artleaguemdcnorth · 11 months
FIGURE DRAWING CLASS - MIDTERM Instructions / 10/27/2023
Figure Drawing class we will review this information on Tuesday but you need to read and start working on getting materials and preliminary ideas for this assignment beginning this weekend.
Take notes and bring questions to class on tuesday.
I will have a post on Tuesday regarding the in class assignment, students will work with ink , brushes, nib and Bristol on this day.
We can trace the history of self portraits to the early Rennaissance. 
One of the earliest examples of self portraiture is seen in the work of Sandro Botticelli. The idea of spending time analising the self was unheard of. 
It was a tradition during the Rennaissace to include the wealthy patrons or important figures of the time in paintings, specially those who commisioned the work  such as the pope or bishops of the church. 
I imagine in that setting , Botticelli must have thought well, if I include the bishop or pope why can’t I be part of it as well. 
And thus we begin to see this very important practice of self portraiture.
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In the painting below, by Raphael Sanzio, “The School of Athens” we see not only a portrait by Raphael, but also included ,many of his contemporaries such as D’Vinci, Michelangelo and many others. 
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 I have included the link from Wikipedia so students can see the artists included in the painting.
As we continue to research throughout history we find artists using their image to studythe features of the face and body.
The convenience of looking at the self for that study allowed artist to explore in depth the human character.
Below we see the portrait by another Northern Rennaisance artist Albrecht Durer and below that Baroque artist Rembrandt:
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Albrecht Durer
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In that spirit, starting on Tuesday (10/31 ) after class, students will begin working on the Midterm assignment for Homework. 
You must use time everyday to work on this methodically and regularly. 
I will provide some class time to work on this assignment begining on Thursday 11/2/23 .
Students will have a free day on Thursday and will work from home. You do not need to come to class on this day.
Primarily , this will be a homework assignment with some in class days and I will encourage students to work on it daily.
The Midterm will require for students to invest a total amount of working hours of 30 - 45 hrs. 
Understand that some of you might need more time than that. 
All work will be done using only graphite pencils on handmade Arches paper.
You will be working from a mirror, and You may use a photo for reference of the body (not the face) if you decide to do a full body portrait.  
Materials needed: 
Arches 22 x 30 , hot press, smooth surface 
(2 sheets for full body portrait. ) 
Graphite pencils 
Kneaded eraser
( I will allow some students to work with the Bristol paper, 18 x 24 . It will be on a one to one basis.)
In class we will continue to work with figure. 
On Tuesday, students will work with graphite pencils on Bristol paper ( size 18 x 24 ). 
We will continue with tonal and value assignments and will be practicing using the pencil in class.
In addition to the class time that I will provide students will need to use HW time , everyday to work on this assignment .
Students will develop a concept around the idea of self portraiture.
You will use a mirror as reference for the portrait.
You must look at yourself in the mirror as this in turn shows in the portrait as a confrontation between the artist an the audience.
Do not have the eyes looking away, you must look at yourself in the mirror.
Doing so will engage the audience/ viewer.
Create a light source so that you can give drama to the portrait.
Keep soft values , nothing in real life is complete black or complete white but rather a series of values in between.
I will be sharing videos with tips on hair, eyes, mouth etc.
If you can not see your eye lashes then you do not need to include them.
This assignment should take anywhere from 30 -45 hrs of work and for some of you even more.
Shading slowly and carefully takes the longest.
Make sure that you add elements to the portrait that tells an additional story about the self.
This can happen through the choice of clothes you choose or an instrument you hold in your hands.
Below you will find portraits from previous classes.
Notice how students in the past have incorporated details about themselves in these portraits.
Here is a quick analysis of the proportions of the face:
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Below see student work over the years in my class:
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We will continue to meet in person to work with the figure  weekly  except for the day(s) noted below.
I will add more days as needed.
The first day to work from home is below :
Thursday 11 /2
ALL STUDENTS SHOULD Use time wisely to work on the self portrait.
