#such a silly little fic of mine
I just realized Azula is determined to always be in control of everything while Zuko constantly aims to have as little autonomy of his own as possible.
Azula commands her ship-the tides don't, Azula (almost) always keeps her heartbeat steadily beating, she accounts for everything in her domain, down to tha tea bags. She remembers everything vividly. She wants to control whether Aang meets Ozai, or at least what Aang thinks of him.
Zuko dissociates whenever possible, letting "the Creature" handle things. He'd rather not remember or think about his past, his memories are fickle. He'd rather Ozai plan everything. The only thing he controls willingly is his fire, always keeping its precise white colour. He feels Ozai controlling him and minimizes his own autonomy; à la June, backing himself further into the corner.
And they get in the way of the others wish. Because of Zuko, Azula no longer has a domain to control and her heartbeat is unsynced enough for Toph to notice. Because of Azula, Zuko has to take matters into his own hands and things on his own in the colonies, he has to do things on his own instead of simply obeying Ozai.
Idk my brain is infested with LWPR fire sibling worms
Warning, this will be a bit of a ramble:
You are abosolutely right, Azula has started to lose control thanks to Zuko, (but also due to the Gaang). In canon, Azula losing control led up to the Last Agni Kai: her hair was out of place, and she innitiated the Agni Kai (in an attempt to regain control). I knew my control-freak baby wouldn't change -- she still wants to be in control desperately. She ruled her domain with an Iron Fist, according to Maru. She has been controlling the narrative of having the Avatar on her side since the first chapter. But also like in canon, the situations the Gaang is put into is unpredictable and impossible to control. Especially thanks to Zuko. She's out of her depth, and she's panicking.
Arc 3 (this current arc) will try to explore Azula's relationship with control using Sokka my booyyyyy.
And then there's Zuko. Oh, Zuko. He sees himself as Ozai's tool, something for Ozai to control, but you are right: Zuko controls his fire. Completely unconciously, mind you, but Zuko's fire is his and his alone. I love his fire. His fire literally gets character development in this fic I swear.
But Zuko is losing control too. Zuko's sense of control WAS to let the Creature take over, to just not. think. To let Ozai take control. That was his own way of taking control, of making a concious choice to disengage, if that makes sense. But Zuko's fire, which I am trying to potray as his "true self" knows this: "In the moments he spent awake and aware, his chest hurt. Under his ribcage, between his lungs. // A steady rhythm, out of sync." (since fire comes from within etc etc.) His flame is out of sync with himself: he is losing control as well.
So Arc 3 is about both Azula and Zuko losing control in different ways. Arc 4 is about them regaining it in, in, uh, well. I'll leave that for Arc 4.
I put WAY too much thought into this silly fic, thank you SO MUCH for noticing. I'm so honoured someone is thinking on this!!!! Genuinely you made my day.
Keep 'em asks coming, I'm getting the worms too!
(Also idk why I did the colours I felt quirky~)
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carpisuns · 2 years
if you’re not gonna be a little silly about it then what’s even the point
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it means "i love you" (steddie ficlet)
When Eddie was little, his mother used to hold his hand and squeeze it three times. "It means 'I love you'," she told him, demonstrating one squeeze for each word, "and if you want to, you can give four squeezes back to say 'I love you, too'." So little Eddie squeezed back, that time and every time.
It was something that was just theirs, a silent communication, a wordless comfort. Oftentimes it was spontaneous, just gentle, random reminders of affection whenever the feeling arose, but sometimes it was purposeful, meant to be felt deeply as an encouragement or a reassurance.
On Eddie's first day of preschool, he held his mother's hand as she coaxed him through the doors of the classroom. He hadn't wanted to leave her side, but she had smiled at him and squeezed his hand, and it was those three squeezes, sending the warmth and promise of her love through their hands, that had given him the courage to let go and bound fearlessly into the fray of the other children.
