#subzero big bang
rosileeduckie · 6 months
Hark the Herald Devils Sing
Snow was going to fall anyway, don't see what the fuss is about.
A Christmas prank gets Christmessy.
Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands tickle fic. Warnings: none.
Word count: 1,914
"Crowley, darling, look! Carolers!"
"Oh, brilliant."
If Aziraphale, certainly bright with cherry cheeks and a merry smile, had turned back from the front door to look toward the couch where his partner had just been, he would have found the seat completely vacated. For as relaxed as he'd been lounging on the sofa, snuggling and reading over Aziraphale's shoulder, Crowley had been off like a flying reindeer the moment there had been a knock at the door and the dreadful sight of a gaggle of Santa hats out the front window. It's not that the golden-eyed demon didn't WANT to suffer through being sung at through a door to the polar vortex by an all too cheerful amateur choir. It's just that, well, okay, he didn't. Even if being subjected to such torture came with the blessed side effect of getting to bask in the radiance of his angel’s unabashed gleeful smile at humans doing silly human things in even subzero weather. But Crowley would have many a chance to see that smile. The chance to thwart the spirits of people banging down doors in the name of peace and cheer? That was seasonal.
Crowley took the stairs up through the bookshop and flat with enough enthusiasm that he could have been flying, and soon found himself on the roof, overlooking the a cappella band. Time was short before they would become other than sitting ducks, but, upon getting blasted with freezing night air, Crowley spared a precious few seconds to miracle himself up some gloves and a diamond patterned scarf. Gingerly, avoiding both patches of ice and lumps of snow that threatened to cling to and soak the cuffs of his pants, Crowley crouched low to the edge of the roof, perched above a bucket of water that had neither been there that morning nor frozen after the sunset. He could already feel his feet beginning to tingle with numbness. No time for dilly-dallying. One big breath, one tight grip, one good heave, and the bucket was upended over the side of the roof, an impossibly massive but precise deluge of water raining down onto the street.
“Happy Christmas, indeed,” Crowley snickered, rocking back on his heels to dodge out of view. The choir would be fine, surely. Their concert had been disrupted, yes, but they’d all find themselves miraculously immune to frostbite as well as pass a wagon that would just so happen to be offering free hot cocoa and biscuits for the holiday. Crowley was a demon, not a total asshole. To be safe, he’d made himself scarce so as not to earn more ire from people, even if said people were uninvited carolers. As such, he’d missed getting to see their faces as the torrent of water descended upon and soaked them. Still, he should have been able to HEAR their shocked shrieks and grumblings as a result of the prank. He peeked over the edge.
Rocketing up to the roof before the prank had made him miss seeing one of his angel’s sunniest expressions. Craning to look over the edge of the roof now brought him face to face with about the sourest look Crowley had ever seen from Aziraphale. The choir having ostensibly been pushed back a good ten feet, the only one to suffer as the target of Crowley’s mischief was Aziraphale himself, figuratively frozen to the newly wet snowy ground and shooting a glare burning with divine fire up into the eaves.
Crowley shrunk back but could still feel Aziraphale’s gaze singeing the tails of his scarf and melting the snowflakes from his hair. Or perhaps he mistook the sound of his own mortified hissing. “Oh, fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” Crowley bemoaned again, having lost count of how many times he’d done so. The carolers, scared stiff but dry, had been shooed away, and Crowley had ushered Aziraphale back inside toward the fireplace, shucking off any of the wet and cold clothing clinging to his skin, sitting him in his reading chair, and wrapping him in all the blankets Crowley could carry without losing balance. The demon had begun his apologies before even making it down from the roof, and he didn’t see himself stopping any time soon.
Aziraphale’s glare had been murderous, but he had softened considerably upon such repentant dotage from his partner. Crowley watched, with substantial relief, the way the crease in Aziraphale’s brow smoothed over and the pout in his lips faded after being dried off and bundled up in his favorite chair with a cup of steaming cocoa easily in reach.
“Angel, I really am sorry I caught you in the splash,” said Crowley, kneeling by the arm of the chair and laying a hand on Aziraphale’s knee--or where he approximated a knee to be; it was hard to tell through at least three throws and a comforter. “I didn’t mean to--”
He broke off his umpteenth apology, breath catching in his throat, when Aziraphale chuckled. “I know you didn’t, my dear.” Aziraphale wriggled one hand free from his blanket cocoon to take a sip of cocoa and then to hold Crowley’s cheek. “You would have been much more devious and proud of yourself if you’d meant it.”
Crowley smiled, half-sighing and half-chuckling and fully nuzzling into Aziraphale’s touch. “Absolutely, I would have been.”
The angel scoffed, smile growing brightly and easily as he gave a little shove against Crowley’s nuzzling with his hand. “Come give us a cuddle? Least you can do to make it up to me, really,” Aziraphale teased.
With a roll of his eyes, Crowley nodded, pretending to mutter, and rose from his knees, melting comfortably into Aziraphale’s lap when the angel spread his blanket wings to create a spot for him. Soon, they were both wrapped up, tangled up, safe together in their little nest. Crowley’s legs straddled Aziraphale’s thighs, arms around his shoulders and face buried in his neck, purring in quiet contentment as the angel’s hands rubbed slow circles over his back.
“Wouldn’t have to make it up to you,” Crowley hummed, catching a whiff of lovely sandalwood cologne from the angel’s curls that had dried and gone back to their usual white-blond fluffiness, “if you hadn’t insisted on being daft and heroic. Saving carolers from their just desserts, hgk. And when they were ASKING for their figgy pudding.”
Aziraphale giggled, pressing a kiss to Crowley’s crimson hair that brought his lips close to the demon’s ear. “And from whom did I need to save them?”
“Ggk,” replied Crowley, leaning back from Aziraphale’s chest enough to scowl and wave his hands to bat away that logic. “Are you warm yet or what? While you’re incapacitated, I could set up another bucket on the roof. Bound to be more than just one group of carolers tonight.”
“You would return to engaging in such villainy after it’s already hurt me so?” Aziraphale gaped, wiping at a nonexistent tear. “Crowley, darling, I don’t know that my heart could take the thought.”
“OKAY, okay, drama queen,” Crowley said, nestling back into Aziraphale’s neck but still well aware the angel was grinning.
“You won’t let me be heroic OR dramatic?” Aziraphale tutted. “Would it make you feel better if I was mischievous? Since you’re busy keeping me warm?”
As quickly as he’d molded back to his cuddle spot, Crowley wrenched backward, spurred by Aziraphale’s hands, once soothing, slipped beneath his jumper, and they were COLD. “Angel-!”
The grin Aziraphale had already been wearing was downright devilish. “Yes, my dear? Oh my, you don’t mind, do you? This is such a nice way to warm up my hands~”
If Crowley minded, he couldn’t exactly say so, because Aziraphale’s hands had taken up exercise to warm up all the more quickly. The angel’s fingers moved to Crowley’s ribs, plucking them as delicate and sharp and quick as if he were playing a harp. Sputtering with a shriek that dissolved embarrassingly quickly into merry chortling, Crowley tried to lean back and out of reach, only to find himself thoroughly trapped by the weighty blankets around the pair. Rather than run, since that option was out, he elected to hide, crumpling forward to bury his laughter in Aziraphale’s chest (which was easy enough since the demon hadn’t even let go of his angel in his escape attempt. Maybe he knew he deserved some recompense for drenching him. Maybe he didn’t want that badly to get away. He couldn’t say, literally.)
