#strade headcanons
iguessigotta · 1 year
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y'all know the rules with BTD stuff: 18+ ONLY, no exceptions Strade x transmale reader (nothing specific tho) we getting self indulgent tonight gonna fuck the greasy man fuck yeah here we goooooo
first off this man is GROSS. NASTY. HORRIBLE.
don't expect him to smell nice you'll just be disappointed lmao
he drinks so much beer you're sure his mouth permanently tastes like the stuff
as horrified as you are by the idea, you think you might be becoming addicted to it
Strade is ROUGH in bed
i'm talking wrenching your arms backwards while his other hand presses into the back of your neck, leaning his weight onto you and forcing your face into the bed, leaving you to struggle for tiny breaths through one nostril
he will straight up fold your ass in half (you didn't even know your body could do that)
and one time he fucking threw you across the room-
no one can deny that Strade loves marking you up - just look at what he's done to Ren!
bruises, hickeys, perfect imprints of his teeth, scabbed over and sure to leave a scar
and the toys he brings into the bedroom?
ropes, handcuffs, gags, knives, lighters, duct tape and a plastic bag over your head, suffocating you and keeping you trapped on the verge of passing out as Strade ruts into you like a feral beast
the lewd groan he lets out when you clench around him nearly makes you cum right then and there
half the time Strade isn't fucking you, not really
he's simply using your body to get off. like some kind of living fucktoy
what's worse is he tends to fall asleep afterwards with alarming speed
sometimes right there on top of you, leaving you to rut desperately against him, crushed under his weight and still fully impaled on his slowly softening dick
sometimes you wake up to him fucking himself into you - seemingly still asleep himself
you're too delirious in your own half-asleep state to stop yourself from rolling your hips against his, whining softly when he presses himself in deeper. your eyes roll back as you spread your legs, allowing Strade's sleeping body to chase its own pleasure within yours. greedily you clench again, spurring his body to fuck a bit harder into you. you use his sleeping body just as he's used yours. and as you fall asleep, Strade's body still awkwardly moving against yours, seeking the friction you'd cruelly stopped giving him, you can't help the small smile that creeps its way onto your face
and this isn't even mentioning when Strade decides to include Ren, who's face makes a great seat
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Boyfriend To Death/The Price Of Flesh Sleeping Headcanons 🌙💤🛌
Hello everyone! In between fics I have been working on some headcanons, like this one, for your reading pleasure. :) It's some bedtime/sleeping arrangement scenarios feat. you and our favorite murderous companions. <3 It’s dedicated to all the sleepy individuals out there that just want to hit the hay and snooze the day away-I feel you and you are valid. Also there is a bonus plushie headcanon for each character because why not! If you don’t have at least stuffed creature on your bed, this is your sign to love yourself. Go acquire a friend and snuggle up with him, I demand it. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Warnings: abuse/abusive relationships, noncon/dubcon, forced cuddling, forced interaction, forced relationships, implied kidnapping, being held against your will, reader is threatened and hurt, mentions of/implied sex, very lightly edited.
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·         Exceptionally clingy when he sleeps. Honestly like a suction cup. Regardless of if he’s the little or big spoon, he’ll be latched to you the whole night. Wiggle and complain as much as you like, he’s not relinquishing his hold.
·         Even if you two are just taking a little nap together, he always has to have some kind of skin contact with you. Holding hands, cuddling, a limb draped over you, something.  He needs the reminder that you are there and that you aren’t going anywhere, he can’t sleep peacefully without it.
·         He’s warm. Too warm, really. Uncomfortably warm. In winter this poses no problem, but during the summer it’s nearly unbearable. You need to crank the AC to keep yourself from melting into a puddle of sweat, but the added cold only makes him cling to you tighter, increasing the heat. He doesn’t seem to mind the warmth at all and takes offense if you try and voice your irritation, giving you an earful (if not worse) over how you need to be more grateful for the affection he douses you with, warning that if you don’t watch yourself, next time it snows you’ll be camping outside with nothing but the clothes on your back. We’ll see how much you miss his warmth then.
·         He’s a night owl, but he also somehow always wakes up before you do. It’s not uncommon for you to be awoken by an eager beastkin shoving a homemade breakfast in your face, excited to start his day with his love by sharing breakfast in bed with you and watching anime. <3
·         Though sometimes he gets a little too excited in the morning, and if that’s the case you’ll be waking up to a very handsy man pawing at you, kissing any and every place his lips can reach, pressing himself against you so you can feel just how excited he is. It’s a good thing you are in bed because by the time he’s done you’ll be so worn out you’ll need some more rest. ^^;
·         Also, he is an avid fan of plushies. If you also collect them your bed is going to be 90% plushies and he is 100% going to use that as an excuse to be squeezed on the bed with you as close as physically possible so as you all can have room. None of them are allowed on the floor, no man is left behind, and he’ll make sure you all fit whether it is comfortable or not.
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·         Lawrence is the exact opposite of Ren when it comes to contact. Though he may fall asleep with you in his arms (or vice versa), he very quickly grows uncomfortable with the prolonged contact, his body used to being the sole person in his bed. Very shortly after he falls asleep, he will unconsciously push you away to try and create distance. No matter how much he may yearn for your contact in his waking hours, he has no control over his subconscious actions. Often times the shoving is much rougher than it needs to be, abruptly (and painfully) waking you up in the process.
·         However, this does not deter him from making you sleep with him. Even if he ends up damn near shoving you off the bed, he wants you to be close to him for as long as and as much as possible.