Due Date for Midterm is 11/16/2023
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robotslenderman · 1 year
It's 2AM and I'm Awake so I'm making it everyone else's problem with a rant about radiology.
Specifically, my biggest pet peeve about this job, which is other radiology professionals who don't know the difference between a radiologist and a radiographer
I don't expect the average person to know the difference because of how similar the terms are, but people who have my specific job or something related - I ran into them all the time and they still didn't fucking know and it led to a lot of bullshit.
To be specific, a radioGRAPHER works with images (graph). Radiographers take Xrays and CTs and MRIs. Their job is essentially customer service so they're pretty down to earth. No matter how busy these guys are they're almost always polite.
Enter the radiologists.
These guys are the opposite. They literally work alone in a dark room like Gollum. I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were coked up given some of their workloads - some of them slam back studies like frat boys with shots. RadioLOGISTS (ology) studythe images and make diagnoses. Often the radiographer will spot a break or that something is off, but the radiologist is the one who ultimately is responsible for the formal diagnosis and the one who gets in trouble if something is missed.
The reason why it's important to know the difference is because three out of ten radiologists agree that the other seven in ten are batshit unhinged. I'm not exaggerating, roughly three out of ten radiologists are absolute sweethearts and the other seven are off the fucking planet, there is no in between and the extremes are generally EXTREME. They're complete fucking primadonnas. I've had radiologists refuse to do their jobs for the pettiest of bullshit. I've had radiologists fuck off in the middle of the day, brazenly announcing they're going to swim in the pool for a few hours, and face no consequences because there's a shortage and they can do whatever the fuck they want. I've had radiologists completely fail to turn up to their shifts with no consequences because again, they know they are irreplaceable. I worked with one guy I'm pretty sure had dementia who was being actively investigated and another dude who sounded drunk every time I talked to him. They get away with behaviour that would have any minimum wage worker fired in three seconds. SOME OF THEM HAVE MULTIPLE FULL TIME JOBS AND ARE ROLLING IN IT WHILE GETTING READY FOR THE INEVITABLE STROKE THEY'RE GONNA GIVE THEMSELVES.
Even the nicest radiologists hate being interrupted and even when it's your job to interrupt them, many are prone to tantrums if you interrupt them. My senior boss described managing them as akin to being a mother, but I think it's more accurate to say it is like nannying rich kids. You can discipline your own children. With rich kids, you can't - you have to trick them into doing what you want them to do because if they throw a tantrum you'll be the one disciplined.
Anyway this is a long winded way of saying that the reason why radiology professionals not knowing the difference between radiologists and radiographers is because of the sheer fucking number of times I've had conversations that went basically like this:
Me: Hey receptionist, the images your radiographer sent us have problems, but these are a bit too complicated for me to relay to them through you. Could I have a word with them?
Receptionist who works in radiology and should know better: He's not available but I can put you through to the head radiologist?
Me, immediately getting a mental image of a coked up Gollum and getting flashbacks to the last time a radiologist bit my head off for daring to speak to them, except this one has a crown and is even crankier and even more unhinged because this the King Radiologist: WHY THS ALMIGHTY FUCK WOULD YOU PUT ME THROUGH THAT?!?
Receptionist: ????
This exchange is paraphrased, imagine me saying the same thing but in professional language and tone of voice.
Anyway. This inevitably ends up in a lot of confusion as they give me a heart attack and I try to talk them out of putting me through, but they're super confused and can't understand why I'd ring up and tell them to do something and freak out when they try to do it, until their inevitable confusion clues me into the fact that somehow this person made it into the radiology department without actually knowing what the difference between the two is, so I ask them what they think the "radiologist" does and it turns out that they're just trying to get me in touch with the head radiographer. It's even worse when I'm talking to a doctor because they should definitely know better.
Anyway. That's my rant for the day. Radiologists will drive you to drink.
