#stubborn indepence
resuri-art · 1 year
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Back working on the boys!
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jmatcha · 1 year
Trust and Peace
I realized now how incapable I was of trusting anyone fully. People, adults, situations, life i general. I always need a plan B for when plan A didn't give me the outcome I wanted. I always over prepare so things would happen the way I expect them too.
That made for a life devoid of pleasant surprises and genuine celebration. But more than being a sad existence it also made for a life with an absence of peace.
I don't know how to float in a pool which has always been a great source of frustration for me. And I can't do it because when they say 'relax' I have no idea how to do it. How can they do it? They usually can't give me a ste by step guide when I ask for one so we just all give up.
Today, you allowed me to learn the answer why. Throughout my life, even when you've shown me how dependable and faithful you are, I have become hyper indepent. Believing that things won't happen unless I do something about it. That I always need to be part of the action.
How little have I trusted you? It's a very shameful realization really. This entire time I always try to control everything instead of letting you do what you do best and take charge while I enjoy the peace from knowing that you're taking care of it for me.
These past few days I always insert the word "take the reigns". You and me both know that I have no full understanding of that phrase and today, you've taught me the answer.
I can't lean on you fully and enjoy the peace it brings unless I actually trust you. I can't chase after the wrong things and expect peace to run after me. I have to actively stay still and trust that You are in control and the best thing I can do is to let life unfold Infront of me, based on your plans.
Thank you Lord. As days go by I feel like my spiritual journey is becoming more stable. You show answers I never even considered before. All my questions are being answered even before I ask them. How amazing you are oh Lord.
Thank you for your mercy. For saving me from the dark. For giving me peace, happiness and security. For always being here.
I know that you're listening or maybe reading this and I know that you can see my heart clearly. I still have much to learn Lord. Please guide me as to the way I should go and instead of being stubborn, this time I will follow.
I love you with all my heart Lord. Help me become a better reflection of You, become a better person and Christian.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Stubborn Independence
TITLE: Stubborn Independence 
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
Imagine Loki struggling to adjust to someone who is independent and insists on paying for themselves all the time, even if it is a struggle sometimes. They need to do everything on their own. They never ask for help and refuse help. Just imagine Loki really wanting to spoil this person. Imagine how creative he would get to make life easier on this person who has captivated him.
Imagine being a talented singer at your local club. Loki comes in one night with Thor and the others (he’d rather be anywhere else but who turns down free drinks?) and gets ensnared in the voice of the beautiful singer on stage. Suddenly, his interest (and arousal) are more than piqued.
Imagine getting into a petty fight with Loki, so in retaliation, he puts everything on the top shelf where you can’t reach? 
AUTHOR’S NOTES: College AU. Loki is determined to take over Odin’s company. He works hard and has a strict schedule for success. However, with the interference of Thor and the other four, Loki’s plans are often interrupted so they can play matchmaker.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Fandral smiled brightly with a loud laugh and in a desperate time to prove him wrong, Loki looked at his schedule with a smart remark on his tongue. Loki’s smile disappeared quickly. Damn. He did have the same class as Fandral.
Fandral smiled that bright smile and then winked to the side and Loki heard the high pitched giggles of flirting women, “Shall we walk together when classes start next week? Perhaps I could get you a date this year?”
With an eye roll and voice laced with sarcasm Loki replied, “yes because I want help from you." 
Sif held her hand out to Loki for his schedule. Thor insisted earlier she could mark where everyone would be this semester for easy communication. So, unwillingly Loki handed it to her knowing he was sentencing himself to public outings instead of the comfort of his room with books. He pondered if he should get out of those outings or try to get out of his room. Perhaps he would meet someone, or a few people, to hang out with instead of his brother during meal times.
Thor clapped Loki’s back, "this is going to be the time of our lives. College is full of possibilities. Last year was such a great time for the five of us! There were plenty of people I met! Last year all you did in your free time was study. Lighten up Brother, and develop friendships.”
Siff spoke up after scribbling on schedules, “Or he could get the best grades, and the honors scholarship for extra money.” Sif gave Thor a raised eyebrow after he chuckled, then she shrugged going back to scribbling. She muttered, “graduate top class and make more money than you. Support himself and whoever stumbles into his life.”
Valstagg’s boisterous laughter caught everyone’s attention until his eyes darted in the direction of a food truck. He mumbled, “That would be quite the stumble for Loki to notice.”
Hogun’s lip twitches a smidge as he looked at the schedules with Siff and marking them. Loki’s schedule was back and he looked it over. He had the 8am class with Thor and knew the idiot would miss too much class from the way Thor groaned over a class first thing on a Monday. Loki had the damn extracurricular art class that Fandral was also in.
Loki was excited for art class because he practiced occasionally by drawing what he imagined a scene looked like from his leisure readings. Although Loki was terrible at drawing realistic details, nothing stopped him from trying. This class filled a block in his major which further helped him decide to pursue some knowledge for his little hobby. No one would ever see such things due to drawing being a secret… well, for now anyway. Fandral was likely to tell everyone of his poor skills once their shared classroom of a three hour long session two times a week.
Fandral inquired, “so…Sif are we going to come to your dorm room for lunch?”
Sif smirked, “the invitation goes to everyone but you.”
“How cruel to keep me away from the sight of your beautiful dorm mate.”
Loki turned as he claimed he would see them later. Loki strolled to the dinning hall. It was a typical day; annoying brother and his friends, people all around him talking animatedly with others, some more intimately touching with the hold of hands or lips locked together. Loki tore his gaze from those people and observed where he was, and why he was there and NOT for some romantic adventure.
The buildings seemingly new due to constant cleaning and repairs. The pathways that seemed to be expanding due to hurried people walking beside the sidewalk trying not to be late. His night owl of a brother for example was always in a rush and did not go with the pace of everyone else. Otherwise, the grass was perfectly manicured. There were areas for decorative flowers, bushes, as well as well placed trees. 
Individuals gathered under trees seeking some comfort in the cooler shade. Loki glanced upwards to the sky that was currently cloudy. Then the sun shone thus pouring warmth onto him and momentarily blinding him. 
Loki was sure he somehow ran into something but with a curse word flying out of someone’s mouth realization struck instantly this was not an object. Loki instinctively held his hands out to catch the person. Short hair in blended layers caught the sunlight in wonderful variations of browns. The hair seemed to flow slowly as Loki hastily pulled the person closer to prevent a fall. Warm leather in his hands that helped with the grasp. Once stabilized Loki glanced down and noticed the petite and plus size girl in his grasp. 
Her eyes were shielded by huge sunglasses, her full cheeks framed by hair placed perfectly, except for a few strands dancing near her lips. A full lower lip pressed to her thin upper one as she pushed out of his grasp.
The trance seemed to end as Loki watched the girl pick up her phone. The glistening pieces around the device let Loki know instantly the screen was shattered. The woman ran her fingers through her hair and Loki was convinced that must be how her hair was supposed to be due to it looking better than before. Her eyebrows angled as she tapped on the phone and it seemed to be working.
