#straße | street | calle
dummy-kanji · 4 months
Tokyo 4745 por tokyoform Por Flickr: | www.tokyoform.com | 500px | twitter | | tumblr | prints | facebook | instagram |
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tokyoform · 2 years
Tokyo 4751 on Flickr.
Via Flickr: | www.tokyoform.com | linktr.ee/tokyoform |
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my-yamanote-mood · 2 years
Tokyo 4749 da tokyoform Tramite Flickr: | www.tokyoform.com | 500px | twitter | | tumblr | prints | facebook | instagram |
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er1chartmann · 9 months
Joseph Goebbels's time line
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This is Joseph Goebbels,The Nazi minister for Propaganda, time-line:
1897: He was born in Rheydt
1900: His father bought a house at number 140 Dahlener Street, in Rheydt, today number 156.
1909: His sister, named Maria, was born.
1917: He moved to 18 Post Straße in Bonn to continue his studies
1919: He voted for the German Nationalist Party
1919: He moved to Munich.
1920: He moved to Heidelberg University, where he studied under the aegis of two Jewish professors, Friedrich Gundolf, professor of literary history, and Max von Waldberg, author of numerous books on the history of literature.
1922: He worked briefly as an art critic for a newspaper, but was fired; he later gave a public lecture on Oswald Spengler.
1922: He subsequently found work at the Dresdner bank in Cologne, thanks to the family relationships of his girlfriend, Else Janke, of Jewish origins. He remained there for nine months, only to be fired.
1924: He began writing his diaries.
1924: He organized the first political meetings in his father's house in Rheydt
1924: He published his first article in a weekly political magazine
1925: On January 20, 1925, he was fired from the magazine Völkische Freiheit and subsequently became Gregor Strasser's secretary.
1925: He was at the forefront, alongside Strasser, in supporting the campaign for the expropriation of the assets of the fallen nobles, proposed by the communist and social democratic deputies.
1926: on 29 March 1926 Hitler offered Goebbels the opportunity to speak in public, the following 8 April; Goebbels accepted and, from then on, was completely won over by the Führer.
1926: He officially broke with Strasser and definitively switched to Hitler's side.
1926: Hitler appointed Goebbels Gauleiter (regional section head) of Berlin.
1928: He was elected deputy to the Reichstag
1931: He married Magda, the ex-wife of an industrialist, on the estate of Günther Quandt in Mecklenburg: Hitler was his best man.
1932: His first child, named Helga, was born.
1933: Goebbels was called to the position of Minister of Propaganda.
1933: He organized the so-called ''Book Burnings'' in Berlin.
1934: His second child, named Hildegard, was born.
1935: His third child and only son, Helmut, was born.
1936: He became the lover of the Czechoslovakian actress Lída Baarová.
1937: His fourth child, named Holdine, was born
1937: He opened the exhibition of the so-called ''degenerate art'': no ​​entry fee was required, to ensure that it was visited by as many people as possible.
1938: He helped organize Kristallnacht
1938: His fifth child, named Hedwig, was born.
1939: The Second World War began
1939: He visited Poland and in particular a ghetto.
1940: His sixth child, named Heidrun, was born
1940: He became editor of Das Reich.
1941: He read the declaration of war regarding the invasion of the Soviet Union.
1941: He began to take an active interest in the Jewish question. With Hitler's permission, he created a ''special mark for the Jews''
1943: He made the speech of total war.
1945: He was named plenipotentiary minister for total war mobilization and later general of the Wehrmacht, in charge of the defense of Berlin, this assignment meant a lot to Goebbels, who was unable to join the army during WW1 due to his disability
1945: From 22 to 29 April, He published the last Nazi newspaper in history, the Panzerbär.
1945: Hitler, in his last wishes, named him his successor as Reich Chancellor.
1945: Once Hitler died, Goebbels took over from him as chancellor on 30 April 1945, remaining in office for only almost a day and a half.
1945: He and his wife Magda, after having killed their six children with cyanide, they committed suicide.
Wikipedia: Joseph Goebbels
Hitler and his loyalists: Paul Roland
Joseph Goebbels, the agitator: Documentary
If you don't like it go with your life :))
Note: If I get new information from my research I will edit the post :))
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pollonegro666 · 11 months
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2023/10/30 Hoy compramos un teléfono para la Pollitita. Es un modelo de su tamaño y de otra época. Así, cuando los niños bajen al parque, pueden avisar si tienen algún problema en la calle.
Today we bought a phone for the little pink chicken. It is a model of its size and from another era. This way, when the children go down to the park, they can let them know if they have any problems on the street.
Google Translation into French: Aujourd'hui, nous avons acheté un téléphone pour le petit poulet rose. C'est un modèle à sa taille et d'une autre époque. De cette façon, lorsque les enfants descendront au parc, ils pourront leur faire savoir s'ils ont des problèmes dans la rue.
Google translation into Italian: Oggi abbiamo comprato un telefono per la gallina rosa. È un modello nelle sue dimensioni e di un’altra epoca. In questo modo, quando i bambini scendono al parco, potranno far sapere se hanno problemi per strada.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Hoje compramos um telefone para a galinha rosa. É um modelo no seu tamanho e de outra época. Assim, quando as crianças descerem ao parque, poderão avisar se tiverem algum problema na rua.
Google Translation into German: Heute haben wir ein Telefon für das kleine rosa Huhn gekauft. Es ist ein Modell in seiner Größe und aus einer anderen Zeit. Auf diese Weise können die Kinder, wenn sie in den Park gehen, ihnen mitteilen, ob sie auf der Straße Probleme haben.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Sot blemë një telefon për pulën e vogël rozë. Është një model i përmasave të tij dhe i një epoke tjetër. Në këtë mënyrë, kur fëmijët zbresin në park, ata mund t'i bëjnë të ditur nëse kanë ndonjë problem në rrugë.
