was so safe being there, I didn’t mind being cramped tightly in the crowd.
The next morning we visited the famous Blue Bottle Coffee at Aoyama. Talking about Aoyama, ohh it’s just an indulgence just to walk around the streets with beautiful architectures around all the small alleys.
Checklist list ticked: to have that blue bottle paper cup 😛
The doughnut balls on the left was so so so good you must try!!! and we tried the lemon poppy seed cake too.
Then we continued strolling around the streets and kept being amazed by everything we’ve seen.
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Another fact about Japan is that the light and shadow are coordinating perfectly with each other.
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#ootd with the architecture of Prada Aoyama is a must as the structure was designed in diamond-honeycomb like and the light refraction makes it shine perfectly.
We then took metro to Ginza and came upon this street.
Japanese pop culture never dies ❤
Second day was basically exploring the city’s interesting corners and feeling the cold.
It was my birthday!!! So this was my birthday dinner (Happy Birthday to me!!!) and it was one of the best! This was at Izuei Honten, which is an unagi specialist that serve really really good unagi with reasonable price.
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Waking up super early the next day for the exciting experience at Sensō-ji. It is an ancient Buddhist temple located at Asakusa.
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It was already super packed around 9am in the morning.
You can find a lot of interesting Japanese street food and cute souvenirs along the street towards the main temple.
And for the girls, you can rent Kimono and walk around the streets to have a closer experience of being a Japanese.
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Never skipped the Japanese Strawberry Mochi aka Ichigo Daifuku when you’re in Japan cause their strawberries are super huge and sweet!
The temple itself was so magnificent and you can follow the Japanese traditional prayer and have your blessings there.
Ok continued exploring the streets 😛
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  Next destination was the Tokyo Skytree and you can check on the tickets here.
We only went up to the 350th floor and this was already the view!!!!
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Hi Skytree, I see you.
There are stores selling merchandise and souvenirs as well as skytree cafe that has their signature softserve!
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Look at this!! I was and am speechless….
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Next morning we took a super early 6am train to Hakone then Fuji for 3 days. Make sure you get your Hakone-Fuji 3 days express pass at Odakyu Station for only less than RM400 and it includes the return ticket Odakyu-Hakone-Fuji-Odakyu, ropeway pass. pirate cruise tour and almost all the bus accessible around Hakone and Fuji unlimitedly within 3 days.
Hehe bento is unavoidable in the train!!
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After we arrived at Hakone Station, we had to transit to another train to Gora which is where our hotel located.
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Look at this cute red vending machine hiding by the railway.
So yeah this happened when we got out from the wrong side of the train going to our hotel and there’s no route for us to walk over, so we had to wait for the next train lollllll.
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Hoorayyyyyy we’ve finally arrived at Laforet Club Hakone Gora.
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I got so excited to be trying out Yukata for the first time in my life. It was super comfortable as you know, nothing inside :))))) Hahahahah It was also my first time trying onsen!!! It felt so so so good especially during Winter! This is the private onsen in the room and they do have the public pool too.
This is also the first hotel I’ve ever stayed that I did not have to wear my shoes at any part of the hotel including lobby. We were given the complimentary Japanese traditional socks so that we were to wear around in the hotel.
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It’s interesting that everyone is wearing the same yukata at the breakfast lounge.
The next day, instead of taking the train back to Hakone station, we chose to walk a lil and there are so many traditional architecture worth seeing.
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From Hakone station, we took the local bus with our freepass to checkout the Hakone Shrine and the famous Torii by lake Ashi.
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Then we used the freepass for the pirate cruise that bring us around to witness the magnificent Mt. Fuji!
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Look at this!!!!! That little white cap on the peak of Mt. Fuji is so elegant!
From the cruise, we did not go back to where we boarded but another pit stop so we could take the Hakone Ropeway to Owakudani, where the sulfur craters are located.
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Another view of Mt Fuji from the top of Owakudani.
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This is the Chinese name for Hakone.
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Then we headed to the Torii and it’s freaking huge and the wind almost blew us away.
Getting some #ootds after completing all the mandatory destinations.
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Just me and my vending machine. Can I have one at home??????
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and we found this cute 7-11 by the cliff.
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Back to Hakone station. Oh yeah for convenience we dropped our baggage at Hakone station so we did not have to travel back to hotel as we needed to depart to Kawaguchiko station on the same day.
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Finally arriving at Kawaguchiko and means we were closer to Mt Fuji! How cute even the car plate number starts with Fujisan.
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Our home for another night, Royal Hotel Kawaguchiko.
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Morning light shines through the window beautifully
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and I have Mt Fuji behind me, this cannot be anymore perfect.
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Yukata moments.
Yes we woke up to this lake right in front of our hotel!
Hi Mt Fuji, you are everywhere! ❤
So we walked around Kawaguchiko for a bit then took the local bus to Lake Kawaguchiko.
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Then we came upon this primary school by the lake and the adorable Japanese kids were doing sports, hmm more too just having fun hahaha.
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After that, we headed to Chureito Pagoda, that is located at the hill top overlooking Mt. Fuji.
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Unfortunately the weather turned so sunny and the sunlight was too bright that day so couldn’t get a really good photo. Yes this is the view! Basically walking up to this Pagoda is one hell of a workout! Trust me don’t take the stairs, take the curve sloppy route instead, it’s a lot easier though it may no seem so.
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All the residence from the top.
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That’s the end of our 3 days in Hakone-Fuji and taking the train back to Shinjuku!
First thing back to Shinjuku, Food!!!!!! This was at Ichiran Ramen, Yummehhhh
Ramen ended the previous night pretty well especially after the journey of bus ride from Kawaguchiko back to Shinjuku. The next day we dropped by Fuglen Espressobar and they have pretty decent coffee though, up to my personal favorite.
Who doesn’t love doughnut right?:P
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Since we only had a doughnut in the morning so here we were at Shake Shack Shibuya!!! I’ve been wanting to have it again after my first time at Dubai 4 years ago and finallyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! It’s definitely one of the best fast food I’ve ever had.
After feeding our tummies, we walked to Tokyo Plaza and it’s got a pretty amazing view from the rooftop.
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Shibuya crossing!!
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Hi traffic light! (I mean the colors of the cabs hehe)
The next day we woke up super early again, ok not super early but still early hahah, for a trip to Tsukiji Market! Yasss seafood and tamago!!!!!
That was the huge grilled scallop that I had, it was so fresh and juicy. Ignore my sleepy swollen face in the morning pls.
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Then you’ve got all kind of seafood being served in different ways along the market. It’s kinda confusing for a first timer like me to walk around as it spreads out to different directions.
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She’s so gorgeous wearing the traditional Kimono.