·         Lawrence is basically nocturnal, and even if you are also a night owl there are bound to be some times when your sleep schedules don’t fall in line with each other. He gets a little excited when you fall asleep when he is awake, taking pleasure in watching you as you slumber. The way you lay near him, completely unguarded and quiet, only the slow rise and fall of your chest denoting that you are alive at all… It does something for him. More than once you’ve woken up to him standing over you, face flushed and tears in his eyes as he’s pumping his dick to the sight of your passed out form. If you wake before he can finish himself, he’s gonna use you to complete the job.
·         In fact, he just likes to stare at you while you sleep in general. He doesn’t have to feel anxious or worried of how you may perceive his gawking if you aren’t aware it’s happening to begin with. It’s a nice chance to really take in and appreciate your beauty without facing any backlash, and it comforts him to know you trust him enough to fall that deeply into slumber in his presence.
·         Doesn’t really get the point of plushies and never really had a strong attachment to stuffed animals as a child, so he doesn’t have any of his own and has no desire to own any. He thinks it’s cute that you like them though, and won’t deny you if you want to take one or two to bed with you. If you gift him one, he’ll be flustered but thankful, hugging it when he is unable to hug you. The little friend is a perfect cuddle buddy for when your sleep schedules don’t align and he doesn’t want to disturb you once you have fallen asleep.
·         Just be mindful that if he gets agitated or you piss him off, he’ll definitely destroy your beloved stuffies, tearing them to shreds with either his bare hands or any of the gardening  tools he has lying around. He’ll instantly feel bad if you begin to cry over it, but at that point it’s too late. It’s best to stop the tears before he turns the assault towards you.
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·         Strade is all over the place when he sleeps. It doesn’t matter how big the bed is or how little space you take up in it, his presence is unavoidable. You can try and create as much distance as physically possible, scrunching yourself up in a corner in hopes that he doesn’t come in contact with you, and you’ll still end up with him sprawled all over you come morning.
·         He’s also loud. Snoring, grunting, talking in his sleep, he’s so noisy it’s a wonder you can get any sleep at all. You get used to it after a while (you don’t have a choice), but each time he nudges you in his sleep or wakes you up with a particularly loud snore, it’s all just another unpleasant reminder you are stuck with him, unable to find tranquility even in your dreams.
·         He has a tendency to latch on to and keep a close hold of whatever is closest to him while he sleeps. The moment he looks even slightly drowsy you try and stay away from him, not thrilled with the prospect of being smashed up against him for hours on end while he’s pleasantly off in dreamland. Were it anyone else or any other situation, you may find the clinginess endearing, but with Strade it’s just extremely uncomfortable and confusing. You spend the whole time unsure if you want him to wake up and let you go (and thus have to deal with an alert and active monster) or if you want to remain silent and just put up with it, thankful for the rare moment of peace.
·         He sleeps the best after successfully finding and securing a new victim, the gusto and energy that he puts towards spending time with his new ‘friend’ leaves him completely spent by the end of the day. A tired Strade is usually a good thing for you-if he’s worn out, he’s less likely to bother or hurt you. However the opposite is also true, if he hasn’t been able to blow off steam in a while he’ll grow antsy and restless, and he’s bound to make his lack of sleep and overall disgruntlement your problem. Regardless, you won’t get much sleep either way, as you find no contentment in either situation.
·         Though they aren’t really his thing, he is amused by your plushies. While he can see the appeal of them, the only real interest he takes in them is how you react to them. Which ones are your favorite, do you favor one character or animal over another, do you prefer the big and fluffy or small and squishy? Most importantly though, he wants to know how deeply your fondness for them extends and how/if he can use that as a persuasive tool against you in the future. Should they prove to be a promising means of coercion, prepare for quite a few new plush friends to keep you company in the future. :)
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·         She’s an early riser. Not necessarily because she wants to so much as it’s engrained in her from years of putting in overtime at her corporate job. If you try and pull her back into bed she’ll gripe at you, but is secretly happy that you are willingly making yourself a scapegoat for her laziness. Though on days she absolutely has to get up early, you best be getting up right alongside her to help her get ready for the day or you will be deeply regretting it. She always takes precedence, you can sleep more when she leaves.
·         She’s on edge most of the time and is overall a very light sleeper. If you snore or toss and turn too much, she’ll get pissed off and roughly shove you awake, grumbling obscenities while complaining about how annoying you are being. If she can’t sleep, she certainly isn’t going to let you sleep either.
·         Even if you aren’t a noisy or restless sleeper, she’ll still find constant things to gripe about regarding your sleeping arrangement. Either you take up too much room, or you are encroaching on her personal space, or you have some other sleeping habit she finds grating that you have no control over because you are unconscious when you do it. She doesn’t ever seem overly pleased to share sleeping space with you, and you often wonder why she doesn’t just banish you to the couch or some other place to get your rest.
·         And yet, she never does make you sleep elsewhere.  In fact, it only makes her MORE pissed off if you suggest it, taking it as a personal offense that you don’t want to spend time with her. She won’t admit it to you, but the act of sleeping near someone she doesn’t positively loathe or who isn’t trying to use her in some way is one of the few things that really brings her peace. Even if it’s against your will, having you in bed with her soothes her. It’s honestly the best sleep she has had in ages.
·         She’s not a huge cuddler, but she does like physical confirmation that you are near. Often times she’ll reach out in the night to grab your hand or drape her arm across your body, never smothering, but just enough contact to assure that you are still by her side.