Loki had money to replace her phone, even get his which was the newest model of over a thousand dollars. His parents had money due to his father, Odin, owning a software corporation that was supposed to be handed down to either Thor or Loki. Of course depending on who learned the most in college from their business majors. Loki actually had plenty of money he earned himself due to taking a position to work in his father’s business, a branch closest to the campus in an attempt to learn more. To inherit the corporation was the goal and was the reason he spent too much time in his room, practicing programming for his second major in computer science.
Loki quickly replied as soon as it registered, “I am sorry. I didn’t-”
The woman’s face turned to his with lightning speed and her lips parted with a harsh tone, “if you say you didn’t see me because I am short I will bring you down to my level with a punch to your gut.”
Loki blinked and finally noticed how short the woman was. He estimated a little over a foot smaller than himself due to him being able to rest his arm on her head easily, if he were to even attempt it. However with the fiery look he was getting, Loki stammered, “I can get you a new phone. Any phone you want.”
The woman was already tapping on her phone quickly as if sending a text. A few strands of her hair danced in her face but she seemed to ignore it. Loki however, needed to push back a single hair back in place to maintain his professional and clean appearance. Loki was not sure if she was ignoring him or not and he absentmindedly cleared his throat.
The dark haired woman placed her phone in a pocket, ran her other hand through her hair that parted in a different way..that was visually satisfactory as well. Her leather jacket protesting with sounds of attempts to stretch as she crossed her arms. Her eyebrows rose above her glasses and her bottom lip pressed to the thinner one. She seems to be annoyed, arguably she had every reason to have that right. She said nothing, nor did she make any attempt to even try to speak.
Loki wasn’t sure if this little ball of fire even heard a word he said. He spoke again as he took a small writing tablet from his inner coat pocket, “here is my information, we could meet later and you can pick out any phone you wish. There is a business not far from here that I work at-”
A casual, but with irritation mixed, voice spoke, “Not interested. I have the insurance on this one to have it replaced.”
Loki glanced up but did not see her. He turned and she was already walking away, quickly. Loki took long strides to her as he handed the woman the paper with his name, number, and location information to meet. The woman took the paper and seemed to be looking at it with a tilt of her head towards the paper but Loki already seen her eyelashes high up due to her obviously looking at the path she was on. The woman did nothing to stop her quick pace that Loki’s long legs easily kept up with.
As she crumpled up the paper and threw it in the recycling bin she spoke, “Thanks for the offer but I will pass.”
Loki’s eyebrows furrowed, “pardon?”
The small woman stopped as she replaced the sunglasses to her head. “Can you see now that I don’t want your help?”
Big eyes that were sharp and harsh with angled eyebrows. Eyelashes so thick they seemed to cast their own shadows among her face. Bright green eyes with flecks of dark brown and an inner iris of honey gold that stemmed into the outer green.
“You just cost me a ton of work to replace a dumbass phone. Nice work by the way to try to get me to call you. Clever plan, but it’s not something I fall for.”
“If you would let me help-”
The woman interrupted him, again with a scoff. 
All Loki wanted to do was help her. Atleast to replace what he had broken. Everyone else would jump at the latest phone with the best camera and larger screen. Top notch software that had lighting quick responses. A phone that stored everything for Loki; His contacts, everything in his calendar, personal alarms for daily routines, apps that helped with maintaining his body physique, and importantly he had access to the school web pages for homework-In conclusion, Loki’s phone was his life.
Loki tries again for a chance to talk quickly.
She waved her hands, palms to him and waved them with her head down, “Uh huh. Nope. Go try to woo someone else with your good looks of, ‘tall, dark, and handsome.’” Her eyes met his as her hands gestured to him and her eyes skimmed over him briefly with the burning rage behind them. “There are a ton of people out there to fall for someone to take care of them with your fancy handwriting that obviously comes from a prestigious schooling. As well as your expensive clothes.”
Loki’s mouth parted and then shut firmly. “You make accusations based on nothing but a few things. Maybe you should try not to judge a book by its cover.”
She rose an eyebrow, “how? Over dinner while playing some Q and A?”
Loki rose his eyebrows in shock and his mouth parted slightly. Loki did not miss a chance though, “If it could even things out. Perhaps.”
She scoffed and put her glasses back in place over her eyes, “I would pay for myself anyway.”
Loki gesture between them before she would turn, “You think that would make this even?”
“How about you just read my lips and understand you don’t owe me anything.” Her eyebrows rose over the glasses with a forced smile, “we good now?”
Loki stared at the woman in disbelief. “If you insist everything is ok but-”
The woman replied with a curt nod and side smile, “Everything is great. Try to have a good day.”
Loki looked elsewhere not believing he was going to let her leave, “I wish you well and give many apologies.”
The woman turned when her phone went off, “I have to go. Bye.” She did not look back but greeted the person on the other line with a happy melodic, “hel~lo! Sorry I am late. I bumped into someone.”
Loki raised an eyebrow at the odd change but paid no attention to it as he went to the dining hall for food. Loki was going to enjoy some of his remaining free time with a large serving of sweets before returning to his room in solitude before Thor, Fandral, and Hogun returned to their combined space. Loki thanked the school for having the set up of separate bedrooms, however cursed the common small kitchen and livingroom that he had to walk through to use one of the bathrooms.
They would always try to get him to join in their “fun” of watching each other play a fighting game while they drank energy drinks. Hogun would go to bed at a reasonable time but the other two would stay up talking loudly about the damn game until they went out to a bar.
Sometimes Loki would join in a few games of cards just to take some of their money. It got to the point where everyone agreed to use just change instead of dollar bills.
Loki smirked as he remembered to take the vase full of coins to the change machine, “Idiots…”
Loki ate alone and no one bothered him either. He did watch as others around him talking cheerfully. A friend might be nice to spend some time with once in a while. However, Loki’s phone buzzing in his pocket with his schedule alarm to start practicing programming made him remember he was not there for companionship. He was at college to get an education.
Loki picked up after himself and walked swiftly to his dormitory, swiped his ID card to get through doors and finally his pin password for his shared space with the others. Loki stomach sunk when the lights were still off and no one was there. He noted the feeling as odd while he walked in a daze to his room. He shut his bedroom door off to the rest of the world and readied himself for an hour of programming.
Loki programmed for about an hour and a half to figure out something new he stumbled onto. Loki needed a shower. Something about programming made him feel dirty, uncomfortable, and needing to feel fresh again. Loki’s cursed phone rang for the third time since he was getting ready to relax with a book. The most annoying sound he had on his phone was Thor’s ringtone. Loki purposely hit the end button to hang up and force the call to his mailbox. Grabbing a book and sitting in his comfortable desk chair Loki’s daily peace began.
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jazz-my-soul · 4 years
There is actually a pretty sad thing which i failed to realize until now
I just noticed something and now i'm sad as heck. It is the fact in the new second epizode that well Marcy actually has nobody. At first when we see her, you would actually think oh she is loved by everyone, king is probably her father figure or a somebody who she could lean on but in all honesty, that isn't true. You could see it in their dynamic. Ann and planters have that bond with each other, which same goes with Sasha and Grime.
I think i finally see Marcy for who she is now. When i think about it, Sasha and Marcy are actually very similar because while Sasha let's out her anger, Marcy bottle's it up inside and you know what? The bottle is gonna pop out and we actually have our answer that is VERY soon.