“Why, thank you, love,” said Aziraphale, kissing Crowley’s ear once more and taking extra care to brush the stubble of his newly growing beard against the sensitive skin of it (a style change inspired by Crowley’s historically shifting fashion sense, which Crowley wasn’t sure if he regretted or adored at the moment.) “Your laughter does always make me feel warm and happy. I know you don’t care for the sound of it, but I rather adore it.”
If Aziraphale wanted warmth, the sudden heat in Crowley’s face ought to have sufficed. “Angel,” he whined, the sound morphing into a squeal and then wild gay laughter as Aziraphale’s fingers scuttled up to tickle under Crowley’s arms.
“Come to think of it, Crowley darling, you must be quite cold, too. Yes, I didn’t appreciate being on the end of your little prank, but it must have taken you a bit of cleverness to set up and a bit of strength to deal with that cold, my lovely snake. And, seeing as tickling you gets you warm enough for both of us, I think that’s the best way for us to spend the remainder of our evening, don’t you?”
Crowley’s ecstatic squirming had all but tipped him off Aziraphale’s lap (it couldn’t be helped; he had the bad habit of forgetting he had bones when he laughed hard enough), and soon Aziraphale’s torturous hands were the only things keeping the demon from falling off the chair in a tangle of blankets. Giggling proudly, the angel had mercy, pausing his attack long enough to get Crowley comfortably lounging upon his lap once more. Gulping air and keeping his guard cautiously up, Crowley held onto the lapels of Aziraphale’s cardigan and tried to rub away the tingling beneath his arms while he could. “You’d discorporate me before the evening was over, mean as you are when you tickle,” Crowley said, sticking out a forked tongue as though that could negate the blissfully happy smile stuck to his face.
Aziraphale’s chuckle was a purr as he leaned in to kiss Crowley’s neck. “I could tease you all evening instead. We both know you’d get just as red.”
With a flustered grumble, Crowley tilted his head away from Aziraphale’s advances, able to pretend to be grumpy for maybe five seconds before Aziraphale dove back in to croon and kiss along his ear. “You’ll have to be gentle if you want to keep from getting an elbow to the face or a demon on the floor.” The angel raised his eyebrows, and Crowley smacked his arm, growing all the redder when Aziraphale laughed. “You know what I MEAN.”
“I do, darling. I do.” Aziraphale pulled Crowley close, warm and secure. “Ready then?”
Crowley nodded.
Slowly, sweetly, Aziraphale’s hands returned beneath Crowley’s sweater, tickling gently and with the occasional flurry or scribble of his nails just to make Crowley snort and squawk. Each time, without fail, Aziraphale pressed a kiss to Crowley’s cackling mouth. “You make much sweeter music than those carolers, anyway.”
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chibistarlyte · 2 years
To Have and to Hold
Confused, Shouto stares up at Katsuki through glassy mismatched eyes.
“You’re drunk…” Katsuki says, his voice hoarse and breathless. His red eyes carry something in them, something Shouto has seen there a million times before in their youth.
“So?” Shouto whispers, placing his own hand over Katsuki’s still sitting on his heaving chest. “I still want this,” he insists.
But Shouto’s not backing down. They’ve come too far now.
“Katsuki, I want this,” he repeats, urgency in his voice. “I want you.”
Missing smut scene from "I Now Pronouce You..."
i posted this up for bktdmonth2022 like a week ago and forgot to cross post here! this is a missing scene from my subzero big bang fic last year, which you can read here.
you can read this fic on a03 here!
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starfriday · 1 month
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Mumbai Comic Con Wraps Up with a Bang, A Celebration of Pop Culture and More!
~ Comic Con India, the country's premier pop-culture celebration is back in the city of dreams. From celebrity appearances to exclusive merchandise, and top notch cosplayers from India and around the globe at the ultimate weekend for pop culture enthusiasts !~
Mumbai, India – 22nd April - The city of dreams, Mumbai witnessed an exhilarating weekend of the year for all things pop culture. Comic Con India brought pop culture enthusiasts from across the city for its last of this season's event. The event served as a haven for cosplay enthusiasts and spectators alike, offering a gateway to a world where fantasy and reality collide. The weekend was filled with interactive activities, games, and an array of merchandise, keeping the spirit of Comic Con soaring high.
Presented by Maruti Suzuki Arena, powered by Crunchyroll and in association with Android, Mumbai Comic Con 2024 treated every attendee to an exclusive copy of Spiderman-India (No.1 Issue) comic book, in collaboration with Marvel Comics. The event showcased comics in a big way with a slew of upcoming publishing houses and Indian artists like Indusverse, Holy Cow Entertainment, Acid Toad, Garbage Bin, Bullseye Press, Bakarmax, Art of SAVIO, and Abhijeet Kini and many more along with International guests Jason Loo and GUY Delisle graced the event. The event saw immense love pouring in for popular movies, games and comic book characters like Itachi, Luffy, Goku, Deadpool & Wolverine, Spidermans, Batman, Viper (Valorant), Victor (Pubg shooter), Subzero (Mortal Kombat), Franklin (GTA), Xiao, Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Brimstone (Sage) and so much more.
The venue buzzed with excitement as new comic book launches took center stage, including Karejwa by Bakarmax, Monday To Friday by Corporat Comics, Ghosts of South India by Abhijeet Kini, Minnal Murali by Tinkle Comics, and the announcement of Suppandi’s birthday by Google Android. Art Guy Rob conducted a captivating session igniting nostalgia among audiences.
A special panel on Demon Slayer, featuring voice-over artist Natsuki Hanae, stole the spotlight, while the dynamic duo Rohan Joshi and Sahil Shah delivered yet another hilarious session of Binge-O-Clock. Popular rapper MC Altaf set the stage on fire with his rap, and the cast of Lakadbaggha also made an appearance. DJ Kazu and Shahrule kept the crowd grooving with their electrifying beats and rap. The talented comedian Harsh Gujral brought laughter to everyone with his wit.
Speaking about the thrilling weekend celebration, Jatin Varma, Founder, Comic Con India, said, “The excitement and enthusiasm that the celebration brings along with boundless creativity and passion of pop culture enthusiasts at Comic Con, fills me with immeasurable joy. Each edition of Comic Con has been a rewarding journey, and Mumbai, as the final stop, embodies the vibrant spirit of our community. The infectious energy witnessed at our shows creates memories that last a lifetime. I am grateful to our audience for their unwavering support and participation and eagerly anticipate more unforgettable moments in the editions to come.”
MC Altaf shared, "Mumbai Comic Con is very close to my heart as it's my home turf. Performing here was a memorable experience that I will always cherish."
