#subhumans uk
omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 2013 Mixtape:
Avengers, The “We Are The One”
Babes In Toyland “Laugh My Head Off”
Gigi Masin “Clouds”
Small Black “Despicable Dogs” (Washed Out RMX)
Suicide “I Remember”
Black Tambourine “Black Car”
Martin Rev “Mari”
Nite Jewel “We Want Our Things”
Brothertiger “Turquoise (Skyline)”
Sea Oleena “Orion’s Eyes”
Chromatics “Tick Of The Clock”
New Bomb Turks “Dragstrip Riot”
Savages “Husbands”
Cold Cave “Oceans With No End”
125, Rue Monmartre “Revolter”
Wipers, The “Last Chance”
Crass “Shaved Women”
Depeche Mode “Soothe My Soul”
Fall, The “Victrola Time”
FFH “Worth Doing”
Phil Western “Bleak Night”
Gary Low “I Want You”
Babes In Toyland “Oh Yeah”
Heavens To Betsy “Get Out Of My Head”
Huggy Bear “February 14”
John Frusciante “The Real (Curtains)”
Suicide “See You Around”
Joy Division “Love Will Tear Us Apart”
Lapalux “Guuurl”
Les Rallizes Denudes “Reapers Of The Night” (live)
Mike Simonetti “Third Of The Storms”
Nitzer Ebb “Getting Closer”
Phil Western “Citrus Dream”
Savages “Flying To Berlin”
Farah “Gay Boy”
Bedflowers, The “My Ex-Lovers’ Address”
STRFCKR “Quality Time”
Alan Vega “Jukebox Babe”
John Frusicante “Remains”
Babes In Toyland “Bruise Violet”
Subhumans UK “The Day The Country Died”
Bratmobile “Shut Your Mouth”
Suicide “Cheree”
Telepathe “I Can’t Stand It”
Ceremony “Old”
Devotchkas, The “Live Fast Die Young”
Heavens To Betsy “Waitress Hell”
Bedflowers, The “In Love With 25 People”
Glass Candy “Digital Versicolor”
Computer Magic “Running”
Toll “Radio Moscow”
Twisted Wires “One Night At The Raw Deal”
Washed Out “Within And Without”
Golden Filter, The “Hide Me”
Desire “Mirror Mirror”
125, Rue Monmartre “Disco Hijack”
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razorsadness · 5 months
Peroxide girl with a false ID Lost and lonely she can t see Peroxide hair and burnt out eyes Blinded by so many lies
Peroxide! Peroxide! Because nobody cares? What do you do? You dye your hair
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a punk flyer for a DISCHARGE headlining gig (touring their then newly-released "WHY" 12" EP, no less), with THE MOB and SUBHUMANS supporting, live at Bowes Lyon House, Stevenage (Hertfordshire), England, on May 17, 1981.
Dis nightmare still @$!*#&% continues!
Source: http://metallipromo.com/discharge.html.
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skooodles · 1 year
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gayalpacino · 1 year
i don’t care for sam smith’s music personally but oh my god the amount of transphobic and fatphobic shit i have been seeing these past few days about them is making me want to kill bite maim like
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thejohnfleming · 2 months
Dave Dawson: 30 years on the road as a full-time professional singer (3rd of 3)
In the last two blogs, British singer Dave Dawson has been talking about his new autobiographical book Pop Idle. Now read on… JOHN: You mentioned you admired the Cardiacs, I’ve never heard of them. DAVE: Cardiacs are this English, punk rock, progressive rock hybrid band that formed in 1977. And they’ve influenced a wealth of musicians. They’re a musicians’ musicians band, but they never made it…
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okay so normally when i make informative posts about current news, i try to always link a source for it (i tend to rely on the guardian) or at least explain the source of it.
but i dont know if the government are planning to publicise this or quietly implement it so im hesitant to give details on where i got this info. im just gonna say it was from someone/s who works in the department of work and pensions, and hope that my prior post history speaks well enough of me for you to trust that this isnt misinformation.
i dont like doing this but i think this information is too important for me not to share it and said info is fucking disgusting.
starting in march, in the uk, if you ask at the job centre for a voucher for a local foodbank, you are going to be turned away.
under the current system, if you go to a job centre that has a food bank referral service, the staff will fill in a slip (theyre advised not to call it a voucher but tomayto tomarto you know?) and refer you to a local charity which will allocate you food according to the slip.
that ends on march 1st. after that, they will just hopefully signpost you to other services that can help you get an emergency food parcel. that will likely involve you having to travel somewhere, potentially on a public transport, costing you more money that you dont have. and that does not guarantee that you will get the food you need either that day or at all.
our government does not care about its citizens, but especially not about us who are poor. they see the working class, the impoverished and the homeless as subhumans. they see us as what new right sociologist and white nationalist libertarian charles murray coined the underclass.
