#such a nothing burger of a post
couchsterfield · 2 months
i am very guilty of reading american psycho solely on the text/surface level stuff, like how i focus alot on characters and relationships like with McDermott and Price, when the whole point of those characters are to be part of this shallow and uncharacteristic culture, that they actually shouldn't even HAVE any charm to them at all, and obviously-- they are yuppies!! they are racists, misogynists, homophobes and its shown multiple times how they tease and humiliate homeless people.
so obviously i dont "like" these characters in the same way i like.. idk vash the stampede or whoever, because actually they can all go fuck fheirselves!! Im actively MISSING the POINT by focusing or being entertained by the people around Bateman since they are supposed to faceless interchangeable characters that dont matter
but still, i cant help but be entertained by all of their social interactions and i dont know WHY 😭 even the scenes that are meant to showcase how boring shallow and materialistic they are fails to bore me and im instead gigglimg at everything
like van patten constantly saying "we have like zero point zero zero zero zero one decimal percent of getting aids" or whatever is so funny cus girl shut up and eat ur food😭😭
and you cant sit here and tell me craig mcdermott's being so insanely funny as someone interchangeable LIKE SORRY but bob farrell cannot start chanting red snapper pizza like craig mcdermott can ✋
biggest example is the chapter "another night" where they spend like 4 hours trying to get a reservation. ITS SO FUNNY IMNSORRY..!! like the ridiculousness of it all just makes it so hilarious, like guys its never that serious.......
And i could write SO much about the depth of tim price as a character?? like hes just supposed to be this guy of higher status that patrick looks up to but all that is implied characterizes him alot !!??
I dont know.. again, i dont have that media literacy to read the subtext , (i mean OBVIOUSLY i can figure out the story being the critique of the overconsumption and materialism of yuppie culture and bateman being a result of it ) and it does sorta guilt me to be giggling over an interaction or a relationship between characters especially since everyone disregards these characyers as just faceless nothingness in batemans life, like no im not supposed to read the dialogue so literally they are meant to be filler empty conversations that mean nothing
But yeah i still love reading about these characters, idk what my main takeaway is, i guess tldr: i understand the point of these characters, i dont condone any of them actually but i still enjoy them
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acetheabnormal · 11 days
Wouldn't it be funny if. Wouldn't it be funny if I pointed something out real fast. I think you're gonna laugh
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No but really isn't it sooooo silly... haha....
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nagitosstolenhand · 5 days
i don't like the growing opinion that people are being 'too hard' on deku for his failing to save shigaraki.
i've seen quite a few people complaining that a lot of the bnha-critical crowd are being too mean to deku for getting tomura killed, arguing that it isn't really his fault, and that hes a 16 year old child soldier who's been failed by almost every adult in his life, why should we be putting all of this on his shoulders? hes just a kid after all?
and the truth is, they're right. deku IS a 16 year old boy whos had the fate of the world thrust on his shoulders. but the story itself just plainly refuses to acknowledge this.
the narrative doesn't acknowledge how fucked up having a school that trains literal children how to be combo cop-celebrities is. it only tentatively acknowledges the fact that a universe having combo cop-celebrities is fucked up, and even then the only people who ever point this out are antagonists, who are portrayed and treated in-universe as untrustworthy. the narrative doesn't care how fucked up dekus circumstances are. the narrative treats deku like hes a fucking messiah here to touch the hearts of the evil depressed villains with his magical empathetic heart of gold before they get blown up or just sent to fucking superhell for daring to challenge the status quote.
deku isn't a person. he's barely even a fucking character at this point. he's a plot device, and a mouth piece for the objectively shitty themes bnha is trying to spout. the themes that tell you that if you're mistreated by society and want to do something about it, you're a villain. that disrupting the status quote and refusing to repent to some random teenage boy spouting empty platitudes at you means you deserve to get sent to fucking superhell. the themes that portray people fighting for civil change as mass murdering supervillains. the themes that look the audience dead in the eye and can call deku the greatest hero to ever live.
deku, who barely spared a second thought to lady nagant telling him the truth about the hero commission. who spouts meaningless platitudes about heroism and morality at nagant, and aoyama, and toga and shigaraki, when even the thought that he should question the world around him comes up. who's constantly talked about as this truly kind, empathetic person, but hasn't spared an empathetic thought to literally anyone who is classified as a villain. who listened to every authority figure around him except the ones who asked him to question his worldview. who saw la bravas tears, shigarakis various breakdowns, himikos plead for understanding, chisakis catatonic state, lady nagants truth, and barley batted a fucking eye. deku, who killed tomura shigaraki.
people don't criticize deku for failing shigaraki because they just hate deku. people criticize deku because of what he represents. because hes a mouthpiece for the atrocious morals and themes of this ideologically rotten manga. because any character he had was chopped up to bits in favor of the incomplete husk we have now. people criticize deku because hes the main character of my hero academia. theres nothing more damning then that.