Comedian Harsh Gujral said, "This is my first Comic Con experience. I think the energy in the audience was exceptional. I was scared in the beginning to perform in the open, but I was really surprised. People were enjoying the entire event while also paying attention to all the various performances happening and that's what I loved the most. The vibe and energy of the audience was commendable."
Comic artist and cartoonist Jason Loo said, "Working with Marvel comics is always a dream. I'm always amazed at every project I do, I get to draw or write this character today like Thor or Captain America; this is awesome, and Mumbai Comic Con has been overwhelming. It has exceeded all my expectations with the high energy and enthusiasm of all the fans. I've never been shown this kind of love before in any kind of show. I would definitely like to be back for another Comic Con in India."
On April 20th-21st, 2024, the event also featured The Arena – a dedicated gaming expo, featuring amazing experiences, tournaments, free play zones as well as the opportunity to meet & greet with leading streamers. Key Event Partners include brands such as CELIO, HDFC, Comedy Central, OnePlus, Android, NYX Cosmetics, McDonald’s & VH1.
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floralmde · 4 months
┈┈ 𖦹 ̣ ˖ ┈┈˳ · ˖ ✶ ┈┈┈┈⋆˙⊹ ┈┈┈┈┈
we are the elixir collective ᭚˙⊹🪞
this is our interests blog !! thanks for coming !!
✰ main blog: wheninroman
↳ shows: the owl house , adventure time , grey’s anatomy , the originals , legacies , the vampire diaries , littlest pet shop , once upon a time , altered carbon , the 100 , locke and key , the haunting of hill house + bly manor , stranger things , grace and frankie , big mouth , inside job , the big bang theory , killing eve , the good place , avatar , black list , suits , twilight , crime shows , and any baking / cooking shows
↳ anime: one piece , 7 deadly sins , jujutsu kaisen , blue exorcist , my hero academia , bleach , horimiya , hunterxhunter , pokémon , demon slayer , assassination classroom , dr. stone , eden zero , fairy tail , cowboy bebop , ouran high , sasaki + miyano , banana fish , sk8 the infinity , blue period , violet evergarden , the disastrous life of saiki k , buddy daddies + more
↳ books: a court of thorns and roses , the cruel prince , throne of glass , the selection , hush hush , shatter me , once upon a broken heart , clockwork angel , shadow and bone , the inheritance games , the atlas six , ally , of poseidon , to kill a kingdom , the song of achilles , percy jackson + more
↳ games: animal crossing, stardew valley, five nights at freddy’s, ark, minecraft, sims, subzero, oxygen not included, cooking mama, papa’s games, cookierun, red dead redemption 2
↳ toys: strawberry shortcake, sanrio, monster high, lalaloopsie, barbie, legos
↳ etc: mythology, religion, bones, witchcraft, framed bugs, folklore, sharks, marine life, seasons, weather, etc.
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bylagunabay · 1 year
Angel of God, my guardian …
(2-min read)
𝑰𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒉𝒊𝒎, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. 𝑯𝒆’𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒖𝒑. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒖𝒑.
Kari Surdahl relates she and her mother were traveling to Rapid City, South Dakota when a blizzard struck. Subzero temperatures made the weather extremely dangerous. Kari had slowed down to a crawl when the explosive bang shook the car.
A tire had gone flat!
Kari knew that the freezing temperature made changing the tire dangerous, but they had no alternative. The spare tire had to be put on for them to keep going. And keep going they must in the icy weather.
Kari reasoned that by jumping in and out of car she could keep warm, but snow would have to be brushed away from under the car. The task would be perilous.
With all of her might she tried to turn the wrench and loosen the lug nut. Nothing moved. Kari threw all of her weight on the tool. Nothing. She knew they were in big trouble. She and her mother would freeze to death!
But when Keri told her mother, she got an unexpected response. “The Lords knows our desperate need at this time,” she shouted into the whistling, brutal wind. “Let’s kneel down beside this flat tire and ask him to help us.” Mother an daughter knelt in the snow and called for divine intervention.
As their prayer ended, the bright lights of a pickup truck came up the road. A man who looked like a rancher got out of the truck and offered to help. As Kari watched he turned the wrench effortlessly. She was amazed. The man quickly had the spare on and wished them well.
Kari and her mother were astonished. It had all happened so quickly and completely. They got out of the car to thank him, but he wasn’t there. He’d probably gotten back in his pickup. They went around to the back. There was no pickup. He couldn’t have left without them seeing him go. They looked again.
There were no tire tracks. No sign was left in the snow. The truck and the man just suddenly vanished.
Mother and daughter got back in their car and realized what had happened. An angel had saved their lives.
- Robert Wise
Note: The image was generated by AI (artificial intelligence).
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subzerobigbang · 3 years
Posting Begins!
Today’s the day, everyone!! We’ve got incredible writers and artists lined up from today until the 15th, so please support them and all of their amazing TDBK/BKTD work!!
For our wonderful participants, please make sure to tag us in all of your posts so we can share it on our socials!
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drawnbyhaste · 4 years
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@subzerobigbang Weekly Challenge #6
Themes: Starry Skies, Fairytales, Memories, Second Chances
I wish this had turned out less messy but I still think it's cute
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d-naggeluide · 3 years
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It’s been a lovely journey writing this fic, and now you can read all about a different, equally lovely journey ;)
Many thanks to the mods of the @subzerobigbang​ for their organization work, and to the talented artist @newsandtrash​ for getting a lot done in a short amount of time!
Cover art was generated using neural style transfer between Hasui Kawase's Somegawa in Koshu and The Levitator's photograph of Going to the Sun Mountain.
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42 ("You live to annoy me, don't you?") w davenport and anyone :O?? -ise
from this prompt list! still accepting!
This cycle’s been rough on everyone. It started with a bang. Davenport deftly flew them into the storm-riddled plane, dodging lightning and keeping the Starblaster steady amidst gale force winds.
All was calm for a few weeks after that. Relatively speaking. The weather on the plane is nothing but a collage of extremes: torrential downpours followed by blistering days nearly too hot for the humans on the crew to handle followed by subzero temperatures that nearly render the twins catatonic.
But the first trek out trying to find the Light turned south quickly. Lup, Davenport, and Merle got roughed up by some of the strange creatures on the plane.
The creatures are these huge, hulking reptiles and these insects that are too big for anyone’s preference. None of them seem vulnerable to evocation so Lup’s not raring to get back out there. But the search for the Light has to continue.
Lup, Davenport, and Merle are too roughed up to go but they’re able to explain the finer points of how these creatures attack. Armed with this knowledge, a small team is prepared.
Magnus, Barry, and Taako all decide to go out in their stead.
Only Magnus returns, stumbling onto the ship looking haunted.
It takes a day or two to even get what happened out of him. At some point during Magnus’s recounting of a gnarly looking spider cornering Barry and Taako, the pair of them doing their best to provide cover, to distract the arachnid, to give him a shot at getting back to the ship, Lup rushes off to her room.
She doesn’t leave it for a few days. Even when she does, it’s like seeing a ghost. She moves in silence, barely looks at anyone. She’s never reacted well during cycles where Barry dies.
