#subtle cynonari
elydition · 2 years
Party Time
“Master Tighnari!” Collei called out excitedly, stumbling into his room with her clumsy charm on full display. There was no calamity that occurred with his decorative vases this time, so Tighnari kept his eyes on his hands.
“Master Tighnari,” Cyno echoed flatly. If one didn’t know Cyno, they wouldn’t have picked up on the slight teasing in his voice. Tighnari could hear a sharp smack, a clear indicator that Collei reprimanded him.
“I do hope you know I don’t have to turn around in order to throw something at you, General Mahamatra,” Tighnari was focused on mixing the last of a salve a child needed after sustaining some burns. His mother was waiting patiently and Tighnari rarely ran behind. If Cyno and Collei were here, there was a chance he could get swept into something time consuming. “Is there something you two need?”
“No! Not at all,” Collei slid up to the desk Tighnari was working at, peering over his shoulder carefully. “Cyno asked me where you were so I brought him here. I can deliver the salve to the kid’s mom so you can chat! I want to check up on him myself, anyway.”
“You know the usage instructions for this salve right? I made it a little less potent since children are usually sensitive to it, but still relay the usual information to them.” Tighnari said. He neatly capped the salve and packaged it within a dark bag.
“Apply three to four times a day, keep watch for any irritation, wrap with bandages for the first day to maximize effectiveness, and keep it stored in this bag to prevent it from spoiling in sunlight?” Collei listed off, counting on her fingers.
“Perfect. Now go on before it gets too late, I know how much you like to play with the children.” Tighnari dropped the bag in her hands, smiling at her softly before she strolled off to find the family she needed.
“Such a warm welcome, Tighnari,” Cyno muttered after Collei was comfortably on her way. “How your bluntness wounds me.”
“How your jokes take several years off my lifespan,” Tighnari bit back, smiling at the slight chuckle from Cyno. “What brings you to the forest?”
“Are you not aware what day it is?” Cyno furrowed his brows, bringing his arms over his chest. “It’s your birthday, Tighnari.”
“Oh- It is?” The botanist brushed by Cyno to look at the calendar hanging on his wall. Neatly written next to the current day, in Collei’s handwriting, was a note about Tighnari’s birthday.
“Have you been nose-deep in your research again? What have Collei and I told you about taking breaks?” Cyno stood next to Tighnari, who was still staring at the calendar in dazed silence.
“I- I thought I was,” Tighnari’s gaze dropped down slightly. “I didn’t realize so many days had passed. I’ve been working with Karkata and helping Hapaysia recover- I genuinely have been taking breaks, Cyno.”
“You may have been thrown off by staying up through the nights sometimes,” Cyno turned to face Tighnari. “It happens, but you shouldn’t be this surprised. That tells me enough on it’s own. From now on, please let Collei assist you. Her internal clock is nearly mechanical so there will be no mistaking when it’s evening.”
“I shouldn’t have to rely on my student to take care of me when I’m perfectly capable on my own. Time shouldn’t have slipped away from me like that, and we both know it.” Tighnari’s ears folded closer to his head, his body language turning more defensive in an instant.
“You recognized your mistake, now it’s just going to take some time to recover from it. That lightning strike did you no favors either. Dehya has constantly been checking in on you discreetly.” Cyno reached out, rubbing Tighnari’s arm gently. “Just forget about that for now. I’ve come to invite you to your birthday party.”
“A party? Really?” Tighnari’s enthusiasm was nonexistent.
“Those of us that helped Lesser Lord Kusanali regain her freedom wanted to celebrate your birthday after your display of courage at Pardis Dhyai. A few of them would like the opportunity to get to know you better as well, namely Nilou,” Cyno explained.
“I see,” Tighnari finally turned to face Cyno in return. “It seems I have no choice in the matter.”
“Collei and Aether will be there?” Cyno attempted to make Tighnari feel more comfortable with the crowd of relative strangers there.
“It’s fine, I’ll go. Especially if Alhaitham is bringing Kaveh, I love to see how creative they get with insulting each other.”
“Such loving words.”
– – –
“Oh! I see them!” Nilou exclaimed with her face pressed against the glass of the door she was peering through. They decided to host the party in the Grand Bazaar due to it’s relative privacy. “Cyno and Tighnari are almost here!”
“You’re quite excited, Nilou,” Aether said, carrying over a crate of wine Alhaitham and Kaveh were kind enough to bring for the occasion.
“I love celebrating!” Nilou swayed gently, a smile gracing her features. “Birthdays are important milestones in life. Whether it’s the first or the hundredth, they’re all important to me. Some people have a hard time showing their appreciation for someone outside of these occasions. So, I like to help create an environment to encourage love and kindness.”
“Sounds about right to Paimon! Nilou sure does know how to sling together a party. Just look at all the food!” Paimon said, hovering over to the table crammed full of Sumerian specialties.
“Here, let me help you organize the wine then,” Nilou said once Aether placed down the crate. As soon as she crossed the room, Dehya’s booming voice caused her to turn around once again.
“Tighnari and Cyno! Glad you two could make it,” Dehya approached them both, slinging her arms over their shoulders. Tighnari jolted at the sudden contact, but relaxed when Dehya made no move to touch his ears like some heathen.
“Kaveh, where’s the gift we arranged for Tighnari?” Alhaitham asked the man next to him, who scoffed in response.
“You do know that was your responsibility, right? I bought it and it was you who arranged for it to be delivered,” Kaveh bit back. “Don’t tell me the Scribe forgot something.”
“Mind your tongue, it was bought with my money. And yes, I did arrange it, but the man did not like me and requested to deal with you on the day of the delivery,” Alhaitham’s neutral expression did not change. Dehya snickered, covering it with a cough so the Scribe didn’t fix her with a glare.
“Deal with me? First, that’s incredibly rude. I am a pleasure to interact with,” Kaveh said, planting his hands on his hips. “And second, you did not make me aware of future plans with the guy. How was I supposed to know?”
“I left a note on your desk since you don’t listen to a single word I say.”
“The desk I cleaned?”
“Well, yes. It’s not my fault you didn’t pay attention.”
“There are the roommates I know and love so much,” Tighnari dead-panned. “Would you mind keeping your bickering matches to a minimum? Nilou is visibly stressed right now and Collei will be in attendance. I’m sure you don’t want her refereeing your arguments.”
“Apologies, Nilou,” Alhaitham conceded without anymore fanfare.
“Collei enjoys us! Don’t you dare turn her on us,” Kaveh said, face flushed. He had a soft spot for Collei and didn’t enjoy arguing with Alhaitham around her. Tighnari knew he would only complain about Alhaitham if she was in the room, and he definitely used that to his advantage.
It’s his birthday, it’s not a crime to wish for peace among his friends for a few hours.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” Nilou said, approaching gently. “I managed to get into contact with Collei so I could get some of your favorite foods for today! She was so excited to help, so I hope she’s able to join us quickly.”
“I must say, the rain forest is gorgeous,” Candace spoke up, finally joining the little circle they had created. “You tend to it, do you not?”
“I do. I’m the head Forest Watcher, and Collei is a student of mine. Perhaps an apprentice would be a better title for her now,” Tighnari rolled the thought around in his mind. She was well respected and a reliable pillar for Tighnari to lean on. He’d have to make some changes to her status soon, then.
“I took a rather quick stroll with Nilou when she went to meet Collei and could see it was well tended. I’d love for you to visit Aaru Village when you get a chance. We could use your knowledge on identifying some plant species that have started to appear. I would feel better knowing if they were safe due to the many children around,” Candace extended her invite sweetly.
Even if Tighnari hated the heat of the desert, her reason was kind. He had no reason to refuse.
“I’m sure I could make some time within the next week or two. Perhaps I could drag the General Mahamatra with me since he seems to believe I can take a break, while he can’t,” Tighnari cut his eyes over to Cyno. The man only shrugged in response.
“Seems Cyno is in the doghouse, am I right,” Dehya slapped both of them on their backs before strolling off. “I’m with Paimon at the food, so if anyone wants any, chop-chop!”
“Leave some for Collei!” Nilou said, scampering off behind her. Tighnari couldn’t help but laugh as the people around him grew more lively with chatter.
Perhaps it would be a rather nice celebration.
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velociheroviridi · 2 years
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Tighnari may have spent his birthday giving lectures but that doesn't mean his friends can't still wish him a happy birthday
yes I know I'm several days late we don't need to talk about that
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caluupin · 1 year
I just finished the act 1 of the event a few hours ago. be prepared for ramblings and doodles.
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genshin-silliness · 3 months
Thoughts on the 4ggravate polycule
Basically just how I feel about each of the ships inside the polycule
4ggravate: I like it! More as a crack ship though, lol. Realistically I couldn't ever really see them getting into an polyamorous relationship (at least not with the interpretation I have of each character). But with certain fanfictions and fanart I find them fun haha.
Cynonari: This post best explains my thoughts on the ship. I just can't see it romantically despite being popular. However, I think they work great in a platonic relationship!! Though not canon, I love the idea of them growing up as childhood friends and seeing each other as brothers :)
Haikaveh: Yes. This is probably my favorite cc x cc ship in game. Their dynamic is just everything to me- the banter, the tension, the subtle moments of care, the slow burn. They really are so domestic and I love that for them. I can't explain specifically why I like them so this image would be the best way to describe it-
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Haino: The relationship I have with this ship is complicated. On one hand, I love it as a crack ship and think the two most emotionally inept (Alhaitham is much more emotionally inept than Cyno) people attempting to navigate a romantic relationship is comedy gold. On the other hand, Kaveh is really the only person I ever see Alhaitham developing feelings for, and well, I just don't think Cyno would be very into Alhaitham💀 It's funny, but that's kind of all I think of it. (The art I see of them though is very cute though).
Kavehno: This is honestly my biggest comfort ship EVER. Why? Simple reason: Fluff. There's just not a lot of angst or drama to them like at all, they're both really caring and kind people who would be very attentive towards each other. They're just so soft and sweet and I find myself smiling whenever I think about them :)
Hainari: Another ship I have a complicated relationship with. I feel as though I'm biased for my love for the ship because I read a wonderful AO3 fic on the ship and that impacted my fondness for the ship. However, realistically with the interpretations I have of Tighnari and Alhaitham I just can't really see it ever happening. I can't even see them ever becoming good friends. Their relationship to me is "oh, that guy." And nothing more. The only time they see each other is when the four meet up, so they never really have any one-on-one interactions. This is how I feel their interactions go-
Alhaitham: ....Is there anything new happening with you?
Tighnari: No. You?
Alhaitham: No.
Tighnari: Oh. Alright then.
Kavehnari: Can't see it romantically, I love the idea of them being besties though. Tighnari being the FIRST person Kaveh runs to whenever he needs to vent and Tighnari is always ready for the tea. He may not respond with much other than a few head nods, and "really?"s, but he's listening intently to everything Kaveh tells him.
Keep in mind that these are all just my personal interpretations on each ship, and not me trying to bash on anyone else.
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pocket-luv101 · 8 months
Safe Haven // CynoNari
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Cyno learns that someone is following Tighnari.
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“Come in.” Cyno replied to the knock on his door. He didn’t expect to see Tighnari to enter his office. While they were close friends, Tighnari rarely left his forest. He hadn’t told him that he would visit the city and invite him for lunch as he usually would. He noticed the frustration in Tighnari’s expression and it was clear that he didn’t come for a simple visit.
