#such a cool quiz to take
shegetsburned · 1 year
what would your ocs role on a pirate ship be?
Tagged by the amazing @voidika and @trench-rot to take this very cool uquiz for my babies. Thank you for the tag! 🧡
Tagging @poisonedtruth @confidentandgood @simonxriley @children-of-epiales @nightwingshero @shellibisshe @unbindingkerberos @jendoe @kryptonian-puppy @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @captastra @phillipsgraves @scentedcandleibex @baldurrs @detectivelokis @florbelles @madparadoxum and anyone who sees this and wants to try! (apologies for any double tags)
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The Cabin Kid
Maybe you've always wanted to go to sea. Maybe it's just a job. Maybe you didn't have any other options on land. But whatever the case, you're out here, the youngest member of the crew. Learning the ropes is hard - your hands have not built up the calluses to climb the rigging, your feet scrape and stumble for a foothold. But you are small, and you are nimble, and the old salts say that you will learn. The sailors treat you like a sort of mascot, send you scurrying about for this and that. But you want to prove you're one of them. You're the first to climb to the topsails, grab barrels of gunpowder bigger than you, haul around cannonballs. Every day, you practice with a sword and knife, knowing that when it comes to a raid, you will need to rely on your instincts. So far you've been kept out of battle; the captain promised, last time you asked, that the next one would be yours. You're aching for it. You get half-shares at the minute, but the second you board a prize with sword in hand, amidst the gunsmoke and powder, you'll be a full crew member, worthy as any to claim what is yours. You cannot wait.
Aching to participate more and do her part, as well as wanting to prove your worth to the crew really sounds like her
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The Stowaway
You weren't meant to be here. You don't want to be here. But this was your only choice, if you wanted to stay safe. There's anger, where you're from, and hunger, and endless back-breaking toil. The only chance of a better life is somewhere far away. So you slipped on board the first ship you could see, and stole away to find a new life. You're hidden in the hold now, between the rough wood of the hull and the pressing weight of a pile of crates. Beneath you is a faded blanket, littered with crumbs from the ship's biscuits you have been eating. This voyage is long. Your plan was to spirit yourself away as soon as the ship next docked, but it has been days and days of open water, the gentle rocking of the ship beneath you and no land, no land in sight. You press yourself to the hull every time you hear footsteps go by, hold your breath in the darkness. The candle you took is melted down to a nub; you have not lit it today, to keep it as long as possible. If the sailors find you down here, they might put you to work. They might just throw you in the sea. All you can do is sit here, in your little rathole, and wait for your journey to end, one way or another.
Ouuh it fits well with Isaak running away from the Jedi way. Not looking for anything, he wouldn’t mind living a boring life until he finally dies of old age, alone and miserable
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The Siren
There's a comb in one hand, a mirror in the other. You sit on the rocks and admire your reflection, slowly combing your kelp-green hair. The sea hurt you. No - the sailors hurt you. Once, you were one of them. Once, you had two legs and breathed the air. But every ship you sailed on sank, or met bad weather, or did not survive an attack. Your shipmates called you cursed, but you held your head high. Until that night. Amidst a stormy sea, your shipmates took you from your bunk, bound you hand and foot as you thrashed and screamed, and tossed your helpless body into the waves. You cursed as the saltwater filled your mouth, filled your lungs, as you fought to take another breath and the world faded to black. But you did not die. You would not die, not until you had gained your revenge. So your bound legs fused into a tail, and your hands broke free of the rope, and you took in your first breath of water beneath the surf. Rejected by the land, the sea claimed you as its own. That ship is gone now. You sat on the rocks, combing your hair, and in doing so spelled its doom. But seeing it smashed and broken in the surf was not enough. Not nearly. So here you sit, looking out to the distance for rotten ships and rotten sailors. And if they come close, you smile, and you wave, and you sing to them. All the while knowing you will sing them to their watery grave. And you will smile the whole time.
Dying and being reborn as something so much stronger is definitely her
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The Siren
There's a comb in one hand, a mirror in the other. You sit on the rocks and admire your reflection, slowly combing your kelp-green hair. The sea hurt you. No - the sailors hurt you. Once, you were one of them. Once, you had two legs and breathed the air. But every ship you sailed on sank, or met bad weather, or did not survive an attack. Your shipmates called you cursed, but you held your head high. Until that night. Amidst a stormy sea, your shipmates took you from your bunk, bound you hand and foot as you thrashed and screamed, and tossed your helpless body into the waves. You cursed as the saltwater filled your mouth, filled your lungs, as you fought to take another breath and the world faded to black. But you did not die. You would not die, not until you had gained your revenge. So your bound legs fused into a tail, and your hands broke free of the rope, and you took in your first breath of water beneath the surf. Rejected by the land, the sea claimed you as its own. That ship is gone now. You sat on the rocks, combing your hair, and in doing so spelled its doom. But seeing it smashed and broken in the surf was not enough. Not nearly. So here you sit, looking out to the distance for rotten ships and rotten sailors. And if they come close, you smile, and you wave, and you sing to them. All the while knowing you will sing them to their watery grave. And you will smile the whole time.
Deception is HIM
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adeleine-everyday · 27 days
day 93
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ugh. i bet she doesnt have to take ap exams. i bet she doesnt even go to school. loser.