This is the first time Taako’s gone without Lup.
Trouble is, it’s so early in the cycle. You’d think time can cure all wounds, especially ones that are going to heal themselves in a year. But this is not all wounds.
Weeks and months pass and the situation remains roughly the same. Merle, Magnus, and Lucretia all do their best to cheer her up, engage her in some way, but everything falls flat.
Davenport’s got a different idea.
A month after the botched mission, he raps on her door at the crack of dawn.
When he gets no response, he knocks again. And again. And again.
Eventually Lup eases the door open, looking exhausted. “What?” she asks hollowly.
“Need your help, get dressed and meet me on deck in five.” He turns on his heel and disappears back down the hall before he can hear Lup’s protests.
“What do you need my help with, Captain?” Lup asks tiredly. The sun is barely clawing its way over the horizon, though the air of the morning is already hot and still.
“The deck’s looking a little worse for wear, yeah?” And it’s true, it is. Bits of rust tease the furthest corners of the ship. Some screws stick up just far enough to act as a trip hazard. So many parts of the railing are loose.
“Yeah, I guess.”
Davenport walks over to the chest near the steering column. “We’re gonna give this old girl some TLC today!” He announces brightly, popping open the chest and rifling around for tools.
“Cap, I really don’t feel like it,” Lup’s voice is hollow and she sends him a look of dread.
“Well, sometimes we gotta do stuff we really don’t feel like doing, Lup. Grab a screwdriver and let’s get to work.”
Two weeks after that, Davenport recruits her to help reorganize the storage rooms on the ship.
Another week after that, he ropes her into helping him clean out the fridge and pantry.
It’s about three months after the botched mission when Davenport once again comes to knock on Lup’s door. She yanks it open after the first knock and glares at him. “You live to annoy me, don’t you? What could you possibly need my help with today? Have any buttons that need sewing back on? W-why the fuck is it always me? Huh? Don’t see you banging down Magnus’s door to help with inane bullshit. So what’s the deal, Cap?” she snaps.
Davenport looks unperturbed. In fact, Lup almost swears she sees a hint of a smile. “Come on up to the kitchen. Please.” And like every other time he’s don’t this, he turns on his heel and disappears down the hallway.
Huh. Not the reaction Lup was expecting. But her point still stands. It’s bullshit that nobody else has had Dav breathing down their neck this fucking cycle, she thinks to herself as she slips on a sweatshirt.
Davenport’s sitting at the kitchen table when Lup makes her way up, idly shuffling a deck of cards. He gestures to the empty seat in front of him and begins quickly dealing cards in two face-down piles.
She sighs as she sits down. “Cap, listen, I’m sorry for losing my temper but I’m still pissed, okay? I think you’re asking an awful lot of me this cycle and only of me.”
He glances up at her before looking back at his hands. “So this game’s best with more than two people but nobody else on the ship knows it. I think you’ll be good at it though.” His voice is even and steady compared to the rapid-fire snap-snap-snap of the cards hitting their respective piles. He empties his hand and straightens out both piles.
She furrows her brows at him. Not like him to completely disregard an apology, even if he doesn’t accept.
“Rules are simple enough. Cards stay face down, you draw from the top. Game’s all about speed. We each lay down a card in rapid succession. If two of the same cards get laid down on top of each other, you slap it. Whoever slaps first gets the cards. You’re trying to get them all. That rule also applies if a single different card is between the double. So two, king of hearts, two. That’s a sandwich and you can slap it. But face cards have their own rules,” He slides a piece of paper to Lup. “I wrote down each of their rules. We can start slow, the best way to practice is to just play.”
She looks at him again. “You needed me to play a game?”
He shrugs. “I’m feeling a little lonely this cycle. Figure this could help me take my mind off it.”
Ah. That’s it, isn’t it?
Lup swallows and nods. “Uh yeah. Yeah, that’s a good idea, huh?” She picks up her deck and holds them in her hands, looking at Davenport for guidance.
He draws a card from the top of his deck. “So I just laid down a queen. You put two cards on top of her. Either you lay down a face card or I get all three cards,” he explains.
Lup quickly snaps two cards down and smacks the pile. “Was that right? Uh I laid down a seven and then another queen.”
Davenport grins. “That’s exactly right!” He nudges the pile toward Lup. “Go ahead and put those at the bottom of your stack. And then you lay the next card down.”
Lup obliges, laying down a three.
“You know, Lup, I think you’re gonna give me a run for my money.”
“That’s always the plan, Cap.”
They play for hours and at some point, Lup laughs for the first time in months. If nothing else, Davenport feels like this cycle’s had one success.
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icy-algae · 3 years
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First piece for Subzero Big bang!!
For the fic You're For Me by NewsAndTrash !
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chibistarlyte · 4 years
For FanFiction Friday, do you have any bnha WIPs in the works? (Or a headcanon or two that you’re particularly fond of?)
fjhkdhgkfgj thank you for the ask!!! i didn’t expect to get one so i’m very happy! :D
ohhhh boy do i have bnha wips up the ass lol SOOO MANY
some notable ones:
a todobaku piece i’m working on for the subzero big bang (it’s a secret as of right now :3)
another todobaku piece i’m writing that’s the next part in a series i started writing about shouto going through some bad depression issues (bc hi hey i like projecting my own shit on fictional characters!)
a todokiri 5+1 where eijirou tries to confess to shouto/ask shouto out but shouto just. doesn’t get it. it’s supposed to be a comedy/fluffy work!
some vague pieces in the same universe as my fic ‘behind the camera lens’ which is a tododeku youtuber au
a bnha/pokemon au i’m working on with kat @sunshineijirou, of which we’ve posted four chapters already and are working on the next four or five!
another thing i’m working on with kat that is the next fic in our double date series (kiribaku and tododeku)
also in double date series, i’m working on the tododeku getting together fic that takes place before kat’s kiribaku getting together fic for that series
ANOTHER one with kat that’s a bnha/free! au because we decided that eijirou and rin are related so we’re writing hero kids and swimmy boys yeeeeee!!!!
as for a few headcanons:
shouto loves to be carried/held. after a particularly long day and when he feels exhausted, he’ll just slump over on someone (usually izuku, but sometimes katsuki, eijirou, tenya, hanta, or ochako!) and let them pick him up and hold him in like an airborne hug?
katsuki never hits a growth spurt and stays around his 5′7″-5′8″ height into adulthood.
shouto sleeps/naps a lot. his quirk takes a lot of energy out of him, so he’s constantly falling asleep if he’s stationary for too long and likes to sleep in really late.
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wednesdaysxreaders · 4 years
it all falls into place
lowercase is a stylistic choice
i’ve been writing different versions of that last scene for months skgfskdjfsdf
summary: dallas swallows her fear.
word count: 1551
she was used to waking up on a cold metal table, but she wasn’t used to her entire body feeling like shattered glass when she did.
       she pushed herself up slowly, groaning at the creaky feeling in her joints.
       “hey, take it easy, kid.”
       the voice wasn’t ellie’s, but josh’s.
       she squinted at him, the bright light of the warehouse stinging her eyes.