“Cyno, did the Matra open another investigation on me?” Tighnari’s question took Cyno by surprise. “Someone in a Matra uniform has been following me for the past week. He doesn’t know how to be discreet and stomps about the forest. He almost walked through a garden of endangered flowers and then yelled at Collei when she stopped him. He ran away before I could reprimand him for that.”
“You’ve noticed someone following you? Describe their appearance. I’ll speak with him immediately.” Cyno felt a surge of protectiveness. Had the person followed Tighnari from Gandharva Ville to the city? With that thought, he glared out the window and searched for anyone suspicious. He wanted to ask him more about the person but Tighnari spoke first.
“I know that you can’t tell me the details of your work — especially if I’m the person the Matra are suspicious of. I initially planned to ignore him and have my actions prove my innocence. However, he has made Collei uncomfortable and interfered with the Forest Ranger’s work. I’ll answer any question you have and end this investigation as quickly as possible. That must be more efficient than having someone follow my every movement to collect information.”
“Tighnari, we don’t have an open investigation on you.” Cyno told him. Tighnari fell silent as the implication of his words settled heavy on his mind. He bit his lip and silently assessed the situation again. Why would someone dressed as a Matra be following him? Was the uniform merely a disguise and they had a motive separate from the Akademiya? Cyno must’ve had the same questions because he opened a folder on his desk. “I will speak with him. You can identify him with the profiles I keep on everyone.”
“There’s no need for that.” He was confused when he stopped him. Tighnari stood and then leaned over his desk to close the folder. When he would’ve sat back, Cyno placed his hand on his shoulder. He didn’t understand how Tighnari could appear so calm compared to him. The thought of someone threatening him made him angry and possessive. Tighnari pulled the folder towards him so Cyno couldn’t open it again. “I can confront him on my own. I have a few choice words for him after he yelled at Collei.”
“You can’t go alone.” He stopped him. There was a subtle change in his voice that only Cyno could hear. Whenever Cyno discussed an investigation or mission, his voice was firm and distant. He almost sounded uneasy. His concern was emphasized when he lightly squeezed his shoulders. “We don’t know his intention or what this person is capable of. It’s better to be cautious.”
“I understand your concern but I can deal with him on my own. I’ve dealt with my fair share of scholars and Matra already. This person will be no different. Trust me, Cyno.” Tighnari took his hand off his shoulder. He didn’t let go of his hands though. He rubbed their fingers together and he could feel his warmth through his gloves.
“Didn’t you come to my office for my help? If one of my Matra is shadowing you without informing me, I want to know why. They might be a mole connected to a larger threat.” This situation was far from a regular investigation to Cyno. He could detach himself from other investigations and be objective. However, that was impossible with Tighnari.
“I wanted to speak with you about my stalker. Honestly, I don’t know whether it’s more or less complicated now that I know you’re not the one who wanted to investigate me again.” Their friendship didn’t start as how most would. Cyno first approached him under the suspicion that he would start a coup. Watching Tighnari, Cyno learned that he was genuine and kindhearted. Those traits were rare in scholars and it drew Cyno to speak with him outside of his work.
Tighnari idly flipped through the file and let out a heavy sigh. “I assumed he was following me as part of the Matra so I couldn’t confront him directly. That would’ve caused problems for you, Cyno. I hate the pride, pomp and circumstance of the Akademiya. I was hoping that any suspicion the Matra had of me would be a misunderstanding and it’ll be solved with a simple conversation. Since that isn’t the case, I don’t have to worry about the Akademiya hanging over our heads.”
“Even if the person was a Sage, I wouldn’t allow them to target you. I am the General Mahamatra but I will not blindly follow the Akademiya.”
“I know.” The happiness Tighnari felt from Cyno’s words conflicted with his bitter logic. He was grateful that he would help him and a selfish part of him wanted to have him by his side. On the other hand, he didn’t want to ask Cyno to use his position for his sake — not again. When he asked him to find his teacher, Tighnari didn’t expect it to place Cyno in the center of a dangerous coup. “I’ll handle this alone.”
“Aren’t you the first to tell Collei to accept help from others?” Cyno doubted the argument would dissuade him but he needed to try.
“You’re already busy with your work. I don’t want to trouble you when I can deal with a single man— whether he’s a Matra or scholar.”
“What’s the point of being the General Mahamatra if I can’t fight for justice or protect the people I care for?” While he met Cyno through an investigation, now there was no one he trusted more. He helped Tighnari hide Karkata and approved the classes he held despite the Akademiya’s regulations. “You’re strong, Tighnari. I trust your abilities more than most of my Matra. You can protect yourself. That doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with you confronting this person alone. You’re my best friend.”
The affection and devotion in Cyno’s eyes made Tighnari waver. Happiness and longing pulled at his resolve to confront the stalker alone. He wanted to accept his offer and lean on him. The last sentence echoed in his mind and reminded him that he couldn’t become too hopeful that Cyno felt anything more than friendship. Despite that, Tighnari found himself nodding.
“Okay, let’s find him together. There are a lot of files here and it’ll take time to look through each of them for the person following me. I have to patrol in the morning so I have to return to Avidya Forest before the sun sets.”
“Do you want me to walk you back?” Cyno offered.
Tighnari glanced at the work on his desk and shook his head. “I’ll be fine, Cyno.”
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Before Tighnari left the Akademiya, he visited the House of Daena. The library had a wide collection of books and he thought it was a shame that only a few could read them. The knowledge they provided could help people and that was enough reason to share the books with people. He thought of Collei and how she diligently studied for a chance to study medicine. He would do everything he could to support her.
With that thought, he pulled a textbook from the shelf and then sat at an empty table. Tighnari copies the research report into his notebook to bring back to Collei. The Akademiya allowed scholars to take books outside of the city but there were many restrictions. It was simpler for Tighnari to prepare study notes and worksheets for her. Luckily, Faruzan and Alhaitham gifted books to her.
Tighnari didn’t realize how much time had passed as he wrote until he heard familiar footsteps near the entrance of the House of Daena. He was born with enhanced senses and his father taught him to shut out most noise. Cyno’s footsteps always caught his attention though. His ears perked and his tail swayed behind him. He stared at the door and waited for Cyno.
He finished the worksheet for Collei before he stood to greet him. Then, he noticed another person approaching him. There were a few scholars studying in the House of Daena but the person stood out. They paced nervously behind him and shuffled the books on the shelf. Tighnari hadn’t noticed them earlier because he was focused on Collei’s curriculum.
A chill ran through Tighnari when he realized that the person behind him could be the one following him. Had they followed him from the Matra Office or far earlier when he left Gandharva Ville? He almost turned to see the man to confirm that it was the person who had been following him. Tighnari stopped himself. If the person knew that he could sense him, he would run.
He considered the ways he could confront them. He twirled his pencil around his finger as he often did with his arrow. The person yelled at Collei so being in the House of Daena wouldn’t stop him causing a scene. Tighnari preferred to avoid causing trouble for the students in the library.
After pondering for a few minutes, Tighnari shut his notebook. He placed his things into his bag and then stood to put away the textbooks. As he predicted, the person followed him. Tighnari led them into a deep corner of the House of Daena where people rarely visited. He stopped and turned to face the person with his arms crossed.
“Why have you been following me for the past week?” Tighnari demanded.
He watched the man’s expression change from surprise to apprehension. Despite wearing a Matra uniform, it quickly became clear that he wasn’t one. Tighnari didn’t recognize the man as one of Cyno’s co-workers and they lost their composure too quickly for a trained Matra. He fumbled over his words and Tighnari felt his frustration growing.
“You can yell at a trainee Forest Ranger but lose that arrogance when you need to explain yourself to me?” His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head. “Who are you and what do you want with me? I already spoke with Cyno and made a report about your behaviour. You can speak with me now or deal with the Matra.”
“You spoke with General Mahamatra Cyno today? I saw you enter their office but I didn’t expect you would be able to have a meeting with the General Mahamatra. So, the rumours are true.” Tighnari expected the man to become nervous or frightened once he mentioned the Matra. To his confusion, he took Tighnari’s hand and stuttered. “My name is Geoff. Can you introduce me to General Mahamatra Cyno?”
Tighnari tried to pull his hand from his grip but he only held onto him tighter. He winced at the slight pain and took a step back. Geoff followed him and the closing space made Tighnari uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Geoff ignored his glare and pressed forward. “I am in love with General Mahamatra Cyno!”
“Pardon me?”
“General Mahamatra Cyno saved me last month and I’ve been in love with him ever since. I was planning how to introduce myself to him again and confess my feelings. Then, I heard a rumour that he’s close with you. If I can be more like you, then he will like me too.” Geoff explained. “But you’re just his friend. I will make him fall in love with me once I gather more information on him.”
“How can you say you love Cyno when you can’t even say his name?” He pulled his hand from his grip and faced him with a glare. “Cyno is not just the General Mahamatra. If that title is the first thing you see about Cyno, you don’t deserve him. Cyno is so much more. You may call me just his friend but I know him far better than you ever will. He can discern a shallow scholar immediately and he’ll keep you at a distance.”
“Arrogant Forest Watcher.” Geoff spat the title at him and raised his fist. Tighnari couldn’t draw his weapon in such a small space so he reached behind him for a book to defend himself. Before he could, Geoff was pulled away from him. He collapsed to the ground but Tighnari’s focus wasn’t on him.
Cyno stood over Geoff. His jaw was clenched tight. His red eyes could almost be mistaken for crimson agates from their sharp glint. He spoke in a flat voice but anger underlined his words. “Harassment, impersonating a Matra, plus instigating a fight and dispute. That’s more than enough to have you arrested. Another Matra will be here in a few minutes. Give me one more reason to detain you.”
Cyno wrapped his arm around Tighnari’s waist and pulled him closer against his side. He gently guided him away from Geoff. He only spared him one final glance over his shoulder and silently warned him not to follow them. As angry as Cyno was to see someone attack Tighnari, he wanted to take him away somewhere safe.
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“Thank you for walking me home, Cyno.” Tighnari said when they reached his hut. He didn’t add that he was disappointed that they had to say their goodbyes now. The walk from the city to Gandharva Ville only took a few hours but it was past sunset when they arrived. He purposely walked slower to spend more time with Cyno. He couldn’t prolong saying goodbye to him any further.
“My Matra arrested that man but I wanted to ensure that you returned home safely. Did he injure you when he grabbed your hand?” Cyno lifted his hand to Tighnari but then he hesitated. He didn’t voice his concern but Tighnari knew that he was worried that he would hurt him. Tighnari placed his fingers on Cyno’s palm. “No broken bones.”
“Valuka Shuna’s bones are not made of fragile glass.” He reassured him. Cyno let out a relieved sigh and tenderly squeezed his hand. The heat of his skin was enough to keep him warm in Dragonspine. “Actually, I was about to suggest that you sleep in my hut tonight. It’s dangerous to walk through the rainforest while it’s dark. I can also cook you breakfast to thank you for everything you’ve done today.”
“I won’t let him approach you again. As soon as my shift starts, I will draft an order that he is to stay a certain distance from you. I’d prefer if he can’t be in the same city as you.” Cyno muttered the last sentence. He knew that jealousy and possessiveness were childish emotions but the sight of Geoff taking Tighnari’s hand burned him with anger.
Instead of his promise reassuring Tighnari, uncertainty passed over his face. He leaned back against the doorframe and draped his tail across his arms. He threaded his fur through his fingers as he often did when he needed to carefully consider his words. Cyno spoke first. He petted his tail and asked: “Are you still worried about that man, Nari? I won’t let him bother you again.”