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Ann is the person who brings best in Marcy and Sasha, Ann is the person who would do anything for them both and she is never afraid to admit it to them to their faces. In the new epizode when Marcy said "follow your head not your heart" it was pretty clear what she tried to say, while it is logical, she never ever followed her own heart.
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It is so clear in the sky that she WANTED Ann to choose her over the planters, she wanted Ann to stay with her. Even tho she reacted different then Sasha, it is pretty clear that it damages her mental health as much as it does for Sasha. Marcy is the quiet type, person who would do other do the talking for her, person who would choose cold logic over anything else but that also is the lie which's she tell's herself. She thinks she can do everything alone and be indepented but she is also afraid of being alone. Just look how much her face lighten up when she was with Ann. It is just sad
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But that is why it is so sad, Marcy will need to have a moment where she will need to shout and cry, and be the one who is actually going to hug Sasha or Ann. Sasha needs to be the one who will need to be less stubborn and not take Ann or Marcy for granted. Ann is very emotional person but that being said all 3 of them are insecure but Ann is never afraid to admit her own emotions to them and those 2 are. I also find one thing very ironic, in the book of losers how Sasha never was the one who lost while Ann and Marcy names are written all over it, it is now pretty clear that the thing which she is afraid to lose is her connection with two of them. They both are afraid of being vulnerable infront of Ann and now when story get's more angstier and darker well. I see few things in mind
Sasha will fight Ann (maybe they will make up or it will end up in something else, that i wouldn't know)
Marcy will do the King's deal and by doing it
she might become the main antagonist with him.
but Hop pop also lied to Ann about the box, which will bring Ann to have lot of trust issues.
I never in my mind, thought that Amphibia will this emotional rollercoaster and i do wanna point out that even now i talked about Sasha and Macry, i still love them and think they are amazing characters. People have flaws and actions also have consequences.
We are imperfect but our emotions are what makes us who we are and i just want to see them three hug each other and cry together.
But for now people, the tea is brewing hot and somebody will get burned.
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life-0r-death · 4 years
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(so this is technically two different templates, but I couldn’t resist the part two. shoutout to @the-kings-of-games and @asix-oud for inspiring me to do this)
Character Profiles:
Jack Atlas - 20, blonde, 6' (anime height I think) “No one loves like Jack Atlas!”
Yusei Fudō - 18, raven with gold highlights, 5'7″ - “Jack it’s alright--”
How it happened:
Growing up together in the same orphanage under Martha’s care, both Jack and Yusei developed a bond of brotherly affection toward one another that they also shared with their third brother, Crow. However, as they got older, Yusei started to realize his feelings for Jack were anything but brotherly. With his growing adoration, he slowly tried to feel out how Jack felt, slowly implying that he had more love to give. It took Jack well after the Fortune Cup, and deep in the WRPG to realize that Yusei had affections for him. And that he returned them. Unintentionally, the two kissed and the rest was history.
Showing affection:
Both Jack and Yusei take initiative when it comes to affection. However, Jack is more of a wild card on whether or not he wants to provide verbal affection or a physical one. Often, Jack will either smirk at Yusei and tell him he’s a dream or he’s his knight in shining armor (This tends to turn Yusei quite red). Or, Jack will pull Yusei into a hug no matter where they are, just to hold him in his arms.
Yusei is all about non-verbal affection. He holds Jack, kisses him, gets him things, or just takes care of him as he needs to. Yusei finds that he never has the right words to tell Jack of how he feels, so a kiss and a hug are his better applications.
Handling Conflict:
More often than not, many of their conflicts revolve around Jack. Whether that be to duel, go out and visit Martha, or the strain of Jack’s worries on Yusei’s health and his own flighty nature, Jack is usually the most vocal on his distastes. He’s one to yell sharply and angrily before taking time away to cool down. He has a fight or flight response and his motions are to verbally fight and then flee. Yusei understands Jack’s needs to just be alone. He is not one to give chase (unless he absolutely needs to).
Yusei is the most neutral. Depending on the fight, he can range from just listening and helping to resolve it, or he can be just as stubborn as Jack, silently seething and also removing himself from the source. 
They usually come back to one another eventually, though, and kiss and make up.
Dealing with jealousy:
Both Yusei and Jack are prone to jealousy as both are quite popular in their inner circles. Jack is often seen by his fans who love to latch onto him and ask for his hand in marriage. Yusei’s jealousy certainly spikes, but he doesn’t let it overtake him. He usually just requires a bit more attention after the source departs, whether that be cuddling or Jack just being in the same space while he works on a duel runner.
When Jack becomes jealous, he’s just as eccentric as he normally is. He’s loud and in faces, grabbing Yusei and practically dragging him away or making sure that Yusei knows he’s there. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. Yusei will give him the affection he deserves and whatever the source may be, alive or inanimate, they will feel his wrath. 
Relationship Attitude:
When it comes to their relationship, Yusei holds it near and dear, performing all sorts of PDA and making sure Jack knows just how much he loves him. To Yusei, he spent too much time hiding his feelings, playing it safe, and watching Jack run off to become King all alone (when Yusei wanted nothing more than to be his Knight). He had to watch as Jack never understood his advances, watched as Jack would be harmed from the forces that came after them. Yusei had even gotten to the point that he would always appreciate Jack from afar, but know he’d never have him in his grasp. But once Jack admitted feelings for him too, Yusei made an oath to never hide his feelings again. So he devotes everything to Jack, understands Jack’s own fears and anxieties, and puts their relationship above all other projects. A duel runner can be fixed another day. Jack’s tears? Those need to be attended to now.
Jack is just as devoted to their relationship. Hell, he thinks about marriage at times. But he doesn’t perform as much PDA nor does he express how important it is to him as much as Yusei does. He does this for two reasons; one, Yusei obviously initiates it all. Jack doesn’t need to start any PDA since Yusei will begin it on his own. And Jack doesn’t need to overthrow Yusei with adoration since Yusei seems happy enough to give it mostly to him. The second reason Jack is a bit more reserved is because he has a hint of anxiety for their relationship. He’s always been a flighty man, ducking out when something was getting too much. He fears if something should go wrong, then he’d need that escape path to make sure Yusei doesn’t crash and burn. 
But both of them are rather happy in their relationship, usually talking about their fears and loyalties in the dead of night.
Each person toes the line depending on their emotions. But they are quite heavily attached to one another. Jack is not overly-protective nor is he hyper lax, and he does value his independence a bit more. This goes back to his flighty nature that should he need to run, he needs that space to get going. But this doesn’t mean he doesn’t adore Yusei.
Yusei doesn’t mind indepence or clinging. He’s just happy to be in Jack’s bubble or to just be in his thoughts. Yusei is, however, quite protective of Jack. Watching his man be flung from his duel runner too often has boosted this feral need to just keep him safe, as well as make sure Jack is never taken advantage of again. So Yusei is pretty quick to do research on events, offer up to go with, and generally make sure Jack is going to be okay.
Things to elaborate upon...
First to confess - both sort of did it at the same time. Yusei never really outwardly confessed until Jack sort of gave him this notion and feeling that they felt something similar. So they both openly told one another than they loved each other.