       “ellie and those preschoolers brought you here,” he said, handing her a bottle of water. “you were banged up pretty bad.”
       she set the bottle aside, only caring about one thing. “and brett?”
       josh scoffed. “let’s just say he’s lucky b made me do all that reading on wolfsbane. he was in bad shape—like, leaking black shit from his eyes—i barely managed to purge the wolfsbane before it reached his heart.”
       “but he’s okay?” she demanded.
       “physically, yeah,” josh said. “but the poor kid may be fucked up for life.”
       she glanced around frantically. “where is he?”
       “come with me.”
       as he led her further into the warehouse, she couldn’t help but notice the odd look he was giving her.
       “did you really go up against an unknown enemy unarmed to help this guy?” he asked.
       “technically it was the number of enemies that was unknown,” she said, “but yeah.”
       he stopped. “you must really care about him.”
       “shut up.”
       he shook his head.
       “he’s back there.”
       “your workshop?” she asked.
       “temporary infirmary,” he corrected. “c’mon.”
       she followed him back to what he had definitely transformed into an infirmary. all of his projects had been swiped onto the floor to make room for brett, and he had dragged in an iv and other medical supplies.
       she immediately ran to the tableside, having to block a gasp with her hand at brett’s condition.
       if she didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was dead.
       his skin was deathly pale, and his breathing was so shallow she could barely detect it, and josh hadn’t been kidding from the black. his blood had started to turn black from the poison and it was all over his face, coming from his mouth and nose—and even his eyes and ears.
       she touched his cheek tentatively and almost immediately drew her hand back, clutching it to her chest and casting a questioning glance at josh.
       his skin was cold.
       “i had to make it almost frickin’ subzero in here to slow his metabolism,” he explained. “it was the only way i could think to buy myself some more time.”
       he quickly added, “i sedated him, too, so he could get some peaceful rest.”
       “thank you,” she said quietly. “what about lori?”
       “she’s upstairs,” he said. “i told her to get some rest. i figured you wouldn’t mind if she used your room.”
       “and ellie and liam?”
       he shrugged. “ellie took liam home. didn’t want this place to get too crowded, i guess. i think ellie said she was gonna stay at your place.”
       “why would this place get crowded?” she asked.
       “are you serious?” he quirked a brow. “as far as the hunters know, the three of you are dead. if they found out you’re not, they’d just come back harder to finish the job.”
       “are you saying we can’t leave?!” she demanded.
       he nodded solemnly. “yeah.”
       “fuck that, josh!” she yelled. “those assholes nearly killed brett! they hit me with a fucking car!”
       “i’m sorry,” he said, “but ellie can do magic and i don’t want to piss her off. you have to lay low for now.”
       she swallowed hard. “i have to sit here and do nothing while my friends are hunted.”
       “i’m sorry,” he repeated, turning and walking away.
       she grabbed the nearest heavy tool and hurled it after him, but he anticipated her doing so and dodged it.
       “fuck you,” she whispered, picking up the cleanest looking rag from his tool table and using one of his stockpiled bottles of water to wet it.
       she started to wipe the blood off brett’s face, careful not to apply too much pressure—as if he was fragile and would fall apart at the slightest wrong touch. she had to blink back tears as she cleaned his face, neck, shoulder, and chest.
       josh must have cut his shirt off to get to his wounds.
       as far as she could tell, there was only the puncture wound from the arrow in his right shoulder and what appeared to be a stab wound in the center of his chest.
       she squeezed her eyes shut as the tears came faster, wiping them away and spinning and kicking over the tool cart. behind her, she heard a soft groan.
       “brett?!” she spun back. “brett, can you hear me?”
       his eyes fluttered open and he flinched at the lights.
       “somewhere safe,” she said softly. “how do you feel?”
       “like my entire body is on fire.” he struggled to sit up, so she grabbed his arm to help him. “what about you?”
       “fine, i think, all things considered.”
       he looked at her. “that car. . . you pulled us out of the way. . . you got hit. . .”
       “yeah,” she whispered.
       “why would you do that?” he asked.
       she chuckled humorlessly. “was i supposed to just let you get hit?”
       “i—” he sighed. “i guess not. i’m sorry, it’s just— the thought of you getting hurt because of me—”
       “how do you think i feel?” she exclaimed. “none of this would have happened if i had warned you about monroe!”
       “hey. . .” he slid off the table and took her face in his hands. “this wasn’t your fault. you couldn’t have known.”
       she pulled his hands away. “you almost died tonight because i was a pussy.”
       she cleared her throat. “i’m gonna go see if i can find you a shirt that’s not covered in blood.”
she couldn’t help the loud fuck that came from her mouth as she missed the next rung on the salmon ladder and crashed to the floor.
       she hoped her bones had fully healed—because if they didn’t, she just broke them more.
       she hissed through her teeth and threw the bar at the wall; it clattered to the floor pathetically and she sighed, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. with a deep breath, she stood up and walked from the training ‘course’ to the weapons table, starting to unwrap her hands. out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a tall figure standing nearby.
       “have you been standing there long?”
       “not long enough to be creepy,” brett said, coming closer.
       she chuckled, tossing the wrappings on the weapons table. “can i help you with something?”
       “i just wanted to thank you, i guess. . .” he said. “for tonight.”
       “it was no big deal.”
       he moved to stand beside her. “you saved my life.”
       “i almost didn’t,” she reminded, avoiding his gaze.
       “but you did.”
       “i don’t freeze up often,” she said softly, turning away from him completely. “but when i thought you were going to die tonight. . . i couldn’t function. . . i nearly shut down completely. . .”
       he sighed. “when i thought i was gonna die, i couldn’t stop thinking about lori. . . or you. . .”
       she almost whirled around in shock. “m-me? why me?”
       “isn’t it obvious?” he stepped closer to her, leaving only a few inches of space between them. “all the stuff in the air between us. . . you dance around it like it’s a game, but i really do like you. . .”
       “you wouldn’t have agreed to go on a date with me if you didn’t like me, too,” he said.
       there was almost a hint of a smirk on her lips as she looked over her shoulder at him—her own form of defense. “how can you be so sure?”
       “you’re not like that,” he said, grabbing her hand.
       “you don’t even know me—“ she choked, instantly yanking her hand away. “not really. . .”
       she didn’t mean to react so aggressively, it just caught her off guard, but the damage had been done and she almost hit herself knowing she had fucked up again.
       “it’s okay,” he mumbled, turning away. “i get it. you’re right, i guess.”
       “brett—“ before he could walk away, she caught his arm. “please don’t go—“
       he looked back at her, and before she could give it a second thought, she closed the distance between them and kissed him.
       he stiffened in shock for a second, but relaxed immediately after, turning back to face her completely and taking her into his arms. she rose on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tight.
       it felt like hours before a tiny voice cleared its throat off to the side. they jumped apart to see lori standing at the top of the stairs.
       “about time,” she said, then turned to dallas. “josh wants you.”
       she went back down the stairs, leaving them alone again.