Google Translation into Arabic: اشترينا اليوم هاتفًا للدجاجة الوردية الصغيرة. وهو نموذج بحجمه ومن عصر آخر. بهذه الطريقة، عندما ينزل الأطفال إلى الحديقة، يمكنهم إخبارهم إذا كانت لديهم أي مشاكل في الشارع.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այսօր մենք հեռախոս գնեցինք փոքրիկ վարդագույն հավի համար։ Դա իր չափերի մոդելն է և այլ դարաշրջանից: Այս կերպ, երբ երեխաները իջնեն այգի, նրանք կարող են տեղեկացնել նրանց, եթե փողոցում խնդիրներ ունենան։
Google Translation into Bengali: আজ আমরা ছোট্ট গোলাপী মুরগির জন্য একটি ফোন কিনেছি। এটি তার আকারের একটি মডেল এবং অন্য যুগের। এইভাবে, শিশুরা যখন পার্কে যায়, রাস্তায় তাদের কোন সমস্যা হলে তারা তাদের জানাতে পারে।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Днес купихме телефон за малкото розово пиле. Това е модел с неговия размер и от друга епоха. По този начин, когато децата слизат в парка, те могат да ги уведомят, ако имат проблеми на улицата.
Google Translation into Czech: Dnes jsme koupili telefon pro malé růžové kuře. Je to model své velikosti a z jiné doby. Tímto způsobem, když děti jdou dolů do parku, mohou jim dát vědět, pokud mají na ulici nějaké problémy.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 今天我们给粉红小鸡买了一部手机。 它是其尺寸的典范,来自另一个时代。 这样,当孩子们去公园时,如果他们在街上遇到任何问题,他们可以让他们知道。
Google Translation into Korean: 오늘 우리는 작은 분홍색 닭을 위한 전화기를 샀습니다. 그것은 그 크기와 다른 시대의 모델입니다. 이렇게 하면 아이들이 공원에 내려갔을 때 길거리에서 문제가 생기면 알려줄 수 있습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Danas smo kupili telefon za malo rozo pile. To je model njegove veličine i iz drugog doba. Na taj način, kada djeca siđu u park, mogu im javiti ako imaju problema na ulici.
Google Translation into Danish I dag har vi købt en telefon til den lille lyserøde kylling. Det er en model af dens størrelse og fra en anden tidsalder. På denne måde, når børnene går ned i parken, kan de fortælle dem, hvis de har problemer på gaden.
Google Translation into Slovak: Dnes sme kúpili telefón pre malé ružové kura. Je to model svojej veľkosti a z inej doby. Takto, keď deti zídu do parku, môžu im dať vedieť, ak majú na ulici nejaké problémy.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Danes smo kupili telefon za malega roza piščančka. Je model svoje velikosti in iz drugega obdobja. Tako lahko otroci, ko se spustijo v park, sporočijo, če imajo na ulici kakšne težave.
Google Translation into Estonian: Täna ostsime väikesele roosale kanale telefoni. Tegemist on oma suuruse ja teisest ajastust pärit mudeliga. Nii saavad lapsed parki laskudes neile teada anda, kui neil on tänaval probleeme.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tänään ostimme puhelimen pienelle vaaleanpunaiselle kanalle. Se on kokonsa malli ja toiselta aikakaudelta. Näin kun lapset menevät alas puistoon, he voivat ilmoittaa heille, jos heillä on ongelmia kadulla.
Google Translation into Georgian: დღეს ვიყიდეთ ტელეფონი პატარა ვარდისფერი ქათმისთვის. ეს არის მისი ზომის მოდელი და სხვა ეპოქიდან. ამ გზით, როდესაც ბავშვები ჩადიან პარკში, მათ შეუძლიათ აცნობონ, თუ რაიმე პრობლემა აქვთ ქუჩაში.
Google Translation into Greek: Σήμερα αγοράσαμε ένα τηλέφωνο για το μικρό ροζ κοτόπουλο. Είναι ένα μοντέλο στο μέγεθός του και από μια άλλη εποχή. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, όταν τα παιδιά κατεβαίνουν στο πάρκο, μπορούν να τα ενημερώσουν αν έχουν κάποιο πρόβλημα στο δρόμο.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ko árape rojogua peteĩ teléfono pe pollo rósa michĩvape g̃uarã. Ha’e peteĩ modelo tuichaháicha ha ambue época-gui. Péicha, mitãnguéra oguejy jave parque-pe, ikatu oikuaauka chupekuéra oguerekóramo apañuãi tape rehe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kēia lā ua kūʻai mākou i kelepona no ka moa liʻiliʻi ʻulaʻula. He kumu hoʻohālike o kona nui a mai kekahi au. Ma kēia ala, ke iho nā keiki i ka paka, hiki iā lākou ke hōʻike iā lākou inā he pilikia ko lākou ma ke alanui.
Google Translation into Hebrew: היום קנינו טלפון לעוף הוורוד הקטן. זהו דגם בגודלו ומתקופה אחרת. כך, כשהילדים יורדים לפארק, הם יכולים להודיע להם אם יש להם בעיות ברחוב.
Google Translation into Hindi: आज हमने छोटी गुलाबी मुर्गी के लिए एक फोन खरीदा। यह अपने आकार का और दूसरे युग का मॉडल है। इस तरह, जब बच्चे पार्क में जाते हैं, तो वे उन्हें बता सकते हैं कि उन्हें सड़क पर कोई समस्या है या नहीं।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Ma vettünk egy telefont a kis rózsaszín csirkéhez. Méretének megfelelő és egy másik korszakból származó modell. Így amikor a gyerekek lemennek a parkba, jelezhetik, ha valami gondjuk van az utcán.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Hari ini kami membeli telepon untuk ayam kecil berwarna merah muda. Ini adalah model ukurannya dan dari era lain. Dengan cara ini, ketika anak-anak pergi ke taman, mereka dapat memberi tahu mereka jika ada masalah di jalan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 今日、私たちは小さなピンクのニワトリのために電話を買いました。 このサイズの、別の時代のモデルです。 こうすることで、子供たちが公園に行くときに、路上で何か問題があった場合に知らせることができます。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бүгүн кичинекей кызгылт тоокко телефон сатып алдык. Бул анын өлчөмү жана башка доордун үлгүсү болуп саналат. Ошентип, балдар сейил бакка түшкөндө, көчөдө кандайдыр бир көйгөй бар болсо, аларга билдире алышат.
