#suaimhneas au
flame-x · 2 years
Alonzo Things Part 1
This got long but I don't regret it.
Very few cats are ever allowed inside the casslonzo/alondra den. This is Alonzo's rule, though Cass doesn't mind it- she likes to have their own space too. Alonzo likes to keep his tribe duties away from the place where he unwinds in the evening. (The demestrap family -Munk, Deme, Misto, Quaxo, Vic, Jem and Bubs- are pretty much the only cats allowed inside. Though Tugger often wanders in when he needs to fetch Alonzo)
He has a soft spot for Victoria (he hasn't a clue why, really) yes you do alonzo don't deny it you see a little of yourself in her but you had to be tough and lost that certain... innocence, almost, that she has about her and you want to protect her from the same fate but she's tougher than you want to admit like goddamn she had to be plus her grace you arent the most graceful cat in the junkyard anymore the pupil has become the master
He's good with the kittens! Most of the time, anyway. Especially the older ones.
He's a total flirt but so is Cass. They understand each other.
While he loves and respects Old Deuteronomy along with the other Jellicles, his loyalties lie with Munkustrap. Though he'd never say it out loud, if he had to choose one or the other, he'd choose Munk. Demeter and Cass both suspect this- how could they not? Old Deuteronomy knows this is the case and believes that is the way it should be. Munkustrap is clueless- and it's better that way.
Alonzo's favourite colour is dark blue.
He can't stand dogs. Can't stand them. Thinks they're a waste of space and too noisy. Not to mention slobbery.
Neither he nor Cass are interested in having kittens themselves. Alonzo is of opinion he'd be a terrible father lol.
Misto and Quaxo are his little half-brothers and they all know this. The younger two love to call him ancient. Misto knows 'Lonz can be hot-headed and tries to calm him down when Spike riles him up, much to Alonzo's annoyance. "Don't let my temper get the better of me, I know. Don't scold me, Misto."
His family is complicated and I'll explain it in another post, but Victoria is his cousin
He never wanted humans. He ran away the first, and second, and third time the tribe tried to give him a home when he was a kitten. Eventually they gave up and let him live in the Junkyard.
His favourite duty as second is organising patrols, watches and scavenger patrols! Something is just so interesting to him about pairing different cats together, seeing which cats gel well and work together efficiently and which cats are better left on watch or on separate patrols. His absolute favourite part is giving young tom- and queenkittens their first patrols (and going with them for it!). They're always so excited.
His own favourite time to patrol is the midnight patrol, much to Cass' irritation- she likes to sleep at night because that's what her owners do. Somehow, even though Alonzo is one of the quietest and sneakiest cats in the whole Junkyard, he always manages to wake her. It's almost like she has a sixth sense.
Alonzo is an average height- the cats that are taller than him include but are not limited to: Munk, AJ, Tugger, Mungo, Admetus and George. Tugger always rests his arm on Alonzo's shoulder and that's Alonzo's least favourite thing about the other tom.
He is, of course, the slinkiest cat in existence
As he's a really pretty cat, the humans always give him bowls of cream. One of the more... mischievous... things he does with the kittens is go begging and have them hide out of sight, and when the human puts out the cream or other treat, share it with them.
He really, really does not get along with Spike.
He has so many nicknames. Tugger has a load for him, he has at least three from Munkustrap, Victoria calls him 'Zo- And many of them are to do with his colouring! Munk calls him Black-and-White, Tugger has an array of nicknames (Tuxedo, Domino, Bowtie, Constable, Pinstripe, Piano) but when Spike calls him "Checkers" he means it as an insult.
Alonzo remembers hearing a whisper of a tale that's mostly been forgotten; all Jellicles have a bit of magic. At least a tiny bit of magic, though not all as flashy or strong as Misto or Coricopat and Tantomile. Alonzo half doesn't believe this, but sometimes he wonders... he's always had a connection with water... and how else could Victoria be such a gifted healer, or Munkustrap be such a good storyteller?