       “so. . .” dallas cleared her throat. “about that dinner. . .”
       he chuckled. “we’re on. you’d better go see what josh wants before he comes looking for you himself.”
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subzerobigbang · 4 years
❄️Participant Spotlight!!💥
Today's artist spotlight is on @skucos! Check out their other accounts on Instagram and Twitter to see their amazing TDBK art!!
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sapphic-sustrai · 4 years
Team DMNO Bios: Olwen Kunik.
So after who knows how long, it’s finally time for me to talk about the final member of Team DMNO. My sword-wielding, tough but soft daughter, Olwen Kunik! As always if there are any errors, I will go back and fix them eventually. 
Previous DMNO Bios:
Douglas Craig.
Melanie Hertz.
Norbert Beaumont.
I’m going to preface this bio with a warning. When talking about Olwen’s backstory, things are going to be mentions of death and blood. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t keep reading I will completely understand. If you’d like to keep reading, then just be aware of what will be brought up. With that being said, more will be underneath the cut.
Full Name: Olwen Nanulak Kunik.
Alias: The Subzero Slasher, The Hunter {an alias given to her because of her excellent tracking/hunting skills}, The Monster Duo {an alias that she shares with Melanie, that was given to them by the Atlas Academy student body, she doesn’t like this one very much}.
Nickname{s}: Ollie {only used by her teammates because they’re the only ones who can call her that}, Wen {only used by Douglas}, Buniq {what her mother Aklaq used to call her, it means, “Sweet Daughter”, in Inuit}, Frosty {used only by Melanie}, Wonder Dolt {only used by Emerald}, Big Lug {only used by Emerald}, Friend Olwen {only used by Penny}, Bro {only used by Douglas or Sun, at first she’s only okay with Douglas calling her that
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Bigender {identifies as female & non-binary}.
Race: Polar Bear Faunus, her trait is that she has the paws & forearms of a polar bear. Key differences are that she can retract her claws {unlike actual polar bears} and she has posable thumbs.
D.O.B/Star Sign: February 9th/Aquarius 
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Lesbian.
Handedness: Ambidextrous, but prefers using her right paw most often. 
Complexion: Light Brown.
Height: 6’2 {188cm}.
Weight: 200lbs {91kg}.
Cup Size: B-Cup.
Body Type: Inverted triangle body shape, athletic build, muscular, wide-shouldered, thick legs, toned abs, six-pack, big feet {shoe size is a woman’s 12}.
Choppy layered shaggy/slightly fluffy bob, with a spiky back curved upwards {Youth}.
Short & spiky/slightly fluffy undercut, her bangs are facing upwards {Vol. 1-3}.
Hair Colour{s}: Polar White, with black roots.
Eye Colour{s}: She has heterochromia. Her left eye is steel grey and her right eye is icy blue.
Aura Colour: Frost White.
Emblem: A growling polar bear head, with two swords crossed and another sword in its mouth. The blades behind the head are facing downwards and the blade in her mouth is facing the right. The entire emblem is frost white, with a black outline.
Weapon{s}: Tekkeitsertok {Tekk}, Qailertetang {Qail} and Sedna.
The first of her swords Tekkeitsertok {Tekk} is a katana/pana {snow knife} mix. She’ll usually keep it in her mouth when performing three blade techniques, but it’s also the primary sword that she uses when performing one blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a katana and a pana, which is metallic silver with a gunome {zigzag} hamon pattern. The hamon is made from the bones of a caribou. It has a circular tsuba {guard} that’s metallic gold. The handle is also made of caribou bone and is wrapped in a frost white samegawa {wrap} that leaves a diamond-shape menuki pattern. The kashira {buttcap} is also gold. The blade’s saya {scabbard} is also frost white, with a metallic gold kojiri {scabbard tip}. This sword in particular is Olwen’s prized possession, as the blade’s metal came from Aklaq’s weapon. It was melted down and then forged into Olwen’s new sword.
The second of her swords is Qailertetang {Qail} is a falchion/pana mix. She’ll usually hold it in her left hand when performing three blade & two blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a falchion & a pana, with the central ridge curved inwards and is metallic black. The fuller is etched in with crimson red and is patterned like the sharp teeth of an animal. The chappe {rain-guard}, cross-guard & the pommel is metallic gold. The grip is black. The scabbard is black, with crimson red claw marks etched in. The locket & the chape of the scabbard is metallic gold.
The third and final sword in her possession is Sedna, which is also a falchion/pana mix. She’ll usually hold it in her right hand when performing three blade & two blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a falchion & a pana, with the central ridge left as is and is metallic white. The fuller is etched in with arctic blue and is patterned like the waves of an ocean. The cross-guard is curved upward on the left & curved downward on the right. The chappe, cross-guard & the pommel is metallic silver. The grip is black. The scabbard is arctic blue, with a frost white spiral pattern {almost like a narwhal’s horn}. The locket & the chape of the scabbard is metallic silver.
In all three of the swords, dust crystals can be inserted into the bottom of the grips/handles. However, Olwen doesn’t really use this function very much.
Types of Dust Used: Olwen primarily uses Ice Dust during combat, by injecting it into her body using a dust injector. She’ll use other types if the situation calls for it.
Other Equipment:
Dust Injector {metallic silver & black, it allows Olwen to inject dust safely into her body and utilize the elemental power of whichever dust type is being used, it’s described as a more, “streamline way”, of fusing dust with one’s body, the effects only last for about 30-40mins and has to wait for about an hour before injecting again… otherwise it will cause harmful side effects, Olwen had to special request this item from Ironwood & the Atlesian Military}.
Expandable Cable Bungee Leather Sword Belt {dark brown, with a silver Ursa skull belt buckle, the buckle can be launched and act as a grappling hook clinging onto surfaces, Olwen uses the belt to climb up walls or cliffs and as a way to pull herself forward or pull enemies closer during combat, on the right side of the belt is where her swords are attached to}.
Pouch {mahogany brown. It’s where Olwen keeps her dust crystals & her dust injector. It’s attached to the left side of her belt}.
Fighting Style: Olwen primarily fights using three blade style techniques, as well being proficient in two blade & one blade style techniques. Even while holding her blades, she’ll still incorporate punches and use them to either cause damage or to knock opponents back. With their semblance in active mode, they’ll use their swords or arms as conduits, either to add extra edge to their attacks or to stun opponents by heating/freezing their desired conduits. They also incorporate ice dust into their fighting style, due to the dust injections. She can launch icy aura-based attacks from her swords or hands, make small ice walls for defensive purposes, etc…
Semblance: Temperature Control – A semblance that allows the user to orient the semblance in three different ways: passively, actively & empowerment. Passive mode allows the user to keep things {including herself} in her immediate area/within 5 meters at an ambient temperature. Active mode allows the user to heat up or cool down her surroundings/things {as well as an inherent resistance to the effect her semblance has as a result} to the degree & speed of her choosing. Finally, Empowerment mode allows the user to become stronger, a little bit faster, durable, etc… when they come into contact of thermal energy. When she’s stored enough thermal energy, her body looks as if she is steaming and her skin turns slightly pink and shiny. She heats things up with her left hand and cools things down with her right.
