nightingaletrash · 1 year
🎫 amicia? :eyes:
After being abandoned by Millicent, she used several different aliases while pretending to be a Brujah, and later when working for the Camarilla.
She spent her earliest years as an Anarch named Verity, and the car she drives at the start of Night Road was a gift from a Baron she'd run jobs for. When she joined the Camarilla and was placed under Julian's charge, she was Celeste, a name she used during Night Road.
After killing Julian and betrayed Lettow to the SI, she travelled under the guise of a Brujah again, this time using the name Jane. More to do with the diablerie than the SI.
Amicia de Lacroix only resurfaced from the Sabbat and into the Camarilla when she arrived in Seattle to join the Blood Trade.
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viridianstarlight · 2 years
27! :]
#27 on my top 101 songs was Heart, Teeth, Hands by Tina Boonstra
Send me a number 1-101 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 101 playlist
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ziracona · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Awww, thank you!
I don’t know how to answer this though. I mean, I think like everyone who knows me for fic knows me because of In Living Memory. Easily my most popular or influential work. I’ve written several other fics for DbD I really liked too, especially From the Earth of No Return, because I had to learn to write a dead language for that and it was insanely intensive and fun. But if I try to only pick one per fandom, ILM wins. It’s an ensemble cast kind of epic about Philip and the survivors attempting to escape the realm together. Lots about trauma and growth and healing and humanity and love. Really loved it. Got to do so much character work, and it really turned out in a way that made me happy. It’s a little bitter sweet, because I originally wrote it for someone it was finished too late for, but it makes me happy sometimes I hear someone say it meant a lot to them. Like organ donation for a story. That one will always be special for me.
The Nuclear Reaction wasn’t technically the first fic I wrote. I used to write AE’s for the Nancy Drew PC games, and I wrote one Heavy Rain fic on da fiction.net before it, but I still kind of think of The Nuclear Reaction as my first fic, because it was the first I’d tried to do that sort of long-form, and that makes it special in my heart. It’s a Fallout 4 fic about Deacon and Preston and the other companions working together to take down the Institute after Sole’s death, with some meta about video game play styles and my first work making my 3rd person narrator a specific character but not the ones doing things on screen being narrated, and exploring the role of the narrator a lot. I didn’t finish it, because back then I took a break to write ILM and got sucked into that, but I do intend to. It’s early and has typos and is so much from my heart. I really liked it. Also, we deserve more FO4 centered on Deacon and Preston having a relationship bc they didn’t get the chance in-game but by god those two would have been best friends given half a chance.
Weirdest one on this list, but I wrote some fic for this obscure as hell tumblr game like 12 people in the ND pc game fandom played. It was like the show Mafia but you made stories for it to fit ND characters into, and I got to run the like…4th? 5th iteration? And included elements of the card game mafia (like Dr. and Sherrif skills etc) hence mine was called WhodunnitMafia. We were all in college so it died a few rounds before the end, but I wrote a finale for my friend who had played the killer (and was fucking excellent at it) and it had spanned this…just enormous role play contained in many personal chats and live blogging events. Anyway, I wanted it to have /an/ end, so I wrote one as pros, and like, I don’t think even Austen (my friend) ever read /all/ of it, and it’s so niche only like 6 people in existence max would ever maybe be aware it existed and have any interest even maybe in readying it, but regrettably that niche thing I swear to god produced some of the single best writing I have ever done, so periodically I re-read my own stuff for mafia and go “holy shit this is amazing why the HELL did I use my best writing on something designed for literally an audience of ONE” and I suffer. Love it though. (Parts 2 and 5 are especially *cheff kiss* like not to toot my own horn but holy SHIT WHY DID I WASTE SOME OF MY BEST WORK HERE???)
God it’s hard to pick between my own writing. Like right this second, I’ve been doing shorter form Batman and Spider-Man stuff and I like both a lot because it’s what I’m super into right now, but they’re really short so does that count the same? I don’t know I liked one more than the other either. Ahhhhh I…guess I’ll say my Harvey Dent one makes the winning cut? Because of very personal reasons, and I wrote it with Chase who I’ve never written with before, but he did an excellent job and it was a very cool experience. Significant to me. No official name for it yet. It’s Batman, Catwoman, and Two-Face fighting someone with mental powers and ending up trapped on a mind plane, and mostly character and relationship exploration with the Harvey Boys/the personalities in Harvey Dent’s head all split up into their own bodies temporarily while on the mind plane.
I really like all my stuff, and I know I’ve kind of plugged my Heavy Rain and one of my DbD fics without ‘picking’ them haha. Uhhh. I’m very bad at choosing amongst my own works. I feel like I /should/ say The Kid, because it’s fun to write something so different, and I was in a really bad place when I started it, but I also want to give the fifth slot to Isolation, because I am proud to be looked on with solidarity by some and hatred by others for being a champion defense attorney for my client Michael Audrey Myers. That is technically kind of an official tie-in for ILM so it’s sort of on here already though? So I guess for variety and for the time I was told by someone the way I write Amadeus reminds them of Lestat, The Kid. Which is a FGO au fic, about an alternate timeline of events for Ritsuka and Dr. Archaman leading up to the events of the original Grand Order set of arcs, only things don’t go how they should. Ensemble cast, but the main two are Billy the Kid and Ritsuka. Very fun. And I really need to get back to writing it…
Anyway, thanks for asking! I’m bad at answering because I’m bad at favorites with my own work, but it’s still fun to talk about. : )
EDIT: AH! I forgot about Half-Life!! Ahhhh war is hell how do people pick favorites?? Im not gonna change my answers now but I do want to publicly apologize to Anna for that one
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heavensmortuary · 1 year
thank you very much!!
