faggot-friday · 2 years
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My contribution to the stripper!neverseen art thing
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neverseen-nevermore · 2 years
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So. Neverseen day. Have another shitty piece of content creation.
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Me actually finishing a drawing? More likely than you’d think. Anyways enjoy a fintan in 1d!! I wanted to do this one before any requests and then it ended up taking forever (sorry)
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Asks are still open! I’m doing another one too, so please specify which one (this is the older one)
And nope his nails are definitely not alicorn blood why would you ever think that
(pink leotard fintan under the cut so if that makes you uncomfortable please move on! i promise you’re not missing anything else)
And a bonus!
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Keepblr Wrapped 2022
note: numbers might not be 100% accurate
17 drawings of Fíntan in the definitely canon Neverseen uniform (likely more but tumblr search function sucks so 17 is the amount I found)
528 works published or updated on ao3
-230 ass of Fintan
69 genders transed
420 bowls of Pinterest soup
80085 cursed posts made
A fuck ton of absolute chaos
Year In Review
Most of the world started 2022 by praying this year wouldn’t be as bad as the last two. I started 2022 by being a math gay and posting the results of a survey on the KOTLC tumblr fandom’s gender and sexuality demographics. In conclusion, keepblr is very queer, which we probably didn’t need an official survey to prove.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day by coming up with keeper themed pickup lines, including but not limited to “I hope your mind isn’t as impenetrable as the rest of you” (shoutout to Achilles for that one). Then the Stellarlune cover dropped, and the sapphics of keepblr were all really normal about all the pretty girls on the cover. In honor of Maruca on the cover, Swan dedicated the entirety of March to her.
Other people in the KOTLC fandom have discourse about Sokeefe vs Sophitz. We don’t do that here. We have discourse about the size of Fintan’s ass. The discourse started in May, but Fin continues to deny the (true) accusations that his ass is flat.
As previously mentioned, keepblr is very queer, and we somehow got even gayer when pride month rolled around. Alden and Quinlin had their no homo wedding, but the rest of us were proudly yes homo.
In August, the (in)famous stripper Neverseen uniform post reached 500 notes, and we celebrated by drawing fanart. Unfortunately, some members of the instagram fandom were upset about this, and we had a bit of a war between the platforms, but eventually that died down.
As the release of Stellarlune approached, Arjun decided to redesign the book covers. Marketing KOTLC as a ya tiktok sensation. Using canva. The result was… memorable.
In October, the KOTLC series turned ten years old, and Tobi hosted a month of prompts and events to celebrate.
After years of waiting, Stellarlune was published! This book gave the fandom many great things, like unhinged gardener Fíntan and Prentice pagetime, but it also brought some aggressive Fitz-bashers onto tumblr. They have since been added to Fin’s soup, but not before one of them could send Roisin the iconic “Just because you’re gay doesnt mean Sophie is!!!” ask.
Keepblr’s 2022 will soon end with a fandom-wide secret Santa, that I should probably be working on now instead of writing the year in review. Oops. Anyway, thank you to keepblr for making 2022 slightly more bearable and a lot of fun, and I hope we cause just as much shenanigans in 2023.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
hey. fintan pyren on a stripper pole in the traditional keepblr Neverseen uniform 👇
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why stop at just the stripper outfit?
(edit: if you’re from IG and have an issue please talk to me—respectfully—in my asks instead of confessions on IG! would love to address anything if needed and I can’t do that through there)
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neverseen-nevermore · 2 years
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@that-glasses-dog for the master post. Sorry the image quality is so poor
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fintan-pyren · 2 years
The Neverseen stripper uniform post is getting alarmingly close to half a thousand notes
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confessionsofkotlc · 1 year
im gonna be honest, i really love all of the bloggers here. its so nice to see a fandom where even if you aren't super involved, everyone is really welcoming! maybe it's bc it's fairly small, but like. i've never felt like part of it was gatekept or only for specific people
even just seeing how silly most of the "discourse" is (fintans ass, antennae elves, stripper neverseen, etc) its really refreshing to find something that's so....chill (ik that what's been happening..itsnt chill, but this seems abnormal from what i've been here for)
so overall, i'm really glad how lovely everyone is here! it's really nice to be a part of this fandom <3
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demonictumble · 2 years
I thought the kotlc fandom had reached peak craziness with the asscourse but…
The stripper Neverseen costumes might’ve topped that
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sokeefeisthebest · 1 year
What do you think about the neverseen stripper uniform
I can't believe you freaks are sexualizing a character from a CHILDREN'S BOOK like that! You all disgust me. Sickos.
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kay-oh-al-tea-sea · 9 months
why stop at neverseen strippers? i feel like fintan would fuck for money
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aphelea · 2 years
DNI IF: you support stripper fintan, you like fitz, you don't idolize keefe (the most amazing character ever!), you don't despise the neverseen, you've ever written/drawn/thought something unholy about the adults in this CHILDREN'S BOOK SERIES, you think every character is queer (stop making everything gay weirdos!), you don't think shannon's writing is totally flawless, you don't think dex is the most precious smol bean cinnamon roll character ever, you've ever made a PG-13 joke about this PG book series (because that's weird right), you think sophie should not end up with keefe or fitz
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Bear with both me and this post please, as I know there's a lot of discourse posts going around and it may be annoying to see yet another one. However, as it's still a topic in circulation I'd like to add something as someone who directly reached out and talked on more than one occasion with the main person on the other side of all this.