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and the not to be missed Tamago!!!!
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We’ve tried this humongous crab stick was yummeh too.
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Eheh bumped into go kart with costume on the road. Yes you can rent it with the costume and drive in the city.
Next stop, About Life Coffee, was where I had the best coffee in Tokyo. It’s just a small corner lot with only 2 bench outside the shop and some standing spots besides the coffee machines, tiny but best coffee!!
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Another coffee stop at Saturday Surf NYC at Daikanyama and at the same time we got to shop for their products too.
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The seats are actually at the balcony overlooking the streets of Daikanyama, pretty dope isn’t it?
Seems like a day full of eating. Next if you’re looking for an affordable and good sashimi restaurant, you should try out Sushino Minori.
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Ooopss doughnut again! This was at Doughnuts & Coffee.
Pink is obviously the concept of this cafe so they made everything so Instagrammable. However the doughnut was too sweet and coffee was not good though 😦
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The Doughnuts & Coffee was en route to visit the Tokyo Tower and here I was!
Waited for sunset and the tower was lit beautifully.
That was the last night in Japan and we decided to have Izakaya for our dinner. Was looking for quite a few back at Shinjuku but never seemed to have a decent one until we thought of this street. This was where I took the first picture on the first night when we first landed. It’s called Shosuke. Trust me they serve really really good and comforting food from fried udon to yakitori and paired with Japanese draught beer, BEST!!!!
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On the last morning before departing to the airport, we dropped by Shibuya for the last cafe visit called Little Nap Coffee Stand.
and I fell in love with this quote from them saying ‘I’d rather enjoy a cup of coffee than taking photo’, which cannot be totally true as taking photos is my passion but it’s funny though.
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So nah, I took a photo of stranger enjoying his coffee, that’s perfect! 😉
That wraps up my 10D9N trip to Tokyo, Japan and it’s the best best country that I’ve ever visit so far. I finally understand why so many of my friends make Japan as the annual holiday destination.
ps special thanks to my gears Olympus OMD EM1 Mark 2 and the lenses for all the photos that I’ve captured as my best memories.
Japan, I’ll see you again ❤
      Konichiwa, beautiful land of culture! It's Japan!!!! Definitely one of the dream places that I've always wanted to visit and non of anybody had any bad comments about it after returning from their trip there.
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edarabia · 7 years
In today's technologically advanced era, it's relatively easy to monitor what a teenager is doing on their smart phones and computers. A previous Khaleej Times article reported on a few Dubai schools which track their students' online activity to ensure safe usage while on the internet. Parents and schools can also block certain websites to prevent children and teens from accessing unauthorised content. However, how can or should students, especially teens, be monitored when they are not online and are out and about with their friends? In the past, several schools have issued "stranger danger" warnings to students and parents. Do parents know where their children are going after school? Khaleej Times spoke to a few parents on whether they allow their children on any unsupervised outings after school. Some of them said they don't permit their children to go on outings, while others said they trust their kids and do allow it. The mother of a 12-year-old, Samana Abbas, said she and her husband do not allow their son to go anywhere, besides home, after school hours. "No, we don't allow kids to go out with friends after school. The kids should only go out with their parents even if they're meeting their friends. We make sure that we pick and drop them from and to the places where they want to meet their friends. We definitely know where the kids go and for what purpose," she said. "The kids do participate in activities like football and kickboxing and these are close to our home; however, we always make sure they don't go alone." Another parent, Bhavna Sood, said her 15-year-old son is allowed to go out with friends after school; however, he must check with her over the phone. She said that she is "always aware" of where they go. "My son is enrolled in after school activities; so, he comes back home late once a week. His outings with friends are limited to weekends or occasionally on Thursdays," she said. Afshann Lodhi, who has four children, also allows her 14- and 17-year-old a few outings with friends, however, only if she meets them first. "I do allow them to go out, but I would first invite all her friends over to our home to see how they are," she said. "I have learned to trust them and they have got good instincts as well. I'm a mother of four kids and the older two have graduated. So, I'm experienced at handling teenagers now." Meanwhile, another parent, Sobia Hasnain, said she does not allow her children any outings alone after school. "They can only go out on the weekends, on the condition that I am dropping them off myself, and somewhere that I trust they will be safe. If they plan to visit a mall or cinema with friends, I stay in the same place but at a distance from them. The reason for the above is my concern for their safety and the fear of kids grouping together and doing something adventurous without realising the consequences," she said.
Ensuring children's safety en route to school and back
Teenagers in the UAE are encouraging their peers to reach out to an authority figure if they feel unsafe after school. Khaleej Times asked parents if they know where their kids are going after school; however, a few teens wrote in, saying they are "responsible enough" and are also asking their school mates to stay safe. One grade 8 student, Sravya Nagalakunta, said she has a set routine for herself after school. "Being a teenager, I know my responsibilities as I am old enough to handle them myself. My teacher has always taught me to always look out for myself, especially when I am alone," she said. "After school, I board the bus. When I reach my stop, I get off and walk to my house. This is my routine and nothing ever disturbs it and I hope it doesn't for others as well. "If any student is facing any kind of problem, they should understand that there are people who will look out for you and will be disturbed if something happened to you. So, the message I want to give out to my fellow school mates is to stay safe." One student, Hurairah Faatimah Muzammil, said her school bus has CCTV cameras that monitors the students' activities. If a student does not show up on the bus for any reason, the parents get notified. "The transport facilities help us compute the distance from home to school. After we get on to the bus, we ride home following all the safety precautions. The buses are kept under strict vigilance using CCTV technology to ensure safety," she said. "The parents are also well notified about any revised timing and an SMS is sent if a student misses the bus, is absent or late. The school has hired a conductor for each bus who checks on the safety of crossing the road, getting on and off the bus, as well as bus etiquette. The parents are also expected to reach the stop and pick up their children."
Teenagers need to be productively engaged in their spare time
Christine de Noronha, Vice Principal - Gems New Millennium School, Al Khail Between the school dismissal bell and the call for dinner, how do teenagers fill their time? A parent of a 14-year-old was shocked when he was informed by the police that his son had purchased a fake branded shoe and then sold it for three times the price, claiming it was an original. Are parents aware of what their teenagers are doing after school hours? Where are they going? Who are they hanging out with? In today's nuclear families with both parents working and returning home around 7 pm or later, teenagers have a lot of free or 'me' time on hand. They are often entrusted with the house keys, trained to warm up their food and eat it and then instructed to do their homework. How long can children remain productively engaged without supervision? The idyllic afternoons of bike rides, playgrounds and ice-cream trucks are no longer seen. In this tech-saturated world, teenagers don't even have to leave the comfort of their couch to wander into a completely different world. It all begins in the formative years. The number one thing parents can do to prevent kids from getting into trouble is getting them connected into positive activities like sports, music or other creative outlets. In recent years, after-school clubs have exploded in number in part to meet the demand of ever-evolving student interests and the needs of working parents who need their children to stay gainfully occupied until they get off work. Teenagers must be made accountable for use of their time. This can be done by parents and children drawing up a schedule for their after school hours. Volunteering and involving young people in activities from which they do not necessarily personally benefit, develops in them values of empathy and compassion. Although volunteering can sometimes be a part of high school graduation requirements and meeting scholarship needs, it needs to be instilled in teens as a value. Such values, which children internalise from young, became a norm for them. Teenagers are an extremely valuable resource of energy, goodwill and creativity, and when they are committed to a cause, miracles take place. Almost everyone agrees, engaged teens make for better teens.
