#Jason vs freddy Kruger
nereeitor · 2 months
The gang and I if we were in the movie "Freddy vs. Jason"
Based on true events
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And the og in Spanish
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lemon-dem0n · 9 months
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twyz · 1 year
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Obligatory horror bishoujo post,, stay safe y'all /j
Colored ver coming soon!!!
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wsbhonni · 2 years
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Everyone: omg scary slasher men!!!
Me: hehe dumb bois
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thecaptainoutoftime · 10 months
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"My children… from the very beginning, it was the children who gave me my power. The Springwood Slasher, that's what they called me. My reign of terror was legendary. Dozens of children would fall by my blades. Then the parents of Springwood came for me, taking justice into their own hands. When I was alive, I might have been a little naughty, but after they killed me, I became something much, much worse. The stuff nightmares are made of. The children still feared me, and their fear gave me the power to invade their dreams, and that's when the fun REALLY began. Until they figured out a way to forget about me. To erase me completely. Being dead wasn't a problem, but being forgotten, now that's a BITCH. I can't come back if nobody remembers me. I can't come back if nobody's afraid. I had to search the bowels of Hell, but I found someone, someone who'll make 'em remember. He may get the blood, but I'll get the glory, and that fear is my ticket home."
Happy 20th Anniversary to Freddy vs. Jason
August 15th 2003-August 15th 2023
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argocitycosplay · 9 months
I’m not saying this is the movie I wanted to see, I’m just saying that it makes about as much sense as recasting Kane Hodder with Ken Kirzenger.      
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
You know what would be cool for a Halloween theme? Maybe have something where the Lego Monkie Kid gang and with Ao Bing from Nezha (2019), discuss and debate what horror movie scenarios they would and would not survive. Movies I can think of: Smile, A Quiet Place, Get Out, Chucky, Bird Box, It, The Institute, The Exorcist, Saw, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Halloween, The Ring,  Pet Semetary, The Shining, Scream, Valak in the Nun, SCP-096, The Rake, Cartoon Cat, Mirrors, Five Nights At Freddies, Slender, Mandela Catalogue, The Demogorgon in Stranger Things,
And maybe some horror supernatural folklore / mythological creatures or some scary cryptids.
Sun Wukong: def claims that he could survive *all* of the horror bad guys. Freddy Kruger might pose an issue, but then he just doesn't sleep. Thinks the Hellraiser cenobites seem kinda cool to hang out with - wonders if he has something like the Lament Configuration Box in his treasure hoard. He def wants to see which between him, SCP-096, and 682 could win in a fight.
SWK, sinks to the bottom of Crystal Lake: "Hey bud, can't swim good either?" Jason Voorhees: ???
Macaque: doesn't care about whether or not he'd survive an encounter, cus his shadow powers and combat experience immediately puts him at an advantage above a lot of threats. Hunters becomes the hunted. Monsters that manipulate sound or space like Sirenhead or the Cenobites would freak him tf out though.
MK: argues that he could probably survive the human threats/slashers and smaller monsters; but mind-warpers like Pennywise (that spider form Ew) would pose him a big problem. Without his powers though, I think he'd be most afraid of a Saw-situation where he has to make really tough permanent decisions. Also the temptation to watch The Ring video would be so great.
Mei: "I turn dragon-mode and samadhi fire their butt! Boom! Done! No more evil doll!" Would give creatures like certain SCPs some credit tho. Her biggest obstacle would be things like the Bird Box or IT monsters who tap into a persons fears, and characters like Jason who seem invunerable.
Red Son: "I'd survive, duh. Literally on fire." Horror comedy makes him chortle with delight. Even when it's wholely inappropriate. Gives the most logical answers to each horror scenario.
MK: "Hellraiser?" Red: "Wouldn't open the box. I've already seen Hell." MK: "Five Nights at Freddys?" Red: "Bullclone death match against the posessed animatronics." MK: "Ok fair, that sounds amazing. The Ring?" Red: "Who watches untagged videos in this day and age?" Mei: "Ok smart guy how about this; Friday the 13th. You vs Jason." Red: "Easy. Don't go to New Jersey." Mei and MK: *annoyed sigh*
Tang: snorts at the thought of living through a horror movie scenario. He has weak ankles and can't fight physically like at all. In a ghost/supernatural horror scenario like with the Cenobites, Pazuzu, Sadako, or Valac; he might actually win cus of his Golden Cicada powers. Panics at the first encounter and accidentally exorcises all the demon/ghost threats.