More popular/charismatic - both are held in high regard, Jack with his fanbase and Yusei with their inner circle as with the City for being the King (since he de-throned Jack).
Sick caregiver - both are pretty on even ground to take care of one another. Jack makes Yusei soups and foods, making sure he stays away from the duel runners to actually rest. Yusei pets Jack, gets him water, and is a constant by his side.
Does the cooking - Jack does it all. He’s a baker, having honed the skill while under Godwin’s foot and locked within his penthouse. When he wasn’t dueling, he was committing his time to something that distracted him long enough to feel alive. So he’s known as the chef in their household, and everyone loves his food.
Does the cleaning - since Jack does all the cooking, Yusei takes it upon himself to do the cleaning. He’s pretty good at making sure all of his tools are set and ready in the garage, so he makes sure those habits follow him into the house (and Jack isn’t too messy to begin with, he’s actually quite organized and proper).
Does most of the speaking - Not that Yusei doesn’t talk, he just lets Jack speak for him. Especially when he’s hands deep in a duel runner. Jack knows what’s on his mind, or knows what he likes to eat or drink, so he lets his man take care of him in his own ways. Plus, Yusei is pretty lax on requested subjects, like what they’d wear to some party. Jack cares about that stuff, so Yusei lets him talk for both of them.
Designated driver - Now, Yusei is deemed this because he is also overprotective. He doesn’t want Jack crashing, so if they have to go somewhere and both don’t have to have their runners, Yusei will be the one to drive and make sure his King makes it in one piece.
Has good penmanship - Jack knows cursive from his time with Godwin. Martha taught both him and Yusei a lot in the orphanage, but cursive and clean writing weren’t the top priorities. Just know how to read and write were. So, Jack honed this skill not only because he wanted to, but because he had to. In order to appear like he was actually from the Tops, he had to be able to write signatures elegantly.
Has more experience in a relationship - neither do. They’ve only ever pined for one another, or never thought about romantic interests or advancements. So this is their one and only relationship.
Sensitive to subtle changes in partner - both are excellent at this. Yusei is already hyper aware of Jack constantly. He knows when he’s feeling a bit more agitated or when he’s on edge. Jack isn’t as honed as Yusei, but he knows what each facial expression and silent grunt means. He’s studied them for a long time, and honestly, Jack and Yusei never have to use words to communicate how they are feeling.
The one who proposes - Yusei will want to, will plan for it and will be sure its a fanfare (as by Jack’s request). But the world will decide that he’s now allowed to, either making him too busy or stealing his attention away constantly at the perfect moments (or more enemies appearing out of the woodwork to ruin his plans). So, in the end, it will be Jack who sets up some sort of extravagant world around them, getting down on his knee and holding Yusei’s hand with a simple yet beautiful wedding band ready to slip on his finger.
(if you want specifics on part 2, send asks! Otherwise, thanks for reading! You can find a lot of these dynamics in my fics on AO3 <3)
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What do you think about a coming of age/redemption arc for Azula(yes,they're the same arc)? Killing two birds with one stone. What elements would you include on this kind of plotline?
I am working on a redemption arc for Azula in this series - the first arc is already complete and Azula’s story is a big part of it. I’ve also written several posts on Azula’s redemption. 
(Caveat: I’m not discussing the comics canon, because where they took her character, it’s very difficult for me to see a good redemption arc).
Without giving too much away of what I’ve written / am planning, I’d put in these elements:
1. Azula being given a sort of unearned/half-earned chance from Zuko, in the form of a trip, which subtly starts to change her perspective (seeing more people acting in support of each other, seeing real friendship at work, getting to know some of the Gaang)
2. These experiences start to change her, but she’s stubborn and full of pride, so there is a lot of internal conflict, a part of her craving to have such real connections, and a part of her still wanting to get back to her “better than Zuko” identity.
3. In order to regain her old self, she does something reckless, which ends up hurting her - and Zuko being there for her during that time (lots of Fire Siblings bonding) 
4. A firebending crisis (loss of / weakening of her firebending) so she can start building an identity, indepent of her prodigy. Learning to play support, realizing that she has much more to offer than being a precision weapon.
5. A crisis of guilt warring with pride (especially when it comes to Zuko)
6. Something to start to break some of the toxic patterns between the Fire Siblings
7. Iroh (stepping in with tea and advice - I think because he’s very similar to Azula, he can offer a unique and honest perspective to her)
8. Confrontation / temptation by Ozai
9. Taking responsibility for how she behaved towards Ty Lee / Mai
10. Getting a closure as regards Ursa
11. Azula getting a new sense of purpose / understanding her destiny.
I see her doing amends along the way, and very slowly building a support structure around her based not on fear but on love. At the end of the arc, I’d have her realizing her full potential. I wouldn’t give her a romance during the arc itself.
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lgcrachel · 4 years
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                            LEE RACHEL • OPEN EVENT 005 • LGCPERSONALITY
easily described as a natural-born leader, rachel’s headstrong determination and palpable confidence make her more than ideal candidate for the entj personality type. as great as the type titled ‘the commander’ is, known for being efficient, energetic, confident, strategic, and inspiring, they are also (and rachel incredibly so) known for being stubborn, impatient, arrogant, and rather poor at handling their emotions. an entj’s obsession with efficacy or perfection can often make them appear cold and ruthless, especially in a professional setting. for entj’s, failure is not an option.
in enneagram types, rachel scored most high as a type eight with only a 2% difference between it and type one. type eights are known as assertive and passionate, and are considered more ‘doers’ than thinkers, willingly making tough decisions and prepared to accept the consequences if things go wrong. dubbed, ‘the challenger’, type eights are always seeking to challenge themselves and improve in any area they can- for rachel, this goes hand in hand with her nearly type one score, being called ‘the perfectionist’.
as a slytherin, rachel tests steadily as 100% of one- perhaps insomuch as their ruthlessness or cunning, but more in how closely guarded she keeps herself. rachel’s results are burned slytherin primary and slytherin secondary. slytherin secondaries are most aptly described as adaptable, known for being multi-faceted (or in modern terms, capable of showing a different face to different company ‘two faced’), it doesn’t feel as a betrayal of themselves to present differently when they feel the situation calls for it. as a burned primary, however, rachel’s slytherin tendencies show in that she has a strong desire to form lasting, deep relationships, but previous experiences causes her to hold most at arms length, preferring to keep a mildly distant approach to relationships.
for daemons, rachel is first described as a primate, a naturally savvy and charistmatic person more than capable of getting on people’s good sides- however, just as they are inspiring leaders, primates are also very manipulative by intuition, capable of luring others into a false sense of depth or trust. upon extended testing, her specific primate daemon is an orangutan, indepent, creative, and exploring of different possibilities.
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typicalbookdragons · 5 years
Why Yrene Towers will forever be the love of my life:
Her strong will
Her stubbornness
The fact that she hiked all the way over those mountains to her cousins farm after her mom was BURNED ALIVE
She became the best healer in the Torre besides Hafiza and she’s only twenty two
When she told that crying acolyte to go get herself cookies from cook and saying they were for Yrene
How strong she was to overcome her hatred for Adarlan to treat Chaol even though a soldier from there burned her mother alive
How she only has four dresses and doesn’t feel like she needs any more
She volunteered to fight Erawan in KOA even though she could have died
Her golden eyes and golden hair and golden skin
The fact that she’s a powerful beautiful and indepent queen in a world full of buttholes
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
My experience with the signs as a Gemini.
