#strep throat sickfic
jurassicsickfics · 9 months
Fluffy Sore Throat Prompts🤒😫:
1: Weak, raspy cries to caretaker
2: Wincing and whimpering in pain while trying to swallow food, a drink or even their own spit
3: Coughing with a severe sore throat and immediately bursting into tears of pain
4: Being fed spoonfuls of honey or ice cream by caretaker
5: Trying to call for caretaker but their poor throat won't yell loud enough to be heard
6: Gagging/Puking after a throat swab test at the doctor
7: Vomiting (for any reason) making the pain just that much worse
8: A singer or actor being very distraught because "I need my voice to be in top condition!"
9: Horror character actually being thankful for their sore throat because, when they accidentally screamed, it was silent and didn't blow their cover
10: On the flipside, a horror character trying desperately to scream for help but nothing comes out of their raw throat
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somber-sapphic · 4 months
Loved your latest Carina fic! Can I request a reversal where Carina shows up to work at the clinic to find Maya sick and refusing to go home despite everyone telling her to. Maybe including “I sneezed twice, is that a crime?” “Baby, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit” and “It's chaos here. I can't just stop working because I have the sniffles.”  🫶🏼
Switching Things Up
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〖Summary: After receiving multiple calls to come get her wife, Carina goes down to the station to drag her home.〗
〖Word Count: 500〗
〖Pairing: Carina x Sick Maya〗
〖Notes: I had a lot of fun with this! I don't usually write sick Maya so I hope I did the character justice. Also I'm running out of title ideas (again), can you tell?〗
“It’s chaos here. I can’t just stop working because I have the sniffles. Who the fuck organized this?” Maya scoffed, frantically sifting through a stack of messy papers. She was searching for something, probably for an incident form that she had been rambling about when Carina walked in. There had been a mishap with a disoriented patient earlier, from what she could gather Jack had been hit but she wasn’t pushing. 
“It’s because you have the “sniffles” that you need to stop working,” She put air quotes around the word sniffles, emphasizing just how stupid that sounded given Maya’s current condition. “You are not at 100%, you’re missing things. Careless mistakes in medicine harm patients.” 
In any other situation, she wouldn’t have come out swinging like that, she would have tried to take a more gentle approach and chosen her words carefully but she was at her wit's end. Every member of Station 19 had called her, each one begging her to come get Maya. 
Some had been nice about it, Ben phrased it as a suggestion whereas Andy and Vic were demanding. Andy was similarly worried about patient safety and Vic was worried about herself. The ranting voicemail had been interesting, her loudly whispered words containing more expletives than Carina had ever heard from the leader of Crisis One. If it hadn’t been about her wife’s health she would’ve found it funny. 
“I sneezed twice, is that a crime?” The firefighter snapped, whirling around to glare at Carina. The brunette raised an eyebrow in challenge and studied Maya’s sweaty face. She hadn’t gotten a good look at her wife - it’s hard to see the face of someone you’re chasing - but her complexion wasn't too far off from that of a corpse. 
“Bambina, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit. You’re burning up, you’re too sick to be here. Let’s go home, I’ll make you pastina and you can watch whatever you want on the TV, even those horror movies you like. Please, Maya, you’re swaying.” 
Carina reached out and took her wife’s shoulders, holding her in place. She could feel the fever burning through Maya’s shirt and up close it was easier to the haze of confusion in her eyes. 
“What did you come in here looking for?” Carina asked, cupping her flushed cheek in a soft hand. Maya blinked, her brow crinkling as she tried to think. Her mask slipped slightly, allowing the doctor to see her true vulnerability. 
“I…I don't…” She trailed off, sudden tears building in her eyes. The fast switch of emotions was telling and arguably more concerning than the fever. To make Maya come even close to tears she must have been feeling worse than Carina originally thought.
“It’s okay Maya. Let's go home, your team can take care of everything here, let me take care of you.”
〖Join My Taglist!〗 @asiangmrchk13, @villaneve4life, @lots-of-pockets, @bloomingflowersthings, @lovelyy-moonlight, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @goldenempyrean, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere
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bellysoupset · 6 months
OMG, the strep throat fix is so good!! Any chance for a part 2???!
Part 2 bc I thought of a way to use it for Part 3 🙈 Queen of self control.
"This is so embarrassing," Leo grumbled, rolling on the couch and pressing his feverish face to Jonah's tummy, voice coming out even more muffled by his sweater.
He felt, more than heard, his boyfriend chuckle, a hand resting on Leo's shoulder. The movement caused the sweater to slightly suffocate him, which would've been fine any other day, but given that he could only breathe through his mouth since his nose was stuffed, it caused a coughing fit and Leo sprung up.
He coughed and coughed until his ribs hurt, a horrible taste flooding his mouth and his head spinning from the lack of oxygen. The hot soup he had had for dinner tickling his throat, but Leo swallowed it back down.
It was embarrassing enough that he had crashed into Wendy's apartment five hours earlier than he should be, sick, and had caused Vince to stay behind from hanging out with his girlfriend. It was mortifying that he had to shower in her private bathroom, just to bring the fever down. Leo didn't want to add throwing up in her couch to the list of offenses.
"Here," Wendy's voice broke through the fog and Leo wiped at his eyes. It felt like they were burning and his head was throbbing. He really wanted to go home, but after all the stress he had put Jonah through in the morning, Leo was willing to sit around since the other man seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself.
Normally Vince's personality — earnest, warm, positive —, brought out all the sass Jonah had. It wasn't that he didn't love the guy, Leo knew damn well that wasn't case, it was just that he couldn't help the sarcasm with someone who was so sincere. However, that wasn't the case today.
Leo wasn't sure if the fever was playing tricks on him, but it seemed like Jon had forgotten his walls at the door... He had missed Vince, even if he would never say it out loud.
"What?" Leo asked tiredly, pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead and rubbing at it, as if he could remove the pain. Wendy sat near his foot on the couch, holding a metal tin.
"I knew I had this somewhere," she said, showing him the case and Leo stared at it, his brain refusing to cooperate.
"Vicks VapoRub?" Jonah sounded amused, "that's some mum stuff."
Wendy rolled her eyes at him, opening the tin, "lean back, Leo," she instructed and Leo frowned, instead of obeying.
He blinked owlishly at her, "I'm fine," the rasp sounded ridiculous even to his own ears and Jonah let out a scoff, while Wendy completely ignored him, pushing him back against his boyfriend.
"Get his shirt?" She asked, grabbing a dollop of the gel and Leo's frown deepened as he felt Jonah's hands pulling his shirt up.
"What the- No!" Leo whined when Wendy promptly smeared the gel on his naked chest. His whole face burnt with embarrassment and he brought his hands up, angrily covering his face, "this is so humiliating."
"You're really not my type, don't worry," Wendy teased him, "I don't do blondes," she continued to spread the gel around. Leo felt Jon press a kiss to his temple, but he still didn't pull back his hand, hoping the ground would open and swallow him. He couldn't believe he was getting rubbed down by Wendy, of all people.
