#stuart pot x male reader
x-doing-ur-mum-x · 1 year
Hello! Since Valentine's Day is coming up, how would Murdoc, 2D, and Ace would go about celebrating said holiday with their gn s/o? Thank you! <3
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TW: Swearing like only once, just fluff babes, gn! reader
Ace Murdoc and 2D celebrate Valentine's!
He'd know it's coming up but definitely left it till last minute, due to stress from the band
Absolutely freaks out when the date comes around
Definitely asks the band what to do but everytime 2D gave a suggestion you'd just hear Murdoc snap at him "Shut up face ache! Shit idea!" Even if it was a good idea.
Eventually thinks of an idea and goes stargazing with you
Holding you close to him as he leaves light kisses on your face telling you how much he loves you and how much you've helped him
Definitely going back to Kong studios and staying in his winnebago for the night
2D/Stuart pot:
He thought Valentine's Day was in March. Until noodle and Russel have to tell him actually February 14th.
He's so lost on what to get you like literally searching what you would like and what to do for you to show he loves you
He ended getting your favourite chocolates and flowers and taking you out to a restaurant
He ends up looking like 13 year old on a first date 😹
It's very cute though because he's tried for you
If you do something for him as well he'd melt literally won't let you go for the whole night and next morning
Literally asks the gang what to do and they give him the most stupid responses. "I don't understand you guys sometimes" he'll respond after hearing their suggestions that was "Shoplifting at a gas station" or "take em to the dump"
He ends up getting you flowers and a ride on his motorcycle (HEAVY HC THAT HE HAS ONE LIKE THE LEATHER JACKET AND MOTORCYCLE 🛐🛐🛐)
Just loving how close you are to him how you're holding onto him
Like you can't look at me and tell me this man doesn't like seeing the sunset on his motorcycle honestly his favourite thing
You both end up at a beach as you and him walk across the peer (like an old couple 🤭) just loving the sunset as he has his arm wrapped around your waist
You both end up back at your place.
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
(nsfw) 2d jacking off 👁👁
male reader <3
"fuck I wish you were here," 2d whispered. His hand wrapped around his cock, imagining it was your hand instead. He was sweating despite the air conditioning being on in his room. The band was out for a bit doing god knows what. It didn't really matter to him, because they were going to be gone for hours.
As his wrist moved up and down, he felt dizzy. 2d craved your touch more than anything. He couldn't think of anything but you. Your lips on his sensitive neck and chest, your hands roaming his body, and your cock fucking his pretty ass until he was a sobbing mess. Thinking about you only made him more desperate to cum. He lifted his shirt a bit, resting his cold hand on his chest. Everything seemed to stop as his phone vibrated next to him. He checked the caller ID and saw your name pop up on screen. Shaking, 2d answered.
"h-hey love!" He said. his voice was shaking, but he tried his best to hide it.
"hey stu, have you seen my coat?" You asked. 2d paused for a moment before moving his hand back to his desperate cock. "I-I havent." He lied. The truth is, he was looking directly at it as you spoke. Your missing coat hung over the back of his chair, facing the poor boy as if it was staring at him. Was he seriously lying to you just so you would come over? He felt a twinge of guilt, but he couldn't help himself.
"I think I left it in your room yesterday." You huffed. "Do you mind if I come over and pick it up really quick?" 2d grinned softly, still trying to hide the filthy moans threatening to spill from his throat. "Not- not at all, love. ah- c-could- could you s- mmh- stay on the line while you get ready, p-please?" He requested, rolling over and whimpering into his pillow. "Yeah, I can do that." You answered. "Are you alright? You sound like you're in pain."
2d gasped as he bucked his hips into his hand. "I-i'm okay, I just... m-my back just hurts really bad." he shakily replied. You hummed in response, closing your front door. "Okay, I'm on my way. I'll see you in a bit, alright, 'D?" 2d let out a whine, before giving you a quick "okay."
You ended the call with a soft "I love you." Once he was sure the call had ended, he rolled over onto his back. "F-fuck- y/n- oh god, i- agh...!!" 2d cried. He wanted to cum so bad, he felt like he was going to break. A loud moan slipped from his throat as he came, whimpering your name with a blissful grin. 2d panted, running his fingers through his disheveled blue hair as his legs shook. He continued moving his hand slowly to ride out his orgasm.