“He was following me because he was in love with you. Geoff said he wanted to know more about you so he could plan a perfect love confession. He acted as if we were experimental subjects for observational research. I hate scholars like him. You could never fall in love with someone like him. Right?” He looked up at him with expectant eyes and waited for his answer. Tighnari’s ears flicked and Cyno reached up to touch the tip. He leaned into his touch and sighed.
“Tighnari, are you jealous?” The question made Tighnari stiffen and he quickly broke his gaze. The hand on his cheek kept him from pulling away completely. Cyno brushed his thumb over his bright red cheek. Due to the darkness, he couldn’t be certain that he was certain that he was blushing. He leaned closer to see him better under the moonlight. Tighnari’s heart quickened and he worried that Cyno would be able to hear it.
“What do I have to be jealous of? There’s no reason for me to see Geoff as a threat. I’m just frustrated  at him and the problems he caused for us. I don’t like him targeting you.” He was truthful when he said that he was upset. However, Cyno could sense that there were more to his words. Tighnari bit his lip and tried to stop his next words. “What right do I have to feel jealous? I’m just your friend. He said so.”
The longing and restraint in Tighnari’s voice caught his attention. Cyno touched his lower lip that he had bitten. He had imagined kissing him so many times but held himself back, worried that he would be rejected. He didn’t know whether he should look into what he said and become hopeful. Did Tighnari like him as well?
“He might’ve been following you for a week but he clearly doesn’t know a thing about us. When you told me that someone was following you, I wanted to protect you. That’s not only because you’re my friend. I love you.”
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sxxlol · 5 months
the current ﹒⪩⪨﹒ 4/28
˗ˏˋayla's writing corner ´ˎ˗
sxxlol on ao3! go check out my cynonari fic, linked below.
working on: "and any way you choose me, you'll break instead" (cynonari longfic)
status updates: hihi! currently on chapter 5 of 'you'll break instead!' still in the drafting stage, i am on the first draft as of now. getting kind of distracted from chapter 5, writing another, future chapter of the fic right now. will get back on track soon!
chapter hints: the plot thickens… the journey approaches.
chapter excerpt: no worthy ones yet!
announcements: BETA READER POSITIONS OPEN!!! ARABIC TRANSLATOR POSITION OPEN!!! please please reblog so i can reach more valuable candidates!!!!!
: ̗̀➛ i am opening up two beta reader volunteer (unpaid) slots! this is for a cynonari fanfiction, from cyno's pov in third person omniscent. it is a suuuper slow burn from strangers to lovers! scenes range from action/fighting to soft and intimate moments. the story is heavily lore based and i quite literally make shit up as i go... although i do have a general outline i would provide to interested candidates. now here are some requirements: > general knowledge of genshin impact lore, though willing to set it aside in some aspects as i have planned all of cyno's lore previous to the 4.6 update, when his second story quest comes out. > general knowledge of ancient egypt, as my story has very heavy egyptian themes and i am often researching niche details to make it accurate. do not worry about understanding everything, but a general idea of how ancient egypt worked is definitely required. > wide ranging vocabulary- i often use archaic words in my writing to convey a sort of ancient aspect to the story. i promise im not trying to sound like some elitist i just enjoy writing things like this. i take inspiration from madeline miller's writing because of how beautifully she portrays the ancient world, and this is something i hope to achieve as well. it would also be helpful if you could suggest synonymous words in your reviews! > insensitive to possibly triggering topics, which include the following- graphic depictions of violence, blood, death, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and subtle racist remarks (disclaimer: I AM NOT making racist remarks about any of the characters. I am writing about racism in the setting, because there is clearly animosity towards desert-born in the sumeru storyline. i want to explore every possibility, every topic- not because i enjoy writing about racism, but because issues like racism are prevalent even where they are not most obvious, and i want to expose that. i want to introduce moral conflict and image issues with the characters, because it makes it more realistic and relatable, especially for underrepresented groups). > this might be obvious, but a sincere enjoyment in the characters, fandom, and themes is definitely a requirement. if you lack enthusiasm in some of the topics, please do not send in an application. more info and any questions you have will be discussed after you send in a short application in discord dms (my user is sxxlol). just tell me a bit about yourself, including information like your pronouns, name, etc, so that i can properly speak with you! after that just include a brief description of what you like to write about, words to describe your writing style (optional), and your past works or current wips. please also provide excerpts or links to favorite works that YOU have written, which can include anything from a poem to a fanfiction. any other info pertaining to writing you have done or things you'd like to share, feel free to include it in your message! thank you so much, and that is all!
: ̗̀➛ i am opening one volunteer (unpaid) position for an arabic translator position! description: this position is super low demand! it is for a cynonari fanfiction i am writing, same as described above, and linked above. you do not necessarily have to have any knowledge about the fanfic, fandom, topics, etc. I just need an occasional title or phrase translation, which will be not too often. if it is possible to include the romanized- or in english lettering- version along with the arabic lettering that would be great. please though, only fluent speakers in both english and arabic apply for this position! i need to be able to communicate with you accurately. please message applications to me on discord dms (my user is sxxlol). thank you!
goodbye! ﹒⪩⪨﹒
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staryuee · 1 year
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꒰warnings꒱ suggestive (´∀`*) + subtle mention of cynonari at the end(?)
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . SFW. getting caught making out with [char.]
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . venti, zhongli, raiden, albedo, yelan, xiao, dehya, alhaitham, kaveh
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . this style of writing is certainly out of my comfort zone but i ac had quite a fun time ! <3 blame my asexuality for my lack of kisskiss knowledge
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VENTI — 温迪
♡ his reaction solely depends on who initiates
♡ if venti himself is the one making you succumb to his romantic and rather risqué wiles, he’s honestly shameless and completely uncaring of whether or not you get caught
♡ however, his nonchalant attitude completely disintegrates when YOU decide to pull him in with your gentle temptations, any ounce of confidence slowly escapes while your needy kisses and taunts don’t stop even after the sound of distant footsteps get louder
venti is extremely mischievous and he certainly derives some sort of pleasure from watching you awkwardly pat yourself down to calm your appearance after he’s smothered you with affection, however, he is also very prone to getting overly flustered or embarrassed himself.
both in public and private, as long as the winds still blow, venti will always be on you; caressing you, hugging you like a clingy cat, kissing you at any given moment — honestly any form of PDA is perfectly fine with him no matter where. yet, whenever YOU reciprocate his energy, it’s like he dies in the most blissful way.
venti invited you to a cute “semi” date to angel’s share, also known as, “romantic hangout where you regrettably pay for his drinks out of love.” he’s been missing your attention as you’ve been rendezvousing in sumeru without him, what better way to make it up to him than with a drink?
in his tipsy state, he collapsed onto you, sneaking his hands round your waist and squeezing you closer towards him with a giddy laugh. “venti, you should seriously quit with the drinking for tonight.” you attempt to pry him off, moving the empty bottles of liquor away with your other hand.
“mm..does that mean i can get drunk off of you instead ?” he murmurs softly into your ear, nuzzling your neck, causing you to shiver under his touch. your face heats up at his boldness. he leans away and flashes you a cheeky smile. there’s no harm in indulging him, right ?
you take your chance; tilting his head upwards and cupping his cheek so that your lips meet his, sweet and slow. he hums into the kiss, and grips onto you tightly yet delicately. he wasn’t inclined on letting you go anytime soon, not wanting to force out of the embrace either, the kiss went on to last for a seeming eternity, with each passing second the lustful fervour significantly increasing.
you felt yourself getting hot underneath his hands and his lips, your breathing grew heavier as you slowly ran your tongue across his bottom lip, earning a quiet sigh and soft moan from him. you parted reluctantly, but remained close enough for him to lean onto you.
“l-love..” he whimpers with flushed cheeks, his heart beating an incoherent melody within his head — one that is abruptly muted as a drink gets smacked onto the table. diluc sighs loudly in exasperation, rolling his eyes and giving venti the biggest death glare you’ve seen in existence. yet, what surprised you the most was venti’s bashful expression that he attempted to hide behind his hands.
its safe to say you both left rather quickly after that.
♡ zhongli is a gentleman, a perfect example of a polite and well mannered man who only shows his devotion to his one and only
♡ that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feed into his selfish desires to a risky extent — he’s been the god of geo and the protector of liyue for centuries, he can handle the thrill
♡ or so he thoroughly likes to believe, when it comes down to it if he ever does inevitably get caught (time flies too fast when he’s indulging you..) he gets rather awkward and tries to avert the attention off of himself as quickly as possible
“zhongli! honey, you forgot your lunch.” ah, the typical scenario for a married couple — a scenario which was very much implanted by zhongli himself. despite his ancient years, when a habit like picking up lunch that was made by your lovely spouse is just randomly forgotten it certainly isn’t just “a slip of the mind.” and of course zhongli knows that.
work is plainly mundane and banal, and with full respect to his boss hu tao, sometimes the old archon reminisces over daily excitements in his youth(?). no amount of excitement could compare to the warm and antsy feeling in his heart when he catches a glimpse of you, however.
with that said, zhongli enjoys deliberately forgetting something at your shared abode since you nearly always end up searching for him and he gets to see your gorgeous face for a few minutes. although, this time was a bit different. zhongli’s heart and head couldn’t stop pounding in sync, it was frustrating and honestly blinding.
“thank you, darling.” he simply replies to you, kissing your forehead with a gentle smile. he didn’t want you to leave, he never does, though the outcome was inevitable he could always try and stall you — isn’t being positively greedy for your spouse’s love the point of a relationship?
zhongli lifts up your face with his index finger, gaze lingering on your lips as some sort of way to ask for permission. a hand caressed your cheek as you looked at each other through your eyelashes before sighing and nodding your head contently. his hand moves slowly from your cheek down to your neck and around your nape, pushing you ever so closer.
your eyes flutter shut as you felt soft breaths fanning against your lips. the air between them grew hotter. zhongli kisses you deeply and passionately, making sure that he expresses every ounce of his gratitude to you without any hesitation.
your hands moved from his face to his chest to grasp him firmly and he lets out an excited sound in between a moan and a delighted sigh. the kiss quickly turned more intense and both of you were practically moaning as the need for air intensified the kiss.
zhongli had completely disregarded everything around him except the taste of you as he propped you up on a nearby desk. you pulled back slightly, panting heavily as you stared into his eyes. zhongli’s eyes were filled with adoration and lust, and you couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. you smiled softly at him, cupping his cheeks and pulling him close again.
you kissed him once more, though this time zhongli pulls away in an instant as a chipper voice creeps up behind you two. it was none other than hu tao. his face was twisted in distaste as he tried to suppress an amused chuckle. “well then. if this isn’t an intimate moment between lovers. what’s all this about hm?” hu tao snickers at her own joke while you look back at him wide eyed in embarrassment.
zhongli’s booming blush dwindles into a calm pink as he coughs into his hand, pecks you delicately, before going off with hu tao; both to save you the shame of explaining yourself and to talk about business matters. next time, you’re going to make it absolutely certain the door is locked.
