#stop harassing people over fiction y’all
butterflyinthewell · 1 year
My ancient 43 year old fossilized fandom hag face when fandom antis (who are notorious bullies) retweet/reblog my antibullying posts.
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I know what you are, hypocrites.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 11 months
fandom became a shitfest when people started applying IRL morality to shipping and fictional characters to the point they care MORE about the fictional characters then real people, especially younger fandom; it has really made me rethink how teenagers online these days have this entitlement and righteousness to the point they think it’s haha/Hehe to tell victims to kill themselves. Digital footprints exist, and you aren’t helping any real children or victim by bashing on drawings.
(which, by the way there have been multiple instances of “normal” people having artists kill themselves because they deem fiction more important then real people, an artist I followed literally got the worst of it and has now gone into EOL stages because the harassment and belittlement of what fantis did fucked up their health. They are now dead.
But, BUT!!! death is never enough for these fuckers who will send CSEM as a gotcha, support doxxing and all that shit, I really don’t blame you for being fed up over people who think they have a moral standing because they “ship pure things” as if anti-ship rhetoric of any kind isnt just recycled antisemitic language and victim blaming victims and dictating how we should cope and get our yucky feelings of trauma out, because we aren’t “perfect victims” fuck off; we aren’t asking any of you fucks to like our ships. We are asking for y’all to stop throwing tantrums and then preaching moral standing over “icky” ships. You are allowed to be uncomfortable. But you aren’t allowed to hurt real people over it. 🤷
I want fandom to fucking change so badly but it’s hopeless. Sorry to rant in your inbox like this, I’m just sorry you gotta put up with that shit.
you are always so based anon
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lunarsolar1 · 2 months
This isn’t what my blog is about and I usually try to avoid making post about things not related to the tv show fandom I’m in but someone needed to call this people out because going to this tag and seeing war everywhere is so tiring and exhausting so imma make this post and HOPEFULLY PEOPLE WILL READ AND LISTEN!!!!!!!!
Buddie shippers needs to seriously CALM DOWN:) and back off!!!! (This also applies to BUCKTOMMY shippers)
Going to the others tag just to HARASS and bully people over FICTIONAL characters is so ridiculous and stupid and people need to stop. It’s a TV SHOW!!!! YOU aren’t the ones writing this, the writes are and they’ll know how they want to finish THEIR story because that’s THEIR characters!!!! Not yours!!!!! People (both sides) need to stop harassing one another and just stay in your tag and enjoy the ship and the characters. There’s no need for hatred or war, especially since in the tv show all 3 are FRIENDS (so fighting about it is so???!!!) just stop. Y’all acting like babies, get some manners and learn how to respect each other preferences and continue enjoying yall ships in PEACE!
And please leave the actors alone as well, they’re just actors they cannot decide what they’ll do next seasons. There’s literally no reason to harass and bully people over people that doesn’t exist. Just enjoy the SHOW and enjoy the SHIP and LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!! And stop using the incorrect tag please, I know some yall are doing it on purpose but please stop that is so annoying. (And I know yall KNOW how that feels like so stop!)
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raylahwrites · 1 month
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Saw this on twt and wanted to share here. people were in the comments and quotes missing the point and it was pissing me off :( I just copied and pasted what I said over there
Y’all are missing the point so bad… nobody said that teens can’t have interests, nobody expects them to act like adults, nobody is saying they can’t dislike things, nobody is saying fandom was ever perfect, it’s always had it’s flaws, there’s always been some kinda drama.
What’s being said, the point that’s going over yall heads is: THE INCREASE OF HARASSMENT AND POLICING IN FANDOM!!
The harassment campaigns, the doxxing, the false allegations, the victim blaming, the death threats, the callout posts, acting like fictional characters are real people, treating real people like garbage all in the name of protecting fucking pixels…
And before someone goes “Adults do that too!” Yes! Yes, they do…why do you think there’s an increase of teenagers thinking that kind of behavior is okay?? Because they see it and repeat it! So yes, it’s both adults and teenagers but for me and the people I interact with, it’s been mostly teens that are doing the witch hunting.
There’s also been an increase of people treating fan works as if it’s owed and not something that people do as a hobby when they have free time. The disrespect?? The entitlement?? Artists are walked over, writers are treated like absolute garbage, but the moment an artist stops posting or ao3 goes down for a few hours/days everyone wants to lose their fucking minds.
You can ship this but you can’t ship that, you can’t like that character because they’re ‘child coded’ but you can’t dislike this character or that also makes you a bad person. You can’t have that head canon but if you don’t agree with this head canon then you’re a homophobic piece of shit.
If you’re a woman who likes m/m ships then you’re man obsessed, you hate women and you fetishize gay men. If you like all sorts of ships you’ll still be invalidated and harassed.
If you have trauma and you like to read, write or draw fucked up shit? That makes you just as bad as the person who abused you and you deserved it. Oh, and if you have kinks and project your kinks onto fictional characters then that means you’re also a porn addict.
It’s not a community anymore. It’s just fight after fight. THAT is what’s ruining fandom. All of that.
It’s fucking exhausting.