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 6 years
Fanfic Author Appreciation
I was going to do something really fancy and special, like a review-fest or something. But then, real life happened, and I'm exhausted from work. So instead, I'm just going to give a shout-out to a few of my favorite fic writers!
(Disclaimer: This list is by no means complete, and if I didn't mention you, please know that it's because I'm tired, not because I don't appreciate you,)
@incendiaglacies - (Legends of Tomorrow)
Has written more than 90% of the fics for a single ship, writes incredibly interesting plots, is also a sweet, lovely human being. (Plus, it's her birthday!) Has basically every Rip Hunter/Gideon fic or AU that you could ever imagine, and nails characterization and concepts every time.
@heytheredeann - (Timeless)
Also writes for many other fandoms, but makes this list for writing beautiful, feelsy, lovely Garcy stories that somehow always fit exactly what I want to read. Characterization is always lovely, and has a nice selection of angst, heart-wrenching angst, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending... And, occasionally, a bit of fluff.
@fanaticfangirl2602 - (Marvel)
Mostly writes about Peter Parker and his family, (which obviously includes Tony Stark,) has amazingly feelsy stories and concepts that just reach out and grab your heart. Also has a killer sense of humor, and a brilliant way with words. Somehow takes you from laughing to crying to laughing to shouting in ten seconds flat. (Plus, she's an amazing person.)
@agentmarymargaretskitz - (DCTV, Timeless)
Somehow has several fandoms in common with me, and writes amazing fic for every last one. Will explore rarepairs, crackships, crossover ships, and insane ships, all without a second's hesitation, and writes brilliantly for any of them. Warning: Will sometimes write unbearable angst that makes you want to hug her and scream at the same time. Is also incredibly nice and friendly.
@only-freakin-sunflowers - (Timeless)
Usually writes Lyatt, which doesn't tend to be my bag anymore, but does it so amazingly that I love it anyway. Has actually written one of the only fanfictions to make me cry actual tears. Also writes beautiful Riya fics, and we all know there's a shortage of those in the fandom. Is really sweet and funny, and comes up with great AUs.
@incorrectdeceptionquotes - (Deception)
Is somehow single-handedly holding up the Deception fandom, and reminding us of why we should still be mad that lovely show was cancelled. Writes tons of fic, and it's absolutely lovely. Posts incredibly frequently, and somehow never seems to get frustrated with how small the fandom is, just happily writes fics for those of us who are here.
@taleasoldastime-andspace - (Timeless, DCTV)
Has written a ton of amazing things, and things for fandoms I'm not in that I'm sure are amazing anyway, but makes this list especially for her brilliant Garcy "The Mummy" AU that takes you on a roller coaster of emotions like you can't even imagine. It has you laughing and crying all at once, and it features lovely background friendships and dynamics.
@suaimhneas-peace - (MacGyver)
I haven't been in the MacGyver fandom in ages, but I still sometimes have the urge to go back and read this amazing person's whump and hurt/comfort stories. Gave a beautiful backstory to the Jack/Mac friendship that I absolutely adore.
I know there are more that I'm forgetting, but again, I'm exhausted. So, just a few shout-outs!
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flame-x · 2 years
Skimbleshanks Headcanons for Elder Cats Appreciation Week!
This is going to be so quick and rough and ready and I apologise for that lol
Skimble is constantly coming and going in the Junkyard- seriously, you go to sleep for a few hours and then wake up the next morning and boom he's chatting away to Alonzo about night watches
Always very smartly dressed, no exceptions
Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots are mates and parents to Tumblebrutus, Bill Bailey, Carbucketty and Pouncival (oldest to youngest).
He always gives Good Advice
Skimbleshanks is much beloved by all the tribe, especially the kittens- he's like everyone's funny uncle or grandpa
Very particular- he likes things to be orderly
His favourite colour is probably bottle green
He has a soft spot for Rumpleteazer and he's great friends with Misto
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flame-x · 2 years
Jennyanydots Headcanons for Elder Cats Appreciation Week!