"Shut up," Leo groaned, then whined when Jon pushed his hands down. Wendy was grinning at him, her cheeks pink and her green eyes alight with mischief.
"Leo, relax," she rubbed the gel up to his clavicle, her cold fingers making goosebumps spring up and causing Leo to blush even more, if that was possible. He was sure he looked great, swimming in an old sweats set from Vince, with the large sweat shirt all but tucked under his chin; His hair had dried all weird and was sticking out as if he was part of a grunge rock band, and now Wendy was sitting near his hip, lathering him in minty gel.
He let out a heavy sigh and sniffled grossly, reaching to wipe at his raw nose with the sleeve, only for Jonah to manifest a soft tissue in front of him.
"D-anks," Leo mumbled, blowing his nose again and clutching the tissue in a fist when the action caused his head to swim again. He groaned and slumped on Jon's shoulder, breathing through his mouth, "this is horrible."
"I know," Jonah continued to hold him, almost halfway across his lap like an overgrown baby, "let's head home?"
Yes, Leo thought, but he could clearly tell Jon did not want a positive answer. Not with how large he was smiling. He shook his head no, closing his eyes.
"In a bit," Leo said, shivering as Wendy tugged his sweatshirt down and then the minty cream started to warm up his skin and unclog his nose. He cuddled up even closer to Jonah as he could, trying to melt in his arms.
"So you were saying about school?" Jon said, his voice a note lower, rumbling in his chest, "how are the kids treating you?"
"The little ones are easy," Vince answered and Leo heard a squeal, probably him grabbing Wendy and causing her to fall on his lap, on the opposite couch, "the seniors are a bit of an issue. I don't think they give much of a fuck about my class at all."
"I mean, I sure didn't give a fuck about my history classes," Jonah teased him, while Wendy interrupted with a delighted sigh.
"Tell him about the pies," Leo could clearly hear the smile in her voice and the smugness in Vince's as he answered.
"I got five different moms bringing me pie this week, as a welcoming gift to the school board."
Jonah laughed, "you're already getting bribes?"
"Not bribes," Wendy sounded more smug than Vince, "they're flirting with him."
"No way," Jonah, incredulous, eagerly sitting up and causing Leo to groan as it moved him. Immediately Jonah settled back down, combing his fingers through his hair, "sorry, sorry- No way?"
"Yes, way," Wendy scoffed, "he's the new hot teacher, did you expect anything less?"
"Hot is an overstatement," Jonah teased, while Vince chuckled.
"Go fuck yourself, Banks- Leo, do you want a blanket?"
Leo was nearly drifting off, but almost as if he had missed a step in a set of stairs, he jerked from the slumber, forcing his eyes open. His stomach felt weird and his head cottony, vision slightly fuzzy as he rolled on the couch in order to see his friend.
True to what he had guessed, Vince was sitting in the other couch, with Wendy perched on his thigh.
"Do you want a blanket?" Vin repeated the question, looking concerned and before Leo could nod in agreement, Jon interrupted.
"He's still really warm, better not."
Leo whined, whole face scrunching up. He was freezing. He dug his feet on the couch, burying them in the crack between futons, and curled up, trying to prove that he did need a blanket. Lucas would've gotten him one.
"No, he wouldn't," Jonah answered him with a huff and Leo frowned, confused and blinking drowsily, all his limbs feeling heavy.
"Go to sleep," Jon rolled his eyes, stroking his cheek, "I'll wake you in a bit."
"Mmm'kay," Leo sighed, leaning against the soft touch and vaguely hearing as Vince tried to argue with Jon and Wendy that one blanket surely wouldn't kill him... Then the words all became white noise and all Leo could feel was Jon running his fingers through his hair and suddenly a blanket being tucked around him by rougher, bigger hands.
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nisbanisba · 1 month
Seven sentence sunday!!
Here's seven-ish sentences from ch 2 of this sickfic, which I hope to get posted within the next couple days because I'm tired of it!! (Edit: it’s posted!!)
TK smiles a bit as Andrea tells him a story of Carlos getting strep throat as a young boy, Gabriel picking him up from school, taking him to the doctor, and bringing him home wrapped up in his Rangers jacket, which Carlos then refused to give up for the night. 
“I think Gabriel told him the jacket had special healing powers, and so of course Carlitos wasn’t about to let him take the magic healing jacket away,” Andrea laughs. “I think I have a picture somewhere, I’ll send it to you if I find it.”
“Yes, please,” TK says eagerly. Unsurprisingly, Carlos had been a ridiculously adorable child, and TK wants to see all of the pictures, always. “Of course, Gabriel ended up getting sick too, and dios mío, I don’t know which of them was more pathetic,” Andrea continues her story. “Carlitos had those big sad eyes, but I think Gabriel may have whined more. It was a long few days.”
tags under cut!
Thank you for the tags @carlos-in-glasses, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @bonheur-cafe, and @ironheartwriter! I tag @chicgeekgirl89, @nancys-braids @ladytessa74 , @paperstorm , @eclectic-sassycoweyes , @liminalmemories21 , and anyone else who wants to participate!
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shion-yu · 19 days
Just coming on to see if I could request an Alex and Shu fic. I have been around for a while so you may have already written something along these lines so ignore me if you have lol.
I was thinking about a sickfic when Alex is a bit older like 17ish maybe, and is more acclimatised to living with Shu and to their dynamic. I'd love to see Alex get sick (preferably emeto) and how he handles Shu towards him and his own illness compared to how he did when he was 13 and seemed in your fics to really struggle with it all. Maybe gets sick at school and is embarrassed etc but whatever scenario you think will fit this kind of age/time period and dynamic between Alex and Shu.
Hopefully, it makes sense, and I'd adore seeing what you come up with!!
Day 4: "Great, I got a cold for my birthday."
Answering this ask for @sicktember - thank you so much for sending it! 2,016 words, no TW, CW mention of vomit. ft. a sick 16-year-old Alex.
Friday, March 22, 2013. 
Alex stared at the calendar hanging on his bedroom wall and the blank square at the end of the week. He would turn sixteen on Friday and everyone was making a big deal out of it. He could get his learners permit to drive, but driving wasn't something he was especially excited about unlike some of his classmates. He didn't have the most compelling reasons to need to, after all. He could walk to school, Ryo's house and the neighborhood convenience store where he worked all on his own. There was nowhere else he particularly felt the need to go. Shu told him that he could take his permit exam as soon as he wanted to, and they'd already done a few laps in parking lots together. Alex wasn't bad, but he had trouble remembering all the little things at once. Shu said it would come with practice. 
The thing was, Alex wasn't interested in driving. He didn't care about going out with his classmates or impressing anyone. In fact, he silently dreaded growing up and graduating from high school because that meant being alone again. Shu had adopted him when he was fourteen, but that didn't change the fact that Shu clearly had big dreams for him: of moving out and going to college when he graduated high school. Alex felt as if he’d been only just getting comfortable for years now. He wasn't ready for more change yet.