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plumsaffron · 7 days
Oh Plum! I’ve got a part 6 roast bc I gotta let off some steam! (Since this is one of those fandoms that won’t harass others over having different opinions while others willingly take things too far just to silence the critics… here’s this video of my feelings on the salty mofos these days, (cussing ahead!) Look at this dude original full audio: https://youtu.be/1xnBCKWrYsA)
Anytime an innocent/protagonist character named Lila from another series is created/debuted: Miracusalters seethe bc their Lila Rossi/Verdi/Cerise trauma must be so ingrained and deep, “*breathing heavily* She’s back! Kill her!”
Oh man you miracutwats are the living definition of wasted talent, writing and even art! Can’t y’all do something different and better?
Wait a sec, why are you miracuhoes still doing this? Y’all are the entire circus now not just clowns!
TVTropes is beginning to get flooded with bad fan content disguised as “criticizing other characters” thanks to you and other character bashing fanfic writers!
Oh man I remember a guy saying that his gf offed herself thx to Lila haters harassing her for liking Lila… hope you fuckers are happy now. Cuz even most of your fandom stopped their shenanigans and got a huge wake up call.
Huh. Guess you miracucunts are all bark and no bite this whole time, especially when the critics and sharp eyed folk decided to do their thing. They rightfully shut your sorry stupid asses up.
Rational sane people were right all along: completely abandon ship on a series that’s truly gone awful and move on to better franchises/series. It’s not that fucking hard these days especially for adults. The better canon is written, the more behaved the fan community usually is. But you miracutards are too blind to move on. Wanting to find every little flaw for a character you despise so much. No wonder people are constantly giving you the side eye online since the early 2020s. Just go to other canon stuff that doesn’t irk you much! No wonder ML canon is still going on thx to your viewership on whatever TV or streaming service is available!
Oh lord, I feel so bad for the people (working team and VAs of canon obvs) who are just doing their jobs and have little say thanks to the shitty fucking higher ups *cough* Thomas Asstruc. Hold on but you miracubitches go after him and not just fictional characters? What is this??
I can’t believe they gave themselves Lila Tinnitus Seethe Disorder.
They just want to deride and traumatize their wellbeing.
It’s so darn sad that Lila rings in their minds.
And yet a couple of Lila likers talk about they feel like they have to hide due to how people are towards her.
Flaw Finding Miracumitetality is gross. Then again they might secretly be some Marimites transcending how to destroy themselves and people around them.
Yeah Miracuscrotums do really really talk a lot of trash and mockery and undermining specific characters until it’s them or someone they know is suffering or mocked similar as they had fun of thrashing of earlier. Interesting they forgot not everyone is the same or reacts like a drone.
Yep that incident. The accursed fugly miraculous plaguedom and his fiance’s so called friends, drove his wife to be to never be. They didn’t want that woman to wish to see more of who she liked. The woman just was trying to manage and deal with this crap.
And despite this tragedy, currently or since that S5 leak, people have advanced beyond the will of that woman’s death drivers. These Miraculous Absolute Mistakes Of Life, now want Lila to a predo because she didn’t stay down (even though if they were paying attention, they would have realized she wasn’t going to since previous episode). All because she made what a collective collections of circus freak’s desire, backfire or made it worthless. She is seen as too powerful to them, despite other too powerfuls in their faces being active before her like all the time.
Scums and cowards purposely ignore that Lila said to Gabriel that she is the friend Adrien’s age that he can put his trust to keep toxic people away from his son. They also want to forgot he and Nathalie were part this alliance with Lila (They also have been monitoring her for months). Seems they weren’t competent to know thirst for this disgusting theory or idea of Lila is absolutely awful or all sides in and out the show. It’s strange cause they hated Theo Barbot thing or This Luka Deaged thing (an twinnification was also used to have Juleka be held back grade thing) to make Marinette and Luka normalized thing (I have no idea for the Luka’s og age thing is true I’m just using that as a 2nd example), and now they want the very opposite case for Lila.
None of their thoughts are intelligent, which is ironic if they enjoy mocking Lila. They are like the type that are black belts (Eg. Assume whatever they see as on the goodside and enemies or watchers themselves or characters they insert from other shows are black belts) terrorizing Lila because her existence offends them. Then they feel threatened after sometime, they learn that Lila is brown belt. So now they want to use sniper rifles cause they fear the possibly of being beat by a Lila instead of not screwing with Lila to begin with after given so many signals to not do or continue. Leaving is too hard.
And F for the VAs.
Hopefully, Lisa Kay Jennings doesn't get hit by the miracucircus freaks.
People defamed, harassed, and drove Cristina Vee away from twitter over false information.
Crazy thing is a lot can see what was done to her because idiots lack research or like trouble making and like jumping into conclusions and following scorn is wrong. Yet if you apply Lila being driven away by Ladybug and Marinette, it would be seen as deserved despite it’s literally clear that it’s Ladybug/Marinette in the wrong. And such idiots would continue chaos and conclusion jumping and ignoring or altering in their minds what really happened.
Zagstruc and friends are crusty and make musty merch that may cost around 1000 dollars.
I’ll end this with this,
Brief Summary Of The Foamdom’s True Nature & True Failure.
Poor Miracuwhores, couldn’t succeed because Lila became their real struggle in life, along with their inability to look for better stuff to do.
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firecrackerhh · 1 month
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I don’t think sending people death threats is right or whatever, but I’m not gonna pretend like the people crying about our very fucking existence haven’t done the same exact shit.
