#succession stills
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oh my GOD you guys look at these stills from 4x04
I know he's mourning (and it's breaking my damn heart man) but my god... he looks delicious
there's just something about seeing him out of a dress shirt for a little while... someone hold me back
also praying we see stewy in this episode. not getting my hopes up, but it would be real nice :(
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brookheimer · 5 months
awards shows are ridiculous and asinine and are everything wrong with the entertainment industry. that is unless my favorites win in which case awards shows are wonderful and objective and are arbiters of merit and justice in a world devoid of true talent recognition
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lokh · 4 months
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fake dating au where shuro ends up pretending to go out with laios in order to secure his inheritance.... but is it really what he wants? a journey of romance and self discovery that ill never ever write
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collieii · 1 year
someone probably said this already but in spiderverse i think it's interesting how when pavitr was first introduced everyone thought something bad was gonna happen to him bc of how confident and optimistic he was. and then in the actual movie we see that something bad was supposed to happen to him (police chief dying!) but it doesn't! miles stops it! and miguel berates miles for this, says it's going to cause the universe to collapse or whatever.
there's this idea that tragedy is inherent to spidermans growth, and while it's true that some spiderpeople learn important lessons through loss, no one stops to ask, is it really necessary? yeah, maybe the chief was supposed to die. but why does spiderman have to be formed through tragedy? why do we (as heroes) have to let people die? pavitr didn't lose anyone, and he's still a good spiderman! maybe, if he doesn't suffer, he'll end up better off for it!
so while miguel is arguing for all this big picture stuff about saving the multiverse he's lost sight of what it really means to be a spiderman, he's not looking out for the real individual people. yeah it's just one person who would die, but that one person means something to someone. shrugging and saying "stuff just sucks sometimes, we can't do anything about it" is the opposite of what superheroes do. pretty obviously, miles arc is also a reflection of the struggles people face in real life, working within unequal systems, where it's easy to shrug and say "that's just the way it is" and not ask "but why does it need be this way? can't we do something about it?"
miguel is arguing that you can't have your cake and eat it too. presumably, miles and co. are going to find a way to get around that and change things for the better (and maybe that's why miles has that line about two cakes in the advisors office!)
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futureboy · 3 months
the thing about variety describing warner bros discovery making "unsuccessful attempts to sell the unprofitable fandom" is that this shifts all the blame on the audience. how are you gonna try that with a fandom that crowdfunded films on a record-breaking scale, raised millions for extra life for years and years, and spawned their own fucking convention because RT was so goddamn popular?? insane that poor business restructuring and shitty company practices from WBD is being spun into "our audience didn't give us enough money so unfortunately, we have to sell RWBY (a western show that enjoys enormous popularity in japan despite not being a homegrown anime) and RvB (a show which pioneered machinima as both a genre and medium)"
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ofswordsandpens · 14 days
I fear that "fire bending didn't come easy to zuko" and "zuko isn't a prodigy" (both true) has somehow snowballed into "zuko is a bad or at best average fire bender".... which simply isn't true, especially by the end of book 3
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birdmans · 2 months
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SUCCESSION (2018–2023)
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collophora · 2 months
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Sleep time.
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prideprejudce · 1 year
imagine being on the board of a billion dollar company voting on its future and you hear I AM THE ELDEST BOY in the next meeting room over like how cringe im screaming
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krasnyel · 1 year
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when connor comes to visit
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holly-mckenzie · 5 months
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You're not a killer. You have to be a killer. But, nowadays, maybe you don't. I don't know.
SUCCESSION S02E10 / S04E10 created by Jessie Armstrong
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JEREMY STRONG as KENDALL ROY || Succession 4x04
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onionninjasstuff · 6 months
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brought to you by @scatterbrainedbot's tags
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emotargaryen · 28 days
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one of the funniest things he's ever said
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wambs · 1 year
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birdmans · 2 months
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