hyuwujin · 5 years
brew-tiful | hjs
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pairing: reader x jisung
genre: barista!au; fluff
length: 6.9k+
summary: you weren’t the most social person on the planet hence the reason you avoided the crowded coffee shop not far from your dorm. but when you’re forced to go and get your most needed coffee, you had no idea the change your life would go through when you walked through those doors. the cause of the change? the dumb charming barista behind the coutner flashing smiles whenever he saw you.
a/n: i’m back hello!!! wooh, i’m so happy my motivation to write has returned and let’s hope it stays!! i’m hella rusty so soz if this fic suck :/ enjoy bbs!!! also dedicated to @changbear bc she’s been w a i t i n g so long for this oof
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You never walked into the campus cafe that was a convenient distance from your dorm building, mostly because of how crowded it always was. You hated crowds. Crowds meant noise. Noise meant distractions.
But looking out the large glass windows at the sight of the cafe while you stood in front of the empty vending machine, your thoughts changed.
I need a coffee to help me stay awake to write this damn essay, you thought to yourself with a frown.
Looking back at the vending machine, your eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Huffing to yourself, you turned around and left the dorms, pulling the hood of your sweatshirt over your head when you noticed the damp ground and the sound of light rain hitting against the pavement.
You passed by smiling students holding their picky coffee orders in one hand, laptop in the other with a flat expression. You pulled on the strings of your sweatshirt.
Maybe you could order a coffee without having much social interaction.
Hah, if only it was that easy.
You walked into the semi crowded coffee shop and your nose was instantly hit by the sweet smell of brewing coffee. The smell alone woke you up a bit, causing you to look up and around for the cash register. Mustering up both the courage and patience, you waited on the end of the line.
One of the baristas, you noticed, was being occupied by a small group of enthusiastic girls twirling their hair and laughing at almost everything he said, causing you to scoff to yourself. Maybe this is why the line isn’t moving, you noted.
Then you noticed another barista rush up to the cash register, nudging the social barista with a pointed expression, before asking the next person in line for their order.
The few single people in front of you knew their somewhat complex order like the back of their hand and you felt uneasy, not having a clue what to get. You could go for an iced coffee...or an espresso...but that macchiato that girl was holding on the way out looked pretty good.
You didn’t notice the barista formerly speaking to the group of girls stop to glance around the shop, until his eyes landed on you. He smiled to himself, looking at the deep-in-thought pout on your face.
“Hey, can I get you anything?” The boy behind the counter excused himself from the group of giggling girls and turned to you with a welcoming smile. The barista originally at the cash register left to take care of a customer’s order. You felt your cheeks heat at the sudden attention you were getting, both from the handsome boy and the group of now glaring girls.
“I uh…” you trailed off, gnawing on your lower lip, scanning over the chalkboard menu behind his head. You admire the neat handwriting on the wall as you scanned; it was definitely boyish but still legible. You don’t notice the barista observing your concentrated face––furrowed brows and twisted lips––with an amused smile.
“Let me guess,” the boy chuckled, wiping his hands on his apron. “You’ve never been here before?”
Averting your gaze to the girls beside you, you felt yourself shrink under their scrutiny. Quickly turning your head back at him, you shook your head. “No, does it look obvious?”
“I think I can recognize everyone who’s ever walked in,” the barista boasted, crossing his arms. “...and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before.”
“I don’t really go to cafes much,” you shrugged, not taking into account the fact that you were making small talk with some stranger when a few minutes ago all you wanted was a coffee.
“Oh, how come?”
Part of you wondered why the boy seemed so interested but by the way you previously observed his encounter with the now impatient girls waiting for his attention beside you, you figured he was like that with all of the customers. Must be good for tips, you presumed.
“Cafes are usually…loud. I don’t really concentrate well in them so that’s why I usually get a pre-made bottled coffee from the vending machine in my dorm.”
“And today’s different because…” the boy trailed off, waiting for you to continue, the side of his lip quirking up into a half smile.
“They were all out of my coffee,” you pouted, looking down. The barista watched your cute expression with a soft smile but immediately dropped it when you looked back up. He was not used to the way his heart was beating out of his chest.
“Ah, kinda hurts my ego that we were a last resort but I’ll take it since you’re here,” the barista smiled cutely and then you understood why the girls he was previously conversing with were giggling and beaming like idiots. This guy sure was charming.
Noticing the line forming behind you, you felt yourself flush in embarrassment. “Oh god, I’m stalling. Can I just get something strong to go please? I need all the caffeine I can get.”
Shooting you finger guns and a wink, he said, “You got it. Just wait over here.”
“How pathetic,” you heard one of the girls murmur to her friends, staring directly at you. “This girl’s just dying to get out of here.”
“Isn’t that a good thing? Wouldn’t want to stall our Jisung-ie any longer~” Another friend beside her whispered with a knowing smile.
Huffing to yourself with an eye roll, you walked around the group of girls and waited at the end of the counter near the wall.
“Alright, you didn’t exactly give me cream or sugar preference so I kind of guessed? Try it first so I’ll know if I need to fix it.” The barista came back with a steaming hot cup of coffee and held it out for you to take. It’s been a while since you hadn’t had coffee that wasn’t refrigerated and synthetic. Raising a curious brow at the boy’s eagerness for you to try the drink, you were intrigued.
Taking a small sip from the cup, you raised your eyebrows in utter praise for the drink in your hand. “This...is incredible. How much?”
The boy shook his head while waving his hands dismissively. “No charge. Every customer’s first drink at this cafe is free,” he grinned.
“Are...are you sure?” You trailed off, noticing the dropped jaws of the girls beside you just before their glares were replaced.
“Promise! I hope to see you again soon...wait, what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, feeling heat rise up your neck.
“Well then, I hope to see you again, Y/N. That coffee from your vending machine is probably god awful and full of garbage so I really suggest returning here,” the handsome barista winked after his statement and woah, you didn’t think you’ve ever felt more flustered than you have in the past ten minutes. You notice the group of girls beside you whisper amongst themselves.
“I...I’ll see about that. Thank you…” you trailed off, cocking your head to the side, looking for any name-tag on the boy behind the counter.
“Jisung. My name’s Jisung.” You’d later learn that the reason he didn’t wear a name tag was because he felt the urge to introduce himself to customers as a way of getting to know them better.
“Thanks Jisung,” you mumbled before turning to leave and sprinted back to your dorms, trying your best to avoid getting rained on too harshly. The girls took your place in front of the counter, beginning their conversation with Jisung again but he was too absorbed in the sight of you to pay any attention to them.
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“He what!? He gave you a coffee on the house?” Your fellow classmate and best friend, Felix, raised the empty cup from the cafe to examine. You raised an eyebrow as he scrutinized at it.
“Yeah,” you shrug nonchalantly, “He said it was policy that the first drink is free.”
“P-Pol–” Throwing his head back, Felix let out a loud laugh and you sent a confused expression his way.
“What’s so funny?”
“That policy doesn’t exist,” he said in amusement, putting the cup back on the table. Currently the two of you were at the study hall of your dorm building, studying for your economics test in a few days. Although you would have much rather finished your essay, which was your sole purpose of the getting the coffee in the first place, your friend decided to use your generosity against you to beg you to help him study instead.