But of course, antis don’t have shit to say when WE get fucking harassed, fuck us right? Maybe we would be kinder to them if they showed any respect for us! But noooooo, fuck that, god forbid they don’t virtue signal every wretched hour about how every little aspect of the show, fandom and creator included, pisses them the fuck off at all times and how awful we are and how dangerous to society we are or whatever the fuck you mentally ill weirdos believe.
But the second we give them back that energy they wanna play victim? Spare me. Play in fucking traffic or something.
“But that’s-“ what? Is it mean? Am I hurting your wittle fee fees? 🥺 oh you poor fucking babies. Cry to someone who gives a fuck.
It’s not like any fan who tells these people to off themselves is gonna actually do it, antis live off of spite and hatred and frankly anyone with such rancid opinions as them tunes us the fuck out anyway. It’s the ones who don’t y’all should be worried about.
I just wish these people could stop being such fucking hypocrites. Like you can’t bitch and moan about death threats when you’re in a group of people who routinely say that others should die over fictional fucking bullshit.
May I remind you all that this fandom wasn’t half as bad before these miserable fucks came in and started their whining and crying over their bad faith takes on everything involving the show? If anything, these people love the drama, they love the attention, it’s probably the only reason why some of these bastards wake up in the fucking morning! But sure, cry like our negative attention isn’t what you want.
Sure, it’s the hazbin fans that routinely send death threats, say racist shit, act homophobic, whatever, yeah, it’s always the fans right? Never antis, no, not them, pure cinnamon rolls they are./sarcasm
Clean up your own fucking house before you judge other people’s dumbfuck.
And yeah sure, Squidiot apologized for whatever bad shit she’s said and done in the past, but to be honest with you folks, I don’t believe this bitch for a second.
Lmao the same bitch who claimed that Viv was going to destroy society with her fucking cartoons thinks sending death threats is bad when by her own ‘logic’ (if you could even call it that) the only way Viv’s “society ending” cartoons would stop being created is if she died.
I can’t imagine being such a fucking tool to where I don’t fucking realize “hey…maybe this group of people routinely sending death threats to people over fictional bullshit isn’t the group I belong in” but then have the balls to say to the world “Vivziepop’s cartoon empire should fall!!!” Or whatever wacko shit without realizing the consequences of such a statement.
And just for the sake of clarity, yeah, clearly I’m not the pinnacle of kindness myself, I’m beyond aware, but Christ, at least I don’t directly send people death threats or whatever, like yeah, I’ve said bad shit before, I’m not denying that, but at least I don’t send it to the people I’m mad at.
If an anti sees my posts and that makes them angry that’s their own fault for looking at my shit to begin with.
Honestly the fact that most of those pictures of “harassment” the anti showed of non-Hazbin fans is at most fans telling the person “can you shut the fuck up” is kinda evidence to me these people are babies.
Like statistically I know there’s gotta be some subsection of fans who do send death threats on the regular and that shit isn’t ok, but shitty people are in every fandom my dude, it’s kinda inevitable, maybe stop whining that the hazbin fandom doesn’t do enough to remove people from the fandom and focus on your fucking behavior.
As if removing people from any fandom is even really possible, definitely for a fandom the size of Hazbin. It isn’t like we vote in leaders or something, it isn’t like Viv is Zeus and the big Hazbin accounts are Olympians, at most you can warn people of a person’s behavior, ostracize them even, but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll stop watching the show or engaging in fandom in other ways or with a different group of people or something.
People are awful, so most fandoms are toxic waste dumps, the hazbin fandom isn’t special, neither are antis, we’re all varying degrees of awful, it’s just a matter of what degree you are, and I think being an anti is significantly worse than any fan of a stupid fucking cartoon.
Giving off some real “I have the right to free speech!” Energy tbh. Like we all have an opinion my dude, doesn’t mean we’re obligated to endure your horseshit.
But on the bright side, that free speech bullshit applies to us as much as them, truly nothing is more American than telling a bitch to shut the fuck up over their bullshit-ass opinion. God bless America.
🧨🔥~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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freyanistics · 2 years
I’m going to say this one more time, because I’ve been going through a lot of shit as of late to the point I’m going to be less forgiving and more of an asshole, and I’m not trying to get banned on here.
I am allowed to not like a certain character, everyone is allowed that. I don’t care if you don’t like lady d whether she’d overhyped or whatever reason. Whenever I see people making posts that talks badly about her I simply scroll by or hide the post, I don’t go out my way to harass and insult that person. Unless the opinion is homophobic or misogynistic I don’t care
I don’t like Ethan winters because he’s boring to me, he has no personality and I just can’t connect with him as a character. It has no correlation to Lady D, I don’t fucking understand why y’all keep thinking people don’t like Ethan because of lady d. People can not like him for other reasons. Get that through those thick heads, and even if that is the reason who cares?
It is a fictional character. That character is made of pixels and computer A.I. He doesn’t care what any of us think. Y’all are on here fighting hard to defend something as if it’s an actual person and it’s honestly sad.
It’s also annoying because you’re harassing someone over an opinion they are allowed to have. It doesn’t matter if it hurts your feelings, there’s a block button for a reason. Use it. Stop being a fucking weirdo and trying to insult people over not liking a character
Tbh the more y’all bitch about it to me the more I don’t like the character 💁🏾‍♀️
Get a hobby or touch grass
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just-the-hiddles · 3 years
Your Fandom Isn’t Dying...