On the IG side of things the main person speaking has been livvysonden, so I reached out to her as someone really active on the tumblr side of things to try and figure out where we were both coming from and find some common ground. We've spoken both in comments and DMs about the matter
From what I've seen, both sides of the fandom have been assessing and critiquing each other based purely on posts they saw, so please allow me to explain to the best of my abilities the perspective of each side and the conclusion livvysonden and I both came to throughout our conversation. I'm addressing this with both the tumblr and instagram fandom in mind because she said she may share this post with the ig fandom later.
I'm putting everything else under a cut for space because it's long, but hopefully this helps brings clarity to both sides of the argument and can be used for a more peaceful resolution than what we're currently at.
Livvysonden's introduction (and subsequently the ig fandom as a whole) to this situation was as an older fan seeing a young fan expressing discomfort over sexual content. They had no more context than that. That was literally it, which we know to be not the whole story, but they didn't. The tumblr fandom knows that we had no intention to see Fintan sexually and no desire to make anyone uncomfortable, but there's was no way for them to know that. Of course the natural response to that is to support this young fan and come to their defense. I'd do the same in that situation. On top of that, the IG fandom tends to run a little younger than the tumblr fandom from what we can tell. There are fans as young as 10 who ignore the rules of using IG, so that was the perspective she approached with. An older fan seeing an uncomfortable younger fan and wanting to help.
It was also possibly made worse by a history of other discourses on the IG fandom that people were relating it to. There was mention of adult/minor ships and something to do with Lady Gisela; those are things completely disconnected from Tumblr's experience and wouldn't factor in at all to how we understand the IG fandom's perspective because we had no knowledge of it. We once had one person join the fandom and mention an adult/minor ship who was immediately confronted and left, and we hardly talk about Gisela, so in terms of discourse history both sides approached it differently.
From the tumblr perspective, everything stemmed from one off-handedly mentioned idea. That idea didn't even have anything to do with stripping, it was about an outfit idea because we realized there's no official description of the Neverseen uniform and figured we could make it something silly like a leotard and neon leg warmers. Another article of clothing given was stripper heels, stripper being used to describe the style and height of heels they could be wearing. That's where the "stripper Fintan" name came from, using that term to refer to the outfit as a whole because it stands out. We could've just as easily called it leotard Fintan, but stripper is apparently what stuck.
This recently was brought up again and turned into drawings of Fintan in the outfit. Let me be clear: there have been no nude drawings. There isn't a bare butt drawing of Fintan or anything naked. He has always been clothed in these drawings, and all the other experiences people have had with accidental smut encounters are entirely unconnected to the leotard uniform joke.
Someone brought it up in the kotlc.confessions ig account where this all started and people started questioning the tumblr fandom. Screenshots of the confessions, comments, and stories have been circulating on tumblr.
The tumblr fandom's response to this was to say we'd done nothing wrong, everything was a joke, and that the character (an ancient elf from a fictional story) couldn't be harmed, referring to the IG fandom as purist, prude, and incapable of letting people have fun. Several memes were made alongside frustrated posts. I'm sure many of us have seen them on here, and several people have brought up good points.
However the jokes and responses, while not our intention, were interpreted as us saying "we don't care that you're uncomfortable and even think it's funny." Hearing that, we as the Tumblr fandom know we don't find it funny when people are uncomfortable, but none of that was coming across in the response. Livvysonden was talking to many people and seeing what people shared with her, which was mostly people rebuking the IG fandom. There's such a strange almost rivalry between the two sites, and from what I saw it seemed like no one was actually talking to each other and instead just brushing each other off with no deeper meaning or understanding.
I think I speak for the entire tumblr fandom when I say we don't want anyone to be uncomfortable; we're here to have fun and connect over a book series we've all grown attached to. If someone is uncomfortable, it brings us no joy. However, no one else's online experience is our responsibility. Tumblr is a website where you are directly responsible for what and who you follow and block. IG has an algorithm and statistics and shadowbanning and all that. Tumblr doesn't. If you don't want to see or interact with something, that comes down to you. If you don't want to see something, it is up to you to block the tags or people you need to; it's not something anyone takes offense to here! We encourage you to do so actually so that everyone can have fun.
This does require some action from us like ensuring we're actually using tags people can block to avoid the content. We each have our part to make tumblr work how it's supposed to. We've been doing our part and including key words and tags in the posts we make so they can be blocked if wanted. Saying we're not thinking about the people who can see what we post wouldn't be accurate; we've done exactly what is appropriate for the site we're on and the culture of Tumblr. And if people aren't tagging something you think we should be, that's the part where you have to let us know!