“What are you talking about? Yes it does.”
“Oh yeah? Then how come I had to pay for my first coffee?”
“I dunno, maybe it’s a new policy,” you reasoned with a shrug.
“No, Y/N, you know what it is? Flirting.”
“Pfft, don’t be so ridiculous! I had maybe a five minute conversation with the guy, got my coffee and left. No flirtation was present during my trip to the coffee shop.”
“Hmm,” he hummed in response, pinching his chin. “Yeah, no. I don’t believe it. You were just flirted with the oldest trick in the book. ‘How much for my coffee?’ ‘For you? Don’t worry about it darling, it’s on the house. My treat.’” He started mimicking your voice unnaturally high in pitch and then mimics Jisung’s response. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his imitations.
“Hey,” you frown, smacking his arm. “He did not say that.”
“Yeah but he said something like that...Are you gonna go back?”
“Well,” you gnaw at your lower lip, wondering what to do with this new information. “I guess I have to?”
“You have to? Damn Y/N––”
“To pay him back obviously,” you cut him off, thinking aloud. “Right? Since the policy doesn’t exist, technically I’m stealing and there’s no way my conscience could deal with that without making it eat me up inside so the only reasonable thing to do is to go back and pay them back.”
“I…” Felix trailed off, scratching his head, “I guess so.”
It was the right thing to do wasn’t it? The gesture was kind and all but you couldn’t not pay them back. You knew other people would call you insane for returning back to the cafe you knew you wouldn’t just to spend a few dollars you could be spending on lunch.
You marched through the cafe doors and surprisingly, it was less crowded than you’d originally thought it be. The sun was nearly set, indicating that most classes were well over for the day and you’d think that students would head over to the coffee shop as a way of winding down or to do some homework. Seats were filled around the cafe but it wasn’t nearly as loud and crowded as it was the day prior.
“Woah there, you look like you’re on a mission,” a curly haired barista wiping down a table toward the entrance raised his eyebrows and smiled in amusement.
“Do you know if Jisung is here?” You cut to the chase, panting slightly from your swift walk to the shop.
Furrowing his brows, he looked up in thought, “Hm, he’s on break right now but he’ll be back in,” he paused to look over your shoulder at the hanging clock at the back of the shop behind the counter, “four minutes.”
“I guess I’ll wait then,” you murmured, taking an open seat at a booth against the wall of the cafe.
“Can I get you anything in the meantime? Some dessert or a drink?”
“No, no,” you shook your head with a smile. “Thanks.”
“No problemo,” he grinned, showing off his dimples. Was it a requirement to be cute to work at this cafe? You thought to yourself. “If you need anything, I’m Chan, so just holler.” It was no wonder that this café was so popular; all the workers seemed to radiate such charisma that you just couldn’t not return to say hello again.
You waited a few minutes, tapping your fingers without any sort of rhythm against the wooden table and watched the clock’s second hand gradually make its way around the circumference of the face. Chan noticed your rigid stare at the clock and fidgeting state with a mixture between an amused smile and a confused one.
“I couldn’t help but notice,” he began when he walked back over to the side of the cafe you were sitting at, brushing his hands against the sides of his faded blue jeans, “that you seem kinda nervous? Are you going to confess to him or something?”
Popping your eyes open, you opened your mouth to quickly deny his allegations before you felt yourself choke on your own breath and ended up in coughing fits. Chan widened his eyes in panic at your response and quickly walked away to retrieve some water from behind the counter. Chan walked back to your table and placed a tall glass of water on the table. “Have some water.”
Taking a gulp from the glass, you felt relief in your throat. Placing the glass down, you sighed, “Whew, thanks.”
“No problem.
Before you could even refute Chan’s accusation, you heard the jingle of the cafe door followed by “Good afternoon, beautiful people, I have returned.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes in amusement at Jisung and his big goofy grin. This guy just exuded charisma. He didn’t notice you when he first walked in, probably because Chan was in his line of sight but as soon as he walked behind the counter and grabbed his apron from the hook on the wall behind him he spotted you.
“Y/N, you’re back!” He smiled gleefully, while tying the back of his apron. “Want another coffee?”
Shaking your head, you get up from the table, giving Chan a grateful smile in the process, and walked up to the counter. “I’m here to pay you back,” you took out your wallet and start to fiddle with some bills.
“Woah, what are you talking about?”
You didn’t look up from your wallet when you replied, “the policy? I know it’s not real. You didn’t have to just give me a coffee on the house. It was a sweet gesture, don’t get me wrong, really smart marketing you got there but––”
“Y/N,” Jisung stopped you and you look up to see his amused smile.
“What?” You blinked at him, tilting your head to the side in wonder. Were you missing something?
“I gave you the coffee because....” he trailed off before scoffing, “nevermind.” You were lucky you were cute.
“So... can I pay you back now?”
“To be fair,” Jisung crossed his arms defiantly, “since your coffee was on the house that means I paid for you so you don’t owe this shop anything.”
“Oh, so I should pay you. How much was it?” You look back down at your wallet.
Sighing to himself, he opened his mouth as if to answer before he closed it. Drumming his fingers against the counter, he hums in thought.
“Okay, how about a way to pay me back is to return here ever so often?”
“What?” You squinted your eyes suspiciously, wondering what he was asking. Is this...another marketing tactic?
“Even though you said you’d think about coming here again, I saw right through you: you weren’t going to come back. And the only reason you are back is to pay me back. So to pay me back, you have to come back to this cafe...once a day for a week.”
“A week?” you furrow your brows. “Dude, are you robbing me!? That’s like four dollars a day!”
“You don’t have to buy coffee if you come. Even if you just come in to say hi, I’ll call it payment.”
You paused for a moment, thinking about his offer. “Why?”
“Huh?” Jisung seemed taken back by the way he straightened his posture, widened his eyes and his former side smile became somewhat pout-like.
“What’s the deal with getting me to come around to this coffee shop? Do you do this with all your new customers?”
“No,” he leans back to grin before taking notice at someone at a table awaiting their order to be taken and Jisung nods at them and puts up a finger, gesturing ‘I’ll be right there.’ Turning back to you, he wiggles an eyebrow. “I guess you’re just special. I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.”
He walked around the counter and walked over to the student with a charismatic smile and asked there order. You stood there for a few seconds, watching him interact with the customer, trying to figure him out. A clearing of a throat, broke you away from your thoughts.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” Chan asks from behind the register. You’d been so focused on the other boy, you didn’t even notice Chan walk around the counter.
“Uh,” you hum, looking down at the desserts behind the glass.You thought you weren’t hungry but the somewhat loud grumble of you stomach told you otherwise. “A blueberry muffin please.”
“Sure thing,” Chan nods, opening the case before asking, “warmed up?”
“Yes, please.”
He wrapped your muffin into a small bag and folded it before placing it on the counting. Typing away on the register he said, “That’ll be $1.75.” FInally you were getting charged for something.
“Here,” you gave him five dollars. “Give the rest to Jisung please? Just add it to his tip jar or something.”
Knitting his eyebrows together, he asked, “Why?”
