#su predictions
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Next up is... the Bad Prediction AU!
The Bad Prediction AU is a concept that focuses on the idea that the Diamonds HAD crushed the Rebellion and pulled Pink Diamond offof Earth, and forced her back to Homeworld as a puppet ruler... but in the end, she still had Steven! This story has been incredibly inspiring to me, and I have pushed myself to get closer to the SU artstyle after seeing the amazing work done by the artists of @badpredictionau .
Thank you to the Bad Prediction AU for not only an incredible concept, but a stunning execution!
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dawnbreakerluna · 3 months
I just have this strong inkling that Sylus is gonna be a strongly multi-layered character. Like yes, he is a villain, and probably with good reason. Considering how the current timeline/story is so deeply woven with the myths and other phenomena we may not know of yet, it's likely that Sylus is this anomaly who exists to bring an unexpected sequence of events that hasn't been foretold by any prophecy or past life.
Knowing that Xavier's role has allusions to time and time traveling (the current timeline we play in is the past), he's essentially breaking that prophetic rule, in a way. Going back to the main timeline to try and save the MC, destroying the protocores in Onichynus' possession...
But everything that Xavier's purpose is, maybe Sylus has exceeded that already or intends to, at least. Since he's been watching the MC this whole time, and has seen her with Xavier/Lumiere... the central rivalry will transpire between those two. I can also see a rivalry between Rafayel and Sylus, only because Raf seems to have the deeper connections when it comes to networking and who does what, etc. (And with Zayne who became a cardiac surgeon with the intention of saving MC, it's likely a tense rivalry between him and Sylus would gradually turn into something of neutral ground.)
Anyway, my point of it all is: Sylus will break the pattern. Whatever curse there is that has been placed on MC, his existence seeks to rid of that curse by any means possible. I do truly believe he wants to let the world burn for her, and the protocore experimentation serves a greater purpose of trying to save her...
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probablyaseamonster · 2 years
I’ve been thinking, and the more I think about it, the more suspicious this whole “witching event of the century” thing becomes to me.
I mean, okay. 5 out of 8 of the witches selected for the competition had no grand motivation for becoming the next Supreme Witch (as far as we know). Eloise specifically seems to see this whole thing as an excuse to have fun, make friends and get more powerful on top of that.
But then you get into the people who actually have backstories revealed, and, well.
Scott was living alone in the woods, desperately trying to learn advanced necromancy with no teacher and stolen books he only half-understood.
Shubble was traveling alone in a caravan, thinking that nobody likes her for her powers and she just makes everyone miserable by just being around them.
Prismarina was on the run from “them”, and only became a Water Witch because she literally dived into the ocean to escape them.
Joey was disowned because he manifested a dangerous power that was opposite to his family’s, and he pushes himself to learn an incompatible type of magic that doesn’t naturally come to him in order to return to them.
And Lauren. Poor Lauren was living alone in the desert to escape bullies who picked on her for not having any magic, and she attached herself to the first person she met since then, even though he literally burned her first.
Actually, when you think about it, ALL of the witches were living alone, presumably. They were isolated.
And Joey, Scott, and Lauren especially weren’t just alone. They were desperate too.
Let’s analyze Joey for a good example. He’d just lost the people who loved him, his home, and his security. Thrown out into the cold because of who he was. Then, not long after he came to terms with the gravity of his situation, an invitation is sent to him in a beam of pure white light. An Invitation to a contest that will (hopefully) grant him the powers to return to his family and be accepted.
It’s a miracle. It’s just what he needed.
But that begs the question... Why?
I mean, of course we know why the witches want to compete. We know that the SW needs a successor.
But... why them?
Lauren and Shubble were literal nobodies before this. Scott was a common theif stealing important tomes from traders and librarians. Joey was a member of a powerful, prestigious bloodline, sure, but the “was” there is the critical word. Pris was a literal fugitive. And Cupquake didn’t even WANT to be the next SW, but Mother Nature sent her on the path to that destiny in order to become a sort of hero. And we all know heroes are most often forced to follow the plot of their stories.
Why, out of all the witches in the world, would the Supreme Witch choose them?
I mean, I guess you could say she was feeling charitable. Even the contestants who didn’t win would grow in power, reaching almost their full potential. The SW is of failing health anyway, and who knows? Maybe she was a former nobody who won her own contest. Maybe she wanted to give the new generation’s contestants a chance. Maybe she was a good witch.
But... what if she wasn’t?
Hear me out. The Supreme Witch is being secretive and vague for a reason. A dark reason.
Maybe... she’s a liar. And maybe all the NPCs are in on it.
Take Ogien for example. She’s a rather rude witch, saying in Pris’s second episode that she “doesn’t have feelings”. She seems to not like Pris right out of the gate, and yet she’s the only one who tells her assigned contestant the full story. I mean,, not to base characters off of appearances, but she does look like a dark and regal villainess to me.