“Do you want to do anything for your sweet sixteen?” Shu asked him on Monday.
“Isn't that for girls?” Alex asked. 
Shu shrugged. “Maybe? Either way, it's your birthday.”
“It's not like there’s anyone I’d have a party with,” Alex pointed out. Shu frowned but didn't deny it because he knew this was true. There was only Ryo, and Shu’s mom Fulu, both of whom came over all the time. Alex didn't really like anybody else, something he made clear. The teasing had mostly stopped after middle school, but Shu knew it was probably still there, just in a different form: in snickers and whispers, in rumors that stung each time they reached Alex, sometimes intentionally. Ryo had confirmed as much. 
So there wasn't a party, but Shu said they would go to dinner at a nice restaurant with Ryo and Fulu. Alex complained he didn't want to go anywhere fancy, so this was downgraded to Olive Garden. Then Alex complained this was still too formal, and it was further downgraded to the local Tex-Mex joint - which also meant Fulu was out, because she hated Mexican food. By Wednesday, Ryo was counted out too: he was absent from school that day and texted Alex that he had strep throat. This left only Shu and Alex going for Tex-Mex, which was just a regular weeknight occurrence. Shu worried Alex would be disappointed, but he didn't seem like he cared. 
This turned out to be a good thing, because on Friday morning Alex too woke up with a fever and a sore throat so swollen he could barely speak. “Happy birthday!” Shu said when Alex wobbled into the kitchen where Shu was making eggs and bacon as a special start to the day. He took one look at Alex, grimaced and turned the stove off. “Looks like Ryo might've got you,” he sighed. “Back to bed.”
Alex didn't have the energy to deny that he didn't feel good. Last night he'd been snippy at dinner and eaten little, but now he just felt like crap. So he went back to his bedroom and Shu followed him, the smell of bacon grease on his clothes making Alex feel nauseous. 
Shu felt Alex’s cheek for fever once he was back in bed. Alex didn't like being touched much, but he minded less when it was Shu - and when he was sick. Shu shook his head and told Alex to open up so he could shine his phone flashlight down Alex’s throat. It took Shu only a second to shake his head again with a sigh. “Definitely looks like strep,” he said. “And on your birthday, too. I’m sorry bud.”
“It doesn't matter,” Alex croaked. It was just another day, he thought to himself. 
“I’ll see if Dr. Fred can see you today,” Shu said. Alex glared at him this time. Shu knew he hated going to the doctor. “If it's strep you need antibiotics,” Shu pointed out. “You know Dr. Fred’s better than urgent care.”
This was true. Dr. Fred was the pediatrician who had been seeing Alex since he first came to live with Shu. Alex had not liked him at all at first, suspicious and recoiling constantly during the initial physical. But over time Alex had gotten used to him and at the least, no longer bared his teeth at Dr. Fred as if he might actually bite him anymore. It didn't mean he fully trusted the guy though. Alex still said no when Dr. Fred would ask him things like, “Do you want your guardian to leave the room now?” He felt better if Shu was close.
Shu went to call the doctor’s office and Alex texted Ryo: Thanks for giving me strep.
Ryo texted back right away: Nooooo! I’m sorry!! And on your birthday too :’(
Alex sighed and put his phone down. His head hurt, and when he closed his eyes he could feel his heartbeat pulsing behind them. Shu came back a few minutes later. “Dr. Fred said he can see you if you come right now before his first patient comes,” he said. “Let’s go.”
“Do I have to?” Alex grumped.
“Yes. I’ll get you ice cream on the way home,” Shu promised.
Alex sat up and glared at him. “I’m not a little kid anymore,” he snapped. “You can't just bribe me.” But it turned out, Shu absolutely could and they went to the pediatrician, the pharmacy, and finally, the ice cream parlor where Shu dashed inside to buy Alex’s favorite soft serve chocolate ice cream in a bowl with a sugar cone on the side.
“We’ll celebrate when you can swallow,” Shu told him. “Don't eat that cone if it hurts too much.”
Alex rolled his eyes.”Thanks, dad,” he said sarcastically. Alex rarely called Shu dad, and when he did it was usually in a teasing way such as this. It still made Shu smile, though. Shu was so easy to please. 
Post-appointment and ice cream run, they returned home with Alex exhausted and achy in the passenger seat. “Why don’t you rest for a while?” Shu suggested after he’d given Alex his first dose of antibiotics plus a Tylenol. “I won’t do anything fun without you.”
“I don’t care if you do,” Alex rolled his eyes. Shu didn’t react. He was so used to this snippy attitude that it didn’t phase him anymore. People had told him, when he first took Alex in, that things would be more difficult with an older teen. But for Shu, fifteen and now sixteen year old Alex had been a breeze compared to their first year together. There was little that could compare to taming a newly orphaned, guilt-ridden twelve to thirteen year old who was convinced he was responsible for the death of three people. One who so vehemently, violently denied any love that was offered to him that Shu had the scars and patches in the walls to prove it. But things got better, eventually. Sometimes they had seemed as if they never would, but they did. Shu had officially adopted Alex when he was fourteen and he never regretted it, although he made it a priority to make sure Alex never felt he did. And right now, he knew that while Alex would never admit it, the boy became extra sensitive when he was sick thanks to his propensity towards fever nightmares. 
It turned out that afternoon was no exception. Shu had called in to work even though he knew his boss would have some offhand comment when he came back about how his kid was old enough to take care of himself by now. He didn’t care - his years with Alex had finally helped him realize that work was not always the most important thing in his life. He was doing the dishes when he heard the bathroom door slam.
Shu dried his hands and knocked on the door. “Alex? Are you alright?” Shu called. He hoped Alex would growl back that he was just peeing and to bug off, but instead he got the low groan that he’d feared. “I’m coming in,” Shu announced himself as he entered. He found Alex crouched over the toilet, the smell of sick mixed with the distinct sourness of antibiotics hanging heavy in the air. Shu sighed in pity and kneeled on the floor next to Alex, lightly resting a hand on Alex’s sweat-soaked back. Alex shook him off, then threw up some more. It sounded painful; Shu could only imagine how much it burned Alex’s already-sore throat.
“Jeez. Sorry, bud. It’ll be over soon,” Shu said. He fetched a glass of water from the kitchen and returned with it in hand, by which time Alex was flushing the toilet. Shu set the glass on the sink and wet a cold washcloth. “Let’s get you back in bed, are you done?”
Alex looked up at him, his face red and eyes teary. He nodded miserably. He always appeared so young when he was sick and Shu instantly wished he could do something else to help. But all he could do was hand Alex the washcloth to wipe his face off and direct him to rinse his mouth with the water before following the teen back to his bedroom. Alex slumped heavily into bed, whimpering.
“Does your stomach feel any better?” Shu asked gently, pulling Alex’s trash can next to the bed regardless of the answer.
“I don’t know,” Alex said in a small voice.