Sadako/Ringu girl: *crawls out of tv* Tang, eating popcorn: "Pigsy! The TV is leaking!"
Pigsy: doesn't like modern horror movies much. The kind that grosses him out the most though are cannibals/evil cooks. Thats against chef's code right there! Would personally want to whack every member of the Sawyer/Leatherface family with his rake. Would see the "no good punks" from Scream and immediately knock them out with a frying pan. Admits that he'd be useless in a legit slasher scenario since he's a chubby older guy and; "those guys are always like the third person killed."
Sandy: doesn't like horror thank you very much! Too many nice characters and animals die in those films for his taste. Although he would attempt to reason/redeem some horrors, he would not hesistate to destroy threats that have no sense of reason. He would also try to adopt and rehabilitate any "evil animal" type of monster.
Demogorgon: *snapping and snarling* Sandy: "Aww! He's just a scared little guy!"
Nezha: just got introduced to horror media, and he likes the ones with physical threats in them. He doesn't fear death/getting hurt as much since he's mostly made of regenerating lotus roots. Also his fire abilities would def give him a boost over most human and monster threats. Would see "cosmic parasites" like Pennywise and Cartoon Cat as his main targets. As for ghosts/demons? He doesn't even care.
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Freddy Kruger, looking around Nezha's mind: "Damn b*tch. You live like this?"
Ao Bing: just got here. So he's freaked out by the lightest of horror movie threats. Chucky, the Gremlins, the Leprechaun, all make him shriek. Ironically has the most useful power; his ice immobilizes a lot of the human/monster threats. Probably knows enough magic to counteract/repel most ghosts or demons. With bigger threats? Dragon form. Nezha probably makes the arguement for Bing since he underestimates himself.
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pack-of-rats · 27 days
gay son jason voorhees vs thot daughter freddy kruger
that’s the whole post, send tweet.
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rabid-roach · 1 year
i know curt described the show as “‘Scream’ meets ‘Big Mouth’ meets ‘Spring Awakening’,” and he was so right. ‘Scream’ is my favorite horror flick of all time and it so matches the tone of the show!!!
i must also do my civic duty as a horror movie enjoyer and bring awareness to the sheer amount of ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’ references in this show?
Obviously there’s the fact that the main villain, Max Jägerman, is a ghost! Freddy Kruger is also a ghost, killing teenagers in weird and inventive ways.
There’s also the backdrop for the stage. spread throughout the stage is a series of messages reading “1-2 Jäger’s coming for you / 3-4 Better lock your door / 5-6 Grab your crucifix / 7-8 Never graduate / 9-10 He’s the Jägerman”, which are referring to the rhyme the jump-roping girls in ‘Nightmare’ sing! “1-2 Freddy’s coming for you” and so forth.
Max Jägerman as a ghost says “bitch” a lot. Which is objectively funny, but it’s also something that Freddy Kruger does a lot in the ‘Nightmare’ series of movies! Theres the iconic line “Welcome to my world, Bitch” from ‘Freddy vs Jason,’ but the use of a one liner followed by the word ‘bitch’ is a staple of Freddy kills and the ‘Nightmare’ movies.
im sure there’s more that i’ll find after i watch the digital ticket, this is just what i remember from seeing the show live on sunday.
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femtober · 8 months
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FEMTOBER BLOG: Fridays & Franchises
Happy Friday the 13th!
While no woman has directed an installment of the Jason Voorhees saga, there have been a few franchise films that women have helmed, including one featuring Jason's rival Freddy Kruger, Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, directed by Rachel Talalay.
Perhaps somewhat predictably, Freddy's Dead received poor reception but was a modest box office success, outgrossing its previous installment. The movie was relatively tame in its violence; Talalay instead wanted to focus on more surreal meta humor that the series had begun to stray from. True to its name, Freddy's Dead is the last film in the original Nightmare canon. The next three installments (New Nightmare, Freddy vs. Jason, and its 2010 reboot) all existed in a separate canon from the original franchise. While Freddy's Dead is not necessarily looked on fondly, I personally find it to be a very passable installment in a franchise I otherwise don't really enjoy. The 90s introduced the more acerbic side of humor in horror, so the slapstick goofiness of Freddy's Dead feels like a fitting goodbye to the previous decade.