2ds heart nearly stopped as he heard a knock on the front door. He didn't have time to clean himself up, what the hell was he supposed to do? There he was, cum all over his stomach, sweating his ass off, with his boyfriend at the front door.
He picked up his phone and texted you quickly while trying to get himself cleaned up enough to make it seem like he wasn't just jacking off.
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my normal head is full of so many normal thoughts and I am thinking so many normal things because I like 2d a normal amount
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Hello! Could I maybe request 2d with an s/o who has social anxiety, and gets pretty frequent panic attacks when they leave the house? Oh also, gender neutral pronouns for the reader please. (If you don’t feel comfortable with this tho that’s totally ok <3)
2D x GN!Reader  
A/N: I feel comfortable writing about social anxiety :,) but ty, that's sweet of you! As someone who has terrible social anxiety, I get it! I hope you enjoy hun!
Knowing 2D, he probably has some sort of similar anxiety. He's literally part of one of the most famous bands in the world but boy does he have anxiety.
It's not even tied to being well known, he's just stressed in general, but you are too? It'll make him feel better about himself.
If you are craving something but don't want to have to go get it because that requires talking to someone? Congrats you two are ordering online and eating at home.
If you have to leave home though, he's gotten well enough equipped to handle panic attacks, after half a lifetime of handling his own, he's gotten good at spotting when someone else is starting to get one.
If he spots this, he'll immediately pull you from whatever you're doing, wherever you're at, to a much quieter place.
He'll ask you what he can do to help, whatever it is, he'll do, from getting you water, or just sitting there with you, he'll do it.
2D totally understands, dude won't judge you at all or say anything about it unless you bring it or want to talk about it.
Probably has more quiet roads or paths memorized for the exact reason that he doesn't want to have to be around people more than he has to, and will take you on backroads/paths for this very reason.
Now if you're with the group and it happens, and you feel a panic attack coming on or even you're getting too nauseous, tell him or he'll even come up with some way for you to show that you need to leave, and in seconds flat he'll get you out of there. The rest of the group knows, and understands, and seeing how this is modern Murdoc, he won't even say anything less he suffers the wrath of the rest of the group.
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sylverfishies · 2 years
My fanfiction rulez 😱 + intro
Hi!! I'm Sylverfish! or just Sylvester 🤭 my pronouns are It/De/Xe/He
I'm new to fanfiction writing I am so sorry if it sucks in the beginning💀
Fandoms I'm in and who I write for:
🦇Batman universe🦇:
Batman (any version)
Joker (Joaquin Pheonix, Heath Ledger, Cameron Monaghan (Jerome and Jeremiah) + any comic)
Oswald Cobblepot (Comics, Robert L Taylor, Paul Williams)
Riddler (Paul Dano, Cory M Smith)
Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan)
Butch Gilzean <3 <3 (Drew Powell)
Jim Gordan (any version)
Maria "Fish" Mooney (Jada Smith)
💣Team Fortress 2💣:
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Patrick Bateman
Norman Bates (Movie only srry bates motel lovers :(
Bubba sawyer <3
Robert (Chop Top) Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Lester Sinclair
⚛️The Big Bang Theory⚛️:
Leonard Hofstadter
Sheldon Cooper
Rajesh Koothrappali
Professor Rocket
Jumpin Johnny Jumble
Captain Bones
🏃‍♂️Extras that don't make a whole category:
Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor)
Morticia and Gomez Addams (Anjelica Huston & Raul Julia) (yes it has to be poly >:(
Stuart "2d" Pots & Murdoc Niccals
Pavi Largo & Luigi Largo (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Red guy (dhmis)
HEADS-UP: I picked these characters at 2 am so I most likely forgot a few people, if ur fav isn't on this list just ask if I write for them!
Rulez! Do's and Dont's
✅️What I will write for✅️:
Lemon and Lime
Minor fighting/violence
Male readers
FTM readers <3
Character x reader
full fanfictions?? Idfk
🚫Stuff I WON'T write🚫:
Fem readers or gender-neutral readers
Sc@t or V0m!t
Death of the reader
This list will have updates probably -Sylverfishies
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Title: Girlfriend
Pairing: Stuart Pot x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Series: None
Part 1 ONLY
Notes: Wrote this with 2 Braincells after reminiscing my awkward years. Which I love despite feeling scrappy.
