nereeitor · 5 months
The gang and I if we were in the movie "Freddy vs. Jason"
Based on true events
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And the og in Spanish
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months
This may be a strange question but have you ever been bullied in the tbhk fandom? I am having a hard time here
Heya no worries at all for the question! This is an important thing and if you needed to have a place to say it I am happy you did!
I really hope people will be nicer to you :// There is never a good reason for bullying unfortunately it happens a lot on internet QvQ my only advice would be to block those people and/or delete anonymous asks for a while if people are just putting stuff as anonymous :///
To answer your questions, idk if it counts as bullying but I was the target of some stuff like that yep, and tbh I don't really know why. People can have the opinions they want but I will be honest in the tbhk fandom you like a character or a ship that is not 'what everyone in the fandom should like' and people start menacing you for no reason.
A lot of people in this fandom are kids who sometimes don't get what insulting people do. (and not only kids but it is one of the reason, I feel like a lot don't have 'internet basis' like not saying everything about yourself on twitter help.)
Which is also one of the reason I am taking my distances with anyone in this fandom because I had too many unwanted stuff like when I was just trying to be nice and answer messages. It's not because we are in the same fandom that we are bffs.
This is sad to say but yes I don't think you can just have fun 'fun' in this fandom anymore, people will make sure you have a hard time for no reason and honestly I am tired of people who are unable to understand that we aren't just bots on the internet and that Surprise! people have feelings wow
I hope you will be better but don't hesitate to take some time off the fandom a bit ^^ I am being overly dramatic here because I had some bad experiences (I've been in the fandom since the start of 2020 so welp) but a lot of people are really nice and I am sure you can make some friends too ^^ (I did too! even if a lot aren't in the fandom anymore, it's nice seeing mutuals from far away doing their lives)
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lyramundana · 1 year
@skzms based on the story I have in mind + that Rebel Virus I dreamed about
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Something was off with these people.
Vivi was of the belief that 50% of the image idols showed on tv was either an exageration of reality or completely fake. And after sharing space with them for months and seeing them from a personal perspective, it was confirmed. Well, it should be obvious even without seeing them in person, that none of them were totally transparent with the public. None.
It was only when the cameras were turned off that they were allowed to be themselves. To speak to whoever they wanted to, to drink, to party like normal people. Only when they were hidden from the public eyes. Always in secret, always keeping the flawless persona that people expected, demanded from them. The minimal break in their masks could mean disaster for their entire careers. Vivi understood it, she found it stupid, but who was she to fight a cultured followed by a whole country?
So not even she could supress her utter shock and confusion when, out of nowhere, the same idols she knew for being little perfect angels started to do shit out of the non-written script. At first it wasn't that obvious, just some mishaps that everyone interpreted as mistakes. Getting caught partying on a night club with friends, openly flirting with fans beyond what was socially accepted by their parasocial partners, dressing in certain ways, etc. Vivi didn't think much about it, just felt they were being sloppy out of exhaustion.
But then it grew, and more idols began to follow that line. There were scandals, big ones. Secret parties without the staff's permission, being drunk in public, photos of them going into love hotels with different people, uploading songs with explicit lyrics that couldn't be excused and openly talking about inapropiate topics. The companies couldn't control them, the fans' attempts of sabotage were useless. In fact, it all seemed to just motivate them. Pushing them to do worse.
And this is how she ended up right here, in the patio of an expensive night club, with loud pop music blasting from the huge speakers, neon-lights sparkling in her eyes and breathing the cold air of Seoul. They wanted to celebrate the sucess of the show and reward everyone's hard work in it, so Vivi and her crew were obviously invited to the party. She was currently sitting on a wide, comfortable sofa, all by herself, watching the people get shit-faced and scream lyrics with all their passion with a glass on her hand. She had been with them minutes ago, dancing and singing the lyrics she knew with her friends, until her feet screamed for relief and her throat for some hydration. It only took her a sip to recover her energy, so she should have gona back to the group already. Vivi wasn't Vivi if she wasn't in the centre of a dancefloor, getting lost in the music and filling her throat with delicious alcohol until the couldn't remember her own name. But there she was, sitting alone pathetically in a corner long after her supposed five minutes break. Why? She didn't even feel tired yet. Why didn't she just move and joined the fun?