On those dark nights when Eddie's father would get a little too drunk, a little too loud, a little too angry, Eddie's hands and his mother's would find each other and squeeze. The gesture was grounding, protective, safe. Eddie could never be afraid as long as he was holding on to her love.
When Eddie's mother got sick, her health gradually deteriorating until she was bedridden and weak and could barely even speak, she still reached for her son's hand and spoke with those three squeezes. I love you. Eddie squeezed back four times. I love you, too. She held onto life as long as she did for him, he knew that, but she couldn't hold on forever. Her hand went cold and still in his and Eddie, only eight years old then, gave three last squeezes as the machines flatlined and the doctors rushed in and a nurse carried him from the room.
That was the last time he ever used that gesture to signal his love.
Over the next twelve years, Eddie found other sources of love and warmth and safety, found it in the bonds he formed with his friends and his uncle and the little lost sheep who wandered into his D&D club. These relationships did not lend to hand-holding, though, and he had since learned how to express his affection for the people he cared about through words and favors and casual, friendly touches instead, and so Eddie never shared the little language of hand squeezes with anyone else.
Until now. Until Steve.
Steve Harrington has become Eddie’s biggest and brightest source of love and warmth and safety. Through the craziness of Vecna and the Upside-Down, through the trauma of almost dying and the long process of recovery, Steve was by his side the entire time, and Eddie has grown to care for him deeply. He doesn’t just love him, he’s pretty sure he’s in love with him, actually.
They’re dating now, finally, after all the months of flirting and pining ultimately led to confessions and kissing, but it’s only been official for a few weeks. Surely it’s still too soon to be dropping the L word already. Not that Eddie would know - he’s never been in love before, never even really been in a proper romantic relationship before. He doesn’t know what the normal timeline is for this sort of thing. Steve is the one with all the relationship experience, he’s the one who’d know, and so Eddie is waiting for him to say it first.
It’s getting increasingly harder to keep it in, though. Sometimes all Eddie’s love just bubbles over, the emotion growing too big for his body and demanding to be expressed. Right now is one of those times. He can’t explain why - it’s not as if Steve is doing anything different or special; they’re just sitting across from each other in a small diner booth, knees bumping together under the table, Steve talking around a mouthful of cheeseburger as he tells a story about something stupid one of the kids did earlier - but Eddie can feel his heart expanding and his chest growing warm, and he feels like he might burst. He laughs at the story and makes a comment to continue the conversation as he catches Steve’s hand, holding it across the table and releasing his bursting affection with three quick squeezes. I love you.
Steve doesn’t know what it means, doesn’t know the code or its intended response. He just smiles, squeezes back only once, and gently, idly, rubs his thumb across the back of Eddie’s hand. And that’s enough. Eddie doesn’t need Steve to know what it means, not yet. It's enough, for now, just to hold his hand, just to say it without saying it. 
Eddie starts doing this more often. Whenever his love threatens to overwhelm him, his hand finds Steve’s and squeezes three times. I love you. There’s no pattern to these moments, at least not one Eddie can predict, the feeling arising randomly and without warning at anytime, anywhere: on dates at diners or watching movies on the couch, during mundane tasks like cooking breakfast or cleaning up after hosting friends, in the middle of a kiss or in the bedroom, in the car with a gaggle of teenagers in the backseat or in the middle of Steve’s work. 
Steve still doesn’t know what it means. But Steve is smart, observant. Eddie can tell he’s starting to figure out that it means something, can see him piecing together the way those three squeezes are always accompanied by a softer smile or a deepened kiss or a gentler touch. 
It’s another few weeks until Steve one day returns Eddie’s squeezes with three of his own. ? ? ? The gesture is experimental, unsure, the meaning close but not quite there. Eddie’s breath catches anyways, his smile going soft and his cheeks flushing pink. He squeezes Steve’s hand four times. I love you, too. And Steve knows then; Eddie watches his eyes flash with understanding as it finally clicks in his brain. He doesn’t say anything, though, neither of them do. Steve just pulls Eddie closer and kisses him, soft and slow and deep, and Eddie melts into him.