“Do you want company?” Shu asked.
“I guess,” came the answer after a moment of hesitation.
Shu left and returned with the water from the bathroom, a bottle of Gatorade and the book he was reading. Then he climbed onto the foot of the bed and sat with his back to the wall. He read his book. Alex rested. They didn’t speak, but this was what they both knew was what Alex wanted. Just company. He didn’t like to be fussed over, or doted on, or asked a lot of questions. He wouldn’t want Shu to ask about his nightmares that were too big to explain. He just liked having Shu close by, and that was all. After years of practice, Shu simply knew.
They spent the day in Alex’s bedroom. Shu reading, Alex napping on and off or watching videos on his phone when he wasn’t. The infection seemed to drain all of Alex’s energy and he wasn’t hungry, although Shu coaxed some light broth into him that Alex did keep down. The evening dose of antibiotics stayed put too, and by the next morning Alex was already feeling significantly better. He still had a low grade fever and stayed put, but Shu knew it was only a matter of time - maybe tomorrow - before Alex felt well enough to complain about going out. Alex had always bounced back from any illnesses with an impressive speed and as soon as he felt ready to leave the house, he would. 
On Sunday afternoon, Alex went to Ryo’s house. He’d been fever free for twenty-four hours now so Shu didn’t argue. He was glad to see Alex feeling better. But there was always a part of him that treasured the moments when Alex admitted he wanted Shu close. It was the one time Shu felt Alex wanted him more than he wanted Ryo, and he played that role dependably. He would always, always be there for Alex as long as the boy still wanted him. Hopefully, he selfishly sometimes allowed himself to think, Alex would need him just a little bit forever. 
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musashi · 27 days
Can I ask what specifically you find enjoyable about strep throat in sickfic? I’m not overly familiar so I’m curious.
Idk it's just horrible abject misery. Your throat is so sore you can barely eat or speak. The fever gets REALLY high. It needs medical intervention to improve. It just sucks so hard I love throwing it on blorbo
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fic title : I'm Not Supposed to Get Sick
@sicktember 2023 prompt : Hiding an Illness
Rating : General Audiences
Fandom : The Owl House
Pairing : Hunter & Darius
Additional tags : Hiding Medical Issues, Hunter | The Golden Guard Needs a Hug (The Owl House), Sick Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Traumatized Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Strep Throat, Sickfic, Illnesses, Good Parent Darius Deamonne, Autistic Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House) (only touched on briefly), Bad Parent Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Fear, Hurt/Comfort, Family Fluff, Crying, Minor Alador Blight/Darius Deamonne, Autistic Alador Blight
Word count : 703
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supernaturalnardog · 4 months
This is Us fanfic
So, I’ve recently become absolutely obsessed with This is Us. I’ve quickly descended into fandom level obsession in the 2.5 weeks that I’ve been watching it, and I’m already on season 4. I’m in love with the Pearson family, every single goddamn one of them, and I’m a sucker for any kind of Pearson family hurt/comfort. This show is probably my greatest obsession since I discovered Supernatural.
There’s only one problem with that- for how popular it seems the show was, there’s a severe lack of fanfic in the This is Us tag on the most common fan fiction websites, and an even more surprising lack of hurt/comfort fics.
“Growing up” in the Supernatural fandom, lack of fanfic was never an issue for me. While I’ve consumed literally thousands of Supernatural hurt/comfort fics over the years, I never considered writing my own- for every idea I had, someone else had already written that fanfic for me- and they’d done it well. I was never “hungry” enough to want to spend time writing my own fan fiction.
Well- with the lack of fanfic in the This is Us fandom, things have changed now. If no one else is going to supply me with extra Pearson family feels, I’ll do it myself, dammit 😂.
Long story short, I’m currently working on a 10 year old Kevin sickfic- the premise is that he gets sick on a Saturday and is at first bummed to be missing out on weekend activities, but then realizes it’s actually kind of nice to have mom and dad all to himself for the day taking care of him. Here’s the summary:
Title: Pretty Good Saturday
Summary: in March of 1991, 10 year old Kevin is bummed to be missing Sophie’s birthday party when he comes down with strep throat. As the day goes on, he realizes maybe it’s not so bad after all- being sick on a Saturday when both mom and dad are home- and his siblings aren’t.
If anyone has any interest in that, let me know and I’ll consider posting it when it’s done. If not, I’ll keep the story to myself forever lol. If it actually manages to go over well, I’ll lead the This is Us fandom in hurt/comfort fics for as long as I have to 😂.
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jurassicsickfics · 2 months
"I Want You Arou...Achoo!"
Fanfic based on the 1979 movie, Rock-N-Roll High School.
Riff Randell has always been the bubbly, energetic type. But this morning...as she sluggishly walked to her locker, it was clear that something was wrong. Despite having been feeling fine yesterday, now her cheeks were flushed, and her nose was red and runny. Sniffling, Riff made her way to class. Her best friend Kate glanced up at her with a smile of greeting, but her cheerful look faded upon seeing the state of her friend. "Woah...Riff, what happened to you?" She asked. Riff plopped down into her desk and, resting her head on her arms. "I dunno...got a cold I guess..." she answered, coughing into her wrist. "Oh no...I'm so sorry.." Kate said, offering a sympathetic look. Riff sniffled. " 's fine...I'll be ok..." she answered, pulling her jacket a little tighter around herself. "What are you gonna do about the concert tonight?" Kate asked. Riff's eyes widened briefly, clearly she just remembered the concert. "Oh...um...shoot...I guess I've gotta power through and do it." She answered, pulling a wadded up tissue out of her pocket and blowing her nose into it.
The school day dragged on and on, but finally, the day's final bell rang, and it was time to go home. But unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it for Riff. She had to go home and practice for tonight's concert. This morning, the idea of singing a song or two may have been plausible, but now...her throat throbbed as if she was swallowing hot shards of glass every time she spoke, or swallowed anything that wasn't ice cold. She flopped down onto her bed, hugged a pillow to her chest, and cried. That was all she could think to do. She wasn't usually a crier, but this called for it for sure. Silent, raspy sobs were the only sound the poor girl could muster, and even that hurt like heck. She had no idea how she'd ever manage to sing tonight.
Sniffling and wiping her eyes, Riff rolled off her bed and put in her favorite Ramones record, knowing that if anything could calm her down and make her feel a little better, it'd be that. She started the record and flopped back down onto her bed, her breath hitching slightly as she struggled to pull it together. As the music played, she watched her goldfish swimming around in its bowl, calming herself down further, and finally getting herself together.
When that evening rolled around, it took all of her strength for Riff not to break down all over again. Her throat hurt so bad, and she felt achy all over, and her nose was running like a leaky faucet. She knew she must look awful, even with the makeup she'd managed to haphazardly slather on at the last minute.
Taking one last deep breath she stepped out onto the stage of the school's gym, forcing a smile before grabbing the microphone.
"It's now or never..." she told herself. Before taking a deep breath and belting out, "I Want You Around".
