#streamer charles
never-looked-so-good · 8 months
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📷 @/leclercsletters
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alexturntable · 4 months
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Charles Leclerc // F1 24: The 10 Racers
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deercharles · 2 years
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Context: nothing happened. He's just randomly giving murder eyes.
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il-predestinato · 2 years
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Streamer!Max 🤝 Streamer!Charles + 🤓🎧
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bloodyymaryyy · 3 months
Horror night and phone calls
Max verstappen x greek driver reader, Charles leclerc x greek driver reader
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Side note : omg ignore that the Silverstone gp is right after the Austrian gp just pretend in between of those there is two weeks break. Also I wrote the first piece on my birthday bit I changed it a bit.
(Wow this is gonna be so cringe so I am not proofreading that sorry) ( why the transition took me so long?)
Driving for f1 is not easy but also trying to stream every week or even every other week is much harder but somehow every Friday that she is not racing or even on racing week she religiously she will stream on twitch with her friends in a horror night.
No one on the grid knows she is even on twitch because mostly twitch hates Greek streamers for No reason at all.
This Friday tho it is more chaotic having 5 of our group on stream and a vr horror night ? Say less the stream starting a little before 12 at night. At first there is a baner ( i dont know how to spell it so you will have to use your imagination for that) and Techno music in the background and when the baner disappeared you could see 2 bearded men, a woman and a twink sitting on chairs with the 3 of the 4 wearing glasses and the word diva is displayed in pink degital letters and dancing, bopping their heads on sinc to the beat for a whole 3 minute song and the chat saying weird thing and cursing it's a sign that you will enjoy it.
The music stops and all you can hear is a bunch of greeks speaking loudly, the first one begins thanking the people that subbed and the other bearded man that sat in front of the woman said :
"παιδιά ένα ευχάριστο στην φίλη μας από εδώ που μας έκανε την τιμή να εμφανιστεί μετά από τόσο καιρό "
" guys a round of applause for a friend here that gave us the honour to appear here after so long"
And the girl rolled her eyes and scolded him
" ρε μαλακά Αλέκο αφού ξέρεις ότι έχω δουλειά που δεν είναι μόνο να κάνω λαιβ!"
" alex you know I have another jod other than going live!"
The man shakes his head and then just nodded
" επίσης έχουμε και τον Θέμη εδώ άμα δεν το έχεις καταλάβει κι ολλας! Οπότε θα περάσουμε καλά, σας έχω ετοιμάσει ένα σορό παιχνίδια και experience για διάφορες ταινίες και θα δούμε τι θα κάνει ο κάθε ένας αλλα θα αρχίσουμε με phasmophobia"
" also we have themh here if you haven't noticed! So we are gonna have fun, I brought us so many horror games and experience to play from different horror movies and we will see what we will choose later now we are playing phasmophobia"
"οχι ρε πουστη μου! Κατευθείαν στα βαθειά ρε Σάκη!"
" No fucking way! Straight in the deep Saki"
The girl exclaimed in frustration and cleaned back in the back of her chair
" ε ναι αφού δεν σε έχουμε πολλές φορές λίγο της δουλειά σου και δεν μπορείς να είσαι εδώ συχνά είπαμε να κάνουμε κάτι ωραίο για εσένα! Α παιδιά για όσους είναι καινούριοι η y/n είναι πιλότος της f1 και δεν ειναι εδώ πολλές φορές λόγο τον αγώνων που είναι και τώρα είναι στο χειμερινό δίλημμα της και ήρθε Ελλάδα ενώ μένει το Monaco "
And the man that hasnt talked yet said
" επίσης κανένας δεν ξέρει ότι κάνει καν λαιβ στο twitch εκτός από την Ελλάδα που βλέπετε τα λαιβ μας"
" ισχύει δεν έχω πει σε κανέναν ότι κάνω λαιβ και δεν θέλω να μπλέξω τις δύο μου ζωές μαζί για λόγους ευνόητους." there was a pause while their read the chat " ποιοι είναι αυτοί οι λόγοι? Πρώτα από όλα θα γίνω ξεφτίλα για τόσο κόσμο καλά με εσάς δεν με νοιάζει αλλά οι ξένοι δεν θα κατάλαβενουν τον Χριστό τους από ότι λέμε και δεν θα μας πιάνουν, θέλω να κρατήσω αυτήν την ζωή μου μυστική γιατί σχεδόν κάθε εβδομάδα είμαι συνέχεια κάτω από τους φακούς και δεν μπορώ να εκφραστώ όπως θέλω γιατί αν έκανα όπως κάνω και εδώ δεν θα με ήθελε καμία ομάδα στην f1, ρε μαλακες δεν χαίρεστε ότι είσαι ένα μέρος από την μυστικη μου ζωή σαν τον Batman "
laughter enrupted in the room and the time hit midnight and it was a sign that they should start playing the game y/n went first with Alex which she wasn't so pleaused but agreed to anyway being happy to be paired with him.