Now the sun is rising, morning filtering through the window and casting streaks of light across Steve’s bed where the boys lay curled around each other. Steve is still asleep, snoring peacefully in Eddie’s arms, but Eddie is awake, quietly admiring how perfect Steve looks under the soft glow of dawn. The stripes of sunlight illuminate his bare skin with gold, highlighting the adorable little moles on his cheek and neck and shoulder. Eddie kind of wants to bite them. So he does. Because he can. 
Steve yelps when Eddie’s teeth latch onto his shoulder, driving his elbow backwards into Eddie’s stomach to push him off. But Steve is used to occurrences like this by now, so his shove is light and his tone is affectionate as he rolls over to face Eddie and mumbles, “You’re a menace.” 
“Not my fault you look good enough to eat, Stevie.” Eddie grins at him before pouncing again, smothering his boyfriend with more bites and kisses. 
Steve laughs and his attempts to shove Eddie away lack any real effort, until he finally retaliates by finding the secret ticklish spot on Eddie’s side, sending the other boy falling off of him and into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. 
“No fair!” Eddie gasps through his laughter as Steve tackles him with tickles. He admits defeat fairly quickly, breathlessly insisting, “Okay, truce, truce!” 
Steve lets himself be pushed off and settles back onto his side beside Eddie. His chuckles fade into a sweet smile, his eyes bright and shining as he stares at Eddie with an expression of pure adoration. Eddie feels his heart bursting again, the feeling growing bigger and bigger with every second that Steve keeps looking at him like that. He wants nothing more than to reach for Steve’s hand and squeeze three times, but he’s a little afraid to now that he's sure Steve knows what it means.
“Hey, Eds?” Steve speaks after a few moments of silence. 
Eddie shifts onto his side to face him completely. They're barely a breath apart. “Yeah?”
Steve touches Eddie's arm, starting from his shoulder and trailing down. His fingertips are so light as they skim the soft skin of Eddie's forearm and the palm of his hand, Eddie very nearly shivers. Steve slides his fingers between Eddie’s, closes them around his hand. “I love you,” Steve says, squeezing Eddie’s hand as he speaks, one squeeze for each word.
Eddie is overflowing, heart filled to the brim with all the love he has for Steve and all the love he feels in return. His smile spreads so wide his face might just split in two. He moves their hands between them, twisting their arms so that he can press a kiss to the back of Steve's hand. “I love you, too,” Eddie says back, with one squeeze for each word.
It's something that's just theirs now, this little language of hand squeezes.
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vettelsbitch · 5 months
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Pipe by XNDA
Sewis | E | 10k
"Hey, man. This might sound really weird, and I swear this is not how I flirt. But my bathroom sink is currently trying to flood my bathroom. I'm new to the area and I don't know anyone and you're the closest person in Grindr. Would you, by any chance, know how to fix a sink?"
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gaybearwedding · 3 months
hi hi hello i have been gone forever due to various reasons such as “work” and “mental illness” and “having developed a kpop hyperfixation that has been occupying most of my attention recently” but i need everyone to know that i saw off book live twice last week (in philly with a friend and then in nyc with my girlfriend) and it was truly so everything. i didn’t get many pictures but i did get a few and none of them are very good but one of them is of jess’ amazing stool balancing act and that’s all i need really
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lupine-trees · 7 months
if you ever get desperate
for the @drarrymicrofic song prompt: “one of your girls” by troye sivan. featuring boys being difficult & failing to talk about feelings (what’s new?).
word count: ~180
Harry opted to walk him to the Portkey station.
The training camp was a ways up north, and though this, this, thing between them had been volatile at best, was new and was, well, nothing, sort of, it had felt unsettling— the thought of not seeing Draco off.
Harry hands him the mobile, a sturdy palm-sized Nokia.