We can't help or address anything if none of us knows something is making you uncomfortable! I know there are several people in the tumblr fandom who can seem intimidating, but one of the big functions of this site is that you can send us anonymous messages. I personally always have my inbox open to anonymous messages, so if people who have been making memes and jokes about the situation seem more intimidating to talk to, please feel free to come to me instead and I can speak on your behalf, same as livvysonden is doing on the IG side of things.
This also applies to if you have any issues with anything I've said or done; I'm not claiming to be completely innocent. Please, if something I've said or done makes you uncomfortable or you don't like it, let me know or have someone reach out on your behalf to let me know. I have the anonymous function on on my askbox. As long as you do so respectfully, I am entirely open to reassessing my behavior and correcting if needed.
I do sincerely apologize if we have done anything in the past that has made you feel like you cannot reach out or talk to us. We all want everyone to have a good time here and knowing people may have been too uncomfortable to speak is awful. However, please don't place us with that blame if you have not reached out. We can't read your minds, as cool as it would be, so we need to communicate and work collaboratively to make fandom fun for everyone.
To summarize this all, I think there was a huge miscommunication in the introduction to all of this and it spiraled entirely out of control because of it. The IG fandom doesn't want fans to be exposed to things they don't want to be and wants people to feel safe talking when they're uncomfortable, and that's fair. We want that too! The tumblr fandom wants to make jokes with each other about the chaotic ideas we sometimes have, which sometimes are more mature in nature because we're people. As long as we accommodate to make sure those who don't want to see that have a way to avoid it (which there is) that's fine! There's no need to turn it into a huge thing
I asked Livvysonden if there was anything she wanted me to specifically communicate to the tumblr fandom, and she said she just wanted to mention that there may be tumblr users (from before this all started) that were too uncomfortable to say anything, and that that may be something we should keep in mind going forward. Which I think is entirely fair.
We both want this to come to a peaceful resolution, so hopefully some of this can help with all that. I know that was a lot of text but I'm notorious for being verbose, so if you made it this far thank you for taking it all into consideration. I don't want to have a tumblr vs instagram conclusion to all this if I can help it.
I hope this clarifies things going forward and that everyone has a good day/weekend!
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confusedamphibian · 2 years
Just a quick little sketch for Neverseen stripper Sunday you can see where I sit in the asscourse
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tbh I got recommended your fics by a mutual (LOVE ME MY MUTUALS) and I literally haven’t thought about these characters since Legacy came out (I got Unlocked but never read it…oops?), but your fics specifically…yeah. Yeah, I guess I need to go read Unlocked now. The kotlc community is tiny and you are a pillar.
(at least tiny in comparison to the spheres I usually occupy [sigh], I’m very spoiled because of bnha’s massive community of active writers).
Asdfghjkl! I'm so glad I could spark some joy for you in these characters! Thank you so much for reading my works! It means a ton that you enjoyed them so much!!!❤️
To be completely honest, I haven't read Unlocked, either. We'll see if I ever do. I bought it! And then I read the last page and had to take some time off from ever thinking about the books again. And then I proceeded to think about the books more and write a frick ton of fanfic.
I really love this series, and tbh it does remind me a little of the dynamics bnha has with it's characters, all those people and all those friendships!
And the epic amounts of trauma these kids have to deal with.
Like, these kids are so screwed up it hurts me and I need to write fanfic whenever I think about it.
But yeah! Welcome to the tiny kotlc Tumblr fandom! We have art and fics and headcanon! It's all just in tastefully small amounts! Because we all love it VERY much and we're gonna make stuff but also. We are like 200-250 people. Itty bitty fandom.
In my opinion, the nicest thing about it is that randomly, like. We'll hyperfixate on something really stupid as a group. It usually pertains to Fintan, as far as I've noticed. We are mostly done with a debate about whether or not Fintan Pyren has ass. He doesn't. Some people(@fintan-pyren ) like to erroneously claim otherwise. Also last week there was like? Lots of Neverseen Stripper art? I still don't know how that happened. I saw the posts. Still don't know what happened.
And. To call out something I hate about the BNHA community. In a very nice way. None of us think Lord Cassius is sexy. It's pleasant. We all unanimously hate him(at least on kotlc tumblr).
Anyways! I really enjoy small fandoms, and this one is particularly fun to be in! I hope you enjoy what you find on our corner of the hellsite!
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fintan-pyren · 2 years
Asscourse: The debate over whether Fintan Pyren has a large ass or a very flat ass. (The answer is that he has a large ass, of course)
Amsterdam: After the movie was announced, we realized we could mess with new fans who had only watched the movie without reading the books by making up random stuff and pretending it happened in the books. So many fans made posts referencing things that had happened when the Keeper squad was "in Amsterdam"—the more wild and improbable, the better. There was no reason for it to be specifically Amsterdam—it was just an arbitrary choice.
Neverseen stripper uniforms: We forgot what the Neverseen members canonically wear under their cloaks and someone suggested that they could theoretically be wearing pink leotards and neon green stripper heels. There was a lot of fanart, which I wish I could erase from my memory.
Onceler Tam: Green is the color associated with death and mourning in elven culture so it was pointed out that emo elves might wear green instead of black. It was then pointed out that this would mean that Tam would look approximately like the Onceler. Many edits were made.
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