They're definitely like kids though, in that they're little shits that will put you through the wringer but fuck if you don't develop some sort of Stockholm syndrome and start missing the fuckers when they're gone. At my current job one of the radiologists is even more unhinged than I'm used to (DM if you want to hear a story which would get you fired from literally any other job if you did it, but I don't want to doxx myself) and I'm genuinely sad that I won't have to wrangle the bastard even though I know he'd give me a god damn stroke from having to put up with his bullshit.
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keblin · 2 years
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Bear Study
The poses aren't too dramatic but it was fun doing some heavy bears! Look at me, actually practicing some art! Enjoy!
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peterfernandas · 29 days
Aluminium Wire Drawing Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Setup and Cost
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The demand for aluminium wire is on the rise due to its versatility and wide range of applications across various industries. From electrical wiring and telecommunications to construction and automotive sectors, aluminium wire plays a crucial role. The Aluminium Wire Drawing Manufacturing Plant Project report outlines the vision and strategic plan for setting up a facility dedicated to producing high-quality aluminium wire. This article delves into the components of the project, including feasibility, benefits, and operational considerations, providing a clear roadmap for establishing a successful manufacturing plant.
What is Aluminium Wire Drawing?
Aluminium wire drawing is a process that involves reducing the diameter of aluminium wire by pulling it through a series of progressively smaller dies. This process enhances the wire's strength and flexibility, making it suitable for various applications. The drawing process also ensures that the wire meets specific standards for electrical conductivity, tensile strength, and durability.
Purpose of the Manufacturing Plant
The primary purpose of establishing an aluminium wire drawing plant is to produce high-quality aluminium wire for a range of industrial and commercial applications. The plant will focus on:
Producing wire with varying diameters and specifications to meet diverse customer needs.
Implementing efficient manufacturing processes to ensure high-quality production and cost-effectiveness.
Supporting industries that rely on aluminium wire for their products and operations.
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Key Components of the Project
Feasibility StudyThe feasibility study is a crucial first step, assessing the project's viability. It involves analyzing market demand, potential competition, investment costs, and financial projections. This study helps identify the plant's location, required technology, and potential risks, ensuring that the project is both economically and operationally sound.
Regulatory ComplianceAdhering to regulatory standards is essential for operating a manufacturing plant. This includes meeting local and international standards for manufacturing, environmental protection, and worker safety. Compliance with regulations such as ISO certifications and environmental impact assessments ensures that the plant operates legally and sustainably.
Facility Design and ConstructionDesigning and constructing the plant involves creating a layout that supports efficient workflow and safety. Key components of the facility include:
Wire drawing machines and ancillary equipment.
Quality control laboratories for testing and ensuring product standards.
Storage areas for raw materials and finished products.
Administrative and support areas to manage operations and staff.
Wire Drawing ProcessThe core of the manufacturing process is wire drawing, which includes:
Pre-treatment: Preparing the aluminium billets by cleaning and heating them.
Drawing: Pulling the billets through a series of dies to achieve the desired wire diameter.
Post-treatment: Conducting processes like annealing to improve the wire's properties.
Spooling: Winding the finished wire onto spools for storage and distribution.
Quality ControlQuality control is integral to ensuring that the aluminium wire meets industry standards and customer requirements. This includes:
Testing for mechanical properties such as tensile strength and elongation.
Conductivity testing to ensure electrical performance.
Visual inspection to detect any defects or irregularities.
Market Analysis and DistributionA thorough market analysis helps identify potential customers, including manufacturers, construction companies, and electrical utilities. Developing effective distribution strategies ensures that the wire reaches the intended markets efficiently. This may involve establishing partnerships with distributors, setting up logistics, and implementing marketing strategies.
Potential Benefits
Economic GrowthEstablishing an aluminium wire drawing plant can stimulate local economic growth by creating jobs, attracting investment, and supporting related industries. The plant's operation can boost the local economy and enhance regional development.