"Because of them", her annoying sub-conscious suplied.
Oh right. Them.
She turned her head to the club's second floor, a huge balcony that was the VIP zone. All idols were reunited there and having their own fun inside the local. The staff in charge of organizing the party rented the whole stablishment only for their celebrities, giving them an entire separate space from the regular people. Vivi would've though it was a snobby gesture, but considering the recent scandalous behaviour the idols displayed, it was probable that the staff just wanted to ensure they didn't pull anything with citizens.
The only connection the VIP zone had with the outdoor party was that balcony, the same one where Vivi saw certain couple hanging out when she was about to return. They were lost in their converstation, but throwing casual glances to the dancefloor to where she was headed, and Vivi's body turned back by instinct. Last thing she wanted was having eye contact with them and have her night ruined by the awkwardness.
Things hadn't been the same since that stupid game of truth or dare, and she spent this last week avoiding them like the plague. Keeping the texts short, hiding when they were walking down the same hallway and doing all kind of things to not face them. Was incredibly childish from her part? Absolutely, and she wasn't proud of it. She was never the type to run away from her problems, always choosing to handle them quickly before they grew into much bigger burdens.
But was this even a problem? She didn't know anymore. And how could she handle something she didn't know? Things with them were so weird, like nothing she ever felt before. They always managed to keep her on her toes.
She liked it as much as she dreaded it. Because with them, she felt like losing control. She felt like being vulnerable. And that just couldn't be.
She took another sip from her glass, hoping it'll help her body feel warmer. Another thing she didn't like about this country: The weather. She was a southern spanish girl with australian roots. Cold was practically a foreign concept to her.
Well, maybe it didn't help she was wearing a short dress with her shoulders exposed but c'mon, it was a party. She wasn't going to dress up all covered like a nun. Sometimes, being gorgeous meant suffering a bit.
-I can't believe it. You're sitting here alone instead of having fun? The world is ending.
Her mental monologue was cut short with the voice. She turned to see non other than Jake standing there, hands in his pockets and looking down at her with a grin.
- I'm just taking a break before my feet kill me and then I'll go back. Dancing with heels isn't as smooth as it looks, you know?
-Really? You make it seem so easy when you're on stage..
-Yeah, that's kinda the point of it. I have to be graceful and elegant when I'm up there. The public doesn't need to know I don't have any blood circulation down here when I finish.
He let out a breathy chuckle, looking away. Vivi felt this converstation isn't going anywhere, but she can't help the little tick in her heart when she saw him aproaching her with that friendly demeanor, with that small grin that hasn't changed one bit. Hell, coming to Seoul has given her more headaches that she signed up for..
-What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the VIP zone, with the royalty?
-Jay needed help in the bathroom - he replied shrugging his shoulders.
-Seriously? What kind of help? Another set of hands for..? -she grinned mischeviously.
-Grabbing his hair while he emptied his stomach, you twisted-fuck. - he made a disgusted face and she laughs. - Now really, what are you doing here? It's unnatural of you to not being out there raising chaos.
-I told you, I'm taking a break. Nothing weird, I swear.
He looked at her with a pensive gaze. He didn't believe her, but he wasn't going to pry more. She mentally thanked him.
Suddenly, a wheeze of air hit them and Vivi's body trembled unconsciously. She hugged herself in an attempt to ease the coldness. The boy noticed.
-Here. - he took off his jacket and threw it at her exposed legs. It wasn't very big, but it covered her enough to feel better. She jumped a little in surprise and glanced at the cloth, then at him. -It's warmer inside, so I don't need it. We don't want the star to freeze herself before the finals. - he winked at her, and she didn't even try to supress her smile. -Of course not. I'm not going anywhere without that trophy.
-I know you're not. - he turned away, walking towards the club. -Don't do anything stupid, Vivi. I can only take care of one baby tonight.
-Don't worry, I'll be a good girl -he scoffed loudly. - By the way, Jake, -he stopped, not looking at her- Thank you for coming.