She's one of the head queens, along with Jelly and Hysperia
At the time of Grizabella's Ball she's the only full healer in the tribe
Skimble is her mate and she's mother to Pouncival, Carbucketty, Bill Bailey and Tumblebrutus!
Jenny is possibly the biggest gossip in the Junkyard (Tumble got that from her). She can't keep a secret to save her life. Occasionally not even her own when it's Jelly she's talking to
Good Napping Partner, especially when you're feeling down. She pets her nap-mate's ears to help them relax. Tugger and Bomba are huge fans of napping with Jenny and they trade gossip.
Her favourite colour is sunset orange or sky blue- she just can't pick!
The kittens know Not To Mess With Jenny. Be on your best behaviour with her!
Jenny always has some sort of project on the go, whether it's teaching her mice friends to tap dance or teaching kittens to crochet or trying to learn how to play the accordion (That's Skimble's least favourite one so far- he often calls it "the worst two months of his life").
She's a big plant lover and the Skimbledots den always has a different variety of plants each month. Her most successful plant is her aloe vera... maybe she should stick to mice
She's a genuine fan of Bustopher Jones
She's got a soft spot for Munkustrap- she privately considers him another son
She like things to be neat and tidy, of course
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flame-x · 2 years
Gus Headcanons for Oldies Week!
His favourite colour is dark green
Gus used to make up stories for the kittens. Usually the stories featured one of them as a hero/heroine. Munkustrap continues this tradition with today’s kittens.
He is Asparagus' father
He was always a tall, lean tom, though he shrunk a little in his old age- it's where his grandsons Admetus, George, Plato, Socrates and Victor get their height
After he retired from the theatre, he had three favourite things to do: tell stories to the kittens, have tea with anycat who was willing and reminisce about his glory days and lie in sunny patches alongside his good friend Old Deuteronomy
The stories he told to the kittens were generally one of two categories: stories he made up taking inspiration from his days from the theatre featuring them as main characters or stories from his glory days- often featuring him as the star of a show
He shares his human home with a yappy Peke- they never used to get along, but as they've both gotten on in years, it's not unusual to find them coexisting peacefully. One of their favourite places in the winter is a warm loveseat in front of the fire. During the summer, they doze in the sun on the patio together. Gus eventually learned how to speak a little Pollicle, and found out his companion's name is Rogue. He thinks it suits her fine.
Gus goes to the Heaviside Layer the year after Grizabella. He is missed around the Junkyard, especially by Jellylorum, his daughter-in-law.
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flame-x · 2 years
Alonzo loses his temper
Alonzo: I CAN'T DO IT! Alonzo: I CANT FUCKING DO IT ANYMORE Cassandra: I get it but- Alonzo: LOOK WHAT WE'RE DEALING WITH- Misto: Alonzo- Alonzo: YOU GOTTA DRAW THE LINE SOMEWHERE! Munkustrap: Alonzo, please- Alonzo YOU GOTTA DRAW A FUCKING LINE IN THE SAND. YOU GOTTA MAKE A STATEMENT. Alonzo: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?' Alonzo, pointing to Spike: NOT THIS. ANYTHING. BUT. THIS.
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flame-x · 2 years
you ship electra x rumpleteazer? (going off your latest incorrect quotes post) i'm intruiged!!!! can you tell me a bit about them. :3 like how they realized they were interested in each other, when they made their relationship official, etc etc. it's cute! i've never thought ab it before!
heh, funny story... I ac haven't though too much about the rumplectra ship buttttt. i saw it implied somewhere and i remember going YES OH MY GOD YES and basically. yes.
in the au, anyhow. i has many ships for many characters, but let's see what i can come up with on the spot. (i have 45 mins it's GO TIMEEE)
Funnily enough, it took me a while to decide whether to pair Electra with Pounce instead. I don't exclusively ship them with each other- I think they both have other options and I need to develop them in my brain more to see if I actually want to make them a canon ship but yeah.
