#studio musique
iamromao · 2 months
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unempirepourtonsourire · 10 months
Ça sonne à la porte de chez moi, évidemment je suis en pyjama en train de canner à cause de mon rhume, donc j'enfile une veste en vitesse histoire de cacher la misère et j'ouvre la porte. Je tombe sur 2 mecs très stylé genre bien habillé un peu street, et ils me demandent si je sais où est le studio de musique. J'ai évidemment aucune idée de quoi ils me parlent, et ils me disent qu'ils font du rap et qu'il y a un studio d'enregistrement à mon étage. Donc là je leur dit "bah désolé en fait je connais pas mes voisins donc je sais pas" et là qui est-ce qui sort de nulle part avec un grand sourire ? Mon voisin ! Qui me dit "bah salut enchanté" mdr le mec il habite à côté de chez moi et je l'avais jamais vu. Il est plutot bg et il a un sourire trop mignon. C'était très cocasse, et du coup on dit au 2 mecs que le studio de musique c'est sûrement dans l'appartement du fond, là où il y à la collocation. Bref encore un échange très gênant en pyjama avec des mecs supers stylés
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fredc44 · 9 months
Optima (electro music)
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Cinema for the ear!
Trevor Wishart - Red Bird (A Political Prisoner's Dream) (York Electronic Studios, 1978; Sub Rosa, 2015)
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art-vortex · 1 year
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(via Coussin avec l'œuvre « "Studio Monitor Speakers: Music Techno" » de l'artiste Art-Vortex-fr)
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luc ne connait pas la chanson
reseuax : lucas studio off | lucas studio | maxallix | brieux | cloe_zzini | tho
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nouvellesdumaquis · 7 months
Giorgio Alessani - The Mess We Leave Behind
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Giorgio Alessani dévoile un album à la beauté romantique écrit pendant les semaines de pandémie : The Mess we leave behind qui sort le 01 mars 2024 sur le label Alfa Music. Magnifique album de jazz pour le musicien, chanteur, accompagné d'un groupe au sommet avec André Ceccarelli à la batterie, Cédric Hanriot au piano, M-Carlos au saxophone, et Rember Duharte à la trompette et avec la participation de la chanteuse Anne Sila.
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The Mess We Leave Behind est le fruit d’un moment de la vie de Giorgio, passé dans une pièce, isolé du monde, à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations, de nouvelles mélodies et de nouveaux sons qui représentent au mieux ses pensées et ses émotions.
Chanteur à la voix splendide et aux musiques pleines de sensibilité, Giorgio Alessani s’installe comme une valeur sûre au milieu des chanteurs de jazz dans la lignée de David Linx. Compositeur, instrumentiste – pianiste et batteur – arrangeur, Giorgio Alessani nous offre avec ce dernier opus une création originale et un savoureux mélange de Jazz classique et d’harmonies contemporaines sur des textes écrits par le poète New Yorkais Cedric McLester.
A retrouver le 29 février 2024 sur la scène du Studio de l'Ermitage
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👉Just The Way You Are
👉Barry White Experience.Paris.
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toobabshakur · 11 months
"Bien que la musique puisse transcender les barrières linguistiques, elle parle directement à l'âme." - Hans Christian Andersen
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mycoversbox · 1 year
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The B-52's - Roseland, New York City, April 19, 1982
I was in NYC for a couple of days earlier this month and though time was limited, I did of course find a minute to visit a local record store — Academy Records on W. 18th St. Digging through the $5 bin, I found a nice copy of the B-52's' David Byrne-produced Mesopotamia mini-album, which I've always loved, but have never had on vinyl before. A no-brainer! As I checked out, I noticed that Mesopotamia had been recorded at Bob Blank's Blank Tape Studio, and some quick Google mapping revealed that I was just moments away from where that studio used to be on 37 W. 20th St. A legendary spot, as a footnote in Jesse Rifkin's great This Must Be The Place details:
"[T]he studio's discography includes Television's seminal punk single "Little Johnny Jewel"; disco hits by Musique, Class Action, Crown Heights Affair, and Inner Life; groundbreaking remixes by deejays like Larry Levan, Francois Kervorkian, and Tee Scott; and no-wave/mutant disco albums by the likes of James Chance, Lydia Lunch, Lizzy Mercier Descloux, and DNA. It was the favored studio of genre-bending auteur Arthur Russell, and classic albums by Talking Heads (Speaking In Tongues), the Gun Club (Miami), Joe Bataan (Mestizo), Ashford & Simpson (Solid), the B-52's (Mesopotamia), Miami Sound Machine (Eyes of Innocence) and Sun Ra (Lanquidity) were all tracked there."
All that and Madonna's first single, too! New York City is like this, of course — a neverending web of connections, a labyrinth of layers upon layers upon layers. You could spend your life walking down its streets, discovering the strange stories behind every building's facade. I could never hack it there full-time, but god bless the people who can!
Anyway — the B-52's! What a wonderful band. Here they are at Roseland (239 W. 52nd St.) right around the time that Mesopotamia came out. A killer SBD tape, featuring an expanded lineup: Dave Buck and Ralph Carney on horns. We get a bunch of the new mini-album, plus plenty of stuff from their already stuffed back catalogue. As with any B-52's tape, I'm sure it's not as good as being there in person, but it's still one heck of a party. Nip it in the bud!