Industry SupportThe plant will provide a reliable source of high-quality aluminium wire, supporting various industries that depend on this material. This helps meet the growing demand and ensures that industries have access to the products they need.
Innovation and TechnologyThe project can drive innovation by incorporating advanced technology in the wire drawing process. This can lead to improvements in wire quality, production efficiency, and overall competitiveness in the market.
Challenges and Risks
Investment CostsSetting up a manufacturing plant involves significant capital investment. Costs include facility construction, equipment acquisition, and operational expenses. Managing these costs effectively is crucial for the project's success.
Regulatory ComplianceNavigating the regulatory landscape can be complex. Ensuring compliance with all relevant standards and obtaining necessary certifications requires thorough planning and attention to detail.
Market FluctuationsThe demand for aluminium wire can be influenced by market fluctuations and economic conditions. Staying adaptable and responsive to market changes is essential for maintaining profitability and sustainability.
 What is the main purpose of an aluminium wire drawing plant?
The main purpose is to produce high-quality aluminium wire for various applications, including electrical wiring, telecommunications, and construction. The plant aims to meet the growing demand for aluminium wire across different industries.
What are the key steps in the wire drawing process?
The key steps include pre-treatment of aluminium billets, drawing the wire through progressively smaller dies, post-treatment processes like annealing, and spooling the finished wire for distribution.
What are the main regulatory requirements for the plant?
The plant must comply with local and international manufacturing standards, environmental regulations, and worker safety guidelines. Obtaining relevant certifications and conducting impact assessments are essential for legal and operational compliance.
 How can the plant benefit the local economy?
The plant can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and attract investment. It also supports local industries by providing a reliable source of aluminium wire, contributing to regional development.
What are the common challenges faced in setting up the plant?
Common challenges include managing investment costs, ensuring regulatory compliance, and adapting to market fluctuations. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, investment, and strategic management.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Claight Corporation Contact Person: Lewis Fernandas, Corporate Sales Specialist — U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Toll Free Number: +1–415–325–5166 | +44–702–402–5790 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA Website: www.expertmarketresearch.com Aus Site: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com.au
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Pain relief for IUD insertion: CDC updates its recommended guidance to help women
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/pain-relief-for-iud-insertion-cdc-updates-its-recommended-guidance-to-help-women/
Pain relief for IUD insertion: CDC updates its recommended guidance to help women
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Having an IUD (intrauterine device) inserted for birth control is known to be potentially painful.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending pain management protocols for the procedure.Women on social media have documented their discomfort, with some TikTok users posting videos of themselves in visible pain while lying on a doctor’s table.JD VANCE PROMOTES FAMILY IN AMERICA AMID BIRTH RATE DROP, FUELED BY SEVERAL FACTORSOne user, Sarah Warren, shared that she took ibuprofen an hour before her appointment as suggested by her doctor, but that the procedure was still painful.”I almost passed out, not going to lie,” she said. “There needs to be better pain management for IUD insertion.”In a 2014 study published in the journal Contraception, health care providers were found to underestimate patients’ pain during IUD insertion.On a 100-mm pain scale, patients in the study ranked their maximum pain at 64.8 mm, while providers rated it at 35.3 mm.Following a persistent call for change from patients and doctors, the CDC released new guidance in its U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use, 2024.SOME TAMPON PRODUCTS FOUND TO CONTAIN TOXIC METALS IN FIRST-TIME STUDYThe agency suggested that all patients should be counseled on the potential pain before the appointment, as well as on the risks, benefits and alternative options for pain management.”When considering patient pain, it is important to recognize that the experience of pain is individualized and might be influenced by previous experiences, including trauma and mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety,” the