Do you know where your kids go?
My daughter is 13 and doesn't hang out much with friends after school. Her close friends are from school and they don't live close by. Also, I feel older teens tend to hang out more often than younger teens. At times, she does stay back at school for school competitions, practice sessions or for helping teachers and students with organising exhibitions. Smitha Vinod, parent I don't allow my kids to go out with friends directly after school due to several reasons and because of safety issues. I wouldn't be aware of where my girl is going and who she is hanging out with. Hina Asif, parent Yes, I do send my son, who is 15, directly to his friend's homes but only after checking in with their mom. I only send him over to friends whose parents I know. I am always aware of where they are going, be it a friend's place or a mall. I call them from time to time and they are also supp-osed to keep me informed. Bhavana Sood, parent © Khaleej Times
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travelwiide · 4 years
An 8-DAY OMAN Agenda: A definitive Trip GUIDE
An 8-DAY OMAN Agenda: A definitive Trip GUIDE 
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Oman is one of the most flexible travel goals out there – it has pretty much something to offer to a wide range of travelers. On this Center Eastern promontory, you'll see dazzling wadis, mountains, and deserts, yet also old fortifications, present-day mosques, and calm seashores. It's the ideal occasion spot in case you're keen on a wide assortment of encounters! This 8-day Oman schedule + excursion guide will give all of you the basic tips you have to make some wonderful memories in this flawlessly exceptional nation.
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Oman truly has something for each sort of traveler. In case you're searching for an undertaking, you can swim inside the nation's various wadis or trek its glorious mountains. In case you're after unwinding, you can watch turtles home on a seashore or look at a dusk skyline in the desert. In case you're a history and design buff, you're in karma as well – you'll discover some truly shocking fortifications and mosques in Oman. In short – it's the ideal excursion spot in case you're keen on a wide scope of exercises!
SOME Intriguing Realities ABOUT OMAN
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Oman is perhaps the most seasoned spot on earth; people have been here for more than 106,000 years! 2. This nation is an outright government controlled by King Haitham. 3. The all-out populace here is 4.6 million. 4. Oman flaunts a staggeringly low crime percentage and is perhaps the most secure nation to travel to. 5. Its immense oil hold covers all state costs, which implies no personal expense for residents! 6. The top-selling drink here is Mountain Dew – regularly hailed as the "liquor of Oman". 7. Blaring is precluded in this nation (except if the circumstance is totally critical)!
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The simplest method to arrive at Oman is to fly into Muscat Universal Air terminal (MCT). Numerous universal associations are going there from everywhere throughout the world, and you're probably going to travel in Doha or Dubai. I likewise suggest registering trips with Dubai, and afterward either reserving a different departure from Dubai to Muscat or taking a transport between those two urban areas – it may very well be the less expensive choice relying upon where you're coming from! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
BY Street
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Vehicle: You can drive from the Assembled Middle Easterner Emirates into Oman through a few fringe intersections. The most widely recognized course is to go from Abu Dhabi to Muscat, through any of the accompanying 3 fringe posts: Khatam Al Shukla, Hilli, or Al Ain – Buraimi (the last one is held for GCC occupants as it were). Intersection the fringe is simple and the streets are in extraordinary condition. Recollect that you'll need to pay for the visa to enter Oman on the outskirt, and the vehicle should be protected in Oman as well.
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There's likewise a day by day transport administration from Dubai to Muscat running at 7:30 am 3:30 pm and 11:00 pm. It's a 6-hour excursion and you can board the transport from 3 stops in Dubai: Rashidiya Metro Station, Abu Hail Metro Station, or Dubai Air Terminal 2. A single direction ticket costs DH55 ($15) while an arrival ticket costs DH90 (USD 25). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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I enthusiastically suggest leasing a vehicle – explicitly a 4WD – and finding this nation by the street. Open transportation in Oman is extremely constrained. Transports can get you between the primary urban areas, however, to see the spots that are most worth investigating, you'd need a vehicle. Recruiting a guide or joining a visit can be extravagant, yet leasing a vehicle is much increasingly reasonable. The streets in Oman are in phenomenal condition and it's extremely sheltered and simple to drive around all alone there.
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You can get your leased vehicle straightforwardly at Muscat Worldwide Air terminal or in different pieces of Muscat. Vehicle rental, as a rule, begins at 9 OMR (~ USD 25) every day for an ordinary vehicle and 20 OMR (~ $55) for a 4WD. I strongly prescribe you to lease a 4WD in case you're intending to visit Wahiba Sands Desert or the mountains in Jebel Akhdar. The way to the two spots would be dangerous to do in an ordinary vehicle. You must be in any event 21 for most vehicle rental organizations to acknowledge your booking. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
A definitive 8-DAY OMAN Schedule
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8 days is a perfect measure of time to find the most significant attractions of Oman while additionally permitting you to unwind and absorb everything. Be that as it may, in case you're lacking in time, there's an elective 5-day agenda later on this guide. On the off chance that, then again, you're hoping to go through over 8 days in Oman, there's likewise a 2-week agenda further down.
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Muscat is the clamoring capital of Oman and furthermore the biggest city in the nation. I suggest beginning your excursion here. Go through the initial 2 days getting a charge out of this present city's lovely design, souqs, nourishment, and seashore! The following is a rundown of top activities during your time here.