He blinked, and goes back without answering, but she knows better. She smiled to herself and laid back on the sofa, closing her eyes and relaxing, her glass already empty She loved the party life more than anyone, but sometimes it feelt great to just sit down and don't move. She accomodated the jacket to cover more skin. She wasn't looking at it but she knew just by the texture that it costed more than her current apartment.
She crossed her arms, letting the relaxing sound of her friends' happy screams and singing fill her senses. They barely got time to relax since the show started. Maybe this gave them the final push to do their best next week.
Vivi couldn't calculate how much time passed since Jake left, but just as her mind was slipping a little into dreamland, she felt the bland surface of the sofa sinking at her right. She didn't bother to check who it was. The smell of expensive masculine cologne struck her nose.
-Have you forgotten something, Jackie?
-This dress looks good on you.
She stood up so fast that her head pounded at the sudden movement and she almost fell face down on the ground, her eyes wide like those of an owl's.
A firm hand placed against her cleavage avoided the catastrophe.
-Woah, easy there, baby. Did we scare you? - he let out a deep chuckle.
-Well, it seems she was expecting someone else.
She stared at them perplexed, feeling her heart working faster than usual. The couple she had been avoiding since the start of the week and the reason she was sitting here in the first place was right-the fuck-there.
Lee Minho and Han Jisung.
Of course they looked straight out of a fashion photoshoot, even with Jisung's messy hair and his tie undone, and Minho with his smugged make-up and his shirt unbuttoned just enough to show the valley of his chest. Knowing them, there were plenty of things they could've been doing to end up looking like that..
"Stop right the fuck there, horny idiot. We don't want to see where this thought leads. Now it's not the time".
-Hey guys. Shit, I thought..., I didn't hear you coming. - she composed herself quickly, accidentally shaking Jake's jacket off a bit.
Minho glanced at it while Jisung just looked at her. The first was standing on his feet in front of them while the younger was sitting right next to her, with an arm around the backrest.
-Sorry, you just looked so cute like that, all peaceful and relaxed. We didn't want to disturb you. - Jisung let out a chuckle that didn't meet his eyes and smoothly moved closer to her. She felt his fingers reaching out from the backrest and brushed strands of her hair. His eyes shifted to her red locks as he twiddled them mindlessly. -What are you doing here all alone?
Is it so weird seeing someone sitting down and resting?
-I'm a bit tired, but I was about to go back to the party. -she shook her head softly in an attempt to stop the notion of his fingers, but he only grabbed more strands and continued, eyes finally turning to her. -What are you two doing here? You shouldn't be seen with me. People here get wrong ideas very quickly.
-Just wanted to check on you, that's all. - Minho answered this time, staring down at her. -We saw from the balcony and thought to come down and talk a bit.
The balcony? What the fuck? She specifically tried to choose a spot where it would practically impossible for them to see her. They shouldn't have been able to, unless..
Unless they were actively searching for her.
She gulped, feeling nervous all of sudden.
-It's fine, really, I don't need anyone checking on me. Even I need to take breaks from time to time. These week has been crazy. -she felt the jacket slowly falling off her legs and quickly grabbed it, fixing it back to its original position.
She flattened it a bit with her hands, careful of winkles. When she raised her head, she found both boys glaring at the cloth. Uh? Weird.
-I never seen this one before. Is it new? -Jisung asked, eyes fixed there.
Had she been sober, she would've noticed his voice sounded lower than before.
-Oh, this? -she pointed at it. - Nah, it's from Jake. He passed by earlier.
-We know. - Minho interrupted her rather rudely. He and Jisung exchanged a tense look. - But how come do you have his jacket over you?
They sounded deadly serious, almost threatening. However, her fuzzy brain didn't catch on any of it.
-Well, we were chatting and I got cold, so he lend me his jacket right here and then left. It looks cool, doesn't it?. - she wrapped it around herself, smiling.
But they weren't smiling. Quite the opposite, actually. If looks could burn, the jacket would have been reduced to ashes at that moment.
-Take it off -the older boy said.
His tone was so outright demanding not even her half-drunken brain could let it pass this time. It sounded like when he was in his choreographer mode, all dominant and firm.
Vivi was confused, both by the orders and the tone he used. What the fuck was wrong with him?