Rumpleteazer considered herself to be excellent at reading other cats. She'd meddled in many a relationship- she was proudest of her work in getting Victoria's head out of the sand and convincing her dumbass brother to pluck up his courage and confess, but that's a story for another day. (heh actually you've already read that one grey lol)
Electra, however. Electra was impossible. That cat was a shut door. This, of course, irritated the young crime-doer beyond belief.
But she'd always been good at sneaking in places designed to keep her out. Comes with the territory, both of being a cat and a burgler.
This proved to be difficult. It seemed like every time Rumple tried to get closer to Electra the other cat would push her away again. Sure, they would cause a bit of mischief with Mungojerrie or hang out with Vic and Cettie but then sometimes it would be just the two of them and Electra would shut up like a clam when Rumple would calm down and try to have an actual meaningful conversation.
But, nevertheless, Rumpleteazer persevered. She -correctly- put Electra's odd behaviour down to her feelings (after some observations and experiments of course- let it never be said Rumple jumps to conclusions! Well, except for that one time she underestimated Mungo, but whatever). And she was finally rewarded for her patience one warm summer evening.
They were basking in the dying rays of sunlight on a relatively isolated rooftop. Victoria had left a while ago- Alonzo had asked her to help him with something that Rumple hadn't been paying attention to to hear. She had sensed the shift in Electra as soon as Vic had left. The unease. It saddened her, obviously, but honestly? Rumpleteazer was uneasy herself. She'd come to the realisation that it wasn't a relationship between some other cats she was meddling with this time. It was one that involved her. And she was becoming fearful that she may have to confess first and let me tell you, now she understood why that seemed so daunting.
What if Electra rejected her? What if she'd read the situation wrong and Electra didn't return her feelings? What if Electra didn't like her at all and that's why she was uneasy? All the usual doubts that she'd heard from other cats and had scoffed at, because isn't it obvious they're head over tail for you? Can you not tell you're both crazy about each other?
Rumple was startled out of her internal ironic laughter at herself by Electra inhaling a huge, noisy, breath and proceeding to spit out; "HeyRumpleIreallylikeyouandalleverlastingI'msonervoussayingthisbutuhitsbeenonmymindbecauseIthinkyoumightlikemetoo-"
The calico held up both paws. "Whoah hold up! Come again?" Electra inhaled again, slower this time and closed her eyes.
"I really like you, and I think you might like me too."
The rest is history. It's really quite cliché but -you have to swear not to tell anyone- Rumple secretly finds it kinda cute.
As for telling the rest of the tribe... they never really announced it, it just kind of... grew in. Nobody made a big deal, just a few small congratulations here and there, and they eventually moved into a den by the west entrance to the Junkyard.
And for how they realised it? Rumpleteazer kind of just... knew at some point, there was no big realisation for her. I think for Electra maybe there was an "oh, fuck" moment -maybe when they were out for a stroll or making mischief?- and I think she'd be a bit of an internal mess around Teazer after that (see above XD)
I hope you enjoyed that very rough, single draft tidbit. Thanks for the ask! <3
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flame-x · 2 years
Jellylorum headcanons for Elder Cats Appreciation Week!
Asparagus is her mate, and they are parents to Admetus and George and the Plato, Socrates and Victor in a later litter
She was very close to her father-in-law, Gus
She is one of the head queens and spends a lot of her time in the nursery. She also teaches kittens to read
She adores her granddaughters; Roxy, Fantasia and Ishtar. Though she'd never say it out loud, she finds herself drawn to Ishtar most of all- she sees a bit of herself in the quiet yet bossy queenkitten. (Admetus and Tantomile are their parents, fyi!)
Of course, she was gutted when Socrates and later Plato betrayed the tribe. She and Asparagus drift apart a little because of it, but they get over it in time
Though she has humans, and she loves them, she spends a majority of her time in the Junkyard
She has a younger brother named Caramel! They get along very well, but even though Caramel is an easy-going, cheerful, laid-back tom, sometimes Jellylorum's mother hen fussing gets on even his nerves (she means well)
Her favourite colour is yellow!