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So I got asked a really interesting question the other week.  A lovely follower asked me what I thought was the cause for the Hiddles (and by a lesser extent the Loki) fandom slow death.  I came back with an answer but I want to dive a little deeper into this.  Because I have thoughts. I’m on exile island. So let’s go. I will be talking specifically about those two fandoms because well look at the url.  But many of these ideas, thoughts, concepts, etc. apply to many fandoms.
1. Pandemic. Y’all we are STILL in a pandemic. Nearly two years and counting.  And while many may have sought comfort in their fandom within the earlier times of COVID.  Life has a sneaky way of requiring your attention.  There is a “business as usual” mentality. Note it is not business as usual. And with that, many have had to step away from their fandom pursuits.
2. Social Media Platforms Are Not Friendly To Creators. Talk to any content creator on just about any social media platform and they will likely tell you engagement is down.  Instagram keeps tweaking its algothrim. TikTok doesn’t reward content creators and bans accounts.  Tumblr shadowbans or marks explicit creators (Waves hello from exile island). And that is not even taking into accountable the fans, followers, readers, consumers. Which brings me to...
3. Engagement and Feedback Is Down For Creators. It’s a vicious cycle. The readers don’t engage, reblog, comment, so creators create less because despite what you may want to think and what I have said previously, creators usually don’t create for the hell of it. They want, they need positive reinforcement. And when that is not there, they stop creating, there’s less to respond to. It’s hard writing to a brick wall.
4. Bullying and Harassment. I don’t know how else to discuss this, but this happens ALL THE TIME.  And this is not just about the bullying and harassment of individual creators, I am talking about the trend to attack ANYONE who may express a differing opinion from your own.  
So let’s talk Loki for a moment. When the series was announced, people were excited, people were nervous.  There was speculation, there were leaked photos, there was promo. At that point, things were staying relatively pleasant. But you could see what happened coming from a mile away. And then the series premiered.   And holy fucking hell. I saw things along the lines of If you liked this show, you’re evil and support inc#$t. Poor Tom for having to be dragged into this project (he was an executive producer, he spoke in multiple interviews about how involved he was in the process of developing the series). There were death threats, harassment. ALL OF IT. OVER FICTIONAL CHARACTERS! It essentially got to a point where if someone said anything that didn’t sound like outright disgust, the “antis” (I hate that fucking word) were all over it. I was unfollowing, blocking, and just not coming onto Tumblr more so than ever before.  And so were many of my friends.  No one wants to hang out somewhere where someone dropped a bunch of rotting food in the middle of room. Your opinion is yours, but no one else may want to hear it but that doesn’t mean you get to use it as a weapon.
5. Fans/Readers/Followers Have Become More Demanding and Entitled.  Again, this is not new behavior but it seems like it is increasing in frequency and bizarreness. Like most recently a great Loki writer on here wrote a story that didn’t exclusively feature Loki. GASP! Many of her readers took it upon themselves to jump into her inbox (anon, naturally. Because if you’re going to be nasty you don’t want to show your face) to tell her to stay in her lane and only write Loki.  BITCH SAY WHAT?! You, as a consumer, do not dictate what a creator creates.  Period. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts. 
And that goes for most things.  You don’t get to go into someone’s inbox (again anon, NOT THE FACE) and demand they post the next chapter. They will post when they are damn good and ready.  Don’t fucking send death threats because they wrote dark fic and they hurts your sensibilities.  JUST DON’T. It makes you look like a dick and has the exact opposite effect.
Another side of this little entitled coin, is this bizarre notion that we as fans are somehow entitled to a piece of the character/celebrities. Are you a member of their family? Part of their PR team? No? Well then back about about 100 feet.  While the virtue of being a celebrity often forces someone into the spotlight it does not mean their lives are on display.  That means you shouldn’t be posting personal contact information about them, their loved ones, girlfriends/boyfriends, etc. Yeah why you know their home address anyways? Hmmm.... And if your main crush finds love, be fucking happy for them.  Love is a rare and special gift and to find that in the fishbowl they live in can be an extraordinary task.  This is not a rom com, this is not “if he only met me, he would leave her and be with me” My Best Friend’s Wedding scenario.  Remember Julia Roberts didn’t get the guy in the end. 
6. Things Change and People Need To Change Too. As with everything in life, fandom comes in ebbs and flows. Like the Hiddles fandom, 2019 was a glorious year. We had Betrayal, we were getting Stage Door appearance nightly. It was delicious. We got stuff during the pandemic while everyone was cooped up with Coriolanus, Loki filming.2021 was the series, filming new things, interviews, etc.  We were eating rich. But now it is quiet, so we hold onto things from the past and reminisce.  And that’s okay.  Things change and evolve.  
So when you think about fandom dying, think about the behavior happening in fandom.  Maybe it’s not dying, maybe people are essentially killing it, rather than encouraging it.
Hope you have the day you deserve! 
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
This one is for the fandom antis in the Chucky fandom…
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(Bonus if you read it in his voice!)