Google Translation into Latvian: Šodien mazajai rozā vistiņai nopirkām telefonu. Tas ir sava izmēra un cita laikmeta modelis. Tādā veidā bērni, ejot lejā uz parku, var informēt, ja uz ielas ir kādas problēmas.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഇന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ ചെറിയ പിങ്ക് കോഴിക്ക് ഒരു ഫോൺ വാങ്ങി. ഇത് അതിന്റെ വലിപ്പവും മറ്റൊരു കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ നിന്നുള്ള മാതൃകയുമാണ്. ഇതുവഴി കുട്ടികൾ പാർക്കിൽ ഇറങ്ങുമ്പോൾ തെരുവിൽ എന്തെങ്കിലും പ്രശ്‌നങ്ങളുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ അവരെ അറിയിക്കാം.
Google Translation into Malay: Hari ini kami membeli telefon untuk ayam merah jambu kecil. Ia adalah model saiznya dan dari era lain. Dengan cara ini, apabila kanak-kanak turun ke taman, mereka boleh memberitahu mereka jika mereka mempunyai sebarang masalah di jalanan.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Nividy finday ho an'ilay akoho kely mavokely izahay androany. Modely amin'ny habeny izy io ary avy amin'ny vanim-potoana hafa. Amin'izany fomba izany, rehefa midina eny amin'ny valan-javaboary ny ankizy dia afaka mampahafantatra azy ireo raha misy olana eny an-dalana.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Өнөөдөр бид бяцхан ягаан тахианы маханд утас худалдаж авлаа. Энэ нь түүний хэмжээ, өөр эрин үеийн загвар юм. Ингэснээр хүүхдүүд цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд буухдаа гудамжинд ямар нэгэн асуудал гарвал тэдэнд мэдэгдэх боломжтой.
Google Translation into Dutch: Vandaag hebben we een telefoon gekocht voor de kleine roze kip. Het is een model van zijn formaat en uit een ander tijdperk. Zo kunnen de kinderen, als ze naar het park gaan, laten weten of ze problemen hebben op straat.
Google Translation into Nepali: आज हामीले सानो गुलाबी कुखुराको लागि फोन किन्यौं। यो यसको आकार र अर्को युगको मोडेल हो। यसरी, बच्चाहरू पार्कमा जाँदा, उनीहरूलाई सडकमा कुनै समस्या भएमा थाहा दिन सक्छन्।
Google Translation into Norwegian: I dag kjøpte vi en telefon til den lille rosa kyllingen. Det er en modell av dens størrelse og fra en annen tid. På denne måten, når barna går ned i parken, kan de gi beskjed om de har problemer på gaten.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅੱਜ ਅਸੀਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਗੁਲਾਬੀ ਚਿਕਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਫੋਨ ਖਰੀਦਿਆ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਇਸਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਮਾਡਲ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਹੋਰ ਯੁੱਗ ਦਾ ਹੈ. ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ, ਜਦੋਂ ਬੱਚੇ ਪਾਰਕ ਵਿਚ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ ਕਿ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੜਕ 'ਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: نن مو د کوچني ګلابي چرګ لپاره تلیفون واخیست. دا د هغې اندازه او د بل دور څخه بیلګه ده. په دې توګه، کله چې ماشومان پارک ته ځي، دوی کولی شي دوی ته خبر ورکړي که دوی په سړک کې کومه ستونزه ولري.
Google Translation into Persian: امروز برای جوجه صورتی کوچولو گوشی خریدیم. مدلی به اندازه خود و از دورانی دیگر است. به این ترتیب وقتی بچه ها به پارک پایین می روند اگر در خیابان مشکلی داشتند به آنها اطلاع دهند.
Google Translation into Polish: Dzisiaj kupiliśmy telefon dla małego różowego kurczaka. Jest to model swojej wielkości i z innej epoki. W ten sposób, gdy dzieci idą do parku, będą mogły dać im znać, jeśli mają jakieś problemy na ulicy.
Google Translation into Romanian: Astăzi am cumpărat un telefon pentru puiul roz. Este un model de dimensiunile sale și din altă epocă. Astfel, atunci când copiii coboară în parc, îi pot anunța dacă au probleme pe stradă.
Google Translation into Russian: Сегодня мы купили телефон для маленького розового цыпленка. Это модель такого же размера и из другой эпохи. Таким образом, когда дети спускаются в парк, они могут сообщить им, есть ли у них проблемы на улице.
Google Translation into Serbian: Данас смо купили телефон за мало розе пиле. То је модел своје величине и из другог доба. Овако, када деца сиђу у парк, могу да им јаве да ли имају проблема на улици.
Google Translation into Swedish: Idag köpte vi en telefon till den lilla rosa kycklingen. Det är en modell av sin storlek och från en annan tid. På så sätt, när barnen går ner till parken, kan de meddela dem om de har några problem på gatan.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Dinten ieu kami meuli telepon pikeun hayam pink saeutik. Éta modél ukuranana sareng ti jaman anu sanés. Ku cara kieu, nalika murangkalih turun ka taman, aranjeunna tiasa masihan terang upami aranjeunna ngagaduhan masalah di jalan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ngayon bumili kami ng telepono para sa maliit na pink na manok. Ito ay isang modelo ng laki nito at mula sa ibang panahon. Sa ganitong paraan, kapag bumaba ang mga bata sa parke, maaari nilang ipaalam sa kanila kung mayroon silang anumang mga problema sa kalye.