·         She staunchly refuses to have any stuffed animals in her bed, telling you she finds them childish and stupid (whether she actually feels this way or is just pissed you are trying to bring things into her bed that take up even more space is debatable). If she finds any plushies you are hiding she will most likely throw them away on sight. You may be able to get away with a little one, but that’s only if she doesn’t find it or is feeling extremely benevolent.
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·         The only time Derek shows any kind of ‘affection’ is when he sleeps. Like Strade, he likes to secure himself to things while he slumbers, and if he doesn’t fall asleep with an item (you) already in his arms at some point in the night, he will subconsciously grab onto something (also you) and not relent until he wakes the next morning.
·         The way he clings to you can almost be considered sweet. Wrapping his arms around you securely, burying his face into your chest or the crux of your neck as he snuggles up against you as close as physically possible, it makes you momentarily forget what a monster the man beside you actually is. It’s almost as if he’s a child huddled up close to a parent, seeking comfort from the things that go bump in the night.  The spell is broken if he happens to be awoken during one of these cuddle sessions, and he’ll take out his embarrassment over the situation by treating you even crueler than he typically does.
·         One of the few niceties he allows you is sleeping in his bed as opposed to the floor-but it comes at a price.  It’s an honor to be able to sleep next to him nightly in his huge, plush, expensive bed, an honor far too good for the likes of you. He expects to be compensated for his generosity, so you’d best be ready to do any and everything he asks or desires at the drop of a hat, no matter how degrading or agonizing it may be. If you want to keep this privilege while preventing as much suffering as possible, you’ll do as he says. (Then again, it’s not like he really needs your active participation to force what he wants out of you, but he does like when you obey him ‘willingly’ and has a tendency to be a smidge less cruel when you follow his instruction).
·         He usually forces you to either sleep nude or in some very compromising/uncomfortable/embarrassing negligee that covers so little you mine as well BE naked. He’s a blanket hog too, and has a penchant for cranking up the AC at night, leaving your only source of warmth to be curling up beside him. You try and fight it at first, but you inevitably give in when the chill gets to be too much (also you aren’t too keen on getting ill in his presence, swallowing your pride is worth it if you can avoid more suffering).
·         He will mercilessly make fun of and belittle you for any stuffed animals you may have or try to sleep with. He’ll infantilize you, asking if you need a binky to go with your stuffy, or tease that he’ll need to put you in diapers so you don’t accidentally shit the bed. However, even with all the constant mocking, he does find it kinda hot when you try and use the plushies as a shield, doing your best to conceal your sniveling face and exposed body behind the fluffy creature as he plows into you ruthlessly. The toy does a shit job shielding you, but it is hilarious to watch you try and hide yourself behind them.
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·         Despite everything, he’s actually probably the nicest of the lot to sleep with. He’s warm and soft, and when he holds you it’s comforting and shockingly soothing. It’s disconcerting how easily you melt into the same person that caused you so much trauma and torment, haunted by the fact that the arms that now wrap snuggly around you were not so long ago the greatest threat to your life. You don’t know whether you should be more disgusted with him for holding you with such familiarity or yourself for enjoying it as much as you do.
·         The man can sleep almost anywhere. After years of surviving out in the wilderness he has honed his body to handle tough climates and all manner of conditions, granting him the ability to thrive in less than favorable environments. The man could probably fall asleep in the middle of a torrential downpour with nothing but a rock bed beneath him and come out of it completely rested.
·         You aren’t expected to immediately be able to rough it. He realizes this way of life is all fairly new to you and that getting used to nights out in the wilderness has its own learning curve. Because of this, he’s actually surprisingly accommodating about the whole thing. When you camp, he makes sure to bring his best tent and sleeping bag for you to use, even though it’s a hassle to drag around and he himself has long since forgone the need for it. Though it’s nearly impossible to find comfort enough to sleep while stranded deep out in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by nothing but the pitch black of night, all manner of voracious wild animals, and a serial killer, he does his best to make sure you are adequately cared for and as content as you can possibly be.
·         However you best not slack with your survival instincts, this coddling is only a limited time deal. You proved yourself to him once by pulling through his trial, but that doesn’t mean you have a free ride forever. He’ll pamper you a bit in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but if you grow complacent and begin to let him down… It isn’t going to be a smooth or happy time for either of you. Its best not to betray his expectations, if you do something overly stupid or otherwise show your survival was just a fluke… your sleeping arrangement is going to be the least of your concern.
·         He finds your affinity for stuffed animals a bit juvenile, but also slightly endearing. He can’t deny how cute you look when you are curled up in his bed, nestled amongst various furs and blankets, clutching tight to your favorite plushie while you rest. He enjoys that sight so much that he decides to make you his own plushie for you one day as a gift.
·         It was a strange little lumpy creature he cobbled together from various fabric scraps and other soft, but unidentified, material, all sloppily hand sewn with little black buttons for eyes. It was a true amalgamation of mismatched cloth and stuffing, and to be honest… You weren’t really sure what it was supposed to be. A bear, maybe? Or a raccoon? Regardless, you take it without question, and once he sees it’s been accepted he’s quick to discard your previous plush. He’s accepting of this hobby to a degree-you can have ONE. And since you were smart and picked the better of the two, you don’t need the ratty old one to cling to for company anymore. You have him and you have his gift, everything else is frivolous.
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
What kind of reactions do you think Btd characters might have to a period, crying Mc who is writhing in pain?