-What? - she gave him the chance to explain himself. Maybe she understood wrong, maybe she missed some words.
-Take that thing off. Now. -he let out an angry scowl, and Vivi just felt more confused and even annoyed. Just what was going on? Why was he reacting like this?
"You have an idea, but you don't want to think about it", once again, her subconscious intervened when she least needed it.
She looked at Jisung for answers, but the boy had a similar expression as his boyfriend, equally dark.
Tehn, another wheeze came and she hugged herself to shield her body from the sudden coldness. Minho's face softened and Jisung wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her against him, sighing.
-Poor baby, you're freezing- he caged her with this arms, and she hated to admit the gesture worked better than the jacket. He looked at her and pulled her bangs off her face, fingers brushing her blushing cheek. His free hand went to secure her waist. - We can't have our baby getting sick, right?
God, she tried to remain strong, she really did, but she couldn't control the funny feeling in her legs whenever Jisung used that honey-laced voice. Everytime she heard it, she felt like melting into a puddle.
Minho sat on her other side, getting worringly close too.
-But darling, if you're that cold, you don't need this -he grabbed the jacket in a tight grip, forming a fist, and took it off her lap on a smooth movement. -You have us.
-What do you..?
She cut herself off as she felt something big and warm falling slowly onto her legs. She turned to see Minho placing it gently, making sure it covered as much skin as possible. Then Jisung releashed her only to take off his own jacket and wrapped it around her naked shoulders, which also needed some warmness. The both smiled lovingly at the sight and caged her body between them. Minho had his face nestled in her neck, drawing circles in her tighs, while Jisung kissed her forehead as he grabbed her again by the waist.
-Let's stay like this for a moment, okay kitten? - Minho mumbled, his hot breath directly against her skin, and she shivered. He pressed his nose on her pulse point, humming. -Mm, you already got some of Sungie's smell on you. I love it.
The mentioned was scratching her nape softly, in slow motions. His lips on her temple as he replied. -Much better then.
Vivi was going through the existencial crisis of her life. She wanted to vomit, scream, giggle, sprint running and faint all at once. She was sure her face matched her hair right now. Her body, that been struggling with the cold minutes earlier, felt suddenly warm enough to fry eggs in it, and she knew it had nothing to do with the two jackets covering her.
"They're always making you feel warm"
Her emotional turmoil was interrupted by the loud ringing of a phone. Jisung groaned and let her go, pulling out his phone and looking at the screen, clicking his tongue. He said something to Minho in korean and the older looked very annoyed, but let her go too. Both of them stood up slowly, fixing their clothes and looking at her.
-We're leaving, they're asking for us. -Minho explained, pulling his bangs back.
Vivi just stared at them with big doe eyes, still processing what the fuck just happened. She grasped the hem of Jisung's jacket hugging her. It felt comfy and smelled just like his cologne. It made her feel funny for some reason.
"You know the reas-" " Shut the fuck up already"
-Okay. - that was the only answer her brain could muster. She blamed it on the alcohol mixed with her tiredness, totally. She turned her head and her eyes fell on Jake's jacket, which had somehow ended on the grass. She reached out to get it..
But Jisung was faster. He went for it so fast that it almost looked like he didn't want her to touch it.
-We'll return it to him, don't worry. -he said with a tight smile. -You can keep ours. They suit you.
Minho nodded, tilting his head at with a cheshire-like smile.
-You look just like you're supposed to.
Vivi blinked in confusion. What did that even mean? Was his english failing him again? That didn't make sense.
They shifted on their feet, glancing at the local and at her, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Eventually, they turned to walk back inside, but Jisung winked at her before going.
Vivi watched then until they dissapeared from her sight. She blinked once, then twice, then thrice. And her mind came to the final, solid conclusion:
What in the seven circles of hell just happened here?
Meanwhile in the club..
-Dude, please, don't let me do that again. I think I'm dying. -Jay moaned, head dropped against Jake's shoulder.
-You can't die. Cockroaches can last a nuclear bomb. You'll live. -Jake patted him in the head like he'll do with a child.
-Are you calling me a cockroach?
-That'll be insulting for the poor creatures.