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showtoonzfan · 4 months
“That’s it? That’s the Hazbin hotel season one finale?”
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ieilaf · 9 days
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i have a small comic idea that will come but in a bit
Here's the silly template too!
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falmerbrook · 4 months
I'm getting back into animating after having to avoid it for a year because of my hand pain, and while I'm really excited about it and about posting to youtube again, I'm also kinda scared to actually post tes animations because it means I'm gonna have to interact with the gamer™ crowd. They can be fun, but also part of the reason I only feel comfortable with posting tes stuff here is because I find half of the fanbase everywhere else stressful and obnoxious to deal with sometimes. For example: my nerevarine is an argonian, and l'm quite proud of his design and like sharing him, but ever time I do on youtube or reddit or twitter I inevitably get the same "hurr durr argonian nerevarine?!? that doesn't make sense" or faux-racist argonian comments that I don't even know what to do with. It's not exclusive to that scenario, but it's like there's always one or two uncomfortable comments under any given tes fanart or post that goes against the standard popular meme interpretations of everything. and I hate dealing with them
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
okay but all the booping today is really making me think about saikitty.... saikis friends finding a grumpy little cat napping by the sidewalk and not knowing why this little dude is so captivating to them, picking him up and getting PLENTY of boops baps bams wacks in return..
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
here's a list of bob's burgers episodes that focus on a specific relationship dynamic between main characters (examples: bob and louise episodes, linda and tina, gene and louise etc) obviously not including every episode where they interact with each other bcuz that would be uhh every episode. but episodes where their relationship or dynamic is the heart of the story and some silly subplots focused on their dynamic w/ each other (with probably a few exceptions)
hopefully this is helpful if you feel like watching louise/tina or bob/gene etc episodes but don't remember all the titles!!! in the future I would like to do a similar list but for ship-related episodes (fischoeder/bob episodes, rudy/louise etc) but we'll see if that happens lol
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bob and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s3ep22 carpe museum
s5ep10 late afternoon in the garden of bob and louise
s5ep20 hawk and chick
s6ep19 glued, where's my bob? (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley of the shadow of ramps
s10ep20 poops! i didn't do it again
s11ep14 mr. lonely farts (subplot)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory)
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gene and bob episodes:
s2ep9 beefsquatch
s3ep12 broadcast wagstaff school news (subplot)
s5ep5 best burger
s5ep14 little hard dad
s7ep18 the laser-inth
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta (subplot)
s9ep12 the helen hunt (subplot)
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus
s11ep7 diarrhea of a poopy kid
s12ep7 loft in bedslation (subplot)
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy
s13ep7 ready player gene
s13ep12 oh row you didn't (subplot)
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tina and bob episodes:
s1ep4 sexy dance fighting
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob?
s3ep7 tina-rannosaurus wrecks
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor (subplot)
s4ep5 turkey in a can (subplot)
s4ep7 bob and deliver
s4ep17 the equestranauts
s6ep14 the hormone-iums
s6ep17 the horse rider-er
s10ep3 motor, she boat
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance
s12ep21 some like it bot part 1: eighth grade runner
s12ep22 some like it bot part 2: judge-bot day
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind
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gene and louise episodes:
s1ep9 spaghetti western and meatballs
s2ep6 dr yap (subplot)
s4ep18 ambergris
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee
s6ep12 stand by gene
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep5 large brother, where fart thou?
s7ep8 ex mach tina (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel (subplot)
s7ep15 ain't miss debatin' (subplot)
s9ep9 ufo no you didn't (subplot)
s9ep17 what about blob?