“Well, since he refuses to let me pay him back for my coffee, I guess this’ll be my only way to,” you grin, taking the bag and waving at Chan. “Thank you!”
Chan watched you leave with an amused smile on your face and it wasn’t until the bell jingled behind you, signaling you were gone that he turned to Jisung.
“Did you literally pull a ‘it’s on the house’ flirt and it backfired?”
The few customers in the cafe look up from their coffee or studying at Chan’s shout, causing Jisung’s ears to go bright red. “Hyung!” He whisper shouted. Turning to the student with a nervous smile, he reassured, “I’ll be right back.” Walking over to the older boy until he was standing on the opposite side of the counter than him, he whined “Why’d you have to announce that in front of the whole cafe?”
“Please,” Chan rolled his eyes with a scoff, “You’re so red and smiley, everyone didn’t need to know because I announced it. You’re so obvious, dude.”
“Not to Y/N apparently,” Jisung grumbled to himself, looking down at the notepad in his hand with his customer’s order before pushing it over the counter for Chan to make. “I tried to do a smooth thing and she doesn’t even notice,” he murmured to himself, rubbing his forehead.
“Yeah that was kind of odd. It’s like she didn’t even acknowledge it at all,” Chan nodded with furrowed brows, turning to make the drink. “Think she’s just clueless or...perhaps, playing hard to get?”
“Hard to get?” Jisung’s eyes widened. The thought never came to Jisung. “You think?”
“Hm, maybe?” Chan shrugged to himself, back turned to Jisung.
Turning around to lean against the counter, Jisung cupped his forehead in frustration. He’s never been in that sort of situation. Granted, he’s also never been so bold with a girl either. It was one thing to charm and flatter girls till they were weak at the knees for him, but to do it upon acting on his own feelings? All of this was new.
And now you were playing hard to get?
Man, did he pick a tough one.
But he was willing to fight to win you over, even if it took months.
“I’m screwed.”
“Oh yeah and I’m pretty sure she’d rather you not know but she left a large enough tip for you in your tip jar to pay for her coffee yesterday.”
“Are you kidding me!?”
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The next morning wasn’t a particularly productive one for you. You didn’t have classes till later in the afternoon but you still had studying to do and staying up late to finish your essay certainly didn’t help your mood.
Maybe some breakfast would do you some good. Some actual breakfast. You had a piece of toast when you woke up but the grumble of your stomach told you you weren’t satisfied. You walked out of your dorm building and involuntarily, your feet began moving in the direction of the sweet smell of baked goods.
Of course your luck was that you’d end up at the cafe at the same Jisung was working. Later you’d learn that your timing was so impeccable, you’d end up at the cafe when Jisung was working.
“My favorite girl!” Was the greeting you received when you entered, followed by the looks from random students you’ve never seen before. This boy…
You noticed two boys beside him behind the counter that you’ve never seen before, slapping his shoulder and laughing to each other, before Jisung pushed them off and offered you a grin.
“Do find joy in embarrassing me in front of strangers?” You asked when you reached the front of the counter.
“Maybe a little bit,” he smiles, resting his chin against his palm as he leaned against the counter. “What can I get you, brew-tiful?”
The boys standing behind Jisung stifled laughs while you stared at Jisung’s wide grin with an unamused frown. “Really, now? You’re gonna give me dumb coffee puns?”
“Not dumb,” he denied, the smile on his face never faltering, “genius. Now, what would you like?”
“Something filling, I’m starving,” you pat your belly with a frown. “Any suggestions?”
“How about I surprise you?” He asked, quirking one of his eyebrows up.
“Well the last time you did, I was pleasantly satisfied so why not?”
“Great! I’ll be right back.” Jisung walked further down the counter to grab you a treat.
“So you and Jisung, huh?” One of the boys you noticed before smirked with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
“Me and Jisung what?” You asked blankly. “I just met the guy a few days ago.”
“Oh really? You guys seem pretty close for how long you’ve known each other,” the other boy piped. You looked at the boy’s name-tags with furrowed brows. Hyunjin and Jeongin.
The first boy, Hyunjin, nodded in agreement.
“I wouldn’t say close but I guess we’re friendly with each other. No clue why, though,” you shrugged.
“You’re the one who got the free drink, right?” Jeongin asked, not even bothering to hide his amusement with his grin.
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, wondering how they even found that out you responded, “yup, that’d be me. Why?”
“You must feel spe––”
“Hey, what lies are you feeding her?” Jisung cut off the barista with a scowl, holding the small paper bag in your hand.
“None, we swear!” Hyunjin piped, raising his hands in surrender. “Were we?” He asked, turning to you with a look of pure innocence. Yup, your initial thoughts about this place were right: you had to be incredibly cute to work there.
“Not really,” you shrugged before noticing the bag in Jisung’s hands. “Is that mine?” You ask shyly, pointing your finger at it.
“It is,” Jisung smiled, handing you the bag.
You found it funny how he’d look at his own friends with such pure disgust and then turn to you with the brightest smile.
“Uh-uh,” you stopped him from walking away, wagging your finger at him in scolding manner.
He turned back to you with a sly smile, “Aw, don’t want to leave so soon Y/N?”
“No-o,” you drawled, rolling your eyes, “I’d like to pay for it.”
Sighing, he turned to the register and tapped the screen a few times before opening his palm out, “$1.25 please.”
“Thank you,” you grinned, fishing out two dollars from your wallet. “And please...keep the change.”
You flashed him a final smile and a wave before you turn to go. You didn’t notice him go on his tippy-toes, to look over the people sat in the café and waiting on line, carefully looking at your reaction to what he picked out for you. Noticing the pleased smile on your face, Jisung gave himself a pat on the back and nodded to himself confidently.
“Woah, she’s blind. It’s pretty obvious you’re into her,” Hyunjin chuckled to himself, while wiping the counter with a damp washcloth.
“And dumb. You were just going to give her that cookie for free again! Man, I wish I had free food,” Jeongin whined, shoving his hands into his empty pockets, searching for any loose change.
“Yeah well, jokes on her,” Jisungs said, a smile growing on his face, “I gave it to her with a discount.”
“She gave you an extra seventy five cents anyway,” Hyunjin paused wiping to deadpan with a knowing look.
“Oh, shut up.”
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“So what’s it like dating a barista? Does he, like, make coffees for you during his free time?” Felix asked in the middle of one of your study sessions the following day.
“Huh? Who am I dating?”
“Uh, that Jisung dude. Isn’t he the guy who gave you the drink for free?”
“Yeah but we’re not dating??”
“Oh really? Everyone I talk to has been saying that so I just assumed you were being an awful friend and not telling me about your love life simply because I’m a guy.”
“Please, when I get a boyfriend, you’ll be the first one to know,” you waved a hand dismissively. “But people seriously think we’re dating? That’s totally ridiculous!”
“Yeah being offered things for free and being smiled at and called his ‘favorite girl’ means absolutely nothing.”
“I….I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you cross your arms stubbornly with a huff.
“Ask anyone,” Felix said with a nonchalant shrug, “They all think you’re dating.”
“I...I just met the guy!”