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flame-x · 2 years
do you have any bomba headcanons
hell yes of course i do sorry it took me so long to answer!
Demeter is her sister and they're inseparable! Bomba's the older one and Griz is their mother. Victoria is their half-sister though they don't know it. Demeter has the bigger grudge against Grizabella for abandoning them
Cettie and Electra are her daughters!
She's a disaster bi and Hysperia is her mate. (Although past Tuggerlurina was a thing but now they're just friends who flirt- a lot)
She never joined Macavity- she stayed with the tribe
She has owners and lives in the same neighbourhood as Demeter
Her den is by far the most luxurious in the Junkyard- it's full of blankets and pillows and stuffed animals and other toys the girls found over the years. Easily one of the most lived-in dens in the Junkyard. There’s always somecat inside, visiting the inhabitants. The walls are decorated in a red, romantic theme, with little scraps of luxurious fabric here and there. But Bombalurina’s prize position is a jewelled cat crown, gifted to her by her owners (she knows they aren’t real jewels, but she likes to pretend they are. Besides, it’s sparkly, so she doesn’t really care anyway). Etcetera has a collection of nature-y things in one corner— since the Junkyard is in a city, she likes to collect what she can. She has one large pinecone she found on one of her first patrols she particularly favours, and a few nice dried flowers from when Bomba went through a flower-pressing phase. Electra likes to keep books she finds and try to make sense of the words. She’s making progress, but she’s nowhere near as accomplished as Demeter, who is by far the best at reading in the tribe, followed by Quaxo. Hysperia moves in at some point, and she adds slightly more colour to the den— golds and rose-golds in particular. She also brought little figures made of china she’s collected over time— they sit up on a ledge near the roof, out of harm’s way. (Also more cushions!)
Her favourite colour is of course red, although she's partial to deep, royal purple too
These are all canon in my au
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flame-x · 2 years
Tiny snippet time!
Mild swearing. Like it's just one word
Alonzo eventually located Etcetera and Jemima playing hide and seek— from poor Jellylorum. After cuffing them gently around the ears he dragged them along with him in his search of Munkustrap, whom he found deep in hushed conversation with Rumpleteazer and Skimbleshanks, who had apparently appeared in the relatively short time Alonzo had been asleep.
“So how much sleep did you really get, hmm?” Alonzo asked Munkustrap in a low tone as they headed back to the Stage, kittens bounding on ahead. 
“Not enough,” the other tom chuckled. There were large bags under his usually clear eyes, which were currently dull and tired. Alonzo tutted. 
“You look like shit, brother,” He said softly. Munkustrap bumped his shoulder playfully. 
“I hate to say it, Black-and-White, but you don’t look much better yourself at the minute.” Alonzo huffed.
“I’m serious, Straps. Take care of yourself. The tribe isn’t entirely made of helpless kittens you need to look after at all times. We’re —mostly— all functional and responsible.” 
“That doesn’t change the fact that I do need to look after you all. That’s my job.”
“Well you won’t be able to help anycat when you’re on the floor, collapsed from exhaustion, now will you?” Munkustrap opened his mouth to respond as they rounded the corner, but he didn’t get a chance to. The two toms stared for a moment before erupting into laughter. 
The kittens had swarmed Tugger. Alonzo could barely make out the bigger cat’s mane with the amount of kitten fluff in the way. Munkustrap was holding onto him for dear life, clutching his stomach with the other paw. He was laughing the hardest Alonzo had seen him laugh in a long time. Alonzo himself was full-on belly laughing— he couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed this much. 
“Yes, yes, it’s hilarious but can you all please get off me,” Tugger grumbled. Alonzo and Munkustrap proceeded to keep laughing as the kittens all collectively dropped off Tugger, leaving the tom dishevelled and ruffled-looking, mane in a terrible state. 
