#stop giving these non media trained ppl platforms
rrapmonster · 11 months
the switch up on brian puspos on twitter has been absolutely comical to watch
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xplrvibes · 6 months
hey so what do you think is the fandom’s general consensus on M and K? I feel like there’s a loud minority, and then ppl didn’t know M existed until that photoshoot of him hugging him or NYE depending if ppl actually looked through the tagged at the time (or were chronically online).
Because I don’t see hate comments on the girls’ posts, or their numbers skyrocket or plummet. Just a bit of an increase (at least on instagram)
Saying this all because I’d love to see a collab with everyone! I have a feeling the girls were in the room with the guys with that weird react video (and based off of the black background the gals have used on insta and tiktok)
To be completely honest, most of the outer rings of the fandom probably don't know or care one iota about these girls and all the drama the stan side of the fandom are drumming up because of all this.
Stans of any fandom, while generally being the loudest, are not the majority stakeholders in a fandom the size of snc's. snc have fans from all walks of life across all platforms; the majority of those fans just want to watch these idiot boys fumble their way through ghost hunting and then keep it moving lol.
That's why when shit happens and the stans threaten to stop watching snc videos in protest - like, ok. Have fun. A few thousand less views in a sea of 10 million is like pulling one grain of sand away from a beach and expecting the whole thing to suddenly disappear.
The only thing that is going to make the fanbase at large and the casual viewers walk away is if the content itself goes to shit or isn't interesting. Some casual viewers might not tune in if they had unknown people (like M and K) in their videos, but overall, more people than not would tune in and give it a watch because why not?
Anyway, let me get this train that I just derailed back on the tracks - I think the stans themselves are, as usual, divided on the subject of M and K.
You've got the stans that would make shipping edits with Colby/Sam and a paper bag if they felt it necessary, just to get the almighty notice and to prove that they are the good and supportive stans.
You've got the stans that were so heavily invested in the dream of Katrina/Sam getting married and repopulating the earth with a bunch of little singing philosophers that their whole being is now consumed with revenge and hate for K because she got in the way of their endgame, and we all hate the interloper, right?
You've got the stans who do not ever want Colby to be let out of the gilded cage the fans put him in, so him dating M without clearing it with them first (and M very emphatically not being {insert girl they shipped him with here} adds fuel to this particular fire) is a personal insult against them so of course, M is now manipulating Colby and must be stopped.
And then you've got the stans that just don't like change. They don't like that things are changing and snc are growing and aren't as accessible anymore, and they have to have someone besides the obvious culprit (THEMSELVES) to blame, so hey - those girls are mighty good targets.
Mind you, very few of the haters will actually hate to these girls' faces - in fact, most of them pretend to be fans of the girls' to their faces to avoid getting blocked, so they can continue to hate stalk them in perpetuity. So, the girls will see an uptick in views and followers, but on the surface, only a slight uptick in hate comments on their actual pages - cause the haters are engaging just as much (if not more) than the overly obsessed lovers are.
Anywho, mix all these dissenting opinions together in the hellish-hate-vacuum that is social media, and we get what we are getting today, which is a really loud few drowning out or acting like they speak for the vocal majority who do not care one way or another.
All this to say - I think the girls are very polarizing for certain sections of the fandom, and a non-factor for others. And I would be surprised if snc have them in a main channel video anytime soon...maybe a react, definitely a person channel video (if they ever brought those back), and there is almost a 100% certainty that we will eventually get tiktoks (just a hunch!)...but snc probably don't want to deal with the hassle of getting screamed out and called degrading names on twitter for a video that probably wouldn't break youtube anyway lol.
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Hey, I found more. Get ready to lose some more brain cells:
I don't know if this is weird but I find teens and adults with autism are really cute.
Just make autism illegal. Simple. (This isn’t infantilization, but it’s ridiculous).
All the people with autism are so lovely 😊. They see the world around then in a different way. They areinnocent and kind in their heart ❣.
People with autism are so beautiful and adorable. They're parents are heroes
people don't talk about autism as much as they should. people with autism are fucking adorable okay like theye beautifulllllllll i fucking love how theyre so creative and nice and funny and can just light up a room i love them so much stop sleeping on them thanks.