s9ep20 the gene mile
s10ep5 legends of the mall
s10ep10 have yourself a maily little christmas (subplot)
s10ep11 drumforgiven
s10ep14 wag the song (subplot)
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels (subplot)
s10ep18 tappy tappy tappy tap tap tap (subplot)
s12ep10 gene's christmas break
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang (subplot)
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking (subplot)
s13ep17 crow encounters of the bird kind (subplot)
s14ep5 bully-ieve it or not (subplot)
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louise and tina episodes:
s1ep6 sheesh! cab, bob? (subplot)
s3ep21 boyz 4 now
s4ep18 ambergris
s4ep20 gene it on (subplot)
s5ep7 tina tailor soldier spy
s5ep8 midday run
s5ep9 speakeasy rider
s6ep16 bye bye boo boo
s7ep6 the quirkducers
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s8ep14 the date escape (subplot)
s8ep15 go tina on the mountain
s8ep18 as i walk through the alley in the shadow of ramps
s8ep20 mission impos-slug-ble
s10ep2 boys just wanna have fungus (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep4 heartbreak hotel-oween
s11ep5 fast time capsules at wagstaff school
s11ep9 mommy boy (subplot)
s11ep15 ¿y tu tina tambie?
s12ep1 manic pixie crap show
s12ep19 a-sprout a boy (subplot)
s13ep1 to bob, or not to bob (subplot)
s13ep7 ready player gene (subplot)
s13ep8 putts-giving
s13ep10 the plight before christmas
s13ep15 the show (and tell) must go on
s14ep3 the pickleorette (subplot)
s14ep4 running down a gene (subplot)
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linda and louise episodes:
s1ep7 bed and breakfast
s3ep10 mother daughter laser razor
s4ep9 slumber party
s5ep14 little hard dad (subplot)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s7ep1 flu-ouise
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except thelma is linda
s11ep2 worms of in-rear-ment
s12ep7 loft in bedslation
s12ep17 the spider house rules
s13ep13 stop! or my mom will sleuth!
s13ep22 amelia
s14ep1 fight at the not okay chore-ral
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gene and linda episodes:
s3ep23 the unnatural
s4ep20 gene it on
s6ep17 the horse rider-er (subplot)
s8ep11 sleeping with the frenemy (subplot)
s8ep12 the hurt soccer (subplot)
s10ep3 motor, she boat (subplot)
s10ep9 all that gene
s11ep9 mommy boy
s11ep22 vampire disco death dance (subplot)
s13ep18 gift card or buy trying
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linda and tina episodes:
s2ep8 bad tina
s5ep13 little hard dad (subplot)
s7ep13 the grand mama-pest hotel
s7ep18 the laser-inth (subplot)
s8ep8 v for valentine-detta
s9ep12 the helen hunt
s10ep15 yurty rotten scoundrels
s10ep21 local she-ro
s11ep14 mr lonely farts (subplot)
s13ep11 cheaty cheaty bang bang
s13ep14 these boots are made for stalking
s14ep7 the (raccoon) king and i (subplot)
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tina and gene episodes*
*tina and gene have never had a real episode or subplot focused on their relationship dynamic so this section may be. a little sparse. and include episodes that don't focus on their relationship but have significant interactions between them. I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE THE BOB'S BURGERS WRITERS ARE GIVING ME NOTHING
s3ep16 topsy (subplot)
s4ep9 slumber party (subplot?)
s5ep17 itty bitty ditty committee (subplot kinda?)
s5ep19 housetrap (subplot)
s7ep10 there's no business like mr business business (subplot)
s7ep19 thelma and louise except linda is thelma (subplot?)
s9ep18 if you love it so much, why don't you marionette? (subplot)
s10ep12 a fish called tina
s11ep17 fingers-loose (subplot? maybe?)
s12ep8 stuck in the kitchen with you (subplot)
s12ep15 ancient misbehavin' (subplot of a subplot)
s13ep6 apple gore-chard (but not gory) (subplot)
s14ep2 the amazing rudy (subplot?)
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wickedcriminal · 1 month
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Consider: pufferfish Wodensfang
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drawthething · 8 months
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You would think that I wouldn't post these two idiots twice in the span of a week. Well you know what you can blame @babsvibes for being a national treasure and gifting me this fricking fantastic commission idea 😭
*climbs onto the rooftop and starts yelling*
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@seemoreseymoursbay day 3! OC day
So in the episode 'Bad Tina' Zeke mentions that his dads girlfriend just had a baby, assuming that the dads gf he talks about in early seasons is Cheryl his step mom and that the father of that baby is Zekes dad we can also assume that Zeke has a very young half sibling. And I did go ahead and assume all those things so this is Zekes baby sister Cherish (Cherry for short).
Used the prompt wonder wharf
Im gonna talk some more about her under the cut bc im sure that will devolve into infodumping zeke lore/headcanons and i dont want anyone to get stuck scrolling past a wall of text
Interestingly she's the only oc i have that's part of a different piece of media rather than one of my own projects.