Aries: Jesus my oldest brother, so stubborn it hurts, always trying new things, into sports especially martial arts. Overprotective!!!! Always helping others. Big heart. Hates it when others know more than him lmao sup bro. Loves to brag! Always working hard to be the best at everything. The one I always run to when I need help. Funny but aggressive. My shield.
Taurus: um no. So conservative. You always make me want to drown you into a pool. We just don’t click.
Gemini: The only Gem I know is myself jsjsjssjsj
Cancer: you’re literally what your name says! All the love!
Leo: My brother and my best friend! The most generous people i know. They always think of others first. Biggest hearts out there. S o f t. They never grow up and that’s why I love them. Always there to cheer me up. Attention whores. ily.
Virgos: We always always always fight. Intelligent but annoying af when trying to prove a point. I wanna kill you 24/7 but I can’t live without you *mom* you taught me how to be strong and indepented ever since I was a child. The strongest and smartest woman I know. Doesn’t take shit from anybody. a real life boss. Narrow minded tho. THE TABLE IS CLEAN STOP CLEANING IT 2929949 TIMES A DAY DAMN. boring and lame af people. #sorrynotsorry
Libra: happy 24/7!!!!!!! annoying!!!!! good hearts tho. Always seeing good in others and always there to help. Insecure for no damn reason. Excessively asking for reassurance.
Scorpio: damn where do I start. Hate-love relationship. The one who always has my back. I know I can always talk to you about everything and you actually listen to me. But so stubborn. Always trying to compete with me. *we both know I’m always right* Neeeerd. I know you can’t live without me. No matter how different we are and how much we fight I know we will always be in each others lives. Talented af.
Sagittarius: LOVE Y'ALL. My second fav sign. My partner in crime. We always say that we will either end up in jail together or dead lmao. Cool but short tempered people. I used to have a crush on one. Idealist, a rebel, hilarious , competitive. I always feel comfortable around Sags. kinky motherfuckers.
Capricorn: I’m always attracted to Capricorns until I actually meet them and realise how different we are but not the ‘opposites attract’ kind of different. The 'shut the fuck up before I kick your ass’ kind of different. Good sense of humor but boring af. Always high. Y'all need jesus.
Aquarius: Some I adore some I hate. Those I adore: f u n n y a f . They don’t give a fuck. Realists. They live in a fourth dimension. We click 10000% I always want to be around you. My dad. The one I always want to talk to. He’s the funniest person I know. Doesn’t talk much. EVERYBODY LOVES HIM. He never fights but he gets irritated easily. Sarcastic af. My 3rd fav sign. Amazing people. I need more of your weirdness in my life.
Pisces: Annoying as fuck. Good hearts but easy to manipulate. Not strong personalities. So far up in the clouds that they become ignorant. They have so many dreams and goals. They play victim all the time. Very generous tho. Always there to help their loved ones.
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sky-is-the-limit · 6 years
Your opinion on Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Mars, Aries Venus and Sagittarius Rising?? Please and thank you!
kinky af short temperedloyal friendpassionated and always determined such a cool person stubborn af you think you know it all and love to argue with people just to prove that you are right you think with your heart and have the heart of a child that's why your ego and feelings get hurt you seek for adventure and excitement life is a party 24/7 selfish what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine good sense of humor indepented kind-hearted always there to help people, especially kids and animals. ride or die person you always set new goals and actually achieve them everyone wants to be your friend
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babyawacs · 4 years
.@sun @sun @odnigov @fbi you canttake badvillains everywhere what didyoudo to empower network and support the obviously goo dguys and so tahtthey dontbecome targets and degradetovillains dont attract danger  but are hardened nonvillains evenif stub born in own ways I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Indepe ndent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:// www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@sun @sun @odnigov @fbi you canttake badvillains everywhere
what didyoudo to empower network and support the obviously goodguys and so tahtthey dontbecome targets and degradetovillains
dont attract danger
but are hardened nonvillains evenif stubborn in own ways
I am Christian KISS
BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Stubborn Independence
TITLE: Stubborn Independence 
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
Imagine Loki struggling to adjust to someone who is independent and insists on paying for themselves all the time, even if it is a struggle sometimes. They need to do everything on their own. They never ask for help and refuse help. Just imagine Loki really wanting to spoil this person. Imagine how creative he would get to make life easier on this person who has captivated him.
Imagine being a talented singer at your local club. Loki comes in one night with Thor and the others (he’d rather be anywhere else but who turns down free drinks?) and gets ensnared in the voice of the beautiful singer on stage. Suddenly, his interest (and arousal) are more than piqued.
Imagine getting into a petty fight with Loki, so in retaliation, he puts everything on the top shelf where you can’t reach? 
AUTHOR’S NOTES: College AU. Loki is determined to take over Odin’s company. He works hard and has a strict schedule for success. However, with the interference of Thor and the other four, Loki’s plans are often interrupted so they can play matchmaker.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
A loud booming call for Loki made his stomach upset. The rapping of knocks and another call for Loki to join him made Loki growl.
“Brother! Come out and socialize!”
There were other voices in the common area as the main door shut loudly.
“We are all in our sleepwear so come out!” Thor was silent for a moment and Loki could hear voices of all his brother’s friends talking and laughing. Thor yelled through the door again, “I will get you out of there.”
Loki set his book down with care accompanied by a sigh. Loki checked his appearance and made adjustments. When he opened the door Thor’s cheerful face received a glare. Thor gripped Loki’s shoulder and pulled him towards the living room. More people were there than Loki had heard and noticed all the new faces. 
A short but plump body caught his eye. Then the brown hair that was still able to catch some of the fading sun set that shone through the windows. Of course, the one person who he bumped into caught his attention. As if she felt his gaze, her eyes turned to him with a glance then back to Sif. The woman did a double take and stared at him with her mouth parted.
“No way.”
Loki saw the words form on her lips and he swore he could hear them.
Thor whispered, “do you know her?”
Loki turned to face Thor in an attempt to escape, “We bumped into each other earlier.”
Thor laughed lightly to himself, “you are the one to break her phone.” Thor spoke as he rolled forward on his feet, “Trust me. Drop the entire situation. She doesn’t take anyone’s help.”
The flicker of Thor’s eyes made Loki’s heart drop. Loki hissed, “I know that look. Stop it.”
Thor waved Fandral over and he quickly went to them once Thor winked and waved to Loki’s entire body.
Fandral asked with a grin, “Which one tickled his fancy?”
Thor purposely clapped Loki’s shoulder, talked slightly above a whisper as he stood beside him. “Sirena.”
Loki understood the purpose in the movement because Fandral’s eyes were able to follow Thor and easily go to Sirena’s form behind them. Fandral’s face lightened with a huge smile. “The bigger figures are nice to hold. I must say they are very soft.”
“What?- no. It’s not like that. I bumped into her and I offered to replace her phone.”
Fandral’s eyes flickered a bit to the other side of Loki with a huge smile, “oh dear boy.” His head rose and hand patted Loki’s arm, “move on.”