Today I got my period unprepared and without pills and pads I suffered indescribable pain for a long hour… (Man I don't want to go through this again 😢)
and it made me think about it. Would they be surprisingly kind and help, or would they take advantage of it for their own benefit?
urghhh i hate being unprepared for my period, i'm so sorry to hear that :( hope this cheers you up!
ren 🦊
ren would definitely panic if he found you in a lot of pain
he'd ask a lot of questions to try to understand what was up before you just told him you were on your period
"oh...OH! okay! okayokay, i'll go get you what you need! do you want pads, tampons, painkillers...um, something else?"
he'd be a good boyfriend for like ten minutes and get you everything you need and then some
any sorts of pads or tampons, chocolate, your favourite food, a heat pad, all sorts. he'd be very well stocked so you weren't caught off guard again
as soon as you were slightly more comfortable, though, he'd be hovering at your side like "so...um...i've heard some things are really good to settle period pain...heh..."
he was horny the second you told him lol
he'd be DESPERATE to fuck you and, especially, to eat you out while you were on your period
he'd bug you every single day, just full on pathetic begging
"please please please please can i eat you out please it'll make you feel better pleaseeeeeee"
and of course he'd asking to be nice. if you said no, he'd just do it anyway...and spill a little more blood if he needed to
he's a fox. what do you expect <3
(i've also written this (for fox) if you wanna see it in action lol)
lawrence 🥀
law would probably be pretty shocked too
like they come back from work and you're hunched up on their bed moaning in pain. it's not like you can get out to sort out the issue yourself after all :(
you tell them and they get sort of flustered
"um...alright, i guess i'll get something for you. what do you need?"
if you give them a list, they'll do what they can. but they need a list. they would NOT know what to get otherwise
they'd also be pretty nice about it though
maybe run you a bath and make a batch of tea to settle your stomach. it would work a little too well lol
they wouldn't be too desperate to fuck you (they never really are lol) but if you asked, they might do it in the shower or something
they rent the place and don't want to do more laundry than they need to
strade 🔨
*knowing look*
what do you expect from strade, the sole boyfriend who's exclusively horny for violence?
yeah he'd be all over you the second he figured it out lmao
your discomfort and pain is like. His Thing so he would not care at all about you bleeding
he might even like that a little more, and the opportunity to make fun of you as you bled all over his lap and stained his trousers and thighs, and see you even more uncomfortable and put off by how much he wants you
"aw look at you, you're so embarrassed! why, you're never usually this flushed when you're bleeding for me <3"
i read a fanfic once where strade ate the mc out while they were on their period and like. pulled their tampon out lmaoooo he'd totally do that too xux
lay you down in the basement, or even soak his bed sheets, and take you even when you tried to shy away or pull back
that's more in just taking advantage of you when you're in pain
barring the horny stuff, strade kind of doesn't care about getting you tampons or pads or anything. ask him and he'll do it
that doesn't mean he wouldn't tease you a little first cus he totally would
that's just cus he likes to see you squirm though :)
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mommysmilk · 4 months
Strade as a German beer maid:
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- actually owns the whole pub
- the strongest german accent you’ve ever heard
- won’t take shit from no one and will kick people out of her pub
- can hold like 20 mugs of beer at the same time
- her tits will be spilling out of her dirndl bodice
- ”This one’s on the house, Liebling”
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snvffsoda · 5 months
some silly/random headcanons i have for Strade, Ren, and Lawrence!!
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i know a lot of people like to think he kidnaps people from the same bar, using the kind of pick up lines, but that wouldn’t be an efficient way to keep the bodies coming, and he knows that, how long until someone catches him dragging an unconscious/unsuspecting person in his car? And makes a call to the police? Strade doesn't take chances, not with the cops, he may be insane, but he's still extremely smart at what he does, he would go out to clubs, late-night parties, concerts, crowded busy areas, anywhere he could slip in and find someone and leave toghther with less caring eyes on him.
has cut his finger while using his power tools and made Ren suck the blood from his finger before, not because he wanted comfort or anything he just wanted to see Ren's sheepish look while he did (Ren enjoyed it too for the blood, albeit nervously)
Strade is a confident, charismatic man, but i still think no matter how hard he tries to hide his sadistic psychotic tendencies, they bleed through him with the way he talks to people, you always get this underlying feeling of unease when he speaks which is why he prefers alcohol to be involved to get his victims, it'd be harder to notice Strade’s eyes staring just a little too long for comfort when you're 4 shots in
always keeps eye contact, almost to an uncomfortable amount, it feels like he doesn't even blink half the time his stare feels like his eyes are always threatening to pierce your skull open and see what's inside from his gaze alone.
Strade is strong, but he's no amazing fighter, if you're fast enough, and have the intent to win, or to kill him i dont think his brute force and heavy swings will do much plus i think he uses a lot of street fighting tactics ie; slamming, grabbing you and pinning you, using weapons instead of just his fist to his own detriment (and that’s what i think got him killed)
really good at texting, he's very descriptive when he texts almost like you're really speaking to him on the phone or in person, he doesn't use a lot of slang or emoticons, Doesn't abbreviate his words like ‘idk’ ‘wyd’ so on, and lots of Periods. Commas, exclamation points! might reply to something funny he sees with a ‘LOL’ in all caps or ‘😂’ but that's it.