Also Gorillaz was called Gorilla before Gorillaz I believe.
Summary: pre-Gorillaz is out at a new Minigolf course. Y/n third wheels the alone time with Stuart and Paula. What could go wrong?
Bursting through the doors of Kong Studios. After all of the running past tombstones and lightning I wheezed.
The loud slam of the double doors gained attention from the four band members or Gorilla. Their heads turned towards the direction of the doors.
"GUYS!!! GUYS!! GUYS!! and Paula.. I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!!" I hollered.
Hearing many groans.
Mainly from Murdoc and Paula, A hum from Stuart, and loud footsteps from Russel.
As I finished my wheezefest I smiled at them all and held up a poster for a mini-golf course.
Everyone groaned.
Minus Stuart and Russel.
"What? I thought you all liked mini-golf? What's wrong?" I pouted.
"Don't you remember the last time we were at one y/n?" Paula sighed.
I tilted my head in confusion. Murdoc groaned out loud.
"For your sake did you not drive into a golf cart into the water course?!" He exclaimed.
"Nope I'm pretty sure that never happened" I smiled and Staurt and Russel snickered.
"And what about the time you hit my head with a golfball?!" Paula screeched.
"I couldn't see I thought I saw Flamingos everywhere" I replied coolly.
This time Murdoc chuckled but had abruptly stopped and cleared his throat.
"And what about the time that you had me crash in a bumper kart course!" She huffed. Her face now a Ladybug red.
"Well it is called bumper karts for a reason no?" I giggled.
This comment only caused her to sigh. I smiled in victory.
"So no one really wants to go with me?" I sighed. My shoulders slumped and a sad frown forming on my face.
"Yay! Thanks 'D for coming with me!" I smiled at the lanky purpleette. He only gave me a sweet smile with the front teeth missing.
"Its really no problem y/n" he chuckled giving a sheepish smile.
I smiled at him a small blush forming on my face as well as his as we stared at eachother for a few minutes.
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throats which snapped us out of our hazy trance.
"I'm definitely not leaving you alone with my boyfriend that's for sure so I'm going to watch you" Paula hissed as she stepped out of the vehicle.
I blinked and shrugged.
"The more the merrier!" I chirped slapping on my happiness back on.
Hearing a sigh and a large shadow looming over the three of us. There was russel.
"I'm gonna come with just incase you all dont get injured " He mumbled.
Soon the four of us wandered the mini-golf park.
Murdoc left the four of us, as he had to attend to "important issues" like usual.
"All this wandering around has me hungry.. HOLY CRAP THEY SELL CHURROS!!" I shouted out of hunger and ran towards the food stand plaza.
I had bought two churros. One for Russel, and One for me.
Smiling as I finished mine. I watched the purple headed man and his girlfriend share theirs. I tapped Russell on the shoulder.
He turned to look at me and I pointed to the two lovebirds as I gagged.
This caused him to laugh. I smiled and a sudden thought came to my mind.
I got up and slipped towards their table and snatched the churro out of their hands.
"Aww saved a piece for me! Sweet! Thanks Stu!" I chirped and pecked his cheek before skipping off.
I ripped the piece that Paula ate from throwing it in the trash and eating the rest.
After playing golf for awhile. I had needed a break from the small clubs and courses.
I had spotted a photobooth!
"Hey look a photobooth! Let's go take a picture stu!~" Paula sweetly called out to the purple haired man.
To which he only nodded and followed his lady towards the booth.
I scrunched up my nose and gave a wicked grin. I looked at Russel to which he only sighed.
"Please.. Please Please Please?" I begged with puppy eyes.
He looked at me then the two and nodded.
Operation: Split the Cheater and My Crush bestfriend up so I can save him is a go!
Or for short!
Operation: Grape is a Go!
I pressed a finger to my lips and counted down to three.
My hands reached for the curtains
My hands gripped them
I opened the curtains and pulled Paula out only to sit in her place while Russel blocked the curtain.
"Hey 'D let's take some good pictures Yeah?" I blushed.
His face seemed to get over the slight shock and nodded.
We made silly faces at the camera
I hung my arm loosely around his neck while making a rock-and-roll sign with my hand .
We sat facing eachother with a blush
After the bright light I took the pictures and stuffed them into my pocket.
"I'm keeping these! For safe keeping! See ya soon Stu!" I chirped before getting out and running off to find Russell.