Say hello to Jay. I had the privilege and honor to spend this afternoon with Jay. Jay is a 28-years old young adult with autism. Jay is almost non-verbal and speaks only in short phrases or sentences and is completely and totally dependent on others in his daily living. The look in his eyes and the smile on his face just lights up the whole room. Children and adults with autism display the highest levels of innocence and purity of mankind. They are truly exceptional in every aspect of their lives and they have exceptional parents too. Stay tuned for more news about an upcoming collaboration between Shift to Shine and Autism Sings. How many Hellos would Jay get? Please share, comment and like in order to support Jay and Autism Sings so we can create a better way of living for adults with autism.
Although our son is still a teen and has severe autism, I can imagine that this will be us too. Many children and adult children with disabilities (who I know) are very affectionate and have this innocent love.  ❤
That's freaking sad 😔 to do to ANYONE; especially w/ SPECIAL God GIVEN talents and skills grr; also known as Aspergers disorder 😔. They are very sweet, MOSTY INNOCENT 😇 kids and adults which I know some of them 😳 💥 fr!!
It is evident that you have never in your life interacted with a child or person with special needs, and for that I am sad for you- as you will never know the meaning of true innocence.
"LOVE this book! Captures the humor, personality, innocence, and essence of a character with autism, as well as the concerns of a family dealing with their own issues--grief, adult siblings, responsibilities, assumptions, etc.
Thought-provoking topics and awareness presented in novel form that is a fun read for anyone (not just autism parents). Full disclosure: I am a parent of a young man with autism. I have over 25 years of experience--reading fiction/nonfiction books, newsletters, articles, legislation and science reviews, and watching movies and television episodes depicting characters on the autism spectrum. This novel is, by far, my favorite depiction." --Renata Irving
The beauty in Cameron’s disability is that his innocence remains protected.
All the people with autism are so lovely 😊. They see the world around then in a different way. They areinnocent and kind in their heart ❣.
Honestly I believe children and adults with autism are actually normal because they are innocent and don't really know the craziness of the world they are just pure at heart ✌️
(I’ve shared this next one already, but fuck it. We’re gonna look at it again, cuz why the fuck not?)
Dear families I am begging you to listen to me. Over the last few years I have heard heart breaking stories of our young adults getting into trouble with the law in a variety of ways. The individuals with autism are usually innocent, entrapped or unaware of the situation unfolding. Several of these young adults have served time and families have lost huge amounts of money trying to protect their children from the system.
Here are my recommendations based on these families experiences.
Here is my plea: 1. Get guardianship. You can always give it up later. 2. Teach your child to reach out and use you as a resource. Teach them to ask for help even as adults. 3. Being a helicopter parent is important as we release our adults in the world. There will be a huge transition and we should be actively involved in double checking they are handling life okay and not being taken advantage of or bullied in any way. (NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO!) 4. Be brutally honest about your child’s strengths and weaknesses and put measures in place to help them build those weaknesses up. Set goals and really think about what tools they need and create them. Denial is not your child’s friend. 5. Understand all the technology your child uses and double check it. There are people including law enforcement on social media and playing games who may entrap your child without the child knowing they are doing anything wrong. According to Homeland Security Officer I talked to there is no privacy in any of the technology platforms and every thing is recorded. 6. Make sure to put your child thru the Be Safe Program. Be Safe helps our young adults interact safely with law enforcement. One of the issues discussed is understanding their right to remain silent and their right for an attorney. You have to understand this right to get this right and it needs to be explicitly taught.
We want our individuals with autism to be included in society but society does not always accommodate them and that is ESPECIALLY true of the legal system. I have tried for years to do trainings for courts, so far I have trained people who work within the system excluding the real people needing the training like judges and prosecutors and defense attorneys. Our Be Safe Program has made huge changes in our relationships with law enforcement but the legal system is still a train wreck. So we must be very vigilant and protect our kids!
Autistic people are so innocent and cute i just can't 
RIP Joe Clyde Daniels; It saddens us when you wake up to hear news like this. People with autism are so loving and we can learn a lot from them. Heaven has a new angel.
I wish more people with disabilities such as autism would be given more employment, always happy and helpful. Too many useless able bodied people with no customer service skills
'Atypical' on Netflix makes me want to cry, group of folk laughing at a guy cause he has autism,people with autism are so precious It's horrible how in this age people say autistic as an insult. People can't help autism and people with autism are precious
happy autism awareness acceptance month! ppl with autism are the most precious people ever and we don't deserve them
Always trying to understand how my brother actually feels,People with autism are just as precious as ones without it
'Atypical' on Netflix makes me want to cry, group of folk laughing at a guy cause he has autism,people with autism are so precious
Happy forever children's day to the people having autism.
(But bitch, I’m not done. There’s more, but I’ll wait a bit)
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