“Ooh, I didn’t hear anything about you not liking him at all. Usually your first denial against dating anyone would be explaining your feelings but…”
“Don’t say that! I don’t like him, now if you’ll excuse me,” You stood up from the table. “I need to go sort something out.” You were getting a sense of deja vu from needing to confront Jisung earlier days prior.
“Tell your boyfriend I said ‘hi!’” your best friend cups his hand over his mouth to shout after you begin walking away. You shoot him a final scowl of disapproval before continuing on.
That day was a busy one for the coffee shop. You craned your neck around to calculate just how many people were in front of you on line and groaned in impatience when you counted more than fingers on one of your hands.
This is why I don’t go to coffee shops. They’re too loud and busy.
You passed the time gazing around the coffee shop. The first few times you were in there, you didn’t really look at the scenery, too busy focusing on your coffee and paying Jisung back.
You liked how warm the whole place felt. The whole shop was painted a dull forest green and there were brown wooden floorboards, perfectly accenting them. You took notice of the greenery around the cafe, small and tall potted plants scattered about and a fake vine wrapped around the menu board giving it an extra touch. The lights were dim, mostly because of the large array of windows in the front of the shop where the sun shone brightly through.
The tables were all wooden, that you observed the first time you sat down, but you didn’t notice how happy all the customers seemed to be. There were pairs and groups of friends sitting about, talking about their day or what’d they like to do over the weekend, or students in single seats, reading a book or making a conversation with a barista. You didn’t see a frown anywhere. It seemed that this cafe radiated such good vibes that no one could be angry in such a chill place.
“Uh, Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” A voice snapped you back to reality. You blinked at the fingers snapping in front of your face.
“Oh...hey!” You shook your head out of your daze, trying to remember why you’d come to the cafe in the first place.
Chucking to himself, Jisung asked, “Can I get your order?”
“Just a water,” you gnawed on your lower lip in regret. Why show up to his workplace if you simply had to ask him a question? You could’ve easily found him when he was done…
But then again, you never saw him outside the coffee shop so you wouldn’t know where to look in the first place.
“You came all the way here for a water?” Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No, of course she didn’t,” a voice sang, the owner of it showing up behind Jisung. “She’s obviously here to say hello to her boyfriend. Don’t you have manners, dude?”
“Uh no.”
The two of you spoke in unison, turning to the speaker.
“You have a boyfriend?” Jisung asked, turning to you with an almost betrayed expression on his face.
“I don’t???”
“Wait what’s going on,” the boy, now confused, scratched his head. “Are the two of you not dating? That is Y/N, right? I’m pretty sure someone told me you were dating.”
“Please excuse Minho,” Jisung leaned forward with a whisper, “He gobbles up any gossip he hears.”
“Hey, I heard that! Now move over, the people need their coffee!” Minho announced nudging Jisung to the side to take the next customer in line’s order.
Jisung nodded his head, gesturing for you to walk further down the counter, to not hold up the line. You leaned against the counter with your arms crossed.
“This is why I came,” you muttered, feeling your cheeks flush. “I don’t know who said what but my friend is telling me that people are telling him, gossiping I guess, that we’re dating,” you motion between the two of you with your hand.
“Wha––really?” You furrowed your eyebrows at how Jisung’s ears perked up and smiled at what you’d told him.
“Yeah, they’re all saying something about favoritism and giving me free stuff and discounts. But I haven’t gotten any since the first time though so I don’t know what they’re talking about.”
“Right,” Jisung chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I didn’t say anything if that’s what you think. You think I’d do that to my favorite girl?”
“Well you sure like to embarrass me so I wouldn’t be too surprised. You seem like the kind to tease me that way.”
“Huh, that’s probably true but I promise it wasn’t me.”
“I believe you.” You truly did. Even though you probably wouldn’t have a few days prior, but Jisung really new to to charm his way into befriending people. “So, if you didn’t tell anyone, who did?”
Jisung shrugged. “Probably people around saw us and just assumed.”
Feeling your cheeks flush at the thought of people observing you and assuming you two were dating by your actions, you scoffed. “Pfft, what? How on earth could they think that?”
“It may sound like a total shock to you, Y/N, but I don’t talk to many girls as often or as willingly as I talk to you so…”
His statement did shock you. Several days prior, you saw the guy swarmed with girls around the counter giggling and cooing at him, and he seemed to bask in it. At least, you thought he did.
No doubt about it, you thought the guy was attractive since you first saw him so it didn’t come as a surprise that he had girls crowding him, hoping to earn a chance with him.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Jisung deadpanned. “I talk to other girls here in the coffee shop, sure, but it’s my job. I can’t just ignore them. You, though, I engage conversations with you first.”
You didn’t like the warm feeling you felt in your chest.
“Oh,” you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers.
“I understand if you want me to back off and stop bugging you so people stop assuming we’re—“
“It’s fine,” you cut him off sharply, snapping your head up to look at him. He was taken back by your answer, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes. “You’re, uh, pretty cool so I don’t mind.”
“You don’t? Didn’t it bother you like two minutes ago???”
“It did,” you admit quickly, looking away for a split second, “But I changed my mind.”
“Oh, so you’ll still come around?”
Smiling at him, you raise an eyebrow, “Where else am I supposed to get my coffee?”
“I’ll see ya around. I have a test to study for. Bye Jisung,” you gave a final wave before making your way to the entrance of the café.
Even after you left, Jisung was frozen, mouth agape and eyes widened.
“Uh, dude?”
“She’s willing going to come around,” the lovestruck boy sighed longingly, feeling his heart flutter in chest.
“Oh man, he’s whipped,” Minho chuckled to himself, patting Jisung on the back a few times before returning to making coffees.
And man, he was. At first, he might’ve seen you as a mystery, looking so out of place in that cafe the first time he saw you, but then the more of you he saw, his initial curiosity became anticipation in seeing you again. He couldn’t put his finger on it but something about you drew him closer to you. Maybe it was your first impression of him which wasn’t like the other girls he came to meet in the cafe. Or maybe it was the fact that you treated him like some normal guy and not eye candy. Maybe he liked the fact that you were a challenge to go for.
“I think I like this better,” Jisung mused, leaning over the counter, while you sipped your steaming hot chocolate.
“Hm?” you hummed, looking up at him curiously. You were currently sitting on a stool pushed up the the coffee counter, watching Jisung clean up from the busy work day. It was a Wednesday evening and there were plenty of crammers in the cafe that day.
“You being here voluntarily. When I made you come, I felt a little guilty so this is much better,” he smiled, turning away from you to clear the counter of any stray mugs a customer left around.
“Yeah,” you nodded in agreement, looking around at the empty coffee shop. “I definitely like being here when it’s almost closed.” It was only the two of you in the coffee shop. Chan was there about an hour earlier but left when Jisung offered to close up for him.
“Y/N, we closed up a half hour ago,” Jisung said, putting the mugs in the small quaint sink in the back corner. You paused sipping from your mug to look behind you at the door. The sign was flipped open to face the interior of the cafe.
Looking up at the clock, your eyes widened. “Crap, I didn’t even notice! Why didn’t you kick me out?” No wonder nobody had walked in.