"Russel! I'm teeling you it was great! Besides I kinda wish I could tell him how I really feel.." I blushed playing with my fingers.
I looked up at the large male for advice.
He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "Why dont you go tell him now he's all alone right now" he motioned to Stuart.
He was standing alone and playing on his mobile device.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks Russ!" I smiled at him and ran towards the tall male who was occupied on his phone.
Finally an opportunity to tell him without Paula around! Besides she doesn't deserve him..
I stopped running only to tackle him into a hug. To which he had jumped in suprise and dropped his phone.
"Hey 'D !" I chirped looking in his eyes.
"Oh hey Y/n.. you scared me a bit there!" He laughed and reached for his phone.
Instinctively we both thanked our heads together from trying to grab his phone.
I rubbed my head and giggled only to hand him his phone.
"Sorry 'bout that! Anyways why are you here all alone? Well not really.. I know you came with Paula, but why isn't she here?" I questioned the purple haired man.
To which he only shrugged.
"She said she'd go to the bathroom so I'm waiting for her" He replied quickly.
"Well Stuart Can I tell you a secret?" I blushed fiddling with my fingers.
"Well yea except if Murdoc wants to know then it might come out" he laughed nervously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay so what is it?"
"I like you no like you is an understatement I really really REALLY Love you.. even if your with Paula.. and even if she makes you happy yours comes first! Just know that I dont love your girlfriend Paula becauseshemightbecheatingonyouwiththatdamnedgreenpicklemurdoc! Even if you dont feel the same keys just make sure nothing stays weird between us yeah?" I breathed out.
I closed my eyes expecting being rejected.
Instead I had found myself experiencing those same butterflies, I had gotten in the last photo of the Photobooth.
He pulled away for just a second only to be pulled back into another kiss.
"STUART?! Y/N!? I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM GONNA AHHH!!" We jumped away hearing Paula's shouting and stepped aside.
Only for her to roll onto the fake grassy hill towards a port-a-potty that Russell had just used.
She was flung into the small space and swmd it forward with the door closing.
"I guess that solves it! You Stuart Pot otherwise known as 2-D Are now my boyfriend!" I grinned.
To which he hummed.
"Your boyfriend? I like the sound of that" he hummed happily and pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I smiled at the feeling.
Finally he wont get heartbroken over That cheater..
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
2d comfort drabble (again lol)
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Concept: 2d comforts you because you're on your period and everything sucks lol
transmasc reader
You stared at the clock on your phone as you waited for your shift to end. You were so ready to go home and snuggle with your boyfriend and forget about your problems for a bit. The second you clocked out you were in your car, driving home.
2d jumped as the door opened abruptly. Once he knew it was you, he relaxed. "Hey there, love!" He greeted you with a kiss on the head. "Hey, 2d." You said. He picked up a bit of annoyance in your tone, but it seemed to clear a little once you properly hugged him. "Rough day?" He asked carefully. You nodded silently.
"Aw honey, I'm sorry..." he whispered. "Do you want a snack or anything?" "No, I just wanna lay down and not have thoughts." 2d softly laughed at your response. "Okay, do you wanna go up to my room and lay in bed with me?" "Absolutely." He smiled and followed you upstairs and into his room. His hand rested in yours and he adored it. He loved the feeling and the reassurance that you were there.
2d gently pulled you down on top of him. You practically collapsed on his chest. He wrapped an arm around you as his other hand went to your hair. You sighed comfortably. "Do you wanna talk about today, love?" He asked. You stated silent for a sec, trying to put your words together. "I got misgendered a bunch today." 2d perked up immediately. Someone...misgendered his handsome boyfriend?? His wonderful handsome manly boyfriend?? He was already mad at everyone who dared to do such a thing. However, he moved those thoughts to the back of his head and listened to all your rants about the day.
"My cramps are killing me, and I didn't bring any pain killers to work, and there's blood in my underwear, and I feel so icky and feminine and I hate this so much." You angrily ranted. 2d played with your hair lovingly. "Do you want some ibuprofen or anything?" He softly asked. "Not if you have to get up to get them." You groaned. "I can probably get noodle to grab them for you." He pulled out his phone and texted said guitarist, asking her to bring the ibuprofen.