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esther-dot · 3 years
it is your side that has been crosstagging for years now and posting negative, offensive, and frankly disgusting content. even when people tag posts with "anti sansa stark" your side comes seething out like jobless harpies to attack the person and call them names such as "stupid sluts/bitches" and this is without mentioning all the buzzwords your insensivitive asses ascribe to people who disagree with your nonsensical headcanons and misogynistic theories. stay in your lane, stop offending people by posting anti content in the "asoiaf" tag to circumvent the specific character tag so you can claim that you're innocent and we would have no problem. better yet, stop harrassing individuals, and kindly fuck off to your regressive circle of dumbasses <3 instead of wondering why your friends have to resort to changing the text from the books to supplement your poor excuse of "metas" you are all crying about how a fictional character, sansa stark, is driving people crazy. newsflash your ignorant fuck: nobody cares about your fave so much as the behaviour you people, her fans, have been showing for the longest while now.
Do you really think you’re in the position to lecture me about tumblr etiquette? Because it’s impossible for you to make me feel bad about other people’s behavior while you’re behaving this way. Like, let’s just sit here and think how funny it is that you’re complaining to me about the proper use of tags in a hateful anonymous message. Come on, that is really funny!
Actually, let’s just pause and think about how your anon hate undermines your argument, not only for that reason but also because my asks are not usually tagged with any of the main tags, so I know you’re following me (or my mutuals who reblog my stuff) which means you’re just camped out on our blogs for the sole purpose of making a nuisance of yourself. And while you’re doing that, you think you can convince me that we’re the ones creating drama.
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Personally, I don’t like the insults you mentioned, so I know I haven’t used them in reference to characters and certainly not in reference to other fans, and I’m not responsible for other people’s choices or behavior, and I certainly can’t dictate what they say, so I’m not even sure what your goal is. I mean, you expressed your rage (yay!), but technically, as long as we’re keeping stuff on our own blogs or using the anti tag, we’re following tumblr etiquette no matter what horrible names we call the rest of the fandom. You’re the one engaging in targeted harassment. Oops! 😆
Speaking of tags, it sounds like you’re confused about how people use the tags? Everything ASOIAF related is allowed in that main tag. If it is “anti” a character or ship, it should also be tagged “anti (insert character or ship)” so people’s filters prevent them from seeing it, but it isn’t the case that people aren’t allowed to post negative content there. That isn’t some scheme to “circumvent” anything, it’s how all sides of the fandom have used the tags for as long as I’ve been active. Now you can even filter the content of the post, so it’s up to you to turn the filters on.
Lastly, that claim that “nobody cares about my fave” uh, y’all do. That’s why yesterday and today Sansa fans have been getting anon hate. You’re obsessed with her. Instead of blocking me and others in my fandom, instead of filtering tags to avoid our offensive takes, you’re here, reading our stuff and choosing to interact with us. I can only assume y’all care, and that you care a lot. One day, when you truly don’t care about our opinion, when you’re over worrying that we’re right about Sansa and her endgame, you’ll stop reading our stuff. If you truly didn’t care, you’d leave us alone. How do I know? I block y’all. I go through the anti Sansa tag and block all of you because I truly don’t give a fuck. Try it. You’ll be happier for it, I promise.
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rod00dles · 4 years
Hot Take: What the fuck?
I don’t know what Gen Z is smoking but jeez y’all need to lay off. Shipping is no fun anymore because everyone treats fiction as reality and feels a sense entitlement. For example, I’m sure the BNHA community would really hate the YGO fandom, seeing that we ship everything and a n y t h i n g. God, I can just imagine it now if YGO was a mainstream modern anime:
“You can’t ship that because it’s clearly toxic! He took over his body and killed people.”
“That’s abusive! He killed his father and tried to snuff him out of existence.”
“They are in high school and therefore no matter what age you are as an audience, you are not allowed to be attracted to a ✨fictional character✨.”
“It’s the ✨pedophilia✨for me. You can’t ship a sixteen year old with a three thousand year old spirit. That’s gross.”
“You don’t have the right to draw or write *mature content* about these characters that don’t exist because it’s gross and that makes u a ✨pedo✨.”
“They are all clearly homos and anyone who opposes is irrelevant and stupid.”
“That ship doesn’t makes sense so I’m gonna harass you and bully you until you conform with my ideals. Or kys.”
“It doesn’t matter if this is canon, my ship is better and I will do anything to make it known.”
“You cannot like this person because they are ✨abusive✨ and I am ✨triggered✨.”
“This author dare do something so controversial in their story? They are officially ✨cancelled✨.”
You see where I’m going with this right? Over the last like six years, this has become the norm. People have become hella pressed about fiction and it’s fucking batshit crazy. The YGO fandom is a great example of people minding their own business and letting people ship tf what they want because it doesn’t hurt anyone.
Why has that changed? What happened to crack shippings and being able to write “lemon” without someone holding a knife to your throat? Making fan art of something without someone coming to it and saying you’re wrong for shipping it? Or calling you homophobic or abuse apologists? Making baseless accusations of pedophilia? Why has this become the norm now? Why are people so toxic under the guise of entitlement?
I’ve been shipping cartoon characters since I was in fifth grade and I’m still gonna do what I want cuz you literally can’t stop me but I want to know why this has done such a 180.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but...
Elain doesn’t know or care if you’re shipping her with Tamlin. Azriel doesn’t know or care if I think he is similar to Tamlin. Gwyn doesn’t care if you think she’s a lightsinger. Mor doesn’t care if you think she’s at fault for all of Az’s emotional trauma. Rhysand does not give a shit if you think that he’s a dick to Nesta.