and you know this because of how the current system will be working from now until the end of february because if youre gonna stab someone while theyre bleeding to death, you might as well double tap it, ay?
from now until february 29th, you now must have an interview so that they can be "sure" that you need that food.
bear in mind that this does not cost the government anything. they are not losing money because of this service, if you want to call it that.
and that interview? that could take up to 3 days; its whenever they have a timeslot within 3 days of your asking. you could go in and say "i have no money and i have no food, i havent eaten for days, please help," and they could tell you to come back in three days, and then not even give you that slip of paper anyway.
this could kill someone. yes, it takes longer than three days to starve to death, but if someone is struggling that much to need help acquiring food, theyre gonna have more problems going on. people might choose food over heating and freeze to death; they might decide to eat food thats gone off and end up dying from it because they couldnt call 999 because they didnt have electricity; they might decide to try and injure themselves so bad that they have an extended stay in hospital as a way to get food and die in the process; they might not have eaten in weeks and starve to death.
but hey, if you do pass the interview process, youll get the referral you needed up to three days ago and a discussion about how better to manage your finances, because hey, youve already stabbed the stabbed person two more times, why not twist the fucking knife?
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tanadrin · 9 months
how do you tell the difference between times went appeasement is good (the various times you cite) and when appeasement is terrible (Appeasing Hitler pre-WW2)
Is this a joke?
The third reich was the expansionist government of a massive sovereign state, one of the biggest powers in Europe at the time. It was led by an open racist who has publicly declared he thought Slavs and Jews were subhuman. “Appeasement” in this case meant handing other sovereign states’ territory over to satisfy his imperial ambitions.
The IRA (for example) was the armed wing of a political party representing a disenfranchised minority. They were never “appeased.” And I never used the word “appeasement” because it’s a stupid word to use in this context. The UK was able to negotiate a settlement with the IRA by promising, in effect, to take its boot off the neck of the Catholic community and to ensure their political rights were protected. But Northern Ireland is still part of the UK. The IRA got basically none of their goals.
You can defang many separatist terrorist groups by simply bringing them in to the political process. You don’t have to give them anything they want even—but just by stopping the outright oppression, their whole raison d’etre is often removed. That’s not appeasement. It’s just basic humanity.
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neechees · 1 year
I wanna ask where the racist assumption associating indigenous people with wolf where that come from
I literally have no idea. Afaik it's not from any one specific source, but might be an amalgamation of ideas over time to associate Native Americans with specifically dogs (& by extension, wolves) when dehumanizating us. I think there is some associations with wolves that come from many Native beliefs (as many Native people think wolves are sacred, & feature prominently in our legends) that Europeans & White settlers decided to take & use to demonize us. I can see the association appearing possibly due to some of the following historical contexts, but this is just me hypothesizing, just my opinion, & I could be wrong:
The general Noble Savage idea that Native Americans were/are subhuman at best, & we're what "untamed humans" apparently looked like. We were closer to animals than humans to them. Dogs are also something you can tame & train, & assimilation is one way White people wanted to "tame" Native people, & thought that Manifest Destiny would be them "taming" Turtle Island, so maybe the thinking was similar. This in addition to thinking of Native people as wild, dangerous, scary, etc, so therefore they chose dogs/wolves to help represent that idea.
Wolves in the U.K had largely become extinct in the 16th century, which lines up at around the time colonization of the Americas started really taking off & Britain & colonizers from the UK entering the picture. Wolves were seen as a nuisance & dangerous & scary, & so they thought it better to kill them. You can see similar sentiments regarding Native Americans being deemed as scary, a danger to Whites, inconvenient regarding settlement & trying to replace bison or Native animals with European livestock, AND all that in addition to many Native American tribes thinking wolves are good.
Most dog breeds Native to North America that Native people worked with & lived alongside went extinct as a result of colonization, such as the Salish wool dog & the Chiribara dog. Settlers obviously wanted to do the same to us, so they could've made the connection to dogs as a reference to this. There's also events in which settlers would kill our dogs to try kill or assimilate US, such as the Canadian government mass killing Inuit sled dogs
Racist science, the idea that humans are like "dog breeds", & the creation of the Métis slur "halfbreed". This really helped to cement the association of Native people with dogs in particular, because it implies Métis & Native people are dogs & referring to us by that terminology. The things above may have helped to be the precursor (or maybe THIS was), I'm not sure, but again this definitely cemented it
This would be a bit more recent, but like the bastardization & fetishization of Native culture & representation in media. It is true that many Native Nations think wolves are sacred & they play a prominent part in many of our cultures & spiritualities, but this isn't represented accurately or respectfully by many white people, so you get things like the stupid "two wolves inside of you" meme or those weird paintings of Indian maidens hanging out with random wolves, & so on. It's the fetishization of our culture plus mixing that in with White ppl thinking wolves are cool, so they just mesh them together however they want, & this helps to support the more negative associations of Native people with dogs & wolves (like the halfbreed slur)
I havent really been able to find scholarly research done on this or anything, & it's one of those things that aren't really talked about or looked into, but it's there. Maybe we'd be able to find more concrete answers if there wrre more research done on it, but for now the above can just be speculation. It's really common for oppressed groups to be compared to animals for dehumanization, often with specific animals to reinforce racist ideas or to justify their oppression, but why Native people are called dogs in particular I'm not entirely sure.