“Not so hot now, are we Tugs?” Munk teased him once he got his breath back. Tugger sniffed and smoothed his mane out. 
“Still better looking than you any day of the week,” He shot back. 
Alonzo let out a low whistle. “Someone’s tail is in a twist.” Tugger narrowed his eyes at him before whipping around to look at his tail, and sure enough, it was as disordered as the rest of his usually-sleek fur. Alonzo and Munkustrap burst out laughing once more. The kittens joined them, giggling. Sillabub and Jemima started running excited circles around the disgruntled cat. 
“Hey, hey, settle down,” Alonzo said good-naturedly. Sillabub halted abruptly, causing Jemima to crash into her. 
“Ouch!” the smaller kitten exclaimed, putting a paw to her nose. Munk was by her side in an instant. 
“Are you okay, Jem? Take a moment to check.” The young queenkitten scrunched her nose tentatively. “I think I’m okay.”
Tugger, having finished smoothing out his tail, patted her on the shoulder. “‘Course you are. Just a little bump, that’s all.”
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flame-x · 2 years
I see you say Munkustrap is your favourite character and I have to say you have good taste.
What are your Munkustrap HCs?
Well, anon, I have many. Thank you for the ask! <33333 And yeah I have impeccable taste! /lh. I'm afraid this post is going to be extrememly messy.
I'm gonna answer this in relation to my au cos I have many hcs all over the place and my au is the only thing where I have them all together in comprehensible format sashjsdhakda XD
cw: mentions of death and attempted murder below the cut
Where do I start? Probably with explaining the family stuff. (most of this part is taken directly from my notes so excuse the roughness)
Macavity, Munk and Tugger are brothers. Old Deut is their father. Mother dead. Macavity is the oldest but Old Deut always favoured Munk because he was "perfect" but like not really yk. Macavity tried to kill Munk when they were younger but Alonzo intervened, saving Munkustrap’s life (this is why Macavity was exiled). Demestrap is canon and they're parents to Sillabub and Jemima. But first, earlier on he adopted Misto and Quaxo and soon after Vic too (before Demeter came back to the tribe- single dad Munk!)
He has blue eyes because yes XD
He and Alonzo are so close I just hsjkdhag I love them so much! Platonic alonzostrap give me life!!
He had such a hard time when he became head protector. Ramses and Sibylla (Munk's predecessor and his mate and second) were killed in an unexpected Pollicle attack and their premature deaths were a shock to the tribe. Munk had a tough time between having three adopted kittens (one possessing unpredicatable magic) and no mate to help him, having to take some time to choose a second wisely (for the record, his first instinct had been Lonz but his brain said 'no u should wait a while' even tho he was sure but he waited anyway) and having to deal with doubts about his leadership- his brother was Macavity, after all. He just wasn't fully ready. Just as he had found his feet, he was flung into the turmoil that was the return of Demeter, Mungo and Teazer to the tribe.
When Straps has a spare moment, he goes to the mursery to tell the kittens a daring story about adventurous and heroic cats- a lot of whom just so happen to have the same names as them or other cats in the Junkyard. (This is a tradition Gus began a long time ago- even before Munkustrap himself was born)
He has an owner but he spends the majority of his time in the Junkyard.
His patience levels are insane. He is also the ultimate Dad(TM) and doesn't sleep enough.
Munkustrap is a very gifted Storyteller- which is a type of ancient Jellicle magic, often passed down in families. Old Deuteronomy also has a bit of Storytelling magic, though Munk's talent far, far, surpasses his father's.
Munkustrap's favourite colours are the exact shade of Demeter's eyes, and the moonlight reflecting off of Victoria's coat as she dances at the Ball, and the exact pink of Sillabub's tongue when she stops washing her paws in excited wonderment with her tongue still out to listen to another of his stories, and the many different glittering shades of the light on Misto's coat as he does his Conjuring turns, and the colour of the sunlight on Jem's reddish coat, and the rich, velvety black that covers Quaxo from head to tail (except, of course, for the white markings on his ears and the tip of his tail and his little white toes), and the beautiful oranges and brown and golds of Tugger's mane in the evening sunlight and the black and white of Alonzo's coat that he knows better than his own. But if anycat asked, he'd say he didn't have one.