Riff was so focused on the pain that she didn't even care at this point what her voice sounded like, but Kate smiling in the audience was all she needed to see. She sounded amazing. Just as she always did. It was incredible. Even with the white hot pain in her throat, she still sang beautifully. But by the time the song was finished, Riff had big tears running down her cheeks, and she wore a grimace of pain that everyone had picked up on. The cheering in the gym was so loud as the audience began to realize that she was powering through her pain just to sing for them. The song ended with Riff collapsing back into the chair behind her and rubbing at her throat, offering a weak thumbs up to the audience, as Kate rushed up to her.
"Riff, that was amazing!" Kate said, wrapping her friend up in a tight hug. Riff clung to her, burying her face into her shoulder as she started to sob. All she got out was, "I-I wanna go home..."
Kate drove her home that night, helping her into some pajamas and into bed. Riff was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow, and Kate covered her up with the blankets, a proud smile on her face.
"You're a true rock-n-roller, Riff." She whispered, kissing her friend on the forehead and quietly leaving the room for her to rest.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Hi!!! I rarely request but your writing is so good I could not resist the urge. I love the Carina x Maya x Reader fics you posted, theres not enough writing for the Station 19 universe. I was hoping you could write another one, or even just a Carina x Maya. I feel like because Maya has such a dangerous job, Carina definitely slips into doctor mode every time she gets hurt or sick. Could you write where Maya gets sick with strep throat or something but Carina is unable to get her to Grey Sloan or the E.R (maybe they went on a vacation or there is bad weather) so she decides to examine Maya herself. (P.S. I hope you’re having a good day and if not tomorrow will be better💕💕)
17, 17A,🌸
Sickness At Sea
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〖Notes: Alrighty my basement flooded and I think I've got carpal tunnel so lets write some sickfics! (PS, I love this request, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to it, please feel free to send in another when my asks are open <;3〗
〖Summary: Maya and Carina finally get to go on a vacation. Of course that's the perfect time for Maya's immune system to give out.〗
〖Word Count: 〗
〖Pairing: Carina DeLuca x Sick Maya Bishop〗
Maya groaned and stared out the window at the crashing waves caused by the torrential downpour that was ravaging the east coast. She was inwardly cursing Carina for convincing her to come to Maine, especially when they lived so close to the beach in Seattle, but she had decided that they should leave Washington for a bit.
The two didn’t get time off together often so two weeks paid vacation at the same time was huge. So huge that her Italian girlfriend insisted that she and Maya had to see the East Coast. The blonde had argued that they could go somewhere a few hours’ drive rather than a seven-hour plane ride, but Carina had made it seem too good to refuse.
And it had been. The first week was wonderful. They’d spent time walking along the beach in the cool October weather and explored the nearby town, doing the regular touristy things. They’d found the restaurant with the best reviews and had the first proper date night in a long time, complete with fancy wine and even a violinist to serenade them.
Then the storm started. It was nice for the first day, it was relaxing. Then one day turned into two. And two into three. And how they were sitting in their beautiful house on the beach with the sea raging in front of them. There would be no walking on the sand, there would be no exploring the quiet town, there would be no anything.
The rain was coming down in sheets and Carina had been running around the house yelling in Italian about the damage and how they couldn’t stay there if the storm continued. Maya was starting to agree, it wasn’t entirely safe to be this close to the sand and she was beginning to worry that the beach would wash out.
“Car, it’ll be okay. I’ve seen beaches in Seattle handle worse than this.” The blonde croaked, wincing as the words grated against her throat. Carina, who was pacing around typing away furiously on her phone stopped and whipped around, her brow furrowing as she hyper-focused on a new target: Maya.
“What is wrong with your voice? Are you sick? Tell me your symptoms.” She had switched from panicking about the storm and settled right into her doctor persona. The firefighter rolled her eyes, trying not to wince at the action. She was finding herself wanting to let Carina do her job, but her pride was far more important than her wish for assistance.
The woman had been feeling more and more weary as the week went on, but she had chalked it up to all of the things they had been doing, refusing to admit that they hadn’t been doing anything particularly strenuous. Now, after two days of doing just about nothing, she was sort of out of excuses. She was tired, her throat was killing her, her body ached, and she couldn’t deny the presence of a fever bubbling under her skin.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine. Sit, take a breath. I made coffee, you need some.” Maya said softly, lowering her voice to try to ease the pain in her throat. It didn’t help. The level of her voice didn’t matter, it was the act of simply breathing that caused her discomfort.
Carina hmphed unhappily but went to grab herself a mug, pouring what her girlfriend considered to be way too much creamer into the dark liquid, followed by what could be considered enough sugar to feed an entire town.
“How can you drink it so sweet?” She joked, trying to put a little humor into her voice as thunder clapped loudly over the small town. The EMT jumped, frightened by the suddenness of the loud sound. A blush crept across her cheeks as she glanced over at Carina, who had a concerned expression on her face.
Her brow was furrowed, and her lips pursed, looking wholly unhappy with the situation. The rain pattered down on the roof, a nearly deafening sound. It probably would’ve been relaxing if not for the sick feeling that was growing in Maya and Carina’s nerves beginning to fray.
This was supposed to be a vacation and the OBGYN really didn’t want to beat around the bush right now. She wanted to treat the woman she loved so that they could have her feeling better as soon as possible.
She wasn’t interested in playing Maya’s “embrace the pain” game and couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for even thinking that way. It wasn’t the blonde’s fault that she was so hard on herself, but it certainly didn’t make Carina’s job of taking care of her any easier.
The moment she sat down she felt Maya curl up against her, moving so smoothly that she may not have noticed if not for the way she was shivering, her muscular body trembling like a leaf. The brunette squeezed her eyes shut and sighed, pressing her head into the woman’s hair.
“You are sick Maya. Just tell me what’s wrong.” She murmured, moving so that she could hold the woman a little bit closer. Maya nestled close, humming her unhappiness as she felt tears fill her fever-clouded eyes. She really didn’t want to be crying, it was barely 8 in the morning, it was too early to be crying. Especially over a silly little sore throat.
“Bambina, please. Don’t make me play urm…twenty questions.” Carina said gently, tilting Maya’s head up so that she could look into her beautiful green orbs. The blonde blinked quickly as she held back tears, her lower lip beginning to quiver. She hadn’t realized just how bad she felt until her girlfriend had brought it up, but now it was all that she could think about.
“It hurts.” She whimpered, her voice small and full of humiliation. She hated every part of this, admitting weakness was hard enough but it was even worse that this was happening while they were on vacation. Sure, that meant she had time to recover, but she was supposed to be spending quality time with the woman she loved, not sleeping while the brunette fed her medicine. That was no fun for anyone.
“What hurts Maya?” The doctor prodded, needing far more information than what she was being given. Maya just shrugged and pulled the throw around her shoulders as she continued to stare out the large glass windows, watching as the waves ravaged the sandy shore.