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The most powerful man in horror currently, Jason Blum, infamously stated in 2018 that "There are not a lot of female directors period, and even less who are inclined to do horror." He's since rightfully walked back on this statement, and while Blumhouse - under its various labels - has produced a fair number of horror films directed by women on streaming and television, theatrical releases of these films are few and far between. Enter Black Christmas (2019) directed by Sophia Takal.
Black Christmas is an interesting beast. On first glance it seems as though there's heavy studio interference. There's virtually no language or blood, and the story seems fractured. How much interference, it's hard to say. Sophia Takal stands by her vision for the film, wanting to make it as feminist as possible for a PG-13 audience. The end result, unfortunately, is underwhelming. Black Christmas ultimately feels like a shadow of its predecessors. While the 2006 remake is also maligned, there's a certain level of insanity that serves the film well in hindsight. The 2019 version often feels less focused on horror and more on identity, a criticism I hate to make about a female-directed film. Black Christmas's negative reception may have helped it fade into obscurity; in addition to being a critical failure it was also a box office bomb. I'm not the biggest fan of Takal's work, and certainly not of Black Christmas, but I think the most important takeaway we can have from this film is that women should be allowed to fail. We do not need an all or nothing approach to intersectional filmmaking. Sometimes things can be bad, and sometimes they can be worse than bad. We persist.
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To date, Black Christmas is the only major theatrically released Blumhouse horror directed by a woman. Of course, this will change in just a few weeks with the release of Five Nights at Freddy's, directed by Emma Tammi. I can't say I'm particularly excited about the content of the film, but the prospect of a highly anticipated studio film directed by a woman is a major milestone. Between FNAF and Barbie, it's a good year for women to be making films, but of course there's always room for more.
My biggest pet peeve with major films directed by women is the passing of the torch to a male director when the first film succeeds financially (see Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, etc.). Blumhouse is obviously planning on making FNAF a franchise IP, so it would be great to keep the momentum going with Tammi or another woman continuing to lead the series. Fingers crossed!
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If you're interested in any other female-directed franchise horror films, check out the following: •Candyman (2021), directed by Nia DaCosta •See No Evil 2, directed by the Soska Sisters •Critters 3, directed by Kristine Peterson •The Slumber Party Massacre series •The Pet Sematary Series, directed by Mary Lambert •Sorority House Massacre, directed by Carol Frank •The Fear Street Trilogy, directed by Leigh Janiak •V/H/S/94, 99, and 85 •Darlin', directed by Pollyanna MacIntosh •Mirror, Mirror, directed by Marina Sargenti and more!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Curious anon. When did you first figure out you were in love with Freddy
Oooooh! A great question and a a fun story! I've mentioned it before but fuck it, been a minute. Gather round while I recount the tale.
Okay, so my grandparents used to rent their basement out to a real nice family, whenever I came over, we would hang out and their parents had a FAT fucking movie collection. In said collection they had the full A Nightmare On Elm Street series in this rad set where the spines made up Freddy's silhouette and for some reason I was always drawn to it. Years flit by of this friendship and I was 14 years old, we wanted to watch movies that afternoon and I asked and their folks said sure! We sit down to watch the first ANOES and that is the first horror movie I ever saw.
It was wild, totally blew me away, I had never seen anything like it, but then, we get to THE scene, THAT scene, where he is on the phone with Nancy, right?
"I'm your boyfriend now."
Even back then I felt something over that, something I totally wasn't ready to deal with or unpack but SOMETHING alright! So this starts my love affair with horror movies, natch, and my dad, bless him, gets me a bunch of horror movies to watch that Christmas. Including the first four ANOES movies.
I devoured them and with each one the love grew. I thought Freddy was so fun! So different from the other slashers I also watched around this time, he captivated me like no other. I continue buying the movies until we get to it, the pinnacle, the last movie Robert Englund played Freddy Kruger, we reach Freddy VS Jason!
Now, I adore this movie, the first time I watched it, a summer afternoon, home alone, in the living room on the big tv I watched it all go down and was feeling things, (those who know, know, Freddy's sexuality and confidence is off the charts in this one lads-) but we get to the moment.
Lori is asleep, Freddy is chasing her down that hallway, she is knocked down and is in that little white night gown and he starts moving his glove up between her legs, blades tracing higher and higher and he says, "I should warn you, princess: The first time tends to get a little… Messy."
That was it! I was done! The setting, the tone with which he says it, the pet name?! It just all of it came to a head and I was knocked the fuck out Anon! That is the moment that hooked me for life and made me a perma-Freddy slut. That is the moment that made me realize, "Oh God. I love him, I love him, I really love him."