“Because it’s just you.” He shrugged before turning to you, patting his hands against his apron. “Besides, it’s not like I’m itching to go back to my dorm.”
“You’re not getting paid extra though,” you frowned, feeling bad for wasting his time. Here you were, blabbing about how sucky you lab day was because your impotent partner couldn’t even hold a scalpel correctly when your dear friend could’ve been in his dorm sleeping peacefully.
“Your company is enough,” he sighed with a side smile, resting his hands against the counter and holding himself up.
“Alright, charmer,” you rolled your eyes, taking another sip of your hot chocolate. You’d grown to get used to Jisung’s smooth comments but that didn’t mean you weren’t affected by them. “You still look tired.” His eyelids were drooping and he seemed less perky during the later hours of the day.
“I’m fine~” he cooed, waving you off, motioning you to finish your hot chocolate.
“No, no, you need to go to sleep. Take it, I’m finished,” you handed him your half full mug.
“Y/N,” he whined, hesitantly taking the mug out of your hands when you shook it around slightly.
“You have to close up,” you ignored his whines and stand up from the counter stool. “Come on.”
“I’m not a baby, don’t baby me,” he frowned, putting your mug in the sink and turning on the faucet to rinse it off.
Raising an amused eyebrow at him, you gestured to his face, “you’re pouting like a baby.” You tugged his sleeve and handed him the keys sitting on top of the counter. “And you have an early class tomorrow, no?”
Honestly, you thought your friendship was going to maybe last a few weeks before you inevitably lost touch or got too busy to see each other. But, weeks later, your friendship prevailed. Neither of you shared any classes in common together, yet you managed to see each other everyday.
You weren’t at the coffee shop everyday, however. Sometimes, he’d meet you in your dorm’s lounge to hang out, with an occasional interrogation from a very suspicious Felix.
People didn’t bother to stop talking about the two of you either, or even bother to hide. Sure, people knew you guys weren’t official or dating, but that didn’t stop them from shipping it from afar. You always ignored it. You thought you ignored it for the reason that you didn’t even care but maybe you did. Perhaps you ignored it because you didn’t mind being shipped with him.
“Yeah,” he murmured, accepting the keys and shuffled behind you. You both exited the café and you waited for the barista to lock up before heading off in the direction of your dorms.
“Why’re you still following me? Isn’t your building over there?” You asked, pointing in the direction of a few buildings in the distance.
“Can’t I walk you all the way to your dorm to make sure you get in safe? It’s 8 p.m., who knows what psychos are around,” Jisung shrugged tiredly. Even through his obvious exhausted state, he still wanted to be a gentleman and you smiled in response.
“Thanks,” you murmured, looking down at your feet, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. It was getting harder and harder to keep your pulse under control with Jisung’s blunt statements with some sort of underlying meaning.
“You know, I may be half asleep and it’s dark out and all,” Jisung began when you approached the doors of your dorm building, “but don’t think I didn’t notice you get all quiet just now.”
“Hm?” You hum, snapping your head up from fumbling around your wallet for your student card. “Wha-What are you talking about? I’m not being quiet...Why...why would you think that?” By the end of your pathetic rambles, you rubbed the back of your neck nervously.
Jisung raised an eyebrow at your obvious flustered state.
“Just admit my endearing comments are affecting you~” He sang, holding open the door you unlocked with your key. Walking in and turning around to face him, you scowled.
“They most certainly are not!” Total lie.
“Mhm, sure thing, sugar,” he smiled to himself knowingly.
“Oh yeah? If your endearing comments affect me so much, what’re you gonna do about it?” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“Well, I would most likely ask you out but being that you fail to acknowledge any of my advances on you, I’m sure it would just go over your head and you’d think it’d be a friendly hang out.”
“Pfft, as if!” You rebuke stubbornly, furrowing your brows.
“Bowling last week? That was supposed to be a date...And then you invited Felix,” Jisung trailed off with a knowing head tilt.
“W-wait, you’ve been asking me out this whole time?”
Noticing your look of pure shock, Jisung threw his head back to laugh and smacked his forehead. “To think I thought you were just playing hard to get and it’s just that you are indeed blind.”
“Hey!” You whined uncrossing your arms to throw them up, “I was out here thinking you were just so flirty by nature! You know, part of your whole charm package. I didn’t actually think you wanted to date me.”
“Well, I do, so now here I am being as clear as possible: Y/N would you like to go out with me?”
“Well, duh. I wouldn’t have stuck around such an annoying dude for so long if I didn’t have feelings for him,” you smile coyly, finally accepting the blush heating your cheeks.
“Hey, I am not annoying. I’m charming and kind of clingy sometimes. But NOT annoying!” He grinned, beginning to walk backwards away from your building. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
You hummed in agreement before calling out, “You know I actually kind of hated you when we first met? You were too happy and it messed with my ‘don’t care’ aura.”
“Yeah, you made that a bit obvious. It was more the reason to be your friend and bug you though,” he called back before giving you a final wave.  
You thought consuming too much caffeine was the only cause of jitters but the race of your heartbeat told you maybe it wasn’t just coffee; perhaps it was some annoying barista who snuck his way under your arm and into your life.
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3norachas · 5 years
[11:04 pm]
it started with the lingering pecks on the corner of his lips, like the gentle autumn breeze along with the soft rustling in the leaves, escalating into a storm carrying waves of wind strong enough to bring down a few lamp post.
yet, he still haven't had his fill in his lust.
his teeth tug on her lower lips, inhaling his excitement from the small sigh from the back of her throat, his tongue licking the damage he made on the chapped flesh.
her tongue met his halfway through her wet cavern, tasting him and the warmth. he gasp in surprise when she suckle on his tongue, swiping on the roof of her mouth. his arms were locked around her torso and her hands were tracing his cheeks where his dimples appear.
pulling back for air, they stared at each other's eyes in awe, drinking in the disheveled features they caused.
her lips places sensual kisses everywhere on his face, to the corner of his eyes, to the exact place where his dimples appear, down until she reached his jaw and neck, nibbling on the skin.
he couldn't help the small sighs that escaped his lips, his eyes dilating when her teeth sank on his pulse gently before her tongue swipes on the skin.
he rest his head on the back of the couch, letting her mouth travel across the other side of his neck for more exposure.
"more, give me more please."
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changarroo · 5 years
Whatever Comes Next // Han Jisung
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a/n: some changes are coming into play soon i hope you are excited!!!
[22:01] You were on the phone with your boyfriend Han, you have been since about 20:00 talking about nothing really. This was a nightly routine where you would call and sit in silence once you ran out of things to say but this night was different... you didn’t know why but it was more relaxed and peaceful. Neither of you had exactly spoken yet but no one needed too. “You know we age without realizing and one day we are 65 with grey hair” You state as he laughs “well that’s random,” he says back. “I know but I had this thought when I was in class looking at our substitute. Like a while ago he was young like us but you just start aging and you can’t reverse aging... no matter how many creams they put out, hair dyes, anti-wrinkle serums... we still get old... and than die” you say sadly as you finish you hear him breathing softly “I never thought about that but now that I am, I know I will love you endlessly no matter how old you get, how many grey hairs you have, and no matter how many fucking creams you try. You Y/N will always be the same Y/N that I fell in love with”.