None of that stuff actually matters, because those aren’t real people, and I can’t believe that I have to emphasize this. Everyone has their own personal squicks, things that they personally find distasteful. Block the person who did it, and move on. It’s not hard. 
Critique of a fictional character is not about you as a person. Shipping two characters together says nothing about 1) the people who like those characters or 2) the people who ship them together. The person writing these posts likely doesn’t know a single thing about you, so it’s on you to block them.
Here are things that people have done to me, an actual person, since acosf came out:
People screenshot my posts to put on Twitter to make fun of
Y’all have seen the annoying/rude anons I’ve gotten - I’ve deleted a good dozen or so that were worse
I’ve been vagued multiple times and called a disgusting person for calling out abuse warning signs
Lies about me were posted publicly
I’ve felt forced to disclose my history with emotional and domestic abuse because my integrity was questioned
People have said passive aggressive shit about my profession (while also getting my profession wrong lmao but anyway)
That’s just stuff that happened to me. To other people:
Being accused of racism as an excuse to defend a ship
Hateful anons calling them a c*nt, etc.
Being forced to change blog names so people will leave them alone
Constant name-dropping harassment on other platforms (mainly Twitter)
Deactivating accounts
Being accused of using personal, traumatic history as a weapon in a ship war (this didn’t happen to me directly but I know people think it)
Threats to sjm’s child (I know they were supposedly jokes - they weren’t effing funny)
Mocking roleplayers on tik tok
Misgendering artists
Harassing artists for what they do/don’t ship
Implying that shipping makes the shipper either an abuse apologist or a p*do
Misuse of content/trigger warnings 
Bodyshaming an actress until she deactivated
Every single one of those things above was directed at actual people. 
I don’t care what people ship. I really don’t. I still hold onto cazriel as my preferred ship over nessian or gwynriel. I don’t assume that all people who ship e*riel hate Lucien, or that all people who ship tamlain like abusive relationships because shipping is about the characters, not the person doing the shipping.
But please, for the love of all that is fictional, can we stop pretending like people’s ideas about fictional characters are the equivalent of harming actual people. There is a huge difference between writing a theory about a fictional character, and harassing a real person. 
Last thought - there is also a thin line between talking about a ship you don’t like, and making comments about the people who ship it. The first is fine. The second, not so much. Don’t confuse the shipper with the ship. Shipping tamlain? Whatever. You do you. Accusing people who ship it of being abuse apologists? Nope!
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zackrayb6 · 3 years
Stop The ZackRay ShipWars! Stop harassing shippers! Stop Pressuring Antis. Shut the fuck up.
Do you know what really annoys me the dumb ass anti-shippers that think you shipping two drawings makes you support pedophilia. What a dumbass ignorant logic is that. Do your fucking research no one is shipping them erotically in any type of way. Majority of shippers ship them platonically until the future. Or with Rachel being older?? We see potential with the ship in the future!! Back to the whole pedophilia bullshit. I swear Anti’s favorite line is you’re supporting pedophilia or you’re a pedophile.. No, I’m peacefully just shipping a ship of two damn drawings. That’s implying the same logic as me/you liking mass murders, serial killers, psychopaths, and many more ill and sickly characters makes me/you support and agree with everything they do in reality. Do you really think that liking Zack makes me support serial killers like ...Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer? Hell no it’s fiction!?! Do you think me liking Ryo from devil man crybaby makes me support Satan or demonic behaviors? No. Do you think me liking Eren Yaeger makes me support someone who does mass genocide? No? Distinguish your fiction from reality. So how the fuck does liking a ship you see potential with make me a pedophile. Idiotic mindset.  I also want to mention how every single Disney princess has a same exact age gap with their princes. Ariel, Snow White, Rapunzel, Mulan, Belle, Aurora, Pocahontas, Jasmine and many more fictional Disney characters. They all have age gaps even worse!  And no one says anything about those age gaps. And those movies were specifically made for children. Other than Angels of Death in which was targeted to an older crowd. Don’t even get me started on have sacks age was ‘presumed’ making it a guess. No bur seriously I feel like if Rachel was older many of y’all wouldn’t be so dismissive towards a lot of the scenes/panels that were meantly to be romantic? Or even see this clearly being a romantic thing? I mean damn near ever thing in the Finial scene were symbols of love... including the doves and the scenery under the moon. How can you deny that? Honestly, even the art work I’ve seen wasn’t as intimate as this panel was from volume 12...?
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These panels are really making me question how some people don’t see the signs?? They’re list of panel scenes I can add of them being ‘ship-canon-like’.
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No one is pressuring you into shipping it. We just want the fandom to be less toxic over a ship. People should be able to not ship the ship and people should be able to ship the ship. People shouldn’t harass people for shipping it and people shouldn’t pressure people into shipping it.  people should be able to post freely on their opinions about characters, relationships and opinions without getting attacked for it. Stop harassing artist as well cause honestly that’s pissing me off too! Yes, I do ship ZackRay but I do agree that this arguing over it needs to end including death threats and all especially. Thank you! 
Also I wont be replying to anyones bullshit of being pressed over this post because I’m pretty sure some Anti will ..., unless..