“Okay, how about we switch out that coffee for tea, yeah?” The idea of swallowing anything (even her own saliva) made the woman want to cry. At this point, she didn’t even care. She sniffled back tears and tried to hide her face, embarrassed to be crying over something so trivial. She came across people every day who were in far more dire positions handling their pain or fear with so much more grace.
“I-I can’t. My throat just hurts too much.” Maya rasped, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. Her shoulders began to heave as she cried, the action just serving to hurt her throat even more. That in turn made her cry harder, which just repeated itself in a vicious cycle.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m here. Just tell me what’s wrong amore. Let me help.” Carina pleaded, feeling so utterly helpless. She hated when her girlfriend got sick, she hated not being able to do anything as a person she loved so much suffered in silence.
“I can’t, I don’t know! M-my throat hurts! It, it shouldn’t!” The blonde spat, her words barely comprehensible through her sobs. The Italian woman put her coffee on the small table and took Maya’s hands in hers, forcing the ill firefighter to meet her eyes.
“Maya, take a deep breath. I can help you, but you need to let me. I’m a doctor, I take care of people for a living. Let me help.” she asserted, raising her eyebrows as she tried to get through to her sweet, sick girlfriend. The blonde’s lower lip was still quivering, but she managed to quiet her sobs as she matched Carina’s slow breathing.
“Good. Now, can you let me give you an exam? I will be quick.” After a few moments, Maya nodded, her breath still hitching as she tried to calm down. Maybe she was overreacting, but she had such a hard time with the out-of-control feeling that came with being sick. She would rather be put in a blazing fire than be physically incapacitated and need to rely on others for help.
True to her word, Carina’s exam took barely five minutes. She had raced to the bedroom to get her medical bag and then began to look Maya over, starting with what she figured was wrong. She looked at the back of the blonde’s throat, sighing when she saw those familiar white splotches that she’d seen all too many times.
“And a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is…too high. Stupid imperial system.” She said that last part under her breath as she mentally tried to convert the imperial temperature to the metric system that she had grown up with.
Her distaste over the different systems of measuring made Maya smile a little as she leaned back against the cushions of the couch, shivering a little.
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” She teased, getting a frown out of her girlfriend. She may have felt terrible but the cute look on Carina’s face was worth the forced humor.
“We won’t know for sure until we get a culture, but I believe you have Streptococcus. The weather is too bad to go to the Urgent Care, but we will go as soon as the rain stops, okay? For now, it's Tylenol, soup, and rest.” The brunette said, sounding fully like the doctor that she was. Maya smiled a bit from where she was laying, closing her eyes as she curled back against the comfortable sofa.
“Can rest happen first?” She mumbled; the tears having taken a lot out of her. Carina made a sound in the back of her throat as she thought it over, weighing the best option here. Technically she should have Maya take the medicine to get the fever down, but it was very hard to say ‘no’ to the woman in front of her.
“I suppose. Would you rather go back to bed?” The blonde shook her head as she lay down, taking up the ample space on the couch.
“You gotta join me. ‘s the rules.” She mumbled, her voice slurring with exhaustion. Carina chuckled quietly and climbed back onto the couch, slipping her thermometer and stethoscope back into what Maya annoyingly called her “doctor bag”. She wasn’t wrong to call it that, but it irked the brunette to no end for reasons she simply could not explain.
She pushed the bag aside and lay down against Maya, wrapping an arm around her waist. She settled in, pulling a bit of the blanket up over herself, resigning that she would probably get this illness. Strep was incredibly contagious and she refused to be away from the woman she loved.
Any time they could spend together was worth a week of antibiotics.
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean
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bellysoupset · 6 months
So I was wondering 👉👈 with Wendy adjusting to Vince being Gone maybe she gets really sick and just misses him but doesn’t want to call but like maybe Jonah comes to check on her and she’s very emotional and he finally calls Vince to talk to her while she is sick or something ? sorry I’m a sucker for their love 🏳️
Hiiii, I LOVED this ask and it was overdue Leo as a caretaker to Wendy, so I did a little switcharoo, I hope you don't mind!
Also this was 🦦's request and someone else's as well!!
This is part 3 of the strep throat fic. Read part 1 here and part 2 here.
"Are you sure you don't wanna tag along?" Jonah asked with a pout, for the 5th time.
Leo rolled his eyes, stealing another peck and shoving Jon towards the front door of their apartment, "no, it's your sister. She wants to hang out with you-"
"You were invited-"
"Jonah, it's fine. I'm not gonna die one night alone at home," Leo grinned, kissing him again, "I have a lot of reading to catch up on. And don't even worry about dinner, I'm goin to order something in."
Jonah let out a huff, looking conflicted, "Okay... We're going to be back around ten," he grimaced and Leo chuckled, stealing another kiss and shoving him out.
"Get out of here. Have fun with Angie," he rested on the threshold, "love you."
"Love you too," Jonah sighed, fixing his trench coat and walking to the elevator, while Leo crouched down to stop JD from darting out of the front door.
Leo let out a happy sigh as soon as he shut the door, looking forward to his lazy night in. He loved Jonah, but it was good to have some time apart from each other and Leo had many plans to do ten different shades of nothing.
He sprawled on the couch and JD jumped on top of him, butting her head against his chin, "you're so cute," he cooed, scratching the kitten and smooching the top of her head, "the cutest cat ever."
She let out an indignant meow at being squeezed, but didn't pull back at all and Leo happily continued to pester the animal, kissing her all over.
He hadn't been lying, there was a lot of reading to be done and at least two different actions movies he wanted to watch. By the time he finished going through his copy of Copyright Wars, JD was purring like a little engine against his belly, curled up in a way that her fluffy tail was nearly tickling her nose.
Leo lowered the book, opening a smile at the kitten and smoothing a hand down her spine. JD didn't even stir.
He gave up on the double movie idea, since it was already almost 9 o'clock, and instead ordered food, yawning already. Leo sighed, he was getting old, sleepy at 9 PM.
It was 10 already when Leo finished scrapping the bottom of his food container and he stretched on the couch, glancing at his phone briefly. Not a text from Jon, which was good, meant he was actually enjoying himself with Angie.
Deciding he should watch the movie in bed, since he was going to most likely fall asleep through it, Leo got up to go fix the guest room for Angie's stay.
He fully expected it to be Jonah when he heard a phone ringing, so Leo took a second to realize that his own phone was in the pocket of his sweatpants, not ringing.
JD was already inspecting the source of the noise, Jon's phone fallen under the couch, and Leo picked it up without thinking, just wanting to make the noise stop.
"Jon, can you- Leo?" Wendy interrupted herself and Leo let out a small chuckle, squishing the phone between his shoulder and cheek and getting back to the task of fixing the guest room.
"Jonah forgot his phone home," he entered the guest bathroom to make sure they had extra towels and then jumped at a loud noise, taking a second to realize the rattling cough was coming from the phone, not inside his apartment, "are you alright? That didn't sound good..." He paused against the bathroom door and heard as Wendy wheezed and gasped for air.