♡ if you’re an anxious person or someone who prefers to keep PDA rather private, raiden is absolutely perfect for you
♡ still accustoming to the times, the lovely ei perplexes over how to properly show you affection, this ultimately leads to uhum.. certain timing complications
♡ majority of the time, getting caught with her is practically impossible as she spends most of her time in her abode — but when the leader of a nation is in a guaranteed place, it’s only natural for their followers to directly visit them for urgent matters; great news for them, but tricky news for you and your lonely lover
an extremely unlikely scenario, but a memorable one that haunts ei’s mind when it does occur. ei isn’t a typically affectionate person, which comes to no shock, but that doesn’t mean she’s against holding you close its more so that she’s awkward — she’ll always indulge you if you initiate though.
however, this scenario was much different and quite peculiar; instead of you seeking out your lover it was her that sent the poor tenryou general herself to ask of your presence.
the doors of tenshukaku gracefully open to invite you to the abode of your beloved who was busy drinking saké with a look of sorrow; which immediately dispels as she looks up to see your figure. “missed me?” you sit besides her with a smile, ei hums in response and uncharacteristically draws you onto her lap with ease.
“yes.” she says softly, kissing your forehead, and you let out a pleased little sound as your hand finds its way to the base of her neck, gently turning yourself to face her. the two of you stayed like that for what felt like an eternity (pun teehee), ei finally broke the peaceful silence by pecking your lips.
her eyes flutter shut at the contact; it is the first time she had initiated such a gesture, and her heart felt full. she deepened the kiss with an unexpected greed, her grip on your waist getting tighter. you couldn’t help but laugh at that — you hadn’t been expecting the sudden change in behavior, but you did enjoy it nonetheless. you kissed her back with the same vigor she had done before, hand cupping her cheek affectionately.
with ei’s circumstance, she could literally kiss you for eternity, but of course, she pulls back just for your sake despite her reluctance. she stared at you with clouded half-lidded eyes, you laughed at her flustered state, beginning to pepper delicate and slow kisses along her ear and jawline.
“ehem..” an awkward cough echoed within the opposite side of tenshukaku resulting in you both turning your heads in horror. sara’s face was in the liminal space between utterly mortified as she’s just witnessed her own god getting defiled by her lover, as well as apologetic for interrupting such an intimate moment.
“my apologies, shogun, i simply wanted to check if [name] had gotten here safely, i will excuse myself..” ei had no time to respond before sara fled without a trace, only the tension in the air stayed as it was.
“so..” you trail off, facing your lover with a smile, “can we continue now?” you wrapped your arms around her neck, ei shook her head with an embarrassed sigh, her brain constructing multitudes of ways you two can avoid this situation the next time.
ALBEDO — 阿贝多
♡ when albedo is in the moment, he is IN the moment; that regards anything that albedo deems worthy of his full focus and attention, and, in this case, it’s you
♡ he won’t fully disregard his work while you or sometimes him entices the other, he’ll leave you flustered and uncomfortably hot all the while he’s uncharacteristically smiling jotting down notes from his latest experiment
♡ if you two get interrupted albedo doesn’t have a vivid reaction, it’s rather mild, he’ll be displeased and a little upset but once the interruption is dealt with he’d have accidentally forgotten about what you two were doing and go back to his unattended work .. (the struggles of an adhdtistic brain..)
you are guaranteed an entertaining day or night if you choose to endeavour near dragonspine’s static mountains whilst albedo resides within his small cavern; experimenting on specimen or mixing chemicals with fascinated wonder.
but this trip was an exception. albedo’s current experiments didn’t need the ambience or seclusion of the freezing gales of dragonspine: instead, he was stationed within the knights of favonius in his own office.
your cutely effective plan was to simply to greet your boyfriend, perhaps sneak in a kiss and slip away to let him continue his work, the usual.
arriving to albedo’s office, you open the door with anticipation. albedo pauses in his step as his eyes glide over to your figure where he promptly smiles. he takes your hands in his and places gentle kisses on your knuckles. “everything alright, love?” he pecks your cheek and pivots to return to his work, his ear awaiting your gentle voice.
“yeah, just missed you that’s all.” you reply, sneaking behind albedo and hugging him with a smile, he shortly replied with a kind smile of his own. he places his work aside and turns to you, kissing your lips gently as you wrap your arms around his shoulders to bring him closer; his hands begin caressing your hips gently as he deepens the kiss.
you break apart for air but are greeted by another kiss from him which was more forceful than before, you soon reciprocated his affections. he began trailing kisses down your neck, his fingers tracing patterns into your skin, occasionally grazing against your waist.
he pulls you impossibly closer and begins nipping at your collarbone, biting softly into your tender flesh. he continues nuzzling your neck as he presses soft kisses to your shoulder blade then up to your jawline and finally to your face.
your heart nearly beats out of its chest not because of albedo’s tender nature and the intimate proximity between you two, but because of the loud knock on the door that even startled albedo.
he begrudgingly let go of you with a sigh, walking over to answer the disturbance, that light pink blush still remained on his face yet he somehow still looked composed and neat — meanwhile you were a mess of burning dopamine.
for your information, he came back unfazed and ready to continue with his alchemy.
YELAN — 夜兰
♡ mfmrmwqmm that’s all i gotta say no i’m joking alright LOL
♡ she LOVES getting caught mostly due to the fact she’s absolutely extraordinary at playing it off and getting you both out of the situation as well as the fact whenever you DO get caught, it’s because yelan planned for it to happen
♡ why would she be ashamed or embarrassed when every little tease and taunt of yours was clearly the reason you got caught ? (she’s projecting onto you)
yelan loves hunting you like a predator does with prey. her eyes lock onto yours and even if your gaze flickers to anything but her, she’ll still stare directly at your form in fascination. her shallow breathing as she entraps you by a nearby wall slowly becomes louder till at last, her warm breath fans your neck in excitement.
“i can’t take my eyes off of you.” she whispers, her face intriguingly itching closer to yours, head lightly tilting to tease the beating in your heart to flourish. yelan licks her lips, her hand pushing your face closer: she lets go. your faced contorted to displeasure, her laugh raising your blood pressure.
“sorry, love. but we are on a mission here.” you pull her back in an instant, hands gripping onto the fluff on her coat in desperation to bring her closer. she obliges, of course: after all this was her plan. she pulls away with a duplicitous smile, “we have no time for this.” yelan’s pouting face turns into something mischievous, eyebrows arched, lips parting slightly as she kisses you once again.
you respond, returning the kiss with equal fervor while yelan’s arms slithered around your waist. your hands snuck behind her coat, ran down her back as she sighed, melting underneath your gentle touch, pressing harder into you. this is yelan’s favorite thing about making out in a small alley during a mission — the thrill and anticipation. every little moment of soft touches, soft kisses, soft skin under her fingers were a bliss.
a chattering crowd slowly draws near before stumbling across the two of you. “what do you think you’re doing here?” a man’s voice, laced with frustration and agitation spoke up amongst the lot. yelan parted away from you slowly, she turned around to face them and paced gracefully to the group of disturbances.
“all according to plan.” the men looked at each other perplexed, that was the last look on their faces till yelan rid them of consciousness in what seemed like an instant. your own face was more or less the same as everyone who laid stiffly on the ground; utterly shocked.
“yelan.” she comes back to you with a gentle laugh. “did you just use me for your own work.:”
she tilts your head up just like before, “don’t jump to conclusions, darling; you were the one that initiated the kiss, i was just simply being a good partner, how could i predict that the people i needed would show up in this specific moment?” she felt the irritation practically seething off of you, therefore, to at least soothe you, she kissed your cheek as reparations.
XIAO — 魈
♡ oh for the love of morax he cannot handle the stress and anxiety of public PDA
♡ don’t get me wrong, xiao loves your touch no matter when or where, but the moment someone catches him especially after HE was the one that initiated it (in the rare occasion), he disappears
♡ zhongli once caught you two (it was rather innocent, only a few polite kisses as a goodbye) and he didn’t visit you or zhongli for a few weeks
“xiaoxiao~ i’ve missed you !”
xiao welcomes your squeezing hug with open arms, hands tightening their hold on you once you get comfortable. “i’ve missed you too.” he mumbled against your clothes. you pecked his cheek gently, your left hand caressed his face with lovesick affection. xiao began laying soft kisses onto your palm, slowly moving his lips till they meet your shoulder.
“feeling clingy today, are you?” you jest, yet xiao stays calm and quiet, focusing his attention on your figure. you felt warmth blooming in your chest at the feeling of him touching you so tenderly. xiao is the type of person that has to do everything by himself; the type that has to prove his value to those who care for him; but now here you are, a part of that equation where you love each other unconditionally.
xiao pressed kisses along your jawline, his heart raging and caving his chest with every shiver from you. he abruptly stopped, taking a step back from you in embarrassment, “i apologise. i’ll take my leave..” he trailed off, not looking you straight in your eyes and attempting to leave as quickly as possible to avoid the temptation of making you stay by holding you tighter.
of course you didn’t let him simply leave: you grabbed one of his hands, intertwining fingers. “stay.” you gave him a complaisant smile, your eyes shining brightly under the rising morning sun. xiao’s breath hitched as you moved closer again and embraced his shoulders with both arms lovingly. xiao couldn’t help his instinctive desire to return the embrace and kiss you deeply.
his hands wandered aimlessly around your perfect figure, finding comfort in just the feeling of you near him alone. he deepened the kiss , letting out a groan when the pressure was building up between the two of you. you gasped softly in surprise. xiao had never done this before; he himself had never even thought about doing something like this in the past. and now there you were, giving an alluring invitation to him by pulling him impossibly closer.
before xiao’s imagination ran wild with desire, verr goldet’s voice could be heard in the near distance. startled and ashamed, xiao instantly fled away into sparks of anemo energy.
goldet walked towards your now lonesome figure, initiating a conversation about xiao to ask about his whereabouts and yet you couldn’t hear anything except the sound of your own pounding heartbeat.
DEHYA — 迪希雅
♡ a very “to the point” woman, she wants what she wants and usually what she wants she gets; that’s hardly any different when it comes to loving you
♡ whether it be a kiss in public, long or short it hardly matters, a lingering hug that lasts for so long that it’s become so common no one’s bothered anymore — dehya doesn’t mind it, in fact she relishes these moments if anything
♡ it’s a bit of a different story when the people she considers her family nearly catch her being intimate with you; i say nearly because this woman and her reflexes make it so you’ve never gotten TRULY caught
“is there any other way i could pay you, lady dehya~?” dehya knew this sentence just meant ‘please stay with me for longer’, and usually she would laugh it off and move on to her duties yet this time, something inside her fuelled her to indulge you.
“now that you mention it,” she leans in closer to you and dips you down with her hand sneaking onto your waist, “there is.” the flustered expression adorning your face was certainly worth it.
she smiles against your lips and moves away, “im sure thats enough hmm.” you shake your head with a displeased expression, pulling her back in and kissing her instantly. she hums in approval as she kisses back, your hands roaming around her back while hers find their place under your shirt, the kiss becoming more fervent with each touch. you’re both out of breath when you finally separate again, panting lightly but still holding on tight to each other.
“im sorry,” you mutter apologetically, “i know im usually a lot more considerate than this.” dehya shakes her head with an amused look in her eyes and pulls you up into another kiss. she can taste the sweetness of your lip balm , the sweet aftertaste lingers on her tongue. dehya sighs contentedly as she tugs you closer by the waist, you gasp softly into her mouth before deepening the kiss, her fingers trailing down your back in contentment.