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blazewatergem · 3 years
Why I Left
Disclaimer: Everything below is my own story, my own opinion. I’m not fighting anyone on this, as in: try to fight me on this/be rude about this and I’ll probably just block you. I really don’t care.
The Start: When I first joined the DSMP fandom, I heard a LOT of bad shit about it. Going in, I figured those were just the typical. Like, every fandom has its rough patches so of course this one would too! Especially as a YouTuber based fandom. I’ve seen some shit there, I know what it’s like. This fandom, though, seems almost the worst from what I’ve seen. I love the streamers, I love the story and characters of DSMP, but with the way others act I can’t see myself interacting with the fandom.
CC Boundaries VS Everyone Else’s Boundaries: A huge thing that bothers me is how boundaries are treated. Obviously there should be respect towards the streamers, and how people interact with them. Just, this fandom doesn’t seem to realize that respect should also be shown to other fans! What they create, what characters they like, that is another person on the other side of the screen. You can disagree and think they’re wrong, but telling people they’re terrible/abuse apologists/whatever over MINECRAFT FICTION is ridiculous.
Dark Content Hypocrisy: This story - the canon story - has had cults, bombings, murder, war, and so much dark shit in it. Granted, this isn’t imaged due to the medium of the story being electronic LEGOS but they are STILL part of the story. So when Dead Dove creators decide to play with these characters and y’all harass them? The word of the day: Hypocrisy.
Fanfics: Fanfics are for fans. As long as you tag correctly, do what you need to keep others safe, write what you want. If you go through all the warnings and barriers and STILL try to complain about someone’s writing? That’s on you.
Apologist Discourse: I call myself a C!Dream Apologist(once again, F I C T I O N A L CHARACTER) and am told I can’t participate with a majority of the fandom. Dream is literally the guy who started the server. I can’t have FRIENDS in a FANDOM because I like one block dude over another block dude. I am told I am the worst of the worst because I like one block dude over another block dude. I have had to unfollow and block someone I admired from a different fandom, because after a stream they said anyone who’s still a C!Dream Apologist was “literally abusers in the making” and “eat my ass on the way out you freaks”. I followed them for a entirely different fandom.
It goes both ways too! I can’t fit in with the main C!Dream Apologists because I love Michael and C!Ranboo! There was a lot of making fun of people being upset and worried over Michael since he’s “just a mob” but fucking surprise y’all!! We exist! All the discourse makes me sick.
Entitlement: Stop telling streamers how to play THEIR characters. Stop telling streamers they’re playing THEIR characters wrong. You are not the writer. You are not them. Stop being so entitled over how people write, how people use characters, how streamers play WITH THEIR FRIENDS.
Conclusion: I do not feel safe in the DSMP fandom. At all. I can’t tell who I can interact with or trust. I can’t tell who I can even like artwork from without being screamed at that I deserve to die because I like a blob dude. I am constantly walking a minefield with this fandom because of how others act, no matter who I block or blacklist, it always gets through. I’m so tired. This fandom makes me unable to sleep on stream days and sick to my stomach to where I avoid media entirely.
I literally have to tag this post with it and I’m scared of how others will react to me.
This fandom is cursed. I want nothing to do with it. Even if I steal and base OCs for my Lost City on streamers from it, I have to moderate the comments and live in nervous terror of others reactions. I get worse anxiety from this than fucking COVID. THATS NOT HEALTHY. It’s a fictional fucking story! Stop treating real people like shit and sending them horrible messages or telling them they can’t be a part of a fandom because they like a different character than you! What the hell!!
What’s worse is I still want community with it. I still want to read the fics and reblog the art and enjoy it. But I have to do that by myself and in small doses because of other people.
I don’t feel safe with them. That’s why I have such a huge disclaimer for the Lost City. I just want to have fun. It’s literally fiction. It shouldn’t ever be this bad.
But it is.
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watcherinwater · 3 years
FYI-In no way am I calling out all shippers who ship the ships I will mention-just the militant ones who invade tags and harass people for not shipping their ship or who harass people for saying it’s not canon.
I’m getting really tired of all the stupid ship wars over the Loki show. I don’t care if you ship whatever you want but stop invading other peoples tags just to belittle what they ship . I can’t even filter them out because some you guys are invading the mainstream tags without even tagging it as ships. And just because your ship is the most popular doesn’t give you the right to harass people and to try to force them to say it’s canon. Newsflash-none of these ships are canon. Will they be? Possibly-though I don’t think so-especially since the head writer has already said that the most popular ship won’t be although it’s true that he could be lying. They are all controversial in some way-even though a queer relationship shouldn’t be; at least not for being queer. But guess what guys-not everybody sees chemistry of a romantic type among all these characters and I really wish some you all would stop acting like everyone is supposed to feel the way about it that you do.
Yeah some people ship some controversial and sometimes distasteful stuff-like self-love, incest and other weird shit has been available in many fandoms for some time. And no it doesn’t automatically mean people do it in real life. It’s also a pretty small corner of fandom-you’re literally giving it attention by even talking about it so much. You don’t have to like it but you do need to accept that it exists. I guarantee you there’s all kinds of stuff that’s a lot worse than what I just mentioned in many fandoms and it’s usually not that hard to ignore that part of fandom-especially on social media-just filter out the tags and don’t go looking for them. That some of you bitch about it but literally go looking for it in the tags says a lot. I see several people who do this who have no problem with rape, torture, clone f******, and even underage stuff in the fandom so quit moralizing. There are profiles that invade tags that go around talking about ships that they feel are morally wrong-dude seriously keep it on your profile all you want but quit invading tags. If you have a problem with stuff that’s “morally wrong” I hate to break it to you but it’s all over the world and all over fandom. And those of you complaining about incest type ships-how many of you were fine with Jamie and Cersei in Game of Thrones because it was canon? How many of you are fine with writing about the weird romantic situations Loki gets into in both the myths and the comics (more on the below).