1. Respect THE Ruler QABOOS Fabulous MOSQUE
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King Qaboos Excellent Mosque is the biggest mosque in Oman and an amazing case of present-day Islamic engineering. It's flawlessly even engineering and smooth marble floors make it probably the greatest feature of Muscat. Opened in 2001, the mosque can house up to 20,000 admirers and is one of the main mosques in Muscat that is available to non-Muslim guests. It took 6 years to finish and the light fixture inside the mosque holds 600,000 Swarovski gems with 24-karat gold plating! Top Tip: Arrive when it opens (8:00 am) because it begins to become exceptionally busy beginning around 9:30 am, and it's substantially more agreeable to investigate this spot in harmony and calm. Likewise, bring a wide-edge focal point in case you're into photography! The engineering here is too lofty and an ordinary focal point essentially wouldn't do it equity. I utilized my Tokina 16-28mm f/2.8 to catch this spot.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mutrah Stronghold remains on a rough slope and offers lovely perspectives on Muscat and the encompassing ocean. It has 3 towers and was worked by the Portuguese during the 1580s as a barrier against the Ottoman armed force. I prescribe ascending to this fortification to make some stagger scenes of the city, and afterward going for a stroll along the Mutrah Corniche, where on one side you'll see a column of white structures against the setting of mountains, and on the opposite side – the tranquil perspective on the sea.
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While you're at Mutrah Corniche, make a point to drop by Mutrah Souq – perhaps the most established market on the planet. You can discover a wide range of trinkets here, from hand-made adornments and handbags to Afghan war caps and furniture. You'll additionally observe upscale lamps, mats, and scents, just as things made with unadulterated Omani silver.
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The Illustrious Drama Place of Muscat is Oman's principal social and melodic setting. Its exhibitions run from jazz, show, and world music to artful dance and move. Regardless of whether you don't anticipate watching a show here, this spot merits visiting for its design alone! The sparkly white marbles of the structures make stunning reflections that will make you need to take out your camera without a doubt! Top Tip: On the off chance that you plan on simply visiting the Regal Drama House without viewing a presentation, I enthusiastically suggest booking a guided visit because, without one, you won't be permitted to go into the Show House and see its enthralling insides! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
5. Appreciate A Scrumptious Dinner AT KARGEEN
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Karen is one of the most wonderfully adorned cafés I've ventured foot in. It has an exceptionally bona fide vibe and the customary Omani dishes they serve are an unquestionable requirement attempt! On the off chance that there's one spot you need to eat at during your time in Oman, it must be here. They additionally serve shisha with new coconut and pineapple flavors – it's an incredible method to unwind in the wake of a difficult day of touring!
6. TAKE A Swim AT AL QUORUM Seashore
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On the off chance that you need to unwind much more during your time in Muscat, head over to Shatti Al Qurum Seashore (otherwise called 'Shatti Seashore') for a dip in the Bay of Oman! It's additionally an astounding spot to watch nightfall and get some shade under the palm trees. There are numerous eateries close by as well!
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The Chedi Muscat is a definitive beachfront resort for zen and unwinding. Lines of palm trees fill the complex, and the calming sound of peeping flying creatures and water spilling from wellsprings go with you basically wherever you go. You can likewise swim in the Long Pool here, which at 103 meters is the longest pool in the Center East (twice the length of an Olympics pool!). There are likewise yoga and pilates classes and an honor winning spa for you to enjoy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
AL BUSTAN Royal residence
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In case you're longing for a room that opens up to a ravishing pool or swimming close to palm trees with a perspective on the sea before you, this Ritz-Carlton inn will make your desires work out! This retreat was totally stunning. Besides its numerous pools, it likewise has its own private seashore and beachfront eateries. I can't prescribe it enough if you need to get yourself some unadulterated unwinding!
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It's a great opportunity to dive deep into Oman's inclination! Wadi Shab is one of the nation's most visited open-air attractions and it's unquestionably worth the promotion. This wadi comprises of 3 regular pools that you can swim in; a magical cascade inside a cavern which you can likewise swim in, and a stunning climbing trail paving the way to everything. Generally speaking, the experience here wanted to be inside a characteristic water park – one with shocking perspectives on ravines surrounding you! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Stage 1: DRIVE TO THE Vehicle PARK  The drive from Muscat to Channel Shab is around 1.5 hours, making it a simple day trip. To arrive, you'll need to head to the watercourse's parking garage first. Just sort in "Aqueduct Shab Stopping" into your Google Maps/GPS and it'll be anything but difficult to track down – there are clear street headings en route as well. Stage 2: TAKE A Boat TO THE Climbing TRAIL
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When you show up at the vehicle leave, make a point to utilize the restroom there (open from 7 am – 7 pm) because there won't be any inside the wadi. At that point, to get to the wadi's climbing trail, you'll have to take a pontoon. The pontoon ride is around 2 minutes and costs 1 OMR per individual for an arrival trip. It works from 8 am to 5 pm – make note of that so you don't miss the last vessel back!
Stage 3: Climb TO THE WADI POOLS
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When you get off the pontoon, you'll be toward the start of Wadi Shab's climbing trail. It takes around 45 minutes to climb to the pools, and you'll be passing by some genuinely amazing sights of gullies and blue waters of the wadi. Appreciate it! Make a point to wear open to climbing shoes too because you'll be experiencing some lopsided and dangerous surfaces. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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Toward the finish of your climb, you'll arrive at Wadi Shab's 3 regular pools! The perspectives you get from the water are just amazing. The main pool is the most shallow one and is reasonable for non-swimmers, tenderfoots, and youngsters. The subsequent pool begins to get further you swim, so on the off chance that you don't feel certain about your swimming capacities, I suggest remaining in the shallower segment. The third pool is the most profound of all – you won't have the option to contact the base of the pool with your feet, so I just suggest this pool for phenomenal swimmers.
SWIM TO A Cascade INSIDE A Shrouded Cavern
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Toward the finish of the third pool, you'll see a flimsy hole between the stones. It might resemble an impasse, yet if you swim through that thin hole, you'll end up in a magical cavern with a cascade within it! Swimming in the cavern was genuinely a mystical encounter and I truly suggest it in case you're a decent swimmer. In any case, if you don't mind note that you shouldn't go into this cavern if it came down the day preceding – it would be risky and the hole between the stones would be lowered at any rate.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Bring a waterproof dry sack Before you get into the pools, you'd need to leave your knapsack on the rocks by the primary pool, which is very a long way from different pools. A waterproof pack not just permits you to keep your basics with you as you swim, yet it additionally goes about as a floaty if you become weary of swimming and simply needs to rest a piece! I strongly suggest this as it truly had a major effect on my involvement with Wadi Shab. Bring a waterproof telephone case On the off chance that you'd prefer to take pictures while you're in the water or basically would prefer not to leave your telephone unattended outside the pools, I enthusiastically suggest getting a waterproof telephone case that you can wear around your neck, or keep inside your waterproof pack. Wear your bathing suit underneath your typical garments There are no changing rooms in the wadi as you are out in nature, so make a point to have your bathing suit on you before you start your climb to the wadi! Get flip lemon for strolling shallow pools The second pool in the wadi has a lot of stones at the base, so having flip slumps on can abstain from harming your feet! Wear open to climbing shoes The climb to the wadi will take you through extreme surfaces and you'll be ascending rocks now and again as well. Kindly don't do this climb in flip lemon! Pack the accompanying fundamentals and leave the rest in your vehicle Put your goggles, towel, water, bites, and sunscreen in your waterproof sack and leave the remainder of your stuff in the vehicle – you would prefer not to be swimming with a lot on you! Abstain from visiting Wadi Shab during precipitation Downpour can carry streak floods with them so it won't be protected nor pleasant for your visit. Make certain to check the climate before you go. It's likewise worth referencing again that on the off chance that it came down the day preceding, the water level inside the pools can be higher than expected and you won't have the option to get to the cavern either. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Try not to climb off the path There are gives all up the wadi that points out where it's sheltered and where it's precluded to climb. Kindly follow these finishes paperwork for your own security, as during my time in Wadi Shab, I really saw a man who was climbing off-trail tumble from a precipice.