“yo, dehya ! theres some apparently important guy from the akademiya who wants to commission you.” dehya jumps slightly at the voice, letting you go immediately and covering your figure with her own. you can’t help but chuckle at her bashful urgency as she awkwardly speaks with the fellow mercenary. she eventually turns to you, gives a sheepish smile and kisses your forehead as an apology.
“don’t worry, we can finish this when we get home.” dehya is a woman who never goes back on her word.
♡ “how would the great scribe ever even get into this scenario in the first place” kaveh, next question
♡ nearly always its the lovely and poorly timed kaveh that has to accidentally witness your guys’ passion , and although kaveh won’t ever admit it to you out of respect, he does use you and these situations as a way to win arguments with alhaitham
♡ to be frank, alhaitham never truly cares or feels much when he gets caught with you, he mostly analyses how you’re feeling and then uses that assessment to act accordingly
its quite literally impossible to make this man embarrassed or ashamed, yet you’re somehow able to turn the impossible to possible with a simple plea from your pretty lips.
“alhaitham, can i get a kiss.” an innocent request, one that alhaitham had no issues completing. he should’ve known better than to think that your requests would end there. you begin continuously pleading him for all sorts of affection, each which brought you closer to the stoic but malleable sage.
his patience was growing thin, his desire to indulge having proper intimacy with you ever so prominent in his mind as a result. he could feel himself starting to lean in when your hand grasped his jawline, pulling him in even closer until his chest touched yours, your legs straddling either side of him. his breath hitched in his throat, you looked up at him through your eyelashes and asked “whats your answer, love?”
and alhaitham couldn’t help himself. with the smallest of movements, he brushed his nose against yours, and you both sighed in unison before leaning in to place a passionate kiss on your lips. you couldn’t help but shiver as his soft hands cupped your face. you wrapped your arms around his neck, in response alhaitham began to gently place his hands on your hips.
you deepened the kiss mischievously, both of you breathed heavily once you eventually pulled away. “you know,” alhaitham started with an averted gaze, “you really are a troublemaker when you want to be.” you responded with a gentle smile, kissing the side of his mouth teasingly, you felt the grip on your hips becoming increasingly tighter as alhaitham anticipated your next move.
“uhum.” a theatrical cough echoed in the room , both of you pulled away, alhaitham with a little more haste. “don’t mind me, i didnt see anything.” alhaitham stared kaveh down with an unnerving glare.
“didn’t expect for you to be so clingy, alhaitham.” kaveh let out a teasing laugh and winked at you.
“leave.” alhaitham wasted little time in making it clear kaveh’s presence was absolutely unwanted, and kaveh wasted no time in scurrying away with another giggle. was he going to use this against alhaitham next time they argue? oh, absolutely.
KAVEH — 卡维
♡ the guilt kaveh feels when he buries himself in his sketches and work components so much so that he ignores your gentle feelings is almost unbearable
♡ fortunately for you, kaveh values your sweet smile over anything else <3
♡ kaveh is a rollercoaster of emotions; a sea of chaotic feelings that can never truly balance, so getting caught makes his heart and stomach churn with both anxiety and passion (he also does want to die a little bit inside if the intruder questions the both of you)
kaveh struggles in not indulging you whenever any sort of opportunity for romance arises, so you can imagine his moral dilemma when you’re sweetly hugging his back while he’s focused on his work. failing to finish his work would honestly give him the same disappointment as not showing you adamant attention especially when you inadvertently ask for it.
then again; he could just show you affection now and pull an all nighter finishing the sketches.. yet the same can be said vice versa. seriously, what was he going to do with you? with the way you trailed your hand down his back, head leaning near his ear to press light kisses on his skin, kaveh’s mind was pretty much certain of his answer.
he pauses the tenacious and skilled momvents of his pencil to turn around and pull you down onto his lap, gently, of course. you didn’t even make a noise of protest as his arms wrapped around your waist, you settled perfectly into place like you belonged there, and you smiled up at him with charming eyes.
kaveh leans in and presses a slow kiss against your lips, savouring the softness, “my angel, please stop distracting me… I’ll be finished soon.” you hummed in acknowledgement but don’t say anything else as you kiss him without hesitance. kaveh sighs happily into the kiss, melting a little more as he feels you press up closer to him. “you know you shouldn’t tease me that way…” he mumbled as he pulled away.
you giggled a bit before pulling him close again for another kiss that is much slower than earlier, your body heat making him dizzy. “just doing my job, love~” your voice was so comforting yet such a poison to his work. he couldn’t help but groan a little as you pull back and start kissing the side of his neck. kaveh knew you were teasing him again.
before kaveh could actually enjoy your clingy affection and the heat fluctuating in his body from your ministrations, the voice of a beloved forest ranger entered the room. “hey, kaveh, [name], we’re ready for-.” he stood there for a good couple seconds before sighing aloud.
“we were wondering what was taking you so long. finish up and then join us.” he immediately leaves without another word. it’s not like you were one to talk about being embarrassed, but kaveh was raging in shame as his face rested on your shoulder with wide eyes filled with horror.
how was he meant to face cynonari tighnari and cyno now..
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©IHEARTGANYU do not copy, steal or repost <3
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pocket-luv101 · 5 months
Misplaced Love Letters // CynoNari
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Tighnari takes over Miss. Hina’s advice column for the week. He reads a letter and doesn’t know how to reply. “I am in love with my best friend. Should I confess to him?” (CynoNari, Modern AU)
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“Tighnari, the way you phrased your advice is too blunt. Even if you’re correct, the reader will feel as though you’re judging them and they won’t listen to anything you suggest. It will also discourage others from writing to Miss. Hina. Maybe you should soften your tone.” Gorou slid the letter back to Tighnari. He sorted through the envelopes and picked one at random. “Here, try writing advice for this one. Imagine you’re giving advice to one of your students.”
“These letters are strangers to me and it’ll be disrespectful to treat them like children.” Tighnari sighed and tore the advice from his notebook to a new page. When Gorou asked him to write as Miss. Hina for the week, Tighnari agreed to help. He now questioned whether he was fit for the job. “It’s easier to tailor advice to my students because I know their strengths, weaknesses and where they need to improve. I’m happy to help but I’m curious why you chose me. Most consider me too harsh.”
“Cyno recommended you.” The simple sound of his name made Tighnari’s heart quicken. Gorou didn’t notice the slight change in Tighnari’s expression and added: “He said that you help his sister and gave her good advice. There’s no one he trusts more than you. The General Mahamatra doesn’t give such praise often so you must’ve left a good impression on him.”
“You’re exaggerating, Gorou.” Tighnari knew that Gorou used Cyno’s nickname as lighthearted teasing. Nevertheless, he found himself defending him. “He might seem like a recluse in school but most law students have a terrible social life. If I wasn’t Collei’s tutor, we wouldn’t have spent so much time together and become friends.”
He still felt uncertain about whether he could give advice as Miss. Hina but he would try. Tighnari didn’t want to betray the trust Cyno had in him. The opinion of others never mattered to him before but Cyno was different. He picked another letter from the pile and flicked his thumb over his pen. His resolve was immediately challenged when he read the letter.
I am in love with my best friend. Should I confess to him?
The short, two sentence letter caught Tighnari off guard. He had to wonder if the Archons were mocking him. Should I tell my best friend how I feel? Tighnari asked that same question to himself countless times over the past year. Despite that, he still didn’t have an answer. Cyno’s subtle smile appeared in his mind.
The letter didn’t reveal much of the person’s situation yet Tighnari understood all too well. The present and unknown future tugged at Tighnari’s heart: the reassuring comfort of his familiar friendship and the longing for his loving touch. If he confessed, he could possibly lose both. Should he risk everything they built together when he wasn’t certain that Cyno felt the same?
A part of him knew that he was projecting his own situation onto the letter. Tighnari tapped his ten against a blank sheet of paper. Minutes passed without him writing a reply. Miss. Hina could easily encourage the person to confess. The best relationships start as a friendship where they can grow together. There was a chance that their friend felt the same. The words sounded hollow to Tighnari. How could he give someone advice that he couldn’t follow himself?
“Tighnari, are you okay?” Gorou pulled him out of his thoughts.
He quickly smiled so he wouldn’t worry him. “I’m not the best at giving romantic advice. Maybe I should start with the letters asking for agriculture advice.”
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The letter lingered in Tighnari’s mind after he left the library. He studied the words as he made his way to Cyno’s home. He walked the path many times before and he didn’t need to take his eyes off the letter. Tighnari traced his thumb over the green stationery paper and pondered over an answer. The floral design of the paper and rough texture was easily recognizable to him.
He began to cross the street but he was suddenly pulled to a stop. An arm wrapped around his waist and forced him to stumble to a stop. He lost his balance and fell backwards. He didn’t try to catch himself and allowed the person to steady him. From their familiar footsteps, Tighnari immediately recognized Cyno behind him.
“It’s dangerous to walk down the street with your nose in a book. You might get hurt by being distracted.” Cyno said. Tighnari tilted his head back and his tall ears blocked his vision. Despite that, Cyno didn’t mind. His hair was soft and had the subtle scent of flowers. When he gently brushed his ear aside, he noticed Tighnari hide a slip of paper in his pocket.
“I’m not a child who needs their hand held when crossing the street, Cyno. I can hear a car miles away.” Tighnari prided himself on being independent but his heart still fluttered when he saw the concern in Cyno’s eyes. He could easily become lost in the red sunset that his eyes held. He forced himself to look away and walked forward. Cyno fell into step beside him and Tighnari glanced at their hands. He wondered how he would react if he tried to hold it.
“Are you here to drop off homework for Collei? She went to the mall with Amber and Sucrose. I’ll put the worksheets on her desk for you.” Cyno offered. Earlier, he was surprised to find Tighnari in front of his house. He had cancelled his tutor session with Collei because he needed to work with Gorou for his project. He didn’t tell him the details so Cyno assumed he would be busy all day.
“Actually, I wanted to see you, Cyno. Can we talk inside?” In answer, Cyno held the door open for Tighnari. They often spent time together after tutoring Collei but something in Tighnari’s voice caught his attention. He wondered what he wanted to speak with him about.
Tighnari walked into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. They had spent so much time together in his home that he naturally relaxed. As if the house were his own home, he dropped his satchell next to him and draped his tail onto his lap. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. There was a furrow between his brows and Cyno wondered if something happened with Gorou.
The light sting of cold glass against his cheek startled Tighnari and he opened his eyes. Cyno held a glass of water next to him and the simple gesture made him smile. He was attentive and thoughtful yet he never brought attention to those small acts of kindness. He couldn’t help feeling happy and prideful that he was able to see this side of him.
“Thanks, Cyno. I’m fine.” Tighnari reassured him and took the cup. When Cyno settled into the spot beside him, he draped his tail over his lap. He combed his fingers through his green fur and a light hum escaped him. He quickly covered his mouth and glanced at Cyno in the corner of his eyes. Cyno continued to pet his tail silently and Tighnari was relieved he hadn’t heard his pur.
He took out the letter from his pocket and placed it on his tail. Cyno’s hand suddenly froze and became tense. Tighnari assumed that he merely paused to read the letter. “I told you that I was going to help Gorou today. He asked me to take over the Miss. Hina advice column. I didn’t tell you because Gorou asked me to keep it a secret. Then, I opened this letter. I need to talk to you about it.”
“I… Tighnari, I… You’re my bes—”
“I know Collei wrote this letter to Miss. Hina. This stationery paper is the same as the one she used for the Forest Ranger’s charity posters.”