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terminators · 11 months
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Inspired by @subjectsix
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sunny-adorkable · 1 year
Top 10 favorite movies, tagged by @deerfests (thank you!!♡♡)
In no particular order:
Happy Death Day
Shaun Of The Dead
Anna and the apocalypse
Book of Eli
The Dark Knight
The Thing
School Of Rock
Tagging: @wysely @rose-s-587 @boopingthesnoot @greensaplinggrace @headlesssamurai @unionalliedofficial @einsesk @ineedmoredragons @subjectsix @resident-milf @disconnected-dragon @compressednerve @mrsdulac @draikaesehoch @bg3 and anyone else! ♡
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phthalology · 3 months
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Ask and ye shall receive!! Delighted to have @subjectsix fic in my real life house
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jesse-wilder · 10 months
Alan Wake is secretly a part of Kingdom Hearts:
The battle of light & darkness
Aqua & Alan (two As in their four-letter names, stuck in the Darkness for 10+ years thanks to an act of self-sacrifice) Alan was trapped in there for (un)lucky number of 13 years, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, right? *pepe silvia meme*
The Bright Presence taking over Tom's body vs Luxu expelling his heart & possessing people over the course of centuries (that is, if THoD is still canon)
Evil doppelgängers (Vanitas & Mr. Scratch)
Nightingale & Barbara are literal Heartless
Namine editing Sora's memories vs Return affecting everyone, save for the Andersons
The Astral plane & Alan astral projecting in the dark place/him & Saga interacting in the Overlaps
Little bonus:
There’s a theory that Jesse & Dylan were originally one person before the Ordinary AWE (Roxas & Sora)
How are entities like the Former/the Board/Polaris classified in Kingdom Hearts? When factoring in Control, this idea makes less sense…
“I’ve connected the dots”
Everyone else: you didn’t connect shit
“I’ve connected them”
Does anybody want to make any contributions? What would Jesse’s station of awakening look like? What about Alan's or Saga's?
Because this means that all parautilitarians have the potential to be Keyblade Wielders. *vibrates at a frequency that can shatter glass*
@haveievermentioned @ineedmoredragons @deltastorm101 @subjectsix @boxohobo
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nyoxt · 6 months
OC Associations: Foxbane
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Tag by @wunjotheork |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙
animal: crow colours: black, beige, oil slick colors month: December song: Covenant- Bullet , Eloy- Time To Turn number: 3 day or night: night plant: aconitum smells: cologne, slight tinge of ozone, old paper gemstone: labradorite, rock crystal quartz places: neon-lit streets, small antique cafes, park alleys food: brown soy beef stew astrological sign: gemini element: air drink: schnapps, mineral water
tagging (if you want to do this no pressure) : @subjectsix , @shadrell , @alistairssock
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gremlin2 · 3 months
we're doing tag games again in 2024 baby
Put your 4 favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe, then tag 4 people.
tagging: @lokiwaffles-the-sequel @lizzienoodles @subjectsix @heavensmortuary
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tinymintywolf · 1 year
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@geekycitizen the boy with the symbiote is blake, he was heavily inspired by "lonely kid befriends an alien" stories like ET and lilo & stitch!
the other gotg character hangin out with kraglin actually belongs to my bud @subjectsix, she is very cool and you should definitely ask her about her ocs :^)
edit: realized you may have been referring to the oc on the left drawn with quill, if that's the case her name is zizi and her base lore can be found here!
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sunthroughtherust · 7 months
Get to know you better game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Tagged by: @likemmmcookies
Last song I listened to: should've been me by mitski
Currently reading: ... if by currently reading you mean attempting to read but haven't picked up in weeks, then a clash of kings by grrm and the shining by stephen king. I also just finished convenience store woman by sayaka murata which was kind of like reading a mirror sooo, definitely recommend that one
Currently watching: i'm forcing my mom to watch a bunch of musicals by team starkid. also just restarted my rewatch of power rangers mystic force which... i can't recommend. nostalgia is the only thing carrying this show alongside the soundtrack and helmets
Currently obsessed with: i feel myself on the verge of becoming obsessed with power rangers again which i do not necessarily need right now. also OBSESSED with getting EMAILS from my fucking PEERS. goddamn it guys we're trying to start a CLUB
Tagging: @electrosquash, @gravitonbeamemitter, @bymine, @stackslip, @antediluvianapocalypse, @subjectsix, @snckt, @trinitymakesttrpgs @mewtwoenthusiast
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mentacose · 20 days
stealing this from @subjectsix !!!!