Putting on the vr glasses, standing up and getting the handles handed in her hands due to her being unable to see and they helped Alex too so he would join her to a game of phasmophobia.
Starting the game, they choose the place the want to go to and Alex insisting on getting on the hard mode and a few pleas on going on easy mode for now by y/n, pressing the ready up button they entered the van where there was the equipment that they had to use like a radio, a spirit box, flashlight and most importantly a cross.
Each taking one flashlight and then they strategically took one of everything that the game allowed, and they took the keys and of they go from the truck to the house.
Unlocking the door, the girl turned on her flashlight and started walking inside of the building with Alex in tow, the two others that don't play the read the chat and taking the two guide them back in front of the camera and turning them back around to face the camera so the audience could actually see them.
After gathering some evidence of what type of ghost is in the house with a lot of screaming and sitting down to calm down they could select the type of ghost and start with the exorcism which y/n didn't like at all but she had to do it for the views now the time almost reached one in the morning and they speed it up so the tow others could play too.
After doing it all the chat wanted them to call randomly people and talk to them and they did a every popular request is for y/n to call her teammate Max Verstappen and talk to him for something random.
But for her bad luck max actually was calling her right now so it was even better and she picked up of course.
" hello max! I am doing something right now and you are on speak in front of a lot of people so be mindful of what you are saying please!"
" hello y/n/n, thanks for the reminder! What are you doing exactly? Also be careful too because I am live with red line! Say hello to the guys!"
" hello everyone! Actually I am live too * laughter enrupted in both ends of the line * what can I do for you maximus prime nah just kidding what can I do for you?"
The girl looked at the chat and laughing at the chat for the things they are saying while there was a pause on max's end for sure he was sim racing and she then looked at her friends with a wicked smile and muted the call so she could speak freely not that they will know what she was saying anyway but just a reprucation.
" τι λέτε να πάμε στο stream τους και να του κοροιδευψουμε ή να κάνουμε μαλακιες αλλά να μην τους πούμε ποιος τους έστειλε και να φρικαρουν λίγο?"
she spoke up again after unmuting the call
" Should we go to their stream and troll them or do some shit but not to tell them from who we came from and just freak them out?"
" matter of fact let me go to the live stream to see your beautiful, handsome face bro! I missed you!" with that she shearch the username redline and she clicked on the live and started laughing
" why the fuck are you on sim?! We are on break go outside of whatever! Aren't you sick of it? I am not touching it for another week when I return to Monaco!"
" Why? I like the sim it's lovely!"
" Because you do that every other weekend already!, oh before I forget! I am coming to Monaco in a week but you would join me in Greece my family wants to see you again!"
" I don't know if I can come, I have a few things to take care of but I could come so we can leave together Silverstone because you know I have more space now! Oh fuck! That's why I called you! Chat couldn't stop talking about your opinion on the crash in Austria! So what's your opinion? "
" Only two things I have to say! One : we are professional drivers for fucks sake that's what we do race not everything should bend over backwards for anyone! And two : I like lestappen better!... Oh I can smell the tweets from here! I will be trending so what's new?
* laughter again enrupted in the room *
alright mate I will text you later because I got to go now! Have a good stream maxie! "
And with that she hung up the phone and her friends are still laughing. When Sakis spoke up
" ε��ηγείς λίγο στον κόσμο για το τι λέγατε γιατί κάποια δεν τα πιάσαμε ούτε εμείς"
"" explain to the people what were you saying because some things we didn't even catch
" λοιπόν ειχαμε έναν άγονα την Κυριακή και όπως ο Max αγονιζοταν με έναν άλλο από μια άλλη ομάδα lando πήγαιναν ρόδα με ρόδα και επειδή ο lando δεν μπορεί να αντέξει τόσο πίεση ιδικά από τον max έβγαλε το αμάξι του εκτός και έγινε ένας * καβγάς * που στην πραγματικότητα απλά έλεγε μαλακιες ο lando για τον Max ότι πρέπει να ζητήσει συγγνώμη αλλιώς θα χάσει το respect του για αυτόν και ο Max δεν ζήτησε συγγνώμη που καλά έκανε γιατί δεν είναι έτσι το επάγγελμα μας και τώρα δεν του μιλάει του Max ο lando και αυτό που έλεγα για το lestappen είναι απλά ένα όνομα που έχουν δώσει κάποιοι στον Max και τον άλλον φίλο μου charles και μου αρέσει καλύτερα αυτό το δίδυμο πάρα ο Max με τον lando οπότε άμα πάτε σε λίγο στο twitter θα δείτε την Παναγία και τα μάτια σας με μαλακιες που θα λένε για εμένα, τον max και μπορεί τον charles οπότε κάτσε να του στείλω να ξέρει το γίνεται "
"" okay so we had a race in Sunday and while we were out there on track max went wheel to wheel with a person from another team lando and they found each other and lando spinned out of the track and in an interview lando was saying that if max doesn't apologise for it then he will loose respect and shit but max didn't apologise because he was right and that's what we do, race but anyway now they aren't taking, lestappen is a ship of you people max and my other friend Charles and I said I liked better that the lando and max duo. Ohhh I can smell the tweets about me and max, maybe even charles so I better call him and warn him "
She ended her rant and pued up her phone and phoned charles but this time not on speak, the others doing their own thing continueing their phone pranks which stopped when they hear her speak French and Alex immediately started spitting out his version of French, and insisting to talk with Charles which y/n first asked permission to put him on speaker because Alex wanted to speak with him and y/n warned charles that he wasn't going to be making sense while laughing.