She's a spunky little toddler for sure she's always got tons of energy, she's extremely confident and fearless constantly running off when she sees something that excites her or to ask strangers questions. She has a big sweet tooth but also loves spicy foods, off the top of my head I don't think its been discussed in canon where Zeke is from originally but recently I've been thinking of him and his bio mom as being from louisiana (projection on my part my mom is from louisiana and bc I like Zeke as a chef and the food there is soo good) I love the idea that his mom taught him to cook the local dishes and that he makes them for Cherry. She dresses in a chaotic mix of her own love of bright, clashing rainbow colors and dingey hand-me-downs from Zekes childhood and from their other cousins. I definitely think Zeke has adhd and Cherry does as well.
I tend to draw her/think of her around age 2 1/2- 3 (so when zeke is 16ish) but in canon time she'd still be a newborn. I love the idea of Zeke with a young sibling he's portrayed in the show as being super caring, protective of and loyal to the people be cares about, and good with younger kids all of which read as big brother qualities to me and he's also mentioned wanting siblings hes closer too. (He mentioned having a 44 year old brother in Presto Tina-o but also has said his bio mom was pregnant with him at her prom which is probably just a continuity error with his throway lines but taken at face value makes his dad out to be a gross old creep which is my personal headcanon idk if there's anyone out there who are big fans of Zeke's dad and step mom but my headcanons do not paint them in a nice light so beware of that)
Based on pretty much everything Zeke has ever said about his family I get the impression that the adults in his life are pretty neglectful and irresponsible and definitely not super present (he rarely ever speaks about his dad I hc him having a job that keeps him away from the family most of the time probably something like trucking and Zeke has mentioned Cheryl being an alcoholic I also hc her as much younger than the dad maybe she's a bartender? I definitely see her having a nightlife kind of job also for reference picture her as a redhead with blue eyes and a lot of tattoos that's where cherry gets her eyes and freckles)
I believe with Cherry a lot of parenting responsibilities would be placed on Zeke and while i think he has qualities that are really well suited to that the parentification of an older sibling is not ok and would negatively impact him, I like the idea of him applying for a job at Bob's Burgers bc he needs a more stable way to provide financially than doing odd jobs around town and not only getting a job but also getting a support system and adults who care about him and his sister and their wellbeing. I think Bob would take Zeke under his wing and help him make himself and his education a priority (the belchers helping out with Cherry when they can so he can focus more on school and extra curriculars) and help him get into a culinary school after graduation. Linda would fall completely in love with her (we know how much she loves babies) and basically treat Cherry like she's her own grandbaby. They all babysit her when needed but Louise is her favorite babysitter and maybe person also she really looks up to Louise and likes to imitate her fashion style and the way she speaks, Louise would pretend that this annoys her but not so secretly finds it adorable.
Anyways clearly i could go on and on but ill just cut myself off there hope y'all like her!
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vanillaearwig · 3 months
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I saw a post the other day say something along the lines of: if ai "artists" aren't afraid to post their "art" work, Why do I have to be afraid of unfinished pieces? Sketches and doodles? Less than perfect art? It was really a good look at how many artists are so focused on perfection.
I took that to heart as an artist who loves sketching, hates doing line art, and puts love and passion into mindless doodles. My art style is extremely sketchy and unpolished, so a lot of stuff ends up scrapped if I feel like I can't clean it up enough.
I'm not going to get too sappy about this, especially as a hobby artist who just wants to post some old art, but I think it's so important that artists fall in love with the process of making art again, instead of worrying about a finished piece. Especially now, with ai as prevalent as it is.
All that to say, I don't think a machine could ever replicate the joy an artist can feel while creating something they're passionate about.
Anyway I'll probably post more old art if anyone is interested 💜
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acetheabnormal · 7 months
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Complete and utter nonsense coming at you live
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mixtercandy · 2 months
Would an aromantic Yenndo (fnaf) icon be ok? :) I am obsessed with your art
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this was actually a pleasant request to get considering i used to be a HUGE FAN of Yenndo :3 thnx for the rq!!
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macabrecravings · 6 months
i’m so normal i’m so normal im so normal i
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maze-of-my-design · 24 days
Y'know what? In a dying world so cruel and bleak, I think loving is the most powerful thing you can do. In a world where capitalism wants us to break our backs, where peace is scarce, and where some of our brains decide to say mean things to us. It's so important, actually, to be kind and share joy and take care each other, and ourselves, in spite of the way the world is. To love is one of the most rebellious acts one can do
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