Last Song: hand of god by jon bellion. i feel like you should listen to it once in a while for your health
Favorite Color: ocean blue. and yellow
Currently Reading: narna and lord of the rings
Currently Watching: friday night lights. very slowly. shoutout to @undercover-barsoomian for providing it for me <33
Last Movie: uhhhh the proposal. the first fifteen minutes
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: sweet!!! savory's a close second
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsessions: gravity falls, the blue castle, star wars, harry potter
Tea or Coffee: both!!!
Last Thing I Googled: cinnamon rolls recipe
tagging @undercover-barsoomian bc she was a special mention, but i dare everyone who lays eyes on this prompt to fill it out themselves
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stellerssong · 9 months
Last Line Challenge
tagged by @two-hands-toward-the-sun to post the last line (or, like, chunk, if we're being indulgent) i added to a wip! for my own part, tagging @eri-223, @sunsorbit, @honeyteacakes, @subjectsix, hi kip, uh...i don't know who else hasn't done this who wants to...so like. if you're seeing this, now is your chance! tell them i twisted your arm! tell them you had no choice!
and god damn, wouldn't you know it, the last wip i was digging around in is for a fandom i know for a certainty no one here is interested in. so we'll make it a twofer, just to keep the people hyped up.
first off, a loose sequel to my extremely normal P6 + P7 au for Control (2019, Remedy Games):
“So here the boy is, crying, sad, because that’s his only knife, and when you’re just a nobody-shepherd good knives don’t come easy, so he’s thinking, ai, what am I gonna do, I can’t just go and buy a new knife, my moneypurse is dead as the stone. And the tears fall down in the river, plash, plash, plash. Salt in the good sweet water and all. And the god of the river tastes them, and—” “The what of the river?” “Jahaa.” Ahti gives Jesse a sly smile, like a fox in a picture book. “Your funny man didn’t teach you that word?” “No. What’s it mean?” “Hmm. It’s like a—big man. Or lady. Or both. Or neither. Who got a big job to do. And all the little people, running around under his feet, they tell the god, hey, now, I need your help with this and with that. And the god, well—sometimes he helps, and sometimes he doesn’t, but the important thing for him, and the thing what makes him what he is, is the big job. Making the winds to blow, and the tides to rise, and the sun to rise in the east and set in the west, and the dark to come in at night.” “Casper says the sun rises and sets because of plan-et-ary ro-tay-shun.” “Plan-et-ary ro-tay-shun, saatana,” Ahti grunts. “Your Casper says a lot of things, eh? Some of them might be true, even. Smart man, smart, smart man. But he wasn’t there when the boy dropped his knife in the river. So you gonna believe him, or Ahti?” “Were you there when the boy dropped his knife in the river?” Ahti fox-smiles, and doesn’t answer.
AND, for your trouble, the next bit of the mansand werewolves au, where Dream is, as always, having some kind of a motherfucking day:
“Is…everything all right?” “Yes.” “Do you need a minute, or—?” “That might be for the best, thank you. Just sorting out a few things.” She squeezes Dream’s right paw, and Dream knows to his bones that she’s just trying to hide the fur and claws there, but the weak little creature deep down inside of him lets out a happy whine at the comfort of her touch. “We won’t be long. And you’re welcome to ask Tiffany to help sort the request items if she can mind the front desk while she does it. We’re a little short-staffed at the moment. Gearing up for finals, you know.” “Right. Yeah, no, of course.” Gwen takes a nervous step back. “I’ll, um—I think I’ll get started on the requests on my own, actually. It’s not that much material. And if I pull Tiffany right now, we’re gonna have masters’ students climbing over the front desk to steal each other’s holds when they think we’re not looking.” “It’s surprising how aggressive they get, sometimes,” Lucienne agrees mildly. “Though I’ve had some dark nights of the soul myself when I couldn’t turn up what I needed on JSTOR, so perhaps it’s not my place to judge.” “Been there, babe.”
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ollierachnid · 1 year
Thank you for the tag, @casketvamps! This seems fun :]
RULES: Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters 🎶 (idk if I can do that last bit, but we shall see)
O - "Oom Sha La La" (Haley Heynderickx)
L - "Laura" (Jasmine Kennedy)
L - "Living Dead Girl" (Rob Zombie)
I - "If I Lead" (Kiltro)
E - "Everybody's Gotta Live" (Love)
R - "Riders on the Storm" (The Doors)
A - "American River" (Destroy Boys)
C - "Cosmic Dancer" (T. Rex)
H - "Honeymoon With B Troop" (10cc)
N - "No Need for a Leader" (Unknown Mortal Orchestra)
I - "In My View" (Young Fathers)
D - "Dirtywhirl" (TV On The Radio)
Tagging: @simply-jason @vendettapandav @staghunters @thedarklinkfell @itsskoll @rqg179 @thesaintelectric @panopticonsys @subjectsix (if you don't want to do this then don't worry!)
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menta-art · 2 years
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oc doodles!!! in order
the inky fan oc belongs to @starrtoon
the next three are cynthia rosie may, and lilac!! they belong to me
prischilla belongs to @aw0-files
phoenix belongs to @subjectsix
and the last one, sydney, belongs to me
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