Loki hissed lowly, “It is not like that!”
Thor nudged Loki, “It could be.”
Loki glared at Thor, who’s head tilted towards Sirena that was passing by.
Fandral gently lead Sirena towards Loki.
Sirena’s eyes met Loki and time stilled. All the organs in his body stilled for a horrifying moment and his body worked hard to make his mind function. It was rushing with heat that made his hands sweat. Loki played with his hands by pure habit of nerves. A learned behavior to attempt to rid the sweat off his hands.
“Sirena! This is my little brother, Loki! I hear you BUMPED into each other.”
Fandral smiled brightly, “Loki is a great guy. Very intelligent. He actually got the one scholarship…” Fandral waved to Loki to pull information.
Loki could not believe this was happening. This was not going to go well at all. “The honors scholarship.” Loki cursed the involuntary nervous swallow after. 
Sirena’s face turned towards Fandral’s who switched from an unbelievable expression to the charming one with a bright smile to Sirena again. “Yes the Honors scholarship. He has two majors, business and something with computers.”
Loki corrected Fandral, “Business Management and Computer Science.”
Sirena’s eyes went to Loki’s and a smile threatened to fully form on those lips.
Thor clapped Loki’s back with a huge smile, “always learning a billion things a day.”
Sirena smiled with direct eye contact, “soon you will know all of the world’s secrets then?”
With a glance at the apparent wingmen, Loki tentatively smiled, “there are still over 6,000 languages I need to learn. But sure.”
Those beautiful eyes widened and a huge smile overtook her face, “Perhaps you could teach me a few. I would love to learn a few songs in a different languages.”
With an attempt to keep the conversation moving, “Casual listener or musician?”
“Musician. -well. Kinda.?” The one side of her face crinkled dramatically in a thoughtful expression. “I am in the Musical Therapist major.” Her eyes stayed focused elsewhere.
Loki’s butterflies fluttered in his chest, “Than a musician. I would think you play for others?”
Her smile hesitantly returned with her eyes back on Loki, “it is mostly just little bars and hopefully soon practice in group therapy sessions. Everyone participates to a certain degree in the sessions.”
Thor spoke up and gestured to Sirena, “Mother said there were going to be music therapy groups this semester at the medical building.”
Loki watched as Sirena’s head tilted to the side slightly. “Who is your mother again?”
Thor smiled, “Frigga Odinson.”
“Ooohh. The chairperson for the medical majors. She is the nicest person I have ever met in my life. Also most patient and best at time management- she is my academic advisor too.”
Fandral teased with a small nudge, “don’t you have like, a billion jobs?”
Sirena returned the nudge a little harsher, “some people learn a billion things in different ways.” Her hair got a little out of place but she moved it with no care.
Fandral winked, “Well then are you still able to model?”
Sirena groaned, “you didn’t.”
Fandral smiled brightly.
Sirena pushed him away, “You ass! I’m going to quit.”
Fandral teased, “That art class would be dull and boring without you as a subject.”
Loki froze again.
There was no way he was going to be able to draw her. A quick glance down her body made the nerves leak out his hands. She had full breasts that gave ample cleavage from beneath the the long sleeved v-neck. Her waist distinguished with a slight inward curve and a small protruding belly. Her hips were wide and thighs that definitely looked soft… Loki’s eyes took interest in the drinks on the counter.
Fandral’s voice pulled Loki from his mind. “You agree Loki?”
Loki looked into the little circle of conversation, “what?”
Fandral smiled, “did you really think an art class would not have real models?”
Sirena crossed her arms, “Don’t get so excited Fandral. The least you will ever see me in is professional, plain bra and underwear. Besides, sometimes I get draped with some sort of cloth or clothing.”
“Such a pity.” Fandral laughed loudly at the rough shove. “I deserved that.” Fandral kept the step away to let Sif in. “I really think you have the anger of a wasp nest if you are poked wrong.”
In a quick movement Sif stepped back and Sirena whacked Fandral. 
Fandral yelped and flinched at the slap on his arm, “women slaps sting so much worse.”
Sirena smiled cheerfully, “just a small wasp sting.”
Fandral stepped further away and Sif stepped in again. There was an announcement that a movie was going to start soon. Sirena, Volstagg, as well as a few others left to make more popcorn in the kitchen.
Thor hugged Loki, “that was great brother!”
Fandral shrugged, “well. It was a little rough, but through some coaching from yours truly. Loki will have a date soon enough.”
Loki jumped in to halt the conversation, “no..”
Fandral continued as if Loki said nothing, “Sirena is somewhat a rare breed of women. She refuses all and any help. Even gifts. We know you are not exactly on a good foot right now with the whole, "I can get you any phone” thing. So Loki my friend she is not what you are used too.“
Loki hissed, "What’s that supposed to mean? That I am not her type?”
The wingmen and Sif exchanged looks.
Sif spoke for everyone, “yes.”
Thor seemed to feel Loki’s hidden hopes deflate, “Loki. You are completely different than who you were when we were younger. Your gifts now are… just items to appease. A woman like Sirena craves sincerity, and sentimental moments to remember.”
Sif spoke up again. “She would rather have a photobook of memories than an item to dust off repeatedly. Here look…” Sif sorted through her phone, “these are of last summer. We went to a few caves. She literally jumped off a cliff.”
Then there were all the pictures of caves. Everyone holding various critters native to caves. Water and land pictures all throughout the day. Loki figured at least 50 pictures had the whole group in the images. Cliff jumping into water below. The huge amusement at people laying on the beach that were in the previous pictures cliff jumping.
Loki felt the life and fun pouring out of those pictures and made him yearn for an exciting experience. Loki’s phone went off and it was time for him to go to bed.
Fandral urged Loki, “Stay up. Common. Loki. School has not started yet. Just drink some caffeine.”
Loki glanced at his phone. He already lost all of his reading time and usually Loki would be yawning but he did not feel even slightly tired. He canceled the alarm but doubled up on a wake up alarm. 
The movie was interesting and a moderately nice change. There was scenery Loki did not need to imagine like he had to with a book. Everyone discussed parts of the movie to the degrees of funny commentary or serious discussion.
When the movie was over, some people have already left for bed, but Loki’s body was alert with Sirena around.
She was so overly affectionate. She seemed to find a way to touch everyone. From shoves and highfives to rubbing arms and hugs.
She hugged him goodbye.
Her body was smaller than his in height but curse Fandral for stating the truth that fuller bodies were soft. She seemed to squish onto him in a wonderful way. Her hug made his heart flutter then fly to his throat when she parted slightly to crane her neck to show a smile.
“You give really nice hugs,” she muttered as she hugged him tighter.
Loki fell asleep easily that night.
He woke to a thump of his book falling on the floor, his alarm and a jolt from the dread of knowing he was late. He was exhausted from not being on schedule and cursed the morning for not getting proper rest. 
Loki went through his things to do for the day. The plan was to get back to his dorm and sleep without enjoying a little reading time. 
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yeswearemagazine · 7 years
...one More Decision.