Other Skills, Talents, etc…
Expert tracking skills.
Expert survival skills.
Excellent hunting skills.
Excellent sense of smell {she could smell what RWBY & JNPR all had for dinner from 3 nights ago}.
Excellent swordsmanship.
Incredible physical/jaw strength.
Excellent chef.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Sanctum Academy.
Place of Origin: Mistral, in a small village called Biyamamura, located around Mistral’s mountainous/forest region.
Current Occupation{s}: Student, Huntress-in-training.
Team/Status: DMNO. Currently active, but will become inactive soon after the Fall of Beacon. Won’t be active again for quite some time.
Team Members: Douglas Craig, Melanie Hertz, Norbert Beaumont & herself.
Partner: Melanie Hertz.
Team Role: Ranged/Melee Tank.
Status: Alive.
Mental Health Issues: Dysthymia {persistent depressive disorder}, also deals with anger management problem brought on by her depression. They take medication for their PDD, they also have coping strategies to help calm her down. They channel their anger most often at the gym or by training.
Positive Qualities: Independent, resourceful, adaptable, witty, observant, loyal, calm & collected {most of the time}, disciplined.
Neutral Qualities: Determined, tough, quiet {isn’t as chatty as some of her other teammates}, sarcastic, stubborn, emotional {negative feelings like sadness are usually kept in private}.
Negative Qualities: Gluttonous {in terms of food & pain}, aggressive {kept under control, but after the Fall of Beacon, she has a bit of a problem dealing with her anger again}, cold & distant {only when she’s really upset with you}, slightly irritable {more annoyed than angry}, careless {when it comes to her own well-being}.
Cooking/eating food.
Training/sparring/working out.
Fishing {both for relaxing & for sport}.
Learning about swords/sword making.
Being among the animals in the forest.
Brussels Sprouts.
Diet Cola.
Being disturbed while she’s trying to sleep/nap.
Hot weather {even with her semblance, she still doesn’t like being outside in warmer weather}.
Cigarette smoke {she finds the scent disgusting}.
People who abandon the ones that they love {she has abandonment issues, while not as bad it still lingers}.
People who cheat {she believes for working hard for your achievements, instead of taking the lazy or easy way out}.
Long shirt sleeves {her arm fur act as built in sleeves and she hates the feeling of sleeves going over her arms}.
Food: Salmon/all other types of fish & pork/all other types of meat.
Drink: Water, sports drinks & cola.
Season/Weather: Winter/cold & cloudy or cold & slightly sunny.
Colour: Arctic blue & bone white.
Animal: Timber wolves, snowy owls, orcas & seals.
Movie Genre: Horror {favourite sub-genre is slashers}/thriller.
Music Genre: Punk/heavy metal.
Nanouk Haggard:
Relationship: Grandfather Figure, she called him, “Gramps”, they have a deeper connection that Olwen doesn’t realize yet, good.
Status: Alive.
Aklaq Kunik:
Relationship: Adoptive Mother, who she considers to be her real mother, good.
Status: Deceased.
Neva Kunik:
Relationship: Adoptive Aunt, older twin sister of Aklaq, good for the most part.
Status: Alive.
Wulfnod Albero:
Relationship: Honorary Uncle, was Olwen’s caretaker after Aklaq’s passing, good.
Status: Alive.
Douglas Craig:
Relationship: Closest Friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Melanie Hertz:
Relationship: Close Friend, partner, friendly rival, good overall, but sometimes she has to reel Melanie in when she gets, “too intense”.
Status: Alive.
Norbert Beaumont:
Relationship: Close Friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Team RWBY:
Relationship: Friends, good overall, gets along with Blake the best, gets along with Weiss the least.
Status: Alive.
Team JNPR:
Relationship: Friends, except Jaune who she actively dislikes, gets along with Pyrrha the best.
Status: Alive {Pyrrha’s alive in this AU}.
Penny Polendina:
Relationship: Good Friends, good.
Status: Alive, then deceased, then rebuilt and brought back to life.
Ilia Amitola: 
Relationship: Enemies {at first}, eventually become close friends, don’t meet until Vol. 4.
Status: Alive.
Sun Wukong:
Relationship: Acquaintances at Best {at first}, doesn’t really like him that much, after some time in Menagerie they do eventually become friends.
Status: Alive.
Emerald Sustrai:
Relationship: Started out as friends, then moved into a purely physical relationship, broke things off during the Vytal Festival, their relationship became strained after the events during the Fall of Beacon, they’ll eventually reconnect & work on their relationship.
Status: Alive.
Early Life {Backstory/spoiler free because I want to reveal more at a later time}:
Olwen was born in an unknown location, in the continent of Solitas.
Some time after her birth, Olwen was adopted by a woman named Aklaq Kunik. and was renamed Olwen Nanulak Kunik. The name Olwen came from the fact that she had a birthmark resembling a white paw print on her right paw pad.
From then onward, Olwen was raised in the Kingdom of Mistral, nearby a small village in the mountainous/forest region known as Biyamamura. She lived in a small cabin that Aklaq and her old teammates from Team FAWN built together.
Olwen never really had any friends growing up, at school she was the only Faunus child in a primarily human classroom. Her classmates would often bully her and call her a, “monster”, because of her arms and to all of them she looked scary. All Olwen wanted was to make some friends… but nobody wanted her around. She mostly either spent time with Aklaq or with the animals in the nearby forest.
One day her classmates pulled a prank on her, which went horribly wrong and attracted a Beowolf to the area. Olwen was attacked and if it wasn’t for a passing Huntsman finding her, she probably would’ve bled out and died. Since the school didn’t want to take any sort of responsibility for the incident, Aklaq decided to home-school her daughter from then onward.
Aklaq taught her a lot of things, such as respecting nature, survival skills, how to hunt, how to fish and most importantly how to fight. Aklaq taught her hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship.
Eventually, Aklaq told Olwen that she was adopted and while she still considered Aklaq to be her, “real mom”, she’s always been curious about her biological parents. Whenever she’d ask Aklaq about them, she was always met with incredibly vague information. What she didn’t know was that Aklaq was going to tell Olwen the truth when she was much older because she couldn’t bare to tell the horrible truth to such a young child.
When Olwen was around 10 years old, a group of strange men showed up to Biyamamura looking for her. Aklaq rushed back home and told Olwen to run as far away as she could. She was going to protect her daughter no matter what, even if it killed her. Olwen wouldn’t find out the reason why those men were after her until she was older. 
When she came back to the house, Aklaq was found on the ground outside laying in a pool of her own blood inside. Olwen cradled her mother in her arms as Aklaq uttered her last words to her. She said, “You came into my life when I needed you the most… you’re my greatest miracle and I’ll always be proud to call you my daughter. I love you, Olwen.” Losing her mother left Olwen devastated and it left her feeling scared and alone… she couldn’t stop crying.