Jay huffed, but was too weak to insult him back, resorting to just getting away from him. Jake chuckled at his act and enjoyed the tranquility.
-Hey, Shim -someone called him by his surname -You dropped this.
He had something hit his shoulder softly. It didn't hurt, but the strenght behind the impact surprised him. He took it and realized in shock it was his leather jacket, crumpled into a deformed ball.
It was the one he lend to Vivi earlier. What the..?
He turned around to meet non-other than Han Jisung, from his senior group Stray Kids, looking down at him with a sneer. In the duration of his career, he spoke a total of three times with the guy, and it was only in awards shows to greet each other.
So where the fuck was this sudden agressivity coming from? And what was he doing with his jacket? Did Vivi tell them something weird..?
-Next time I see her wearing it, I'll throw it in the trash. -the older boy gritted his teeth, his tone sending a dangerous warning.
Jake saw the other one, Lee Know, behind the boy. Obviously, because these two always came in a package. His eyes were even more intimidating.
-I just gave it to her because she was cold, mate. That's al-
-Hyung -Minho interrupted with a growl. - Call us anything other than that and I'll personally punch your teeth out, brat.
There's a tense silence between them. Even his members had dropped the converstation and shift nervously at the scene.
Jake glares at the men. He's been suspecting it for a while, but it sounded too absurd in his head. Now this just confirms it all.
-She doesn't deserve what you assholes are doing to her. Stop stringing her along with nonsense and let her do whatever she wants. -he replied with a huff.
Jisung breathed a sarcastic chuckle and walked towards him.
-Now listen here, you son of a b-
-Minho, Han, everything okay?
They all turned to the voice. Christopher Bang was standing there, arms crossed and staring down at his members, hitting his foot against the ground.
Minho clenched his hands into fists, but said nothing, his lips sealed in a tight line. Jisung was breathing heavily, looking like he was about to burst a vein, teeth gritting. None of them answered to their leader, who looked progressively annoyed.
-It was nothing, Chris -Jake intervened, bowing. - We were just discussing something. Nothing else happened.
-Thank you for the input, Jake, but I was asking them. -he pointed his head at the boys, but Jake relented.
-Trust me, they did nothing. They just returned me my jacket, and in return, I was giving them a good advice that I think they should really follow. - both men glared at him again, but he ignored it, going back with his own group, jacket under his arm.
"Jesus, Vivi. What the hell did you get yourself into?"
Vivi's friends, watching her come back with two brand jackets that are obviously not hers: What do you have in there?
Vivi, refusing to acknowledge it: A smoothie.
Taglist: @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @queenmea604 @sweetracha
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sugaglos · 3 months
Daily reminder that Matthew Shepard wasn't killed bc of the fact that he was gay. He was killed bc of drugs
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havinghorns · 1 year
Well we always hot only to certain people, there no way to please everybody, but see, i'm a straigth male, and think that you just perfect in all your being, congrats, and to those who dont apreciate all of you, fuck they
yeah fuck they
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delfvoid · 10 months
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Masculine Melancholy, Ted Lasso (2021)
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nnay-naee · 2 months
Wait so y'all actually thought that straights and cis folks aren't welcome at the pride parades?
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wir3-r0t · 10 months
I see everyone blatantly ignoring glvinny <3
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syxoki · 7 months
wdym people ship satoshoko ew 💀🙏🏻🙏🏻
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mushed-kid · 7 months
i love how active everyone is being rn but idk why we have to take that out on me
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theabyssalmuses · 1 year
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fuck it, we (starter) ball-- i mean, call. Capping Out at like. 2.
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amaranthineoni · 1 year
Sparknotes: Tomoe Timeline
A plotting resource & general outline of major Tomoe Events.
❣️📖 Indicates a potential RP starter point and what kind of characters may have met her then! Emojis may reference specific characters~ Note OCs not included below bc you know best where your muse slots in ✨
March 31, 1985 Tomoe is Born in Karakura Hospital
Moves to Tsubaka some months later.