“Since you won’t be able to keep using mine all the time.”
“Potter, this is—” Too much. He can’t quite say it, the sudden tightness in his throat too much to speak around.
“A gift. It’s good luck. For the upcoming season.”
A nod, stiff, clocking out. “Alright. Fine. A gift.”
Harry scuffs his toe against the ground. “Give me a call sometime, yeah?” The smile on his face is lopsided (unfair) and tentative.
“Harry,” low, tremulous. “I— I’m going to be… busy.”
His responding shrug is all careful, practiced nonchalance.
“If you ever get lonely.” He holds his thumb and pinky finger to his face, a mimic, stepping back, guarded, away. “Call.”
They both know he won’t. (It’s enough for now— to pretend he will.)
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
dude I just gotta say thank u for all ur amazing art bc I JUST finished y7 last night and I'm missing my emo losers (daigo and masato) ONLY TO FIND THEM EVERYWHERE HERE plus mine!!! ur fics are also on point as well I think I commented on the "quiet" one but everything aside ur style is just so nice on the eyes and very fun! bonus ur nanba is very cute he's so silly to me fr :3
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HIIIIIIII ive been watchin you go through all my art in real time ngl LAKRJLRKJ SO THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!! masato's my evil awful toxic girlfriend and i miss him every day and i love being delusional about him and daigo so im glad my goofy postings do somethin for others too lol.... thank you so much for all your love and support !!!!!!
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Does anyone possibly know the reason WHY Menelaus wasn't in Sparta to try and earn Helen's hand in marriage?
Like I know that's just a VERSION of the story but I'm planning on writing a fic and I want suggestions/versions of the myth that might explain it. I'm trying to dig into stuff myself but I'm also not an expert and I know there are plenty of other folks on here who have more knowledge about this.
Was it because Agamemnon (who from what I've read gave gifts on Menelaus' behalf in this version of the story, like a good big bro) was king so he went instead and then left Menelaus to watch while he was gone? And if he was already married to Clytemnestra (depending on the version of story!) then why not just send Menelaus?
Was Menelaus busy doing something himself??? I mean if the story of when the Atrides were first exiled, they were taken in by Tyndarius until they got their kingdom back, is true, then is it that Helen and Menelaus already knew each other well (Won't lie, I love the thought of them being childhood friends in a way) and that they felt it was a "for-sure" thing???
I know that for fanfiction I can technically make stuff up but I'd LIKE to try and use the real myths when I can. (I'm also kind of blanking on ideas myself T.T)
I'll even take random possibilities! It can at the very least give inspiration! Sources aren't necessary but appreciated!
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alixinwwonderland · 1 year
Prompt: Lenny finds out Midge is a pirate 
"There's no way I heard that right," Lenny's voice crackles down the phone line, and Midge mentally pats herself on the back for being able to shock the Lenny Bruce, however briefly.
"You did," she says primly.
"A pirate? Come on, Midge, you gotta be shitting me."
"With a pirate head and a pirate heart," she deadpans.
"I'm sorry, did you just quote Gilbert and Sullivan at me?"
"I'm sorry, did you just recognize Gilbert and Sullivan?"
"I am a man of many talents," Lenny protests.
"Now that I can attest to," Midge quips in return, and Lenny chuckles warmly.
"I just... I can't believe it," he says.
"What, that I'm a pirate? I'll have you know that I look absolutely darling with a feathered hat. The eye patch, maybe not so much."
"No, that's not it," Lenny says. "I'm just impressed — you got arrested for something I haven't."
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shaynetopps · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Smosh Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Damien Haas/Shayne Topp Characters: Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Courtney Miller, Kimmy Jimenez, Tommy Bowe (Smosh), Spencer Agnew Additional Tags: New Year's Eve, New Year's Kiss, Karaoke, Fluff, Meet-Cute Summary:
A stranger rescues Shayne from performing karaoke by himself at a friend’s New Year's Eve party.