A truly formative experience. One I am endlessly grateful for because now we are here! Me, writing porn for all of you! Couldn't be happier! Hope that was a satisfying tale Anon!
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thekatcarson · 2 years
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"𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆?"
❀ MAJESTY - Screaming Set (GOODY SHOP) & Pretty Kitty Set (CAKEDAY)
❀ 1990 x KRUGER BUNNYS - Freddy vs Jason Plush (CAKEDAY)
❀ 1990 - Scream 4 Daddy Set (MAINSTORE)
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southernxrose · 2 years
Optional Task 384
Halloween Villain Match-up!
Part 1: Questions:
1. Despicable Me. Gru
2. Creepshow. John Doe 
3. American Werewolf In London. Daniel Robitaille
4. Nightmare On Elm Street. Freddy Kruger
5. Alice in Wonderland. Queens of Hearts 
6. Phantasm. Dr Jack Griffin
7. Bride Of Frankenstein. The Bride
8. The Ring.  Sadako
9. Halloween. Michael Myers 
10. The Shining. Jack Torrance
11. It. Pennywise
12. Frozen. Prince Hans 
13. Candyman. The Tall Man
14. Hellraiser. Pinhead
15. Portrait Of A Serial Killer. David Kessler
16. Misery. Annie Wilkes
17. 101 Dalmations. Cruella de Vil
18. Psycho. Norman Bates
19. Se7en. The Crate 
20. Beauty and the Beast. Gaston 
21. The Addams Family. Morticia
22. Sleeping Beauty. Maleficent 
23. Hocus Pocus. The Sanderson Sisters
24. The Silence Of The Lambs. Hannibal Lecter
25. Child's Play. Chucky
26. The Creature From The Black Lagoon. The Gill-Man
27. The Lion King.Scar
28. Saw. Jigsaw
29. Aladdin. Jafar
30. Friday The 13th. Jason Voorhees 
31. The Little Mermaid. Ursula 
32. Peter Pan. Captain Hook
33. The Invisible Man. Henry
34. Sleeping Beauty. Maleficent 
35. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Leatherface
Part 2: moodboard 
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Part 3:  Create your own villain:
1. Villain name? The Skinless Man
2. Catchphrase? Ah, walking meat puppet! Come closer, I can almost smell you
.3. Superpower(s)? Telekinesis and dream manipulation
4. Special Equipment? Cut-throat razor
5. Secret Hideout? Unknown
6. Costume Description? No costume, a disfigured, skinless man
7. Sidekicks/Partners? None
8. Enemies? Anyone that's not afraid
9. Strengths? His powers
10. Weakness? His daughters necklace
11. Positive trait?  Intelligent
12. Negative trait?  Impulsive
13. What made them want to be a villain? Being made to watch his four-year daughter and wife be burned at the stake by cultists and then being flayed alive for his outrage. He is a bitter, broken-hearted, revengeful man.
14. While being a villain what is their goal? To inflict pain on every generation of those involved 
15. What movie villain would they most look up to? Freddy Kreuger
16. What established movie would they like to star in? Apostle
17. What movie villain would they like to be related to, and how?  Freddy Kreuger via a 1 vs 1 
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twyz · 1 year
Happy Friday the 13th!!!
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Here is my contribution!!!
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funnyexel · 3 years
Daydream December | My Wants & Needs
Pre-Burn Freddy Krueger x Black Female Reader
A/n: What other way to kick off Daydream December then with Freddy mf Krueger! I was reading on Ao3 and an amazing story sparked up the inspiration for this story. I wanted to write it in my own way since the story was kind of a fade to black type thing so enjoy! I made this story pretty messed up so beware. A little side note, just like in the Ao3 fanfic, the story is set in modern times so you can use phones and what not.
Summary: You’re his daughters babysitter and you got curious about his secret room. Sneaking into his home when he and his daughter were away, you get caught. (Just so you all know the daughter is at a friends house when this happens. So she isn’t in the house. I repeat she IS NOT in the house)
Credits for Ao3 story and link: Babysitter Blackmail by MontanaSkye27 Please show them some love! This story is fantastic if you are into this type of stuff!