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Prepare: the following stop on your excursion is Bimmah Sinkhole, one of the most excellent common marvels of Oman! Numerous local people accept this sinkhole was made by a shooting star, even though that remaining parts a fantasy. Coming to Bimmah Sinkhole is simple: it's a 1.5-hour drive from Muscat and you won't experience difficulty discovering it. The sinkhole is around 20 m profound, and when you're inside its unmistakable turquoise water, you'll be encircled by huge amounts of fishes! Swimming here is a one of a kind encounter that you totally can't miss. Top tips for your visit: There are washrooms at the passageway where you can change into your bathing suit. Since the water is 20 m profound, you can likewise precipice bounce from around the sinkhole! You can browse how high you need to jump – extending from 1.5 m (5 ft) to 6 m (20 ft) – however, please make sure to remain safe! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); After you're finished swimming in Bimmah Sinkhole, advance toward the ocean side city of Sur, which is 1 hour away via vehicle. Sur is well known for its port, which is probably the most seasoned port on the planet. It assumed a major job in the global exchange between Arabia, South East Asia, and Africa in the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. The city is likewise known for its astounding boat building to create – especially wooden boats. The top activity inside the city of Sur is to visit the beguiling Al Ayjah Beacon. Even though you can't go inside nor climb it, it's found right by the ocean – making it an extraordinary spot to go for a walk and unwind by the water. You additionally get a truly cool city perspective on Sur from that point – a line of white houses and mosques remaining against a hazy scenery of mountains! If you have additional time, go for a stroll from the beacon close by the Sur Corniche to appreciate the quieting waterfront during nightfall.
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Prepared to see a few turtles? One of the most extraordinary encounters you can have in Oman is watching ocean turtles burrow their homes and lay their eggs on a sandy sound! A 45 mins drive from Sur, the Ras Al Jinz Turtle Hold secures a large number of turtles that move to Oman's seashores each year. The turtles won't show up during the day, however, they advance toward the shore around evening time and afterward slide again into the sea during dawn! That is the reason I prescribe getting to Ras Al Jinz at night in the wake of visiting Sur. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To see the turtles on this seashore, you'll need to join a gathering visit. At night visit, you can watch the turtles leave the sea and onto the seashore, dive gaps into the sand, and lay their eggs. You can likewise join a dawn visit to see them make their excursion once again into the water. You can book the two visits ahead of time and I energetically suggest doing so because spots can top off rapidly! The eggs, for the most part, incubate following 55 days, so in case you're fortunate, you may likewise recognize some child turtles advance into the sea!
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Presently it's a great opportunity to find another side of Oman's inclination – its supernatural desert hills! Wahiba Sands Desert is unquestionably one of the features of Oman, and I truly suggest going through 2 days among the sand here after all the water-filled exercises from the earlier days. I propose remaining in a desert camp – my best two proposals are Safari Rises Camp and Desert Evenings Camp. From Ras Al Jinz, it takes around 3 hours via vehicle to get to your desert camp.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There's so much you can do to top off your two days here! From watching dawn on the hills to camel riding; from rise slamming to driving ATVs and stargazing, there are a lot of exercises that will improve your time here. Many desert camps can mastermind hill slamming, camel riding, and ATV driving for you!
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The next stop on your Oman schedule is Wadi Bani Khalid – a family-accommodating profound water wadi that offers completely shocking perspectives. From Wahiba Sands Desert, it'll take you 1 hour to arrive at the parking garage of this wadi. The primary pool is a simple 10-minute climb from the parking area. Take a pleasant reviving swim there, yet don't stop there! Follow the sign at the scaffold and advance toward Muqal Cavern thereafter. The walk is essentially amazing, and you'll likewise pass by the upper pools, which were my preferred swim spots in Oman!
There's a humble dressing code at this wadi because a lot of local people and children come here. Ladies must wear a shirt over their bathing suits and their upper thighs ought to be secured as well, even inside the pools. If it's not too much trouble regard the nearby culture! Wear shoes or water shoes: you'll be strolling on rocks and stones and intersection shallow streams too. So try to have agreeable waterproof shoes! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pack some goggles, towels, bites, and water in a waterproof sack, which you can use as a floaty inside the pools as well! Put your telephone inside a waterproof telephone case. To stay away from swarms, come here on a weekday!
After taking a plunge in Wadi Bani Khalid, it's an ideal opportunity to advance toward Nizwa, where you'll be going through the night. I suggest going through the antiquated town of Ibra on your way there. This city is about a 1-hour drive from Wadi Bani Khalid, and it has a souq (showcase) and an Old Quarter loaded up with notable remains, the two of which merit seeing! From Ibra, it's a 2-hour drive to Nizwa, which is a decent city to stop in for the evening.
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NIZWA Fortification
Nizwa's principle fascination is Nizwa Fortification, which features different protection components that Omanis have utilized before – including entanglements, nectar traps, and firearm firing windows. Worked in the seventeenth century, the fortress took 12 years to finish and furthermore contains a stronghold, which was worked in the ninth century. Inside the château, you'll discover the Imam and his family's rooms. I propose putting in a couple of hours strolling around the stronghold and the château, and try to take in the shocking perspective on the city from the fortification! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Top tip: There's a customary Omani blade move execution that happens inside the post, directly by the passageway, each Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday! I truly prescribe you to get it since it's genuinely an awesome showcase of the nearby culture and customs!
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Simply outside the stronghold, you'll see the vivid Nizwa Souq. It's probably the most seasoned market in Oman and generally sells bona fide Omani collectibles, ceramics, and materials. There's an area of it devoted to natural products, meat, and desserts also. Unquestionably have a walk around here as it's an incredible spot to experience nearby life!