On the other hand-those of you who ship controversial ships that the majority find distasteful need to understand that most mainstream fans aren’t going to like them. People don’t or at least aren’t supposed to do this stuff in the real world and if you want to write in in your corner of fandom that’s fine. But most people aren’t going to like it and you need to stay in your lane and tag your stuff and not say it’s canon. To be fair until recently most of you did do this.
People ship Loki with a lot of weird ships. We’re talking about the guy/girl who in the myths and some parts of the comics turned into a mare and gave birth to a horse! And who in both the comics and the myths has monster children. Who ate a witch’s heart and gave birth to monsters. Many of you are fine with this because it’s canonical in most media.  I doubt you’d be okay with it in real life-or that you assume that everybody who writes fan fiction (and there’s a lot of it) about it is okay with it in real life. Some people literally ship him with the Tesseract (SpaceFrost). Some people ship him with his clones (LokiCest). Some people ship him with Tom (FrostPudding). Yeah sometimes it’s crack ships-but sometimes it isn’t. I quite enjoy the SpaceFrost one and find it amusing-as well as FrostPudding-is some asshole going to come after for me for that? They’re actually popular ships although people usually turn the Tesseract into a person. 😁
Personally, I don’t ship any of the new ships (I’d rather see Loki with someone who doesn’t threaten his life or automatically want something from him; I’m kind of worn out on the enemies to lovers thing) but I really don’t care as long as people aren’t trying to force it on me or force me to say it’s canon. This is literally FrostMaster all over again-which isn’t canon but because it was a popular ship you had militants trying to harass people who said it wasn’t canon. Not everybody ships Loki with an older man who is supposed to control him in some way. If you do that’s fine and if you don’t that’s fine too.
I know a lot of people don’t like the Thorki ship-but I’ll say one thing for those shippers-at least most of the time they stay in their lane, understand that many people don’t appreciate their ship, don’t harass people over it, and tag their stuff. Several of you could stand to learn to do the same. And FYI, even if your ship does become canon that still doesn’t give you the right to harass people who don’t ship it or ship other ships. I’ve seen people saying racist stuff to people who ship Loki and Casey, and Mobius and Renslayer. Like, these are tiny ships and you’re threatened by them?? Your ships are the majority-isn’t that enough? I’ve also seen the some people trying to say that if you don’t ship Lokius you’re homophobic. Of course while there are some asshole homo/biphobes-there’s plenty of other queer people and others who aren’t homo/biphobic and who don’t ship them and some of you need to get that through your heads and stop using our queer identity to prop up your ship. It’s not always about canon though-it’s usually about what’s most popular. Bruce and Natasha was actual canon and I remember people who shipped them getting all kinds of shit from people who shipped a much more popular ship.
In no way am I calling out all shippers who ship these ships-just the militant ones who invade tags and harass people for not shipping their ship or for saying it’s not canon. Y’all getting ridiculous over fictional characters. Seriously, mind your own business and stay in your lane and stop messing with mainstream tags while not including your specific ship tags. I don’t want to look through the Loki series tag and see shippers fighting without these posts being tagged appropriately. It comes across that there’s no reason for you to do this other than spite. You can also tag stuff as “x negative” or “x critical”.
TLDR: Militant shippers (and only those) please stop invading each other‘s tags and stop invading mainstream tags. Tag your stuff and stay in your lane. And remember none of your ships are canon (although that may change but even then don’t harass people) so stop trying to push people into saying they are. Also people are going to ship Loki with all kinds of weird ships- considering his history in both mythology and the comics. If you don’t like it then stay out of the tags and also those of you that ship these ships please tag your stuff. And don’t use things like racism and queerphobia to either support or disparage ships.
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scoobydoodean · 3 years
No literally some people still miss this. Destiel shippers are not the “only ones” who harass people and they are not the “only ones” with toxic elements. If you think that, please know that the first person to ever send me a lengthy, hysterical message telling me I hated poor people because I suggested that Sam and Dean suffered food insecurity in childhood was a wincest shipper who then repeatedly accused me of being a “heller” because they were completely incapable of grasping the idea that someone could disagree with them and not ship destiel. That person is part of what is basically a cult who frequently name drop usernames of people they don’t like and screenshot posts with people’s usernames in them from Tumblr and Twitter and mock and curse at them for their opinions and interpretations all of which does subject them to targeted cyberbullying over fiction. Some of their friends call Danneel Ackles a c*** and a money-grubber on repeat. Some of them make up conspiracies about Misha Collins because they’re desperately threatened and angry that he dares to ship something they don’t. There is no magic ship that makes you harass people or not harass people over ships. Y’all need to stop looking at other groups by their extremists while looking at your own as deeply nuanced. You all have skeletons in the closet, and some of them literally turn my stomach.
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