You grumbled incoherently. Your body was sore and you were barely able to keep yourself awake all day. "My poor baby..." 2d sighed, running his hand up and down your back. "How long have you been binding for, love?" He asked.
"Almost 12 hours-" before you could finish, 2d cut you off.
"Take it off." He demanded.
"I said take it off."
His tone wasn't angry or forceful, but more firm and loving. You could tell he was serious, though, so you did. Your shirt came off, then your binder. 2d handed you a random hoodie from the end of the bed. Once you had the hoodie on, you lied back down on top of your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry you had a rough day, love." 2d said softly. "I wish I could make all your problems go away."
"Its alright, stu. Literally just the fact that you're sticking around makes things better." You replied. "I love you."
"I love you too." He whispered.
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
2d birthday smut
sub 2d version
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contains: praise, spoiling
male reader
2d smiled as you got on top of him, trapping him on the bed. "I wanna spoil you, birthday boy." You said in a low voice. You combed your fingers through the birthday boys hair softly before getting his pants off and lifting his legs over your shoulders. Before you both knew it, 2d was a mess.
He wrapped his arms around your neck and legs around your waist. His lips locked with yours and he desperately moaned into the kiss. When you pulled away, you kissed up and down his neck as your hips snapped back and forth. 2d scratched at your skin, leaving long red lines going down your back. You winced softly, enjoying the stinging.
"you're doing so well, stu." You whispered, voice strained. "Do you want me to make you cum?" All he could do was nod frantically.
"F-fuck- i-i love you- I love you I love you I love you-!!" he whined. You kissed his forehead gently before burying your face in his shoulder. You moved your hips faster, causing 2d to cry out in pleasure. Tears fell down his cheeks as you fucked him raw. His mind went blank and his vision was starting to blur.
You wrapped your hand around his throbbing cock and moved your hand vigorously as your thrusts became less rhythmic and more desperate and sloppy. "Such a good boy...hah-" you panted. "go ahead and cum for me, birthday boy. you've earned it." 2d let out a loud, drawn out moan as his orgasm hit. Yours came just after. You kissed him roughly, a quiet moan falling from your mouth and into the kiss. When you pulled away, your sweet boy was shaking and whimpering. His face was nearly dripping with sweat and the sides of his face were stained with tears.
"Happy birthday, 2d." You said softly.
woo dom 2d on the way
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
2d birthday smut
dom 2d version
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contains: idk dom 2d make me go hehejeje 🥰
male reader
2d pinned your wrists above your head gently, grinning. "Wow, hi" You laughed. He chuckled as well. "did you need something, dear?" 2d then looked you in the eyes with a soft smirk. "There was only one problem with today." He said. You panicked for a moment before he spoke again. "you did outstanding with the cake and the presents, but its my birthday, and I want you." He whispered. His expression was a mixture of adoration and lust. With a soft groan, he pushed his lubed cock inside of you. Your breath hitched as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
2d moved his hips at a pace that wasn't alarmingly fast, but he wasn't exactly being gentle. His cheeks flushed red as you moaned into his shoulder, legs wrapped around his waist. He loved the noises you made, and all because of him. Your whimpers and gasps only riled him up more and caused him to move faster.
Everything else was a blur. Your pretty boy just fucked you senseless, the mattress creaking and headboard hitting the wall. His cock rapidly moved in and out and made you cry out in pleasure. 2d suppressed his moans as much as he could, wanting to hear the beautifully lewd sounds coming from your throat.
"I-I wanna make you cum," he groaned. He then stroked your needy cock, trying to match the pace and rhythm of his hips. "Gah-!! c-cumming..." you gasped. 2ds hips jerked sporadically for a moment as he felt cum squirt from his own cock inside of you. He gasped and let out a shaky moan, burying his face in your shoulder as he thrusted a few more times, riding out his orgasm.
Your breathing was shallow and your body felt numb. 2d kissed your forehead gently as he pulled out.
"Happy birthday, 2d." You panted. He smiled softly, happy that you made his special day all the more enjoyable.
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
2d angst??????? kinda????
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warnings: angst (fluff at the end tho!), reverse comfort, mentions of drug use + overdose, mentions of puke/vomit, murdoc is a nob
concept: 2d accidentally overdoses like the silly goose he is
gender neutral reader
2d grunted quietly as he struggled to open a bottle of pills. He had a long day and just wanted to get high for a bit. As the childproof lid came off, there was a knock at his bedroom door.