Google Translation into Thai: วันนี้เราซื้อโทรศัพท์ให้เจ้าไก่สีชมพูตัวน้อย เป็นแบบจำลองที่มีขนาดและมาจากยุคอื่น ด้วยวิธีนี้ เมื่อเด็กๆ ลงไปที่สวนสาธารณะ พวกเขาสามารถแจ้งให้พวกเขาทราบหากมีปัญหาใดๆ บนท้องถนน
Google Translation into Telugu: ఈ రోజు మనం చిన్న పింక్ చికెన్ కోసం ఫోన్ కొన్నాము. ఇది దాని పరిమాణం యొక్క నమూనా మరియు మరొక యుగం నుండి. ఈ విధంగా, పిల్లలు పార్క్‌లోకి వెళ్లినప్పుడు, వీధిలో ఏదైనా సమస్యలు ఉంటే వారికి తెలియజేయవచ్చు.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bugün minik pembe tavuğa bir telefon aldık. Kendi boyutunda ve başka bir döneme ait bir modeldir. Böylece çocuklar parka indiklerinde sokakta herhangi bir sorunla karşılaştıklarında onlara haber verebiliyorlar.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Сьогодні купили маленькому рожевому курчаті телефон. Це модель такого ж розміру та з іншої епохи. Таким чином, коли діти спускаються в парк, вони можуть повідомити їм, якщо у них виникнуть проблеми на вулиці.
Google Translation into Urdu: آج ہم نے چھوٹے گلابی چکن کے لیے ایک فون خریدا۔ یہ اپنے سائز کا ایک ماڈل ہے اور کسی اور دور کا۔ اس طرح، جب بچے پارک میں جاتے ہیں، تو وہ انہیں بتا سکتے ہیں کہ اگر انہیں سڑک پر کوئی پریشانی ہو تو۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bugun biz kichkina pushti tovuq uchun telefon sotib oldik. Bu uning o'lchamining modeli va boshqa davrdan. Shunday qilib, bolalar bog'ga tushganda, ular ko'chada biron bir muammoga duch kelsa, ularga xabar berishlari mumkin.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Hôm nay chúng tôi đã mua một chiếc điện thoại cho chú gà nhỏ màu hồng. Nó là một mô hình có kích thước tương tự và từ thời đại khác. Bằng cách này, khi bọn trẻ đi xuống công viên, chúng có thể cho chúng biết nếu chúng gặp bất kỳ vấn đề gì trên đường phố.
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theodoreangelos · 1 year
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Karaites' street called the Small Town, 21104 Trakai, Lithuania Karaimų gatvė, Mažasis miestas, 21104 Trakai, Lietuva Улица Караиму, Малый город, 21104 Тракай, Литва Ulica Karaimska, Małe Miasto, 21104 Troki, Litwa Karäer-Straße, Die kleine Stadt, 21104 Trakai, Litauen
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spyskrapbook · 2 years
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“GSW Headquarters”, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17, 10969, Berlin, Germany [1995-1999] _ Architects: Sauerbruch Hutton _ Photos by Spyros Kaprinis [25.01.2023]. 
“The GSW headquarters in Berlin is an assemblage of five building volumes that extend an office tower from the 1950s. A prototype at the time of completion, this project embodies the paradigm of ecological architecture of the 21st century in an exemplary manner. The building's individual components reflect the characteristic traces of its urban environment's episodic development and make them visible. At street level a gently curved volume redefines the public space and forms a plinth – with its position and height referring to the earlier baroque city. Seen from the east, the slender high-rise slab acts as a backdrop for the existing tower, while emerging with an assertive presence to the west. As a compositional counterpoint, the so called pillbox balances on the eastern end of the plinth, with its height referring to the buildings of the Gründerzeit. 
This strategy of retrospective integration embeds the previously solitary tower into the urban fabric while acknowledging the historically evolved conglomeration of Berlin as a structural principle. The slender layout of the new high-rise optimises the use of daylight and ensures cross-ventilation for all offices. Room-high movable screens of perforated metal define the entire west façade and provide effective solar protection. These are fitted in a cavity of the double-façade that functions as a convection shaft allowing natural ventilation on the high-rise floors. An aero-dynamic wind roof enhances this effect. With various shades of pink, orange and red the solar shades make the building recognisable from afar. The individually operable elements respond to daily and seasonal changes, generating new colour compositions again and again. Thus, the west façade illustrates the ecological aspects of the building while, in addition, turning into a perpetually changing kinetic image.”
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akkoeln · 2 years
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Aufruf zum Trans Day of Remembrance | 2022 | Köln Demo am 20.11.22, 16 Uhr, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
(English below)
CN: Transfeindlichkeit, Gewalt, Krieg
Was ist der Trans Day of Remembrance? Der TDoR ist ein Tag, an dem wir gemeinsam der Opfer transfeindlicher Gewalt gedenken. Seit 1998 kommen wir alljährlich zusammen und verlesen die Namen derer, die wegen Transfeindlichkeit ihr Leben verlieren mussten. Besonders gefährlich wird Transfeindlichkeit in Kombination mit anderen Gewaltformen wie Rassismus und Klassismus. Unter unseren ermordeten trans Geschwistern finden sich deshalb überproportional oft trans Menschen of Color.
Aufruf zur Demo am 20.11.22, 16 Uhr, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
Wir sind voller Trauer und Wut! Im letzten Jahr hat sich die Situation noch weiter verschärft. Immer wieder erleben wir Anfeindungen auf der Straße, hören Berichte von trans Personen, die zusammengeschlagen und sogar ermordet werden. Besonders schlimm ist die Lage dort, wo gerade Krieg geführt wird. Unsere Gedanken und Solidarität sind bei allen trans Personen, allen Widerständigen, und allen Betroffenen von patriarchaler Gewalt in Kurdistan, im Iran, in Afghanistan und der Ukraine.