Ogien. What if she was completely and utterly talking out of her ass? What if nothing she said was the truth?
And if Ogien was lying, then, what if Mother Earth herself was also?
“But she’s Mother Nature!” I hear you say, “What reason would a good spirit like her have to lie to one of her followers?”
Let me remind you of something from the Book of Origins. The section on Nature Witches.
“Maker of vines, teller of lies.“
Now, why would that be at the very top of the description? Why are lies so heavily associated with nature witches? Why would the author of the book put so much emphasis on deceit?
Maybe some liars among the Nature Witches gave the others a bad name. Maybe there’s a stereotype among witchkind.
Or maybe this is foreshadowing. Maybe everyone associated with Mother Earth is destined to become caught in a web of lies. Because Mother Earth herself, as a deceitful spider with vine webbing.
And poor Cupquake has no idea.
Here’s my theory. The great challenge that everyone’s been invited to, the race to become the next Supreme Witch... is a total scam.
The SW doesn’t want these people to succeed her. Maybe she doesn’t want anyone to succeed her. Maybe no one will end up getting what they were promised.
But what could the SW want with these inexperienced outcasts? To drain their power, perhaps? To sacrifice them to the mentioned demon, if they even exist?
I guess we’ll find out.
And if this ends up being true, then obviously Cleo will figure this out. I mean, she’s Cleo!
But I don’t think she’ll be the one to realize first.
I think the first one to Know Too Much will be Eloise. Because she is an Illusion Witch. She knows what it’s like to be blinded. She knows how to tell when witches are being misleaded.
But the question is: will the witches be able to save themselves from this trap?
And if things go south, if they’re found out in turn... who will die?
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3dpixelart · 1 year
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My first post- I did some doodles!! My fav Steven universe AUs/Comics!! This took very long to color- I have little to no neutral colors or pink 😅 Hope y’all like them!
AU Gone Wrong: @suaugonewrong
White Diamond AU: @ask-whitepearl-and-steven
Disarmed AU: @stevenuniverseanewchapter
Falsification AU: @falsificationstevenau
The Eldritch Gems AU: @theeldritchgemsau
Bad Prediction AU: @badpredictionau @jigokuhana @wilted3sunflowers
Blue Diamond AU: @blue-diamond-steven
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why did this just occur to me.
Yona and Hak are heading back to Kouka. Su-Won is heading back there too. The trio will reunite.
Lili is at Hiryuu Castle too...
Not to mention... WAIT WAIT.
Yona has no clue that Lili has been hanging out with Su-won at Hiryuu Castle... as friends... how she gonna feel about that?
Ok ok but also
Lili has no clue about Su-won's illness right? HOW IS SHE GONNA REACT WHEN SHE FINDS OUT HE'S DYING???
In front of them, they're gonna have to deal with...
I feel like Kusanagi bout to cook up something big...
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hey how does it feel to be So Fucking Right abt jay and ras bc. damn.
Honestly I'm just waiting for them to kiss on screen at this point
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neo-zone · 7 months
Sweet Home 3 but it's just a bloody battle royal between crazy fucked up man with trauma (Sang-won/Wui-myeong), another crazy fucked up man with trauma (monster Hyun-su), and *gasp* the other crazy fucked up man with trauma (monster reborn Eun-hyeok)
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hajihiko · 2 years
Cast met!
So far we both love Gonta, agree that Angie is very cute, I like Ryoma, and neither of us like Kokichi lol.
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hermitw · 1 month
Hii, I've read your Sukuna analysis alongwith @thepersonperson's analysis and I have to say I like everyone knew he had a very rough past that made him what he is today but the SA part i didn't even think about it with him but it makes so much sense in the nuanced context. And considering he has been with Kenjaku too for god knows at what age and how long it makes me dread at the possibility.
Regardless I'm not so good with words and just wanted to say that your analysis really gave a different and a deeper perspective on his character and really makes me think what if instead of a 15 year old boy he had someone more mature like Nanami (perceptive and a great listener) with him. Could he ever change (ik Sukuna's redemption is the most hated take in the fandom but my simp mind can't help but wonder the what if...)
Also what are your prediction on how his arc and jjk is going to end because i refuse to believe Yuji's last black flash is taking him down(coping)
I'm so glad you got something out of them! Yeah, I'm both dying to know what Kenjaku's past relationship with Sukuna (and the other reincarnated sorcerers) was and dreading it. (Gege has to fill us in on more Heian lore, right? I'm begging).
Anon, you have some great questions, and my tldr JJK ending / Sukuna hope post just came out of the queue, so I'll go more in depth here (and apologize for such a long reply - I tried to keep this short, but apparently have many thoughts).