"I'm fine," she scoffed, her voice completely shot, "I'm fine, I just-" Wendy didn't sound fine, not even remotely. Not only she sounded terribly sick, and it was probably his fault by being all germy in her apartment, but she sounded sad.
"Is anyone with you?" Leo asked, biting his bottom lip and nervously looking around.
"I don't need a babysitter, I'm fine," Wendy groaned, causing him to sigh.
"Taking that as a no," he ran his fingers nervously through his hair, "alright, you need anything from the pharmacy?"
A small hesitation and he realized this had probably been the reason she called in the first place.
"Uhm- More tissues and cough syrup? I'm out," because she had fed him half the bottle.
"On it," Leo turned around and left the bathroom, heading to the kitchen where they kept a notepad to list down groceries and scribbling a note for Jon, "I'm gonna be there in twenty, don't die."
He hung up before she could complain.
"You look great," Leo said sarcastically, the minute Wendy opened the door of her apartment. She had a blanket wrapped around her as if it was a cape and her face was waxy white, nose all red and raw.
He expected a response, their usual back and forth, but all Leo got was Wendy staring at him drowsily, swaying on the spot. There was a feverish haze to her eyes and she seemed really unsteady on her feet.
"Oookay," Leo cringed, planting his hands on her shoulder, "let's sit down before you collapse."
"Uhm..." Wendy allowed him to guide her back inside and Leo steered her to the living room couch, where she clearly had already set camp. There was a waste basket next to the couch, filled almost to the top with little tissue balls, an empty box of tissues, one of those tacky inspirational water bottles that showed someone's liquid intake for the day, currently stuck on "halfway there!"
Wendy collapsed on the couch and promptly fell back against the cushions, pressing her eyes closed, "what are you doing here...?"
Her voice wasn't above a whisper.
"Can't let you die, I'll never hear the end of it," Leo shrugged, dumping the contents of his paper bag on her coffee table, "when was the last time you took medicine?"
"How'd you get in?" Wendy frowned, confused, and the man paused, raising his eyebrows.
"You just let me in..." he trailed off and planted his hand to Wen's forehead, hissing at the heat, "isn't that just great. Give me your blanket."
"Uhm?" Wendy shivered violently, "no."
"Yes," Leo sighed, "c'mon, you're boiling up," he manhandled the blanket away from her and Wendy let out a pitiful whine, sounding and looking dangerously close to tears.
"I'm cold..." She groaned, frustrated and trying to grab her blanket back, "Leoo..."
"Sorry," he threw the blanket on the armchair, "when did you last take medicine, Wen?"
"I don't know," she sniffled, rubbing at her eyes angrily, "my head is killing me."
"Because you have a raging fever," Leo crouched in front of her, grabbing the brand new thermomether he had purchased and removing it from the plastic case, "under your tongue, c'mon."
Wendy opened her mouth to complain, only to immediately be hit by a terrible, painful coughing fit and Leo jumped to hold her by the shoulders as she folded in half with the coughing.
He could hear her lungs rattling and Leo cringed in sympathy and guilt, sitting next to her and rubbing her back in firm circles. Wendy let out a whimper and reached for the waste basket, as her coughs turned into gags, tears streaming down her face. She gagged fruitlessly over the basket, before finally stopping, panting as if she had ran a marathon. Leo could feel her heart hammering just by touching her.
Deciding he really didn't care if she had taken medicine already or not, Leo reached for the antibiotics that Jonah had fed him when sick. It was in syrup, which he had appreciated immensely because his throat hurt too much to swallow, and Wendy clearly shared this opinion, because she obediently took the dosage off the measuring cup.
"Alright, now-" Leo pushed her to the side, until she was lying against the pillows, and folded her legs as if Wendy was a doll, "lie down and get some rest."
Wendy let out a sigh and curled up, shivering, "Leo, I'm freezing."
"I'm sorry," he pouted, "but you're really, really warm, I don't think you should have a blanket..."
She didn't answer him, only let out a little teary whine and hugged herself, continuing to shiver. It broke his heart, so Leo started rubbing her arm up and down as if to generate warmth.
He assumed the worst was over, as nearly one hour passed without Wendy so much as stirring, so Leo got up to fix up her place. He picked up the tissues that had missed the waste basket, as well as her water bottle and went to dispose of the trash and make her some tea.
Leo was lying against the fridge, waiting for the kettle to whistle, when his phone started to buzz. He glanced at the picture of Jonah, him watching the sunset in Italy, and picked it up, "hey..."
"Hi, I'm going over," Jon sounded worried, "switch places with me."
"No, you're not," Leo sighed, rolling his eyes, "Angie is here, you're gonna stay with your sister and preferably not infect her with this bug. I can handle Wendy..."
There was a second of silence as Jonah clearly tried to argue, but found no fault in his logic. Instead he let out a groan, "how is she?"
"She's got a really high fever, but I fed her some medicine and now she's asleep," Leo shrugged, before he remembered his boyfriend couldn't see him, "it's just strep, she'll live, babe."
"Uhm," Jon didn't sound convinced, "that's a bummer, we were supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow. Angie and I."
Leo felt a flash of jealousy that he wasn't included in those plans, but he quickly pushed it away. It was good that they weren't tied by the hip, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, you'll have to reschedule, there's no way she's going anywhere tomorrow," Leo removed the kettle from the stove, "do you know what her favorite tea is?"
"Lemon and ginger," Jonah answered and Leo could vaguely hear Angelina's voice in the background, cooing over JD.
"How's Angie?"
"She's fine, planning to steal our cat," Jon teased and Leo heard Angie let out an offended gasp at his words, causing him to smile fondly at the interaction.
His smile promptly slipped away as he heard Wendy cough and choke in the living room.
"Gotta go, bye. Love you," Leo said quickly, not waiting for an answer and rushing out of the kitchen. He was a second too late, because just as he was about to circle the couch he heard Wendy's cough turn into gags and then pink liquid covered the front of her hoodie.
She groaned, hiccupping and sobbing, "I'm sorry, I- I don't feel good, I'msorry-"
"Hey," Leo frowned, crouching in front of her and pushing Wendy's short hair away from her mouth. She was still really warm, like the medicine had done nothing at all, "hey, Wen, it's fine. Nothing laundry can't fix, it's okay..."
"Itsssgross," she groaned, her pale face all red, scrunched up as she cried. Big fat tears running down her cheeks, "I'm sorry-"
"It's fine," Leo rolled his eyes, tucking her hair behind the ear, "look at me," he forced their eyes to meet, "you're alright."
She sniffled, "I feel disgusting."
"Shut up," Leo scoffed, grabbing a tissue and wiping her lips and her chin. Wendy didn't say or do anything, looking every bit a kid as he fussed over her, "arms up."
It was more than a little unnerving to not have her sass him. Leo fully expected at least one comment about him removing her hoodie and leaving her just in her bra, but instead Wendy only shivered violently, curling up and coughing again.