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fiapple · 8 months
“Germany’s gift to progressive forces is precisely that it has exposed the continuity of the colonial project.
Germany does not support the Zionist genocide despite the Holocaust. It supports Zionism for the same reason that it birthed Nazism.
It backs Benjamin Netanyahu for the same reason that it created Adolf Hitler. At a time of systemic crisis, both appeared as bulwarks of Western imperialism against the rebellious Untermensch, the subhumans – the people who ‘treat death differently,’ who ‘just die.’
The history of colonial and imperial domination has seen many Final Solutions – each limited in its barbarism only by the technological capabilities of the perpetrators and the strength of the resistance mounted against them. That is why the words ‘never again’ ring out from Jakarta to Santiago, Pyongyang to São Paulo, Hanoi to Buenos Aires, Kinshasa to Gaza City.
Gaza is a dress rehearsal for the violence that threatens workers and oppressed peoples everywhere as the crises of our century grow in magnitude. This is the historical tendency of capitalism in decay.
Now, the contours of our century’s struggle – dimmed by decades of imperialist hegemony – come into sharp focus.
On one side, an Axis of Genocide is in formation as Germany, the US, Canada, the UK and other ramparts of the imperial order intervene on the side of extermination. On the other, we find an Axis of Resistance made up of those who know colonialism’s wretched face.
If ‘never again’ is to have any meaning at all, it must mean joining the resistance and dismantling the imperialist system before it absorbs us into its unrelenting death march.”
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Omega Radio for May 1, 2013; #16.
Brian Eno “Third Uncle”
Patti Smith “So You Want To Be (A Rock And Roll Star)”
Iggy Pop “Nightclubbing”
David Byrne & Brian Eno “Strange Overtones”
Parts & Labor “Fake Rain”
Throbbing Gristle “Her Arm Was Her Leg” (live)
M.I.A. “Paper Planes”
Martin Rev “Mari”
NON "Warm Leatherette"
Normal, The "Warm Leatherette"
Kraftwerk “The Robots”
Suckdog “Oh, Mighty Pidgeons”
FFH “Worth Doing”
Einsturzende Neubauten “Styropor”
Foetus “Today I Started Slogging Again”
Sleater-Kinney “Get Up”
Mika Miko “Dear Teen Magazine”
Ms. Les “And Now We Know”
Swell Maps “Midgets / Submarines”
Slits, The “I Heard It Through The Grapevine”
X-Ray Spex “Warrior In Woolworth’s”
Enharjharna “Starka Band”
Pailhead “Ballad”
Crass “Shaved Women”
New Bomb Turks “Dragstrip Riot”
Subhumans UK “The Day The Country Died”
Deluxe industrial, punk, indie, hipster, and marquee sounds.
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razorsadness · 1 year
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My all access pass from the Subhumans/Tossers show at Metro.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a concert tour poster design for Dischord band SCREAM, during the band's "This Side Up" and/or post-hardcore era, touring the UK for the very first time alongside UK anarcho punk band SUBHUMANS, on the "Wake Up Screaming" Tour '85.
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3058364492224760788.
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menalez · 3 months
i dont want to reblog that post again and the comments are off ofc lolol. but i should have added in my tags, i also couldnt find whether the sindhi ppl being accused of this are muslim or not. but the thing i read about it said "an alleged tradition in rural Sindh" so i really dont know + dunno much about relations between ethnic groups in pakistan either. all ik is it was originally to shit on sindhi ppl (for whatever reason) and not pakis as a whole 😭
oh avoid using the term pakis, it’s a racist slur in the UK 😭 idk about elsewhere but some ppl might assume u mean it that way altho obviously that isn’t the case here.
but yeah i’m not sure too much on the origins of such claims but all i do know is that i havent seen a single reliable source report on this and reading about the dolphins, nowhere is them facing mass-rape being reported as the reason they were at risk of extinction. if that is the case, then this supposed “cultural practice” has died down enough to make their population grow quite a bit since the early 2000s. and yeah all the sources i saw said it’s a “sindhi tradition” (and afaik sindhis are an ethnic minority in pakistan) so the white supremacists just changed it to “pakistanis” bc their goal is to fuel the idea that brown ppl are less civilised and subhuman etc. they won’t acknowledge the fact that there’s cases of men of every single race raping poor innocent animals
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womenfrommars · 24 days
Hi I'm from France and I stumbled upon one of your posts about Islam. I'm genuinely sort of terrified of the future here. We finally achieved an atheist majority and fully separated religion from the state but Islam is quickly growing unquestioned. Somehow being antireligion in progressive circles has been fully turned into something bad.