"Hey, 2d, can I come in?" That gentle voice of his loving partner. He wanted to see you, he really did, but he didn't want you to see him get high. You had seen him high before, he knew this, but he just didn't like to think of how terrible it could be for you to see him like that.
"Sorry, love, not right now." He simply responded through the door. "Well, okay. I'll be in the living room if you need me!" you said as your footsteps got quieter. 2d sighed as he swallowed the pills, with no water or anything to help get them down. He felt the effects start to kick in, but they weren't as strong as he wanted them to be. Without hesitation, he swallowed more.
You heard something in 2d's room crash on the ground. You were worried about him, so you knocked on the door again. no response. Just to be sure, you knocked again, louder this time. still no response. Fortunately, 2d left his door unlocked. You hurriedly turned the knob to find your boyfriend on the ground, mostly unconscious.
Before you knew it, you were in the bathroom holding 2d over the toilet, trying to get him to throw up. "Come on, stuart, don't die on me." you mumbled, mostly to yourself. The sounds of him gagging had gained the attention and concern of the rest of the band. Murdoc, despite trying to keep up his shitty facade, was noticeably shaking with fear. Noodle had seen 2d like this before, yet she was close to tears. Russel, unfortunately, had been out getting groceries.
Thank everything 2d puked. You wiped your hand on a nearby towel and patted the poor boys back as he vomited. "Jesus christ, faceache..." murdoc mumbled, his voice muffled by his hand. Noodle shook with relief knowing one of her father figures was okay. You hadn't noticed that you were crying until you sniffled a bit.
Once your boyfriend had finished puking, he wiped the vomit from his mouth and rested his head on your shoulder. He was exhausted. "Don't cry, love," he whispered. "I'm okay. I'm alright." He was evidently too tired to notice the presence of murdoc or noodle. But the fact that he was alive was enough reassurance for the both of them.
"I'm sorry," 2d sniffled. "I didn't mean to worry you, y/n." You hugged him tighter. "You have nothing to apologize for, stu. I'm just- I'm just glad you're okay." You sighed. "Murdoc, could you go get him some water?" The skrunkly old man just nodded and headed to the kitchen.
It was only then that 2d looked up and noticed his bandmates, one crying and the other in the kitchen. "I'm sorry, noodz," he quietly apologized. Immediately she fell to her knees and gently hugged him. "You scared us so bad, 2d." She cried. 2d whispered out a bunch of apologies for worrying everyone, all of which were replied to with phrases of forgiveness.
Murdoc returned with a glass filled with water and handed it to you. Everyone seemed to be finished crying. You mouthed a quick thank you to the bassist. "Come on, 2d, let's get you to bed." You patted his back and carefully propped him up so he was on his feet. 2d nodded and leaned around half of his weight on you.
You handed 2d his water and told him to drink some of it. "Waters good after you puke." You said. After chugging about half of it, he flopped onto his pillow and sighed. "Thank you, love." He softly said. You smiled. "Of course, stu. I'm really glad you're alright."
You both stayed silent for a bit. The only sounds that could be heard were coming from the fan softly bringing the room to a comfortable temperature.
"You should probably get some rest." You gently stroked 2d's face and got up to leave. "W-wait, um.." he started. "could you snuggle with me for a bit?" You smiled at your boyfriends request and happily obliged. You lied down next to him and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"Thank you, y/n." He sighed.
WOO ITS FINISHED!!!! sorry if anyone seems ooc its currently 4am and I'm very tired-
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
2d comfort drabble <3
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Concept: you're tired after a long day so 2d offers some snacks and snuggles
He/they pronouns are used for reader :) (this is more aimed to trans men bcuz dysphoria is mentioned but ig cis guys can read this 👍)
written from 2d's perspective <3
I sat on the couch watching cartoons as I waited for my partner to come home. All of a sudden, I heard the door open and a loud, tired groan followed shortly after.
"Welcome home, love!!" I said. Y/n immediately flopped on top of me. "Hey, stu." He tiredly responded. Their warm breath tickled my neck as he let out a small yawn. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Mm, just had a long day....." he mumbled.