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ex-january · 1 year
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You know I always wondered why we were told to open with a "Be not afraid!" but I think I get why now.
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wiseatom · 2 years
will coming out to the party headcanons
mike: acts super cool about it. very kind and supportive. secretly incredibly jealous that will likes boys and HE is not the boy will LIKES. (he's wrong and also stupid. will likes him so much.)
lucas: of course it's okay that you like boys, will. genuinely upset at the idea that will thinks it might not be. very touched that will told him in the first place. they hug, then move onto more important matters, like a very heated, very stupid discussion about whether or not chewbacca would like ice cream.
dustin: so, so accepting and kind. gets to work on compiling a list of every gay/gay-coded character in the media they both like and presents it to will a week later. frodo and spock are gay and they're cool, will.
max: completely okay with the gay thing, completely not okay with the in-love-with-mike-wheeler thing. you could do so much better, will. you could pull the karate kid ralph macchio. please. she just wants her best friends to stop dating public enemy number one mike wheeler.
el: has no idea what the fuck will just said to her, but supports him anyway, because she can tell will needs it. once she understands, is actually pretty excited that will likes boys too because it's another thing they have in common. eventually they compare notes on mike's kissing, much to mike's chagrin.
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dollsuguru · 5 months
HI HELLO IM BREAKING INTO UR INBOX W TEARS IN MY EYES…………… 😭😭 i just read all ur tags on my sugu fics and when i tell you i CRIED YOURE SOO??? so so SO sweet and thoughtful????? I HOPE YOUR DINNER WAS THE TASTIEST EVER bc ur tags made my whole weekend <333333 literally every single thing u said made me go YES YOU GET IT like… im just gonna mention a couple things phsjdhs IM REALLY SOSO GRATEFUL <333 
FIRST OFF just . everything u said abt my writing in general??? is soooo unbelievably kind??? T_T like abt the setting and prose and etc!!! i got soooo happy every time u said u felt like u were really There LIKE THAT MEANS SO MUCH…. ”it’s like i’m living inside your words” ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME </3 sob. thank u :’< 
and aaa im so glad u liked all three fics even though theyre a bit different!! 🥺🥺 i just rlly feel like u understood what i was trying to convey w certain characters and lines and stuff and it means soooo much??? SUGU IS A DEVOTED LOVERBOY YESYESYES U GET IT!!!!! U UNDERSTAND!!!! ”devoted” & ”intense” are the PERFECT words for him i cant tell u how much i agree. AND SOO NURTURING YES WE’RE SO LINKED he’s so mother he’s so husbandwife <333 IM JUST NODDING ALONG TO EVERYTHING U SAY like genuinely. food as love was the theme for that particular fic hehe im so glad u noticed!!! 
AAAA AND UR TAGS ON THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC ……. thats probably my fave sugu fic out of the ones ive written ngl i was sooo happy to see that u liked it 😭😭😭 U GET IT U DO… like their love could be platonic or romantic but it doesnt rlly matter bc they just love each other sooo much. HE’S A GHIBLI BOY YES i’m so glad u see the vision <33
IM SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG i just need you to know that i see you and i love you and i appreciate you <3333 tysm for reading my silly lil fics and taking the time to write such thoughtful tags!!! 🥺🥺 im tucking them all away into my heart hehe. wishing u the most wonderful weekend ever !!!! mwah mwah mwah <33
OMG PLEASENDNDNDND your writing is literally SO stunning methinks you have the best rendition of suguru out there… like it’s so TELLING how much you love suguru (and satoru bc TRUST i’m gonna be in the tags of those fics too) and also i just really like how much personality you give to the reader as well! like everyone just is so fleshed out & 3-dimensional like they don’t feel like Just Characters In A Story they feel like real people & honestly magnificent writing to me always makes me feel like i’m watching a movie - and your writing does that! as i’m reading i’m envisioning everything like a movie & that’s the best compliment i can give fr <3 again it’s a testament to your beautiful dialogue, scene setting, storytelling, and YES PROSE!!!!! THAT’S THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR THE ENTIRE TIMENFNFNFNF your PROSE is beautiful 😭 it’s very COZY & PRETTY i love it