With the civil war risks caused by the stubbornness of the separatists in Catalonia, the magazine takes a new direction : it won’t anymore welcome the people who are unable to get that the more they push towards independence NOW, the more risks they make us live in for the present and future. As I have stopped welcoming here the people who were broadcasting death threats to Trump last year, I will act as just said, until the most excited separatists calm down. I’ll once again remind that I have never been opposed to the indep. project, just that the conditions and situation created by the fake vote of the other day, still illegal whatever the propaganda on this - all proofs are on my Fb, included on the manipulation on an UN declaration which was for the UN members, which Catalonia, of course, has never been- have created a chaos whose consequences can absolutely go anywhere. See, also, my other text of this morning, and many, many developments in the recent period of my personal Fb, in texts, links, comments, answers. I will also ask all the people all over the world who have Spain and Catalonia (in the way they exist now) in the heart, to express it in all the ways they want, and to send me submissions on this topic, in French and English. Last point : I’ll ask you to stop fearing being associated with extreme-right if you defend Spain and Catalonia as it is : this fear has been instillated in you by the indep. propagandists and the people who repeat this propaganda all over the world, among which many antifas.
As written on my Fb, this “revolution” is a mix between extreme-left (the worst) and many other parts of the political chess, included a lot of nationalism in the usual meaning of the term, which of course means xenophobic and extreme-right whatever the dreams of the participants on the fact that they wouldn’t be so. The petit-bourgeois spirit is the most present, and the main trigger of the project and the current shit (money revolution - refusal to share the wealth of the region with Spain, which they despise to the core). Basile Pesso, Barcelona, SPAIN, 7 october 2 017.
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movie-addict24 · 7 years
Thoughts about ep.20 Gotham
1.) WTF is up with LEE??  I’m sorry I don’t support this story line. She gave herself the virus... why? cause she thought she deserved it? But then she gets the virus and it becomes all about getting her man to take the virus too so they can be together cause what? they couldn’t be together without the virus. I’m sorry I hate when they make ladies crazy or villains all because of a man!  she was a STRONG, INTELLIGENT, INDEPENT woman when she got to Gotham. Now the writers made her into nothing but a Babs wanna be.  (who also annoys me as well) I know I know it’s Gotham they are all criminally insane and there are no happily ever afters. I just wanted one woman who was different. OY VEY.
2.) I LOVE me some Alfred!!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE this Butler!!!  Also ABSOLUTELY ADORE Harvey!! MY mens!!!!
3.) Jim... UGH... I friggin hate Lee.  Although maybe it’s good he already had the virus cause he would have gotten it anyway. They better find a cure by the end of the finale cause they can’t be playing my Jim like that. 
4.)FISH MOONEY IN DA HOUSE!!! Love her. 
5.) BRUCE!!! what is happening? come back to us!!!
6.)okay now to  NYGMOBBLEPOT.  (looks bleak and sadly if they don’t do anything to even talk or come to a resolution by the end of this finale I’m going to be really upset) It’s like all roads lead us to believe that They both have feelings for each other. The hallucination of Os singing seductively to him is at the top of the list. I don’t think they’d be putting this much into the relationship if it was going to not pay out at the end. I’ve seen enough tv I my life ( my nickname used to be tv buddah) to know where this is leading but yet, I still have a little doubt at times. Honestly, anyone can see Ed does NOT want to kill Penguin. He had the opportunity in the cell with the knife to his throat (anyone who really wants a person to pay wouldn’t have held to their end of the bargain and slit their throat right there. and Penguin trusted him enough not to. which says a lot) He had the opportunity right when he found penguin butch was ready to kill him right there, but he stopped and said “something is not right” ( seriously... who cares he’d be dead before you figured out what wasn’t right.)  Also, when they find him and he says I won’t kill you until you call me the Riddler. I think deep down he knows Oswald won’t do that, he’d never give in. I love how he tells him this can take hours maybe even days. if he wanted revenge so bad he’d kill him  then and there.
They are playing a game with each other because they are both too afraid/stubborn to admit how they really feel.  All of this build up, all of this angst has to lead up something. And if its not going to be the two of them making out then I  will at least settle for them becoming friends again, but nothing less. so help me god Gotham if You don’t deliver you will suffer my wrath.
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kandismon · 8 years
i don’t usually blog about my actual life, mostly it’s just snippets you can see on twitter and even those i tend to delete after a few days because sharing things about my life always feels embarrassing so i can’t guarantee that i won’t delete this once i get up in the morning but right now i’m having a feeling so please bear with me for a moment
i quit my job in november to pursue a life as an indepent freelance artist because i felt like it was finally The Time and i was tired of bending to the will of shitty bosses who don’t give a single fuck about their employees and i discovered i’m not the right person for that kind of life (believe me, i tried). while i’ve been doing freelance work over the past year it was only part of my job, i went full-time freelancer only recently and i certainly can’t tell yet if this is the right way for me to go but i can say that i haven’t felt this good in ??? 10 years??? my financial situation is not the best right now, i know i will have to pay more than i earn for the next couple of months but i haven’t felt this much peace within myself for a long, long time and for me, personally, that’s an incredible achievement.
when friends asked me to go out a couple of months ago i’d be sitting here, thinking about if i could deal with More Human Contact or if it would fuck me up and for the first time in years i can now just. spontaneously agree because no responsibilities are wearing me down, except for my own and i know how to deal with them.
i feel way more open to things that are important to me, less tired, less sad ??? for lack of a better word, and idk if my way of thinking is naive or whatever but not having a fixed regular job feels So So good and the thought of actually starving to death if i don’t keep myself disciplined is helping a lot to make me pay attention to my health and my work and the things i want to achieve in life. i’m working hard every day but i am starting to also understand that there is more to life than just meeting other’s expectations.
IT ALSO. makes me cherish the moments i get to spend with people close to me, because SUDDENLY i am able to just say YES if they ask me to go out for a drink and now here i am after a few hours of talking to someone i love, still learning new things about them after knowing each other for more than 10 years and i don’t feel guilty about spending time with them, when, earlier, i would’ve been worried about “wasting” my free time after work that i could’ve used drawing instead of meeting people.
idk i guess what i want to say is that. my mind is always a panicked mess of what if’s but these days, no matter how much i worry or panic, i feel like i’m doing something right for once and that’s good and i’m stubborn enough to follow my path no matter what happens and i’m SO GLAD i’m too fucking angry and stubborn to be someone’s willing minimum-wage slave and i’d rather be my own boss and earn even less but at least i can do whatever the fuck i want and deal with the consequences on my own so suCK MY DICK CORPORATE ASSHOLES
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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AURORA is pleased to introduce Adara known as Tremors or Dirty Claws, an Uncommon Sandmaid affiliated to the Earth Headquarter. She is 22 years old. Currently working as a Freelancer Model, she likes sunbathing, hot drinks, salty food, cacti plants, arid temperatures and fashion but is not very fond of humidity/humid days, cold water, cold drinks, sweets, bad fashion and being bossed around. Wanna know more about her, make sure to pay a visit !!
name: Adara Tremors
alias: Tremors, Dirty Claws
age: 22
affiliated: yes or no ?