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minhobabyy · 6 years
Spur of the moment ➵ Lee Felix
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↬genre: fluff, reckless teens au?
↬word count: 1119 words
↬pairing: reader x felix
↬inspired by: the rain dripping down my window as the clock strikes 3:27 am. The dark greyish blue sky that calls for me to join it in a adventure
↬a/n: sorry i suck at endings welp
➵ description :  You didn’t know what pushed you to say those four words that left your chapped lips focused on your newest acquaintance in front of you, perhaps it was in the spur of the moment, but you were glad they did.
read on ao3 here or continue down
He was the colour of the stormy sky outside the small cafe the two of you met in at 3 am in the morning. He smelt like the tiny raindrops rhythmically tapping on the half inch thick glass that separated you and the thick fog that whispered your name. The thick fog that was almost a dense as his voice that spoke to you fifteen minutes after you had arrived promptly sitting down in the corner of the empty cafe.
“My name is Felix,” he said as he sat down next to you though every other seat was vacant. He wore a simple beanie and a jean jacket stained with mud. His hair was the creamy colour of the coffee you had ordered, his eyes the smothering colour that was never once described to tell of its true beauty. You nodded.
“I’m y/n”
Your metal spoon clanked against your chipped mug as you conversed. With both of you having the same quirky behaviour, your conversations were like a push and pull; stop and go, both acting serious yet some playfulness and evident attraction was present.
“I’ve always hated this place. I’ve been wanting to leave forever.” You leaned on your hand watching as he set up the mini cream-cups as a net, “Did i tell you why i got kicked out of uni?” 
“no why?” You flicked the small wrapper towards the goal “I printed out the chancellors nudes and posted them all around campus”. He barely blocked you ‘ball’ which his pointer finger looking at you in fascination. “Why?” 
“because he deserved it”
“how did you get them?”
“he sent them to me”
Felix opened and closed his mouth “My moms always called me a nosy boy, apparently i always get into everyones business.” Felix stated playing with his fingers, “ Im not going to ask any more questions.” He continues to fidget as you take another sip. He speaks up again.
“How many?” “enough” 
 “was he big?” You nodded. “How big?” You showed him with your hands then went back to your coffee. 
“What your favourite colour?” “f/c” you answer. 
Maybe it was of the way his eyes met yours, or the silence that screeched to be heard, or maybe it was the inevitable tug of your heart that the two of you had connected lips tasting the three dollar coffee still lingering on your tongue. The sweet and sour taste of blueberry gum clashed with the grounded coffee beans as the fluorescent tube lights flickered. His hands supported your waist as your hands tugged the black beanie on his head.
You didn’t go far, breaking apart soon after. Both if you sitting in silence. You didn’t know what pushed you to say those four words that left your chapped lips focused to your newest acquaintance  in front of you, perhaps it was in the spur of the moment, but you were glad they did.
“Run away with me”
Four words, thirteen letters. Enough to bring the boy out of his seat, and his hand in yours as you shuffled out of the diner and to your car. The car door slammed with giggles and started. 
You two were off. Nowhere specific in your head, only the wind combing through your hair. It was perfect. Intoxicated from this feeling you shouted the lyrics of every song that played from the radio. You were comfortable, comfortable with the boy you barley knew sitting next to you that felt like a long time friend, maybe something more.
You’ve been driving for miles. The illumined city the two of you called home was no longer in your rear-view mirror only the forests and boulders along the country road. The radio has been turned off though its far from quiet. Your hands meet on the gear shift, his acting like a blanket on yours. His thick voice flowing in your ears as you drive onward down the abandoned highway with no subject in mind. You two decided to take a rest stop. You pulled up to a lone convenience store that sign read closed. Leaving the car parked behind the building, you were able to use an rusty vending machine to buy a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Felix found a metal ladder screwed to the side of the wall leading to the roof. He picked the lock with the help of your bobby pin and you both climbed to the roof. 
The view was beautiful looking out to the forests that stood solemnly. The two of you sat side by side, munching on the $2 chips.
“What now?” you both said simultaneously, you steal another salty chip. “I don't have any money left”
“Me neither”
“We should've planned this out before. We have nothing but a car and the clothes on our backs”
“Then lets rob a bank, you can be bonnie and i’ll be clyde” 
“Nonsense you seem like quite the bonnie- hey look the suns coming up”
A rim of deep oranges had formed on the horizon, washing over the two of you sitting beside each other. “Its pretty” you mumble.
The reality of the world and responsibilities come back from the corner they were shoved to when your lips touched his. You needed money, a place to live, food, clothes. What were you thinking that you could actually leave everything behind? You two were moving too fast.
“Are we really going to do this?” You ask. “We need basic necessities, gas money” 
“Then lets see where this road takes us. There will be plenty of towns. We can get temporary jobs. Jump from town to town- we can be whoever we want.” It sounded pleasing. 
“yah! you two up there!” You had almost fallen off the edge at the sudden booming voice that called up to you. You presumed it was a worker at the store. 
Felix quickly pulls you to your feet and you hurry to the ladder sliding down. you sprint to your car and slam the doors shut. “Lets do it” You say and you start the car. 
The mans hands skimmed your door handle as you sped off back on to the road. You press on the gas till your foot is touching the floor of the car. Felix starts to laugh,you joining in soon after as you speed off towards who knows where.
You two were now the colour of the rising sun that lead the way. The colour of the feeling in your stomachs. In the spur of the moment you made a life changing decision with only 4 words, a kiss and a affiliation. None of which you regret. 
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
Stray Kids on Tumblr / Seungmin
Chan // Woojin // Minho // Changbin // Hyunjin // Jisung // Felix // Seungmin // Jeongin
Okay so 
He went to LA for a bit right 
Like back in elementary years but whatever
He kept in touch with his LA friends for years
And then someone was like 
Hey get a tumblr so i can message you there its easier
And he was like 
Then seungmin ended up with a tumblr
his friend barely even messaged him rip seungmin
His url has something to do with snails 
Because his nickname is snail
Didn’t take long for him to track down the day6 tag
So little trainee seungmin joins the day6 fanbase through tumblr
Welcome seungmin 
Has no shame when it comes to reblogging day6 stuff
Reblogs a lot of the audio stuff
Concert videos too
Allllll the covers they do as well
His blog is just a mash up of day6
Other random kpop stuff
Breakfast recipes 
Inspirational quotes 
And like
A few random other things
But he got bored one day and decided to work a bit on his mobile theme
Just his mobile theme he wasn’t devoted enough to work on desktop theme
Seungmin just strikes me as a super aesthetic person 
So i feel like he’d have some cool photo of you know those pine trees in fog
But he was like thats not enough 
So he got a gif of it 
And it looks super cool
Has a nice off white almost grey background 
Somehow managed to make the font fit perfectly with everything 
Has a cool quote or something as the header 
Lowkey has hipster vibes to his blog
And since he only either blogs text posts 
And aesthetic day6 things 
His blog is actually suuuuuper aesthetic
Even though its a mashup of a lot of things
He still managed to make it look aesthetic 
draws the attention of a quite a few people 
So he doesn’t have zero followers
But he also isn’t like famous 
Also doesn’t put much work into his blog
After all he has bigger things to focus on
Like debuting 
But people really like him
You know how seungminnie writes in his diary a lot?