guidance reads.Evidence suggests that using lidocaine as a local anesthetic — or using a topical gel, cream or spray — could help reduce patient pain, according to the agency.The notice also listed misoprostol as a medication used by some providers to help soften the cervix before IUD insertion.The CDC also mentioned a variety of alternative options, like NSAIDs, smooth muscle relaxants and analgesics, although the evidence for pain reduction is limited.ENDOMETRIAL CANCER PATIENTS SEE NEW HOPE AS FDA APPROVES ‘TRANSFORMING’ IMMUNOTHERAPY DRUGDr. Meleen Chuang, chief of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, reflected on this guidance in a statement sent to Fox News Digital.”Many OB/GYNs have already been doing these interventions for years,” she said. “It is welcoming to see the CDC reflect the updates for guidance in accordance to our care delivery.”Using pain relief methods like lidocaine to numb the cervix or taking medications such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs can help with reducing this discomfort, according to Chuang.Other non-invasive pain relief methods can include using a heating pad on the patient’s belly, the doctor said. In addition to pain management, Chuang said her patients often find comfort in being “talked through” the procedure by their doctors.”The communication of what to expect before and during the procedure helps with the overall experience and alleviates any anxieties,” she said. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”These are very easy things we commonly do for patients, as well as being fast/efficient in placing the IUDS, [to] make the experience much more acceptable.””We want what is best for our patients, and if there is fear or concern [about] pain … we are obligated to help our patients feel supported and at ease,” Chuang added.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthIUDs are more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, according to Yale Medicine.In a statement sent to Fox News Digital, a CDC spokesperson said, “Health care providers can use this guidance to support person-centered contraceptive counseling and remove unnecessary medical barriers to accessing and using contraception.”
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erpinformation · 2 months
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spacetodaypt · 3 months
Astronomers Discover Water Frost on Mars’ Tallest Volcanoes
On early winter mornings, a thin layer of ice forms in craters atop the Red Planet’s towering peaks, near its equator, according to a new studyThe volcanoes along Mars’ equator are massive, imposing features, with some peaks towering more than twice the height of Mount Everest. Olympus Mons, the tallest, is as wide as France. Now, a new discovery adds to the mountains’ intrigue: the presence of…
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meoun-uk · 4 months
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UK Tops Global Rankings in Education and StudyThe United Kingdom has once again proved its prowess in the field of education and study as it has t... https://www.meoun.uk/uk-tops-global-rankings-in-education-and-study/?feed_id=9052&_unique_id=665033395f90f
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garymdm · 5 months
Data Quality Issues: Unmasking Underlying Business Challenges
Data quality issues often serve as red flags, signaling deeper problems within an organization. While they may appear as mere glitches in the data, these issues can have far-reaching consequences. Let’s delve into the intricacies of data quality and explore how to address them effectively. The Age Quandary: A Case StudyThe Culprits: System Error vs. Human ErrorThe Illusion of Quick…
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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rahulp3 · 1 year
Cancer Vaccine Market to Grow at Much Faster Rate in Upcoming Years 2023 - 2033
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The global Cancer Vaccine Market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, according to a new report published by Future Market Insights. The report predicts that the market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% from 2023 to 2033, reaching a value of US$ 24.22 Billion by the end of the forecast period. Cancer remains one of the most significant health challenges of our time, with millions of people diagnosed with the disease every year.The cancer vaccine market is driven by factors such as increasing incidence of cancer, growing awareness about cancer vaccines, and government initiatives to promote cancer research and development. One of the key factors driving the growth of the cancer vaccine market is the increasing incidence of cancer worldwide. This is due to a variety of factors, such as aging populations, changing lifestyle patterns, and environmental factors. As the incidence of cancer continues to rise, there is a greater need for effective cancer treatments, including cancer vaccines.