Wir wollen unsere Wut gegen Transfeindlichkeit gemeinsam auf die Straße bringen. Wir wollen uns gegen transfeindliche Strukturen verbünden - wie z.B. das veraltete und entwürdigende "Transsexuellengesetz", das Asylsystem, das Transfeindlichkeit nicht als legitime Fluchtursache anerkennt, oder die Polizei, die insbesondere für queere Personen of Color keinen Schutz bietet, sondern eine lebensbedrohliche Gefahr darstellt.
Wir wollen aber auch Mut spenden und Kraft schenken, denn wir sind nicht allein und wollen weiter für unsere Rechte einstehen und kämpfen. Wir wollen eine Welt ohne Transfeindlichkeit. Auf dem Weg dahin ist viel zu tun, aber wir sind stärker und mehr denn je. Wir laden euch ein, den Weg mit uns zu gehen.
Call for Trans Day of Remembrance | 2022 | Köln Demo: 20.11.22, 4 PM, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
CW: Transmisia, Violence, War
What is the Trans Day of Remembrance? TDoR is a day for us to mourn the victims of transmisic violence together. Since 1998 we come together every year and read out the names of those who lost their lives to transmisia. Transmisic violence is particularly dangerous and deadly when it intersects with other forms of violence like racism or classism. Our murdered trans siblings are disproportionally often trans People of Color.
Call for Demo at 20.11.22, 4PM, Ottmar-Pohl-Platz, Köln Kalk
We are filled with Anger and Rage! The situation got even worse over the course of last year. Again and again we are subjected to harassment on the streets and hear about trans people getting beaten up and even murdered. The situation is especially dire in all of the places where wars are being waged. Our thoughts and Solidarity are with all trans people, all dissidents and everyone subjected to patriarchal violence in Kurdistan, Iran, Afghanistan and the Ukraine.
We want to carry our rage against transmisia to the streets together We want to form alliances against transmisic structures like the humiliating and outdated "Transsexuellengesetz", the asylum system, that still does not recognize transmisia as a valid reason to seek asylum or the cops, who do not protect queers of color especially, but poses a danger to life to them.
But we also want to come together to share courage and power with another, because we are not alone and we want to keep fighting for our rights. We want a world without transmisia. It is a long way until we are there, but we are more and we are stronger than ever before! We invite all of you to walk this way with us.
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benjaminnerding · 2 years
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Strolling around Speyer 🔥 . . . #city #citybestpics #cityphotography #citylife #citygrammers #cityvibes #citytrip #townandcountry #town #towns #villagelife #villages #villagephotography #village #dorfleben #dorf #südpfalz #pfalz #pfalzliebe #pfalzlust #rheinlandpfalz #rheinland_pfalz #rheinlandpfalzerleben #street #streets #straße #streetphotography #rue #calle #villagevibes (at Speyer, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIs4Geog2s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifewithaview · 2 months
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Jella Haase in Kleo (2022) Big Eden
Top Stasi agent Kleo Straub liquidates a target in a West German nightclub. Soon after she must face a life threatening betrayal and a heartbreaking loss.
*When Kleo leaves train station Berlin-Marzahn the sign says "transfer to Märkische Allee". Back in 1987 (until 1992) that street was still called Heinrich-Rau-Straße.
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theres a street in Darmstadt called Landgraf-Georg-Straße and every time i pass it my mind always assures me that factoid actualy just a statistical error. average person eats 0 Landgrafen per year. Landgraf Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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tokyoform · 2 years
Tokyo 4749 on Flickr.
| www.tokyoform.com | facebook | prints | twitter | 500px | instagram |
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my-yamanote-mood · 2 years
Tokyo 4707 da tokyoform Tramite Flickr: | www.tokyoform.com | 500px | twitter | | tumblr | prints | facebook | instagram |
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mapecl-stories · 10 months
The Quest for the Crystal: Kiel Amidst the Apocalypse
Once upon a time in Kiel, a city on the Baltic Sea, where the morning sun brought to life the vibrant scene of boats rocking in the harbor and seagulls sang their tunes over the glittering waves. Amidst this maritime idyll lived young Paul in a charming house with blue shutters on the cozy Holstenstraße.
On a windy day, as Paul took a stroll through the Holstenstraße with his faithful dog Fiete, they caught wind of a peculiar sound. A soft rumbling, echoing mysteriously from the ground. People on the street exchanged uncertain glances, and in the eyes of the adults, an indistinct worry reflected.
Paul and Fiete decided to follow the mysterious sound, eventually arriving in the Dänische Straße. There, they met Klara, whose eyes shone with excitement. "Did you hear that too? That strange, eerie sound?"
"Yes, it was as if the ground itself was murmuring. What could it be?" replied Paul, curiosity awakened. Fiete, the faithful dog, barked approvingly, as if sensing the enigmatic nature of the situation.
Klara led the group to the Andreas-Gayk-Straße, where they encountered Tim. He stared with wide eyes at an ancient book in the Sophienblatt. "I'm reading about an ancient prophecy of the apocalypse," Tim said, concerned. "But don't worry, I have a plan!"
The children gathered around Tim as he excitedly explained, "In the Andreas-Gayk-Straße, there's a book called 'The Salvation of the World.' We must find it!"
Together, they ventured to the Muhliusstraße, where they met Grandpa Muhlius. "Ah, the brave children who want to save the world," he chuckled. "Listen, there's an ancient, magical crystal in the Wilhelmplatz. It is the key to salvation!"
Following the instructions, the children reached the Ringstraße, with Klara nervously asking, "Did you hear that too? The sound is getting louder!"
"We must hurry to the Wilhelmplatz and find the crystal before it's too late!" exclaimed Paul, the tension in the air practically crackling.