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really really wants to learn guitar efficiently, but his claws always cut and get caught on the strings when he tries to play so whenever he does try to play he plays with a pick, he doesn't play the best because of it, it was one of the first things he bought with Strade’s money after he died since Strade didn’t want him to get one because it was ‘too noisy’
avid gamer and discord user to an unhealthy amount, and will spam you with messages when you dont hop on the game he's spam inviting you to play with him
sleeps on Strade’s old shirts and pants and coats, anything to where he can get his scent again in his room will sometimes cry himself to sleep thinking about him when laying on them, muttering to himself how sorry he is for letting him die
he remembers and still can understand basic Japanese formalities and such, he's since tried to relearn his native language online, and he did horribly because he forgot almost everything
sassy, when he's stressed, or angry, he can and will be sarcastic and make sly remarks regarding the situation to you, roll his eyes, cross his arms, mutter to himself, just more on the pouty side when it comes to handling his stress
has a collection of old chew toys, he's torn and bitten through with his fangs when his more animalistic tendencies kick in when he's in heat or just needs to keep his mouth busy
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has been sent to psychiatric mental hospitals many times before when he was an adolescent by his family he never made friends or spoke much when he was, he did well, and never caused trouble
he’s fallen asleep while in the bath and somehow hasn't drowned himself hundreds of times he can't help it, it reminds him of the river,,
smoking weed helps him sleep through the day, it keeps him in a deep sleep since he's a light sleeper, so he isn't startled awake by his neighbors stomping about during the day
enjoys horror movies like ‘Jacobs Ladder’ and ‘The Jacket’ movies where the protagonist feels as though they are already dead or trapped in their mind, he relates to that feeling when he watches those films
would definitely be the type to go nonverbal when he is high, resorting to nods and shaking his head to get his point across if he's with you and comfortable around you
hates sweet tea and store-bought tea in general, he hates the way they taste and the texture they leave on his tongue, he prefers making tea himself with his plants and the ingredients he grows
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sofi9995 · 6 months
- Mini Edith for my beloved Gato :3
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celestial-sinner · 5 months
What the BTD/TPOF characters smell like
Strade: Machine oil, grease, blood (real bad if he's recently killed/tortured someone), cheap cologne, cigar smoke, cheap beer Ren: Really nice shampoo and moisturizer scents like lavender or roses Lawrence: Rot, mint (to cover up the rotting smell), grass, dirt, earthy tones, small whiffs of different flowers Derek: When in the desert, like must and sweat; at home, like really nice colonge (like ones from Gucci idk) Celia: Nice perfume scents (roses, vanilla, orange) with a hint of alcohol Mason: Smells like the woods; trees, grass, earthy smells. Also kinda smells like smoked meat (dude definitely smokes his own hunted game)
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puppycassie · 20 days
Can you do sano (btd) nsfw headcanons plsplsplsplspls 🙏🙏
♡ hey there anon, ofc I can!!<3
! you guys know the rules, especially with btd, 18+ ! 🩷🍰
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some of my sano nsfw headcanons ♡
♡ medical play is an obvious one, he would push your body to the limit in any way he could to see how much you could take, using various medical appliances in different ways
♡ strapping a stethoscope to your chest to monitor your heartbeat accelerating as he fucks and plays with you
♡ enemas, enemas, enemas. wants to fill you up to the brim
♡ forcefully injecting you with various different drugs , making you helpless to him
♡ cutting you open and cumming inside of the wound before stitching you back up, telling you that it's staying inside of you forever
♡ this man loves marking you up, cuts, bruises, hickeys
♡ injecting his cum straight into your holes so that you take it all
♡ "doll" "angel" "puppet"
♡ "how does that feel?" makes you describe the sensations you're feeling whilst he ruins you, enjoying the way you struggle to form words, even when you're gagging on his cock
♡ temperature play!! would insert ice cubes into you, watching you squirm and plead for it to stop
♡ would pour alcohol and salt over fresh wounds if you misbehaved, enjoying the noises you make when you're in pain and recording them, playing the clip back to you later
♡ fucking on the operating table? yes. especially with restraints
♡ makes you masturbate in front of him and watches intently, noting down your reactions
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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1schadenfreude1 · 7 months
How each BTD guy would handle an immortal victim:
If he planned to keep you, nothing changes.
If he is forced to keep you because you won't die, he gets very frustrated and takes out his anger on you.
You become a fan favorite in his livestreams
He's fascinated by you! You're a medical marvel and he'll do anything to keep you
He tests all your limits and endurance, taking you to the very brink of death and back again
It amuses him.
Uses it to tease you: "immortal, hm? We'll see about that~"
It pisses him off.
He takes it as a personal challenge & tries to permanently kill you in the most brutal ways he can think of
He'll never let you go until he finds a way to kill you. Only death will set you free.
He loves it, because, well, he's also a cryptid XD he takes you to the river and you both just lie there
You learn to love the river because there's no pain there, unlike when you are alive
He loves it! When he turns werewolf he rips you apart and watches you put yourself back together
When he's human again he gives you lots of cuddles and tells you how precious you are to him
Doesn't much matter to him because he would never try to kill you anyways
He does like hearing about your adventures tho, where you've been during your lifetime
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weepingchronicles · 6 months
platonic yandere strade headcanons tw/cw: strade being a whole warning himself, yandere behavior, manipulation, kidnapping, drugging, torture, slight gore, dead, reader is fucked up too!! animal death mention, cussing a/n: this may be ooc since i dont even know if it would be possible for strade to feel love at all especially platonic but lolz
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Okay so I wanted to make this sort of believable for Strade which is hard since he never shows remorse or care for anything. Treating Ren as a pet is the closet we ever seen him care for someone other than himself. From what I know is that he's always been like this since he was born. It didn't stem from trauma or anything like that.. so I got the idea, what if its genetic?
I don't think Strade kills everyone he fucks, definitely hurts them but maybe a long time ago he was drunk and had a one night stand and accidentally let the girl get away.
Then years later, imagine Strade finding out he actually has a kid? To be honest, he probably wouldn't even care, maybe a little curious but wants nothing more to do with you besides knowing your name.