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Oman offers an eVisa to residents of numerous nations including the US, Canada, and most countries in the EU. The eVisa is anything but difficult to get and you can apply for it here. It costs 20 OMR ($50) and will let you remain in the nation for 30 days.
Money and ATMs IN OMAN
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The money in Oman is the Omani Rial (OMR) and 1 OMR = generally $2.60. This nation is an extremely present day and there are ATMs all over – at the air terminal, inns, banks, and so forth. You don't have to convey tremendous measures of money with you; Visa and Mastercard are both acknowledged here.
Housing: $50 – $70 every night for a twofold room in a 3 star/4 star inn Nourishment: $10 – $15 per supper (per individual) Vehicle rental: $550 for 8 days (for a 4WD) Fuel: $35 for a full tank (65L) SIM card: $13 USD (2 GB + boundless WhatsApp for 8 days) with Omantel Nourishment IN OMAN There are bunches of heavenly customary dishes and tidbits to attempt in Oman. I suggest the accompanying: shuwa (flame-broiled meat marinated in Omani flavors), majboos (a blend of rice, meat, veggies, and flavors), mashuai (barbecued kingfish in lemon sauce), meshkak (curry kebab), harees (a blend of meat and wheat), halwa (a sweet made of rose water, sugar, eggs, nectar, nuts, and Omani flavors), and dates! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
For best climate: October to Spring (between 17° – 30°C) For fewer groups however more sizzling temperatures: April and May (between 25° – 39°C) Abstain from traveling to Oman from June to September as it gets awkwardly hot (between 29° – 40°C)
source https://www.travelwiide.com/2020/05/an-8-day-oman-agenda-definitive-trip.html
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mynewdressdesign · 5 years
Bollywood Tourism | Latest Bollywood Updates 2020
It's a rising worldwide fight between Tourism Boards to rope in to the Bollywood okpunjab adventure. Bollywood is the global and the most well known meaning of the Hindi language film division in India, which is maybe one of the world's biggest as well. Selling a billion a bigger number of tickets every year than Hollywood, Bollywood features subjects from everywhere throughout the world.
The Hindi film industry has now driven enthusiasts of this well known cine culture to encounter fresher climes in the Finnish Lapland of Rovaniemi and Poland (Fanaa), Victoria in Australia (Salaam Namaste), Korea (Gangster), Brazil (Dhoom II), Kandahar and (Kabul Express), Ras Al Khaimah (Deewane Hue Pagal, 36 China Town) and Malaysia (Don II). The pattern which started with "Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge in the 90's lapping up the UK and Swiss outskirts has now risen above its limits over the Atlantic to New York with Kabhie Alvida Na Kehna and Kaal Ho Na Ho.
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As Dubai alongside Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE, Hong Kong and Singapore get added as new goals to the Mumbai film collection, Tourism Boards the world over alongside Mumbai and India are clamoring for a cut of the Indian film industry which is required to cross a turnover of Rs140 billion, according to a KPMG consultancy report. Kashmir and Kerala have offered approach to world goals as more makers go westwards to film their motion picture musicals.
The Indian Tourism Ministry and the Maharashtra government also have pulled up their socks and are hoping to make private or open organizations to advance Bollywood Tourism, particularly in the United Kingdom which has just worked out a counter the travel industry methodology to bait Hindi film fans.
The British move is to permit Hindi film buffs to walk the ways of the now well known British areas of London, Scotland and Yorkshire and remember their preferred Bollywood's cloudy minutes. With Indias' authentic bearer proposing to include new flights to the London and Europe area to rope in the enormous Indian ostracize network, Britain's Tourism office is as of now pitching high on Bollywood through the deal and circulation of a creative "Bollywood Map of Britain", with many dabs that distinguish now-seen scenes from Hindi blockbusters-areas, for example, the Blenheim Palace, Waddesden Manor-utilized widely for the shots of Kabhie Khushie Kabhie Gham (K3G) and a lot progressively such spots put on the map in Bollywood motion pictures.
In the ongoing past, Hong Kong recorded a 24.7 percent development in guests from India and this has driven the travel industry board to get familiar with certain motion picture making linkages among Mumbai and Hong Kong which has plans to create goal and visit bundles spinning around Bollywood and furthermore showcase the broad generation focuses in Hong Kong to Indian film producers. The Singapore Tourism Board in 2006 propelled a "KKrissh" visit bundle.
The Swiss achievement of Bollywood biographies  has now streamed onto Finland and the Finnish Tourism Board (FTB) had in the ongoing past sorted out projects for Bollywood's fantasy traders to acclimate themselves with Finland. The FTB proposes to give area endowments. Different sops and simple consents to set up cameras and shots in Finland are being contemplated. The possibility of the FTB is to sell the 12 PM sun and Northern Lights of the archipelago and bring it under Bollywood's curve lights. With a non-stop flight o Helsinki from India, it's just a pause and watch scene with Bollywood fans adding Santa land to their vacation goal!
With film celebrations and entertainment ceremonies the wrath of the occasions, an ever increasing number of nations are offering their goal focuses to set shop for Bollywood's pre and post preparations, additionally saving spending plans for grants and glitterati appears. The Malaysian Government had put aside about $US 2.7 million to have the 2006 Global Indian Film Awards (GIFA) in this manner pushing up deals for Malaysia as a prime Bollywood goal, effectively put on the map in a large group of Hindi movies.
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Recently some private visit administrators in Mumbai have comprehended the need to tap the "Bollywood" bug as a feature of their Mumbai 'Darshan' bundles. Such administrators charge around US $100 or rupees 3900 for every head for a day's guided studio visit with or without lunch bundles. The experience gets visitors closer to understanding the subtleties and details of running one of India's biggest and most charming enterprises.
The outing incorporates either a film studio or a TV cleanser shoot on area at one of the studios. Voyagers get the opportunity to watch on-screen characters and specialists make scenes most fans may as of now know about in the genuine set, setting off a de ja vu offer.
Here and there, an after generation studio experience is tossed in where travelers learn and see in-situ naming, sound-altering and some other embellishments that are added to motion pictures. As most live studios in Mumbai are not open to review for the overall population, it is left to the individual visit administrators to work out their agreements with the studios they have a nexus with. Filmistan studio is one of the more well known studios open to open.
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Be that as it may, to truly blossom with the genuine Indian motion picture understanding, Tollywood or the Southern Hyderabad based film industry is the spot to be. With Mumbai belting out Hindi films, Telegu, the second most generally communicated in language in South India adds to the magnificence and fabulousness of Tollywood.