As they reached the mysterious Wilhelmplatz, they stumbled upon the sparkling crystal. However, in the midst of their joy, they heard the thunderous sound again, and the sky darkened as if sinister clouds were engulfing the city.
"What if we're too late? What if the world is truly ending?" cried Klara in panic as they ran towards the Kiellinie, where the sound of waves was now accompanied by an eerie silence.
Fiete wagged his tail, and Paul declared resolutely, "We mustn't give up! The crystal will help us." In this critical moment, a shooting star appeared in the sky, and the Schlossgarten was bathed in warm light.
Mr. Muhlius stepped forward, saying, "You have proven that hope and belief in goodness are stronger than any bleak prophecy. The crystal has saved the world because you believed in it."
The children returned happily to the Gutenbergstraße, and the streets of Kiel were filled with jubilant people who realized that the power of community and faith in goodness could make the world shine again and again.
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pollonegro666 · 11 months
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2023/08/05 Fuimos hacia la plaza principal por una calle llena de tiendas y edificios bonitos. Vimos la torre alta de la catedral y nos sentimos protagonistas de un cuadro.
We went towards the main square along a street full of shops and beautiful buildings. We saw the high tower of the cathedral and we felt like we were the protagonists of a painting.
Google Translation into French: Nous nous sommes dirigés vers la place principale en empruntant une rue pleine de boutiques et de beaux bâtiments. Nous avons vu la haute tour de la cathédrale et nous avons eu l'impression d'être les protagonistes d'un tableau.
Google translation into Italian: Ci siamo diretti verso la piazza principale lungo una strada piena di negozi e bellissimi palazzi. Abbiamo visto l'alta torre della cattedrale e ci siamo sentiti come i protagonisti di un dipinto.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Seguimos em direção à praça principal por uma rua repleta de lojas e belos edifícios. Vimos a torre alta da catedral e nos sentimos como protagonistas de uma pintura.
Google Translation into German: Wir gingen entlang einer Straße voller Geschäfte und wunderschöner Gebäude zum Hauptplatz. Wir sahen den hohen Turm der Kathedrale und fühlten uns wie die Protagonisten in einem Gemälde.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Shkuam drejt sheshit kryesor përgjatë një rruge plot me dyqane dhe ndërtesa të bukura. Pamë kullën e lartë të katedrales dhe u ndjemë sikur ishim protagonistë të një pikture.
Google Translation into Arabic: توجهنا نحو الساحة الرئيسية على طول شارع مليء بالمحلات التجارية والمباني الجميلة. لقد رأينا برج الكاتدرائية العالي وشعرنا وكأننا أبطال لوحة فنية.
Google Translation into Armenian: Խանութներով ու գեղեցիկ շենքերով լի փողոցով գնացինք դեպի գլխավոր հրապարակ։ Մենք տեսանք տաճարի բարձր աշտարակը և մեզ թվում էր, թե ինչ-որ նկարի հերոսներ ենք:
Google Translation into Bengali: দোকানপাট আর সুন্দর ভবনে ভরা রাস্তা ধরে আমরা মূল চত্বরের দিকে গেলাম। আমরা ক্যাথেড্রালের উঁচু টাওয়ার দেখেছিলাম এবং আমাদের মনে হয়েছিল যে আমরা একটি চিত্রকর্মের নায়ক।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тръгнахме към централния площад по улица, пълна с магазини и красиви сгради. Видяхме високата кула на катедралата и се почувствахме като главни герои на картина.
Google Translation into Czech: Šli jsme směrem na hlavní náměstí ulicí plnou obchodů a krásných budov. Viděli jsme vysokou věž katedrály a připadali jsme si jako protagonisté obrazu.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们沿着一条布满商店和美丽建筑的街道朝主广场走去。 我们看到了大教堂的高塔,感觉自己就像是一幅画中的主角。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 상점과 아름다운 건물들로 가득한 거리를 따라 중앙 광장을 향해 나아갔습니다. 대성당의 높은 탑을 보니 마치 그림 속 주인공이 된 듯한 기분이 들었습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Išli smo prema glavnom trgu ulicom punom dućana i lijepih zgrada. Vidjeli smo visoki toranj katedrale i osjećali smo se kao protagonisti neke slike.
Google Translation into Danish Vi gik mod hovedtorvet langs en gade fuld af butikker og smukke bygninger. Vi så katedralens høje tårn, og vi følte, at vi var hovedpersonerne i et maleri.
Google Translation into Slovak: Vydali sme sa smerom k hlavnému námestiu po ulici plnej obchodov a krásnych budov. Videli sme vysokú vežu katedrály a mali sme pocit, že sme protagonistami obrazu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Šli smo proti glavnemu trgu po ulici, polni trgovin in lepih zgradb. Videli smo visok stolp katedrale in počutili smo se, kot da smo protagonisti slike.
Google Translation into Estonian: Peaväljaku poole läksime mööda tänavat, mis oli täis poode ja ilusaid hooneid. Nägime katedraali kõrget torni ja tundsime, et oleme maali peategelased.
Google Translation into Suomi: Menimme kohti pääaukiota pitkin katua, joka oli täynnä kauppoja ja kauniita rakennuksia. Näimme katedraalin korkean tornin ja tunsimme olevamme maalauksen päähenkilöitä.
Google Translation into Georgian: მაღაზიებითა და ლამაზი შენობებით სავსე ქუჩისკენ წავედით მთავარი მოედნისკენ. ვნახეთ ტაძრის მაღალი კოშკი და ვიგრძენით, რომ ნახატის გმირები ვიყავით.
Google Translation into Greek: Πήγαμε προς την κεντρική πλατεία κατά μήκος ενός δρόμου γεμάτο μαγαζιά και όμορφα κτίρια. Είδαμε τον ψηλό πύργο του καθεδρικού ναού και νιώσαμε σαν να είμαστε οι πρωταγωνιστές ενός πίνακα.