Warnings: Degrading, Cursing, Smut, Rape/Non-Con to Consensual (kind of), Older Man/Younger Woman, Name Calling, Insomnia, Drug Mentions/Use (Fictional Drug : Hypnocil), Mentions of Pregnacy, Mentions of Killing & Murder, Cutting (to reader), Oral Male Receiving, No Protection (wrap it before you tap it), Anal Mentions, 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
Yeah, I don’t have anything to say after writing this. -> Masterlist Mega List
“Mr. Krueger…I think your hand is…” You tremble, standing before him. “Is what? Use your words.” He provokes you, his finger dusting over your chin. “please move your hand.” You whisper, your fight slowly dying as the atmosphere of the basement hits you. A shiver running down your spine. “Enough talking. Get on your knees. Time to keep a nosey bitch like you quiet.” He snarls, pushing you down to your knees and sits back in a folding chair. The cowardliness fading as the name leaves his lips. “Who are you calling a bitch?” You lift yourself up a little, your butt leaving the resting spot of your heels and your hands gripping onto his thighs. His hands rest on top of yours, slightly gripping.
In this moment he silently decided to keep you. “Did you forget whose in control? Little girl.” Effortlessly peeling your hands off his thighs, he throws them behind your back and pushes you back down. “I call you whatever I want. Do you wanna know why?” He pauses for anticipation. “Because little cunts like you cannot mind her business. Snooping through her neighbors stuff? How shameful.” He teases. You roll your eyes away from his gaze. Making him grab your face to make you look at him. “you’re one to talk.” You utter. He sighs, unzipping his pants. His dick springs out. Taking a deep breath, you back up a little, your jaw dropping in the slightest.
He smirks as he watches you gaze at his lower half. Intertwining his fingers with your hair, he pulls you closer to the point where his tip is at your lips. Using his other hand he forces open your mouth and fits his cock in, all in one motion. At your lack of movements he scoffs, using his hand in your hair to guide you and get you going. “Suck. And watch the teeth…or I just might take one of yours as a souvenir.” The promising threat, motivating you to start bobbing your head. The slurping and gaging sounds being music to his ears. Leaning his head back he relaxes and the sight makes you want to bite down. Wanting to get this over with, you speed up the pace.
Bobbing your head faster and he pulls you off him. “if you get lock jaw, you won’t be any use to me toots.” He wipes the drool trail off your cheek and lets go of your hair. Going at the pace you first started with, you slow down and begin deep throating him. Going all the way down for seconds at a time before coming all the way up and taking a breath. Repeating it. Your hands finding his thighs again. Closing your eyes, you try to stop shaking. Subconsciously, moaning on his cock. Groaning, a pop leaving your lips as he finally stops you from sucking him off. Kneeling back down, one of your hands travel to your throat.
“Does your throat hurt?” You couldn’t tell whether it was sincere concern or not. Unsure you nod. Leaning in, his breath tickles your ear. “told you I’d keep a slut quiet.” You see as he leans back into his chair. From his angle, your eyes saying ‘fuck me’ all over them. Pulling you up, he puts your hands on his shoulders as he pushes your bottoms off and makes you step out of them. Tugging you on him so you can straddle him. You shake your head as he nods his. “Don’t act so innocent. I heard you mutter all the things you want me to do to you when you were asleep.” You flush, your cheeks burning. Lifting you up, he inserts himself in your slit and brings you down. You fight to hold in moans.
“you’re disgusting.” He moves your hips back and forth. “and you aren’t? nasty little girl.” He degrades you. “Mr. Krueger. Please force me on your cock, make me gag and choke. I’m aching for you. Please take my virginity.” He mocks your words that you muttered in your sleep days ago. “you’re a murderer.” Your lip quivers at the humiliation. “And you’re a needy whore. I wonder whose worse.” He smirks, halting his moves. Your stomach painfully twists, begging for friction. You cursed at your body for its needs. Placing a hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder, you bounce up and down on him.
His smug look ticking you off. Feeling his tip continuously hit a spot in you, causes a swear to leave your lips. Throwing your head back, you heavily sigh. Desperately wanting to moan. His hands slither from your thighs to your butt in no time. The grab startling you, making you stop and pull down your shirt. “get off.” You snarl to him, trying to pry his hands off your ass. Grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back with one hand. Using his other to choke you. “You’re a little masochist.” He says while bucking his hips into your pussy. Moans leaving your lips as his grip on your wrist make your back arch.