(Oh and hey — this old Pitchfork column of mine has more live jams if you need to further celebrate the miracle of the B-52's.)
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mamusiq · 3 months
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Françoise Hardy - Mon amie la rose Hommage pour ses 80 ans ! Jan 14, 2024 "Mon amie la rose" est l'une des chansons phares de la chanteuse Françoise HARDY. Une chanson poétique qui parle de la mort d'une manière raffinée et parfois implicite. Sortie en 1964.
Françoise Hardy Greatest Hits 🌹 RIP 1944 - 2024 🌹
Françoise Madeleine Hardy 17 January 1944 – 11 June 2024) 🌹 was a French singer-songwriter and actress. Mainly known for singing melancholic sentimental ballads, Hardy rose to prominence in the early 1960s as a leading figure of the yé-yé wave.
In addition to her native French, she also sang in English, Italian and German. Her career spanned more than fifty years with over thirty studio albums released.
Born and raised in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, Hardy made her musical debut in 1962 on French label Disques Vogue and found immediate success through the song "Tous les garçons et les filles". Drifting away from her early rock and roll influences, she began to record in London in 1964, which allowed her to broaden her sound with albums such as Mon amie la rose, L'amitié, La maison où j'ai grandi and Ma jeunesse fout le camp….
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, she released Comment te dire adieu, La question and Message personnel, to further establish her artistry. In this period, she worked with songwriters such as Serge Gainsbourg, Patrick Modiano, Michel Berger and Catherine Lara. Between 1977 and 1988, she worked with producer Gabriel Yared with the albums Star, Musique saoûle, Gin Tonic and À suivre. Her 1988 record Décalages was widely publicized as Hardy's final album, although she returned eight years later with Le danger, which completely reinvented her sound to a harsher alternative rock. Her following albums of the 2000s—Clair-obscur, Tant de belles choses and (Parenthèses…) - saw a return to her mellow style. In the 2010s, Hardy released her last three albums: La pluie sans parapluie, L'amour fou, and Personne d'autre.
Hardy remains one of the best-selling singers in French history, and continues to be regarded as an iconic and influential figure in both French pop and fashion.
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sillygoose067 · 6 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: Yes there are mentions of Kpop in here. Yes the next chapter will probably have a lot more. You know what? Deal with it. That said, feel free to send me requests, and I might write something for them in the future. Can’t really say if I have any specific criteria or people/groups, but feel free to shoot your shot!
The first thing you do when you get back home isn’t even going and telling Marie about your recent developments. You race to your room, pull out your phone, and dial your mom’s number.  
“Mummum! তুমি ভাবতে পারবে না আজকে কি হবে!(You’ll never guess what happened today!)”
“I got a boyfriend!”, you squeal through the phone.
She gasps. “তার নাম কি? ছবি পাঠাও! (What’s his name? Send me pictures!)”
You grin at her request. “Just search up Charles Leclerc”.
The line goes silent for a minute while she does this. All of the sudden, you hear her commenting on his looks and squealing at the photos. You hear her call your sister to show her, and you hear you sister talk animatedly, trying to explain to your mother that Charles Leclerc is a very famous F1 driver that drives for Ferrari. 
When you return to the living room, Marie is there sitting patiently, waiting to hear the news from you. You tell her and she begins grabbing your arms and dancing around the room. “I told you, didn't I? I knew you would finally get to experience everything you missed out!”
You take a step back and exhale. Then you come forward and embrace her tightly. “Thank you, Marie. None of this would have happened without you.”
Just as you were about to call your managers at the studio, you get a message from JYP Entertainment. 
Stray Kids have requested your presence. Please come by this Saturday. 
You make a call to Charles instead. “Hé, chérie”.
“Hé Charles. I was going to book us a day at the studio, but appels du devoir(duty calls). Je dois me rendre en Corée avant samedi. Voulez-vous m'accompagner ? Il y a des génies de la musique qui vous aideront mieux là-bas, et vous pourrez rencontrer mes collègues…(I need to get to Korea by Saturday. Would you like to accompany me? There are musical geniuses that would be a better help to you there, and you can meet my colleagues…)”
There’s a pause. You hear a rustling of papers and him tapping at his phone. “Ok. Je viens de vérifier, je suis en congé ce mois-ci, donc je peux y aller (Ok. I just checked, I have this month off, so I can go)”.
You punch the air. “Yes!”, and you hear his chuckles on the other side of the phone. Oops. Oh well. 
“On va bien s'amuser! (We’re gonna have so much fun!)”
“Avec toi comme guide, je suis sûr que nous y arriverons, ma chérie (With you as my guide, I’m sure we will sweetheart)”. 
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David Gilmour at Forum Musiques, ORTF Studios (22/01/1969)
There’s a short clip after the performance where David talks French 😌
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si vous aimez la chanson ce qu'on était par pierre garnier vous adorez absolument cette version
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more-relics · 2 years
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Roger Waters  Pink Floyd, Forum Musiques, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont  Paris, january 22 1969, France. Photo by Jean-Pierre Leloir.
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