Google Translation into Guarani: Roho plaza principal gotyo peteĩ tape henyhẽva tenda ha edificio iporãvagui. Rohecha pe torre yvate catedral-pegua ha roñeñandu ha’ete ku ore protagonista peteĩ pintura-pe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Hele mākou i ke kahua nui ma ke alanui i piha i nā hale kūʻai a me nā hale nani. Ua ʻike mākou i ka hale kiaʻi kiʻekiʻe o ka hale pule a manaʻo mākou he poʻe protagonists o kahi kiʻi pena.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הלכנו לכיוון הכיכר המרכזית לאורך רחוב מלא בחנויות ובניינים יפים. ראינו את המגדל הגבוה של הקתדרלה והרגשנו שאנחנו גיבורי ציור.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम दुकानों और खूबसूरत इमारतों से भरी सड़क के साथ मुख्य चौराहे की ओर चले गए। हमने कैथेड्रल की ऊंची मीनार देखी और हमें ऐसा लगा जैसे हम किसी पेंटिंग के नायक हों।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Egy üzletekkel és gyönyörű épületekkel teli utcán mentünk a főtér felé. Láttuk a katedrális magas tornyát, és úgy éreztük magunkat, mintha egy festmény főszereplői lennénk.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami pergi menuju alun-alun utama di sepanjang jalan yang penuh dengan toko-toko dan bangunan-bangunan indah. Kami melihat menara tinggi katedral dan kami merasa seperti kami adalah tokoh protagonis dalam sebuah lukisan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちはお店や美しい建物が立ち並ぶ通りに沿ってメイン広場に向かいました。 私たちは大聖堂の高い塔を見て、まるで絵の主人公になったような気分になりました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз дүкөндөргө жана кооз имараттарга толгон көчө менен башкы аянтты көздөй жөнөдүк. Биз собордун бийик мунарасын көрүп, өзүбүздү сүрөттүн каармандары катары сездик.
Google Translation into Latvian: Uz galveno laukumu devāmies pa ielu, kas bija pilna ar veikaliem un skaistām ēkām. Mēs redzējām augsto katedrāles torni un jutāmies kā gleznas varoņi.
Google Translation into Malayalam: കടകളും മനോഹരമായ കെട്ടിടങ്ങളും നിറഞ്ഞ ഒരു തെരുവിലൂടെ ഞങ്ങൾ പ്രധാന സ്ക്വയറിലേക്ക് പോയി. കത്തീഡ്രലിന്റെ ഉയർന്ന ഗോപുരം കണ്ടപ്പോൾ ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരു പെയിന്റിംഗിലെ നായകന്മാരായി തോന്നി.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami pergi ke arah dataran utama di sepanjang jalan yang penuh dengan kedai dan bangunan yang cantik. Kami melihat menara tinggi katedral dan kami merasakan kami adalah protagonis sebuah lukisan.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Nankany amin'ny kianja lehibe manamorona ny arabe feno fivarotana sy trano tsara tarehy izahay. Nahita ny tilikambo avo amin'ny katedraly izahay ary nahatsapa ho toy ny mpilalao sarimihetsika.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Дэлгүүр, үзэсгэлэнтэй барилгуудаар дүүрэн гудамжаар бид төв талбай руу явлаа. Бид сүмийн өндөр цамхагийг хараад бид уран зургийн гол дүрүүд шиг санагдсан.
Google Translation into Dutch: We gingen richting het centrale plein langs een straat vol winkels en prachtige gebouwen. We zagen de hoge toren van de kathedraal en hadden het gevoel dat we de hoofdrolspelers van een schilderij waren.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी पसल र सुन्दर भवनहरूले भरिएको सडकको मुख्य चोकतिर लाग्यौं। हामीले क्याथेड्रलको अग्लो टावर देख्यौं र हामीलाई पेन्टिङको नायक जस्तो महसुस भयो।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi gikk mot hovedtorget langs en gate full av butikker og vakre bygninger. Vi så det høye tårnet i katedralen og vi følte at vi var hovedpersonene i et maleri.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਦੁਕਾਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਰੀ ਗਲੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਮੁੱਖ ਚੌਕ ਵੱਲ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਗਿਰਜਾਘਰ ਦਾ ਉੱਚਾ ਬੁਰਜ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਲੱਗਾ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਪੇਂਟਿੰਗ ਦੇ ਮੁੱਖ ਪਾਤਰ ਹਾਂ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د سړک په اوږدو کې د پلورنځیو او ښایسته ودانیو څخه د لوی چوک په لور روان شو. موږ د کاتډرل لوړ برج ولید او موږ داسې احساس کاوه چې موږ د نقاشۍ اصلي لوبغاړي یو.
Google Translation into Persian: در کنار خیابانی پر از مغازه و ساختمان های زیبا به سمت میدان اصلی رفتیم. برج مرتفع کلیسای جامع را دیدیم و احساس کردیم قهرمان یک نقاشی هستیم.
Google Translation into Polish: Ruszyliśmy w stronę rynku głównego ulicą pełną sklepów i pięknych budynków. Zobaczyliśmy wysoką wieżę katedry i poczuliśmy się jak bohaterowie obrazu.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am mers spre piața principală de-a lungul unei străzi pline de magazine și clădiri frumoase. Am văzut turnul înalt al catedralei și ne-am simțit ca protagoniștii unui tablou.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы пошли в сторону главной площади по улице, полной магазинов и красивых зданий. Мы увидели высокую башню собора и почувствовали себя героями картины.
Google Translation into Serbian: Ишли смо према главном тргу улицом пуном продавница и прелепих зграда. Видели смо високу кулу катедрале и осетили смо се као протагонисти слике.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi gick mot stora torget längs en gata full av butiker och vackra byggnader. Vi såg katedralens höga torn och vi kände att vi var huvudpersonerna i en målning.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang indit ka arah alun-alun sapanjang jalan pinuh ku toko jeung wangunan éndah. Urang nempo munara luhur katedral jeung urang ngarasa kawas kami protagonis lukisan a.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Pumunta kami sa pangunahing plaza sa kahabaan ng isang kalye na puno ng mga tindahan at magagandang gusali. Nakita namin ang mataas na tore ng katedral at parang kami ang bida sa isang painting.