The first time Tighnari read the letter, the question of whether they should confess to their best friend filled him with mixed emotions. He didn’t recognize the design of the paper until he left the library. Tighnari didn’t have an answer but he wanted to encourage Collei. He considered her to be his little sister and she should pursue happiness.
He turned to Cyno and waited for his reply. His lips parted a few times yet no words came to him. Tighnari smiled softly and lightly nudged his shoulder against his. “The letter took me by surprise too. I didn’t know she was interested in dating yet. Did she talk to you about anything? It could help me write the best advice for her.”
“Sometimes, it feels like she’s too afraid to ask me for advice. My love life – or lack thereof – would give her less reason to come to me for help.” He forced out a small laugh to hide the panic rising in him. Cyno couldn’t take his eyes off the familiar paper. His mind raced for an excuse to avoid facing the letter. “I don’t think I can help.”
Usually, he would be happy to help Tighnari. The letter was different. For a brief moment, he considered taking it from Tighnari and burning it. He was grateful that Tighnari misunderstood the situation and assumed that Collei wrote it.
Cyno was the one to write the letter.
“Collei looks up to you.” He placed his hand over Cyno’s and tenderly squeezed his fingers. Tighnari wanted to feel his warmth against his skin longer but he forced himself to let him go. He worried that Cyno would realize how he felt if he became too greedy. Despite that thought, he asked: “Would you confess to your best friend if you had feelings for them?”
“If the friend doesn’t feel the same, confessing will end their friendship. The other person might continue to be their friend but it will always be in the back of their mind… for both of them. It’ll become awkward and strange. One will be left hoping for something they know they can’t have and the other will be guilty for hurting them. It’s better to not change a relationship where we’re both happy already.”
“You can be happy with someone and hope for something more with them.” The argument rushed out of him in a hush whispered. Tighnari bit his lip against the words he held back for months. He glanced back at Cyno and studied his expression. If he heard him, he would realize that he wanted to answer the letter for himself as much as it’ll help Collei.
“You’re my best friend, Nari. I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever lost you. I wouldn’t be able to eat your mushroom hodgepodge, play TCG with you or hear your plant facts.” Even sitting next to Tighnari as they were now was special to Cyno. He made each moment feel more significant. “Is confessing worth the risk of losing all that? That’s the question Collei is actually asking in her letter.”
“So, what advice should Miss. Hina write for this letter?”
The few minutes it took for him to reply felt like an hour for Tighnari. His heart was beating in his ears and it almost drowned out Cyno’s response. “She should wait until she’s certain. Maybe her friend will confess first. It’s better to stay friends for now.”
The paper became crumpled in Tighnari’s hand. He didn’t realize that his hands tightened into fists until Cyno gently eased the letter from his fingers. Yearning and heartbreak formed a lump in his throat and he couldn’t swallow it as he did before. The answer that he had been dreading was all but words written in front of him. Cyno would insist they remain friends if he confessed to him.
The only blessing of the rejection was that Cyno didn’t know how he felt. He could continue to have Cyno in his life without pushing him away with his unrequited love. Tighnari desperately repeated that to himself to drown out the sound of his own heart breaking.
“Are you okay, Tighnari? You look pale.” Cyno placed his hand on his cheek so he could tilt his gaze to him. The concern in his eyes touched Tighnari earlier. Now, it reminded him of everything he yearned for yet couldn’t have. Tighnari could only blame himself for the heartache he felt. When he decided to show the letter to Cyno, he had hoped that he would confess to him.
“I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have told you about this letter.”
Hurt passed over Cyno’s face and he let him go. “I’m sorry. Was that bad advice? I’m not good with romance or feelings. You should write a better reply.”
“It’s not you.” Tighnari instinctively reached out to comfort him. The hurt in Cyno’s red eyes was more painful to him. However, he couldn’t reassure him by explaining the reason he regretted giving him the letter. The only thing he could do was take his hand and tangle their fingers together. He leaned forward and hid his face in his strong shoulder. Without thinking, he muttered: “I’m the fool who fell in love with my best friend.”
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Red Wine
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Tighnari doesn’t understand why Cyno never defends himself when scholars attack him for merely being the General Mahamatra. When he overhears someone insulting Cyno, he can’t contain his anger anymore.
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“Those arrogant scholars boast that they’re rational and infallible merely because they couldn’t dream. If that’s true, tell me why they’re always the ones I have to save from feral leopards. They approach dangerous animals as if they’re in a fairy tale and they’re able to befriend them. That’s very illogical to me.” Tighnari complained and drowned his cup of wine. “I don’t know how you’re able to deal with them every day. They must be a headache for you too.”
“I’m the General Mahamatra and it’s my job.” Cyno shrugged. He didn’t add that his work had been more taxing after they rescued the Dendro Archon. Ranting about his job would be a burden to Tighnari when he was already busy with his own work with the Forest Watchers and reforming the sages. To be able to share a drink with him at the end of the day was enough for Cyno. They sat at the bar on the second floor of Lambad’s Tavern.
“You always say that, Cyno. You don’t need to act as the General Mahamatra when it’s just us. Even people who love their work will complain when it becomes stressful. It’s why I invited you out for drinks.” Tighnari flicked his fingers against the cup and the glass rang softly. He felt a little tipsy and his body naturally leaned towards Cyno. He grinned at him and whispered: “I promise I won’t report you to the Matra for any rude comments you make about the Akademiya.”
Cyno chuckled and a subtle smile softened his face. The sight made a flame flicker in Tighnari’s heart. He loved Cyno’s smile but then he thought of how he rarely showed it to others. Tighnari wished that people would be less guarded against Cyno. If they could see Cyno’s virtues and trust him, his work as the General Mahamatra would be easier.
While Tighnari was a student, he would overhear people complain about the Matra and the General Mahamatra. He never understood why. Cyno only acted in the best interest of scholars and protected them from their own folly. Those feelings only grew after he met Cyno and they became friends. He learned how much he cared and that he wasn’t the type to blindly follow the sages. Tighnari fell in love with the man behind the title of General Mahamatra.
“The Yae Publishing House sent me a copy of the latest Genius Invokation novel. They used you as a model for the cover.” Tighnari glanced at Cyno in the corner of his eyes. He was attractive and easily embodied a regal hero. “It must be exciting to be a part of your favourite game. Though, I’m surprised you like the novel when it deviates from the rules and some of the ways he wins are absurd.”
“That’s what makes it interesting. It’s difficult for me to explain. I don’t think anyone should rely on luck or miracles but I believe they can happen. They don’t occur in real life as often as they do in the novel.” Cyno saw how corrupt the world could be—even outside of the Akademiya. His life could never be like a novel but he cherished the peaceful nights he could share with Tighnari.
“It was luck that you were assigned to my case instead of another Matra. Because of that, we were able to meet. This is to luck.” Tighnari lifted his glass and taped it against Cyno’s. “Fukumoto wrote me a letter and requested I be a model for one of his characters. He didn’t tell me the details. Which one do you think I will be?”
They began to discuss the novel and drank wine. Since both of them had the day off tomorrow, they allowed themselves to indulge more than usual. The warmth rising within Tighnari wasn’t from the alcohol or the atmosphere of the tavern. Cyno’s voice had an allure that was far more intoxicating than the wine. Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell Cyno that without risking their friendship.
Tighnari was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard plates clatter against wood. He turned towards the noise and saw a group of students sitting in the corner of the room. From their uniform, they were from the Amurta Darshan. Life in the Akademiya could be overwhelming and students would go to Port Ormos or local pubs to escape the pressure.
Then, one of the students slammed his hand on the table. “The Matra confiscated my modified ruin guard and now I won’t be able to complete my graduation thesis in time. I’ll have to repeat the course. Why would the Akademiya give the Matra so much power over researchers when they only know how to shred paper? I bet they haven’t written a single paper before.”
Tighnari’s frown deepened with each word they said and he started to stand. He didn’t expect Cyno to wrap his arm around his waist and pull him back onto his stool. The alcohol made it difficult for Tighnari to regain his balance immediately and he leaned against Cyno. He pushed his bangs out of his eyes before he looked up at him. “Why are you stopping me?”
“Because I don’t want to arrest you for starting a fight with them, Nari. I don’t care what people say about me.” Cyno held him closer when Tighnari glared back at the group. He admired Tighnari’s outspoken personality and his conviction but he didn’t want him to get in trouble for his sake. “You’re drunk. I’ll walk you back to Avidya Forest.”
“I only had two drinks. I’m not a lightweight like Kaveh.” He pouted. A part of him knew that Cyno was right and arguing with the students could escalate. That did nothing to quell the anger boiling in Tighnari though. His hand tightened around his cup until Cyno placed a hand on his shoulder. Cyno ignored the insults scholars threw at him and the Matra for the sake of his work. He had to admit he felt happy that Tighnari would defend him.
He stood and held out his hand to Tighnari. “Let’s head back home before Collei starts to worry.”
“The General Mahamatra is a dumb humanoid fungi.”
Tighnari slammed down his cup and the force shook the plates on the bar. Everyone in the bar turned towards them but Tighnari didn’t shrink away from the confused stares. When Cyno tried to stop him again, he shook off his hand. He marched to the table of students and crossed his arms.
“You have no right to be wearing an Amurta uniform when you clearly have no grasp on the fundamentals in both biology and the Akademiya. The General Mahamatra graduated with better grades than most scholars I know. He has a better understanding in botany than you because he would never use such an insult. Fungi are very intelligent creatures—unlike you. If they’re so smart, you would’ve been able to write a thesis that doesn’t require the General Mahamatra’s corrections.”
Tension filled the air as Tighnari continued to lecture the students. Cyno noticed one reach for a cup and quickly placed himself in front of Tighnari. Even if it was from a simple splash, Cyno instinctively moved to protect him. The students stiffened when they saw the General Mahamatra. He could read the fear in their expression.
“Have you heard of the tavern on the moon? It had good wine but no atmosphere. The moon is out and responsible students shouldn’t be drinking this late. Use this time to write a better thesis paper.” Cyno told a joke to diffuse the situation. Then, he wrapped his arm around Tighnari’s waist and led him towards the stairs. He was grateful that Tighnari followed him without arguing with the students further.
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“This is why arrogant scholars irritate me. They act like they know everything and make judgement on people and things they don’t know.” Tighnari grumbled. Cyno took him to a bench outside of the Akademiya where they could be alone. He was more drunk than he thought and the cool air felt refreshing against his flushed skin. He closed his eyes and rested his head on Cyno’s strong shoulder.
His ear brushed against Cyno’s cheek as he tilted his head to look down at him. He studied his face and the moonlight highlighted his soft features. He stopped himself from threading his fingers through his black hair. Cyno told himself that Tighnari was leaning on him more than usual because of the wine. Then, Tighnari opened his eyes and their gaze met. They were close enough for him to count the different shades of green and brown in his eyes.
“I hate when they say those things about you.” Tighnari’s words were slightly slurred. However, his eyes never left Cyno’s. Between the alcohol and how he was on the edge of sleep, his words became more honest. “It’s strange. I want people to see how strong, loyal and moral you are. There’s no one I trust more than you, Cyno. On the other hand, I get jealous at the thought of someone trying to win your heart. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone like you?”
“I won’t leave you.” Cyno whispered into his hair. Then, he added as a joke: “Considering my reputation, I doubt someone will fall in love with me.”
“It could happen. I love you.”