I bet he would also take to writing his thoughts out on tumblr as well
He wasn’t really sure when it started 
But he’d make little text posts of possible lyrics and ideas that came out of his head that he couldn’t find a use for 
And sk lyrics are deep as heck so his would be just as deep
And these posts actually got quite popular 
Fit in with the aesthetic of his blog as well
One day he reblogged one of your day6’s posts 
And because who doesnt check for tags when people reblog their stuff
You hopped over to his blog to see if he tagged anything
He didnt really tag it anymore than just the members name and day6
But you were like fair enough 
And then you scrolled through his blog just for the heck of it 
And you realized just how nice of a blog this was???
It gave you like studyblr vibes but with a good mix of kpop stuff
And you really liked it 
So that day seungmin gained another follower 
And he followed your right back
Legit nothing else happened after that until mooooooonths later 
Like months 
When stray kids started doing the survival show 
And you fell deep
Into the hole that is stray kids
And starting posting about it 
During one of his breaks he got on his phone 
And just kind of mindlessly got onto tumblr
And one of your posts about sk showed up on his dash
It was one of the first time’s he’d seen something about his group on tumblr 
His very own group 
It made him super excited 
So he checked out your blog again to find out that you were super into stray kids
And it gave him all the energy the previous dancing had taken away from him
He felt like he was floating knowing people were already out their excited for their debut
And someone who was running a cool blog like you at that!
He’d totally become one of those cute anons 
Who somehow lands a super cute name
Of course its ‘snail’
Always signs off with the cute lil snail emoji
Any message from him makes your day because man he was the softest person you’d ever talked with
Somehow started talking about day6
And you discovered this snail anon was the biggest fanboy for day6 you’d ever met your whole life
And man did you support his fanboying. 
Screamed a loooooot about day6
And you were surprised how well he knew the group
And all the members
He had their personalities down to the T
It was very impressive
Eventually you mentioned stray kids
After all 
Your blog was a majority of skz at this point. 
Why else would he be following you
You were surprised to learn he knew about the group pretty well
Really well actually
Knew more things about the group than you did
That's when you started to notice things were getting a lil fishy
None of your followers seemed to notice 
But the times you got your anons
And when he seemed most active on tumblr
Seemed to be lining up with koreas time
And all the big events skz was having 
Snail anon was never around
But when skz fell silent
Snail anon was always there
Talking about how he got a break from work
So one message you got from him 
You decided to ask him to direct message you. 
You just snuck it into the tags of the ask
Because you knew he’d read it 
And not everyone on tumblr would read it
A day later
Your phone goes off
And you see a message from none other than snail anon
You’re not really sure how to start
So you start off by asking if he’s in korea
And hes like 
And so you ask a few more questions
And with each answer
You’re starting to get more positive this isn’t just any old person
You hop onto the member profile for stray kids
And learn that seungmin’s nickname is snail
And everything connects
You calmly send of a message asking if its actually him
And the line goes dead for a good bit of time
But eventually he gets back to you
With a simple 
“Yup, thats me…” 
And you’re like wtf
So calm
But then he was like 
“Was it really that easy to tell”
And you’re kinda like no not really
Because to be fair most people probably wouldn’t have noticed
You just had some sort of special feeling
Maybe one of those dumb “reblog for luck” tumblr posts had finally helped you out.
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channiechanchan · 6 years
your blog is adorable and so is your writing!
Oh my gosh thank you for liking my blog~💙 it really means a lot!!
I feel like you already follow these blog, since they’re big blogs hehe
Also Fee a.k.a @strayboys just came back and she a kween hehe and there’s more under the cut~
Writers: @changbeanie @softstraykids @straykidsscribbles @luvknow @chimneycloud @hwangwhatjin @kim-seungmine @elizabethsproductions @hyunjins-wife 
Gifs/Gfx/Graphics/Fanart/Etc: @realstraykids @00hj @channie @ultscb @jinlix @hwanghyunniebunch @seungminsmile @askcb97 @vanillachangbin @kim-woojins @blushyunjins @prod3racha @owojin @oo-line @bangchant @3noracha @3rachaz @seungmqn @2miin @arqueritefrost (which is Aimee’s a.k.a @/straykidsscribbles main~) @hoodiehan(she has some written works too btw~!) @softspearb
Here are some networks that produces a lot of great SKZ content~!
Networks: @forskz @skzinc @straykids-writersnet @skzwriters @staydata @scbnet @seungshinenet
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changbeanie · 5 years
okay this is probably the STUPIDEST question ever but what’s a writing network? 😂😂 like what is it and how do i join one and what do they do kjfjdjs i’m sorry i’m so dumb
@straykids-writersnet & @skzwriters are the two I am in, and basically they 1) make you a member of their network 2) reblog your work to gain more readers; and you join by asking if their applications are open, and if they are, then you join lmao
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skz-writersnet · 6 years
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Happy birthday @jisquish from everyone at Straykids-writersnet!
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skfics · 6 years
Idk if this counts as a fic request but do you happen to know some smaller writers with great works? just trying to find some new writers yk?
uhh as of now, i don’t know anyone recent, but you can always check the network(s) such as @straykids-writersnet and @straykidswriters (those are the only two I know). If anyone please have any recommendations, please reply!! - mika
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hyuwujin · 6 years
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✨ Just Platonic  ╰ sm au in which you’re a youtuber that vlogs but you’re most known for your dance covers. Who knew that one of your dance covers would blow up thus leading you in a whirl of drama involving the artist you covered: Stray Kids
previous //part 1// next
✨just platonic masterlist✨
a/n: ahhh! i hope you like this au! this is the first stray kids social media au i’ve made and i hope it turns out well! THIS IS JUST A FANFICTION! all the boys insta posts and tweets are made by me!
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3norachas · 5 years
loud and proud • lee felix
— yes this is a harry potter au and i should be finishing my novel project rn but my brain is filled with so many scenarios i just had to write this one fakdks so this was a prompt from one of my main blog's reblogged drabble of sirius black lmao so i hope y'all like it oof and btw NEW WRITING FORMAT BITCH ISSA UPGRADE
pair: hufflepuff!felix x slytherin!black! reader
warnings: didn't proofread this because it's late, my eyes are tired, I have school in 2 hours and I haven't slept a wink so I apologise in advance for all my errors bye bitch
"soooo," jisung sat beside felix on the grass ground, the latter too busy scribbling notes on his parchment to even give his companion a reply.
still, felix kept scribbling, his eyebrows furrowed and his hands aching a little bit but despite the pain he still kept on writing.
jisung rolled his eyes before snatching the parchment out of felix's hand, the latter yelping from the sudden intrusion.
"can I have my notes back?"
"not until you tell me why you and a certain slytherin are sneaking behind everyone's back to, y'know, do the deed," jisung wiggled his eyebrows for emphasis.
"I'm not sneaking behind your backs with a slytherin and I'm certainly not doing anything! now can I have my notes back?"
the hufflepuff crossed his arms with a small huff.