I'm always playing around with other hcs for him. But also Alonzo, who I think has just wormed his way into sharing the top spot with Straps at this point XD.
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flame-x · 2 years
The One With The Toy Ballerina
Mungotoria oneshot- not too long after Mungo and Teazer left to work for Macavity. Victoria arrived to the Junkyard a while before they left and alternates her time between living there and living with her adoptive father (Munkustrap) and brothers (Misto and Quaxo).
It's like... a teeny bit angsty at the end
Mungojerrie had lost Rumpleteazer a while ago. It was a mad dash to escape the house— down the stairs, through the cellar, up on the counter and out the window into the night, their sacks full of stolen trinkets and goodies. They hadn’t even taken anything major. But the dog —a Pollicle, he remembered as he scaled another wall, lip curling in contempt— who apparently had free reign of the house that night had somehow followed them out the window. They’d both panicked— he had no idea how such a big dog was able to fit through such a tiny window. 
Rumpleteazer had taken off in a flurry, leaping over the wall closest to her into the neighbouring back garden. Mungojerrie, however, wouldn’t have put it past the Pollicle to be able to make that jump. So he took off running along the alley, tail streaming and sack banging against his back, past the dog— as a distraction. The dog, of course, came after him because he was the intruder who would be easiest to catch. And so the chase began. 
Though disappointingly, but not surprisingly, it hadn’t been a very long chase. A few blocks, a few well-timed turns and he’d lost the brute. Unfortunately, he now didn’t know where he was. 
“Everlasting cat, Macavity’s gonna kill us for this one,” he muttered to himself, scaling a low brick wall overlooking a Georgian-era house. He was in an older, posher part of the city, then— perhaps the part where Munkustrap lived? If that was the case, he'd better get out of there sharpish. Grumbling, he slowly retraced his steps, enjoying the temporary, though dangerous freedom. He was sauntering along the top of another low wall when he saw a flash of white from inside one of the windows out of the corner of his eye. 
It was a dancer, a beautiful one. He stared, mesmerised before shaking himself. He hesitated, looking in the direction he was headed before jumping off the wall and approaching the window slowly— he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. The window was a low one, and if he set down his sack and went on his tiptoes, he could just see in. And what he saw was something he’d never seen before, and would likely never see again.
The white cat was the most graceful and elegant dancer he’d ever seen. She made it look effortless— every single one of her movements was smooth and fluid. By the Heaviside Layer. Then she whirled around and he saw her face, and it was a face he recognised. Victoria. He swore to himself and crouched down. Had she seen him? 
Taking a deep breath and deciding his wish to catch sight of her dancing again was greater than the risk of being caught, he rose onto his tiptoes once more. Her eyes were closed in concentration. No risk of being seen then— he spoke too soon. Her eyes flew open as she missed a step and they made eye contact. Mungojerrie cursed again as her mouth formed a little “o” of surprise.
He grabbed his sack and raced for the wall as Victoria dashed off to find her owners— presumably so they’d let her out and she could go and tell the Junkyard cats she’d spotted him. He paused behind the wall, knowing he had time before her owners would realise she wanted to go out. He stuck a paw into his sack, fishing for something he was now glad he'd decided to grab. He left it on top of the wall and ran like the wind, leaping and bounding over walls.
When Victoria’s humans eventually let her out —don’t get her wrong, she loved them but everlasting cat, Quaxo wasn’t wrong when he said they were dumb— there was no sign of Mungojerrie. Feeling the heavy disappointment settle in her chest, she searched, sniffing for traces of his scent (all she could smell was Pollicle dog), one last time around the garden. 