Nodding with a dazed smile, your composure goes straight out the window. Your brain couldn’t form words anymore, just mumbles of gibberish leaving your lips. “See. Was. That. So. Hard? Hm?” His words matching up with his thrusts. A pause, welcoming a warm liquid to paint your walls. Your head was too light to yell at him. Instead you rested your head on his shoulder and had your hand rubbing up his hair. “So very needy. What punishment should I give for defying me.” He laughs, already knowing the answer as his hand rubs up your ass. A sting comes across your skin. Making your body jolt and toes curl. A second and third following. Your breath hitching in his ears and soon turning to quiet moans as he continues.
After the spanking session. Your ass stung, so much that it brought you back down to your right mind. Rapidly sitting up, you look him in the eyes with an angered expression. His hands now rubbing over your ass to soothe the pain. Moving from side to side, to gather momentum to get off his lap. You feel him get hard before you got off. Standing fully and turning your head you see your red ass. It stung like a bitch. “I should have bit your dick off when I had the chance.” You snap at him. “I guess you were to busy choking on it.” He shrugs and watches as his cum drips down your leg. “Come on. Let’s get your ill-mannered ass upstairs.” He tucks his dick away but keeps his pants unzipped.
Dragging you upstairs, you see all the curtains drawn as he takes you to the kitchen and pushes you over the counter. Your ass in his view and reach. Closing your eyes, you brace yourself for this menace. “please don’t fuck me in the ass.” You plead lowly, it ending in a squeal as a cold gel is rubbed on your cheeks. The gel cooling the burning sensation and making your ass better. “hm…I could.” He finishes rubbing your butt and pokes at the devilishly small hole. Washing off his hands from the sticky gel, he hums a ‘no’. Yanking you off the counter. He faces you. ‘At least he has some sort of human left in him.’ You say to yourself trying to put your nerves at ease. “Finger yourself, slut.” You shift back slightly in shock. ‘I take back what I just said.’
He had his way with you that whole night. You should have reported the case, that would’ve been the smart thing to do. You refrained, it’s not like they ever take rape cases seriously anyway. If you could even call it that. On the surface you absolutely hated it but deep down you’ve been craving for that moment but you always remind yourself why you hated it, why you cried your eyes out the next day. The thought of losing your life to him, scaring the life out of you. Having sexual nightmares about the situation, left you shaking. After his death, things only got worse. Insomnia keeping you from the restful state. When you did dream they consisted of that long night and you finally had enough. Getting hypnocil to suppress your dreams and taking nightquil to fall asleep. The first night you did this, you had the best sleep in ages.
Checking your phone once more, you take your pills with a glass of water and tuck yourself under your sheets. Just like that you’re consumed by darkness. The blandness of your sleep slowly fading into an unknown place. Looking around you see that you’ve dreamt up a boiler room of some sort. ‘This might just be a side effect of the hypnocil.’ You walk around a bit. ‘I haven’t had a dream in forever!’ You clap your hands eager to see whats in store for your dream. Near the pipes it was hot but there were some parts where you walked gave you a slight chill. All you were wearing was a satin nightgown that stopped right below your butt and a cheeky panty. “I don’t remember bringing a whore down here.” You turn to the voice and scream, recognizing it.
“Freddy?” You stammer as he takes one step towards you and you see his face. “The one and the only.” He gives a teethy grin and clearly eye fucks you. “You look like shit.” You half laugh. “Your still as slutty as ever.” He lightly cuts you on the arm. “Oops.” He sarcastically says as you hiss at the pain. “You pruned fuck!” He twitches at the name as you hold the small slash. “You’re the stupid bitch who talks back to a killer. I can do names too.” You scoff at him. “You look like a over and under-cooked turkey.” You both participate in this weird name game. “And you look pregnant.” As soon as he exclaimed the statement he knew he had just won. “Pregnant?!?!!” You look down and rapidly rub over your stomach.
“I look pregnant to you?!” You raise your voice to him, attitude clearly in your statement. “Yup.” That one word set you off. “I’M NOT FUCKING PREGNANT, YOU ASSHOLE!” You scream, your voice echoing seconds after you stop talking. “You sure? No shame if you got an abortion, I killed a few kids myself.” He boasted as if thats something to be proud of. “I was never pregnant.” You back away from him, giving him a dirty look. “If you ever need a kid killed you know who you call.” He points to himself. “Can’t really call you, you’re dead. But, If I ever need a pervert killer dealt with I know who to call.” You pause. “I say, that mob did a fantastic job last time.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch as he fumes with irritation. “Watch it.” He sternly says, putting one of his knifes to your throat. A small smirk, nudges at the corner of your lip. “No.”
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tenevrae · 3 years
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