After hanging up with Charles she continues to play with the vr horror games and experience with horror films.
She realised that she loved them and they loved her regardless of if she can hang out or not for a while and that wherever she went she had people to love her. And she felt content with it.
Ugh I don't know how to feel about this because I know it's not gonna get likes but I liked it a bit!.
Update : why did I upload it now? My stupid ass scheduled it for 5 days not 5 hours 🤷🏻‍♀️ for fucks sake man
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ren-renn-renny · 1 month
UHH artdump idek
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Low quality vers cause they Make me giggle
Idk how to use tumblr spare me….
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rarestdoge · 1 year
Streamer!Cameron AU is REAL
I had this AU planned like only a couple weeks after I initially created Cam and my ass has just now gotten to drawing it months later 😭
Cam said fuck it and became a high-school dropout, instead turning to streaming, which turned out amazingly for him. He's been a streamer for years, has a massive following, has set plenty of speedrun world records, and his Twitch chat has like NO filter. Oh, and he was 3 cats, including OG Cam's Maxwell, and a golden retriever 💙 His stream personality is mainly a mix between Markiplier and Poofesure
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kogago · 8 months
Streamer Awards
I'm making a post here, because I want to reach out to tumblr for something that's definitely reckless and stupid, but I have absolutely nothing to lose anyway, so screw it, send it. The Streamer awards are up right now, and you can nominate people for just about anything, and one of those includes the Hidden Gem Award. The only 2 criteria are: 1) Stream for at least 200 hours in 2023 (Definitely met that) 2) Have less than 100 viewers (Definitely meeting that too) So I'm reaching out today to see if this can get any traction, that for the hidden gem award, you nominate Hamilitia, see here twitch.tv/Hamilitia for the hidden gem award. I love streaming, and I've always found it therapeutic for me. As well, I actually HAVE done some pretty cool stuff, including the times I've interviewed game developers. I've spoken to:
The Artist from Shovel Knight, Nick Wozniak
The Composer and Singers of Hades
The creator of Choo Choo Charles
All in all, I'd love to see how far this goes. If it doesn't go very far, then fine, I'll keep streaming like I always do. But I always love talking to people when I stream, and if I can do anything to get the word out there, then I don't see why I can't try this. So, if you're reading this, I hope you just take a look on the nominations website here and consider giving me a nomination under the Hidden Gem Award. Thanks for reading! -Hamilitia
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bawsixteen · 2 years
Turtleneck Charles is my new favorite😆
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theemporium · 1 year
Ok so I have been talking about werewolf/sugar daddy/dj/sub Lando, but never streamer Lando and I feel like we need to tslk about that too.
Like he is doing a stream and supporting him from under the desk? Yes please
Or the guy is just finishing a stream and thinks he closed everything down but somehow leaves the stream on and you guys start heavily making out not realising the stream is still going and everyone is going crazy over it. I like to imagine that maybe Daniel or Max or someone would see it and call him to let him know because that boy already had his hands under your shirt undoing your bra and was about to give his viewers a show.
oooh I think there’s actually a story like that!!! I can’t remember who the author was but the reader was also a leclerc and you see the brothers’ reactions to it all😭
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milesplayshu · 10 months
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deercharles · 2 years
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Thank you steamer Charles for streaming
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makeagif · 10 months
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„I`ve never looked so good!”
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maaxverstappen · 5 months
not to worry everyone but i just had fun writing again tonight …. the end of my perfectionism induced writers block perhaps?
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yrsonpurpose · 2 years
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CHARLES LECLERC + the six stages of Bitch™ [insp]
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featheredentity · 2 years
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streamer interacting with the character he voiced real
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