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Creating more than 150 element films a year in and around the new developing IT center in Hyderabad, it merits a visit to Ramoji City - one of the biggest filmmaking edifices on the planet. With in excess of 1,600 sections of land of utilize streetscapes, sound stages, stockrooms, after generation offices, inns, cafés Ramoji City is displayed as amusement park and has been pronounced by the Guinness Book of World record as a total tinsel town. Ramoji City is likened to encountering motion picture enchantment and "continuous" scenes reproduced as in the Universal Studios or a Disney or MGM studio in the West. With a section charge of rupees 250 or $US 5, it's an encounter which Mumbai is yet to reel on! Finishes
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Chapter 9
First of Summer
After stops in Johannesburg and Dubai, Bella finally breathed in the early morning atmosphere of Bangkok, Thailand. She smiled and looked around the airport, looking for her name on one of the placards people are holding.
 “Doctor! Doctor!”
Bella looked behind her and saw Gina, Peter Piot’s assistant, walking her way. “Hi Gina.”
 Gina sighed and smiled at Bella, “I was worried I won’t find you. This airport can be hectic.” She explained. “If I may?” she asked eyeing the trolley Bella is pushing.
 “No. I can handle it.” Bella said smiling at the assistant. “Do we have to rush? I would love to take a shower before anything else.” She asked and Gina nodded before leading her to where their transport is.
 “Mr. Piot wants the best for all the ambassadors.” Gina said as she sat beside Bella inside the black sedan as they drove around the streets of Bangkok. “And your parents also requested a certain room for you.”
 “My parents?”
 Gina nodded, “They rang us a few nights ago and requested that we fix whatever is necessary at whatever cost.” She explained and Bella furrowed her eyebrows- unaware that her parents even knew of her plans. “They also asked help for your accommodation in Phi phi.”
 Not even bothering to ask anymore questions, Bella nodded. Surely, her parents had their way of knowing about her plans- or maybe Gemma told them. She thought referring to her assistant and so she shrugged and just eased her back on the leather seat.
 After an hour due to traffic, they arrived at Grand Hyatt in Erawan, Bangkok. Bella paid no mind to it as she is already used to five star hotels and she’s sure that her parents had the Suite ready for her but as they went in the hotel and she is led to the back pool, she is awed. There in the middle of a mini-urban oasis is a series of doors.
 “Is this?” she asked Gina who looked at her with a smile. “Wow. It’s beautiful.”
 “Only the best, doctor.”
 Bella is led inside and she smiled- I can live in this place. She thought looking around the spa cottage. “I should thank my parents.” She commented out loud and Gina giggled from the door. “Please seat.” She said referring to Gina. “It won’t take me more than an hour.”
 Deciding to be simple, Bella dressed in a black fitting shirt, skinny jeans and flats. She pulled her hair up into a twist and did light make up before making her way out her room to see Gina sitting on the lounge watching television. “Oh. You’re ready?” she asked the doctor who smiled at her and nodded.
 “Is my outfit alright?” Bella asked turning around and Gina smiled.
 “Just perfect.”
 Harry had a hard time escaping his PPO when he was young and would like to go to pubs alone- but it’s harder- almost impossible- to escape his PPO when he’s trying to go to another country- Thailand to be precise. “Well, are you sure you can go alone?” Prince Seeiso asked Prince Harry as they drove to Maseru Airport approximately 2 hours after Bella left. “You’ll arrive in Bangkok 6 hours after Doctor Clarke. Will you be able to find her?”
 “I know her hotel.” Harry shrugged.
 It is a reckless decision- and he involved Prince Seeiso in it. Prince Seeiso, on the other hand, is much willing to cooperate as he does like Doctor Clarke for Prince Harry. She’s sane and level headed- as he would comment every time he would see Doctor Isabella Clarke.
 “Just promise to be careful.”
 “I always am.”
 Bella smiled at the camera while her blood is being drawn and after that, she had to sign papers and do a conference with Mr. Peter Piot. She’s not the only one being initiated as an ambassador today as there are a few others. There are a few celebrities representing their own countries, a few politicians, and a few doctors as well.
 “Doctor Clarke, our child prodigy.” Peter Piot greeted as Bella went inside his office to sign necessary legal papers after the conference. Bella smiled blushing at the term he used before kissing Peter at both cheeks. “I had been waiting for this day ever since your parents told me about you!” he said holding Bella at arm’s length- both his hands on both her shoulders.
 “I hope it’s all good things.” Bella joked.
 “Wonderful things.” Peter nodded with a smile. “Go on, have a seat.”
 After all the paper works and a few more pictures, Bella left the conference and went back to Hyatt in dire need of a nap; her jetlag finally catching up to her. She sighed as her back touched the soft mattress of her bed- her mind then drifting off to Harry. There was no time for her to say goodbye when she left Sentebale because he was busy with Prince Seeiso on the mountains and so she just messaged him on the phone. Why do you keep thinking about him? She chastised herself when her mind replayed Harry’s sleeping face. Yes, he’s good looking but he’s taken, Bells.
 The doctor closed her eyes and turned to her side trying to tune out her thoughts. And, we both know you haven’t been feeling well lately. Her mind continued and Bella, in return, placed a pillow above her head blocking the afternoon sun. It just won’t work.
 “I know. Shut up already.”
 In reality, Harry had no idea how he will find Bella without being recognized. His only chance is that he keeps his hat and sunglasses/nerd glasses in place and that he continues wearing just plain shirts and jeans then no one will recognize him- or at least he believes that he’s not that well known in Thailand. He arrived half past six in the evening and the sky is already blazing orange- almost dark.
 Just in time. Harry thought as he stepped outside the airport before hailing a cab. “Hyatt, please.”
 Bella didn’t plan on waking up but when she felt her stomach grumble- her eyes slowly opened. She yawned, her eyes looking at the digital clock on top of her bedside table. 6:30pm. Turning to lay on her back, she started debating whether she should just order room service or try out the night markets that Bangkok is very famous for. Well, this might be the first and last time you go here anyway.
 “Way to ruin the mood, you prick.” Bella grumbled pulling herself out of her bed.
 Why is traffic here so damn bad? Harry thought irritably after he finally reached Hyatt Hotel. Well, how can you know which room she is? You can’t just go to front desk and ask for her.
 Harry sat on the lounge/waiting area with his duffel bag looking around the hotel. There are a lot of tourists and he can hear one too many languages at the same time making him nervous. You didn’t think this through, buddy. He thought getting overwhelmed. Please, please where are you? He thought pleadingly and as if someone heard his thoughts, Bella suddenly appeared from the doors on the far  west corner of the hotel rummaging through her bag.
 The prince watched her go to the front desk and talk to the receptionist briefly before smiling and walking towards the main entrance of the hotel. Slowly, Harry stood up from his seat and followed her. Well, what will you do now? He asked as he watched her stand- her eyes have a faraway look. You can’t just go to her and be a creep.