But when he finds out you're just like him? Dude is ecstatic!
You're definitely not as sadistic as him and have higher empathy but I imagine you learned you liked the feeling of hurting people from an early age.. liking the feeling of control. You started small, killing random rodents or prodding at dead animals you came across with morbid curiosity.
Your mother was actually good and sent you to the psychologist which helped diagnosed you. You learned that your behavior was not regular and learned methods to deal with your urges.
You don't hurt people, you might have a tiny criminal record from the time you got into a bar fight or stole a couple things but that's it.
For Strade, it doesn't matter. He gets the closest thing to familial love when it comes to you. To know that his own blood is like him creates an urge to hone that desire within you.
He quickly "reunites" with your mother and uses her to help track you down.
You had just finished your late night shift at your workplace when you notice a man smoking a cigar staring at you, leaning against his car.
You pay no mind, heading to your car. This has happened before and it always ended with them regretting walking up to you.
Right as you open the car door it is slammed shut again, this time the man smoking is right in front of you.
He has an over-charismatic smirk that you know too well, because you have it as well.
He ends up drugging and taking you back to his place, with his victims he didn't care if they got hurt, but he doesn't get that urge with you.
You wake up tied to a chair in a basement littered with utility tools, you were groggy but overall fine. What most stood out to you wasn't the coppery smell in the air or the fact you just got kidnapped but there was a girl very close to you tied up to a pole.
She is bloody and bruised, you notice an overwhelming amount of blood staining her thigh. Shame floods your mind, guilty because her blood excited you.
"Pretty sight, eh?"
You were too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the man that had kidnapped you appeared right beside you, a wide smirk on his face as he peered down at the girl.
Although he enjoyed the frightened expression and confusion on your face, he explained to you that he was your father. It made sense, you had never known your father since you were born and your mother refused to talk about him, you never knew why. Your dad being a sadistic killer seems like a pretty good reason in hindsight.
What made you angry was the fact that Strade insisted that you were the same as him. The same? You're no killer and definitely don't kidnap people just to torture them. You've learned your problems and worked through it.
That's what you tell him but Strade chuckles, petting his unconscious victims hair as he talks with you. This guy is fucking weird.
"That's what you think, but I know you and I are the same. It's a shame, you never got to experience your true desires.. until now."
You perked up at what he meant but as he untied you, you understood.
He places a knife in your hand and wakes up his victim whose already half-dead by kicking her wound.
The girl wakes up, disoriented and in pain. But now there's two people in front of her, her kidnapper and someone with a knife.
You could end this all now, stab your father bloody and get out of here- go back to your ordinary life.
"Go on, sweetheart. I know you want to hurt them as badly as I, hear them scream."
You tug the knife harder, your face riddled with concentration and debate. The girl's pleas fall deaf on your ears, the feeling of Strade comfortingly rubbing your shoulder is what makes you take the first step, then the first stab.
You blink and suddenly return to a gory mess. Whatever happened, whatever you did, it went by like a dazy dream. You return to your senses, Strade is laughing maniacally behind you and you drop the knife. You still hear the girl's last wheezes before her heart finally stops beating. You killed her, you try to justify it. Maybe it was good, you ended her pain but you could have turned the knife onto Strade yet you didn't.
Your breathing is heavy and your heart thumps for the wrong reasons- excitement.
You almost forgot Strade is still there until he comes near you and ruffles your hair- like he was congratulating his kid on their first victory score.
"'Knew you had it in you, you're going to be the perfect protégé for me."
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gurokiitty · 5 months
if reqs are open, what would happen if the reader managed to escape strade? i can imagine she did her best to act as if she loved him (like if she developed stockholm syndrome) but when least expected, strade finds out she’s gone??
LOL i love drama like that & i just gotta know how he would react!!
i luv your acc ☆〜(ゝ。∂)!!
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a/n: thank you for your kind words! i absolutely adore drama too lmao, so i had fun with this. hope you enjoy :3c
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{ strade x f! reader }
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warnings/tags: generally SFW, stockholm syndrome, psychological and emotional abuse themes, flashbacks, dependency, reader was held captive before ren (to justify why he isn't in this LOL).
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After months of careful deception, you learn to mimic signs of affection and dependency, crafting a façade of compliance. Gradually, you familiarize yourself with Strade’s routine, seizing on his rare moments of carelessness. This observation reveals where he hides his keys and the device needed to disarm the shock collar around your neck.
The day finally comes when he leaves you home alone, overly confident in your supposed submission. As his car vanishes down the driveway, a surge of fear and exhilaration grips you. You quickly disarm the shock collar and slip out barefoot, dressed only in the thin tanktop and shorts he provided.
Once outside, the stark reality sets in. Without belongings, money, or means to communicate, you find yourself overwhelmed by uncertainty. The unfamiliar streets and neighbourhood only heighten your sense of vulnerability.
Your deep-seated fear of what Strade might do to anyone who assists you, prevents you from seeking help. Remembering his threats and knowing his capability for cruelty, you avoid involving others as much as possible, fearing that any attempt they make to help could lead them into grave danger.
Upon discovering your absence, Strade's initial disbelief rapidly spirals into rage and paranoia. Anticipating that you might seek police help, he destroys any evidence of your captivity before starting his search.
Despite his rage and sense of betrayal, he is calculated in his approach, reviewing footage from hidden cameras he installed around the house to trace your last known direction. He predicts your likely paths and potential havens, using his intimate knowledge of your behaviours and fears to narrow down his search.