Unfortunately, the group of men were still around and they were banking on the fact that she would come back eventually. One of the men managed to stab Olwen in her lower right abdomen, but Olwen attacked back by kicking the man in the face, picking up the knife that he had dropped and stabbed him in the chest when he tried to attack again. Before passing out from shock and blood loss, she noticed someone coming in and attacking the rest of the group. When she came to, she realized that it was Aklaq’s old partner from Team FAWN, Wulfnod Albero.
He had heard from a town close by of what was going to take place and tried to get there as fast as he could. He is also saddened by Aklaq’s passing and decides to take Olwen in and become her caretaker. For the next few years, Olwen traveled around with Wulfnod, as he traveled around the kingdoms doing huntsman missions. After the experiences that she had went through with losing Aklaq, Olwen became much angrier and would act out often. For Wulfnod, it was a struggle, but he was willing to work with Olwen and help her deal with her trauma & anger management problems.
Ever since Olwen was young, she’s always wanted to become a Huntress and to become one of Remnant’s greatest sword wielders… but due to recent events, she became unsure if this was something that she still wanted. With some encouraging from Wulfnod, she eventually decides to not give up on her dreams and attend Sanctum Academy.
During her time at Sanctum, she met her first and closest friend Douglas Craig, she was diagnosed with dysthymia and started taking medication for it, was seeing a therapist to help her deal with her trauma and was learning to keep her anger under control, and had gotten incredibly strong through constant training and hard work. During her first break home, she broke down in Wulfnod’s arms and kept apologizing for giving him such a hard time over the years. It was from this point onward that Olwen would refer to Wulfnod as her uncle.
When it was time for Olwen to pick the academy that they’d attend for the next 4 years, she decided to attend Atlas Academy because while she wasn’t a big fan of their, “military approach”, she thought that this would be the school that could help her push past her boundaries and help her reach the next steps to becoming stronger.
Primary Attire {Youth}:
Henley Shirt {spruce blue, short sleeved, top two buttons left unbuttoned, slightly baggy}.
Leather Belt {black, with a silver belt buckle}.
Fatigue Pants {grey, pantlegs tucked into boots}.
Boots {black}.
Atlas Academy Uniform:
Olwen pretty much wears the standard Atlas Academy boys’ uniform. The only exceptions are that she has a short-sleeved shirt {because of her arms and not needing sleeves}, her jacket is left wide open and she wears her combat boots instead of dress shoes.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Leather Jacket {navy blue, with a gold zipper, short sleeved, unzipped all the way, cuts off at the midriff, interior lining is slate grey, symbol is located on the upper back}.}.
Tank Top {black}.
Bandana {black, tied around her left bicep, wears it on her head during fights, used to belong to Aklaq}.
Stonewashed Jeans {a bit baggy, a couple of rips, pant legs tucked into her boots}.
Combat Boots {Black, with slate grey laces}.
Other Notes About Appearance:
She has four small tattoos of all the suits in a deck of cards located above her right brow. The spade & the club are black and the heart & diamond are icy blue. The order goes spade, heart, club, and diamond. Each one represents a member of DMNO, using the diamond to represent herself.
In terms of piercings, she has quadruple stud earrings, two rings on her right helix, and a labret piercing. All of them are metallic silver.
She’s obtained plenty of scars over the years. First was three claw marks on the left side of her neck that she obtained when attacked by a Beowolf as a child. Next was a cross-shaped scar on her lower right abdomen that she obtained when attacked by the group of men who killed Aklaq.
If She Had a Voice it Would Be: Janet Varney {Current}, Cora Baker {Youth}.
Misc. Trivia:
All of Olwen’s sword techniques are named after the forest, hunting terms, and the animals that she spent so much time with in the forest as a child. She wanted to honour the animals somehow as a way to thank them for being there for her.
Olwen is pretty bad at coming up with names for things. Growing up she had a stuffed bear that Aklaq made for her and she named him… Bear/Beary. The only time that this wasn’t the case was when she came up with names for her swords, her sword techniques, and the names of her future children.
Her favourite band of all time is a punk rock/metal band called, “Absolute Zero.” She’s been to two of their concerts and she has a huge crush on the lead singer, Noelle Blanc.
Olwen is one of the most patient people that her friends know. Aklaq taught her how to fish not just for fun or for sport, but also to teach her the importance of having patience.
She has athazagoraphobia {a fear of being forgotten, ignored, or abandoned}.
A third dream of hers {aside from becoming a Huntress & wanting to become one of Remnant’s greatest sword wielders} was that she wants to open her own restaurant someday, but she doesn’t share this dream with most people out of fear of judgement. Only her teammates & Wulfnod know of this dream.
While she doesn’t tell a lot of jokes, she does love a good bear related pun. She loves either using, “unbearable”, or, “bear with her”, in sentences.
Her bandana to her is a reminder that Aklaq is still here with her, even if it’s only in spirit. She also doesn’t like it when people touch it because she doesn’t want to lose one of the only things of Aklaq’s that she has left.
That’s all that I have for Olwen at the moment. Sorry that it took so long, life got a bit busy for me! Any comments or critiques would be greatly appreciated and my askbox is always open! So now that I’m finished the updated DMNO bios, what would y’all like to see next from me OC wise? Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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d-naggeluide · 3 years
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List of References
Glacier National Park
Historic fires in Glacier
Fires of 2003
The trail:
Day 1 (Chapter 2)
Day 2 (Chapter 3)
Day 3 (offscreen)
Day 4 (in reverse, Chapter 4)
The legend:
Mathilde Edith Holtz and Katharine Isabel Bemis, Glacier National Park: Its Trails and Treasures (New York: George H. Doran, 1917), 192– 194, reproduced in Retelling Trickster in Naapi’s Language by Nimachia Howe, 2019, Utah State University Press.
The legends:
Resilience: Stories of Montana Indian Women by Laura K. Ferguson, 2016 Montana Historical Society Press (pdf download)
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asolle · 2 years
Click the link to stream or download Music Music Music spring 22 episode 9: https://app.box.com/s/nwp6dbhztdxhq4pj2xdhddxfm5cz00vq
The Linda Lindas - Racist, Sexist Boy Kelis - Cobbler Special AKA - Gangsters The Clash - Clampdown The English Beat - Mirror in the Bathroom Soul Glo - John J Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - What Have You Done for Me Lately? David Bowie - Queen Bitch Destroyer - It Takes a Thief And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead - Another Morning Stoner Karen O and Danger Mouse - Turn the Light Broken Bells - After the Disco Norah Jones -Say Goodbye Parquet Courts - Almost Had to Start a Fight In and Out of Patience Gnarls Barkley - Crazy Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Two Against One Jack White - That Was Then The White Stripes - The Big Three Killed My Baby The Racouteurs -Salute Your Solution The Dead Weather - I Feel Love (Every Million Miles) Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation T Rex - Bang a Gong The Streets - Let's Push Things Forward Mitski - Stay Soft Action Bronson - Subzero Kilo Kish - Super KO Love Boulevards - Together Arlo Parks - Softly NASA - There's a Party Ozomatli - Who's to Blame Cut Chemist - Work My Mind Blackalicious - 4000 Miles Long Beach Dub Allstars - Life Goes On Beck - I Won't Be Long (Extended)
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