 Two empty taxi finally came and Bella got on the first one still not noticing Harry who boarded the second one in haste before saying, “Follow that taxi.” Well, I hope this driver understood. He thought leaning back and not letting Bella’s taxi out of his sight.
 They arrived in an authentic open-air bazaar and Harry looked out the window absolutely amazed at the environment. “Welcome to Rot Fai Market.” The taxi driver said stopping and Harry quickly looked out to see that Bella’s taxi had stopped as well. Harry paid the amount due quickly when he saw Bella get out of her taxi. It is a huge market space and as what Harry can see, they sell a random niches from antiques to hippy fashion. What made him even more happy about it is the fact that it’s filled with normal people. And by what he meant by normal is that it is not the environment he would be in usually. There are no posh, uptight, and drunk people around but still, everyone looked like they’re having fun. Being engulfed with the environment, he almost lost Bella but quickly caught sight of her as she entered an old train bogie that seemed to have been converted into a restaurant.
 Bella sat down inside one of the train bogies with a huge smile on her face. She had never felt so welcome in such a foreign country. The environment is so festive. She sighed looking out the window after she ordered Pad Thai and some Thai milk tea. A family walked pass and a Thai kid, who noticed Bella, smiled and waved making Bella’s smile widen even more. I’m so happy I did this. She thought her eyes fixated outside. The lights. The people. The noise. She breathed in a huge breath and released it slowly. I want to move here. She gushed in her thoughts still in awe until she heard her waitress say something.
 “Oh. I’m sorry I forgot to take your order.”
 “No, you-“ Bella stopped talking immediately when she noticed someone- a man- sitting in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed knowing who the man before her is- she cannot mistaken him for anyone else even if he’s wearing a hat and some nerdy glasses.
 “I’ll have the same.” Harry told the waitress with a polite smile and, thankfully, the waitress didn’t seem to recognize him- or maybe the waitress thinks that it would be impossible for Prince Harry to be in front of her. After the waitress left, Harry looked at Bella with a huge smile etched across his face before he asked, “So, where are we going next?” Still not believing what she’s seeing, Bella only gave Harry a look of astonishment. “So?” Harry inquired further now shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
 “What are you doing here?” she asked whispering before looking around trying to find his PPO.
 Harry shrugged, “I came alone. Don’t worry. And, I am here because I want to try this bucket list thing.” And to be with you. His mind added and he quickly tried to ignore it while his face suddenly started heating up.
 But, Bella only heard the part where he said I came alone. “Are you mad?” she asked and Harry only shrugged. She stared at him for a minute trying to decipher what had gone through his mind to actually follow her in Thailand but after that, she shook her head at him. “You’re completely off your head.”
 “I’m not the one who wants to cliff dive here.” He retorted back and she narrowed her eyes at him in return. Harry sighed drumming his fingers on the table before stopping and leaning in close to Bella who furrowed her eyebrows at him in return. “I’m going to be in deep shit when I get back home because I just escaped my PPO’s and Troy. So please, make this worth it for me?”
 After a minute of silently debating, Bella sighed. “Did you at least tell them which country you are in? I wouldn’t want to be charged with kidnapping.”
 “I wrote a letter telling them that I am off soul searching in Thailand.”
 Bella scoffed, “Soul searching.” She repeated.
 Oh if only you know, woman. Harry’s mind sighed remembering the current dilemma between Bella and Meghan. “I have one problem though.”
 “I can’t use my credit card to rent a room because they might trace me.”
 After eating, the two made their way around the market. First, they went in the ‘Warehouse Zone’ where a sheer variety of products are for sale and everything is vintage. Second, they went to a building called ‘Rod’s Antiques’ where all sort of ‘luxurious’ vintage items and antiques were for sale. Bella was very happy to see the very first Camaro on display while Harry is impressed by a life size mannequin of Elvis Presley. And last, as the night deepened, they explored the ‘Market Zone’ where they bought various memorabilia and souvenirs. “You eat too much.” Harry grumbled as Bella walked away from him to go to another street food stall. “Where do you put all of it?”
 “Talk more and you don’t have a room.”
 Harry is incandescently happy though. Freedom. He thought looking at Bella who’s excitedly watching the vendor prepare the fried ice cream. Happiness. He smiled and looked away from Bella who’s currently taking the ice cream from the vendor.
 “Mmm. This is so good.” Bella moaned and Harry had to think of different things other than focusing on her moan. “You should try this.” She said stopping in the middle of the path.
 Harry became worried that people would get angry at the sudden stop but nobody seemed to mind. It’s like everyone is so down to earth and level headed in this place. He thought focusing his sight on Bella who’s holding a spoon with ice cream. Is she spoon feeding me?
 “Oh come on. It’s not like I have anything contagious.” Bella said rolling her eyes and still holding the spoon.
 The prince chuckled and ate the ice cream she offered. She’s right. “That is good.” He commented, his eyes widening and Bella smiled. There’s that smile again. His mind sighed and he bit his bottom lip while Bella looked away and started walking once again.
 By the time they got back to the hotel, both are absolutely slammed. “Oh I ate too much.” Bella groaned laying on her stomach. She turned her head to the side and saw Harry sitting on the love seat by the wall with a faraway look on his face. “Do you want to go to the floating markets tomorrow?”
 Here you are again in a bedroom with her. You never learn. Harry’s mind ranted out while he stared off into space when they got back to Bella’s hotel. How many urges do I need to do before you do it? It continued but Harry felt happy although tired. He had experienced one thing that he thought he would never experience- be a normal civilian in a bustling environment.
 The prince blinked and his eyes focused on Bella who’s now sitting at the edge of her bed with a worried look on her face. “Sorry. I zoned out.” He said and Bella chuckled while shaking her head. “Floating markets?”
 “Yeah. Tomorrow morning before we go to Phi phi Islands.”
 “Sure. Of course.” Harry smiled and Bella nodded at him smiling as well. Why does she always have to smile and why do your knees always feel like jelly when she does?
 But like any other day, Harry tuned out the negativity of his thoughts while his eyes watched Bella who stood up from the bed and started taking clothes off of her luggage. He watched her completely mesmerized even by just the way she tucks her hair behind her ear or how she bites her lips or the way she walks towards the bathroom- it’s as if my whole world slows down when I am with her. He thought and, as if struck by lightning, he stood from his seat- his mouth opening wide. “I can’t be.” He whispered to himself as finally, he feels like pieces are starting to fall into place. He clearly remembers when William told him how he felt like when he saw Kate Middleton walking down the runway when they were in college.  No shit. His subconscious seems to say sarcastically and Harry, wide eyed and completely in shock, finally realized the answer to all his questions.
 I might be falling in love with Doctor Isabella Clarke.
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