Meanwhile, he may begin to leave cryptic messages in places he suspects you might visit; each laden with intimate references designed to manipulate and unnerve you.
The longer you're free, the more you recognize how deeply your dependence on Strade has become. Every shadow and unfamiliar face triggers a panic that he might be lurking nearby. Despite your desperation for freedom, there's a twisted comfort in the life you left behind.
You find yourself grappling with survival on the outside—seeking food, shelter, and a semblance of normalcy. The harsh practicalities of life make you question whether you can truly exist without the perverse care Strade provided. Amid these struggles, you feel an overwhelming sense of isolation and disorientation.
After wandering the streets aimlessly, you eventually stumble upon a small, rundown shelter for the homeless; where the dim lights and hushed whispers contrast the nighttime silence you've grown accustomed to in his home. Lying on a worn cot, a memory of sleeping in Strade's bed unexpectedly floods your mind.
It was the first night he invited you upstairs, a night that marked a disturbing progression in your captivity—a sign that you had somehow earned his trust or, perhaps more accurately, successfully played into his delusions. This memory was far removed from the stark and unforgiving confines of the basement where you initially spent your days.
It feels surreal now, as distant and detached as a scene from another person's life. The warmth of his bed and the false sense of security he provided starkly contrast with the thin, scratchy blanket provided by the shelter. You remember how he held you close, his breath steady in the quiet room, making you feel, for just a moment, that you were something more than a captive. It was a night when the boundaries of your grim reality seemed blurred, and you almost allowed yourself to forget the bars of your gilded cage.
Now, lying amid the restless stirrings of others seeking shelter, you feel a stark loneliness. Here, there are no arms to hold you, no illusion of safety. You pull the thin blanket tighter around yourself, trying to stifle the shiver that runs through you, not just from the cold, but from the haunting clarity that here, in this place of refuge, you are utterly alone.
The following morning, as the grey light of dawn filters through the shelter's windows, you gather your sparse courage to face another day. Stepping outside, you draw a deep breath, bracing against the cold. Your breath catches in your throat when your eyes land on Strade's truck ominously idling at the curb. He's leaning against it, smoking a cigarette. He startles you—not just by being there, but by his calmness, as if this morning is merely another routine pickup, not the recapture of an escapee. "Good morning," he says, his voice disturbingly casual, as though the recent events were just a minor disruption. The street is mostly deserted; the few early risers are too wrapped up in their morning routines to notice your tense reunion. He pushes off from the truck and steps towards you, his movements controlled, almost gentle. "Let's go home," he says, his words sounding more like an invitation than a command.
As you climb into the truck, the familiar interior greets you—a stark reminder of your first time in this seat, marked by its distinctive coppery smell and the notable absence of a passenger-side handle. When the shelter recedes into the background, a wave of finality washes over you, and tears begin to stream down your face.
Upon reaching his house, Strade quietly guides you inside. As the door locks behind you, it becomes certain that you will never step foot outside again.
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cometapollo · 10 months
Random BTD/TPOF/TINR headcanons
Strade has a bunch of EXTREMELY SMUTTY contemporary/dark romance books he bought on a whim and never decided to read (they were among the few things Ren kept after Strade died)
Shawn (i think thats its name?) will sleep on top of one of the Kojima twins, depending on which one is in bed (its usually akira)
I saId this in another post but Derek has keys to the rest of the main TPOF cast's houses. It started as a random little prank to mess with Fox (Kangaroo and Rhino thought it was funny so they didn't stop him), and it went downhill from there- Fox has started cooking extra in case Derek decides he needs to crash there
Lawrence has played Subnautica at least once. Fuckin' hates it, but the biology is too cool to let be (The ghost leviathan is his favorite)
Sid has tried to get Raven to play laser tag. This resulted in him getting his drink smashed against his head (Farz' doing) when she realized it's essentially mock war
TINR Strade would love laser tag. However, he'd take it WAY too seriously and get them banned from the arcade on accident (Well, how was he SUPPOSED to know that guy was on his team?)
Ren wouldve probably been a culinary major with a minor in film making
Fox delivers supplies for the desert group and, because he can't just leave the supplies out for the prey, obviously, he knows where the cave is. I will expand on this eventually
TINR would be a very Family Guy-esque tv show. BTD/TPOF would be on Adult Swim but hardly anyone would notice because of how fast it would get cancelled
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factorydefaultlu · 6 months
Do yall think Strade and MC have to pay the cheese tax to Ren everytime they open the cheese drawer?
Like Ren is hanging out upstairs, they open the drawer and he just bolts down to beg for some cheese
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
hello! what kind of reactions do you think the btd characters might have to a normally very serious and aloof mc suddenly breaking down and becoming clingy and needy? btw i loooooooove the way you characterize strade 💗💗💗💗💗
thank you! i love writing him so i'm glad others love it too :3
ren 🦊
i, ah- 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 !!!!!!!!
of course ren would love it. of course he would!
he was so nervous about you being so aloof and distant the first couple of weeks, after all...maybe he wondered if all of this was even worth it :(
but the second you started acting clingy and needy around him, he would go fucking INSANE he would be so so happy
granted he might be a little "🤨" at first, wondering if you were trying to manipulate him. so he'd for sure give it a day or two just to be sure
maybe he'd expect you to prove just how much you need him...maybe a couple of nights in the basement by yourself would do you good, anyway...
but then he wouldn't be able to stop himself from getting just as clingy and needy with you too, so you're just a couple of codependent loved up sweethearts aw!
i'm sure nothing bad will happen there!