Elevate Your Understanding with PDF Sample Downloads.@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16768
Government initiatives are also playing a significant role in driving the growth of the cancer vaccine market. Governments around the world are investing heavily in cancer research and development, which has led to increased funding for cancer vaccine development and clinical trials. For example, the US government has launched the Cancer Moonshot initiative, which aims to accelerate cancer research and improve cancer treatment and prevention.Key Takeaways from the Market StudyThe market for cancer vaccines expanded at a 9% CAGR from 2018 to 2022.The market for cancer vaccines is anticipated to expand at a 12% CAGR from 2023 to 2033.The market for cancer vaccines is anticipated to reach US$ 24.22 billion by 2033.Recombinant cancer vaccines have the biggest market share, according to the Future Market Insights research.For the market for cancer vaccines, North America is anticipated to hold a 40% market share.With a share of 20% throughout the projection period, it is expected that the East & South Asia market would grow considerably.“A series of international level collaborations involving healthcare stakeholders across various institutional settings are fueling further clinical trials and research studies dedicated to discovering Cancer Vaccines.” says an FMI analystMarket CompetitionKey players in the market include companies such as Advaxis Inc., Amgen Inc., Dynavax Technologies Corporation, Generex Biotechnology Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Immunocellular Therapeutics, Ltd, Merck & Co., Inc., Vaccinogen, Inc., F Hoffmann-La Roche AG, and OSE Immunotherapeutics, along with healthcare providers and technology companies among other global players.In January 2023, the U.K. government announced a collaboration with BioNTech, a German company, to trial potential vaccines for cancer and other illnesses, while campaigners cautioned that any breakthrough must remain affordable and accessible. Personalized mRNA therapies, including cancer vaccines that aim to activate the immune system against harmful cells, will be tested on cancer patients in England at both early and late stages. The therapies target active cancer cells and work to prevent their return. BioNTech will establish new research and development centers in the U.K., including a laboratory in Cambridge and a headquarters in London, and aim to supply 10,000 therapies to patients from September 2023 until the end of the decade.The firm developed one of the most widely-distributed Covid-19 vaccines in collaboration with U.S. pharmaceutical firm Pfizer. The collaboration will cover various cancer types and infectious diseases affecting collectively hundreds of millions of people worldwide.More Insights AvailableFMI, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global Cancer Vaccines market, presenting historical analysis from 2018 to 2022 and forecast statistics for the period of 2023 to 2033.The study reveals essential insights on the basis of Technology, Treatment Method, Application & Region.Last few days to get reports at discounted prices, offer expires soon!Key Segments Profiled in the Cancer Vaccines Industry SurveyTechnology:Recombinant Cancer VaccinesWhole-cell Cancer VaccinesViral Vector & DNA Cancer VaccinesAntigen/Adjuvant Cancer VaccinesTreatment Method:Preventive VaccineTherapeutic VaccineApplication:Prostate CancerCervical CancerOther Applications 
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
Click to read Premature births dropped during some Covid lockdowns, study finds - The New York Times
Premature births fell during some Covid lockdowns, study findsThe New York Times Changes in preterm birth and stillbirth during COVID-19 lockdowns in 26 countriesNature. com Less pollution, stress linked to decline in preterm birth in first months of COVID-19 pandemic: studyOttawa.CityNews.ca Premature births fell by 3-4% in the first four months of the lockdowns studyThe independent Better air…
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I'm studythings
Just saw your reblog and I'm checking out your blog
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Just know I really admire you and appreciate all of your work for languageblr
I send you lots of luck and good wishes
Aww thanks so much!! 💜💜
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monslb · 6 years
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I love Snapchat! #snapchatfilter #igdaily #instagrammer #selfie #selca #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock #sundayfunday #studythings https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_WXDtl1iJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=191sku7akexc2
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edicus · 3 years
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March 26th, 2021
There are some days where I do nothing and feel bad for it, because I know I could have done better. And then there are days where I study all day but still feel like I haven't done enough. But I know I can't do everything in one sitting, especially on days when I am tired and at the same time stressed because I'm trying to catch up on things that I should have done over the course of the last few days. All I can say is I tried the best I could for now. While I am very slow when it comes to studying, it's better than doing nothing at all I guess.
5/100 days of prod.
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erpinformation · 6 months
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