There were so many things she’d wanted to ask the young, tiger-striped tom. Where’s Rumpleteazer? Why did you leave? Is what the other cats are saying true— is Macavity really your father? And she’d wanted to tell him —to make sure he knew— that he and Rumpleteazer were missed around the Junkyard. That she missed them. That if they came back, they’d be welcomed back with open paws (at least by the cats who mattered).
As she jumped up onto the wall to search for a trace of his scent one last time, she spotted something odd wedged next to a brick at the base of the wall on the street side. She leapt down for a closer look and eased it out. 
It was a little toy ballerina, and it smelled like Mungojerrie.
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flame-x · 2 years
Tugger and Alonzo prepare for some kitten-wrangling. (Takes place just before the last snippet I posted)
Mild swearing
Alonzo was woken abruptly by a paw shaking his shoulder. “All everlasting,” he grumbled, wiping a paw over his face, “Can’t a cat get a wink of sleep around here? What is it, Cass?” 
“‘Fraid to disappoint you but I’m not Cass,” The Rum Tum Tugger rumbled, stepping back, satisfied that the other tom was awake. Alonzo groaned and sat up. 
“Hah-hah. What’s up now?” 
“You should be.” 
“What time is it?” 
“Roughly 8. The kittens are all up and being chaotic little shits. We’re up.”
“Alright. Did you at least bring me something to eat?” 
Tugger scoffed. “What am I, a butler? Get it yourself, Bowtie.”
Alonzo gave him a small, tired smile as he stretched. “Aren’t the ‘black and white cat’ nicknames getting a little old?”
“Never,” Tugger replied, hauling him up and patting him on the shoulder. “Let’s go do some kitten-wrangling, Domino.”
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flame-x · 2 years
I'm Nix!
Basically, I've been watching CATS 1998 since I was tiny and I absolutely love it XD.
I decided to create an AU and here is where I dump little bits and random headcanons for it (along with other stuff).
Lots of little snippets of writing!
The 1998 film is my favourite and yes I dislike the 2019 film but I'll try not to complain too much about it.
My AU:
It's called the Suaimhneas AU, and it's tag is #suaimhneas au and that's how I'll tag posts with something to do with it. Suaimhneas is an Irish word, and as far as I'm aware there's no direct translation, but it means peace. I named it because it brings me peace when I write about it, how cringey I know. Quite a lot of my content is to do with it.
(Suaimhneas is pronounced SUE-iv-ness)
Random facts:
My top 15 cats (I felt bad leaving it at ten XD):
Munkustrap (Ma boi!! :D)
Rum Tum Tugger
Mr. Mistoffelees
I get a lot of hyperfixations that I can't control. They come and fill me with joy and wonder and then they go, breaking my heart and my mind. I'm hoping and hoping and hoping that doesn't happen to me with CATS but... Anyway
Absolutely send me asks! Love those, I've discovered. Interact with me, don't be shy! I love talking to people (most of the time) and making new friends. Requests for bits to write here and there are ok too, but if I don't like it I won't write it. Simple as that.
Now onto the less-fun stuff:
No hate will be tolerated here. None. I will just block you.
Don't repost whatever my stuff without credit, please!
Don't be weird towards me, I will just block you.
Some helpful things!
Here is a list I put together of named swings and the like Here is another helpful list of swings (with visuals) (by @theimpossiblescheme) And for all my fellow writers struggling on whether a character you based off of a swing or something is your oc, here is my opinion on that, hope it helps you come to a decision (can you tell I struggled with that lol)
I tag all my original posts with #mean like a minx and lean like a lynx
My writiting tag is #nix-writes
Anything I reblog will be tagged #reblog or possibly #rebleb or maybe even #reblob (#self reblog, #self rebleb, #self reblob also lmao)
Anything not cats will be tagged #not CATS or #not cats
My two sideblogs are:
@its-called-a-hyperfixation-honey where i reblog random shiz and
@alonzo-the-slinky-bastard an alonzo rp blog
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