Google Translation into Thai: เราเดินไปที่จัตุรัสห��ักริมถนนที่เต็มไปด้วยร้านค้าและอาคารที่สวยงาม เราเห็นหอคอยสูงของมหาวิหารและเรารู้สึกเหมือนเป็นตัวเอกของภาพวาด
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము దుకాణాలు మరియు అందమైన భవనాలతో నిండిన వీధిలో ప్రధాన కూడలి వైపు వెళ్ళాము. మేము కేథడ్రల్ యొక్క ఎత్తైన టవర్‌ని చూశాము మరియు మేము ఒక పెయింటింగ్‌లో కథానాయకులుగా భావించాము.
Google Translation into Turkish: Mağazalar ve güzel binalarla dolu bir cadde boyunca ana meydana doğru ilerledik. Katedralin yüksek kulesini gördük ve kendimizi bir tablonun baş kahramanı gibi hissettik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми пішли до головної площі вулицею, повною магазинів і красивих будівель. Ми побачили високу вежу собору і відчули себе героями картини.
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم دکانوں اور خوبصورت عمارتوں سے بھری گلی کے ساتھ مرکزی چوک کی طرف بڑھے۔ ہم نے کیتھیڈرل کا اونچا مینار دیکھا اور ہمیں ایسا لگا جیسے ہم کسی پینٹنگ کے مرکزی کردار ہوں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz do‘konlar va go‘zal binolarga to‘la ko‘cha bo‘ylab bosh maydon tomon bordik. Biz soborning baland minorasini ko'rdik va o'zimizni rasmning qahramonlaridek his qildik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi đi về phía quảng trường chính dọc theo con phố đầy những cửa hàng và tòa nhà đẹp đẽ. Chúng tôi nhìn thấy tòa tháp cao của thánh đường và có cảm giác như mình là nhân vật chính trong một bức tranh.
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koreangermanium · 1 year
Germany Language Alphabet
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The German alphabet, with its unique characters and pronunciation rules, stands as a testament to the rich linguistic heritage of Germany. If you're intrigued by languages or planning a trip to Germany, understanding the German alphabet is essential. In this article, we'll take you on a journey through the intricacies of the German alphabet, shedding light on its history, pronunciation, and unique characters. The Foundation: Latin Roots The German alphabet is rooted in the Latin script, just like English. However, it contains some distinctive characters that set it apart. Let's delve into these unique features. Standard Characters The German alphabet consists of 26 standard characters, which are almost identical to the English alphabet. However, there are a few notable differences in pronunciation. Umlauts - ä, ö, ü One of the most distinctive aspects of the German alphabet is the inclusion of umlauts. These are two dots placed above specific vowels: ä (pronounced like "ae" in English), ö (similar to "oe" in English), and ü (comparable to "ue" in English). ß - The Eszett The Eszett, often called the "sharp S," is a unique character in the German alphabet. It represents a double 's' sound and is commonly used in the middle of words, such as "Straße" (street).
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Pronunciation Matters Understanding the German alphabet is incomplete without grasping its pronunciation nuances. Let's break down some key points. Phonetic Pronunciation German pronunciation tends to be more phonetic than English. Each letter usually has a consistent sound, making it easier for learners. Vowels and Consonants German vowels are pronounced more distinctly than in English. Pay attention to the umlauts and their unique sounds. Consonants like 'ch' can also be challenging for beginners. Alphabet for All Ages The German alphabet is not just a set of characters; it's an integral part of German culture and education. Children learn it from a young age, and there are fascinating stories behind each letter. The ABC Song Just like in many other cultures, German children have their own version of the ABC song. It's a fun way to introduce kids to the alphabet. https://youtu.be/C7gI4muco-o?si=nWE6yRL92iiB-9co Historical Evolution The German alphabet has evolved over centuries, and some letters that were once part of it have disappeared. Understanding this evolution can provide valuable insights into the language's history. Learning the German Alphabet If you're interested in mastering the German alphabet, there are several effective methods to consider. Language Apps Numerous language-learning apps offer interactive lessons and pronunciation guides for the German alphabet. Language Classes Enrolling in a language class with a qualified instructor can provide structured learning and valuable feedback. Practice Makes Perfect Consistent practice is key. Writing out the alphabet and practicing pronunciation daily can significantly boost your skills. Conclusion The German alphabet, with its Latin roots, umlauts, and unique characters, is a gateway to the rich world of the German language. Whether you're a language enthusiast or planning a visit to Germany, understanding this alphabet is a valuable skill. Embrace the challenge of pronunciation, explore its historical roots, and embark on a journey to master the German alphabet. FAQs - Is the German alphabet similar to the English alphabet? While both alphabets share some characters, the German alphabet has unique characters like umlauts and the Eszett. - What are umlauts, and how are they pronounced? Umlauts are two dots placed above vowels, and they alter the vowel's pronunciation. For example, 'ä' sounds like 'ae' in English. - Why is the Eszett important in the German language? The Eszett represents a distinct sound and is commonly used in German words. It's crucial for correct spelling and pronunciation. - Are there any special techniques to master the German alphabet's pronunciation? Consistent practice, using language apps, and taking language classes are effective ways to improve your pronunciation. - Where can I access resources for learning the German alphabet? You can find numerous resources online, including language-learning apps and websites. Additionally, language classes are offered by many institutions for in-depth learning. Now that you've unlocked the secrets of the German alphabet, you're one step closer to exploring the rich world of the German language. Embrace the challenge, practice diligently, and soon you'll be reading and speaking German with confidence Read the full article
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