if yes, headquarter: Earth
race: Sandmaid
race description: A sandmaid is the earth equivalent to a mermaid, they move underground and this type is more of a desert or dry soil type, unlike their cousins the Soilmaids which can move under any type of terrain. Sandmaids can move under dirt too, but they would be slower and they rather not move under moistened ground since they hate humidity, could even cause a bit of a rash on their skin. They are sassy and have a dry sense of humor generally speaking, can be very aggressive and even violent too, and very territorial, however they also carry the charm that distinguishes mermaids too-- they can easily seduce their target. They’re also a very indepent species, yet a bit dumb or clumsy when it comes to feelings, since they basically raise themselves up, so it takes them a while to understand the whole feelings thing. Sandmaids, unlike Mermaids, are not born from their parents-- like a phoenix from the ashes, Sandmaids simply emerge from the ground, and to the ground they return when they die, turning into a pile of sand. The story tells that’s how Earth deserts were made, thousands of pounds of sand covering the arid places, are just the remains of dead Sandmaids and Sandmen. Their lifespan is approximately 500 years and they know when they will die, so they go back to the place they were born to meet their fate.   And last but not least, they are sand benders of course and they can dehydrate organic tissue to the touch. Typical traits are, honey eyes, dark hair, rugged skin, retractable claws/nails for better digging on both hands and feet, and hidden thorns for defense.
occupation: Model + Part-time Design Student
unique features: Rugged Skin & Retractable Nails/Claws, and Spikes || Septum Piercing
class: uncommon
main power: Sand Bending
magical abilities: Sand Bending - She can manipulate sand at will, its properties, move or lift it at any wanted speed, build weapons out of sand, generate quicksand and generate sand from nothing. Transfiguration - Since she is made of sand, she can turn into sand herself, either to spy or just to sneak through small places. Dehydrating Touch - She can dehydrate organic matter/tissue to the touch. Seductive Magic - She can enchant/seduce people while staring into their eyes.
non-magical abilities: Burrowing -  She is capable of tunneling through the earth with ease. She possess no ability to move the tectonic plates of Earth, but if she digs at superhuman speed, she can make strong vibrations that might feel like an earthquake within the ratio of her actions. Defense - There are spikes underneath her skin that comes out, covering her completely like a cactus if she feels endangered. Physical Combat - She is slightly trained in Krav Maga
weaknesses: Humidity - Humidity causes her physical weakness and can cause a rash on her skin. Moisten Soil - She can’t dig as fast on moisten/humid soil, and like mentioned before could cause her a rash on her skin. Draining - Using her dehydrating touch power for too long or on big organisms can drain her to dangerous levels, leaving her vulnerable to her attacker. Limited Seduction - Her charming powers only work if the other person is looking right into her eyes. Physical Combat - Even though she is trained, she rather use her sand powers at a safe distance because it feels safer.
likes: sunbathing, hot drinks, salty food, cacti plants, arid temperatures and fashion
dislikes: humidity/humid days, cold water, cold drinks, sweets, bad fashion and being bossed around
positive traits: Friendly, Funny, Caring, Outgoing, Diligent, Independent
neutral traits: Observant, Sassy, Flirty, Sly, Prankster, Reserved, Blunt
negative traits: Snappy, Sassy, Salty, Selfish, Violent, Prideful.
mental state: N/A
personality description: Adara is not a typical girl, and not because she is distant or apathetic, no, on the contrary she is really outgoing and even friendly if stroked the right way. But, given her nature she is rather blunt which can shy away many people, and she is also sassy to the very core, specially if she is having a bad hair day. Adara is snappy and short tempered, so when she gets mad her tongue gets loose and she won’t hold it back nor will be sorry about it. Not necessarily will be loud and cause a ruckus but be sure her words will hurt. She is territorial and violent when it comes to it, spending so many years alone in the desert made her that way-- what’s hers, either a piece of meat or a friend, it’s hers. It isn’t easy for her to let go of a grudge either, she can say she forgives you, but lowkey will always be salty about it and poke into the wound at any given opportunity. Also she is prideful, is not easy for her to admit she committed a mistake, and when she does she gets distant because the acceptance hurts her pride. On the other hand, despite her dislike for candy, she can be very sweet and loving. Adara cares a lot for the people she loves and protects them to the very end. Is not easy for her to get utterly attached to someone, since even after 22 years she haven’t been able to grasp well on understanding other people’s emotions and her own, but when she does, she’ll do whatever it takes to make them happy. However, she tends to hurt the people she loves when she talks too much, specially under snappy conditions. She is also very flirty and sultry in demeanor, and sometimes she can’t even tell, all part of her maid nature.
place/realm of birth: Baja California Desert
date/era of birth: 09.01.94
if half-breed, parents: N/A
if water/earth being, nature: Desert
biography description: Summer was not over and Autumn was not there yet, and caught in the middle Adara emerged from the arid soil in a warm September. As a Sandmaid, having no parents, she had to make her way to survive, spending the first months as an outcast hidden in the pits of the Baja California Desert where she was born in. Alone, trapped in the body of a naked young adult. She hated having to kill but the lives of a scorpion, a snake or a desert mouse, but they were not more important than her own right now, she had to survive and live this millennium to nourish her legacy and leave something to learn from the future generation of sandmaid, or sandmen that would emerge from her remains. Being born without parent, without family, the first years of existence mold a sandmaid to be a really independent species, but after a few years of wondering through the desert like a caveman, the young maid got curious about the world. All the wonders the past generation has seen and lived themselves started to grow on her, wanting to go out and explore, but she was naked-- yet also lonely, so it was time to apply her surviving skills in a more dangerous place, the city, surrounded by other people she had yet to figure how to deal with them. Her ancestor left a note at the back of her brain before dying, with instructions on what to do and how to get a fake identity so she could bled into society. So she did-- she engaged on her journey at night, arriving to town late enough to find every clothes store closed, so she had to steal. Using her powers to turn to sand, she allowed herself into the nearest store ventilation system, choosing a nice outfit after comparing herself to the manikin and vanished out of the store the same way not withought grabbing a small purse as well. It was time to go to the suburbs to find her identity. Gourdon, that was the name she remembered, yet she was not sure how many years passed between her ancestor’s death and her emerging body. Hopefully he was still the guy. Nope-- he wasn’t, yet she found a guy named Jeff who she could easily seduce, noticing for the first time she had some effect over the weaker race. He had this box he called laptop? And somehow she managed to make him hack into some system she was not familiarized with but when he asked for a wanted name, she hummed in thoughts. “Adara Tremors.” She said without hesitance, soon enough he had her papers ready, and before he could blink she was gone. That’s how Adara spent the rest of her years, making her way through civilization with slyness and caution, since she looked the same for so many years she had to move around the country a few times until three years ago, when she was contracted by this modeling agency because of her defined looks and since she would soon start aging like a normal human would, at least until her mid forties, she decided to settle. California is her home, but she easily travels around the world because of her work, plus has access to every magical portal ever since she made herself part of Aurora. She joined the brotherhood twelve years ago, skeptical about it since she is mostly a free spirit and hates to be bossed around, stubborn to the very core, however she found pertinent to join-- for her own safety and everyone else’s. She was harshly trained, and to be honest even now twelve years later, she is still not confident in physical combat, but that doesn’t makes her useless at all-- she just can’t be good at everything. But don’t underestimate her, she is quite dangerous, specially from afar.
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