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
Love the Soldier Poet King quiz Tik Tok seems to be obsessed with lately, I took it 3 times and got them all once
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wizardnuke · 9 months
stumbles out of baldurs gate at 2:30am covered in blood. i have to be up at 8am
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an-theduckin · 6 months
Sometimes I wish twomp wasn't so centered around plargos. Like yeah they're cute n all but I kinda want 2 see more side characters yk? Most characters just appear in one episode for a few seconds n just disappear forever n yeag I just have alot of love for them n it just makes me sad 2 know I probably will never see them again. Ashur is def expanding on the world building n lore rn so it's probbaly not gonna be 100% centered around plargos in the future but like. More side characters pretty please <33
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lizzardtown · 1 year
Everything you loved about the original but way better!
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Yo this test is so cool and accurate do you guys wanna take it
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It's fun and shit and you can find it here
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e77y · 6 days
Just applied for another internship with a super small publishing group… 🤞
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I just realized there are many new people in the fandom who weren't here when I made my Which KotLC Character Do You Remind Me Of? uquiz! (15 questions, but 14 possible results so there are multiple options for everything. you have a bit of reading ahead of you, but it's still quick!)
I spent a lot of time and thought on it and people are taking it to this day--though I have no clue how they find it. It would be very cool of you to check it out if you wanted to :)
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mad-hunts · 1 month
what tarot card are you?
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The Hierophant
the plan is perfect in every way. everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. you have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position? you, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. ensure that they have not played better than you.
tagged by: stole this from my other account!
tagging: anyone who wishes to participate (:
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crystal-mouse · 1 year
Today on quiz emotional damage (affectionate)
part 4 or 5 idk I'm not counting
The entire shrek script.
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Did you guys know that this is longer than the bee movie script? I didn't until I had to try and fit it into a single screenshot.
2. Large Ham
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omg.. wow u guys! cant believe totally straight TM, aka large ham, aka (definitely 1000% real) sh*tner took my quiz :0 /j
Also someone commented with a link to my own quiz so thanks ig??
(jk i love ur thought process on this)
thank u <3
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suncaptor · 10 months
idk what this means but hiii <3
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One of the character's is actually a Witch of Space!! She's a main character too — Jade Harley. She's the picture there.
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stellarspecter · 8 months
What if I took that Robin line "what if we could just combine" too literally and wrote a fic about it would that be fun. I'm not sure the best way to do it tho, I've seen bodyswap and like linked telepathy fics before which is fun, the only other thing that comes to mind is like literal fusion kind of su-style?? Or maybe like a kind of sense8 thing where it's not quite telepathy and they can like share skills. idk just spit balling here. anyone else got a better idea
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gibbearish · 9 months
I am an egg
What is the egg for
I mean I agree that on the spectrum of gender I am plausibly definitely an egg that just feels about right. I'm just there man. Sitting around until needed. In my zone, in my lane, just serving my purpose like an egg.
But I'm still curious about the egg title I've been bestowed
generally in trans circles an "egg" refers to a trans person who hasn't realized they're trans yet, so then realizing is "the egg cracking"
functionally in the quiz it's kind of a "your answers mostly pointed towards cisish but not always" / middle of the road placeholder. honestly the results part is kind of the main bit im not entirely happy with because i have no idea how to actually weight answers properly lol
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devourmist · 1 year
< which creature are you within the enchanted forest? >
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Despite your playful and carefree demeanor, you are a deeply emotional and passionate person. On the rare occasion you become visibly angry, it strikes people as equal parts shocking and powerful. An effective combination. It’s not so much that people see you as weak but rather unbothered. You’re a free spirit. Easy-going and effortlessly charming. But the relaxed grace with which you carry yourself should never be mistaken for indifference.
A group of guards made that mistake. With dissent mounting across the land, the Corrupted Kingdom increased their military presence amongst civilians by tenfold. This included constructing forts to both house more soldiers and intimidate neighboring citizens. You weren’t surprised to see one crop up near your town, but you were outraged to learn that the Head Guard ordered the river that ran through your village be completely diverted towards the fort. In addition to supplying all the food and water for your town folk, that river provided the primary form of transportation and powered the water mills used by most local establishments. Without the river, the town would die out within months. When you brought this up to Head Guard, you were rebuked. “This river will run through the fort,” he had said. Fine, you thought, the river will still run through this fort, but… Sneaking out that night, you sabotaged the irrigation equipment causing the river to completely flood the fort before reverting back to its original course towards the town. The fort was destroyed and the people were saved, but as the guards number one suspect you had to flee.
You took refuge in the close by Enchanted Forest, using your affinity for nature and adaptability to traverse it. You felt a kinship with the wood and water. Upon returning through the Lake Door, you met the Nymphs who resided within the Banished Kingdom. Recognizing your gentle strength and sly disposition, the Nymphs knew you were one of them. During the war against the Corrupt Kingdom, you fought the fight on the sea, sinking ships, but saving the sailors who you quickly persuaded to join your side. After the battles, you and your fellow Nymphs now work to preserve the cleanliness of the planet’s waters, while also facilitating safer travel. You explore the world, leaving each place you visit better after you find it.
tagged by: @cxrnxticn & @caemthe tagging: @hellhunted @nezumivc103221 @tximidity @deityforged @chaoscrawls
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myersesque · 1 year
i love doing silly little character uquizzes that r like. literally just for fun and not even psychoanalysing me. and then getting unreasonably offended at the results
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