& OMG I WAS ABLE 2 UNDERSTAND BC YOU CONVEY EVERYTHING SO WELL!!!!! i was never confused i was Always In It <3 AND YES YOU SPOKE #REAL bc sugu is the ULTIMATE devoted loverboy… & i love how his intensity is just innate to him like he can’t help but love fully and with his whole entire mind, heart, body, & soul! and i also like how it isn’t an uncomfortable intensity or overbearing in a bad way - it’s just like a really nice weighted blanket and i LOVE that. & omg i’ve come to love food motifs so much………. whether it be hunger for something, cannibalism to get to the core of someone’s being, peeling clementines as an act of selflessness/love for someone else, or just sweet soft feeding your lover in bed bc you want them to eat well… that’s some delicious fucking food. & YESSSSSS nurturing caretaker sugu my beloved………. i think i read somewhere i forgot if it was just a random post here but someone said that suguru has such natural paternal instincts and that’s so real… like he’s mother he’s father he’s husbandwife he’s Transcended everything… the ultimate DadMom of the group… i just know his tote bag has bandaids, water, & snacks for everyone and he’s just the One you go to talk to about anything (again just like your sugu <3) OH AND ALSO i really like how devoted the reader is too! i Myself am a devoted lovergirl so i Feel seen
THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC WAS SO FUCKING &/@/$/&//@/&:! why’d i get transported to a quaint town w the boy i’ve been in love since childhood and now he grew into a wondrous handsome man… trust that for Me if it involves sugu i’m immediately going romantic mode like i’m sorry i’m so Desperately In Love with him i can’t be normal <3 that fic is so fucking rich and filled w real problems that teens/ppl in their twenties face! the fear of the unknown but it feels like anything is possible and doable with someone like suguru by your side! AND YES HE IS SOOOOO HAKU-CODED TO ME (my first bf since i was a kid… coincidence? methinks not…) and also i reallllllllly love your fic of suguru going to reader’s apartment to declare war but he instead goes & has tea & cookies instead… i think i read that fic ages ago on ao3 and i could never find it again so it’s so Poetic Cinema that i found it here and that it was YOU and that you created so many more amazing fics… like i’m so well fed omfg & i’m super excited for anything you have coming out next!
AND OMG IT’S ABSOLUTELY MY PLEASURE! THANK YOU FOR CREATING SUCH BEAUTIFUL STORIES THAT I WILL KEEP TUCKED IN MY BRAIN & HEART <3 i will never forget you twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat… for as long as i live 🫡☝🏼 BUT FR!!!!! thank you for creating such wonderful premises for stories! i’m ecstatic to read anything you come out with next <3 mwah mwah mwah
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^ me when reading your fics
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ok4ru · 1 year
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Soranort: Were the better Soras...
SoraVani: Yep!
@ohonama and @aphros-de-los Soranort and my Vanitas Sora swap au
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howdyrowdypartner · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt, Phoebe (Ted Lasso), Keeley Jones Additional Tags: Ghosts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Jamie Tartt is a ghost, Strangers to Lovers, blowjob, Masturbation, jamie's dead but it's kind of funny i think Summary:
There's something weird about Roy's new house. Floors keep creaking, it feels like someone's watching him, and when he gets out of the shower, someone - or something - has written KUNT in the bathroom mirror.
Or, Jamie dies right before his career takes off and can't seem to move on. Roy Kent is the unfortunate soul who moves into the house he haunts.
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mothmage · 9 months
hey what if 🧐 i wrote andy’s backstory in the autobiography style of the vampire chronicles? and what if she ran into the ancient ones once or twice — she’s older than them, which makes for an interesting dynamic….hmmmmmm
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