I hummed in response. "Y/n, love, I need you to get off me for a sec.." I whispered. Y/n gripped onto me tighter, wrapping their legs around my waist. I chuckled and carried him to the kitchen with me. I set him on the counter gently. I grabbed (fav snack) and carried y/n back into the living room. He layed down on top of me and buried his face in my neck.
"so, how was today, love?" I asked as I tangled my fingers in my boyfriends hair. "tiring and dysphoric." they responded bluntly. "do you wanna wear one of my sweaters?" I asked with a light chuckle. Y/n nodded and kissed my collarbone. I took off the hoodie I was wearing and handed it to them. God, he always looked so cute in my clothes. "Thanks, 2d. I love you." y/n mumbled. "Anytime. I love you too, y/n." I whispered and kissed the top of his head.
The rest of the evening was spent snuggling and watching cartoons, and I couldn't have enjoyed it more.
I had a long day and I'm very tired so I thought I'd write this lol
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
I saw ur gorillaz x reader and heres an idea; 2d cuddling male s/o would be so awkward, its like having a bag of bones just all over you, and he barely even knows what to do about it.
AND HE,,,,,,,,,, HED BE VERY KISSY,,,,,,,,,,,, <333
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
There's no 2d x male reader fanfics and I'm mad
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 2 years
I'm having a hard time rn so here's a little peak at this nsfw 2d fanfic I'm trying to force myself to finish
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love u guys <33
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Come Home Love
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Title: Come Home Love
Series: Part 1
Pairing: 2D/ Stuart Pot x Gentle!Fem!Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Heavy Angst
Warnings: Heavy Angst Train Ahead! May be Too Much for Readers to handle! Proceed with Caution!
Stuart and Reader get into a small fight that soon escalates. In an attempt to diffuse the situation reader tries to reason , only to leave.
Also for Refrence this is during Phase 2 because that is when they got major traction.!
I ran through the rain away from Kong Studios. A taxi was called when I was dodging everybody. I waved my arms and continued running towards the yellow vehicle.
Stuart's cries could be heard through the rain. My heart had clenched at the sudden shouts.
It was time for a break for both him and I.
How did this happen you may ask?
As much as I would like to say it was Murdoc's fault.
It was because of us.
Let me explain from the beginning.
The day had started out cloudy and foggy. This was considered a happy day because everyone had come home from their tour.
I was excited and prepared everyone's favorite thing.
I had gifts welcoming back all of the band.
Yes even for Murdoc
I jumped up and down with joy practically bouncing off the walls.
The door had clicked and the doors creaked. I gave big smile.
"WELCOME HOME!!" I chirped holding the presents.
The four jumped in suprise at my prescence.
Noodle smiled.
Russel gave a small nod.
Murdoc groaned.
Stuart smiled.
One by one I gave them their gifts.
Noodle was given a new video game console to play with acting for some nostalgia. And earplugs to block out murdoc.
Russel was given new tape for his drum sticks along with some earplugs to block out Murdoc's adventures in his room.
Murdoc was given a new bass and and amplifier with the bass.
Stuart had a stack of new Horror movies that he could watch.
They only chuckled/giggled at the strangeness of my gifts.
It was then after they had gone to their rooms to relax.
I couldn't help myself and want to hug stuart after he had been away for so long.
I smiled going down the elevator and towards his room.
I quietly entered his room and smiled to myself. Walking through the darkness I had reached his bed and crawled next to him.
I smiled and kissed his forehead.
I fell asleep next to my blue haired lover in peace.
I woke up to find him gone.
I sighed and walked towards the bathroom and slipped on one of his shirts.
I smiled at the feeling of the fabric.
I walked out of his room only to find him in the hallway with a cigarette lit.
I smiled at his form.
"Goodmorning Stu-"
"Goodmorning Lo- Y/n"
I frowned but continued to smile. I pecked his cheek and sat next to him.
Only for him to stand and leave.
It was time for sleep again I snuggled next to the lanky blue haired male.
Only for him to turn his back to me.
I pouted but hugged his frame.
"Not tonight Y/n.."
I let go of his frame and instead laid back to back .
Soon drifting off to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night only to find Stuart gone.
I sighed and went back to sleep.
This had continued for days. I would attempt to spend time with Stuart but, he would continuously avoid me.
I bit my lip in frustration.
This was getting frustrating
I sighed and avoided his room for what had seemed to be the 27th night of him avoiding me.
I instead walked myself towards the only female in the studios room.
I gently knocked on the door.