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Beneath The Lantern’s Glow
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Tighnari invites Cyno on a trip to see the lanterns. (CynoNari, Lantern Rite)
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“Master Tighnari, what are you going to write on your lantern? It’s almost time to release them.” Collei asked after she noticed the blank paper charm attached to the xiao lantern. While Tighnari wasn’t the type to believe in relying on the gods to achieve one’s wish, he bought lanterns so Collei could participate in Liyue’s tradition. Her childhood was difficult but he would give her fulfilling memories for the future.
“I will write my wish once Cyno does. The three of us should release our lanterns at the same time. However, he appeared to have wandered off during my discussion with Albedo. Cyno is already difficult to find while he’s working but we’re supposed to be on vacation.” Tighnari sighed under his breath. He closed his eyes and focused on the voices passing through the night. “From what I hear, he’s playing Genius Invokation. I’ll get him so you should wait here, Collei.”
Tighnari left Collei with Albedo and then followed the sound of Cyno’s voice. As he walked over the bridge to the balcony where Cyno was sitting, he admired the stunning architecture of Liyue Harbour. The lanterns framed the buildings in a soft, yellow glow and the red hues stood out more. The warm colours helped him feel at ease.
Lively music and cheers filled the air but Tighnari was focused on the subtle sound of shuffling cards. He sat in the chair next to Cyno and glanced down at his cards. Neither of them said a word immediately and they took the chance to enjoy the atmosphere of the festival. From where they sat, they could watch the stars reflected in the water.
“It looks like you won.” The game in front of them was unfinished but Tighnari concluded that Cyno would’ve won from the cards in his hand. Itto and his friends didn’t argue with him because they were sleeping on the ground. Tighnari reasoned that they had drunk too much. “I packed herbs for the journey so I can make a hangover cure for your new friends. This is a festival but people still need to be mindful and responsible. It might be a while before he wakes up so come spend time with me.”
Tighnari collected Cyno’s cards and carefully arranged them in a neat pile. He knew how important the cards were to him and wrapped them in a cloth as he would. “I spent a month planning this trip but you hardly spent time with Collei or me.”
“I heard an explosion and went to investigate. You just said you put a lot of effort into our trip. The time you spent would’ve been wasted if someone planned to attack the festival. Luckily, we found the other bombs that Klee made. My question is how a child learned something so dangerous. I’m glad Collei was a good natured child beneath all of her sarcasm.” Cyno chuckled as he remembered their journey from Mondstadt to Sumeru.
“Collei has grown up a lot since then.” Tighnari nodded. He welcomed Collei into the Forest Watchers but he never imagined how the three would become a small family. He placed two lanterns on the table and added: “She is also waiting at the dock for us to release lanterns. Write down your wish and we can go meet her. I agreed to let her stay up late to watch the lantern but I’m still worried about her health.”
He hooked his arm around Cyno’s and started to pull him to his feet. He didn’t move from his seat and the unexpected resistance made Tighnari stumble slightly. Tighnari sat down again and raised an eyebrow at Cyno. They had been together long enough for Cyno to know what he wanted to ask him from the way he looked at him. Despite that, he remained silent.
“You agreed to come to Liyue with us but, the moment we stepped into the festival, you became distant. We don’t get the opportunity to go on a vacation like this and you should let yourself relax.” Tighnari idly twirled the ribbon of the xiao lantern around his finger. He had told Cyno that he needed to work less each time he visited out of both concern for his health and the fact that he loved him. However, Cyno’s expression was different. “Is something wrong, Cyno?”
“I want Collei to have fun but that would be impossible if I’m there. With me, the only thing she’ll think of is the sealing ritual. I agreed to escort you and Collei to Liyue because I was worried something might happen to you.” He confessed. In response, Tighnari wrapped his tail around Cyno’s waist. The night wasn’t cold but he savoured the warmth and comfort the gesture provided.
“When Aether invited Collei to Lantern Rite, she asked if you and I would go with her. You left an impact on her and it’s beyond sealing a god. Do you want to know what she tells me about most often? Those jokes you told her on your first trip together.” Tighnari didn’t add that Collei would complain that Cyno’s jokes were far too complicated and dry.
“Have you heard of the lantern who had a crush on the person who carved it? Everyone could see that the lantern held a candle for them.” Cyno pulled the lantern closer. While he wrote down his wish on the paper, he hid it from Tighnari. “I should buy a rocket for Collei too. She'll be over the moon.”
“Cyno, I’m going to ban you from our room if you continue to make such terrible jokes. Itto and his gang are fun drinking buddies but sharing a room with them will be troublesome.” He said and crossed his arms. Despite the threat, there was a small gleam in his eyes. He wouldn’t admit that there was a confusing charm in his jokes because of how earnest Cyno’s feelings were.
The moment was interrupted by a thunderous crack of fireworks that made his ears ring. He flattened his ears against his head and did his best to block out the roar of the fireworks. Cyno saw how he winced and tenderly stroked his ears to ease his pain. Tighnari never understood people’s negative impression of Cyno when he had only been kind and considerate to others.
After the firework show passed, Tighnari stood and took Cyno’s hand. “Aether said that we will raise the lanterns once the fireworks are over. We should hurry back to Collei.”
Cyno allowed him to pull him out of his seat this time and followed him. Lanterns rose into the air as they walked over the balcony. Cyno watched how they lit Tighnari as if they were standing in a desert sunrise. No matter if he wanted to go to Liyue, the desert or the Abyss, Cyno would go with him so he could protect him.
He quickened his steps so they would be walking side by side. Cyno caught a quick glance at Tighnari’s lantern and the wish he made. Help Cyno always come home safe to me and Collei.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
A Kiss Goodbye
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Cyno tells Tighnari about his plan to investigate the Akademiya and the sages. (CynoNari, Spoilers for 3.1 archon quest)
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Tighnari clutched a letter tightly in his hand as he marched to the wall bordering the desert and rainforest. He had found the letter hidden within Karkata’s shell an hour ago and immediately left Pardis Dhyai to find Cyno. While the letter wasn’t signed, he knew that it was from Cyno. The paper and ink were made from unique plants and the words could only be revealed with a mixture of electro and dendro energy. They developed a method together to help the Matra.
I suspect the sages are planning something dangerous. They blocked every attempt the Matra had made to audit their newest research. To find the truth, I must investigate on my own. I plan to go to the desert for answers and track down the stolen Divine Knowledge Capsule. Don’t trust the Akademiya or confront them with this information. Please, stay safe and protect Collei. I cannot know when I will complete my investigation so we’ll have to postpone our dinner date. Burn this letter.
The words left Tighnari with a hundred questions and they weighed heavily on his mind during the short journey. What worried him further was how Cyno concealed the letter with Karkata. The mechanical crab would only allow Tighnari to change its parts, which ensured that he would be the one to find the letter. He took extra precaution to hide the message when the ink would’ve been enough. It was clear Cyno didn’t want anyone to discover his investigation. Tighnari understood why with how vast the Akademiya’s resources were.
Cyno’s note didn’t reveal much about his plans but Tighnari could easily guess the path he would take to the desert. He made his way towards the wall west of the Ruins of Dahri. Most would enter the forest through Caravan Ribat but Cyno wouldn’t risk going somewhere so populated. It was night when he finally reached the wall and he searched the area for Cyno. He hoped he hadn’t crossed already. Luckily, desert nights were cool and he could look for him without worrying about the heat.
As he walked past the wall, he heard the subtle sound of sand shifting beneath someone’s sandal. He recognized the footsteps and turned towards the sound. “Cy—”
He wasn’t able to finish speaking before a hand covered his mouth and pulled him into the shade of the wall. His back was pressed against the wood but he wasn’t hurt. Cyno covered his mouth and placed his other hand on the back of his head to keep him from hitting the wall. While others would be intimidated by Cyno’s red eyes, Tighnari could see the concern they held. “You shouldn’t be here, Tighnari.”
“Where else do you expect me to go after I read your letter?” Tighnari asked in a harsh whisper after he pushed his hand off his mouth. He was mindful to keep himself from yelling. “You should’ve discussed your plan with me in person instead of leaving a note. I can help you. While I’m not able to travel through the desert with you, there are ways I can help you from the rainforest.”
“I was hoping you would discover my note after I already reached Aaru Village. I don’t know the scale of the Akademiya’s plan and it’s too risky to involve you. Don’t frown at me like that, Tighnari, I planned to tell you everything once I knew more.” Cyno told him. He placed his hand on the wood above Tighnari shoulder. “I’m trying to keep you and Collei safe.”
Despite how Cyno’s body covered his, Tighnari didn’t feel confined or uncomfortable. He took a step forward and looked into his eyes. “As a scholar, I disagree that ignorance will keep us safe. How can I protect myself or Collei if I don’t know what I’m fighting against. Your stubborn adherence to your principals always ends with you running into dangerous situations alone. Tell me what’s happening, Cyno.”
“I don’t know.” Cyno wished he had a better answer to give him. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against Tighnari’s. Tighnari reached up and tenderly stroked his white hair. “The Akademiya are producing more Knowledge Capsules than usual and researchers are going mad in the process. They already have their eyes on you and you’ll become a target if they suspect you’re helping me.”
“That’s why you wrote a letter instead of speaking with me. The Akademiya would question me if I was the last person who spoke with you before you exiled yourself.” Tighnari reasoned. While he was happy Cyno wanted to protect him, he didn’t like having secrets between them. “This can affect the rainforest so I’m involved now. I have a few friends studying in the Rtawahist Darshan and I can ask them if they know anything about the Divine Knowledge Capsule.”
“There’s nothing I can say to dissuade you, is there?” Cyno asked the question even though he already knew the answer. He distanced himself from researchers who single mindedly pursued knowledge despite the dangers. Tighnari was different.
“I can protect myself so don’t worry about me. You only need to focus on your investigation and come home to me.” Tighnari ordered. He wanted to sound confident but a tinge of loneliness slipped into his voice. He was accustomed to Cyno being gone for weeks due to an investigation but this situation was more dangerous. If only he could be by his side but he had to protect the rainforest.
Tighnari forced those thoughts from his mind. He looked down at the letter in his hands and said, “It’ll be difficult for us to communicate with each other. Let’s meet here every week to share what we’ve learned. Since this spot is close to the rainforest, no one will question why I’m here. If one of us doesn’t come, we’ll know to raid the Akademiya to rescue the other.”
“My rose has thorns.” Cyno chuckled. He took Tighnari’s hands that were calloused from years of wielding a bow and kissed his fingertips. He knew how strong he was but he wanted to protect him. “I’ll miss you. I’m going to think of twenty new jokes to tell when we can have normal dinners again.”
He started to pull away but Tighnari stopped him by simply squeezing his hands. “Dinner and jokes? That’s going to be the last thing you say to me before you go?”
I love you. Tighnari held his breath and waited for Cyno to say the words. They knew each other since they were students but they only began dating recently. They hadn’t said they loved each other yet. He didn’t expect the first time he heard the words would be so bittersweet. This could be their last conversation because the Akademiya was dangerous with control over Sumeru.
“Tighnari.” Cyno whispered his name. He cupped his face and gently tilted his gaze up to him. He didn’t say the words but Tighnari could feel his tender love in his kiss. His breath brushed over his lips with his next words. “I love you. Don’t say it back yet. I want to hear it after the investigation is over. That’s more motivation for me to come home to you quickly.”
“We’re going to see each other next week so don’t be so dramatic, Cyno.” Tighnari smiled weakly. He reluctantly dropped his hands from Cyno’s. “Goodbye. Stay safe.”