And I don't think I can lie to myself anymore - muslim men are raised into an incredibly misogynistic environment and are strongly encouraged to never question it and benefit from it. I have had first hand interaction with those muslim men who sexually harassed me and pejoratively talked about my rights as a woman. On the French internet there is a massive mob of those same men being incredibly misogynistic everyday on how women dress and act.
And what is truly terrifying is that I'm told to endure it all. That it is just bad apples. Our leftists parties are in full support of it and gain voters from the muslim community, online and irl leftists constantly repeat "islamophobia" to every criticism brandished at Islam. Our discussions are getting americanized when their muslim minority is like 10 times smaller than ours and actually progressive over there. I'm so tired. There is no analysis of religion anymore. There is just choice feminism - choice to hide your body and be a property for men. And questioning the ever growing presence of men who desire to own us is somehow "white feminism". I'm lost and scared that eventually they'll become a big enough population that our laws will change to accommodate their regressive religion and take away my rights as a woman.
Somehow being antireligion in progressive circles has been fully turned into something bad.
Oh no you got that totally wrong. You can shit on Christianity all day long because it's seen as ''the white man's religion'', irrespective of all the non-white Christians who face persecution and subjugation in various parts of the world. And since October 7 it has become extremely normalised in progressive circles to demonise Zionism and by extension the Jewish religion, with false quotes from the Torah going around that all of us non-Jews are subhumans. It's only Islam that is being protected by the progressive left. They harp on about Islamophobia but Christophobia and anti-Semitism are not part of their vocabulary at all
On the French internet there is a massive mob of those same men being incredibly misogynistic everyday on how women dress and act.
Welcome in Europe in 2024! Muslims are not asking to be included, they are asking to be centered and catered to. They're not just asking for halal meat in supermarkets, they want to change European culture significantly. They want to get rid of secularism, sexual liberty, and the improved position of women in European societies. In the UK they're even handing out flyers asking people not to walk their dogs in muslim neighbourhoods because they consider dogs to be spiritually unclean animals. Muslim apologists are openly discussing child marriage online and the right for a muslim man to beat his wife. But leftists would rather talk about Christian misogyny (read: Christian women online sharing tips on how to dress modestly).
Our discussions are getting americanized when their muslim minority is like 10 times smaller than ours and actually progressive over there.
The USA has different immigration laws and mostly accept highly educated, liberalised muslims from Asia and the Middle-East. Almost all of their illegal migrants are from South America where Islam barely exists. The American muslim population is quite wealthy and highly educated as a result of the immigration laws whereas the European muslim population is lower educated and more dependent on social security, overrepresented in crime statistics, and not fully integrated into the culture as a result of the immigration policies from the 70s and the refugee crisis from 2015 and onwards. So to an American if you voice concerns about Islam specifically they see no reason to do so other than racism. I would like to see their reaction if their Christmas markets, concerts, and synagogues are blown up by Islamic terrorists. You'd think 9/11 would have been a wake-up call
And questioning the ever growing presence of men who desire to own us is somehow "white feminism".
Even when ex-muslims come out in favour of Western culture and against Islamic culture the left sees them as puppets because they think minorities cannot think for themselves. Unironically racist. Not to mention ex-muslims face extremely violent threats and social rejection from the Islamic community
I'm lost and scared that eventually they'll become a big enough population that our laws will change to accommodate their regressive religion and take away my rights as a woman.
Honestly I have had such thoughts myself, especially with mass migration coupled with the extremely high birth rate of muslim women. I think the best course of action is restricted immigration combined with intense integration efforts. And we must be willing to defend our Western values publicly even if it means we will be accused of right-wing nationalism or racism. Islam is fundamentally incompatible with secularism and equality between men and women
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hhawkeye · 2 years
i hate that when youre trans you have to be an expert on biology and politics and medicine and history and society and sport and media and education and philosophy and a thousand other topics bc if you arent up to date with everything then theres always going to be one cis person with a gotcha question who tells you theyre allowed to misgender you and treat you as subhuman just because you couldn’t tell them idk the fucking. cost of trans related hormone treatment in the uk over the past five years or some shit. like why the fuck should i have to have all these things memorised i am Literally just trying to live my life
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