I heard a groan from the other side.
I gulped and knocked again.
"Noodle its me.. Y/n.. can I talk to you?"
The door swung open and there the japanese female stood.
I hadn't realized I was crying. Until she had enveloped me in a hug.
Enough was enough.
It was time to confront my blue haired lover.
I marched towards his door angry about him avoiding me.
I stopped I'm front of his door ready to knock.
My hand stopped before I could open the door remembering our conversation.
"Hey what's wrong?" Noodle worriedly asked. I had stopped crying at the sound of her voice.
"Its Stuart.. I think he doesnt love me anymore Noodle.. he's been avoiding me for awhile.. I cant take it anymore.." I sighed Wiping my tears away.
She only sighed and let me in. Closing the door behind me, I was then handed box of tissues.
We continued the conversation until her advice had shone some light.
" If you cant stand him avoiding you anymore and he truly doesnt love you anymore it's time for a break.. I cant stand to see you like this.. If not for you for me okay?"
I gulped and opened the door to see Stuart facing me for once.
"Stu.. We need to talk please.." my voice had quivered.
He looked at me with his dark eyes narrowing at me.
I gulped.
"Alright what do yew need y/n?" He asked impatiently.
My body froze.
He stopped my nicknames.
He called me only 'Y/n..'
I cleared my throat and looked up at him.
"Stu..I know you've been away for awhile.. and I'm a little worried you've fallen out of love with me" my voice cracked.
He only looked at me and sighed.
"Well I haven't why would yew think that y/n?" He questioned. He gently pushed my hair away from my eyes, cupping my cheeks with one hand.
I backed away from him.
"Well.. you've been avoiding me and you haven't called me luv, dove... sweetheart... I cant take it anymore.." I whispered.
I felt my heart break at what I was about to do.
"I havent been avoiding you Y/n-"
"Then why wont you let me be with you?"
I looked up at him, tears clouding my vision. I could feel his eyes staring into my own.
"Because of what?" I bit my lip looking at him for answers. I stepped away from him
I stepped back.
"Then I guess if I'm so annoying I'll leave.." I hiccuped turning away from the door. Running towards the elevator in tears and a mess.
"Wait No!- I-!" He yelped not wanting me to leave.
The doors opened as I closed them quickly now going up. Once the doors opened I began to run.
I was now on the main floor. I had a few minutes before Stuart comes for me.
I couldn't help it. My tears had begun to fall again. I wiped them away making my way towards the door.
"Noodle I finally got my answer.. goodbye for now " I smiled at her.
Her face turned into one of sadness. I smiled through my tears.
"Woah! Looking uglier than me huh?" Murdoc cackled.
"Never but, you can thank your front man you green pickle.." I sobbed pushing my way towards the door.
I opened the door to smile sadly at russel and flee.
Thus I had began to continue running down the graveyard of Kong Studios.
"Love! Please I didn't mean. It! Come back!" Stuart's cries could be heard.
I ignored his pleas and continued my way down the hill and had called a cab to the bottom of King Studios.
"Please! Your the best thing that's ever happened to meh! Come back!"
I had spotted the yellow vehicle and ran as fast as my legs could go finally reaching the door.
I panted from all the running.
"Love?! Your leaving? Please dont go wait!" He cried running towards the yellow door.
I quickly opened the door and,before I could step inside it, the door had closed..
"Love.. please don't leave me..I didn't mean it. Your amazing.. your not annoying.. your not clingy.. your affectionate.. your gifts are cute.. not horrid.. please...stay"
I bit my lip. I looked up at him and sighed.
"I'm sorry Stu... but, I think we need to spend some time apart from eachother.. not because of you.. but because of me..".
"I'm not even sure if I'll came back Stu.." I whispered cupping his cheeks.
The air was thick with tension. The rain only being heard.
As the water began to pour the male sighed and looked at her.
"Yew Promise that you'll come back right?" Fog emitting from his mouth.
I bit my lip unsure of what to do.
"I'm not sure Stu..besides..you'll eventually give up.." I whispered.
The water hitting both of us soaking us completely under the rain.
Our lips were then connected.
I remembered the fight. Flashing through my head. His words.
He avoided me
He didn't love me anymore
I pushed him away.
He stumbled and fell on his behind.
I could only mouth two words to him before driving off.
I'm Sorry
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