"I'm gonna get you a new hoodie," he grabbed the ditched blanket from the armchair and wrapped it around her shoulders, "be right back."
Once she was changed into a new outfit, Wendy curled back up on the couch, sniffling and continuing to cough every five minutes or so. Leo was tired, but he couldn't imagine just how exhausted she was.
"I made you tea, do you wanna try it? Might help your throat," he walked back to the cough with the mug and Wendy shook her head.
"Gonna come back up," she rasped, breaking into a new coughing fit and whimpering, touching her throat, "I want Vin..."
Leo's heart all but broke in a million little pieces. He couldn't help but put himself in her shoes, "how about we facetime him, what do you think?" he suggested despite his better judgment and the fact it was nearly midnight on a school night.
Wendy immediately perked up, before she frowned and shook her head, "gonna bother him," she curled up more, "then he'll break up with me."
He frowned at that, "...What? No, he won't, what the fuck?" Leo rolled his eyes, pushing Wendy's feet on the couch so he could sit next to her and then grabbing his phone, "you're not a bother, you're his girlfriend."
Wendy let out a little scoff at that, sniffling once more and Leo glared at his phone, suddenly feeling a lot more protective than he would've liked.
The phone rang and rang and then suddenly Vince's face appeared. Tired and alarmed, with a glittery star glued to one side of his face and red marks that indicated he had fallen asleep on top of a notebook.
"Leo? Kid, is really late, is everything okay?"
"No," Leo shook his head, "Wen's sick, can you just chat-"
Vince's frown deepened, as he interrupted, "sick? How sick? I can go over-"
"No!" Wendy exclaimed at that, before whimpering when that caused her throat to hurt and starting to cough all over again. Leo rolled his eyes, thumping her back.
"She's got my strep bug," he explained, "you don't have to come over, just talk with her a little, will ya?"
"Yeah, of course," Vince eagerly nodded, rubbing a hand over his face in order to look more awake. Leo passed Wendy the phone and then heard Vin's voice twice as soft as he said, "hey honey, not feeling well?"
"I'm fine," Wendy lied, causing Vince to laugh given her tone wasn't above a raspy whisper, and Leo to snort. He patted Wendy's calf, getting up from the couch.
"I'm gonna get you some more medicine," he whispered, messing Wendy's sweaty bangs and moving away when she tried to slap his hand.
He put away another dosage of the syrup, before heading to Wendy's bedroom and fixing up her pillows, pulling on the blankets as well. Once he returned to the living room, Wen was half asleep lying on her side, giggling as Vince explained why he was covered in glitter.
Leo saw as the man panned the camera, revealing his baby sister passed out on his bad, surrounded by crayons and glitter glue, "I didn't have the heart to wake her up. She was helping me grade the kid's papers."
"Cute," Wendy sniffled, "get a picture for me."
"Of course," Vince yawned, "here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna check with Daniels if he can get my seniors last period tomorrow and I'll go over to be with you, alright?"
"You don't have to do that," Wendy mumbled, rubbing at her forehead, "I'm an adult and Leo is here and-"
"She'd love it," Leo interrupted, "sounds like a great idea."
Because he knew she was lying through her teeth. Wendy's shoulders dropped with visible relief as Vince shrugged in agreement.
"It's not a big deal, honey, Daniels already keeps my seniors half my class anyway, he might as well keep them for the remaining forty minutes too."
"Who's Daniels?" Wendy yawned, smiling and Vince let out a loud huff.
"Some asshole," then his voice softened up, "get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I love you."
"I love you too..." Wendy's eyes were already closed and it came out more like a wheeze. Leo took the phone from her, wordlessly waving to Vince and hanging up.
"Hey," he touched Wendy's arm, "let's move you to bed, c'mon."
"C'mon," Leo pulled her up on her feet and Wendy slumped against him, pressing her feverish forehead to his chest. Once they entered the bedroom, he handed her the medicine, "big gulp."
"It's gonna make me sick," Wendy groaned, barely seeming to be conscious.
"It won't," Leo pushed it in her hand, "and the waste basket is right here and I'll be in the couch, okay? It's gonna be fine."
"You're staying?" Wendy asked, before gulping the medicine down and shuddering at the taste. She curled up under the thin blanket Leo had left on the bed and hugged her pillow.
"Duh," Leo smoothed her hair, "of course."
"Uhm," Wendy hummed, smiling and didn't say anything else until he walked to the door and hit the lights, keeping the hallway light on, "hey Leo?"
"You're an ass," she whispered and even in the half dark he could clearly see the smile on her face. Leo smiled back.
"Yeah, well, game recognizes game, Wen. Get some rest," he grinned, leaving her door open and walking to the living room.
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mangodestroyer · 1 year
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but how do you heal a demon?
I want to write a sickfic where Crowley has had a bit of a record catching these strange demonic illnesses. And I want many of the cures to be unpleasant and demonic in nature. Like, stuff that tends to be symbolic and just wouldn't work on humans. Something very medieval and witchcrafty like he has to drink a certain kind of blood if the particular illness causes muscle weakness. And it actually WORKS. He regains his strength after a few days.
And in this case, he has a more mundane illness caused by listening to too many angelic hymns on a TV show, thinking he wouldn't get sick from doing so. Because he hasn't in the past. Even if he has gotten sick listening to too many of them irl. Perhaps these hymns were just more authentic?
He catches an illness that is sort of similar to strep in humans. As in, his throat becomes very sore and swollen. And his ears have fluid build up. And ofc, he has other symptoms. I was thinking the cure could be something more mundane, like devil's claw (it literally just heals him cause the name has devil in it). I know this herb has its own unique effects on humans, but it's very different for demons.
Again, maybe I'm overthinking it, but is that too much of a reach?
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trymw · 2 years
i break up w my bf and get strep throat. tired of these fucking sickfic tropes
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 years
your love is better than ice cream
by horticulturebaby
When Rebecca gets strep throat, Ted finds another way to deliver her biscuits.
Words: 3807, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton
Additional Tags: Feelings Realization, Sickfic, Fluff
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45495817
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musashi · 27 days
whast the most underrated illness when it comes 2 sickfics. what do u want to see more people writin
Hmmm the thing is I do think the flu is underrated? I don't think anyone really writes it, as in like. They will write Ambiguous Sickfic Disease and every so often it perfectly mimics the flu. But no one ever name drops the flu. And a lot of the people who DO name-drop the flu, as previously stated, don't know how the flu works so they say that's what it is and then it. Isnt.
I feel like that's a cop out answer tho so uhhh second opinion... Strep throat tbh. That shits brutal I love it.
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hopeintheashes · 2 years
Hmmmm for BTHB "sore throat" what about a sickfic w/Buck + strep throat?
Hello from 5 months later! I ended up filling that square with a different prompt, but a Buck + strep throat fic does already exist, so I figured I would link it! Chapter 2 of Hazards. :-)
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