I think we've had enough irredeemable villains with the curses and curse users like Kenjaku (I really don't see him being given some tragic backstory that makes us understand him, but maybe Kenjaku was so evil without cause that he became like a curse. Same with Haruta and the older ones in Shibuya - they all preyed on the weak, unprovoked). I think that Geto and Sukuna have been misunderstood because we see through the lense that jujutsu society taught us, and I like that. Sukuna deserves his redemption arc, I believe, I want it so bad.
Tbh I've never thought "what if Nanami was the vessel"? I don't think I'm the best person to explore that possibility, nor can I imagine him eating Sukuna's finger (but it would be funny and I'd be down to read someone else's thoughts).
But you have a great point - I'm going to explore this route with Yaga, instead. While I don't know Yaga's past, he is mature and similar to Sukuna in that they put on this cold shell of character, but are very observant and artistic individuals (the quiet creativity of literature and doll-making??). Hell, Sukuna's hobby being eating and Yaga's compulsion to make dolls could both easily stem from loneliness.
I forget whether I've given Yaga his own analysis post, he's super compassionate - from the design of Panda to the use of his cursed corpses in the manga, to help someone overcome by grief (though it's against the rules and he could be in trouble for it), I also feel like the conservative higher ups take issue with visibly queer students, so Yaga admits them to the Tokyo school, pretends not to notice, he makes sure that they're becoming sorcerers for themselves, etc. He's a great listener and you don't even have to say anything.
Plus, with his cursed corpses, Yaga wouldn't even have to eat Sukuna's fingies - he could feed them to a doll. Then Sukuna can have his own body (while I'm not sure whether he could take his true form this way, he told us that he is more comfortable in Megumi's body than his own - he gets to look like any other person, he fits better with clothing, furniture, the way everything is built... Sukuna could design a vessel to look the way he wants to).
If Sukuna were able to incarnate with his own body at first, then he wouldn't have to continue the cycle by repressing another soul (and then feeling gross about it), he would be able to chill and discuss poetry. I think he would still be full of rage at times, and have a lot of emotions and shadow work to process through, but Yaga would listen to Sukuna and find a solution to free him from Kenjaku's plot. (even if Sukuna is under a pact to not discuss certain things, Yaga might be able to figure out what he needs to know).
Or if Yaga had eaten a finger at first, then he wouldn't have just ignored Sukuna - maybe he wouldn't say much, but he would listen. At least have conversations when they were alone. Maybe teach him to make his own cursed corpse and provide it with the fingers they'd find together (I like this AU... Thanks for the idea).
But I have thought that if Megumi were the original vessel, they might have a symbiotic relationship like Hana and Angel. Megumi and Sukuna were both abandoned children, seen first for their differences, their strength, put into a separate category against their will. It was their birthright and they never asked for it.
I rly believe that Kenjaku made sure Yuuji would be the perfect cage psychologically as well - it was important for him to have no emotional understanding of Sukuna, to not be able to relate at all.
Ultimately I hope that Sukuna gets to have his own body, I think that could solve a lot, though he does have a lot to work through and recover from.
I do have fear in my heart from the recent chapter, where there's a frame of Sukuna with white eyes from being hit by Yuuji - it reminds me too much of Mahito in Shibuya, and that better mean nothing. (or maybe it means that we get to see Sukuna's final form, which is fine. Uraume said he's been holding back, after all.)
Something drastic has to happen if there are 4 chapters left and gege mentioned the ending would be satisfying for most people.
So my predictions for JJK ending...
I have 2 routes of predictions, but they could both happen, I guess. A few things listed have already come true. But almost every time I've been right, Gege throws in something unpredictable. I'm trying to finish my 3rd manga read by the next chapter so I can look for clues about the future.
I still can't let go of my cryogenic domain theory (it's not Chosover), or the possibility of time travel - whether to prevent things from happening, or to understand the present better, I can't rule it out.
Oh, and it's not Gojover either. He's the honored one throughout heaven and earth. But especially - the ability to create sugar? That guy Yuuji went to school with... His CT is so random. But who was always eating sugar? Gojo. It always felt like such a massive hint, along with the recent artwork of Gojo, Yuuji and Megumi - all three of them have taken on traits of the one possessing their body. That's why Gojo looks like that, I swear. His brain is just recovering right now. He might show up with Rika, in Yuuta's body.
I'm not confident in predicting these things, but I'd like for them to happen...
Shiu Kong hasn't been seen in a long time. Not since Geto took over the cult. We know very little about Shiu, but he was Toji's friend for 10 years, knew Megumi when he was little, used to be a detective, and is a Korean citizen. So whether he moved to Korea, or awakened some CT, or decided to figure out what was going on in Japan... I don't know, I just think it would be neat to see what he's doing, to have him be the one to tell Megumi about his father. He knew Toji the best, and Gege liked his character.