law 🥀
i mean law kind of is the aloof and distant one so...they would probably think the attitude change is a little strange
like, why are you behaving this way now? you've been fine for days, you shouldn't be behaving like this...i have to go to work, let go of me...settle down...
they'd take a couple of days to get used to it, for sure, and might even be a little annoyed and short with you in the meantime
but slowly...slowly...
they'd like the way you cling so tightly to them when you slept, and how much you'd grown accustomed to sitting around in their flat all day while they were out without a word of complaint
you get so happy and excited when they come home too...it's a lot easier to read your emotions when you're like this and they can't deny it's kind of nice to have someone so happy to come home to
and the fact that you're so needy, you let them get away with a lot more...gone for days at a time, that's okay, just come home to me, please! leaving behind a couple of bruises when you have sex, that's okay, you didn't mean it!
maybe they'd want to make you even needier...dependent, almost
strade 🔨
girl. come on.
why are you giving this man any degree of leverage over you
you just KNOW he is going to do the worst possible thing with this
he'd expect you to prove just how needy you really are, and how much you really wanted him. i mean, you go from being aloof and bitchy to totally desperate in an instant, how could he NOT want some kind of proof that it's genuine?
and then he'd find it absolutely hilarious.
you're still so needy after everything i do to you, really? haha, how cute! i really thought you'd be smarter than that <3
he'd definitely soak in it for a little while and just. totally let his ego swim in how much you need him
it's hard for a guy to resist someone being dependent on them...or at least that's what he tells himself
he would then start to use it against you, just to see you get all worked up and upset...and easier to play with
you let him get away with so much, after all, how far can he push that until you're doing everything you can to get away from him?
and he loves pushing you as hard as he can, after all
he's never been that good at resisting you...
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snvffsoda · 5 months
headcanons for Ren, Strade, and Lawrence for how they are when driving! //bonus Celia!!
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certified passenger princess if not the one driving
confirmed by Gato he's an average driver, but has gotten a ticket for running a red light before (he was trying to get to an anime merch shop to buy a rare figure before it was sold out)
turns his AC up all the way, but will turn it down if asked nicely
drives Strade’s old car, it has a citrusy fresh smell, with a hint of Strade's cheap cologne forever permeated into the vehicle itself
cleans his car every couple of months or so, but does tend to throw and leave his trash in the back seat, usually consisting of old Monster Energy cans and fast food bags
sings loudly to the music he listens to when driving but does get self-conscious and stop when in traffic or is being watched by other drivers
tends to speed when driving, and doesn't notice when he does, like he's always in a hurry when he is at the wheel
has anime stickers on his car window consisting of his favorite anime girls he knows its a bit corny, but he’ll defend that decision with his life if told by someone it is
forgets to use his turn singles sometimes
hates the sound of cars honking or blaring during busy traffic, it irritates his sensitive ears to no need
wanta a motorcycle, but can't afford one
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better than Ren, but is still kind of reckless when he does drive
can and will drive over curbs and sidewalks when needing to make a tight turn
contradictory king, it comes to calling out other drivers mistakes on the wheel
listens to music extremely loud when he drives and doesn't turn it down when you're trying to talk with him
surprisingly takes very good care of his car, mostly to hold up a nice appearance to his neighbors, or to his unassuming victims who follow him into it
don’t touch his radio, he can and will get pissed.
acts like a dad when you turn on the indoor car light and freaks out about it
speeds when driving, notices, but doesn't really care
car sex, that is all.
named his car and speaks to it like it can hear and understand him
always knows some sort of back alley or sketchy shortcut to get out of traffic every time he's in it
will curse under his breath and sometimes go on mini rants about bad drivers when seeing them on the road or driving near them
can name almost every brand or type of car he sees when driving, definitely a bit of a car nerd deep down, but will never admit to it
has been caught drunk driving, but talked his way out of getting arrested by the cops and was let go scott-free
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doesn't even enjoy driving in general, it gives him anxiety, and would prefer to walk if given the option
keeps a blanket and pillow in his car for when he drives out into the woods at night he’ll tend to sleep in his car when he does
has one of those mini solar dancing flowers on his dashboard
the safest driver out of them all, though he does drive a little too slow sometimes
when alone, he’ll punch at slam at his steering wheel when overwhelmed or extremely angry
keeps a plant in his cup holder and waters it regularly
doesn't listen to music when he drives, but will get nervous when driving with someone else and turn on the radio instinctively, so as to not sit in awkward silence
has hot-boxed in his car before
keeps a can of mace in his glovebox, but has never had to use it
loves the sound of rain hitting his car window when driving, and loves to fall asleep in his car when it rains outside because of it
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passenger princess 2.0
Driving? you mean a limo?
jokes aside she's a decent driver, but doesn't like to drive herself places, but when she does, she usually gets where she needs to go without any trouble, that being said,
she's been pulled over for drunk driving many times, and has always paid off her tickets or bought a fancy lawyer to make all her DUI charges go away
never drives the same car twice
has argued and yelled with her husband Harold over the phone or with him in the car while driving and has received stares from passers-by before, she doesn't care though
does her makeup while driving when she's in a hurry or on a tight schedule, and is very good at it
honks her horn at bad drivers and flips them off when they pass, definitely the most outwardly aggressive, when driving out of them all
her cars are ALWAYS clean, almost unnaturally so
keeps a gun in her glove compartment and has never had to use it though stands by it that she does need it
has scratched her business enemies cars up, and threatened to run over her husband and the business associates she despises with her car multiple times
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sofi9995 · 6 months
- My edit for gatobob :3
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