1994 10 years old; 4th Grade ; moves to Mito
1997 13 years old ; 7th Grade ; moves to Tokyo
2001, April 17 years old ; 10th grade ; moves back to Karakura & enrolls at Karakura High
📖❣️ <- Where Karakura residents can begin to RP with her! When she most likely met students at Karakura High. Would prefer to pre-plot this stuff if not interested in writing it <3 🍓🧚🏼‍♂️💪🏹🥋🐶📱👓
2001, May Rukia arrives in Karakura.
Tomoe notices.
📖❣️ <- Also where Karakura residents can begin to RP! The assumed ‘pre-established’ relationship for students at Karakura high will be ‘same class, haven’t spoken much’ ❄️🍓🧚🏼‍♂️💪🏹🥋🐶📱👓🦁
2001, May/June/July
Tomoe has her first run in with a hollow and her spiritual powers mature.
📖❣️ <- Meets @uraharashouten​ ✌🏼 somewhere in here. Has definitely met karakura students & rukia by this point! ❄️🍓🧚🏼‍♂️💪🏹🤖⚾️🐻
2001, July Tomoe experiences early phase hollowfication during her training. It is managed.
2001, August 8th Invasion of the Soul Society
📖❣️ <- Where Seireitei residents can begin to RP with her! Meets @midnightactual​ 🐈‍⬛  and @dokvhana 🌸 here! Definitely meets Kukaku 🎆, Ganju 🐗, and sees Gin 🦊 from a distance.  [too many characters to reasonably place emojis here]
August 6th (time anomaly in the garganta!! An INSANE plotpoint that is never touched again!) Aizen’s betrayal!
📖❣️ <- Any shinigami resident is welcome to plot an event between this and when the ryoka invaded. Preferentially meets Aizen 🔮 here (but im flexible). [too many characters to reasonably place emojis here]
September Cold war ; school restarts
Tomoe’s hollowfication is becoming a mild problem. She does not deal with it directly for long.
📖❣️ <- Visored, shinigami and selectively arrancar can begin RP here! Meets @sakanadc 🌀 here. Tomoe trains with visored (preferably) & later in SS (with Orihime🧚🏼‍♂️ and Rukia❄️). 🍓🧚🏼‍♂️💪🏹🩴🎻🍱🎟⭐️🦸‍♀️⚓️🥶🍍🥚🦚🍶🐆
October 30th Tomoe is taken hostage with Orihime. Arrancarfication. Hollowfication now a Major Problem.
📖❣️ <- Arrancar & team Aizen can begin RP here! Open to LOTS of plotting & threads here. 🧚🏼‍♂️🔮🦊🪰🐆🦇
November 1st War ends. Aizen sentenced on the 11th.
Tomoe gets a gigai! Thanks team Shoten! ✌🏼🐈‍⬛🤖⚾️🐻
December 2nd Ichigo looses his powers
[Time Skip] <- 📖❣️ very open to plotting things in here. Open to all (within reason)! A flexible time period.
2003, April Fullbringer Arc
Tomoe has returned to something near normalcy. She spends some time in the living world and some time in HM.
📖❣️ <- Fullbringer can begin RP here! Humans, Shoten, Arracnar, & selective shinigami welcome here! Meets @badheart ☠️ in here somewhere. 🔖👢🕰🐰👾💪
June TYBW starts
 📖❣️ <- Quincy can begin RP here (or earlier if they want within reason)! Zero Division can begin RP here! Pretty much open to the whole cast at this point~ [too many characters to reasonably place emojis here]
July - Present
Tomoe turns to learning how to undo her hollowfication.
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jokerlennon · 1 year
did lolly adefope when she was on taskmaster reference keats' ode on a grecian urn when she said "friendship is truth truth is friendship" <- losing his marbles in the throes of literature assignment
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starmakerphantom · 2 years
"remember what you learned in knigths!"
*kidnaps someone*
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yuwhala · 2 years
I just had a flash-back about that "Eyewitness" (US version) show. Was the plot really about two dumbfucks that were like "we can't say we witnessed a crime otherwise people will KNOW we were homosexually vibing" (??????) Instead of I don't know, finding any reasonable excuse why they might have ended up in a cabin together (there were plenty) ? What a fever dream.
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I miss when you could like or reblog your own posts and it showed up in the notifications and for a second you would ask yourself who goes there? And then it was only yourself and you be like oh..... right.
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