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Sunsets by the Sea // Chapter 1
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Cyno has gone undercover for countless investigations before but his latest job is complicated. To infiltrate a luxury cruise ship, he needs to pretend to be a couple with Tighnari.
(Ch.1) //
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Tighnari watched people filter out of the Akademiya. The clashing noise of the city irritated his ears and he rubbed his ears to ease the pain. He tried to filter out the different footsteps until he could find Cyno’s. He rarely left the Avidya Forest but Tighnari couldn’t ignore the uneasy feeling he had. Cyno hadn’t written to him in weeks. While Cyno’s work could keep him busy for weeks, he would usually send him letters to tell him that he was safe. He hadn’t heard from him in two weeks though.
Once the students had returned to their classes and the doors closed, the plaza fell quiet. The silence made his thoughts and worry all the louder. He tried to reassure himself that Cyno was strong and he would come home to him no matter how dangerous the situation he was in. Tighnari wasn’t the type to passively wait though. As much as he trusted Cyno, he knew his conviction could also make him reckless. He treated his wounds each time he was hurt.
He pushed himself off the chair and to his feet. Tighnari entered the Akademiya and made his way to the Matra’s office. Even if Cyno wasn’t there, he would be able to ask his co-workers where he was. A few people stopped him to talk but he politely excused himself and continued down the hall. He wanted to find him as quickly as possible.
He entered hall the reserved for the Matra and walked to the front desk. The receptionist greeted him with an unreadable expression. “Good evening. Is there something that you wish to report? You may fill out this form if you wish to stay anonymous but you are still required to provide adequate evidence for us to start an investigation. The Matra will evaluate your case as quickly as possible.”
“I’m here to speak with Cyno for a personal matter. Is he here? I only need to speak with him for a few minutes so I won’t be interrupting his work for long. If he’s in a meeting, I will wait.” Tighnari told them. A doubtful expression passed her face and he could guess her thoughts. He could understand her suspicion. While he was close with Cyno, he rarely visited the Akademiya and his co-workers didn’t know him. “Cyno should understand once you tell him my name, Tighnari.”
“It’s okay, Nayab.” Cyno said from the doorway behind Tighnari. He thought seeing him again would be reassuring to Tighnari but seeing the bags under Cyno’s eyes only made him more concerned. He was likely working throughout the night and only just returned to the Akademiya. His feet dragged against the stone but he managed a subtle smile for Tighnari. “Let’s talk in my office, Nari.”
Tighnari nodded and followed him deeper into the hall. He waited to speak with him until they were in the privacy of his office. When Cyno closed the door, Tighnari took his arm and dragged him to the couch. He gently pushed him onto the seat and then he leaned over him. He cradled his face in his hands and examined his complexion.
“How many nights?” Tighnari asked. Even though his question was short and curt, Cyno knew what he meant to say.
“I didn’t sleep for one night but I’ve been eating properly, Doctor.” His answer caused Tighnari’s frown to deepen. Cyno hated to make Tighnari worry but there wasn’t much he could do considering the nature of his job. When Tighnari started to pull away, he placed his hand over his to stop him. “I’m not injured. If I needed medical attention, I would’ve gone to Avidya Forest to see you. You made me promise that I would and I’ve kept my word.”
“I trust that you’ll never break a promise. My worry is that you’re too stubborn to realize that you need medical attention until after your job is complete.” Tighnari sighed. They had known each other for years and he was familiar with his weaknesses and quirks. Despite that, he still loved him. He sank into the seat next to Cyno, relieved that he returned to the city safe at least.
“It’s rare for you to come to Sumeru City—let alone the Matra’s office. Did something happen with Collei? In her last letter, she told me that her condition was stable and the god’s power doesn’t agitate her anymore. She tends to understate her Eleazar but she knows how dangerous the god is.”
“She’s fine, Cyno.” He was quick to reassure him. He understood why Cyno was protective of Collei as if she were his daughter. Cyno had told him about his childhood in the Akademiya and his struggle to control the divine spirit within him. Tighnari lightly squeezed his hand to pull his attention to him and away from the past. “I’m here because I was worried about you. Now that I see that you haven’t been sleeping regularly, I was right to worry.”
Cyno wasn’t accustomed to people fretting over him the way Tighnari did. His heart felt lighter at that moment. A part of him wanted to vent to Tighnari about his latest investigation but his training reminded him that he needed to keep the work confidential. He carefully chose his words before he explained: “For the investigation, I need to go undercover and communication is difficult. I’ve been preparing for that. I’m sorry. The case is still ongoing so I won’t be able to write to you over the next month.”
“A month?” Tighnari repeated in disbelief. “I understand that sending letters will be difficult. That’s not the issue. How dangerous is this undercover investigation that requires you to be gone for so long?”
“It’s more complicated than dangerous. The Matra suspect a cruise ship from Fontaine, the SS Venus, is holding illegal auctions and they’re using a divine knowledge capsule to lure people inside. I’ve been trying to gain entry but the ship is wary of the Matra. They’ll probably recognize me the moment I step on the boat. This is a sensitive case so I can’t send a trainee undercover.”
“If you need help finding evidence against the boat, I may be able to help you with that. The main hurdle of your investigation is that they’ll be guarded against the General Mahamatra. It’ll take time for you to gain their trust and there’s a risk that they’ll sell the knowledge capsule by then. There’s a simple solution to this.” Tighnari hummed thoughtfully. “I’ll go undercover for you.”
His quick response surprised Tighnari. While he expected Cyno to have some reservation, he thought they could discuss the possibility. “I’ve helped you with other investigations and I already know about the dangers of Knowledge Capsules. Trust me and let me help you, Cyno. I will board the cruise ship and take a picture of the auction for you.”
“Tighnari, you’re strong and smart but those things don’t give you the experience required to go undercover for an investigation. It’s too dangerous. What if they discover you? The crew have gone to dangerous lengths to hide their operation.” Cyno argued. “I will handle this on my own.”
“How? Please, tell me that your plan to gain their trust over a month is quicker and more effective than my idea.” Tighnari snapped back. He couldn’t answer and the air became tense around them. While they would banter about each other’s quirks, it was rare for them to argue out of anger. “The investigation may be dangerous but I know how to defend myself and I have a vision.”
“Even so, that’s not a risk you should take. I can’t ask that of you, Tighnari. Wouldn’t it be difficult for you to take time off with the Forest Rangers?” He searched for anything he could say to dissuade Tighnari. He didn’t want him to be involved in a dangerous investigation. Cyno couldn’t imagine a future without Tighnari and he would protect him. “I’ll think about it and tell you my answer in a week.”
“Fine, we can talk about this later. You should rest for now.” Tighnari relented. He stood from the couch and walked to Cyno’s desk. “I’m going to stay here and make sure that you rest. Knowing you, you’ll try to continue working the moment I leave. Where’s the light novel that you usually hide here? I would like to have something to read while you sleep.”
Tighnari found the novel in the drawer and then walked back to the couch. He noticed how Cyno stared at his tail and read his thoughts. As he sat back down, Tighnari asked: “Do you want to use my tail as a pillow? I don’t mind if it’ll convince you to rest for an hour.”
“Thank you.” He laid down with his head on Tighnari’s lap.
“Why are you smiling? I never understood why people are so fascinated by my ears and tail.” Tighnari shook his head yet he also draped his tail over Cyno to keep him warm.
“It’s nice that I have someone to worry about me.” He whispered too softly for Tighnari to hear. He hugged his soft tail and closed his eyes. Cyno allowed himself to let down his guard with Tighnari and relaxed into the moment. As he was on the edge of sleep, he felt slender fingers run through his hair. He wished that he could indulge in these moments with Tighnari more but he told himself it could only be a dream.
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Tighnari stood on the docks of Port Ormos and waited for the Fontaine cruise ship to arrive. While Cyno told him that he would consider investigating the auction together, Tighnari knew that he would refuse in the end. He decided to go alone. He brushed the long hair of his disguise over his shoulder. Since fennec foxes were rare, there was a risk that someone would recognize him. He reserved a suite on the cruise ship under a false name and dressed as a scholar to disguise himself further.
The line to board the cruise ship moved slowly as the crew carefully collected the passenger’s tickets and verified their identity. He forced his breathing into an even rhythm as they approached him. He couldn’t allow them to see him nervous and have his mission end before he boarded the ship. Tighnari reassured himself that he had prepared thoroughly. He asked Nahida to forge a certificate so he could book a ticket as Nari, an astrology researcher.
“Can I hold your bags for you, Nari?” The voice behind Tighnari was one he knew all too well. He didn’t expect to hear his familiar footsteps and he almost dropped his suitcase as he turned to face Cyno. Cyno caught the handle before it could crash to the ground. As unexpected as his appearance was, the way he was dressed surprised Tighnari. He wore a suit that he bought during their trip to Windblume. He leaned down and whispered, “Let’s talk behind that building where they can’t hear us.”
Tighnari nodded and followed him to the secluded corner of the dock so they could speak alone. He waited until they were far enough from the crowd before he confronted Cyno. He crossed his arms and met his red eyes. “I know what you’re going to say so spare me the lecture, Cyno. How did you know that I would be here? You said you wouldn’t continue this undercover investigation until next week.”
“I went to Avidya Forest to discuss my plans with you. I couldn’t find you so I went to ask Collei. She said that you requested time off work but you didn’t tell her what it was for. You don’t leave the rainforest unless it was for something important. Then, I checked the SS Venus’s schedule and found that they’re departing for a week long cruise today.” Tighnari had hoped he could keep his plan a secret but he should’ve known Cyno would find him. Beyond being the General Mahamatra, they knew each other for years.
“Are you here to drag me back to the rainforest?” Tighnari’s fists tightened around his bag and his knuckles became white. He was frustrated with the situation and himself. His plan was to find the knowledge capsule by himself and prove to Cyno that he could trust him with future missions. Memories of the nights Cyno would arrive at his doorsteps flooded back to Tighnari. If he could go on a few investigations with him, Cyno wouldn’t be in danger as much.
“Cyrus taught me not to fight a battle I know I will lose. Sending you back to the rainforest would be pointless, wouldn’t it? I don’t want you involved in a dangerous investigation but you’ve already decided that you’ll board the SS Venus. We’ll go together.” Cyno stepped closer to Tighnari and leaned down to whisper into his ear. “Please, promise me that you won’t investigate anything on the ship by yourself.”
His voice was filled with genuine worry and care and it made Tighnari’s heart leap in his chest. Tighnari needed to stop himself from throwing himself into Cyno and wrap his arms around him. As happy and relieved as he felt, hugging him might make Cyno realize that he had feelings for him. Instead, he smiled up at Cyno and took his hand. “I promise.”
“We can discuss the details once we’re on the ship and alone in the cabin. I’ll have to check the room for bugs first.” Cyno said. He twirled a long strand of hair from Tighnari’s wig around his finger. He hadn’t seen him wear his hair long since they were students in the Akademiya. Even from that time, Cyno knew he wanted to protect Tighnari. “I am not General Mahamatra Cyno on this trip. I will be a knight whom the Researcher Nari hired to protect him on the cruise.”
“More roleplaying? At least the costume you bought in Mondstadt is going to good use.” Tighnari found himself laughing good-naturedly. Most wouldn't know the silly side to Cyno the way that Tighnari did. He loved each aspect of him and trusted him with his life. “Well, my knight, will you escort me onto the SS Venus?”
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