Gege did say that the end is satisfying, and I forgot about Mei, so if anyone has to die then I really hope she's the one. I don't see how this would happen, unless by Geto's hands.
Geto could return - Gojo said he would have been satisfied if Geto were there with him. Gojo is coming back, and bringing him along. I've been long hoping for Geto's return - Sukuna grew Yuuji a new heart, so maybe Geto's brain can return as well. Then he might have access to Kenjaku's memories, and a thousand years of jujutsu knowledge would be good for them (I was so stressed at finding out Yuuta did not make a pact with and revive Kenjaku for this reason). I also thought that Yuuta was the type to bring Geto's body back, especially when Gojo wanted to mourn it. Since we know he can basically teleport those who he's copied, it seems even more likely. I'm of the belief that the airport is not Gojo's hallucination - how would he know Haibara visited Nanami? (unless they were so close that it was obvious this would happen...)
I'll end with some hope for us Sukuna simps - the first episode was called Ryomen Sukuna, not Yuuji Itadori. Details like that had rumors going that Sukuna is really the main character of Jujutsu Kaisen, so... Maybe... (I hope it really is all about him).
Edit to add: Gojo will become Sukuna's vessel
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salemontrial · 8 months
So rewatching steven universe has made me realize I have a Very specific type of favourite fictional character which led me to another equally mortifying conclusion.
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tetedurfarm · 2 months
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dullorangepulp · 6 months
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Sophia + Futaba in the park (WIP) finished version
(doodle reqs open!)
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charmstwit · 6 months
OMG! What is everyone realising and I'm not?!?!?! I shall reread the entire thing this week and make notes.
Ha! I can't say, honestly.
I will say that it's possible that Wynn Theory #1 is VERY obvious and just no one has pointed it out. Or it might just be that I feel it's very obvious, but I wrote it that way, so of course it is. I would think that someone would point it out in the comments though, and we've had no mention of it at all!
The first ask we got about it was basically "I thought X would be more of a thing, or did they not realize it yet?" and I think that about sums up my feelings on it too. 🤣 The second ask seemed to be more putting it together, though. I will be equally unsurprised when Wynn Theory #1 comes out with "Oh, obviously, was that supposed to be secret?" and "OMG I can't believe that!" reactions
The third ask with a theory was an entirely DIFFERENT Wynn theory (Wynn Theory #2) that... honestly, I thought we'd completely slipped past people. 🤣 Absolutely delighted to see it pop up though. I'm also not entirely certain if most people have any idea bout this one, because we spoiled it for our beta @r33sespieces WAY earlier than we meant, so she's known since pretty early in our writing. We've been eagerly waiting to see if anyone spots it.
There are hints for both of these theories throughout the fic, Wynn Theory #1 and Wynn Theory #2, but #1 is far less subtle than #2.
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hotmess-exe · 1 year
ok but fr fr uh... what's gonna happen when trump gets convicted? there's literally no way he's beating these georgia charges unless there's a mistrial or some shit. and state convictions aren't eligible for presidential pardons.
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Su-Won dying - Lili's incentive to fall for him?
I know this probably sounds dumb af, so don't mind me, but... what if Lili starts falling for Su-won after hearing about his illness...?
They are good friends, but they haven't actually been like, vulnerable with each other yet. But if Su-won returns to Kouka and starts praising her for taking care of Kuuto, but then she learns that he's also dying, I'd wonder if that would be the trigger for her to start thinking, "oh shit, I actually care about this guy as a human being, and not just a king, and I don't care if Yona and Hak want him dead, I don't".
Also I'm remembering that she probably gave up on Geun-tae because he has kids now. I'm just wondering if Su-Won's death could be really emotional and dramatic for Lili. And honestly, I find it easier to imagine Lili falling for Su-Won first before he falls for her.
Like we all would expect LilixSu-Won, if it ever actually became a thing, to be an epilogue thing, but what if it started earlier?
Maybe this could be a first step?
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
and YES that's the person who said you can pretend the utena teenage characters are in college if it makes you uncomfy and it doesn't change anything about the story. and also YES that's the person i was kvetching about earlier who described themselves as a "professional lapis hater" and who thinks lapis steven universe '''abused''' jasper steven universe and peridot steven universe. this just in: being rude to people who don't respect your boundaries and doing morally gray things (and kind of enjoying them much to your chagrin and horror) to try to stop other people from killing your only friend is Abuse, but taking a 14 year old girl who you have direct authority over and who you have been grooming for months to a secondary location she cannot leave without your assistance and having sex with her while she desperately dissociates is Not rape. ok !
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