"oh come on! you're literally obvious enough for someone as stupid like me to notice! plus, you've been studying your potions notes for so long, you need a break."
"my grades are already disappointing, jisung, I don't want snape to tell me how hopeless I am again," felix, still frustrated, decided to just watch the water move in the black lake. he didn't want to look at jisung either because he knew the moment he looks at him, jisung will know that whatever his assumption about felix and a certain slytherin is true and that doesn't sound too good.
"lix, just be honest with me, ok? look I don't care if you're dating a slytherin and I won't meddle with it but at least tell me if it's true? as your best friend?"
"you're taking advantage of my soft heart, stop it."
"if you really love me? please?"
felix groaned, he should've expected this from jisung. but it won't hurt to tell him the truth, right? jisung may have a loud mouth but he knows when to not talk about something so private. it's not like felix has a choice anyway, either jisung starts to sulk at how he's not felix' best friend anymore or he keeps pestering him to talk.
jisung squeals, jumping from his seat to get closer to felix, "so, who is it?"
felix heaved a shaky breath, his eyes casted downwards with his fingers fiddling with each other.
"y/n black."
"merlin's beard!" jisung gasp, his eyes dramatically wide and his hands covering his mouth for effect, "as in, sirius black's daughter!?"
"you are one hell of a lucky guy, my friend! I mean, damn, y/n's a snack!"
"shut up!"
although jisung's reaction wasn't the best he can get, he was still glad that he was alright with it. god knows what he'll do if his best friend doesn't approve of you. speaking of you, he's also glad that you didn't mind that jisung knows about them.
"are you sure it's ok?"
"yes, lix, now come here and give me them hugs," you opened your arms wide for felix, the said man falling on top of your chest, "he's you're best friend, anyway, he's ought to find out sooner or later."
"I'm kind of glad that I don't have to make excuses or lies to him anymore," felix nuzzles his head on your neck, smiling at the chuckle that he got out of you.
suddenly, you felt felix tensed against you, his fingers started tugging on your sleeves and he keeps moving uncomfortably, shifting from positions to another one.
"lix, what's bothering you?"
he shivered at your low voice, decided to confide in you because he knows you'll do anything to tell you what's bothering him. you knew him too well to not see pass his lies. he pushes himself up on his elbow, so he can see your face while he talks.
"y/n... I know we decided to keep this relationship a secret to keep me from the other slytherin's prying eyes but... "
"but?" you coo at him to continue, hands running through his hair.
"I... I want everyone to know about us... I just- I just don't want to keep sneaking around and I really want to be able to hold you even if there's a lot of people around... please?"
"a-are you sure? I mean, I want the same thing too but the other slytherins will surely give you a hard time and I really don't want you to get hurt."
felix feels his chest compress from your soft tone, his heart thumping from the love and concern you're giving him.
"I know, but what's a relationship without a little hardship, yeah? I'm sure about this, y/n, and I won't let those annoying snakes to get in the way, I promise."
and so the two of you decided on small things. it started with holding hands while entering the great hall, and while it did made the other houses smile at the weird pair and the shared affection (jisung couldn't stop squealing in delight), you did got some dirty looks from the slytherins. but that did not waver you from your plans.
"damn it, black, I knew you're charming and all but you got yourself the most cutest and purest guy! and when did this even happen!?" minho pouted, stabbing his chicken with the silver fork in his hands.
"so that's where you've been running off to," chan snickers at your flushed face.
"shut up, I've got more to do."
"what do you mean- y/n get your feet off the table, there's food!"
mimho's shouting definitely caught the attention of everyone in the great hall, even the professors are looking. felix looks at you, confused.
"mr/ms. black! please get down from the table now before I take points from your house!" professor mcgonagall shouts at you from the front.
"sorry, professor, but I'm in love at the moment and I have to get this out before anyone tries to steal my little flower."
felix flushed when he realized your intentions. jisung gasped, slapping his shoulder repeatedly in delight while the other houses grinned at your silliness. you cleared your throat, pointing your the tip of your wand at your throat to let your voice be heard by the whole room.
"so, as you all can see, I'm about to declare my undying love for a certain hufflepuff. I'm dating the most cutest, smartest, and definitely the most handsome guy in this school and that's lee felix. so if I ever hear anything about you asses trying to steal my flower away I'm gonna have to hex you each and every one of you until y'all learn to get away from what's mine," you send felix a very obvious wink, the said man flushing deeply and covering his face with the both of his hands from embarrassment.
"and yes, that cute and fine ass is mine too."
the whole great hall was rendered laughing, either from how embarrassing you are or they find it cute that you're confidently declaring your love for felix.
"30 points from slytherin and detention later, mr/ms. black."
"oh c'mon prof! I'm in love!"
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changarroo · 5 years
Sweet Surprise // Bang Chan
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a/n: happy birthday channie! i hope you have a great day ily to the moon and back ♡
[10:04] The smell of chocolate cake filled the arm as you pulled out freshly baked cupcakes out of the ovens. You took a whiff of the freshly baked good and set them down on the cooling rake waiting for them to be frosted. “Okay, so I couldn’t find the aqua food coloring you needed for that cake order but I think if we mix the blue and granny together we can get the shade you want,” your best friend Chan said walking into the kitchen from the back door. “Chan thank you, you can place them down on the counter over there,” pointed at the only open spot on the counter. “Wow, it looks like you working really hard to get these cupcake order in,” Chan looked around. “Yeah I mean, when you co-run a successful cupcake bakery with your best friend order need to be filled. Oh can you put these trays of cupcakes in that fridge over there,”. With that classic Chan smile, he picked up the tray and opened the fridge to set it in. “Hey y/n, what is this?” you turned around at the sound of his voice trying to see what he was looking at. “Oh, I can explain,” you stuttered. “Happy Birthday Chris,” he looked down and read, “y/n did make this in secret?”. “I mean you're very easy to hide something for you running around doing everything, take a seat and enjoy your cake Chan please I beg of you,”. Chan walked over to you and slowly wrapped his arms around you “thank you y/n, you really are amazing”.
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strgaykids · 6 years
Hi! I'm new to the fandom and I really enjoy your blog! Can you reccomend me other shitpost/meme blogs? And also some writing blogs? Thank you!
yes! hi! welcome to the fandom :))
here are some blogs that fit your preferences
@maaatryoshka @changbeanie @strayboys @saussieline @welcometochanskitchen @straykids-writersnet (this is a net so if you go to the members page you can follow all of them! :)))
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
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changbeanie · 6 years
Hello, I really love your blog!! I especially love your changbin stories!! Can you recommend some other stray kids writers on wattpad or tumblr?
hello ♡ thank you for reading hehe & I can recommend you ppl on Tumblr but not on Wattpad (cuz I rarely read sk fics off Wattpad)
@hey-hey-chan @straykidsscribbles @channiechanchan @luvknow @elizabethsproductions @spearones @kamino-ink @softstraykids @ofwolvesandbutterflies @hyunjins-wife @hanlix
follow @straykids-writersnet & @skzwriters for more
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skz-writersnet · 6 years
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Happy birthday @lovelyyhyunjin from everyone at Straykids-writersnet!!
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